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Ultra-short solitons and kinetic effects in nonlinear metamaterials Mattias Marklund,1,2 Padma K. Shukla,3,2 and Lennart Stenflo1 1Department of Physics, Ume˚a University, SE–901 87 Ume˚a, Sweden 2Centre for Fundamental Physics, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Oxfordshire, UK 3Institut fu¨r Theoretische Physik IV, Fakult¨at fu¨r Physik und Astronomie, Ruhr-Universit¨at Bochum, D–44780 Bochum, Germany (Dated: January 23, 2006) WepresentastabilityanalysisofamodifiednonlinearSchr¨odingerequationdescribingthepropa- gationofultra-shortpulsesinnegativerefractiveindexmedia. Moreover,usingmethodsofquantum statistics, we derive a kinetic equation for the pulses, making it possible to analyze and describe partial coherence in metamaterials. It is shown that a novel short pulse soliton, which is found 6 analytically, can propagate in the medium. 0 0 PACSnumbers: 42.25.Bs,42.25.Gy,78.20.Ci 2 n As early as in 1945,Mandelstam studied the electromagnetic properties of materials exhibiting a negative index of a J refraction [1, 2]. The concepts of negative permittivity ε and permeability µ and the consequences of negative group velocity were moreover given attention by Pafomov [3] and Agranovich and Ginzburg [4], and have since then been 9 2 discussed by several authors, e.g. [5, 6, 7, 8]. Recently, such materials have been produced [9, 10], and experimental verifications of previous theoretical issues are currently attracting much interest (see, e.g. [11, 12] for a review). ] From a sharp resonance in the materialresponse to the applied external field, one may obtain negative ε and µ. The S normalprocedureforobtainingnegative-index-of-refractionmaterialsistoputtogethertwostructuredmaterialsthat P both have negative permittivity and negative permeability, suchthat the resulting composite materialhas a negative . n refractive index [12]. Since such materials may have a nonlinear response as well, a nonlinear metamaterial can be i l constructed [13, 14] n In the present Brief Report, we shall consider ultra-short electromagnetic pulses in left-handed materials [14]. We [ investigatethestabilitypropertiesofapulse,andshowthatthemetamaterialcaninfluenceitsdynamicsinsignificant 1 ways. Moreover,the effects ofpartialpulse coherenceis studiedusing the Wignerfunction approach. Itis alsoshown v that the dynamical equation for modulated short pulses admits a novel localized envelope soliton solution, which 2 should be experimentally verified. 6 Giventhe electric field E(z,t)exp(ik z iω t) ofa shortelectromagneticpulse, the evolutionof the pulse envelope 0 0 − 0 E in the slowly varying envelope limit, i.e. k (∂ 2(∂k /∂ω )∂ ), is governed by (e.g. [14]) 1 0 ≫ z − 0 0 t 0 6 ∂E α∂2E ∂ 0 i + +κ (1 κ I)IE iσ (IE)=0, (1) / ∂z 2 ∂t2 1 − 2 − ∂t n i where we have introduced the parameters α = (∂2k /∂ω2), κ = βµχ(3)/2n, κ = µχ(3)/4n2, and σ = nl χ(3)[µ/2V n2 (γ +µ)/2n]. Moreover, β = 2πω /−ω , ω0is th0e pla1sma frequency, χ(32) is the third order suscep- g 0 p p v: tibility of the−medium, α is the group velocity dispersion (GVD), Vg = (∂k0/∂ω0)−1 is the group velocity, µ is the − i magnetic permeability, n is the refractive index, γ =∂(ω n)/∂ω , and the intensity is given by I = E 2. X 0 0 | | There is a stationary solution E(t,z)=E exp(i∆kz) of Eq. (1), corresponding to a nonlinear phase shift 0 r a ∆k =κ (1 κ I )I , (2) 1 2 0 0 − where I = E2. Linearizing around this stationary solution, according to E(t,z) = [E +E (t,z)]exp(i∆kz), where 0 0 0 1 E E , Eq. (1) gives 1 0 | |≪ ∂E α∂2E ∂ 1 1 ∗ ∗ i + +κ (1 κ I )I (E +E ) iσI (2E +E )=0. (3) ∂z 2 ∂t2 1 − 2 0 0 1 1 − 0∂t 1 1 By makingthe ansatz E =E +iE ,andassuminga harmonicdependence inthe formE ,E exp(iKz iΩt), 1 1r 1i 1r 1i ∝ − we can split Eq. (3) into its real and imaginary parts, and obtain the dispersion relation α2 1/2 K = 2σΩI Ω (ακ κ +σ2)I2 ακ I + Ω2 (4) − 0± 1 2 0 − 1 0 4 (cid:20) (cid:21) 2 Letting K = 2σΩI iΓ, where Γ>0, we thus have the modulational instability growth rate 0 − − α2 1/2 Γ=Ω ακ I (ακ κ +σ2)I2 Ω2 (5) 1 0− 1 2 0 − 4 (cid:20) (cid:21) The effects ofthe materialparametersα,κ ,κ , andσ onthe modulationalinstability growthrate (5)canbe divided 1 2 intoanumberofcases. Wenotethatinthecoherentcasetheeffectofthederivativenonlinearityisalwaystosuppress the modulational instability. First, in the case of positive GVD, i.e. α < 0, there is no growth in a focusing medium (χ(3) > 0; κ > 0) if the 1 higher order nonlinearities through κ are neglected. If the quintic nonlinearities are taken into account for focusing 2 media, we see from (5) that a positive growth rate is possible, given that κ κ >0. Since κ /κ =2βn, we will thus 1 2 1 2 have growth for normal and focusing media, where both the third order susceptibility and the refractive index are positive. InfocusingmetamaterialswithpositiveGVDthisisnolongerpossible,andthemodulationalinstabilitythus disappears. If we instead have a defocusing medium, i.e. χ(3) < 0, this implies κ < 0, and ακ > 0. Thus, growth 1 1 is possible even if κ = 0. For normal bulk media, ακ κ < 0 which increases the modulational instability growth 2 1 2 rate . However, for left-handed metamaterials we have ακ κ > 0, which implies a suppression of the modulational 1 2 instability. Secondly, there is the case of negative GVD, so that α > 0. If we have a focusing medium, so that χ(3) > 0 and κ > 0, the effect of a metamaterial in which κ < 0, is to increase the growth rate (5), while normal media tend to 1 2 inhibit the modulational instability. However, if the medium is defocusing, the coherent modulational instability is not possible in a normal medium, while in left-handed metamaterials we can obtain a positive growth rate from (5). Thus, we see from the cases above that the interplay between the material coefficients is complex, and requires careful consideration when studying the stability properties of waves in metamaterials. Inorderto takethe effects ofpartialincoherenceinto account,wedefine the space-timecorrelationfunctionforthe electricfieldasF(z+,z−,t+,t−)= E∗(z+,t+)E(z−,t−) , wherez± =z ζ/2,t± =t τ/2,andtheangularbrackets h i ± ± denote the ensemble average. The two-point correlation function for the field can be used to analyze, for example, self-trapping ofelight and incoherent soliton propagation in optical structures and nonlinear fibers [15, 16, 17]. Here we will use the Fourier transformof the correlationfunction, as this will give a generalizedkinetic descriptionfor the quasi particles. The Wigner distribution function of the pulse is given by [18, 19] 1 F(z,t,k,ω)= (2π)2 dζdτei(kζ−ωτ)F(z+,z−,t+,t−), (6) Z with the inverse F(z+,z−,t+,t−)= dkdωe−i(kζ−ωτ)F(z,t,k,ω) suceh that R e I(z,t)= dkdωF(z,t,k,ω). (7) Z Thus, fromEq.(1) the evolutionequationfor the Wigner function (6) correspondingto the envelopefield E is (see also Ref. [20]) ←→ αω∂ F ∂ F +2κ (1 κ I)Isin 1 ∂ ∂ F t − z 1 − 2 2 t ω (cid:18) (cid:19) ←→ ←→ +σ ∂ Icos 1 ∂ ∂ F 2ωIsin 1 ∂ ∂ F =0, (8) t 2 t ω − 2 t ω (cid:26) (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:21) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:27) wherewehavemadeaWignertransformationoverthetimedomain. Herethearrowsdenotethedirectionofoperation, andthe operatorfunctions aredefinedintermsoftheirrespectiveTaylorexpansion. Thesystemofequations(7)and (8) determines the evolution of short partially incoherent pulses in nonlinear meta-materials. In the low-frequency limit, we retain only the lowest order terms in the sin and cos operators in Eq. (8), to obtain the Vlasov-like equation αω∂ F ∂ F +κ ∂ [(1 κ I)I]∂ F +σ 1∂ (IF) ω(∂ I)∂ F =0, (9) t − z 1 t − 2 ω 2 t − t ω (cid:2) (cid:3) 3 In order to analyse the modulational instability and the effects of the terms due to nonzero σ and κ , we write 2 F(z,t,ω)=F (ω)+F (ω)exp(iKz iΩt)+c.c.,wherec.c.denotesthecomplexconjugate,and F F . Expanding 0 1 1 0 − | |≪ Eq. (8) in terms of this ansatz, and using Eq. (7), we obtain ∞ 1 1= dω [κ (1 κ I ) σ(ω+Ω/2)]F (ω Ω/2) 1 2 0 0 αΩ −∞ − − − Z n [κ (1 κ I ) σ(ω Ω/2)]F (ω+Ω/2) [ω+(K+σΩI )/αΩ]−1, (10) 1 2 0 0 0 − − − − o where I = dωF (ω). Equation (10) represents the NDR for a short electromagnetic pulse, where the pulse may 0 0 have spectral broadening and partial incoherence. R In the case of a mono-energetic pulse, we have F (ω)=I δ(ω Ω ), where Ω corresponds to a frequency shift of 0 0 0 0 − the background plane wave solution, and the NDR (10) gives α2 1/2 K = (2σI +αΩ )Ω Ω (ακ κ +σ2)I2 ακ I + Ω2+ασΩ I . (11) − 0 0 ± 1 2 0 − 1 0 4 0 0 (cid:20) (cid:21) In practice however, the wave envelope will always suffer from perturbations due to various noise sources, e.g. thermal spread in the material. A noisy environment may cause the pulse field to attain a random component in its phase. Thus, if the phase ϕ(x) of the electric field varies stochastically, such that the ensemble average of the phase satisfies [21] exp[ iϕ(t+τ/2)]exp[iϕ(t τ/2)] =exp( Ω τ ), (12) T h − − i − | | the background Wigner distribution is given by the Lorentzian spectrum I Ω 0 T F (ω)= , (13) 0 π (ω Ω )2+Ω2 − 0 T where Ω corresponds to the width of the spectrum. Then, the NDR (10) takes the form T 2σ K+σI Ω+ αΩ(Ω iΩ ) +ακ (1 κ I )Ω 1= I Ω 0 2 0− T 1 − 2 0 , (14) − 0 (K+σI Ω+Ω iΩ )2 α2Ω4 (cid:2) 0 0− T(cid:3) − 4 which has the solution α2 1/2 K = [2σI +α(Ω iΩ )]Ω Ω (ακ κ +σ2)I2 ακ I + Ω2+ασ(Ω iΩ )I . (15) − 0 0− T ± 1 2 0 − 1 0 4 0− T 0 (cid:20) (cid:21) This solution generalizes (11) to the case of a random phase background envelope field. The expression (15) clearly showsthatthewidthgivesanontrivialcontributiontotheNDR.Wenotethatwhenσ =0,wemaydefinethegrowth rate κ according to K = αΩ Ω iΓ, and the width Ω then gives rise to a Landau like damping due to (15). 0 T − − Wemaynormalizethedispersionrelation(15),assumingtheGVDtobenegative,i.e.α>0,accordingtoI κ I , 0 1 0 → Ω √αΩ , Ω √αΩ, σ σ/(κ √α), and κ=κ /κ =1/2nβ. The dispersion relation (15) then reads T T 1 2 1 → → → K = (2σI +Ω iΩ )Ω Ω (κ+σ2)I2 I + 1Ω2+σ(Ω iΩ )I 1/2. (16) − 0 0− T ± 0 − 0 4 0− T 0 LettingK =ReK iΓ,whereRedenotestherealpa(cid:2)rt,wecansolveEq.(16)forthegrowthr(cid:3)ateΓ. Thus,thegeneral − perturbationexhibits oscillatorygrowthordamping. The effect ofa finite Ω is in generalto reducethe growthrate, T but it may in certain cases broaden the spectral instability region. We note that σ and κ have both positive and negative values, depending on whether the material is a normal bulk medium, or if it allows for a negative index of refraction. For the case of a normalbulk material, we haveκ>0, and the higher order nonlinear correctionwill thus reduce the growthrate[14]. However,for metamaterialswehaveκ<0,alteringthe dynamicsofEq.(1)innontrivial ways. Thus, for metamaterials, the modulational instability growth rate will differ in measurable ways from the case ofnormalbulkmedia. Wealsonotethatforthemodulationalinstabilitygrowthrate,thesignofσ isirrelevant. Since the full solution is symmetric with respect to σΩ, requiring Ω>0 makes the choice of sign for σ unimportant in this 4 case. In Fig. 1 we have plotted the growth rate for both positive and negative values of κ, so that the difference can clearly be seen. Thus, it is reasonable to conclude that soliton formation and filamentation of ultra-short pulses can be much more effective in metamaterials as compared to normal bulk media. In fact, using the techniques of previous work (e.g. [22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29]), one can obtain a novel exact analytical solution to Eq. (1) representing bright solitons in the form 1/2 E exp[i(Kz Ωt+ϕ)] a 0 E(t,z)= − exp iδarctanh tanh[k(vt z+z )] , (17) 0 a+cosh2[k(vt z+z0)] ( "(cid:18)1+a(cid:19) − #) − q where ϕ is a constant phase and z is a spatial displacement, and we require a 0. Furthermore 0 ≥ 3σE2 1 E2(σ+ακ v) 1 3α4k4v6 δ = 0 , Ω= , a= 0 1 , and E4 = , (18) 2αvk a(1+a) −αv 2α2k2v3 − 2 0 Λ where Λ = ακ v[8κ α2kp2v3 3(κ αv+2σ)]+3σ2(1+α2k2v4). For a 0 we obtain the solitary waves found in 1 2 1 Ref. 30, if th−e material parame−ters satisfy σ2 =8ακ κ /3, while a 1 co→rresponds to a flat-top wave form (see Fig. 1 2 ≫ 2). We also not that a nonzero value of σ requires a travelling soliton solution (see Fig. 2). The width ofthe pulse is characterizedby 1/k. It is howeverlimited by the slowlyvarying envelopeapproximation used in deducing the basic Eq. (1), and limits how short the pulse can be [31]. This means that the parameter k has to be much smaller than the pump wave number k . 0 The issue of stability of solitary solutions is an interesting but complex topic (see e.g. [32, 33]). Bright soliton solutions to the one-dimensional cubic nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation are known to be unstable to transverse per- turbations,but it is alsoknownthat competing nonlinearities,occuring in cubic-quintic systems,can stabilize soliton solutions [34]. Our equation (1) contains such cubic-quintic nonlinearites, as well as a derivative nonlinearity. It is therefore not unreasonable to conjecture that the solution (17) is stable. However, in order to strictly answer the question of stability of (17) much further researchis needed. To summarize, we have examined the modulational instability and localization of an ultra-short electromagnetic pulse that is governedby a modified nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation, which is also valid for negative refractive index media. Wehaveconsideredbothcoherentandincoherentpulsesandderivednonlineardispersionrelationsthatdepict the growth rates of the modulational instabilities. The effect of partial coherence of the electromagnetic pulse is to reduce the instability growth rate. Furthermore, we have found that modulationally unstable pulses can appear as a new type of light envelope solitons whose profiles are found analytically and analyzed numerically. Localized light pulses can propagate without distortion and should be observable in metamaterials which have negative index of refraction. Acknowledgments This researchwas supported by the Swedish Research Council through the contract No. 621-2004-3217. [1] L.I. Mandelstam, Zh.Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 15, 475 (1945). [2] L.I. Mandelstam, The 4th Lecture of L.I. Mandelstam given at Moscow State University (05/05/1944), Collection of ScientificWorks, Vol. 2 (1994) Nauka,Moscow (in Russian). [3] V.E. Pafomov, Sov. Phys.JETP 36, 1321 (1959). [4] V. M. Agranovich and V. L. 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The larger growth rate for metamaterials is clearly seen. p 1 1 0.8 0.5 0.6 ReHEL 0 I 0.4 -0.5 0.2 -1 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 0 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 t t (a) (b) FIG.2: Thecharacteristic features of thesoliton solution (17). Thereal partof thesolution (17) isplotted in panel(a),while the intensity I = E 2 is plotted in panel (b), both for two different values of z. We have normalized the solution so that | | E √aE/E0, while time is normalized by κ1 E02/α. → | | p

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