NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE May 2006 Number 442 EDITOR/PUBLISHER: Lucius Farish • #2 Caney Valley Drive • Plumerville, AR 72127-8725 USA ~1_0-COUNTY POST, <:!pltola, CA ---~arch 7, 2006 ~--------------------------~---------------- HISTORY----------------------------------------------- The Great UFO Scare ·of 1896 tsy Phil Reader in bold and 'brazen print: Sight-· personally claimed to have been edly announced the Cltlzenry seemed to be in direct propor · ings of the mysterious "ai,rship" aboard the vessel and said it was had been treated to a "bright tion to the amount of alcoholic reached feverish heights· when · made ·of metal, about 150 feet light arcing th~ough the air," beverages recently consumed. ~he ~~e ~:~o:: N on Tuesday, Nov. 17, word long and capable of carrying 15 which appeared first in Pacific It is perhaps enlightening to misprint. At the came of sightings by "hundreds people. He also told of watching Grove and then moved on to note that the overwhelming time of the inci of people" iri 'the· Sacramento the ship ascend and descend in Salinas and Watsonville. It was number of those sightings by a dent in . que area. It was described as series the "airship dan" were in the ston, Wilbur and .Orville · of electric arc lamps propelled· airspace above the Front Street Wright were still repairing bicy by a mysterious force.· . ·saloon and brothel district. Cles in their little shop near· Reportedly traveling· from Dayton, Ohio. Charles Lind north .to south, it 'cowd be ·n urican McPherson, long- bergh's parents were. still dat seen· for nearly . an :hour. time publisher of the Sen ing and ] ohn Glenn's ·grand Observers speculated that ~e tinel, glibly announced that it parents were farming in the "airship" Was apparently direct appeared to him that this Midwest. It was back in a day ed by some intelligent force, as strange new vessel was pow when men were rarely little it reportedly rose and descend ered solely by alcohol. This and never green. ed to avoid roofs artd.steeples. sparked a verbal tiff with the The story began slowly, hov . Cbmpeting Surf newspaper, ering almost unnoticed in the Not to be ~utdone, San each editor contending that back pages of the local papers. Francisco had its own other shared the same fuel Sailors in the dives of San Fran rash of sightings ·.four days.· source, and that his rival's fam cisco's infamous Barbary Coast. Jater. Among the large crowd · ily tree had been darkened by began to talk abou.t glowing . that witnessed the arrival of the a streak of lun:1cy. spheres and saucer-like "airship". were policemen and Even the · local judiciary machines that they had seen ris firemen -just the sort of peo- . became involved in the ques ing out of the waters of the Sea tion. Superior Court Judge ofJ apan or the China Sea, hov Drawings of the mysterious Lucas Smith ordered a hooli ering and thence flying off. "airship" appeared In gan namedjack Brodie to exit Saloon keepers and patrons of newspapers In 1896. the County and remain in these dives were not at all sur ba~ishment until the "air prised, "considering the quanti said to have conveniently ships" return. Needless to say, ty and quality of whiskey being bypassed Hollister, "which was Brodie was never seen in these passed across the bars," accord a temperance town." parts again. ing to the San Francisco CalL In Watsonville, ·an excited With an eye on the future, Though the Wright broth- . resident rushed into the news journalists of the day busied ers' historic flight at Kitty paper office shouting that he themselves with explanations Hawk was still seven years in had seen ·the airship. But this which will seem thoroughly the future, by 1896 public development was dashed by modern to present-day skeptics. imagination was already recep .friends jealous of his sudden Among these were Earth-based tive to the prospect of flight by ;;;;;:;,:r,::7'~~t;;~;.::; attention. They contended that balloons, prepubescent pranks powered aircraft. Jules Verne he had merely seen one of and, of course, the scapegoat had written of ships of the air, "those big owls which have their planets M'ars and Venus. jiist as he had submarines and · home high up in the steeple of There was also one unique sending men to the moon. the Presbyterian church." to Santa Cruz - the reflec ·German engineer Otto Lilien- . . . The next evening,. Santa tion of moonlight off of ~ thal, whose work inspired the . pie not generally supposed to . an almost vertical fashion. Cruz was to get its long-await schools of sardines bouncing two brothers from Dayton, had be given to hysteria or prevari Barristers in those days ed chance. The strange light up to th.e cloud cover. Origi already successfully flown in a cation. Even ¥ayor-Adolph inspired the same instinctive put in an appearance in the nal indeed! hang glider. And Samuel P. Sutro got into the act, claiming mistrust as now, and the skies above the coastlin·e,· hov During the month of Langley, third Secretary of the that he too had witnessed announcement quickiy came ering for a· period of time over December, the airship hysteria Smithsonian Institution, had "lights carried by . airship." \lnder overwhelming scrutiny. the Cliff Drive. Moments later of 1896 slowly faded. Not sur recently managed to get his. Soon all eyes were turned sky Yet in spite of the fact that the the "craft" was reported to prisingly, no definitive expla A~rodrome No. 5, an uripilot ward, with the iarge daily barrister'$ story was eventually have crisscrossed town several nation for the mystery was ever ed, engine-driven, heavier papers carrying-lurid details of .proven untrue, the airship times before slowly fading found. But just over 50 years than-air craft, airborne. events breathlessly reported by, craze continued to grow, from sight. later, an equally elusive appear By the Thanksgiving holi "reliable" obserVers .. On the night of Nov. 26, the . ·As elsewhere, with the Santa ance was made in the night days of 1896, the wild sailors' ·An attorney even came forth unidentified flying object final Cruz County witnesses it was . skies over Roswell, New Mexi story had made its way to the claiming to know the inventor ly reached· the Monterey Bay said that the luridness and co, proving everything old is front pages of the newspapers of the wondrous machine. He region where newspapers excit- detail of their observations new again. • Explaining the unknown It is also normal to fear the motion, speed, states· of matter the crash area completely exca world, they are likely to be highly unknown, to create a dogmatic and energy. The truth ·or real- vated? Why were the workers advanced, technologically. Our I enjoyed your UE.b.article.~'Se.~. explanation and attempt to frame ity we perceive is constructed of sworn to secrecy, with threat of ability to. q~t'1qt aJ)d Qbsex:v~ them ~g is_l,>~lievir!ST' and noticed the what has been observed into concepts that we as yet do not imprisonment? is probably limited·a nd ·faultY: negative feedoack (letters, Feb. 1). known or assumed parameters. . fully understand. 2. If it walks like a duck, talks · It is normal for us humans, if Where, then, is the truth? The Ponder these points.of interest: like a duck and acts like a duck, Gary V. Moretti we observe something we can't answer is found in this paradox: 1. Roswell, N.M. After all these it might be a duck. But what we Chesapeake explain, to expand on possibili Everything that humans observe years, why are there hundreds · call a duck, 200 light years away, ties. This is the basis of investi is relative - concepts that ·we _and hun4reds of pages of.4 1kn9Y'!l" fQ.~J9J2~--~o~~bod1y els.~~-~.r. VIRGINIAN-PILOT, Norfolk, gation and -the foundation of all have created to explain the classified documents on just a 3. If beings rom outside of VA - Feb. 6, 2006 science. nature of our existence, like time, weather balloon crash? Why was this solar system have visited our EYES ON THE Mike and Nannette Fortson simu SKY late the way they watch the skies from the backyard of their Prescott Valley home. Courlerlles Stukenberg As ninth anniversary pose is that nine years ago, this probably seen something that happened in this area. I'd like to will cause them to do a double hear what people saw," he said. take," Fortson said. nears, Valley man (He asks people with informa The Fortsons have noticed Pre~cott tion on the lights to e-mail him plenty.o f balloons and satellites. at [email protected]) After their years of practice, still looking for answers In fact, he said, the huge they can identify most things-in network of people interested in the sky. the Phoenix Lights has long cir Nanette Fortson, who admits culated ari "urban legend" that that while she enjoys the sky on Phoenix Lights someone in the tri ·city area w·atching, her level of interest videotaped the event. does not match her husband's, The Fortsons say that getting is getting a bit impatient. ''I'm By CINDY BARKS For Mike Fortson, it was a the. event. on film or tape was tired of satellites; I want to see The Daily Courier chance encounter, one he attri the last thing on their minds the big one again," she said. PRESCOTT VALLEY - Night butes to "dumb luck." Even so, that night in 1997. Mike Fort Mike Fortson's passion for the after night, Mike and Nannette that warm night, March 13, 1997, son recalls awakening from a Phoenix Lights has made him a Fortson lounge in lawn chairs in changed his life forever~ brief nap at about 8:30 p.m. bit of a celebrity in UFO circles. their backyard, their eyes glued "Yes, it is a passion," Fortson As he went to close a window, Since the 1997 sighting, he has to the sky. said recently from the Viewpoint he noticed "three huge, bright served as a source for more than After years of sky watching, . home into which he and Nanette white lights angled down and 50 news stories and telecasts. they say, the locations of the; recently moved. "I think about it ·very low to the ground." That includes appearances stars and planets are second all the time." He shouted to his wife to come in well-known documentaries nature to them. However, for Since moving to the tri-city outside, and the two of them such as "Out of the Blue," "The the Fortsons, the constellations area and beco~ing a licensed watched what they describe as Phoenix Lights" and the ABC are incidental - mere points of real estate agent, Fortson said a giant boomerang, a V-shaped special "Seeing is Believing," reference for something bigger. he has met many local people craft that may have been a mile featuring the late news anchor What they really hope to see who remember seeing the lights. long. Peter Jennings. is a repeat of the show . they However, for the most part, the "When you see something Fortson's amiable persona glimpsed from their Chandler media and investigative. atten like what we saw :_ something lends an instant credibility to home nearly nine years ago: a tion at the time focused on the that is not supposed to exist, it's his story, as he faces the camera mysterious, slow-moving craft Phoenix area. just too big - we didn't think to to relate what he saw. He also that became known worldwide Ultimately, officials dis- move our feet," Fortson said. speculates that the fact that he as the Phoenix Lights. missed the lights as flares frorri These days, the Fortsons are has never received payment-to The Fortsons were among the military aircraft. Fortson main more prepared. They keep a tell his story made him more perhaps thousands of people in. tains that two events occurred variety of cameras and tripods believable to news outlets. In Arizona who reported witness that night, and while the second on hand to record any unusual addition, he said, "I was avail ing a series of lights advanc one (at about 10 p.m.) may have sightings from the backyard able." ing silently from near Paulden, been flares, he contends that of their Prescott Valley home. Just the fact that Fortson was through Prescott Valley and over the 8:30 p.m. event was some Although they do notice plenty so willing· to talk openly about much of metropolitan Phoenix. thing else altogether. of unexplained things, they have what he saw made him some Because the Hale-Bopp comet With the ninth anniversary yeuo see·anything of the mag what unusual at the time. was making an appearance at of the ligqts sighting approach ' nitude of the Phoenix Lights. Former Phoenix City Council the same time, many people ing on Monday, Fortson·s aid he : "Anyone who has spent any woman Frances Barwood, who were outside that night, with would like to focus local atten time sky watching out here iri now lives in Dewey-Humboldt, their eyes on the sky. tion on that 1997 night. "My pur- the daytime or nighttime has ·recalls that many· people were unwilling to talk publicly abo~t the sighting, for fear of being the subject of ridicule or scorn. In fact, Barwood was caught up in a media maelstrom when she asked during a televised City Council meeting why the City of Phoenix was not look ing into the matter. After her question made it into a story in the Arizona Republic, Barwood said she was received a flood of telephone calls from people who Mike Fortson saw the lights. points to a photo "It · was overwhelming," in USA Today from Barwood says now. "We were March 2000 of the nowhere prepared for some object he saw fly ing at night near thing like that." Chandler/Gilbert. During the days and weeks Fortson hopes after the story ran, Barwood to find others In said she receiy1=ld more than 700 the trl-city area calls - many people in the that also saw the Prescott/Prescott Valley area.· 2 unidentified object. (continued on page 3) ·Courier/Lea Stuken~~~ (continued from page 2 - DAILY COURIER, Prescott, AZ - March 9, 2006) HERALD, Miami, FL - Feb. 17, 2006 She remembers one call from 'Outer:s pace' metal a Prescott Valley man who waS: having a Hale-Bopp party at the crash.i s a mystery time. He and his more than 20: guests all saw the unidentified object. . A number of Barwood's calls The crash happened just minutes after a couple of handy~ also came from people who men had fixed Bob Amchir's Wilma-ravaged pool patio admitted to seeing the lights but Wednesday. who did not want to go public. Amchir ran outside his Davie house and found that a "To the media, it was a big 2-inch by 3-inch. 2-pound piece of scorching metal had torn through his roof and smashed his tile. He thought it might be joke," Barwood · said, adding from a satellite~ Or a plane. that she was the brunt of many Late Thursday afternoon, FAA spokeswoman Kathleen of the jokes, becoming known as ;Bergen told The Miami Herald that the mystery object could the UFO council member. not have fallen from a plane and the agency's probe was over. Although Barwood did not As news of the mystery metal spread, those who look to witness the March 13 event her the skies for a living pondered what it might be. self, she said the impassioned Suresh Atapattu, education coordinator at the Buehler · accounts she heard from people PlaJ?.etarium & Observatory at Broward Community Col,lege's made her want answers. "I've Davie campus, said a meteorite the size of the metal would always been curious my whole have likely been noticed as it entered the atmosphere. life, just by nature," she said. 'We are constantly bombarded by little particles," he said. . "I would love to know what it "A piece of that size coming in would probably have a signifi- canttlash." · was.'~ 'B~uwood, who knows Fortson, PlaJnaectka rHiuomrk,h seaiimd eitr d, didirne'tc ltooor ko fli tkhee a M miaemteio Sriptaec teo T hriman. sit said she admires the way he has continued to dig for informa He said meteors that fall to Earth aren't warm to the ~ouch, like Amchir said the metal was. Horkheimer said it sounded tion. "Mike has taken it seri more like a piece of"space junk" such as a piece oP an old sat ously," she said. "He's trying to ellite. get other people talking about it, NASA offtcials said, however, that they had registered no and maybe get some answers.'' orbital debris - space junk - reentering the atmosphere in the area Wednesday. · · Contact the reporter at cbarks@ prescottaz.-com Stu ken berg Mike Fortson simulates the way he watches the sky and, when he spots something, uses binoculars. MORNING NEWS, Dallas, TX - April 2, 2006 CR: K. Wilson Pair's trick has California town seeing UFOs Men say nighttime light' show _is good marketing for their flying saucer Dr. Murphy told Mr. Strong he ByLYNNDOAN should be more concerned about Los Angeles Times his bar patrons getting rowdy. But ALISO VIEJO, Calif. -- Move the restaurant manager ·said he over, Roswell. South Orange hadn't seen a disk since. County is recording its own share Dr. Murphy confessed that he'd of UFO sightings. also had a few encounters with law Several residents hav~ reported enforcement. the sightings to the Orange Coun He attracted some local notori ty Sheriffs Department in recent ety in November when one of his months. And·· word has even saucers got stuck on the roof of the reached a Canadian UFO · re Barnes and Noble. Dr. Murphy searcher who has posted informa asked shop owners if he could tion about the sightings on his climb up to retrieve it, but they re Website. . sisted because "they thought he In one case, witnesses reported was crazy," according to the sher- · seeing glowing disks zigzagging iffs deputy's report. · through trees and hovering above When the deputy showed up, the Aliso Viejo Town Center at the store manager allowed Dr. night. About a yard in diameter Murphy to retrieve his toy, said Lt. and studded with flashing lights, Richard Paddock, police services the four UFOs dance around one chief for Aliso Viejo. another in the night sky. KEN HIVELY/Los Angeles Times Lt. Paddock said deputies These flying saucers aren't a Steve Zingali (left) and Gaylon Murphy hope to drum up sales - and a fe~ laughs or screams couldn't do much about com top-secret military project. But - by flying their remote-controlled sauce~ through Aliso Viejo, Calif., at night. plaints. they aren't being piloted by Mar "To my· knowledge, this man tians, either. past his girlfriend's upstairs apart- hobby, part promotion. staff by hovering his disk n.ear the has violated no law while flying The saucers are made in the ga menl . · "It's good marketing,~ Dr. Mur- · restaurant. thi~ craft in Aliso Viejo," he said. rages of Gaylon Murphy and Steve "I thought, That can't be a .physaid. "It looked iike something right Newport Beach Police Sgt. Bill Zingali, who get their kicks by UFO, can it?' "he Said. "It's· pretty . The Canadian uFO Web site, out ofa m ovie, a little too real," Mt. Hartford also said Dr. Murphy shocking people and hope to earn weird." which logs oddities from supposed Strong said. "I wouldn't say I made wasn't breaking any laws. a few bucks hawking their remote . ·.The disks are made off oam and saucer sightings to allegea alien the determination that they were · Scanning a list of city ordinanc controlled saucers. After all, a few weigh about a pound. Each runs abduCtions ·and offers an assort- actual UFOs, but it did pique my es,·Sgt. Hartford said: "You can't UFO sightings can only be good on·a 7.4-volt lithium battery and ment of paranormal literature, in- curiosity enough to .see where it hit golf balls on a public park. You for business. 'has a propeller. · dicates that the homemade disks ·was coming from." · can't skateboard on.a public tennis "We fly them in formation. It's On weekends, Dr. Murphy flies have captured the attention -and Mr. Strong followed the UFOs · court. But I don't see anything spe pretty funny," said Dr. Murphy, a. the disks in Aliso Viejo, Newport the imagination -' of both the to nearby Grand park, where Dr. Cifically that would forbid him cardiovascular surgeon and Aliso Beach, Mission Viejo and Laguna skeptical and the true believer. Murphy and Mr. Zingali were from flying his UFOs." Viejo resident. "People stop, peo Niguel. He and Mr. Zingali, a facil- . The· diskS spar~d a confronta- standing with their remote can 3 ple scream, one cabdriver ran his ities engineer and Mission Viejo ticm between Dr. Murphy and Eri~ trois. He. told the pair they were car up off the road." resident, have sold four of the giz- Strong, a manager of an Aliso Vie.: · going to create hysteria ift hey con Nick Peterson was stunned mas at $1,000 each and concede jo restaurant and bar. Mr. Strong tinued to fly their disks around when he saw one of the disks fly their streaking light show is part said Dr. Murphy was spooking his Town Center. ~ ·a:; en a: a: (.) CD 0 0 N ,.: Q. < a: < ui G> C) a0: ~' CJ) ;: zUJ Cz) z a: 0 ~ ByBecca Bacon Martin THE MORNING HEWS BMARTI~AONliNtNET W en . Ozarkers want o take a little trip nto the past, they correct, might choose a museum, a Civil ABs helped War battlefield, a cemetery or a make humans what we are theme park li)c~ Silver Dollar City. today. They are not only·the Paul Von Ward thinks that for . ·"gods" of myth and religion, some "advanced beings," Earth . but our ancestors: The speaker, might be that kind of destination. researcher and author· of "Gods, "Some of thetn are trying · · Genes,' and Consciousness: The ·to help humans-to give us Case for Nonhuman Intervention · good information," says Von ·Throughout the Ages" believes Ward of the visitors he calls ABs mated with early humans ·~s." "Some continue to try to to advance the development of · manipulate humans for their own the species. And he thinks they ends. And for some, I think it's remained intimately. involved just plain observation, like our with mankind until their own anthropologists and biologists squabbling forced them to leave study other species - just to see Earth --or to be less open in what's happening with us." · their presence. here. If Von W<Jrd's theories are "I think the significant sto· ested in parapsychology, pre ry is not that there are a few cognition, telepathy - things UFOs or a few aliens around, outside both the religious but that they have always. perspective and the academ been here," says Von Ward, ic perspective," he says. "I who will speak April 14-16 at dropped out of grad school the 18th annual Ozark UFO in the mid.dle of my doctoral Conference in Eureka Springs. program to go into the Navy "It's all part of the natural uni and get a different perspective verse we ought to be study· for myself. ing." "The more I traveled and Von Ward might seem the worked in different parts of least likely proponent of a the world, the more I discov· theory that elevates alien ered that humans around the visitors to the status of gods. world see reality i.n many dif He started graduate school as ferent ways," Von Ward goes a Southern BaiJtist minister on. who wanted to combine a ca "So my comfortable South reer in religion and psychol ern upbringing was pretty ogy "to be helpful to young much shattered. And once people." you break Humpty Dumpty, But, he counters, he was you can't put him back to· always interested in the big . gether again." metaphysical questions: Who Von Ward admits he did are we? How did we get here? have his own experiences - . PHOTO COURTESY OF PAUL VON WAAD What are we doing here? "I don't call them paranormal, Paul Von Ward earned graduate degrees in public administra.tion and psychology, "In graduate school, !.be served in thl:! Li.S. Navy and in the U.S. Foreign Service and was the founding chief executive of 4 (continued on psge 5) came more and more inter- Delphi International. He'll speak next weekend at the Ozark UFO Conference in Eureka Springs. (continued from psge 4 -MORNING NEWS, Rogers, AR -April 7, 2006) I call them natural"-and he tact. My hypothesis, which is that had grown up aro~nd the "If you look at every culture - whether it's the was reminded by his parents not unique to me, is that the J\Bs W~ted to keep thelr P?W· Genesis story in-the Hebrew tradition Sumarian of visits from ABs-beings he gods, for their own reasons, cr and mfluence. So they JUSt .. . . ' . . called "Woke" and "Wokem" pulled back from direct rule kept saying the gods would lc reation myths m Mesopotamia, the Hmdu stones of - when he was a child. But of humans about 4,000 years come ba7k." the gods shaping human life - around the world, it's it was study of world cultures ago. . He. thmks they do, regu- · · . that convinced rum that "hu "If you look back into Mid- IariY. . · . the same story. Betngs more advanced than humans mans have been impacted by die Eastern history, about "Re~lity is not what. . t.hey came down from the sky and created life." ABs from the beginning." 2,000 years B.C., you se·e the teach m school or the way we "If you look at every culture decline of all the city-states,'' talk abou~ it in churcll," he ·. PAUL VON WARD, Author - whether it's the Genesis he goes on. "Conventional his- says. . we story in the Hebrew tradition, torians call this peri.od from "When we tell the st~ry. Sumarian creation myths in about 1500 B.C. to about· 500 need to take into account all Mesopotamia·, the Hindu st6· A.D. 'the dark ages of Meso- of these pieces." ries of the gods shaping hu potamia.' All of those civili- Dan Bogey, writing for Fore- man life - around the world, zations deteriorated because Word magazine, agrees. it's the same story," he says. the gods who had been keep- "Whether or .not one be· "Beings more advanced' than ing everything in order left- lieves that .'advanced beings~ humans came down from the the same thing that happens even exist, let alone play a sky and created life." in developing countries when vital part in human evolu- Other stories refer to the the more advanced society tion, 'Gods, Genes, and C~n- time when th~ Hgods" Jived pulls out." sciousness' will prove to be a on Earth with man. "Then," However, says Von Ward, thought-provoking ... interpr~- says Von Ward, "'the stories "the kings who had been given tation of human events." stop talking about direct con- authority and the priesthoods CD 0 0 N - ,....~ (z.) ci ·c: u0; eCI,S w t: UJ N < e, z Gazette photos by John Clark 0 UFO expert George Fawcett of Lincolnton sits In his home office talking about his years of research on the subject. t; Below is one of many file cabinets full of documents that F~wcett has gathered on the subject of UFOs. < e, UFO sightings . John Clark/The Gazette Seen Is a copy of the second book written by UFO expert George Fawcett <>f Uncolnton. Lincolnton man spends years documenting activity crackpot. I think having a sense head ·rests on a nearby shelf · you of humor helps." with a small pile of books about :a~=~:tt~!~~:r f i.i;~·~ What do Fawcett's dedication to UFO UFOs, including two that he think? research has also brought him wrote and published. UNCOLNTON -Anewspa- f--~-._1) opportunities. He's met with as- At another corller, Fawcett per headline caught George tronauts and lectured to many has covered a wall with memo Fawcett's eye at age 15. Do you think the government groups about his findings. ries. Many of the pictures show "Silver Balls Floating in Air has kept any secrets In regard Fawcett held positions as a him and his twin brother in Nazi's Newest War Device" to UFOs? newspaperman and YMCA di, sports uniforms with the rest of detailed what people thought See Page 28 for details on how . rector but continued research- the Mount Airy sports teams. was a German weapon during · to submit Feedback on this Issue. ing UFOs, filing information His original World War II clip World War II. . about reports into labeled fold- ping rests in a s.mall black we"rIen s1e9e4n4 ,o UveFrO tsh e~ vwearr fPraornits . ~=·, Want more? ers".I used to have 35 filing cabi- flirnaem Fea wancdet ta's fUewFO p alaccqoumesp loisuht- "'I by soldiers on both sides of .. George Fawcett's latest nets and 30 of them ·went to ments - honorary board mem the war," said Fawcett, 76. ~f book about UFOs _ Roswell," Fawcett said. ber of the.Roswell Museum and "That's probably how I got Many of Fawcett's records Research Center and founder started being Curious George "Human Reactions to UFos·and of UFO land.'' UFOnauts Worldwide 1940- were shipped to. the Roswell · of the Mutual UFO Network of Museum and Research Center North Carolina. With his interest in UFOs 1983" -can be purchased by as space in his home dimin- Fawcett still receives reports peaked, Fawcett began keep- calling Fawcett at (704) 735· ished. In 1998, he sent his from people who claim to have ing track of sightings and re- 5725 or by stopplhg by or writing 20,000-item Sauceriana Collec- seen a UFO. ports. He may have re- to 602 Battleground Road, Lin tion of scrapbooks, photo- "If you give people a chance searched thousands of UFO colnton, N.C. 28092. Books cost $10 each with $2 added for ship- graphs of strange phenomena, to tell their· story wjthout ping and handling: bulletins, magazine articles, ridicule, you'll get the facts," newspaper clippings, and nu- Fawcett said. "It's not jumping reports, but Fawcett said he's one else on campus reported merous books to the museum. on the band wagon. It's finding only seen one UFO. That inci seeing a UFO, but reports from What records he still has re- someone you can tell about it.'' dent occurred in 1951, while he nearby towns and throughout main in gray filing cabinets Fawcett may have slowed was studying at Lynchburg Col Virginia emerged soon after. that rest against the far wall in down, but he said it's too hard lege in Virginia. Fawcett maintains that what Fawcett's den. Magnets con- to stop researching a topic "As I walked around the cam he saw was a UFO. . taining sayings about UFOs that's held his interest for more pus, I looked toward the Lynch "I've seen lights at night, cover the cabinets and give an than 60 years. burg administration building. I which could be anything," he indication about the drawers' "'If I had to do my life over saw what first looked like an ; ·said. "I've seen balloons and contents. ·again, I'd do it again," Fawcett or{lnge globe," Fawcett re-. rockets." On top of the drawers, .Faw- said. "I have l)o regrets." called. "I was able to see under': Researching and speaking cett has poster boards with pic- ·You can reach Amanda Millard closer observation that it was about UFOs sometimes means tures of UFOs. A :green alien at (704) 869-1839. brilliant ·orange against· the not being taken seriously, Faw dark blue sky. It began to move cett said. That doesn't seem to 5 up and down like a yo-yo ona bother bini . string.'' . . . "In the early age, you had a .The object took off at a 45-de lotof ridicule," Fawcett said. gree angle, Fawcett said. No "I've been called a;:-,kook and a ..: Q) > as Q) I:D u) w ~ ~ 0 (.) a; w > cc w I:D The chase begins Dispatcher Bob Wilson confirmed similar sight A half-football shape(\ metal object ings had begun pouring in from residents near the down an intense cone of light. It was about the s1ze In the final full hour of darkness on the clear, Mogadore Reservoir outside Akron and from six or of a three-bedroom ranch house hovering about 100 .mild morning of April 17, 1966, Portage County; seven police departments in Portage County and feet off the ground: Ohio, Deputy Sheriff Dale Spaur; 35, radioed a dis neighboring Summit County. · A thought flashed thro.Qgh Panzanella's head .at patcher to report a remarkable sight - ~ huge sil "Shoot it," advised Wilson, prompting Spaur to the sight: I'm gonna prefend I didn't see th1s; ver object hovering 50·t o 100 feet above the ground. warily draw his gun before desk Sgt. Henry ·shoen nobody will believe me. , Spaur had been driving Car 13, with sheriff's felt got on the radio worried the object might be a ·But that option vanished as two patrol cars came .deputy W.L. "Barney" Neff, on a routine patrol of weather balloon. He ordered Spaur to lower his racing southward on Route 65, smoke pouring from Route 224, near the rural town of Randolph, east of weapon and keep the object under surveillance the balding tires of one car. They squealed to a halt Akron. until another officer could arrive with a camera. beside the two gas .pumps next to Panzanella. Shortly after 5 a.m., they had pulled over to The UFO started to soar eastward, so Spaur slid Three Ohio lawmen jumped out Do you see that, investigate a~ abandoned red car. Examining the behind the wheel, and Neff piled into the passen they excitedly asked Panzanella. He said, "See 1959 Ford, Spaur noticed walkie-talkies on the seat ger seat. what?" Then he reluctantly admitted he did indeed and on the outside was painted a triangle-and-light · The deputies began their pursuit seeit. . ning bolt emblem with the words "Seven Steps to An April 18, 1966, front-page article in The We've been chasing it for 86 miles, the lawmen Hell." Times, and testimony Spaur and Neff gave to an Air told him. Their pursuit started near Akron. ~t Moments later, Spaur heard a loud hum, much Force official a month later, provide the following times they were rocketing up to 100 mph, they sa1d, like an electrical transformer. Turning around, he . account: and the thing seemed to be leading them along. spotted a flying object rising from the tree line. : · · The object accelerated quickly, and .soon the · The story they would tell is probably wh~t Neff, too, was out of the patrol car, and the two men deputies were speeding 85 mph southeastward on inspired the nighttime police chase scene m stood frozen as they watched the approaching rural Route 14 in Ohio to keep pace. Steven Spielberg's blockbuster movie "Close object, which they later estimated to be 40 to 50 feet "Spaur said. the object didn't make any attempt EnIcto wuonuteldrs loefa tdh eto T UhiFrdO Kiinnfadm.'~ y, another ·i n a long lonTgo apnpde d2 0b fye eat dhoigmh.e with wh. at looked. . like a pro taolm goestt aaws aify i,t ~knnedw i ti tf,"o lTloimweesd r ethpeo rmtear iTno mhi gShcwhlaeyy line of government denials. · truding antenna, the object flew directly above wrote. The decision to chase the object from Akron to them, beaming a cone-shaped shaft of white light so Having heard Spaur's radio dispatches, East Conway also would. dramatically affect the Ohio intense it made the deputies' eyes water. Spaur Palestine patrolman Wayne Huston was ready men's lives and possibly cause one to suffer a looked at his hands and clothes to make sure they when the chase crossed Columbiana County. Spot breakdown. weren't burning. · :ting the object 800 feet in the sky;Huston joined the But Panzanella, now 73, still believes. After nearly a minute of standing motionless in pursuit, following Spaur's car as the chase crossed "Whatever we saw, the government didn't want disbelief, the deputies snapped to their senses, into Pennsylvania down Route 51 through Darling- 6 people to know about it," Panzanella said. "They sprinted to their car and radioed a dispatch center ton and Chippewa townships. Both drivers clocked bad to cover it up," . · .in the Po~age County seat of Ravenna. the flying object at 103 mph. (continued on page 7) (continued from page 6 - BEAVER CO. TIMES, Beaver, PA - April 16, 2006) . NATIONAt...INVE$TIGATIONS C _<).MMITTEE ..-...:~. ON..\ A~:E. R. IAL; PHE.N OMENA WAS~INGTON, D. C. 200SIS AOMtlflft1lAnv& omc&et :,..•.$. ., : . ,.,. COHHII:c:TlC:U'I' AVL H. W. SKETCHING THEIR SUBJECT Descriptions of the Dale Spaur and William Neff draw· ing of the UFO:. ·.·:.·· 1. Projection, tilted frpm the rear (trailing edge) 18 feet . long, tapered to tip 2. Dome-shaped top; partly metallic, partly self·llluml· nated 3. Glowing front (leadjng edge) 4. Cone·shaped light under· . t'.• , neath 5. Glowing tip of trailing edge 6. Metallic surface. 7. Sharp "drop-off" (Neff disagrees; remembers more rounded here) 8. Rounded "undercarriage" 9. Line separating metallic .~ .· "" . ·~ from self-Illuminated portion SPAUR HUSTON PANZANELLA The patrol cars got stuck behind slow-moving -ing lights from a low-flying jet. Fearing a plane. ·flying object, which the men then estimated to be trucks near the Bradys Run Park entrance, and the crash, he did aU-turn toward Route 65, pulling into 3,500 feet high. Spaur and Panzanella said they lawmen didn't see the flying object again until they the Atlantic station where he watched, in bewilder heard chatter on a police radio indicating military reached Bridgewater. -ment,. as the brightly lit object hovered above the pilots were chasing the craft. Interviewed later, Spaur said it was as if the Northern Lights shopping center parking lot. · Police officers in Salem, Ohio, later reported object had waited for the officers above Rochester, · "I rubbed my eyes three or four times but didn't they, too, had monitored radio reports of jets chas allowing them to catch up and continue the chase. say anything to anyone for the time being," Pan ing a bright object toward Beaver County. . By 6:25 a.m. the chase had reached Conway. The :zimella later told investigators. · . . But Air Force officials later insisted that no mili sherifrs car was running on fumes and balding Told by the Ohio men ofthe high-speed chase, tary planes had been dispatched. .tires, so Spaur screeched into an Atlantic service Panzanella radioed a police dispatcher in Standing shoulder-to-shouldet in Conway, Spaur, station, where the deputies encountered Panzanel -Rochester and asked him to notify the Greater Neff, Panzanella and Huston saw a plane they la, the Conway policeman. .Pittsburgh Airport tower in Moon Township. By assumed had taken off from Greater Pitt fly about With his shift nearly over, Panzanella, 33, had that time, the Ravenna, Ohio, dispatcher also had 1,000 feet directly below the unidentified flying 7 decided to take one more lap through town. Climb· contacted a Youngstown airport. object. ing 11th Street Hill, he spotted a strange light in his The police officers and deputies watched what (continued on page 8) rear-view mirror, which he suspected was the land- appeared to be fighter jets soaring to intercept the (continued from page 7 • BEAVER CO. TIMES, Beaver, PA - April 16, 2006) . . The Tlmes/SALL Y MAXSON FORMER ECONOMY POLICEMAN FRANK PANZANELLA stands In the spot where he saw the.UFO 40 years ago. In 1966, the land was the site of the Atlantic gas station. Now, It's the site of Red Cap Cleaners on Route 65 In Conway. · Meanwhile, piqued by Panzanella's radio report, UFO claim·, U.S. Rep. William Stanton of Steven Spielberg to be the technical adviser for the Economy policeman Henry Kwiatanowski drove to Painesville, Ohio, demanded the Air Force conduct same-named movie that includes an Indiana-to a hillside vantage point along Route 989 near a more thorough investigation. Ohio police chase scene said to have been inspired Shafer Road to see what was happening. . So 'Quintanilla came to the Portage CountY Court by the Ohio-to-:conway chase 11 years earlier. Kwiatanowski spotted two commercial jets house on May 10, and with a Norelco reel-to-reel Meanwhile, Spaur and Neff bristled at Quintanil trailed by a "squashed football-shaped" UFO, as he tape recorder rolling, interviewed Spaur and Neff. la's ruling. later told investigators in a typed report. Also present were Sheriff Dustman, radio dispatch "He seemed to have his mind made up before he Spaur, Neff, ·Panzanella, · Huston and -er Wilson, Times reporter Schley, Ravenna news got here," Spaur said after the interview. "I don't Kwiatanowski - five men representing four law paper reporter Carol Clapp, and William Weitzel, believe for an instant that I was following Venus." enforcement agencies-watched moments later as . of an independent, Washington D.C.-based UFO But the deputies soon piped down, as did the the UFO rose straight up and out ofsighl ' investigation agency, the· National Investigations other witnesses. "The last I saw it, it was the size of a pencil eras Committee on Aerial Phenomena. Their lives would never again be the same. er," Panzanella said. "It shot straight up in the air The recording of that hour-plus interview, later Aftermath and that was the end of it." ' put on cassette tape, is available from the Mary Only one of them would ever claim to see it land-based Fund for UFO Research. Six months after the April 17, 1966, sighting, the again. · Throughout that recording, Spaur and Neff Akron Beacon Journal published a story showing sound lucid,. displaying moments of self-deprecat the heavy emotional toll suffered by the. Ohio wit lnvestiQatlon nesses as public support turned to skepticism and ing humor, but remaining firm in their belief that The incident made national headlines, coming what they saw was no satellite or planet. then ridicule. several weeks after a series ·of UFO sightings in At the beginning, everyone but Quintanilla and Portage County Sheriff's Deputy Neff refused to Michigan (and 18 days after the Pentagon and U.S. the lawmen are asked to leave the room as the be interviewed. His wife said he had stopped talk Defense Secretary Robert McNamara felt com deputies recount their story. Spaur chuckles and ing about the incident because he was tired of peo pelled to issue a formal statement saying there says, "You're not going to believe it ... The thing ple poking fun at him. weren't any flying saucers. · : was like a three-bedroom ranch house.'' Also reluctant to talk was Buchert, the Mantua As they did in Michigan, federal offi-cials with But the mood grows tenser and Quintanilla sticks police chief, who tried to play down the incident to held comment initially. Then a few days later, with to his stance that the lawmen initially had spotted the Akron reporter. . out visiting the Portage-to-Conway chase route, an a routine satellite, and in the course of their chase Shortly after the UFO sighting, Wayne Huston, a Air Force leader announced his investigation had bad mistaken Venus for a flying object ·seven-year veteran of the East Palestine police concluded the skyward object clearly was not visi-. "I know damn well I wasn't chasing a satellite," .force, turned in his badge, changed his name to tors from outer space. Spaur, a former Air Force gunner, says. Harold Huston and moved to Seattle to drive a bus. From his desk at Wright-Patterson Air Force As the interview formally ends, Weitzel, the UFO "Sure I quit because of that," Huston said. "Peo Base near Dayton, Ohio, Maj. Hector Quintanilla, investigator, is let back into the room. With the tape ple laughed at me, and there was pressure .... You head of Project Blue Book, the government's UFO still rolling, Weitzel, a Pittsburgher who nine couldn't put your finget· on it, but the pressure was investigation agency, said the deputies must have months earlier investigated a UFO.sighting in there. The city officials didn't like police officers been chasing a routine satellite, or due to an opti• Brighton Township, implores Quintanilla to recon chasing flying saucers.'' cal illusion caused by "atmospheric conditions" sider the evidence. No one was more emotionally damaged than had mistaken the planet Venus for a flying object. "You seem to be skeptical about the physical Portage County Sheriff's Deputy Spaur, the. driver Nonsense, said Spaur and Neff, .who insisted to reality of unidentified flying objects," Weitzel says. of the lead chase car, whose marriage and career crumbled. reporter!! the flying object had moved vertically "I'm not skeptical about anything," Quintanilla Two months after the sighting, Spaur was on and horizontally in a way a satellite simply could- says. "I .look at people's statements and the infor n't. . mation that is given to me." another routine patrol when he looked up into the Portage County Sheriff Ron Dustman supported Quintanilla revealed that Project Blue Book list nighttime sky and saw it again. Radioing the dis dheisn tms aelns,o r heamdi nre~pionrgt eQdu sienetianngi lsltara tnhgaet lmighantsy i nr e·tshie ceodn mveonreti o'thnaaill .o1b0j,2e0c0ts c aanseds noaft "umrails ipnhteenrpormeteantiao"n dsa ot f paFtclhoeyrd, hwea ws hthisep ecroedde, "nFalmoyed t'sh hee srhee wriifthf' sm dee."p art sky. ing to 1947. ment had come up with if someone saw a UFO . again, but didn't want to alarm citizens listening to Gerald Buchert, the police chief in Mantua, Oh:io, "Do you think there is any common denominator hoped to verify his fellow officers' claims with among the reports?" Weitzel asks. police scanners. Feeling Floyd's presence above his patrol car, ~mhgre. e photographs he snapped that Apr.i l17 mor.n - no" pNaor,a ltlheelr we hiastns'ot,e"v Qeru.'i' ntanilla replies. "There is Spaur pulled over and lit a cigarette. He stared at the floorboard, reluctant to look out the window. His photos turned out to be overexposed, except As Weitzel continues his pointed questioning, After 15 minutes, he warily looked skyward, con for one that showed a dark, disc-shaped object sur Quintanilla says, "Look, young fella, ·I'm finished rounded by a ring of light to the right of the cres with you," before leaving the room. · cluded the UFO was gone, and drove away, this cent-shaped moon. Buchert offered his film to the "It is incredible to me that anyone familiar with time not in pursuit. Four months after that second sighting. newspa Cl~veland FBI, which forwarded him to Quintanil the details of the sighting could believe Maj. Quin pers nationwide published the Akron article writ la m Dayton. At Quintanilla's insistence, Buchert tanilla's explanation," W.eitzel, a philosophy ten by John de Groot, a. future Pulitzet· Prize-win sent the negatives to the Dayton air base, where instructor at the University ofPittsburgh~Bradford, ner for his coverage of the Kent State shootings. De Project Blue Book was opened in 1952. later wrote in his NICAP report. "He either reject Quintanilla wasn't swayed by the evidence, writ ed or ignored portions of the testimony, which Groot described Spaur as alone and bitter, subsid ing that Buchert's film was "severely fogged" and make a satellite-Venus explanation ridiculous." . ing on cereal and sandwiches in a Solon, Ohio, motel. Having left the police force, Spaur had lost the disc-shaped dot was a processing·defect . Weitzel' included testimony from North Buchert still believed he saw a UFO, comment western University astronomer J. Allen Hynek, 40 pounds and had to walk three miles to his painter's job. ing to the Cleveland Plain Dealer newspaper ."1 who said Venus had risen at 3:35am. that day, and Spaur said he often awoke in a sweat, reeling feel like an idiot saying this, (but) it looked lik~ a thus would have been too high in the sky to have saucer, like two taTbalpee dsa tuecsetrims pounty t ogether.'' beHeny nmeiks,t afkoeunn dfoerr ao ffl ytihneg Csaeuncteerr. for UF.O Studies · sfraoi"dmM. yn"E igevhnettrmiyrtaehr ielnsigf te hc hactaa nrmegleei vdce. rdIa tsshthialiltn dAgo pdnroi'tlw r1ne7a, m"ll yoS rpknnainouwgr., 8 and the man who coined the phrase "close encoun With the public sniffing a government cover-up, ters of the third kind" to describe human contact (continued on page 9) and the law enforcement witnesses sticking to their with space aliens, was hired in 1977 by filmmaker (continued from page 8 - BEAVER CO. TIMES, Beaver, PA - April 16, 2006) what happened, but suddenly it was as though everybody owned me." Unsolicited letters from around the world arrived at his house. Some offered advice on what to do if space aliens tried to contact him; others urged him tostay away from flying saucers. that he did," Harry said. "But he.w as glad when the In late. 1966, Weitzel, the NICAP investigator Spaur's wife, Daneise, a waitress, said he was incident was over." assigned to the case, de~ivered his final report to never the same after the sighting and chase. . That leaves just the two Beaver County police his Washington, D.C., supervisor, Richard Hall. "He came home that -day, and I never saw him witnesses who don't mind sharing their memories. "I personally hand-carried a copy of Weitzel's more frightened," she told the Akron newspaper. They'll talk very thick and extremely well-documented report "He acted strange, listless. H~ just sat around. He to Dr. Edward Condon," Hall recalled last month. was very pale. Then later, he got z:eal nervous. And "I remember it pretty clearly," said KwiatanQws Condon, a scientist, was in charge of a UFO study he started to run away. He'd just disappear for days ki, 62, the former Economy policeman. "I saw a jet . conducted by the University of Colorado under the and days. I wouldn't see him. . plane and something behind it that was shiny." sponsorship of the Air Force. . "Our marriage fell apart. All sorts of people For Kwiatanowski; whose name didn't make the "Years later, I learned to my astonishment that came to the bouse, investigators, reporters. They initial newspaper accounts, the matter soon died he never turned over the case to his staff, and it kept him up all .night. They kept after him, hound-. down, though not until he endured several weeks gathered dust in his personal files,'' Hall said. ing him, and he changed,'' she said. . ofrazzint Ahd so when the Air Force turned the Colorado Spaur reached his ·emotional breaking point on ''There were some people then whp were a little· report over to Congress, the Ohio-to-Conway inci another night soon after, ~hen he returned horne sarcastic, who thought you were a nut when that dent wasn't mentioned. after an unannounced absence and allegedly first carne out," said Kwiatanowski, who later left "Maj. Hector Quintanilla tried to pass it off as a grabbed Daneise and began shaking her violently, police work for a railroad job, from which he's sighting of the planet Venus and an earth satellite, de.eply bruising her arms. She filed assault-and semiretired. which was quite prep.osterous," said Hall, who battery charges, and Spaur was thrown into jail, Forty years later, he still isn't sure what he saw wrote "The UFO Evidence, Vol. II; A Thirty-Year which became a big story in their small town. . in the sky. · · Report," published in 2001. "I think he may have The day he entered jail, Spaur turned in his "You could have told me it was anything. It could changed it to an unexplained C8$e later on." badge. have been another plane, I don't know," According to the files of a leading UFO In one of his last known interviews, with de Kwiatanowski said. researcher, Brad SparkS, the -Air Force ultimately Groot, Spaur expressed regret about the morning Yes, he said, it could have been a UFO. did categorize the case as "unexplained" and prob of April17, 1966. · "We've always wondered that," said Kwiatanows ably left it at that, Hall said. "I have done in my life. To everyone I am Dale ki. "Everybody has wondered ·about that" · Project Blue Book files would show the final sta Spaur, the nut who chased a flying saucer," he said. With amazement and a touch of amusement, Pan tus of the incident, Hall said. A few nionths after the sighting, Spaur's father zanella, the former Conway policeman, has thought But trying to get someone to share Project Blue ended years of silence between the two feuding a lot about the incident lately, now that his grand Book details isn't eaSy. men by telephoning his son. daughter Sarah is mesmerized by the story. 'The feds closed Project Blue Book in 1972, end "Do you think he called me ·to ask how I was?" Now 73 ye~rs old and a shuttle driver for Friend ing at least publicly the Air Force's role as a UFO Spaur said. "To say, I love you, son? To see if I ship Ridge nursing home, Panzanella said a UFO investigation agency. . wanted to go fishing or something? Hell no, he remains the best possible explanation. Representatives of the U.S. Air Force Historical wanted to know if I'd seen any more flying "I still think it was something from out there," he Research Agency contactrd last month said docu saucers." said. "It's got to oe. . . . ments from Project BI)Je Book are kept at the Spaur tried finding solace by going to a new • ''Unless one of the other countries had some National Archives and Records Agency, though two church. thing we didn't know about," he said. "We weren't representatives at that agency said they couldn't · "The minister introduced me to the congregation sitting too good with Russia then." confirm the status of the case, ultimately transfer (by sayiilg), 'We have the man who chased a flying ·The weeks after the incident were chaotic, Pan- ring a reporter's phone call to a third person who saucer with us today,' " Spaur said. ·zanella recalled. · never returned the call. Reflecting on the troubled path his life had Strangers tel'entlessly tracked him.' down, even · "Getting someone from the government to talkis taken after the UFO sighting, Spaur said, "I would calling his unlisted phone number tO ask him about almost impossible," said Leslie Kean, an inve&tiga change just one thing, and that would be the night the UFO. Two nuns from Philadelphia mailed him tive reporter who, backed by cable's Sci-J1~i Chan we chased that damn thing. That saucer." · a pin bearing a message that the Lord would take nel, sued NASA under the Freedom of Information 40 years later care of him. He wore it inside his police jacket. Act to see files on a UFO sighting Dec. 9, 1965, in Air Force investigators came to his home in Mount Pleasant, Westmoreland County. Spaur lived reclusi.vely in subsequent decades. Ambridge twice to interview him. The second visit NASA maintains the "fireball" that dozens of A great-nephew, Jody Spaur of Portage County,. occurred; unannounced, at 2 a.m., with uniformed · witnesses spotted that night was a remnant of a confirmed two months ago that Dale Spaur moved Air Force otlicials pounding on the door. Russian satellite that disintegrated after re-enter to West Virginia a few years ago and dropped out of ''I said, 'Why did you come here to ask me these ing the atmosphere. But official documents from contact with family members. questions again?'" said Panzanella, who by that that investigation were lost in the 1990s, NASA "He is in poor health," said Michael Nelson; a time felt the government owed him some answers. claims. · former Portage County sheritrs deputy writing a· · Panzanella thinks they picked a time when he As for the Conway sighting, Kean speculated the book on the incident .Nelson contacted Spaur last would be asleep, hoping he would groggily change Air Force proclaimed that matter dead after Quin week, but Spaur refused to publicly comment ~m his statement, which he never did. · tanilla's ruling, or once the University of Colorado-· the incident. And while he long ago stopped being bitter Air Force report didn't list il "Dale will not speak directly with the media,'' about the government's skepticism, he said, "I wish UFO investigators claim that Air Force report Nelson said. "He was not dealt a kind hand by the heck I could have found out more." "was a totally bogus thing" anyway, designed from newspapers in the p_ast" Like the Ohio deputies, Panzanella endured the onset to debunk UFO theories, Kean said. If.Dale Spaur wanted to vanish from public life, teasing, primarily from fellow policemen. But they In the first few years after Project Blue .Book he achieved his goal. · also told him they believed him. ceased, UFO sightings continued to crop up nation · Neff, too, keeps a low profile in northern Flori Weeks after the incident, Panzanella tried to ally, including a six-month span from 1973 to 1974 da. contact Spaur at the Portage County sheriffs office, that included separate sightings in Center Town "He's out in the pasture righf now," said his wife, · but the sergeant there sounded reluctant to leave ship, Ohioville and West Miff1in. Gradually; the answering the phone a few months ago. "I'll tell the message, so Panzanella gave up, and never phenomenon faded away, and recent years have him you called, but he probably won't. want to talk spoke again to Spaur. · been devoid of similar reports . . about that," she said of the UFO incident. "When But he still thinks about Spaur and feels sorry "The UFO sightings may have appeared to slow that came out, he went through a lot of ridicule.". for him. down," Seese said, "but these may only be reporte<l Indeed, Neff never returned a phone message. "He cracked up," said Panzanella, who many . sightings. As a general rule, most peopl.e do not The Cleveland Scene, an alternative weekly, years ago refused to be interviewed for a book report what they observe. also failed two years ago to contact Spaur or to get about the incident because the author didn't plan "According to veteran UFO researcher Paul Neff and Huston to share their thoughts on the to give any book proceeds to Spaur. Johnson, the Internet changed the way people UFO sighting. . "I said if you can't give him some of the money, report their sightings,'' Seese said. "When I left Ohio, I got away 'from it all,'' Neff then I'm not going to do it," Panzanella said. · "Instead of contacting the state police or local told the Scene. "I just want to forget.". · Panzanella speculates that'the razzing became researchers, they can now send their rep01t direct Huston, the East Palestine officer, said, "The too much for Spaur to handle. ly to the Internet and remain anonymous and not chief of police and I didn't get along, (and the inci "Some people can't take it," Panzanella said. have to deal face to face with an investigator Ini dent) didn't help. I really don't want to go further "They ~ke it to heart, and in his case, he cracked." tially.'' than that." So what happened? The Internet certainly has kept the Conway-to- Huston has since died. Portage incident alive. Quintanilla, the lead Air Force investigator, died As far as the federal government is concerned, Dozens of sites, many suspecting a government in 1997 alter a golf cmt accident. . the incident is over and done: cover-up, recount the morning of April 17, 1966. Buchert was still the Mantua police chief in 1986 "The case was closed and never reopened," said Meanwhile, the men who saw the flying object. when he died from a brain aneurysm. His son, Brian Seese, a paranormal researcher from are left with their own unique perspectives. Harry, took over the post. and keeps a scrapbook of Hopewell Township, who includes the incident in . "I don't know what I would have done it if had accounts from that Aprill7, 1966, incident. his new book, "Unexplained Evet1ts in Beaver landed," Panzanella said. "I don't know if I would "He bel'ieved he saw a UFO, and always clainied County." have run or not." · JOURNAL NEWS, Yonkers, NY - April 9, 2006 CR: P. Greco For UFO believers, things are always looking up 'D1ey are true believers. If byists, meet to swap stories, ex : ·· fine.' I'd want to see it again and you're receptive, they'll gladly · change infmmation and, perhaps .lf;:yo.J1~go again and again until the main wpthreeeJirauredcs.h t"o dpthoenne i'tng hgoo smopetu lsa inocdf o "fiw m'Thithaatet'es T otwhuie t RPheiils man etmshaaeogc sheut, n oibimtvhuepetr et'"e'aW niuste n, t dhalereener d glyn rioosnuutg ppa pl'isodo nemreat e itsions TtmhtE1o!e n:f.~tihrFs 6ta. WrJ'~6:eo3ud6ni.l~e;.tjsia.d"fbial1y~e o amtt~. etehviee sry · Asattnr Ttedha reIam 'dvs eawprmsra eetn sattsl iksm osg'e's e pUthoFewO em rt aeflaskisl waugrietehs. light Zone." TI1ey've heard all the that you are not alone in believing Grh1ton·I.~Will por$f.{on cen a TV evangelist's zeal. He comes jokes before. It's the tiresome it. tral AVenUe In Xpnkers~ anned with a notebook crammed ridicule that makes them cautious, A woman gave an account of an with facts and data. He shares with even a bit resentful. only-e.g., "Hi, I'm Phi~ and I am unidentified flying object that she doubters and debunlters. many an abiding frustration that TI1at explains why a gathering here because I believe there is life saw hovering over Yonlters at the government has been actively ·pf the UFO Roundtable on a re on other planets and that extrater night. The sighting frightened · Dan Travers, who lives in Mon engaged in covering up the.e xis· ~ent evening at first seemed, well, · restrials are visiting us in space her, she said. Everyone listened to trose and is one of the roundtable tence of visitors.irom outer space like a meeting of Alcoholics ships." her story with rapt attention, organizers, enthusiastically seized since 1947, when a mysterious air ~soo npeyompoleu sw.h No oct aam feew t oo f ath ceo 2n0fe orr moLneitk'se rf atoc es uIct.h Aa tbtaoclhdi nagss ear tifoulnl tthhiosu oguht saifdteerr ath waht wileh iatt ssohuen adcetdu atlo on "tYhoeu w soaimd ayno'su sdtiodrny'.t want to see TcrI1aef ts tcorrays thheadt iti nw aRs oosnwlye lal, wNea.Mth . 9 ence room at ti1e Grinton I. Will U takes a certain amount of courage ly observed was a commercial ~t again," he began excitedly. "If I er balloon is derided by the UFO hYatY in Yonkers introduced in a skeptical world. . blimp. saw it, I'd say, 'OK, boys and girls, (continued on page 10) thell1Selves With. their first names The UFO afficionados, or hob- · But this wasn't a meeting for a few more times would be just (continued from psge 9-JOURNAL NEWS, Yonkers, NY-AprU 9, 2006) · ~{,~~~e'i~iJ,Itf~t ~,;'p~!:: ~p:~:~~~s~ Sept.m 9,a 2n0 04, posting fronia:Peek- t ;. .. . ••··. .. . , ;, . . . skill who ~estified to se~J#~.a {hobbYJ.stS."!pe~ener~~~e~ryfo; the'·galaxy? Y9u never-hear~ it Sometime_$·'pictures donldo jus- "metallic/ silver/red" objedJhS.t :;~ec~yeruplstha.tthepub¥ccan t frcitn·me and you.neyerwilV' r~ · · tice to UlfOs, or so I'veb~en told. flew over Annesville Creek/Not· ;handle the truth of the ~stence All·week Travers has been'· e- EspedWly c~rious was: a Video ing,.the· proximity .to the Indiah ;o f ~igher life forms and w~uld mailing me long files of evid~hc¢ tap~ brought by Paul Grecco,a47- Pofrit nuClear· power plants, fie paruc, but ~ravers has a lq~g list of t~ support his be~efs, much of it year~old .a rtist and roundtable c:oncluded, "I grew up in this area pther~oss1ble re,a~~ms. .. having to,,do with tile testimqhy of moderator Jro.m_ Yonker~. The and this place i~ and-always will b~ You get the feeling that Travers UFO witnesses whose accounts tape showed'a-series of purported -w~ird." ·. :is living for the day.whe~ the gov- - were gatherecf by .t he ~a-called UFO sightiiigs from arOund the . Gr~cco ~sn't sold on every ni ;~ent's alle~ep:sr,cr~C}" is;llii.ed ''l} Proje.ct,;~, ·a .ponprofit wotald ~'incl~qircit&a';tot ne~t~gyiew porled sighting. "It's .;so hard .tP ,,open so he fincillY·:can telHhe non- research·'effort thafwas· unveiled of $ttange· flfjn·g neat the kri:ow .:\vha:t to believe," he saiq. peli¢vers, "I told'y:ou so.". at a highlyattend~'d ptess confer- Worlp Tra:d~,t_'C:eiiter. t9wers. It "Even fdrme, I constap:tly go bac}< ~· There's simply =too rn~ch .e vi-. eilce ih Washii:igt:oti'; ·five years fotj~,:HtQrne~t~~~9 then and forth:With this sttif;f." :denc~, he and th¢ !:other.s of the ago. ,: · · ·. · shot qff into.jlie'di~taiic~:~tthe hy It m~y{pe possiblett):i{tt the UF~ toung~ble said, Too many credi- • 8~(he ~~ii~t the· only r9un~F persj>eed ()f;~¥jtl~o gcu);i~:asteroid. b¢lie~f#¢tor is directl.f::P.roportion ·~~~ ~m.~ss7s ~¢ astro~a~ts ahd tabl.¢ participant .wh;o generoti~ly Gr;e,cc();::~~t~ }he ~~w!/a UFO alto t.h~ anxietY tha(t.l}Jhg~ aren~t Ait Fotc;e pllots.;:$ometlu.ngi~ out · shar¢dihis materialst.i lAet the meet- whiledriVirig'ohthe FDRDrive on s()•'bofb.ere on Eartli~+Is it really the~e;If'~ not aU~the wild illpsions ing:;~ woman gave a stack.of June ~2f; 2001. It wasf.~Jarge or-. fltatcrazyto have fait;l(t;hat there's of ~ooks and dri1¥gies. Arictilot all UF<?··rii~es apd pf¥lted infor-: ange ,·:~disc sp,atted:<~t;, daylight something better outthere in the := oftt explaliled away:a.s bel- mation she downloaded from the above!~ome h4ildin}ts~':' :, v~'St universe? Thafqti~stion may m'an icopt~rs; · secret military aitcraft, Internet Ayoung harided nie .. "I .$9.Uldn'~ go asJar .~o say th~t b~'ariswered best witl{a=question. orbiting satellites, meteor show- a sealed erive1ope.#.~ntainitig three 1t was·a n .a lien spacecraft, but 1t 'f\t the roundtable~· a woman ers, Fuji blimps and balloons. . . compact disc recordfugs'~f the Fa- wash dee finitely something unusu- . from Yonkers introdiiced herself 14]Ust because we Eatjh people dio program~ ·"Coast to Coast~ al," saia. . . . with her full name. ·· 7 and· rm going to sa{tp}s until which explores·~ supernatural If the online Natihrial UFO Re- · ·.,"I'm Bernice Joseph,!' she said. I m put m the casket-don't have themes. porting Center is any guide, the "And I'm interested because ... the technology to go to otll¢r solar John 1o rdan, a .jovial resident of metropolitan region is a hotbed 6f who knows?" systems, that does not rrieii'n an- Mohegan Lak~) insisted I take a UFO='activity. It's filled' with eye of other species 'doesn't haVe the couple of photographs a UFO witness reports, some · of them Reach Phil·R eisman at technology to come beret Tra- he took Oll_Aug. 20, 1995. To rile more believable tlum others. [email protected] vers told the group. ' · the image' looked like ;a haimless A personal favorite of mine is a or 914-69~5008. ! UFO researcher STANDARD-EXAMINER, Ogden, UT-Feb. 4, 2006 .E xtraterrestrials may have taught humans brings campaign ~ First, I believe evolution, into the ocean. · not i.titelligentdesign, should The Bible said that when i to Northeast Ohio be taught in science classes. the sons and God came into An anomaly exists the daughters of men, they a. regarding the appearance of bore children unto them. < Chris Powell modern man and evolution. In the Church of Jesus 5I The Chronicle-Telegram Cro-Magnon was on earth· Christ o'f Latter-day Saints' for o.ver 50,000 years, yet he. text, "The Pearl of Great ci ·~ OBERLIN- UFOs are 'real, and the federal never progressed past stone Price," the claim is made that LLi government has spent trillions of dollars deny· tools and the bow and arrow. God dwells on a planet near ~ ing their existence, renowned Why? Because no one taught Kolob. · him writing, math, science, God and the sons of a: · Ufc'O researcher Richard Dolan § farming and astronomy. God who visited the earth said Saturday at Oberlin· Col· Then ?,ooo·to 10,000 and had children were ~ lege: years ago, men from other · extraterrestrial beings. They ~ "1'he reality of UFO$ is this: galaxies·or solar systems educated man and taught him u · They're real," Dolan said dur- began educating humans. science, farming, astronomy, ~ ing an afternoon speech to Clay tablets.f rom the United mathematics, etc. a::~:: about 125 people inside Oberlin Kingdom and Babylon stated Ponder this: When I visited (.) that people from the stars Australia last year, I saw College's Sqience Center. descended and taught the Aborigines who were doctors, Dolan "The problem with UFOs people. engineers and teachers. Yet, isn't that their existence is .. Hopi Indians claimed to 300 years ago, they were the classified because the government doesn't think have been taught by men most primitive people on we can handle it. The problem is they're· classi· descending from the sky. earth, living in the stone age. fled because of proprietary issues,'' Dolan said. ·Egyptians claim that men What took place? They Were came from the sea and taught taught! "They don't want us asking them, ·where's the them after their land sank Dennis J. Dalton money, where's the technology?' " .Ogden Dolan, who has extensively Scott Santa of Cuyahoga researched the topic, authoring · Falls agreed, and said more Dolan's book during a recent czar tells us," he said. ''Ameri the book uuFOs and the neoos to be done to educate the . class. cans have to wake up from National Security State: public. ••What I saw was completely their stupor and realize there's Chronology of a Coverup, 1941- "People need to be aware and unexplainable," he said of his value in challenging the norm. 1973," contends the federal gov seek out information on their sighting aboard a cruise. ''A lot Only when that happens will ernment has covered up the own," said Santa, a former U.S. of people have similar stories, the level of openness needed existence of UFOs and funded · Coast Guardsman who said he but no proof. You can make for such a disclosure occur." secret operations for the har spotted a UFO as a college stu- your own decisions about that, For more information about vesting of extraterrestrial dent. but I know what I saw and Dolan and the Cleveland Ufolo technology. uuros are all over the place, won't ever forget it." gy Project, which sponsored "UFOs-are the most highly day-to-day, county-to-county But many things must hap· his visit, visit www.key classified subject in the United and state-to-state," Santa said .. pen before the government will and States government, and the "This needs to be at the fore· make such a public statement, secrecy surrounding them has front of con:versation, not said Dolan a Rochester, N.Y., been the knives in our backs shelved as simple tabloid gig- resident who has befriended for decades," he said. ult's gle material." . . former astronauts, politicians something that needs to be Josh Rzepka, 21, a sen1or and scholars. brought into the mix and dis trumpet performance major uwe've basically forgotten 10 cussed, · not continually · who also says he spotted a our rights as Americans and sllericed by academia, the gov UFO, said he·d ecided to attend learned to just aceept.what the ernment and the media." the lecture after reading ·