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Uluslararası ceza mahkemesi: birey güvenliğini temel alan üstün bir araç mıdır? PDF

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Hacettepe University Graduate School of Social Sciences Department of International Relations THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT: AN AUTONOMOUS AGENT OF HUMAN SECURITY? Rana Baltacı Master‘s Thesis Ankara, 2014 THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT: AN AUTOMONOUS AGENT OF HUMAN SECURITY? Rana Baltacı Hacettepe University Graduate School of Social Sciences Department of International Relations Master‘s Thesis Ankara, 2014 BİLDİRİM Hazırladığım tezin/raporun tamamen kendi çalışmam olduğunu ve her alıntıya kaynak gösterdiğimi taahhüt eder, tezimin/raporumun kağıt ve elektronik kopyalarının Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü arşivlerinde aşağıda belirttiğim koşullarda saklanmasına izin verdiğimi onaylarım:  Tezimin/Raporumun tamamı her yerden erişime açılabilir.  Tezim/Raporum sadece Hacettepe Üniversitesi yerleşkelerinden erişime açılabilir.  Tezimin/Raporumun …… yıl süreyle erişime açılmasını istemiyorum. Bu sürenin sonunda uzatma için başvuruda bulunmadığım takdirde, tezimin/raporumun tamamı her yerden erişime açılabilir. 09.06.2014 Rana Baltacı iii To My Brother iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to my advisors, Assoc. Prof. Müge Kınacıoğlu and Assoc. Prof. Havva Kök Arslan. They offered the knowledge, guidance, encouragement, and emotional support throughout my master‘s study. I count myself lucky to find the opportunity to work with them and gain from their knowledge and guidance. I owe thanks to Assist. Prof. Selver Şahin for her valuable contributions to this study. I appreciate her willingness to serve on my thesis committee and her insight, valuable advice, and suggestions throughout this process. I am also grateful to Assist. Prof. Mine Pınar Gözen Ercan, Assist. Prof. Ayşe Ömür Atmaca, Assist. Prof. Murat Önsoy for being members of my thesis committee and providing constructive feedback. Especially, I would like to give my special thanks to my dear family for their never ending love and support. All of this would not be possible without them. There is no simple way to tell how much they mean to me. I am also thankful to all my professors, colleagues and friends for their valuable company and contributions to my life. Last but not the least, I would like to thank my dearest friends and colleagues Sercan İnal, Burçak Kılınç, Nagehan Döyen, Eda Albayrak, Ayşegül Büyükkeleş and Hakan Alkan for everything they brought to my life as well as their support in this study. v ÖZET BALTACI, Rana. Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesi: Birey Güvenliğini Temel Alan Üstün Bir Araç Mıdır?, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara, 2014. Bu çalışma, birey güvenliğinin zirvesi kabul edilen Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesinin incelemesi üzerinden güvenlik çalışmalarına alternatif bakış açılarını bir arada sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Eskiden, güvenlik çalışmaları devleti temel alırdı. Bu sebeple, ulusal ve uluslararası güvenlik konuları, güvenlik çalışmalarının incelediği temel konular olmuştur. Soğuk savaş sonrası dönemde, güvenlik konuları, tehdit algılamasının değişmesiyle değişikliğe uğradı. Artık devletin varlığı, esas güvensizlik ve istikrarsızlık sebebi haline geldiğinden, devletler değil bireyler devlete karşı koruma altına alınmalıydı. Dolayısıyla, güvenlik çalışmaları sivillerin güvenliği üzerine yoğunlaştı. Birey güvenliği kavramı nispeten yeni olmasına rağmen devletler, sivil toplum kuruluşları ve uluslararası örgütler tarafından büyük ölçüde desteklendi. Kavramsallaştırılmasının ötesinde, birey güvenliğinin uygulamaya konması, kalıcı bir uluslararası ceza mahkemesinin kurulmasıyla can buldu. Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesi, bireyler üzerinde yargılama gücüne sahip ve uluslararası örgütlerden tamamen bağımsız bir mahkeme olarak tasarlanmıştır. Bu yapısıyla yürürlüğe girdiğinden, oldukça etkin ve tarafsız bir mahkeme olması bekleniyordu. Ancak, ilk 12 yılında, sadece Afrika odaklı dava seçimleri yüzünden şiddetli eleştirilere maruz kalmaktan ve ABD‘nin mahkeme karşıtı propagandasıyla güvenilirliği zedelenen bir mahkeme olmaktan öteye geçemedi. Genel olarak, bu çalışma, uluslararası ceza mahkemesinin birey güvenliğini temel alan üstün ve etkili bir güç olup olamadığını tartışmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesi, Birey Güvenliği, Roma Statüsü, Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesi Davaları, Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesi Karşıtı Propagandalar. vi ABSTRACT BALTACI, Rana. International Criminal Court: An Autonomous Agent of Human Security?, Master‘s Thesis, Ankara, 2014. This study aims to present a completion of alternative perspectives to security studies through the analysis of the international criminal court which is accepted as the culmination of human security. It was the ‗state‘ that was referred as the referent object in security studies. Thus, national and international security concerns were the core issues examined in security studies. After the end of the Cold War, security concerns multiplied with the shift in threat perceptions. Now that the existence of the state has been the principal reason of instability and insecurity, there should be protection for the individuals, not the states. Hence, the security studies also concentrated on the security of the civilians. The concept of human security is a relatively new issue and it is considerably supported by states, NGOs, international organizations. Beyond its conceptualization, the implementation of the human security has been most vivid with the establishment of a permanent international criminal court that is based on human security, namely the International Criminal Court (ICC). The Court has jurisdiction over individuals and it has been designed as fully independent from international organizations. Since it entered into force with this structure, it was expected to be highly efficient and unbiased court. However, in its first twelve years, the Court was severely criticized with its case selection (mostly concentrated on Africa) and it was considerably undermined with the anti-ICC campaign of the USA. In general, this thesis argues that the ICC could not be an effective and autonomous agent of human security although its statute was designed as giving nearly no room for abuses and misinterpretations. Key Words International Criminal Court, Human Security, Rome Statute, ICC Cases, Anti-ICC Campaign. vii TABLE OF CONTENT KABUL VE ONAY .……………………………………………………………….…….. i BİLDİRİM ...………………………………………………………………………...…… ii DEDICATION ………………..…………………………………………………………. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS …...………………………………………………………... iv ÖZET……………….…………………….……………………………………………….. v ABSTRACT ...…………………………………………………………………………… vi TABLE OF CONTENT ..……………………………………………………………… vii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ………….……………………………………………....... x INTRODUCTION ..……………………………………………………………………… 1 CHAPTER 1 : HUMAN SECURITY ..………………………………………………… 5 1.1. Evolution of the Concept of Human Security ...………………..….……… 5 1.2. The Definition and the Content of Human Security ................................... 9 1.2.1. Human Security In 1994 UN Human Development Report ...…....... 9 1.2.2. Definition And Scope Of Human Security ..………………………. 12 1.3. Limitations of the Concept of Human Security …...……………..……… 14 1.4. Human Security in Practice .........………..……………...………………… 17 CHAPTER 2 : HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT …………………...……….……….…………………………………...………. 21 2.1. The Birth of the Idea of the Establishment of ICC .................................... 21 2.2. International Military Tribunal for Nuremberg and the Far East .......... 24 2.3. International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda…………………………………………………………………………... 28 2.3.1. The Road to International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR)……………………………………………………………………. 29 2.3.2. The Content and the Scope of ICTR and ICTY ..…………………. 32 viii 2.3.3. Similarities and Differences of ICTR and ICTY from Tokyo and Nuremberg Trials ………………………………………………………... 34 2.3.4. Successes and Failures of ICTR and ICTY ……………………...... 36 2.4. Special Court for Sierra Leone ...………….…………………………….... 41 CHAPTER 3 : INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT …………………………. 46 3.1. Making of the Rome Statute ..……………………………………………... 47 3.1.1. Creation of Rome Statute ………………………………………..... 47 3.1.2. Rome Conference ...…………………………………….................. 51 3.1.3. Developments after the Rome Statute …...…………....................... 54 3.2. Statute of the International Criminal Court ..……………………………. 56 3.2.1. Structure and Administration of the Court ...……………………… 56 Presidency …………………………………………......... 56 Chambers ...……………………………………………… 57 The Office of the Prosecutor ………………………......... 59 The Registry …………………………………………….. 60 The Assembly of the State Parties ……………………..… 60 3.2.2. Scope of the Rome Statute ...……………………………………… 61 CHAPTER 4 : INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT INVESTIGATIONS ...... 68 4.1. Situations Referred by the State Parties …………………...…………….. 69 4.1.1. The Situation in Uganda …………………………………………... 69 4.1.2. The Situation in Democratic Republic of Congo ..………………... 71 4.1.3. The Situation in Central African Republic ………………………... 75 4.1.4. The Situation in Mali ...……………………………………………. 78 4.2. Situations Referred by the UNSC ...………………………………………. 81 4.2.1. The Situation in Darfur, Sudan ……………………………………. 81 4.2.2. The Situation in Libya …………………………………………….. 85 4.3. Situations Initiated by the Prosecutor ..…………………………………... 87 4.3.1. The Situation in Kenya …………………………………………..... 87 4.3.2. The Situation in Côte d'Ivoire …………………………………….. 89

Security?, Master's Thesis, Ankara, 2014. societal and environmental security concerns should be taken into consideration (Buzan,. 2008, p.
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