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Uncertainty principle and geometry of the infinite Grassmann manifold 7 1 0 Esteban Andruchow and Gustavo Corach 2 n January 16, 2017 a J 3 1 Abstract ] We study the pairs of projections A F P f =χ f, Q f = χ fˆ ˇ, f L2(Rn), h. I I J (cid:16) J (cid:17) ∈ at where I,J Rn are sets of finite Lebesgue measure, χI,χJ denote the corresponding char- m acteristic fu⊂nctions andˆ,ˇdenote the Fourier-Planchereltransformation L2(Rn) L2(Rn) → [ and its inverse. These pairs of projections have been widely studied by several authors in connection with the mathematical formulation of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. Our 1 study is done from a differential geometric point of view. We apply known results on the v Finsler geometry of the Grassmann manifold ( ) of a Hilbert space to establish that 3 P H H 3 there exists a unique minimal geodesic of ( ), which is a curve of the form P H 7 3 δ(t)=eitXI,JPIe−itXI,J 0 1. which joins PI and QJ and has length π/2. As a consequence we obtain that if H is the 0 logarithm of the Fourier-Plancherelmap, then 7 1 [H,P ] π/2. I : k k≥ v i The spectrum of XI,J is denumerable and symmetric with respect to the origin, it has a X smallest positive eigenvalue γ(X ) which satisfies I,J r a cos(γ(X ))= P Q . I,J I J k k 2010 MSC: 58B20, 47B15, 42A38, 47A63. Keywords: Projections, pairs of projections, Grasmann manifold, uncertainty principle. 1 Introduction Consider the following example: Example 1.1. Let I,J Rn be Lebesgue-measurable sets of finite measure. Let P ,Q be the I J ⊂ projections in L2(Rn,dx) given by P f = χ f and Q f = χ fˆ ˇ, I I J J (cid:16) (cid:17) 1 where χ denotes the characteristic function of the set L. Equivalently, denoting by U the L F Fourier transformation regarded as a unitary operator acting in L2(Rn,dx) and by M the ϕ multiplication by ϕ, then P = M and Q = U∗P U . I χI J F J F The operator P Q is Hilbert-Schmidt (see for instance [11], Lemma 2). I J An intuitive formulation of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle says that a nonzero function and its Fourier transform cannot be (simultaneously) sharply localized (see [13], page 207). We give more precision to this statement below ( see for instance [11], page 906). According to Folland and Sitaram [13], the idea of using projections P and Q to obtain a I J form of the uncertainty principle is due to Fuchs [14], and it was developed later in a series of papers by Landau, Pollack and Slepian [20], [21], [25]. See the survey by Folland and Sitaram [13]. DonohoandStark[11]provedthatifI,J Rn withfiniteLebesguemeasureandf L2(Rn) ⊂ ∈ with f = 1 satisfy that 2 k k f(t)2dt < ǫ and fˆ(w)2dw < ǫ I J ZRn−I| | ZRn−J | | then I J (1 (ǫ +ǫ ))2. I J | || | ≥ − Donoho and Stark showed several applications of these ideas to signal processing (and the obstruction to the existence of an instantaneous frequency). Smith [26] generalized these results to a locally compact abelian group G where I G and J Gˆ, the dual group of G. The ⊂ ⊂ books by Havin and Jo¨ricke [17], Hogan and Lakey [18], and Gro¨chenig [15] among many others, contain further applications, generalizations and history of the different uncertainty principles. By an elementary computation using Fubini’s theorem, Donoho and Stark prove that P Q = I J , I J HS k k | || | p where is Hilbert-Schmidt norm. Next they prove that HS k k P Q 1 ǫ ǫ . I J I J k k ≥ − − The fact that P Q P Q is well known. I J I J HS k k≤ k k They argue that any bound c such that P Q c < 1 I J k k≤ is an expression of the uncertainty principle ([11], page 912). Denote by ( ) the set of orthogonal projections of the Hilbert space , also called the P H H Grassmann manifold of . It is indeed a differentiable manifold of ( ) (also in the infinite H B H dimensional setting), with rich geometric structure (see for instance [24] or [7]). The pairs (P ,Q ) might be put in the broader context of the sets I J = (P,Q) : P,Q are orthogonal projections and PQ is compact . C { } This set is a C∞-submanifold of ( ) ( ). P H ×P H 2 An application of these geometrical results facts is a form of the uncertainty principle (see Theorem 3.6 below). Let us describe the content of the paper. InSection 2werecalltheknownfacts onthegeometry of ( ). Insection 3weapplyknown P H results[24], [7],[2]ontheFinslergeometry oftheGrassmannmanifoldof tothespecialcaseof H pairs P ,Q . We prove that there exists a unique minimal geodesic of the Grassmann manifold I J of length π/2 which joins P and Q . That is, there exists a unique selfadjoint operator X of I J I,J norm π/2, which is co-diagonal with respect both to P and Q , such that I J eiXI,JP e−iXI,J = Q . I J The spectrum of the operator X is denumerable and symmetric with respect to the origin. I,J The smallest positive eigenvalue γ(X ) verifies I,J cos(γ(X )) = P Q . I,J I J k k As a consequence from the fact that the minimal geodesic has length π/2, we prove that if H is the logarithm of the Fourier transform in L2(Rn), and I Rn is a set of finite Lebesgue ⊂ measure, then [H,P ] = [H,Q ] π/2. I I k k k k ≥ In Section 4 we show that for any pair of sets I,J Rn of finite measure, one has ⊂ N(P )+N(Q )= L2(Rn), I J where the sum is non-direct (the subspaces have infinite dimensional intersection). 2 Basic properties 2.1 Halmos decomposition Let be a Hilbert space, ( ) the algebra of bounded linear operators in , ( ) the ideal H B H H K H of compact operators and ( ) the set of selfadjoint (orthogonal) projections, and ( ) the ∞ P H P H subset of projections whose nullspaces and ranges have infinite dimension. A tool that will be useful in the study of the pairs P ,Q is Halmos decomposition [16], I J which is the following orthogonal decomposition of : given a pair of projections P and Q, H consider = R(P) R(Q) , = N(P) N(Q) , = R(P) N(Q) , = N(P) R(Q) 11 00 10 01 H ∩ H ∩ H ∩ H ∩ and the orthogonal complement of the sum of the above. This last subspace is usually called 0 H the generic part of the pair P,Q. Note also that N(P Q)= , N(P Q 1) = and N(P Q+1) = , 11 00 10 01 − H ⊕H − − H − H so that the generic part depends in fact of the difference P Q. − Halmos proved that there is an isometric isomorphism between and a product Hilbert 0 H space such that inthe above decomposition (putting inplace of ), theprojections 0 L×L L×L H are 1 0 P = 1 0 1 0 ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕(cid:18) 0 0 (cid:19) 3 and C2 CS Q = 1 0 0 1 , ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕(cid:18) CS S2 (cid:19) where C = cos(X) and S = sin(X) for some operator 0 < X π/2 in with trivial nullspace. ≤ L Aparently,thepair(P,Q)belongsto ifandonlyif isfinitedimensionalandC = cos(X) 11 C H is compact. Remark 2.1. If (P,Q) , then the spectral resolution of X can be easily described. Since ∈ C 0 < cos(X) is compact, it follows that π X = γ P + E, n n 2 Xn where 0 < γ < π/2 is an increasing (finite or infinite) sequence. For all n, dimR(P ) < , and n n ∞ R(E) ( R(P )) = . n≥1 n ⊕ ⊕ L 2.2 Finsler geometry of the Grassmann manifold of H Let us recall some basic facts on the differential geometry of the set ( ) (see for instance [7], P H [24], [2]). 1. The space ( ) is a homogeneous space under the action of the unitary group ( ) by P H U H inner conjugation: if U ( ) and P ( ), the action is given by ∈ U H ∈ P H U P =UPU∗. · This action is locally transitive: it is well known that two projections P ,P such that 1 2 P P < 1, are conjugate. Therefore, since the unitary group ( ) is connected, 1 2 k − k U H the orbits of the action coincide with the connected components of ( ), which are: for P H n N, ( ) (projections of nullity n), ( ) (projections of rank n) and ( ) n,∞ ∞,n ∞ ∈ P H P H P H (projectionsofinfiniterankandnullity). ThesecomponentsareC∞-submanifoldsof ( ). B H 2. There is a natural linear connection in ( ). If dim < , it is the Levi-Civita connec- P H H ∞ tion of the Riemannian metric which consists of considering the Frobenius inner product at every tangent space. It is based on the diagonal / co-diagonal decomposition of ( ). B H To be more specific, given P ( ), the tangent space of ( ) at P consists of all self- 0 0 ∈ P H P H adjoint co-diagonal matrices (in terms of P ). The linear connection in ( ) is induced 0 P H by a reductive structure, where the horizontal elements at P (in the Lie algebra of ( ): 0 U H the space of antihermitian elements of ( )) are the co-diagonal antihermitian operators. B H The geodesics of which start at P are curves of the form 0 P δ(t) = eitXP e−itX, (1) 0 with X∗ = X co-diagonal with respect to P . Observe that X is co-diagonal with respect 0 to every P = δ(t). It was proved in [24] that if P ,P ( ) satisfy P P < 1, then t 0 1 0 1 ∈ P H k − k there exists a uniquegeodesic (up to reparametrization) joining P and P . This condition 0 1 is not necessary for the existence of a unique geodesic. 4 3. There exists a unique geodesic joining two projections P and Q if and only if R(P) N(Q) = N(P) R(Q) = 0 , ∩ ∩ { } (see [2]). 4. If is infinite dimensional, the Frobenius metric is not available. However, if one endows H each tangent space of ( ) with the usual norm of ( ), one obtains a continuous (non P H B H regular) Finsler metric, d(P ,P ) = inf ℓ(γ) :γ a continuous piecewise smooth curve in ( ) joining P and P 0 1 0 1 { P H } where ℓ(γ) denotes the length of γ (parametized in the interval I): ℓ(γ) = γ˙(t) dt. Z k k I In [24] it was shown that the geodesics (1) remain minimal among their endpoints for all t such that π t . | | ≤ 2 X k k It can be shown that d(P ,P ) < π/2 if and only if P P < 1. In other words, 0 1 0 1 k − k P P = 1 if and only if d(P ,P ) = π/2. 0 1 0 1 k − k 3 Geometry of the pairs P , Q I J Lenard proved in [22] that the projections P ,Q (L2(Rn,dx)) defined in Example (1.1), I J ∈ P satisfy R(P ) N(Q ) = R(Q ) N(P )= 0 . (2) I J J I ∩ ∩ { } Moreover, P Q = 1. I J k − k Therefore one obtains the following: Theorem 3.1. Let I,J be measurable subsets of Rn of finite measure, and P , Q the above I J projections. Then there exists a unique selfadjoint operator X satisfying: I,J 1. X = π/2. I,J k k 2. X is P and Q co-diagonal. In other words, X maps functions in L2(Rn,dx) with I,J I J I,J support in I to functions with support in Rn I, and functions such that fˆhas support in − J to functions such that the Fourier transform has support in Rn J. − 3. eiXI,JP e−iXI,J =Q . I J 4. If P(t), t [0,1] is a smooth curve in ( ) with P(0) = P and P(1) = Q , then I J ∈ P H 1 ℓ(P) = P˙(t) dt π/2. Z k k ≥ 0 5 Proof. By the condition (2) above ([22]), it follows from [2] that there exists a unique minimal geodesic of ( ), of the form P H δ (t) =eitXI,JP eitXI,J I,J I with X∗ = X co-doagonal with respect to P (and Q ) such that I,J I,J I J δ (1) = Q . I,J J Condition 4. above is the minimality property of δ . Finally, the fact that P Q = 1 I,J I J k − k means that X = π/2. I,J k k Remark 3.2. It is known [13] that λ = P Q P = P Q 2 < 1, and moreover √λ equals 1 I J I I J 1 k k k k the cosine of the angle between the subspaces R(P ) and R(Q ). I J One can also relate this number λ with the operator X . Using Halmos decomposition 1 I,J (recall that it consists only of and the generic part in this case), 00 0 H H C2 0 P Q P = 0 I J I ⊕(cid:18) 0 0 (cid:19) and thus λ = cos(X) 2. We shall see below that the spectrum of X is a strictly increasing 1 k k sequence of positive eigenvalues γ π/2, with finite multiplicity. Moreover, since P Q P n I J I → belongs to ( ), it follows that C ( ). Thus 1 2 B H ∈B L cos(γ ) ℓ2. n { } ∈ For a given P ( ), let be P ∈ P H A = X ( ):[X,P] is compact . P A { ∈ B H } Apparently is a C∗-algebra. P A Theorem 3.3. Let I,J be measurable subsets of Rn of finite Lebesgue measure. 1. The selfadjoint operator X has closed infinite dimensional range, in particular it is not I,J compact. 2. Let I be another measurable set with finite measure such that I I = 0, and let P = P . 0 | ∩ 0| 0 I0 Then, the commutant [X ,P ] is compact. I,J 0 Proof. Easy matrix computations ([2]) show that, in the decomposition = ( ), 00 H H ⊕ L × L X is of the form I,J 0 iX XI,J = 0⊕(cid:18) iX −0 (cid:19). Note that the spectrum of this operator is symmetric with respect to the origin. Indeed, if V equals the symmetry 0 1 V = 1 , ⊕(cid:18) 1 0 (cid:19) then apparently VX V = X . Also note that I,J I,J − X2 0 X2 = 0 . I,J ⊕(cid:18) 0 X2 (cid:19) 6 Therefore the spectrum of X is I,J σ(X ) = 0 γ : n 1 γ :n 1 , I,J n n { }∪{ ≥ }∪{− ≥ } with 0 of infinite multiplicity, and the multiplicity of γ equal to the multiplicity of γ , and n n − finite. What matters here, is that the set γ :n 1 is infinite, and is therefore an increasing n { ≥ } sequence converging to π/2. This holds because otherwise, the operator C would have finite rank, and therefore P Q P would be of finite rank, which is not the case (see [22]). Thus X I J I I,J has closed range. of infinite dimension. Note that P and Q satisfy that P P = 0 and Q P = Q P is compact, and therefore I J I 0 J 0 J I0 P ,Q . ThusthesymmetriesS ,S belongtoa . SinceS = ei2XI,JS ,thisimplies I J ∈ AP0 PI QJ P0 QJ PI that ei2XI,J . ∈ AP0 By the spectral picture of X it is clear that X can be obtained as an holomorphic function I,J I,J of ei2XI,J. Since is a C∗-algebra, this implies that X . AP0 I,J ∈AP0 Let us relate the operator X with the mathematical version of the uncertainty principle, I,J according to [11] and [13]. Let A ( ) be an operator with closed range, the reduced minimum modulus γ of A is A ∈ B H the positive number γ = min Aξ :ξ N(A)⊥, ξ = 1 = min λ :λ σ(A),λ = 0 . A {k k ∈ k k } {| | ∈ 6 } Donoho and Stark [11] underline the role of the number Q P and consider any constant c J I k k such that Q P c a manifestation of the (mathematical) uncertainty principle. By the J I k k ≤ above Remark, we have: Corollary 3.4. With the current notations, Q P =cos(γ ). k J Ik XI.J Proof. Indeed, in the above description of the spectrum of X , the reduced minimum modulus I,J γ of X coincides with γ . XI.J I,J 1 Let X0 be the restriction of X to the generic part of P and Q , i.e., its restriction to I,J I,J I J N(X )⊥. In Halmos decomposition I,J 0 iX X0 = − . I,J (cid:18) iX 0 (cid:19) Recall the formula by Donoho and Stark [11] P Q = I 1/2 J 1/2. I J HS k k | | | | From the preceeding facts, it also follows: Corollary 3.5. With the current notations ∞ 1 1 I 1/2 J 1/2 = cos(X) = cos(X0 ) = cos(γ )2 1/2. | | | | k kHS √2k I,J kHS { 2 n } nX=1 7 Proof. 1 C2 0 1 I J = P Q 2 = Tr(P Q P )= Tr(C2) = Tr = Tr(cos(X0 )2). | || | k I JkHS I J I 2 (cid:18) 0 C2 (cid:19) 2 I,J This co-diagonal exponent X (with respect both to P and Q ) has interesting features I,J I J whenI = J and I < . Inthis case denoteby X = X ; then, wehave two unitaryoperators I I,I | | ∞ intertwining PI and QI. Namely, the Fourier transform UF and the exponential eiXI, U∗P U = Q = eiXIP e−iXI. F I F I I Let H = H∗ be the natural logarithm of the Fourier transform, eiH = U . Namely, writing E , F 1 E , E and E the eigenprojections of U , −1 i −i F π π H = πE + E E . −1 i −i − 2 − 2 Note that H = π. Thus, one obtains a smooth path joining P and Q : I I k k ϕ(t) = e−itHP eitH. I and, apparently, ϕ(1) = Q . I Since the Fourier transform intertwines P and Q , the norm of its commutant with either I J of these projections can be regarded as a measure of non commutativity between P and Q : I J Theorem 3.6. For any Lebesgue measurable set I Rn with I < , one has ⊂ | | ∞ [H,P ] = [H,Q ] π/2. I I k k k k ≥ Proof. The geodesic δ with exponent X is the shortest curve in ( ) joining P and Q . Its I I I I P H length is π/2. Then 1 1 π/2 ℓ(ϕ) = ϕ˙(t) dt = eitH[H,P ]e−itH dt = [H,P ] . I I ≤ Z k k Z k k k k 0 0 Note that U∗[H,P ]U = [H,U∗P U ]= [H,Q ] F I F F I F I because U and H commute. F Remark 3.7. 1. We may write H in terms of U using the well known formulas F 1 1 1 E = (1 U +U2 U3), E = (1 iU U2 +iU3), E = (1+iU U2 iU3), −1 F F F i F F F −i F F F 4 − − 4 − − 4 − − and thus π H = 1+(1+i)U U2 +(1+i)U3 . F F F 4{− − } Then π [H,P ] = (1+i)[U ,P ] [U2,P ]+(1+i)[U3,P ] . I F I F I F I 4{ − } The inequality in Corollary 3.6 can be written (1+i)[U ,P ] [U2,P ]+(1+i)[U3,P ] 2. F I F I F I k − k ≥ 8 2. In the special case when the set I is (essentially) symmetric with respect to the origin, P I commutes with U2, so that F [U2,P ]= 0 and [U3,P ] =[U ,P ]U2 = U2[U ,P ] F I F I F I F F F I one has (1+i)π [H,P ] = [U ,P ](1+U2). I F I F 4 The operator U2f(x)= f( x) is a symmetry, then 1(1+U2) is the orthogonal projection F − 2 F E onto the the subspace of essentially even functions (f(x)= f( x) a.e.). Then one can e − write (1+i)π (1+i)π [H,P ]= [U ,P ]E = E [U ,P ]. I F I e e F I 2 2 Corollary 3.8. Suppose that I is essentially symmetric, with finite measure. 1. 1 E [U ,P ] = E [U ,P ]E . e F I e F I e k k k k ≥ √2 2. 1 E P E Q , e I e I k − k ≥ √2 where E P =P E and E Q = Q E are orthogonal projections. e I I e e I I e Proof. Recall that E and U commute. Then e F E [U ,P ]E =E (U P P U )E = U E (P U∗P U )E e F I e e F I I F e F e I F I F e − − = U E (P Q )E . F e I I e − where E , as well as U , and thus also Q = U∗P U commute with E . e F I F I F e The ranges of these two orthogonal projections E P and E Q consist of the elements of e I e I L2 which are essentially even and vanish (essentially) outside I, and the analogous subspace for the Fourier transform. 4 Spatial properties of P and Q I J Let us return to the general setting (I not necessarily equal to J). The ranges and nullspaces of P and Q have several interesting properties. First we need the following lemma: I J Lemma 4.1. Let P,Q be orthogonal projections such that P Q = 1. Then one and only k − k one of the following conditions hold: 1. N(P)+R(Q) = , with non direct sum (and this is equivalent to R(P)+N(Q) being a H direct sum and a closed proper subspace of ). H 2. R(P)+N(Q) = , with non direct sum (and this is equivalent to N(P)+R(Q) being a H direct sum and a closed proper subspace of ). H 9 3. R(P)+N(Q) is non closed (and this is equivalent to N(P)+R(Q) being non closed). Proof. By the Krein-Krasnoselskii-Milman formula (see for instance [19]) P Q = max P(1 Q) , Q(1 P) , k − k {k − k k − k} we have that one and only one of the following hold: 1. P(1 Q) < 1 and Q(1 P) = 1, k − k k − k 2. P(1 Q) = 1 and Q(1 P) < 1, or k − k k − k 3. P(1 Q) = 1 and Q(1 P) = 1. k − k k − k This alternative corresponds precisely with the three conditions in the Lemma. It is known [9] that for two orthogonal projections E and F, EF < 1 holds if and only if R(E) R(F) = 0 k k ∩ { } and R(E)+R(F) closed. The sum + of two subspaces is closed if and only if the sum M N ⊥+ ⊥ is closed (see [9]). Therefore, EF <1 is also equivalent to N(E)+N(F) = . M N k k H If we apply these facts to E = P and F = 1 Q, we obtain that the first alternative is − equivalent to R(P) N(Q) = 0 and R(P)+N(Q) closed, or to N(P)+R(Q)= . ∩ { } H Analogously, the second alternative is equivalent to R(Q) N(P) = 0 and R(Q)+N(P) ∩ { } closed, or to N(Q)+R(P)= . H Note that in the first case, R(P)+ N(Q) is proper, otherwise its orthogonal complement would be N(P) R(Q) = 0 , which together with the fact that N(P)+R(Q) = (closed!), ∩ { } H would lead us to the second alternative. Analogously in the second alternative, N(P)+R(Q) is proper. If neither of these two happen, it is clear that neither R(P)+N(Q) nor (equivalently) the sum of the orthogonals N(P)+R(Q) is closed. We have the following: Theorem 4.2. Let I,J Rn with finite Lebesgue measure. Then ⊂ 1. R(P )+R(Q ) is a closed proper subset of L2(Rn), with infinite codimension. The sum is I J direct (R(P ) R(Q )= 0 ). I J ∩ { } 2. N(P )+N(Q ) = L2(Rn), and the sum is not direct (N(P ) N(Q ) is infinite dimen- I J I J ∩ sional). 3. R(P )+N(Q ) and N(P )+R(Q ) are proper dense subspaces of L2(Rn), and R(P ) I J I J I ∩ N(Q ) = N(P ) R(Q )= 0 . J I J ∩ { } Proof. By the cited result [9], two projections P,Q, satisfy that R(P) + R(Q) is closed and R(P) R(Q)= 0 if and only if PQ < 1. It is also known (see above, [13]) that P Q < 1. I J ∩ { } k k k k Theintersection of these spaces is, in our case (usingthe notation of the Halmos decomposition) R(P ) R(Q ) = = 0 . I J 11 ∩ H { } Asremarkedabove,Lenardprovedthat = = = 0 ,and isinfinitedimensional. 11 10 01 00 H H H { } H The orthogonal complement of this sum is (R(P )+R(Q ))⊥ = N(P ) N(Q ) = . I J I J 00 ∩ H 10

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