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Uncertainty in the Empire of Routine The Administrative Revolution of the Eighteenth-Century Qing State PDF

285 Pages·2022·4.325 MB·English
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Uncertainty in the Empire of Routine Harvard East Asian Monographs 452 22..DDyykkssttrraa,, UUnncceerrttaaiinnttyy ooff EEmmppiirree..iinndddd 11 22//1144//2222 99::0033 AAMM 22..DDyykkssttrraa,, UUnncceerrttaaiinnttyy ooff EEmmppiirree..iinndddd 22 22//1144//2222 99::0033 AAMM Uncertainty in the Empire of Routine The Administrative Revolution of the Eighteenth-Century Qing State Maura D. Dykstra Published by the Harvard University Asia Center Distributed by Harvard University Press Cambridge (Massachusetts) and London 2022 22..DDyykkssttrraa,, UUnncceerrttaaiinnttyy ooff EEmmppiirree..iinndddd 33 22//1144//2222 99::0033 AAMM © 2022 by The President and Fellows of Harvard College Printed in the United States of America The Harvard University Asia Center publishes a monograph series and, in coordination with the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, the Korea Institute, the Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies, and other faculties and institutes, administers research projects designed to further scholarly understanding of China, Japan, Vietnam, Korea, and other Asian countries. The Center also sponsors projects addressing multidisciplinary and regional issues in Asia. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data [TK] Index by Jac Nelson Printed on acid-free paper Last figure below indicates year of this printing 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 22..DDyykkssttrraa,, UUnncceerrttaaiinnttyy ooff EEmmppiirree..iinndddd 44 22//1144//2222 99::0033 AAMM This book is dedicated to all of those who tried to make a difference only to find themselves making trouble. 22..DDyykkssttrraa,, UUnncceerrttaaiinnttyy ooff EEmmppiirree..iinndddd 55 22//1144//2222 99::0033 AAMM 22..DDyykkssttrraa,, UUnncceerrttaaiinnttyy ooff EEmmppiirree..iinndddd 66 22//1144//2222 99::0033 AAMM Contents List of Figures and Tables ix Acknowledgments xi Conventions xv Prologue: Qing History / Qing Archive xix Introduction 1 Part I Building the Empire of Routine 1 Early Qing Legal Institutions 29 2 Beyond Fact 57 3 Imperial Routines in the Local Archive 103 Part II After the Unexpected Administrative Revolution 4 Ruling the Empire of Routine 153 5 When the Problem Is the Solution 188 Conclusion 226 Abbreviations 237 Works Cited 239 Index 251 22..DDyykkssttrraa,, UUnncceerrttaaiinnttyy ooff EEmmppiirree..iinndddd 77 22//1144//2222 99::0033 AAMM 22..DDyykkssttrraa,, UUnncceerrttaaiinnttyy ooff EEmmppiirree..iinndddd 88 22//1144//2222 99::0033 AAMM Figures and Tables Figures 1. Pan Biaocan’s “Formula for the Documents and Registers of a Banditry Case” 64 2. Cover (front and back) of an 1874 account book recording judgments on cases 134 3. Two pages from an 1874 account book recording judgments on cases 135 4. Four pages from an 1817 account book registering incoming and outgoing documents from the Ba County yamen 137 5. The back cover and first two pages of a prisoner account book from the Ba County yamen 141 6. Draft of a 1771 prisoner register produced by the Ba County magistrate 143 7. A late nineteenth-century report from the Turfan prefectural yamen detailing a list of current prisoners 145 8. A concordance plot illustrating instances of the character for “case” in the Veritable Records 184 Tables 1. Instances of the character for “case” in the Veritable Records 183 2. Average number of sanctions reported per ten-day period, 1735–99 196 3. Average number of sanctions processed each month for “minuscule officials,” 1735–1799 199 22..DDyykkssttrraa,, UUnncceerrttaaiinnttyy ooff EEmmppiirree..iinndddd 99 22//1144//2222 99::0033 AAMM 22..DDyykkssttrraa,, UUnncceerrttaaiinnttyy ooff EEmmppiirree..iinndddd 1100 22//1144//2222 99::0033 AAMM

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