NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE July 2005 Number 432 EDITOR/PUBLISHER: Lucius Farish • #2 Caney Valley Drive • Plumerville, AR 72127-8725 USA ing that a compass could detect radiation (it can't) Betty took a compass. out to the car, where she saw "a dozen or more shiny ·circles scattered on the surface of the trunk, each perfectly circular and about the size of a silver dollar." The compass did not move when placed on other areas of the car, but would spin wildly when placed on one of the shiny spots. That convinced the Hills that' something unusual had taken place and they filed a report of the UFO with Pease Air Force Base. Bettyan.dBarneyHiUandtheirDachshundDels,ey Tabloids played up the NBC-TV movie "The UFO which years later revealed with a drawing oft he spaceship that followed them Incident", which was based on the Hill's story of alien that its radar had ·regis: through Franconia Notch. abduction. tered an "unknown" at vir tually the same time that LONG BEFORE THE X-FILES, the Hills had passed through Franconia. Notch. (Some reports have said PORTSM OUTH COUPLErS ABDUCTION that two jets were scrambled to try and locate the intruder.) STORY CREATED A SENSATION In October 1961,. the Hills met with Walter Webb, chiefleCturer for the by Roger Amsden black, worked as a mail sorter, Boston Museum of News Corresponderu commuting 120 miles .every Sciences's Charles Hayden The fall of 1961 saw Roger workday from Portsmouth to Planetarium, an investiga Maris of the New York Yankees Boston. Betty, 41, was a social tor with NICAP (National trying to break Babe Ruth's worker. Both were active in their Investigations Committee homerun record, international church and civil rights move on Aerial Phenomenon). tensions were high because of ment. Webb, who was highly the Berlin Wall crisis as the So The time~ ·were difficult for skeptical. made the couple viet Union's Nikita 'Kruschev mixed race couples and the Hills. aware of the lost time on tried to test the will and deter ·feeling the need to get away from their return tr.ip, which mination of a young· American · Barney and Betty Hill with Delsey, pressure, had taken a short va president. And one of the favor- who was with them when they went cation in Montreal, where, hear ite television shows was "The through Franconia Notch in 1961. ing a weather report of an im Outer Limits", · a kind of lineal pending hurricane, they decided successor to Rod Serling's 'The But that report would seiVe as to cut their vacation short and Twilight Zone", which had cap at least some kind of obseiVed return home. With them in the tivated American Viewers with confirmation for an· event, still car was their pet Dachshund, ,ts tales of the bizarre and the · unexplained, which become the Delsey. unusual 9uring the 1950s. most famous alien abduction . After crossing from Quebec It was against this backdrop story ever. into New Hampshire they that an unusual radar sighting The Betty and Barney Hill stopped in Colebrook for a was recorded at Pease Air Force story involved two ordinary burger and continued on down Base; right next to Portsmouth, people whose lives were forever Rte. 3 to Lancaster. where at New Hampsh~e. changed by·somethmg that hap-· about 10: 15 p.m .. Barney no Report No. 100-1-61, says: pened on the night of.Sept. 19- ticed a light in the sky below the " ... a strange incident occurred 20, 196.1, something which sti~ moon, and called Betty's atten The sinsiter looking alien at 0214 local on 20 Sept. remains a mystery to this day. tion to it. leader from the NBC-TV No importance was attached to The Hills were an interracial At first the Hills thought it was the incident at the time."· couple. Barney, 39, who was movie "The UFO Incident." raised the issue in their a planet, but then noticed When they reached the The Hills could no longer own minds of what had it was moving. Barney ·at Indian Head, just south of see the object but heard a happen.e·d to them during first thought it was a satel the Notch, Barney stopped beeping noise. When they that lost time. lite or aircraft. But Betty. the car again and looked at heard the beeping noise Soon after the encounter, whose sister had reported the object with the binocu again they found that they both Hills began expert seeing a UFO. thought that lars. He said that he could were in Ashland, some 35 endng physical and psy the light was something now see multi-colored miles south of the Indian chological effects from the unusual. lights and rows ofwindows Head, and drove home to experience. Betty had When they stopped the on a huge pancake-shaped Portsmouth without fur~ nightmares in which she car to let Delsey do her object only a hundred feet ther incident. found herself being taken business. they observed away. The Hills had expected to aboard tl1e UFO and exam the object with .a pair of As he walked closer to arrive home at 3:00 a.m. ined by small. humanoid binoculars. By the time the craft he said that he but were shocked to find beings. Barney began to they reached the Flume in could see occupants stand that it was 5:30 a.m. when suffer from high blood Franconia Notch. they no ing inside, one of which he they anived. pressure, ulcers, exhaus ticed that the object had said seemed to be the Betty called her sister the tion, and a strange circle of grown in size. Barney said "leader." The frightened next day and was alarmed warts around his groin it would dart away to the Barney ran back to the car. by her suggestion that area. west and then back, com started it and drove off some type of radiation may (continued on page 2) ing closer each time. quickly towards the south. have been involved. Think- (continued from page 1 - WEIRS TIMES, Weirs Beach, NH - March 10, 2005) expense, begiililiflg in late not be able to remember culatlng in UFO publica But he did not believe 1963. Both Betty and their abduction, the pair tions. that the abduction actually Barney told Virtually iden were released back to their Fuller's book became a took place and his final di tical stories while under car; arid the UFO, appear national best seller and agnosis was that Betty's hypnosis. ing like a huge, blight or brought a great deal of at mind had created dreams They said that their car ange ball, flew away. Even tention to the Hills, culrin of·a n abduction to fill the stalled and was soon sur . though the Hill's encoun nating in a ·1975 NBC-1V anmesia period, and that rounded by a band of little ter was c.irculated among movie 'The UFO Incident". Barney's mind, when he "humanoid looking men" . their friends and a couple starringJames Earl Jones heard the content of her dressed in tight fitting dreams, had. uncon black unifonns and that sciously absorbed her they were taken aboard the dreams. · craft. But the star map that Barney was terrified, say Betty produced under hyp ing he a "rabbit be nosis created yet another fore a predator" and de mystery. as it showed stars scribed the sWp's leader as wWch were not known to looking like a "German exist at the time. of the al Nazi" wearing a · shiny leged abduction. In 1969 black jacket, scarf and ·cap. astronomers located these Betty Hill something Betty said a long needle previously unknown stars of a cult figure in UFO was inserted into her stom in the double star system circles after the story of her ach as part of a "pregnancy of Zeta Reticuli 1 arid Zeta abduction by aliens. test" while Barney said a Reticuli 2, some 220 tril Both underwent exten circular device was pain lion miles and 37 light sive medical examinations fully attached to Ws groin. years from earth. The new by specialists in 1962 and extracting a seme,n sample. stars were in the exact lo eventually were referred to Following Betty's exami Estelle Parsons portrayed Betty Hill and James Earl Jones cation of the star map that Dr. Benjamin Simon. a re nation she was given a played the role of Barney Hill in "The UFO Incident." Betty Hill had drawn sev spected psychiatrist and brief tour of the craft, and eral years earlier. neurologist with an exten when she asked where the of UFO publications. the as Barney Hill and Estelle Betty Hill died peacefully sive background In hypno aliens were from she was story was generally un Parsons as Betty. . in her sleep on October 17 . sis therapy. shown a star map. After known to the public until Barney Hill died of a ce 2004 and was buried in Dr. Simon began a six being told that they would 1966, when Look magazine rebral hemorrhage in Exeter. the site of another month series of hypnosis published a two-part ex 1969, while Betty went on UFO incident which John therapy·a t the Hill's own cerpt of a book by John G. and became a celebrity in Fuller had written about. Fuller entitled 'The Inter the UFO community. rupted Journey." ·some de Dr. Simon:, the psychia tails had surfaced in. 1965 trist who worked with the in newspaper accounts Hills, said· he did not be based on information cir- lieve that they were lying~ II) 0 00C ' ll ~ u t 0 ~I.. by LYN KIDDER a,..;. WoPhotrn.r hy lrrecdleri( iH!orm this An alien carrying an "This is how we let our creative sick: just American flag w.1.lks slowly cloWn Main have fun and nor be serious," says Shirley Srrt'Cr in R~well, N.M. (pop. 4'5,293), cmik'll Leif, a supervisor at Roswell's Ease by a glowing spoccship, a green alien on a ern New Mexico Medical Center. Lcif moror smocer and Surr \Vtm rharocce~ rwirl and dozens of ocher hospital employees in,u; lighc sabers. spenc two monchs working on chcir w lc's a fitmiliar sire fi,r resiclencs and chou- trophy-winning Star lflarJ floac. u...J: st:hme dCsI <o)f.'; Cv isEritxo~lrlsl lwltht'or sl inNei gthhec sPrnnm.uds< :.t op waraet cohf ebmTtt-hse thfeu stcivoJw.In, 'ss cmhoesdcu lFe.du n<J>uulsy t-vI-en{ t-etehl-e Alwieronc-ca ttcihree df iarstct ennedweespsa rpoear mar ttihcele s tarbeoeutts dau ring th"Seo amnne upa<.l ~R>polcs wWe<llll ;(kNl p.Mre.f)e rU RF<~O.: vFc;ells tbivea.l . a0az:. pNracehnpcc aayrn enF ulfaeolm r Ritnohsgew healelli leUpnsF Ocdoa lsuhtgruihvmtneelr t c"Saocinhe tnJeunslayt .. c"mRosShsoewdrdn lie ntJ intmhdeed <e.n"i<ntts. "c eJmu Nlye w1 M9:ne,x imso dmt"Seethrt i.n. l(g) M"chnauytsi necguh meSyU aLmKn~'detrr "tR""e< sltci :.•wacrh cdch a ylCnst eaentrrnteearrc tiihonen 1acl9 r9aU1.s FhO dfkranoyom w ancS aibtshe eari iurNys oetwuomw, n,I ,"I wshmoeue lard dnds'ost. m c"eOoomnneee c miles outside of Roswell. The first report said 1l1e mw;eum, houst'll in a 1940s-em from the other side of the world co sec a(.:) that a "flying saucer" had been R'l'OVt'l'{'ll, bm movie theacer, is a popular spoc fill' p<.~>ple cows, W<lllld you?" u.l othbeje cUc Sas. am "ilwitta'lrlyth eIar cOerO i!dIoeonnt.i"f ied the cr.lmt'<.l who wanr co learn more abouc Uniden "Evt•rybody knows Roswell, and it's all ~c "1 never saw any of che bodies, bur I knew tifit...:l Flying Objeccs, or UFOs. Inside bet11l1Se of chc: aliens," says Barbara Pn.terr, p!:!e1o. p'/le\n wdh op edoipdl,e" ·saaty sW reaslikdeenr t AGilre nfoni cDt.e nBnaisse, acvhnisedi t ocnrrsae sw<h:as,np asasep eew <r1e msllc olakrsin cpsio rofnmp osm f u psthheodet otingim rvaepn rhois f wctihuhumor e rsua lanl swo nve eelork.c afIul rbR teVhte pI U 1hrF.kmO. d" WMouuer sg eeuLe<m Xpl. e"ob prule· mlled the funeral home whete I W<Jrk(;'l~ to ous space alien movies. There's even a Many local merchants make usc of chc ask about small coffins." The incident made such an impR'SSion ogifa UnrF Ow osrilgdh tminagps . showing che location ashlioenp ;t,h perminett 'tf'uSr abntld~n ets".Jc.;rpc.<'.S't assm vrJe.Cs.i cEd vae.~n b ickhec on Dennis and resident Walter Hauc-who "UFOs are a rdacively fl('W pl'lel10m lcx:al Wal-Mart has a flying saLK't'l' r:Qintttl E-mail your friends this story erul, arxl people come ht'!'C wanting co be on che front of irs building. c.unvincal one way or anocher," says Julie Richard Hesse owns Smrchilcl, one of at Shustt't', dim:ror of che museum and resci the first gift shops in Roswell to adopt an v:ll co-chairperson. alic..on theme. "When we m<M.'tl here in For seriOlt~ UFO buffs, the festiv:tl 1991, pt~>ple in cown wert> just beginning The UFO Museum attracts assorted "aliens!' includes panel discussions and do:len~ of co sec che possibiliti<.-s in usinx rhe alien auchors who give k."Cnlr<.'S and sign bcx>k~ idea co advt:rcise the town." on rhe subject For others, the festival is Buc does he I'C'J.IIy think chat it w,ts putely enrerminmenr, with music concerts, a flying saut-cr thltt crashed in the desert appearances by science ficrion celebrities outsitle of town '58 yt'ltrs Uh'<>? and an alien coscume contest. ''I'm noc SLJ!'t' whac co believe," Hesse As for the laccer, Sienna Fleming, 9, says. '/\ll I cnn say is, it's a blast. I meet has donned an alien coscunie eac:h year people from all aver the world, right ht'l'e since she WdS born. "It's one of the most in Roswell." :::} visual pares of the festivJ.J;' says Nancy Fleming, who helps make her daughter's Ly11 Kidder i.r e~ freelmt.-e writer in costume. "We like co do our pnrt to make 1?11idos11, N.M. it worth mming co st.oe. I chink its fun ro lmvt crowds once in a while in a quiet little For- more infonnation, call the cown like RosweU." Roswell Chamber-of Commer-ce Norma McQuaid ancl her htt~band, at (505) 623-5695 or log on to Richart!, reriR"<l fivt years%'(> and moved co Hoswell. They boch volunt<."<.'l' at che 2 How did you like this story? Log on museum. ''I'm a _gl't'Crer, and I alw:.tys we-J.r my headbancl with the alien eyes on the to 'WWW.Omericanpro(lle.comlrate. antennae:· she says. "The locJ.l paper cnll{'ll me the Alien Ambas.<;ador. ECHO, Ligonier, PA-March 24, 2005 Stan Gordon summarizes 2004's Bigfoot sightings, .UFO incidents Mysterious event~ were reported from across looked into several Bigfoot reports which occurred Pennsylvania during 2004, as. state residents from from August through October in Beaver County. 48 . counties reported strange· encounters and In one case, a man claimed to have seen a large unusual observations, notes . researcher Stan hairy, creature running in a wooded area near his Gordon of Greensburg. . home. In another case, a woman said she observed UFO sightiJ?,_gs, encounters with Bigfoot and three creatures moving across a field. For more other odd creatures, mysterious sounds, strange information on the PBS and PA Bigfoot sightings, footprints, and unusual ground m(lfkings ·were visit their website at among the oddities reported. Gordon who has . Gordon received reports of possible Bigfoot been researching such mysteries since 1959, has . activity from several locations in Westmoreland investigated thousands of such reports in past County. Researcher Joe Nemanich gave Gordon years, but he has never had a frrst-hand encounter details· of a daylight Bigfoot observation which with a UFO or Bigfoot. occurred on July 20 in Tioga County. The witness In 1970, Gordon founded and directed the first of was working at a construct1on site when he three volunteer research groups which ih\o'estigated observed a dark, hair covered man-like creature UFO sightings and other phenomena reported by which he estimated to stand seven to .eight feet tall the public. Since 1993, Gordon has ·continued to standing near a roadway. The creature crossed the receive current sighting reports, and he documents roadway in three long steps and continued into a the information as an indepenqent researcher. swamp area. The ground cover in the area was Gordon receives reports of ongoing phenomena . found to be smashed down where the creature had from the Keystone State on his PA UFO Hotline or passed. via e-mail, as well as through the contacts he maintains with numerous other researchers and UFO Sightings organizations who have similar interests. The Westmoreland· County - In March, passengers National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) in traveling on a rural road reported that the head Seattle also receives some Pennsylvania UFO lights of their vehicle struck an object sitting on reports. the roadway ahead of them~ During the past 45 years that Gordon has inves- ·The object was a small metallic cigar-shaped tigated mys.terious events of various types, he has object. The object rose straight up from the ground found that on a yearly basis, most UFO sightings in the headlights, then moved off to the right and and many other strange encounters are explain-. flew out of sight. able. Many of these reports are detennined to have Washington County ...:_ Researcher Jim Brown a natural or man-made origin.·During 2004, some investigated a UFO sighting which occurred on UFO sightings were explained as the planet Venus, April 4 near California, PA. bright meteors, re-entry of space debris, and The witness reported observing a large triangular searchlight displays. In past years, some Bigfoot shape over a nearby house. The object had a blue sightings were detennined to be bear or large light at each corner and appeared to glow. At about shaggy dogs. Occasionally huge footprints in the the same time, another odd object appeared in the snow have peen explained as the tracks of a bear ·sky which looked similar to a glass rod. Then a which took on an odd appearance due to fast- strange fall of sparkling material dropped from the changing weather conditions. Every year however, sky just as the triangular object traveled quickly there · are UFO sightings and other anomalies toward the north. The other object had also depart- reported which aren't so easily dismissed. ed the area. According to Gordon, people who report strange In early June, a witness not far from encounters come from all age groups and back- Punsutawney was looking out her window during grounds. Oordon has interviewed air traffic con- the evening when she observed a square-shaped trollers, state troopers, and military. and civilian object about 30 feet above the ground, and about pilots all whom observed something strange in the 50 feet away from the house.· The object looked as sky which they couldn't explain. · though it was made up of multitudes of light bub- Historically, there have been hundreds of report- bles. ed encounters with Bigfoot creatures from many While the witness looked on, the object sudden parts of the state. Bigfoot encounters have been ly began to slowly move upward into the sky. As commonly reported along the Chestnut Ridge by the object-continued to rise, it soon looked just like observers in Westmoreland, Fayette, and Indiana · a light in the distance. County. At about 10:50 p.m. on the night of June 26, · Besides documenting current strange encount~rs, observers from· Pi~tsburgh to·Greensburg·watched Gordon continues to gather information on the . a brilliant orangish-red object with a long burning Dec. 9, 1965 UFO crash incident near KeckSburg. trail, moving fast across the sky. The NUFORC If you have any information on the case, or have received other PA sighting reports from Lancaster any knowledge of photographs that were taken to Tionesta. The NUFORC also received sightings during that event, please contact him. from other states of what appears to have been the An example of some of the interesting cases same object. The source of these sightings appears reported in Pennsylvania during 2004 include: to have been the re-entry of Russian space debris. To report a UFO sighting, Bigfoot, or other Bigfoot sightings strange encounters, contact Stan Gordon by call Bigfoot sightings have been reported from vari in~ his 24 hour PA UFO Hotline at 724-838-7768, ous locations in the state. The Pennsylvania ore-mail him at: [email protected]. Bigfoot Society (PBS), which also investigates Write to Gordon at P.O.Box 936, Greensburg, PA 3 Bigfoot sightings, received information on possi 15601. For infomiation on Pennsylvania strange ble Bigfoot activity from several areas including encounters and the Kecksburg incident, visit Stan Carbon, Beaver, and Fayette County. The PBS Gordon's website at UFO experience ·motivates.b ook By GREG SMART ~ Courter editor u. [email protected] ..; a: If you were to ask Huber (.) Heights resident Tim Hammond where he was on ~ Nov. 26, 1983, he wouldn't ~ hesitate with an answer. ,; The experience has so changed his life that It has cQ:) caused him nightmares as :s well as being the driving fac ""') tor for writing a book "The Chillicothe UFO Chronicles." ::r:: 0 Late that night. Hammond. IIi a former officer for the .E Chillicothe Veterans Affairs ·Ca;) Medical Center, became aware of this phenomenon ::r:: after a ward nurse called "The UFO repi"CSentsari unkitown ' i security about lights ln the nev~r s~~n ~hat T~ -an bon-. but real phenomenon. Hs implications .::.:rQs:: sky. as objectS~" estly say would have been one of "I think a lot of people just ignore arc f!ir-reaching· and take us to the "It reminded me of a Xerox . When it cornes to the federal gov these very interesting objects or it," he said. very edge of what we consider the ri machine (operating)," said ernment, interest has apparently waned events," Timmerman said by tele Jones, who graduated from West known and real physical environ w a: Hammond. "The beams of almost entirely; Project Blue Book, phone from his home southeast of High School in 1960, attended Ohio ment.." :::;) light came across the top of the investigation of what were once Lima. State University and then went to On the other side of the coin from 0 the car a couple of times. I called "flying saucers" that was Timmerman has, however, spoken Capital University Law School. He Hynek is Philip J. Klass, often con () wanted to run, but didn't launched in 1947 and based at Wright with what he described as "literally is not a practicing attomey but does sidered tht~ world's foremost UFO because where was I going to Patterson Air Force Base near Day thousands over the years" who have, legal work for a well-known local skeptic. Klass, who in I9 76 helped run?" ton, was terminated in 1969. irycluding many members of the mil employer Jones would ruther not name found the Committee for the Scien Hammond worked In Among the prqject's conclusions, itmy in this and other countries. for, well, obvious reasons. They're tific Investigation of Claims of the Chillicothe until 1987. according to a fact sheet available "In a way, that convinces me that d1e same reasons he offers Monymity l'<.tr<UlOilllal, has written several books However, the lingering night over the base Web site: we are not alone, that I am not. alone, to people willing to get in touch with debunking bmed sightings. mares continued and he "There was no evidence indicat in our curiosity about this, and per him about their expctiences. In his 1974 work "UFOs began seeing a counselor in ing that sightings categorized as haps we are not alone,'' said Tim John Timmerman. for one. wishes Explained," Kh1ss wrote: 'unidentified' (only 70 I out of a total mennan, who was chairman of the fear of tidicule no longer existed. '"!'he idea of wondmus spaceships of 12,618) were extraterrestrial vehi CUFOS board of directors from 1980 "I think that the individuals of the from a distant civili1~1tion n:nlly is a cles." to 1985. world have to open their hearts to fait}' story that is tailored to thl~ adult When it comes to William E. Jones Their sentiments are echoed by fiiends and say. 'Listen, this is some mentality, a fait}' stot'}' in which any of Clintonville, interest waxed when Hynek himself in his 1972 book "The thing that really happened,' "he said. one can become a tirsthand partici he was a sophomore or junior at West UFO Experience: A Scientific Some UFOiogists, as they are called pant simply by keeping an alert eye High School, and it hasn't really Inquiry." these days, think sightings are of peeled toward the skies. The myth of waned since. In the introduction, Hynek wrote: examples of technology the govern extraten-estrial visitors will persist ... "It never quite went away," he said. "In my years of expelience in the ment, for some reason, wishes to keep ·if only because there are so many nat Jones, 63, is state director of the investigation of UFO reporters, one secret. ural and manmade 'UFOs' to be seen, seven-year-old Mutual UFO Network fact stands out: invariably I have had Many, however, sincerely believe and because so many people want to of Ohio, a chapter of a nonprofit cor the feeling that I wa~ talking to some that alien civilizations are paying us believe." poration founded in 1969 and now one who was describing a very real a visit. Strch sniffing dismissals of so many based in Mon·ison, Colo. event. To him or her it represented "lt's a decent theory that explains sightings over so many years in so MUFON lnc., according to its Web an out~tanding experience, vivid and some of the phenomena, "Jones s<1id. many places by people from so many site, is "dedicated, through its vol not at all dreamlike, an event for which "'n1e one thing J always say is, 'Be walks of life leave Bill Jones practi unteers, to resolving the scientific the observer was totally unpn~pm·ecl, (~arcful what you wish, it might he cally fuming. enigma known collectively as uniden something soon recognized as heing true.'" "I don't111ind skeptics," he said. tified flying objects." beyond comprehension." "I think other planets would seem "I don't like debunkers. Tim Hammond holds his Jones is also on the board of din~c But those who long for sincere and more logical because it fits in our "What is the truth? We don't new book "The tors for the J. Allen Hynek Center for serious study of UFOs-people like three-dimensional world," MlJFON know." Chillicothe UFO UFO Studies in Chicago, named for Jones and Reams and Timmerman of Ohio chief investigator Ream~ said. But Jones thinks the truth is out Chronicles · the one-time Ohio State University and their counterparts around the "When you start getting into other there. 1992 to help him deal with astronomy professor who was country and around the world ·-face dimensions, it all gets pretty theot-et Anyone who thinks they have some the associated fears. He said involved in Project Blue Book. He something of an uphill battle, :md per ical." is invited to call him at 442-1598. he would wake up at 3 or 4 subsequently wrote extensively on haps always have. In their 1975 book, "The Edge of a.m. In the morning scream the subject of unidentified flying Their desire for scientific facts Reality: A Progress Report on Uniden- kpark<[email protected] Ing. objects (see related story). Hammond said there was If you've seen a UFO or know another UFO incident report someone who says they have, Bill . ed in Chillicoth~ In 1986. Jones definitely wants to hear from Hammond Indicated a you. Sheriffs deputy told him He's even offering anonymity to UFO's had been observed anyone who wants to get in touch between 1969 and 1987 in with him to tell their story. Bill Jones has not himself seen a Ross Coun~ UFO. He also Indicated that a Circleville man had observed Nor has Frank Ream~. 58, of West erville, chief investigator for MUFON UFO's In the of Ohio. Circleville I Chillicothe area Nor has John P. Timmerman of since 1958. Lakeview in Logan County who, at Hammond's book Is 91 8 I, is preparing to step down as trea pages and Is available surer and public relations officer for through, an on the 1. Allen Hynek Center to accede line publisher, to his wife's wishes that they do some and Barnes and traveling together in their sunset years. "Everything I've written But all three men have spoken about UFO's Is in here," said extensively with people who claim Hammond. to have witnessed UFOs, and they The first time his work was believe not all, but certainly some of published was as part of "The their stories. Public UFO Illuminator Some of them come across a~ so Research Package" published very sincere. In 1990 and The UFO 'That lends a certain credibility to Encounter Guide In 1991. this stuff," Jones said in an interview. Hammond will be sharing "It gives you a totally different view By David RonjThisWeel< his UFO expertence at 6 p.m. from what you get just from books. William E. Jones Is the director of the Mutual UFO Network of Ohio (MUFON). on June 9 at the Circleville (continued on page 5) Ubrary. Hammond also expects to be featured on Wake Up U.S.A., a UFO study radio net radio show (Pioneer show, hosted by Joe R a d I o 4 Mongaldo (National Director from for International Community 7 to 9 p.m. central time on for Allen Research) an Inter- July 20. (continued from page 4 - THIS WEEK, Pickerington, OH - June 9, 2005) J. Allen Hynek: From 'marsh gas' to 'close encounters' J. Allen Hynek represented the yin and yang N.M., in 1947 while he was an undergraduate at According to Hynt!k's ohituary in The New of UFO investigation. Cornell University. He is preparing to retire from York Times, the Air Force in 1966 asked him to On the one hand, the former professor of astron- his many activities with the Center for UFO Stud investigate a rash of UFO sightings in Michigan. omy at Ohio State University is quite possibly ies, which Hynek founded in 1973. His conclusion: "luminous marsh gas, rather than the first person to have employed the "swamp Josef Allen Hynek was born in Chicago on something from space." gas" explanation for a supposed sighting. May 1, 1910, according to "Who's Who." He Hynek did go on to add, according to the obit Along with "weather balloons" and "meteor attended the University of Chicago where he uary: "Scientists in the year 2066 may think us showers," swamp gas has often been used to dis- earned a bachelor of science degree in 1931 and very naive in our denials." miss such reports. his Ph.D. four years later. · From 1952 to 1972, Hynek served as a con At the other extreme, it was Hynek who devised After working at the Applied Physics Lab at sultant to the Air Force on UFOs, according to the "Close Encounters of the First, Second and Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore during his obituary in The Chicago Tribune. Third Kind" classification system for human- World War II, Hynek became a professor of Although he made many contributions to the alien interaction. astronomy at Ohio State University beginning field of astronomy, Hynek once told a reporter Anencounterofthefirstkindinvolvesobserv- in 1946. During his time in Ohio, Hynek was he had no objections to being remembered for ing a UFO within about 200 yards. The second director of both the Perkins and McMillin obser his connection with UFOs. k.ind details some interaction between the UFO vatories. "I wouldn't mind," he is quoted as saying in and the environment. In his 1972 book "The UFO Exper-ience: A The New York Times obituary. "If I can succeed The occupants of such craft are encountered Scientific Inquiry," Hynek recalls that his involve in making the study of UFOs scientifically in "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," which ment with the phenomenon came about almost respectable and do something constructive in it, became the title of a 1977 film directed by Steven by accident: then I think that would be a real contribution." Spielberg. "In my association with the UFO phenome- Hynek retired in 1978 after 18 years as pro Hynek served as technical adviser for the movie, non I was somewhat like the proverbial 'inno fessor and chairman of the Department of Astron although many years before that he had broken cent bystander who got shot."' omy at Northwestern University. His Center for w{th the scientific establishment when it came Hynek went on to write that when Project Sign, UFO Studies, which he founded in Evanston, to UFOs. the precursor to Project Grudge, which was the Ill., was briefly relocated to Scottsdale, Ariz., "Allen was the first scientist to go public on precursor to Project Blue Book, the Air Force's where ne and his wife moved following his retire the.m atter worldwide," said John P. Timmerman concluding study of UFOs, was launched, he was ment. of·Lakeview, Ohio. called upon. The center returned to the Chicago area fol Timmerman first became intrigued by uniden- "I was then director of Ohio State University's lowing Hynek's death from a malignant brain tif.ied flying objects as a result of newspaper cov- · McMillin Observatory and, as such, the closest tumor on April 27. 1986. erage of the supposed crash of one near Roswell, professional astronomer at hand.·· - Kevin Parks .t he ~cn~arcapactty .{Q '9.0.!ll¢· ~P,-W.l~;~:~!tPl~~~q~.;(~(tb~~po9l:p( :ii~llf'~l sightings around the globe U~O (Photos courtesy of 5 ~a,Mex~,1994 said~ "There are some (circles) people are making that way, but ~ one, too. they're not all making them that Jeffrey Wilson is the director way." ' .~:.:,I of the ICCRA. He drove from Wilson and Sutherland believe I Ohio to Wisconsin Friday night in sharing the information they i so ·he could be around to take a gather on crop circles with the t look today. Much of the research public, which is why Sutherland ·c:s · he wants to do will try and prove agreed to show the Trevor circle a(I:I whether someone mechanically off Friday morning. ctf created the circle. Sutherland believes the crop w Hoaxes have what ·he calls circles are some sort of land ::E t= "tell-taie signs of damage" to mark, left by beings in UFOs. .c..c1 the plants themselves. They They may be signs that space-· z look for that damage, but also craft landed, flattening the a: compare "plants' growth nodes crops with some kind of electro .:.;,) 0 to see if there are differences [email protected] energy. She also between the upright and flat believes that the crop circles are Photo courtesy of Mary Sutherland tened stalks. a sign that a race of beings that Mary Sutherland in the Trevor field in Kenosha County "If the ones that are flattened spent time on Earth thousands where the crop circle was found. have enlarged or elongated of years ago are returning. She (growth nodes), that is an connects the crop circles to unhoaxable effect," Wilson said. Stonehenge, the pyramids and Experts to check out He investigated his first crop burial mounds. circle about 10 years ago, after "Whoever was working with us he went to a site in northern at that time, they left," Suther Ohio where he detected radioac-~ land said. "People carried on 1:revor crop circle tivity inside the crop circle. with these symbols. . . . I think "I knew there was something these are the. same people more than people flattening it responsible for the crop circles. down.w ith wood or a rope," he They're coming back." BY JANINE ANDERSON Journal Times TREVOR - From the road it doesn't look like much. Just a. field of ripening wheat stalks, rippling in the breeze. · At the top of a rise partway into the field the even pattern of golden wheat breaks up a little bit, like there was a patch of seed that didn't take. The stalks HERALD-JOURNAL, Logan, UT-April 28, 2005 aren't as crowded there, and the stalks. UFO sighting reported when the wind moves past it's Sutherland went out to investi not the same even, water-like gate after she learned of the cir ripples that move across the cle. She took photos and soil · Pollc~ tecei ved a report Thesday evening of a rest of the field. In that' spot, circles of wheat samples, . and she called in the UFO flying ..a bove Logan. experts. One was coming in Fri have been bent over, the once day to take aerial photographs, ·A man:cori~acted police to alert them of a trian · upright stalks now running hor izontal in a counterclockwise tsoh es tsoapi db~y A thneo tfhieelrd g trooduapy .w Tahs edyu'lel gular set' of yellow and white lights flying about ·circle. likely bring Geiger counters and 15,000feet above ground, police reports state. The Trevor has a crop circle. audio equipment, and they will Mary Sutherland, a investiga compare wheat from with~ the caller reportedly had been watching an airplane fly tor with Burlington UFO and circle and without, to try and when he noticed the triangular lights. There was Paranormal, learned of the cir figure out if the circle is real or cle earlier this week, when a if it is a hoax. no noise coming from the UFO, reports state. man who lives near the field Sutherland believes it is real. sent her an e-mail. "If it was a hoax, they would Police contacted the Air Traffic Control office in In the e-mail· he told Suther have made it more visible from Salt Lake City to alert them about a possible UFO land about the circle, noting the road," she said. that it could just be that some This is the second crop circle in the Cache Valley skies. one drove around in the field, in Wisconsin she and her hus but there are no tracks leading band, Brad, have investigated. up to the disturbed area. The last one was in Mayville in Instead, it's like a giant wheel 2003. The Independent Crop Cir lay flat in the field and spun, cle Researchers Association pushing the wheat over gently came out to help with that but firmly, so that it stayed bent but did not strip the grains from :Man spots falling objecti n Magalia i < .W eather service has ''no clue" fall . <I "That wouldn't be . And· it's unlikely. that a.b al i0t f BY NEIL H:· DEMPSEY canyon b~low. one of our weather ·alogoenn cfryo. imn tthhee Nn{WitSio -n: 'tthhaet ocnonly ... STAFF WRITER . . After a .rendezvous with. the . ~istently releases them - G. ·A UFO . of sorts .~ if the "F" · man, · a responding sheriff's balloon~·from would make . it ·.to Butte ~ stood for "falling"-was spot unit determined from a photo .M edford, Reno or · County, as the re~ease stations o ted by a man at the corner of of the object on the man's lap · are j~st to~ far away, she said D. . t<>p that he had likely seen a Oakland.~, Skyway and Old Skyway in "That wouldn't be one of our weather balloon or a child's Magalia on Thursday morn weather balloons from science project gone adrift, as ing, sheriff's logs indicate. . Medford, Reno or Oakland," it seemed too small to have HOLLY SNELL, . · .S nell . . According to those logs, the been manned. . man had been snapping pho NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE . She added that if it were, 1t tographs of the Sawmill Peak But ~atio.nal WP.ather METEOROLOGIST would' be comprised of a rub Service .m eteorold'gist ·aota,.. · area when, just before 11 a.m., berY latex and equipped with Snell said on Friday that the .he spotted· a black· and silver a · electronic instrument the description wasn't consistent object approximately 10 feet size of a shoebox. wide that "looked like a trian lwoiotnh sahney k tnyepwe oabf owuet.a .t her bal- . silver, are equipped . with a So what was it, then? 6 gular balloon or hang glider." Although NWS balloons fall parachute to aid their descent . "I don't have any due,'' Snell The object was reportedly to Earth each . day; Snell said and wouldn't likely be 10. feet. said. · ·· spinning. down into the they are brown, not black and wide, or triangular, as they c I111 Area man's ai is.out ~passion this world ~of .c, ::s • Doc Wagner M.Q. "DOC'J;W 4GtiER, ,· .>..<. says UFOs, al.i ens • ~~: .6a.! ,,.f;~t: .>~.~4~::;~;~J.;,i:;;. are common tn ~ ··~~t~~~~~;.?:~,J~~·.:~:~ ~ Brazoria County 0 ::s ---------------------- • oecupil.taori:.:Ret;red~6ow". ., ~ By THAYER EVANS ChemicatCo.'etnployee'' : · · CHRONICLE CORRF.SPONDENT ~ While living in Brazoria (..) County the last 32 years, M.D. "People always say, Z "Doc" Wagner claims to have 'Why are you so 0 seen hundreds of unidentified ~ flying objects. entrenched in this?' (..) The UFOs, he said, inspired It's exciting." him to start a loose-knit group in the early 1990s that used to -M.D. "DOC" WAGNER meet at the public library in West Columbia-area resident West Columbia. "People always say, 'Why are you so entrenched in this?' " He said he is interested in said Wagner, 68, a retired Dow talking with people in the Chemical Co. employee, who county who have had experi lives in a log bouse west of West ences with UFOs or aliens and Columbia, near the San Bernard asks for them to contact him by River. "It's exciting." e-mail at mdwag Wagner said the group [email protected]. stopped meeting after many of Wagner said the spacecraft its members either moved or he has seen range in size from died. 50 feet to 500 feet in diameter Wagner said his first encoun and are piloted by aliens on mis ter with aliens came in 1965 sions. The creatures travel in when he was living in the state groups, are attracted to women of Washington. He said he was and are generally nonviolent sleeping on a couch and was unless provoked. awakened by what he thought "The only danger you can get KIM CHRISTENSEN: FOR THE CHRONICLE was an explosion inside his into is if you start shooting at NOT A BOTHER: M.D. "Doc" Wagner doesn't mind that people are skeptical of claims that he has seen UFOs. home. them or if you're enticing "When I got into that bed them," he said. "They like room, that whole wall was people that are aggressive, but There are more than a dozen "I think all things are pos somehow I'm a threat to them in sucked off the house and into not hostile." species of aliens and most are no sible," said Rose Wagner, 53, some way," Wagner said. "It's the woods," Wagner said. "That Since moving to Brazoria taller than 5 feet, Wagner said. who has been married to her knowledge. Knowledge is dan was my wakeup call. From then County in 1972, Wagner said, he "They don't talk to you like a husband for 33 years. gerous. I have the type of mind on, I haven't forgot it." has had several encounters with guy on the street," he said. "If Wagner said he knows why that puts things together that Although he is confident that aliens, coming within 75 feet of you're being talked to, it's going aliens frequent the county, but nobody else is thinking about." UFOs and aliens are real, Wag one in 1995 near his home. to be this mental stuff. You're declined to give an explanation. ner said he respects the opin~ "This thing (was) passing going to hear them in your head. At some point in his life, ions of skeptics. very slow over the top of me to They can speak to a whole group Wagner said, be may have been If you have a suggestion for a "As long as (people) think make sure I (got) a picture," he that way." abducted by aliens, but is un "Faces in the Crowd" profile, I'm a weirdo, I'm not bothered," said. "I got it on film and then Wagner's wife, Rose, said she able to recall such an incident. contact Richard Zagrzecki at he said. "I love it. The more the afterward, I could not find my is supportive of her husband's "For some reason, they do [email protected] or merrier.". fllm." pursuit of UFOs and aliens. keep an eye on me, because send ajax to 713-362-7552. f Area man brings to light 'UFO Sightings oflllinois' ci By ROB STROUD UFO sightings from throughout articles, such as a United Press by Dean through personal inter a: ~ the country and is now sharing International article titled "Mat views or through letters written Phillip Dean has researched them with the general public. He toon UFO" that was published on to him, many of which are anony (,.) sightings of unidentified flying recently published a UFO Sight July 14, 1969, in the Paris Beacon mous. These include a letter objects ever since be glimpsed a logs of Illinois booklet that News. This story includes eyewit about a 1963 sighting of a flash I0I ) l~ng, luminescent object in the includes sightings in Coles, Clark, ness reports of a "bobbling star ing flying disc near Marshall and 0 night sky south of his Paris Cumberland and Edgar counties. like object" in the sky northwest a recent sighting of a fast-moving N hometown in 1960. · Most of the sightings are of Mattoon. M 0..... Dean has gathered reports of recounted through newspaper Other sigbtings are recorded .:cC:,sl) object that glowed with white In regard to UFOs, Dean gerous technologies before it ".: swoo~ Aow:rrover the ;· ', .· light above Charleston. said he has no doubt they could ever progreSs to the level f:lrlghway•<W~~is· &ute.i >. <.;;, ~ Dean said he hopes his mail exist. He said among the bil of interstellar travel. r:.~d·~p~ar,ed~hover over.'( c oatrtdeenrt iboono okfle ot twheilrls g weth oth hea tvhee ltioo nbse oinf tpellalingeetnst tlhifeer ein i st hbeo uunnid UFFOo rS migohrtein ignsf oorfm Ilalitnioonis ,o wn rite r~·:aa 11 nteeaartubyre f:i..evlads:: wMruoistt'. u:n U· .&. ;:.u' -·:; · · 10 seen flying objects that they verse that can travel through Phillip Dean at P. 0. Box 177, I 8,ppea:r~cU6 bEi a 1rope lad-·. cannot easily explain. He said space. West Thrre Haute, Ind. 47885. ::-der':.hallging,from·the. ... : .:::;. itnh ev raeripooursts I lolifn UoiFsO c osmigmhtuinngitsi es san"Wd eh earree ojuns Et alikrteh a c ospmepcakr oefd tCc.ocnotmac ot Rr 3o4b8 S-t5r7o3u4d. a1 rstroud@jg t,:;Oo~ JbiJ¢ece!;t~,W:~~Yo,,r4if·a i .tf' lsau(s;hl< ;olefr iblylu•:e:~: . (J should be of interest to people to that," Dean said of the uni f·~~Q~gt,"~n,ligb~~:',I'here was •: ri who live in or near these verse. wa: are"aIts'.s a good way to meet peo proJafemsseosr C aot nEwaesltl,e ran p Ihllyisniociss Pf~t!il :;) ple who know a lot about the University, said the odds are 0 subject," Dean said. "When that there is other life in the (c,h.) people are interested in some universe. After all, he said w thing that happened in their there are an estimated 100 bil :E area they are more likely to lion stars per galaxy and an ;'::i>hon~:c.all~sn~:rtly p~fore w·:~ j: get in contact with you." estimated 100 billion galaxies •'P.. t nrSaturdayfrom a.12~.:' · ': Dean, who describes himself in the universe. · ~. .y ~arrQld youth,.somewhat •; .• as a laborer with a thirst for "I think it's probably almost :<excited':who·stated~he had,, knowledge, ultimately hopes to impossible not to have other iU~rse~n·a·;~-three-legged; ··: :·~; publish booklets about sight life in the universe," Conwell '·. ~o~ter~junip,ove~\Car. ,;~_, ings in other states. said. (;'olyn·.we~:;cbool; and·t wo·(' DeBaens. sidaeids hhies a1l9s6o0 ssaigwh ati nbgr,i ght quHesotwioenv eorf, wChonewtheelrl soari dno tth e .~>~o~th~eorO.hOo-u~s· e;.s. :~ ··t;n,::.<t h.:en: n~·e·i<g::h -.. · flying object that was emanat there is intelligent life out ing flames above Paris. Dean. there that could travel across said he has been interested in the universe is almost a socio 7 such phenomena ever since, logical question. He speculated even making room in his cur any alien race would have to rent booklet for an article on survive the development of The Mad Gasser of Mattoon. nuclear e~ergy or other dan- ;c: True Tales.From the Fred Baron m0 ai Seeing UFOsf ____________ ~ (.) By Fred Dancing Among the Stars (CVL-49) that Don and I saw a ''Cra.t;h'' UFO. We were on our way from ....__ ____. __J B/e,·hman When I joined the VF ·14 Norfolk, Va., to the Mediterranean "Tophatters" Navy fighter Sea for a three-month cruise. It's said, .. There arc those who squadron in September 1950, fly Late one night, we were chatting 8 make things happen, tho~o>e who ing F4U-5 Corsain~, Ensign on a catwalk alongside the flight watch things happen, and those Donald Jerome "Don'' Flynn. deck on a clear, moonless night. who wonder what's happening!" I another Corsair pilot. was already Countless stars covered the pitch· cCi admit to being in the last two eate· in the squadron. We became bud black sky in a manner not normal· Ec g1o9r5l0ess wonhee nc laenaor tnhiegrh pt iilno tt haen de aIr ly dbioetsh worhiegnin walely d firsocmov eQruedee wnse, wa ere clyit iseese, nw bhye rteh oosnel yw thhoe lbivrieg hint elra rsgtaer !l 0Q ) sBauwt oaunr u enxipdeerniteinficeed wflaysi nmgi lodb jceocmt! Aboltrhoouugghh o wf Ne ewwe rYenor'tk iCn itthye. same acnleda rpllya nseeets tahree Mviislikbyl eW. Waye, tchoeu ld ~ pared to what happened to Ed four.plane division in the air, we edgewise band of stars in our own < Balocco, a Marine jet tighter pilot spent many hours in conversations galaxy. in the ready room waiting for We were swaying with the gentle ~ with whom I went through Navy g flights, or after flight debrietings. motion of the ship as it churned flight training. I'll begin with my It was one night in.January 1950, along at about 15 knots, when a -;, story. while in the mid·Atlantic on the strange bright light in the sky a1:- light aircraft carrier "USS Wright," caught my attention. Unlike the 0 g: < stars, all stationary in their relative precise time intervals arc used to with the difficult-to-cam positions as the carrier gently compute tho estimated wind veloci Distinguished Flying Cross for his rolled and pitched, this light was ty of the atmosphere. At mght, a · Korean ·combat. moving randomly in short, jerky battery-powered light is hung I lost ccmtact with Ed for f1Ver 40 transitions among the blanket of below the balloon so the theodolite years until I located him about 10 stars. can trawcek tho balloon's motiOn. years ago. After. leavit:'g active duty I pointed it out to Don, and we What had seen was the pendu in the Marines, he stayed in the . both stared in rapt attention as the lum motion or this light as the bal Marine Air Reserve !or many ycarst light stopped, then suddenly loon ascended. during which time be got his law Morl,~ Se<ond Ueutenant E.ddy Balocco moved left or right at incredible degree, opened his own law firm. · flew 85 combat missions /r) Korea, mostly speed-then stopped again. With Chasing a rul UFO! and tlew his own twin-engillc in F4U Corsairs, F9F Panthen UFOs commonly in the news in Cesana 310. o,d FlH Banshees. those days, we both agreed we I first met Eddy Paul "Ed. . About six years ago he toW tne of Nothing happened. The guns were were seeing one! This strange light Balocco in Navy pre-flight Class 5- his enCOODter with a real UFO. empty! "dance" went on for about 10 min 49 in Pcnsacola, Fla., in November Aft.t:r returning from the Korean "With full throttle, I got to about utes, as the light seemed to be l 948. Because of the alphabetical police action, Ed was a first lieu· 350 feet from the UFO when my moving higher and getting dimmer, nearness of our last names, we fre tenant stationed at Edenton, N.C., a entire cockpit was bathed in a finally disappearing. quently sat near each other in class small Marine fighter base about strong. blue-white light," he As we recounted the story the es and stood together at various 100 miles southwest of Norfolk, recalled. "Everything seemed to be next day to some of the more sen mUBten and in chow lines. Va. Norfolk was--and still is~ motionless." ior pilots who had been on other Ed looked lib tbe living statue of major naval and air ba.o;e on the As he glanced at his gloved hand cruises and were accustomed to a Greek god-muscular build. curly East Coast. By thnt time, Ed, only on the throttle. he was !>hocked to dark slUes and bright stars, they hair. rugged good looks. But his 24 years old, bad some 1,000 hours discover that he could see through told us what we had actually seen personality~onfideDce bordering of pilot time, mostly in fighter jets. the glove, and the flesh, to sec the was not some strange alien visitor, on cockiness. great sense of hunior, On Feb. II, 1953, just a week bones of his hand. but simply a meteorological tool can-do attitude, and fricndlin:ess after a flurry of UFO sightings in "ll was like an X-ray," he said. used with a "theodolite." with me (a 135-potmd skinny kid the Norfolk area, he was the only "For what I think was several sec "Huh? What's a theodolite, and from New York who didn't even pilot on the base on intercept-ready onds there was no sound-not even what has that got to do with mete drivo a carl )-made him my roll status at about l 0 p.m. the sound of my engine. Suddenly, orology?" we asked. model. ..I was riding around the base in a there was a flash. and the UFO Meteorologists predict weather. ·We boCh made it through basic Jeep, when the alert whistle sound broke away at incredible speed, This is particularly important for training in SNJs in Pensacola, ed." he recalled. ..I sped out to my as soond and motion returned." flight operations, especially when mcluding carrier qualification. &lid waiting F9F Panther jet and in less As reported by newspapers in at sea and too far away for alter· then advaDcc:d training in F4U than two minutes. I was beading the following days, a similar nate landing sites. Small weather Corsairs .at Cabaniss Field in toward Nortblk." flash was seen by a Navy pilot cwbaaillt lhion oas nttrshu eamorede nortle iluteesa,e sade dcb ayal nimbdre afttoeeoldlro oowlpoet di cCPaeororrp.iueucrs o qCluaha. lrWiifsiteci ,ae Ttvieoexnna brse,a ccwekii vtihen d f inoaulr .. . huenF kwlynaionswg bn we ifinltyghi nvhgei sco teboxjreteecdrt r tsuoptwloltaitgredhd t asbn oy f f. oOvreiern Ntaol,r fNol.kC .a nMda ar inciev ihleialinc onpe ar gists to determine relative position. Wmgs of Oold on almost the same Norfolk radar. As he neared where ters searched where the flash Similar mC Oilltroction to·a survey day. the object was supposed to be, that was seen, but found nothing. or's transit, it consists .of a tclc· Ed went into the Marincs, md object suddenly dropped off Ground-controlled interceptors scope fitted with a spirit level and was an·85-conlbat-miasions pilot in N.o. 1rf hoardk 'ns or ardaadra rs cirne emny. Panther, so with radar also failed to make tmo oruontatteed aobno ua tt ritisp ovde rstoic athl aatn idt' sh ofrreie KBaonmshs,e.e flsy, inF9gF F P4Uan tChoerrssa. iArsD, F2H t searched visually, and began run cthoen tmacyts taefrtieoru as hoebljieccotp steoru sthp ootfte d zontali.X(:s. Graduated scales are Slcytaiders, and even TBM anpinpgro lvoawl toon rfeutuelr,n" thoe Esdaiedn.t o"In .g"o t Norfolk earHer in the day. used to measure the amount of Avqen. I beard stories about him As he proceeded south at 20,000 On his return to Edenton, Ed roMtaetiaosnu raebmoeunt ttsh eo fa xthees .a ltitUde and dmouisntg h waviled btheeiiing atr.u ine, csoinmcbea bt,e w whaisc h tfueernt,e wd iothn ,h bise ospuotstitdeed rau bnrniignhgt lliigghhtts Wth'ed sh weahdisqkueadrt teor sC fhoer rMrya Prionien tA, ir azimuth of a weathec ballooo at awarded four Air Medals along well below him on the port side, on the East Coast, and subjected near the ocean surface. to an intense debriefing by sev .. I looked away for a couple of eral Marine colonels and othen moments to steady my course for for several hours. He wa-; told in Edenton and when I looked back through the windscreen, I was no uncertain terms to say absolutely nothing about the inci astonished to find that the object ~·-~·fl"" ..... had climbed vertically to my alti· dent. tude and was only about 2,000 teet 'There were other UFO sightings away and almost directly ahead of that night, and the Marines were me," he remembered. really concerned," he said. He quickly adjusted his heading Ed still has a vivid memory of to aim right at the UFO and this encounter and now, over 50 increased his speed to more than years later, has written a fictional 500 miles an hour. As he got closer, book. ..T he RosweH Heat-Forever he could clearly see that the UFO Connected," soon available at was disk-shaped. with blinking red lights. "I guess it was my Korean com Fred ''Crash" Blechman is the bat experience, but my reaction was 8 author of "Bent Wings-F4 U to squeeze the trigger on my con trol stick to bla!lt this 'enemy."' he 'Corsair Action & Accident.'i: True. Eddy 8atocxo explcrins. "This was just a few feet from my cockpit!'" m he examines said. Tales ofTrial & Terror!" It:\· al'ail· some of the flolc domore to his F9F Panther jet o(ter a KDteon combot missJon. ahle from \'t-'W' FOREIGN NEWS - · [All British clippings courtesy of Timothy Good, unless otherwise credited.] parachute experiments. IT WAS blisteringly hot when Bill "Mac" by Nick Redfern Those UFO researchers who cham Brazel set out to check his vast ranch deep pion the idea that something truly ·in the heart of the harsh desert of Roswell. anomalous occurred at Roswell scoff at ~mcgo. ucbNaruycee rrwdiaoo n stuMsh e xa txoap i rclldoeaoisra.s ig ocTfeoonh vr ea te mhhfroea owu runmrhnsiage ttb hr o ehth ffa baoduder enf cbo uafersiueneus anaeal lldna,y dl ielct i.rwgo tHhmeatdes Ii yeee nmrescae erars'lgs i kedledaa, t rtekhorean. ste tw N etihopllwai sat,o sldtiaofe tnssi. s sthhho esc ckleiidpn tgoi cnst haoennoder byoe f lihsecavis mPpth~aie~Cnmn t p cn- acrogth~ui odarrenn scsesgle. ai oanimfrg cn haea ,ac srohslneoysrw. ptfieoiovrune~r.r sc y, y e Ioo affhr csato hvosee-f weight debris strewn across hundreds of feet of It is a matter of record that in July 1947, the uncovered a new explanation. It Ian~. The silver foil-like material was incredibly · ~en-Army Air Force officially announced that summarily dismisses the Mogul balloon flexible and would return to its original shape 1t had recovered the remains of a flying saucer and crash-test dummy claims, but also when crushed or folded. that had been found on Brazel's ranch. The reveals that the world's most famous He collected some of the pieces and contin intense media fr~nzy that followed was brought UFO case did not involve alien visitors. ucaemd teo asceraorscsh a f oshr ofuckrtihnegr sccleunese. -Sshuorrrtolyu anfdteerd, hbey 1~ots as htaatlet mwehnent, tshaey fm:.AgF t hheas tfilylyin rge tsraauctceedr meInt W2~i0t1h, ainn deoldwenrtloyw lna dLyo sw hAon gIe lheasv, eI similar debris and a large chunk of twisted story was a huge mistake and the duJ:>bed the Black Widow, and who, from metal was a body that did not look human. debris belonged to a weather balloon. the late Forties to the early Fifties, Although smashed to a pulp and decompos Today, the Air Force tells a different worked·at the Oak Ridge National Lab ing rapidly in the intense summer heat Brazel story - that the wreckage found at oratory on research to determine the could se~ that it was barely five feet bll, was Roswell came from a Top Secret bal effects of radiation and high-altitude ex dressed m some sort of futuristic-looking flight loon pr~ject, code-named Mogul, that posure on humans. Not only that -she suit, and had a vaguely Oriental appearance. was des1gned to monitor Soviet atomic had first-hand knowledge of the horrible .. ~t. several minutes, Brazel stared in shock . bomb tests. The small, "alien bodies" truth behind what happened at Roswell. at· the body then slowly backed away, fright ened and unsure what to do. In the days that 'Human beings T followed, the military would tell him what to do -they made him swear an oath of secrecy. were used as L---=~---------------' To many, the Roswell Incident-as It became HE BLACK Widow presented to TRUTH IS OUT THERE: The Roswell "allen" known - is proof that we are not alone in our guinea pigs' me a theory that is even more universe. But even to non-believers there is no sensational than the idea of doubtin~ that the events of that day in July 1947 extraterrestrials. It linked the post-war athnadt tchoen1tri naufteesr mtoa ~the scmreeartiesde ap ewoepbl eo fn einatrrliyg u60e were in fact crash-test dummies used in (continued on page 14) 9 (continued from page 13 - DAILY EXPRESS, London, England • June 18, 2005) American government with some of the same time blanketing the population· ca.u sing it all to crash to tiie ground. out and you want to hide the second most sinister figures in wartime Japan. below with deadly and devastating bac- The fa~t that ~raze!, a member of story, there's no better way to do it These scientists were engaged in a host teriological warfare agents· devel-· the public, had madvertently stum- than by telling the first." of controversial activities, including oped by Unit 731. ~led upon the crash scene-forced the It seems the deserts of Roswell, · ·bacteriological warfare tests, horrific After Japan's surrender in 1945, Army Air Force to construct an elab- New Mexico, may finally be giving up : medical experiments on human beings US personnel posted to Japan to orate series of cover stories. "The their dark secrets. and test-flights of advanced aircraft and secure military secrets uncovered military knew they couldn't hide the ------- futuristic balloons. details· of this amazing plan. The story because a civilian was on to it e Body Snatchers In The Desert, by The strange, alien-looking bodies materials and the personnel involved and so they spread bogus stories to Nick Redfern, is published in the UK found at Roswell, the Black Widow were transferred to the United States confuse the real picture," says for- in August by Simon & Schuster, at informed me, were severely handi to continue the research. mer intelligence officer Bill Salter. £8.99. 7b pre-&rder a copy, send a capped human beings who were being According to the sensational new "If you can't hide the truth - and cheque/postal order made payable used as guinea pigs in highly controver whistieblower testimony, in July of they couldn't, at least not completely to The Express sial aviation-based experiments. 1947 a secret test-flight of this umque -then confuse the truth instead." · Bookshap to PO · As a result of this shadowy meeting, I combination of balloon and aircraft Salter says that there were "other Box 200, was thrown headlong into a cloak-and was made high over New Mexico - experiments going on at the same Falmouth da~er world that was dominated by with catastrophic results. time" that also led to rumours that TR11 4WJ, or retired espionage agents, psychologi A retired colonel who worked for alien bodies had been found in the call 0871 434 6091 cal-warfare experts, high-ranking mili more . than a decade in the desert. Specifically, says Salter, this or order online tary personnef and Deep Throat-style Department of -Defence states·: included utilising Japanese prison- at whlstieblowers. For several years, I "Space and weight are key issues ers-of-war and handicapped people would meet clandestinely with these when you're trying to fly a high- from the Unit 731 camps· in balloon- Delivery to people. OVer time, I was able to piece altitude, fully pressurised aircraft based, high-altitude-exposure experi- UK addresses together a terrible theory about what below a huge balloon. So the crew ments; in prototype hi~h-speed ejec- is free happened at Roswell. was chosen because they were small tion-capsule tests; and m research to During the closing stages of the guys - five-foot max. Just like the determine the effects of radiation on Second World War, America found Itself Roswell legend says: smaller bodies, the human body. under attack by a new weapon known Asian faces, human looking, because He states: ''A crashed flying saucer as the F\lgo Balloon. A classified that's exactly what they were." and spacemen story is a .big one. weapon developed by the Japanese mil According to the colonel, disaster Using people in high-altitude experi- itary, no less than 9,000 such devices stnick when the balloon array and ments is an even bigger one. If you're were constructed and employed the aircraft were struck by lightning, concerned that the thing is getting against the continental United States. Up to 32ft In diameter, the balloons were made of either paper or rub berised silk and carried below them anti-personnel devices and incendiary bombs. They were launched from the east coast of Japan during a five-month ALASKA HIGHWAY NEWS, Fort St. John, B.C., Canada • March 3, 2005 CR: G. Conway period in 1944, and were carried by high altitude winds more than 6,000 miles eastward across the Pacific to North America. About 1,000 were estimated to have successfully made It to the US, of which there were approximately 300 reported incidents. O N JUNE 4, 1945, a Japanese military spokesman ominously asserted that the F\lgo Balloons were the forerunners for something far more dangerous. The new balloons, American experts estimated, would be very strong, at least 60ft in diameter and able to carry below them a "pres surised gondola" containing four men all equipped with oxygen tanks, food and water, and special suits to afford · protection for high-altitude flying. The · balloons would travel at heights of 30,000ft on their four-day journeys across the Pacific to the United States. Although the atomic strikes on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki put paid to these plans, the research was set to continue. It is an established fact that, after the Allied victory in 1945, thousands of sci entific personnel were secretly taken to the US from Germany in an operation lmown as "Paperclip". Less welllmown, however, is the fact that similar deals were made with Japan. One such deal involved provid photo courtesy Mark Mann ing a safe haven to certain personnel Are thetle Images captured on video really UFO's? Local sky-watcher Mark Mann thinks they could be. from an arm of the Japanese military known as Unit 731, which was responsi ble for large-scale experimentation on Local claims UFO sighting human beings. No less than 3,000 peo ple, including · Chinese prisoners, captured allied troops and physically handicapped Chinese and Japanese individuals were used in a wide range of horrific experiments. Dirt, bugs or extraterrestrial-life? didn't want to hazard a guess. This would Include bacteriological "Some could be bugs," Vike warfare operations, tests to determine offered. "With the sun behind the tthhee ehffuemctas no f bhoigdhy ,a nthde l owam ppreustsautiroens oonf SARAH YOUNG dthi~ffye'rreen nt osth oaupress. aIn'vde dsiefefner etonot smizaensy, bthuei ldcianmg eirfa s oamnde tthhien gs uconm ite sw bilelt wloeoenk limbs and dissection of organs from AlAsKA HIGHWAY NEWS and too many people have been see- very bright. In Mark's footage it still-living people, and studies to exam Whether it's actually a speck of ing them in different places." looked like a giant hamburger, so I ine the effects of freezing temperatures. . As the war progressed, the work of cottonwood fluff, a small bug darting Mann has also been in touch with don't know what it is." Unit 731 became more advanced and around in the sun or an alien ship Brian Vike, a UFO enthusiast who Graham Conway heads up a group ambitious. For example, Unit 731 per come to inspect life in Fort St. John, collects reports of sightings. Vike, called UFO B.C. And while he fig sonnel were'planning an assault on San one local man is certain that for now, who lives in Houston, B.C., is a ures the bug explanation is reason- he has pictures of an unidentified fly . member of several national and inter- able, he doesn't quite buy it. 'The work of ing object. national astronomical societies and "Depending on the time of year, Mark Mann has been taking video appears regularly on radio pro- say when it's colder in the fall or Unit 731 became footage of the sky for a couple of grams in t.he Okanagan, Alberta ~inter, the insect theory doesn't years now and has come up with and the U.S. stand up." more ambitious' some remarkable images by pointing Vike has seen Mann's · Vike has heard reports his camera to a brightly lit area of the nighttime footage and of sightings in the North sky, where the sun has just tucked originally thought it could Peace region from the Diego in 1945 that was designed to use behind a building to leave a backlit be a bright star. But when 1970s but said there kamikaze pilots to attack the city with a area just to the side of it. the object disappeared I don't knOW seems to be a lull right deadly plague. Personnel from Unit 731 "There's hundreds of these things, after two days, he wasn't what it is. now, likely because peo- were also working with Japanese scien they're just everywhere," said Mann so sure. pie are afraid of the tthiset s Fa\lngdo aBvailalotioonn perxopjeecrtts oant taa cshiemdi lator of the rounded objects he's seen flit "It stands out in the sky -Brian Vike ridicule from friends and operation. The plan was to construct a ting across his video screen. When he like a sore thumb ... if it family. huge balloon array, below which would slows down the tape frame by frame, was a star it should have Mann's had his share of be attached a revolutionary, lightweight Mann can spot the "spinning turnips" showed Up again after two naysayers, but is adamant ' glider - very similar to the 82 Stealth that seem to radiate light. days." about what he's seen. Bomber of today-that would be piloted Mann has sent the footage to a Vike said many sky observers have "I've had friends who say no way, by a crew of four or five. UFO group in New York that estimat used a technique similar to Mann's but seeing is believing. There's noth As with the earlier F\lgos, the plan ed the object's speed across the sky at for daytime shots that reveal "little ing I can do to convince people until was for the balloons to be carried high up to 18,000 miles per hour and at a blobs flying around" that could be they see it for themselves." across the Pacific to the United States size of 15-25 feet in diameter. anything from cottonwood fluff to Vike can't say for sure what's in and specifically to one of the larger "These things are highly polished dandelions or, quite possibly, UFOs. Mann's photos, but he's not ruling cities on the west coast, such as San Diego or Los Angeles. Then, when in and moving very fast," he said. "I Environment Canada spokesman out some extraterrestrial visitors. the direct vicinitY of the intended tar don't know exactly what they are, but Bill Miller said they used to receive "We can't be the only life fonn in 10 get, the pilot would detach the aircraft they're solid and silent. several UFO reports from the Peace this universe," he said. "There's a lot from the balloon array and would glide "The definition of UFO is an region that were attributed to the more questions and not enough it over the heart of the city, while at the unidentified object .. .I can't begin to ligltts of a weather balloon at night. answers, but we can't be the only life imagine where they're from, but But as for Mann's sightings, Miller fonn in this vastness."