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TIMES Nunber 15 Winter 1991 rssN 0958-4845 Are specific. hain firnetiqrs c4ab1e of cneating psi ed tIO fterlonena? Ilr Ser€na noney- Oogal presents 1mt me of a fascinating ttIF ptrt pqer. The new BUFORA tionnaire. Ques Ken Phillips exelu- sively displays the replacernent for the o1d R1 form. Pat lbLmey and &n criffin uranel tlre state of ufologr in Eire. And Stany Box recounts another interesting Belgian case. Phrs.... l{ans, Ilwestigators The Pineal Connection Diary, Skyatde, neaders letters *nd mre..... A BUFORA PUBLICATION cou crl- 1991-92 BURXA @IIXAL OFFIG PRESIDENT : fla:or Si! PaEricK l,vaII, Mc'vRD RM f R r.t ) BUFoRA Cenrral office Mike Wootten, vICE PRESIDEIT : Lionel E. tiee., rn,rS will deat with all Suite 1, The Leys FCOOUUIX{DCEILI PCBEEASIRIDI{EANX T:: CSt.eFp.hNe.n I(cnaemwsbtlueb, , FCIMELnSg FABFIBSIS pmeeFmobnearlE vldips ites npq]u€asidee).s (No H2ca rpLeenydtoenn, Rd ' VTSIRECEEC AICrSSrAAUIBRBTYEA BB .& :i JSoimhno nS Rpoesnecer HS2cuai r Lpteeen yd1toe, nnT, Rhde, Leys, H'AteLe51r tt2 foT0L3rd52s-h13ir2e4'7 3 COUTICIL I{EMBEIS llerfordshi!e, l{anfred Cassirer Jenny Randles AL5 2TL rcerfaenretse )a troe aanvayi fagUro,ue p (boyr PauI fuller sinon Rose Tel: 0582-753218 individusl ,rho l,rishes to Philip Hanrle Arnold tles t Professionaly pubtish ClCivoen aPuolttatetrrt a to Council: Hilary EvanMs,i cRhaaleplh l loNooytteesn I{EI{BERSEIP SECRETARY dthoeuirl dre bseea sEehn. t sytnoo pcteh-se Chris topher Tancred-Larson James Danby Director of Publications RES EARCII AIID ITVSST I CAT I O tI PRESS OF'FICER DIRECIOI, OP RESEARCH DIRECTOR OF ITIVESTIEATIOTS SDCRETARY TO NIC Phi Iip Mantle, 1 Woodhall Drive, U2SScteue rplLptheeeeny n1tdo ,e CnnT a,Rh mHeoba elLder,,etsy,s., JCS3 €nl7hon ecHyake dap lRtoeha rbEtn,€nedakl e thsR,oad, IPH1'eh esWi stIol ieopYdy ho aMLr aLkans1neh t,Dilreer,i,ve, WrB.reaFs1t tl7e yY7,SoWr.kshire, AL5 2TL Cheshire, S(3 0UP InF17 7SW T--hrde ..N-"sFt-io qlll l aTrntv e-osptiegna ti,foonnsr -mCo fmo rm ailnteye g lcoou-cp, rodrin iardtFivr idinuv€l esitnjgrearteiosnre din iirnia trihvee so bajeccmrisvse thinev eBsrriit€aistiho nI sl€sof tt'e UFo phenomenon. NIC meerinas e€ held around r}le counEy. Dalej- and venus;t h..-- NEI.ISCLIPPII{G ARCHIV].] meetings can be obtained fiom the NIC Secretary. The NIC is frmded by BUFORA and by donation. Yichae I Hudson, 24 ITOUR UFo HOTLII|E 0582_763218 71 Knight Avenue, RobejseecEdcvhe Grenrnetsll tahr eo afv dthlaeb leU Ftoo apnhye ngorDmuepn ao.r Dlnedtfai,lidlsu sol f (sthu€sbeje ctg troan rLegf ece6ne )b weh oo bwbjslnheesd toft oinmit iatttlee KCaenn tte,rbury t Dir€ctor of Res€llctL CT2 8PY LrrC;aI Itrtr ltrr gITTIESS CO FIDENTIALITY The British UFO Research Association realises lhe importance of treating cases submitted to the Association by nitnesses as confidential. In the light of this, the BUFORA Code of Practice has been devised and employed throughout lhe Association to guarantee that the utmost care is taken when dealing with witness personal details and case report malerial. It is also the prpoulicbyli c of UFO Times not to publish Lhe namcs or addresses of wi tnesses who are not in the domain', The material and personal deLails of witnesses who hav€ been published in the media will be treated lrith care and enpathy by the editorship. TIIE BRITISH UFO RESEARCH ASSOCIATION LII.IITED (by guaran tee ) Founded 1964.,Registered office, 16 Southway, Burgess Hill, Sussex, RH15 9ST. Reglstered in Londonl 12349924, Incorporating Lhe London UEo Research Association (founded 1959) and the British UF0 Association (founded 1962). AIMS l. To encourage' promote and conduct unbiased scientific research of unidentified flying objcct (UF0) phenomena throughout the UniLed Kingdom. 2. To collect and disseminate evidence and data relating to unidentified flying objects (uFos). 3. To co-ordinate UF0 research throughout the United Iz.ingdom and to co-operate with others engaged in such reseaEch throughout the vorld. MEMBERSHIP I'lembership is open to all nho supporL the aims of the association and whose application is approved by the executive committee. Applications, forms and general informition can be obtained from BUFORATs registered office. }IE}IBEB SOCIETIES & ASSOCIATE GROUPS Includes Britainrs oldest UFO group, BFSB. 3 Orchard Road, Coal Pit Heath, Bristol, Avon, BS17 2PB. Associate Sroups inclu.de: The Northamptonshire UFO Research Centre and Skyscan. EDITOR Mi.ke lJootten, TIMES Suite 1, The Leys, 2c Leyton Road, Harpenden , Hertfordshire, AL5 z"TL, UK. Number 15 Winter 1991 rssN 0958-4846 ASSISTANT EDITORS John Spencer Ken Phillips Contents Onay Faiz RESEARCH EDITOR Steve Gamble 4. T'di torial 5. Nefls FEATURE EDITORS 6. ItFCls, States of Mird ad the Jenny Randles Pineal Cormection Gary Anthony by Serena Roney-Dougal L2. Investi gations Diary OVERSEAS LIAISON Mited by Jenny Randles Hilary Evans .L7. Tre Rerrised R1 Form by Ken Phillips ARTIST aa Ufologr in IreLad Edward Clark by Pat Delaney and Anne Griffin 26. Reviss 27. Clbeervations at Eleoalle4rude (c) BUFoRA Lrd 199L by Stany Box ta Sk"watcfrcr Views expressed in any Edited by Gary Anthony papers presented in tlII) Ti.ms do not necessarily ?o Readers l{rite represent Lhose of the editor or Ltd. BUFORA It is permissible for members to use rnaterial ILont Cover by n&lard Glark in this publication for their own personal use, provided il is done on a lirnited basis. Where malerial is used for publicat.ion, acknow- ledgement should be given to BUFORA and the appropriate contributor. researchers have willed these inexplicable events to be ETs or tthe TIMES Greys | . With a close look at the evidence it is also unsafe and premature to conclude that the vast nunber of people (usually ED TOFIIAL nornal people whose lives are changed by these inexplicable experiences) are not aLL there or are just fantasy prone. Answers Thonas Bullard, folklorist and ufologist has conceded after nuch detailed and careful research that the UFO phenonenon (especially abductions) cannot be In th€ nidst of the corfusion that explained exclusively by the tenets of ufology creates, sit the researchers, folkLore and cultural tracking. Urban looting longingly at tbe Dass of data legends, albeit the rint explanation at matirg sense of sme of it, but ueyer present, holds up nhen the UFo subject the nhole. Iheories abouud in great is generalised, but fall.s to pieces when votne, each a nicrocosE of one takes a more detailed look at ealightennent, tet utrable to reach the individual cases. It is also often nacrocosnic realns of 'The Full anil found that most if not all of the Final lngser'. lhir dil'tua ultiEately proponents of a psychological leails to a frustratioo of alDost explanation do not have the credentials neurotic proportioor ntich paralyser aud to nake such pronouncements. blurrs tbe vision for a greater understanding of rtat re are ilealiag In short, ufology is crudely toying Yith. with half-cocked explanations. This researcher frustration has Iools of the Trade produced two distinct canps within ufology. 0n the one had, we have those This is not necessariLy the fault of who follow the road of the ufologists. It is right and proper to extraterrestr ia1 hypothesis and on the search for reasonable explanations first other those who reduce the subject to before plumping for the nore exotic and sirople delusions created in the rninds of exciting. As we come to a stage of inbalanced people. understanding that is nore conplex than the ETII - ie the working of the human In my view, neither of these answers mind - it is clear that researchers are natch up to the facts. not equipped with the tools to take it further and on to the rFu1l and Final The ETIi is riddled with problerns. The Answer' . physical reality of the vast majority of close encounter cases cannot If there is a certainty that it is be confirmed: the lack of any third party Fithin the functions of the brain, its witnesses who can confirn that interactions with external natural an individual was actually abducted is a forces and anthropological conditioning classic exanple. As many have pointed that is at the heart of the UFO out in the past, we onLy have anecdotal experience, rre utust prepare ourselves to reports of these experiences. Yes, its complete the conplex job in hand. Sone true that sone percipients do atternpts have been made to enlist the occasionally show physical rnarkings help of specialists to tackle the nany those intriguing scoop narks and other questions that remain unanswered with abrasions that cannot be explained. Yes, relative success. But, ufology nust we do have the occasional ground trace strive harder in this area if a rFul1 or a radar track of an anomalous object. and Final Answerr is to be found. But can we safely presume that this all adds up to an alien visitation; I lhink Forty years on and we nill still be not. It is closer to the truth that over scratching our heads and wondering the years, investigators and whatrs going on if we donrt. UFO Tines Newsdesk 0352-732473 UFO Packs for School Kids fhe EITFORA Publications Departrent is currently preparing a Schools Im) Project Pack to acconodate ao ilcreased tlenaad for IIFO relateil infornation fron school children. Faulkner Photo: A Fake? The proposed ten page pack will be ained at 11 to 13 year olds and will Co[troversy is nountiog over the present a history of the phenornenon, authenticity of a photograph that haa highlight significant cases and give an been a nainstay of the ltaminrter overview of current theories. It is also uystery for over 27 years. Ney hoped that infornation relating to IFOS infornation hag been pasaed to IUrOBA and how investigations are conducted that clails that the Gordoa Faultner will also be included in the free photogtaph eas part of alr elaborate educational pack. hoax. Gordon Faulkner took his infanous photograph on the evening of 29th August Weather by Fax L965, from the back door of his Warninster home. Ile has stridently Investigators lho vould like to get insisted that it was not a hoax and faat yeather iletails rill soon be able always refused payment for use of the to dial up raps aad iafornation by fa:. photograph. Ilowever, a friend of Faulkner at the tine has recently The Met Office is running trials of approached BUF0M with evidence to short ,Weatherfaxs, which will enable anyone that the celebrated photograph is no with a fax machine to call up a range of nore than a hoax. services. Weatherfaxs will be airned first at the aviation and narine BUFORA researchers are cautiously comunities and is 1ike1y to be extended evaluating these clains at present and to the general public later this year. will coment on their validity shortly. Its introduction is a sign of the Uet Office I s drive to expand its comercial activities. Contact Corner After we highlighted Kerry Blower I s request for mernbers to contact her to organise 1oca1 rueetings, the UT Newsdesk had a telephone call from new menber Kevin l{e1sh who would like to neet other nenbers in his area. You can contact Kevin at the following addres s : 42 Shakespeare Road, Eastleigh, llarnpshire, s05 4cA Or telephone hirn on 0703 lbe Faultner photo: a horr? 618952. UFO Times UFOs, States of Mind and the Pineal Connection Part 1 by Dr Serena Roney-Dougal The Subliniaal ltind and Psychic Arareness Parapsychology is the scientific iavestigation of our psychic abilities aoil the psychology of thoae stater of ninil logt conducive to the practise of the psychic gifts of healing, clairvoyance and diwination, etc. In itoing such research, parapsychologyr lec ! to be uncovering the basic root el€[entr of all religions; the pereanial philosophy. One of the findings of parapsychology we see and hear only what is necessary is that most psi seens to work through for our survival, for example, to warn the sublininal ruind. We have several us of the big red bus corning down the layers of rnind: the conscious thinking, road at us. Research into sublirninal act.ing rnind is essentially the two perception has shown that it is the cerebral henispheres: right brain and subliminal nind that ultirnately governs left brain: the nid-brain, or thalamus, a'hat we are conscious of. It decides is the enotional, prirnary process and what to let through into consciousness. instinct.ive, anirnal 1eve1 of mind: then Our behaviour, our moods, our thoughts, there is the old-brain which is the on- our actions, are all governed by the off switch for body functions and sublininal mind. The filters and the heartbeat, etc. . defence mechanisns ate essential but they have tended to become warped in our The sublininal mind as the nid-brain society so that they now tend to blinker mind seems to energe into consciousness us rather than ruerely protect us. most easily through right-heni sphere, drean-type thought but can energe These filters are originaLly laid down directly as a feeling, an enotion, by the norms of our society a and mood, an intuition, a hunch, a wordless environment: we see oflly that which we knowing, or a body sensation. Most can conceive of. Incredibly basic stuff sublirninal perceptions and psychic is controlled by our belief systens and knowing seen to cone through this part of our nind. Its language is synbolic, archetypal [as in dreams and the collective unconscious], poetry, myths and legends; throughout the vorld these are the sarre. I{hen thinking at this leve1, we are linking with the world urind; the nind of the planet. The unconsciougness is thought to retain every experience in its entirety. There are literally billions of nerve connections so that physically rrte can process billions of bits of information all the time: blood flow, heart beat, glandular secretion and senses, We have filters which protect us frorn all this or else we would go mad. These are cal1ed our defence mechanisns and they protect us fron unwanted information so UFO Tines norms of our society. The subLiminal traditions and which is now energing in rnind is the 1evel at rrhich we can heal science through research into or harn others, as well as ourselves, as biofeedback, healing and parapsychology. is shown by the placebo effect, psychosornatic illness, or the more 5) Emotion - our emotional energy is dranatic instances of people who create possibly the strongest energy of our the stignata on their bodies. It has being. even been shovn through a psychol.ogical test, ca1led the tDefence llechanism 6) Experinenter effect: whatever we look Testr, that accident proneness is caused at we affect. In science, the by these defences. At a higher 1eve1, experimenter is the leader in a cornplex our belief systems, such as whether or ritual; a social process deeply embedded not we live nith the psychic, deternine within a set of symbols and beliefs whether or not we live with the psychic shared by the actors in the procedure. as part and parcel of our infornation llany iagredients are attributed to the syatem on which ne base our daily successful outcome, including the decisions, actions and moods. Thus dynamics of the group and the physical people nake thenselves either lucky or setting in which the ritual takes p1ace. unlucky by unconsciously psychicaLly Thus the person I s attitude and tuning relevant infornation in - or out. personality etc. are vital to the outcone. Through studying the psychic, it has been found that the following 7) Working in groups serves to reduce psychological aspects are psi-conducive; the amount of personal ps1 i.e. are connected with the state most responsibility any one person has to people are in when psi events happen to take; it shifts the burden of psi onto then: - the group or outside forces. There is a strange reluctance to possess psi 1) An attitude is the most important abilities oneself and disturbance is action you can take: if you believe in felt when witnessing them! both of sonething, then it can happen in your these anxieties are reduced in group life: if you disbelieve in it, then even work. if it does happen you will tend to deny it; this denial occurring a short while There are many techniques for opening after the event happened. Linked with up the sublininal rnind and bringing attitude is expectation: if you expect oners conscious nind into closer contact sonething to happen, it will; create the rrith the sublininal and its vast store right atmosphere and the iurpossible of inforrnation, thus helping us grow in becomes perfectly possible. The knowledge of ourselves, and even trickster or the conjuror is using age- potentially contacting our inner wisdom. old techniques; the psychic surgeons and These techniques are all based around shamans create heightened expectation the use of creative inagination together and a charged atnosphere nith their nith taking the body-mind into an rituals and tricks; this a1lows psi to altered state of cotsciousness. The work bet.ter. dream state is the one most used in both ancient and modern times. Drean 2) Relaxation - letting go at every induction for psychic and therapeutic level of your being in order to achieve purposes is both the most accessible and both physical and mental relaxation. the most easily realisable of all the techniques. 0ther traditional sharnanic 3) Concentration - the sort that is best and magical techniques are hypnosis, exernplified by a child playing - in inc luding self-hypnosisJ, nediration I which the whole of your being is living and trance. the task in which you are engaged; a holistic concentration totally engrossed Parapsychology has found that altered in, and enconpassed by, what you are states, such as hypnosis, neditation and doing. dreaning, not only link our conscious ninds with our subconscious but also 4) Visualisation or inagination increase psi ability; aLl the lores of essential requirenent in all nagical psi are psychological 1ores. UFO Tines The f,ologtaphic Principle aod rnicrocosm of the macrocosm; everything Quantun Beality in the universe is part of everything else. I pick a flower here and this is Through psi, we are potentially linked to the trenbling of a star. There onniscient and omnipotent; i.e. divine. is no here and therel space and tirre The one thing unclear fron this see- become irrelevant; hence psi, There are touch reality of ours is how psi works. intriguing irnplications in a paradigm Through parapsychology, Ite are that says the brain employs a understanding what happens once the holographic process to abstract fron a information is in the brain so to speak; holographic doruain. One needs no energy the psychology of psi. But how does this of transmission for psi since this info. information get there in the first emerges frorn a reality transcending time place? For this, we have to look at the and space: ate are linked to everything quantum world view that is energing fron that ever was, is or will be. Psychic rnodern physics. phenonena are by-products of the irnul taneous-everJrwhere natrix. s In altered states, our brains change. Individual brains are bits of the There are billions of connections greater hologram. They have access under between the neurons; during waking certain circunstances to alL the info. consciousness there aae about one in the total systen. nillion of then at what is called quantum threshold of sensitivity; during Since the work of the great sleep and hypnosis, etc., there are physicists, such as Schrodinger, about one thousand nillion at quantum Aeisenberg and Einstein, we nolr have a threshold; i.e. a quaatum event can new world-view in which energy equals trigger the synapse Iour nind linked matter tines the s.peed of light squared with our brainJ, thus, in altered states and tine stops at the speed of light; we are more susceptible to this quantum hence imortals live at the speed of reality. light! Irlatter and energy are two sides of the same coin; are can look at one Karl Pribram, in his work on mernory, side or at the other, but cannot considers ttrat the brain works by conpletely knon both at once. Reality at building up neuraL nets that utilize the its nost prirnary level consists not of holographic principle of info-storage. fixed actualities that ne can know but our rninds work in this say: each part. rather of all the probabilities that ne contains info. about the whole. The forn rnight know. An electron can manifest as and structure of the entire body-nind a particle or as an energy $ave; the nay be said to be enfolded within each same applies to a photon; anything can region of the brain. It is aL the happen. This is a probabilistic universe synapses that the processing of the in which the individual can never be incorning sensory info. is accomplished, who1Ly known of itself; hence free will Not only nemory and sensory experiences and fate. Fate is the probability of the have been incorporated into this whole, but the individual is totally holographic rnodel of the brain, but also randon. You and I are probabilities with imaging and visualisation. Visualisation infinite possibility for change. In and inraging are part of the psi Process. choosing rrhether to xnanifest as particle 'rThis hol.ographic principle l-s or rrave, natter or energy, so we define characteristic not only of braiu the reality in which we wish to live: processing but of physical reality as that of xnatter or that of energy, r*hich well... lthat is organism is no longer in hunran terna can be conceived to be sharply distinguished fron what lies forn of spirit. some outside the boundaries of the skin. In the holographic domain, each organism Consciousness plays an active role in represents in some manner the universe, whether the electron or photon Ilightl and each portion of the universe nanifests as a particle or rrave. This is represents in some manner the organisrns called collapsing the wave function: it within it. " seens as if it is will and consciousness that define this norld. Eddington and This is the old magical principle: as others see the world nore as a great above, so belorv. Humans are the rnind than as a great machine. DIind is UFO Tines the pri$ary reality; psychologicaL laws characteristics in cormnon with the o1d, are prinary and physical natter laws nagical, spiritual, world-view. Bohn only secondary. In the nind, tine and uses an exarnple of an ink droplet in a space are irrelevant, hence psi and the jar of glycerine. If this drop is holographic universe. l{hen any physical stirred it becones s1ow1y spread process starts, it sends out feelers in throughout the whole jar until you all directions: feelers in which tine cannot see it. If, however, you then and space may be reversed: in which sti.r an equal nunber of tines in the normal rules are violated and anything opposite direction, the ink droplet may happen. This process ca1led the cones back together again to forrn a drop virtual state: if you can I t decide as it was at the beginning before you {hether to stay at home or go to the st.arted stirring. rrOrdinarily, we think seaside your 11 be nentally in both of each point of space and time as places at once: a rnost uncomfortable distinct and separate, and that all position until- you have "rnade up your relationships are between contig'uous mind" and collapse your wave function points in space and tine. In the into one reality. enfolded order, we see, first of all, that when the droplet is enfolded, itrs In the EPR paradox, or Bellts Theorem, the WITOLE thing, and every part of the once tlro photons have been together, a'hole thing cont.ributes to the droplet. then anything that subsequently happens When two droplets are present, they are to one will affect the other however far in different positions in the explicit apart they are in space and tine; thus state, but when they are enfolded, they we live in an inierconnected world, As are distributed through the whole and the present origin of our universe is are interspersed and interpenetrated thought to be the Big Bang, in which rsith each other. In the enfolded order, everything manifested out of one' this every elenent has direct connections neans that the whole of our universe is nith each other; even rrith distant interconnected and anything that happens elements , " anywhere affects everything else so as to nnaintain the balance; always harmony The implications of Bohmrs ideas are is naintained. Our physical world is not that the easily accessible contents of a structure built out of independent consciousness are included within a rnuch entities, but rather a Iteb of greater inplicit background of the relationships between elements lthose personal subconscious, which ls meanings arise whol1y from their contained within the world-rnind or relationships to the who1e. ALL living collective unconscr-ous. Telepathy, beings are projections of a single clairvoyance, precognition and the totality, so ny thoughts are connected various forms of mind over matter arise with lhose of others; all are intimately from this conception of consciousness as connected, which leads us back to psi. the explicit modes of action and perception of this inplicate higher \1.. dinensional ground of being. That is why c \O/ --- psi has no knorrm forms of energy transnission, because it arises from a realn that is everywhere at all tines. //\\ So the prinary reality is nental. Rernenber the brain works at a quanturn The EPR Paradox threshold of sensitivity which increases in likelihood when we are in an altered In David Bohnrs theory of an Lnplicate state. order, these ideas of interconnectednes s are taken further to suggest that this rhe Pineal Glaail - O":_fn!ta Agi see-touch reality we live in is a second ffiiat uetreen psi ara the nartn reality which arises out of the prinary reality Sohn caIls the InPlicate Order Religion and magic are based in and in which everything is aninism i.e. the beLief in a spiritual interconnected in the rtay I have just aspect to all living beings and even, in described. The Inplicate Order has many some cases, to inanimate objects. Psi is UFO Times scientific magic. Mana is the Anazonian peoples always nix herbs anthropoLogical equivalent of psi in containing DMT in their hermaline brew. which spirit is incorporated in the reality. Both shananism and magic offer Melatonin is affected by light-dark techniques of approaching the visionary cycLes and is made during tines of dark sources of our culture. Both systens of so that it helps to regulate our thought structure the universe in ways biologicaL clock. Ilence it is a night that are deeply and symbolicall.y hornone, with maxinun production being rneaningful and which fully accolmrodate reached six hours after dusk. Could this enlarged horizons of human be the origin of midnight being the consciousness. nagic or witching hour when Cinderella has to go home? Most religions consider Anthropologists report that Anazonian night to be a specially powerful peoples use a vine called ayahuasca to spiritual time and even specify 3 am to take them into a state of consciousness be the time to get up and chant natins, in which they directly link with their or Tibetan tantrae, or Buddhist spirit guides for the purpose of scriptures. Is this the power of the healing, clairvoyance, out-of-body night and the dark that ne have a experiences and precognition. Chernists natural night tirne psi-conducive report ayahuasca contains hernaline, a hallucinogen? chenical which was first isolated frorn Syrian Rue [Peganun Itarrnala], and which Melatonin is also implicated in was used in Dlorocco as a protection seasonal cycles so we tend to need to against sorcery. Hermaline is chenically hibernate and dream in winter, and if we sirnilar to a beta-carboline found in the donrt, we get depressed, Therers a lot pineal gland. The pineal gland is of folk lore about the deep, inner, considered by Swani Satyananda to be the intuitive states of winter; the very Ajna Chakra, the psychic centre, and by opposite to the sun season of sumner, Descartes to be the seat of the soul and which, with all its light tending to it nakes an hallucinogen that takes us give us so rnuch external energy yields into an altered state, the drean state, very 1itt1e folk lore about solar magic. which is considered by Anazonian peoples Melatonin production is also connected to be the psychic state in which we are with ruoon cycles. It has been found out at one with archetypal reality, with the that if you stay in constant darkness world-mind, collective unconscious, the body runs on a 25 hour cycle, Since quanturn reality, the inplicate order, or nelatonin is the bodyrs timekeeper, the holographic universe. Iwhew! A11 these production thereof runs on a 25 hour different ways of describing the same cycle when there is no stimulus fron the thing ! I . sun. The moon circles the Earth once every 25 hours, as anyone who has lived The pineal gland is connected rsith two by the sea knows, because high tide is chenicals called serotonin and one hour later each day. The pineal rnel.atonin, Serotonin is a gland is sensiti.ve to the noon because neurotransmi t ter that affects those of the noonrs effect on the Earthrs synapses in the brain I have already magnetic field. The pineal is nentioned with regard to quantum exquisitely sensitive to ninute changes threshold of sensitivity. Serotonin is in the Earth's magnetic field and this knoyn to be connected with menlal states is what causes it to switch to a 25 hour such as those connected with rhythn. So lre all naturally have a imagination, creativity, hallucination, constant sun-moon tension lrithin our psychosis and psychedelics. Melatonin is bodies as the old nagical lores state. connected with drowsiness and going to s1eep. Both of these are possible Melatonin also effects all the precursors for beta-carboLines, the eddocrine glands in the body. Swani pineal hallucinogen. Beta-carboline also Satyananda states that Ajna chakra is acts as an ltAO inhibitor, which means it the cotrmon chakra, and one nust first prevents the nornal breakdown process of learn to control Ajna chakra before serotonin; so serotonin tends to get working I'ith the others. Well, in convefted to highly potent hallucinogens researching about the pineal gland, I such as DMT. InterestingLy, the found that nelatonin is the controlling 10 UFO Times

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