NS AI H C UE VAL L A B UE ADDED IN TRADE: NEW APPROACHES TO ANALYZING GLOhttp://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/9498#t=toc©Asian Development Bank Institute.No further distribution is allowed. VAL G N RI VE O C N U Copyright of the works in this Book is vested with Asian Development Bank Institute.The following eBook is allowed for Asian Development Bank Institute's review purposes only and may not be resold, copied, further disseminated, or hosted on any other third party website or repository without the copyright holders' written permission. http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/9498 #t=toc For any queries, please contact [email protected]. NS HAI UNCOVERING C UE VAL AL VALUE ADDED IN TRADE B UE ADDED IN TRADE: NEW APPROACHES TO ANALYZING GLOhttp://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/9498#t=toc©Asian Development Bank Institute.No further distribution is allowed. AnalyNzienwg GAlpopbraola Vcahleuse tCoh ains VAL G N RI VE O C N U 9498_9789814656351_tp.indd 1 23/6/15 3:12 pm May2,2013 14:6 BC:8831-ProbabilityandStatisticalTheory PST˙ws TThhiiss ppaaggee iinntteennttiioonnaallllyy lleefftt bbllaannkk NS AI H C UE VAL L A B UE ADDED IN TRADE: NEW APPROACHES TO ANALYZING GLOhttp://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/9498#t=toc©Asian Development Bank Institute.No further distribution is allowed. VAL G N RI VE O C N U UNCOVERING VALUE ADDED IN TRADE NS AI H C UE VAL L A B UE ADDED IN TRADE: NEW APPROACHES TO ANALYZING GLOhttp://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/9498#t=toc©Asian Development Bank Institute.No further distribution is allowed. AnalyNzienwYgu GAqlpoiEpnbdrgiatool ar XVciahnleugse tCoh ains VAL G N RI Asian Development Bank Institute, Japan VE O C N U World Scientific NEW JERSEY • LONDON • SINGAPORE • BEIJING • SHANGHAI • HONG KONG • TAIPEI • CHENNAI 9498_9789814656351_tp.indd 2 23/6/15 3:12 pm Published by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. 5 Toh Tuck Link, Singapore 596224 USA office: 27 Warren Street, Suite 401-402, Hackensack, NJ 07601 UK office: 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H 9HE Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Xing, Yuqing. Uncovering value added in trade new approaches to analyzing global value chains / by Yuqing Xing (Asian Development Bank Institute, Japan). pages cm AINS ISBN 978-9814656351 (alk. paper) H C 1. International trade. 2. International economic relations. I. Title. VALUE HF1379.X56 2015 L 382--dc23 A UE ADDED IN TRADE: NEW APPROACHES TO ANALYZING GLOBhttp://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/9498#t=toc©Asian Development Bank Institute.No further distribution is allowed. BACADTlr ol chip i atrseyitics agr hlvilhago itLiehgsmw tuir be©ees r s rr aei2enrrc0vy o1et r6Chdd i. abs f tyoap rAl uotshbgiilausicn ibna Dotgioo-eikvnn e i-sl dPo oaup vbmnalioeilcnta atb ntlBieeoa cnf ne2r skoD0s m1Iaan5r ttis0ahlty1iet 3 uBr4tee3rfli7teischt Lthieb ravriye.ws and policies of the Asian VAL Development Bank Institute (ADBI), its Advisory Council, ADB’s Board or Governors, or the NG governments of ADB members. RI VE ADBI does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this publication and accepts no O NC responsibility for any consequence of their use. U By making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area, or by using the term “country” or other geographical names in this publication, ADBI does not intend to make any judgements as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Users are restricted from reselling, redistributing, or creating derivative works without the express, written consent of ADBI. ADB refers to China by the name People’s Republic of China. In-house Editors: Prathima/Philly Lim Typeset by Stallion Press Email: [email protected] Printed in Singapore Prathima - Uncovering Value Added in Trade.indd 1 11/6/2015 2:51:36 PM June23,2015 14:19 UncoveringValueAddedinTrade-9inx6in b2019-fm pagev Contents NS AI CH ListofFiguresandTables vii UE VAL Contributors xi L A B VALUE ADDED IN TRADE: NEW APPROACHES TO ANALYZING GLOhttp://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/9498#t=toc©Asian Development Bank Institute.No further distribution is allowed. CCChhhaaapppttteeerrr123 YIIOfaCNonmunhoErqtdrrpriCTiinolshPirDgdtciooakuaXlpdoIitchcnieiYtnoyetiaSgonemDItrnsma-aeoCtgnpifsoaoltGiuiicncnlasoattbrianoyandnldIAsVnTnapdrluuratede–aeOCsPuhMotaapliiunucrsyteMr odel 4791 G N RI VE Chapter4 EstimatingtheUpperLimitsofValueAdded O C UN inthePeople’sRepublicofChina’s ProcessingExports 61 YuqingXing Chapter5 AnAlternativeMeasurementfor InternationalFragmentationofthe ProductionProcess:AnInternational Input–OutputApproach 81 SatoshiInomata v June23,2015 14:19 UncoveringValueAddedinTrade-9inx6in b2019-fm pagevi vi Contents Chapter6 ShareofImportsandCommodities inConsumptionandInvestmentinthe UnitedStates 101 GalinaHaleandBartHobijn Chapter7 DomesticValueChainsinthePeople’s RepublicofChinaandTheirLinkageswith theGlobalEconomy 113 BoMeng NS HAI Chapter8 The“Fox–Apple”PartnershipintheGlobal C VALUE ValueChain:HowDidForeignDirect AL InvestmentandContractManufacturing B UE ADDED IN TRADE: NEW APPROACHES TO ANALYZING GLOhttp://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/9498#t=toc©Asian Development Bank Institute.No further distribution is allowed. RIGneudsouhysaotpnregy?tLhieanLgandscapeoftheElectronics 141 VAL G N RI VE O C N U June23,2015 14:19 UncoveringValueAddedinTrade-9inx6in b2019-fm pagevii List of Figures andTables NS AI Figures H C UE VAL 2.1. Globalvaluechainsandworldtrade—insandouts 10 L BA 2.2. TariffescalationinselectedAsianeconomies,2011 12 UE ADDED IN TRADE: NEW APPROACHES TO ANALYZING GLOhttp://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/9498#t=toc©Asian Development Bank Institute.No further distribution is allowed. 2222222.......3456879....... WTTTTUStScaoyochhhnbonhptaeeilartteerolrlebmemdliwdsaoabaeasnguioSiixttdnytcifhtipcaooivcdottnnphafeoortsrtlsrmcrmsuee,atoseeop-1bemefios9yacentrpn9doxitmmcaea9dupnnt–eanoaieitdoi2trnesxnrtn0sdicpsoe’1sooofosefo1mrfocfiuatnrttspmtnoehtsoedoireoagrnfuansnnVegepruanccgsrft∗tiiiaetrsnvooeccLagnrogttstuoafaeamrrltngeaesiadrdlne,otrprv2opsviua0fsxriflto0c,use–de8hbxeosuoapuacsrfotditerprnsoddtu,gsmet2odst0ntatr0hbIa8eIlte–esgOies 21222126123837 VAL G 2.10. Selectedbilateraltradebalanceswithselectedpartners,2008 30 N RI VE 2.11. Evolutionoftheverticalspecializationindexagainstexport O C N U performanceinthemanufacturingsector,1995–2007 32 2.12. Relationshipbetweenratiosofgrossandvalueaddedexports togrossdomesticproduct,2007 34 2.13. Evolution of nominal and effective protection rates in the manufacturingsectorinselectedAsianeconomies,1995and 2005 36 2.14. TheBoeing787Dreamliner:Geographicalfragmentationof production 40 2.15. Revealedcomparativeadvantageingrossandvalueadded terms in selected economies, machinery, and transport equipment,2007 42 vii June23,2015 16:57 UncoveringValueAddedinTrade-9inx6in b2019-fm pageviii viii ListofFiguresandTables 3.1. Intermediateimports-to-grossdomesticproductratio 48 3.2. Import penetration ratio for household consumption and capitalgoods 49 3.3. Asimplifiedinter-countryinput–outputsystem 50 3.4. Domesticvalueaddedembodiedinforeigndemand 53 3.5. Domesticemploymentcreatedbyforeignfinaldemand 54 3.6. ProductionandconsumptionbasedCO Emissions,2008 55 2 4.1. Domestic value added of processing exports from the People’sRepublicofChina 71 NS 4.2. Domestic value added in two kinds of processing exports AI CH fromthePeople’sRepublicofChina 72 UE VAL 4.3. Domesticvalueaddedinhigh-techexportsfromthePeople’s L BA RepublicofChina 74 UE ADDED IN TRADE: NEW APPROACHES TO ANALYZING GLOhttp://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/9498#t=toc©Asian Development Bank Institute.No further distribution is allowed. 445556......145123...... GPRC(II1I1Tnnn99reoepttoi99peeomVuc00rrugAetnnp––brscaaa)a22lsottirp00ieiicienooh00ssfgonnoty00fiifaanmecollCxiofaeffphftrrnpeoaaiotensrggurmtammssrobaeaeentysnnnratidtttixlaarmattdcaiidaoooontinmnndenssgeiiuinnmwsmptiEiEappctrahaattvcissnoOtattenldAAEru,eeCess2lxiiiD0aaavpd1eebbtd2rnryyyeadddeipintecaoudotifrhunnetsssohvtmeriaynlPy,u,teehoeapdlde’esd 7899757523 VAL G UnitedStates,2010 107 N RI VE 7.1. Shareofbilateraltradeintotalinter-regionaltrade, O C UN 2002and2007 124 7.2. Verticalspecializationindicatorattheregionallevel, 2002and2007 127 7.3. Gainpotentialofinducedvalueaddedbyregionalexports, 2002and2007 135 8.1. Aglobalvaluetree:Illustrationofthevaluecreationnetwork ofApple 153 8.2. Decision-makingprocessesandobjectivesconcerningforeign directinvestmentandoutsourcing 155