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UFO+PSI Magazine Issue 09 2000 PDF

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Preview UFO+PSI Magazine Issue 09 2000

Foreword written by Christian Pfeiler Hello and welcome to the ninth issue of the magazine (and special greetings to all new readers.) I was a little bit worried that I won´t have enough time for the magazine this month, because I was very busy with UFO research and some other (private) things. Nevertheless, the ninth issue is finished and I think it is as good as ever. I have found a very good co-editor, David Fritz from the US and he has written two excellent articles for this issue (Dave will introduce himself in the next issue.) We have again many interesting articles in this magazine, including a (maybe controversial) new Bible related article from me about the famous "Book of Revelation" and a photo report about my England trip last month. My co-editor Dave has written one article about the Pascagoula abduction case and one about the so-called Alien implants. Furthermore, we have again the usual parts like the FBI document of the month and the website tip. Thanks to Derek, Ray and Roger and special thanks to Dave (for his great help as co-editor and for his critical comment about my Bible article in the Mail Corner.) By the way, the article "CD-ROM Review - The Unexplained" which I´ve promised in the last Preview will be published in the next issue. It was in March 1999 (exactly one year ago) that AOL Germany closed the UFO Forum and the PSI Forum with the official explanation "not enough visitors" but with the unofficial reason, that they thought that such "crazy" UFO topics are not good for the public opinion about the online service (because everyone in Germany knows that people who believe in UFOs and paranormal phenomena are absolutely crazy and definetly not the right AOL customers. AOL Germany have an advertising slogan which is "AOL - online for all" but it seemed to me that this means "Online for all - except UFO + PSI believers.") As you know, I have worked as a Scout in the UFO Forum and I left the job voluntarily, because there was an order from the AOL Center in Hamburg not to tell anyone about the closing and to lie, if people ask questions about the future of the Forum. Well, I started the group and the magazine after leaving the Scout job, so the closing was maybe a good thing from a certain point of view, but I´m still very angry when I think about it and when I try to search for UFO files in AOL Germany, only to see that nearly everything has been deleted. I doubt that many people know that this month is the first anniversary of the end of the forum, but I do. And I´m still angry. You may remember that I have promised you an own homepage of our group, but the page isn´t online till now. The delay is not the fault of my website designer René, it is my fault. He has asked me many times for material (texts, images, articles) for the page, but I was too busy to write and collect it for him. Nevertheless, the "base construction" of the website exists and I we will finish it in the next 2 weeks. Just to prove that we really work on the site, here a first and world-exclusiv screenshot of the webpage (some buttons and frames are missing in this image.) To come again to and end with my as usual not very interesting foreword: I hope you will enjoy this ninth issue. If you know other UFO + PSI interested people, please tell them to contact me. I hope this issue is again well done (despite my bad English <g>). Best wishes Chris Contents of this issue 1.) UFO related sentence of the month 2.) Our group members 3.) UFO dictionary 4.) Some additional thoughts about the Bible 5.) My England trip - a photo report 6.) The Pascagoula Abduction Case 1973 7.) FBI document of the month 8.) Book Review "Alien Base" from Timothy Good 9.) Alien implants - do they exist? 10.) The KRILL papers (Part 2) 11.) How science has devolve instead of evolve (Part 1) 12.) Website tip of the month 13.) UFO photo of the month 14.) Mail Corner 15.) Preview - in the next issue UFO related sentence of the month "The experience that I had on that June 8, 1966, morning will never be forgotten by me. Nothing since that sighting has convinced me that I was only thinking that I was seeing what I did see. I was upset for weeks after that experience; it scared the hell out of me. I was one of the combat crew members that sighted first German jet fighter flights in World War II. The Air Force tried to convince us that we were seeing things then also." From a personal letter to Dr. J. Allen Hynek UFO Dictionary written by Christian Pfeiler Here is the fifth part of the UFO dictionary. In this issue I will try to explain some of the special UFO words, abbreviations and terms starting with the letter "E". EBE Abbreviation for "Extraterrestrial Biological Entity", a word describing a being from outer space. There are rumours that the US government used this term to describe the aliens from the Roswell Incident and other UFO recoveries. ETH Abbreviaton for "Extraterrestrial Hypothesis". The ETH is the theory, that some of the unidentified flying objects came from outer space and are piloted from beings from other planets. This is the most common theory about UFOs and some cases seem to confirm it, but there are also other theories like the idea that UFOs came from other dimensions, other times, from beneath the sea or (more weird) from inside a hollow earth. EG&G Abbreviaton for "Edgerton, Germeshausen & Grier", a civilian company involved in secret research projects of the US military (maybe including research on recovered UFOs.) EG&G is also responsible (together with the Wackenhut Corporation) for the security of the famous Area 51 in Nevada. Ezekiel (aka Hesekiel in German) A biblical prophet who was "abducted" into a strange flying object (like a cloud of fire) and who has met "God" inside the object (or an alien commander). The Book of Ezekiel in the Old Testament is in my opinion full of religious interpretations of technological "divine" equipment. Eupen A town in Belgium, famous for a triangle UFO sighting in 1989. The huge object was seen from various policemen and other witnesses in a large area. Sceptics tried later to explain it as a small plane with unusual lights (or as a hoax) but this explanation was not really satisfying. Elements 115/116 According to the (not very reliable) claims of Bob Lazar the name of two stable elements which were used from the Aliens and now also from the US government for the propulsion of UFOs and which can produce an antigravity field that enables the UFOs to hover and to fly. Scientists doubt that these elements really exists (generally are all elements with such a high number extremly unstable.) Earthlights A kind of geological phenomenon. Earthlights are electrical discharges, produced by tectonic movements inside the earth and often seen before earthquakes or in geologic unstable areas. There is an interesting theory that such eartlights can explain some UFO sightings. Some additional thoughts about the Bible Written by Christian Pfeiler The "Book of Revelation" I have received many comments concerning my last two Bible related articles in issue 6 of the magazine and it seemed to me that many of you agree with my suppositions, so I think it is maybe possible (or even very likely) that I'm right with some of my ideas. I've started writing a book in German about this very difficult topic "Can we prove that there was really an alien or technological influence in biblical times?" and I will try to show, and even to prove, in the book (only by use of the normal religious Bible texts) that there really was an intentional influence of not divine, but extraterrestrial forces in biblical times on our planet. Also that the whole "creation" of humans was not an act of God but a genetic "study" by extraterrestrials - the so- called Elohim species. But back to this article: I will concentrate this text especially on the famous "Book of Revelation" in which both – God the Father and his resurrected son Jesus - revealed the truth about the coming apocalypse to the prophet John. The "Revelation" itself is a very difficult construction of (obvious) mistranslations, religious interpretations and more or less mysterious symbols and numbers (but this confusion was certainly a purpose of the alien "gods"). Furthermore, the book doesn't fit at first sight into that part of the Bible (at the End of the New Testament) where we can find it, because the previous books about the life of Jesus Christ and about the things and miracles he has done on earth to help the humans showed definitely a "God of Love and Forgiveness" together with his son Jesus who died for the sins of mankind and who said during the crucifixion: "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34) (This sentence is remarkable and we should keep it in mind for later thoughts, because it can lead us to an interesting conclusion concerning my Alien/Elohim theory). The "Book of Revelation" on the other hand, shows us God and Jesus behaving in a very different manner and talks about the wrath of God, about war, death, destruction, fire, pestilence and other evil things which will come over mankind soon. Just a short example: we can read in Rev. 2:23 that "Jesus" said that he "will kill her children with death." (Concerning the children of the false prophetess Jezebel.) Does this sound like the forgiving "Son of God" from the previous books? No, it really doesn't. So what has happened to him? What has happened to the "forgiving" God? Fact is, that the whole "Revelation" sounds definitely more like the ancient and solid/humanoid plural Elohim gods from the Old Testament and not like the loving/spiritual singular God from the New Testament. So is the "Revelation" an anachronism and in truth a late part of the Old Testament - a late part of the old first Project? This is maybe true from a certain point of view, as we will see later. Before we can try to understand what the "Revelation" really wants to say and what the deeper meaning behind the weird and symbolic story is, we must first try to understand why we can find it exactly where it is (at the end of the NT) and how does it fit into my Elohim/Alien theory (and it does indeed fit.) You may remember from my last article that I had divided the alien project "Human Creation" into two parts and that the major books of the Bible (OT and NT) are in fact just a religious manifestation of these two parts. The birth of Jesus Christ is a remarkable turning point in the entire project and the Elohim have tried (for unknown reasons) to establish a new agenda or a new "prime directive" (to use a science fiction term) in their behaviour against their genetic creation called mankind. The old agenda was superiority, power, wrath and the "divine" direct control of many aspects of the human life, but the new should be "Love and Forgiveness" and a more independent human race with the belief in an invisible god and for this reason the Elohim sent a single ambassador of their new message to earth to test how the humans would react. A possible explanation for the establishing of the new project was maybe, that the Elohim (or a large group of them) wanted to leave the planet Earth soon and that they wanted to teach the humans that there will be no solid "God(s)" any longer who would interact with them and punish them with mighty weapons as it had happened in former times, as it was described in the old writings. The creation of the belief in a spiritual and invisible (but all-knowing and all-and- everywhere-existing) "God" who leads a more independent mankind and who needs no "mighty forces" to show his existence because everyone believes in him without proof of his reality would be an excellent way of the Elohim to hide their plans to leave earth and to leave the human creation alone. This is in my opinion a good explanation for the "agenda" change from the Old Testament to the New Testament. In the following a short overview about both Elohim projects: The "OT/Adam Project" This involved the creation of an advanced species in the likeness of the Elohim by use of genetic manipulation of pre-historic humans. The direct interaction with this new species by solid appearances of humanoid gods on earth (including forbidden sexual relations between "Children of God" and human women with the result of "Nephilim" or giants and including artificial fertilization to intentionally create more advanced beings like prophets.) The behaviour of the early gods against humans was often angry, superior and based on the strict obedience of man to divine orders. When the creation refused to obey, the gods were able to use powerful weapons to punish them and even to destroy parts of the surface of the earth (like the "cloud from a furnace"- destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah). If you have a closer look at the OT you will see that this is exactly what has really happened there. The "NT/Jesus Project" This was the creation of a single "ambassador" between Elohim and humans (again by use of artificial fertilization) called Jesus Christ who was sent to earth to establish the new agenda of "love and forgiveness". This advanced being (a Elohim/human hybrid - maybe some kind of "Nephilim"?) had special knowledge and abilities, which should have helped him to convince the humans that he was really one of the ancient "Children of God" or even the real "Son of God". His new message was very different from the ideas of the old project, so his teachings were very controversial and most of the humans refused to accept them - and for this reason his assignment failed. To understand the sense behind the "Book of Revelation" we must first try to understand in what unfortunate situation the Elohim found themselves after the unexpected and violent end of the "NT/Jesus Project". The plan was certainly that the being Jesus Christ would establish the new agenda without problems, but unfortunately he was not successful - he failed. The humans believed more in the old "prime directive" than in the new message, so they called Jesus a heretic and killed him (or tried to kill him - that is not relevant for these thoughts. In my opinion there is some evidence that the resurrection is a constructed myth - constructed by the Elohim themselves - but this is another and very complex story which I will maybe explain in another article.) Back to the situation after the crucifixion of Christ: the Elohim were certainly worried about the development of their creation and about their own mistakes in the past. The "NT/Jesus Project" had failed and had showed them these mistakes in the teaching of the human species. This had led possibly to tremendous problems for the future of the human creation and for the entire project. It is not very difficult to imagine, that the Elohim were very angry about what the humans had done when they crucified Jesus Christ - these little genetic creations have killed one of the superior "Elohim" species (or a hybrid being related to this species). We can read in the "Book of Luke" that a great darkness like a solar eclipse came over the town of Jerusalem on the day when Jesus died. Was this maybe a giant spaceship, which was sent by the angry Elohim in order to destroy the surface of the earth again in numerous smokes from a furnace as revenge for the killing of Christ? When Jesus said in Luke 23:34 (in the religious interpretation) "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do" what did he really mean? Let us just suppose that he was in fact talking to an advanced/technological and solid alien species and not to his spiritual father "God" and that he tried - not as a "Messiah" but as a believer in the new project - to rescue the future of the human race and the future of the entire new project with the words: "Don't destroy this creation, fellow Elohim. The humans don't know about the new project. They don't know that it failed because of their strict belief in our own old agenda. They don't know who we are and what has really happened on their world in the last centuries? It's not their fault that we have failed. It's our own fault." It seemed that he (or something else) had convinced the Elohim not to destroy the creation but to continue with the new project with some modifications to the agenda. Just fiction? Well, let's go on with some more "fictional" suppositions. Let us furthermore suppose that the Elohim were discussing about the future of the project after the crucifixion of Christ. There was maybe a group among them who demanded that they should terminate the whole human species while others said that they simply should go back to the old project of superiority and wrath and destroy just some cities or parts of the world (as it was done in the centuries before) to show the humans that their "God" is again very very angry about what they have done to his "son". And there was maybe a third group who said that they should continue with the new project and that they should use the death of Jesus Christ for their own purpose, because the belief in a resurrected messiah and real "Son of God" could give them new possibilities in the interaction with the human species (and it led in fact to an enormous wide-spread of the Christian religion.) Let us suppose that they came to an agreement: They continued with the new project, but with an important modification. They decided to show the prophet John a "vision" about all the bad things, which would happen to mankind if "God" became again angry. This "vision" - also known as "Revelation" - needn't be the true future (the Elohim were definitely not all-knowing as we have seen in the OT many times and at this reason they were not really able to know what would happen in the future) but more of a "horrible constructed future" which the people should fear. They should fear the wrath of the old solid OT-God but they should also believe in the loving spiritual NT-God. The visionary images and the constructed prophecy the Elohim revealed to John were the best tool they could find to do this because it reminded the humans that the old God was still there and watched over them (so I think I'm right when I say that the "Book of Revelation" is more part of the OT then of the NT from a certain point of view, because it used the old "superior threat mechanism" from earlier times to adjust the New Project and to show the people the possible might of God.) In the first chapter of the Revelation we can read that it described "things which must shortly come to pass" and that "the time (of the apocalypse) is at hand". But nearly 2000 years have passed now and none of the described events have happened. Why? This is remarkable, because the time scale in the Bible is generally not very large in comparison to (for example) South American or Indian myths, which work with time scales of thousands or even tens of thousands of years. The events described in the Bible happened in a much smaller time scale of hundreds of years or just between generations, so if a Bible text said that "the time is at hand" it seemed to me that it speaks not about things which will happen maybe in 2000 or 3000 years but in the next 50 or 100 years. But it is a fact that nothing that "God" revealed to John has ever happened in reality (how could it, the events described are too weird and impossible.) This is in my opinion evidence, that it is not a real prophecy about the future but more of a constructed vision, which should adjust the Project. But it is wrong to think now that the "Revelation" is only nonsense and pure fiction. If the Elohim had just wanted to make the people anxious and treat them with the vision, they would have certainly made it more easy to understand for the normal people and not so strange and symbolic. So, could the real purpose of the alien race be maybe another one. The "prophecy" contains messages and maybe recorded images from earlier divine destructions (which were shown to John to purposely mislead him into believing they were images from the future) and it contains obvious messages and images from the old struggle between members of the Elohim species themselves, including a warning before the "evil" Elohim. Remember that there was a big problem in the Old Testament with the strange behaviour of some of the "Children of God" who came down to earth (according to apocryphal sources Hundreds of them on Mount Armon) and were tempted there by human women and who had forbidden sexual relations with humans to create hybrids or "Nephilim". This had happened in the first book of Moses years before the Flood (which was maybe "sent" to destroy the dangerous genetic crossbreeds) and long before the New Testament and the "Revelation". But when we read there: "And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." (Rev. 12:7-9) What does this really mean? Does it maybe refer to the old struggle between the Elohim when a group of them - the tempted angels (the Fallen) - came down to earth with a spaceship to create hybrids hundreds of years before? Does it refer to the old war between the god(s), which is mentioned in the first book of Moses? Is the Flood maybe part of that "war in heaven" and was this story from the past shown to John as a prophecy about the future to intentionally deceive him? It again contains a warning about the "great dragon" and the "old serpent" (we know this animal symbolism from the Genesis) so this is maybe again a warning not to believe in the words of other "evil" beings (other alien species?) The sentence "...neither was their place found any more in heaven" is also interesting, because it described in my opinion that there was some real (and not ethereal) place destroyed which belonged to the "Fallen Angels." This does not mean a place in a spiritual heaven, it seems to mean a real location - maybe a base - in the sky or in space. Whatever it was, the mysterious "place" was destroyed and the evil angels and their leader were forced to go down to earth and land there (maybe on Mount Armon?) Can we turn here full circle to the story about tempted "Children of God" on earth in ancient times? Maybe we can. "War in heaven" - a painting from the Dutch painter Piether Brueghel In Rev 9:2 we can read: "And he (the Angel) opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit." This sounds surprisingly similar to the story about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah in the OT? Described in the "future vision" of John is maybe the same weapon that was used in earlier times (a nuclear weapon) to punish the people. Is it possible that the Elohim showed John just a recorded image or a video film of their former destructions on earth to explain him what they can also do in future if they want to do it (or that they want the humans to believe and fear they can do - as a modification of the New Project.) I was also not completely right in my last article when I stated that there are no other speaking animals in the Bible than the speaking "serpent" in the Genesis. It's right that there are no other speaking animals during the whole Bible between Genesis and New Testament, but now, in the "Revelation" the speaking and human-like "beasts" are suddenly back. Why? What does it mean? The serpent in the Genesis is, in the common belief, a symbol for the evil. Despite the fact that the serpent there was not really evil but told the humans Adam and Eve the truth about the "tree", while God himself had told them the lie that they will die immediately if they eat the forbidden fruit. So the serpent seemed to be more a symbol for a "forbidden truth and knowledge" than for the forces of evil. Nevertheless, in the "Revelation" the serpent and the dragon are always shown as other names for the devil and Satan - the old enemy of God. But isn't the truth about the human history the real enemy of God - the real enemy of the Elohim? Does the "Revelation" try to convince the humans not to believe again in the "lies" and the blasphemy of the serpent or of the other alien species? Are these "lies" maybe the truth about the creation? In the following one of the most famous sentences in the "Revelation": "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." (Rev. 13:18) A speaking beast who's number is 666? Again a very weird symbolism and again the manifestation of the forces of evil as an animal (according to the Bible the bizarre and mighty beast came out of the ocean and was sent by the dragon - the devil - himself to deceive the humans.) I think the true message of the "Revelation" is maybe hidden behind the symbols and weird visions. Maybe not the "story" but the very often-mentioned numbers are the key to the real understanding of the message. Did the Elohim think that the humans should be able to understand the real meaning of their message not now but in the future? Was there a "code" in the original "Revelation" and have we lost most of the real "code" of the message during the various translations and religious interpretations over the centuries? Why did the 18. paragraph of the 13. chapter start with the words "Here is wisdom"? Why is especially this paragraph "wisdom" and who is "him that hath understanding"? The more advanced human of the future? What is the number "666" on the forehead of people? A marking? A genetic signature? A proof for the real truth about the artificial creation of man. Is this - and not the constructed message about the apocalypse - the true wisdom of the "Revelation"? I will come to an end for now. The following is a short overview about my theory: - The Elohim had plans to leave earth soon and to leave their creation alone. - For this reason, they needed a New Project, which did not involve the appearance of solid god(s) - The Elohim had "produced" a hybrid called Jesus Christ by use of artificial fertilization. - This hybrid should have established the New Project on earth, but he failed. - After the humans had crucified Jesus Christ, the Elohim wanted to destroy (parts of the) earth. - But Jesus himself convinced them not to do this and to give the Project a new chance. - They decided to do this, but with a modification. - They showed the humans a constructed "vision" about the coming apocalypse. - The vision contained warnings before the "evil" (another species?) and the false prophets. - It maybe contains a hidden message about the true origin of mankind. I can't go deeper into the numerous symbolisms in the "Revelation" now (otherwise the article would be too long) but I would suggest that you read it in your Bible completely by yourself again with my theory in mind and you will maybe find more evidence that I'm (partly) right. If you find something interesting, please let me know what it is. The "Book of Revelation" is at first sight the strangest part of the whole Bible, but if you think about what it could really mean and what it's real sense is, it fits surprisingly well into the theory of alien influence in biblical times. In my opinion the book and the vision of John are really a "Revelation" of the Elohim. But the unasked question is, if it reveals just a (intentionally wrong and misleading) prophecy about the future or if it reveals the greatest secret of all: the secret of the artificial human creation by extraterrestrials in ancient times. That is something we should think about. "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen." (Rev. 22:19-21, end of the Bible) My England trip - a photo report written by Christian Pfeiler

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