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Ultima Underworld 2 A Safe Passage Through Britannia PDF

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A Sa fe Pas sag e T h roug h B r i ta n n i a A Commissione by Lor Britis Compile by Nystul, Magician to t e Court Transcribe by Austin Grossman, Scribe CON T E N TS HEREIN Intro uction by Lor Britis • • • • • • • • 3 A Brief History of Britannia • • • • • • • • 5 Britannia To ay • • • • • • • • • • • • • 7 Reconstruction• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 9 Lea ers of Britannia• • • • • • • • • • • • 10 Ot er Planes of Reality• • • • • • • • • • •14 Virtues • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 15 C aracter Classes • • • • • • • • • • • • • 16 Magic• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 18 Bestiary • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •20 Conclusion by Nystul • • • • • • • • • • •28 B e it known, t at in t is tro u b l e time of re c o n s t ruction, I, Lor Britis , ave ecree t at t ere s all be assemble a manuscript, e n t i t l e A Safe Pas sage Through Brita n n i a. T is ocument s all serve all t ose w o woul travel wit in my lan s, an a ress a new generation of Britannians, w o are only now coming of age an exploring t e worl a ro u n t em. T ose w o are unsc o o l e in i s t o ry s a l l learn of Britannia’s glorious an turbulent past, an of t e troubles t at beset t ese lan s. T ey s all learn of t e Stranger, a ero from anot er worl , w o triump e over t ese troubles an became t e Avatar. More, t ey s all learn of our most recent trial, t ro u g t e insi ious corruption of our lan by t e G u a r ian, soul of evil, an is faile attempt to enter our realm in p y s i c a l form. In a ition, t ose w o rea t is work s all be taug t w at little we know T of t e worl s t at lie beyon our own. ose w o woul walk t e pat s of a venture s all learn of t e many professions t at able young women an men may follow in t is worl , an t e p ysical an mental skills t ey must acquire in or er to ac ieve mastery over t e trials t at s all beset t em. T ey s all be i n t ro u c e to t e arcane forces t at un erlie t e reality of t e visible worl , forces t at wizar s can martial at t eir comman . An most importantly, t e rea er s all learn of t e Eig t Virtues — t e Way of t e Avatar — t e moral principles t at maintain an atmosp e re of peace an mutual benevolence L among our citizens. astly, t ere s all be inclu e a Bestiary, a catalogue of creatures, inclu ing bot t ose t at occur in nature an t ose t at are t e cre- ations of sorc e rers, t ose t at live naturally an t ose unnatural beings t a t ave ie once, yet live on in some form. Let t e Wise A venturer take note of w at is containe in t is section, as knowle ge of one’s opponent is often t e key F to survival. or t e purpose of compiling t is knowle ge, I ave enliste t e u n e q u a l e w i s om an s c o l a r s ip of Nystul, C ief Magician of t e Realm. I can imagine no more complete source of information an a vice for t e young traveler. A BRIEF HISTORY OF BRITA N N I A T he history of Britannia is a long and turbulent narrative, which for conve- nience I shall divide into seven parts, corresponding to seven crises which T menaced the land. he earliest re c o rded histories take place during a period known as the Age of Darkness. At this time, the land as a whole was known as Sosaria, and Lord British ruled a smaller nation called Britain. This was a chaotic and difficult period to live in — rival states were constantly at war with one another, and bandits and monsters roamed freely over the countryside, preying on those weaker than they. It was in this period that the Triad of Evil came forth T to threaten the land. he first of these was Mondain, a young man who had slain his father (a powerful and respected sorcerer in his own right), and seized a powerful magic jewel, which he believed could make him immortal. He and his evil servants ravaged the land and began building a kingdom of darkness that t h reatened to encompass all Sosaria. It was at this time that the Av a t a r, then known only as the Stranger, first came forth from the other world, to answer the call of Lord British. It was the Stranger who defeated Mondain, and re s t o re d T peace for a brief time in Sosaria. his peace soon ended, however, with the rise of Minax, Mondain’s apprentice and his child bride. Minax organized the evil beings of Sosaria under her powerful direction, and again devastated the land with dire sendings. Again, the Stranger appeared and battled the evil confronting the land, traveling through time and space, finally tracking Minax to the Time of A Legends before slaying her. fter the demise of Minax, Lord British, widely recognized for his wisdom and virtue, ascended to the rulership of all Sosaria. Soon, though, a mysterious fiery island rose from the sea, and once again peace in Sosaria was disrupted. This time, the Stranger assembled a group of four heroes, and these four crisscrossed the land and braved the horrors of Britannia’s underground dungeons, until they had located and destroyed the mighty Exodus, T mystic child of Mondain and Minax’s union, part human and part machine. his was the end of the Triad of Evil, and in the ensuing celebration Sosaria was A renamed Britannia, a single nation united under the rule of Lord British. peri- od of growth and prosperity followed, and Lord British turned his attention to philosophy, the nature of virtue, and the perfectibility of humankind. In each of Britannia’s eight cities he established a shrine devoted to the study and perfection of one of the Eight Virtues. In addition, he founded institutions devoted to the three great principles of Truth, Love and Courage. The call went out for one who would become the Av a t a r, the living incarnation of these abstract virt u e s and principles, and once again the Stranger answered this call. This mighty champion of arms now became a moral hero, as well, and aided by eight strong Companions, at last retrieved the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom from within the I G reat Stygian Abyss. t was shortly thereafter that disaster struck the land. Bringing the Codex to the surface triggered a violent seismic upheaval that opened up a vast complex of caverns, the Underworld. Lord British led an expe- dition to map the caves, and was captured by the Shadowlords of Falsehood, Hatred and Cowardice, who had been released from three shards of Mondain’s lost Gem of Immortality. Lord Blackthorn, ruler of the land in British’s absence, was possessed by the Shadowlords, and instituted a vicious totalitarian govern- ment. Once again, the Avatar, aided by the Companions, stood fast in defense of Britannia, this time as rebels opposing Blackthorn ’s new regime. In time the S h a d o w l o rds were destroyed, our Lord British rescued and Blackthorn exiled. P eace flowed throughout the land for years, until it was discovered that the Avatar’s earlier victory in claiming the Codex carried its own terrible price. The upheaval following the retrieval of the Codex destroyed the homeland of the Gargoyles, an ancient and civilized race living on the far side of the world from Britannia. Unwittingly, the Avatar had partially fulfilled an ancient prophecy of the Gargoyles, that a false prophet would one day steal their most holy artifact (the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom), destroy their homeland and then lead a genoci- dal war against their race. The Avatar had already fulfilled two-thirds of this p rophecy (by unwittingly stealing the Codex and triggering the destru c t i v e earthquake), and the Gargoyles were not eager to see it completed. They invaded Britannia and captured all eight of the sacred shrines of Vi rtue. The situation seemed desperate, until the Avatar realized the true reason for the Garg o y l e s ’ hostility. Displaying wisdom as well as martial prowess, the Avatar resolved the i n t e rracial conflict by giving both humans and Gargoyles access to the Codex. T h e re followed another period of peace, this one lasting almost two hundre d years. In this time the Avatar returned only once more, in a little-known expedi- tion to prevent a foolhardy wizard from allowing a powerful demon, the Slasher of Veils, to gain access to our reality. Unable to destroy the Slasher, the Avatar banished it to the Ethereal Void, inadvertently setting off a volcanic eruption that destroyed, once and for all, Britannia’s Great Stygian Abyss. B R I TANNIA TODAY T he Gua r dian, and the story of the Black gat e . In recent years, an extradimensional being who styles himself “the Guardian” made a stealthy attempt to conquer this world. Of this being we know little — only that he wields great sorcerous power and is utterly evil. With the aid of the wizard Batlin, he created an organization known as The Fellowship, which claimed devotion to the establishment of a new spiritual philosophy. The higher initiates of The Fellowship were gradually seizing power throughout the land, spreading corruption, and carrying out the Guardian’s hidden purposes. At the same time, the Guardian created in Britannia three gigantic blackrock “genera- tors.” One of these, the Cube, allowed him to speak to his followers telepathical- ly; a second, the Tetrahedron, disrupted the magical ether that powers magic in Britannia and drove magic users such as myself temporarily insane; and one of these, the Sphere, interrupted the functioning of the Moongates. Blackrock is a magical substance, a black gemlike material unworkable by any known physical means, which is opaque to all magical energy. Meanwhile, the Guardian’s follow- ers were engaged in the construction of the Black Gate, a magical portal which I would give the Guardian physical access to our plane of re a l i t y. ndeed, it seemed that the Guardian’s plan was well on its way to success. Had it not been for the Avatar, returning for the first extended period in 200 Britannian years, all might have been lost. But it was the Avatar who first discovered the sinister true nature of The Fellowship, who disabled the three blackrock generators, and who, finally, discovered the location of the Black Gate itself and destroyed it. I must emphasize the extent of the Av a t a r’s self-sacrifice in this matter, as the Black Gate re p resented the only means of re t u rn travel to the Av a t a r’s homeland, S Earth. ince that time, we of the realm have been engaged in a massive project of re c o n s t ruction. The Guard i a n ’s corruption was widespread, and has left us with many confounding problems. For example, we must reintegrate re f o rm e d Fellowship members into society, revitalize the economy, rehabilitate those a fflicted by serpent venom and clean up Britannia’s polluted landscape. I can only count it as our good fortune to have the Avatar here in Britannia to assist us in this, and to guard the realm from any future menaces. A wa rn i n g : a l t o u g T e Fellows ip as officially been i s b a n e , many of its members ave survive , an t ere are rumors t at it still exists an operates in secret.

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