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ultra SOU nd RRRRRRRRRR RRRoe RY in medicine TOXXTIXXRINXKENX and biology SON 50S 25.24 Supplement to Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, Volume 21, Number 4, 1995 Author—Subject Index Volume 20 (1994) Compiled by Michael Halliwell Department of Medical Physics, Bristol General Hospital, Bristol BS1 6SY, United Kingdom © PERGAMON ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY WORLD FEDERATION FOR ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY President: B. B. GOLDBERG, USA Past-President: M. FUKUDA, Japan President-Elect: H. Lutz, Germany Vice-President I: H. WATANABE, Japan Vice-President II: D. E. ROBINSON, Australia Treasurer: M. C. ZisKIn, USA Secretary: S. HANCKE, Denmark Administrative Councillors: B. BuTTERY, Australia G. G. CERRI, Brazil H. Y. CHEN, Taiwan S. E1ik-NgEs, Norway C. R. B. MerriTT, USA Co-opted Councillors: C. A. BRUGUERA, Argentina H. GHARBI, Tunisia M. MAKUUCHI, Japan Editor-in-Chief: P. N. T. WELLS, UK AFFILIATED SOCIETIES American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM), A. B. Kurtz, Secretary, 14750 Sweitzer Lane, Suite 100, Laurel, MD 20707, USA Asian Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (AFSUMB), K. Nakayama, Secretary, Faculty of Science and Technology, Sophia University, 7-1 Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan Australasian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine (ASUM), S. Butterworth, Executive Secretary, 2/181 High Street, Willoughby, NSW 2068, Australia European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB), L. Surry, Executive Secretary, The Clerestory, 2 Mount Park Road, Ealing, London, WS 2RP, UK Latin-American Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (FLAUS), G. G. Cerri, Permanent Secretary, Av. Paulista, 491 13° conj. 132, CEP 01311, Sao Paulo, Brazil Mediterranean and African Society for Ultrasound (MASU), H. A. Gharbi, President, Hopital d’Enfants, Place Bab Saadoun, 1007 Tunis Jabbari, Tunisia Societas Internationalis pro Diagnostica Ultrasonica in Ophthalmologia (SIDUO), G. Hasenfratz, Secretary, Univer- sity Eye Hospital, Wuerzburg, Josef-Schneider-Str. 11, D-8700 Wuerzburg, Germany South African Medical Ultrasound Society (SAMUS), M. Jacobson, Secretary, Box 93499, Yeoville 2143, Republic of South Africa Production Editor: L. Johnson, E-mail: L.JOHNSON @ELSEVIER.COM Publishing, Advertising, and Subscription Offices: Elsevier Science Inc., 660 White Plains Road, Tarrytown, NY 10591-5153, USA, E-mail Address: ESUK.USA @ELSEVIER.COM; or Elsevier Science Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1GB, United Kingdom. Published 9 per Annum. Annual Institutional Subscription Rates (1995): North, Central and South America, US$634.00, Rest of World £425.00. Sterling prices exclude VAT. Non-VAT registered customers in the European Community will be charged the appropriate VAT in addition to the price listed. Prices include postage and insurance and are subject to change without notice. Members of the World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology may order personal subscriptions at a concessional rate; details of these rates are available upon request. Ultrasound in Med. & Biol., Vol. 21, Suppl., pp. 1-35, 1995 Pergamon Cooppyyrriiggh t © 1995 Elsseevvii er Scii ence Ltd Printed in the USA. All rights reserved 0301-5629/95 $9.50 + .00 AUTHOR/SUBJECT INDEX A Aarnink, R. G., Giesen, R. J. B., Huynen, A. L., de la Rosette, J. J. M. C. H., Debruyne, F. M. J. and Wijkstra, H.: a practical clinical method for contour determination in ultrasonographic prostate images, 705 Aarnink, R. G., see Giesen, R. J. B. Aarnink, R. G., see Huynen, A. L. Aaslid, R., see Giller, C. A. Abdominal imaging in vitro evaluation of three-dimensional ultrasonography in volume estima- tion of abdominal organs (Gilja), 157 Acoustic parameters correlation of histology and acoustic parameters of liver tissue on a micro- scopic scale (van der Steen), 177 Adaptive filter tissue characterization using intelligent adaptive filter in the diagnosis of diffuse and focal liver disease (Bleck), 521 Adler, R. S., see Chiang, E. H. Age effects acoustic velocity and attenuation of eye tissues at 20 MHz (de Korte), 471 Al-Karmi, A. M., Dinno, M. A., Stoltz, D. A., Crum, L. A. and Matthews, J. C.: calcium and the effects of ultrasound on frog skin, 73 Alam, S. K., Richards, D. W. and Parker, K. J.: detection of intraocular pressure change in the eye using sonoelastic Doppler ultrasound, 751 Alasaarela, E. M., Alasaarela, E. L. |. and Rasanen, O.: ultrasound propaga- tion speed in arthritic synovial tissue, 975 Alasaarela, E. L. |., see Alasaarela, E. M. Allan, P. L., see Loupas, T. Allard, L., see Guo, Z. Alpers, C., see Hatsukami, T. S. Anderson, T., see Loupas, T. Anderson, T., see Moran, C. M. Angelsen, B. A. J., see Kiserud, T. Angle independent Doppler angle independent Doppler color imaging: determination of accuracy and a method of display (Fei), 147 Angular distribution quantitative assessment of surface roughness using backscattered ultra- sound: the effects of finite surface curvature (Chiang), 123 3 4 Author—Subject Index, Volume 20 (1994) Angular spectrum prediction of ultrasonic field propagation through layered media using the extended angular spectrum method (Vecchio), 611 Apfel, R. E., see Jiang, P. Appleberg, M., see Wilson, L. S. Aronovitz, J. A., see Hall, A. F. Arrays biomedical ultrasound beam forming (Lu), 403 Arrythmia biological effects of shock waves: induction of arrhythmia in piglet hearts (Delius), 279 Arterial anastamoses flow imaging in an end-to-side anastomosis model using two-dimensional velocity vectors (Maniatis), 559 Artery a validation study on the intraobserver reproducibility of transcranial color- coded duplex sonography velocity measurements (Baumgartner), 233 classification of lower limb arterial stenoses from Doppler blood flow signal analysis with time-frequency representation and pattern recognition tech- niques (Guo), 335 estimates of pulse wave velocity and measurement of pulse transit time in the human cerebral circulation (Giller), 101 flow imaging in an end-to-side anastomosis model using two-dimensional velocity vectors (Maniatis), 559 preliminary results from attenuation-slope mapping of plaque using intravas- cular ultrasound (Wilson), 529 use of Laplace transform analysis to describe the effect of placental embo- lisation on umbilical arterial Doppler waveforms in fetal sheep (Stone), 551 Arthur, R. M., see Straube, W. L. Arts, T. G. J., see Hoeks, A. P. G. Articular cartilage quantitative assessment of surface roughness using backscattered ultra- sound: the effects of finite surface curvature (Chiang), 123 Atherosclerosis preliminary results from attenuation-slope mapping of plaque using intravas- cular ultrasound (Wilson), 529 Attenuation acoustic velocity and attenuation of eye tissues at 20 MHz (de Korte), 471 an evaluation of overlying tissues to determine fetal exposure to ultrasound during the third trimester (Kamel), 41 correlation of histology and acoustic parameters of liver tissue on a micro- scopic scale (van der Steen), 177 preliminary results from attenuation-slope mapping of plaque using intravas- cular ultrasound (Wilson), 529 Author—Subject Index, Volume 20 (1994) Automated analysis analysis of ultrasonographic prostate images for the detection of prostatic carcinoma: the automated urologic diagnostic expert system (Huynen), 1 Axicon biomedical ultrasound beam forming (Lu), 403 B Backscatter a comparison of methods used to calculate ultrasonic myocardial backscat- ter in the time domain (Moran), 543 acquisition and processing of the radio-frequency signal in echocardiogra- phy: a new global approach (Bijnens), 167 analysis of ultrasonic scattering in blood via a continuum approach (Shung), 623 correlation of histology and acoustic parameters of liver tissue on a micro- scopic scale (van der Steen), 177 experimental assessment of spectrum analysis of ultrasonic echoes as a method for estimating scatterer properties (Hosokawa), 463 on the spectral properties of Doppler thread phantoms (Cathignol), 601 quantitative assessment of surface roughness using backscattered ultra- sonic imaging of the stress distribution in elastic media due to an external compressor (Ponnekanti), 27 ultrasound: the effects of finite surface curvature (Chiang), 123 Baert, L., see Pittomvils, G. Bashein, G., see Detmer, P. R. Bashein, G., see Hatangadi, R. B. Bandwidth biomedical ultrasound beam forming (Lu), 403 Baumgartner, R. W., Mathis, J., Sturzenegger, M. and Mattle, H. P.: a valida- tion study on the intraobserver reproducibility of transcranial color-coded duplex sonography velocity measurements, 233 Beach, K. W., Primozich, J. F. and Strandness, D. E., Jr.: pseudocolor B- mode arterial images to quantify echogenicity of atherosclerotic plaque, 731 Beach, K. W., see Detmer, P. R. Beach, K. W., see Hatsukami, T. S. Beach, K. W., see Hodges, T. C. Beam characterisation biomedical ultrasound beam forming (Lu), 403 development of standard measurement methods for essential properties of ultrasound therapy equipment (Hekkenberg), 83 Beam forming biomedical ultrasound beam forming (Lu), 403 Beam profile biomedical ultrasound beam forming (Lu), 403 lesion development in focused ultrasound surgery: a general model (Hill), 259 the augmentation of leucocyte adhesion to endothelium by therapeutic ultra- sound (Maxwell), 383 6 Author—Subject Index, Volume 20 (1994) ultrasound heating in a tissue-bone phantom (O'Neill), 579 Belaid, N., Cespedes, |., Thijssen, J. M. and Ophir, J.: lesion detection in simulated elastographic and echographic images: a psychophysical study, 877 Berstad, A., see Gilja, O. H. Bijnens, B., Herregods, M.-C., Nuyts, J., Vandeweghe, G., Suetens, P. and Van de Werf, F.: acquisition and processing of the radio-frequency signal in echocardiography: a new global approach, 167 Bioeffects an evaluation of overlying tissues to determine fetal exposure to ultrasound during the third trimester (Kamel), 41 calcium and the effects of ultrasound on frog skin (Al-Karmi), 73 biological effects of shock waves: induction of arrhythmia in piglet hearts (Delius), 279 cavitation dosimetry: estimates for single bubbles in a rotating-tube exposure system (Miller), 187 comparison of mouse and rabbit lung damage exposure to 30 kHz ultra- sound (O’Brien), 299 current status of research on biophysical effects of ultrasound (Barnett), 205 damage to murine kidney and intestine from exposure to the fields of a piezoelectric lithotripter (Raeman), 589 effect of acoustic streaming on ultrasonic heating (Wu), 195 effects of pulsed ultrasound on the mouse neonate: hind limb paralysis and lung hemorrhage (Frizzell), 53 enhancement of thrombolysis by ultrasound (Olsson), 375 heating as a mechanism for ultrasonically-induced petechial hemorrhages in mouse intestine (Miller), 493 lesion development in focused ultrasound surgery: a general model (Hill), 259 mouse lung damage from exposure to 30 kHz ultrasound (O’Brien), 287 optimum acoustic frequency for focused ultrasound surgery (Hill), 271 shock wave induced endothelial damage—i n situ analysis by confocal laser scanning microscopy (Seidl), 571 the augmentation of leucocyte adhesion to endothelium by therapeutic ultra- sound (Maxwell), 383 ultrasound heating in a tissue-bone phantom (O'Neill), 579 use of Laplace transform analysis to describe the effect of placental embo- lisation on umbilical arterial Doppler waveforms in fetal sheep (Stone), 551 Biophysical effects current status of research on biophysical effects of ultrasound (Barnett), 205 Blaas, H.-G., see Kiserud, T. Bleck, J. S., Gebel, M., Hebel, R., Wagner, S., Schmidt, K., Kruip, S., West- hoff-Bleck, M., Wolf, M., Thiesemann, C. and Manns, M.: tissue character- ization using intelligent adaptive filter in the diagnosis of diffuse and focal liver disease, 521 Blood analysis of ultrasonic scattering in blood via a continuum approach (Shung), 623 Author—Subject Index, Volume 20 (1994) Blood flow classification of lower limb arterial stenoses from Doppler blood flow signal analysis with time-frequency representation and pattern recognition tech- niques (Guo), 335 contrast echocardiography (Winkelmann), 507 estimation of the pressure gradient across the fetal ductus venosus based on Doppler velocimetry (Kiserud), 225 frequency-dependent properties of cerebral blood transport—an experimen- tal study in anaesthetized rabbits (Czosnyka), 391 on the spectral properties of Doppler thread phantoms (Cathignol), 601 Blood pressure estimation of the pressure gradient across the fetal ductus venosus based on Doppler velocimetry (Kiserud), 225 frequency-dependent properties of cerebral blood transport—an experimen- tal study in anaesthetized rabbits (CZzosnyka), 391 Blood velocity waveforms use of Laplace transform analysis to describe the effect of placental embo- lisation on umbilical arterial Doppler waveforms in fetal sheep (Stone), 551 Bom, K., see Li, W. Bone effect of acoustic streaming on ultrasonic heating (Wu), 195 ultrasound heating in a tissue-bone phantom (O'Neill), 579 Bone phantom ultrasound heating in a tissue-bone phantom (O'Neill), 579 Boving, R., see Pittomvils, G. Brands, P. J., see Hoeks, A. P. G. Breast cancer color Doppler flow criteria of breast lesions (Madjar), 849 solid breast neoplasms: differential diagnosis with pulsed Doppler ultrasound (Kuijpers), 517 Brewer, W. H., see Fei, D. Y. Brezinka, C., DeRuiter, M., Slomp, J., den Hollander, N., Wladimiroff, J. W. and Gittenberger-de Groot, A. C.: anatomical and sonographic correlation of the fetal ductus arteriosus in first and second trimester pregnancy, 219 Bubbles cavitation dosimetry: estimates for single bubbles in a rotating-tube exposure system (Miller), 187 Bull, S. B., see Stone, P. R. Burns, D. H., see Detmer, P. R. Burns, D. H., see Hatsukami, T. S. Burns, D. H., see Hodges, T. C. Buschmann, W.: on Nielsen’s vessel diameter study, 827L Buschmann, W.: on Thijssen’s historical review, 827L Cc Calcium calcium and the effects of ultrasound on frog skin (Al-Karmi), 73 Author—Subject Index, Volume 20 (1994) Calibration frequency response of PVDF needle-type hydrophones (Fay), 361 the performance of ultrasound physiotherapy machines in Lothian Region, Scotland, 1992 (Pye), 347 thermoacoustic sensor for ultrasound power measurements and ultrasonic equipment calibration (Fay), 367 Cancer analysis of ultrasonographic prostate images for the detection of prostatic carcinoma: the automated urologic diagnostic expert system (Huynen), 1 color Doppler flow criteria of breast lesions (Madjar), 849 Canfield, D. R., see Tarantal, A. F. Cardiology anatomical and sonographic correlation of the fetal ductus arteriosus in first and second trimester pregnancy (Brezinka), 219 the geometrical relationship between the human esophagus and left ventri- cle: implications for three-dimensional ultrasonic scanning (Hatangadi), 11 Carotid artery estimates of pulse wave velocity and measurement of pulse transit time in the human cerebral circulation (Giller), 101 Carstensen, E. L., see del Cerro, M. Carstensen, E. L., see Raeman, C. H. Cathignol, D., Dickerson, K., Newhouse, V. L., Faure, P. and Chapelon, J.-Y.: on the spectral properties of Doppler thread phantoms, 601 Cavitation a simple simulation for the visualisation of CSF flow in infants with hydro- cephalus (Perkins), 21 biological effects of shock waves: induction of arrhythmia in piglet hearts (Delius), 279 calcium and the effects of ultrasound on frog skin (Al-Karmi), 73 cavitation dosimetry: estimates for single bubbles in a rotating-tube exposure system (Miller), 187 comparison of mouse and rabbit lung damage exposure to 30 kHz ultra- sound (O’Brien), 299 contrast echocardiography (Winkelmann), 507 current status of research on biophysical effects of ultrasound (Barnett), 205 effects of pulsed ultrasound on the mouse neonate: hind limb paralysis and lung hemorrhage (Frizzell), 53 heating as a mechanism for ultrasonically-induced petechial hemorrhages in mouse intestine (Miller), 493 mouse lung damage from exposure to 30 kHz ultrasound (O’Brien), 287 optimum acoustic frequency for focused ultrasound surgery (Hill), 271 use of Laplace transform analysis to describe the effect of placental embo- lisation on umbilical arterial Doppier waveforms in fetal sheep (Stone), 551 Cavitation index current status of research on biophysical effects of ultrasound (Barnett), 205 Cell lysis cavitation dosimetry: estimates for single bubbles in a rotating-tube exposure system (Miller), 187 Author—Subject Index, Volume 20 (1994) Cerebral artery a validation study on the intraobserver reproducibility of transcranial color- coded duplex sonography velocity measurements (Baumgartner), 233 frequency-dependent properties of cerebral blood transport—an experimen- tal study in anaesthetized rabbits (Czosnyka), 391 Cerebral flow frequency-dependent properties of cerebral blood transport—an experimen- tal study in anaesthetized rabbits (Czosnyka), 391 del Cerro, M., Child, S. Z., Raeman, C. H., Carstensen, E. L. and Miller, M. W.: a test of the hypothesis that diagnostic ultrasound disrupts myelina- tion in neonatal rats, 981 Cespedes, |., see Belaid, N. Cespedes, |., see Ponnekanti, H. CFS a simple simulation for the visualisation of CSF flow in infants with hydro- cephalus (Perkins), 21 Chandwaney, R. H., see Winkelmann, J. W. Chapelon, J.-Y., see Cathignol, D. Chen, E., see Frizzell, L. A. Chiang, E. H., Adler, R. S., Meyer, C. R., Rubin, J. M., Dedrick, D. K. and Laing, T. J.: quantitative assessment of surface roughness using backscattered ultrasound: the effects of finite surface curvature, 123 Child, S. Z., see del Cerro, M. Child, S. Z., see Raeman, C. H. Cloutier, G., see Guo, Z. Cobbold, R. S. C., see Maniatis, T. A. Collecutt, T., see Maxwell, L. Color flow mapping a perfusion phantom for the evaluation of ultrasound contrast agents (Hin- die), 309 a validation study on the intraobserver reproducibility of transcranial color- coded duplex sonography velocity measurements (Baumgartner), 233 anatomical and sonographic correlation of the fetal ductus arteriosus in first and second trimester pregnancy (Brezinka), 219 angle independent Doppler color imaging: determination of accuracy and a method of display (Fei), 147 color Doppler flow criteria of breast lesions (Madjar), 849 flow imaging in an end-to-side anastomosis model using two-dimensional velocity vectors (Maniatis), 559 two-dimensional velocity reconstruction strategies for color flow Doppler ultrasound images (Maniatis), 137 ultrasound contrast agents: a review (Goldberg), 319 Computer modelling development of standard measurement methods for essential properties of ultrasound therapy equipment (Hekkenberg), 83 two-dimensional velocity reconstruction strategies for color flow Doppler ultrasound images (Maniatis), 137 Confocal laser scanning microscope shock wave induced endothelial damage—i n situ analysis by confocal laser scanning microscopy (Seidl), 571 10 Author—Subject Index, Volume 20 (1994) Contrast agents a perfusion phantom for the evaluation of ultrasound contrast agents (Hin- die), 309 contrast echocardiography (Winkelmann), 507 ultrasound contrast agents: a review (Goldberg), 319 Conzen, P., see Delius, M. Cranial Doppler a simple simulation for the visualisation of CSF flow in infants with hydro- cephalus (Perkins), 21 Crum, L. A., see Al-Karmi, A. M. Czosnyka, M., Richards, H., Pickard, J. D., Harris, N. and lyer, V.: frequency- dependent properties of cerebral blood transport—an experimental study in anaesthetized rabbits, 391 D Dalecki, D., see Raeman, C. H. Damianou, C., see Vykhodtseva, N. I. Dave, R., see Winkelmann, J. W. De Meester, P., see Pittomvils, G. De Ridder, D., see Pittomvils, G. Debruyne, F. M. J., see Aarnink, R. G. Debruyne, F. M. J., see Giesen, R. J. B. Debruyne, F. M. J., see Huynen, A. L. Debus, J., see Huber, P. Dedrick, D. K., see Chiang, E. H. Delius, M., Hoffman, E., Steinbeck, G. and Conzen, P.: biological effects of shock waves: induction of arrhythmia in piglet hearts, 279 Delius, M., Ueberle, F. and Gambihler, S.: destruction of gallstones and model stones by extracorporeal shock waves, 251 Demodulation effect of sample window length on the correlation between RF signal and pulsed Doppler signal intensity (Hoeks), 35 DeRuiter, M., see Brezinka, C. Detmer, P. R., Bashein, G., Hodges, T., Beach, K. W., Filer, E. P., Burns, D. H. and Strandness, D. E., Jr.: 3D ultrasonic image feature localization based on magnetic scanhead tracking: in vitro calibration and validation, 923 Detmer, P. R., see Hatsukami, T. S. Detmer, P. R., see Hodges, T. C. Diastole automated method for characterization of diastolic transmitral Doppler veloc- ity contours: early rapid filling (Hall), 107 Dickerson, K., see Cathignol, D. Digital filters development of an advanced digital image processor for real-time speckle suppression in routine ultrasonic scanning (Loupas), 239 Dinno, M. A., see Al-Karmi, A. M.

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