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Under the Microscope 2015 PDF

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Preview Under the Microscope 2015

FINANCIAL SERVICES Under the Microscope A Review of the Maltese Banking Sector for Financial Year 2014 October 2015 A REVIEW OF THE MALTESE BANKING SECTOR 1 Foreword Juanita Bencini Noel Mizzi Partner, Risk Consulting Partner, Advisory Services Audit Services KPMG Malta KPMG Malta At KPMG in Malta (“KPMG”) we have the licensing of all three, confrming • How do banks operating in the long felt that the Maltese market lacked our standing in the market as leaders in same space compare? a publication which provides insightful the banking space. Despite this growth analysis of the performance of Maltese however, the availability of impartial • What trends are we currently see- licensed banks, over a given period. It fnancial analysis for the country’s credit ing in the banking sector? is with this in mind that we present our institutions remains very limited and • What do we think will be the most frst edition of Under the Microscope. generally restricted to the major players important issues that Maltese The frst truly comprehensive stock-take in the domestic market. This publication licensed banks will have to deal of banks in Malta. seeks to go some way to resolving this with over the coming year? issue and aims to be a point of refe- The banking sector in Malta has wit- rence for those interested in getting a Whether you are an industry professio- nessed signifcant growth in the past clearer understanding of the banking nal or just looking to gain an overview decade. Indeed, since Malta’s acces- industry in Malta. More specifcally, in of the sector, we hope that you fnd sion to the EU in 2004 we have seen this review, we provide answers to the this publication an interesting and the number of banks grow from 16 to following four questions: insightful read. 28. During 2014 alone, three banks were licensed by year-end and KPMG • How are the major credit institu- is proud to have been associated with tions performing? © 2015 KPMG, a Maltese Civil Partnership and a member frm of the KPMG network of independent member frms affliated with KPMG International Cooperative (‘KPMG International’), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. Table of contents 04 07 09 13 12 14 Introduction Glossary Approach The Profle of Regulators Key Figures Maltese Banks 17 25 33 39 Key Figures Core Domestic Banks Non-Core Domestic Banks International Banks Industry Outlook APS Bank Limited BAWAG Malta Bank Limited AgriBank plc Banif Bank (Malta) plc FCM Bank Limited CommBank Europe Limited Bank of Valletta plc FIMBank plc Deutsche Bank (Malta) Ltd HSBC Bank Malta plc IIG Bank (Malta) Ltd ECCM Bank plc Lombard Bank Malta plc Izola Bank plc Ferratum Bank plc Mediterranean Bank plc Sparkasse Bank Malta plc NBG Bank Malta Limited Nemea Bank plc Novum Bank Limited Pilatus Bank Ltd 4 A REVIEW OF THE MALTESE BANKING SECTOR Introduction Juanita Bencini Mark Curmi Noel Mizzi Anthony Pace Partner, Senior Manager, Partner, Partner, Risk Consulting Banking Advisory Services Audit Services Taxation Services Advisory Services +356 2563 1143 +356 2563 1048 +356 2563 1014 +356 2563 1137 A REVIEW OF THE MALTESE BANKING SECTOR 5 Malta’s fnancial services sector, of Malta an attractive domicile with a sig- which banking is a major part, currently nifcantly lower cost of doing business directly contributes 8.5% of the coun- than other parts of the EU. try’s GDP and around 8.5% indirectly 1 In this Report we will be looking more to GDP . closely at what makes banks in Malta The increase in the number of registe- successful – where they differ from red banks in Malta since EU accession one another and what they have in in 2004 reads a staggering 75%. More common. The banks have been divided impressive is that this growth was into the following categories: core registered without a loss of stability. domestic, non-core domestic and Indeed, the World Economic Forum international. The main sections of (WEF) found Malta’s banks to be the this publication contain an analysis of 2 10th soundest in the world in 2014 . the banks’ fnancial positions and key trends. So what characteristics have made Malta such an attractive international f- The fnal section brings KPMG’s insight nancial centre? Eurozone membership and expertise through the pen of our is undeniably important, but more sig- competent subject matter experts on nifcant is the country’s highly-qualifed trends and issues relevant to the Mal- yet cost-effective workforce, favourable tese banking industry. tax system for corporations and robust legal and regulatory frameworks. The culmination of these factors make © 2015 KPMG, a Maltese Civil Partnership and a member frm of the KPMG network of independent member frms affliated with KPMG International Cooperative (‘KPMG International’), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. INTRODUCTION Helping you cope with Regulatory Change Complexity and change are driven by numerous forces, both external (regulations, marketplace events) and internal (new products, business models)- all of which impact your organisation. KPMG’s Risk Consulting Team can shape the thinking of Boards and Management regarding complex business issues. The team is composed of dedicated specialists who are well placed to assist you with your efforts towards regulatory compliance and beyond. The team, which is supported by a wider global network, is experienced in managing diverse issues including, but not limited to, regulatory compliance, anti-money laundering, governance structures and capital management. We welcome the opportunity to discuss what KPMG’s Risk Consulting Team can offer to you. Contact us: Juanita Bencini Partner, Risk Consulting Advisory Services T. +356 2563 1053 A REVIEW OF THE MALTESE BANKING SECTOR 7 Glossary AEoI Automatic Exchange of Information HTM Held-to-maturity AIFs Alternative Investment Funds KYC Know Your Customer AQR Asset Quality Review IAS International Accounting Standards BCBS239 Basel Committee on Banking Supervision IFRS International Financial Reporting Rule 239 Standards Bn Billion LAC Loans and Advances to Customers CAR Capital Adequacy Ratio LBT Loss before tax CBM Central Bank of Malta M Million CET1 Common Equity Tier 1 M&A Mergers and Acquisitions CIR Cost-to-Income Ratio MFSA Malta Financial Services Authority CMU Capital Markets Union NAV Net Asset Value Cr Credit NED Non-Executive Director CRS Common Reporting Standards NII Net Interest Income DAC Directive on Administrative Cooperation NIL Net Impairment Losses Dr Debit OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation ECB European Central Bank and Development ECL Expected Credit Losses OF Own Funds ECOFIN The Economic and Financial Affairs Council OI Operating Income ESCB European System of Central Banks PAT Proft after tax EU European Union PB Price to Book EUSD European Union Savings Directive PBT Proft before tax FATCA Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act PCC Protected Cell Company FIAU Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit RICC Recognised Incorporated Companies FTT Financial Transactions Tax ROE Return on Equity FVOCI Fair Value Through Other Comprehensive SMEs Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Income SSM Single Supervisory Mechanism FVTPL Fair Value Through Proft or Loss UCITS Undertakings for the Collective FY13 Financial Year 2013 Investment in Transferable Securities FY14 Financial Year 2014 US United States GDP Gross Domestic Product WEF World Economic Forum © 2015 KPMG, a Maltese Civil Partnership and a member frm of the KPMG network of independent member frms affliated with KPMG International Cooperative (‘KPMG International’), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. GLOSSARY Key Sector Information 6 Economy • Infation rate of 0.8% (2014) (June 2015: • Total GDP: €8.0 billion3 (Q2 2015: €2.1billion4). 1.1%)7. • Real GDP Growth: 3.5%3 (Q2 2015: 5.2%4): • Largest contributors to Gross Value Added (2014): Trade, Accommodation (22.3%); • GDP per capita in Purchasing Power Stan- Public Administration and Defence, Education dards relative to the EU-27 average (2014): 5 (19.4%); Manufacturing (12.2%); Arts and 85% . Entertainment (9.8%) ;Financial and Insurance • Unemployment rate (2014 Q4): 5.9%6 (June Activities (7.2%)7. 7 2015: 5.5%) . Regulators • The Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit aids in • The Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) the fow and analysis of information so as to acts as the sole Regulator for Credit and combat money laundering and the funding of Financial institutions in Malta. terrorism. • In view of the fact that Malta is part of the Eurozone, the Central Bank of Malta is now integrated with the ECB. Government • Malta’s Sovereign rating. • The current Labour Government came into • Fitch: A/F1; power in 2013. Next elections are due in 2018. • S&P: BBB+/A-2; • This Government has promised continued • Moody’s: A315. support for the fnancial services sector. 9 • Government Defcit 2014: 2.1% of GDP . 10 • Total Government debt 2014: 68% of GDP . Taxation • Maximum personal taxation rate of 35%, for • Double taxation treaties with 69 countries11. those earning €60,001 upwards. Tax free inco- me up to € 8,500 under single rates. • Corporation tax of 35% but full imputation tax system which completely eliminates the • Highly qualifed foreign executives can beneft economic double taxation of company profts. from a fat rate of 15% tax rate on income up to €5m. Any income over and above this will • Apart from operating a full imputation system, be tax-free. Malta operates a tax refund system redu- cing the effective tax rate to between nil and 6.25%. (Sources: NSA Gross Domestic Product: Q4/20141, CBM Quarterly Update: Q3 20142,MFSA Annual Report 20143,Finance Malta ‘Banking Sector Guide 2015-164,Eurostat5,http://mfsa. com.mt/pages/licenceholders.aspx6, CBM FSR update 20147, www.fnancemalta.org/double-taxation-agreements8, https://ird.gov.mt/services/taxrates.aspx#20159,GCI 2014/1510 A REVIEW OF THE MALTESE BANKING SECTOR 9 Banks • Leverage Ratio 2014: Core Banks: 7.3%, 12 Non-Core Banks: 10.4%, International Banks: • 28 active credit institutions . 14 50.1% . 13 • Loans 2014: €16.4 billion . • Average Capital Adequacy Ratio 2014: Core 13 • Deposits 2014: €31.2 billion . Banks : 14.9%, Non-core Banks: 18.7%, Inter- 13 • Total Assets 2014: €52 billion : 14 national Banks: 54.3% . 13 • 135 Bank Offces and Branches . th • Ranked 10 of 144 countries for soundness 2 of banks in 2014 . Insurance • The only full European member state to offer Protected Cell Company legislation, allowing • Mature domestic market. risks to be written through individual cells. 15 • 9 domestic players . • Can passport their services to other EU 15 • 60 licensed insurance undertakings : countries. 15 • 45 Non-Life ; • The RICC structure is similar to that of a PCC. 15 • 6 Life ; The difference between the RICC and PCC 15 • 2 Composite ; structure is that each incorporated cell within 15 the RICC is a separate legal entity. • 7 Reinsurance . Trusts & Funds Funds Trusts • Winner of Hedge Fund Review award’s “Most 16 Favoured Domicile in Europe” in 2014. • 89 registered trusts in Malta (June 2015) . 16,17 • Funds registered in Malta (June 2015): 617 . • Foreign trusts can re-domicile to Malta wi- 13 thout having to dissolve and re-incorporate. • Net Asset Value 2014: €9.7bn . IFC • Highly educated workforce -60% of students 18 continue onto further education . (International Financial Centre) th th • Ranked 24 of 144 in capacity to attract talent • Ranked 36 of 144 countries for Financial 2 2 in 2014 . Market Development . th • Ranked 13 of 144 countries for strength of 2 auditing and reporting standards . © 2015 KPMG, a Maltese Civil Partnership and a member frm of the KPMG network of independent member frms affliated with KPMG International Cooperative (‘KPMG International’), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. KEY SECTOR INFORMATION

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