NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE August 2004 Number 421 EDITOR/PUBLISHER: Lucius Farish • #2 Caney Valley Drive • Plumerville, AR 72127-8725 USA DAILY PRESS, Montrose, CO - May 24, 2004 True belieVer: Woman keeps eyes--on skies -for UFO activity Davina Ryszka became. enthralled with UFOs · growi_ng up in Montana· a 'There is lot of.'Stuff .going SCOTT SCHWEBKE We . . SENIOR WRITER on. cilfl't afford to turn a· DELTA-Davina ~yszka has watched · the video dozens of times, but the 'images bli~d:eye:t~ it! still haunt her. .. Shot by a group of hunters in thick ... woods west of Delta early on the morning . · of Sept. 15, 1996, the vide<> is indeed · · bizarre. · Shaky and occasionally out'of focus, the footage shows in the darkened sky high above the campsite three large ''There is a lot of stuff going on, said · round stationary objects pulsating with Ryszka, who is the only Western Slope · blue, orange and white lights. field investigator for the Mutual UFO . The hunters watchirig the orbs hover- Network (MUFON). "We can't afford to · ing above the Earth are clearly amazed by turn a blind eye to it." . what they are seeing. . Since the mid~ i980s, Ryszka's eyes have· ·~ you getting that?" one of the· been on the skies as a volunteer inve.sti- hunters excitedly asks another hunter, gator for MUFON. . who is nervously fumbling with the video She has probed hundreds of UFO sight- camera. . ings, first in South Dakota and then in After about 20 minutes the batteries ih · Colorado following her relocation to . · . . . . · DAllY PR£SS I ERIC DRIJUI.IONO the camera go dead and the video fades to Delta ·in 1995. · Davina Ryszka, 53, has been a volunteer Investigator for the Mutuai UFO Network (MU· black. • Ryszka, who is a cafeteria worker at · FON) slnee the mld~19JOS. · · · When Ryszka, first viewed the film a Delta Higli Sch,ool, lumdles MUFON in- few months after it was shot and inter- vestigations fox: i4 Western Slope colin· MuFON is a Denver-ba&ed non-profit political science and photo analysis. viewed the hooters, a light w.ent on. ties including Delta, Gunnison, Ouray ·organization founded in 1969 ~d dedicat It seems only natural that Ryszka; 53, . She was certain the hunters had,en- and Montrose. She is responsible for in· ed to studYing and researching UFOs. ·would gravitate toward MUFON. countered either an alien spaceship or terviewing witnesses, collecting evidence The organization's consultants mclude She has been interested in UFOs since top-secret military aircraft because Col- su~ as photographs and video, drawing experts in science, technology, medicine, · the late i950s, when several unexplained orado seems to be hotbed for UFO activi- diagrams of unidentified crafts, and fll. ' psychiatry, psychologY, theology, engi- · ty. ingreports with MUFON. neering ~ astronomy, communications, placed in several Delta Coun.- Similar to the one shot by Ryszka has investigated nine ty newspapers. the Delt~ hunters just four UFO sightings. . crafts were spotted near her So far, no one has tried to months earlier, the video . One of the most recent oc· home outside Bozeman, bamboozle her. "I've never · shows a large round object curred March 12 on Mont. . · gotten a crank call," said in the sky with rapidly Townsend Avenue just north , . ' reported in-the news . , Ryszka.,who-has personally blinking blue and green of the Montrose Regional anq.l :Qecaqle totally en 'Witnessed· onl~ UFo· _lights. . ·.Airport. A woman reported i Things are thralled withthe subject," sight\I).g: -. )\ti(>ni\1~4nl~U~ug ~~:.. ·· . '· s~~ w~s arivi~ ill her car _:~be ·i:w:aTied .. .Rys~saidsb.e<artd.other · ~··awoiftmwho.sehus'<; .·.when she saw a-~arge trian· · . Since then Ryszka has . MUFON investigatorirap.· 'band is filming the object, gular object with three·f lash getting weird amassed a library consisting proach each UFO incident telephones a neighbor. "I ing lights hovering above a ~ of'hundreds of books and with an open mind.· · don't want to sound like a lu- powerpole. · dozens of video and DVD's de "We wa,nt to know.t he· . natic by calling the cops, but '4She was really quite con 1 around ·here tailing UFO sightings and truth," she said. "You can't- we have a UFO," she tells her .. cerned by it," said Ryszka, other strange phenomenon . turn any which way. Yotf . . friend. . . . . · recalling her intervieW with ... (,) such as crop circles. . have to stay objective an,d · · · · Ryszka interviewed the ·the woman. c~ I see: It's a bird. It's a plane. iteSmhes kine aepns o mffaicney i onf h tehre h ome . hskaevpet iac hisema.l~t'h y.amaunt of· fianmg cilrye dainbdle f.o uSn d· the sight· ofR tyhsez UkaF Obe sliiegvhetisn tghsa ot mn tahney Q) No, it's a flying saucer? . that serves as a makeshift Some UFO sightings ·on the ' ·Another of ;Ryszka's fa· Western Slope may be experi· ~ . According to a Web site command post for her UFO Western Slope can be easily vorite videos .was made by mental military aircraft op c:i maintained by the National UFO investigations. explained. Tim Edwards-outside of his erating out of top-secret ~ Reporting Center, a WenatChee : Dozens of MUFON reports That was the case in2000 · home ·in Salida at around 10 bases rumored to be in south~ 0 resident spotted a red-silver . detailing UFO sightings in · when the Montrose County· a.m. on A,ug; ~7,·1995. eastern Utah. ~ object streak across the western the area are neatly stacked on Sheriff's Office was flooded ·The footage, which snows .The United States govern• · sky while sitting on his front a table in the office. · with calls from residents a cigar shaped object float- ment owes its citizens an ex porch the evening of April4. · · A poster that Ryszka de who spotted a large object ing on the horizon, garnerec:l planation for its secret air signed detailing theories of floatiiig high over Montrose statewide and national me· craft program, she said. Th~ strange object then made a possible United States gov· that turned out to be a mas- · dia attention. · ·"The American people 9Q-degree tum and headed ernment cover-ups of UFO . sive NASA balloon. A high-tech photo lab in 'have a right to.k now what is. straight up toward, well, per~ps sightings leans against a wan. However, for other sight~ Arizona analyzed Edwards's going onto clarify what is Mars. Ryszka sometimes uses the ings there is no logical ex- ·.video and determined it to be . happening in our skies," she Five nights later, an object materials during periodic planation.. authentiC; said Ryszka. saic:l. . . . . . . with a "red light on top (and a) meetings with eight other One of Ryszka's most · Edwards eventually opened Anyone who believes they white light on bottoin ... fl~hing Western Slope MUFON mem prized and puzzlilig pieces of E.T.'s Landing, an alien . may have seen something un simultaneously" was seen · bers. evidence is a videotape shot Ulemed restaurant in Salida, · usual in the skies can contact crossing the Columbia River. . Ryszka gets leads on possi by a Ridgway fam,ily . , to capitalize.on his extrater~ Ryszka at 874·8679. toward East Wenatchee, claims ble UFO sightings through· · through a wmdow at their · restrial encounter. The another resident in a report on word-of-mouth, from law en· home one night in December · ·restaurant has since closed. Cootact Scott SchWebke via !Hnail at the same Web site. The resident, forcement agencies and ads 1996. · · Since September 2003, · S(;[email protected] . who was in a car at·th~ time, says the item in the sky got Mabeomuto hriaalfl wAaiyrp.t oor Pt wanhgebno irtn DGoo-td c<aHwl?o -Ddoo.u Dgloa-sd Co-oduon-tdyo . coTunhtey .s heriff notes there was . · I wesetik.u, ,t hdeo ushbetsr irfefmflaeilnd.e Ld aas ct all "instantly" made a 90~egree Sheriff Dan LaRoche is ; nothing suSpicious in the area . from a man inquiring about the him back toward Wenatchee . unmoved by talk that aliens , where the rancher found his incident. The man identified "where the speed and altitude could be resp<)nsible for muti cow - no skid marks from a himself as a scientist with the varied." latiiig a cow on April21 near flying object, no crop ciicles,' no . National Institute for Dis~overy ''We at that point knew this Grand Coulee and cutting out its rock shrirtes.' . . .. Science, which research~ was no airplane," the transflxeQ udder·as part of an ~aterres · . "You have an intergalactic ."aenru phenom~ ariimai muti resident wrote in the report: ''We trial experiment 1\vo or three \ fonri, and all they're going to do lations and other related anom pulled into the driveway and I other cows .have met the same ,is take the udder?" LaRoche said. · alous phenomena." stood outside for a good half straiige en:d over t.he last io . ," There's got to be more to it; if .. hour and seen no~ further." . years.i ri the northern part of the ·they're going to travel that far." . DAILV REPUBLIC, Fairfield, CA • June 28, 2004· One year later, u alien mystiqu.e still hovers over Rockville· Far:mer Larry Balestra stands In the middle of a crop circle In his field at the comer of SUisun Valley and Rockville roads on June 29 of last year. By Warren Lutz : alien aftermath · · DAILY REPUBUC June 28; 2003;·t arty mOt'nlnt .· . an,d were Inspired t>y al V dobt.~!Yie.~•• cy '...• ,,:_,t,~ i~'r'p PIICatJ~~ flri.dstf1~u:nlq~e.slze.and ROCKVn.LE · - Where Rockville and ':Rockville farmer IJ)r.ry Balestia Walks oUt ' O!l CfOP circles. Media 'COYeJ!ng;tn, p~: ' <Sha~. Qf.R OCWAIIe.t orm~~J\ Is ~ tom- ·Suisun Valley roads meet outside Fairfield, Into ills SO-acre wheat field.a nd.f inds confef!lnce_'aflee nofto ldentffYtt:i.e.t eens>' -pleilt waufd::~tirre: sdrri~iie to: have an . it's just another day. Nothing paranormal aboutit. ' ' .more than·a dozen circles of ffattened July 11: Ho!es an~. lmp~ba~n~es . ·.';; · ~rneiY ad,Y.Sn~·~(king knO'Niedge of wtieat, ·formlrig a syminetrteal design .· emerge In the teens~ claim~ '~I 18\lt: ..· . ~ ·. ·.· Euclidean ~metry .to ProdUce,t hem. ·w; eNaroibnogd ayn is a wluamnidneUrmin gfo ailr ohuant,d a, rfomr eedx awmitphl ea, . . · clolen gIse r1 th4a0n f eae fto aOctrboaslsl .f iSelodm. Teh bee llaiergvee stth ectyr- denofuobretettmiee bnot yasr idd idth ett, :d·aiosdtr.icBta a.tteto~rcntefya·! --·· >:., sT hteey~atlhsaot·f$lpndp:"er~i9~i-:Wtul·e~$"~,,oo ~·thn~ w;lhe.engatt h- .. ; etunns.i nAgn fdo nrko baonddy cfhroamnt iFnogx tNowewarsd o trh Ce NheNa vis- ar.e. Jt&hiely W2:o rRk eosfe saprcahceer sa lrieepnos;r t the cto,. p (c l:r- ·· Tleon dgaetse t,h themey thoa rveec rneoattaec ~eeep ta&lledg~<e·d:.';:s: tu<nt ,;: ' .e\.n e-;dti mduee 2: to~ :m~l cBr~olw~~ '~.teireg~nys. . ,p . l anting : following them around with beefy news cam Cle formation Is the largest and m,cist ':· N.iw· 24:. R&Search:o/ Falrt[ei~~¥d -- bJ~Ck·•d ~~~ ~ri ~Is Vttie~ fle.ld. .g~laosb,e . beaming their images around the Complex design evefrePO~ed in th8·Unlt-, · .... · · · ·. :. -~. ··' · ·. - ' · "Everything's back to normal," said Sally ·e d States. Crowds form, lritematlonal and . · Estudillo,· owner of La Barista. "But·it was . national media de5cimd, and reJ)ortS of fun while it lasted." · . UFOs seen the night of July·2 7 begin to It was exactly one year ago when a huge surface. crop circle formation mysteriously appeared · July 4: A second formation Is found In mile in a wheat field only yards away from a wheat field a ha~ south of the first Rockville Corners, turning this sleepy farm~ formation. The somevmat sloppier design' ' ing community into ground zero for the Is a elrcle, ·about '15 feet In diameter, with largest paranormal event in Solano County's an attached SO-foOt stem. Some suspect · history. · : tt)e fotmation Is a.o ~hoof of th.e original · For a while, the discovery brought nation .formation; called ,a "iJC!peshot• . .. aJ attention and lured thousands of psychics, · .: July .7: Pilot.L ou l:obtn spots a third ·ra:~rseeaa. rScohmeres t oaonk dm ecausruiorseimtye nstese aknedr sm etodi tatth;.:e. .. ,Ycraocpa Vctilrlecl;e M foardmea·I ntio an cWorhnil efi efllydin; gth eav feor.r ma~ ed over broken chaffs of wheat: Some claim :tlon cOntains siX.c ircles cOnnected. bY •i;l: they felt waves of healing· energy pour . •.· .C rooked line and reSembles an Insect. :• through their bodies. Some sold wheat and •··. ~.· · · july 10:tht,e·:u-year.:Oid bOYs !'lnd _ commemorative T-shirts. A little girl sold .. an 18-year::eld mari hold a press confer- . "alien lemonade." .. · ence and Say theY used boards anq .ropes At the center of the ci,rcus stood Larry · to' create the ori~ilal circles. The~~ .· · , •. ( '· . B11lestra, owner of the wheat field. Everyone teenageis, all~gedly ori pro~atlon tot :: ·• · w1m.ted an interview with the soft-spoken unrelated Incidents; said tt)ey we~:t>Ored farmer, who remembers feeling uncom · "Better· ~ople than me have formed subjected to microwave energy and were . of it-the.Rock.ville formation proved for fortable with all the attention. At least ini- hypotheses, she said. "rm open to it being likely created by someone with extremely : tuitous for an area that has been hard-hit tially. . whatever it is, or isn't. But I think it was advanced knowledge of Euclidean geome-· by decades of dropping crop prices and the 'Tm not the kind of guy who likes to be absolutely fascinating. It was quite obvi try. · . pressures of encroaching development. . that public," Balestra said~ "But it got eas ously something no person co.uld have Steve Moreno, founder of the firm, Psi- B.tisiness at La Barista shop hummed ier. They were lining up." made;" Applications, still doubts the teens' tale. along for sever&l weeks, as city dwellers Among those pulled to Rockville was Or could they? ·"If they did do it, they wouldn't be who eventually grew tired of standing in a Carolyn Skrzydlewski, a graphic designer Two weeks after the discovery, four aware of any of those things, and they . hot wheat fiel.d ordered smoothie after e.t the Berkeley Psychic Institute. She teenage bOys came forward to confess .they wouldn't be able to duplicate those smoothie. remembers the intense energy she felt had made the crop circles out of bore.dom. effects," he said. "It lasted a lot longer than I thought," , from the crushed·stalks. The hoai theory satis~ed skeptics, but In the weeks after the crop ciTcles were Estudillo said. "At first I thought it would · "'t was a sort of unsettled feeling as I holes emerged in the boy's story. They . discovered, two other formations turned last just a week, but they kept coming ... I was standing there, a bit uncomfortable," claim they worked · by · moonlight, for · UP, - a small one in a nearby wheat field) · thought, This is big stuff.' " . Skrzydlewski recalled. "The energy example, although · it was two nightS and another in a corn field 15 miles away, Balestra, too, rode the wave. Business changed as we sat in the center of the cir before a new moon. near Vacaville's Nut Tree Airport. Proof of picked up at Produce, his fruit and cle." --Meanwhile, a Fairfield based paranor ·who or what created them remains vegetable stand down the road from the What was it? A year later, she still isn't . mal research firm that studied local crop Unknown. sure. circle formations found the circles were · Despite the debate "7" ormaybe because (continued on page 3) 2 (continued from page 2 - DAILY CHIPPEWA HERALD, Chippewa Falla, WI • July 20, 2004 REPUBLIC, Fairfield, CA - June 28, 2004) crop circles. An4 the farmer made extra cash by selling crop circle T-shirts. Eventually, the bubble burst and the . crowds went home. In the end, Balestra figures he broke even between destroyed wheat crops and modest T-shirt sales. (He has plenty of shirts left, for anyone who's interested.) . , '. While the Rockville crop circles stand as the single largest crop circle formation in North America, they're gone now. _ And if the circle-makers - whoever they are - return to Balestra's field this year, they won't find wheat; They'll find black-eyed peas. · · Green leafy sprouts will soon cover the area where thousands. of human beings stood last summer and felt ... something. But what? A mysterY. still unsolved. Despite a front row seat, Balestra isn't any closer to the truth. ''Everybody who has their opinion has a good argument," he said. But if his black-eyed peas one day grow feet and walk away, we11 know. Reach Warren Lutz at 427-6955 or [email protected]. net. PHOTOS BY CANDICE NOVITZKHTHE CHIPPEWA HERALD EYE, Clinton, MO - June 17, 2004 Paranormal Investigators Chad Lewis and Terry Fisk gather data from a series of three crop drdes In Tilden Another UF() on Monday. ' report made Crop circles in Tilden from this ilf811 ••...•••••....• Chippewa County A Clinton resident reported see ing a blinking "diamond-shaped object" in the sky shortly before farmer is.s keptical midnight Friday, May 2l. This was reported to the Na tional UFO Reporting Center and is incl'ii(fe(f" on the orgahlzation's BY CANDICE NOVITZKE home page on the Internet. THE CHIPPEWA HERALD The sight lasted for around five TILDEN ~ There's been many things in Francis minutes, the Clintontan reported. Swoboda's field in the town of Tilden.-barns, Other area reports, including . ~niii)al~. ~.4 •.o f c.ou:rse .crap~. BJ.Jt .on-Monday, some from around Highway 13-2, . paranormal investigato·rs Chad Lewis and Teriy have been made to the center. Fisk of Eau Claire asked if he knew there were The report read as follows: crop.c ircles in his field not more than a mile from NATI'ON l/JI'O RBPORTlNO his home: · CJJ:NnJ:R Crop circles are a modern mystery and a source · S10ilTJNo RBPORT of controversy. They consist of flattened crops in · Occurred: 5/21/2004 23:37 simple Circles like the ones.i n Tilden or in· (entered as 5/21/2004 23:37). extremely elaborate patterns. They appear Reported: 5/25/2004 1:25:36 suddenly and to some, mysteriously. PM 13:25. Some. peopie have speculated that they are made Posted: 6/4/2004 by alien spacecraft. Others have called them a Located: Clinton, MO hoax made by pranksters. Swoboda just calls Shape: Diamond. them a little bit annoying. Duration: 5 min. This report was submitted to · It all started when May ChHU graduate Adam on Saturday, May ~ _ ·Prince was driving by Swoboda's field and · · 22, 2004, at 16:49 from "Anony happened to see what looked like a crop circle on · Chad Lewis examines ·the flatted oat plants that mous" in Clinton, MO (Henry co·.) · Saturday. · · form aop drcles on Francis Swoboda's field In and MIG is doing following inves "I just looked at it I could see something up in Tilden Monday. . . tigation for more details plus a the field," he said. "I wasn't really looking for digital image of the UFO here's anything. I wasn't even sure what it was, but ing in Swoboda's field. their report: I had gotten to bed when you go by you can kind of see something . They found there was already a footpath· . around 10 PM. but woke up at out there." between the oat and a nearby clover field that led 11:34 last night. I glanced at-,my Prince decided not to investigate on.his own. He to the circles. It's unknown whether the creators clock to notice the time and at the searched the Internet and discovered that Lewis of the circles or soineone.else made the path. corner of my eye, 1 saw a blinking and Fisk were both from ·Eau Claire and investi The formation consists of three circles linked light outside my window. I would gated such phenomena: He e-mailed them to let t~g~ther by an approximately 5-foot wide path. say that it was about 3 to 4 miles away. It was in the sky blinking them know the location. The middle circle is 65 feet in di~meter, while the pretty fast. I decided to get a closer Lewis and Fisk have investigated dozens of two smaller ones are each roughly 54 feet in look at tt thinking that it was prob paranormal occurrences and are known both diameter. ably some airplane, but when I nationally and locally. They spent Monday took a look through my binocu afternoon investigating, measuring and ponder- lars, it turned·out to be some sort of diamond-shaped craft. J can't be too sure of this, but it had turned around in circles and its Lewis said the circles appear to cles. This might be a possible way for lights were in the middle of this have been formed a couple days ago circle makers to maneuver without blinking light. I then noticed that because plants are already starting to having yet made the circles. one of the lights got bigger and as spring back up. No footprints were · Lewis said there have been six 1t got bigger, the craft kept turn- visible. in (he dirt surrounding the reported crop circle.s in the past few ing around. area, though he acknowledges that years in Wisconsin, but none in the Realizing that I was seeing an Monday's rain could have erased any Chipp~wa County area. actual MUFO", I ran to get my digi tracks. The pair took samples of oat plants tal camera so that I could take a Various existing crop circle theories from inside and outside the 'circles. photo of this. Out of my· photos include government airplanes,' extra- They will be tested for various proper that I had taken, only one pictur~ .t errestrials, electrical or' magnetic ties that could provide more insight. showed the craft. However, tt was· phenomena, and humans. · "If there are any strange results, orange now and behind it was. To Lewis, who has seen several we'll take soil samples," Lewis said. what seemed to be another crafti reputed crop circles in the Midwest, They also measured the area for But this one was blue. I ani stlll trying to tell myself that J did not the Tilden circles seem a bit "rough radiation and for magnetic activitv. see anything, but just in case J around the edges" compared even to which are sometimes found near did, I am going to look again to some he's seen. · · uneXplained phenomena. . 3 night. 1 will post another message They also discovered that before the It's believed that :'hoax" crop circles if I see it or anything else like tt circles were made, a straight, eight are created b~ at least two people again. Thank you. inch wide path was made through the working like a compass. One person center of the area intended to be cir- (continued on page 4) (continued from page 3 - CHIPPEWA HERALD, TRIBUNE, Chicago, ll • June 11, 2004 _ Chippewa Falla, WI - July 20, 2004) stands in desired center of a circle . "You could see where they looked holding a rope to which is attached a like they were trying to be sneaky but persqn walking. The walker has a they weren~t:• Swoboda said; "Morons board on the ground to which is -at least if they were do it attached ropes. --do it right.'~ As the ~alker proceeds forward,.piv- ·Swoboda willlose as much as four oting around the center person, he or acres· of· the·o ats he ·uses to feed his she steps down on the board, lifting it dairy herd because of the damage. · by the ropes and stepping as plants "That's what makes you so inad - . are pushed down and ·a circle is creat- usually the fields don't get this good,!' ed. ·lie said. · . As ~he circle is formed, t~e p·ivoting This year's oat crop was particularly: :ope 1s shortened and the circle works good, because the growing season was . mward. . . long and the oat plants hadn't yet The circles in Tilden could be made been knocked down by a storin. Now, with a large board and 30 feet of rope, Swoboda might have to redo the fields Lewis said: because the weeds are already start- · A Bulprtan foundation on cosmic lntellll8ftee research Is proposlnc that earthHnp "It would be difficult to get in and ing to grow up where the o~t plants out of here without being seen, but were (lattened in the crop c1rcle for- develop an ~al currency called Galactos for Interplanetary trade. not impossible," Lewis said. "We're mation. Unlimited financial here with more questions than But, Swoboda looks at the crop cir- answers."· · cles like any of life's little mishaps. Swoboda believes·t hat it's ·only kid~ "There's a lot worse things that who were trying to stage a hoax. . could happen," Swoboda·s aid. ·opportunity in·U FOs "I had hay to unload if they wanted Reach Candice Novitzke at work-they could have done that [email protected]. instead," he said with a chuckle. It was the late 1970s and my Uncle Roy Theyre coming to give us a warning, accord- . and his friend, John Volo, were standing on ing to Mark Kimmd, who claims to have an the cliffs that overlook my hometown jUst unexplainable inner knowledge ofe xtrater . outside of Boston, restrials. CITIZEN, Elk Grove, CA • June 2, 2004 when suddenly they 'They're here because they see us in trou saw strange lights in ble. Our environment is deteriorating rapid:. sky), plus some ancient the sky that then !): They have been giving us messages since artistic renderings· (my zipped away. · 1975, that we need to take charge." friend also latet wrote a 0 "Did you see . Kimmd is traveling from his home·i n best selling art reference ·that?" Uncle Roy southwest Colorado to speak at the Chicago guide). I liked the idea .that they might have said Hyatt ~ncy at 7 p.m. Thursday about his . "I didn't see noth second book, "Decimal." But leave your been something like the ing!" John replied. Uranus jokes·a t home-Kimmel is serious. fabl.ed "Foo Fighters," which were illusions or They went back, . He cites various incidents and ~ewly re gaSeous formations seen · to sipping their · . leased government documents that alleged by front line military Schlitz and returned ly reveal pieces ofUFO evidence. In ad personnel in the Pacific to their lives, seem vance ofhis appearance on "WGN Morning ·uFOs,.,. during World War II. ingly unaffected bY News" on Thursday, he says he'll send me And I especially enjoyed Larry Potash their neaMn- Video ofa National Press Qub function in toying with the idea they counter ofa weird Washington three years ago, where many ·maybe:· might have been from kind. Perhaps they filed the story under "D" · government and military officials (suppos sotne third world power, for "don't ever talk about this or people will edly) talked a,bout having direct eXperience not so real· or even Russia, exercis laugh ~heir ass offa t you." with UFOs and even aliens. ing a new military secret 1bat doesn't discourage abOut 300 people But Wheaton native Jun Underdown, weapon. U nidentified My pal and !-even.d e wa mwwo.nutfohc wenhtoe rf.icleo mU. OFnJuOne~ 1, so amt eone gwehleos ,h seaaydss n tho ete ~lenstcoepre f hoar sI ncqaupitruyr eind Lano si mA n · jfelyctisn (gU FOobs ) ·. sp iogsnireibd( my doedpeilcst t thhaet f clyouinldg: from Chicago logged on: age ofa flying saucer and there is no physical arc still with us. Re- discs. We designed a "I noticed an object floating in the sky. It evidence ofalien5. . cently the Mexican ·gov-· huge contraption with hovered for l minutes. It was round and "Conspiracy theories, testimonials, con ernment released a se~ conta-rotating rotors, white. It stood still and then disappeared jecture, sci-fi ... everything but good evi ries of pictures and de but when we launched it What was that?" dence. The proponents of these ideas are tails· that seemed vecy the .thing soared about And then, there are those who believe ·cashing in. They all sell videos and books. It authentic showing ·50 feet skyward and without question. pays handsomely to sayyciu have inside UFOs making their dropped like a raw egg 'Thke for example, UFO fans in Europe ·· knowledge ofa liens." . . · most recent visit to our platter and splattered who have even devised an "intergalactic cur Believe me, ifm y relatives back home planet. We periodically· like one too. Then· we . rency," called the Galacto, to show extrater thoUght they could make a buck off it, they carry reports like that in designed a papiei:mache restrials that trade between earthlings and niight\re spread the story. But we city folks the media. To me, they disc, modeled after .a ETs is possible. I suspect the Galacto is . know better, right? There has to be some have lost much of their cake plate with a rolled worth about half as much as the Canadiafi reason that a spaceship never lands near fascination. Still, J.have down leading edge. It an affection for UFOs, flew like a· dream and dollar anyway, so ~rhaps we can just barter Oty Hall at high noon. -SPECIAL CONTRIB although I don't put too later· when" the toy Paris Hilton and Euro Disney for the aliens' UI'OR LARRY POTASH CD-.ANCHORS THE mtich in 'their Frisbee was released we advanced aerospace technology. "wGN MORNING NEWS." probability anymore .. tho'iight we should have But no1 that's not what E1S are after. lpotuh®trlbune.. But that wasn't al- patented our creation. ways so! .. Unfortunately my in When pilot Ken fatuation with UFOs be Arnold spotted "fl;Ying gan to· decline about discs" over Washington three years later when. .State in '!947 ·the tale Donald Keyhoe's boo~ · took the world by a "The Flying Saucers Are storm and legends have Real" was published. He ·a thousand faces.; Dick Knight, ~ .guieed. ·voice ah'd· .making ·grown ever since. I was claimed he had defmite im action hero whose optic threatening ·call~>· 'to the stn a high school student in , "logical" proof the flying:· nerve had been damaged and .tion. · the Pacific Northwest at . saU~t_:S c,ame from outer i . he was blind by day but could · There.have bElen many that.·iime and a friend space. see perfectly at night; and Eric movies. and television .s hows and myself deciqed to Don Keyhoe was one of my Trent a counter -spy Viho-co~-· about UFOs. Some 1 have en solve the mystery of boyhood heroes, He had been ered the globe fighting totali- ·joyed but most were soon far "flying saucers." a member of the original Fed t&rian forces. . . · · gotten. Arid recently a promi Both my friend and I eral AViation Administration, · . Suddenly I felt UFOs .nent magazine about UFOs were teenage .student and, accompanied Charles seemed a bit far out. As the .went broke put ha~ ap pilots, so we spent hours LindbeJih on a nationwide fly years went by my feelings parently found new fmancing in .the ·rickety light ing trip. to publicize aviation. seemed confirmed. I covered a from dedicated fans.· planes of the era search He had been a major in the story where two children · .Yes, UFOs are f~ but they. .i ng the skies. Then we Marine Corps in World War II.· ·Claimed they .w ere abducted probably can be taken ·seri~ would spend long When I was 5 years old my but ..vhen questioned they dis ouely only by those with abun- . evening hours discuss mother read aloud to me ev- • played an alien helmet that ~ant ·i~agination.. · ing what the phenom~· ery page ofhis non-fiction boo~ · could be purchased at ·any va . Still;.maybe they are based cnon really was. My pal "Flying With Lindbergh." riety store. One night a UFO· on na,tural"p henom~na like (who later was to· write But there was another side · track~r kept the television sta those .. legendary ~oo ,Fight a best selling non-fiction to Don Keyhoe. He also was an tion I worked for on the·p hone . ers" of old. Who rea~ly knows? book on the history of . outstanding .fiction writer . inost of the night as he chased weapons) researched with a great imagination. mysterious lights in the sky. 4 the possible ~iblical . When I was a child I read most It turned out that several angle (Ezekiel said he ofhis pulp fiction stories about months later he was caught in saw such objects in the Phillip Strange, the spy w:ith another matter, using a dis- HOOSIER TIMES, Bloomington, IN • July 18, 2004 Are we alone? .. It was something I had never seen before. You wouldn't even think it existed. If it had been on the ground, it probably would have beeri the length of a football field. It was more the shape of a cylinder, not a saucer. Whatever it was, I don't know. But it wasn't of this world. ~ Clifford "Spike" Nail, a Martinsville locksmith, points to an area In the sky over an old bam on Chuck Lyle's property on Little . Clifford "Spike" Nail, Hurricane Hill Road - where he said he saw a giant UFO when he was a young boy In ~9. PHOTO fNBETTENUNN recalling the UFO he claims A 1949 UFO sighting answered that to have seen In 1949 question·f or one e man BY BETIE NUNN noise and was not spinning. There were . 5ame type ofs hip out west and in Europe Hoosier Times no flashing lights. at about the same time. ; "It was just suspended horizontally Nail said he was not afraid of it.." It TM 0 R G AN C 0 U NT Y in mid-air," Nail said. "Even if, it had was about a mile away and around 600 here is one clear, blue, sum- lights, we wouldn't have seen them on feet in the air," he said. Oliphant, now mer day in Clifford "Spike" such a bright day. We watched for 10 inin deceased, said he had never seen any• Nail's life that he 'will nev- utes and then it disappeared. · thing like it, Nail 5Clid. · er forget. That was the day "It was something I had never ~n Nail said he ran home to tell his mofu;; when he was walking across before. You wouldn't even think it exist er. He was all excited when he entered · . !l fiel~ on Claude Oliphant's farm at the· ed Ifi t had 9een on the ground, itprob- ·.the house, but·bis mother stopped hinl top ofLittle H~ricane Hill and saw_ .ablywould~ebeenthelerigthofafoot-. and said, "Clifford, you don't need to "~methingthat wets not from this world" ball fielcL it. was more the shape of..a. .tell me.· Junior (Clifford's brother) and . It was 1949 and he was 11 years old. cylinder, nota 8aucer. fm Leonard already stopped and told me He was with his sister Janet and Oliphant, "Whatever it was, I don't knoW," he what they saw." . then about SO years old. They had been continued. "But it wasn't of this world. ' "They had seen it and said the same ·.~ ,· ' .mowing in· Oliphant's field when Nail At this time, we (the United States) were thing I did," Nail recalled. He said hiS. ... • ...~ . ... -~. •J looked up and saw a silvery object hov- just coming out with jets, so I know it brother died about two years ago, anc{ CUFliOffso. rOd n"eS,p Cikhea"ri oNtsa iol hf tohled sG towdso, bIso ohkiss faabvooruitte .· edraiynlgig ahbt,o vabe otuhte 4tr eoert oSp ps..m It., w Naasi lb rsoaiadd. waNsna'itl o su.rlisd." h e has read a number of ~onard died some time ago. PHOTO f1Y BETTE NUNN The unidentified'f lying object made no . reports in which people described the Janet (Nail) Pittmcm, Nail's sis they come from a different planet. UFOi n 1969 was then-Georgia Gov. taken for UFOs, and even the tions' is "'The 4,400,'' a miniSeries on ter, said last week: "I do remember He thinks the U.S. government has Jimmy Carter. Years later, when he Goodyear blimp luis been chased the USA network about 4,400 peo the incident, but I don't know what been working with them and has became president of the United by UFO seekers. . · ple who were' abducted by aliens I saw. There was something in the had knowledge about them for States, his science adviser wanted The U.S. Air Force investigated and then returned to earth. sky. It stayed there awhile, then it some time. He also believes that NASA to launch' a new investiga most UFO reports from 1948 to Nail said despite the naysayers just took off. It was a long, silver history books are wrong about tion into UFOs, but they declined. 1%9. They either gave other expla and those who mock him. no one object. We were just kids, but I still many things. nations for the sightings or said could ever convince him that he wonder today what we saw." "I can't believe that slaves built FOOLED BY NATURE? they couldn't identify them. Movies, didn't see a UFO. The sighting the pyramids," he said. "We don't Yet, researchers and scientists television shows and documen didn't change his life - but it did •B ELIEVES HISlORY WRONG have a machine today that can ever/ have found that Mother Nature taries about aliens, space travel. vis change his mind about history, the "Back then, people were leery of pick up one of those big stones. I has fooled many people who think its to other planets and strange universe and a whole realm ofp os- even talking about such things," believe that at one time there Was they have seen a UFO. They say looking beings ~emain popular sibilities. · Nail said. After that day in 1949, he a civilization here on earth that was comets; planets and meteors are today. One of the latest produc- didn't hear any more about the UFO a lot more advanced than we are." easily :ID.isidentified. Sometimes sighting. He was hoping something He mentioned some of the facts would come out before he died that written in books about ancient . " HERALD, Circleville, OH • July 15, 2004 CR: J. Fry would verify ·what he saW, "but it's ·ruins, carvings in caves and on old ·. report not going to happen," he said. structures that seem to tell a tale · There was org~tion pro~es He's been fascinated with UFOs ofs pace travel Some of the artwork .o f UFO.o ver Circleville since then and has read lots of appears to resemble astronauts. something in the· books about them. But he doesn't Historic and Biblical art have Some-' sky. It stayed there .B y·MATI'HEW FORTE.~. like fiction too much and he times displayed what looks to be a hasn't gone to any of th.e movies domed object hoveririg above the awhile, then it.just The Hei-ald · ;i nay · . . .. We wanted to know abo"uLti tUtleF Ogrse, ehne·m saeidn. j ust don't get tnshkoeytol bfrueiee e.s xH opefl hasiiasnitedod rty hb.e ys ceo tnhvinegnsti ocanna l took off. It was a· . vniigsCihttei.rd c lbevy. i llael ien .. sh.i hpa vMe .o nb·de eany ·111; m.anyytholnnge Melosned ~aayw it with me," he said. long, silver object. . 'A mwaans: on ·south Pickaway ·night~" · ablNy aaibl ohaust btheee ni ntecaidseendt c. oHnesi dwears NAIL NOI' ALONE · We were just kids, hSo~uste at abogurt\ l1li0n pg. mo.u tside his bkyid sdoemd es oo fmhuisc fhe lbleofwo reem rpetloiryeemese natt theN laatne 1i9s8n0'ts ,t ah Ge aolnlulyp pboellli esvheorw. eIdn but I sti,ll. w onder an.d A .h eli glohot Wsh.o unp~ td<;>o swene ao nr ohuinmd . ~ P. d~tiree cHtoarr toinfg ,tetire; : QPee eirnlvesesn Pteudm tapl eins Ianbdoiaunt abpeoinligs ttahka t wthearte 4 9a wpearrcee noft .o Uf AFOmse rwicearnes cwohno today what we ohibmje,c st ahido vPeeritneg H .aiOrtOb lfgeeert. adbirOevce : · Rouradtown LJFO vince'd they existed, 30 percent tor of the Roundtown UFO etwsitn·ni al Lg"scT n abAp'hatnt aciadvtk e twpah.l taea tsnrh eeje u.wm sAat,"s m phnlyeoa swnnaoeai idysc.e a o" nwBf' thgu aets ttii tt 1ucitmh3an otdmaeugedigcil tnhlihidatoa etttnihd oo e.Ann Ay em awn ane deedrurai ecrl2tl a1a ii nnefpris 1eg s-rm1ucr-eev'ocnneltrtya oawi ibmfn oetdheruidee t Cclli·af ifmorsdJ taNon aheilat'sv Pesii ssttetemern,a wnth,h eo U aFlsOo osinnoing ceo"hi eWtteh,l"Y1ee ~r;h we ps eaSaonwaptied ld.,e·n " ~tWy·o te h.n.k "irnnefog iw Mnf oi~ofrw ntadnaeayrddy• · .·, . HtbHhebaee·rTrA nasthiri nnyg~eyng h ko·.et einrgxn$.eir agSoy·b tfueo upanurt ctt hc e6sem a:fir3ngo.e0 rhe. ·tpt1 ·is .n5m g·ycs.a oe t.Ia a ntrt.t s~tahb ..cey t. .· 9 soever." ·if they saw something. · · . He believes in UFOs and feels theOy nhea dp earcstouna,l lwy hsoee sna iad U hFeO s.a w a oclfo "l!idg hfotnn_inngat ihoansv ea nadl suon ubseueanl tmypiess- inf· oWnnhaetni 'o·tnh,e itg rcoaurpr ignevtess tmigoartee cma~llli nagt P7.O4.0 -B4o7x7 -5622, ~C2i,~ leQvir llbey4 Ohio. · DAILY NEWS, Fort Walton Beach, Fl· July 25, 2004 CR: R. Reid r,, es arc er ers al n t- e -f c • s Cl rC By SHAWN WINDSOR aren't the result of a hoax, he tern among eyewitnesses of said. the crop circles who never Knight Ridder Newspapers · He estimates he has seen at report seeing any light or any HOWELL TOWNSHIP, least 130 crop circles since thing else unusual. Mich. ·- .They came late at 1996. It was then, as a gradu He tried to get academia to night, holding flashlights, their ate student of physics and bite, but it hasn't_:_ yel .. beams cutting the dark in the chemistry at Eastern He said science needs more middle of 1,000 acres of wheat Michigan University, that he approaches to study crop cir fields~ the after got his first inclination to take cles. It reminds him of airline noon uild~r: blue sky to lift them seriously. pilots reporting: ·strange pat their arms:a nd pray. · "Throughout my career, terns and colors of light shoot •··· ..O ne group wanted to camp. I've always been interested in ing off the top of thunderheads Others want to.·t ake pictures. things people didn't have in· the 1980s. < :--·~ Crop.· c_kcles· ... may . be explanations for," he said. Eventually, NASA . sent Hollywood~ but out here, at the . Wilson, 33, trekked to his planes up with high-speed edge of Detroit's . suburbia, first circle in Ohio. He bor cameras and discovered a new they . repr~$ent , something . rowed. a Geiger counter from phenomenon - sprites and more ethereal, ·and, said Mike · ·,EMU~ 'convinced a friend to go jets, which are red an.d blue Esper, whC;>~ ·~ s¢overed three with him, and arrived at the atmospheric flashes. There is crop· circles· ori ·his .farin last scene only to find a·s heriff had no complete explanation, but it year, something more strange. roped it off as though it were a is no longer considered a "It gets ·weirder by the crime scene. He talked his way farce. minute," Esper said. past the yellow tape. · He sees circles the same He discovered the three cir · ·As he moved closer to the wa'Jt part science, part mys-: cles - 51 feet, 10 feet and 8 center, he noticed a pattern tery. feet in diameter-as he drove ·that-he would find at every On one afternoon, a few his combine around·t he wheat KAT/SUSAN TUSA other circle: Radiation levels more folks carefully walked field. Not wanting to destroy were higher in the middle . . through the circles on Esper's Mike Esper ~nspects a crop circle In his wheat field ·in Howeii;_.:IVIich~ the evidence, he left a 3- to 4- . ~ :. . . . Why? farm. They snappe~ photo foot perimeter of wheat' intact "I don't know," he said~ graphs. They laughed and pon around the largest circle. man, that they were not a The flocks soon followed.' stems with holes in the middle. But it got him theorizing. dered, often in the same He called in a crop circle hoax, that they were the result "I'm getting calls ·from all He·:,said the electricity associ Soon, he· was measuring the instant. researcher. to take a look at of some unexplainable natural over the place," he said. ated with crop'~ clrcles gener- electric field and the electro "I think it's cool," said them. The . expert, · Jeffrey phenomenon. Though hundreds already . ates heat arid thclt heat turns magnetic field within the cir Susan Davis, 47, a high school Wilson, who travels the coun Esper promptly e-mailed had flocked to the circles . the moisture in ~the stems to cles. He noticed the circles teacher who didn't seem to try, took measurements and the local news media. · · before Wilson arrived, the evi steam. It expands·and it blows often appeared near trans mind the possibility humans studied the circles for three "I'm amazed by the whole dence wasn't destroyed, he out the holes. formers attached to power had done it. "Even if it's just days recently. Wilson deter thing," he said. "I wanted to said. Stems that are still in the lines. art, it's beautiful. If it isn't - mined they weren't the act of leave it so people could see it.'; He found dozens of wheat ground with holes in them He also discovered a pat- wow!" 0 INQUIRER, Philadelphia, PA-July 15, 2004 CR: S. Elliott UFO bore a wake-up call to save Earth, a Phoenix doctor says. Seeing lights, seeing the light By.A lfred Lubrano resident, says she witnessed INQUIRER STAFF WRITER Appearance otherworldly phenomena now Ev erything was normal in famously lmown as the Phoe Lynne Kitei, author of Lynne Kitei's life until the nix Lights. "The Ughts." (Jnne Kitei, a UFOs showed up. Phoe~ix "It was so awesome,, she Philadelphia Born in West Oak Lane, Kitei says, during a visit to promote Barnes & Noble bookstore, 10 2 native, holds a has been an actress (that's her Park Ave., Willow Grove, 7 p.m. her book, The Phoenix Lights picture of the as Mrs. Arizona in the Coen Saturday. · (Hampton Roads, $16.95). "I mysterious brothers' movie Raising Arizo felt an intelligent presence lights that na), a KYW-'IV medical report watching." many reported er, and a family-practice doctor · But · three · times · between Kitei wasn't the only one. over Phoenix specializing in adolescent medi- Feb. 6, 1995, · and. March 13, Thousands of people reported in 1997. PETER TOBIA I Inquirer Staff Photographer cll1e. · 1997, Kitei, now a Phoenix area - - or bite. able life. If I could have .stayed from her medical practice tore- to hear," says Philip Plait, an seeing the orbs on . March 13, The glowing amber orbs that anonymous,· I would have. This search UFOs, and to speak with astronomer at Sonoma State 1997, inchidfug.pilots, park rang Kitei saw in. the desert ~ght topic is a little out there. People people who saw the Phoenix University in northern Califor- ers and police. They described . ·have transformed the· tall, fit are ridiculed.'~ . · · Lights.· nia. a _triangular formation of three . 56-year-old with an impressive While many people saw the Many. of the Witnesses said · '~It's very easy to fool your~ lights about a mile wide · that . sweep of blond hair from a pil- March 13lights., very few ..:_.per- that the lights had reminded self. Plus, people do not under~ tra\reled sile~tly overhead: tn lar-of-the-community ·type to haps, Kitei says, only.·s he and · the~ of near-de.ath ·experiences stand the sky ~d the thiilg~ an. odd. ~oincidence, Arizonans an outspoke~ UFO true believ her husband, Frank; ·also a doc~ they had had· earlier · in their that happen in·i t." had already been scalming .·the er. tor - witnessed the. preVious lives. Kitei herself had experi- James Oberg, a former NASA skies· for the -Hale~Bopp comet, Beyond being a mere wit displays; . . ·.. . , . . · . . enced s~ch ari event while un- engineer and NBC News space· so theY. were primed for celes- ness, Kitei frrmly feels that the .. At first, Kitei ·considered it der ether during a childhood op- consultant, says· succinctly: tial viewing~ . . . · orbs struck her "at soul-level," merely entertaining: The pho.: eration. · "People don't like to realize .~ Kitei's photographs and vid and instilled . a sense of "en tos she took·o f the ·first lights · Somehow, Ki.~ei says, · ~e they've been fooled .by prosaic eos·:of the ·.lights. were widely lightenirig connectedness" ~ a were fodder for family talk ·and lights· triggered the memories. phenomena.".· p_ublished and broadcast, kick message that ·we must "wake joshing. . . . ·•· · .. And, she adds, witnesses felt as None ·of this fazes Kitei. ing off a "we-are-not-alone" up before we destroy .our But after the second sightiiig, though they had be~n given. a "Some can't handle this informa mantra that dazzled UFO afi- world." Kitei says, she began to speak message: tion yet," she says. "And that's ·cjonados . throughout the Kitei endeavors to tell you - publicly about what ·she saw, "If we don't wake up, we will OK. But it is a transformative w9rld. : Deflating delicious with a sweet earnestness that still hiding her identity.. destroy ourselves and the experience when you recil.ize PETER TOBIA /Inquirer Staff Photographer speculation that aliens are lynne Kitei, who grew up here, combines an actor's poise with Only after the third sighting, Earth.'~ that we are not alone." among us, debunkers say the is in town promoting her book. the gentle mariner of a chil which she shared with many Kitei believes that a "life li~hts were merely military dren's doctor - that she did not others, did Kitei agree to reveal force" is trying to contact us, · Contact staff writer Alfred Lubrano flares. more ~an five decades ago: An seek this role. herself. imparting a message of love. at 215-854-4969 or ··A debate has raged since unexplained event occurs, and "I don't need to do this,'~ she "More and more I was con- As lovely as -this sounds, de- [email protected]. 1997, following a similar Ameri people divide themselves be says, straightening her black vinced that someone ·of ere- bunkers say, it's just not true. ~ cultural pattern ·that may tween the believers and the slacks as she sits on a couch in dence should come forward," ''There are mundane explana- To view Kitei's .videos of the -.... have begun with the purported skeptics, with neither side able her mother-in-law's Roxborough she says. tions. - · satellites, flares, bal- Phoenix Ughts, visit alien landing at Roswell, N.M., to persuade the other to budge apartment. "I have a comfort- Kitei ·began a four-year leave loons - that people don't want FOREIGN .NEWS _(~I British clippings courtesy of Timothy Good, unl~s otherwise credited.] ARGUS, Brighton, England • July 1, 2004 Camper is convinced aliens created mysterious circle in fielcl patt~rn PICTURE: JIM HOLDEN /1.<~?~::-f J. :,.·(· ':" ·S:~ '::t~f~t\:.~ ,·.·; by BRENDAN MONTAGUE ttn! ,. ; ir fi\j; ICC I bfj(.] I t.1fl·ri·'! II WHEN camper Wayne Parry was dis I turbed in the middle of the night, the last thing he expected to find was a REPORTS of crop circles date back to But the mystery was apparently SOMERSET COUNTY GAZETTE, crop circle. the 1880s when amateur scientist John solved In 1991 when pensioners Doug As he peered out of his tent he was Rand Capron wrote about some Bower and Dave Chorley claimed they England - May 14, 2004 amazed to see a huge five-circle design just mysterious formations .In a cornfield had made the circles using garden a few feet away. · near Guildford, Surrey. rollers, string and planks of wood. APthTr teohe b tmrueuestti nhCg oilsfu T b·oau ~l"toto ont hkPreso rbueups C lub, atbhdyeTS vh aowhonmeaot xerafk egam rceosii f olgb iafhtu littieth e ssWena cswya.l y aetnhrameen, e p2sr7au,, t mwtiesm hrcnooe nrww vnaaii!sn1g cchtertaedska aiittnne iddgs 9Thtnh0auhe vmep er1ebe 9rb e8 wecr0ee asonn sfw t raf ewiintnphe dour seiAu nderb vtggoheeluroe -otb iS f1na o0lcilnu,ry0ett,0eha 0or soe ricfn swa tgs hi enisc h TqABuhrferietis scct aiowo nanefnreededs s aA-itou wnhs oithtrmhaa selci isairni cnw lWcehesi i lblaeteps tehphnieer asere. i ntwg oIn the president introduced the speaker for the camping in barley crops near Coldean England. Conspiracy theorists suggest the story day, Alan Foster, who was to delve into the hLoaanxee, rBsr cigohutlodn h, acvlaei mgoetd I nthtoe rteh ew faise lnd ow witahy· Crop circles were originally thought twhaes C aInA M, tooD p prelovte,n itn p cuobnljiuc npcatnioicn awt itthhe rmeaelemtisn go fw tihteh uUnFkOnSo awnnd a cnrdop a.cslsroccli~ast.e the ouWt waayknien, go hfi mS.h anklin Road, Brighton, ator tbiset ifcin aalli epnrso owfi othf tthime eex oinst ethnecier of th~ught of UFOs buzzing barley fields. said: "I was very shocked Indeed when I bands. The truth, as they say, is out there. Alan, a writer, researcher and lecturer woke up - I've never seen a crop circle wasistohc tihaitsi osnusb jweictth s tihnec eA 1ir9l7in3e, .aI lnsdou hsatrdy a. nd bef"oTreh.e y were not there at lOpm when I oArsbdiati ning Hthoel loinugtsbiudrey. ,W wn,h soa wido erkxstr aa t Wwhee'vree b aa dc sruorpv eciilrlcalnec eh eaxsp earpipmeeanrtesd b enfeoarer contacts within the US Navy and Alrforce. went to sleep. Where I was camping there is terrestrials could have bad a hand in mak· equipment caravans without us hearing a chSainngceed 1 d9r7a2m thatei cimalalyg ea nodf UthFeOres sheaedm ed .t o ach lamlvmeebt ga ool vtg eparat esit ta.. "nT dh eI rweo ius lnd oh awvaey h tehaeryd cthouelmd iinnggH tteho estamhied b c:e r"ceTaauthiseoe n ct.hi recrlee sw aerree ntooo t rpaenrsf elecatldy· tphai"snTtg h1.5 i sy feiaerlds. hNaosb soedeyn kfnoormwsa twiohnesr efo trh tehsee sbuer ar onueneddi ntog cthoinsf sirtmra nogr ed pishpeenl othmee mnay.s teries treTehs ea ncdi rccolne siiss ths iodfd tweno cfroonmce nthtrei cA c2ir7c lbeys for"mTehde yfo or nsolym beaodne a t os phaacvee odfo nae c tohuisp.l e of ha"vIet 'cso am me yfrsotmer.y and I could not possibly Crop circles were becoming an almost with three smaller filled circles apparently hours to do it. There's no explanation I can say what is going on here." acceptable part of our landscape. Oddly gisiUveF eOxsc.e pt the usual explanation that this owDnasv tihde T caroyplo, rs,a 5id2, hthe eb atedn laonstt hfaurnmderer dwsh oof enough, the quality Improved immensely, "It's a nice design, quite psychedelic, and pounds because of the damage but be as sightings increased in numbers. it is a great view from my tent." thought It was more likely to be the work of A report from an eye witness residing in An investigation is to be launched by hoaxers than aliens. down-town New York. observed four figures experts from Southern Circular Research, He said: "I've no idea where this circle descending from a "sphere~, in a seated . dbeassiegdn iins aS uhsosaexx. , to find out if the latest hmaasy c boem ae l iftrtolem f abr-ufte ttcoh ebdla."m e it on aliens position, wnich developed into an upright Andy Thomas, 39, author of the crop cir· The first crop circle to appear in Sussex position as they.l anded. The figures cle book Vital Signs and editor of Swirled tbts year was created in the centre of a field appeared to have arms and legs with News, said the field bad become a hot spot of oilseed rape. s,Ughtly bulbous heads. for suspected UFO visits. spTrahneg 2u6p0 fatt wTiedged oswhanp He iwll,i tnhe asrp iPraatlc abramms, He said: "This is a very interesting case Although aerial sightlngs of strange Brighton. objects have decreased since the 1990s, the abnecyathuisneg t.h e guy was there but didn't hear There was a spate of sightings last year, intluence of crop clicles has broadened. "When we have conducted hand· ionilcsleueddi nragp ae fsiterlda nogne N peawttmeranrk feotu Hnidl l,i nn eaanr Members viewed amazing slides of made demonstrations it does Woodingdean, in May. elaborate sculptures etched upon farmland. make a lot of noise with peo Sketching illustrations and designs is ple crunching in the field. [email protected] reasonably simple - however imagine physically laying crop to resemble the NEWS & ADVERTISER, Todmorden, England - July 23, 2004 design. Doing so over a large area would be lJfologist's appeal: did·you see ·anything? very labour intensiv~. It was made clear, however, that many chan~es and set-ups can occur with a little UFCl.OGIST and investiga told someone called "Dennis" checked there were no reports lmaglnation in developing rooms. tor of· the· paranormal for had rung Greater Mam;hester of planes or objects which Following a lengthy question and answer more than 40 years, Mr Steve Radio's Alan Beswick 'Show should have been in that air period, Arthur Grant gave the vote of thanks ~alon, is appealing to anyone around 10.35' am on Monday space at. that time and wants to Alan for a most interesting talk. The who may have rung a radio morning, July 19, sa,ying they anyone who may have seen 8 president closed the meeting at noon. station with an unusual sight were at that moment watching something unusual to contact · ing this week to get in touch a cigar-shaped tubular object him. He can be reached by with him. in the sky. telephone on ro 1942) Mr Balon said he had been Mr Balon said· he · had 683141. MORNING NEWS, Dallas, TX -July 11, 2004 CR: R. Davis UFO video could be key in .e nthusiast's career Mr. Maussan, who dresses ca-: carved from a single tree an~ re Military sighting lends credibility sually and exudes sincerity, said he sembles a pointy spaceship. But ·. is a skepticaljourmilist who sim-. ·there· are few other UFO knick- to man -who's revered and jeered . . . knacks, and his two young chil- . He cites his credentials ·as the dren don't seem particularly inter- . . . : . , former hqst of the investigative ested in the topic. Mr. Maussan By LA~CE ILIFF Mr. Maussan's credibility by Mex-: · . news show 60.Minutos, whiCh is said his wife used to be a skeptic, Mexico Bureau . . icari scientists arid even UFO buffs unrelated to. the popular U.S. 1V too. . · MEXICO CTIY ~ Jaime in other coimtries. While he is a Iie~ magazine 60 Minutes, ~d a To be sure, scientists from Maussan has spent the last decade darling among some in the UFO . long list of .awards and achieve- Mexico and elsewhere are loudly oollecthig. pOSSible eVidence of. field, he is also considered one of ments. . skeptical of this latest video. The alien visits to Earth andmairitains the worst hucksters by scientists usual explanations - weather 'A matter oft ime' · he has had personal contact with and skeptics, believers and nonbe- · phenomena, offshore oil rigs·, other"entities.". · lievers, many of whom have their , . .. ·. . . . . . highway lights.- have been sug- He._presents UFO photos, vid- . own Web sites. · Mr. Maussan is also a believer gested. . ·e os and testimony on two Internet UFO Watchdog, which is much who said he has had contact with · UFO believers are un_moved sites, at conferences ih Mexico and more interested in debunking. ~entities." The experience, he said~. and remain elated about the rare the United States, on th~ radio UFO_t heories than searChing for. . _ was shared by half a doze11: people· militaryoperu;ess .. a_nd on his new prime-time televi-: proo~ ofe xtraterrest~allife, is one. . • . . . • Ja:me Mau.ssan Productions and C?'me ii_l th~ early years of his 'This -ffi . , swn show.· · A Chile-based Web s1te, "La Nave The Mexican a.Jr force taped lllummous flying objects that. UFO mvest1gations. . Was an 0 . ense Entertainer, journalist and ·be- de los Locos" or "Ship of the Cia- experts can't explain, so Jaiine Matissan was oonsulted. "For.m e, it was-something very . An admitted workaholic; Mr. . ·liever, Mr. Maussan is the guru of a zy," likewise is . · .. . important. It convinced me that · Maussan holds twice-a-week con'" subculture of UFO and space- dedicated to de-- worldwide in May and was the top . and· even concern that they were this phenomenon js real and that ferenees around Mexico at $20 travel devotees in Mexico, where bunking UFO story 011 Mexico's nightly news: In being surrounded. · it's just a niatter oftime. The most per attendee, and he had his first there are a surprising number of . stories· and the. . the history ofUFOs,"there is a be- · · At one point, one soldier says natura.1logic indieates that this in-person sessions in the United ·reportedsightings: · people . who fore, and there is. an after," Mr. ~thnervouslaughter,"Wearenot umversemustbefullofintelligent StateSonJune 25 and26, in Los . Like their astronomer ances- make money off Maussan said in the dramatic tone alone." · life forms, and it's very likely that Angeles. . . tors,Mexicarisemb~thenotion them. that has made him a mainstream National Defense Minister Ri- they aie more intelligent than us He is··a regular guest; on ·U~S. of life.i n outer space and are gen- · Both sites entertainer and global UFO "ex- cardo Clem~nte Vega Garcia· said .· and can reach our planet," he said. · Spanish:-langtiage programs· such erally less cynical about the UFO suggest that Mr. pert." . . . . . the video was given to Mr. Ma~- Mr. Maussan said he did not . as the talk show pristina. His own the ·phenomenonthan~erieans. . J8imeMatissan . Maussail . ac- ~evideo'alsom~ybeawater- ~.largely beca~e defense · wanfto·goin~·thede~ofhis 1Vs~owcan.bes~ilbyU.S.view~ . "In no other place m the world cepts any and all. shed.m Mr. Maussan s career. mliDStry was unaware of anyone personal expeJ1-ences because that ers VIa streamed Internet. . is ·.there such a commitment to UFO stories and repeats them lie used it on the June 13 debut else who actively studied the sub-. would·m ake him, rather·than his "Many pe<>ple ask me, why the .. producirig evidence" ofUFOs as in . ·with little or no. skepticism to epispde ofhis two-hour weekly TV · ject in Mexico. · ·journalistic-work, the focus of at-· · video wa8 given to me," Mr~ Ma~s- · Mexioo, he said. make inoney. The Web site UFO show, Great Mysteries oft he Third . 1bere ·are 'more. copies for tention~ · . · san said from his downtown Mexi- And now Mr. Maussan says he~ .Watchdog has placed Mr. Maus- Millennium, which is broadcast ·. those scientists who want to see it, ·."We are talking about the most ·.co City office, which is sprinkled ha.S secured the most definitive . saninitS"UFOHallofShame;"al- livefromhisownstudio. . .oruywedon'tknowthem,"Mr.Ve- important story in history," he withafewUFbknickknacks. "Be- · proof yet-of extraterrestrial visi- _leging that the longtime journalist On the show, air force pilots de- . gasaid He added that.t he military · said. "When you accept that in tel- eatise of13 years of presenting this . tors, and from an unlikely source: is a "promoter and supporter of scribed their surprise at earning had no opinion on what the shiny · }igent entities of unknown origin type ~f eVidence. For the scientists, Mexico's super-secretive military. · various UFO hoaxes." . across luminous . objects wbile objectS might be arid·h ad never exist j.ri our world, it changes ev- this \yas an offense. But for the £ d fte The air force tape shows lllu- looking for drug traffickers in the used wordS like "UFO" or "flying erythirig." ·people; this was absolutely·natu- minous flyi_ng objects that military Be ore an a r lower Gulf of Mexico on March 5. saucer"to describe them. .. While Mr. Maussan said he is ral. 1 . . • . . . experts can't explain. So they ·1 Mr. Maussan, 51, acknowledg- .S ome of the objects showed up · · Since . President Vicente Fox · not rich, his unique home in a ''The scientists," he · added, a.n sought out Mr. Maussan and co- es that there are bogus UFO sto- · on radar, the pilots said, meaning became th(dirst politician from wooded area of Mexico City fea- "would have explained itaway and operated with hi1;1 investigation. ries; but he said his new military- . they had mass. Others showed up · opposition party to hold that office .. tures underground bedrooms, guarded it in a drawer _so that no With the video has come a new filmed video is bulletproof. ·. · on an infrared. camera, meaning· in seven decades, the notoriously· connecttrig tunnels ~d OI].going . one could see it;" · doseofrespect,Mr.Maussansaid ~ "Thisisawatershed,"hesaidof theyemittedheat.Duringtheinci- closed Iililitary has been some- construction.· ' That.c ould counter attaCks ori the video, whiCh was broadc.a:st dent, the pilots expressed surprise whatmore open. An above-ground nook is [email protected] CD . . LEADER~ Drogheda, Ireland-May 19, 2004 By Noelle Jennings THE Irish Aviation Authority has denied· claims that an Aer Lin gus 73 7-400 was damaged when it encountered an uniden tified flying object (UFO) while flying over Slane. UFO and Paranormal • An Aer Lingus Boeing 737-400 series like the one which the UPRI say was damaged by Research Ireland (UPRI) sen- an unidentified flying object over the Slane area of the Boyne Valley. . sarionallv claim that a triangu- very bright strobe light flashes. "This story hasn't got an ounce Ms. Cassin said that there are lar shas}ed wtidentified flying Mr. Nally claims the triangu- of credibility. There is no way '"well understood schemes" in object (UFO) circled two planes lar UFO began to circle the Aer that air traffic control would give place for reporting incidents and and caused damage to one of Lingus 737 and the crew experi- a vector around an unknown that nothing had been reported them. enced a power drain on their air- object, I was an air traffic con- through these schemes. According to Carl Nally, a craft. From behind, the crew of troller for ten years and I have According to Mr. Nally, the . founding member of the group, the British Midlands Airbus seen nothing remotely like it" pilots involved are still shaken it is by far the biggest incident to could see a pwplish glow sur- She added, "If the aircraft was by the incidents. He said, "They be reported in Ireland. "The rounding the aircraft. damaged the way they say it was are still badly shaken up. It's close proximity and the fact·' it The UFO then flew on front a report would have been filed I understandable. We can talk was in controlled air space of the Aer Lingus 737 at the checked with the airlines and about it but they've been there makes it all the more amazing," same altitude and according to there was no incident requiring and experienced it for real." said Mr. Nally. Mr. Nally, the captain was forced attention." Mr. Nally said that the Mr. Nally said he has spoken to change course or "request a The UPRl claims that on the Slane/Navan area has become an w a pilot involved in the incident vector" to avoid colliding with it. same day another plane encotm- area where UFOs are a regular who told him about his experi- Wake turbulence from the UFO tered the triangular phenome- occurrence over the past three to ence. "The pilot said the UFO caused the plane to be violently nort four years. approached in a threatening shaken and the outside tempera- At 10.30pm an airbus 330- "Pilots are well·aware of the manner and the wake turbulence ture rose to 164 degrees centri- 200 with 213 on board was activity in the area and they talk v.a.., sufficient to damage the grad approaching the east coast and about it among themselves," he plane," said Mr. Nally. A~rding to Mr. Nally, when similar to the first encounter, the said. According to Mr. Nally, on the plane landed, the crew could crew observed a flashing strobe UPRJ has written to the January 4th, an Aer Lingus 737- not raise the speed brakes on the light. -. Minister for Transport, Seamus 400 approached the east coast leading edge of the wings, more According to Mr. Nally, the Brennan asking him to investi v..ith 135 people on board It was than quarter the distance up. Mr. crew was advised by air traffic gate the incidents. According to being followed in tor landing by Nally said that when the aircraft control to change course to avoid Mr. Nally, Minister Brennan a British Midlands Airbus 330 was examined, it was found that the UFO. which was about 360 passed on their letter to Junior_ travelling six miles behinde. dth the wings were badly damaged feet long. "The UFO circled the Minister Jim McDaid. A.s the planes approach f the as if dented by a hammer. plane in an aggressive manner However, they have heard Slane area, the crew 0 e The Irish Aviation Authority for 8-l 0 minutes causing the nothing back since. Mr. Nally Midlands airbus reportedly spot- (lAA} denies that the incident plane to shake violently," he said. said he has written to Minister ted a triangular shaped UFO take occurred. Lillian Cassin, Again the lAA deny the inci- Brennan again demanding that off upwards from a field with spokesperson for the lAA said dent occurred. something be done. NORlHERN ECHO, England· May XI', 2004 LAST little help from his school friend, chef Jamie or someone having one too many at the pub Oliver, who put money into the project. and seeing aliens landing on the way home. As you can tell, Jimmy's Farm follows the Difficult to dismiss were eyewitness NIGHT'S tried and tested formula for reality serials. accounts by air force pilots like Michael Everything that can go wrong, does go Swinney. On a training flight in 1952 he was wrong. The adventure comes perilously close "rather horrified" to see three circular white TV to failure. How else would they justify objects fr~med In the front windscreen of his spreading the story over four weeks. plane. His pupil David Crofts, a Royal Navy .. It's going to be more work than I lieutenant, verified the sighting and, on the STEVEPRAn thought," said the personable Jimmy in ground, flight control plotted the course of eMAIL: [email protected] another understatement. It's also going to be three·m ysterious objects on the radar. It's a pig of a like a lot of other series in which people "I have to admit that I was somewhat embark on new lives or businesses for which scared by what I was witnessing," said they are iii-equipped and prepared. Swinney, displaying the same mastery of job for Jimmy Jimmy's Farm is entertaining enough, with understatement as pig farmer Jimmy. . an out-of.:control fire providing a spectacular . Many similar incidents were recorded and finale to the first episode, but we've seen it ·logged at UFO HQ-Room 801 at the old Jimmy's Farm (BBC2) · · alt' before. . . Metropolitan Hotel In London. One of the TWhe BritisEhN UwFoOu lFd-lbiees p (ifgi vfaer)m er Jimmy poApp minagn u fpro imn Tthhee BMriintiisshtr yU FoOf DFeilefesn, ce kept cmoomsmt catlnadrmerin ign i1n9vo8l0ve. dS eacnu Arimtye mriceann c ahiar sfeodrc ea Docherty said that the farmhouse presumably to lend an air of authenticity to UFO through the woods. There were stories needs a bit of work", he was all the speculation and conjecture within the of a strange smell and a red light that looked understating the case. It was d~relict. ~ther British X·Files. . like a winking eye until it exploded and broke drawbacks of the 90-acre farm 1n lpsw1ch It was all based on government files and · Into small objects before disappearing. included no running water or electricity. eyewitness accounts of unexplained events The MoD seemed to have mislaid the Essex boy Jimmy; 28, spent six years in·the skies over Britain in the last 60.years. memorandum about the incident, blaming studying Insects at university which does~'t 1 can't say I was any more convinced about .. not conspiracy, but bureaucracy". The fact seem like much of a qualification for reanng · flying saucers by the en~ than I was at the remains that either a UFO landed or the top rare pigs and turning them into sausages. start. I'm with the wonderfully-titled Flying ranking commander of a nuclear airbase and Nonetheless, he reckoned that in three Saucer Working Party that concluded it could several of his men were hallucinating. . months the farm would be paying - with a all be explained by mistaken Jdentification - 10