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Preview UFO Newsclipping Service 2006 11 no 448

NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE November 2006 Number 448 EDITOR/PUBLISHER: Lucius Farish • 12 Caney Valley Drive • Plumerville, AR 72127-8725 USA TINLEY PARK LIGHTS STILL S,HINE By Adam Summers, The Star "We ~a¥e ruled out balloons. We have Th e truth is out there, according ruled out flares. This to a local UFO investigator. is not a hoax." The past two years _have seen· autumn sightings of unidentified lights Sam Maranto, Orland Park r:esident in the night sky over Tinley.Park and and state section director of the Illinois the ~urrounding area. chapter of the Mutual UFO Network According to Sam Maranto, of the Illin()is chapter of the Mutual UFO The National-UFO Reporting Center Network, there have been more was flooded with calls on each of those sightings recently. · nights, .with.d ozen,s of such reports at "The sightings in Tinley Park were www.ufocente.r.crim.. · very important, and we have had "The Tinley_P ark sightings are among more (in recent weeks)," Maranto, the most well-documented cases that we of Orland P~k, said. have seen," Feter Davenport,_d irector of Froin the beginning the center, said. . . . "With (eaeh event), you ·have multiple The sightings of three red, silent, witnesses, multiple videotapes, eyewit slow-moving lights in the sky over ness repo~~-and Federal Aviation · Tinley Park and Oak Park were.first Administration and law enforcement reported on Aug. 21, 2004, with . documentation." subsequent sightings on Oct. 31, 2004, and Oct. 1, 2005. · T.J. Japcon, a former Tinley Part resident who now IJVes In CrestWood, · points to the area In the sky where he saw a triangular formation of . red light$ over Tinley Part. (continued from psge 1 - STAR, Tinley Psrk, IL - Oct. 19, 2006) The amount of footage - particu larly from Aug. 21, 2004 - is striking. Three red lights are seen hanging in the air in various positions, seemingly indicating a form or structure. . There are num~us pieces of footage shot by area residents at the same time in different locations, which gives re searchers much more data to work with . than the usual isolated UFO sighting. Maranto agreed with this assessment.· "I absolutely love mass sightings; he said, "because Y<?U have such a cross section of (witnesses)." More suburban slafdlnp According to T.J. Japcon, a former . Tinley Park resident who now lives in Crestwood, the sightings are anything but over. Japcon said his family saw similar· lights on Sept. 23 in both Crestwood and Tinley Park. "At about 8:20 (p.m.), I wen~ out AcconiiiJ to.Petlr pnwiport. of the Nltlonal UFO Rlporun, Center, there Is no min Important question facing humankind: "If WI ufologlsts .. swidase. aa nsdta nr;o htiec esda iwd.h at I first thought comet-are WI alone.I n this plaxy, or an WI not?" · "But when I looked at it closely; I . . . . noticed that it was flashing in the likely of the most local intete$t,. they A sea8ot;ied UFO .investigatOr, Vtke importa.Dce of this story. · . same pattern that (the lights) did the are not the only sightings' of this kin9.. said he·r ecognizes the importance of . "The things that we are working on last few years." "One of the most relevant sightings weeding out the hoaxes from the legit- now(in relation to this case), they 1\vo hours later, Japcon received a took place just days prior (to the i.Jnate reports. · ·, . · · · . . . have the potential to change every call from his son. Tinley Park sightings) throughout :"I'd be lying if I said that we don't thing that we know," he said. "He told me that he saw three of Minnesota," Davenport said. get a fair amount ofless-than-credible "It's that important to all ofus." . them, just like (the previous sight- . The dozens of reports of similar reports," he sai~ · · George State Univ~rsity's Galloway ings)," Japcon said. · lightS throughout that· state on Aug. · "We've had a couple (of cases) that has a different view of the sightings. With the influx of new reports 19, 2004, are strikingly similar, wi-Pt a sounded good at first, but they unrav- "Lights in the sky?" he asked comes an increased ·interest in finding cross section of witnesses.- eled when we tried to get a hold of rhetorically. · . . an exp~ation for the sightings. Maranto added that there was (the witneSs)." "Any conceivable phenomena of activity aroUnd the world at the same · So how does Vtke determine if a man's own making, however unsub .... not 10 other-wor1ciJ time as the Tinley Park sightings, par- .report should be taken seriously? stantiated or identified, is infinitely ticularly around the time of the Aug. "(By) the way it is written, the type more likely than a visitation by Dr. Jerry G~oway, of Georgia ~tate 21, 2004, event. of event, the emotion expressed. It's extraterrestrials." University in'Atlanta, said he is not "There were reports from both all involved," he said. However, according to the National convinced that these lights are other Houston and Australia (on Aug. 23, According to Vtke, the majority of the UFO Reporting Center's Davenport, . worldly in origin. 2004) that were very similar to what reports are explainable by conventional there is no·m ore important question ~Lights in the sky are common yet was seen here; he said. ' means.· "It's. the' few really weird, really facing humankind. mysterious things; he said. According to Davenport, a mass difficult ones that keep~ going." "Ifw e ufologists are correct, 'we are "Human nature seems to invent all sighting on Feb. 16, 2000, in And Maranto said the Tinley Park dealing with what I believe is the most sorts of supernatural, metaphysical and -Rockford featured similar, but ora.ilge, . sightings are exactly that. important scientific question that stands . extra.terrestijal explanations for almost lights in the sky. ' . . . "What we are looking at are three, before us - ·namely, are we alone in this anything not immediately understood." He also cited what many researchers possibly four, ·lights acting either in galaxy, or are we:not?" he said. Galloway added that the laws of consider to be the most credible UFO conjunction with each other or as part Maranto said .he does not have an physics are irrefutab~e. sighting of the last 20 years - the so- of a field of some sort," Maranto said. agenda of any kind. · "It is important to recognize called "Phoenix Lights" incident. . "They keep ·geometric form, and "This isn't about .me," he said. "The the scientific world and its physical On the evening of March 13, 1997, generally act as objects :that are in . last thing we'd want to do is feed in to limitations," he said. thousands of Phoenix-area residents some way connected to each other." hysteria." . . . . Maranto said he welcomes serious reported seeing numerous lights in · Maranto has more infopnatio.n that After seeing so many strange things scientific inqUiry, but bristles at the the sky. . : . . · _ has not been released yet, but said his in the sky, Japcon said he cannot help dismissal of evidence that he has Many witnesses said the lights were rea.Sons for doing this are valid. but look to the stars at night. faced from some scientists. part of a large craft that hovered over "A few small pieces of information "I always look up (in the sky) now,". "We welcom~ anyone with a the area for more than an hour, and have to be kept so tha~ you have some- he said. scientific background to examine ·many researchers said there may be a thing to be able to verity the credibili- "This is real. And I can't help but the evidence," he said. . connection to the Tinley Park case. ty of a witness with," he said. . "But for (a scientist) to claim that "It is a practice that many UFO , wonder, "Who are they?" this is a hoax without looking at even The ICitntlftc approach · researchers have used in the procesS That is exactly the question that a shred of evidence, that is just not . of vetting witness reports." Maranto seeks to answer. good science. According to Brian Vike, ~ector of "'We are only concerned with what "We have ruled out balloons. We have HBCC UFO Research, sightip~ t}J~t . ·In s8lrch of the trut11 is, or is not (the truth)," he said. · ruled out flares. This is not a hoax." occur in consecutive years at.n early "That's all that mattets." the same time·e ach year are rare. · As the Mutual UFO Network SIJidinpelsewherl "We have had something similar in continues to investigate the sightings, Adam Summers may be reaChed at Quebec, but that is about it," the Maranto said recent developments [email protected] While the Tinley Park sightings are 'canadian UFO investigator said. have dramatically raised the or (708) 802-8827. SuppRed illustration UFOs hM long been a fasdnatlon for many people. Some wtlo claim to have ieen the 111ldentlfltd red lights In the area uy those lights could be proof of other-worldly connections. 2 RECORD, Troy, NY - Oct. 13, 2006 Investigating thiltgs that go bulllp in the·n ight Kathryn Cagglanelll If the truth is out there they his closet through jhe closed The Record want to find it. door. The boy ~ no way of A rash of UFO sightings in knowing about his mother's Whether you're the supersti Stillwater in Saratoga County similar experience. tious type or not, UFOs and and Cairo in Greene County "That association for me calls things that go bump in the were called into MUFON in the to mind 'the greys; or three night may be ·worth a closer .early 1990s. Cecot and Bouck .· foot-tall,· dark-skinned aliens look. conducted interviews and made that are mentioned-in alien Conspiracy theories aside, some startling abductions," Bouck said. moving lights in the sky that REPORT A findings. Bouck reportedly has gotten aren't aircraft, satellites, stars or SIGHTING "There were caJls from staff at Albany planets and ethereal creatures many sightings International Airport about that reportedly visit people of moVing lights strange sightings on~ be said. while they are sTeeping may be • To report on in the, sky .. over · Meteorologists have had their more than products of over unusual experi· Stillwater and in share of unusual caDs. National ence or UFO active imaginations, say two Greene County Weather Service Meteorologist sighting go to plohceanl odmeteencati.v es of unexplained ManUdF cOlicNk. coonm t he aOrnoeu ndp ethrsaot nti mien. ·B oOb vKeri lpthater icyke asrasi dh. e has b-een A healthy dose of skepticism is appropriate link particular was so asked to check out sigbtings on iinportant to bring to the job but or contact Bouck terrified by his Doppler radar. The technology so is an open mind, Niskayuna directly at (518)' experience that that meteorologists use is resident Raymond Cecot said. 356-6367 he and his wife· designed to register 't'eflectivity Cecot is co-founder of moved out of . in the atmosphe~ not unusual Independent Researchers their home in Cairo the following air traffic. he said. Association for Anomalous day," (e(;ot said .. The possibility that intelli Phenomena in Niskayuna. The man repQrtedly was . gent life exists elsewhere in the . This time of ·year, the most walking his dog on farmland universe is a logical assumption common sightings are reported one night when he saw what he to make, Rensselaer Polytechnic by people who mistake station thought was a small plane fly Institute Professor of Physics ary stars or planets as moving ing over a mountain in the dis , Photos.com and ·Applied Astronomy Heidi objects. tance. The object then made an A starry night. Newberg said. "Right now the night skies are abrupt tum and came toward "I don't think they've landed crystal clear. Low stars or plan him. When it was about 100 dent in Stillwater on Oct. 7, . Interestingly;· a neighbor's cat . here yet, though. .. she said. ets wilt appear to twinkle from feet away and 25 feet off the 1994. At 10 p.m. a teenaged girl had frantically scratched at _the Newberg admitted that it's radiational cooling from the ground, it exploded, lighting up called to report seeing as many · girrs front door earlier that important to keep an open Earth. I ask them if they saw the the entire field. He and his. dog . as 12 UFOs over her home and eveo4lg, begging to come iilside. mind. Her own colleagues light the night before or the fol ran home and tailed MUFON to said they were still there. Bouck It got the girl's attention and · doubted she rould accUrately lowing night, and if they answer report the incident. and Cecot hurried to the site to · brought her outside and that's measure the rate at which the yes to either we can pretty much Cecot arrived at the. scene that find more than a dozen people when she spied the· unusu~ universe was expanding when rule out a UFO," he said. same night only to find that the· standing on the girl's lawn star- moving lights in the sky directly she set out to do tliat in gradu- IRAAP is a non-profit organiza man, his wife and their family ing at the sky. They appeared to overhead, Bouck said. ate school. tion founded in 1997 that investi-· pet had sought . refuge else be looking at nothing more In December 1998, Bouck · "We expected to find it was gates a variety of 'Phenomena, where. He met up with them the than stars, but when inter- and Cecot received a call from a decelerating and it turned out including Unidentified ·Flying following day and learned that viewed, they revealed that the family in Schenectady about a that the universe is expanding at Objects, crop formations, cattle they intended to move out of the pinpoints of light had danced ghostly nighttime visitor. a faster and faster rate," mutilations, Big Foot and others. area because of the incident. through the sky, joining in tri- . The woman woke up. at 3 . Newberg ·said. . While there are cases of sight Tftere was no physical evi-· angular formations and then a.m. to find a short, black sil- She used .D ark Energy ings and close encounters that deoce of anything extra-terres melting· out of sight. houette standing beside her Physics to prove her findings, Cecot and his colleagues have trial. If there had been, Cecot By the time the investigation bed. When interviewed she which defied the laws of exist easily dismissed, there are also and Bouck would' have sent it was completed - more than couldn't recall anything more· ing physics models. those they have not. away for analysis. two weeks later - Cecot and about the incident .. But what ·~I think mainstream science Cecot, a former member of "We use scientific methods . Bouck had spoken to 30 wit- really caught the · attention of. is concerned about whether the the Mutual UFO Network, a when we conduct an inv~ga­ nesses from across the area. Bouck and Cecot was the fact processes that are being used to national organization based in tion. If then! are physical traces we 'These were all credible wit- that later that night her son ran investigate UFOs are truly sci Maryland, worked closely with gather the evidence and submit it nesses. Though we didn't see what · into his parents' bedroom visi- entific. I think there are legiti state MUFON director Jim to a lab for analysis," he said. · they did that night, we didn't dis- bly shaken. He said he'd seen a mate researchers out there look- Bouck for many years. Bouck recalls another inci- count their accounts," he said. small, black man_w alk out of ing into this," she said. JOURNAL, Salina, KS - Oct. 3, 2006 CR: R. Webb Crop circle caused by microwave action Investigation of field on and hal1Way oft" she said. Microwave evidence says circle not made Even though the field has Evidence of microwaves been cut, the circle is still evi was noticed on the nodes that by man or UFOs dent, said neen Bean, who form on the stems of the lives 10 miles east of Beloit. plants as they grow. Nodes in BynM UNRUH Sunday there stlll were people side the circle were expanded. Salina }oiU7UII stopping to look. Outside of the circle, they "They all want to know were normal. BELOIT-Jane Wallace is what it is," she said. "Because the microwave's careful to speculate about heat, the moisture inside the what created a large circle 1n 'H ju.t melted that cane' nodes wlll expand," Webb her field of sorghum-sudan Jean Rose of rural Beloit said. "It doesn't kill the plant. grass. but she is certain it said she was flown over the There were no dead plants ln wasn't a UFO. neld last week in a helicopter. the circle." "We're just saying it wasn't "lfs spooky. Whatever did Wallace owns the land with man-made." said Wallace, Be that was so hot that it just her brother, Judd Thierolf. Be loit. "We think it was some melted that cane and laid it loit, and farms it with her other kind or phenomena." Photo courtesy of BROOKE WALLACE. New Cambria flat," she said. "It looks like a husband, Don. Whatewr caused the circle This crop circle Is thought to have formed Sept. 9 In a sorghum perfect circle from off the She first learned of the crop - 133 feet from east to west sudan grass fletd 2% miles east of Beloit on Kansas Highway 9. ground 300 feet." circle from a friend who drove and 132 from north to south - The crop was swathed for llves1ock fHd Saturday. Webb said most crop circles by the field at 9 a.m. Sept. 9. it soon became a tourist attrac form in rainstorms but not be There was no circle at that tion after it was spotted Sept. 9 tired Internal Revenue Ser· creates the microwave is un cause of the rain. He said the time. When her friend passed lioni at ofifefl Kd a2n ~s ams .lIlDesg ebawsaty o 9f Be mviecme wbeorrsk oerf athned Ionntee ronfa 1ti0o0n al tkhnaotw'sn a.p Ipt'lsi esdo mthea ts oinrvt oolfv feosr ce Bplealnotist winesried esw thirel ecdir cclloec nkewairs e. eavgiadienn att i n11 tah.em f.i,e tlhd eo cfi 5r-clteo w~a s "People just started coming Crop Circl~ Researchers Ass~ microwaves." On the east side of the circle, feet-tall green plants. by to see it," Wallace said. "It ciation. Hundreds of folks have dri but still inside the circle, was There were no footprints, was all over town." He and Robertson arrived ven by. Some parked to gawk a smaller swirl, which also Jane Wallace said, and the And beyond town, too. Sept. 15, took soU and crop at the circle, located about 40 was clockwise. area bad just received rain. Word reached other states, samples, which will be ana yards from a st~p ditch. "That can't be done if it's "H somebody did it, I would bringing in crop-circle investi lyzed by a lab, and checked for Fearing people would get hoaxed," Webb said. "Man· like to see them duplicate lt. gators Rich Webb, Omaha, radio waves and microwaves. hurt parklng on the busy high made circles are almost per There was no path into the Neb., and Ted Robertson, Their verdict: a microwave way, Wallace swathed the field fect. They use a rope and a circle at all," she said. 3 Bloomington, lnd. burst. Saturday for livestock feed. board that leaves a scar on the "We determined it to be a "We don't think it's little "It was getting too danger plants." • Reporter Ttm Unruh am be nonman-made crop circle." green men in flying saucers ous. In the past few days, they There was no scarring in reached at 822-1419 or by e-mail Webb said Monday. He's are- that do it." Webb said. "What would stop on that hill, half\vay the field east of Beloit. at sjtunruh@sa(journal.com. REGISTER-HERALD, Beckley, WV - Sept. 21, 2006 'Green Monster' still· A new attraction is the 2,000- seat amphitheater providing an outdoor music venue and possi bly some dramas. news in Flatwoods Just down the ~ighway, at Century Inn Restaurant, one of the regulars, Junior Gibson, now 82, ian't convinced that an other worldly' visitor touched down back in 1952. By Mannix Porterfield Phantom of Flatwoods," writ "' didn't believe too much of REGISTER-HERALD REPORTER ten by Judy Davis for the Brax that monster deal," says Gilr ton Citizens' News. son, a World War II veteran SU'M'ON - Right in the heart of Braxton County has good who helped guard Nazi war West Vrrgin.ia., in this natural offering reason to pride itself on a criminals at the Nuremberg of florid hills and genteel country peo nuniber of attrac;ti.ons, as out trials, after serving with the ple, the 21st century competes with a lined in the bureau's booklet, · .· 9th Infantry Division in the · bizarre page from its past. focusing largely on outdoor Battle of the Bulge. Just up the road, about 2 miles . activities in a region blessed Gibson leans to his left and away, on a summer night in 1952, sev . by a number of lakes and ·· calls out to diners at another en people were burled into a brief en streams ~ming with fish, woods Not. table for an opinion. counter with a strange object that put crawling with game; an abundance of "' thought it was kind of little Flatwoods on the national news stores and restaurants, and a rich his passes In fake," one man yells back: radar for several days. tory, and that includes, of oourse, "the Sutton that "So I didn't fool with it." What they saw remains in di.spute monster." · executive Another man begs off, to this day. Braxton's name honors Carter director explaining it was before To some, it was a visitor from anoth Bra:icton, a Virginia statesman and Connie his time. er planet, a green figure with red eyes signer of the Declaration of Indepen Skidmore of "They still talk about and a cowl-like covering on its head dence. the Braxton the 'Flatwoods Monster,' that reminded some of the ace of Indeed, ·part of page 11 in the official County, and they talked about spades. brochure reminds visitors of "a mon Convention and little green men, but I Others were inclined to accept a ster· of a story," noting some 10,000 VIsitors Bureau never seen any· of more earthly explanation. people reportedly were·d rawn here at doesn't get a them," Gibson says. "I believe that they definitely saw the outset of the .incident. few Inquiries A friend, however, something," says Connie Skidmore, ex Modem intrusions abound, but Sut about the famed swore he saw a flying ecutive director of the Braxton County ton, Gassaway and Flatwoods remem- "monster" that saucer buzz his home Convention and Visitors Bureau. ber the past.· · briefly haunted a about that time. · Skidmore, not even born when the And rather than bury·the story, lo hollow just two ."Hey, John," Gib "monster" invaded, has beard her cals are capitalizing on it with aan c ele miles away from son say.s to another share of stories about the sighting. bration they hope to tum into an her offlc;e. buddy. "What did "'t's still quite a live topic," she said. nual event - The Braxton County you think when "We get questions about it here at the Monster Festival. they seen the mon bureau quite often. At least two or · A 50th anniversary in 2002 was fol ster?" three a week ask about the 'monster."' lowed by a festival in 2005, and anoth "Eisenhower on One day, s·ome young Japanese er.this year. Skidmore wants to see it a broom stic)t," one busiqessmen drove up fro~ • evolve into a permanent fixture at the man riposted. Charleston after a meeting just to in~ 10-year-old factory outlet mall where unknown visitor, us- . Upon further reflection, quire about the phenomenon. Another. herofficestands. . . ing two hunters as its . Gibson says the seven witnesses appar- tourist pointed to an itinerary that in "We don't know exactly what haP.. characters to retell the ently saw something that shook them up that night. cluded the far out, such as Point pened, but somebody saw something, story. And Skidmore agrees. . · Pleasant; home of the Mothman. because it created quite'a stir and peo "We get people from several states "People don't claim seeing something like that if they A few want to know if a "monster" ple were obviously upset," Skidinore asking about it," Skidmore said. haven't seen something," she says. statue is available so they can be pho said. "We have people who come in to vol "' don't know what it was, if was something the govern ment created or what. Those people definitely saw some tographed with it. "'t's basically like any other.festival unteer or work at the campgrounds. thing that made them nervous." There is none, but Skidmore's office - a reason to get together and cele They get a poster or a statuette that For all the attention that one brief episode frOm ·half a features . some "monster" items, brate your community. It's a sense of they can take to tell the story to the century ago still demands, merchants and townspeople among them a statuette, true to the community." people who come to the grounds, the alike don't seem to mind their town is associated with it, red-and-green decor and fashioned by Games, rides, music-and food - the little campers. A gentleman who is a says Skidmore. . · John Gibson, a shopkeeper at the typical menu. Everything but the naturalist from Kentucky was in and "' think most of the people in the co®ty enjoy the novel mall. That one has proven a good sell- monster. But ifhe reappears, the crea saw the 'monster' and wanted to take ty of it," she added. er this year. · ture is welcome. Landmark Studio for one home for his talk to camping -E-.mail: Skidmore provides reprints of "The the Arts staged a re-enactment of the groups." [email protected] Author says UFOs still buzzing W.Va. By Mannix Porterfield REOISTER·HERALD REPORTER Just up thl• FLATWOODS - In the gathering hOllow, as two . Less than half an hour, the dusk of a warm September evening, a Flatwoods "monster" was back inside his sandlot football game is halted sud firefighters, craft and took off for parts un d~nly by a fiery object streaking over Monte Riffle, known. the lush, green hillside a short dis left, and the Feschino's research took him to tan~ away. Rev. Paul Beatty articles in weekly newspapers of Startled by what they saw, the five point the way, the era, since many witnesses to boys engaged in football, accompanied Is where the UFO sigbtings hadn't bothered to by the mother of one and a second world-renowned contact authorities to fill out a de adult, rushed up tQ.e mountainside to "Green Monster" tailed, 10-page report provided by investigate. was sighted by the military. From behind a tree emerged a 12- two adults and Flatwoods became a household foot object, emitting a strong and re five children dateline just five years after the pulsive sulfuric odor. Crackling In 1952. Roswell incident, and only a few sounds inside it reminded the wit years.after the "shoot them down" nesses of bacon sizzling in a fry pan. C.L GARVIN/ directive to U.S. fighter pilots NQthing verbal came from the curi THE REGISTER-HERALD amid the mounting tensions with ous object, but strong lights from the Russia in that era, he pointed out. head of it formed a beam directed at Witnesses never altered· their ac-. ed inside the American border. If an unknown craft appeared, the frightened onlookers. count of the bizarre incident that The red-and-green "monster," a the author says, the military was Just to the right on the hillside lay a Sept. 12, 1952, night that put Flat- moniker that has stuck over five commanded to shoot first and ask circular object described later as the . woods on national news for several decades, appeared to have a medieval questions later, rather than risk a standard spaceship. days. cowl over its head, while cloaked in a pre-emptive nuclear strike by the Terrified, the seven scampered Based on his in-depth research that metallic "s)rirt." Antennae were visi Russians, based on the revela down the hill, giving birth to the.e n embraced "tons of reports" and nu ble, bu,t it seemed to be armless. tions of one high-ranking Air during episode of the "Braxton County merous interviews with witnesses, One of the witnesses, Kathleen Force officer. Monster." · Feschino is convinced. the "monster" May, described the lower part of its "This was at the height of the Fifty-four years later, the account was indeed an alien inside a metallic attire as "banging drapes,, not sur Cold War," Feschino said, recall endures, thanks largely to a book au probe, or small sbuttlecraft, not unlike prisingly given the vernacular of the ing how school children were thor Frank Feschino Jr. penned after the lunar modules used by America 1950s, but Feschino says this likely drilled almost daily in survival, a dozen years of painstaking re astronauts, explaining why it ap was a· set of pipes of the shuttlecraft. such as getting under Q.eslis. search. For instance, he was the first peared to "float" along the ground. Another saw it as a suit of armor. To to examine the official Air Force Blue Feschino believes the alien was one, the head reminded him of the ace (continued on page 5) 4 Book on UFO sigbtings, unwrapped aboard one of three spacecraft that es of spades. only two decades ago after years of of caped a dogfight with U.S. Air Force ficial secrecy. jets over the Atlantic Ocean and land- (continued from page 4 - REGISTER-HERALD~~kley! _WV_~ -~~1?!:_!_~006) '!i UFO sightings." incident. This was not just one lit Flatwoods case is concerned." Just why remains a puzzle, but tle incident. The one in Flatwoods Feschino's book, "The Braxton the author also says evidence has · was only 5 percent of the story." · County Monster: The Caver-Up of surfaced that crop circles have In fact, he said, the "monster" the Flatwoods Monster Re surfaced in the area as well. was tracked as it retreated back vealed," was published by West One of the three spaceships that across Braxton County that same Virginia Book Co. of Charleston, eluded the fighter jets nearly night. who says sales were "super" when clipped a passenger train in Feschino figures the aliens· are it came out last year, and remain Wheeling before darting south still using the backwash of rural "quite steady." ward and landing in Bluefield, Braxton County since it is only "Frank does a -wonderful job says Feschino. 206 direct air miles away from with tying in everything that "You're concerned for the safety ''The one that landed in West the Capitol and provides dense fo-· happened in D.C. and all over the of the country, and what if you. Vrrginia actually flew over Wash liage for concealment in inter~ Eastern Seaboard," says owner picked up something on radar? Is ington half an hour earlier," he ludes while, for whatever rea Bill Clements. it a Russian with a bomb? Or a says. sons. They are scouting out "Basically, no one would talk UFO? You don't want that on "I knew that every story has a_ America. about it. People were ridiculed by your head." beginning, a middle, and an end. AB the damaged aircraft wit the media. Most of them just When radar detected an unfa Flatwoods was the end of the sto nessed that night in 1952 flew clammed up. Feschino spent 12 miliar, jets were scrambled. ry. I wanted to find out what hap over the backwash, parts of it years getting to know people and "Shoot Them Down," in fact, is pened preceding it." crumbled and fell to the ground. getting their trust." the title Port Orange, Fla., resi So,· the author fetched aerial No doubt, he says, many souvenir To some denizens ofFlatwoods, dent has chosen for a follow-up maps and compiled one that hunters grabbed them, never the "monster" is on par with book on the UFO phenomenon. measures about 8 by 10 feet, te telling authorities about their Mothman, the bird-man creature Likely, the aliens were conduct diously pinpointed each sighting, finds. . that took up brief residence in ing reconnaissance flights over then connected the dots. "There could be hundreds of Point Pleasant. Does this mean a America, since they were seen at "In all of that night in 1952, pieces of shrapnel and pieces in Flatwoods-based movie could be atomic plants and Air Force in there were about 18 and one-half some junk cabins," he said. "We in the offing? stallations, the author said. hours of sightings," he says. don't know." "There have been a lot ofoffers, This, in turn, gave birth to a The Blue Book actually devoted Feschino says the media falsely but just talking at this point," theory of galactic spying, or a "cos an official case report to the Flat portray Americans as evenly di Feschino acknowledged. mic kindergarten," as one expert woods incident, he learned. vided on Braxton County's inci Hone is made, would Feschino has described, Feschino pointed "Besides that one page, there dent. land a role? out. were about 200 other pages of "That's not even close," he said. · "'want to be the 'monster,"' he "There have been tons of sight UFO sightings that occurred "' would say it's closer to 90 per laughed. ings up there," the author said. throughout the night," he said. cent who believe and 10 percent -E-mail: "Braxton County is a hotbed for "Flatwoods was not an isolated who are skeptical as far as the mannix®register-herald.com PRESS-ENTE_!I_~_RISE, Rl~erslde, CA - Oct. 27, 2006 CR: D. Perez The idea of alien UFOs has been driven by movies and science-fiction tales, Mauger said. While not completely rul ing out alien life, Mauger said there is no evidence supporting alien sightings. He said any planets possible of maintaining life are in galaxies at least 4,000 light-years away. Mauger said his interest in airplanes started early and as achlld he would go to bed with an airplane under his ann rather than a .t eddy bear. Shortly after he moved to the Inland Empire, he realized North Corona was the setting of the ffrst alien landing dur ing the 1938 radio broadcast of Orson Wells' "War of the Worlds." . CARRIE ROSEMAITHE PRESS-ENTUlPRJSE Bob Mauger, local "UFO-oligist" and March Air Field Museum volunteer, explains that many reported UFO sightlngs are actually Mauger .s erved as an Air U.S. Air Force planes, such as the SR0-71 Blackbird, at left. Force engineer and mechanic at an airbase in Germany during the Vietnam War era. He . later worked for .B ur UFO~OLOGY rough's Electric and ITT Can non. "\Vhen it 'comes to UFOs, e.ve:ryone has an opinion," said Expert tackles flying saucers, sec-ret planes and coverups -th.e museum's office manager Betty Bradley. "It's an interest BY JOHN ASBURY ologist and museum volunteer Bob such as the XP59, the first U.S. jet; the that engages the entire fam THE PRESS-ENTERPRISE Mauger, 65, of Norco, will discuss how U-2 spy plane; the SR71; and the Fl-17 ily." Ever think some folks in the Inland several suspected alien aircrafts are Nighthawk, Mauger said. The incident The museum will also fea Empire are out of this world? The UFO· usually top-secret government air- that spawned the term "flying saucer" ture a UFO video and crafts for seminar on Saturday could-provide planes. · likely involved the Horton 229, a children to create their own some answers. "There's a lot you don't realize is out German airplane used by both the U.S. .U FOs and alien eggs, The murky world of UFOs, govern- there," Mauger said. "Some things in and the·Soviet Union, he said. For more infonnation, con ment coverups and America's secret .t he sky are totally unexplained." Many of the planes ·were kept secret tact March Field Air Museum planes will be the topic of March Field . The U.S. government used secret · to stop release of state-of-the-art tech at 951-697-6600. Air Museum's UFO seminar and fam- . · surveillance planes in World War Il nology, Mauger said. In Roswell, N.M., Reach John Asbury at 951-567-2408 or ily days on Saturday. .. and to keep tabs· on Cold War rivals, a supposed alien crash was actually a [email protected] "UFOs and Things That Go Bump in and still uses some today,. Mauger government coverup for a downed spy the Night" will try to explain flying said. balloon used to detect nuclear blasts saucers and alien sightings ·such as Reported UFO sightings were later in the Soviet Union, Mauger said. 5 Roswell and Area 51. Resident UFO- discovered to be U.S. Air Force planes li UFOs sighted locally - for class study, anyway ' . ~ By Krista J. ·stockman thing that \:las far-fetched compo- of skeptics, but that doesn't bother The class will include the history said. Reports are collected by the ~ The Journal Gazette · If you're nents and is challenging." . him. He simply wants to offer factual of UFOs starting from the frrst docu Mutual UFO Network and the Na- :j The three-course class, which be evidence of UFOs. mented sightings by Egyptian pha tional UFO Reporting Center. jTf interested UFOs and alien life fonns aten' t gins Tuesday, is being taught by ''There's plenty of interest in it," raohs and Roman emperors. Sugden "I'1 1 tell about some of the cases ~ just the subjects of science fiction Roger Sugden, assistant state direc Sugden said. "I'm not trying to make said the history of UFO sightings in- · where these things have actually ::e books and movies. What: UFO course at IPFW tor and chiefinvestigator of the Mu you a believer. I'm just here to give eludes the stories about Alexander landed and beings have gotten out ~ Plenty of people in Indiana claim When: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. tual UFO Network and a member of you an education." , the Great's sightings of flying objects and been seen and gotten back in and JD z to have seen them. With such interest, Tuesda~Oct.10,17 the Independent Crop Circle Re- . Michael Shermer, founding pub in 332-B.C. The UFOs helped knock took off," Sugden said. Indiana University-Purdue Universi Cost: $75To sign up,, call the search Association. Eight people lisher of Skeptic magazine and the down fortress walls during the siege . If this course is successful, Sug- 0 n ty Fort Wayne's Di~ision of Continu Division of Continuing Studies, hilVe signed up for the class so far-a executive director of the Skeptics So ·of the island Tyre, Sugden said. den hopes to someday be able to offer 1 ing Studies is offering its first class 481-6619 number that pleased Kelly but disap ciety; said a·university setting is ideal · "(UFOs) have a history of inter the Class for credit. Already, he is ~ on unidentified flying objects. pointed Sugden. for critical discussions of claims of fering with history," he said. planning to teach another non-credit ~ The class, called UFOs - Percep- Sugden approached IPFW aoout . UFO sightings. ·- The course wilf extend through course on UFOs in Warsaw in the: i . tion, Reality and Sightings in Indi-: development. · teaching the course pecause no one But a danger exists when institu modern-day sightings, including· spring-for both skeptics and believ ana, will cover the history of UFOs, "It's not that we're legitimizing had ever done it before, he said. He tions such as IPFW affiliate with a those in Indiana. One sighting was in ers. crop circles and recent local sight alien life form, per se, but that there has offered information sessions at · class that offers such claims as fact, December 2003, when three police "It's an educational thing,n he ings. are unexplained phenomena and just the Allen County Puplic Library and because ''it lends credibility where officers saw a strange object driftillg said. "If you don't believe it, that's The course might sound out of this having a conversation about that is in:. had as many as 75 people attend, so there actually isn't," Shermer said. through the skies over Huntington. fine.'' ! · world to some, but it is a legitimate · teresting," Kelly said. "We support he thought there would be plenty of "What we try to strive for is keep · In March and April of this year, [email protected] topic of study, said Mike Kelly, IPFW critical thinking, oJ:>viously, no mat interest in a three-~eek class. ing an open mind, but not so open that Indiana had the highest number of Angela Mapes ofThe Journal Ga director of personal and professional_ ter what the topic is, especially some- Sugden said he has run into plenty your brains 'fall out," he said. .UFO sightings in the world, Sugden zet{e contributed to this story. UFO group to discuss unusual sightings in Indiana . ~ ~ By JACOB BENNEn the fields and investigate~ others who an anonymous caller to the National s~ep i~structions on.how to ~ake your : ~ Courier & Press staff .writer IF YOU GO have just read many books. . UFO Reporting Center in Seattle. own crop circles. But as to how to make ~ 464-7 434 or [email protected] Saturday, they will talk about en- . The caller said several other people the ones that paranormal iilvestiga-· ~ counters with Men In Black (none pulled over and watched as one large . tors deem legitimate is anyone's -m There's no explanation, but it's What Indiana Mutual UFO Net from personal experience), and on hap object-roughly the size of half a foot guess, Sugden said. · , ~ been a busy year ~n the Indiana skies. work fall meeting pei:lings in Indiana, inclpding what ap ball field - hovered around Indiana "There are all kinds of theories. It i Huntingburg had the nation's first When: noon to 5:30 p.m. Satur- peared to observers to be a shootout 62 with two or three smaller, oblong could be Earth energy. It could be plas- · ~ confirmed crop circles of the year, a day . · over the Wabash River. ~ect& . . · rna vortexes in the. air. It could be an ! complex configuration in David Ring's Where: Monroe CitY Blue·J eans· Answers in that case are hard, . .Although Ring had already cut aerial phenomenon that interacts with R~ wheat. Center in Monroe City, Ind. probably impossible, to come by. A man down the wheat in which the crop cir the ground. · · · · · There were more UFO sightings in Information: indiamufon.home and three friends in a canoe north of cle appeared, Sugden said he was able "It could be some other intelligence a, the state than anywhere else. except stead.com Peru, Ind., saw a large, siivery trian to take samples of what was left and .u sing the forces of nature to create t., California in March. gle .shape at 20,000 feet being pursued determine that the crop circle was le- these designs and watch us run § There was even a reported sighting , - and possibly shot at-by two F-16 gitimate. · around· in circles and try to figure in January over Bristol-Myers Squibb they can't figure out what it is. It just fighters. This was at 10:38 a.m. June (For some, you _can tell just by look- themout." . . in Mount Vernon, Ind. keeps growing." 28, the men said. Military contacts ·i ng from the air that the circles were Many investigators are surprised "When I started, we were all just State UFO investigators will gath haven't been that helpful, said Roger man. . made. Several in Ohio this year that th~ mystery ofUFOs hasn't been ·chasing lights in the·s ky,~ said Jerry er Saturday at the Monroe City (Ind.) Sugden, a Mutual UFO Network field were clearly made by people driving solved, said James Delehanty of Jeffer Sievers of Vincennes, the director of Blue Jeans Center to talk about these investigator from Fort Wayne, Ind. . around in a truck.) sonville, Ind., who will give the pre the Mutual UFO Network of Indiana. developments and other facets of "There·' slots of questions about it,". Sugden said that tests on Ring's . sentation "Men In Black." "Now there's been landings with unidentified flying objects. Sievers said. · crops showed·t hat nodes inside the "Every year we get closer," he said. traces left. There's been abductions, if The last time they had a. state Even less is kriown about the al-· wheat stem had been elongated, a key "I guess until one lands on the lawn of you listen to the witnesses; implants meeting, in April,. there were maybe leged sighting at Bristol-Myers, which sign that the circles were not a hoax. the White House or in Times Square, 0 .that have been removed surgically, and 20 people there, some of whom go into occurred Jan. 28.a nd was reported by Many Internet sites·h ave step-by- not everybody's going to believe it~" NEW MEXICAN, Santa Fe, NM - Oct. 3, 2006 CR: D. Perkins ------ - - -- Strange, bright lights surprise stargazers! Witnesses ~ .. By Tom Sharpe arid Jason Auslander . ·----wa·-s -e-ither red, 0~ ~b.-bi~e·: ---.~ -· .· ·:·~ mg-5o~ m't . he sky, ~th most of ! acrOSS western The New.'Mexican , :~ ~~te. br some combination of the . the .calls ooming frOm 'Colorado. , U'. .. S . th eo·· n·z e . ·re -pSokrY·t e-Wd, s'a etcehienrgs· barciiogshst ltighhet 'ws el·a sttee rsn~ ud· .asf:· , · · . saa·u iSudva snei.tx a p Feeo Cpoleu nCtaYll· e ~dh,.e hriisf ~f Gtrce.gh . Se, orla. rtioo.. ' . ·· .. wAhlMaainte olnosko aokJnead Sin it,mo:w bdhea oya wrnii aogsrb. tdu; irsgiaveii ndfig se hrnyee psaarwro j~~ ' unknown object . but theories abound on just what_they sa\\( . report·the lights in the s!¢ including one tile that exploded into-pieCeS. . . . . .W aS me.t eor., · It was probably a met~r. one agency whQ thought it might have been a~ . . _Peggy Crumba!=het; who lives SQUth . ,. said A UFO expert said space junk-is · · airplane.. . . . · . ·. · . of Santa Feoff:N.M.-14, said shelooked . space debris another possibility. · · . The Nationafl.JFO Relx)rting Center in. to the north at about ll:l5 p~ "'t Wf!Ilt . . . And depending on the observer, this. . · eastet;n·Washington State reported that frQm white to blu~ and then I could see . thing that hurt.J.ed across the darlaiess · abOut 30 people across the West reP<>rted it turned towaro the north, and' then it · · .. , _-.. Federal Aviation Administration ~=~n~o~o~~o? =~ :Said absolutely disappeared." she said "This . . +WinsloW, Ariz.. where a. r . Officials ·alSO the.l ights ~ere: .. ·.· heard from NORAD;' ·. was not a meteor. Meteors would be large li~t green fireball was Davenport said some of Sun- bright lights." observed at 1o:18 p.m. likely a meteor, ·according to:K OB~TV.: day's reports had the character-. Peter Davenport·of the National UFO + Cheyenne, Wyo., where.. · istics ofa meteor~ fragmentS . Reporting Center said Sunday evening's an airplane pilot ,flying at · · · · · · · · · · . . . . . · ~ coming off a :rDain object, · ·· · raebpoourtt 9s" b2e6 gpa.mn w. Nitehw a Mfireexbiaclol otivmeer .S eattle· s3mo0au,t0te0hl0y a ftteh llee:tl s5oa bpms.Deerl .va .a;leQtd at uptodp erto haxe i.- . atori +1d0.Hr geadlor 'towsbeijnle.g cC tosor :wlaon.e,gr Wee, hsyeeeerlelro i ew.i g h.t . l~ibnj.epe icflvoters tnshepavoter ~tr asale sided csoi minndi.lasa. sr. n lia8ih.g t.sh t ·lloainbsejte,in cfgltas or minnolgyv uainp fge lW iikD es aea sc mtornaaidtgcshh; t a .n .d : He said other reports Sunday eVening bright object that seemed to · about ll:l5 p.ni. movmg south·· · Were reported Sunday evening. Federal Aviation .Adminis-. came from: eject fiVe golden objects out its to north. ~everal of the objects in~ Cali£; Bould~ . tration officials also said the back end at regular intervals. broke off in different ditec- . . Colo.; SilverCity and Las Cru- lights were likely a meteor, · · The objects t:elilained visible , . tions, while the lead objects ces. 1 aceording to KOB-TY. A per- .· for about 30 Seconds. changed their ~lor to blue · · "The first thing that romes. . son at LodeStar AStronomy ·+ Caseadi Colo, where . . . ~~~te be~ore disappearing! to my nlind was the pos8ibiijty Center in 'Albuquerque d,idn't · eight to'lO orange objects Were Wl~-LUU one mmute. '· · · of space debris," be'said "But. knm\r .about the lights, llnd seen flying fi;om north to south , . • Raton, N.M., where a usually when that happens, . nei~t did a person who · · for about 10 seconds ~ut ll:l5 motel employee ob~ a . NORAD (Ndrth American~ ' . answ~ the phone at Santa . p.m. An airplane was spotted ~ St!1~ .star about ll:20p.m Aer6spaee Defeme Gom- Fe CoiDiilunity College's plan-. nearby about 10 Seconds later. .that split into three, then seven mand) ·at Peterson Air Force etarium. Investigators ponderoc(urrence ()fcrop circles ~ The exact location is still hush hush. because the ·landowner did not want gawkers trampling. her ... fields. No other scientific or law .; By Mlchaei Shaw ·· in size ~een ~~feet tri' enforcement groups 11re known to ~ ST. LOUIS P.OST·DISPATQt . .15 feet· across, were.:viSible·· be investigating the site. A report: U) among the sOy-bean plaritS on er wa5 given a tour- after.· a • IOMIWHIRI , · · liiAit ... the slOping banks ofa gully :that promise to keep the location as 0 .ILLIVIL.LI • The.UFOpe0-. splits a f.anD near Belleville.; vague as possible. :E .pie discovered them first..·. . . Lacldrig expertise to contin:.. So what's BLT's explanation? u; It was early August, around ue the inquiry, the UFO periple Alien invasion? Bizarre weather ·:; the time that tips of strange ~ "t1inied .to an outfit that special event?. o lights in the sky came in. Field izes in this sort o( thing. · Nancy Talbott, the groUp's ..J investigators from the Col That's right.· president and the 'T' in BLT,, said c;i orado-based MutUal. Unidenti- . ·. BLT Research Team Inc. of she's. not a scientist but has been ie1P.n fied Flying Object Network, oi: . ·cambridge, Ma5s~ prides itSelf working with researchen to % MUFON, flew over' in a pbne··. .on sear~hing for a s~ientific mize the field of study, She • . 0 after hearing those reports and · explanation for crop circles~ she had produced oUtdoor ·liMn ~ got photographic' confirmation· . The name has.n othing.t o do try music festivals before getting a. in early August. . . · Crop circles varying In size from 50 feet across to IS feet 'with bacon. It comes from the into crop circle& . . . ~ . There -was no doubt about·ii.: · ltcross can be seen In soybean fields near Belh!YIIIe; , · "Pe6ple . iuimediateiy juniif ,_to t! 1birteen crop circles, varying Image from KMOV·TV this other-worldly explanatioD",''"t she said in a phone interview.· U) a0. itnh-teot h 1r9et9he0e s ,f OBbliLiznTadr erbresa 'S pibnaiettteieanrl.sn l:so osikDthincaegt Ssaisct aesr hp"eeI'l hlhfuuiBkl eddsaay i.ad lo-Swnhiget 'sht h~t ehc oeB iiegflirdleotvuliicplle'es . pnGheeOgiganeteirsv ec owAuon rrtekepre,od br tu pnt Orroteepsseu lr$tlysI ·.t.~. ~cell mciriScglhceats ~rb peoe ralilgi DniDai,S tu7 r3rae, lm apgahrieenne Oad mm theynaSott n.e t.rh-"ye . . sfioemldse.t imes materialize in ~ bMeiednw eas t rienpvoerstt igoaft oar. Icfr othpe rCe ihrcales naeniigmhabl orbse llraevpioorr te.o dr neoie c·t wrmWDsauga l ·.w" 'Whoe dsaoind 'ts·khneO rWet,i"re sQai dy e$acrasr pageoiii n-ais, BLT n:searchers have been within 500 miles of St Louis in netic effects, Which Scarpellini a researcher for Washington Uni looking ioto the Belleville circles the past decade, she's been there. said are a possibility at crop circle versity School of Medicine. "'ne for the past month. "'We don't think these are man sites. theory that's been proposed and cro"pF uclilryc loense I 'Vhael(s eaetn l eaarset. foilkf etsh e" mciracdlee,s". Tshhee ysa wide roef ttehset eMd eftorro m Eaags t ·tw hnartk'se. dco D.ovtreorll.e isd· aa npdl amSamnai pvuolartteedx High Ridge resident JoJ\nne netic anomalies and subjected to a somehow." In the month since the Bede UFO more than a glow ville circles were found, the say bean pial$ that · weren't ·de stroyed have Continued to grow, spoiling the circles' well-defined edges. But they are.stillvisible. . A few weeks after the Belleville circles appeared, ~ group of CU.. ByiEVlNLEWlS drawn this exact same picture." person at KLB K back after the 10 des showed up in soybean fields Herald Editor Hannon said the lights weren't flash- o'clock newscast, but after telling his in Geneseo; m ·. . ing,.or changing colors, and "weren't two teenage sons and brother-in~law Scarpellini visited those cir-cles Mark Harmon promises he's not mo~ing real fast. about his encounter, ·~we got to talk-· as well. crazy, despite what some of his family\ . "Vnless it was a mile wide, this thing ing about it arid I never called .them '1t doesn't bother .me," she said and friends are telling him. was-pretty close' to.·the ground, maybe back." of the negattve · reactiOn to· the Harmon, a 48-year-old grain elevator 1,000-2,000 feet." . : And what did his family think about operator at Providence Farm Supply, · Harmon said he saw the object, his story? . · · group's efforts from sJteptics. believes he had a close encounter with . which was moving east, for about 4-5 "My 16-year-old (Du&tin)said he had "Certain people ~ trouble -~ ha oUmFe Oin othne M60o0n dbaloyc kn iogfh Wt oauyltasindde. his tsreecce:.>' u~Hdse behfuorrreie. idt. dairsoaupnpde arth~ed btreehei nbdu at tnheivnegr bseeefonr em,"e Hacatr mthoisn. w saa,yid .a b'o'Muty _a ·nty~~­ :tcWheiapnytgsi. n" gin atieirye setxe.p dl aninat i.othni$. I swoarts aOl f ''Never in my life have I seen any- never saw the lights aga.iil •. · year-old (John) was kind of looking at thing like, this," Harmon said. "I really 1,'1 don't know if you had to be, right .. me like these farmers have been." · don't know what I saw.". . · unde<r'it'' to see the lights or what, he Those faimers were customerS · at Hannon was_i n the middle of watch- said. " . Providence Grain Supply on Thesday __ _ ing Monday Nigl)t Football when he Han'non found it especially interest- morning when Harmon was telling his Harmon said "was the same- body else in town saw what'he I stepped outside. · ing that whatever the object was did not story to anyone who would listen._ , looking deal, just a little fuzzier witnessed Monday night, if "I stepped out ·in :the backyard to make any noise. . . "I feel like the person on the (TV) than what I saw." for no other reason, to confirm smoke a cigarette and· happened to be "The thing that got me the most was program" trying to convince people I Harmon, who moved here to disbelieving friends that he "'!hese· looking up beCause it was such a pretty it was dead silent," he said. they sa.w so~ething. farmers 1about a year ago from. Dallas, in fact, saw something up night," Haripon recalled. . . · ·"I was dumbfounded~" are getting a kick out of 1t, but I know I .was mamed to the late Lisa Oaf- there. From · out ·.of nowhere, Harmon Harmon immediately called TV sta- saw some~g." , . . !f~on, a Plainview native who ''I'm starting to doubt myself encountered Iigbts like he had never tions in Lubbock to see if they had Harmon did a good enough JOb con- dted July 26, 2005, a little but I know I saw some- seen before. -· ·. · heard of any strange object in the skies vincing his boss, Glen Graves, that be "My wife used to be an thing."' "From the edge of the house, some- over Plainview. saw something. Graves did some (astronomy) buff. We had a cou- (Contact Kevin Lewis sJ 806- ·thing ~arne over. 'It _was in a perfect V-· ." None had. . research on the· Internet and found a ple of telescopes." 296-1353 or lbl'illf#plain- shape·.. . There were· -seven distinctive · · "I was truly curious if anybody else picture taken Oct. 16 in Croatia that Harmon is hoping some- viewd&ilyh~d.com) yellowish-white lights," he said. "I've iri the area saw anything." · 7 ·seen UFO programs where people have Harmon was supposed to. call the DAILY HERALD, Plainview, TX - Oct. 19, 2006 FOREIGN NEWS [Aii British clipphi.g~ courtesy of Tilr1othy Good, uD.Iess otherwise credited.] PARATROOPER ~ FORMER OF UFO ;T ELLS SIGHDNG c LIJ 'i BY AIDM JOrES. vinced of what he saw. So SUJe bC "My training bas taught ~e to gestured to his colleague focus 'very quickly on what is g0; WHEN It comes to UFOs see Mohammed Mounir, in the car going on and I am sure of what I :c;:, Hin&ea thrreoawlly AIsi rpboelrtl eviwn&o~ rk•e•r tbiemhein dh, itso' stfoelpl oawnd leonogki nbeuet rb yb tahde sawIn."e vitably, his bosses were npt 0 MJcbael Coetzee fonnd out. pulled aver it was too late. · quite as willing to believe his ::r: It was a clear and quiet He immediately recorded what · story. d• Christmas Day when the engineer he had seen on .a piece of paper "Obviously, they fell about ~~- encounter with the and Jogged the incident ~th bill' laughing and said, 'Michael is z managers. . seeing little green men'- imtil Michael, 48, was driving to "I'd never acen an~g like then I would have done the same a0: twuornrke df oirn htois H 2aprmm osnhdifst wanodrt hha Md jouosrt tiht,o" ugshati di t Mmuicsht abeel . so•m Aet kfiinrsdt o~f cinh etchke ir shwoietsh. I asakier d thtermaf ftioc ::r: when he saw a spherical silver military toy, but when it sped off control if something unusual had CJ object hanging motionless in the I realised it couldn't be. I never been spotted, but they dido 't and ::r: sky. believed in UFOs, but now, if I eventually I Jet the wbole thing c, '1 pulled over and got out of won the lottery, I would stake the go." ;:, the car straight away. This metal- lot that spaceships are definiteiy But after reading about Terry 0 lie object was about 200ft up and watching us." Hayley's . sighting in the a: I could clearly see it was black To some, this is the talk of Chronicles sister paper Skypon 0 underneath. with a silver dome madmen or pranluitcrt~, but last month, Michael thought it CC on top," said the married father of Michael is neither. was time to share his experiences. two, of Hayl ing Avenue, Feltham. He is an ex-paratrooper "I'm sure many other people The object stopped, then in instructor in the South African have 8Cell 1imilar things around complete silence, made a series army, submarine electronics engi here but don't say anything in of short, jerky movements, before neer and policeman, and said in case they make a fool of them making a quick horseshoe arc, his prevtous careers he was selves," he said. said South African Michael. trained to stay composed and be Have you soen a UFO or do "Then it zipped off and I've observant of his aurroWJdings. you think it's all a load of never seen anything move so fast "The road was clear, so I could nonsense'! Email us at in my life." stop the car qukkly; 1 got out and [email protected] The whole episode lasted for studied it for I 0-I 2 seconds, or write to Ull at Letters, The about 12 seconds, but the former which is quite a long time," he Chronic/1', 93 Staines Road, CLOSE ENCOUNTER: Michael Coetzee thinks other people in 1he borctql may military man is absolutely con- said. HoWllllow, TW3 3JB. have had similar experiences Piclan:: s.m .......,. John's convinced we're not alone by Russell Stoddart RETIRED policeman John Hanson remembers the date and the exact time of an event which was to totally change his outlook on life. It left such a lasting impression, he can still vividly picture the moment he saw his first UFO. The unexplained phenomenon is the inspiration behind him writirig a series of five books about UFOs and other spooky ~mo itnhges -UoKn,. arguably the most-detailed work on the subject ever acolbcocosuvepe, a hare tJt osc claaab1im osa3cr htdoo.o hla avned s, eiet nw aalsi esno Ex-policebmoaonk JHoahunn Hteadn Ssiodne w~ aitth t hcoei-ra uhtohmore Dina Awlnv eHco)llulorcwha.y of their The final book of the series, "They described seeing a • Another sighting is that of collectively_c alled Haunted Skies, tadpole-shaped dark-blue object Margaret Westwood artd her has just been completed after hovering above the trees near the husband, Geoff. years of research. police training school in Moseley "They were among a lot of John, who compiled the book which shrank and disappeared people who claimed to have with the help of his partner Dawn after a few minutes. spotted a strange-coloured light Holloway, is now in the process of "To be honest, I used to be a darting over a golf course in finding a publisher. UFO sceptic. Wentworth in the mid 1970s. He was sitting in the garden of "I thought that the people who "The difference with them was a1n0 yAelavresc ahguorc, hw phuebn jau mst yosvteerri ous reported sightings were off their tinh eay f aralsgom celanitm theadt t hoa hda fvael lhena nfdroemd ~VENING ~~~s._~~_nwlch, England • Sept. 1, 2006 trolley. •globular craft" appeared on the "But the more I investigated the the object. Driver spots another Worcestershire skyline, then claims, the more convinced I was Evidence suddenly vanished. that these stories should at least be Jun"Iet 1h6a,p 1p9e9n6e,"d r aetc a9l.2le7dp mJo ohnn , from told. "The couple received a report UFO in the night sky Birmingham. "That was when I decided to telling them that the object was catalogue them. made of pure magnesium, but it Off their trolley "When I mentioned to people was never returned to them." that I might write a book, I was John put his police expertise to Anodler UFO has been spaned - Kart Smith Is convinced many "I can still picture the large told I'd only be contacted by good use, gathering eyewitrtess this time In lhe skies ewer Ade. UFO siglnlngs are people spotting a object - it looked like two globes nutcases and crackpots, but that testimonies, visiting the scenes of The Evenlna News reponed on billion dollar tactical reconnaissance bolted together. I couldn't explain it never happened. UFO sightings, gathering Tuesday how two whnesses had aircraft called a TR-)8 (code-named the"nM, ayn icnftle srteilslt c iann U't FeOxsp lhaaind Ibt eneonw . san"eT,h rea tpieoonpalle.b Iu'vt,e a sbpoovkee anl lt,o are eilvluidsetrnacteio. ns and photographic seen a UFO In Low Road, Helesdon,. Astra). The trianplar nudear aroused the previous year, when I puzzled by what they saw. · He added, "I've met hundreds of In the earty hours of Aupst 23. powered aerospace plalfonn Is heard about sightings in the "Early UFO sightings include people who've told me their UFO Keny Neal, of Thorpe St Andrew, rumoured to have been developed Birmingham region, .. that of Andrew Cherry from stories, and hundreds of others spotted a similar silent, hoverina under the most classified aerospace "I contacted two police officers I Edinburgh," said John. . .. have contacted me through alraaft near Ade on Saturday. development prosram In existence. knew and trusted from my days in "He told me that, in 1947; he e-mails. August 26. 1 was aniuna home The TR-38 is also reputed to have the force. saw a globe-shaped object hover doc"Iu hmaevnet sb laancdk pbhino tloins eorfs sfiuglhl toifn gs from Great Yarmouth on the M1 an outer coatina whidlls reactive to that people said they were going headlna towards Norwich. Just after electrical radar stimulation and can WEEKLY NEWS, London, England - Sept. 2, 2006 to throw out, because they said I passed Ade I ncnked some l!pts mange reflec1iveness, raur no-one would believe them. In the sky. This was about 10..4Spm. absorpdon and colour.. "We decided the best way to h looked like a round shape wilh Canadian Ufofoaist lim Talton present it was to compile the different culoui'M liJhts around it. I contacted die Evenlna News after evi"dTehnecree i'sn scoh rmouncohlo mgiactaelr ioarld tehra. t didn't dllnk It was a plane because reading the article. He said: 1 am it's spread over five books. It didn't move. It was just hcnterina. convinced we are belna visited by "The first book is from 1940 to I dlouafn It could have been 1 20 technically advanced species_" 1966, the second is 1967 to 1976 helicopter but I couldn't hear any ~ If you think you have have seen and next is 1977 to 1980, a period noise, then I suddenly lost siaht of any UFOs in the area, e-mail of a lot of sightings. it." [email protected] 8 "The fourth is from 1981 to 1992, and the last covers the years 1993 onwards." Anyone with UFO stories can contact John on 0121 445 0340. EVENING TELEGRAPH, Derby, England - July 1, 2006 The internet is out there for anyone who loves UFOs BY SIMON BURCH ation on the UFO phenomen on_ It ts certainly comprehens-· TOMORROW is World UFO ive, and includes the results Day, an annual event held on of studies carried out by the anniversary ·or the some pretty weighty scientif Roswell incident in New ic institutions. Mexico in 1947, which aims It's text-heavy, naturally, so to increase awareness of ex- light relief is available at traterres~. · www.crowdedskies.cam, Ever since its early days, which has pictures of UFOs the internet has been a vital and perhaps the first alien =u,~...ill.o...... ......,......=_................ ........-............... -...._...-.....=._..... ........._ .....~..... .-...~.........._-....,..,._....-.. .._,....-....__. ..._........,,......,___ ....... ... ...._.... ....... ...,.._......_._.... .:~ . ...--...-...~ , .. ..-....-..... :..... .... .-. ... · - ationliofHeoln irfg molhirfa eott-hinfooo ntsrhe mae mwsir aho lsoni st gbht teemhlyieue smvshet.a brinee echraoaIuw.tg mhatib goohnut mt ceoovbniivdlieen npccheeo y nforeuo c,m abm ua t www.ufoevidence.org, which Weightier source - www.bib declares itself to be one of the leufo.com, which examines internet's largest sources of why even God himselft ravels quality research and inform- about in a UFO. A i n baiiOOD~i'Dg HERALD, Abingdon, England Aug. 17, 2006 The harvest of mysterious crop sighdngs of UFO circles in fields MYSTERIOUS patterns have it was a· group of people on been cropping up in Oxford the field and it turned out to shire fields this month. be some kind of club. First, a 54-feet-wide crop "People have come to see by Andy Gayler The main disagreement circle was discovered in a it. but they haven't caused seemed to be over the shape of field by a church at Toot Bal much damage as long as they AFTER the Luton News . the inexplicable sight. don, near . Garsington, on keep to the tractor lines." reported the 50-year-old Bill said it was saucer August4. She added: "That field mystery of a UFO sight shaped and Steve described it Two. days later, a larger should be harvested soon." ing over Ramridge Junior as round, but UFO researcher and more intricate crop cir The Toot Baldon design John Hanson many years later School it became clear told them it was much more cle was created near the Uff was near St Laurence that the town was not likely they were both wit ington White Horse in a field church. Rev Sandra Miller alien to the unusual. nesses to the same phe at Kingston Lisle. said:"There must be a logical Among. . the many people nomenon, whether allen, man They came only weeks explanation. I don't see any who made contact with the made or natural, despite their after the world's frrst 3D thing sinister or mysterious paper after our front page differing recollections. crop circle was discovered at going on at Toot Baldon report were other Lutonians One explanation offered at Ashb ury, near Uftington. church-it's a pretty warm whose lives have never been the time, and often used in But the days of the strange and lovely place that people quite the same since they saw UFO sightings, was that the designs were numbered this like to go to and there ts something strange in the sky. Ramrldge pupils and teachel'li week, as farmers were set to nothing here to make people Steve Clark was three years all saw a weather balloon. harvest the fields. feel uneasy." below Bill Dillon at Ramridge But Steve said he exten The design on land near Michael Soper, of Wheat Junior School in 1957 when sively researched weather bal Blowingstone Hill, near ley, a spokesman for UFO they both witnessed a mysteri loons as an adult and none of Kingston Lisle; was a circle group Connect International, ous flying object in the Luton them resembled what he saw. surrounding a five-pointed said: "Some crop circles are sky. He also explored the possi star, with crops flattened to so detailed, it appears a pro Even though they grew up billty that it was another man make a diagonal chequered. jected force has been used to living in the same street, it made flying object, such as an design inside. make a picture. It's obvious wasn't until 1982 that the men airship. The design was on fields at some of them are a hoax, yet friierss,t amnedt iat nwda scno'mt upnatrield B siltlo's sh"ipT ahcetriev hitayd i bne tehne a t olowtn o ff raoimr Little Farm, run by CW others are so large you can version of events featured in · 1919 until the industry packed Nash. Sheila Nash, of Little not explain it." the Luton News three weeks up in 1990," he said, Farm, said the field was due Last month, the world's ago that Steve decided it was "It could have been an air to be harvested. "No one first three-dimensional crop time to make his own story ·ship coming down nose really knows what they are. circle, spanning 360 feet, was kn"oTwhne troe aw wasi sdoemr peuthbilincg. there R.ASHBACK: Front P1191t story lnllle LUton Hewn of J .... 21 btoewena trhdes uunsd oerrs iidt ec oouf lBdi lhl Davile aBluietn sw. eT hhea fviersnt' tw es ekenne wa noyf Sdimscitohvye Freadrm n, Aeashr buWrya.y land that startled everybody that looked at us and she had a was much shorter than Bill lon's saucer-shaped object, but day," said Steve, 57. 'what the hell's that' look on Dillon's and he said he never it's so long ago now no one is "We were in the playing field her face. She was a bit had a chance to see the UFO ever going to know. of the school. I never saw it alarmed." manoeuvre in any significant "That day is something arrive or leave, but what I do Steve said he could see a W&lt that's been in my memory' all remember quite clearly was a round object in the clear blue And when the retired Luto my life, the same as Bill Dil· CD Trying to woman teacher on my right sky, appearing no bigger than nian first spoke to Bill in the Ion. but I remain open-minded 00 and four or five other kids to a marble at arm's length to his 1980s about their experiences about what it was really N my left, and I think we were . naked eye, hovering in the dis- the older witness said he "Was it a UFO, was it a bal .M.. contact playing rounders, and every tance. thought they were talking loon? We're never going to body just stopped. The teacher The youngster's sighting about two different events. know." spotter of AS's UFO Was it a UFO ~ I am a retired police offi· -cE , cer from the West Midlands, who hiUI been researching c ~no~!:~'ibaf ~a'J!~ UJ place in and around the skies seen in our skies? G) of the UK going back to the ... early 1940s. :C I'm wondering if any of ~c Qcn. ttohuec rhe awdiethrs a c Douiladn ep uFto umlke eisn, QIc'll (.~/c) Fbwuohruoy lw ideausar ianw gtay stph ieos tn1 i 9n6h S0eshr. r Mewwiassya ugc.~ _ fAly FinOgR oMbjEecRt (hUeaFdOte) ainch tehre asnkdy aa bvoivcaer S, twrahtqfo bredl jiuevste o tvheery a s faowrt nanig uhnt aidgeon, thifaiveed Report by Dale le Vack ~a:- G1h9orm6e6ae t waNlheo1e1nn8g ostnhh eeN sAoav5we m naeb aebrrr it8lo , agreed to make statements to Contact International and the Phenomenon (/) liant object radiating beams < Research Association who collate records of sigbtings. of light over the road, which :Cf~e'-!:§Co0Cf::en1•:Ii:S -: - oWoittrbSsgdadMsagalBAhenaettsnbbpaeoerooarerrt ssaodaKnAljiostsogcirn teleni drn chr,tvi ne ,a aecw oSiet drgi eow nrSvhtrtiinwtaaseci oybent orietumcoey bntheah v eifkonlm vrot ieeoo eheldtnfs ww1i-eruxsh troa hidfwka Oe,7d a ctaspr nri en oStntea todrittwehh hnv reohssdlmtnc tr ,e heah ceteew JtSihg AiR ehiyrseen gafwuta oion pes nshinsba.ollcerks hs rylt cdre sairweredaim.iitdeeo isteoSe cwonsgzw sde dthshsWnifawthgyehh dne e-r o yo oe aainnaea fta opbSmmdolt iUrno hbsrryufnfhcm ,tceta.sofio iFrit hictgne .sevnonbrvehrpiOoaeiseglndne-seangaee--f--lrf . acoinJHwbC1mlvtglthputhieiho bo0reiepgegloeiohaootMafltjlFr.tM bashrl,fi2evuaevy tt eic peobha,tsdn5ijcm r ts ere! nr abelh, p ptohb dmee gnMfbrg erOmasM meane, ,id e w a etigtnwjwacthte .iwayeor ci hhdthttDntn i, tem h'DyM hrn tesehv lnoesoihie en hyaioetonetr utnwne nn ihrs h.wscagaskga gtya eRpe ao hd tt nidah a hh lnh.nwdMeeaeb.drsltl s.ebed elevdae tk r a hsiy ,hisordasatc flshyltj·o hea eae! z cDp:.r ohgrM so ti e.epthslwetdui shke"oa oJ,rfasee k :sr riay nI whw afr cboensyfone e "rwhhtsua uti. isnWfhy'hgf.lMaac.rg' oi r la aonahferaIerahn.'neenepsunis fstlat,r t cfdtsaMswb"stsaloghhf1hruheetWlpitieniaafwar,eearraeranrhc0Md vvTeotenrrm snneaaege0e taeec,teuh egy umrre 0 ttwde diSsniehsse, cla1o oyeb ed toxeidma2halnntwm eMy twp.lbol- eta et,iUf .on lae ui enb t ntmeacthoawht sfbtwheFde iWoDf w et n' il oeOta isrnhcahyat mmeo.dieMt uh duoariagc d w noetyt tpthuaWh rheget buw ha pitealsot setex dne batduOcylh . evh dlapf "dvoh ra as aobwien pt levatetiiso ap.er gt rrlnwe esi Sae nufietalconIgh gnsoO def artns,recoee.i e rOhdtt vmaadia eiworh.via Waael e ttfon nnathoeiatpda athtadcnesi-deyraeso ftst:tt sttssfttsnsuadlHHalsiiiioooetaatentsfmop neutrr rr sihetneH feNaiitvoMgimedite kiechreogSossed:tileywoa)oesietkaseuae-dnt r ne w a.r lfdnt sf o smdeda-tirtlsf, MtsfO hdw'y h tfr oa taoMeefui eeis:ecrtiwsaooracdt rn hd rmcb .p tbsio rrften"g" esii e hdaraSfo sne d I,n Oate tc r lutthnmhodoi rtsfehlce bcwotweittib sese osacr,ihfniau ,a j f tei.eaeto uioteat.olhi rManbeeu lc·nprncnjncr ' Idck smadson ttodrhol'icefreas lvyo lsbs u o-layD,e c.ot. stu oev tsuuoo stthl apn oooiheasadrfr r(dod ih iew dage sp nynodcperm temtpo aad ii hhaee itagoonrnrf tnhiolaoelir hontlrnhioslgaeydl-s-ifa-yter-e-tt.t . !, ·anaatttssnfcnWlUdtachihitrllnaeiocnninhelloanoegreas cFH do twevecM homlimhsdttewOln ue ckieoeeceataisrou eor1s rss .eiar tpnrUt Unstontc eyn. 0hrtchdOiaa l uao,bg FfgleFf o petainbwsnoiaw aOst~cOdwyelaSisgoa tnrr,omoeer, seo shsnoen dsancrnRe erur is r anpa rctkdpaierda orenheb dlhet.ese sb n sbth ,cm·ee s etoper ye dioeeaohe,ln an anoa o e rnn rixnbr n sorrhaabencatn ypwt cdDt atdmatga lhht ilihli syvnrinriisgCsnae deie fetospiee egrgnhgnee agaenotwb rdAh, otat eys,.roa nyi sPw two ts,mesav,ai. itetseh u nfsnioawini1vheotetotdpegdiA;cnhotd 1seinor, ose s t , . ·SCocArbaaiaMtbpomnlnehoelltrlclyaterosrvipe WJIafenhorIWmbmn ceoa nto ofoormtneyewtg t Iakagl oypMrseUhhtrt v c tnfwi rss, dasIjnslasiAoctt w Uyurlcno oe ehrt eHr osGawligosm ettnddFimsetvahohdtnai mtft rOiohneyaeteBe e e iationAhaCnJ f s c r ltntrfcafrs5shones oh hisfh( iyahd toic t canc 0'iitvmauoosnlog goauacnhdn 1re trw hvuelbehtrice 23 chsh Il? stiepjh ea i11uhiriaeoAr etdrhncaole )r cehct BRepula g5e n m4thptetoen sv4s& ne.hoIt.4 ob er se8edtlec ·o5eAjred m c amec70nbstLn yncacrosnpeL3eu bamieotes me m o4bb.Gdreeana ooon0yyeneesIr .rr ff 9 Man's family Piiaglandci$006 • startled by a 'UFO' IS Strange, bright orange ball seen over home GU~RDIAN, Wandsworth, England - Aug. 17, 2006 IS anybody out there? That's the By Steve Hewitt Borough's close encounter with third kind question posed by Rotherham UFO sceptic Malcolm Rotchell window. My wife also saw it out after seeing a strange object of the bedroom window," said· After the unexplained and is the chairman of Lon during Sunday's awesome thun Malcolm, who works for the sigbtings of mysteriou.'l fly don UFO Studies, said: derstorm. NHS in Sheffield. ing objects In .. This is a lot more serious The 54-year-old Rotherham "It was an orange light with Wandsworth's l'lkies nearly than people think it is. resident is a total non-believer an aura to it, maybe l,OOOft up, two weeks ago, a bafOed .. We have got things Dy when it comes to ghosts, aliens but I couldn't really tell the size. and things that go bump in the "My son thought it was a frre UFO expert bas urged more ing in the skies, they could night · work as it whooshed over our people to come forward to be experimental craft, mili But the bright orange ball house, making that type of help them discover what tary aircraft or even a ter that "whooshed" over his home noise. they were. rorist threat. in Spring Croft, Kimbcrworth '.'But as I watched it, waiting Gobsmacked witnesses .. Who is to say what they Park, left him speechless. for the explosion, nothing hap watched on in amazement are? Let's find out. He witnessed the strange pened and it continued travel as two sets of bright orange "These objects in the sky ling in a north-easterly direc lights flew eerily in forma do exist and this subject tion. tion through the sides bas been going on for many jtt was an orarY;)e '~ht tio"nS uadndde fnlelyw, oitf fc phraentgtye dq udiicrkecly aobno FYrei dBaayl, bAaumg uasntd 4 .T ooting ye"aTrsh.e more people who lcrot up . :. tt seemed to the east towards the Swinton Onlookers tried to cap come forward on this the area. It seemed to plwnmet to ture the action on film and greater chance we have to fall and I watted ea"rIth w aansd w I abietcinamg efo arl aarnm eexdp. lo mobile phones as the UFOs finding out what this was." sion or a muffied bang or some lit up for a short wblle and • For the latest local and fortt~ explosion' ltohoinkge,d bluikte t hite rwea ws acsr ansohtihnigng s.o I It · sDheowo taicnrgo ussp tahned sdkiysa pbpefeoarre lroecgaiolgnuaal rsdtjoarni.ecso .vuiks.i t your Malcc*n Rotchll expected something. Ing Into the distance just "I have no idea what it was before midnight. and hope others can call in if Experts think the help of Pictured left: Makoto they saw anything. Maybe it more witness accounts may Okuyama, Misako event along with his wife and was an effect of the thunder help explain what they Okuyama and Pete son ...a nd is now appealing for storm." were. Dacey saw the lights In soathTmehere st hwtoien icgra.d l l' 'ifinr eifb athlle"y s hsao,tw o tvheer .ft ohrLem iga hidrtu brhaianllvgse ce albeuecseetrndi c bkaynl sosttwaotrnimc tison. stRudoyy inLga kUeF, Owsh foo rb SaOs ybeeaerns the sky lastO Feardidlinaepylx. GH2545 his home at about 10.15pm, just If anyone saw the light, email after a local powercut caused by steve.hewitt@sheffieldnewspa the terrific storm on Sunday pers.co.uk or call The Star's evening. Rotherham newsroom on 01709 "I was in the shower when 363488. my so~,. saw it out of the. steve~ffieldnewspaperu:o.uk ARE UFOs visiting Long Eaton? For one couple It could describe the mysterious white light hovering across the sky outside their home In Grasmere Road. EXCLUSIVE by Vicki Eltis Shop assistant Carol Clarke, 54, said: "I was In bed and from the comer of my eye I could see this big ··over light In the sky. "I turned to wake my husband, Ged, and when I turned back there were two. One was stationary and ·the other passed It very closely. . "We went outside to Usten, but It was silent. The to.w" . n?. statio~ Ught then went up and just disappeared." Since this sighting it has appeared four more times, usually lasting lor about IS ~utes. She added: "I have never seen anyth}Qg Uke it. "It's frustrating. I've been racking my brains to what It could be. It's eerie." They recorded the light, which appears more red as It gets closer, on camcorder. But Long Eaton astronomer Alan Heath, who has not seen the footage, said: "It sounds odd, but It's very unlikely to be anything extra-terrestrial." He ruled out an Iridium Dare, as the sateiUte only lasts for up to half a minute. Hovering garden lanterns have also been dis counted by chairman of London UFO Studies Roy Lake. He said: "This sounds like an Interesting case, especially as there Is no sound." A spokesperson for Nottingham East .Midlands Airport said there was no unusual aircraft activity. The Ministry of Defence refused to reveal If train Ing aircraft had been In the area. A spokesperson said: "We are not aware of any UFO activity." • Anyone who has an explanation or who has seen the lights can call newsdesk on 0115 946 2837. WESTERN GAZETTE, Dorset & Somerset, England ECHO, Dorset, England_- Aug. 22, 2006 July 20, 2006 -d- rrom Do you knoYI the UFO officers? Ha ve you he ar doing so by the apparent u existence of what he believed ., s FO story? th to be SO;ffie so_rt of force field. · · • The mvestigator was Ron I WONDER if any Echo readers Inquiries by a Bournemouth I AM hoping that sbme of your Toft. l-Ias anyone heard of this story or know of the where could help me? based UFO researcher revealed readers might be able to help I'm currently trying to locate two they had moved away and no me with information concern abouts of Ron Toft or Mr police officers, who would now be longer wished to be involved. ing a Yeovil resident, Mr Payne, · Payne? retired, who were living in police Does anyone-remember this inci who was driving a bulk milk If so could they please con houses at Lytchett Minster, near dent, or have any information tanker for a Yeovil firm in May tact me. My telephone number the St Peter's Finger Garage, in regarding UFOs that I may refer to 1957, when he happened to is 0121.445.0340 and my email: October 1967. in a catalogue of British experi· park up at Wmkleigh airfield in johndawn@hansonhollo The officers, together with a ences that my partner and I are North Devon, and witness the way.fsnet.co.uk. I am a retired 10 number of motorists were said· to· UFO: seen over Dorset in 1967, currently working on? incredible sight of what looked police officer. have witnessed the passage of a says John Hanson JOHN HANSON like a submarine with two large John Hanson, UFO (illustration, right) over the 31 Red Lion Street fins, resting on the runway. 31, Red Uon Street, ;locality, but were no longer avail- the mfltter to the police headquar Alvechurch When he tried to approach Alvechurch, Worceatershlre, able for comment after reporting ters. Worcestershire 848 7LG the object he was prevented B48.7LG

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