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Undercover sex signals: a pickup guide for guys PDF

137 Pages·2006·19.53 MB·english
by  Lowndes
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ER LS .:1 I • ~ ____ ""9.... Undercover Sex Signals Undercover Sex Signals ... LEIL LOWNDES [I] CITADEL PRESS Ke1lSItI&IonPublishN'll www.lo:ertsinIlonbooks.com Dedicated to the 96.7 percent of men in the world who don't pick up on a woman's obvious (to her!) sex signals. OTAD•EL PRESS BOOKS ~ pvbllShN by Here's help so you'll score with every passyou make. ~lUJngton Publishing Corp. 850Third Avenue New York. NY 100:1.:1. rr-. u..c. Copyright 0 2001 St. Paul Street Copyrigbt 0 XJ06 Lei.I Lownde'J All rights raerved. No ~n of this hook miIIy be reproduced in any form or hy Iny mc,InS without the prior wrilten consent ofthe publisher. excepting briefquOtes used Special thanks to O'Neals Bar & Grill in reviews. in SoHo, New York City. All JCelUington titles, Imprints. Ind distribuled. lines are avalbble .1 sp«bl quantily dl5COUDIS for bulk pun:hases for $Ik$ promotions, premiums, fund-nlsing. educ. tional, or innitutional use. SpeeW hook excerpts or customiud printings can abo be created to Iii specific needs. for deuils. wrileorphone theoffice of!be ~nsIngton spe cial sales 1IYnagrr. JC£nsioglOl1 PublishLog Corp., 8SO Thin!. Avenue. New Vodt. NY loon. altD: SpecW Sales DrputmeOI; phone 1-800-2111-:1647. OTADEL PRESS and the CiUdellogo are RCJ. U.S. Pal. lli: TM Off. FinlCitadel printing; November 1006 10 9 8 7 6 54] Printed. In !be United SUtes ofAmerica Ubrary ofCongn:uControl Number; 2006929666 Contents • Section I: You'll Never Have to Face Rejection Again l. Why Learn "U.S.S.s"? 3 SEX SIGNAl.1: The Girlfriend Gab 5 2. How to Be a Sexual Sleuth 8 Look for "Clusters" of Sex Signals 9 It's Not K.I.S.S. 11 3. It's Tough Being a Guy Today 13 She's Tuned, 24 Hours a Day to a Station You Can't Even Hear 14 4. ProofThat Women Are Bird-Dogging You (and You Don't Know It) 16 The Biggest Difference Is Not Your Plumbing '7 5. Only One Man In)J Is Hep to Her Sex Signals 22 6. Why Can't a Woman Communicate More Like a Man? 25 Peekabool (Not for Little Babes Only) '7 SEX SIGNAL #2:: The Peekaboo ,8 How to Indulge in Step-by-Step "Foreplay" from Across the Room )0 viii CONTBNTS CONTBNTS x CONTENTS CONTENTS xi Shall IStick Around for Her to Sec the Light? u4 The Dozen &st Wil.ys to Break the Ice ,67 Undercover Sex Signals Are Nothing New ,68 u5 The Four Qualities Every Woman Wants in a Man ,68 How to Show Her You've Got "The Right Stuff" Section IV: Using U.S.5.s to Succeed With Women & Prepared to Answer the Most lmportam Question She'll Ask 19. You Never Have to Hear "No" Again '7' 119 The Man who Looked Like a Seal. and Scored Like a Stallion Section VI: Meeting to Mating (How to Win the Dating "0 Game) SEX SIGNAl_Z2: The Suggestive Suet '2] Meanwhile Back at the Bar 25. Shrewd Dating Strategies 175 "4 "So How Do I Appeal to Her, uh. Neurallmprinling7" ,,6 When and How to Ask Her Out 6 '7 Run Yourself up the Flagpole (and sec Which Skirts To Her. It's Not a Date--It's an Audition! '77 Salute) '>] The Proven Best Thing to Do on the First Date '78 20. How Become a Sexual Polygraph Machine Stamping Out Piggy MaJe Manners ,80 (0 129 The AII.lmportant Dinner Date ,8, Ask Ye Not, "WhoTurns Me On7 Ask. lUther. "Who Do I Turn On7" ']' SEX StGNAl_23: The Sexy Pet ,84 Kissing. Calling. and Other Follow-up Strategies ,87 21. From Meeting to Mating. Easy Does It 133 26. Big-Time Help (IfYou Suspect You Have a Section V: "The Perfect Pickup" (in 5 Easy Steps) "Big-Deal" Problem) 189 A Sure Cure for Butterfly Belly When Talking to 22. The Perfect Pickup Is a Science 139 Beautiful Babes '9' The Sparks Fly When the Energy Matches '40 Even the Best Generals Have a Fallback Position '9' 23. How to Make the Approach 141 27. Why All the B.S.1 193 Do You Pass Muster, Mister7 '4J SEX StGNAl n.: The Goofy Girl '95 Kissing a Woman the Way She likes to Be Kissed '44 The Game Begins in Earnest 28. eyber Matchmaking Is a Virtual Blast 196 '44 Mesmerize Her with Your Voice How to Win the Women-onUne Game '97 '49 How Close Should You Stand? The Best Places to Meet a Woman: Her Five Fantasy '54 Islands 200 How to Get Those Seductive "Bedroom Eyes" '56 One of Women's Most Misunderstood Signals .02 24. Your Opening !.ines 162 SEX SIGNAL iUS: The Pose 20] Your First Conversation 165 SEX SIGNAl_26: The Leg Show 204 xii CONTENTS Section VII: The Turnabout (Using My U.S.S.s to Turn Her On) 29. Your Biggest Sex Signal Is YOU! 207 Play by the Numbers to Get the Best You Can Get 2°7 Undercover Sex Signals Tit-far-Tat Love? 208 Test to See IfYou and She Will Be a Happy Couple 2ll 3D. How to Raise Your Score with Women 213 Women Judge My Hairstyle? You've Got to Be Kiddingl 215 what About My Abs and Pees? He.igbt? 216 Does She Really Care What I WeM? 2J8 Beware! Your Home Has Hundreds of Land Mines 22J The Second She Enters Your Office, She's Sherlock Holmes 224 Brains Win over Brawn, Every Time 226 How to Be a Man of Mystery 228 section VIII: Your U.S.S. Certification 31. Are You a Certified U.S.S. Man Yet? 233 A Quick Review 234 It Starts Real Early 235 Pulling Out AU the Stops 237 32. And Now for tbe Final U.S.S. Test 238 33. Diary of a Successful U.S.S. Man 246 References 249 SECTION I You'll Never Have to Face Rejection Again I Why Learn "U.S.S.s"? Are you a relative rookie in the relationship game who stutters when talking to anyone wearing a skirt? Or are you a bit older with the personality, experience, polish, money, prestige, and charm to attract women? Eitber way, one thing is sure. Unless you are the rare man who picks up on a woman's subliminal sex signals, you are missing OUt on a lot ofopportunities. Don't think tbe beauty at Meet Sandy, Ashley, and Jade, three of my foor girlfriends. who have agreed to tbe end of the bar is going to beckon you by crooking her finger show you the 26 basic undercover sex signals. Wtry are they generoosly giving and winking at you. She casts far more subtle signals that 30 out of their time to do this? ~WeII.M says Ashley, ~we're tired ofbeing hit on by men we every 31 men miss.' They're called undtrCouer sex signals or U.S.S.s don't want to talk to. But more than that. we're devastated that we're always and, ifyou don't bite immediately, she fishes for smarter tuna. throwingoot signals to guys we do want to meet and they just don't get it! Ifthis Going beyond sex for a moment (don't hyperventilate; I'll come helps them know when to try and when not to. I'm all for it.M back to it), let's talk about relationships. What are your chances of Jade said, MSometimes it's ~ry subtle. But we always let a gentleman know. throogh our body language. whether we'd like to make his acquaintance or nol." haVing a great one with a woman who, half the time, you have no Sandy added, "You're damn right!" idea how she's feeling or what she's hinting at? Or have you ever had a woman get all pissy and pouty on you and you couJdn't fig ure why? Watch out! That's as dangerous as lightning striking your zipper. It means you haven't been reading her (what she calls "ob· vious," and what you call "why the heck didn't she tell me?") signals. And unless you sharpen your sensitivity, she'll lay some high-heel tracks in the direction of "Durta here." 3

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