REVIEW ARTICLE ULTRASTRUCTURAL FEATURESOF ABNORMAL BLOODPLATELETS Ultrastructural Features of Abnormal Blood Platelets A Review James G. White, MD, and Jonathan M. Gerrard, MD PLATELETS ARE THE SMALLEST cellular elements in circulating blood. Their lack of a nucleus, possession of a relatively transparent cvtoplasm with few organelles, and tendency of the plasma membrane to spread into a thin film on contact with glass made platelets difficult subjects for study in the light microscope. Yet, these same characteristics were highlv desirable in early electron microcropic investigations. As a result, platelets were among the first cells to beexamined at the ultrastruc- tural level.' Interest in platelet fine structure continued in subsequent years,2-7 and attempts were made to distinguish morphologic features separating normal platelets from cells which were functionally defec- tive.8`0 The development of techniques for embedding and sectioning platelets extended the view of the morphologist to the cell interior,"l-21 and reports appeared suggesting subcellular differences in the anatomy of normal and abnormal platelets.n~24 It was not until early in the last decade, however, that methods for separating platelets from whole blood in a reasonably unaltered state and preparing them bydual fixation forultrastructural studywere improved to the point that features ofnormal platelet fine structurecould be character- ized with some degree ofconfidence. The technical advances also made it possible to examine the physiologic response of normal platelets to a varietv of aggregating agents and the influence of specific inhibitors on their reactivitv. Electron microscopic studies implementing the improved methods provided basic information on relationships between structure and function and served as a background for identifying defective struc- ture-function relationships in abnormal platelets.u- The structural physiology of normal platelets has been examined in several reports from this laboratory, and ultrastructural defects in con- genitallv abnormal platelets have been reviewed.2Th. For purposes of comparing ultrastructural features of normal platelets, the anatomy ofthe cell was divided into three distinct regions (Text-figure IA and B). The From the Department of Pediatrics, Universit of Minnesota Medical Center, Minneapolis, NIinnesota. Supported by Grants HL-11880, AM-06317, HL-06314, CA-12607, CA-08832, and CA-11996 from the US Public Health Sersice and bv a grant from The M1innesota Medical Foundation; Dr. Gerrard is the recipient ofa fellowship grant from the M1innesota HeartAssociation. Address reprint requests to Dr. James G. White, Department of Pediatrics, University of Min- nesota Medical School, Box 479 Mayo Memorial Building, Minneapolis, NN 55455. 590 SMF CM MT- *DTS A Gly DB G (%-7 I U DB cm M7 B D EC GilGylj I I G+DB GT TExTr-nIGREIA and B-Diagramatic representations of blood platelets as they appear in thin sections by electron microscopy: a platelet cut in the equatorial plane (A) and a platelet in cross section (B). Components of the peripheral zone include the exterior coat (EC). trilaminar unit membrane (CM), and submembrane area (SMF), which form the wall of the platelet and line the channels ofthesurface-connected opencanalicularsystem (SCCS). The matrixoftheplatelet isthe sol-gel zonecontainingmicrofilaments, submembrane filaments (SMF), thecircumferential band of microtubules (MT), and glycogen (Gly). Formed elements embedded in the sol-gel zone include mitochondria(M), granules(G),densebodies (DB),andchannelsofthedensetubularsystem(DTS). Collectiveli, they constitute the organelle zone. A Golgi apparatus (GZ) is found in occasional platelets. 592 WHITEAND GERRARD AmericanJournal ofPathology peripheralzone consists ofthe membranes and associated structures at the surface of the platelet and lining channels of the surface-connected open canalicular system (Text-figure 1 and Figure IAand B, 2A and B). It is the site for reception and transmission of stimuli triggering the platelet re- sponse and for adhesion-aggregation reactions. The sol-gel zone is the matrix of the platelet cytoplasm (Text-figure 1 and Figure 2A and B). It contains several fiber systems in various states of polymerization which support the discoid shape of unaltered platelets and provide a contractile system involved in shape change, pseudopod extrusion, internal transfor- mation, and secretion. The organelle zone consists of granules, electron- dense bodies, mitochondria, elements of the dense tubular channel sys- tem, and masses, as well as discrete particles, of glycogen randomly dispersed in the cytoplasm (Text-figure 1 and Figure 2A and B). It serves in: metabolic processes; the storage of enzymes, nonmetabolic adenine nucleotides, serotonin, and calcium; and prostaglandin biosvnthesis. Characterization of three platelet zones was by no means arbitrary.2"2' Many investigations established that each anatomic region is linked to specific aspects of platelet biochemistry and to selected physiologic re- sponses after stimulation of the cell. Against this background of platelet structural physiology, it was possible to define at least one congenital disorder in which an abnormality in platelet structure was directly related to a biochemical deficiency and defective function.2" The hope was ex- pressed in the earlier review that the search would continue for ultra- structural defects related to specific biochemical and functional abnor- malities of platelets. In this manuscript we will examine the current state of knowledge regarding relationships between abnormal platelet structure and function. The Organelle Zone Normi PWteft Thin sections of normal platelets have revealed several types of organ- elles. Mitochondria are easily differentiated from other structures by the plication of their internal membranes into cristae (Figure 2A). Electron- dense bodies are distinctive because of their intensely opaque internal content which is often separated from the enclosing membrane by a clear space (Figure 2A and B). Granules are the most numerous of the organ- elles in platelet cytoplasm and are clearly different from mitochondria and electron-dense bodies (Figures 2A and B). Yet, the possibility that gran- ules might represent several, rather than a single group of, organelles has intrigued investigators for some time. Differences in the size of platelet Vol.83,No.3 ABNORMAL PLATELET ULTRASTRUCTURE 593 June1976 granules, the electron opacity of their internal content, the presence of structures similar to microtubules in some but not others, and a zone of increased density resembling a nucleoid in many, but not in all, have supported the possibility that these organelles might be heterogenous.28 Recent investigations in several laboratories have strengthened this con- cept. Breton-Gorius, employing a cytochemical technique which detects the peroxidatic activity of catalase, has shown that some of the organelles in platelets resemble peroxisomes found in many other tissues.W' It is uncertain whether the platelet peroxisomes described by Breton-Gorius are a specialized population of granules or are electron-dense bodies. Bentfield and Bainton have demonstrated that some of the platelet gran- ules contain acid phosphatase and aryl sulfatase while the majority do not (Figure 3A and B).31 Luscher et al. have used biochemical and ultrastruc- tural techniques to distinguish two populations of granules which can be separated by ultracentrifugation in urograffin gradients.32 One population contains only Platelet Factor 4 and fibrinogen while the other possesses only acid hydrolases. Thus, the organelle zone of normal platelets is more complex than it was thought to be a few years ago. In addition to mitochondria, electron-dense bodies, glycogen, and elements ofthe dense tubular system, it contains granules, peroxisomes, and lysosomes. Defects in any of these organelles could contribute to platelet pathology. EtDnsBo Electron microscopy, ultrastructural autoradiography, analytical elec- tron microscopy, and biochemistry have been employed to demonstrate that the inherently opaque dense bodies of platelets are the storage sites for serotonin, the nonmetabolic pool of adenine nucleotides, and cal- cium.'4 All ofthe substances sequestered in dense bodies are secreted to the surrounding plasma when platelets are stimulated bypotent aggregat- ing agents which trigger the release reaction.47 The secreted products, particularlv adenosine diphosphate (ADP), amplify the process of aggre- gation. Extruded ADP stimulates the response of uninvolved platelets so that aggregates grow to a large size and become irreversibly associated. It is evident that defects in dense bodies or their secretion could be asso- ciated with abnormal aggregation and hemostatic plug formation. Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome The Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome (HPS) isa recessively inherited auto- somal disease in which the triad of tyrosinase-positive oculocutaneous albinism, accumulation of ceroid-like material in reticuloendothelial cells of bone marrow and other tissues, and a hemorrhagic diathesis due to 594 WHITE AND GERRARD AmericanJournal ofPathology defective platelets are constantly associated."9 About 40 cases of this syndrome have been reported in the world literature. In our previous review of ultrastructural defects in congenital disorders of platelets func- tion, it was suggested that HPS was the first disorder in which an abnor- mality detectable in the electron microscope could be correlated directly with a specific biochemical deficiency, impaired platelet function in vitro, and clinical bleeding problems in patients." The population of electron- dense bodies in HPS platelets was greatly reduced and in some cases virtually absent (Figure 4A and B). Biochemical analysis revealed that HPS platelets had very low levels of serotonin and a marked reduction in the nonmetabolic pool of adenine nuceotides.60 However, earlier studies had shown that neither serotonin noradenine nucleotides was responsible for the inherent opacity of platelet dense bodies, but that aconcentration of heavy metal such as calcium impaired passage of the electron beam.40 Subsequent studies have shown that normal platelet dense bodies are rich in calcium 42 and that HPS platelets contain significantly less calcium than normal cells.6' Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome platelets develop the same sequential changes as normal platelets when stimulated by aggregating agents, including shape change, internal transformation and molding of cell surfaces together in tightly packed small aggregates. Due to the marked deficiency in ADP, the amount of nucleotide secreted by activated HPS cells is insufficient to bring uninvolved platelets into large aggregates and sustain the platelet-platelet association long enough to establish irrevers- ible aggregation. As a result, HPS platelets do not develop second waves of aggregation when exposed to concentrations ofADP, epinephrine, and thrombin which cause irreversible clumping of normal cells on the plate- let aggregometer. However, they will form irreversible aggregates if exposed to a high concentration of exogenous ADP. Thus, the functional defect is due to inadequate secretion rather than the inability of HPS cells to become sticky, aggregate, or contract. The fundamental defect responsible for the failure of HPS platelets to form dense bodies with a normal content of serotonin and adenine nucle- otides is not known. HPS platelets can take up serotonin as rapidly as normal platelets but reach saturation quickly and discharge the accumu- lated 5-HT which normal platelets retain.6062 This defect may relate more closelv to the paucity of opaque storage organelles in HPS platelets than to the reason whydense bodies fail toform. Studies in this laboratory have shown that HPS platelets contain two to ten times the level of thiobarbi- turic acid (TBA)-reactive substances found in normal platelets.6 Reten- tion of these substances suggests that HPS platelets may have a defect in Vol.83,No.3 ABNORMAL PLATELET ULTRASTRUCTURE 595 June1976 their ability to synthesize or degrade prostaglandins. However, we have shown that HPS platelets synthesize amounts of prostaglandin endoperoxide sufficient to overcome the influence of aspirin on normal platelets." Additional studies are in progress to identifythe specificdefect responsible for the failure of HPS platelets and megakaryocytes to develop electron-dense bodies with a normal content of serotonin, cal- cium, and adenine nucleotides. Storage Pool Disease The second congenital disorder of platelet function to be associated with an ultrastructural defect is very similar to the HPS.6'" Patients with platelet storage pool deficiency (SPD) do not have albinism nor do they accumulate ceroid-like pigment in macrophages of the bone marrow or reticuloendothelial system. In at least one reported family, the disorder appears to be inherited as an autosomal dominant. The bleeding symp- toms of patients with SPD resemble those observed in the HPS, and the platelet defect is similar ifnot identical. SPD platelets areverydeficient in the nonmetabolic storage pool of adenine nucleotides. ADP, a major constituent of dense bodies, is considerably more reduced than ATP, a minor component. The level of serotonin is also reduced, but the degree of deficiency is variable and usually less than that observed in HPS platelets. Weiss has noted that serotonin levels in SPD platelets were reduced in proportion to the reduction in ATP.3 The ability of SPD platelets to absorb "4C-serotonin may be more compromised than it is in HPS cells.',' The SPD platelets take up serotonin initially at the same rate as normal cells but are quickly saturated. Serotonin accumulated by normal platelets is retained, but the absorbed 5-HT in SPD platelets is discharged at a steady rate in the form of metabolites. When SPD plate- lets prelabeled with 14C-serotonin are stimulated by aggregating agents, they release the 14C-5-HT more slowly than normal cells, suggesting that the release reaction may be defective in SPD.67 Willis and Weiss have found that SPD platelets are markedly deficient in their ability to synthe- size intermediates of prostaglandin biosynthesis." After stimulation by collagen, SPD platelets produced less than20% oftheprostaglandins (PG) PGE2 and PGF2< synthesized by normal cells. Since serotonin and ADP 70 can act as cofactors for PG synthetase, Willis and Weiss suggested that the defect in PG synthesis might be closely linked to the storage pool deficiency in platelet SPD. The ultrastructural defect in SPD platelets appears essentially identical to that observed in HPS.71 Morphologic characteristics are similar to 596 WHITE AND GERRARD AmericanJournal ofPathology normal platelets except forthe profound reduction in the numberofdense bodies. The decrease in dense bodies correlates with the deficiency in serotonin and adenine nucleotides, the impaired response of the cells to aggregating agents, and the clinical symptoms ofthe patients. Thus, SPD is the second disorder in which impaired platelet function can be directly asssociated with an ultrastructural defect in the cells. Other Storage Pool Diseases In his review of abnormalities in platelet function due to defects in the release reaction, Weiss pointed out the probable existence of hetero- geneity in platelet storage pool disease." In addition to the two disor- ders-HPS and SPD-discussed above, a deficiency of serotonin and nonmetabolic adenine nucleotides has been reported in patients with Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome,73 the TAR (thrombocytopenia, absent radii) syndrome,74 in acquired conditions such as leukemia75 and in patients with circulating antiplatelet antibody.7 Unfortunately, electron micro- graphs of the defective platelets have not accompanied reports of storage pool deficiency in these inherited and acquired syndromes. We have examined the fine structure and function of platelets and megakaryocytes from 3 patients with the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome. There is no question that the platelets from these patients aresmallerthan normal cells. However, the small platelets appear to contain normal numbers of granules, mitochondria, and electron-dense bodies (Figure 5A). Megakaryocytes from the patients were similar in all respects to the large cells in normal marrow (Figure 5B). Functionally the platelets appear to respond fairly well to aggregating agents and latex particles when thev are carefully concentrated. On the basis ofourstudies we have concluded that bleeding problems in Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome are most likely due to the thrombocytopenia and reduction in size leading toavery decreased circulating platelet mass. Heterogeneity in storage pool disease may be quite marked.7778 We have examined one family in which 3 of 6 children have mild throm- bocvtopenia, prolonged bleeding times, and defective platelet function.79 Their platelets respond very poorly to collagen, lack the second wave when exposed to epinephrine, but will aggregate irreversibly when stimu- lated by high concentrations of ADP. Arachidonic acid aggregates their platelets, though less well than normal cells. Patient platelets can synthe- size PG endoperoxides. ATP is present in their platelets at normal concen- trations, while serotonin is one-third to one-half normal levels and ADP is reduced almost 50%. Patient platelets take up "C and 3H-serotonin nor- mally, butdischarge the tritium-labeled amine (but not 'IC-labeled 5-HT) Vol.83,No.3 ABNORMAL PLATELET ULTRASTRUCTURE 597 June1976 more rapidlv than normal cells and about half as fast as HPS platelets. Release of "4C-serotonin is reduced compared to that of normal platelets after exposure to collagen. TBA reactive substances are not increased in patient cells. Examination of platelets from the 3 siblings in the electron microscope revealed nearly normal numbers ofdense bodies in theircells. Approximatelv 20% of the opaque organelles have a bizarre substructure which has not been observed in normal platelets (Figure 6A and B). It is uncertain whether the defective structure of dense bodies in these plate- lets is related to the partial reduction in serotonin and ADP, to the impairment ofthe release reaction, or the seriously compromised function of platelets in response to aggregating agents in vitro. Continued eval- uation of platelet structure, biochemistrv, and function in these patients and other variants of SPD may provide critical information on the origin and function of dense bodies and basic mechanisms of the release reac- tion. Since granules are the most numerous organelles in platelets and ap- pear to consist of several different populations, structural aberrations in association with functional platelet defects should be more common than disorders related to abnormal dense bodies. Earlv workers certainly thought so, and they attempted to relate many problems of platelet function to defects in the granules.10'2,'24 However, after improvements in platelet separation from blood and preservation forelectron microscopy were introduced, it became difficult to identify any specific relationship between abnormal granules and inherited disorders of platelet function. The problem is just as difficult today, for we are uncertain precisely what function granules, lysosomes, or peroxisomes serve in normal platelets or in hemostasis. For that reason it is extremely important to continue investigations of platelet disorders associated with defects in granule production or structure. Study of the abnormal may reveal characteristics of granules which have not been obtained in evaluations of normal platelet granule populations. The Gray PlateletSyndrome The Gray platelet syndrome (GPS) is an extremely rare disorder, and only 1 case of this condition has been reported in the literature.' As a result, its mode of inheritence is unknown. The propositus was evaluated for thrombocytopenia as a child and found to have large numbers of big, agranular platelets which appeared grav or blue-gray on Wright-stained blood smears. Splenectomy corrected the thrombocvtopenia, and the 598 WHITE ANDGERRARD AmericanJournal ofPathology child remained well throughout adolescence. However, over half of his platelets retained the characteristic features observed by Raccuglia prior to splenectomy. We have studied this patient on several occasions. Stirred platelet samples respond normally to all aggregating agents. Levels of platelet serotonin and adenine nucleotides are within normal limits. Examination of his cells in the electron microscope revealed wide variations in platelet size, internal organization, and content of organelles. About one-third to one-half the platelets are quite similar to normal platelets while the remainder of the cells range from slightly abnormal to bizarre. Some of the cells in thin section are giant bags ofcytoplasm without any organelles (Figure 7A). Others are similarly large, but the cytoplasm is largely replaced bv vacuoles. In many the number of mitochondria present is greater than all other organelles combined (Figure 7B). A few granules are present in most platelets, and the frequency ofdense bodies iscomparable to normal cells. Gray platelets absorb, retain, and secrete "4C-serotonin normallv. Thus, despite the profound abnormality in granule formation and abberations in cytoplasmic organization, gray platelets appear to be capable of normal function. We have noted that the patient may have mild bleeding symptoms when his platelet count is between 100,000 to 150,000/cu mm. Therefore, it is possible that abnormal function of gray platelets is modified by the population of relatively normal cells when the count is normal. Attempts to identify truly separate populations of plate- lets by Coulter sizing has not been successful. Thepatient appears to have a single population of platelets manifesting a broad continuum of size from normal to extremely large. The largercellsarestrikingly abnormal in appearance, while smaller platelets are not significantly different from healthy donor platelets. Further efforts will be required to identifv the relationship, ifany, between thegranule deficit and thefunctional stateof these cells. We may be helped in this regard by the discovery of a second case of GPS in a young female. The ultrastructure of her platelets is identical to the aberrations in cells ofthe reported case. Investigation ofmore patients may reveal whether there are truly separate populations of granules, how thevare formed, and what role they serve in platelet hemostaticactivitv. Giant Granules The presence of enlarged or unusually shaped granules has frequently been considered a sign of platelet pathology and related to specific types of platelet dysfunction. However, as pointed out earlier, giant granules occur, though infrequently, in platelets from healthy donors (Figures 8A