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TIMES Number 14 July 1991 rssN 0958-4845 .Ifu $cen tites bd after criticisrs of his latest hooks d rrdarline8 tEHxNs frruEe stratesr A mystery solved. Steuart Caflpbell reveals the explanation of the classic Peter Day film movie case cordm Ui[iqglm traclrs tlte erolutim of the lhm tlFO And spre cases from Belgim - A hotbed of tlFll activity Pkrs.... An ext .rted StA kless Udate cn the latest CroI, Special Congress Gircle resecdrt hvestigatim Dirryr Sbtntcht d Issue Lett€rs Drle..... A BUFORA PUBLICATION couNctL 1990-91 HEHBERSHIP SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF PRESIDENT : l'1a jor Sir ParEicL UaIl, James Danby, PUALICATIONS MC vRD R (Rrd) 15 Southsay, VICE PRESIDDNT : Lionel E. Beer, FRAS Burgess Ilill, CFOoUUNNDCEILR PCRHEASIRIDI,IEANNT T: CSt.eFp.hNe.n K cnaemwsbtlueb,, IICl.lELnSg FABFIBSIS Suss ex, RH15 9ST VICE CHAIRI'AN : John Spencer TREASURER I Simon Rose COUNCIL IIEMBERS cranls are ava abre (by Man Ered Cassirer Jenny Randles SECRETARY TO COUIICIL referee) to any graup or Pau I Fuller Simon Rose individual rho wishes to Philip Mantle Arnold Uest John Spencer, plofessionaly puhlish Cl ive Potter l'lichaet Wootten 1B6u rgSeosusth wHaiy1,l, sthheoiur ldre b-see lrscehn. t Sb),n opt€ense Consultants to Council: l{i1ary Evans, RaIph Noyes Sussex, Rll15 9ST Director of PublicatioB RESEARCH AND INVESTICATION PRESS OFFICDR DIRECTOR OF RESEARCII DIRECTOR OF INVESTIGATIONS SECRETARY TO NIC PhiIip MantIe, S tephen Camble, Jenny RandLes Philip Mantle, 1B aWtloeoydh,a It Drive, B16u rgSeosusth l{lai yl ,l, 3CS h7toe acHdke apl eot) rrtbl lea,antkh ,Road, W1He ea1 slIo!eo Ydyh oaLr aIkIns ehD,irreiv,e, lUleFs1t7 Y7SoWr-kshire, RH15 9ST Cheshire, SK3 0UP HF17 7 Slt The National lnvestigations Con mittee co-odinatss investigation initi.ativer acmss the RritGh Isles and acts as an open forum for any group or individual intdested ln the objecdve invesrigation of NEgSCLIPPING ARCHIVE t}le UFO phenomenon. NIC meetinSs ale held amund the counEy. Dates and venue.s of tiese meetings can be obtained fron the NIC Secretary. The NIC is funded by BUFORA and by donarion. Michael tludson, 71 Knigh t Avenue, Research Grants are available to any gmup or individusl (subject to referee) $ho vishes to initiate objectiee research of tne UFo phenomena. Details of these grants csn be obt ined ftom tne Director of Research- CT2 8PY \rr!,r-,.l rtttl rtlI IJITIESS COtrTIDE TIALITY The British Ul'O Research Associatlon realises the inportance of'treating cases submitted to the Associatlon by witnesses as confidential. In the light of this, the BUFORA Code of Practic€ has been devised and employed throughout the Association to guarantee that the utmost care is taken when dealing with witness personal details and case report material. It is also the policy of UFO Times not to publish the names or addresses of witnesses who are not in the 'public dornainr. The material and personal details of nitnesses i{ho have been published in the gedia will be treated rn'ith care and empathy by the editorship. THE BRITISH UFO RESEARCH ASSOCIATIOT{ LIHITEI) (by guaran t ee ) Founded 1964. Registered office, 16 Southway, Burgess Hill, Sussex, RH15 9ST. RegisLered in London; 12349924. Incorporating lhe London UF0 Research Association (founded lE59) and the British UE0 Association ( founded 1962). AIHS l-._ To encoura,ge, promote and conduct unbiased scientific research of unidentified flying object (UFo) phenomena throughout the UniLed Kingdom. 2. To collect and disseminate evidence and data relating to unidentified flying objects (uFos ). 3. To co-ordinate UFo research throughout the UnlLed Kingdom and to co-operate with others engaged in sueh research throughout the world. I.IEMBERSIIIP Membership is open to all ,ho suppor! the aims of the associaLion and whose application is approved by the executive committee, Applications, forms and general information can be obtained from BUFORA's regisLered office. HEUBER SOCIETIES & ASSOCIATE GROUPS Includes Britainrs oldest UFO group, BFSB. 3 Orchard Road, Coal Pit Heath, Bristol, Avon, BS17 2PB. Associate groups inclu.de: The Norithamptonshiie UFO Research Centre and Skyscan. EDITOR Mike llootten, TIMES Suite 1, The Leys, 2c Leyton Road, Harpenden , Hertfordshire, ALs 2TL, UK. Nunber 14 July 1991 rssN 0958-4845 ASSISTANT EDITORS John Spencer Ken Phillips Contents Onay Faiz Fditcial RESEARCH EDITOR 4. Steve Gamble 5. Rerrs 7. An khsive Interrrie sitfi JdD FEATURE EDITORS Sperrcer by Mike Wootten Jenny Randles Gary Anthony 11. Eirebaff by llay by Steuart Campbell 13. IIlt estigatims Di,fiy OVERSEAS LIAISON Edited by Jenny Randles Hilary Evans L4. ftette the lrm lhemn by C,ordon Millington ARTIST 19. BefSif,r Casebook Edward Clark Edited and TYanslated by ?hillips Ken 21- In Aditim to tlE lbtlmilr Phmta (c) euFoRA Lrd 1991 by D.K. Rees Views expressed in any 23. Sk! *atcfEr papers presented in llF{) Edited by Gary Anthony Ti.res do not necessarily represent those of the 25. Special extcrled stqt press editor or Ltd. BUFORA A G,ql Cfucfe Rerclutim? It is permissible for by PauI Fuller menbers to use material 29. Reders Ilrite in this publication for their own personal use, provided it is done on a Ilont C.ov€r limiLed basis. Where official rnaterial is used for I?re Congress '91 logo publication, acknow- Ttrere is very little time for you to gleivdegne mtoe nBUt FsOhRAo aunldd thbee book in advance. Tickets are selling appropriate contributor. extremely quickly. rockets and electromagnetically powered subnarines - all fruitlessly funded by TIMES the US taxpayer. One can postulate that he did flot receive any extra ingredients or clues, gleaned frorn the Roswell saucer ! to make these systen0s work. Or we would have seen sone rnore positive ED TOFIIAL results. Answer please Mr Friedman. Does Blue boot Fit? - MJ 12 Too Many? Another general inconsistency is the status of Project Blue Dook. Why create It cooti[rrally surpriler re every tire such a project with people like Al1en I open al herican IIFO rugazine, that llynek working to examine UFO evidence, rleYr there is alrays a article knowing fu11 rell. what the answer nas extollirg the yirtues of [J-12 or the really? Why not sinply set up the Condon Boseell Inciilert. loil to ray that the Comittee, whiterash the whole subject clains (aal sonetires cormter-clails ) as oot worthy of scientific scrutiny and ofter leave the reader utterly perplercd be done rlith it. and beril.dered as to r,h.t to believe it the end, rould be an nadeEttatcnt. While several Ane.ican ufologists argue over micro issues such as The endless discussions about typefaces and confusing eyewitness typewriters, signatures, waternarks and testinony, they have lost sight of basic Japanese rice paper balloons is beconing macro questions as detailed above. rather tedious to say the least especially when I believe that the whole It also appals rne to see thousands of exercise of investigating these issues Dollars being poured into this area of are a coEplete waste of tioe. study by the Fund for UFO Research where the only results are oore questions. An unjustified judgenent you nay think. But is it? Uaybe this is the key. Iloward Blun took a fresh look at UJ-12 ilr his book tOut fechaologlr Pajrpoff Therer and came to the conclusion that the vhole MJ-12 affair naa a Let us look at an old, but stil1 very disinfornstion plot by the US governnent valid senario. If an alien spaceship did (1). If it is a disinformation ploy - crash in Rosrrell and the US Air Force then itrs working a treat. Ufology has recovered the wreckage, shich was some been steered array fron real UFO eveats 44 yeats ago. It would seen logical to and pl.oughing scant resources into a non me that the US government would have entity. Perfect. gained, by now, a multitude of scientific knowledge frorn the years of I believe that the nain driving force examining the dorrned aaucer. However, behind the long life of W-12 and the Space Shuttle is still using Roswell is the wish of the investigators firework technology to launch itself that UFOg are of an extraterres trial into orbit and nilitary aircraft are origin. The need to keep a nythology still using jet propulsion. Where is the alive and kicking is a ponerful one and sci-fi technology? Presunabl.y this despite .uy earlier thoughts that lU-12 technology is kept so nuch under raps and Rosnell nould die a death in near that it is never used for fear of a leak future Q) it would seem that these and thus totally useless topica will be high on the agenda for ! quite some tine to cone. Further to this argument, Stanton Friednan, the loud deus ex rnachioa of Befeteaces Renosthwuesll iaasntdic M lJe-c1t2u, rsetsa ttehsa tp rhoued hlya sin b eheisn (1.) Blun, I{oward. Out There. Simon and pinrvoopl.uvelsdi oinn par oljaercgtes rnsaujcohri tya so f nfuacilleeadr S(2c.h)u Estderit. o1r9i9a0l., UFO Tines 11, Pp 4. UFO Times further psycho-social evaluation of UI'O witoesses until after the 5-year period has elapsed. Bitterly Di$IrpoiBted ltany members of BUFORA who know of ny Professor Hans Bender Dies oork io this field will realise horv bitterly disappointed I am at learning Stalling Anamnesis Project of these recent developments because I have been involved wich che project report by Ken Phillips since its introduction in the northern Iloue Counties in 1981. One can irnagine It ir rith gEeat regret that I have to the enornous amount of mao-hours and armormce the ileath of the formiler anl personal expense which have gone into heail of the IIsTIlIll nir interviewing rritaesses and conpiling GBE%GEBTBIB DER PSICE)LOGIE IIXD PSCf,OEIICISIE reports, only to see the project sta1l ( rf,strrutE Fon rorDEnl.rlE Pslcuou)cr e so drastically when we were within sight pSIG:E9-EI6IEf,E) of seeing our subject gain scientific - recognition - crest la vie! Perhaps it is now tine for me !o return to the more-nainstream type of investigationg, using whatever new foroat of investigations protocol I R&I decree for use in the last BUFORA decade of the 20th century, and thus see out the rest of rny investigations days in a slightly-less controversial area of UFO report enquiry. I would, however, wish to take this opportunity of thanking all those members who rendered rne moraL and material support in this rather awkward area UFo-witness investigations, and for pucting up with the rather absurd idea that there is a EmJ Deniler conoection betrreen the I inner worldr of the $itness and rhat is going on rout The passing of Bender could not have there i . happened at a nore inoppottune time as far aa the ANAIINESIS Project is Elitorr! f,ote: These developments concerned since the future of the DePt. have certainly been a tremendous blow to of Parapsychology, of rhich the a vitalLy inportant project. I am sure incumbent head and principal advocate of that nays will be found for its thE UFO WITNESS ANAMNESI S /RORSCIIACI{ cootinuaoce. PRoJECT, Rolf Streichardt, forms the final evaluation of the projectrs data, is now in grave doubt. UFO NEWSLINE Should Streichardtrs department be Got a hot UFO news story? forced to close and there are no alternative research groups to carty on Then ring the special the work then this sould mean the UFO Times Newsdesk on viftual end of the BUFoRAT s ANA!{NESIS project. As it is, Dr. Keul has asked me 0352-732473 to suspend all further ANAIINESIS testing forthrith due to the fact that he is now between 9am and 5pm fu1ly comitted to a s-year study plan of environmental peychology at salzburS' 7 days-a-week and therefore cannot undertake any UFO Tines BUF@RA MEAruS BUSINESS If c*otre hait asted :/o! fro Joh spencer I"a! a fen Jrerrs 48p, yorrr arler probably rould have be€o that hc rar a tnooter player. If the ta qrettioa Yat rtted todry then yolrr.trter ray have been itiffereot - Joh! E e[cer the I,IO researchet and a relearcher ritt t relnrtatioa. Not many UFO researchers would have present the subject not just to actenpted to question such an imPortant enthqsiasts but to pre-teenage foundation stone to ufology as the Betty children, to teenagers, and across the and Barney Eill case in his book adult spectru[ fron people who watch I Perspectives I or indeed be critical of Davi<t Bellany to those who watch maoy facets of UFO investigation and Coronation Street. We need to interest research in general. the youog; give me a child anat Irll give you back the nan, they say. you rThe His tno nerr books U?O try and design one book that can reach Encyclopediar and I IIFOs The Definitive all those people - it. isn't easy, it Gasebookr have not been well received night be inpossibLe. What ne know rrithin the UFO coMunity. With this in doegnrt wo"i i" only writing stuff nind, I decided to catcb up with John in that builds on rhatis gone before Sheffield recently not only to question before nost people havenit yet read hin oo his nerr books but a19o to hear of whatis gone before. Itrs never been his vision for British ufology in the presented in a package that interests future. them. Q: Letrs talk about those books that Sfi.lgirg rhe cap seem to have caused gome controversy. $hy did we need yet another In the end I had inage consultants, encyclopedia? experts in influencing skills and report writing designing books which A: If rrret consilts of UFO enthusiasts they based on sonething like a cross and UFO researchers then we donrt need betyeen Trivial Pursuits and one of aoother encyclopedia. Ttrere are a those books that you just pick up, number of encyclopedias designed for look at a few entries, and put do$n. rosearch, which rnine isntt. Hortever These kind of books stay tactiver for rwer are not the only PeoPle io the a Long tine. 0f course we also had to world though you wouldn I t think so to be fair and compromise xith tbe needg read some of the outPourings of authors of the publishers who are in a and uagazine editors in this subject. comercial narket, tbeyrre not UFo For years these writers, includiag enthusiasts. The books use encyclopediac ryself with books like 'Perspectivesr, layout and are intended to bridge have beea guilty of rriting only for the gap bett'eeo tabloid storytelLing each other, and rre seem happy to go on aod the rhigh browt rritings that doing it until the sun burns out. We setre used to. That means for make no real attenPt to attract new example bringiag i-n a few fanous nanes readers. 0f course we all hope that our rrhere applicable because those nameg books ri1l reach rri-der markets, but rle trigger agreeable associations in donrt actually do atrything to try to the generaL publicrs nind, it nake it happen. oeaas tot ovet cross-referencing because thatrs boring to ootr- The brief for the books was that the researchers, and a host of other stuff. subject be pEesented to as nide a nerr This is spelt out in the introduction I market as possible; these books have to think. UFO Tines Q: You nentioned the Cagebook. what question of writing for particular are the differences begween these tro narkets. A rnedical encyclopedia written books? for doctors is not going to look the same as a book about ailments rritten A: Wetl, the books together are for the.general public; astronomy books different fron other books in the field for the public donrt read like an because of this question of approaching operators Eanual for Jodrell Bank. I new Darkets. One of the best maxims in donrt think people in this business have the business world is rlf you want. to realised that yet, in fact lrm not sute get sonethitrg different out, then you they realisd how different these narkets have to put sonething different in. r are. These books are an experiment trying to break new ground. Q: Are uFo books writteo by ufologists for ufologists outdated theo? I{ith regard to the differences betseen the books themselves the encyclopedia A: Donrt get me wrong - IrIn not saying addresses the history of over 40 years there is no place for specialist books and hor the public inage of UFos has like, sdyr Eilary Evans I rrhich are been noulded; that neans including che probably the best in the world, they are sometimes trivial coments of absolutely vital; but there is a need particularly prominent people, the for more than just that. particular experiences that have been corner-stoneg in changing percePtibn of the subject, and of course the comittees in .Anerica that frankly fornulated much of the inage of the ET'H in the early years. The Casebook takes ttre global factor showing hor. the UFO subject is both uniforn across the world but also affected by particular local cultures and of course it also has unique illustrations. one of the Points brought out by the consultants looking at the subject was that peoPle seern to crave visualisations of the uFo phenomenon which of course wd should all have recognised for ourselves. Slide illustrated Lectures attract twice the audience and you only have to have a lioe drawing on the wall at a conference for 100 people to gather round and take photographs of it. The book addresses q: Are the books appealing to the this desire and the publishers nere very public? far-sighted in comnissioning the paintings and nodels at considerable A: Theyrre selling well, werve got one cost. paperback deal and both books are going into the States next year. This should There have been criticisns of the give BUFORA soue publicity it needs. I'n books from inside the UFo business of glad for both publishers because they course but outside they are being have taken risks too; we should see received nell. For ItFo enthusiasts maybe ourselves in partnership with theu, not I should have publicized the briefs for opposed to then just because rre have these books before they were published; different airus. this question of assuming the books weae desigled for research looks set to haunt But in fact the sales numbers are of me for ever; I have a feeling that lrrtr nuch less inportance to me than whether going to be defending a Position I never or not they translate into BUFoRA intended to take for years to come. nenbership or other support. That t'ill be the only real test of whether or not Yourve got to bear in rnind this I got it right, given the aims I had. UFO Tines 0f course wetve had sone flak fron the any one researcher or even any one more eccentri.c magazine editors rho are counittee to have all the constantly usitrg the books to have a go at ne and changing infornation in the norld at any BUrORA but thatrs nothing new, ask given tine. Even betneen the tine of Lionel Beer - he warned ne about this finishing the nanuscripts and before before I started. One or two of the they were published several cases nagazines not backed by research advanced; the change from basic organisations are nothing nore than cornfield circle patterns to pictograns, exercise bikes for editors to work out recent revelations otr the Peter Day their egos on. These guys arenrt. out case, one or two American caseg that there doing any actual research for one have developed. 0f course there will be thing. Given that background, wheo an private correspondences betrreen organisation like BUFOM decides to take researchers nhich I llonrt be aware of the subject truly seriously itrs open to and any one of those people could point attack from every ingrained prejudice out rearorsr as such in the books. lrm and belief systen going. not suggesting that we should deliberately sacrifice quality, but Fron those kind of people failure will there nust be a cut-off point or you get you criticized but it takes success never get anything actually finished. to real1y bring out attacks like plagues And those I'ho have suggested I sonehow bring out the dead. And since my work missed one or tno itens they thought has got me further into other paranornal were crucial had better bear in rnind I areas I'n planning sinilar books there knew of another 7000 entrieg so they rve too so those critics had better get got some catching up to do yet. some very serious supplies of valium I did offer the full set as a rproperl in. tesearch encyclopedia by the nay but cross referenced we calculated it would Q: Sone of these criticisns have run to seven volumes - no publisher in suggested that the books aren't 100% their right nind sould touch it. And it accurate. Are you refuting that? would be useful to about 100 people who anyway ought to have conpiled their own A: No. I said in the introduct.ion of by norl. Even then it would still amount the encyclopedia that there would be to a snapshot, out of date even as it errors; I have found errors in virtually was published, like all encyclopedias. every book and nost magazines I've ever read on the subject but I donrt try to Tautira the Eull score poiots by that and I donrt admire it in others. The books come from a Itts worth pointing out in any cage database I conpiled of over 8000 itens, that nost criticisns of books in this of which about 1000 were selected as subject, by writers who have a vested entries. I try to keeP nY database interest of course, tend not to be updated as nuch as possible and verify actual reviews but rather the author rIf where I can but mistakes are inevitable. saying I had dooe it I rvould have Renenber when yourre researching an done it this rlayt. An encyclopedia is encyclopedia you need a much Sreater like a red rag to a bulL; everyone knows range of factual items than you do for the balance they would put it, the r0ost books so the risks of error then subjects they thilk are inportant. Point becomes far greater. scoring is easy if thatrs shat turns you on. I guess fron the UFo enthusiasts Every ite8 in the books, apart fron0 point of view Ird have been on safer those rhich cone fron personal files or ground if lrd used another nane but I resources of rDy onn, have cone frorn still think for the wider narket itrs Legitinate good norks on the subject. right. It is an encyclopedia, so nhy not About 100 books nere used in the final gay so. reviews alone but of course nany nore have been used over the years. Another thing: one of the most inportant legsons fron business is that Ilowevet, time moves on and there rill you wonrt succeed unless you take risks. be updates ltve rnissed. Such is the size Indeed, the only people t'ho never fail of the subject that it is inpossible for are those who never try, and never UFO Tines succeed, either. I donit know if the Arnoldrs sighting serve nade solIle books experiment will vork from BUFORA r s advances but they are norvhere on the point of view but I shanrt rorry if it scale that they ought to be after that doesnttl I'11 go on until sonething anount of tine. Ue need to get new $orks. Remenber I got r Phenonenon r people and do nore with the oneg serve placed nith a major publisher, about the got and give nenbers better value for first book of it's kind by an noney. organisation rather than an individual; that rras a risk and indeed itrs succesg q: What kind of new serviceg? ras much les than Ird hoped for. It didnrt bring in the mernbership to BUFoRA A: In th€ long term we need an office rse had hoped for, so we try sonething or tshopr that menbers can visit rtith e1se. library and lecture facilities but even to answer that questioo fu1ly in the short tern we need to ask nembers exactly what services they need. For the imediate future Ife nust inprove what werve been norking on; quick responses to enquiries, a well publicized post81 library facility, nore specialist and non-specialist publications, manned phones to receive reports, enquiries and so on. I{e need to have a teao able to respond to and initiate dealing rrith the nedial nost of this non beconeg possible nith the office. Q: ltow do we go about achieving the longer term goals? A: The key is to get new mernbers and nev funds in so that ne can afford to do nore. About l0 to L2 years ago the policy sub-coutrittee under Les Bayer started seeking out and recruiting professionals designed to beef the comPany uP. I nas one of those recruited from the business world and ny initial brief was to reverse the Poor financial position, which we did. l{y successorg as treasurer including the John sDencer current treaaurer, Sioon Roser have done brilliantly r'el1 to continue that long- q: BUFoRA is undergoing severel term rtork. chenges at the ptesent. Can you outline these? A Bluepritrt for the hrtute A: Over the next five to ten Years we Recently our former chairman, Bob will see BUFORA going through sone Digby, produced I'hat nill I think turn radical changes; a big increase in out to be one of the nost important nembership numbers, nuch greater consultative documents produced for the funding for direct research and conpany, concentrating on narketinS and investigation, and training promotion. we decided to take that Progralmes. Already tte are in the final stages of further and I persuaded my colleagues setting up a DUFORA office ttith a fu1l- in managemen! consultancy and business time secretary and receptionist which training to apply a litt1e free tine nill nean quicker resPonses to enquiries to our problems. We are talking about and the ability to set up a whole range a team that charges f,l ,0O0s 8n hour of net' services for members. Itts long for consultancy to some of the biSgest overdue: in the 44 years since Kenneth multinational names in the wor1d. UFO Tines As I an sure you were pleased to know respotrse networks, and a whole host of they nere happy with two aspects, UI'o powerful tools for research. tte just Tioes and tbe UFO-Ca11 line, both of carltt go on ainlessly, we nust have which rrefe your onn efforts in the nost purpose. For exanple there are no part. But they also recomended a whole professional UFO investigators anywhere range of other ideas which have already in the UK - no one person actually paid started with the developoent of the to do the job, which is the definition; office and staff, the production of tbe we Dugt get rid of that amateur status two books that recently came out, the and find funds that enable us to pay Encyclopedia and the Casebook, higher full-tine people to head up trained profile narketing, teanbuilding, goal- networkg . settiog, reapplying for charity status and go on. llost of this rras discussed The best model that exists is UUFoN in by the current policy tean and some the States; I know we night not agree was discussed with Patrick too, of nith their strong ET line but their course. (ltalor Sir Patrick Wal1, the nethods are the best in the world; good President. ) inter state co-opetation, organised and energised teang, training prograrmes, Q: So what happens next now that the even exams for investigators. I knol' books are done? Jenny Randles has suggested we should loosen or cut our ties nith but I UFoN A: I{e rve worked trard for the subject think we have a lot to learn fron then. to be opened up to gerioug science which nas the first major thrust we needed, And another thing I'e lrould do nell to and I thiok werve had some success, think about is that our future teams though nore is needed. The effort to put must incl.ude the nitnegseg. Theyrre not this subject on a basis with respected animals in a cage to be studied, they science nust continue. I spend a lot of are the subject, and should be working ny tine going round lecturing to science closely with us. and aatronouy groups and I think rerre getting through that BUFORA ie not a Q: Your vision of what ne should be crazy cult group. doing is adnirable and rrould revolutionise UFO research for the hsiaesr-SpeaL better, but is it not easier said than done? I think the other najor drive is to instigate into the subject the best of A: I donrt expect easy ansners, Ir the business world. I donrt nean profitg not naive. IIe nay have decades to go, or anything like that; but in business but letrs use them well. Donrt get ne ne energise companies with teanbuilding, $rong, thefe are sone very good people with project focus, with specific and doing some very good work, but this attainable goals, ne find ways to subject lacks synergy - the extra eaergy notivate people to do good work, not that comes from energised teans working just hard {ork. In truth UI'O research, together. Researchers donrt work particularly outside of Arnerica, is a together in any reaL rayl Eduado Russo bit of a rag-bag collectiotr. We eee a said the only work being done is by case, study it, file it and then what? individuaLs, not organisations, and Just wait for the oext case? where are Vallee has said that he saw no reason we goiflg? I{hat are ne trying to do? Do I for joining groups to do shat he could as a researcher have anything at ny do alone anynay. But it doesntt have to disposal now that I rould not have had be that rray, it cao be rewarding working forty years ago and if not why not? in a comitted, united tean rrith a llhat other field of work could shon so cormon purpose in nind. We must make little after so long? If all this seens nore use of the offers of involvement frightening and clinical be aesured itts ftorn our nenbership, and we must not. If we set goals and focus our best encourage people to tty new things, to ninds - and find some new ones - then in take risks. To do that ne must oot ten year.3 ne will be talking about criticise failure and BUFORA nust look funded training progranmes, offices and equiptletrt at our disposal, quick Coatimed o! pate 24 10 UFO Tines

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