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UNATTENDED RETAIL TRACKER™ OCTOBER 2017 UNATTENDED RETAIL LESSONS FROM Caviar Dreams Beverly Hills Caviar on the highs and lows Carvana opens eight-story See who’s on top of selling high-end luxury items through car vending machine in the latest unattended vending machines in Jacksonville, Florida provider rankings – p. 6 (Feature Story) – p. 11 (News and Trends) – p. 20 (Scorecard) Unattended Retail TrackerTM Table of Contents 03 What’s Inside How unattended retail solutions are being introduced at restaurant and food services markets, healthcare businesses and university campuses. 06 Feature Story Five years ago, several Los Angeles-area malls introduced vending machines that dispensed caviar and other high-end products. Kelly Knight, owner of Beverly Hills Caviar and designer of the vending machines, speaks with PYMNTS about the lessons she’s learned dispensing luxury products through unattended retail systems. 11 News and Trends The latest headlines from around the unattended retail scene. 17 Methodology | Top 20 Rankings Best of the bunch Who’s on top and how they got there. 19 Watch List The newest additions to the Tracker’s Scorecard provider directory 20 Scorecard The results are in See this month’s top providers and a directory featuring more than 100 major players in unattended retail. 77 About Information on PYMNTS.com. © 2017 PYMNTS.com all rights reserved 2 What’s Inside Is it time for the fast food market to take cash off In addition to new unattended innovations in the the menu at unattended service stations? That restaurant and food services industry, the past month depends on which establishment you ask. saw companies introduce several interesting systems that could invite big changes to the healthcare, Restaurant chains around the globe have invested in automotive and public transportation sectors. payment systems to make it easier for customers to go cashless. In the U.S., for instance, Shake Shack is Here are some notable recent developments from experimenting with a cashless kiosk at a New York the world of unattended retail: City location that allows consumers to place orders Based on recent developments, it appears the from either the kiosk or a mobile device. Meanwhile, automotive industry is particularly revved up about in China, KFC introduced a new feature that is bound adopting unattended solutions for vehicle sales. to put a smile on customer’s faces — if they want to In the U.S., online marketplace Carvana installed a pay for their orders, that is. The “smile to pay” feature, new, eight-story unattended car vending machine in developed by Alibaba’s parent company Ant Financial, Jacksonville, Florida, allowing customers to pick up uses a 3D camera to scan a customer’s face to verify their vehicles from the vending machine using an his or her identity for a purchase. oversized coin. But, not all companies are ready to throw in the towel And Florida isn’t the only market getting into on cash payments. Noting that cash is still widely unattended automotive sales. In China, business- used at quick service restaurants (QSRs), some to-consumer (B2C) shopping site Tmall announced food service companies will continue to allow cash plans to launch its own vehicle vending machine that usage to avoid alienating customers who prefer would enable customers to complete the vehicle the payment method. In fact, at the Foodservice purchase process from their smartphones and pick Technology Conference (FSTECH) trade show last those vehicles up at the kiosk. month, cash technology solutions provider Glory and digital kiosk manufacturer Acrelec showcased their In the U.K., the student union at Reading University self-ordering kiosk — a solution that accepts both was recently fitted with a self-serve, 16-tap beer cash and card payments — to help restaurateurs keep wall allowing students to select beverages and pay their cash registers. for them using payment cards or mobile wallets. © 2017 PYMNTS.com all rights reserved 3 What’s Inside Technology manufacturer Drink Command said the October Unattended Retail Tracker updates service offers students the ability to pour and pay The PYMNTS.com Unattended Retail Tracker™ for their own drinks, freeing up space and improving serves as a bimonthly framework for the unattended services in nearby pubs and taverns. retail space, offering coverage of the most recent news and trends. It also contains a provider Drug store chain CVS Pharmacy recently launched its directory highlighting the players contributing to the own automated retail solution in the Northeast U.S. innovations taking place in the expansive unattended The company plans to install 25 unattended kiosks retail ecosystem. selling more than 70 products — ranging from aspirin, health and beauty items to battery chargers — in The October edition of the Tracker includes nine new high-traffic locations across New England. These additions to the provider directory: Box Technologies, locations, the company says, will include airports, Cammax, CSA, Drink Command, Meridian, Mr Lee’s college campuses, public transportation stations and Noodles Company, Olea Kiosks, Sir Steward and office parks. Swyft. Unattended retail solutions for the well-to-do The included companies are thoroughly evaluated Can unattended retail give younger consumers and assigned scores based on markets served, a taste of luxury living? Since 2012, a handful of technology solutions offered, acceptance of various shopping malls in the Los Angeles area have offered payment methods and security standards achieved. vending machines that dispense high-end culinary We hope you enjoy this Tracker, and we welcome your items like caviar, truffles and gourmet salts. PYMNTS feedback. Please keep us informed of what you like, recently interviewed Beverly Hills Caviar’s owner, Kelly which providers we may be missing and how we can Knight — who designed the machine specifically to make this bimonthly report better by emailing us at hold and dispense its featured offering of caviar — [email protected]. about her experience providing luxury items through unattended retail solutions. © 2017 PYMNTS.com all rights reserved 4 What’s Inside 4.06% Percentage of the anticipated CAGR of the global passenger ticket vending machine market from 2017 to 2021. 2 Projected number of active ATMs mILLION in the Asia-Pacific region by 2022. 5 Five 66% Percentage of survey respondents who Fast described self-service checkout systems as “easy to use.” Facts 400,000 Projected number of self-checkout units expected to be in use globally by 2022, a 53 percent increase from current levels. 52% Percentage of U.S. adults who prefer to use payment cards for lower-cost items sold at vending machines if there is no charge. © 2017 PYMNTS.com all rights reserved 5 Unattended Retail Lessons From Caviar Dreams © 2017 PYMNTS.com all rights reserved 6 “I never wanted to specialize in mechanical Feature engineering or robotics, but I ended up learning it.” Story Kelly Knight, owner of Beverly Hills Caviar and designer of the vending machines Travelers who visit many airports, college opulent delicacies including various caviar options, campuses or shopping malls are bound to escargot, Italian truffles and gourmet salts, as well find vending machines dispensing the usual as accoutrements like mother of pearl plates and fare, such as sodas, snacks and candy. Those who spoons. And, yes, the machine also dispenses caviar travel to some of the wealthier parts of the world, for pets — of course. however, will discover the well-to-do have much more In addition to its vending machines, Beverly Hills expensive unattended retail tastes. Caviar also sells caviar online. The caviar comes In fact, in various global markets, high-end luxury from several global markets, including Belgium, items can be purchased from both ATMs and Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Peru, South unattended machines. Consumers can find a vending Korea, Spain and the U.S. machine dispensing gold bars and coins at a five-star PYMNTS recently spoke with the company’s UAE hotel. Meanwhile, a 15-story structure packed owner, Kelly Knight, about her efforts to develop with exotic cars such as Ferraris, Porsches and the vending machine technology, her experience Bentleys — all for sale in an unattended luxury car offering caviar through unattended retail solutions vending machine — opened in Singapore earlier this and issues around accepting payments for high-end year. transactions. A few years ago, U.S. shoppers got their own Hatching a new idea to dispense fish eggs taste of unattended luxury retail when vending Knight’s family has been in the caviar industry machines dispensing caviar were installed in for several generations, dating as far back as the several Los Angeles-area malls. The machines, formation of the Soviet Union. When she took over developed by Beverly Hills Caviar, a California-based her family’s company, she decided to modernize international supplier of high-end fish eggs, offer © 2017 PYMNTS.com all rights reserved 7 Feature Story the business by selling caviar online in 2001. While “I never wanted to specialize in mechanical Knight wanted to maintain a physical location, engineering or robotics, but I ended up learning it,” she determined that maintaining the company’s she said. “I already spent the money making it, so I existing brick-and-mortar store was no longer cost- had to keep it going.” effective as someone would have to be on-site to sell products. As such, Beverly Hills Caviar closed its physical location. Knight saw vending machine technology as a way to both shake up the caviar market through newer technology and reduce the overhead costs of a physical retail location. Existing vending machine technology would not support the temperature requirements to store caviar and ensure it was kept fresh, however. “You can put caviar into a vending machine but, the question is, how do you guarantee the caviar will be good when people are purchasing it?” Knight asked. “Caviar is a high-end and expensive item, and our customers expect good products.” Serving up a new spin on caviar In 2012, the company’s caviar vending machines To address this problem, Knight, who has a made their debut in three Los Angeles-area malls: background in computer science and business, Westfield Century City, Westfield Topanga and designed a caviar-specific vending machine herself. Burbank Town Center. Prices range from 10 dollars Working with a team of builders, she created a per ounce for the company’s Wasabi Tobiko Caviar to machine that both dispenses caviar and refrigerates as high as 500 dollars per ounce for Beluga Caviar. it properly. It is also equipped with sensors to provide Knight declined to disclose a specific amount, but real-time temperature monitoring and trigger alerts said the machines have helped Beverly Hills Caviar to the company if levels rise above or drop below take in “a few hundred thousand” dollars in the five prescribed ranges. years they have been operational. Due to customer expectations and the specific The machines, Knight said, made quite a splash with requirements involved in storing caviar, Knight said shoppers upon in-malls arrivals. In some cases, the she was determined to oversee the construction machines even introduced caviar to shoppers for the of her vending machine to make sure it was done first time, she said. correctly. She also ensured she knew how to make repairs to the caviar dispensing machine in case it “Even though [some] people didn’t know what caviar needed maintenance. was, they clicked on the machine because they © 2017 PYMNTS.com all rights reserved 8 Feature Story were interested to see what it was selling,” Knight [customer] got their merchandise.” explained. “People who [had] never had caviar in their On top of that, these chargebacks also come with life [before] ended up buying it from the machine, fees that add to the toll of lost inventory and lost filming it and sharing it on social media.” sales. Those social media likes and retweets helped raise To avoid losing merchandise and chargebacks, the vending machine’s profile and, in turn, boosted Knight said the company decided to limit its accepted interest in Beverly Hills Caviar’s eCommerce payment methods to cash only. While the move business. It also helped the company attract the helped protect the company’s assets and revenues, attention and interest of younger consumers, who she noted the decision also prevented it from might not have considered purchasing caviar before achieving further growth. encountering a caviar vending machine. For the company, consumer interaction with the machine By moving to a cash-only payment option, Beverly highlighted generational differences in how older and Hills Caviar was only able to sell its products to younger consumers react to purchasing unattended caviar. “We saw the majority of our shoppers were younger,” Knight reflected. “Older people, I would say over 50 or Because it’s 60, would not consider going to a vending machine an unattended and buying [caviar].” retail location, The machines also created buzz for the company, helped in part by making a cameo appearance on the credit card Bravo’s reality show “Shahs of Sunset.” companies will Trouble with chargebacks But, Knight has also learned that not all payment not stand behind methods work well for high-end products dispensed the payment. from unattended retail systems. In particular, she found accepting credit and debit cards as payment methods became costly for the company because some consumers would dispute the charge and Knight would end up paying a hefty price. customers who were carrying large quantities of cash “Because it’s an unattended retail location, the credit — and who were willing to part with it. While the move card companies will not stand behind the payment,” helped the company avoid chargebacks, it also added Knight said. “When you have a caviar chargeback for a level of inconvenience by requiring consumers to $1,000, because it’s an unattended retail location, you stand by the machine inserting bill after bill, as one of will have to give all that money back even though the © 2017 PYMNTS.com all rights reserved 9 Feature Story the “Shahs of Sunset” stars did, to make their caviar to wealthy clients. On one occasion, she brought purchases. the machine to a billionaire’s yacht and on another it was rented for an Oscar party aboard an airplane. “The main reason that our machine didn’t grow According to Knight, the purchase function can be exponentially is because we only accepted cash,” switched off during private rentals if the client wishes Knight admitted. to do so. While mobile payment solutions such as Apple Pay require customers to use biometrics like fingerprints to authorize payments, Knight said she believes these solutions will not make enough of a difference for her unattended business because consumers can still fight charges. Instead, she said, credit card companies need to adjust their policies to accommodate high-end merchandise, like caviar, being sold at unattended venues. “I am looking forward to [when] credit companies such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover change their ‘unattended retail’ policies so that expensive items can be safely sold in vending machines, without chargebacks,” she said. A rent dispute and resolution Knight told PYMNTS she had since resolved her Recently, Beverly Hills Caviar machine customers dispute with mall operators and agreed to let the were met with disappointment when they visited caviar vending machines return to the Los Angeles the mall with intentions of ponying up big bucks for malls for a limited time. Under new terms with the Beluga caviar. In September, the company decided to malls, Knight has agreed to pay rent for November pull the vending machines from the malls where they and December — the company’s busiest time of the had been deployed, and all due to a dispute with mall year. She is happy with the arrangement because she operators over whether it should be paying rent. does not have to sign a long-term contract and will be able to place the machines in public spaces during Knight argued the machines had become tourist the holiday shopping season. attractions because they generated publicity and were thus attracting shoppers and business to the For those who have dreams of living the high life malls. As such, she saw no reason why Beverly Hills but have yet to strike it rich, the machines, which Caviar should pay rent to occupy mall space. will soon be back in the L.A. area malls, can offer an unattended taste of how the other side lives. During the dispute with the malls, Knight said she still made use of the machines by renting them out © 2017 PYMNTS.com all rights reserved 10

developed by Alibaba's parent company Ant Financial, uses a 3D camera to scan a . she noted the decision also prevented it from achieving further growth. covering transactions between ticket issue stations, validators, portable sales or validator devices and BRT and back office systems. 0. 18. 32.
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