Shirley Chisholm Unbought And Unbossed Washington, DC To Conrad, for his deep understanding Grateful acknowledgment for assistance in the preparation of this book is due to Wesley McD. Holder, for his tireless efforts and loyalty; to Samuel Korb, for his legal assistance; to my Washington and Brooklyn office staffs; to Lee Hickling, for research and editing aid; to Joan Middleton, for typing the manuscript. The author is grateful to the editors of The Black Politician for permission to quote from an article by Julian Bond which appeared in the Winter 1969 issue. The editor offers special thanks to the following contributors to this edition: The Estate of Shirley Chisholm Cover Art and Logo Design Youme Landowne Foreword Donna Brazile Afterword Shola Lynch Her Documentary ‘Chisholm’72—Unbought and Unbossed’ is Available on DVD Editing Ellen Povill Abigail Williams Jonathan Ivy Kidd, PhD Cover Adapted from Photo Taken by Rose Greene Publisher’s Logo and Font Based on the Artwork of Peter Gee