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The Pennsylvania State College The Graduate School Department of Physics Ultrasonic Absorption in Gases A dissertation by Prank Tobias Dietz Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy August 1951 Approved Department of Phyaics epartment Acknowledgement The writer wishes to express his thanks and in­ debtedness to Drso Wo Ho Pielemeier and Ro Simon, whose interest and guidance made this work possible, and to Mr» P, Wo Jackson for his help with many of the elec­ trical and mechanical detailso Table of Contents Page Introduction 1 Theory 7 Equipment 11 The Gases 20 Method of Measurement 22 Results 2*+ 02-H20 2b o2~NH3»H2o 3*+ n2-C02 39 A.-C02 U-1* Conclusions b7 Appendix *+8 References 52 List of Figures Figure Page 1. Photograph of the apparatus 12 2. Photograph of the apparatus 13 3* Photograph of the apparatus l1* *+. Block diagram of the transmitter circuit 17 5. Block diagram of the receiver circuit 17 6. mrp for C^-H^O mixtures vs. frequency 28 7-12. for mixtures vs, frequency 29-31 13- fmax for O2 vs, absolute humidity 32 I1*. log fraax for C>2 vs. log of absolute humidity 33 l?. nip for mixtures vs. frequency 38 16. mC02 VSe fretTuency *+2 17. mC02 vs<’ concen‘t:ra'tion C02 in W2 ^ 18. nip for argon-CO^ mixtures vs. frequency *+6 19. Sound amplitude vs. position 51 lo T ntroductlon With the limitations of the experimental aDparatus in mind, the following problems were undertaken.. The effects of water vapor and ammonia gas on the relaxation times of oxygen were investigated, and the sound absorption in mix­ tures of nitrogen and carbon dioxide and argon and carbon was measured,, It was found after considerable preliminary investi­ gation that consistent results could not be expected when measurements were made using gases or mixtures of gases in which the attenuation of sound was small. This is due to the fact that the method used to determine the absorption coefficient requires that the anuaratus be calibrated by means of a gas in which the attenuation is known or is small enough to be neglected. Nitrogen is such a gas. Its absorption coefficient is small in the frequency range covered by this work, viz., 20-110 kc. Since the attenu­ ation in N2 must, be subtracted from that measured in a gas under test, it becomes evident that the test gas should have an attenuation substantially different from that of N2 „ On the other hand, the attenuation cannot be too greats The absorption coefficient of a gas such as nure C02 cannot be measured over the whole frequency range mentioned above, C02 has a large absorption coefficient and difficulty occurs 2 o fi'ifi t.n the? fac.t that the signal-to-riol se ratio becomes small quite racidlv as the distance between the source and receiver is increased and the arrmlifier gain is increased,, Thl s situ­ ation becomes progressively worse with Increasing: frequency3 The mixtures and 0^~rTH~ presented absorption co- - * 3 efficients which lav between the extremes mentioned abovec The mixtures A-COo and No-CC^ bordered on the high absorp~ tion extreme0 The effects of water vapor and ammonia on the relax- atlon times of oxygen have been investigated by Kneser and Knudsen^®) , Knudsen and 0b o r t ^ 3 .)? Oberst^?), and Knotzel^^ Tn addition Schmidtmuell er(2*+) published some absorption data on 02”H20 mixtures0 Kneser and Knudsen (193*0 investigated the behavior of these mixtures in the audible frequency range up to approxi­ mately 9 kc«. using a reverberation method , This involves the measurement of the decay time of a sound pulse in the test chamber, and was not useable for frequencies ahove approxi­ mately 10 kc „ since rates of decav become too rapid., Knudsen and Obert (1916) measured sound absorption in these mixtures, extending the frequency range to 3*+ k c0 by means of a new experimental technlqueo A magnetostrictive generator supplied acoustic energv to a chamber at a known rate, The sound was mechanically diffused and the intensity of the sound was measured by means of a crystal microphone, 3. These facts, together with 1rformat1 on apout wall absorp­ tion and measurements with a gas of known absorption, were sufficient to allow a determination of the sound absorp­ tion in the gas under test- This method may admit a prob­ able error as large as 301, Oberst (1937) made preliminary measurements in the audible range using a resonance tube method- This method ■» was taken over >■> Knot, ^elf lln'h s who refined it and made a series of careful measurements of absorption in C>2“H20 and 02-^3 mixtures in the audible range up to 5 kc- In connection with the effects of water vapor on the absorption of sound in oxygen, Schmidtmueller (1938) re­ ported some absorption data obtained from measurements of the sound field radiate! into an absorbing chamber by a magnetos tri ctive rod- Measurements were made in the fre<= quencv range 20-100 kc- Kendie(7) (1938) measured the molecular absorption of oxvgen-water vapor mixtures at temperatures around 0 to 50OG- at 11 ? 98, 127 o and 281+ kc„ b,r means of an acoustic interferometer- he found that maximum absorption occurred ?t a higher percent concentration than that found bv Knud­ sen and Obert^^J for the lower frenuenciee. All these researches indicated that the effect of water vapor on oxygen was unloue- The relaxation time was found to depend predominantly uoon the square of the water vapor L+., concentration. The relax,- ti on time for oxygen in the oxygen- ammonia mixtures was found to have a linear dependence upon the ammonia concentration. With the discovery by Pierce ^ ^ U n 1925 that CO2 showed a large amount of acoustic absorption, a large number of work- ers have explored the subject. Rich and Pielemeier*-22)(1925) using a quartz crystal sound source and a radiometer were able to show that the absorption of sound in air increased with increasing CO2 content, Abello^^^) (1928) investi­ gated the absorption of CC^-alr mixtures at a frequency of 612 kc, The sound from a quartz crystal passed through an absorption chamber and was measured, in his earlier work, by means of a torsion radiometer, and later by a second crystal.. P i e l e m e i e r (1929) made measurements on CO2 and air using an acoustic interferometer. Measurements were made in the frequency range from 300-1M-00 kc „ The absorption of sound by CC>2 was found to increase with frequency with the CO2 be­ coming practically opaque at l*fOO kc. Pielemeier also noted the marked effect of humiditv on the absorption of sound in CO^. Grossman^) (1932) devised a method using two quartz crystals i*- a gas chamber, for measuring sound absorptions in the frequency range 30-300 kc. He found that tne absorp­ tion coefficient for 00^ was strongly frequency deoendent, He also found a molecular absorption peak at 100 kc, Hub- bard^^(1932) published a paper dealing with the acoustic 5* Interferometer and gave a few absorption data for C02 and air measured at a frequency of 597 kc. Pielemeierd?) ( 1932) reported on sound absorption in CO2 at relative humidities ranging from 21+-31^ in the fre­ quency range from 300-2000 kc. A sharp absorption peak was found at 217 kc0 Leonard (ll+) (19k0) measured the absorption of sound in CO2 by a direct method, A microphone responding to the sound pressure was moved away from a niston source. He found a peak absorption for CO2 at 30 kc. He also reported on sound absorption in N2-C02 mixtures, Fricke^) (IQWO) measured sonic absorption in C02 at frequencies between 8 and 130 ke„ His experimental scheme was similar to that already described in connection with the work of Knudsen and 0bert^3)o Fricke showed that for dry C02 the peak absorption occurred at 20 kc 0 and that had a value of 0 „230o Knudsen and Fricke^^) (19L0 ) using an improved appa~ ratus based on that described in their 1938 paper report on the effect of impurities on the absorption of sound in C02, They found that 1% of H20 vapor caused a shift of 2250 kc, in the absorption band for C02«, It was also found that the frequency for maximum absorption varied linearly with the percent of water vapor. 6. Pielemeier, Saxton, and Telfair^20^, Telfair^2<^ , and Pielemeier and 3 y e r s ^ ^ (lPM-O—l P ^ ) have reported on the effects of humidity on the absorption of sound in CC^o Pielemeier ^ ^ (19*+3) presented a review of ultrasonic measurements in C0^9 The purpose of my work is to investigate the effects of water vapor and ammonia gas on the relaxation time in oxygen and to make measurements of sound absorption in nitrogen-carbon dioxide and argon-carbon dioxide mixtures*

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