NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE June 2006 Number 443 EDITOR/PUBLISHER: Lucius Farish • #2 Caney Valley Drive • Plumerville, AR 72127-8725 USA 0 THSERRWOO,RCLeb LY· Desert toWn known and revered for UFO activity BY MARK MUCKENFUSS . dancing light~ over at Goat Mountain. T. THE PRESS-~ I had a couple of skeptics with nie and hey stop.into Halliday'S 10 to . I said, 'You'll see one, one day.' And 15 times a week, looking for they did.'' . . . little green men. · The ligh~s were not the firs~ en Faith Sclirepping, the wom counter for Brady. In the 1970s, he an behind the counter in . says, he saw something that seriously Landers' only convenienqe mru:ket .-. ~;;;.'."'·~·,:>·''";·~··, . atfected him.· · · . about half of a 7- Eleven-points them He was in his truck on Bellfield · down Bellfield Road toward the Road when he loolmd up. · dolll·ed-Integratron and to the sandy · "A' couple hundred feet above my road beyond that leads to Giant Reck. . head there was like a white cloud with Both sites.are integral to the world of . lights," he says. · "I could see ·the · UFO enthusiasts and both have given portals." · . this sprawling but thinly populated At about that time, he says, Van desert town a place on the map . Tassel zoomed past in his Cadillac, . It's no Roswell, N.M., but locals say heading toward the Integratron. The the. intrigue .of otherworldly visita hovering craft, Brady says, took off, of tions is an accepted part the local following the car. . . . . · .. culture. • . · · . · THE ASSOCIATED PRESS · "I haven't talked about that in Giant Rock is said to be a site where Clockwise from bottom left, Nancy Ako, Arjuna, Alice Jones, Kathy" Fulton and years," he says,·-adding that recount alien beings landed and met with Wink Mann inside the lntegratron, purportedly designed by eXtraterrestrials. ~ ing the memory shakes him up.· · George Van·T assel, .a one-time aero~ . Reports of such sightings aren't -nautics engineer, beginning in 19o3. says ~e has lived in Land~rs most of he says. limited to Landers, of course. In fact, ,Van Tassel later spent years raising his life. At one time, his family owned "I've seen UFOs," Brady says, his . some say the desert lends itself to. money'.for and building - .but never Gi~mt Rock and operated the cafe v.oice muffled by the helmet that he extraordinary experiences; . completing .· - · his Integratron, a there~ .the Come On Inn, which· is never removes <luring the interview; A Tibetan horn player and. throat house-sized machine designed to re toda}l' 6nly a scarred an<;l broken "Still do sometimes. "I've seen several singer, who lives in nearby_J oshua pair and rejuvenate the body at a conc~ete pad. On "fly-in" wee~ends in Tree and goes by the _single name of cellular level. Van Tas~el said he &ot the 19~0s and. l96os; the now long- · Arjuna, says there is a different kind the plans for the Integr_atron from his gone i runway near the· restaurant of power'in the desert . . · · alien friends. . would be lined with · ~t-1;:911-...;~4~ "The whole area is special in that Scbr~pping, who has Uved here for private planes; · sense," Arjuna, 61, says. "You ' i : 20 years, has seen a lot :of visitors come and go. But they have all been . -human. She's never qbse.rved any thing in the night sky she couldn't explain. Electra Westmann, "But you should talk to John," of Twentynine · she says, ·as a motorcycle Palms, strolls by helmeted nian walks in and . the lntegratron in heads for the beer in the Landers. refrigerators at the . · back of the store. · PAULALVARW · John Brady, 60, THE PRESS-~PRISE (continued on psge 2) TRIBUNE, Great Falla, (continued from psge 1 - PRESS-ENTERPRISE, 'Riverside, CA - Msy 10, 2006) MT - May 8, 2006 don'thave ali this pavement and you can reconnect · with the srray .magnetic energy of the earth." o the Fans of the Integratron, such Falls as Arj:nna, say it lies at the junction of three different "ley Rich lines," global connections that Ecke run between signifi'cant world landmarks,. particularly those · tied to some sort of religion. The Mariana's lines are supposed to generate some form of energy. UFO film one "When you get a vortex like this," Arjuna says of the In tegratron, "you're blessed if you of the best can be part of it." . He thinks it's also a blessing produced to be in an area that aliens seem to find of ipterest. · "I believe. there's an alien force. here on t.his planet,." he Great Falls area residents says. "I've seen some things have seen many unidenti that I can't explain." · fied flying objects over the years. Locals,-he says, seem to ac Some of those people cept it. might have had too much "For the most part," pe says, hootch to drink at the time. "it~s a positive experience. I've . . . . . . . . . ·PAUL ALVARWTHE PRESS~EiiTERPRISE But that wasn't the case never heard anybOdy complain Arjuna, ·left, leads a group of UFO enthusiasts in meditation atthe lntegratron Tn Landers .. for Nicholas Mariana, who about it. There is· such a strong filmed strange objects from force, why question it?" When you get a ·· · Legion baseball park with a II Arjuna was cirie o( those in- . 16mm camera in August .· vortex like this, volved in a recent UFO conven 1950. Mariana was general tion held at the Integratron. He you're blessed if you manager of the Great Falls spent muc)l of the day guiding Electrics baseball team at visitors through a sotind med · can·b e part of it. .. : I the time. itation .in the upper floor of the Little did he know that Iri tegratron. . ·· believe there's an his quick-thinking work Downstairs, bloyd Nowell, 64, with a camera would make gave the same visitors ;m in alien force here on Mariana a heroic figure ·among UFO buffs. troduction to the · Integratron, · . .t his ·planet." Mariana was standing in playing the role of Van Tassel, the bleachers one day when who died in 1977: Nowen,· a ·. . ARJUNA; ·. he was amazed to see "two · member of the Mor.ongo'Basin FROM JOSHUA TREE vehicles hovering above the Historical Society, also partiCi pitcher's mound," his son pates in Old West reenactments While · alie~ 'visitors · don'at ·. · related in an interview Sat at nearby Pioneertown on the come up in conyersation on urdTahye. elder Mariana, who ·weekends. regular b~sis,Nowell says .it is Researching Van Tassel and part of the community's culture. Ken Keller, 69, of Yucca Valley, visits (jiant Rock. studied journalism at the his work in order to play the role . But it also might be part of the University of Montana, kept a movie camera in his glove was interesting, he says. He's American culture in general, he tence . of. visitors from other comprehend that's out there," box. performed as the late UFO con point§ otit. worlds. he says. He ran for the camera, tactee so often that local folks Lowell counts himself among "There is probably something Reach Mark Muckenfuss at (909) and stood in the bleachers often refer to him as George. those who·b elieve in the exis- that we aren't really able to 806·3059 or [email protected] behind home plate filming closeups of the strange objects. After a short time, the aircrafts shot up into the air in a flash. Soon, "they were. little dots on the horizon," said the son, Nick Mariana of Victor. IDAHO STATE JOURNAL, Pocatello, 10 - April 9, 2006 as Monaer ioafn ath'se fbilems t isfi lcmresd eitveedr UFO Hastings focuses his research on ~!ted to the tC~wer at the base his taken of possible extra-ter ed by aliens. UFO incidents involving nuclear fa father was stationed. · restrial activity. And he had For years, the Marianas had plities, suc.h; as military bas~s While in the tower, five UFOs a witness, his secretary, the famous 15 seconds of 16 mm expert where nukes-are kept. He believes were tracked for several minutes who backed up his story. film around the house in a collec -the base~ play: a $ignificapt role iri and jets were laUnched to inter· Mariana later complained . tion of movies. Then Nick Mari the reason UFOs are visiting . ~ept them, he said. He later the best segment of his film ana tried to find it. "I have asked riw s~urces o~er learned that as the jets closed in, disappeared after he gave "It disappeared from our to speak the years to speculate for me what 11te UFOs performed a vertical the movie to Malmstrom Air house," he said. Fortunately, that js occurring· and the majority of ascent and left the area at enor· oFfofricceia lBs adseen tioe da ninaltyezneti.o Bnaals e . pcoaprti eodf. the film had already been uthse ma bwelaiernvien gso,"m eHoanset inisg si ~ssuaiidng. t·n oTush esspdeaeyd's. 90-mlnute· lecture ly clipping out the best Nick Mariana said his father atiSU !'They have im inrerest in our nu will begin at 7 p.m. in the Idaho closeups from the film. was irritated that the government clear weapons and are demon State University Bengal Theater in opMnroo M"goIrra'vear emiai nnG hawo otoh snaitcec Shde e abacy prpe paGte,n"aae rralye dT V iwhnni'gths ?aom cbkojeevcdiet .ot oAu taf tt ehhrea · a tbclleh, sewtt hsjoeocb wt iooofnu e loddf i t- By Jimmy Hancock mh· ea 'Hthinaagss t itbnhegee sna b siaalbiitdyle . itnoto ac fasfpseecetsa ktwh ewhmeirt.he" $th2e TfPohore n IdSe UvSe tnufatd ceiusn lttf yrUe ena infodonr . s sttaufdf,e nantsd, tried to guess what secret a But the elder Mariana didn't Journal Writer p~rsonnel at a l,Jase that's been $3 for the general public. guest had. dwell on what happened to his POCATELLO - Robert Hast- yisited by a UFO,· the stories are As an additional treat, the Panelists didn't guess film, even if he wasn't thrilled ings has'been part of the univer· ftarkly similar. theater is showing ~<close En· Mariana's secret. about it. · sity speaking .. circuit'for.2S'years. · There is usually. a call from. a ~ounters of the Third Kind" after Mariana died Aug. 20, "He just ..yasn't that kind of 1\lesday he is bringing bis lee- guard to.o thre commande~ report!~ t-~astings' lecture. e1s9t9 I9n, ihni sO firlemg ocno, nbtuint uienste. r . ghuaysn ~'t k~ept".t ~thoen NMiacrki asnaaids. fTrohmat _. {tu}'r.e~;t o" IUdriOihso~ S-Ttahtee UHnidivdeernsi t.yH. isto- +~buocveet ..t he .dbia"sske-.s fi·iC!poemd .m, oanbdjin~g •~ ge" Wdeea lw,"a nHtoemd etro shaaidv.e "aW pea cdke · Mariana's son, Nick, was · m'using over the years about · ··"We chose Hastings because f{flcers typically· berate the: guard tided to show 'Close Encounters' born in Great Falls, but the what the full film might have he ·has . been popular when only one each because it's a little more believ family almost immediately been worth to collectors. -'peaking here in the past," said of the base·s·n uclear missiles goes able t.han something like 'Inde moved to Missoula. This spring, makers of a two Cameron Homer, issues and pff-line just a f.ew seconds after the pendence Day' or 'Star Wars."' Today, he owns a former hour UFO film documentary for .Weakers chair for the Associated Initial UFO report was received. GMrre:a Vt iFdaeoll.s Absu siti nteusrsn ecda loleudt , . Athlel IHn iOstonrey F Cilmhasn onfe lT ionr oCnatnoa, daar,e ''Styt.u de"HntIsS· ofp Irdeasheon tSattiaoten Ucneivnetresris- I·n wHhasictihn ghse sawida s ina b.1l1e1 tthoe scpae~aeks he had his own movie cam trying to find friends or relatives mostly· on government docu- with .the people involved, they era when he was a kid. of Mariana who heard him talk ments and he couples that with say that the missile guidance sys-: · fecoarlfant Nthsmhseieciref k'isnfe i tMldv mt iofea oowarilnkad dt neht harsa etstsu ohtbchmaekerse e tI g stp o ihavnir sat saaGhnbroTyoewouahnttei n.eyFfig alwa mlollhssfio on it gnhwm 1etoh ihgMueehl daUt1 rh9lFiia5akOnv0esase .. t · ofsi eltmeanl ki na t o. mpthigce t Huoinbraetfsee t·aicrnnetsgsd ts s 'vet heildmaeecr o ttu uoen rvheidia devfenoent ciciufneis e.eA"ds m· fleoyrn-- · .iareetm pto"hsTr etwh esedea rmeao bepdoe·dvt rsiemm taeohn fe te hbneeatv lseyUen .Fd Oaomsn aweg eerode (;.' where. If you fiU that bill, either e-mail . ican nuclear weapons facilities. these guidance systems failing at "They don't lose that or write me and I'll pass the He said federal documents re· that exact moment are very re stuff," he said. The younger information on to the folks teased in recent years under the tnote," Hastings said. . Mariana thinks the vehicle upstairs in Canada. Freedom of· Information · Act . He said that there are far may well have been from show an ul)usually high number tnore questions than answers another world. Tribune Staff Writer Richard Ecke pf UFO incidents around military about why this happens, but all "I'm a believer," the Vic writes a weekly column on city life. installations and especially .nu- ~e people. he has .Interviewed tor man said. "I think it's Reach him by e-mail at recke@great clear weapons sites. ever the years are adamant perfectly feasible that, or at (406) 791-1467 'J:he information I and other ibout what they witnessed. they've made contact." or (800) 438-6600. researchers have accessed is wor- His in UFO research theAret tahree spalmenet yti mofe ", chrea cska id ~hy of public attention," said Hast· was sparked when he was in the 2 Jngs, who jives in Sputh Carolina. control tower at Malmstrom Air pots" out there who falsely claim to have been abduct- ·There is an official policy of se· Force Base near Great Falls, ·~recy. The people deserve to Mont., in 1967. Hastings, a ·self· lj<now what is going on." described Air Force brat, was in· UINTAH BASIN STANDARD, Roosevelt, UT - March 28, 2006 ·'Skin walker' tells mysterious story of Fort DucheSne ranch A Sklnwalker Is a witch that takes the shape of an animal and has supernatural powers Including ImmortalitY. By Lezlee E. Whiting UFO RANCH:-Surveillance and full-time caretakers remain oil the ranch in Fort Duchesne that has become known for the paranormal activity that has In 1996 a Las Vegas billionaire occurred there. The property is still owned by the National Institut.e for bought a ranch in Fort Duchesne · Discovery Science, however active research has been downgraded although from a family who h!¥1 for all in tents and purposes, been runoff of the ranch is still under 24 hour surveillance .. "People have never been their property by forces they could encouragec:l to trespass on that property," said author and research scientist. not explain. All they kne~ was that Colm Kelleher. "It is not a place people should.v isit." · . .a series of bizarre events on their property had left. them financially· ailing, mentally anguished,. and in the end horrified and afraid. Vanishing and mutilated cattle. Unidentified Flying Objects. Huge, otherwordly creatures. Invisible objects emitting mag- sntertuicc tfiioenld. s ·c apa·b le of ca~sing de- ICE CIRCLES -In February 2002, as most paranormal activity at the A book has now been published Gorman ranch had. slowed to a trickle, this perfect circle appeared in narrative form about what·w ent · overnight in a shallow, ice-covered pond not far from the The on in the late 1990sand.early2000s circle, which was just under six feet in diameter; was carved about one-· at what was dubbed the "UFO quarter inch deep. The ice was so thin that any sort of weight on top would ranch," an area in west Uintah have broken it. There were no footprints nearby. · · County known for its 50 year his- toryofperplexingandevenfright- . ..s o completely .un:usuSl" that he· ing for the National·1nstitute of ening events said to have taken was compelled to respond. "I have Discovery Science (NIDS). place there. . had a long standing interest in sci- Founded by real esta~and aero- Co 1m Kelleher,.the author of entific anomalies," he said in an. spacetycoonRobertBigelow,NIDS therecentlyreleased "Htintforthe interview with the Uintah Basin was intent on removing the crack Skinwalker," was a research im- · Standard from his home in north- pot E;)lement fro~ the study of the munologist at· National Jewish ern California. Kelleher is cur- paranormal. His goal ~as to study Center in Denver when he came rently working as a senior scientist related events purely from an un across "a very strange jop place- in biotechnology in the private sec- biased and authentic scientific IN BROAD DA YLIGHTTHE UNEXPLAINED-Thiscalfwas healthy just mentadvertisement"inarespected tor. · angle using t};le brightest minds 45 minutes before it was found in this condition. There wasn't ad rop ofblood scientific magazine. It was the The native of Ireland, with . and the latest technology. anywhere on the carcass or on the ground. "The animal looked like its ribs wording that eaught his eye, he reams of -scientific degrees behind "NIDS had a uniquely deep had been cut open ... one of the ears with the bright yellow ear tag was also said. The ad's author was looking his name, answered the ad and. rangeofanalyticalcapabilitiesthat gone,"said Colm Kelleher, the author of"Huntfor the Skin walker." The ranch for scientists interested iri 11eXplor- · joined a team of respected main- most organizations involved in t.he foreman and his wife were obviously frea)<ed out about this. They were on ingtheoriginandevolutionofcon- · stream research scientists with study of anomalie~ would never sciousness in the universe." bacltgroun~ in physics, biochem- the field indaylight." Kelleher said he found the ad istry and veterinary studies, work- have had these advantages," One of those still ·unexplained dio and video· recording devices pheno:rpenon at the ranch and· Kelleher explained. · eavne nts involved the mutilation of ·meticulously placed, produced inde.ed throughout the nation · That's how Kelleher and other 84-pound calf which· occurred nothing and one . time the NIDS seemed to dramatically .decrease NIDS scientists and researchers just minutes after the animal had teams found their. equipment van in early 2000 - was worth it? ended up living part-time on the ·been taggeq 'by the ranch man- dalized; with taped wires ripped While acknowledging that the mysterious ranch in west Uintah ager. . . apart and no evidence at all as to field of the paranormal (polter County that borders the Ute In "We were fortunate to get the the culprit or culprits wreaked geist, ghost hunters, UFOs) has dian Reservation. The reserva- vet and full NiDS staff up there in the havoc. . . "a bad reputation," his answer is . tion itself, as they discovered 'five. hours," Kelleher related. "It . "~t was very diffiCult tO gather still unequivocal. "I firmly be through interviews with its resi-· w&;~ 10 a.m;, March 10, 1997, the the kind of evidence consistent lieve the study of anomalies can dents, is not. exempt from unex ranch manager and his wife had with scientific pub1icatio~,"said .open doors into other fields." plained events .similar to. those just tagged it and.t heir dog started Kelleher. For· Kelleher; . research into . that occurred on the neighboring acting strangely. They went back Kelleher and Knapp not only anomaiies that occurred ori the ranch. to ·investigate 45 minutes later allow the reader inside the ranch, ranch are baaic to the discovery Kelleher worked with· award and in the field in broad daylight which remains off ·limits to the process. involved in .science be Winning Las Vegas investigative found the calf and its body cavity public, they also provide the de cause they ultimately open doors reporter George Knapp, the only empty." . tailed. historical background . on to advance .mainstream knowl journalist ever allowed on the One of the stranges.t things phenomenon.such as skinw alkers, edge. ·~one-hundred years ago ranch. · Knapp · teamed with was there was. not a drop of blood UFO sightings, and flying orbs. meteors were not considered real Kelleher to publish his first-per on the animal or on the ground, They delved into Native Ameri in ·science. They were figments of son account of what happened on said Kelleher. "Most people know can legends and curses that had imagination, hallucinations ... the· remote property when NIDS if an. 84 pound calf is killed there some connection to othre eyents that's the way science progresses. set out to scientifically study the is blood. spread around .. . it was they- h"Ei(f witnessed had re NIDS in Utah was pretty unique." ranch· that had been besieged by as if all of the blood had been counted to them. The pair also· forces, which they found out, never removed in a very thorough way." spoke to a·number of Uintah Ba played by the rules. The "calf incident" was the sin residents who shared ·their "The book is a narrative of opening salvo, according to own encounters with the' paran · many o.f the incidences that hap Kelleher. "That early summer·a nd ormal ·in areas not too far from pened to the Gorman family stretching into late summer there the ranch. (names of the family have been were multiple incidents." There Kelleher and Knapp scoped out changed at their request), prior were large, ferocious animals with the gamut of possible explana to NIDS taking over the ranch," piercing yellow eyes. Although tions for what they had· seen. Kelieher.said. he Gorman family's they were seen, they left. few tracks Hoaxes, hallucinations, con experiences are recounted in· de- and in a few cases were not in spiracy theories, military experi . tail in the book; however they jured when struck· by bullets. ments were all investigated and. have moved out of state and· want "Three eye-witnesses saw ·~ essentially eliminated. Despite . absolutely nothing to do with the very large animal in a tree and plotting close to 100 incidents or notoriety their former property also another large animal at·t he anomalies (something that doesn> t has attracted, he said. base . of the tree," he said. The have a· ready natural explana In section two of the bo.ok, animal was shot but was never tion) the authors did not lay out Kelleher and Knapp detail the found. "We had videotape equip the full array of scie.ntific data hundreds of dars and nights spent ment, night vision equipment. We an<;l charts in the book, preferring on what was a .working. cattle started hunting around the' tree to gear their narrative· to the lay 3 ranch at the time, and the·o bser for the carcass. and there was no person. . . vations of many of its haunting evidence ·whatsoever." Did Kelleher feel his involve-· mysteries that happened to NIDS . The same problem was encoun ment with NIDS ~ which has researchers beginning in March tered when flying orbs were seen since disbanded after paranormal 1997. by several people. Expensive au- FOREIGN NEWS [All British clippings courtesy of Timothy Good, unless otherwise credited.] "If bogus information, fakes and hoaxes by Tim Readman are more important than the.truth there is no [email protected]. point in carrying on. Why could they not have made something about the real thing?" A UFO investigator is to burn almost 20 Mr Kellett has been interested in UFOs and years of research because of house has investigated the paranormal since a wives' favourites Ant and Dec. "close encounter" in 1988. He was riding home on his motorbike Russ Kellett is upset that the Geordie duo's when he was hit by a bright light at a level movie about a faked alien autopsy is taken more seriously and grabs more headlines cr-ossing near Keighley. In the early 1990s he started a group called than "real" sightings of alien craft. the International UFO Research Network The 42-year-old from South Crescent Road, with members around the world and later Filey, has hours of footage showing what moved to Filey because of all the sightings. appear to be flying triangles, silver saucers He led a campaign to get the coastline and strange balls of light. between Filey and Scarborough named the But he says he will set fire to the dozens of video tapes_a long with hundreds of photo UFO capital of Britain after more than 50 recorded sightings of objects that "defy graphs and documents because of the movie physics" in 1994 and almost 100 sightings the Alien Autopsy, which tells the story of how an extra terrestrial autopsy is faked using a following year. · tailor's dummy, some raw sausages and a UPSET ..• Russ Kellett with a photo of a UFO One of the sightings in the Filey are~ haggis. 0532588 described flying triangles emerging from the North Sea while there have been multiple A disillusioned Mr Kellett said the film "glorified" the real-life hoax; never gets a chance to come out so I might as sightings of fleets of small objects flying in "It makes a mockery of everything UFO well burn it. formation around Scarborough. ainbvoeustt,i"g haeto srasi dd.o " Tanhder ec'hse naop epnosin wt ihna ct awr·J~" yainrge No"rTthhe Yreo'srk mshoirree btehianng fainlmywedh aerroe ubnudt hwehrea ti'ns GeHoerg ep'lsa Dnsa yto- Aspetr ilf2ir3e -toon ah ihsi llp naepaerrs W ohnit bSyt. on. the point if it's never going to be viewed by He added: "From the sky it came and now MOCKERY ... Ant and Dec in Allen Autopsy ·~n this fascinating video footage we have millions of people? it's going back there." ·Q_EsPin rfl! · · . ·. · · • · · · idn tryat:UFOsightings are limited to.lcine· ly AmeriCans wandering_home in the middle of ho~here after ajugortWo of moonshine/spotting flying objects is not a distinc;tly,Yanke'e pastime, .. · :Since 1_9,8~~ th~re h~~e be~n more -~:ha_n 6~00Q •C <tna~ial) ~FQ sightings _ , reco~d~d, ~cc?rdingtbthe~Canadian UFO Survey,;~cind~cted by UFOiogy Rese!lrch of Mani~aba, there were 769 sighting~ last year~ neariy two a (jay.: . ·.. . The:sightings.are s~attered across the country and lire m~de by a vari- . ety of people, from military officers · . t~ ai_r-traffic con_trollers, Victor Vig g~am, a f_ormer ~chool principal and I; ct~r·o·f··· dtre. ·E·x· o. pci.. llti. .c _sJorontoo an p·rgantzatton ~h~t studies UFO ph. eno.me_:._7a_·, w~.l.lpr._esent some of the ·I witnesses testtmony tomorrow at an organized event In Toronto. . . He has heard from 400 UFO wit· nesse~ and h~s become p'ersonally 1 acquamted Wtth. at least 70, he said yesterday. . "I believe their testimony because each and every single orie of them has come before a press conference and said they will te'stify under oath before Congress," Vigglanl said. ·~People; es- those in the military, ji.tst don't .say that. The way they give testimo- ny is so credible and it converges with other lines of evidence." . Slghtings are spread out across the country, but the East Coast, Lake Ontario and northern B.C. are UFO hotbe~s, he said. The flying objects come tn all shapes and sizes from cigar-or tubular-shaped UFOs to the classic flyitig'saucer. · - CHRISTIE TUCI(£R/DOSE 4 (continued from page 4 - DOSE, Toronto, Ontario, Canada - May 8, 2006) UF0.$1GfiTINQ$;:QO\Y- UFO SIGHTINGS THROUGH CANADIANS DI.STRiS~ED ove'r th.e government's apathy CANADIAN HiSTORY toward UFO sightings ~-ill be interested to note that Can a· da is one of a few countries where independent res.earchers keep track of unknown objects spotted in the sky• . 1788 Bnt1sh naval offtcer John Meares travelled to the "We get cases from literally everywhere . .We also get West Coast and reported a story told by Abonginals <!bout a reports from the Department of National Defence and man who had amved m a flymg copper canoe. Transport Canada," said Chris Rutkowski, research co· IF YOU SPOT an unidentified flying ordinator for UFOiogy Research of Manitoba. "People are 1911 object there are a number of t~ings The Wmdsor Record reported on March 7 that you cari do - aside from phomng your reporting in greater and greater numbers." an "a1r car" surrounded m hghts was spotted over several local newspaper or TV station to alert Rutkowski is an independent researcher who is not. vtllages around Chatham, Ont. the news desk, of course. You're likely· affiliated with any_u niversity or museum and compiles an to receive a faster response by phon annual survey of Canadian UFO sightings a·nd acts as a 1933 ing the tip into an Independent UFO liaison between the scientific community and the public. W1th strange lights reported m the area of Nipawm, Sask., three people told authont1es they dtscovered an oval ship researcher or investigator. . · The number of UFO sightings has risen steadily each glowmg and bemg repatred by short beings In Stiver su1ts. You can e-mail Chris Rutkoswski year, to 882 in 2004 from 259 in 1999. Last year, the num~ and the Canadian UFO Survey in Man ber dipped to 769, an·a nomaly in an otherwise uniriterrupt· 19 62 itoba at canadianuforeport@hotma ed annual rise in sighting$ since the 1980s, he said. Farmers south of London, Ont., reported seemg bright lights over their ftelds. If you're in British Columbia, The next day, porttons of the1r land had been flattened, as if by heavy objects, and they ~ntacting t-IBCC Research Inter Ab~ut 10 per cent of the population believes they have found 3 strange glowmg green gunk on the ground. national ( you're seen a UFO, said Rutkowski, who attributes the steady rise in Ontario, the Mutual UFO Network . in UFO reports to people's increasing willingness to di~cuss 2005 ·( is dedicated to the their experiences. The vast majority of reports come from A young couple in downtown Montreal cla1med they sow scientific study of UFOs. private Individuals. A few, (four per cent) come.from the a bnght fltckering light and m~vmg qwckly around the ~ky. It, appar - KEVIN RITCHIE/DOSE government and most turn out to be explainable. ently, em1tted a beam of coloured lights from the bottom. It's too ea'rly to tell if the upward trend will continue this year, said Rutkowski, who won't have an Idea of this year's numbers until the en9 of summer. .,.... KR How much does the Canadian government know about UFOs? THE HISTO~Y OF the Canadian government' of UFO UFOs move.d around. Smith's was cut short when the not elected government-officials, are the ones involved in the sightings dates back as far as 1947, the year of the infamous program folded. ·so-called cover~p. - Roswell incident, in which debris from an apparent UFO crash Victor Viggiani, director of Exopolitics Toronto, said he RCMP records of sightings sirice 1959. can be'found at was found in a field in New Mexico, prompting·years of contra· believes the government has covered up its knowledge ol UFOs, Library and Archives Canada. According. to the government versy and conspiracy theories. "The U.S. government has back-engineered UFO technol· of Canada website, researchers from the national research The government of Canada outlines a complete timeline ogy," he said, meaning It has recreated technology found on council found that most sightings were "the result of natural. of government policy and research on UFOs in Canada on UFO crash sites. "Fibre~optlc cable was the result of the. Ro· phenomena such as ffreballs, weather .balloons and meteors. its website. swell crash. Canada is not as involve·d with back-engineering · ·other occurrences defy explanation." . · Project Magnet was established in 1950, to study sightings, but is involved in the coverup." · The Department of National Defence reteivE:d many reports but it was abandoned. in 1954 because of a lack of funding. Viggiani claims that the U.S. and Canadian governments of UFO sightings in the 1960s, but reported sightings since then The engineer In charge of the project, Wilbert Smith, was try· knowledge of the electrGmagnetic· or propulsion technology have decreased. A spokesperson for the department said he ing to unlock the secrets of geomagnetism, which uses earth's used by UFOs could be used on earth to provide free and clean has no knowledge of any sightings. . · magnetic field to move vehicles, which he believed was how energy. He said he believes that secret agents and agencies, -NICOLE O'REILLY/DOSE EVENING POST, . Reading, England • May 12, 2006 co CLOSE ENCOUNTERS: your calls flood in world just going along," he said of his g The truth is still out·t here sighting of a multicoloured globe while in U,FO cannot his Whitley Wood garden some years ago. ~ - despite wh~t boffins say "It wasn't smooth, it was like in a square pattern and lit up. I didn't know quite THERE is a problem or conftdence · · what to make of it. >- and credibility concerning any "When it got level with me it was there ::c:Ea Dreepfoerntc ree rleegasaerddi bnyg tUhFeO Ms i(n"iUstFryO osr one second and suddenly went away from , just a lot or hot air", May 8). ThiS is me within two seconds." Then last September the . retired "c0 tthhee vgeorvye ernxmisteenntc beo odry t hthisa et ndiegnmiead believe it! forestry worker spied a deep red star-like ftl tor 50 years, object moving slowly over his Falmouth 'Q All this report does is humour Road garden. ~ and irritate (in equal measure) . But perhaps the most exciting c those who have followed this sphhoepn owmoernkoenr Jhaanse tb eCerny ebry, ffroomrm eWr ocoodflfeeye .g mcryesdteenrcye f otor ytehaer sth. Io ugsivaen mdso orer who witnessed a bright, whooshing light c observations by our professional roaring past her first-floor window. o military and civU alr crews, whose husband, Roy, a window-maker, spotted She couldn't sleep at around lam on ...I skills are never challenged'under BY SARAH DAVE the same phenomenon, also 20 years ago, Tuesday, April 18, when suddenly she CJ) any other situation. AchoaY usSo rPutbeAre sCeycna Eol l fszo eodafolygomsloesiden-eeygdy eoaidnfc rUroaeFsfatsOde er o rsusPi.rgi phr taNindegaasrl jswmoaShiiwndihlde eedla e c s.ata brImiiutda pt:wn i"gnyaWlgose eu ii n nol o fcWc oowokuimehtltddipe t rleueis npteleg eii g, fn-hoSt thrtu hmrsaeosas uet sxigktoh.hy no uabtnghudhet hahb eee"frarIoo rmoradeprm aeaa enn·nd- gocdiraiu setraeeet nal"wyiylni -hkecoedoIo l aswonhtuih nruoaednudto d gwtelhhi.r getg hrstoi atufm lnedeww t atrispma aiensa",t (aWw~J:) dwothereT astahctht reaehi rrbeleeireg aachmrtottee,nr tbidmabuilautltiint ocaay nlbo ssulbo eFaj m enOtcodat ssfrn,rie geitf ahhltehktaci atnt tige osmn si t spotted a mysterious green ball in the sky whether it was a Government meteorite and I was waiting for a bang," and reflect light, keep pace with over Southcote on Friday, April 7, and experiment, you just don't know. said the 58-year-old. ~ aircraft, then accelerate away at Vicky Chapman saw a glowing red orb "We haven't really mentioned· it too "It was faster than a helicopter and ;( colossal speed. . over Basingstoke Road on Good Friday much to people. nothing like an aircraft. The day after Q We should keep an open mind. (Post, Wednesdays, April 19 and 26, "My husband, if you do see things, says that I saw all those stories in the paper." We should bring the subject into respectively). it's probably clouds or aeroplanes and the· Mrs Cryer, of Hanwood Close, added: the open and have a public debate, tutohnIleedt 'x ssupk nslieao tsitnh oteahvdtee h .rtf ehLir iissnntagc wtsoi mlnain e tt wrMtihoar end Ngeslcekeaay dlo. efhs Hla iaesgg hsoaet.l esionn yelaxoPsupte e dtrteoiher itn nhcgien Bsyk roa:a uf'kOt eetorh,h ir,ne Ika 7dw 7aio,nb ngod uaertbre 'ov.i"sue atU lteFhdOe sG obhouidst "oUMbFHjyeOa cv,lt saeh t eeo y urho suuiens deb xstaoepn elkdince aeubpasl eneady l l s titogsh therlto acsnn liggwp eptoO irn taghseesyr.e "i a oalf · wmiatihn tshtree caom- ospcieernaNttiiaositnlss .eo Pfah , iSliopm Cerro3fett, 5 Gloria Fishe'r, a carer from Meadow Friday sighting in the Post. the X Files? Call the Evening Post's Roa_d, ~arley, called to say she and "The first one was mind-boggling, like a paranormal reporter on (0118) 918 3009. CHRONICLE, Congleton, England -Nov. 18, 2005 Farmer convinced there is life out there after sighting two U.F.O.s A Congleton farmer · "Suddenly, in a perfectly clear claims to have spotted two blue sky, th1s object resembling a flying saucer appeared. It was about U.F.O.s in the skies above the' size of a two pence coin and at Astbury in the last nine first I thought it might be a reflec years and is now con tion of something at my re!}r, but I could not see anything. . vinced that there must be "Looking forward again, the life on other planets. object was clearly visible immedi · George· Ball believes that the ately over Jodrell Bank. It appeared strange flare of light that he and ·to be ascending at a very high speed other local people saw travel and slowly diminishing in size until ling through the night sky in 1996 it finally disappeared after about 35 was likely t6 be no more than a seconds. I estimated its height to be around 90,000ft. and it appeared to large meteorite, but this summer be around 60 miles away." he claimed to have witnessed · . Mr. Ball said that the object was another flying object that was ·silver in colour, with a dome-shaped somewhat harder to explain. top and thin ·wings. An aeroplane Sixty-six-years.;old.Mr. Ball, of ·enthusiast, he said that it moved in Ciss Green Farm, Watery Lane, . a fashion unlike any man-made air Astbury, has a keen interest in craft he had seen. . Mr. Ball points to the spot where he claims to have witnessed his. ~pace travel and astronomy stretch This· recent experience left Mr. first U.F.O. nine year~ ago. (Submitted photograph). mg back many years, but his knowl .Ball "gobsmacked" and keen to . edge of shooting stars and .t he far learn more about the· unexplored corners of the galaxy did not pre depths. of the universe .. Now he pare him for what he experienced wants to know if other "Chronicle" on the afternoon of 16th July this · readers· have had similar ·ex peri Vastness way to land at Manchester. A year. ences they would like to share. spokesman for British Airways · While mowing the grass at a The first time he claimed to have He ·saia: "l think what. I saw said that the mystery craft flew so · property in Wharf Lane, Moreton, seen a U.F.Q. was in September, in the summer was a flying sau .close to the airliner· that it caused his attention was drawn to an object · 1996, when a strange, cigar-shaped cer and I do believe there must Mr. Stuart to duck in anticipation in the windscreen of his tractor. light was also reportedly witnessed be life on other planets. There of a crash. . Swallows and swifts by a further three local people. His may not be life in our galaxy, but After the close encounter the account of what he saw that night when you consider.t he vastness of mystery craft flew on and was He said: "What caught my atten appeared in "Quest" magazine, a the universe, who's to say there not tracked again - alth.ough tion to look through the upper part monthly national publication that isn't another world as advanced, similar incidents had been report of my tractor windscreen was the investigates claims. of spaceship or more advanced, than ours, in ed . in the past,. particulatly in swallows and the swifts feeding on sightings. · . another galaxy?" . . the "Pennine Corridor" stretching the insects that I was disturbing by At· the time he was convinced However~ one person who does . from the Midlands to the'North. cutting the grass. it was some kind of flying saucer, not share his enthusiasm for a.JI In fact,· during the 20. years , but nine years on Mr. Ba'll believes things extra-terrestrial is Mr. before this encounter there had .he had seen not a spaceship, but a Ball's . 58-years-old wife been numerous sightings of what very bright meteorite. Rosemary, who remains scepti- became ·known as· the "Silent It was on.a Saturday· night and cal. · Vulcan" along the corridor, from he was on his way to fetch a cow She said: "I'm really not sure the Midlands through Derbyshire and her calf to his farmyard when what to make of it. I think he has and Yorkshire. · . he said his immediate surround seen something, he's ·not im~gin The ·object was named after the ings suddenly lit-up mysterious . ing it and wouldn't make it up, but British Vulcan bomber by U.F.O. ly. I couldn't say what he has seen." enthusiasts of the time. He said: "It was around Mrs. Ball joked: ''I think most 10.5lp.m. when · my shadow of the locals seem to think he Spate of sightings appeared on the ground and I could has gone crackers, but those who There. was also a spate of see all the surrounding fields, know him know that he did see U.F.O. sightings reported locally hedges, trees,. Congleton Edge and something." . in. the 1970s, particularly in the Mow Cop. I looked up and saw a · In r·ecent years, reports of Holmes Chapel area and Biddulph very bright light which was com U.F.O. sightings have been sparse areas. · ing from an object above me, the in the "Chronicle," but irt January, In .1975, 21-years-old Robert front of which was glowing very '199~, Congleton airline pilot Mark Wood of Leek said he caught sight bright red, with a white, illumi- Stuart and his captain were shaken of a strange glowing cigar-shaped ·niited tail." when their 'plane was "buzzed" object hovering over a field off by a mystery craft. A year after the A 54 and travelling from the. the sighting their experience was Bright Holmes Chapel direction towards officially recognised in a Civil the Congleton area. Mr. Ball said that his imme Aviation Authority report. Mr. Wood claimed that it was diate reaction was that it was a They were flying a Boeing around 150ft. high and had green flare, because it was so brilliantly 13 7 when they came frightening bright He explained that it origi ly close to a craft that passed flashing lights and portholes, add nally appeared to be about the size them at an unidentifiable speed. ing that three or four other motor of a golf ball, but grew in size as . They reported the "air ·miss" and a ists also stopped their cars to have it got closer to him. full independent investigation was a look. The object travelled over carried out by the C.A.A. At 7p.m. on New Year's Eve in 1979 a family were travelling Congleton in a north-easterly Relief from Middlewich to their Holmes direction in a long arc and as he Chapel home when they saw what watched it passed through a small The report by the Joint Air they described as a long flame, or cloud· at around 5,000ft., which ·Miss Working Group stated that a streak in the sky. It was aglow vanished as it did so, as if it had the findings of the investigation and travelling in the same direc burnt away. were "inconclusive" - meaning tion as themselves. Mr. Ball sai.d that as it got that the incident was recorded as jamesliggett@chronic/cseries. com lower the object changed in colour an unidentified flying object. The from red to orange, yellow, green, verdict came as. a relief for the blue, indigo and finally violet. pilots,_w ho had risked ridicule by "The object disappeared in the formally reporting the incident. direction of Woodford aerodrome. At the time, there were sug The whole experience lasted about gestions that the object could three minutes in total and then· it have been a military aircraft, but seemed to vanish. What was very experts had some 9oubts about odd was that there was. no noise that theory because such 'planes from it at all," he said. usually travel at a much greater Following his second experi altitude than the Boeing, which ence, Mr. Ball now tries to take a was travelling at 4,000ft. on its camera with him when he is out ~orking ·in the area and plans to. be even more vigilant of the skies in future. · · · 6 ·•. BEAN ME UP scoriaE: Thi picture that Nonnan Crossland took of.t he .. , · shlnunerini IJ8Y object seen flying over mW dam woods near the Heinz f~onMonday .c., . t· CIS 'a c CIS Q c w c CIS CD i ...... (J) ·.'.· 0 ~ " z z UJ ~ UFO SIGHTI-NG, OR J'UST .HALF;·BAKED? ing·.· '. ·.Ob·lec.t seen .• . BY CHARiES GRAHAM .:Fly<·.' SKYWATCH: . Nonnan UFOexpertowerei.WeatJCaUnc Crossland, this 'picture today after an ama-· - - whoaayshe Over Heinz factory photoaraphed ~~=ze~,: .a UFO . The.shlmmering·greyobject, said . but I certainly do now! It was .like ·object and I've got absolutely no . to be size of two jumbo ·j~ts, was something out of. a Hollywood' idea how to identify it. tracked ilCross the skies of Kitt ·film" "I could not stop staring at ifbut . Green by 61-year-old .Norman . R~tired· oil ind~ worker Nor":' !.managed to reach dpwn and grab Crossland of Standish. . man said the bi.zarte·spacecraft was my camera. · . · . .· He thought Hollywood block-. · twice the Size ~fa Boeing 747 but · · "My .own personal'view is that it buster War of the Worlds had come. did .not move like an aeroplane of might be a hi.:. tech new plane being to life when he saw the strange helicopter. · . · . , . tested'by the RAF or someone. · craft looming above the Heinz can- Norman, said: "The .thing was "They always try to kef!p these I ning plant. . · · movirig to the left at fil:st but then . things secretive but that's the only . Norman was carrying a pocket ~t changed direction and started explanation I ~an come up with. He said: "I may be mistaken but, camera and managed to record heading towards me. . · . J "Most people I have told have be lO!)king at the pictl,lres, I think I can these images of the UFO. ·. ·~·It was difficult to tell just how lieved me because 'they know I see another object' which could be a He said: "I was walking the dog big it was because it was so .far . ·would never make something like h,elicopter or small plane off to the last month .when. I felt like there away bl,lt'l reCkon it was at least this up; ' · · top left of the object. · . was someone behind me. I looked twice the size o.f a B.oeing"U7. "There are always.s ome doubt~ "This may be towing some large up and noticed this thing conling "It seemt~d to. be·floating in the ·and I can understand that I'm not . sheet, perhaps an advertising ban-. over the top of the hills, I was mes- air but then changed sure I would have b~eved it if I ner, which seems to have some kind merised. ·. . . ·. · · ally quickly. It dic;l not move like an · had not seen i~ with my own eyes." of logo· on it. It does look two-di- · "It was as c1.ear a day a:s you aeroplane and there were nq pro- Ian Hawthorne-co-ordinator of mensional. · · could have Wished for and it was pellors like on a h~cop.ter.. · , .WasPsi, the which,J,n- "I ain quite sceptical about' most ·th· e" I.onnelvye trhbinelgi einv ethdein s·kUyF. O. s.before . i· t· "VYfaosu fhlyamveg t,o,! tc lw~ass i td easfi an iUteFlyO aans,· . • .vc oenstvtignacteeds: the. unk.n . ow. . n -: is· ··n· ot ·sCiagthegtionr·yg.s" and this falls int·o that i·s the limit ~ Sky He and his partner then z started to look at other stories -often in newspapers - and tfor UFO hunters used telephone directories to . · contact the people who had reported the sightings .. The stories flooded in from all over the coUntry, with accounts from former ser· vicemen, pilots and policemen, as well UJ members of the public. "There is nothing better than speaking to someone first hand," said Mr Hanson. CATALOGUING unexplained "It's rather exciting talking to senior activities in the night skies airmen who have seen some amazh1g above the UK has been the 11· things." year project of Alvechurch However, the couple have also followed u.i couple John Hanson and up their fair share of hoax stories, includ· .J Dawn Holloway. ing one where a man photographed discs (z.) They have spent more than a on his car windscreen and claimed they decade researching and com· wereUFOs. 0 piling accounts of unidentified "We are firm believers that you can a: flying objects since 1940 ready only form your own ot~inions by doing :z: for a four-volume publication. your own research," said Mr Hanson, of 0 With. a working title of Red Lion Stre~t. · Haunted Skt~s. the book fea· The couple are now looking for a tal· tures in·depth accounts of en ted graphic artist to help them design a unexplained objects in the sky book cover. · ' presented chronologically. "We want the q).lality of the artwork to "We have included a lot of reflect the quality of the book," said Mr stuff that has never been cov· Hanson. ered before," said Mr Hanson. · Anyone interested in offering their The 58-year-old retired ·artistic services to the project can call Mr policeman explained he first Hanson on 0121 445 0840. became interested in the sub· ject after speaking to some fel· ltohwey o fhfaicde rsse aebno uint stohme enthiginhgt ..........~ . ;,.~ 7 skies over Binningham in the early 19908. • UFO researchers John Hanson and Dawn Holloway, · · Picture: SIMON MARSHAL.L SM46001 GAZEllE, South Shields, England -April20, 2006 HOVERING ... a police helicopter, returning_ from a routine patrol around the cliffs of Beachy liead, above, gave· chase to a mysterious cigar-shaped object over the skies of Brighton, Sussex, ·MBy MIK·YE HALLOWELL . friend Alan . Tedder has sent me informa- tion concerning. an eerie UFO sighting near Brighton. It's a while since I covered a good UFO story, so here we go. On August 11, 2000, the Sussex Police helicopter was returning to headquar ters from Beachy Head. The weather was fine and the two people on board - Sergeant John Trickner and paramedic Sean Mitchell - were no doubt enjoying the view HOT PURSUIT ... the highlighted cigar-shaped object was caught from their coasting altitude of 1,000 ft. hovering on the police helicopter's thermal imaging camera. Without warning, a bright, cigar shaped light suddenly appeared to from beyond planet earth. The police who originally covered the story. starboard. · · · Sergeant-later commented that never . Barbara has apparently moved on The object - according to press for a moment did he'think··the·· object t<;> pastures new, but Richard did send reports at the time-floated next to the was anything sinister an·d the two me copies, one of which is reproduced helicopter before shooting off into the crew members actually thought that here with the kind permission of distance, .. the incident was quite funny. . Sussex Police. · After they recovered from their ini· Chase I've highlighted the strange, verti~ tial surprise .the crew decided to give cally-hanging cigar, but can't offer any chase and immediately began an air During the chase they both joked clues as to what it was, I'm afraid. borne pursuit of the UFO. about the possibility of little green _That didn't stop some creative souls As it was evening, they attempted to men and admitted later that they having a go, however, and suggestions film it using·t he helicopter's thermal didn't·really take the incident seri were made by· unnamed experts that imaging camera. ously. the sighting could help prove that For three minutes they chased Of course, this doesn't mean that it there is life on other planets. · the object through the skies above wasn't a serious incident. Actually, all the sighting proves is Brighton before they eventually gave The fact is that something appeared that there was a very strange light in up and returned to base. in the sky over Brighton that night the sky over Brighton that night. The footage was quickly made_public and to date, it has not been satisfacto- The object seemed to have a flame and it wasn't long before UFO experts rily explained. . coming from the bottom and was around the globe began to speculate on I spoke to Sussex Police and, sadly, apparently under intelligent control, just what the witnesses had seen. ·they no longer have a copy of the foot but whether it hailed from Alpha The now-defunct UFO Magazine . age or any stills from it. Centauri or Accrington is another did a write-up of the incident and the · Richard Taylor, picture editor of matter. . fllm was even screened at a conference Brighton's local newspaper The Argus, As usual, Bizarre readers wiil have about the Brighton sighting and other. kindly searched the paper's archives· to make up their own minds. . 8 Whatever it was; Trickner and to see if they had a copy, while their Send your eerie tales to bizarre( Mitchell didn't seem to think they'd news desk tried to put me in touch [email protected] or write to Mike: had a close encounter with something with Barbara Davidson, the reporter directly at the Gazette. . .form of magic designed to give 'humans .power over the anlmals ·they hunted. As I iay on ~ 'couch in a darkened roo!llin the For millennia, man ·. thTeh 2is0 tihd ecae nptruervya ibleudt ifto lrs m huacrdh .toor see why because it was so patently ancient city of Bath, the streets outs1de grew . wrong. We can tell what our quiet ·and deserted and offered few clues to ancestors ate by the animal bones remind me of the 'familiar world. It was .. discovered fn the caves, and these lruemasfsuuoruins gd itaol tolnf h watr iIs tcwoautlcdh ~ itfil Il hreeladd i tth f:ue has been seduced · draerpeilcyt edm ona ttchhe wathllse. creatures More importantly, many or the frToennt m oifn muteys epyfie$ss.e d then· 2 0,· then 35. I began· to feel bo · rme· d.a , · itmhaatg ehsa vfeea ntuervee rf aenxtiasstteidc omno Ensatrethrs. restless, even a little biase. But at the ehd of the ftrst hour of Known as ·•therianthropes', they tvoiOg-diuli,s tw coohfv enenor .wI t hhtraeirtee dm, ytao nl gtnase nwrdvo auutlpidn · agnn ofdet ewwboalelrklnt .ea srs~ hcatd, aIm wbaua· s~h· ede m y. . by glimpses of the tahrTeeh h~'aByl fe'i naacnslitum-Mdaela sasuntcedhr h' gaorlffo· . mttehasenq u.· Terso aiss lini:bs the slightest· physical effort set off uncontroijabl~ Freres cave 1n France. Deeply tremors and stumbling,· and I completely lost my .sensed9I ·engraved into a rocky ceUing, this ·fdbeaeIll lrra.b.eon amfcc Aeaxb lwhletaaryeuv,,dse tt ,hoe w<at gfti o tiihdtn d wati hnaseesbs cutsoo dauo-nc dh, n daruesne·c ah we· da sinh e.cdo iodv·sewr neiaet .a n · -... supernatural- from etahamersa t zoairlnl a g ow fp oarl ofh ttoehr~esme a ,n fttihgleuerr ~ce l oahfw aass s ottahfg ea, late to change lizy mind. There by .lfon, and the feet, legs and body of w~ no antidote to the polson I a human .being. had· taken. Now that ft .was· · Other bizarre therlanthroplc under way, the process I was . Graham. Stone Age monsters Images can be found fn caves across going through would simply Europe and the similarities have to be·e ndured. · . Hancock· between them are breathtaking. The substance· · I,· had A homed bison with a man's ~ swallowed was ibogaine. a and torso, daubed fn red ·ochre fn. potent and potentiallY deadly· the F\unane caves in northern ItaJY: Achfreimcainc sahl rudbe rkinvoewd n fars.o em't) okaan. · . mlinyd e'Cyeelsti neon:t• . wInosrtka.n I tblyli,n ktheed.. and fairies to alien lmna tcchhaersc aonaol tohner ab iscoanv-em caeni leitncgh ~Ina This. plant. is _native t<?· wrlthtng·geometrlc patterns Chauvet ln France, which countries sueh as Gabon, vanlshed and .the darkened .resembles yet another bison-man cameroon and ·zatre. where. drawi11.g room returned. . , · a:t El Castillo in northern Spain. · certain age-old religious ~u1ts · When I closed my eyes again, The Chauvet image is 32,000 years have li:mg belleved that by the • sinuous, intertwlnea · abductions. But old, the El. Castillo image 15,000. consuming its roots1' they can · patterns returned but· they That is a dUrerence of 17,000 years . c.o~mune. With the ~pirl~s or ·were ttuic~ly .j)'lerwritten by - more than eight times longer their ancestors. · . something even str.anger:. a than Since the birth of Christ. In short, the'y Qelleve.'it to·p e . protue view of a heavily built, An image . must be very, very the plant that enabfes men to blond y0ung man with his eyes· powerful to be maintained and see the dead - ·.but lt does not turned towards me in a glare-of .c ould they ALL be produce these visions unless reproach. · . . .. ccroenastuinmge adn fenv teorx-picre qseunatn tthitrieeast stHaret lainpgpleya iceldos.rei.g hHti as ts mkiyn s widaes, . They were half of fatal overdose~ ·pallid and hf~ brow blotched I had not approached my with patches of.g reen mould. man and half ordeal lightly, and was under As the riight wore on, the encounters with the the constant supervision of a room became full of yet more praying mantis doctor. - · · unfamiliar people, a large and · My primary · motive, somehow threatening crowd unabashedlY> was research into of uninvited g).les.ts. They the origins· of our belle! in the stayed firmly in. view even repeated over that length of time. .supernatural. But ,·I must when I opened my eyes-for .s ame mysterious . And just as significant Is the fact admit to another, much more the most part anonymous and · that similar images can be found all .·tp p hae1eirtns hfpouarnled adv lte iomoa utdohsot i tvarweou imtatuhs m b mwoneny le laf. ac n·ta dbn emcre'ysr . lhsihkeAaea d fdte,ohsww ed syyoh,ow ouswnhn.oeg ud. b l tldhoeen~idsr mfhaucaennsc, thahneeddy,, lItohnge is atw s ocharalvdve e - idnin scoNotaavmberlieybd ii ana, fuexcusable failure to be at his had the look of the grave. beings from a terrltytng painting of a ftgure with bedsloe during the last few As these eerie. visions the feet and legs of a human being days of his life because I was· continued, I fell into a dream and the body, head and massive too busy working. state for what seemed a very jaws of a lion. It Is thought to be Part of the appeal of thi~ long time. In tlashbacks of that around 27,000 years old. frankly risky experiment was night I believe I see my father .p arallel.u niverse? · ··• ·. In South Africa, I have seen among the crowd of phantoms stunning rock paintings of beings The figures gathered around me. · · that are half man, half praying s·ometimes these images are mantis. In Tanzania, there are had.t he look.o f · so poignant and intense that I weird images of human bodies with can almost· bell eve he. Il)Ust · Insect heads, including 'feelers' and the grave . wreaallklyin gh abvye w·bietehn d oigunti ttyh ea.rnea1 eyCelse aornl ys,t alskusc. h image.s ·are not wpaaisn f,i jguhstitn ags h hise cdaindc ewr.h en he dePictions of a hunter's prey. They undoubtedly its promise of thFeo rv imsioornes tehnadne 1d2 Il ).roeumrsa ainfteedr might humadn f rc onsct.iho usbnoedsys awnecsiteenrtn c av. eE suyrsotepme.s of sHouerthe,· -area pnidct uthrees qouf seusptieornn aitsu, rhaol wbe ianngds a•enndc otuhnet p~orsss iwbiltlhit ya nocf ecslotosrusr'e, .vwiaollke.n tIltY w ialls annodt wunatsi lu tnwaob·l d~a ytos . cubiner dclueibrm esrtaatnec ceertsa oianmn d · . bseep ceocmiael · ybee·atwr·s e eang o4, 0,o00u0r apnredh. i3s0to,0.r 0i0c wanhcye swtoerres ?t hey conjured up by our that it seemed to offer, later that I felt completely. able to . interact with this ancestors · chose to paint The answer. almost certainly lies fn As the poison remorselessly better and was able to· retlect otherwise hidden. realm? beautiful · and enigmatic another mysterious set of recurring tightened its grip, I fell prey to fully on what I had seen. · . In other . words, could my images on rock faces shrouded images ln 'the caves: enigmatic ipnhdyessiccarli.banadb lpes yscehnics autnieoansse . oItf siInfg Il e wdeerfein itnog ~muianllatyt eo f tmhey . p'bearllcue.pcitnioatniosn· os'f ~ rveea l bbeeenin rgesa?l ·i nT dhaer kgnreeasst .p atnted caves. such ngeeto$m, leatdrdice rpsa atntedr znisg -szuacgh li naess g. rids, was as ft my body was. being . vlsfon~. it woul ha,ve to be outlandisn though the idea as Chauvet, Lascaux and Peen These patterns are central to the sslmowaslhye da SnI1d-d dissymsteemmbaetriecda,l l. y mthaetitre. rre hmowar •koatbhelerw soernldsely -' thneyo. sreosuenadrsc,h . ·hmasy· co. nsvui~nsceeqdu emnte . iMn eSrlpea iinn ,F croannctaei,:n a snodm Ael toafm tihrea· wmourckh -orfe Dspaevcidte dL ewpisr-oWfeisllsioamr s, oaf My ears ruled with· a were - of being real, . that it may; in tact •.b e true. . oidest art in the world. archaeology 1n South Africa, who · tbruemzzeinndgo.·u M11y eyreisniggihntg r ap·iadnldy se·Tehmee ds t~oi rgilti mppseeo cpalrer ieId whiatdh 'h· ru mbealnl ewv~o ttlhda at lsmuocsht acne retaxitnrlay· thIet iAs lstoa m'wloran dcraovuess twhaerte w thlresnt hdeacso cdoimnge cthloes mery thstaenri aens yoofn cea veels ae rtto. bedegceasm wei tho bstsrtarnugcet ebdla cakt lintehse, .ctheertmai.n atny uannads ssoalli,ldaibtyl.e . a·u ra or da oveass et xriaSntg,. e~· odf mthyastt eitr ieoxupsl aainnds · · .co epnetnuerdy ,a atc tahdee tmulrcns orfe tfhusee 2d0 ttoh thLee rweissu-Wltsl lollfa vmarsi owuass n ienutrroigpusyedch boy lniok el ofnengceer -speoe smtsy, 'wSOa tthcha ta In cdo hualdd th·Teh ceo reex paenrdie In cceo uslndo no,okt meaes-iltYo pseheemnionmgleyn a thautn eh'aOvnen ebceteend bcaevlleemvee np wriemreit icvaep aabnlde. osaf vsuagche vloogliucnatle eerls( periumnednetrs inm owdheircnh to abandon all control of time. .· accept the scienttnc view that ·recorded·t hroughout human creativity, suggesting instead laboratory conditions were given Gre'at gusts .of dizziness hit these were just. hallucinations, hlstoey-!rom.t he sightings of that· the paintings ·hallucinogenic substances and me .. and I winced at the mere products of my mind. elves and gobllils in the Middle .ingeniouS: fakes or graftlti left .asked to describe their etrects. 'terrifying sensation of on the contrary, ~ felt obliged Ages to todsi's.rriuch-ridiculed. ·behind by bored R9man. During these tes~. the volunteers balancing on a swaying. to explore an alternative stories of UFOs and allen soldiers. ·. · ·. reported seeing various kinds of tightrope over a bottomless possib1Uty - an explanation . abduction,s.. · · . Much ·of the .a rt depicts. abstract geometrical patterns satbiyllsnse. sTsh wenh,e nin m ay m eoymese· wnte roef ttoh acto nssciiedne~c e is unwilling eve·n. -=====:;::+ !aanmim11a1l'asr thtoat wouourl d. p, r}elahvies tboereinc · knSoinwcne assc i'eennttoisptsti cb eplhieevne9 tmheant an'.e i lcouelfpao ivsoneeftds ea,,r tavew ilbva1~ibnda,tor nsrrgwae t ibverril esiani,ropganc bt hapeepossepq saputneerdyds · . spinoaMhrmaailgeblhe·i htlt iatd.tbnhimete sser.p tnaois~ri tioutu nanw?ldo liArysl dnced oax,v niisedttr s ieiotnds, beMxeYiins tgSesEn AcbeeRg-&C;Holl t df o~sr~ uPp prwoeirotnfh aiontfu ttrhbaeel . iaa.d· nnTecdhae i wssth tooqoarultslity csh kuIelclylh $p .Ug aaainsvn 9hettoi _nrrhigsssese.s w,t ob·e i rSteho aen· · .. aWatnhnto iecarlrl eltll shat fhtmneoe itsrr h s abre vewa elasaroilasciutgs l we5ed0d is,hr 0iioazn0veu0g e r oyh pefsa aerosere uschn,rh .i L bsametrnowaugricienishcds- 9 the same geometric patterns had tner. entered hallucinatory states. (continued on page 10) (continued from psge 9 - DAILY MAIL, London, England - Dec. 3, 2005) He began to speculate that the reality -they are merely illusions · shamans of the prehistoric era abstract patterns painted on the thrown up by our fevered brain chose to paint pictures b! dwarfish cave walls represented what our chemistry when we are in altered ftgures with extremely distinctive Palaedlithic predecessors saw states of consciousness. features: large domed foreheads, when they were in some kind or I wondered how he could be so . narrow,. pointed chins and big; deep, visionary trance -much like conndent about this. We might . slanting, almond-shaped eyes. the one I had entered in Bath after !eel very sure that there ls. no There are ·examples in. many consuming ibogaine. more to reality than the material European caves. The first time I It was an extraordinary theory, world in which we live, but we saw· one was at Pech Merle in tbou st uLpepwo1rst-W it iilnl1 athmes tfeosutnimd oenvyid oefn acne caTnhneootr pertoivcea ltlhya tth theirse i sc tohuel cda sbee. pFraarnticc~we1a rlayn md entahceirneg sapreec imf·oenusr extinct tribe of southern African other realms, other dimensions. engraved on the walls of the c.ave bushmen known as the San. Indeed, that possibil.itY is not of Los Casares fn Spain. · · Until1927, when the last otncial only central to all the world's . I also found myself staring into . permit was issued for hunting great religious traditions but also · one of these eerie and unsettling a common hypothesis in modem · faces in the Drakensberg bushmen, it was legal for whites in .Mountains of South Africa, as I South Africa to murder the San: , examined a rock shelter tllied With whose body parts were kept ana Is this how we the· cave pilintings of the San boastfully displayed as trophies. bushmen. . Anticipating their annihilation as can lift the veil · . It these dome-headed dwarves early as the 1870s, a German · sound familiar, ·it is beca\,lSe they llnguistics expert. named Wilhelm on other worlds? are almost· identical to ·the Bleek conducted interviews with descriptions of elves and goblins the few surviving San tribesmen ~o which have been part of our record their way of life before it folklore since the Middle Ages. diTsahp~p_enaoxt:eedb.o oks containing his tqhuaatn tuamn p.hlny!silnchsli ew ·h nicuhm subgegre sotsf · Munocraen dniyst u-rrebsienmglby,l atnhceye ·h taov ~t hane · nreematal.iyn'e-wd rhititdldme n in Soturathn·sA cfrriicpatns 'aploanraglsliedle uonuirv oewrnse. s' may ·e xist ·raelipeonrst ws ohfo. U feFaOtu srieg hInti nmgosd. e~-· day . archives until Davld Lewis It so, then perhaps the brain is Extraterrestrials. have ·been Wllllams rediscovered them nearly as much a receiver as a generat9r· · described in thes(! terms since the a century later. · ' of consciousness and can· be nne very first cases of alien abductions . The San were remarkably-clear tuned in altered states to pick up were reported at the dawn of the about the beautiful and mysterious wavelengths that are normally :Q.Ot. space age. One of the earliest took ~bl~J>~~f~r:fe8 th~ th;~c~~ifs access1b1e to us. · · . place in 1961 and concerned an iwwpaovaaalmhmnsncnopnoTOIaefoycandypdwi-shrbvcnougtae e eerhnte tem eg ayioahmientsger ctu phat gcreutsIhsheleagereo ,d ifnmeav ne noh t ottvi eiitgrts thaereoroae Qlh wtetdn't lyrl sehhea te ·taoh,i wbhtdeei msnwneraotyie meektirhtrmi ta nomrah ti sfe linh tetapeasafth oo slJYn1ihihStilenr·ef ots s aehriita sa we'hn,tm a:,aenr d-s nigig lneeawn plbieat mnhe inrr tasri,dpsasoish tgaeotcbherss i elrdn oneiwsym ol wt " fl acstawnoo rQeittihteno.rrnehnhhc erlmilt.ddoepe~cedes . · sTsststhsfgssahhaaoapehuanhePPowmecuippanpederesmrnsyma iuree rewet,dh r.htri s wd-a diaenh anI antna ratneperahppe e nrsados tw easswl gcs noutua t, t rhaeooihh erI ngendyr oanvitradothgc w sol·mesltitbuh eo.dasro ueo y s -eyo,ucltcg tl ·rhe,diltah t he1nix t aashnet hwo phteytthara e tuha,eh w iti ·vhlysrrtthtsialmeeohhiu so tvemht aco s erhea daiplelr ven leivvdfooy lantemow ies,yntwwistwl i .lsloOi mee oahoef ortwP ayDrwnrlaatriho,ndef hlsivde~~imludsrs !denheetI ..,l, .. · ! tthcdtAhbcsaoehohouaaeineScAmteemwnvippcacdiinicmtueehpdtrra iicgo r m penoshrcioisrdbda1luBcsea sr san ewea aerdhf erwt tncdddtoi hiwilstno sm! nlitnt ecayomht'yegmg.ehso r f r · ·oca ' uepea ktar.ihgu o pta aHinnUgien dsl at dnhiesFmhd tn·ll .s t haOl Te .asniaot, Arezr topV algfat eln mpoh e pH twsadedh ahhellal hd·ideetoculdtse ol f-rwhm snsos aBbo,eii slh ndaylfta fota.w sine aer h.uwupfsngctyoeeam hceeeeeoirorihdddesyes-r,tf . .· · . . ·Sswdltmwrwaohep eeSIoaoeospr ebphusrhkodroaaienneoeaiurcrs 'sd dmttstgtt.c ote d sathaoadhufitnonvts\ rrltmvesuet'eoihs,uhnk rt euw etl ere tnghl ebmdh t.mteh s ie hatsn ptoiwnepehagmamy repir ae toarpcewrkhh nleIanei l oi vynwaetasbresr dltrlae o·rsod p slo rri· wa.wowre itiaecvfwohnh sa etUea ehd·ida n nniiF·fnbScn gtaOodhegsIrtI · ttwrUuppecghehxorrnTeFeleeeaitn naOoolhrhttdbne aroSi iodyrlseos.? nea .ttmact r ohS, otdtt teraeioefrioiodoki,mn c c nl e aksol ecs risclf aob onihhfivlfyrekaeya eetrv nsm h re daat,aiua i·aenrstnas nrntt dryti.adni see 'Sisefil d claimnhnoe boitsgas rdor nwoyevt a vhs mtmrehawuiyr anleogeb•eeftch rngusb eioao·et gen troamowsonhgetlff oartdhueor uws oarnldd e· bxyh aumsetianngs foorfm aonf . aarsg tu·heed Xth-Faitl eths,e aHnidll si ta cnodu .lodt hbeer sshyammbaonliss eu ndtehrgeo insgu fthfeer ijnogur_n eoyf · Their bodies are tddhaeinhscy ewd.r oLauetiwlodins -h WaanYUdel ibalymepdse rtreova eleinsxteitdlra tethmioaent "Obp1iNeUcEtey s oloifer set hvinied etmhnceoe s e.rtxo rtc rotahmoiSrpd epilonUsasnr1gy- .pablooBipreurunotl wahari obcnwudglu tuctdhrtoeee .es wse e iwmeexarpgel eassi nimf rtophmley ·. sid.nte Ti.tlsohlc ep,rtyrhia bepce otodirs ttvheri aevsyrhidw ailtmYo ar.a lsbndY ai_:s nt;mr aai btgnoeo dosnar hnaogl dsmismasehmebde arnedd · consistency of the supern:.tural appearance of such f'lgures in .the. process in. which sh'amans·must weTnht·eo .n sh tearmriafnYsi ng vborieUsiiginnoiglnnessss o asve reexwr pi etne h rsaeio ecamnceeceoep nsdtse .n tbshyea . •htr eu·:ta mhl'~e, iinrt .· pgarhrPteee oarnsftoo ..o nmuiarnel nIeh hsiasattn vode.ri i nnch e aavntvecher~e hsa·ta lodwUr saaF?ny.O ys tuthhnTerdhunee srryteg sotu·a lrlaark ens cocytefimo sbn bl.oa tlcihkcr oddueegva. uhths . · w.a tnhhdoe iimnfaogrems.a, tion wsehnicsha tiiso ·nhas rd~wiarnedd psychic journeys hissua cvdhei f sfbiimceueillnat r,rt oesp truoanrntdgeeedr .eswntacitnohdu- ·nshutoecrwhs · rwsecigethap rtadi cmeidsi xmatlu .lere.nY oeaftb ,i dn·dutoicf tfiemorney ns·~ tueo tartineedsr ··sbahnoaddmy t oabnnefg'sou rheee taahndrd,o wpdiiiensrgmc eteh mheib spe inre echceikss sinaTtmoh eeo ylui rbs rbpareraycin ufsol.ra taell othf aust, iatn ids tthhaet -~j~~;:~ttlult~J~ss. so many .astonishment, ·I found myself in different directions. · it can be accessed ·only in altered -ithwosHssanhoctaunWLherflaemtcenaoela-nithuxwocnrtee eec amefcng itns-ics ohottneb - et heWrutSla odtyh eytgltdha o ide h.elyettn ehrly hheox1 y yjapp e oeaim r drasstm u erotp tihecrealtnrsphnteoaunn atryeearedmcrcnieslyrcndee g ainms e .tcowlee, thpdai futn seala e hbcne crfntmcaeeerdiotdovo tie stu y nentmhihrphn n dgnaea aataitst rsmeitbsoht tni ra. aoo aet ettmnahnhensudndedseeset. iAawhkackSgm.inn nunTSrovhnodaoomdiu1hiumgcw wt1teA·aehebh t1 ninntsh fl siihAf r aq anaesaseiertcumso- sailtra oy eucthtiStenuhnah, rlero sr noeiec etb hcait cta hdsnheCaryhvo oet k rbbcetead og.ho.e rlr ti aa-peeflie lhi srndeaea eneuttst c-niv aton nahicoiedpelurnedidf eefMen radEe dsinitd nr su oa ..t.hg swe h MrnaEuuurdo esrobicmg ipatddleerhgyyere lari.r po a ahd,aiono tndnngsa r,f, . .· · .ivslmsfnnaehiIcys gettaei .h l omTwsrale intndgaao i hAmsud dn rolma soeeiddl .nna ~mki.gez T's ~wo t otmheou nsileefyr.ttod bh t oachaii y krdnehaett e gfhmhan artuuemtlo~ aierscorrsntePacmds sepa~le ye ehrv' isnruai-nps.tvl: -il sloieme oanxon.ynns- f' · · .rspddtbtrbomheureyaieTefTaspmreo isrbsghnthnyseocrulietecefd enrrc padiuseist sdanwbrpeeile sl esg e eodim hpt nax a·su ea·s rebg pnernlomba b sdbded coeceIoyira u e Xfa1cn ic sicdlvmm·nogpanlhtuDeegr eueycseerrrn r rnteyoendii oo eeas stmst wsdnsn.b a uJ iic cpednnoSnbmooes rudj hou·ssnie B.chf mlen tehosdatra aqmn eierreevlttssec sp hnMeey.ttaoesmo doe.s bt.fre a ini ru eBeaobttct·tmlrh~h· etnllukl loneyeydyes-·t· · · saitnpsattpc·moaotruone ulICacga . nner·rtpthe eceehvdf eeoitrslee·e .visyht.rterr:,va. io e . iae mra rt' nrbewodeln a xaclc-uun natyngaoapt bdtsndi,o-hsnl n elaey wcsaeaiorai, cforeti np. tloyn hi hymse roi,nfogo!oevetru ptow sirl ·oes uUstwit utell wns iuacoetvsmow eivttdhn oeorvisnuoalr ylonnseyld,llbu n na.nrt-n lwhylre ly giheyydt oten dr ah Im w aatlttswef.odsib t eh sgs' vol lfn .uaeoo'acu·alt vncrsuurnliasdonheele rtlt 'mbeyni ltloeWpnntieicas tpleahrtnee nr.o ·vm oelunna't eeexrpse riemnacnedy rseaGpttyrWer.sea,k nh aanmlfd ym atihanonlml,o ahgl aypl af. rgtcsoo.a ntt·, a tlhpes . .· ~d sinister iHPnratoerfvrevasirsedow rMe de odmric ;a:anPly s ySpccehhoioapot;llre,y ww· hhaoot . ot·h nOi! n nroe ·na t-lh rweeao lr- oltdht hianesg rws eih nci~motnedca,ed · n. 1t!r atthede hs·haAalBfm -fbaoenr asts hbtee l itmehveoerndlsa ttnhrotahut rtsoo pp eaenls!t,-e mr ttahhnee, macreiindnt oaatu arubsur, u~•·a·s- w·ihtpehha daan m-_t_aa; slm}a'nsa dgb ootrhdieyc tahned cs1onnitsrtaerry, ,a thhaerysh w, ecroem ~merarnifdyilrntgg b•ceHaliitehsv eerdin tehp' ewayth ihoea nddte sbs ecreinb eaidbn dacu lmuctdeetedadl. srreihgaahlm ta anandnd icc sa unvp igeeiwvrne a·outrsu rgtahulei bd eawinnocgrels da a nrides ovtahrieoruwso ralndi mthaely fohramds toan dad othpet coPmopbuinlaarti counl otuf rme·a kne eapnsd ahloivres et.h ·e ptIe aslesno.c sea. w w. hat could easily be ibnesitnrgu minesenrtt e'mda aybboeu at sfioxo ti nlcohnegs' hcaenlp s iene oimurm lievdeisa otenl ye ahrotwh, k tnho~wn iwnge paintings depicted them at various legend or the-.werewolt, and tales . described as space ships, rotating into one of her nostrils. a•bout them would have vastly. stages of their transformation. ot mermaids - part human apd in the sky and pulsing with life, 'I could feel something breaking increased our ancestors' chances The !act that s1mllar images can part nsh - are common around :and had the·distinct feeling that I in my head,! she claimed. 'The of survival. · · wbeo srlede nsu inp pcoavrtee sdy Lsteewmiss- Wacirlol1sasm ths'es the world. Even the Bible contains ·wthaesm g. oing t.o b·e ·t aken up into . allen broke something to get it In my view, it is beyond serious rtwaorel.rBalhm ntdoehacrs eiriehndk .wa keadsiobn rlregkeitn uoththfaae esllr lhodeuaardc·ynm i cnstaiothnnagagstet, ea n atsnihn cdoed yppf e rl dawaieteniesentrtspegs, . ·vfTlIaianipoEesc npisezto,ahste nraa ke.i.s : e.iB ouotelhf lonan lohol stassu k onoem p fd or ocare faforn p Enaep-o a azehhrtneatuueskigrmmt ilte eehsaa.ld e ln,w e thhbsihyetecheabirn vritOgbioed,enul sdassr. ·-kaawsniIhn ncwaade nth os o ictatlroohel vl ureelislrnnsd i.-t ow taoehnbao sedsrc idutrlgnyscer,t·aai ibpttoIe e ni o wni ftens ahxtptsehepi irreehrep r adsircevea .noaitmnevcudeeegr hp'k~EeanAv~rnoasniw~e•co,lk ~iftef h osodietan,'r~ ws b a lg o ~aotfac~ai knb~Megl~ged ar\t eooic~ny ukh; t'ae~,s s a t~r·plh op.!a e•oa c~nmte if~es owhntuiitntp~sdh,, . ecoaa~xucud~tcslar!t opeucrtmtordaer~eite nli~ ayogp:n nh pd!esutn. czo pozm ·rm· leo i~tncefh~ gnoe p~n.a nct n~h,ep d~eppr e; ~tmvir~oayc~1snes1a!~tse1vm ~rneoi~gde- f tsaohucre hcsseiheen va sesot drrbya ot nhddceryoep-supri igvemharc tapiioynhn gy ,ihs nisac ttvaahelre vs cabtarteveieoes!nns! lodhiiapgsveheentm ilnbaaoglrsdg aoieen drdbe -evevyeoiesnlvis oi n~dnges l awlolclth r oeinbefr:elewsd ha ainnbcddhy yapneaCadionr asut lilaidneg gnoIsst . ab.t reeen ~rseh-aaoltlf y st aphliolr muitssaa,n·nfi fadeisrsi teaos ! ·itttwnho e omam byf.o eTseipnhtiagenlyse pw.i noMessrpyiete idecoontniitnn,i rggme shysoep mbri.r aei'ecIt h kwwi ntaaogss ·· ths.hua Oevcifher c stfoipomuiurrnei$t.des , a w·irfae ·yw rsee a adln;o· da n aadc vcthearpa·it ·te tttyhh eaoyEt where the paintings were created. people under the intluence of the tions of the same supernatural tingling and cold. It was a,wtul. It quast-ppysical forms - or which Lt-oglPtaeruIfeeons iwrwmhtgdpueauaihr vdsnedaai-i cg csi Washdteeen a fi, nlmo o sclIttrAflr -ue i etimdamahmrdmbanye bayipss snIzi,e l'nb sg.oalsl cefi nnht tcadiet.hanos rakme anUat lonhfslda1nyore arnry,dw im ycsn etona whakrhm it e inlhumnto p Veha naattnsei hhndnc oiyeeeeaIrf ·· ·stnpaaacwaoryyroAecomoaata r hphpbsseuhu uclidonaaaeogf nisst ngntsctchcges ·aa e os t n ah tcpMcieatcnlaciitaagcode gnni ndsaErt sl o ezaawb ernEle ikdwdla iey siesSdn tmlu,ye t.i oilbbnraycirsudga a ittneoenla I st nta htuarbceteemiodeya:r ·· e cWtkpecnoa·enenItnni ootttib eths tpwui·o erl eripe, tn is ethteog,ahhrs evrica.eeye e rAenns riosie~ glnwavra hdi eetupdt h nsbs mkukta etoinriitihnnego n hde hw hega tmuntiosvh noem feeg xut l ,ee.c ; . ant hi?thtc nhhet ethgne.ear.,se dy.eIt. .· a=il rsbri·nee hbn eIv ls xakntdteiw,r du.a:pa yeelcJJs se.eiOt n tmnett hshh emyantes or n y u bMu.of mordng teadeehh eqcsys neukhtc rteh'w r · sana· i e enibcnryxtydeedh t s w - rmw·ies naaeoayisolrterm iherscrek d t ehiniwginm s. novh"a z~ aieli': ncsar ri oyhygst. . . druqiip'annesueoWl s?ioseswee cshuenWahtrarsisrii t olm ccb' lbnayhhesau rs o .etat.Ssie to r,nu.ion r en gin em eMa.lgt sylhaes o ueent· sdhnnyqitofied suveh atmaesaehy1rt nre1os 'e ytsy esh?a , th M,e .·tnrAda mhesvaisewmscie nleIee, w clrtwnvm hui.tetitil olyhss tl of the Dead. psychoactive substances. examined the evidence; I was ch~!~te~~~:.noid and . those questions· that is as I drank this bitter brew ten times · Far more interesting Is the taken aback by the extent of the As Mack puts it, the aliens unexpecte·d as it is disturbing. iwmltanahnSi bueatcohoc lilho erh aaaunn tpnm totl adcihrarka yteanve.hsd e e evexe · ao t pvvohlrieuiftsosr ginaiisoometneneond seems rnd adsotele eswtifs.prn cnaii crymeci sibttm oseeb dddaaeeg ·gnb meadIysnn , .·pc tAnbooooafym- tus tushneHrieertab liaxlm1eclrpYUasvos e.tta d eryRoriel tdeelhmssne t eruMhc , tt.cp.dh .·hu. i ath ctlchtahaao ettvelmiw ieoyrS mon bc hepi-hsveaesoivnrisooe icaal onteb nneninldednest . ·· tnubachospoeCcamwaaoetmtmann irnsda odiglidnosln,ee, f gg rn O, rl tl oeiotfatvugoe bnrihUn tddt aeF.e,uxt OnicanScstmgleo.o p eTmslsoehee .dre, d yt·ite hg nats·lseal ciik lddrwk iie bna ooyegaff ·=tsnm•rahraopsi~nfntpt skeae f.ecrpaos~yrpro'tsm,eso aea.biolrnneyargd cnr oeceovneisfne estantmueso mn b do lmrweisrnoeilaasgrmt,k eheebes uaht ethgm fahilopeenareisnge-r; .. HSW£O• 1TaUF8IonT.P 9 AcHo9EoBM.TrRc dcRHk£<N>e <,IEiG rDNAp .·rauAGTKa bNUIchElNtoaCRDsDpmhIA Ey e L HNd ea: baTbxt nyMT ty£r c E1acEo5Ace cE.G9CtnkT9 rt H 2auIfN(0Ehrrp0yoGaRl5 uma mSSs t strange ladder-like structures, mul abUlty · to flill naturally ·and thinner strings of light, like ropes oncea~W.In,wearebackwiththe £1.99 p&p), telephone 0870161 tiple squares and t'urious Zig-zags .spontaneously into deep states_o f . or wires, that fasten onto their theriantbropes first seen in 0870.: iwnecrleu dreinpgla ac ebdla bcyk oatnhde ry ealplopwar sitniaoknes · ··-trAanltcheo~ ugh. it· ca. nn· ot be pro.. ved, I· boAdlimeso asnt d heaxualc tthleyi n itnhteo thsea smkye. which transformed before my eyes . think·· it highly probat;>le that · language appears in. · the into a powerful jaguar, ang.. around the same proportion of testimony or shamans, gathered terr1fying beast-man figures sucn humanity has always been born by anthropologists, . as they· as a huge insect-like humanoid and with brain chemistry ln just the · describe their psychic journeys a strange ngure which was half right state of. nux to pernlit them into the spirit world. man and halt crocodile. . visions, prophetic. knowledge .and A typical account comes from The images closely matched · · encounters with spirits, ·without the Kalahari in Africa, where a those that the Peruvian shamans recourse to psychoactive plants or shaman describes how perform report !rom their own trances. physical methods or trance ing a ritualistic dance enables him Intriguingly; many of them rou · induction such. as dancing. · . to see 'lines or strings of light that tinelY recorCi their visions in spec That these . Visions have go up int6 the sky ... they are tacular multi-coloured paintings. consistentlY thrown up images or white in colour or shiny like silver All this lett me sure that David strange, anlma1-human hybrtds is . metal ... you just float away with Lewfs-Williams is right that such - to say the least - tantalising. that rope'. trances were "the inspiration for But it is another set. or creatures · . Other·shamans-from .as far prehistoric cave art. But I found that recur in cave art that should. apart as Siberia, Australia: and myself disagreeing with him on ' really give us pause .for thought. · North America ....;... talk or these one ·fundamental point. Deep in their rocky labyrinths, in . •ropes' or •cords' being let down 10 In Lewis-Williams's view, the the low guttering light cast by the by boats, birds or 'flytng shields'. entitles encountered during ·the torches and stone lamps that we As I read these accounts, there trances have no existence in know were us.¢d at the. time, the