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APS/123-QED Ultraviolet energy dependence of particle production sources in relativistic heavy-ion collisions Georg Wolschin∗ Institut fu¨r Theoretische Physik der Universita¨t Heidelberg, Philosophenweg 16, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany, EU (Dated: January 14, 2015) The energy dependence of particle production sources in relativistic heavy-ion collisions is in- vestigated from RHIC to LHC energies. Whereas charged-hadron production in the fragmentation sources follows a ln(sNN/s0) law, particle production in the mid-rapidity gluon-gluon source ex- hibits a much stronger dependence ln3(sNN/s0), and becomes dominant between RHIC and ∝ 5 LHC energies. The production of particles with pseudorapidities beyond the beam rapidity is also 1 discussed. 0 2 PACSnumbers: 25.75.-q,24.10.Jv,24.60.-k n a I. INTRODUCTION at higher (RHIC and above) energies, the corresponding J dipinpseudorapiditydN/dη,andotheroutstandingfea- 3 1 Theinvestigationofcharged-hadronproductioninrel- tures such as limiting fragmentation at RHIC and LHC ativisticheavy-ioncollisionshasgeneratedavastamount energies. ] of energy- and centrality-dependent data at energies Toaccountfor suchnon-equilibriumeffects andmodel h reached at both, the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider the collision in full detail requires in current scenarios p - RHIC[1],andtheLargeHadronColliderLHC[2]. Ithas to match the CGC initial state smoothly to viscous hy- p beenshown[3]withintheframeworkofanonequilibrium- drodynamics when the coupling constant becomes too e statistical relativistic diffusion model (RDM) [4, 5] that strong in the course of the time development for pertur- h the energy-dependent multiplicity of produced charged bative QCD techniques to be applicable [20], and finally [ hadrons is well understood quantitatively based on a use Cooper-Frye freeze out [21] or another code that ac- 1 mid-rapidity low-x gluonic source and the two fragmen- counts for the final-state interactions [16]. v tation sources. This applies not only to AuAu collisions However,since eventhe mostsophisticated codes that 6 atRHIC [6] andPbPbatLHC [7], but alsoto asymmet- purport to describe the full time evolution will contain 2 ric systems such as dAu at RHIC [8] and pPb at LHC a certain amount of arbitrariness and can not fully re- 0 3 [3]. placetheexperiment,itappearsindicatedtopermitphe- 0 Therelativisticdiffusionmodelisinscopeandcharac- nomenologicalmodelssuchastheRDMthatincludenon- . ter located between the (equilibrium) statistical model equilibriumeffectsto someextent,reproducesubstantial 1 0 for multiple hadron production that was proposed by featuresofthe dataandhavesomepredictivepower,but 5 Fermi[9]andHagedorn[10],andmuchmoredetailednu- do not claim to fully account for every detail of the col- 1 merical models that aim at a microscopic description of lision and of the ensuing particle production. v: the collision, such as the ColorGlass Condensate (CGC, The nonequilibrium-statistical relativistic diffusion i see[11])fortheinitialstate,hydrodynamicsforthemain model is – in its linear approximation [5] – based on X part of the time evolution (e.g. [12–15]), and codes like an analytically solvable transport equation with three r URQMD for the final state [16]. sources. It does not only consider particle production a The statistical hadronization (or thermal) model has from a central source as the thermal model does, but been further developed and comparedto a large amount alsofromthefragmentationsources. Thelatterevolvein of data by many authors such as Braun-Munzinger et timeandeventuallytendtomergewiththecentralsource al. or Becattini et al. [17–19], and it has consistently – towards an overall thermal equilibrium distribution, but withonly few exceptions –providedgooddescriptionsof since the interaction time is extremely short at RHIC particle productionyields, in particular,at mid rapidity. and LHC energies, this equilibrium state is not reached, As a consequence of its ambition to account for particle and in particular the rapidity and pseudorapidity distri- production with few parameters (temperature, chemical butions show characteristic nonequilibrium features. potential, characteristic volume) in an equilibrium set- In this work I present an investigation of the energy ting with collective expansion, the thermal model does, dependence of the charged-hadron production sources however, not describe effects such as the plateau occur- within the relativistic diffusion model in symmetric sys- ringinrapiditydistributionsdN/dyofproducedparticles tems, AuAu at RHIC c.m. energies per nucleon pair of 19.6, 62.4, 130 and 200 GeV, and PbPb at LHC ener- gies of 2.76 and 5.52 TeV. The gluon-dominated source, in addition to the fragmentation sources related to the ∗ [email protected] valence part of the nucleons, had been implemented ear- 2 lier into the RDM [5, 6]. A related model with a gluonic source at mid rapidity had also been proposed by Bialas and Czyz [22]. In[3]ithasbeenfoundthatthefragmentationsources 2000 for produced charged hadrons – which are clearly visi- bleinnet-protonrapiditydistributionswherethegluonic η1500 source cancels out [23] – have the expected logarithmic d / dependence on √sNN, whereas the particle content in N1000 the mid rapidity gluon-gluon induced source that rises d strongly with energy is close to a power law. This result 500 has since been corroborated through other independent investigations of charged-particle and transverse energy production [24, 25] such that a renewed and more pre- 0 -10 -5 0 5 10 cise consideration in particular of the central source is indicated. η The fragmentation sources are responsible for most of theyieldintheregionsclosetothebeamrapidities. Here FIG.1. (Coloronline)TheRDMpseudorapiditydistribution limiting fragmentation scaling [1] is valid not only at functions for charged hadrons in central AuAu (RHIC) and RHIC,butalsoatLHCenergies[7]. Thisisincontrastto PbPb(LHC)collisionsatc.m. energiesof19.6GeV,130GeV, earlierpredictionsofthethermalmodel[26]whichfinda 200 GeV, 2.76 TeV and 5.02 TeV shown here are optimized violation of extended longitudinal scaling at LHC ener- inχ2 fitswithrespecttothePHOBOS[1,27](bottom)and − gies, providing another indication that equilibrium sta- ALICE[28](top) data, with parameters from [3]. The upper tistical concepts are invalid in the fragmentation region. distribution function is an extrapolation to the LHC design Herethe yieldsinpseudorapidityalsoextendbeyondthe energy of 5.52 TeV. At the lowest energy, only the fragmen- tation sources contribute (dash-dottedcurves). value of the beam rapidity, and in the final paragraphof this note the origin of this effect is discussed. Results of this approach are summarized in Fig. 1, II. HADRON PRODUCTION SOURCES where the charged-hadron pseudorapidity distributions are shown from low RHIC energies of 19.6 GeV, via 130 For a detailed phenomenological investigation of the GeV, 200 GeV, to 2.76 TeV, plus a prediction at 5.52 charged-hadron particle content in the three particle- TeV. It is noted that the midrapidity source is found to production sources, the nonequilibrium-statistical rela- be absent at 19.6 GeV and appears only at the higher tivistic diffusion model [3–5] is used. The fragmentation energies, rising in particle content with √sNN. The in- sources R1,2(y,t = τint) with charged-particle content dividual sources are displayed in Fig. 2 at 200 GeV and Nqg,1 (projectile-like),Ngq,2 (target-like)andthemidra- 2.76TeV,wheretheeffectoftheJacobiantransformation ch ch from rapidity y to pseudorapidity η is also shown. The pidity low-x gluon-gluon source R (y,t = τ ) with gg int charged-particle content Ngg are added incoherently to central gluon-gluon source is seen to become dominant ch as the energy is increased from RHIC to LHC. generatethetotalpserudorapiditydensitydistributionas The corresponding particle contents of the sources are dNcthot(yd,yt=τint) =Ncqhg,1R1(y,τint) dinis[p3l]a,ybeudtindiFffiegr.s3i,nwahdicehcirseivseemdbelteasilt.heThaneatlootgaolupsafirgtiucrlee +Ncghq,2R2(y,τint)+NcghgRgg(y,τint) (1) content is found to follow a power law, with the rapidity y = 0.5 ln((E +p)/(E p)), and the Ncthot =1.1·104(sNN/s0)0.23 (2) · − interaction time τint. The latter corresponds to the to- with s0 = 1 TeV2, whereas the particle content in the tal integration time of the underlying partial differential two fragmentation sources is as expected a logarithmic equation,whichisalinearpartialdifferentialequationof function of the energy the Fokker-Plancktype, as described in [3]. Converting the rapidity distribution dN/dy for pro- Ncqhg =695·ln(sNN/s0) (3) duced charged hadrons to the corresponding pseudora- pidity distribution dN/dη (η = - ln(tan(θ/2)) ) with the withs0 =100GeV2. Themidrapiditygluon-gluonsource isapproximatedbythethindashedlinefollowingapower proper Jacobian transformation dy/dη and minimizing law as was already proposed in [3] the analytical solutions of the transport equation with rpeasrpteiccltetcoonatveanitlaobflethpesesuoduorcraespiadsitfyundcattiaontsheonf √yiseNldNs t[3h]e. Ncghg ≃4·103(sNN/s0)0.44 (4) 2 ThecorrespondingRDM-parametersforcentralcollisions with s0 = 1 TeV . However, when considering also have been published in Tab. 1 of [3]. theyieldpredictedwithintherelativisticdiffusionmodel 3 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 s √ NN (TeV) FIG. 3. (Color online) Numberof produced charged hadrons as function of the c.m. energy √sNN from RDM-fits of the available datafor central heavy-ioncollisions at 0.019, 0.062, 0.13, 0.2 TeV (RHIC, AuAu), 2.76 TeV (LHC, PbPb), plus extrapolation to5.52 TeV.Circles arethetotalnumbers,fol- lowing a power law s0.23. Triangles are particles from the ∝ NN fragmentation sources log(sNN/s0). Squares are hadrons ∝ produced from the midrapidity source, with a dependence FfuInGc.ti2o.ns(Cfoorlocrhoanrgliende)hTadhreonRsDiMncpesneturadlo2ra0p0idGiteyVdAisutrAibuu(ttioonp d∝alsohge3d(scNurNv/es),0)b.uAtfpaoilwsetrolfiatwth∝ese0Nx.4tN4ra[p3o]liastaeldso5.s5h2owTenV(syhioerldt-. frame) and 2.76 TeV PbPb collisions are adjusted through Thegluon-gluon source(dashed)becomesthemainsourceof χ2 minimizations tothePHOBOS[1](see also [6]) and AL- particle production between RHICand LHCenergies. − ICE [28] data, see [3]. The underlying particle production sources are shown: dash-dottedcurvesare thefragmentation sources, dashed curves the mid rapidity gluon-gluon sources, and dotted curves the central sources without the effect of theJacobian transformation from rapiditytopseudorapidity. The particle content in the gluon-gluon source rises strongly withincreasingc.m. energy,andconstitutesthelargestsource 10000 at LHCenergies. 1000 (RDM)fortheLHCdesignenergyof5.52TeV,thepower lawfailstofittheexpectedyield,whereasacubiclogde- 100 pendence agrees with the prediction, Ncghg =7.5·ln3(sNN/s0) (5) 10 where s0 =169 GeV2. 0.01 0.1 1 10 s It remains to be seen whether the data actually fol- √ NN (TeV) low the model prediction. In the upcoming PbPb run at the LHC in 2015, the c.m. energy is scheduled to FIG. 4. (Color online) The total charged-hadron produc- be 5.125 TeV, corresponding to 13 TeV pp. The total tion in central AuAu and PbPb collision in the energy re- charged-hadronyield predicted by Eq.(2) at this energy NiscgNhgctho=t =12,2831,132c7h,awrgitehdthhaedrcoenntsraalccsoorudricnegctoontEriqb.ut(i5n)g. (fgrsiaoNgnNm1/e9sn.06t)a0tG.2io3enV(ssotooliud5rc.l5ein2seT)is,ewVNhqiesgrefaosllotwlhnein(psgNaarNtip/csole0w)ce,orndltaaewsnht-Ndinototttthe∝de TheRQM-valueforthetotalcharged-hadronproduction curve. The particle content in th∝e mid-rapidity source obeys at the lower LHC energy of 2.76 TeV is Ncthot = 17,327 Ngg ∝ln3(sNN/s0), dashed curve, not too far from a power according to Tab. 1 of [3]; the power law Eq. (2) yields law(short-dashedline)onlyintheintermediateenergyrange 17,546. The ALICE collaboration meanwhile quotes an 0.1–2.76 TeV. The energy dependence of the mid rapidity extrapolated value of 17,146 722 [30]. yield is shown as a dotted line, with PHOBOS data [1] at ± RHICenergies, and ALICE data [29] at 2.76 TeV. WhenexaminingtheRDMresultsfortheparticlecon- tent of the sources more closely also in the low-energy 4 region where RHIC data are available, it turns out that inagreementwiththeaboveresultofthephenomenolog- the power law Eq. (4) is an acceptable approximationto ical RDM-analysis. Ngg only between about 100 GeV and 2.76 TeV. On the theoretical side, the gg gg scattering am- ch → ThisbecomesparticularlyobviousinFig.4,wherethe plitude has been evaluated in the presence of a classical same plot is shown using a double-logarithmic scale, fol- color field e.g. by Cheung and Chiu [34]. They find lowing a suggestion by Trainor [31]. Here power laws that the classical color field modifies the gg gg elastic → appear as straight lines – such as the one for the total scattering amplitude, and suppresses it when the longi- charged-hadron production, or also for the midrapidity tudinal momentum fraction x of the incident gluon is yield small. The rise of the cross section with energy in the central distribution – that is driven by the growth of dNcthot η≃0 =1.15 103(sNN/s0)0.165 (6) the gluondensity at small x – is therefore suppressedby dη | · thequantum-classicalinteractionfromthedensemedium [34]. The predicted cross section has a ln2s asymyptotic with s0 = 1 TeV2 (dotted line, and data points from behavior that satisfies the Froissart bound [35], and the Phobos [1] and ALICE [29]). integral over rapidity becomes proportional to ln3s. The cubic-log dependence of the gluon-gluon source It is interesting to compare the results of the present (dashed) is seen to fit the points extracted from the analysis with the rapidity distributions from the hydro- RDM-analyses [3] of PHOBOS and ALICE data rather dynamic approach of Landau and Belen’kji [36, 37], and precisely atthe availableenergies,and it agreeswith the applications to particle production by Carruthers and RDM-prediction at the LHC design energy of 5.52 TeV. Duong-van [38, 39], as well as Steinberg [40]. There the As required by the RDM analysis of the 19.6 GeV width(FWHM)Γ=√8ln2 σofagaussianpseudorapid- AuAudata,thegluon-gluoncontributionbecomesunim- · itydistributionforproducedchargedparticlesisobtained portant below 20 GeV – whereas a power law would from the variance [39] still predict a yield of about 100 chargedhadrons in this energy region. Although a hybrid function with a log- σL2andau =lnγ =ln(√sNN/2mp) (9) dependenceatRHICenergiesthatturnsintoapowerlaw atLHCenergiesmayappearasareasonablecompromise with the Lorentz-factor γ = 1/ (1 β2),β = p/E. It [24, 25], it can not compete with the ln3-dependence for turnsoutthatthis expressionispinrea−sonableagreement thecentralsourceregardingtheprecisionofthefittothe [40] with data from AGS and SPS where the stopping RDM-results. fraction is sizeable. Deviations start to become visible at RHIC – where nuclear transparency [41] with well- separatedfragmentationsourcesisalreadyobvious–and, III. ENERGY DEPENDENCE OF THE in particular, at LHC where the measured width of the MID-RAPIDITY SOURCE dN/dη-distributions for chargedhadrons is substantially broader than predicted by Eq. (9), as shown by the AL- The origin of the cubic-log dependence of the total ICE collaboration [30]. It has therefore been concluded charged-hadron yield on sNN (or √sNN) in the mid- ’...that Landau hydrodynamics does not explain the ex- rapidity gluon-gluon source can be traced schematically pansion dynamics at LHC energies’ [24]. neglecting for the moment the precise value of the pro- Whereas this is certainly true for the overall pseudo- portionality factor appearing in Eq. (5). The width of rapidity distribution of charged particles, Landau’s ap- the gluon-gluondistribution is expected to scale roughly proachmaystill be viable for a proper descriptionof the with the beam rapidity, mid-rapidity source which accounts for particles gener- ated from low-x gluons. Indeed for 2.76 TeV PbPb, the 2 σ ∝ybeam =ln(√sNN/mp)=0.5ln(sNN/mp) (7) RDM-analysis yields a width in rapidity y of Γgg =6.24 [3], compared to a Landau result of ΓLandau = 6.36 in wherem istheprotonmass. Withrespecttothemidra- gg p η according to Eq. (9). At RHIC energies, the Landau pidity value, the STAR collaboration observed in 2004- result is, however, larger than the RDM result for the 2006 that dijet production which generates the hard mid-rapidity source, and the results at the higher LHC component of the spectrum is at midrapidity propor- energiesof 5.125TeV and 5.519TeV PbPbremainto be tional to the square of the soft-component density, that seen. is associated with low-x gluons [32, 33]. Since the yield of low-x gluons is proportional to the logarithm of the c.m. energy, the density at midrapidity IV. YIELDS BEYOND THE BEAM RAPIDITY 2 thatarisesfromdijet productionis proportionalto ln s. Hence,theintegratedyieldinthegluon-gluonsourcecan be estimated as Already in the investigation of AuAu collisions at RHIC energies [1] it has been observed that pseudora- Ncghg ≃Z ybeam ddNη |ggdη ∝ln3(sNN/s0) (8) pniidfiictayntylyielbdesyoofndprtohdeucveadluechoafrgthede bpeaartmiclreaspeidxitteyn.dTshigis- −ybeam 5 is particularly obvious in PHOBOS AuAu results at 130 GeV where dN/dη data have been taken beyond ybeam 2000 [42]. The RDM solutions for 200 GeV AuAu and 2.76 TeV PbPb also clearly indicate expected yields beyond ybeam at these higher energies, see Fig. 5. 1500 Obviously it is not excluded that this can partly be η due to arealphysicaleffect,with afew chargedparticles d /1000 producedatlargerrapiditiesthanthatofthebeamvalue. N d However, the bulk of the large charged-particle pseudo- rapidity density in the region at and beyond the beam 500 rapidity– whichamountsto morethan100chargedpar- ticles – is likely due to the transformation from rapidity to pseudorapidity. 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Reconsider the expressions for rapidity y, longitudinal η velocity β , and pseudorapidity η || 1 1+β || FIG. 5. (Color online) Produced charged particles in central y = ln (10) 2 1 β|| AuAucollisions at √sNN =130 and200GeV(RHIC/PHO- − BOSdata[1],bottom,andin2.76TeVPbPb[28],top,incom- parison with theRDMsolutions. Thevaluesof thebeam ra- exp(2y) 1 pidities are indicated as arrows (ybeam =4.932,5.362,7.987). β|| = exp(2y)+−1 (11) Thepseudorapidityyieldsextendbeyondybeam,whichispar- ticularly evident in case of the 130 GeV PHOBOS data. η = ln(tan(θ/2)). (12) − V. CONCLUSION The transformation between η and y is The analysis of the energy dependence of charged- 1 (m/pT)2+cosh2y+sinhη hadron pseudorapidity distributions in AuAu collisions y = lnq . (13) at RHIC energies, and PbPb collisions at LHC ener- 2 (m/pT)2+cosh2y sinhη gies in the phenomenological nonequilibrium-statistical q − relativistic diffusion model reveals the expected ln(s)- Here m is the mass of the particle species considered. dependence forthe totalparticlecontentofthe twofrag- The relativeparticleabundancesincentral(0-5%)PbPb mentation sources, but a ln3s-dependence for the total collisions at 2.76 TeV are 83% pions, 13% kaons, and chargedhadroncontentof the gluon-gluonsource. Mod- 4% protons,with the pion fraction increasingto 84% for ifying the conclusion of an initial investigation [3], it is more peripheral (50-60%) collisions. Hence, I use an ac- onlyin a limitedenergyregionofabout100GeV to 2.76 cordingly averaged effective mass for m as described in TeV that this dependence may be approximated by a detail in [7]. power law. Since only the ratio m/p enters the Jacobian, one T can also fix the mass atthe pion mass m=m , and cal- π ACKNOWLEDGMENTS culate the corresponding effective transverse momentum fimroemnta<llypTd,eeffter>m=inemdπJJay=co0b/iqan1−JyJ=y02=a0tw9i0t0h, tsheee e[7x]pfeorr- depIetnhdanenkcTeoomf tThreaginluoornfo-grlupooninstoinugrcoeugtitvheastaablent3t(esrNrNep)-- 2.76 TeV PbPb. The values of m/p used in the calcu- T resentation of the RDM-results for particle production, lations shown in Fig. 5 are m/p = 0.466; 0.349; 0.585 T than a power law. Discussions with Jean-Paul Blaizot, for √sNN = 0.13; 0.2; 2.76 TeV, respectively. Larry McLerran and Dmitri Melikhov during their stays The aboveexpressionforthe transformationfromy to attheInstitute forTheoreticalPhysicsinHeidelbergare η has the limits y η ln(m/p ) for m << p , and T T gratefully acknowledged. → − y η forp <<m. Sincemostoftheproducedcharged T → hadronsataLHCenergyof2.76TeVarepions,thelimit y η at small transverse momenta – very forward an- ≈ gles – is reached for charged hadrons at larger values of η than for protons (net protons determine the value of the beam rapidity). Hence, the dN/dη distribution for chargedhadronswhicharemostlypionscaneasilyextend beyond ybeam. 6 [1] B. Alver et al. (PHOBOS Collaboration), Phys. Rev. C [20] C. Gale, S. Jeon, B. Schenke, P. Tribedy, and R. Venu- 83, 024913 (2011). gopalan, Phys.Rev.Lett 110, 012302 (2013). [2] B.Cole(ATLASCollaboration), QuarkMatterConf.,in [21] F. Cooper and G. Frye,Phys. Rev.D 10, 186 (1974). press (2014). [22] A. Bialas and W. Czyz, Acta Phys. Polon. B 36, 905 [3] G. Wolschin, J. Phys. 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