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ULTRAFAST HYDROGEN BONDING DYNAMICS AND PROTON TRANSFER PROSESSES IN THE CONDENSED PHASE Understanding Chemical Reactivity Volume 23 Series Editor Paul G. Mezey, UniversityofSaskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada EditorialAdvisoryBoard R.Stephen Berry, UniversityofChicago, IL, USA John I.Brauman, Stanford University, CA, USA A.Welford Castleman, Jr., Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA Enrico Clementi, Universite Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France Stephen R.Langhoff, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, USA K.Morokuma, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA Peter J. Rossky, UniversityofTexasatAustin, TX, USA Zdenek Slanina, Czech AcademyofSciences, Prague, Czech Republic Donald G.Truhlar, UniversityofMinnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA Ivar Ugi, Technische Universitat, MOnchen, Germany The titles publishedinthis series are listedat the endofthis volume. Ultrafast Hydrogen Bonding Dynamics and Proton Transfer Processes in the Condensed Phase editedby Thomas Eisaesser Max-Born·lnstitute,Berlin,Germany and HuibJ.Bakker FOMInstituteforAtomicandMolecularPhysics, Amsterdam,TheNetherlands Springer-Science+Business Media, B.V. AC.I.P.Catalogue recordforthis book isavailable from the Library of Congress. ISBN978-90-481-6206-2 ISBN978-94-017-0059-7 (eBook) 001 10.1007/978-94-017-0059-7 Printedonacid-freepaper All Rights Reserved ©2002Springer Science+Business MediaDordrecht Originally published byKluwerAcademic Publishers in2002. Softcover reprintofthe hardcover 1stedition 2002 Nopart ofthis work maybe reproduced, stored inaretrievalsystem, ortransmitted inanyform or byany means,electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recordingorotherwise, withoutwritten permission from the Publisher,with the exception ofany material supplied specifically forthe purpose ofbeing entered andexecutedon a computer system, for exclusive use bythe purchaserofthe work. Contents 1 Ultrafast Dynamics ofHydrogenBonding andProton Transfer intheCondensed Phase T. ElsaesserandH.J.Bakker 1 Introduction 1 2 OutlineoftheBook 3 2 Infra-Red Spectra ofHydrogen Bonded Systems: Theory andExperiment 5 S. Bratos,J-CI. Leicknam, G.GallotandH.Ratajczak 1 Introduction 5 2 Classical Infra-RedSpectroscopy 7 2.1 Phenomenological Description 7 2.2 StatisticalTheory ofBand Shapes. Semi-EmipiralTheories 10 2.3 StatisticalTheory ofBand Shapes. Molecular DynamicsSimulations 16 2.4 Power andLimitsofClassical Infra-redSpectroscopy 18 3 Time-ResolvedInfra-redSpectroscopy 19 3.1 Basic Information 19 3.2 FemtochemistryofWater 19 3.3 Phenomenological Description 21 3.4 StatisticalTheory ofBand Shapes 24 4 Conclusions 27 References 28 3 Femtosecond Mid-InfraredSpectroscopy ofWater 31 H.J.Bakker 1 Introduction 31 2 FemtosecondMid-Infrared Spectroscopy 32 2.1 Generation ofFemtosecond Mid-Infrared Pulses 32 2.2 Nonlinear Vibrational SpectroscopyofWater 33 2.3 Aqueous Samples 36 v vi Ultrafast Hydrogen BondingDynamicsandProton Transfer 3 Energy TransferinLiquid Water 38 3.1 VibrationalRelaxationofHDO:D 38 2O 3.2 VibrationalRelaxationofLiquidH 41 2O 3.3 VibrationalRelaxationoftheO-DStretch VibrationofLiquidWater 44 3.4 VibrationalRelaxationofWater inAqueous Solvent Shells 44 3.5 Resonant IntermolecularEnergyTransfer inLiquidH 48 2O 4 Hydrogen-BondDynamics ofLiquid Water 51 4.1 Experimental Results 52 4.2 Brownian OscillatorModel 55 4.3 Hydrogen-Bondversus Deuterium-Bond Dynamics 58 4.4 Hydrogen-BondDynamics ofWater inAqueous Solvent Shells 60 4.5 Relation between Hydrogen-BondLengthand Local Liquid Structure 64 5 RefmedQuantum-MechanicalModeling oftheSpectral Response ofLiquidWater 65 6 Conclusions 69 References 70 4 Proton TransferReactions andHydrogen BondinginSolution 73 P.M.KieferandJ.T.Hynes 1 Introduction 73 2 AdiabaticProton Transfer 75 3 NonadiabaticTunneling ProtonTransfer 84 4 ConcludingRemarks 87 References 90 5 Ab-InitioReactionPaths andPotential-EnergyFunctions forExcited State Intra- andIntermolecularHydrogen-TransferProcesses 93 A.L. SobolewskiandW.Domcke 1 Introduction 94 2 TheoreticalMethodology 96 2.1 Reaction Path Concept 96 2.2 Electronic-StructureMethods 96 3 TheoreticalResults 98 3.1 An ESIHT Model System:Malonaldehyde 98 3.1.1 Hydrogen Transfer 100 3.1.2 Hydrogen Detachment 102 3.2 'Real'ESIHT Systems 104 Vll 3.3 ESIHTinH-BondedMolecularComplexes 106 3.4 AGeneric MechanisticModeloftheESIHT ReactionandPhotostability 108 3.5 PhotoinducedHydrogenTransfertotheSolvent 109 4 Conclusions 114 References 115 6 UltrafastExcitedState HydrogenTransferinthe CondensedPhase 119 T.Elsaesser 1 Introduction 119 2 ExperimentalTechniques 123 3 VibrationalSpectroscopyofUltrafastHydrogen Transfer 128 3.1 ResonanceRaman Spectroscopy 128 3.2 FemtosecondInfraredSpectroscopy 132 4 ExcitedState HydrogenTransfer:Transient ElectronicSpectra 136 5 VibrationalRelaxationandRedistributionInducedby HydrogenTransfer 143 6 Conclusions 148 References 151 7 ProtonDissociationand Solute-SolventInteractionsFollowing ElectronicExcitationofPhotoacids 155 E.Pines andD.Pines 1 Introduction 155 1.1 NeutralandCationic Photoacids 157 1.2 AGeneral DescriptionofPhotoacidity 160 1.2.1 NeutralPhotoacids 160 1.2.2 Cationic Photoacids 162 2 KineticProcessesInitiatedby Photoacid Proton Dissociation 163 2.1 Diffusion-ControlledProtonTransferReactions 163 2.2 ProtonTransfertoSolvent(PITS)from Photoacids 166 2.3 ProtonTransferinBulk Water(The Grotthus Mechanism) 171 3 HydrogenBonding InteractionofPhotoacids 174 4 SolvationDynamics andHydrogenBonding Interactions ofPhotoacids 177 5 Summary 178 References 179 Index 185 Chapter 1 ULTRAFAST DYNAMICS OF HYDROGEN BONDING AND PROTON TRANSFER IN THE CONDENSED PHASE Thomas Elsaesser Max-Born-Institutfur Nicbtlineare Optikund Kurzzeitspektroskopie, Max-Born-Sir. 2 A, D-12489Berlin, Germany Huib J. Bakker FOM Institute for Atomic and MolecularPhysics, Kruislaan 407, 1098SJAmsterdam, The Netherlands 1. Introduction Hydrogenbondsare offundamental importanceinnature. Theyare sub stantially weaker than covalent bonds and cover a wide range ofbinding energies from about 4 to 40 kJfmol, depending on the local geometry and the type and strength of interaction between the hydrogen donor and acceptor groups. This local interaction is strong enough to deter mine the structure of many molecular systems, such as water, ice, and macromolecules like the DNA or proteins. On the other hand, the lim ited strength of hydrogen bonds allows for structural flexibility and for a 'making and breaking' of bonds which are essential for the function of such systems. These processes include the transfer of hydrogen atoms along pre-existinghydrogenbondsand the release ofprotons into a liquid or protein environment. Over the last decades, there has been impressive progress in eluci dating hydrogen-bonded molecular structures. Key techniques are x ray diffraction now making use of high brilliance synchrotron sources and highly developed growth methods for (bio)molecular crystals, neu tron diffraction being particularly sensitive in measuring hydrogen po sitions, and nuclear magnetic resonance providing insight into local in teractions through chemical shifts of the resonance signals. In general, 1 T.ElsaesserandH.I.Bakker(eds.), UltrafastHydrogenBondingDynamicsandProtonTransferProcessesintheCondensedPhase,1-4. ©2002KluwerAcademicPublishers. 2 T. Elsaesser, H.J. Bakker the time-averaged positions of atoms and functional groups are derived from such measurements with a precision ofa fraction of a bond length. The structure of macromolecules like DNA, myoglobin and a number of large proteins are rather well understood. In contrast, the knowledge of hydrogen-bonded liquid structures which are characterized by a high degree ofdisorder, i.e. a complex distributionof local geometries, isstill limited, even for liquids like water. On a microscopic level, the functioning of hydrogen-bonded systems is much less understood than their structure. The understandingof this functioning requires knowledge of the dynamics of hydrogen bonds and proton-transfer processes, both extending over many orders of magni tude in time. Among the fastest events are the nuclear motions in a hydrogen bond, e.g., the vibrational excitations of the hydrogen donor group andthechanges oftheoverall lengthofthehydrogen bondinduced by low-frequency degrees of freedom. These events occur on ultrafast time scales ranging from 10 fs up to several picoseconds. Elementary reaction steps like the formation and breaking of hydrogen bonds, and the transfer of protons or hydrogen atoms, can proceed as fast as these nuclear motions, However, these processes can also take much longer in cases where the local potential energy surface displays a barrier. The wide range of time scales of the dynamics of hydrogen-bonded systems together with theirstructuralcomplexity and/or disorderpresents a ma jor challenge for both experiment and theory. In principle, information on dynamics can be derived from the line shapes ofstationary absorption and emission spectra related to elemen tary excitations of a hydrogen bond, i.e, from steady-state linear spec troscopy in the frequency domain. For most hydrogen-bonded systems, however,complexlineshapeswitha combinedhomogeneous and inhomo geneous broadeningare found that cannot be analyzed with steady-state spectroscopy. As a result, combinations of frequency and time-domain spectroscopic techniques, like multidimensional nuclear magnetic reso nance using pulse sequences and time-resolved optical spectroscopy, are required to investigate the dynamics of hydrogen bonds. The fastest events that can be accessed directly by nuclear magnetic resonance, have a characteristic time scale of a few nanoseconds. With optical spectroscopy employing ultrashort pulses, it is even possible to study events on a time scale of a few femtoseconds. In recent years, ultrafast optical spectroscopy has developed into an important tool to study the dynamics of hydrogen bonds and proton transfer reactions. Ultrafast spectroscopy addresses the nonlinear opti cal response of the system in the time-domain at a time scale between a few femtoseconds and approximately 10 picoseconds. These studies Ultrafast dynamics ofhydrogen bonding 3 provide information which cannot be obtained with linear absorption or emission spectroscopy. For instance, ultrafast photonecho or, in general, coherent multidimensional spectroscopy, allows for a separation of ho mogeneous and inhomogeneous broadening of lineshapes and for a mea surement of electronic and other couplings between functional groups. So far, ultrafast spectroscopy of hydrogen bonds has been concentrated mainlyon two areas, nonlinear vibrationalspectroscopy in theelectronic ground state and studies of photoinduced proton-transfer processes in electronically excited states. Parallel to the experimental progress, theoretical concepts and meth ods for describing the reactive and nonreactive dynamics of hydrogen bonds have reached a high degree of sophistication. ab-initio molecular dynamics simulations based on density functional theory have become an important tool for analyzing hydrogen-bond dynamics in liquids. In addition, different types of transition-state and quantum dynamics the ories have been developed and applied to study hydrogen and proton transfer processes. Moreover, a powerful theoretical framework based on density matrix and/or Green's function formalisms has been developed for describing the nonlinear optical response of molecules in condensed phases. The combination of ultrafast nonlinear spectroscopy with these new theoretical approaches has led to important new insights into the physics and chemistry of hydrogen bonds. 2. Outline of the book In this book, the recent progress in the research on ultrafast dynamics of hydrogen bonds and proton transfer is reviewed. The main emphasis is on optical studies of hydrogen bonds making use of nonlinear time resolved spectroscopy in the ultrafast time domain. In the following 6 chapters, bothstate-of-the art theoryand recent experimentalresultsare presented on a tutorial level. Chapters 2 to 4 deal with dynamics in the electronicgroundstatewhereas excitedstatehydrogenand protontrans fer are discussed in Chapters 5to 7. In Chapter 2, infrared spectroscopy ofhydrogen bonded systems is reviewed, in particular addressing steady state and time-resolvedstudies ofO-H stretchingbands. Chapter 3gives an overview of ultrafast vibrational spectroscopy of water, mainly con centrating on the coherent and incoherent dynamics of 0-H stretching excitations. Hydrogen and proton transfer in the electronic ground state are discussed from a theoretical point of view in Chapter 4, giving a mi croscopic description of these processes in which the strong influence of the solvent is accounted for. In Chapter 5, ab-initio calculations of ex cited state intra- and intermolecular hydrogen transfer are considered,

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