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aapianai im had lates arterey eiere: — BOWMAN: TRAIN PRAE Tried Eluics vagierate wdge cousrert lisnricn af daw York UNCTED STATES OF aNIRu violation ROSS WILLIAM LORD, at afkJa ‘Dees Pizate Roserze," | an Bue ala "DER, ailefa Sle Road," coun of or ne REA YORK Dazendant SPITE Dn eTE* OF NER YORE, Chrieteprer varkel., being daly awaen, depuucw and suya hha: He is a Scovel AyoLL scLL the Federal 3ureau of nveatigation ("Miin; ace muargae wu Follows ceae em Murvolice Tailivk law Convpicacy? from in se abou: Ganuary 2922, up le aid —uvludiog =n ve abou. Septenber 2013, in the geurrern piakricn of Rew vouk and eiaawiere, BOGS @ILLIAM ULEAICH?, a/k/a “Leva Plate Romesls.7 a/x/3 “EPE.* ayi/a silk Woad,* Te Gafecdant, asd other vem and unknown, inteatiena ly and kuowiagly du corbin. cuagsize, confedevate, an agree cogerhay and wint each othe: a vinlane the nanentosw lav ol Li DalLod Sle Betts paw and an object sf the conspiracy that ROSS #ILLING TLSRICHT. u/ A/a “Sesad Pirale Scbersg." a/kja "DPR," ark/a “Silk Road," the defeadans, aré others mown and wnasown, woud and dis dietribats acd posses vita Lue cuzen! ts divtsibute conrzolied substances, vr vie Imifed gkaces Goda, Session 241) {22 Sign oF “iste et lt war furrter a part end an onject of the conapivacy bhak ROSS WILLIAM O22RICHT, a/k/a “Peoat Pueste Roberts," wha, S2eK,* again OSiTH Roud," the deicntlans, anc others kawen and unkuow:, wovle uid ad deliver, digtribte, enc disgense banswo:laG gubstanves ky meana ck ihe inzexnui, iv a ono dae, and ace and sker such acsivicy, in vie aston Urined Guutes Enda, georten 24] ta comtrsiced eubstaccey £1 others, | <iicgzam and wore of minzuses and Anounr ol beroin, 5 kidegeans celsctable 2 und gebetances yrange atid Glechy iar de and nose ub pitkur Lable ancurl TLeD!, an S69 grana aud x containuuy & gerectab’e xrcunt deumers, and salts unized S.ubes Coca, ye af minLores sd wubst, roth phatanine yiglaticn aaliayd, a yark Buby a. Frou in om about onary 2¢11, up ta 3-4 cubenaer 3212, ROBY WTALTAM ULSELC-", Ro" usk/a vite Read, including 1: vs shone yreae Pisate Roneris." ofkia dan, oxred and oporsted ar un ound wabslie, Kom ja “Sik Rood,” thac provided a platform sor dug dealess avouty bro world Le sell a4 nonlewiled mietances via the Tnlorer by, On ox abst Horch 26, 2013, ee wuasicH, sfk/e “ee: Voaflfa “ORE,” ask/a "Silk Road,* the detendans, ios operating mae $Llk Road websise, golicited a Sill OE anokha SL1k Koad user, vho wae threwlewiag 5 saan. tie: ousuuds of vaers af be sthe (iene 21, Uniced Grates Code, searion 245.1 2OLAT_ TH tcongnzen Backing cetspl cacy) ee Le ang inetading in Slatrick af New York aud cigsuhare Bik °D: dobenta," afk/a “DPE, © asisfe Yoche deLendeni, ard Gthers ‘newn and unknown, iaevriorally and Imewingly dia cowine, eunspure, sonfodezace, and ayeoo together and vith each Lolatior of Tiel Glner Te sonal computer “svc affetaes Ualled Ytanes Ceee, Seorion /630/a) (2) 3. Ty wees part and an object of the congeizavy thot ROSS Ni shvAM ULSRICH, alfa “Dread birake Roverte,” e/k/s DER," avk/a "Sille Row,’ Tee AeFezdant, and oshers kava and uokaom, veclt und did “wv qeae Scaputers sizcont auviociza-con, and thazeby would asd did obtain intocution from Seatesced GoupeLe=s, for pLkposey of conmazcial advantage and plieutliy 5 privare Eisoners: gain, ané in uvkhecance of criniaa: 2d Enlious amva in vislatios cf the Conshisubisn ang tae lawn of che iileu Stazer, in viodalion of Theis 28, Lndned States Code. ©. tr fimwaasance of ve conspiracy and te ettact he Liegal objegi Lherect, the following overt avis, anozg others jeve comitted in the Southern Gistrick of New tork and elawner= a. Feow iy or ahous Januccy ait 1, up te aud ireludany in or absut Suplemer 2014, ROSS ELLLAM Une “cH aykia "bead Pisale Zobenta," alk/u "E28," a/k/a "ilk Read, The delumiat, mimad and sperated ar uncargroume wencite, Snow ne “aul Knag.* providing 3 platLloat bacilicaring bhe sale ot new, including malicious coftwars PViieds qoods and zr healed for compute: hacking, auch a2 password atealors, geylogyery, axa venere accom. tools COUNT THEI ony Laamdesing Conepicacy! s fom in az abou. dowwary 20UL, ug Le and ivetsding in be about deptauaer 2013, i> ce Seuthese Dietri Men York and elacahars, 2568 SINAN ULBRICET, a/k/e "Dread Picute Rohowts," afk/a "DPR," asia vii Wows," ine defendant, and beiers kucen acd anenoom, inden ioaal.y wm keowincly did | conapirs, sonkaderate, and agra together sof with aack otrar no conelt woney leyrdsriny, ix viclation sf Title 28, led Scates Sede, Sev_cone Vsshis) 11:8) UL) ane aside} 0B) a au obyorr nf se eonepizacy Eat Poberna," a/e/s and othe Fnown and mh oltenses invoiviag and s# feel ng eonmerce, 4: ah ake properry a1 bransadi:one reprcusnced proseods of some cost of yee," avega activity, nendwet ang actexpl ta conduct ie Lean ac! volved the procesds anlsaful aeivisy, ngvencice Leatfickine Ring, in violativa of “While 21, United Shares declion @42, avé TiLle 18, Crined Stazer seeing eiy with the inlont to prone ine car bf asc ied ietivity, a "clarion of MLLe 15 Muiied stares Gods, Sectacn £956 ja) i=} in) [il twas cecthes a pare and an odject oi he conepivacy Uhat S99 WIRLLG MROTCHT, a/z/a Soeead Pirate Keberna,” u/hsa TPR,“ afsie “Hi Read," the ceferdant, and cthess knowr ard ueknowe, in offensar invatving and sfsesiing 1 ereicns cones: suing Mhat ihe would and dia ous. ulubch in face activiny, te wal, uarcovice lawson of Mtle 21. Taited uteres ard Tice 13, lotea States onde, dechiea owirg shal Lose, renpemitvei, designe: Sr whole auc in gare bo conveal aature, che Location, the acueve, che owmership, and the contsol 2 Ub creeds 6 ified uniavlul activity, on y-clation of Inte Lf, United stares Coce, Section 1956 fay il) (5) Gi 12. in furtherance of “api racy cal to effect che ago’ abieeis Uaersef, the Zoalsving overs ame, autoay cthere pconmitced im she Scalers birkries of New york and in oy abou: Januwy 2p", up ss ane hh Seprener 2073, 2082 KIGLISM PTC IT Robots," e/lya "DPR," afr/a "Sill Roud.* the deteniail, ceed and aasated an wrdergraunud weneize, stom a2 "Sik 4083, Ineindine Lao: afala “Dread of eate me sagliizating rhe sala ol vuasre L chee Vig t goods ant nating the Laurderin ) thravgh Us use 62 at 4 te Haptacecr 2013, RUS Dingle Rous,” a/k/a “DPR,” a/hia added 3 fRAsth Munbler® to the hey enstize Tuas illegal Leangacs‘one conducleé 2 site could uot be traced La inéividua: users ccitle 13, Untiled states Code eon Lge rt fox sxe feeyoing charges for nin the PRD'e New Yor, (held of ine. 6 ave vad eu Lav ouvertigat-en of this al - eng vaforcenant Adinletration, 276 along with agon. Thema Rovame Service, aad Honeland gecvrity tuves@ ‘yas tuus on Fy invastinallo:, my conversations dwris ly base with thse law enforcenent. ag: xeports, records, dad lle! ey:éence peiny subucted fo" the Timiaze pu made, 42 Gnas not ine-wie all the facts taal = ha dering zac woucue of waoze the Hocuments and rhe & pthazs aze regortod reret™, cent where azherwize _ndc ss, andl ny axons fn pues oveRYSEN 14. Bs detailed velo, Brom tn 1 up le and inciting fz or abcul Sepzenber 713, WARICET, lkfa "Doesd Pirate foberie.” afafa ik Poad," che defendant, haw ouucd and operared age: . Waroughow! Laat tine, the Elack-warkct baz welaite ‘on Rowsl webolle stare i1169: bees 2egulé: La, it aveaziny Sith POSS LIME ULBRICHT vpread Parnte Roberts," afs/a "9P," a/k/a “Ee Road,” L cul bo estanvier an onl=ne srinnsl qcsmndant, deliberately navkeipiace outside rhe reach 2i law enforcenaet ar es reguleticn. ULBA CRT aus scugat ta achuove this enc by Domynaeiag setivily oa Siik Rowd in cwo ways. Fico: arated ile Kose on ohat “Te i — figned lo y imponaible lo physica tha conpaters hoseiny 62 q wuleites o7 te Second, WEERICHT hao reqsirea all cravasclions on 3i1k Head Lo be paid wits Bn elentroaiy cuvransy dewicnva to se Ii. Based ov ay eniuing ard expesivace, Si1% Road lus aweigod 39 the nost goghi shicaLed and extensive col fe Tateruel (ossy. The vite “en rough wo 1ake Gitegul Wansagsions on the Jnterse as easy era culane sh Tatusizeam 2~ webasies, he Govezanert'n onvsaligation bas « Bur-ng ite usc-and-a-ha_f ycare 'n aeration, ¢ 2 win by several “houses: dealesi sd ot to @vanribute sardrede o atta of illegal drnge anc 3! Vicdeit goods and services owes & Zumdred Plesasucl buye Lacndes huneress ¢: np fevtving Fron Liwue ani awl trance yenugcated naley eovere te: falta: ng Bileoins end vonmiianiane uso trose rales colaling aver sp6, 0 BiLcoins, Mthouga the value c¥ Biicoins has varied pigs ficaniy dorivg wee wile's Liferize, tacue figures axe Scuqhly egi-valen. Leda to epprosina ety #.3 bilan and approxinatoly #50 nilizon os conmisaisns ROSH Hl. FHM ULSRIGE?, a/k/a "Deeau Fivate <ohern wihia "BRE" agl/a *Ei1% une defendant, cas conl rol Sd qvarwuen all aapecse ol S21 8039. ULERIGHT bas maintained 2 coupetar iisewicucvore and pecycuitang code underlyiag Us Bilk Rang website; “e saa delerwined vancor auc cusbore™ an Wwe go" on the eile; e administrators GL the site; ard ha aloce sershad bean Lie operation LIGHT Aa: arecmee thew roles fe iy aware of che iVega. nature of hin enwsorise fas sceughe out tO onaurs bis auuipwicy 0 che deg Geeles sther Sl vendore spuzutine a7 (ile Ruad, ag well ae to aL ey adsl iy & Mezeuser, lliiticRe ganarules for “ix the ewnes asd operator of Lae ete nas willing lis pure.¢ picleab teane to @ and whe 1123: oe pececede it BACKGROUND OW STLE ROAD gnvesnigation, = have gated oad webrite chamakh vue ious the website by myrel sa nell az forensic analy: cporate che ick ges arrizg the inve ith the Gik 2oad website, an. have Zeen vy Familiazity A vebaine providay a sales p dora ard imayers wae uze Goors of the size is miona oulize, The basic soar inkerluvs cosombler oplice warkeLpluses b, Rownver, unlike tuicslvoan 9-commarce websites gable on the ‘tov networz. Bauce o2 my SiLK Road ig ovly acs traenira sa os, 1 krone oe out 19F i ver ig a spectal ompararn on the Toleieel, dietritaned ihe wel pigs Le cnnea’ she addvenzes of tha stagulory on Che netacck, aod. Ukoroay, the identisios ur tae weresck's urexs Miehoueh Tor has hacen Legit mene nees, <= sed By cyhersrinina’s wecki:y Lu arouynue alee in a the: sok very commmcication seni Unzeugh vor is wow # eolays #ithia the cetwork, sud wna suas ay peactien Ly eragineeng she uelwces in 8 way computer gervara Lowt uss the webaite: ddrswe0s, gore an Interne! Fron tbs addvesy cau de eminc 49 B siou." Pox exarele, a0 corpurer accovithr, endicg in the Silk Road website ie corven: ppLz2e. anion vith sash * only naing Tox brovacr seJtuxve. Sonuvez, such be easily dowloaded for #reu on the Tnternel eofryare fe. nazuer te acces Le. a vast Jy dowload Sor orager gofcusre sols hls compucer, acd ni gill Qond’s “onion® adeeess jake the wser’s fr Fil, Road'a *.anion’ aGdvess can bs fours in various OlMss woBRites on Lhe crdsnary Takersc! a. pon veiay diveched be Lho gi1k Read wessite, a resen.cl vith & Slack suseen contaisiny a prowpn fox a ayevneme sau P: pa Vink Ubat saya "eLich be to juin.” We Succher explanation about che sive de giv a ceporigran, aust Baped on my Leainiag sien vsed by cliscnal mebeites <r ordes fat the 1116 Livity or the sine miewks on Ta.w=net forms! anc ave reuLeiet 3 ty vasra we a ready “0% ney Une Link on ths SiLs Roae 15 eerwen te join the ete, the usar os p ro sreat: geennane and pageword, and bo identi saree, Go Athar inkosisct on te re on iidwemwcion actarec by Ube pe of Ferificar ion. Fo Allee enteving a uicename ard paesucrd, Lew is chen cirveted to fade Road's homepage, 4 sarple pronisit Jnted on Supleaber 2s, 2922, iv abvached hezets us aebinit a yo fe The nop ier: commen of Lhe pite, cakeled “StF kead an nowepaye /@ pieog nace bh. Ga the Zo Lhy sorsen is a List cit wes Tims te Lhe variour Leyorten 5" hems Zor ca he wile i Lie renter of ke gezeen is @ snl lec: photos ng a vanule OF cre vent List: geveen is a Lizk labet ou 79 access Sil Road's eu atiowa were to send fe ecamdle Ak Jue top oft which $36 use. Whe Huccugh tre sic. similar Jol isk Tight ol the seveen ta a Link grmanily Lorene," whies Leeds ts ar valive form whuse tuwece can post we ho *aigcuacion theeaus" Soncemning various Lopice velabed ls the eite {lke “Sisk 1, Alma at che bother right of 716 Jaucled “wild,” slich leads to a ccliection of nent ons" and other Imei of guidance for site Bod wai} at 9% the aumven alco es ch leady Le & Eze bertor thize Link labeled "eu: GUppers page wleTe uAers cum Sepes a suppor. vickeh* and an “adtianiatrerer,” ac, the will tae saze af yor onaty." @ Links to items for guic oa eiag the éeraiiy of the che iten, tne prise 2# the tem, na YFeviews! Lhe Zendox! oF aah 1h phe link dz ine Ligning Tabe:cd Frowpied te guppy 4 = ya of the exder thraagh decursteé Fernser once the czeer Lt placed paymens aye. . Bawed ox my tamitiacity with ¢ e the Sellewing shaul case illegal re-use the site sernces Fol: Wga natnra o= the itere sod y browsing threcgh oe fox wale cone’ sh oF i Tegal urugs on the size which wre oper wintble on the such and azo inmedialely end wale’ ie pase Ce seprentss wzelleé su>sLan Tides sae fakeyocies "Carnakaz," “pisrocaatis teat een vide," Bre 25Ur, Licey vere neaviy pa nhs waho=te, Listed wognong shpses 2 pieniee ud eale, Lith for u gabtisuiar lasting brings. she denge Seing of! ne ae aotd in polhgugh nome vendors pel. in bok rite any single Ulee axnant ingevigval-use cuantatie The zeriays tor aale on qu_ti-siaguen quealicier ct heroin, co: fethanghalandae, 92 aigeribur convoiled aubslances, auch a ESE ine, cad ritiag of other a. Ls addition ce dileqal navect: gucsiges sve soauly gold on # 1, 2013, other illicit Ske Road az wel. For goods exanole, ag oF weve TS Listings on tas atte under Mout concerted compubervaakire nig Vinting was by & vecdor olieeing to the sate: pexviees: for exemols fez, and over social sesworking nee’ Sontag, so Unat “ou can Upaced, Dele-e, ew AL Peztona’ Tele"; agostex Liening (utorieta on "22 ditferact aaitodg” for hacking ATM Sthay Listings offered services tha worn Litewre = uxaaple, one visLing wa 2S SGE gt," dascrited a3 3 lias ol “oumectu" Zor seervions’ Fmonynous Bank heseunta." Scouetarseih Ri =9 aria + Amtunciion,* “ptsien Take (co [oresin canal (lus couaeiest aud Si 2 hare wece @92 Listings u a “Digital geoda," including offerings Loe piranes madin hacked ac: e Bnags™ ard mullite. varios onli wabiciong acthare ig Pack ©0450+ HACK am being sold as a "hack@uy anieng eeejand, and ther S PROGRANE!* Ae oadrd wich pggee’ iv @ cype of malivious sot festgued Ws Uke seyetenes Emput into an inkeeted sonmpuner a luuosit this date sack pa the suchen, % “ERT,” cr “cowote

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