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REVIEW ARTICLE CME ARTICLE Ultrasound-Guided Biopsies in the Abdomen and Pelvis Thomas C. Winter, MD, Fred T. Lee Jr, MD, and J. Louis Hinshaw, MD HISTORY Abstract: Ultrasound-guided biopsies in the abdomen and pelvis Although primacy is notoriously difficult to accurately are generally more effective, safer, faster, and cheaper than those assess, some of the earliest ultrasound-guided procedures performed under computed tomography guidance. This manuscript were reported in 1972 by Goldberg and Pollack1 with the will discuss multiple aspects of sonographic biopsies performed demonstrationoftheirdedicatedaspirationtransducer.2Com- between the diaphragm and the symphysis pubis. We begin with puted tomography (CT) followed closely behind, with the systems issues, patient preparation (including bleeding profile and first reported CT-guided biopsy performed by Alfidi et al2 in anticoagulantuse),painmanagement,andinfectionprecautions.The 1975.3 Ultrasound-guided needle placement grew steadily in procedureitselfisthenanalyzed,includingneedleguidance,therole theensuingdecades.TheaptlyentitledarticleofDoddetal,4 of the sonographer, image optimization, patient positioning, core- BSonography: The Undiscovered Jewel of Interventional versus fine-needle aspiration, coaxial versusindividual pass, needle Radiology,[ led to even more popularity for sonographically technique, and postprocedure management. Issues specific to dif- guided procedures. ferentsitesarethendiscussed:liver,spleen,pancreas,kidney,adrenal, bowel,retroperitoneumandmesentery,andthepelvis.Wefinishwith adiscussionofcomplications,futuretrends,andabriefsummary. INDICATIONS The reasons for percutaneous biopsy are broad and Key Words:ultrasound,biopsy,guidance, sonography expanding.These include theneed for tissue characterization (UltrasoundQuarterly 2008;24:45Y68) of an abdominal mass, confirmation of metastatic disease to direct therapy or counsel patients, confirmation of a specific LEARNING OBJECTIVES tumor type for a clinical trial (a very large potential future 1. Identify patientselection and preparation. application of percutaneous biopsy as cancer treatments 2. Describe optimal biopsy technique. become more specific for different tumors), evaluation for 3. List potential complications. infection in a fluid collection, evaluation for parenchymal disease in native organs (typically the kidney and liver), and Theadventofpercutaneous image-guided biopsy hasbeen evaluation for transplant organ rejection. As abdominal a huge boon to patients, generally sparing them the radiologists, we appreciate the potential advantages of high- morbidity of operative procedures for tissue characterization. tech, noninvasive imaging; having said that, we definitely Ultrasound guidance for these procedures is possible in most agree with one speaker who said Bthe most useful additional cases in the abdomen and pelvis and is often safer, quicker, MR pulse sequence for lesion characterization is the 18-ga andlessexpensiveandhasahigherdiagnosticyieldthanother needle[! Another perspective was given by one of the image guidance modalities. The goal of this article is to memorable characters in Samuel Shem’s classic novel, BThe presenttechniquesforultrasound-guidedbiopsiesinavariety House of God,[ who stated Bthere is no body cavity that ofcommonandnot-so-commonscenariosintheabdomenand cannot be reached with a 14-gauge needle and a good strong pelvis, potentially expanding the use of sonography in these arm.[5 situations and thereby bringing the benefits of ultrasound to What not to biopsy? All medical decision making is a more of our patients. risk-benefit analysis, so there are very few absolute contra- indications to biopsy. An excellent relationship and open ReceivedforpublicationNovember14,2007;acceptedJanuary2,2008. communication with the referring physician are crucial to Department of Radiology, Abdominal Imaging Section, University of good radiological medical decision making; in addition, the WisconsinHospitalsandClinics,Madison,WI. radiologist needs to think like a clinician, know his or her DrWinterhasdisclosedthatheisonthespeaker_sbureauofGEUltrasound. patient’smedicalhistory,andunderstandtheclinical problem DrsLeeandHinshawhavedisclosedthattheyhavenofinancialinterestsinor relationships with any commercial companies pertaining to this educa- tobe solvedby thebiopsy. tionalactivity. Forexample,performingabiopsyofahighlysuggestive AllstaffinapositiontocontrolthecontentofthisCMEactivityhavedisclosed hypervascular mass in a cirrhotic liver in the face of an thattheyhavenofinancialrelationshipswith,orfinancialinterestsin,any elevated>-fetoprotein(AFP)isnotnecessary6Vtheveryhigh commercialcompaniespertainingtothiseducationalactivity. likelihood of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in this setting LippincottCMEInstitute,Inc.hasidentifiedandresolvedallfacultyandstaff conflictsofinterestregardingthiseducationalactivity. makestissueconfirmationnotworththesmallbutnonzerorisk Reprints: Thomas C. Winter, MD, Department of Radiology, University of ofbleedingand/orseeding.Inthepast,percutaneousbiopsyof WisconsinMedicalSchool,E3/311ClinicalScienceCenter,600Highland renal masses was actively discouraged; recent improvements Ave,Madison,WI53792(e-mail:[email protected]). in pathological techniques, increasing evidence suggesting thattheriskoftumorseedingisminimal,andnewtreatments Copyright*2008byLippincottWilliams&Wilkins forrenalcellcarcinoma(RCC),however,haveledtoamarked Ultrasound Quarterly & Volume 24, Number1, March 2008 45 Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. & Winteret al Ultrasound Quarterly Volume 24,Number 1, March2008 upsurge in renal biopsies (vide infra). Biopsy of a potential sound guidance for percutaneous liver biopsy. In their deci- ovarian mass has also been frowned upon; however, when sion analysis, they justify usage of a 78% probability of the consult is received from a subspecialist gynecologic- obtaining an adequate sample using CT guidance, versus a oncologist who has reviewed the entire clinical presentation, higher 87% for sonographic guidance (although please note the biopsy may be in the patient’s best interest and can be thatwearenotawareofarandomizedtrialthatactuallydirectly easily and safely performed. Similarly, splenic and bowel compares biopsy success rates between CT and ultrasound); wall biopsies are beneficial and safe procedures in the in our opinion, the ease of real-time confirmation of needle appropriate setting. passagedirectlythroughthelesionwithultrasoundisoneofthe primary reasons that ultrasound may have a higher adequate sample rate. Although time spent on any procedure depends CHOICE OF IMAGING MODALITY heavilyon patient selection andoperatorexpertise, onestudy FOR GUIDANCE comparing durations for ultrasound versus CT guidance for This decision can essentially be simplified to a choice abdominal interventional procedures found an average room betweenultrasound versusCT. Althoughmagnetic resonance timeof77minutesforultrasoundguidanceversus99minutes imaging(MRI)guidanceispossibleandhassomeadvantages, (22 minutes longer) for the CT group.11 The advent of CT in practice the specialized expensive equipment required fluoroscopyhasdecreasedthetimenecessaryforasuccessful precludes widespread use of this technology. Fluoroscopy is procedure when compared with helical CT; these improve- widely available but rarely used in soft tissue biopsies of the ments in needle placement times have been estimated at abdomenandpelvisduetoitsinherentdisadvantagesinthese between 20%9 and 66%.12 However, in one phantom study, areas. The choice between CT and ultrasound is a multi- ultrasoundwithaneedleguidestillrequiredlesstimethanthat factorial decision that should be individualized on a case-by- with CT fluoroscopy. This publication also observed that case basis. In general, a radiologist should consult with the improvementsinneedleplacementtimegenerallydonothavea referring physician and direct each case to the appropriate significant effect on overall room time (eg, CT fluoroscopy guidancemodality;thisdirectphysician-to-physiciancommu- versus conventional CT), and hence, the costs incurred. The nication optimizespatientcare andminimizes the probability inherent ultrasound scan biopsy procedure itself is advanta- ofpoor outcomes. geous as physicians attempt to cope with the difficulties In our abdominal imaging section, approximately 98% brought upon by the Bobesity epidemic[ in our society13; oftheabdominalandpelvicbiopsyproceduresareperformed because of compression applied with the ultrasound probe using ultrasound guidance. In 2006, 15% of our 16,000 total upontheabdomen,theaveragedistancefromtheskinsurface annualultrasoundexaminations(thesestatisticsdonotinclude tothelesionwasreducedfromanaverageof8.8cmwithCTto breastimaging)areproceduresinvolvingultrasoundguidance 4.5cmwithultrasound,14therebyfacilitatingtissuesampling. for needle placement, whether they are simple thoracentesis and paracentesis, easy tissue sampling such as thyroid fine- SYSTEMS ISSUES needleaspiration(FNA),slightlymorechallengingsolidorgan Wehavefoundthefollowing5pointstobeveryhelpful core biopsy, or very difficult subcentimeter interaortocaval indevelopingasuccessfulbiopsyprogram.First,emphasizeto lymph node sampling. In general, if the mass or target can the sonographers the importance of their personally taking be seen with ultrasound, a biopsy will be performed under professionalownershipofasuccessfulbiopsyservice.Notall ultrasound rather than CT. sonographers wish to embrace the responsibility inherent in Advantages of ultrasound include real-time imaging interventional procedures, but those who enjoy it and take it guidance (safety), speed of use, the ability to compress the seriouslyaddimmeasurablevaluetothepatient.Second,work abdomen and get closer to your target, lower cost of capital closelywithpathologistsandcytopathologiststoensuregood equipment versus CT, rapid confirmation of complications communication and useful consultation. Third, a dedicated (bleeding), higher success rates, portability, and lack of nurse clinician who is available for patient preparation, radiationexposuretothepatientandmedicalstaff.Advantages moderate sedation, and clinician consultation is invaluable. of CT include visualization of certain structures that can be Fourth, standardized paperworks (orders, notes, patient difficult to seewith ultrasound (eg,adrenal, calcified masses, education, etc) make the day run smoother. Finally, follow- retroperitoneal structures, lung parenchymal lesions) and the up is incredibly important for organizational learning. For comfortofmanyradiologistswithCTtechnology. Computed everything except thoracentesis, paracentesis, and thyroid tomography fluoroscopy7 has increased the speed and proce- FNA, the patient is called the next day to check on their duresafetywithwhichCT-guidedbiopsiescanbeperformed, well-being. All procedures are kept in a quality assurance although the radiation exposure associated with this technol- database,and complications are tracked. ogy isnot trivial.8,9 Severaloftheadvantageslistedaboveinsonographyare self-evident (eg, real-time guidance and portability). Others PATIENT PREPARATION have been analyzed in a direct fashion. Kliewer et al,10 com- There is an old carpenter’s axiom, Bmeasure twice and menting on the fact that cost minimization will be one of cutonce.[Thisappliestoimage-guidedbiopsiesaswell,since the principal determinants of success in the marketplace as properplanningisprobablythesinglemostimportantfactorin the economics of health care change in our country, found courtingsuccess.Threequotesemphasizethevalueofproper that CT guidance is 1.89 times more expensive than ultra- preparation:Battentiontothelittledetailsisthefoundationof 46 *2008Lippincott Williams &Wilkins Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. & Ultrasound Quarterly Volume 24, Number1, March2008 Ultrasound-Guided Biopsies intheAbdomen andPelvis excellence[(CoachJohnWooden);Bapintofsweatwillsavea raise the platelet count by 40,000 to 50,000/mL, assuming gallon of blood[ (Gen George Patton); and Bwithout normal platelet survival. However, many acutely ill patients execution, vision is just another word for hallucination[15 have shortened platelet survival, patients with large spleens (Mark Hurd, HP CEO). (eg, cirrhosis) will have lower platelet recovery, and patients Preparation begins with open communication with the who have autoimmune thrombocytopenia or who are allo- referring physician, understanding the patient’s history, and immunized to donor platelets may be difficult or impossible defining what clinical questionis tobe solved. to correct. Proper dosing of FFP is also complex. The recommendeddoseofFFPis10to20mL/kg,or4to6Uinthe Patient Preparation: Bleeding Profile average adult (the volume of a typical unit is 200Y250 mL). Published studies on bleed rates and bleeding profiles However, the dose of FFP needed to achieve a given target are tenuous at best. Prothrombin time (PT) and partial goes up dramatically as the target INR goes down. Table 3 thromboplastin time (PTT) are routinely ordered worldwide (BPredicted Fresh Frozen Plasma Transfusion Volume, Dose, forsurgicalpatients,althoughstudiesconsistentlydemonstrate and Expected Factor Improvement for Various Target INR thelowdiagnosticutilityofthispractice;preoperativePTand Values[) of the 2006 article by Holland and Brooks20 shows PTT values are poor predictors of abnormal bleeding after thatifonestartswithanINRof6.0,itwilltake1.5LofFFPto surgicalprocedures.16Indicesofcoagulationintheperipheral bringtheINRto3;2.5LtobringtheINRto1.7;3.5Ltobring blood have been shown to be unreliable indicators of the theINRto1.5;and4.5LtobringtheINRto1.3.Bottomline, risk of bleeding after liver biopsy.17 The platelet count is pleaseconsultliberallywithyourlocalhematologyexpertsfor reproducible but does not assess function, thereby providing issues inthis area. incompleteandpotentiallymisleadinginformation.18Toquote from the seminal paper by Erban et al19 discussing the Patient Preparation: Anticoagulant Use inappropriate use of the PTand PTT tests, BMany physicians This is another areawhere the published literature pro- consider tests like [these] to be inexpensive, Blittle-ticket[ vides no firm guidance. Many patients are nowon long-term itemsthatwillprotectthemfromthehazardsoflitigation.[For anticoagulation (heparin and its derivatives, or warfarin) or the interested reader, Eckman et al18 provide an excellent long-termantiplatelettherapy(eg,aspirin,clopidogrel)orare reviewregardingscreeningforbleedingrisk.Theyconcluded taking other medications that effect platelet function thatBIwithoutsyntheticliverdysfunctionorahistoryoforal (eg, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents). The risk of dis- anticoagulantuse,routinetestinghasnobenefitinassessment continuing therapy (eg,thrombosis) must beweighed against ofbleedingrisk.[Multiplestudieshaveshownthatobtaininga theriskofanincreasedlikelihoodofabiopsy-inducedbleed. good history is the most important first step in determining If the clinical service is comfortable discontinuing whether testing iswarranted. therapy, remember that one must wait ~6 hours after However, partly because we have a large hepatology/ discontinuing heparin and 8 hours (overnight) after disconti- liver transplant service and therefore perform invasive nuing low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH), although one proceduresonmanypatientswithsyntheticliverdysfunction, recenttrialstatesthatoneshouldconsidergivingthelastdose andpartlybecauseofthepervasivefearoflitigationdiscussed ofLMWHthemorningofthedaybeforesurgery,rather than above (Bdefensive medicine[), we routinely obtain an inter- our standard practice of giving the last dose the night before nationalnormalizedratio(INR)andplateletcountonallintra- surgery;again,though,thischangeshouldbeweighedagainst abdominalbiopsypatients.IftheINRislessthan1.5andthe the risk of thromboembolism.21 Current recommendations platelet count is greater than 50,000/mL, we will perform suggestwaiting5to7daysafterdiscontinuingaspirinand7to almostanyprocedure.Internationalnormalizedratioofgreater 10 days after stopping clopidogrel (Plavix) and ticlopidine than1.5and/orplateletcountoflessthan50,000/mLprompts (Ticlid).22 Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) discussion of the biopsy with the referring physician. are a large family, but they do not irreversibly affect platelet Depending on the location of the target, the type of needle function the way that aspirin does; thus, our hematologists tobeused,andsoon,adecisionismadewhethertosupplement state that a 24-hour discontinuation before the procedure is the patient with a transfusion of fresh frozen plasma (FFP) generally sufficient. Warfarin’s duration of action varies and/or platelets. This is particularly an issue in the biopsy widely, depending on many factors (dose, liver function); in of cirrhotic livers where both INR and platelets are typically general, we discontinuewarfarin about aweek ahead of time depressed. We routinely perform diagnostic and therapeutic andrecheckanINRthemorningoftheprocedure.Inonetrial paracentesis in our population of cirrhotic patients with liver of patients on long-term anticoagulation undergoing colono- failure if the INR is less than 2 without any infusion of FFP, scopicpolypectomyforpolypsoflessthan1cm,warfarinwas butwealwayscarefullylookforandavoidtheinferiorepigas- discontinued 36 hours before the procedure, and the average tric arteries with Doppler before our paracentesis puncture. INR on the day of the procedure was 2.3. No bleeding WhatistheproperdoseofFFPorplateletstogive?The complications were identified with 41 polypectomies in 21 complexity of blood product replacement requires clinical patients.23 In all cases, reinstitution of medications after a consultation for proper patient care. Rough guidelines are procedureshouldbeindividualized.22 given here, but realize that the details of this process are Forpatientsinwhomevenshort-termdiscontinuationof generally beyond the scope of a radiologist’s practice. The warfarintherapyisfelttobetoorisky,ourstandardpracticeis recommended platelet transfusion dose is 1 U/10 kg of body to discontinue warfarin 5 to 7 days before the procedure and weightwhenusingrandom-donorpooledplatelets;thisshould replace with LMWH. The LMWH is then discontinued the *2008LippincottWilliams & Wilkins 47 Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. & Winteret al Ultrasound Quarterly Volume 24,Number 1, March2008 night before the procedure and restarted the night of the Pain Management procedure.Warfarin therapy isreinitiated on thenextday.As Adequate pain control is not only a moral imperative, always, close consultation with the referring service leads to but it has high political priority as well. Pain management optimal patientmanagement. guidelinesimplementedbytheJointCommissiononAccred- Shouldoneeverperformaninterventionalprocedurein itation of Healthcare Organizations in 2001 mandate regular apatientwhohasrecentlytakenanaspirinorNSAID?Thereis assessment of pain and the establishment of policies and no good evidence-based answer to this commonly occurring procedures that support the appropriate use of pain medica- and vexing issue. In an informal survey of colleagues who tion.28 A comfortable patient makes an abdominal biopsy a perform many ultrasound-guided procedures, some labora- much easier procedure all theway around! Painmanagement tories hold firm to this rule and refuse procedures until the canbesimplifiedintotheBGoldenRule[;howwouldyoulike requisite time off the drug has passed, primarily over fear of yourselfor your mom tobe treated?There are3 components litigationinthesettingofanadverseoutcomeratherthanany to adequate pain relief: psychosocial, local anesthesia, and true scientific sense that this is intrinsically dangerous. Other moderate sedation. colleaguesshareouropinionthatthisistoosevereapractice, potentially leading to great patient inconvenience (eg, the Psychosocial patientwholives5hoursawayandhastaken2daysoffwork It has been shown again and again that obvious care, for aliveror thyroid biopsy,having failedtogetthemessage concern, and warmth from the medical team result in that he should discontinue his daily baby aspirin 5 days decreasedpatientanxietyandperceivedpain.Followcommon before).Afterathoroughdiscussionofthepossibletheoretical sense tactics such as making sure that the patient is at a increase in risk with the patient and giving him or her the comfortabletemperature,thattherearenobrightlightsinthe option of rescheduling for a future date, we will typically go patient’s eyes, and so on. Think about how you prepare the aheadandperformthebiopsyinthissetting;conversely,inthe patient. For needles that can be test fired before use (read retiredpatientwholives10minutesfromourhospitalandfor the package insert; some of the older devices recommend whom it is no true inconvenience to reschedule, we will againsttesting), there isaworld of difference between facing usually delay the procedure until these drugs have been the patient with the needle fully visible, close to his face, stopped for anadequate period. and stating, Byou will hear a bang from the gun as I fire it,[ There are data to support performing low-risk biopsies versus turning your back to the patient and blocking viewof in patients on aspirin or NSAIDs. First, an editorialist states theneedleandcalmlystating,Byouwillhearaclickfromthe that maintaining patients who are at substantial risk for spring in the biopsy device as I test it.[ Consider your word cardiovascular events on aspirin yields good results for therapeutic endoscopic procedures.24 Second, many open choice and the subsequent mental state you engender as you inject the lidocaine. Our orientation packet for the residents surgical procedures, especially vascular, are performed in includes a superb article entitled, BCan Words Hurt? Patient- patients who are anticoagulated or on aspirin due to a Provider Interactions During Invasive Procedures.[29 Using favorable risk-benefit ratio. Third, a UK expert writing on guidelines for liver biopsy states that BIeven though the wordssimilartoBabeesting[orBasharpjab[beforeinstilling local anesthesia may engender more perceived pain than ingestion of aspirin and other NSAIDs in the week prior to neutral statements such as Byou’ll feel cool tingling with the invasive intervention is a recognised contraindication by severalauthoritiesIthereare,toourknowledge,however,no spreading of the numbness.[ Although we do not practice overt hypnosis routinely, there is a body of work on the convincing data to support this as a contraindication to percutaneous liverbiopsy.[25 Fourth, a reviewof the issue of medicalutilityofhypnosisinminor(andoccasionallymajor) invasive procedures; if interested, peruse the Web site of the low-dose baby aspirin in patients undergoing ultrasound- AmericanSocietyforClinicalHypnosis(http://www.asch.net/ guided transrectal biopsies of the prostate identifies 2 studies genpubinfo.htm). that found no increased risk of hemorrhage in the groups on aspirin.26 Finally, a Radiological Society of North America presentation in 2005 looked specifically at the risk of Local Anesthesia significant hemorrhage resulting from image-guided core We use 1% lidocaine buffered with 8.4% sodium biopsy in patients taking aspirin.27 In this study of 6073 bicarbonate in a 9:1 ratio. Although somewhat controversial, biopsies,theauthorsconcludedthatBthereisanelevatedrisk the buffering is generally reported to decrease the Bstinging[ of significant bleeding complications in those patients taking sensationofthelidocaineinjection.30Onapracticalnote,the aspirin atthetime ofpercutaneous biopsy.However,thisrisk rateof injectionisoftenthemostimportantfactorformaking is small and should not preclude biopsy in most cases.[ In theinjectionmoretolerableVslowisgood.Whenperforming fact, although not statistically significant, in their subset of localanesthesia,startwithasubdermalinjectionof2to3mL patients undergoing liver biopsy, the hemorrhage rate in of lidocaine using a 30-gauge needle (note how small this is, patients taking aspirin was approximately half that of those ratherthanthetypicallyprovided22-or25-gaugediameters), not taking it (0.46% vs 0.93%). In summary, as in all of followed by deeper anesthesiawith a 22-gauge spinal needle medicine,optimalcareresultsfromtreatingeachpatientasan (through the biopsy guide, if you are using one). This individual and fully discussing the pros and cons of any techniqueensuresacylinderofanesthesiaalongthepathofthe potential course of action so that the patient may make an biopsy and gives a Bpreview[ of the biopsy trajectory; the informed choice. latterisusefulifthereareribsorotherstructurestobeavoided 48 *2008Lippincott Williams &Wilkins Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. & Ultrasound Quarterly Volume 24, Number1, March2008 Ultrasound-Guided Biopsies intheAbdomen andPelvis FIGURE1. Inadvertentlyinjectedairobscuringthetarget.A,WhitearrowonCTdenotesasofttissuemassthatwaslater biopsyproventorepresentperitonealcarcinomatosisfromrectalcancer.Thehigh-densitystructurejustanteriortothenodule isahepaticarterialinfusionpump.B,Arrowdenotesnoduleonultrasound.C,Althoughthelidocainesyringewasflushedofair, thedeadspaceinthenumbingneedleafterthestyletwasremovedcontainedenoughgastoseriouslydegradetheultrasound image.Notehowthenoduleisnowbarelyvisualizedbehindtheshadowcausedbytheinjectedair. alongtheway.Makesurethatallairhasbeenpurgedfromthe these doses. Always monitor oxygen saturation, pulse, and syringe andneedle asaircancause obscurationoftheneedle bloodpressurethroughouttheprocedureandafterwardinthe or target (Fig. 1)! Be sure to place several milliliters of dedicated recovery area. Oxygen, suction, and airway lidocainedirectlyontheperitonealsurfaceandattheliver(or managementequipmentshouldbereadilyavailable.Although other organ) capsule. Do not puncture the liver or other almost never needed if fentanyl and/or midazolam are visceralorganbecauseanesthetizingtheliverparenchymawill appropriately administered, reversal agents (naloxone and not decrease the pain of the procedure and may increase the flumazenil) should be easily accessible. Keep your advanced rate of bleeding. Use lidocaine liberally. We routinely give cardiaclifesupportskillscurrent. 10 mL, and there is no risk of lidocaine toxicity in giving Infection Precautions 20 mL as necessary. More specifically, the maximum percutaneousdoseoflidocainewithoutepinephrineinhealthy Todrapeornottodrape?Wealwaysdrapetheprobefor adults is 4 mg/kg, up to 300 mg. Because there is 10 mg guided biopsies (for thoracenteses and paracenteses, we lidocaine/mL in a 1% solution, this represents a maximum usually mark the spot and do not use the transducer during dose of 20 to 30 mL for most patients. Busy physicians take needle placement). I am not aware of any literature that note:lidocainerequirestimetodiffusethroughthetissues,so documents that this extrastep decreases therisk of infection. allow a few minutes before biopsy after local anesthetic Infact,severalveryexperiencedcenters ofexcellence(Mayo administration tominimize discomfort. Clinic, Italian groups) do not sterilely drape the probe unless thepatientisknowntohaveHIVinfectionandinsteadsimply Moderate Sedation cleanse and disinfect the transducer before and after each biopsy;theyhavehadnoknownissueswiththisprotocol.The Thethirdtoolforpainmanagementismoderatesedation disadvantages to draping include time, cost, and potential (previouslyreferredtoasBconscioussedation[).Ifthepatient degradation of image quality (although the latter is more is treated appropriately, and copious local anesthetic is theoretical than real in our opinion). If chemical disinfection properly administered, moderate sedation is usually not is used (eg,alcohol, povidone-iodine [Betadine]), ensure that necessary for routine liver biopsies; however, if a nurse is the substance used is compatible with the transducer surface readilyavailable,ifthebiopsylookstobeparticularlydifficult, and manufacturer’s recommendations. or if the patient is particularly anxious, we will certainly use intravenous medications, typically fentanyl (Sublimaze) and Skin Preparation midazolam (Versed). We almost never use moderate sedation for thyroid biopsies, superficial lymph node biopsies, We now use chlorhexidine 2%/isopropyl alcohol 70% thoracenteses, or paracenteses. Conversely, transvaginal (Chloraprep) rather than povidone-iodine 10% (Betadine). biopsiesmaybequitepainful,somoderatesedationisalmost Both are adequate, but the former has better antimicrobial ac- always used here. tivity,doesnotstainoritch,andworksquicker.Readthepack- If moderate sedation is used, make sure that it is done age insert for application instructions, and take care to apply safely. Most hospitals now require special credentialing and withaback-and-forthactionforafull30seconds,and then let privilegingtoperformsedation,andmanyalsorequireconsent air dryVdo not blot or wipe. Only 1 application is required. for the sedation as well as the procedure itself. The medications should be administered in small aliquots, Needle Safety typically50Kgoffentanyland1mgofmidazolam,although Becareful!Thereisaveritablealphabetofpathogensto in elderly, very sick, or small patients, we will often halve bewaryof.InadditiontoHIV,thereareavarietyofhepatitis *2008LippincottWilliams & Wilkins 49 Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. & Winteret al Ultrasound Quarterly Volume 24,Number 1, March2008 FIGURE2. Needlenotfollowingtrajectorypredictedbytheguide.Thislesion(metastasisfrompancreaticcancer,arrowheadinCT [A])hadtobefine-needleaspirated3timestoreturnthediagnosis(metastaticpancreaticadenocarcinoma).Becausethe20-gauge needlewasdeflectedbyoverlyingtissues,thefirstpasswaslateral(B)tothelesion(arrowhead).Thenextpass(notshown)was medialtothelesion,whereasthethirdpass(alsonotshown)wasinthetumor.Arrowpointstotheneedletip. strains which currently run from hepatitis A through G. The but that this benefit was greatest for inexperienced operators. most important of these are hepatitis B virus, for which a In our laboratory, most deep abdominal biopsies are vaccine is available (make sure to check your antibody re- performed using a biopsy guide, whereas superficial biopsies sponsetoensureyouareadequatelyimmunized),andhepatitis (eg, thyroid, breast, groin) are performed freehand. Remem- C virus, for which novaccine is available. Despite all of our ber, though, that a guide is just a guide, not a guarantee, precautions,weaverageabout1needlestickinourlaboratory particularly with thin needles, cirrhotic (hard) livers, and/or every year. Protect yourself, the sonographer you work with, any firm overlying structures (eg, ribs) that may deflect the andthecytopathologistyouarepassingtheneedleto. needle(Fig.2).Ifconsistentdeviationtoonesideisobserved, one can adjust the projected trajectory outside the lesion to OTHER BIOPSY ISSUES compensate for the amount of deviation (similar to compen- sating for wind or elevation issues through the site of a rifle) Guidance (Fig. 3). Mechanicalbiopsyguideversusfreehand.Bothsystems work well if the operator is comfortable with the technique. Role of the Sonographer Freehand technique offers the possibility of better needle Some laboratories have the radiologist guide the pro- visualization (more specular reflection if angles are chosen cedure while the needle is placed; this requires more manual appropriately) but generally requires more skill and experi- dexterity but allows more direct control of needle placement. ence.Inonestudy,aphantommodeloflesions inthehuman However, in our laboratory, the sonographers scan and guide liver with simulated overlying ribs was used to compare biopsyproceduresforseveralreasons:theyareusuallythebest freehand and probe-guided techniques31; the authors con- technical scanners; the large number (~2400/yr) of needle cludedthattherewasatimebenefittotheuseofprobeguides guidance procedures done by ultrasound in our laboratory FIGURE3. Compensatingforneedledeviation.Thischallengingperipancreaticmassbiopsywasunsuccessfulforthefirst2 passesbecausetheneedlekeptdeviatingmediallyfromitspredictedpath,likelyduetooverlyingfibroustissue.A,CTshows mass(blackarrow)directlyinfrontofinferiorvenacava(‘‘IVC’’),posterolateraltoportalveinconfluence(‘‘PV’’),andbehindartery (‘‘A’’)andcommonbileduct(‘‘CBD’’).Forthethirdattempt(ultrasoundshowninB),thetrajectory(dottedbiopsyguideline)was placedoutsidethelesionbytheamountofpredicteddeviation,andtheneedletip(arrow)wassuccessfullyintroducedintothe lesion.Pathologyreturnedunusualinflammatorypseudotumor. 50 *2008Lippincott Williams &Wilkins Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. & Ultrasound Quarterly Volume 24, Number1, March2008 Ultrasound-Guided Biopsies intheAbdomen andPelvis FIGURE4. Useofahigh-frequencylineartransducertooptimizesmalllesionbiopsy.This5-year-oldwithahistoryofneuroblastoma wasnotedtohavea4(cid:1)6mmnodule(arrow)intheleftlobeofhisliveratroutineCT(A).Thismasswasseenonlyonarterial-phase images,precludingCT-guidedbiopsyeveniftheradiologistpreferredthatmodality.Notethatthelesion(arrow)iswellseen (B)usinga12-MHzlinearultrasoundtransducer.Biopsy(C)(arrowdenotingneedletipinlesion)unfortunatelyreturned metastaticneuroblastoma. contributes toa highlevelof expertise and experience by the latter probes are often necessary for deep lesions that are sonographers in the face of a constantly changing group of accessed between ribs, but should not generally be your first residents and fellows, thereby enabling us to deliver more choice.Second,optimizeyourgray-scaleimage.Zoomin,put uniform quality; the division of labor enables all participants your focal zones at the area of interest, and try harmonics; to concentrate on a single task (sonographers on the probe we have found that compound imaging technology greatly and guidance, and sonologists on passing the needle and improvesneedlevisualization. managing the specimen); and the fact that the most difficult and challenging biopsies require abdominal compression, Seeing the Needle awkward transducer angulation, and/or prolonged targeting, Afterthegray-scaleimagehasbeenoptimized,whatcan whichcanbenearlyimpossibletoperformbyasingleoperator. one do to help visualize the needle? Obviously, the more perpendicularthesoundbeamistotheneedle,thestrongerthe Image Optimization reflection will be. Move the inner stylet in and out without Thisisperhapsoneofthemostimportantaspectsofany actuallymovingtheouterneedle;thissavestissuetraumaand nontrivial biopsy. First, choose the correct transducer. To often is all that is needed to find the needle. Rotating the quoteProfFayeLaing,Binultrasound,alwaysstarthigh,then needle often allows optimization of the specular ultrasound golow.[Thatis,attempttousethehighestpossiblefrequency reflection from asymmetric needle tips. If these maneuvers transducer. Many superficial liver lesions, especially those in fail,thenjudiciouslymovingtheneedlebackandforthisoften thelefthepaticlobe,canbeimagedwithhigh-frequencylinear useful.Echogenicneedlecoatingsarenotacure-all,butdoaid transducers (theBsmallparts[probes);thebetterdepictionof in needle detection32 with very little additional cost. Some the target inherent with these transducers makes biopsies authorshavedescribedusingcolorDopplertolocateamoving easier andenablesonetoreliablyhit smaller masses (Fig.4). needle tip, but in our experience, the artifact associated with If the lesion cannot be seen with a high-frequency linear this generallylimitsits usefulness. transducer,tryalower-frequencylinear(Bvascular[ probe)or high-frequencycurvedlineararray.Ifthosedonotwork,move Patient Positioning toalow-frequencycurvedlinearprobe,andonlyifallofthese Many practitioners inadvertently assume that biopsy fail,usethesmallfootprintsector/vector/phaser probe.These should be performed with the patient in supine position, FIGURE5. Theimportanceofpatient positioning.This8-mmFNA-provenbreast cancermetastasiswouldbedifficulttoaccess fromananteriorapproachwiththepatientin supineposition(thinwhitearrowinA),butwas easilysampledintercostallywiththepatientin leftlateraldecubitusposition(thickergrayarrow inAdenotesultrasoundbiopsypath,whereas BshowssonogramofFNA). *2008LippincottWilliams & Wilkins 51 Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. & Winteret al Ultrasound Quarterly Volume 24,Number 1, March2008 FIGURE6. Traditionalside-notchcoreneedle(A),newercylindricalfull-borecoreneedle(B),anddifferencesinpathological specimenarea(C). similar to the positioning used for most CT scans. Although Btouch-prep[ (the cytology team rolls the core on a glass thisoftenworkswellforleftlobeliverandpancreaticbiopsies, slide and performs cytological analysis on the shed cells) other targets are often more optimally accessed with the or, often with high accuracy, by simple visual inspection patientinoblique,decubitus,orevenpronepositions(Fig.5). (Fig. 7). Interpretation of cytology specimens is not only Spendtimescanningandpreparingaheadoftimewiththisin operator dependent but also inappropriate for some tumor mind, and potentially difficult procedures can often be easily types, and thus, the decision to obtain cytological or converted toverymanageableones. pathological specimen in a given patient should be individ- ualized on a case-by-case basis; consult with your clinicians Core Versus FNA and pathology experts regarding the clinical question that The choice between cytology (FNA) and pathology needs to be answered and the best method for getting to (core) is multifactorial and is often based on institutional that answer. accessandexpertise.Ifcytologyserviceisnotavailableduring the procedure to assess the adequacy of a specimen, a core Coaxial Versus Multiple Separate Passes biopsy is often the best choice. The smaller needles possible Should one place a larger bore introducer needle and with cytology (20- to 25-gauge) are associated with a sample (either FNA or core biopsy) multiple times through procedure that is likely safer aswell as more comfortable for this, or should one serially perform multiple separate passes the patient. In general, cytological aspiration should be with a smaller bore needle? As with many of the considered in patients with a known malignancy and a high Bcontroversies[ regarding technique in the biopsy arena, pretest probability that the area on which a biopsy will be there is a paucity of hard, evidence-based data regarding this performed is a metastasis; hypervascular lesions; masses question. Our general preference and practice is to perform surrounded by certain structures (ie, bowel, blood vessels) multiple separate passes with a smaller bore needle. An where trauma needs to be minimized; and epithelial tumors exception is made when the initial needle placement is very (adenocarcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas). Although challenging; in these cases, we will place an introducer and thereisagreatvarietyofopiniononthismatter,33ourcytology samplecoaxiallythrough it. team believes that better FNA samples are obtained with the smallestpossibleneedle(eg,25-gaugeforathyroidFNA)and no suction, just vigorous back-and-forth motion to pack the needle with cells. Larger needles and syringe suction give fewer diagnostically adequate samples due to dilution with bloodproducts14andarereservedfortherarescirrhouslesion that fails to shed cells with the smallest gauge needle. Interestingly, and perhaps somewhat counterintuitively, there are very little data suggesting that appropriate use of an 18-gauge needle is any more dangerous than using a smaller FNA needle.34 Biopsies are usually more appropriately performed using automated cutting needles in cases other than those just listed, particularly lymphoma, RCC, and hepatoma. Although both work well, we generally prefer the newer cylindrical full-bore cutting needles to the older side-notch needles,becauseoneobtainssignificantlymoretissuepercore for analysis than the former for a given puncture diameter (Fig.6). If a small bowel loop needs to be traversed toget to FIGURE7. CorebiopsyofHCCspecimenonTelfapadshows the mass, try to use no larger than a 20-gauge needle. Core darkcirrhoticliver(mahoganycolorinreallife)ateitherend biopsy specimens can be assessed for adequacy by either andpalewhitetumortissue(arrows)inthecenter. 52 *2008Lippincott Williams &Wilkins Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. & Ultrasound Quarterly Volume 24, Number1, March2008 Ultrasound-Guided Biopsies intheAbdomen andPelvis FIGURE8. Hepaticbiopsythroughascites issafe(seetext).Needles(arrows=tip)are shownpassingthroughascites(‘‘A’’)into hepaticmetastasesfromovariancancer (A,firstpatient)andendometrial carcinosarcoma(B,differentpatient). One article suggested that the strategy of multiple 1 article that evaluated the use of a 17-gauge introducer with separate needle passes might have a higher successful yield an 18-gauge biopsy needle in 128 patients with proven HCC rate because slightly different areas of the target (due to the founda0%incidenceoftrackseedingwithameanfollow-up inevitable slight differences in needle positioning inherent of410days36;however,8(6.25%)ofthesepatientsalsohadan withthistechnique)aresampled,therebyavoidingrepeatedly episode of bleeding within 24 hours of biopsy that required sampling a necrotic or nondiagnostic area.35 Another hospital admission, fluid resuscitation, and/or transfusion. theoretical advantage to this technique is that if samples are This 6.25% bleed rate is significantly higher than the 0% to performed during suspended respiration (as we always do), 1.4%ratespublishedinseveralotherseries,anditispossible one does not shear or tear the capsule (liver, kidney, pleura, that this increasedrisk isrelated tothe coaxialtechnique. peritoneum) but rather makes focal discrete punctures that may have less tendency to bleed. Disadvantages to this Needle Technique strategy include multiple holes in the covering capsule (as In choosing a needle path, consider the intervening opposedtojust1holewithcoaxialtechnique)andthefactthat, structures (ie, attempt to avoid vasculature and bowel, for very difficult and challenging biopsies, one has to although small bowel can generally be traversed safely with successfully navigate theneedle tothe lesion multiple times. a20-to22-gaugeneedle),andusuallyselecttheshortestpath The coaxial technique makes it easy to obtain multiple from skin to lesion. The needle should be advanced during samples once the introducer needle is placed. There is suspended respiration with a firm, continuous motion to generallyonly1holeinthecapsule.Normaltissueisrelatively minimize pain and to keep the needle on target. Also, the protected from the trauma of multiple needle passages. needle tip is usually much easier to seewhen it is in motion. Disadvantages of the coaxial technique include potential Slow and tenuous needle passes tend to deflect rather than shearingofthecapsule(becausetheintroducerisgenerallyleft puncturestructures(likethelivercapsule),decreasetheability induringquietrespirationbetweensamples),alargerpuncture toseetheneedletip,andincreasepatientpain,especiallywhen holeinthecapsule,andrepetitivesamplingofthesamearea.A traversing the peritoneum or visceral structures sensitive to postulated but unproven advantage is less chance for track stretching; thus, a brisk puncture is optimal when passing seeding because the needle that samples the tumor is throughthese coverings. withdrawn through the inside of the introducer needle. The Is biopsy through ascites safe? In a word, yes. Older, issueofthetrueriskoftrackseedingisverycontroversial,but anecdotal teachings stated that biopsy through surrounding FIGURE9. The‘‘Don’tLookAfterwards’’school.Gray-scale(A),colorDoppler(B),andpulsedDoppler(C,black-and-white reproductionoforiginalcolorimage)imagesofajetofblood(arrow)flowingintosurroundingascitesfollowingrenaltransplant (‘‘RTX’’)biopsy.Images15minuteslater(notshown)showasmallamountofblood,butthepatientdidfineandwasasymptomatic theentiretime. *2008LippincottWilliams & Wilkins 53 Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. & Winteret al Ultrasound Quarterly Volume 24,Number 1, March2008 FIGURE10. AnexampleoftheDoppler‘‘patenttrack’’signimmediatelyafterliverbiopsy(seetext).A,Notebloodflowwithin track(arrow)extendingtothelivercapsule(arrowheads).Thisflowwasabsentat5minutes(B,black-and-whitereproductionof originalcolorimage),andthepatientremainedasymptomatic.Unfortunately,multiplelesionsvisibleinbothimagesrepresent metastaticpancreaticadenocarcinoma. fluid was a (relative) contraindication, presumably because vitalsignmonitoring;thisisaJointCommissiononAccredi- there would be no tissue tamponade of the puncture site. tation of Healthcare Organizations requirement if moderate However,severalstudies haveshownthat,atleastinthecase sedation has been administered. We do not obtain routine oftheliver,thepresenceofascitesdoesnotaltercomplication postprocedure hematocrit/hemoglobin levels if the patient is rates37,38 (Fig.8). asymptomatic. The patient must be awake, alert, and able to hold down fluids before discharge.The patient should havea Postprocedure ride home from the hospital, appropriate instructions about Imaging what to do if questions or complications arise, and know the protocol for contacting his or her physician to discuss the There is no consensus as towhether one should image biopsyresults.Goodcommunicationandpatientteachinghelp afterabiopsytoassessfor potentialcomplications.TheBno[ prevent unfortunate outcomes such as the patient who had a group feels that the patient should simply be assessed liverbiopsy,returnedtohishome2hoursaway,hadmildpain, clinically (Btreat the patient, not the lab test[ school of and went to the local emergency room wherethe on-call sur- thought), that most bleeds are small and resolve sponta- geonheardthewordsBliverbiopsytoday[andthenperformed neously,andthatimagingoftheseasymptomatichemorrhages unnecessaryexploratoryceliotomyforasmallbleedthateasily leads to unnecessary excitement and overtreatment (Fig. 9). could havebeen managedconservatively. Othersstatethatpostprocedureimagingisusefulinpredicting high-risk groups for more careful follow-up. For example, a SPECIFIC SITES recent article by Kim et al39 showed that a negative Doppler biopsy track immediately after biopsy had a 100% negative Liver predictive value for postprocedural hemorrhage, whereas The liver is likely the most commonly percutaneously Doppler detectable flow in the track and again at 5 minutes biopsiedsolidabdominalorgan.Liverbiopsiescanbedivided later had a positive predictive value of 75% for postbiopsy into Bmedical[ biopsies, acquiring tissue from a random site bleeding(Fig.10). in the hepatic parenchyma to assess for diffuse disease (eg, staging hepatitis C damage, assessing cirrhosis, or grading Monitoring rejection after transplant), versus Bsurgical[ biopsies, target- Following an intra-abdominal biopsy, we observe the ing a specific suspicious lesion in the liver. The former has patientfor~4hoursinadedicatedrecoveryareawithfrequent often been (and still often is) performed Bblindly[ with just FIGURE11. Biopsycomplication.Severepain afteranonradiology-performed‘‘blind’’liver biopsy(noimageguidancewasused) promptedapostprocedureCT.Scoutview(A) denotesalargemassintherightabdomen (blackarrows),showntobealargehematoma (whitearrows)onaxialimaging(B).The patientrequiredseveralbloodtransfusions butrecovered. 54 *2008Lippincott Williams &Wilkins Copyright @ 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

In our abdominal imaging section, approximately 98% of the abdominal and pelvic biopsy procedures are performed using ultrasound guidance.
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