NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE May 2005 Number 430 EDITOR/PUBLISHER: Lucius Farish • #2 Caney Valley Drive • Plumerville, AR 72127-8725 USA INDEPENDENT RECORD, Helena, MT - April 14, 2005 CLOSE ENCOUNTERS IN DEER LODGE Whatever it is, the stories have become widely known, but they're not so easy to Film claims explain. Louie Menicucci, a retired Deer Lodge baker, recalled severaleventsthattook place down the valley at town attracts Sunnyside near Anaconda. "When I lived in Sunny side we had some things go on," Menicucci said. "There was stuff landing up there. alien visitors I'm not sure if it was the Air Force or UFOs, but they left big circles in the grass." One morning at the bak ery, a man saw a Polaroid photo of the mysterious rings left in the grass. Amazed, he told Menicucci he had never seen such large tipi rings. Menicucci informed him - those weren't tipi rings he was looking at. The rings, Menicucci said, matched the UFOs he had seen, and t,he strange lights pulsating underneath. · "They were like big round circles that had a light underneath and it flashed, like red, yellow, blue," he said. "The light went in cir cles. I heard the same thing was going on over in Boul der at the same time." Menicucci thinks back, recalling how his neighbor woke up one snowy morning to find two of his horses mutilated, their ·ears, eyes and lips missing. Strangely, he said, there weren't any tracks in the snow. "My neighbor raised Ginny hens, poodles and pea cocks, and he never heard a thing that night," Menicucci said. "I don't even know if it goes on anymore. But they were landing up in that basin and there's a lot of rose quartz up there." Gene Hughes of D&L Auto Supply in Deer Lodge hasn't experienced anything Deer Lodge resident Cindy Clawson shares her stories with the film crew during the making of "The Secret of firsthand, but he's heard the Redgate," which won the People's Choice Awards at the 20()4 UFO .Congress in Texas. Inset photo: An artist's rendl· stories from others. "My aunt saw some things tlon of the •spider craft' stands over the road. The v~hicle was allegedly seen by sev~ral Deer Lodge residents up and years and years ago," Hugh down the valley, including areas around Sunnyside near Anaconda where horses were found mutilated in the .1960s. es admitted. "She's since passed away, but she knew Hundreds say they've had sightings what she saw and I believed Myrna Loy screening her. I don't question her in the least." 'The Secret of Redgate' will be By MARTIN J. KIDSTON "My brother consciously remem screened at the Myrna Loy Center in Hughes also heard stories IR Feature Writer bers having a lot of encounters with Helena on Saturday and Sunday, April from his sister, whose own aliens·a s a child - playing with them 23 and 24, at 2 p.m. To find out more, experiences took place at DEER LODGE -Stories in this as a child," Cowen explained. "We · log on to the nearby ranch. Hughes dusty cow town come a dime a dozen, didn't know anything about them doesn't doubt the accounts. hardly a surprise given its hold on growing up." · "You just don't know the old prison, the new state prison, The stories came out years later, said. "No one ever talked about this about those things," he said. its historic cattle ranch, and its grabbing Cowen's interest. She met stuff growing up." "I think it very well could be fabled car museum. writer Jim Marrs through her Throughout the Deer Lodge Val happening. I don't know that But here, SO miles southwest of "remote viewing" class~s in Texas, ley, stories of close encounters a:ren't I could truly say there's Helena, stories of a different sort and together, the two decided to hard to come by. Over the last 20 nothing going on out there." have become the talk of the town - investigate therstories. years, Cowen said, there have been Ron Kelly, a local banker, stories exposed by a former Deer Cowen re.t~rned to her old stomp hundreds of sightings within a 150- attended high school with Lodge resident and her new docudra ing ground, st.trprise.d at how many mile radius of the town. Cowen in the 1960s. Like ma, "The Secret of ~edgate." Deer Lodge residents were willing to Some say there's a vortex nearby much of the town, he's also From her Texas home, Lynda come forward with their experi-· while others say it's the area's rural heard the stories, many com Cowen, a 1963 graduate of Powell ences. She soon had more stories nature. Some even believe that "iay ing from inside the family. County High School, attributed the than she could use in her movie. lines;" or energy bands, sit close A scene in the film making of her new film to her broth "We went back to Deer Lodge for beneath the earth. The water has recounts how Kelly's broth er's own UFO encounters as a kid. two weeks and found out there were been suggested, a:nd the Clark Fork ers were returning from a The results have propelled Deer a lot of people with this experience, River has been blamed. late-night dance in 1962. Lodge to the front of Montana's most all the way from young high-school That night, they were pur mysterious destinations. kids to people in their 80s," Cowen sued and overcome by a · bright light. The light filled (continued on psge 2) (continued from psge 1 - TIMES, New York, NV - Feb. 24, 2005 INDEPENDENT RECORD, CR: J. Fr) Helens, MT - April 14, 2005) their car, surrounding them. ~ Then it vanished as quickly 0 as it came. 9 "I remember them talking about it-being chased by the light. the light coming around," Kelly said. "There (D are a handful of people who knew about it. At that time, ~ that's what was going on and you didn't think much of it." Kelly knows where the fabled red gate lies and he's acquainted with the stories surrounding it. Back in the '60s, the events split the DoMl Sverl!levl~/ AISC community's opinion down Peter Jennings presents a special report on what he calls Ufology. the middle. Some accepted the stories as fact. Others TELEVISION REVIEW passed them off as juvenile pranks - kids out driving An ABC Documentary around and drinking beer. "It began to feed off itself," Kelly said. "I believe Lands in UF. 0. Territory there are people who see things all the time. There are things that take place. What significance does it By ALESSANDRA STANLEY 'Peter Jennings Reporting' have? I don't know. I haven't 'U.F.O.'s: Seeing Is Believing' had lunch with any little During a sweeps inonth, U.F.O. is green people, I can tell you not solely an abbreviation for uniden ABC, tonight at 8, Eastern and Pa· ctfic times; 7, Central time. that. But I'm one of those tified flying object. When a veteran who think something took network anchor devotes two hours to Mark Obenhaus and Tom Yellin, executive place." the subject In a special prime-time producers. Produced by P J Productions and Springs Media for ABC News. Cowen graduate~ from report, U.F.O. can also be code for Powell County High School uncontrollable fear of obscurity. in 1963 before enrolling in Tom Brokaw's retirement as the Plo, a 20th-century friar who was NBC anchor did not drive viewers to said to have had stigmata and super· Montana State University's ABC en masse; actually, the ratings natural powers and was canonized in nursing program. Years of his replacement, Brian Williams, 2002, bolster their case by pointing later she found herself in are 'higher than Peter Jennings's. out that Father Maccari, a Vatican Texas where she became Even Dan Rather's fall from grace investigator sent to prove the friar a interested in remote view and imminent retirement have not fraud, later recanted and prayed to ing. significantly benefited ABC's "World Padre Plo on his deathbed (at least. "I've been involved in News Tonight." And that may help according to a Capuchin publication, remote viewing for years," explain the mystery of why Mr. Jen "The Voice of Padre Pio"). Cowen said. "I really believe nings, ABC's lofty and fastidious an The documentary showcases a in UFOs because of that." chorman, chose to lend his gravltas U.F.O. version of Father Maccarl: J. to a lengthy examination of extrater Allen Hynek, an astrophysicist and a Remote viewing is a tech restrial life forms. consultant for an Air Force project nique once used by the mili Space aliens are not particularly created In 1952 to assess U.F.O. re tary, Cowen claimed. Often timely. Newspapers are not brim ports. Early on, he dismissed wit called psychic spying, the ming with fresh reports of mass nesses as crackpots. He later repent· skill allows one to transfer slghtlngs of bright lights hovering ed and went on to found the Center his or her mind to any place over the Mojave Desert. Steven for U.F.O. Studies In Illinois. He was at any time to retrieve infor Spielberg does not have a scl-fl se one of the first scientists to give the mation. quel, "Close Encounters of the study an aura of respectability. (Dr. For the film, Cowen Fourth Kind," in the works. And no Hynek came up with the phrase employed the services of one would argue that this Is a slow "close encounters of the third kind," Lyn Buchanan, a profession news period. which Mr. Spielberg used for his film al remote viewer, as well as But the race for ratings is particu title.) wseevreer aals koethde tros .l oTohke a vti Bewille rs nltahinralgty s a Ispn otmeinnatssne y oi nua ts F ine8 0b hrmuisa ilrilynio.t rnMo dAru.m cJteieornin cInoTtuenhrtess p hebiryss tewodri ytwn eoitsfh s eUcs.oF: n.hOtoe. umsslpegwohritavinreygs ,s a pcIis·· Kelly's account, but were cans believe in U.F.O.'s and that 40 lots and truck drivers who do not given no clues. mllllon say they have seen one or look or sound like crackpots and who Cowen explained the know someone who has. If even a matter-of-factly describe what they process, how a person sent a fraction of those people turn to ABC saw that turned them into believers. target code representing the tonight, "U.F.O.'s: Seeing Is Believ ("It arched over the top of our car. UFO encounter to a monitor. Ing" could do for Mr. Jennings what ... ") The most recent well-known In Not knowing what the target more somber special reports like cident was reported over Phoenix In code representeq, the moni last June's "Guantanamo Bay" could 1997, when hundreds of people said tor passed the cbde to the noNt. ot that this special report Is a day they saw strange lights overhead remote viewer. Cowen called at the beach. Mr. Jennings applies that did not resemble an airplane or it a "double blind" session in the same solemn, Impassive tone he a heiicopter. One man videotaped which neither the viewer nor used to examine Christianity in his some of what he saw: a row of lights tn the sky that he said were atop the monitor knows the tar special report "Jesus and Paul: The some kind of spaceship. The tape Is get. Word and the Witness" last April. He not very distinct, however. Mostly, The results impressed does not try to prove or debunk the ABC uses animation to recreate even Cowen. existence of U.F.O.'s. Instead, he what the witnesses say they saw. "Three male subjects dri handles Ufology, as he refers to It, The U.F.O. Is a topic usually rele like a religion whose followers are ving at night in a rural gated to the tabloids, but Mr. Jen· numerous and steadfast enough to area," the viewers conclud nlngs gives the phenomenon his full merit respectful treatment. ed. "The target seemed to be And that Is not Inappropriate. Ufol· consideration. "Seeing Is Believing" an actual event involving a ogy has many of the rites and Is not likely to create a new army of vehicle and a blindingly rhythms of more traditional faiths, converts, but It may draw viewers bright light. The event arid the skeptic-turned-convert Is a who are already convinced and hun involved transporting sub crucial element In any belief system. gry for network affirmation: bellev· jects. The subjects were The mllllons of followers of Padre lng is seeing. frightened, shocked and awed ... It seemed like an WALL STREET JOURNAL, New York, NV - Feb. 18, 2005 alien abduction by means of TheABCs ofUFOs a bright light beam." Those who shared their craft. Yet if such sophisticate~! machines encounters for the film also really do zoom down to ear·th and hover upnodlyegrrwaepnht theystpsn, oCsoisw aennd s aid. TBHyE NAABNCC Y NDEEWWSO LSFp eScMiaITl HR eport Air FFoorr clnes stitmarctee,d w Per'orjee tcotl dB ltuhea tB woohke nc itrhcea ogvalearx yK-ascnasnasn incgo rrnafdieiold tse, lehscoowp "c'so mofe S EthTeI wo"nT thhee SPeecorpelte o'sf CRheodigcaet e" culiar "(fTaUrhFeu Oresvsd-eaSnye Ie8f·l 1nI0tg p n w't oBhueoldlsi tebevedi npbgey"· 1Hth9ye4 7ne,p kroO jIhenicovt e. saStsti agatae t esdka es·ptUrtoFicnO. o mBsuiegtr h wtJinh. egnsA ltlfheoner yh!Saeveaaersr cb whee ifntoh rom uEotx nhtirteoaatrreiinrngrge ts hater' ip aaelie rIpwn atoevulelti sgt hefonerrc·e e4?0! Award at the 2004 UFO Con the venerable Peter Jennings. There Is project was disbanding In 1969, Mr. For true believers, a UI:t'O program gress in Texas, selected no real news In it. Ail ABC pre~s release Hynek had become a convert to the very with the imprimatur of ABC News will be from 15 films by more than quotes poor Mr. Jennings as· saying that real possibility of UFOS. Voila! Validation tnostly sheer delight (although to its 700 participants. although he set out "with a healthy dose by a serious scientist! <No journalists credit, the network does not dive over the "You can find people here of skepticism," he now believes "after around to ask whether someone who was cliff on Roswell). ABC claims that almost that have heard these sto almost 150'lntervlews with scientists, In· about to lose his paycheck was tempted 50% of Americans believe In UFOs. Even ries," Kelly said. "But not vestlgators and with many of those who to see the UFO light In order to attract if the real number Is far smaller, It won't ethveemry.b Tohdeyy h'raes nhoeta ar ds eocfr et." citniloagni mso btthojea cht tashv,a evt.weh elntrnoee t sabsreeeed n Iu mcnopidmoerpntalteinfttei elydq u faelnys7 . finuvnedsintigg aftoivr e aj opbri-vwahtei cvhe Mrsiro. nH yonf ehki sd iodl.d) Fhuebrtr utoa ryh asvwee ethpes,m w ahlilc ht uins iwngh eInn vdieuwrienrg· 2 swered-and a great deal not fully ex· Kansas Cornfields ship, and ad rates, are determined. As for Mr. Jennings lending his voice and plalned." Not much Is explained here It would seem that flying saucers, and gravitas to this funky subject, it might either, because there are few signs of even cigar-shaped objects, have been re· have been worse: He could have Inter· hard-nosed re·porting. · placed in recent years by triangie·shaped viewed Michael Jackson. DAILY TIMES, Farmington, NM - April 3, 2005 CA: R. Swiatek Aztec hosts UFO Symposium HERALD, Circleville, OH - April 27, 2005 CR: J. Fry ABC s pecial on - By Debra Mayeux down in July 1947 near UFOs 'Seeing Tht Daily Timts Roswell. It was brought down with "20 millimeter AZTEC - Extraterres canon fire," after the U.S •. trial biological entities, for Army Air Force receivcrd: is believing' eign discs and enemy orders to fire upon all hostile weapons systems are "foreign weapons systems" descriptions found in many or UFOs. . declassified government Aztec was a little differ reports from the late· 1940s ent. By PETE HARTINGER· don't like to admit that this is our and early 1950s. Howe said an unidenti On the night of February 24th present day knowledge. A former When the phrases are fied military agent told her: ABC television had a special 2- U.S. astronaut admitted this to me pieced together with the "We did not shoot tha£ one hour presentation about the ufo in a personal interview in March common knowledge of down.'~ phenomenon. This was in a prime 2002. alleged UF'O crashes in Instead the spaceship - a time slot from 8 to 10 p.m. Peter Peter Davenport wa<> shown at New Mexico and the more pewter, circular-shaped craft Jennings was the host. the end of the program. He oper recent cases of alien abduc - .flew into the path of The first hour had positive ates the ufo reporting center in tions, there is a story about radar beam. It was brought information about 'the existence Seattle, Washington. By the way government cover-ups and down in Hart Canyon and of ufos. The Phoenix Lights of he was presented on the TV spe extraterrestrial life possibly discovered by some oil field · March 1997 were discussed. A cial, it made you feel that he was living among humans and workers responding to a well large triangular shaped craft went the only one to report ufo sight controlling them. This was fire in the area. over the state of Arizona. A few ings to. Recently, he has received the message from Linda "There were two badly hours' later flares were seen near an increase of sighting reports Moulton Howe, who spo~e charred bodies, four feet in the mountain range by Phoenix .. because of the publicity of the Saturday at the 8th annual hei~ht" on the craft. The The skeptics tried to explain them ABC program. Aztec UFO Symposium at bodtes were later described the Aztec Boys and Girls by the military as "dead non as the earlier UFO sighting. Thus The Mutual UFO Network Club. human beings," Howe said. the descriptions were totally dif- (MUFON) was not even men Howe, an investigative These two crashes and ferent. . tioned on the 2-hour program. It reporter and expert on possibly two more in New There was an excellent anima is just one of the largest ufo extraterrestrial phenome Mexico became a part of the tion of the January 2000 fllinois reporting organizations in the non, used a number of big government cover-up sightings by 6 ditl'erent witnesses world. Many qualified ufo inves .Dave Watson/The Daily limes alleged UFO crashes in that began in the era of Har of whom 5 were police officers. tigators are in every state in the Susan Swiatek speaks on the topic of "Men In New Mexico to tell get her ry Trumaq, who ordered This unknown object was seen in U.S. I represent Pickaway and Black," the oddly·dresse~ strange men often point across.-She also told those in the know to lie, she the early morning hours over a Fayette counties in Ohio. I talked reported by UFO witnesses Saturday morning her theories of what hap said. large area of southwestern to John Schuessler, retired NASA at the 8th Annual Aztec UFO Symposium. On pened in Roswell in 1947 · "The suppression began as Dlinois .. engineer, on the phone and he the screen Is the cover of the 1997 film Men In and in Aztec in 1948. a policy of denial," Howe Several airline pilot testi stated that· the ABC crew took a Black, the lead characters of which have little In It was Howe's theory srud, adding that was followed monies were shown of ufos being lot of material from Mufon head common with actual MIBs, according to that a "foreign disc" carry seen by both military and civilian quarters in Morrison, Colorado. A Swiatek. ing "humanoids" was shot pilots. One outstanding case was lot of this material involved some the Minot, North Dakota sighting very good ufo cases. John is mys by a "shoot down" policy imple- Doreen Chavez of Nageezi said alien antennas. on 24 October 1968. It was at the tified, as anyone, why Mufon was mented by the military. . she enjoys UFO lectures and muse ~'If we can be here, why can't Minot Air Force Base where not even mentioned on the pro The "shoot down" policy lasted UmS. She attended the Roswell UFO they," Robblee said. "I'm totally nuclear weapons were stored. gram. throu~h the mid-1950s, when event last year and decided to give open to life on other planets." Ground personnel saw the strange Dr. Steven Greer is head of the accordtng to Howe's military infor the Aztec event a try. The symposium opens 9:30 a.m. looking object along with a B52 Disclosure Project. He claims to mant, ended because "We lost so ."It's interesting. UFO crashes today with David Rudiak speaking crew that was in the sky at the know ·some 400 "insiders" that many of our own planes and have happened all over the world " on Roswell. Also on the agenda are time. There wa'> a total of 16 wit know ufos do exist. He has taken pilots." Chavez said. "I wanted to see wh~t. Rob Swiatek and John Greenewald, nesses altogether. The official many video statements of ex-mil pwloe uTclhdoe u baledl i aen n"osW t wkaern rooe wfh t ohbseet iWclea,ou arslnedd s thptyeeporee gwraasCn gdaocr iohnliKilnd oerne nhRe ortoeb .b"tl heee sbyrmoupgohsti uhmer, J$r2. 5T. icAk emtso rfnoirn agl lp daassy cSaunn dbae yp aurre edxopelsa nnaotito nf iwt atsh est aersy. eAwgitanine,s stehsis' Titahriys ianncdlu dgeosv 2e rfnomnneenrt awstirtonneassuetss.. of hMysotereri ath,"a nH o5w0 ep seaoidp.l e listened to mbeocnathuss eto t h1e2 yceharisl dolrde -n-loavgee dE T1s4. cish$a9se. d for $18 and an afternoon pass desTcrhipe tsioencos.n d hour of the special eTxhiesyte nacree . aLll ikfaev oJorahbnl eS tcoh uthees sulefor, Howe. Those, who purchased week hThey saw the signs and got Information: Aztec UFO Infor in,volved the usual debunking. Steven Greer is also mystified end passes to the annual event. will excited," said Robblee of Aztec. mation Center, (505) 334-9890 or on The skeptics again said that ufos why the Disclosure Project was hear more today with speakers talk She had heard of the alleged the Web at are just a belief. As I have stated not even mentioned on the spe ing about Roswell, showing off UFO Aztec crash and wanted to learn before, "knowledge is not a mat cial. The ABC crew has also went photographs and sharing more gov mote about it, she said holding the Debra Mayeux: [email protected] ter of belief or desire, but a matter over much of the material that he ernment conspiracies. 14-month-old, who was wearing of evidence. has amassed. Evidence was not mentioned such You can read all the monthly as; freedom of information docu Mufon journals dating back to c ments, car engine failures, land 1994 at the local Circleville (cI) Nancy Shanks, a CDOT ing trace cases, radar returns, etc. Library. 0 spokeswoman, said the state · Dr. Frank Drake of the SETI Also there is the 4-hour video z0 recognizes the need for direc (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Disclosure Project video that you a.: stiiognnas l wsiigthn sw (hoirt et oleutrtiesrmin. gB aluree ~Inyteesl liwgehnecne )h' ep sroaigdr aimt w hoaudl dm bies tya cyaonu abroer rao mwe manbde r toakf eth eh olimbrea,r yi.f a: available for that purpose. special moment when you hear a On our web site, www.roun distant intelligent radio signal. you can (.) "The state law mirrors the na What does he think when eyewit read Stanton Friedman's tionallaw on roadside beautifi nesses have a dramatic ufo sight response to the ABC Special. It cation. These laws on roadside ing? You might call that a special is one of our listed links. You can advertising are in place for very moment to the eyewitness who go directly to Stanton's web site, specific reasons, from highway never forgets. I know. safety, uniformity, mainte- · The Roswell Incident was Stanton is one of the world's ' nance and highway beautifica shown but the government expla leading ufologists. I have met tion," Shanks said. nation wasn't given about the him on a few occasions. He is a She said the Departmei1t · o,f ~ies being parachute dummies. retired nuclear physicist. Transportation is making a spe This was ridiculous because In conclusion about the pro cial effort to remove illegal Roswell occurred in 1947 and the granl, it makes you feel as if 0 signs in southwest Colorado, parachute dummy ·program was ABC News only wanted you to (.) where a new employee is taking ln the early 1950's. hear about part of the evidence i a fresh look at the violations. It was reported that Professor of the ufo phenomenon, for > In Messoline's case, the alien J:; Allen Hynek, formerly of The whatever reason. c A) signs are on her property. She Ohio State University, was one of Astrophysicist Bernard Q owns a section of land that is the tew scientists· who later stated Haisch contends, "We are in the ._; Sean Weaver I Special to The Denver Post · split by Colorado 17. The busi that ufos were real. That is curious situation today that our 0 ness is on the west; the signs are because he was one of the few best modern physics and astro ~ Some signs for the UFO Watchtower, among others in soutl'·· on the east. They are therefore ~dentists heavily involved in the physics theories predict that we west Colorado, violate CDOT rules, the agency says. illegal because they are not con research. He was the chief civil should be experiencing Sign rule means orado 17 north of Alamosa· where tiguous to the business. ian consultant for the U.S. Air extraterrestrial visitation, yet tourists watch for UFOs in an area An 8-foot alien on the west ForSccei feonrt imstasn yt aylekaerds . about the alunryk ipnogs siiiib lteh ee vUidFeOn cep hoefn osmuceh 2 roadside aliens noted for such sightings. side of the road is allowed be speed of light being the fastest non is scoffed at within our sci COOT says Messoline's signs are cause it's ne.xt to the business. means to travel in space. They entific community." illegal. . "I feel it is harassment. I hon may not be long This month, the department sent estly feel it's harassment," Mes letters notifying ' property owners soline said. "What they want us for this world that signs advertising businesses are to do is buy the CDOT signs, illegal if located within 66o feet of a the little blue signs with the ar way· By Erin Emery highway right o't and not on. row. Well, you can't even read Denver Post Staff Writer the businesses' properties. · them. They're $250 a year per Now she has to take the signs sign." Jay Young, owner of the Colo "I feel that it's encroaching on pTlMirerToeavsphnesoseso rp iltsioin Coraetnona'ssl ti aorvlaniade spnoils oa,n nDa so ·e mftp oioan rvtsteeemri gzseaehnl etaJ cubtdoeiyc f ssodiauog"iwrndT .stnh ou" awupItrf',is i tt swhhgtie eons ti e6nodauogosr onidtsn'oat~,y "thhsr .aMia tfv feerisci gs tiohhsl togi nsoaee t CeabboduDous aainunrtt·iemy utsh $esce eo tiAomisnwslmlugenei.neTs., rs usio eansnade nrad,Ay a laCattmmDenooOdsnaT g ·toctr ihaerodeannyodts ohoA' s af1li vvl7gie,ign s eassisett oooteinrrmn sF p oadarntrriemveos apo, tt afbehl t ysaphot reb oos eaopnct eta Cprruaetosycrle- . pbbsopeuruo esrhime ancfreorhdset se efa, dos" or oh wmuueesr ,s l taloo tyoa "r aoiIflstur 'tewsr-e ogirdtroihoigie.mnh"n gt t ettoodof Messoline's aliens are red, made of ainwga yto o ugor d riirgehctt ioonria bl ysi. gTnso i st agkoe- ov"eWrceo'mree g osionmg et oo sfe eth iifs w, be ucta· nI th"oOseu rs ilgivnesl;i hRooeadl icsotimcaellsy ,f rowme Staff writer Erin Emery can be 3 plywood and stand 3 feet tall. The ing to kill us." · just need a little time to do can't survive without those reached at 719-522-1360 or signs point tourists to the UFO some research," Allen said. signs," Young said. [email protected]. Watchtower, her business along Col- ... _: 'I'm nearly 100 percent convinced (extraterrestrial visitors) are already here.' :CsJ : Bellevue man believes we are not alone 0 "g' T By Mary Swift UFO CONFERENCE Journal staff (If Bellevue's Bill Puckett will be ,...~ he story goes like one of the speakers at the this: In the fall of Ocean Shores UFO Conference 0. 2001 an Enumclaw sch~duled for Friday through < area woman was headed Sunday at the Ocean Shores north on a rural road Conference Center. For · Information on UFOs Northwest ~ when she spotted a red· or to report a sighting, call · orb in the distance. Puckett ·at 425·452·836 7 or go .g.!f The light grew larger as to . the woman's vehicle 'ii approached. She flashed ble witnesses." m her headlights. But there's a tendency to ..r The red light moved discount eyewitnesses, he c:c toward her car, engulfing her says, even when they're Z vehicle. Though her hands · pilots or in law enforce;ment. § weren't on the steering That doesn't.make sense, 0 wheel, the vehicle negotiated ·he argues. .., a steep curve. Then the orb · "We put people to death ci moved on, crossing the road. based on the testimony of 0 Some people may think .·eyewitnesses," he says. · CJ the woman was imagining "But here, we discount the z things. testimony of credible wit S2 Not Bellevue's Bill nesses." Puckett. He thinks what she Technological proof coming saw was an unidentified fly ing object. Puckett believes that technology is changing so Five-year-old passion fast that within his lifetime - Puckett, now 58, is a pro perhaps even in the next fessional meteorologist and decade - there will be proof environmental scientist of the existence of extrater employed by the restrials on Earth. Environmental Protection Patrick Haoerty/Journal "Technology is growing· Agency. Bill. Puckett has a UFO library In his Bellevue home. The professional meteorologist and environmental scientist exponentially," he says. But for the past five runs the UFOS Northwest Web site and recently set up the UFO Hotline (866·611-UFOS or local 425·452-UFOS), "Look how far we've come years, his passion has been · shown at left on the floor. in the last century." researching suspected UFO Still, he says, it will take a sightings in the Northwest. And yes, he says, he . on the Northwest. But I get released by the Earth. lot to change the minds of He knows the majority of knows there are plenty of reports from all over the "But when. it (the light) those who don't see the "evi reported UFO sightings can skeptics - and more than a · world."· behaves intelligently . dence" tht! s.ame way he does. be explained away as satel few ready to call people like An intellig. ent orb (allegedly guiding the car "I would venture to say lites, bright stars, weather him crackpots. around the steep curve) . that they (extraterrestrials) phenomena, swamp gas, Not that it is likely to That sighting near then you have to think it's would have to land on the meteors or secret military stop him. Enumclaw in 2001 is one he an intelligent entity - or White Ht>use lawn during the aircraft. "I've had this fascination doesn't think can be something operated by an 6 o'clock news and have cof (The National UFO with. investigating UFOs for explained away all that easily. intelligent entity." fee with the president before Reporting Center estimates ·a long time," Puckett says. "Put it this way," he says. Skeptics aside, "I'm near a lot of the scientific commu that only about 3 percent of Two years ago he set up a "If it was just a red orb, you ly 100 percent convinced nity would accept it," he says. slghtings remain unidenti Web site;, could say maybe it was (extraterrestrial visitors) are "Personally, I believe the fied.) to collect and report infor- . something to do with -already here," he say~. odds of another civilization He believes that some of . mation on sightings. nature. We live in a seismi- "There's been photos . not visiting us is very low. those sightings are UFOs or "Most sightings are cally active area. It's close There's been dehris that But you can get into some extraterrestrial - space ships explainable. I prefer local to Mount Rainier. Maybe· can't b~ explained. very big argumen~ about or beings from other worlds. . sightings. I'm really focused . you c.ould say it was gas There's been some credi- that subject." A Norfolk Couple's Mystery. What Was That Ball of Light? i u.. , By: Asa Fitch because we just didn't know what it was and "It was absolutely bt'ack, because there moved quickly across the sky in .... thought it might be dangerous, • the report was cloud cover and no moon and no stars, Washington in 2002. · ··-· (..) NORFOLK - At about 10:30 on the says. "We've never seen anything like and if you looked out at the field with the One recent report bears n striking 'E evening of Jan. 2. Drew Quale and his this before,. and [this ha$] been our eye you couldn't see anything but this resemblance to what the Quales say they io wife, Sally, were with a friend at their weekend home for over 20 years." white light." sbe said. snw. On Sept. 7 of last year at 8:30p.m., weekend home on North Colebrook Road, Mrs. Quale, a public inforllllltion officer A meteorologist at the Western a 50-year-old quality assurance technician packing up their car for a ·trip to for the Bronxville School District, said Connecticut State University confirmed from Torrington reported seeing an orb I Bronxville, N.Y., when they say they saw the object appeared to be about the size of that the sky was overcast the night of Jnn. whisk across the sky from the balcony of Z a brightly-lit orb hovering over a 10-acre a basketball. The Smith College graduate 2. Records compiled from a wenther his second-story apart-ment. The man. nn uf field nearby. The object zigzagged over said she bas explored the possibility that station at the Orent Mountain Forest in "amateur astronomer from a very young !LL I the dark landscape, sometimes slowly, it was ball lightning, n vaguely Norfolk show that at 10:31 p.m. the· age,• wrote thnt he snw a globe moving sometimes quickly, darting •mndomly like understood natuml phenomeoon in which a temperature was 35.6 degrees Fahrenheit, slowly through the air for some time a hummingbird" from just above the field ball of electrical energy appears and ~d the ~umidity w~ at 97 percent, w~ch before darting away quickly and 0 to 100 feet in the air. according to a report moves horizontally through the nir. She ts very high. The wutd was calm to mtld, disappearing. 0 the Quales submitted to now doubts that was what she saw because and a very light rain fell sporadically It •appeared to be illuminated from 9 it stayed so long, even after the Quales between 8:30 and 11 p.m. thnt day. Sixty within,• according to nn account on UuJ: For about 45 minutes. Mrs. Quale took left. It remains a mystery, she said. percent of the moon's surface was At the last before it faded :x: pictures of the object with her digital "It was like someone hnd a mouse and illuminated on Jan. 2 in Norfolk, but the from view, it was very dimly lit nnd looked (5..) camera. following it from the backyard as was moving a cursor,• Mrs. Quale said. "It moon d!dn~ rise that night until II: 31 like a crystal ball. It looked transparent, it ranged over a copse of pine trees in the wns like you might move the cursor this p.m., 1.:'1 nunutes after the Quales left, liken globe or sphere. From the time it middle of the field and behind a crabapple way and that way and click on the word you according to data from the U.S. Naval moved quickly till it faded out could only tree on one edge of the field. The Quales wanted to correct. We thought it was so Observatory. The Quales' strnnge hnve been a second or two. This quick were from 200 to 300 yards away from the weird we didn't want to go out there.• encounter is certainly not the first of its movement probably covered 10 degrees of object. It made no noise. Mr. Quale, a Harvard Law School kind in the region, though the Quales sky." About 45 minutes later. at about 11:15 graduate and a senior partner with the appear to be decidedly more credible than The 1ru1n reported seeing the object p.m., the Qunles decided they ought to Seventh Avenue tnw firm of Sidley Austin the average UFO spotter. again a week later. on Sept. 12. and then leave. It was a Sunday. and they had to · Brown&. Wood ll.P. was quoted in Norfolk UFOs of all brands-from hot-dog-shaped again another week Inter. The object make it to Bronxville, a town in Now, the community newsletter that first sll.ips with blue spotlights emanating from looped bnck: and forth and then zipped Westchester County, that night and go to reported the story. as ~aying, •we still portholes to n small. star-shaped craft nway. work the next morning. As they were have no idea what it was. • h~vering above Main . Srr.eet in "It was a very unusual zigzag type of leaving.. they drove to the other side of the Though the object looks like a full Wmsted-have been reported m Litchfield pattern.• the man wrote in n report on field and into an ancient driveway, noting moon in pictures, Mrs. Quale snid she was County on Web sites like where be also was 4 that the shape and intensity of the object certain it not the moon or any other nnd posted a diagram of the object's trajectory. didn't change. They left while the object celestial body. The sky was overcast that One story described n •mothership" "It did this zigzag pattern about four times was still visible. night, she said, and everything was black: visiting Litchfield center in 1971. before nying off." "We were afraid to venture close to it except for the b.'\11 of light. Another reported a "bizarre star" that FOREIGN NEWS [All British clippings courtesy of Timothy Good, unless otherwise credited.] WESTERN DAILY PRESS, Bristol, England - Feb. 4, 2005 Visitors from outer space could be blazing a trail across West's skies Unidentified Fiery Object Fiery visitor: Artist's Impression of a fireball over Stonehenge - ufologlata aay the UK's longest ley line runs through the area and may have something to do with the spate of UFO slghtlngs In the West By Steven Swinford visited by extra-terrestrials. ·~we was reported in at 3.50am above· discounted as meteor showers or as- 'nuts and bolts' evidence that [email protected] should not discount the possibility," 'Iwerne Minster. The observer said: tronomical phenomena, other sight· supports the extra-terrestrial hypo- said James Bazil, a ufologist from "It looked like a great bright light ings are harder to dismiss. thesis." TH E great bright light Withywood, Bristol. "We've· got and was really intense, like a big A report from Surrey on May 20 These latest files to be declassified three different accounts painting a ball of fire moving rapidly to the last year, describes a UFO as having by the MoD are not as complete as first appeared above the similar picture. ground." "grooves and windows" but no room reports from 1976·77, which were re· village of Iwerne Min "The West has been a hot spot for A report from Devizes recorded for humans. Even the MoD inspect· leased last month. ster in Dorset, scorching • UFOs for many years. The longest an objec;:t that "looked like a big ball or notes that the "witnesses have Hundreds of documents kept a trail through the night skies. ley line in the country runs trom of fire coming down tram the sky seen it so clearly". secret by the Ministry's special UFO Just eight days later, an uncannily Dundry, near Bristol, down to Salis- with a tail and sparks coming off the Det Con Gary Haseltine, of British department, known as S4F. detail similar object was seen above Dev bury, and we think this may have end of it". . Transport Police in Leeds, runs the many reports of a possible visit by izes, Wiltshire, and that same even· something to do with it." That same day an orange object database of police-reported UFO extra-terrestrial life forms. ing above Swindon. Ley lines are supposedly prehis· was spotted above Swindon. sightings, and he is convinced there In July 1997, Flt-Lt AM Wood re- This spate of UFO sightings last toric routes across the landscape. Denis Plunkett, head of Bristol is something out there. ported "bright objects hanging over September .was yesterday revealed The classified files revealed that branch of the British Flying Sau· He said: "After 28 years of invest· the sea". The MoD document adds in previously secret documents dis· last year there were a total of88 UFO cers Bureau; said: "I think it's 1m· !gating the subject I would have to that the RAF officer said the closest closed to the Western Daily Press. sightings reported to the Ministry . portant we don't dismiss sightings say yes, and the public don't really .object was "luminous, round and The files, released under the Free of Defence's UFO unit, five of which like this out of hand. There is a pat· get told what's going on. ·four to five· times larger than a dom of Information Act, sparked were spotted in the West Country, tern here, which suggests there "To my logical, police-trained Whirlwind helicopter". The UFOs. frenzied speculation among UFO ex The spree of West sightings began could be UFO activity." · mind, the officers provide excellent were reported to be three miles out perts that the West may have been on September 24, when an object Although such reports might be witness testimony, promoting the · to sea at a height of 5,000ft. Spaced-oiiiRVSii8Ciil-8iion builds over the 'living cross' UFO by .lo ·M•koalraakl Wbe inllaemsdeedn, sreasidid sehnet,, twohoo, hdaode sw intonte swseadn t~ teo tWowillaesrddesn Jmuen ctfioron mS tattihoen ."d irection of Othbisnekrv aerb.o ut it again until I read the STRANGE lights seen above a house in phenomenon. She watched as the square object hov 'Then I thought 'I hope that lady doesn't Willesden have strengthened claims a She told the Observer: "I work until the ered low above her home, before setting thinlc she is mad because I saw it too'. It UFO flew over the skies of north London. early hours of the morning and I often stay off in the direction of Harlesden. made no noise, but it really disturbed me." Last week, the Observer ran a story of a up late. On that day I saw some lights She said: "It was like nothing I had ever Following l'ast week's report Pete Joy, possible alien visitor witnessed by a shining brightly through my window at seen before. We sometimes get police he spokesman for South Harrow Police, said Stanmore resident, who saw bright lights about4am. licopters here, and it definitely was not they had not received any calls from wor hovering over her house. "My fiuher died last year and I often one of those. ried residents, adding: "We had no reports 5 The illuminations were spotted in the look out of the window to see the stars "It was similar to the shape of a Maltese of sightings of UFOs in the area on that ·early hours of the morning on Wednesday, and I imagine him there. I thought that Cross, nothing like the nonnal shape of an day. January 19. was what the light was but, when I got to aeroplane. "It could have been anything, perhaps a And, after reading the account, a the window, I could see a shape coming "But, although it was weird, I didn't Boeing 747 or some other aircraft." Dorothy's close encounter· FI.ifiNG DISCS & GREEN 1V1EN 1942: A man claims to have Moor Independently report the "c0 hbiese hno ambed uinc tNede wbyb igaglilenn-csy f.trhoem esaamrlieer . object 10 minutes CD Sea and Is given a medical "& examination. 1997: A crop circle appears in c a field In Rothbury, UJ 1963: A father and daughter NorU1umber1and. Two driving to Alnmouth see a American visitors claim to ccD huge, glowing object with have seen a red "laser fight" ..>.. porthole-style windows 100ft flashing over the hills 1he c above their car. The object night before. shoots off towards the Nortll 0 Sea. 1997: M EyemouU1 tra.vler c. crew sees a t/iangular flying ::s 1968: A man claims to see a object while fishing about 90 ~ silvery disc hurtle to Earth miles offshore. and crash alongside the Ucu) Roman wall, near HaltwhistJe 1998: A Scghill man and wife z;CG:J ) 1in9 N78o:rt Ahu wmobmeralna nadn.d her a1arr2oe u wonhuditt e6w plaimlgkhi nwtsg h methnoe vtiihrn edgyo igsn p aaot t grand-daughter see a perfect line, one behind U1e _; translucent object moving otht!r, "almost like a troln in < alongside them while walking the sky with white windows". az: cIna tCcohuenst ya Dgluimrhpamse. oTfh tew goi rl gItr ofluansdh,e so nbee aamftesr dthoew not Jt1oe rt.h e 0.~. , STRANGE SIGKTJNG: Alnwlck Castle with an artist's Impression of the cigar-shaped object seen by Dorothy Elsey. bspefeocrtera tlh feigy uarlel sv anneixsth t.o it 2000: A UFO Is spotted over Wearslde. Witnesses describe 1979: Several Gateshead it as "silvery grey in colour. children see 3tt tall green very nat. pear-shaped and people digging on top of a about four to tlve feet long•. haystack. One of them Is NewcastJe Airport officials are seen riding a cow. alerted after o sighting three 1997: A Northumberland man hours later above Pensha.v witnesses a "flying triangle" Monument. near Washington. over Howick at around 6pm. It 200'4: A driver on the coastal flies slowly In the direction of road near Alnmouth spots RAF Boulmer. On the same "muftl.coloured dancing evening, a couple on Alnwlck lights" far out to sea. -------IliA"'<."!(: .... DOROTHY Elsey could By Robert Brooks The official reports, which spent not believe her eyes when more than 25 years under lock and key in the Ministry of Defence's what she first thought was Now 74, Miss Elsey says she $till UFO department - SF4 - were only a plane crashing down to has no idea what the mystery object declassified and released to the pub earth started hovering was, or what it was doing above the lic last month under the Freedom of ~ Another quiet market town. "It was very Information Act. motionless above Alnwick strange indeed," said the long They state that in July 1977, Flight Castle. serving primary school teacher. "It Ueutenant AM Wood of RAF iCIT sighting was a dark night and I was driving to Boulmer reported seeing "bright ob The object stood out Newcastle from Belford to pick up jects hanging over the sea" including against the deep blue night my parents from a dance. an object that was "luminous, round sky, a huge black · cigar "As I came down the bank I could and four to five times larger than a i·n UFO shaped object surrounded by see Alnwick Castle silhouetted Whirlwind helicopter". against the sky, but then something The sighting of the UFOs, which -g a luminous green glow. caught my attention. I first thought it were reported to be three miles out as Shocked, Dorothy pulled her car was an aeroplane coming down, but to sea at a height of about S,OOOft, 'ij, over on the bank just before the Lion then I realised it was not moving. was supported by two other ser mystery Bridge and watched in stunned si "It seemed to be right over the vicemen at the station, who also ~ lence as the vast shape stayed in castle. I certainly didn't imagine it. It observed the strange objects for an view for just under a minute before was shaped like a fat cigar, black and hour and .40 minutes and reported :E "fading out" into the darkness. with a luminous green strip around the sighting to their commanding Mystery surrounds the The retired teacher from Swar its edge. It was easily the length of officers. The MoD report confirmed g0 . origin of a bright .light seen land in Northumberland has kept the the castle in the sky. . that the objects had been visible on streaking through the bizarre sighting to herself for over "I pulled the car to a stop and sat radar at RAF Boulmer as well as the .E Shropshire skies at the three decades, almost coming to dis watching for a minute, before it base at Staxton Wold, North York (J) weekend after two late night believe what she had seen on that seemed to fade out I was amazed." shire. cinema·goers claim to have winter night in 1971. But the pensioner says she still ~M spotted the phenomena 10 But following the official release doesn't believe in spacemen. ... hours earlier. of hitherto top secret govenunent "I keep an open mind about what it files on the. controversial-and often could have been," said Miss Elsey. (J) Several county residents reported the light at about ridiculed - subject of unidentified Her sighting came six years before a flying objects, she decided to speak reported encounter with UFOs by lOam on Sunday, with many to The Journal yesterday about her servicemen at nearby RAF believing they had seen a experience. Boulmer. meteorite. But Rachael Jones, of "II was black Willi a luminous Harlescott, and Bryony Mor gan, of Castlefields, cast fur· ther intrigue into the green striP around its ·edge" sighting after they saw the OPEN MIND: Dorothy Elsey. object as they left Cine· world, in Old Potts Way, at 12.30am on Sunday. · Miss Jones sajd: "It was a for ntore sort of yellowy-white colour ~ Appeal and then tailed off to nowhere, it went across the sky and then disappeared. We didn't know what it was, :'saucer' sightings but it was weird." But motorist Richard Gorton today stuck with original reports, saying he had seen the blazing trail c from Craven Arms at cu o, by Carl Roache "That's when 1f irst saw it above my "I think that they were laser lights 10.15am on Sunday. car," she X-plalned. or high·lntensity beams shining on "My wife and 1 saw a ~ News Reporter "So 1 slowed right down and as I the clouds, but from what, at the bright light with a long turned right, that is when it appeared moment, I do not know." streaking tail whizz horizon ,; DESPITE fears of ridicule and to follow ~e. "I am not sure at this point whether tally across the clear blue ~ alien-ation, a Gentleshaw wo "I opened my window and stuck my they.were a UFO but I do want to hear skies in front of us," he said. ..c man has reported her close en- he"aSdo omuet b· cuat.rt hs erpea wsta sm neo saonudn dt. h.e y froAmc cwoirtdniensgs etso." Mr Allen, unusual Meanwhile David Galvin >~ co~t~;!~! ~!21 ~sident was ahpopwe athreedy ctoo uslldo wm idsosw itn.." I cannot see sightlngs are no rare thing. Aprsetsroidneonmt icoafl tShoec ieLtyiv, esrapiodo al (f~£f.i)t sorreepnTcli unFahclnreltii a dn'4hnag0ety,- ry ste aoevdau eirccsn-oeotiurnlnd-rtgsb,a ,hc iwJantaph gtneo hdu sed iaf gilrMdyhy itt nn7irnorg. :gt uo wrboyjaf e ntcaatt esfrreavopRiemdonu ir gnattee ghld,nee y busS etmrltriaabeenfsevfgiroed edreo d lntfsio gthp hiberGteOes r· pc aoUlohenFm a Othmih nae Ggd A srfoaralo.lmu.ebmpnoe, Swthtaea""sfsT1 fe qhow uerlodiirgtuesehlh d atpi rsrrle eoib ,kll uioeaftt ins tcoid .of " ff iti Unhn deFAr Oetu h sgeiiusg nsshot' ttui 2nor0cgn0e4se ,Io lnItr bscthioemeeu nniml taayo r n" bstbhkrriy iwgg hahstset eslialnkit geeehllylati rttleoiin" eh .r a tvhinee 2 to be named, was driving down near Armitagtt and Rugeley. may have to conclude that it was a "These satellites have Horsey Lane towards the Hedgehog He refused to conclude whether UFO." hu¥'e solar panel wings 6 pub in Lichfield. they were or were not a UFO. Mr Allen would like anyone who wh1ch catch the sunlight and At about 7.50pm, she noticed a dull "We had a number or sightings believes they may also· have seen reflected it back to the white light close by and . sensed mainly in the Rugeley area and something extraterrestrial to contact ground," he said. something was above her. actually I saw them myself," he said. him on 01889 585149. · · AONEWS, Wolverhampton, England-Feb. 10, 2005 Mystery of the alien encounter At around 11.30pm on the RAF Cosford, one of the military's leading training evening of December 10, bases, is probably best known for it's huge aircraft 1963, a dome shaped UFO museum. touched down at RAF But there's one part of its history that is still shrouded in Cosford, bathed the sur rounding area in a beam of mystery - a 'close encounter' that still has experts green light and was seen at scratching their heads 40 years after the event. close quarters by at least two Here, leading UFO researcher Nick Redfern looks again RAF apprentices. at a real-life X File that refuses to go away ... At least, that has been the accepted story for the last 40 years. In accordance with the British Government's '30 year ruling' the Ministry of Defence's eight-pa~e file on the case has now been declassified and is available for inspection at the Public Record Office. Its contents make for interesting reading. Rumours that something extraordi nary had happened at the base sur faced immediately, but it was not until January 1964 that matters escalated. On January 9, Wilfred Daniels, a UFO investigator from Stafford, spoke with the Rev BG Henry, chaplain at RAF Cosford, about the alleged Close Encounter. We cannot be sure what was said, but a controversy was created that raged for months. In an April 13, 1964, letter to W averney Girvan, editor of 'Flying Saucer Review', Mr Daniels reported: "Flight Lieutenant Henry said the publication of his name w.Quld cause him trouble, that it was more than his job was worth to arrange a meeting He discovered a welter of contradic- · claims," ~mbled a ministry internal between me and the two RAF appren-· tory explanations from the authorities memo of March 12, 1964. tices, that security had dropped right to explain the UFO: 'two drunk . So what exactly did happen on that down on the whole thing." apprentices', 'a hoax' and, amusingly, long gone winter's evening in The Rev Henry's recollecti()ns were 'a British Railways steam train'. December 1963? opposed to those of Daniels. A letter Smelling a rat, Girvan gave the inci On the plus side, Waverney Girvan from Flying Officer RA Roberts, at dent pride of place in the next issue of was much respected and well-known Cosford, to the Air Ministry stressed 'Flying Saucer Review' and wrote a for his diligent· research. In addition, the cleric denied all statements attrib lengthy article on the case for the Wilfred Daniels had served in the mil uted to him and was seriously consid Kensington News and West London itary at the level of captain- an equal ering legal action. Times. ly credible source. Moreover, it is fact To his credit, 'Flying Saucer Review' Local press picked up on the story - the Air Ministry offered a variety of' editor Waverney Girvan resolved to much to the di~leasure of the Air contradictory explanations. get to the bottom of the mystery, firing Ministry. "The Express and Star of On the other hand, Flighi Lieutenant a barrage of letter~ to both RAF \Volverhampton, despite seeking the Henry was adamant he'd been mis Cosford and the Air Ministry. station's v1ews, l'eported the boys' quoted. Furthermore, a hand-written --- -·. ··---·--··----·--·. ---------- ·---,------ -------- note received by the Air ~linistry said He discovered a welter of contradictory of the two apprentices who reported the UFO: "I believe the two boys want explanations from.t he authorities to explain . ed to get out of the service - and we should not have been sorry to see them the UFO: 'two drunk apprentices', 'a hoax' go." and, amusingly, 'a ·British Railways steam • Can anyone out there shed more light on the Cosford UFO? Contact train' The AdNews on 01922 636666 or email mlke_lockley at EVENING LEADER, Wrexham, Englan~ ~Feb. 23, 2005 More light shed on the UFO mystery MORE. people who saw the ling along the A4.83 with his case we were not alone on this The waste' freezes outside the strange blue lights above· dad. one and it would appear we plane and breaks up when it Wrexham at the weekend have He also described seeing blue were not. ·hits warmer air. The fallout is come forward. lights streaking across the sky. "As in Mr Phillips' case Scott, .often blue in colour, depending People throughout Wrexham, His dad, John, said: "Scott at the age of eight, had certain~ on the chemicals used in the and parts of Shropshire, saw shouted 'look, Dad, at that in· ly not been drinking the night waste system, and there h~ve the unexplained phenomenon the sky', at which I glanced up before." even been cases of solid pieces just befo~ lOam on Sunday. and personally saw nothing. One explanation has been put hitting the ground.. · · John Phillips saw the lights However, I asked Scott what he forward, but it is a little less Has . the mystery .Of. the while he was working at the saw and he replied 'blue lights exciting than·a meteor storm or Brymbo blue . lights . been former Brymbo Steelworks site. zooming across the sky'. strange visitots from another solved? If you saw the li¥hts or 7 But he was not alone: Eight- "As I have said I· did not planet. . . . have another explanation for year:-ol4 · Scott Jones, of witness this sight but on arriv~ A situation that could explain the sightin·gs contact the Gresfor~. a18o 11aw s~mething ing home l~ter that mo~in~.I th.~ siJl1ti~g~ is leakag~ from Leader news team ·at ·ot978 strange m the sky while travel.: told my w1fe, Sharon, Just m the toilet. on a passenger plane. 366-161. GOOLE TIMES, Yorkshire, England-Feb. 10, 2005 by "ulie Shillito Describing the craft as being as big as a four-bed roomed EXCLUSIVE house lit underneath by lights, they said it hovered silently in the air until suddenly a very bright light shone down Declassified. documents recently released from the craft, illuminating a farm house. After several by the Ministry of. Defence have revealed seconds, all the lights on the UFO went out, as if nothing saw an unusual object hovering over Reedness/Swinefleet. that a UFO was sighted over Drax power had been there at all. · Mrs Hunt was walking back from a bus stop when she saw station last year. what she describes as a· flying cylindrical object: "It was The MoD states that it does not investigate UFO sightings, nor does it have any expertise on the subject, The sighting, which took place last April 22 at 4.30pm, really eerie, it was just hovering in the air." John Cowling abOut which it remains totally open-minded. Whilst reports wunaisd eonft iafnie odb jpeecrts ownh iwchh ol osoigkehdte dli kiet saa ibdo othmaetr athneg . UTFhOe seaxipde cttheadt ttoh ese oeb. j"eIctt w waas su snoumsueatlh ainngd hloeo wkeodu llidk en tehvee sri dhea voef sskenettc htoy ,t ahne dm oinnliyst ray h aarned ~fuxla mwianrerda,n tm fousrtt hreerp ionrvtse satrigea vtieorny. remained stationary over the power station whilst an a plate at 30 to 40 yards. It was a pale fluorescent green." He They consider that none has revealed any threat. aircraft circled the object.' said that he was not the sort of person given to Some 88 UFO sightings were made in the UK last year. an imaginative mind and he was glad that SIGHTINGS Whilst many can be dismissed as mett.>Orite showers or someone else had also seen the object. "It was other astronomical phenomena, other sightings refer to there!" he insisted. nbjt.-cts which change colour, speed and shape. Other sightings in the area include a gigantic Criticisms have been made that Ulese latest files, which UFO seen in November, 1999. Described as have ~:>ceo de-classifit.>d by the, MoD; are not as romplctt.> as larger than a four-bedroomed house, it was Did YOU spot the UFO looming .. tht.>y haw bcl..'fl pn.•viously when, b,,ck in the 1977, At-l.t A. SC\.'fl hovering 150 to 200ft above Humberside over Drax power station last April? M. Wood n.•portt.-d St.'Cing 1)right objects hanging over the Airport by two experienced Oyt'r.~. sea', with the closest obj«t being 'luminous, mund and They first noticed the bri~ht multi-coloun.-d . Report your eerie extra-terrestrial iour to fiw timt.'S larger than a whirlwind object'. li~hts flashing in the night-sky. "The lights .experiences to ·Julie Shill ito at the 'llw rt.oct.•nt reports havt.• brought back memorit.'S for wt.>n.• colourl"-i rl..'li, gret..'fl, ydluw and blue," o ( ~><•ll.' fundraisc.·r Ollie Hunt and Swindlt'l't resid1..'fll John they s•lid. "It was tht.> blm• li~hts that W<'n' Goole Times .on 01405 72011 Cm. ..· linc nf ''"' I.IF() tlw\· ~i1:htt•d ~I V<'.lrS a~o. ·nwv hnth I 11111'<11.11 " ~Woman SELBY TIMES, Yorkshire, England-Feb. 24, 2005 i New UFO sightings are baffled ..., i by beam reported over power plant ~ of light MORE . mysterious sightings Power Station again last Monday. will never forget it. have b~en reported . of alien Rus5ell said: "A sighting was "I heard the sound of a Tornado l A woman was left mys spacecraft in Selby skies. reported at 7.05pm. This time it jet and followed in the direction it tified this morning after . The Selby Times revealed earli was more of a half-moon shaped was heading. As a second jet came she saw what she thought erer ctohrids emd oannth uhnopwr etcheed etonwtend h3ad3 obj"eWct,e g'rree y nionw c olgoeutrt.i ng reports ainlmto igvhietyw ,f lasushd doefn lliyg htth. eIr ew aws asst aagn :r~!:i wwoaSso udae, U BOFrloiOvoe kors,v i3ed7re ,,T osefal fBiodrr idsah.r e cases of X-File phenomena last · every couple of weeks in this area. gered and I think the pilots were as was walking her dogs at year alone, shooting the district to Something is happening and we're well. The UFO was just a ball of r.h Nedgehill at 6.40am when third spot in the British UFO keeping a close eye on it It can't light and headed off over BOCM she saw a "massive" beam HWlters' activity top ten. · all be a coincidence." with the planes in pursuit." of light. She is now trying One of the most sigllificant inci The Selby Times was inWldated Tony claims. there is a major to find out whether any dents involved· .two independent with accow1ts of unexplained inci conspiracy of silence to cover up one else saw it. observations of an unexplained dents after we publi'shed our find- incidents and keep them from the "It was clear but pitch silent "boomerang-shaped" object . ings. . public. black and then this mas sive beam· of light made hovering at about 2,000 feet above One of those also. charting a He· added: "I believe beings me stop dead in my tracks Drax Povver Station. huge rise in local alien activity is from another .dimension are and look up," she said. :Witnesses reported how on Selby resident Tony Toppi.ilg, who observmg us. Perhaps Selby has a · "It was a massive long April 19 and 22 last year they saw believes Selby·is. on the verge of difterent type of genetic make-up, beam of light which came a fighter jet circle it several times becoming "another Roswell". and that's what they're interested to a point at each end." before the mystery craft disap The 34-year-old says he has in. I know some people ridicule She added: I wasn't peared from view. experienced a lifetime of paranor those who say they've seen UFOs, · sure what it was, I don't British UFO HWlter Russell mal activity, which really took off· but. they would be very wrong to · usually believe in weird Kellett claims to have dramatic when he moved back to the toWn imagine they don't exist because things but I knew it was n't a shooting star. After footage of district incidents, mUch in 1996. they do. I've had enough UFO of which will feanm: on the Video· One oft he most incredible inci experiences to fill a book, but I'm talkin~ to .my ~olleagues • we thmk 1t mtght have • · Vigilantes 'documentary, ·scheduled dents occUrred. on F~bruary 11' keen to hear from anyone else been a UFO." to be screened on the Bravo TV 2002 as. he stood on the river bank about tnetr experiences:" The Meteorological • 8 channel on March 7, Novv he h8s near the Ideal Flour Mill. tony can be contacted via e-mail Office said it was unlikely : received reports a· similar shaped Tony Said: "What I saw that at wingmaker2@hotmaiLcom with to have been caused by the craft was spotted above Drax night will live with me for-eVer. I reports of sighrings. Northern Lights because of the cloud cover. ! It's unlikely we're alone in i the universe, but no need fear our neighbours from ~ to ~ space, claims researcher ~ a: Since building an observ him to conclude that, while :X: atory at Newchapel with his we may not be alone in the (,.) M.6 OBJECT z brother Michael more than universe, we rea11y shouldn't ~ 40 years ago, Tony Pace has see our intergalactic visitors · been on a remarkable U.F.O . as alien to us. ..J CJ space odyssey that has led Until he resigned owing to a ~ career change in 1980, sub-post master Mr. Pace was research direc (,.) tor of the British U.F.O. Research Association, where he helped build up its reputation as the leading ama teur U.F.O. investigation unit and push for the subject to be taken seri ously by the wider scientific com munity. lie explained that, growing up in Shelton. Stoke-on-Trent, in the early 1950s, he and his brother first acquired a telescope built out of cardboard by n neighbour, which gave the brothers their first glimpse of the moon's surface. The M6 object: A drawing of the craft witnessed hy a lorry driver, Mr. Pace said: "Jt brought it so much Mr. Stotter, over the motonvay at Holmes Chapel in 1967, accord closer. We could sec how mgged it was, ing to "U.F.O.s - Unidentified, Undeniable", by Tony Pace and with all the crdters and mountains. Roger Stanway. "We successively made bigger and better telescopes ourselves, ending up "Out with light and sm<lke !Tom with a 14-inch reflecting telescope in a ·industry the con<litiom; in the Potteries Tony Pace, who is postmaster at stone observatory, complete with a roll were poor. so in 1964 we advertised Ecclesball , Staffordshire. otT roof, in our back garden. for a piece of land somewhere outside the area where the conditions were bet ter and the sky clearer nnd ended up al Newchapel." Mr. Pace said he joined the asso ciation in 1964 during his investiga tions into whether a spate of U.F.O. sightings were natural phenomena or The Newchapel observatory, something more extra-terrestrial, meet ing the research partner who would gn built in 1964 hy brother); Tony on hecome chai1111nn of the org:mi~a and Michael Pace. tion, with Mr. Pace as research director. sighting.'>, which he said was "one of the Then. after another series of sight biggest waves on record.·· ings in the skies above Staffordshire and They included a sighting O\'cr the other parts of the U.K. in lhc ~mmncr motorway at Holmes Chapel hy a lorry 24 HOURS, Toronto, Ontario, Canada· Feb. 22, 2005 CR: G. Duplantier of 1967, Mr. Pace and his partner found driver. . UFO Rutkowski said he's not themsclvc~ nt the centre of a media fren Mr. Pace said: "One mnn. a lorry zy. driver, was travelling on the nnrthhound exactly sure what caused He soid: "We investigated and ques MCi when he noticed an object hovering the increase, although rtieopnoerdt. wcaitlnleeds se"Us. .FthOe.n -puUt ntiodgeentthifeire da, owvitehr hthime faienldd s setheamt ewd atso kheee pfionlglo wpaincge reports sightings have been grow lJndeniahle", in 1968, sent copies to him. newspapers and television stations "He said the ohject of the body wns ing steadily over the last around the country and got an enonnous dark, but lhat it had portholes fhHn several years. response. which light was being emiUcd. illumi nating the outside of the ohjcc1. on the For a while that could Big articles "It followed him for severul miles, be attributed to popular "We held a Press conference in the ssteiellm iknege ptoin gv eepra coef.f ibnetof orthee sduadrkdneneslys. 1V shows such as the X North Stafford Hotel in Stoke and all the and disnppearing. He drew a sketch nf r1• se Files or significant events hnaigti oanratilc lmese dwiari ttt1e1nm nedn du pw. el ldtiedr et ewleevrie it. "Originally he had been very scepti like the millennium, he sion interviews. It must hnve hccn n cal --he told me he had never had ;m time when editors and people in gcnernl interest in the suhject hefore -·-hut was said, but now it might were interested in U.F.O.s." amazed by what he saw and reponed it simply be due to more Asked to join the organisation's com to us." There were no little mittee, Mr. Pace helped take it in a UFO reporting sites on tl)e more prof'es.-;ional direction, producing Fascinated green men to be seen a "Handbook for Investigators" giving .b ut there were plenty of IntOernnteatr.i o led the coun wbuhdadt itnog lUoo.Fk. Ofo. rr eisne athrceh sekrsy gaunidd ahnocwe otno orgaAnlitshaotiuognh, nMor .l oPnagceer nsa mide rhneh wern os fslthilel strange occurrences in conduct interviews, and introducing the fascimitcd by the suhject and planned try with 254 sightings, Brit six-monthly "Journal of Transient Ariel to write a book recounting eyewitness the night sky last year. ish Columbia was second Pschieennocem-bennase"d, warhtiicclhe sp uobnl isUh.eFs. Os.esr iaonuds lraenpdoertds. of occupants of' crafl that had with 247 and Manitoba eyewitness account11. He said: "The sighting of U.FO.~ A national survey by He said: "Members of the orgnnisa is a global phenomenon and in reporis was third with 112. tion would meet in Kensington Library. describing the OCCUp<UltS of landed Ufology Research of Man In most cases, a sight London. once a month, with a commit· objects they are generally described us itoba shows a record 882 ing can be explained, he itne et hmee eevtienngi ning .t he moming nnd a lecture shoummea nlaorigde a-nd ssoommee thfleS ss<mmtael ls izbee ains grus1. UFO sightings were re "TI1e organisation already had a small average person. with differing m.:counts corded in Canada in 2004 andodt eitd's. aM saotreel lioteft, ean ptiheacne JAoSu rpnuabl'l ihcualt iwone wcaalnltee~d 'tToi pteu bBl.iUsh.F s.oRri.lAc . onuf mclboethri nogf ,f hineglemre~t ~th wesoer ncr ea<n1dt uercvse nw ethree - an average of more thing more serious and scientific. Tite reported to h;wc hnd. bllt most nf lhc of flaming asteroid or idea was always to raise our standing in time they are described as hnmnn-likc than two a day and up 31 some kind of military the eyes of the scientific community." figures. per cent from the previ However. it would he 1975 before an "To me. this shows thnt. everywhere training exercise. internotional conference (>rganised by in the universe where complex and intel· ous year. the group in Hanley led to "flying sau Jigentlife hns evolved. in other star sys Included in the reports peBr ucte nint o20f0 a4l,l ·aUbFoOut r1e5 ctiemrse' 'b bye tihlieg stcoikeennt ifsiecr ieosutasblyli sfhomr ethnet . first otenm esa rwthh eerxei ssti,m thileanr cuoltnidmiatitoenlys, thou tmhoanse of unidentified flying ob like crenturc..o; evolve. ports remained a mystety. U.F.O.s "You only have to look nt evnlnti0n jects were disc-shaped Even when only the most on our own planet to sec n c.onver· crafts, spectacular ftreballs Mr: Pace explained: "fn 1975 we put gence. Sirnilnrcamivorous animnl~ have high-quality cases are con on the. fir~t two-day intcmationnl scien evolved completely independently from and a large black triangu sidered, seven per cent tific conference on U.F.O.s at the Grand each other in different places. Evolution lar object moving through Hotel in Hanley. is not blind and the fo1111 of n cn:ature still weren't explained. "Scientists ti·orn Amcric.t, Europe is dctennined hy the function it has. I the sky. and ;~II over the world atlcnded nnd, at believe our humru1oid fo1111 is just t1 pnl· Chris Rutkowski, re -The Canadian Press the time, only a few wanted lo study the tcm." phenomena seri<,usly. He ~aid that. following yem-s of search co-ordinator for the "We hod physicists. ostronomers and research into U.F.O. sightings. he psychologists. It wns n fantastic confer believed thnt exlra-ten-estrial tmvcllers UFO tracking group, said ence nnd n greal step forward. We estah hml visited the e:irth on a nnmhcr nf the results show that peo Jishl~ more pennancnt contacts wilh occasic'lls. people overseas and members of the Mr. Pace said: "I wnuld he more sur ple still have a fascination scientific community and a conference prised if we hadn·t hecn visited. ·n,esc 9 with what's going on held evel)' year in diflerent parts of the people seem lobe highly intelligent and country. more advanced than us in tenns of their above. One story of local interest that Mr. technologicaladvanccment and in coll Pace remembered from his days as a qucring space travel from the stars." U.F.O. investi~ator came from the 1967 vhilmccabrlUkhronicle.~eri~.f.cnm The aliens at the end of my garde n · nor of the human mind. The aliens are inhabitants neither of our minds · .nor of matter, but "of something ·el~ . that_w e _are unable to grasp ot appre hend except unde~ hypnosis. Or tbe accounts. narrated under hypnosis must be artefacts of the fi)'pnosis-itself. If this is .true, then the story. People started contacting the effects .of hypnosis are quite him. Soon he found himself gather staggctringly powerful. Thousands ing together hundreds of accounts. of people have bee-n so convinced In 1991 Robert Bigelow, a· Las by what they have "remembered" Vegas businessman, suggested to under hypnosis that. if has per Hopkins and David Jacobs, suaded them that their previous rec-· another abduction investigator,· · ollections in normal states of con that a poll 'should be conducted to sciousness have been utterly fal~- find out how many abductees there l:lypnosis is not some~~ that were in America. The problem was can be understood in abstraction. J}lat, if the aliens had made people So J asked David Oakley to hypno forget abduction experiences, like tise me at his. office in Blooms tl)e Hills, then whether a person btiry. Oakley ~as hypnOtised peo-. ·was an abductee· could not neces ple who have never cJaimed to be sarily be established by a direct abducted by aliens. Yet, under hYJ> qu~tion. So the pollsters sought to nosis, they have produced compel discover peripheral incidents or ~g and . detailed abduction experiences that suggested an accounts. I had never previously c(I ) ·s. iann ebctuehs JmAurennseos ml2d4a s;n a1 cw9a4 lal7e ,5d qw Kuheaendn-- atiboAdnuelmcdt oioasnnt d6h ,a0tdh0e 0t a prkeeesonup lpltesla wcweee.r ree qsuteasr- bpasoesesusnmi bhelyydp Inb woectoiasuuelsdde b aIe n awd p·o houaolddr sabulbewj eatcoytos. · >c<z ron of alien spaceships in .. tling: 18% bad woken paralysed an3ryti~. In .the event>. neither itnheg toCna ssctaatdee · _M:_ oguennetarainHsy i nre gWaradsehd and seen ·a strange· figui-e in the anaJysis ·D<X" perversity proved a i- t aosf tthhee fpirosstt -awutahre entrica U-FaOlie snisg hhtainvge rfiogoumre,, 151%4% h ahda dse ehna da farnig hotuetn-ionfg deIf epnrcoev iad~eds thi mO awkliethy 'sa p®owscerrisp. · 9m> body experience, 13% had missing ti~ of a special place; the riverside poured from the abyss that lies time, 11 % had seen a ghost, 10 % gan:Jen of my hc)use in Norfolk, in b betWeen ourselves and the world. . had flown through the air, 8% had· which I feff comfortable: He then ::s We know them well. They are inexplicable scats, 7% had seen a put ~e under n:markably rapidly Q. the grey aliens with slanting, black UFO eutd 5% had dreamt ofUFOs. ~d., as far ~I could tell, -remarka- :0s eyes arid vestigial nostrils whose A further sifting of !he figuresin_di bly deeply.,. Hypnosis. has the corpses. are kept at Area 51, a cated that 2% of AmericanS, some ·power to put you_ in two minds m secret military base in the Nevada 5m people, "have experienced ·which, nofl!lally, do not so easily ::s desert. They are the tall "Nordics" events consistent with those that 'coexist Ot perhaps it simply inten CQ ii' who gently oversee complex surgi abductees experienced before they sifies the imagined at the expense ::s cal procedures on human abduct kilew they were abductees". ·of the re~ll tnew.l was imagining Q. eKaedlsiia.n ngTSo hnaesny da natdhr eeth NEe iTVn,ue .lt c-haen sB, othreg ,P -tlheie .T h~.-me pfrigoubraeb lwe aasn db iizlaier riem, awgti<l di,t ·.hNaJep¥ilgr thomtJeetn.me_bd o) il~yt .cl iTwthaiese srde ooailnf, g eB vsolooc oa~tmitoshn Ii.D.:. "You've really taken on a mon: evoked Surreal in the bury, bad Simply become a.blurred n ster here. . Careers are teally . · extreme. If 5m opeople had . background. · ::T derailed. by im interest in this sutr been abducted, ·many repeatedly, · Oakley said: "Now take the calnl ject," Professor John Mack of Har · there mpst be hunilieds -of thou · feeling to your special place, sit ~ vard University said when I told . The catch is that I was in a. deep dered. He came into. this field, as sands of people who periodic~y · ting on that bench iri the sunshine." N him I was ~riling a book about hypnotic trance in London at the . most do, because he saw a flying vanish and return without com I retuined·to Norfolk. Then .he sim 00 these real, dreamed, hallucinated · time. David Oakley of UniverSity saucer. "It was a daytime sighting ment And yet lhls whole, vast ply asked if I noticecJ anything odd c.n ohur miamnasg iwnhedo hcarveeat umreest oarn df outnhde Ctisoeldle mgee ,L woonudlodn s,a wy bthoa·th wadh abty Ip sna9w- omvoemr enCta Ip hea dC aobds.o luUteply nunot iinl tetrheastt ilnefdtu nstor itarla cper oojfe cpth ysseiecmale edv tiod ehnacve.e yabarodust" biety Aont do nthcee rIi vdeidr .r iSAebso aust i 2na0i0! themselves involved with them. was a product of the hypnosis. Oth in or knowledge of the subject. noth On the .other hand, a large . :hill topped, with.a dense ~eket of . Mack spoke from experience_ ers would.s ay it wasa buried mem ing. It came out of nowhere; I sure nUJDber· of otherwise mentally trees. hi the midst of these trees I His own interest in alien .abduc ory and that I have been abducted. wasn't looking for it." undisturbed people were ·having ·now saw a gJow. A~ fri"st l tried to Htioanrvs alredd atuot haonr itiineqsu. isHitei osnu rbvyiv tehde, bthya ta Il iewnosu wldh noe vheard rtermieedm tboe er nwsuhraet caTr,h oenr et hweierr we atyh rteoe aonf a trhtiesmtic i np atrhtye . ·esexetrmemede ltyo shtaravneg reri uecxhp eirni ecnocmesm tohnat. iIn hteardp roent ctbe, iSse aesn au mp ethmeorery. Bofu .ta tfhiraet though with many scars. happened. The hypnosis retrieved in Provincetown. Mark Rothko, The information ;lbout these ex peri-. was.a t night and wme way to the Mention aliens and you will at that memory. Who is right? among others, would be there. ences was quite amazingly consist~ left. In any case, this glow was .not onee be thought either mad· or stu In the . 1950s Budd Hopkins "We were on hig~ ground and ent It was scarcely adequate to dis fire-shaped. it was distinctly oval pid, deluded or naive. Extraterres . became important in the abstract we saw to our left, not te~bly high rniS$ .this vast human airlift as a - flying saucer shaped, in fact trial-visitation is the faith of rural · expressionist movement in New up, a small object, lens-shaped and military craft or natural ph eno m- Two-and-a-half hours had elapsed. · and shown a. star map. . They were mass ballucmation. 1 h~d m.ade up my inind that if hicks in the Ainerican Deep South York. But, latterly, he has become a dull aluminum or pewter·colour, ena. Then in 1966 Look magazine They reported the incident to Pease told they would remember nothing Many, ~aps most, alien abdqc was, indeed, a UFO, but, just as I owrh oof lonely English teenage nerds better known for his other work. not highly reflective. It was just sit published the story of Betty and Aii Force Base in Portsmouth, and and returned to their car. The UFO tion accounts are· retrieved under · did so, Oakley quickly. brought .me can't get girlfriends .. For HopkinS, 73, Is a gatekeeper in ting there. There wer~ clouds blow Bamey Hill, a respectable couple ii Jaier emerged that an unidenti- .then flew away. hypnosis. Hypnotic regression - out of the trance. He felt he didn't . People who think there may weU .t he vaSt, strange otherworld. of ing by, coming in frOm the ocean . _who were driving south on High- fied object had been registered on Budd Hopkins mu11ed this over taking people back to past events know .me well enough to take "me be intelligent life elsewhere in the alien abduction: the temporary We couldn't really tell if it was way 3, to their home in Port- the radar at the same time. for · I 1 years. Then he ·fell. into - can, it seems, break down the further and he didn't wish to add universe are not mad. People who removal of thousands of people, if moving. I said maybe it' s.a flat bal smouth, New Hampshire, when Under hypno~s. the Hills told con":ersation with the man who ran barrier of imPosed amnesia. It has an overtone of anxiety to a ·place have made contact \Vith aliens, not millions, by extraterrestrials. loon. It didn't seem huge." · they noticed something that looked identical stories about what . had the l1quor store_n ear his apartment. been suggested that memories are where I felt relaX.ed. been abducted or who have seen There is nothing weird or crazy It was circular and entirely fea like a star, but which seemed to be happened in those hours ofmissing "He said, 'A man can ~ driving present in every part of the brain. This didn't matter. What did mat flying saucers probably are. But about him. He looks like an tureless. And then it flew off at following them. time: their car had stalled, they home from work and a ~ng comes All the aliens can do is block them. ter was the certainty with which I I'm not mad and I have seen an adman's dream. of an East Coast "about i.he speed of an airplane". They heard ~beeping _noise from were at once surrounded by human- out of the .~ky and httle people HYJ>notism can unblock them. saw that glowing UFO. "It was, ... alien spaceship in broad daylight grandfather. He has not been At the time, neither aliens nor the boot of the1r car which seemed oids in black unifonns and taken come out. It had happened There could be an expl~ation in quite simply, there. Obviously, I in Norfolk. It was on the ground abducted himself, but he is the lead their activities were widely dis to make them tired. The beeping on board the craft. A circular !learb~ in New Jersey. ~opkins which ·no amnesia ·effect occurs, lcnew of Oakley's past creation of and I saw it as. a glowing oval ing believer in a~uctions and be cussed in respectable ufological cir sounded again and they returned to device was attached to Bainey' s mvesugated, found other W1tnesses however. In lhis case, what ·we see abduction narratives under hypno- 0 behind some trees. It was about insists that very few of the abduct cles. The g·eneral view was that the full wakefulness, finding them- groin, and semen was extracted. to what ~ppeare~ to be a clear: case under ·hypnosis is a glimpse into a (contfnued on psge11) 300 yards away. ees he has met are remotely disor- UFOs were most lilcely to be secret selves· some miles further south. Betty was !riven a tour of the craft of an alien landing and publisbed "third realm", neither of the world.