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Ultrafast Phenomena X: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference, Del Coronado, CA, May 28 – June 1, 1996 PDF

476 Pages·1996·17.548 MB·English
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2 Springer Series in Chemical Physics I lE.d.ite.d- by- F-ritz- P_. Schafer __ Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York Barcelona Budapest Hong Kong London Milan Paris Santa Clara Singapore Tokyo Springer Series in Chemical Physics Editors: Vitalii I. Goldanskii Fritz P. Schafer J. Peter Toennies Managing Editor: H. K. V Lotsch 40 High-Resolution Spectroscopy of 52 Multiple-Photon Laser Chemistry Transient Molecules By. R.Y. Ambartzumian, C.D. Cantrell, By E. Hirota and A. Puretzky 41 High Resolution Spectral Atlas of 53 Ultrafast Phenomena VII Nitrogen Dioxide 559-597 nm Editors: C. B. Harris, E. P. Ippen, By K. Uehara and H. Sasada G. A. Mourou, and A. H. Zewail 42 Antennas and Reaction Centers of 54 Physics of Ion Impact Phenomena Photosynthetic Bacteria Editor: D. Mathur Structure, Interactions, and Dynamics 55 Ultrafast Phenomena VIII Editor: M. E. Michel-Beyerle Editors: J.-L. Martin, A. Migus, 43 The Atom-Atom Potential Method G. A. Mourou, and A. H. Zewail Applications to Organic Molecular 56 Clusters of Atoms and Molecules Solids Salvation and Chemistry of Free By A.J. Pertsin and A.I. Kitaigorodsky Clusters, and Embedded, Supported and 44 Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Compressed Clusters SIMS V Editor: H. Haberland Editors: A. Benninghoven, R.J. Colton, 57 Radiationless Transitions in Poly- D.S. Simons, and H.W. Werner atomic Molecules 45 Thermotropic Liquid Crystals, By E. S. Medvedev and V. 1. Osherov Fundamentals 58 Positron Annihilation in Chemistry By G. Vertogen and W. H. de Jeu By O. E. Mogensen 46 Ultrafast Phenomena V 59 Soot Formation in Combustion Editors: G. R. Fleming and Mechanisms and Models A. E. Siegman Editor: H. Bockhorn 47 Complex Chemical Reaction Systems 60 Ultrafast Phenomena IX Mathematical Modelling Editors: P. F. Barbara, W. H. Knox, and Simulation G. A. Mourou, and A. H. Zewail Editors: J. Warnatz and W. Jager 61 Gas Phase Chemical Reaction Systems 48 Ultrafast Phenomena VI Experiments and Models 100 Years Editors: T. Yajima, K. Yoshihara, After Max Bodenstein C. B. Harris, and S. Shionoya Editors: J. Wolfrum, H.-R. Volpp, 49 Vibronic Interactions in Molecules R. Rannacher, and J. Warnatz and Crystals 62 Ultrafast Phenomena X By LB. Bersuker and V.Z. Polinger Editors: P. F. Barbara, J. G. Fujimoto, 50 Molecular and Laser Spectroscopy W. H. Knox, and W. Zinth By Zu-Geng Wang and Hui-Rong Xia 51 Space-Time Organization in Macro- molecular Fluids Editors: F. Tanaka, M. Doi, and T. Ohta Volumes 1-39 are listed at the end of the book P. F. Barbara· J. G. Fujimoto W. H. Knox· W. Zinth (Eds.) Ultrafast PhenomenaX Proceedings of the 10th International Conference, Del Coronado, CA, May 28 - June 1, 1996 With 385 Figures Springer Professor Paul F. Barbara Department of Chemistry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455-0431, USA Professor James G. Fujimoto Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Research Laboratory of Electronics, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA Wayne H. Knox, Ph. D. Lucent Technology, Bell Laboratories, Crawfords Corner Road, Holmdel, NJ 07733-3030, USA Professor Wolfgang Zinth Institut fiir Medizinische Optik, Universitlit Miinchen, Barbarastrasse 16, 0-80797 Miinchen, Germany Series Editors Professor Dr. Fritz Peter Schafer Max -Planck- Institut fiir Biophysikalische Chemie 0-37077 Gtlttingen-Nikolausberg, Germany Professor Vitalii I. Goldanskii Professor Dr. 1. Peter Toennies Institute of Chemical Physics Max-Planck-Institut Academy of Sciences flir Strtlmungsforschung Uli tsa Kossigyna 4 Bu nsenstrasse 10 Moscow, 117334, Russia 0-37073 Gtlttingen, Germany Managing Editor: Dr. Helmut K. V. Lotsch Springer-Verlag, Tiergartenstrasse 17, 0-69121 Heidelberg, Germany Cataloging-in-Publication Data applied for Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufnahme Ultrafast phenomena: proceedings of the ... international conference ... - Berlin; Heidelberg; New York; London; Paris; Tokyo; Hong Kong; Barcelona; Budapest: Springer. Bis 5 (l986) Zusatz rum Hauptsachtitel: proceedings of the ... OSA top. meeting Bis 3 (1982) u.d.T.: Picosecond phenomena NE: Optical Society of America 10. Del Coronado, CA, May 28 - June I, 1996. - 1996 (Springer series in chemical physics; 62) NE:GT ISBN-13: 978-3-642-80316-1 e-ISBN-13: 978-3-642-80314-7 DOl: 10.1007/978-3-642-80314-7 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned. specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other way, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of the German Copyright Law of September 9, 1965, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer-Verlag. Violations are liable for prosecution under the German Copyright Law. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1996 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1s t edition 1996 The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. Typesetting: Camera ready by authors/editors SPIN: 10545248 54/3144 -5 4 3 210 -Printed on acid-free paper Preface This volume contains papers presented at the Tenth International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena held at Del Coronado, California, from May 28 to June 1, 1996. The biannual Ultrafast Phenomena Conferences provide a forum for the discussion of the latest advances in ultrafast optics and their applications in science and engineering. The Ultrafast Phenomena Conference maintains a broad international representation with 391 participants from 18 countries, including 94 students attending the conference. The multidisciplinary character of this meeting provides a cross-fertilization of ultrafast concepts and techniques among various scientific and engineering disciplines. The enthusiasm of the paticipants, the originality and quality of the papers that they presented, and the beautiful conference site combined to produce a very successful and enjoyable meeting. Progress was reported in the technology of generating ultrashort pulses, in cluding new techniques for improving laser-pulse duration, output power, wave length range, and compactness. Ultrafast spectroscopy continues to impact on and expand the knowledge base of fundamental processes in physics, chemistry, biol ogy and engineering. In addition ultrafast phenomena now extends to real-world applications in biology, high-speed communication, and material diagnostics. The Tenth Ultrafast Phenomena Conference was highlighted by a 'special event' in which the developments of the previous conferences were reviewed in a panel discussion by G. Mourou, E. Ippen, A. Migus, A. Laubereau and R. Hochstrasser. Acknowledgements. Many people contributed to the success of the confer ence. Members of the international program committee not only provided general guidance, but also reviewed all the papers and organized the program. The staff of the Optical Society of America organized the conference arrangements. We would like to acknowledge the Optical Society of America for sponsorship as well as support from Coherent, IMRA America, Inrad, the International Science Foundation, and the National Science Foundation. Minneapolis, MN Paul F. Barbara Cambridge, MA James G. Fujimoto Holmdel, NJ Wayne H. Knox MOOchen, Germany Wolfgang Zinth July 1996 v Contents Part I Ultrafast Lasers and Sources Advances in All-Solid-State Ultrafast Lasers By U. Keller (With 1 Figure) .............................. 3 Physics and Scaling of Saturable Bragg Reflector-Modelocked Diode-Pumped Solid State Ultrafast Lasers By S. Tsuda, W.H. Knox, S.T. Cundiff, J.L. Zyskind, W.Y. Jan, R. Pathak, and J.E. Cunningham (With 3 Figures) ................ 6 Ultrabroad-Band Ring Oscillator for Short Pulse Generation By L. Xu, Ch. Spielmann, F. Krausz, and R. Szipocs (With 2 Figures) ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Frequency-Dependent Mode-Size in Kerr-Lens Modelocked Lasers By S.T. Cundiff, W.H. Knox,E.P.lppen, H.A. Haus, and F.I. Khatri (With 1 Figure) ....................................... 10 Toward Coherent Control on a Sub-1Ofs Time Scale By Christian Spielmann, L. Xu, and F. Krausz (With 2 Figures) 12 Generation Dynamics of Solid-State Lasers Mode Locked by Antiresonant Loop By V.L. Kalashnikov, V.P. Kalosha, I.G. Poloyko, and V.P. Mikhailov (With 1 Figure) ....................................... 14 Ultraviolet Picosecond Pulses from an All-Solid-State Ce:Flouride Master Oscillator and Power Amplifier System By Z. Liu, N. Sarukura, S. Izumida, Y. Segawa, M.A. Dubinskii, V.V. Semashko, A.K. Naumov, S.L. Korableva, and R.Yu. Abdulsabirov (With 4 Figures) ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 High-Power and Frequency-Doubled Stretched-Pulse Fiber Laser By L.E. Nelson, S.B. Fleischer, H.A. Haus, and E.P. Ippen (With 3 Figures) ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 An Electronically Wavelength Tunable Mode-Locked Fiber Laser Using an All-Fiber Acousto-Optic Tunable Filter By M.-Y. Jeon, H.K. Lee, K.H. Kim, E.-H. Lee, S.H. Yun, B.Y. Kim, and Y.W. Koh (With 3 Figures) ............................ 20 VII Femtosecond Chirped-Pulse Multifrequency Sources By M.C. Nuss, W.H. Knox, J.B. Stark, S. Cundiff, D.A.B. Miller, and U. Koren (With 3 Figures) ............................. 22 "Pulse Shaping" of Incoherent Light by Use of a Liquid Crystal Modulator Array By V. Binjrajka, C.-C. Chang, A.W.R. Emanuel, D.E. Leaird, and A.M. Weiner (With 2 Figures) .......................... 24 High-Resolution Ultrafast Laser Pulse Shaping for Quantum Control and Terabit per Second Communications By M. Dugan, J.x. Th11, J.-K. Ree, and W.S. Warren (With 2 Figures) ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26 10- to 80-Gb/s, Highly Extinctive Electrooptic Pulse Pattern Generation By T. Otsuji, M. Yaita, T. Nagatsuma, and E. Sano (With 3 Figures) 28 Part II Parameteric Generation Ultrafast Visible Optical Parametric Oscillators: A Route to Thnable Sub-IO-Femtosecond Pulses? By F. Hache, M. Cava11ari, and G.M. Gale (With 2 Figures) 33 Thnable 50 fs Pulses in the Visible by Up-Conversion of Parametrically Generated Pulses in the Near Infrared By M. Sueptitz, R.A. Kaindl, S. Lutgen, M. Woerner, and E. Riedle (With 2 Figures) ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 36 A Potassium Niobate OPA Pumped by an Amplified Ti:Sapphire Laser By J.D. Kafka and M.L. Watts (With 2 Figures) ................. 38 Midinfrared Femtosecond Pulse Generation Using a 250 kHz Ti:Sapphire Pumped BBO OPA and DFG in AgGaS2 By M.K. Reed and M.K. Steiner-Shepard (With 4 Figures) .......... 40 Generation and Applications of Mid-Infrared Femtosecond Pulses Obtained by Optical Rectification of I5-fs Near-Infrared Pulses By M. Joffre, A. Bonvalet, J.-L. Martin, and A. Migus (With I Figure) ....................................... 42 Fiber Laser Pumped Femtosecond Optical Parametric Generator By A. Galvanauskas, M.A. Arbore, M.M. Fejer, M.E. Fermann, and D. Harter (With 3 Figures) ........................... " 44 Part III Terahertz Sources and Techniques Previously Impossible Measurements Made Possible by THz-Time-Domain Spectroscopy By D. Grischkowsky and R.A. Cheville (With 2 Figures) 49 VIII Noncontact Semiconductor Wafer Characerization with T-Rays By D.M. Mittleman, M.C. Nuss, J. Cunningham, and M. Geva (With 2 Figures) ....................................... 52 Electro-Optic Imaging of THz Beams By X.-C. Zhang, Q. Wu, and T.D. Hewitt (With 4 Figures) 54 High Resolution Sub-Millimeter Spectroscopy Using Mode-Locked Laser Driven Electro-Optic Antennas By T.M. Goyette, W. Guo, F.C. De Lucia, E.R. Brown, K.A. McIntosh, K. Juvan, J.C. Swartz, H.O. Everitt, and B.D. Guenther (With 3 Figures) ....................................... 56 Pulsed Terahertz Spectroscopy of Solutions: Experiment and Memory Function Analysis By B. Flanders, R. Cheville, D. Grischkowsky, and N.F. Scherer (With 2 Figures) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 58 Free-Space Electro-Optic Samplers By Q. Wu, M. Litz, and X.-C. Zhang (With 8 Figures) 60 Thnable Photoconducting Emitters and Detectors of Free Space Terahertz Radiation By A.S. Weling, D.H. Auston, and T.F. Heinz (With 1 Figure) 62 Superradiant Terahertz Emission from Bloch Oscillations By R. Martini, G. Klose, H.G. Roskos, H. Kurz, H.T. Grahn, R. Hey, and K. Ploog (With 2 Figures) ............................. 64 Transient Grating with Asymmetric Arms for Electro-Optic Generation of THz Radiation By H. Kawashima, F. Sasaki, S. Kobayashi, and T. Tani (With 2 Figures) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 66 Terahertz Waveform Synthesis and Enhanced Narrow-Band Terahertz Generation Using Femtosecond Pulse Shaping By Y. Liu, S.-G. Park, and A.M. Weiner (With 2 Figures) .......... 69 Diffracting Fourier-Transform Spectroscopy Using Mid-Infrared Femtosecond Pulses By A. Bonvalet, M. Joffre, A. Migus, and J.-L. Martin (With 1 Figure) ....................................... 71 PartN High Brightness Light Pulses: Systems and Techniques Generation of 25 TW, 32 fs Pulses at 10 Hz By C. Le Blanc, A. Antonetti, J.P. Chambaret, G. Cheriaux, P. Curley, G. Darpentigny, and F. Salin (With 2 Figures) .................. 75 IX SUb-20-fs Multiterawatt Laser and Ultrafast X-Ray Source By C.P.J. Barty, T. Guo, C. Le Blanc, C. Rose-Petruck, F. R~ksi, J.A. Squier, B. Walker, P. Weber, K.R. Wilson, V.V. Vakovlev, and K. Yamakawa (With 2 Figures) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 16 fs Pulse Generation and Measurement in the Ultraviolet and Vacuum Ultraviolet By C.G. Durfee III, S. Backus, J. Peatross, E. Zeek, K. Read, F. Weihe, M.M. Murnane, and H.C. Kapteyn (With 1 Figure) ............... 79 High Energy 10 fs Pulses by a New Pulse Compression Technique Using Hollow Quartz Waveguides By M. Nisoli, S. De Silvestri, S. Stagira, and O. Svelto (With 1 Figure) ....................................... 81 On the Pulse Quality Limitations in Ultrashort Chirped Pulse Amplification By J.P. Chambaret, G. Cheriaux, P. Rousseau, and F. Salin (With 2 Figures) '" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Chirped-Pulse Amplifiaction with a Fiber Stretcher and a Grism Compressor By S. Kane, J. Squier, V.V. Yakovlev, and C.P.J. Barty (With 1 Figure) .................,... '. '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Regenerative Pulse Shaping: A New Technique for Ultrabroadband Amplification By J.A. Squier, T. Guo, C. LeBlanc, G. Korn, C. Rose-Petruck, F. RaIcsi, V.V. Yakovlev, K. Yarnakawa, and C.P.J. Barty (With 2 Figures) 87 Compensation of SPM-Induced Pulse Distortions in Chirped-Pulse Amplification Systems By A. Braun, S. Kane, and T. Norris (With 1 Figure) 90 Part V High-Field Physics and X-Ray Generation Laser Electron Interactions at Critical Field Strength By A.C. Melissinos (With 4 Figures) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Nonlinear Optics in the Relativistic Regime By D. Umstadter, S.-Y. Chen, A. Maksimchuk, G. Mourou, and R. Wagner (With 2 Figures) ............................ 98 Excitation of Surface Electromagnetic Waves in High-Temperature Near-Surface Plasmas; Resonance Second Harmonic Generation By A.P. Tarasevitch, V.M. Gordienko, A.B. Savel'ev, A.O. Timoshin, and R.V. Volkov (With 2 Figures) ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 100 x Selfchannelling of Intense Femtosecond Optical Pulses Through Air in the Transient Regime By P.F. Curley, E.T.J. Nibbering, G. Grillon, R. Lange, M.A. Franco, T. Lehner, B.S. Prade, and A. Mysyrowicz (With 4 Figures) ......... 103 Enhanced Ionization of Molecular Ions in Intense Laser Fields: Experiments on the Iodine Melecule By E. Constant, H. Stapelfeldt, and P.B. Corkum (With 1 Figure) ..... 105 Direct Observation of Coherent 1Wo-Photon Medium Response Induced by Femtosecond Deep UV-Laser Pulses in Krytpon By G. Korn, O. Kittelmann, J. Ringling, A. Nazarkin, and LV. Hertel (With 3 Figures) ....................................... 107 Picosecond Tune-Resolved Pump-Probe XUV Absorption L-Edge Spectroscopy By M. Nantel, J. Workman, A. Maksimchuk, and D. Umstadter (With 2 Figures) ..................•.................... 109 Measurement of High Harmonic Pulse Durations Via Laser Assisted X-Ray Photoionization By T.E. Glover, R.W. Schoenlein, A.H. Chin, and C.V. Shank (With 1 Figure) .........•............................. 111 Energy Penetration of Ultrahigh Intensity Short Laser Pulses into Overdense Plasmas Through Solitons By A.V. Kim, V.A. Mironov, and L.A. Abramyan (With 1 Figure) .... 113 Observation of Relativistic Self-Focusing, Self-Channeling and Filamentation of Multiterawatt Ultra-Short Laser Pulses in Optical-Field Ionized Argon Gas Jets By C. Stenz, F. Blasco, J. Stevefelt, J.C. Pellicer, A. Antonetti, J.P. Chambaret, G. Cheriaux, G. Darpentigny, G. Grillon, C. Le Blanc, A. Mysyrowicz, A. Rousse, F. Salin, and F. Amiranoff (With 2 Figures) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 115 Harmonic Generation from a Sharp Plasma-Vacuum Boundary By D. von der Linde, T. Engers, G. Jenke, P. Agostini, G. Grillon, J.-P. Chambaret, A. Mysyrowicz, and A. Antonetti (With 2 Figures) ... 117 Enhanced High-Harmonic Generation with Ultrashort 25 fs Pulses By J. Zhou, A. Rundquist, Z. Chang, J. Peatross, LP. Christov, M.M. Murnane, and H.C. Kapteyn (With 1 Figure) ............... 120 Femtosecond X-Rays Generated via 90° Thomson Scattering By R.W. Schoenlein, W.P. Leemans, A.H. Chin, P. Volfbeyn, T.E. Glover, P. Balling, M. Zolotorev, K.-J. Kim, S. Chattopadhyay, and C.V. Shank (With 3 Figures) ........................... 122 XI

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