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Preview UFO Newsclipping Service 2004 04 no 417

NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE April 2004 Number 417 EDITOR/PUBLISHER: Lucius Farish • #2 Caney Valley Drive • Plumerville, AR 72127-8725 USA ARIZONA DAI~ y WIU>CAT _(!JJ!_Ivers_lty of Arizona], Tucson, AZ - Feb. 24, 2004 Dr. Lynnt Aliens exist, say researcher$, Kitti, dtscribts a UFOaptri-. ·abducted audience members ence $he had · in 1997 to a galuryof pMDtuaoVrpallylt 7a0t . CBoyN SriUaBrallnhN SGt'WanRItToEnR · fcroonDmtrro . vPLehyrsonienlinel. i"Kx ,i teri,e ca ocuanrdteiodl oghiesrt .. i1tnh9rg9o7 u,o Kgcihctou~ur tsr eAadird i zaio nmn aaP,s hsu oUre FntoOix 1 s 0.i ga,0hn0td0 ·numerous UFO sightings and people saw the orbs o light that Auditorium Alieri abductees and universi- · shOwed the audience a doeuinen-. I<itei described as they waited to in UMClast · ty professors. who s~ .in · tary featuring her home video .of ·see the Hale-Bopp comet. night, Kitti . extraterrestrial research gathered . the phenomena, titled "The Panic ensued as people called has rtltastd last night at University Medical Phoenix Ughts." · the police departments and. fire a book mti Center to share their out-of-this- . Kitei had her first UFO sight- departments. No one knew what . tltd "The world experiences.· . ing in 1995. She was taki!lg a bath caused the unusual lights that Phomix - UA profesSor Gary Schwartz · when her husband started· some described as being attached Lights,"_in emceed a free lecture titled screaming to her from their bed to some s<>rt of ship that was said which sht "Evidence ·for Extraterrestrial room to come see the unusual to be more .t han a mile long, she invtstigates Life?" lights that were "hovering" out- said. the possi'bili More than SOpeople attended · side the window. Kitei called Luke Air Force the event,. which featured two Kitei described the lights as base and could not obtain any ty ofintelli documentaries and a question- "three anlber orbs, each about 3 to information. She contacted the genttxtra and-answer session · with two . 6 feet in diameter, about 50 to 75 Phoenix Sky Harbor airport, terrestrial doctors who believe that extrater- feet above us, hovering in a trian- where one air traffic .controller life. restrial life exists in some form. gular formation." and one conu1l.ercial pilot report WILL SEBERGER Schwartz, the· director of the She took video and still photos ed seeing the lights. Nothing /Arizona Daily UA's Human Energy Systems of -the lights as they 1dimmed showed up on the radar. Wildcat ~b, said, "Qui Jab works in con- · avxay." · The mystery went unsolved trover.slal_a reas, but the. topic Two years later, on March 13, .. . tonigh~ is . extremely sainpies were ~~ and he was forced to · · · · · mate with an alien female. · . unti12000, when the Nati.orull Guard staged A woman claimed to have mothered POST, Denver, CO - March 22, 2004 CR: P. Noon1;1n . .. an air show to prove to the public that an Air hybrid alien-human children. .. Colo. researcher Following his work on the Condon project, Force maneuyer waS behind the mysterious Skeptitism of-these phenomena is wide "Phoenix lights." They flew planes with spread.·. Harvard conducted a 14-month Craig wrote a book about his role in the in flares attached ~o them over the city to "re- investigation into Mack's research, con- felt truth out there vestigation, "UFOs: An Insider's View of the enact" the event. ·. cemed that he was connect- Official Quest for Evidence." But the people who had / / ing Harvard with a s1,1bject Voss Button said that her uncle also wrote witnessed the real PhOenix '-'- controversial, according to in hunt for UFOs and recorded a playful, snappy jingle about lights, including Kitei, were.. I J·ust wanted •. Mack's documentary. UFOs that he liked to perform for "anybody stil.lK sikteeip tciocnalt.a cted Schwart·z , to say that I am anyB uatc titOhIe)y adgiadi nnsto tM taakcke · By Brittany Anas tha"Tt wheo uUldF lOis t"e na."s . it was titled, featured wthheo s uwbajesc rt.e .l uctan. t to take on aann da othdeu cte.e , aton Cd ounlttiniumea h~iys arellsoewarecdh h. im. Special to The Denver Post whooshes · a~d ping sounds in the back- "To tell you the ~th, I . There are also ·'many From the beginning, Roy P. Craig was ground, she said. . . didn't really want to see her," experience has people who· believe these in Ca rdaiigff elereftn tt hwe ofralmd.i ly dairy farm on the woVuoldss Bofuttetonn ssianigd ththaet a dfirtiteyn d wohf ihlee r Cunracilge Khei tsBeaiui'sdt .. e vSidcheWncaer tzv eryf ocuonnd- ·pa 1o wsta· t yiv se b a ened n . . Kpp hliete e ini naos kt~heed~ h aaourwed i remena acln e, y W wpheee orne- Florida Mesa south of Durango as a played the dulcimer in the background. vincing and said that she was exciting for me; "believers," almost all of. young man to study physical science. Lat A sample of the song's verse includes: "alarmingly sane." . - self~proclaimed alien .the people raised their er, he became part of the country's larg "A sailing o'er Kentucky I I pause and "I could .n ot give up my hands~ est flying-saucer study. spurt along./ I'm filled with gay malarkey I intellectual integrity," he abductee who attented One woman in the audi- said. · -last nigl:zt's.lecture ence claimed to be an alien The lover of unidentified flying objects As I sing the UFO song./ Beep beep beep Schwartz went on to write ei\ ~ abductee herself. and a leading researcher into their exist beep beep (many more beeps follow)." the foreword to Kitei's h9ok. / / "Hust wanted to say that ence died Thursday at his La Boca Craig donated boxes of field evidence and Kitei also told the audi- I ani. an abductee, and the Ranch, south of Ignacio, after struggling his findings to Texas A&M University in Sep ednecaeth -tehxapt esriheen chea ads a< r: cnheialrd-, has also had ex~rience has .a l ways bee n. pos1· t·i ve and with cancer. Craig was 79. t~~ber, accorcUn~ to The Associated Press. exciting for me," she said.. . "He had a belief that there definitely out-pf-body experiences and believes she is Kitei said it is probable that intelligent telepathic. . · · · . extraterrestrial life exists. · · had to be other life in the universe," said The evening got more O\lt-of-this-world "Qui solar system is relatively young. Philip Craig, his nephew. "He believed as Dr. John Ma~ a professor of psychiatry •· There may be beings. that are billions of there had to be because of the size·a nd at Harvard University, took the stage with years more advanced than we are. We may vastness of the universe. But he just his documentary titled "Touched," which be looking for FM on the AM dial," she said. couldn't verify the evidence that UFOs chronicles his research on alien abductions. Schwartz said we as a culture need to . Mack, who conducted extensive clinical . stop denying reliable data on controversial had visited here." analysis of supposed abductees, said he did subjects. . . . · · As a science professor at the Universi ·n()t fuld any psychological distur.b ances that "Shakespeare said, 'To be or not to .be; ty of Colorado at Boulder, Roy Craig . co.uld account for their behavior. · that is the question.' But for us,it's, 'To see or was selected to serve as the chief. field Orie man said he was abducted by aliens not to see; that is the question/' he said. investigator of The Colorado Project, a fed and taken into the~ spacecraft, where ~penn erally funded scientific investigation into to Post L------------------------------- the existence of unidentified flying objects. Special The Denver The investigation in the late 1960s was led Roy Craig;s identification card from his by physicist Edward Condon, and the results work with the UFO investigation team led When Roy Craig returned to the Durango of its findings later became known as the by physicist Edward Condon. area from Boulder, he moved to a 186-acr_e Condon Report. ranch that had a river running through 1t A team of mote than 30 investigators, in At the time, he told the Durango Herald and was a former Indian trading post. cluding university professors, psychologists that reports of UFOs have changed popular Voss Button said that hel'uncle loved 11~­ and scientists from private laboratories, culture. "It's got people out of the rut of mas and left behind more than 60 on his looked into thousands of UFO reports and thinking the whole universe was created for ranch. She said he also had two peacocks interviewed witnesses. man," Crai~ said. that he enjoyed. Although none of the pieces of evidence or Philip Craig described his uncle as worl~­ Roy Craig earned a doctorate in physical personal accounts that the team colle~ted ly and remembers looking forw~rd to h1s chemistry from Iowa State University and· were backed scientifically, Craig kept his visits. . later taught physical science at CU-Boulder. mind open, relatives said. "He was the only one that left the da1ry He also worked for the Rocky Flats nuclear farm" Philip Craig said. "He would always weapons plant northwest of Denver. "As a scientist, he left it open to the minds bring back science projects for us to do and There will be a memorial service April 25 of other people to determine their exist ence,• said Gayle Voss Button, a niece of take us on recreational trips. He showed us at La Boca Ranch. how to enjoy life." Roy Craig. · ·. . ··:. POST, Washington, DC. Feb. 1~ 200A CR: T. Good [More complete version of the article used In March UFONS] Ike and the Alien Ambassadors The Whole Tooth About the President's Extraterrestrial Encounter By PETER URLSON adv: .need by Michael Salla, a former "Pres. Eisenhower died tonight of a Washington Post Staff Writer American University professor who heart attack in Palm Springs." now runs the Peace Ambassador Two minutes later, the AP retracted Fifty years ago tomorrow--<>n Feb. Program at AU's Center for Global that bulletin and reported that Ike was 20, 1954-President Dwight Peace. still alive. Eisenhower interrupted his vacation The Ike-went-to-the-dentist theory Indeed, Ike was alive. And he in Palm Springs, Calif., to make a is advanced by the folks at the Dwight continued living until1969. But in the secret nocturnal trip to a nearby Air D. Eisenhower Library in Abilene, decades since his death, his activities Force base to meet two Kan. And by James M. Mixson, a on the night of Feb. 20, 1954, have extraterrestrial aliens. dentist, professor of dentistry and become fodder for strange theories Or maybe not. Maybe Ike just went historian of presidential dental work. about alien beings. to the dentist. 'There's some dispute Just to make things more Some facts are beyond dispute: about this. intriguing: On the night in question, The Ike-met-with-ETs theory is the Associated Press reported this: PHOTO Ill liS IRA liON UY llfl WA~IIIN<;ION I"U'.I the accounts claimed the President made a secret trip to Edwards Air Force Base to Eisenhower was on a golf vacation in Palm view the remains of aliens who had Springs on Feb. 20, 1954. After dinner that night, crashed at RosweU, N.M., in 1947. Later he made an unscheduled departure from the ·stories then claimed he had actually visited Smoking Tree Ranch, where he was staying. The with live aliens." next morning, he attended a church service in Los Pankratz doesn't buy either theory. He Angeles. Also that morning, his spOkesman an believes the dentist story, and he nounced to the press that Ike had visited a dentist cites James Mixson, the dental his· the previous night because he'd chipped a tooth torian and profeSsor at the Uni while eating a chicken wing at dinner. versity of Missouri-Kansas City Salla, who has a PhD in government from the School of Dentistry. Mixson's arti University of Queensland in his native Australia, cle "A History of Dwight D. Eisen doesn't believe it. He figures the dentist trip is just hower's Oral Healtl1" -published in a cover story. He believes Ike went to Edwards Air the November 1995 issue of the Bul Force Base, where he met with two ETs with Michael Salla's new book advances his letin of the History.of Dentistry-is white hair, pale blue eyes and colorless lips. theory that, in 1954, President the definitive work on Ike's teeth. These aliens-nicknamed "Nordics" in UFO Eisenhower met secretly with Citing the U.S. surgeon general's circles because they resemble Scandinavian hu extraterrestrial ambassadors. records on Ike's medical and dental mans-traveled to Edwards from another soiar history, ojJened to researchers in system in a fl~g saucer and, Salla says, they "and I just went around and pieced it together." 1991, Mixson reported that on the spoke to Eisenhower. Meanwhile, he taught at the School oi In fateful night of Feb. 20, 1954, Ike chipped the por "There was telepathic conununication," says ternational Service at American University. In celain cap of his "upper left central incisor" and it Salla, 45, as he sits in his suburban Falls Church 2003 he founded the university's Peace Ambassa was repaired by Dr. Francis A. Purcell. living room. "It's as though you're hearing a per dor Program, described on the AU Web site as a Alas, Purcell is unavailable for comment. He son but they're not speaking." "summer program that combines study, med died in 1974, according to Pankratz. lne "Nordics" offered to share their superior itative practices, and prayer ceremonies at seleet ""The lack of a dental record from Purcell's of· technology and their spiritual wisdom with Ike if ed Washington DC sites aimed at promoting indi fice," Mixson wrote, "has helped fuel belief in this he would agree to eliminate America's nuclear vidual self-empowerment and Divine Governance UFO encounter." weapons. in Washington DC." But, Mixson quickly added, "the President had '"They were afraid we might blow up some of Salla stresses that his ET research is not con well-documented difficulties with this crown." our nuclear technology," Salla say5, "and appar nected with his work at AU's Center for Global Indeed, the crown, which was installed in July ently that does something to time and space and it Peace. The folks at the Center for Global Peace are 1952, was chipped and repaired in December impacts on extraterrestrial races on other plan also quite eager to stress that fact. 1952, the February in question, and again in July ets." 'The research that Michael Salla is doing is not 1954, when the president's dentist, Col. James M. Ike declined the ETs' offer, Salla says, because research that he .is conducting on behalf of the cen· Fairchild, replaced it with a "thin cast gold/ he did not want to give up the nukes. ter or in collaboration with the center," says Betty platinum thimble crown." Sometime later in 1954, Ike reached a deal with Sitka, associate director of the Center for Global · That may be more than you wanted to know another race of extraterrestrials, known as the Peace. 'This is his own personal research." about Ike's dental work. If not, Mixson goes on at "Greys" -allowing them to capture earthling cat Meanwhile, the question remains: Did Ike real some length, quoting a long, lyrical passage writ tle and humans for medical experiments, provided ly meet with ETs 50 years ago? ten by Fairchild on this troublesome presidential that they returned the humans safely home. Since "Not to our knowledge," says Jim Leyerzapf, an incisor. then, Salla says, the "Greys" have kidnapped "mil archivist at the Eisenhower Library. 'There's Meanwhile, there's another perplexing ques lions" of humans. nothing in the archives that indicates that.". tion: Why did the AP report that Ike died that Salla, author of 'The Hero's Journey Toward a Then Leyerzapf bursts out laughing. night? Second American Century," published his ET the He-'has heard thls theory before. 'We've had so "Somebody was fooling around and it went ories in his new book, "Exopolitics: Political Impli mimy tequests on that subject that we have a per out," Pankratz says. "It wasn't supposed to go out cations of the Extraterrestrial Presence" and in an son who specializes in this." but it did." article on his "Exopolitics" Web site (www. That person is archivist Herb Pankratz. Ike never made any public statement about e.xopolitics.org). "He specialized in transportation," Leyerzapf meeting ETs, Pankratz says. But did he perhaps For much of the '90s, Salla studied conflict reso says, "and we decided to add UFOs to that. He spill the beans to his family? Ike's son, John S.D. lution and tried unsuccessfully to apply that does trains, planes, automobiles-and flying sau Eisenhower, is a retired Army brigadier general knowledge to prevent war in East Ttmor and the cers." · and author of several books on history, including Balkans, he says. Frustrated, he began looking for The library fielded dozens of questions about "General Ike: A Personal Reminiscence." an extraterrestrial connection to human misery the alleged Ike-ET meeting in the late '80s and ear Asked via e-mail if his father had ever men and, he says, he found evidence of ET visita ly '90s, when several UFO books advanced the the tioned meeting with aliens, Eisenhower respond tions-including the Ike encounter-on the Inter· ory, Pankratz says. ed with a short but emphatic reply: net. "It's interesting how these stories have "No." "There's a lot of stuff on the Internet," he says, changed," Pankratz noted in an e-mail. "Initially, He declined to comment further. 2 BOHEMIAN, Santa Rosa, CA - Feb. 12, 2004 who b~lieves that he was used as a sperm resource while in his 20s for alien half.breed production. Peter, a handsome man who trainS as an acupuncturiSt during the course of the film, is married to the long-suffering Jamy, a therapist. WALl( ONlY We hear tapes of Peter's regression Wbatif therapy with Mack, in which he reports extraterrestrial feeling that the alien with whom he believes beings regu/arfy he has repeatedly mated is his real wife, his visited our planet? real soul partner in life. For her part,Jamy Would that tries to see Peter's experiences as authentic, as explain tales of possibly springing from an episode of . foiries and ghouls? childhood aouse, or as a spiritual quest. She strives not to write her husband of I7 years off as·a nut case, though the strain certainly shows. Remaining skeptical, Chiten tiained her lens on the human.aspect of this underground drama. "I am someone who is completely outside the experience," she says."Jamy is me; she's the audience. I think that the major thing that I wanted people to walk away . from the film with is that it is purposefully ambivalent (about the subject of alien visitation), because I am. I'm agnostic about it..It's real; it's not real. I believe them; I don't believe them. You're ne\rer quite sure. But it's not really just about alien abduction per se; it's about the human drama, what happens when something comes into your life." Given that both Karin and Peter are attractive, outgoing people, one begins to wonder if theyve sought publicity in order to somehow enlarge themselves. Chiten disagrees. Alien Lovers "A lot of people will think that th~ people are trying to get attention. Peter was very hesitant to be in the film. Having these experiences is m\urnatic enough, but bow the media has treati:d hlm is much more traumad.c. He's been Documentary· explores.b um.an ·side of meetings from peyond so misinterpreted by the media so many times. My feeling is that he was being very courageous by coming forward. Most people are shy about it; they don't want people to know." By GRETCHEN GILES hue, repeatedly illuminate her bedroom . Mack invited Chiten, whose work he was Perhaps most brilliantly, Chiten windows. She's been aroused froni deep slumber . fanilliar with from her earlier documentaries interviews thirtkers outside of Mack's field, Karin, an attractive woman in her late only to fmd herself completely unable to move. (Twitch and Shout; about Touret:te's syndrome; speaking to the Vatican's own demonologist 20s with short-cropped hair and a She is certain that her ovaries have been pierced, and The Je'w in the Lotus, an autobiographical and to a myth and folklore expert whose quick smile, is fairly certain that her eggs removed. She believes that she's met her .s tudy), to make a film abourhis patients and spe_c!fic discipline is daimcinology. Speaki?g ·. first experience with extraterrestrial half.alien children, small "young beings" who are their experiences. She resisted until he dangled . in Italian through an mterpreter, the Vatican beings came when she was just two also tinged an-uncanny blue. She cries as she says a free meal. Arriving for a dinner in honor of priest reveals tha~ the Catholic Church is and a hal£ Playing with a new this. She appears to be perfectly sane. Mack's clients, many of whom spoke at eloquent h6m.Hy ready tc ;:mbrace the idea of alien gumball machine in a dry creek bed outside of Karin is one of the estimated hundreds of length of their experiences, Chiten became , visitation. Explaining that the fallible art of her Florida home, Karin remembers a small thousands of people who claim to have struck by the simple force of each person's · human narrative foims the basis of our shared being with large, black eyes coming out from experienced alien abduction.; A3 featured in humanity. These weren't raving lunatics, bu~ history and certainly of the Christ tale itself, behind a tree. He asked her to accompany him; filmmaker Laurel Chiten's latest do.cumentary, rather ordinary people whose lives had i the elderly priest leans.f orward in his chair she did. She remembers that they entered ap . Touched, Karin is iust one of a handful willing to unwillingly, it seems, been irrevocably changed~ : and says, "Who are,w e to believe that we are "egg-shaped" vehicle. · · · •.tell her story. Startled by such.r emarkable tales, . "I was abducted by John Mack," she laughs the only life in the universe? It's stupid," his. oldeTrh teh banei snhge i nantrdo dasukceedd i hfs ehre t ow ao buoldy sshliagrhet lhye r pmroofset sosfo ur so tfe pnsdy tcoh isactoryff garta tvheelmy r. eWsehaercnh aes H tahrevmar d bbyre caeklflapshto ante a, cc aafueg nhet ahra hveinrg B ao sStaotnu rhdoamy em. "oIr ning voicAe3 t rMaialcinkg p tahteie tnratlnyS elaxtpolra:i n"sst uepailr;lloie."r in gumball machine with him. She did. The next as being true, opinions s<lnietimes change. basically kicked and screamed apd dragged my Touched, Westerners have the only culture in thing she knew, she was "mid-frame, running Dr. John E. Mack is one such psychiatrist. heels in. But there's ~mething about John that's. the world that doesn't readily accept the duality towards the house." She and her mother hunted The Pulitzer Prize-:winning author of a so completely endearing; he's so naive. He does of an alternative existence to the human one. all around the creek bed for that gumb all biography on T. E. Lawrence; Mack has devoted this work and publicizes it, and then doesn't "The alien-encounter experience seems almost machine. They never found it, though over the last decade to working with subjectS who .understand what the big brouhaha is. He's like an outreach program from the cosmos to 20 years later, Karin found the young boy whom . believe that they have been abducted, writing actually quite fascinating to listen to." . the spiritually impaired; he riurvels. she believes was in me egg-shaped vehicle with. about them (reSulting in at least two nonfiction . Those interested can listen to Mack on · Ghosts, goblins, fairies; ghouls, gargoyles, her, now a man living in his native Scotland. works, Abduction and Passport to the Cosmos) and SatUrday, Feb.~~. when he and Chiten appear at brownies; little people; giants, elves- what if, A3 an adult, Karin. has frequently been defend,ing himself for his research against the Sonoma Fijm Institute's screening of Touched the daimonologist posits, the parallel world awakened by an intense feeling of electric colleagues at Harvard, who launched a two-year (Chiten also appears on Sunday, Feb. 22). of traditional Western legend in fact painted current.couningthrough her slim frame. She's . investigation of his work before finally Touched focuses primarily on Karin and an ·a rich and vibrant ancient history of · seen an eerie blue light, urmatural screaming exonerating him as worthy of his tenure. another alleged :abductee named Peter, interaction between ourselves and beings from beyond? · "A3 -much as I lov~to think that there are such things aS angels·; md gods,-I don't want . to think that there's something in this world that Can hurt people," Chiten says. "It makes me feel out of control. But in the four to five years fve been working with this subject matter, no one has been made any sense to me-except the daimonologist. · · "There might be r6o people who have a psychological explanation; there might be 12 people who have a neurological explanation; there might be hundreds of people who have sleep paralysis-but that still," she says, her voice rising slightly, "doesn't explain all the rest of the people who have experienced this." 'Touched' screens at the Sonoma Film Institute on Saturday, Feb. 21, at 7Pm at Darwin Hall, ~ I~. Both Laurel Chiten and Dr. John Mack. Will be m attendance. A second screening is .offered Sunday, Feb. ;u, at 4pm in Warren Auditorium, Ives Hall, with filmmaker Chi ten in attendance. SFI, Sonoma State University, 1801 E. Cotati Ave., . Robnert Park.. $3-$4-50. 707-664-2606"' ' · ALIENATED 3 e. Harvard professor ofp sychiatry Dr. John Mack endured a two-year faculty investigation ofh is · ·r esea_rcb on alleged visitatiqns by aliens. He was subsequ.ently cleared by the university. J' ~ I Roswell outerliinitsfor UFO fans ... ci dcies it look .like? 5 Alien ·lore beams into No; -I haven't beeii there. They . · say its. jUst open prairie. I don't . ~ fabric of tourism in .r know ·if you can see supp(>sed ~ New Mexieo:town · t(oUUFrQist)S. soktii.dt tmbearrek,s-s. hWawe tjhuestm t atkhee -·-----· ......; Iar_o{theland: Tell the story. o~sdrne~:ofA rn~ricaseem -. BY joim··BoRDs:EN prone-~9 r.JtO:~rts-1s ROswell . 'Ihlvel Editor like that?.. . . ' : : . . Ruth Anri Speth was born in· .:;: We haW peOple Who come d\11"" . CJ Roswell, N.M., and has lived most ) · ing qie.·f~ period and set up Z of her 61 -Years there. Her family . · near the airbase-With little 'vans of owns and opetates Cobeari Sta- : aild.t hat. stWr for sitiilg at·n ight. . -~ tionety. Ro~ell, · of course, . is And :they're , saying they see . where space aliens . all~gedly , ~--·· 5 =~!a~~~~~~ -0~ ~s theiocalreaciion? . ri The town and that incident have . ·Most of us wouid.h ave to see it w turned up in countless sci-fi mov.: · · to bell~ -iL~y(hlom, lcnew al~ ~ ie$ and TV shows since. most an·thepeople who'were in- w . volved iii this in the '40s. And like · mU) Q. The big thing in Roswell is the she 5ays,.they Were truihrui pea:. 0 anYnUesa. l TUhFeO V eFveOn tF, ersigtihvta?l is held polre d..ToeJsJnaf'ts bneolti esv3ey,i iblUgSt hseh eb eklhioeWve5s ' around the Fourth of July, usually pe<>PteinVol~ then wouldn't lie. on·a weekend. They have a pa rade ,where people dress as aliens Q. What's the consensus oft hose or anything else having to do with who were involved? · outer space or the American . Most of them are dead. Some space program or whatever. They ale·s till around .:.. like the morti have competitions for. best cos G. NOEL GROSS -OAUAS MORNING NEWS PliOlO cian called to the airbase to bring tumes. And there's kind ofa street Youngsters steer remote-control ships around an lnt~rstellar clreult caskets·f or the. little peOple. He's fair with booths that sell T -shirts ·made of painted plywood In Roswell, N.M. still saying much of it was true. and other things having to do Now they're tl'ying to debunk with aliens and all that. and dry. It ean get up t~rio but that's .. what-n~t shop~Th1ngs ~,that.' him. It goes back and forth. . not normal; usually, ifs between 95 But all those :who are aliv,e and Q. How big is the UFO connec- and 100. · Q_~ wdsn•t the~ ci military ba.Se are still around here say there was tion for totuism? We're 200 miles frOm Albuquer- · nearby that figured into the . definitely "something" there The Right noW, extreinely. It has ·· . que, Sarita Fe.~. -anything; We're.o ri · whole spcice aliens thing? We- . government is cleflliitely trying to brought in so many people.· Be- · the way to pJ.aceg like carlsbad Can- ren't there restricted areas .. . explain the ~ird things away. fore then, we dich?.'t get a lot ofV is- .. ydns or RudioSo, and that's about it. where the public couldn't go? . : itors..We have arililitary academy Before the festival, .. even lOcals there W3s a base in the . that brings a lot ofp eople. And we. welen't that jn\;QJ.Ved .i n. the UFO l940s. It closed dmvn about 2S haVe sUch goOd weather that it is a thing. It was s0 marty }'ears ago;W e or 30 year5 ago. . . . popular place for retirees. ' kind off orgot about it llD::til ~y. There's no area novi.w her¢ yOU can't go._T hroughd-.it '¢e . Q. Fcit weather, what's.the best .:. 0~ And ~ow you h;,e plcices sei~ing year- ~y duriDg the· time to go to Roswell? · . OUter SPflce Biugers? · · · UFO .f estival - you can take . · .Ifs not that bad in winter .:.. in ·· . Severtll p~aces · in ,,town, · have tours out t() the crash site. . the 60s and 70s and not much 'Changed th~b; nameS. There's a res snow. We get snow maybe on~ tauiant '.Called Crash' Site. .Alien Q. The site oft he alleged crash . or.t wice a year. Sununer ~ Wami Zone· is a 'toUrist-type-curio and -have you been ·therer What ! Bdok ori UFOs shows energy mispl~ced N · .. Have you e\'er seen a flying saucer? . merely specUiS,tes.a s.t o why sbme people ..0 lfthe ~er is rio, you're not exactly' in wande~ aro\mq ~ mountains in the uG..) ao fmyoinuorrniecyig, lb!Puot rtsh werheo.a wreil lm swoerea.rt hthaeny a h afvewe~ - Dave Balcom . mofitdimdele. TofhaeSrae taurred saoy~nei gohru tms wighhot hloasveet wraarcik~ ' . : ·Roy· Titniil' of ·PendletOn' w];Oie a book dered around in the woods OJ;l a Saturday 0:: called "Saucers, ETS, ·Abductions and· Publishe.r night with another,.just iJs,plausible expla- 0c hMiso rbee>'1Q:bka, chkis i nW 2e0b01 s, iaten da ntodd haiys i bs eplrioemfso wtiinthg naWtiohial,t 'bsu rte; ahlelyy, f Wuns iTi:li tmhme bjso pookc, hko ·w . ev. e. r., is o .e ~elistie, ·zeal. He was in ~e new pub- the little vignettes oflife in Eastern Oregon Q) lisher's face before the new publisher even as ~een through the uneducated but intel- ;; kriew where all the bathrooms W.ere, · . · B~ wouldn't It be great to ligent eye of an un~ed but ded~cated i ._·. ·ne'vianted tO be sure the new publisher . k.n ow'· .· tha· t hum· an.. s are· no.t . . . joumal.writer, . · ... · . ·: · a. knew about his group that meets monthly . . Mr:Timm-which is how he quotes him- z at al ocal testaurantand he wanted the new· • ·. alone i,n the unlvtuse? But:. to · .. ·.. . selfw hen he can't fmd someone else to saY < publisher to attend one of those meetings. . . what he feels needS saying in the book.;._ z Which the new publisher ~d; bdt on the sec- . buy Into Tlmm's· game,·y ou have . goes off on the neatest tangents in attempt- 0 ondWedn~day in February, the group was · to believe that thousandS of· . ingto bW!d up thecredibtlitY ofhis sources c, ~n<>·show, . . . who, he claims~ ate telling oftheir UFO ex- w : ·. Timm oft'~rs as proof of his·b eliefs un- government .workers In periences for the very first time. . . ~ bearable.tape recordings ofawoman he . hundreds ofg_o vemments on the. :-.. Butthei.ilsightsheoft'ersintothecareers .claims is from another planet and another, · · and·Iives of working people, fanners and t; UJ)J.dentitred1Xlanjjn,a three-way, rambling.. . globe have agreed to maintain .• . lumbermen, American Indians and others < conversation without point, foe~ or, seem-. universal denial ·of what would ' .. .is jUSt simply good stuff. w -~r~~ en~.You would think ~eQP}db>Jn. · · ' · · If he paQ. dedicated himself to painting ." ower~al~w~tdd bEt moretm.teresttng: · -be the greatest story since ·:. '· ·' '· · thqs~· wflrd Pi~s _of what :be ku.ow an.d . One classiC :seCtion· 9f. thq; tape: The Jesu_s Ch.rlst ·walked among us. · ·-clearlY tinde~ds·instea,d of thistother woman, who used to live in Ohiq,.complains . . stuff, we might be.celebrating.his work . that: sh.e has b~en diagnosed as a schizo- , · . · . Ify our mind is opeJ;l at all, you have to at 'phi'enie 56 nobody believes her stories of __..: ..-~----_:.. __- ,--;_-___ :.._ least hope there' is sentient life on other anotherworld.~hepointsoutthatherhome 'to storie~ ofUFOs, c~ttle mutilationS and. planets.Beca\Jsetheylive'inanothercoun- world is in conflict, and it has SPilled over abductions. . . . ·. . cy;·so to SPeak, they might not necessarily be to Earth: She tells us that a race of lizard- technologicallY advanced compared to us, like beings, reptoids, has vowed that if the It would be too simple to write all this off ·But wouldn't it be greatto:knowtbat ;humans leaders of Earth finally acknowledge the to an overzealous iinagination, . ' ate not alone in the universe? . ' presence ofher and her scaly-skinned ad- . . Wheri you go to the Web site you find the · ·But to' buy into Timin's game, you have to versaries, the lizards will go back to her photOs are all-too blurry or weak to be de- believe that tho~an<;ls ofg overnment work home planet; kill everyone there, then come finitive, but the pitch t6 buy Timril's book is ers iil hundreds ofg o"Vet:ntnents ont he globe back to Earth and kill everyone here. very clear, But it would be too easy to write .:have agreed tO maintaiininiversal denial of Timm c~ b~ heard then saying, with de- . this all oft' as a scam, too, . . what would be the greatest story since J e- votion, ~at we must simply persevere until So what is it? · su5 Christ walked amongus. . . ourpoliticalleadersacknowlectgethepres- . Onepossibleopini.onisthatitrepresents Nope, can't go there, Mr. Timm. People 4 ence of UFOs; extrateiTestrial:beings and migplaced energy. , . . .t alk..They always do. Ifyo~needproof, look Big Foot Hmmm.l$. anybody listening? . 'llmm's book is a ftui read Not the part at your own work If. you give them an au . As additional proof, Timmsubmits taped about alien· abductions, Which, by the way, dience, people will actuailytellyou they SaW Segments o~a_£§1l:i.Q radio talk: Show devoted . ~e book does not document Instead it . a flying saucer, - FLASHLIGHT VISITOR'S GUIDE, Eureka Springs, AR • April 2004 . 16TH ANNuAL UFO CONFERENCE · . They're certain that we 're not alone Story and photos . crash of 1947. · demand. Anywhere from by Kathryn Lucarlello Nancy Talbott - researcher .350 to 450 people attend, CCN staff writer . whose speciiUty is collection from all over the U.S., · and interpretation of evidence Canada and abroad. Why do they keep coming back year . · :from crop circles,· animal muti-· Interestingly, al~ough after year to the UFO Conference held in . lations and UFO landing sites. Farish has an avid interest EureP. SPrings? . Grant Caineron - a in the subject of UFOs, he B.ecau&e the subjee,t rna~ is so com- . .Canadian research~r with ·a ·says he is not a "contactee" pelling, and there are always uJ;dates ef .. :; detailed rep6rt oiftm acta&: and has had no spectacular what's happened during the year since known as "the UFO capital of sightlngs. · the last one. . the world." "I have seen things I From April 9-11, the 16th Annual Three othear f eatured·s peakers . can't identify," he says. Ozark UFO Conference will get under will provide special treat for "Lights and objects at a dis way. conference--goers: tance." The conference will be held at the Best Beverly Trout - a researcher Along with speakers, the Western Inn of the Ozarks Conference from Iowa who will present a conference features vendors Center on Highway 62 West. across from case for interactions with rep- with ET-and UFO-related Eureka Spririgs High School. titian beings of apparent extra- merchandise from cards and Lucius Farish, confer~nce organizer, terrestrial origin. Trout is the books to art and t-shirts. says there is an exciting lineup this year MUFON director for Iowa. . The conference·s chedule - many returning old favorites such as · Ted Phillips - will tel,l of his is set up ·so that people can Linda Moulton Howe of Art Bell radio . experiences in Slovakia, fmd_. attend all or part of it. show fame,·but a few folks who haven't ing a cave which is alleged to Farish said that because appeared in recent years or who are here contain an ancient artifact of many people want to attend · for the first time. high techriical sophistication, only one day, he schedules Nine speakers are scheduled to take suggesting .evidence of a for- m,ost of the speakers on the podi:um during the conference: mer highly advanced civillZa• Saturday.· . Timothy Good - internationally tion. Phillips has catalogued · Tickets are $35 in known resCa.rcber.and author of several· over 5,000 pieces of evidence advance through April 2 books on UFOs, including his latest. of UFO landings and has a and $40 at the door for all Unearthly Disclosure.. large quantity of information A sculpture of a cattle mutilati.on by UFO ~rtist Jason Startup sessions. Reduced fees ·are Linda Moulton Howe - author of ori the Jopliri,·Mo. ".Spook from Kansas City, Mo. Startup has brought his work to this available fo,: partial atten Mysterious-Lights aNi Crop Circlreasd aion d . li.g ht" · · . :.. . • conference twice. He may be thi:mf again·t his year, Farish dance. award-winning documentary and Don Led&er ... a cariadian said, but there ·are other artists bringing work as welt The For more information on science producer. · . . researcher who has information · vendors' area is a popular hangout for conference-goers the conference, to reserve Wendelle Stevens -·retired Air .Force . ·on a uFO·s een and tracked off · between presentations. · rooms or to reserve tickets, Lt. Colonel; presenting eases ofclaimed . the coast of Nova Scotia in call Farish at (501) 354- contact with extraterrestrial beings in 1972. Command. Doil's book; Dark Object, is 2558, email him at [email protected], various countries. · · "An object was s~n to enter the w~ter · abou~ this event" . visit the website at . Dr. David Ru~ - discussing his off Shag Harbor and went ~lQw the sur- The Ozark UFO conference was start~ . www.ozarkufo.iwarp.com or write tq analysis of UFQ film footage, as well as face," Farish said. "It was tlackcd for ed in 1989, Farish said. It has always Ozark UFO Conference, 112 Caney Valley an update on the.famous Rosw~ll. NM several days by the Canadi~ Air . been held in Eureka.Springs by popular · Drive, ~l~rville, AR 7212]_:_.. .... REGISTER, Whitewater, WI - Nov. 20, 2003 CR: R. Heiden ~ FAif'UtyF O.tale~ PQiice caUtales .ofU-F<J'si9fatihgs a·hoax G) a:::t years ago on the evening of November ;ay Kiti1Mc:banson .. ·It could ·be a hoax or maybe a. ros'e above th~:f'~~tand. vatished tential that· the whole thing was. a: 23, 1953, a mysterious 1=\~GIST!<F'I EDirOR. . , · si~hdilg of a solar flare, but one. into the sky. . . . . some SQrt of hoax.. . . , occurrence happened· over : What ·began for· Whitewater thmg it prci~~bly is not, ~aid.Coan, ·Toe unknown authors of:the "If tpere is any validity at all it CJ Lake Supe~ior. An •A ir Police Chieftin'l' Coan as ·a toutine is-a U'F,b.· . statement ii,sked that an~ cine·, with could have to .do with a solar flare S Defense Command Ground :stop ·a~ the Westsider fcii' a news- The flyer •. which a :Westsider . information about: the . sightings thin. was reported in the news Intercept radar controller at pae_~r·.N()v. 7. turned ·tnto an ex- employee said was delivered by an ~ontact the Whitewater Police De- lately,'' said Coan. ~ Truax Air Force . Base ·:_tr~r~ln,¥.)':'eyent when the person ad~k and n'ot.a pers(>n·~f tradi~· p~ent~ . . ...H e w.as referring to .a solar g- became alerted · to an· :wqr,~ng .behu\d the counter casu- .tiona! coJI~ge age, Was ,printed on storm that w,as reported in USA. "Unidentified target" over ;all~.:~~e~ C6,~ if the· police ,had papet without .. letterhead . and : ·,cci·~n ~xplain~d that-the Whiter Today·on Oct. 29 and ~0. . the Soo Locks. :figured outwhatthe·UFOwas~ ... · ·claimed that fotir groups had te- water Police'Depaitmeni:was. nO:t the storm reportedly hit Earth's z~ 1sTt hLei eauleternt awnat sF seOli\xm dMedo anndda ..;· .> That question WiiS prOmpted by ·ported seeing an ·objeCt which ,they involved.· in. the Crafting· of . th~ magnetic field at J. a. in. ea~tern :~·':flyer. that recently circulated: identified as a mysterious green statement; its release, nor had their standard time on Wednesday, Oct. , Jr., and 2nd Lt Robert Wl.Lson · F8i jl_~:Q:tjJ},d t.9wn abo.ut .a myste'rious . arid blue puisating ·light coming dis'pat'Cher r~ceived any can~ op. 29.. . ;;::1;> wC eSrec o<r:piiisopnat cjheetd ·f irroi itnh enire a+by . :;sWi'gh_i~ttet.wnga;t erb ys tu.d. esnetvSe raanl.d· uytwv~o· from the nature traiJs. . ·tnhoarttn.ialiig .hactt'iovri.ti}u.)-y.~ aOk.tihnegr p·albaocuet inpa rcpa~e The storm was reported as .ex- ,; Kinross Field. ·=::. c Ground Control was watCh ;itm6e .mhbaevre~ soefe nfa csuolmtye wlhigoh tws erbee hsiani.dd · witTnhees'sfelys.e rin svtaetsetdig tahtaetd's 6thme~ osc( ethnee ' ·s kieHs.e a bsou,vgeg eWstheidt·e wthaatte rb. eca.u s.e. · th··t dtruecminelgy· cr.aorleo rafunl4 · acuarpoarbalse oinf ptrhoe- ~ ing two blips on the ·:.radar ;the .football stadium between 9:30 and. claimed ·.that ·as. they ap- . alleged sightings ·were close to night sky. visible as. far south as co screen. The F -89 was chasing < this object at speeds of 500 :and·9:50 p.tn: on Oc't 30. . . !'roached, a bright circular object Ha.llow~en; .tl:J~re was a ,lar,ge po·. 'fexas thri:mgh Frida)'. Oct. 31. en mph. As the F-89 began to en close the gap, the UFO ~eel~ ~ erated out over Lake Superi- ------------------------.....,..------- --------------------- ~ or. The two blips be~~ one > blip. The Ground Co.ntrol trace of the aircraft or the two Now 50 years later, we still BURNETT CO. SENTINEL, Grantsburg, WI - Jan. 14, 2004 <-' tohvoeurg htht Le t tMarognect,l a hana:4d)l~'otWhe1yl ppriliositns gwlye rne oe vdeerb froisu,n dn.o S· uori l· trheaaltl ye vweonnindge ro fwNhoavt. h 2a3p, p1e9n5e3df 'Mysterious' of the inquiry then, said state 0 thought the two blip,sj,vould slick, nothing was ever found. . of Lt. Felix 1\toncla and Lt; forest fire fighting employees become separated ·3 :.it· the The Air Force changed its Wl.Lson and the Scorpion F-ag.; vehicles . were in the marsh testing plane passed it . . · · story a couple times a,bout · C jet. Off the record, specula equ!pmen,t specially designed To the Ground Control ·this incident, . finally stating tion was the object . was . a for fightixlg fires in that envi amazement, the. singlE( blip ·that the F-89 exploded at high huge· UFO; and it took the identified? ronment: flushed off the screen ·and altitude; but· strangely ignor~ whole plarie . and crew that Some of those vehfcles run was totallY clear of anY. return: ing the fact that this. would· fateful evening. GRANTSBURG-Unusual on tracks, they said, and at all. The Ground COntrol have left a lot of debris on the It will be probably many vehtcl~s 'were in Crex look very different from typi fFnr-oa8 n9rt iebcsaypl olryan dtsrieio e·, ad bt.t uoa tlc ·lt.o hfenrcr~eit.tn w. tlha.tse.: lIan.k vFeei'nsst asilgularyft iaoNcneI .C CAoPm m(Nitatetieo noanl ywcleqoasrrulsdr· ehm ,eoornere :wU oiFlrOl f'ilsne aswsllo ytr hsldeawet irtduhse;e:; oMfTe ahadeno· rw espu olnaritsd tae fn .aftelilw.f i wede ekfsly aigngo cCoavhlee frti- rteh feNi-gerhowtaimndga nev,qe uh. iipcSmleeesnn.t itn -oerl Monda's aircraft. · Aerial Phenomena) found out This area here in upper Wl.S object south of Grantsburg Reporter. Grotind Control dispatched that there was no mention. of consin is a hot spot of UFO included ·reP<>rts of "m111tary iRanneg s oceunme t ehtreeg aremandc.a y·Tf · hw .eSa ·esla ~ascbtho·~ ui. agth n·7td(.) gctheheta. sLlitnt .wg F aeasl nicx o um¥nopi~dlceetlneatli yfri r.oeiibdsl siittoeanrr~, ahaCnerdtiev .iw tya. tTc· hak teh "e" loskoike os naer noiugnhdt· Mtypeeawd owvs.e hwichliecsh co1unl dnC't rbexe CR: A; Heiden mUpilpeesr -oMffi CKheigwaene anta awn paoltiintut dine aOtne dt.fhreo mo tthheer o ·fbfaicnida,l re·Pcroojred<S;..t WolfARseltlzlalonfdt veIrnlf tecdo navte trhsea ttiiomne l. ast week. 5 of8,000-feet, 160mllesnoi:th~ Blueboolc case files ·~imply state employees at Crex who west of the.Soo Locks. Not a list the case as an "accident." were nofava!labl!! ·at the time AR- MORNING NEWS, Springdale, April9, 2004 · BEYOND~FLYIN(l":SAUCERS ) llil•ginations·S oar At ·I JFO Confe:rence () F §~efRETs TATRA CAVE . among his ~.w. investiga~ons. .· pick ~ b~t h~ C9uld dig down , • ~·~i;;,~ ~~~r":"S ?t . .· -~ •· . . . · . _ . -. __ -. ·. ·· · ._.· .· . · · · that's not his pnmary subJect In th.:fougp th~-Jin?.~sto,n~. fJ.opr~ ,:, \::<' ~·hijm~tone--depbsltS ~ide 14 .. S']ILL<I\4\'YS.TERY AFTER 50 -YEARS . fact, he:s not sUre thar''Project . Abo~t 6o.·inclies in, he'f ound a ;-- ~ '_ai?jtg·Wiw ~~s~e~etori'~(~ · , · .• ·. · /1~~;r_·.··:;> . ·. . · · . · · · · ·. .;. · Tatra'~ ts related to UFOs ata.J.l prehistortc cav~ bear skeleton . , .~Jhatha:ltl)~ltextipa:-for< . . . g~F } '. · _ . .I ·: ; . . .. .. · . It is,howe\Ter, a fascinating story. · and, uJider it, mnw.ork.~th . :_n,od<Jy.~. . , ' :· _· · ·-:>}> ~fF , By~-~ Mart81 .·GO AND Do .. The short versioJ:). is ~t . 'warmth c.:omirlg'.l;lp;tbioiigh it' i_ ' :' •· /~ frrSi I thoughtit might be . . THEMORN[MlNEWs ~ 6MARn~A6Nu~ · ·. OZARK UFO CONFERENCE P~~s ·gained acce~ to .~e _ ·: He ~9 h~~·-a. S.~llll~;-~~ch-~e.;. ··:·.~?m.,e· ~9 gf'~.~£?~llal_heac<;m, · diacy·.of a Czech soldier IDJ~ed . descnbedas·.~'spro~tJ.Unglike a · · sorp.e kind oftransffiltter,but .·. EUREKA SPRINGS. : · Date$: Tcxfay through Sunday • . in fighting in Slovakia during ·. distant tUrbine!\ .- ·, ,,\ -~-'<: · :. ·.. . ·. whY:?~ Ahd'Who?"he wonders.~. . rom the t:ir.O.e he was a . . Tim~ Registration begins at World War ·rL Rescued by a · ··_ _·_ _ : ':Reme:rp.ber; this iS',{ fufuing .•..> --. ::.< Phillips will :ffi$~ the Tatra ·p·· : ·· clrild Ted Phillips has . ·. 8 a.m. today; the flf)al session sheep herder, the soldier and . ehgineer.with four degrees ~9m ~ Projeqat2:45 pin. Saturday at . •· _b een looking up .irito the ._ S~nday is set for 11:30 a.m. tWo of his comrades the University ofPcigue;" . · the:fun ofthe Ozarks ·. · .: ·_ · sky. In those early.y ears, ·· ·Venue: ·Inn of the Ozari<s were hidden in a cave in . Phillips remihds: '~H~ lo}o~ · Convention Center. ~er growing up in rural MiSsoUri,·a ll:. _·· · Convention Center in Eureka the Tatra Mountains.- . · about the soup.d of driP.piflg schedu.ledspe~eis inchide: Phillips saw was sta,rs.._Butit ·Springs. . and there, Phillips says, · · water versus a turbine!' . . _ ·· t Don Ledger '.'Shag Harbor' 1 wasil't long before he;~Wted Admission: $40 .a~ the door -~'Tony':' found soniething . Whe.n Tony left t11e ei\ve,he . _IncidentThen and·:NowP .· hearing Stories about 'things that extraordinary. It was·a . ·. seale4 off the q~lway$that led ·-~- -~~ve~ly Trout, "Reptili3rl ~.·.·: .. went ''whoosh" in the night ~ · FoR INFORMATION, VISlT "huge black wall, to his di$covery. According to · -~ Perspective: Serpents of ·_ ·_ · · ;- · things other ·p~ople sw()re, they .., www.oZARKlJ().COM. . overgrown by cave · Phillips, bombingJa~erfu the ..- WISqo~tor S~e(in the Grass." war had seen~ and he wanted tQ ·. . c ·._L...,, ..:_-. --.---.,..---'------ formations, two -·. · also damaged the cave. But ", t NancyT~liqtt, '~ye\Vifn,ess, know what they were.. · ·, "' ' . . .. . . . miles back in a on~trips to :Europe.inJ998 and .•· .Report,sand More Ph~ic31 . ",; He's })as been inve~ti~tipg . $l:Or.ie~ froni':wit.pesses so eave, 2,700 feet· . 2001, ]?blllips found<th e cave arid . Evidence." . _ . ' <"':?> : .. UFO sightings ever sirice.. . · credibl~ he says, they coUld A.r?nmRK ZAD~. 1\"\tJ~\V'v . ·· below the ~op of ·· . corifmnation that if iS indeed . . t:~Vendelle C. Stevens,· ''lJEO ·This weekend, Phillips :will be "send a man to the electric chair 8Y GABRIB. CAl · · the mountain:' · the one where three wounded Vtsttors From Planet Kermer."• preaching to the choir wh~n .he · ·· on their testiinony. Yet once Northwestern The ''artifact,"_a s Phillips calls · soldiers were sheltered 1n 1944. · tGrant Cameron,''The UFO. speaks at the 2004 Ozark~UFO · · they,start talkirig about flying University aJ:ld a consultant to it, was Zl feet high, about 20 feet Now, he wants to shore up the Capital ofthe World" ConfereP,ce.in Eureka Spriiigs. . saucers, they're nQ longer the U.S. Air Force on the subject wide and curved ''It looked . cave's interior and-loo~ for the t David Rudi4k, ''1994 Nellis· Andi'he <tdrillts he'll heat stories credible. · · . of unidentified flying objects. almost like looking in a mirror · . unexj,lcifued black wall . · Range UFO Video: New- even$e·(,loesn't believe. . ' . . . . ''If fin in any group of people Scientists and astronauts of steel,"·.he describes, "totally ·. _ " "Of course,· funding is always Insight&':' ,- .• .· .. . · "GQpd-stuffis hard to fmd~" . ,·and the subject (ofJ]FOs) ''privately admit great interest," smooth, no seams, no rivets." difficult," Phillips admits, . t lind~. Moulton How~ "Earth Phillips says oflJFO .ev!dence: · ,icomes up, I Will hear of a he says~ and he believes the The soldier slipped through a "because it's Such a farfetched Mysteries Updates: From-Mars '~d the. stuflthat'_gets;~ the · -·. . )~ghting:' Phillips says. ''It's government knows a lot more crack in the wall to a "huge story ~ unlesS you've spent 30 to Cub~'.' _ _ · newsP:~P7r_is~p~ft~:·~i?Orters .•- ·.. . diffi~~ to imagine science is than the public·is being told. .s tructure, shaped like a fat y~ lq9killg into it!" · . . t Tunothy Good, "UFO don't want to·whte,:Clbout plant·· ··_•_-.• •_11.ot domg cartwheels to. 'There's no question thereis.a crescent moon,' with 7-foot-thick .I n ·the inec:tptime, Phillips,has -· -. Contacts; Mystery Triangles q.nd: evide11ce.at a1~dfug site:'. -_;;~--.'?;:ip,vestigate."_. · .·. cover-up to some extent," he walls that-extended up beyond . .· -fotind tWo inore:artifacts that ·· · , ·the Eun'>,pean Uhion'~ . . . That, however; J~. one of ; 2_~_.:·. . _ :·,·. OVer t}ie years, Phillips was says. . · the light of his torches," Phillips · might be related to the one in More information on the UFO_ Phillips' specialtie~ Over the Jast~ ··:fuvolved iti hundreds of . Although Phillips will speak goes on. On subsequent visits, Slovakia. He won'~ venttire a · Conference, which is l.mder way 35 years; he has logged ·some, ·- -•· .··investigations with Dr. J. Allen this weekend about the two best he found he couldri't scratch the. guess what they are, except to ·today, is ayailable at and · 3,059 mves~gatio~ heard. •-.. ~Hynek, an astrophysicist at . cases of physical UFO eVidence surface of the artifact with a· note tl)at the one.described·in· www.oza,rkufo.com. . .. :-·-.··· . . , . . . . .. 0 CIBOLA CO. BEACONJ Grants. NM PETIT JEAN COUNTRY HEADLIGHT, Morrilton, AR • March 31, 2004 March 3-1, 20:04 .Abdu.ctees share stories An alien abduction night held at Double Six Gallery in Grants last month featured spaceship paintings. . glow-in the-dark jewelry and a sense of light hearted fun. The second meeting 1ast Thursday had a slightly different tone. The gathering was small -only about 10 people -but the geographical areas represented at the· gallery event were large. Cars in the parking lot showed owners from Arizona, Colorado, North Dakota and New Mexico. Residents of the star Zeta Articuli were the main (serious) topic of conversation. Three people in the group claimed to have met tne aliens before. Former Grants resident Robert Allen said he has seen the star travelers many times, and has been abducted several times as well. Gil Riggs claimed to have seen aliens . ·.> ·: · · ·· ·.. .:·:, ·. ...· ·· ·.·> .. ·: .> . · · · · .· ·. ·'.; .. · ' : ·. . · · .· · · ·· ·· since 1951, when .he was in the Coast ~P.hotos c61,1rtesy of Ralph McCormick Guard in Alaska. A woman who refused . ·: P.l.CTUci{ED A~OYE J~· th~ w·~~s~re~n:-the.le~t. ~i~~ s~ows the cracked glass. ~nd .the right side to identify herself said aliens attempted is distorted by.~amdr.Qps. I11se~ pacture as of K~n' PeatsorJ·· · · · · · · · to abduct her but she refused to go. . . ~ . . . . . . .: . _:. . ··. . . .. . . ..· . . -~ .. ' . . . . . .. .. Allen plane· Allen said he was first abducted in !JL~UQON~~~~~es.··· 1990 while living in Grants. ''They came ·through the walls and took me," he explained. The spacemen reportedly told him, "We love you," at the time of his abdAulcletino nh.a s since made it his mission to .S..p eRc~lvpit lt)og H eflpo,dwligri.h ti n a.. l-l.. k in. d.s . o·.· f·. Tmh.teerg~r.l· tyyv,a _;s· \nV~o . ..,. w~u?aurla~~t .e~be. t h0at~ .lt ··. ~ Pe. "aUrspoonn s aairdr ievmapll ). taot iocaulrl yd~e s tina educate the world about our brothers I from space by selling videotapes, ~iving . conditiqns.~~in~e the early:. ~60s~· ·:would .~o~d~ · .~Y ·d ec1s1on to re- ·.~ion, we to_und the . c~iling was talks about alien desc:riptions m the I<;en Pea.rson·. 9f B~gelow exped~ ·. 91J(;?€ s~e~d ~o 190. knot~ ~.as an· .400. feet. My ·dedsi<:m was to get Bible and interpreting petroglyphs that enced .a niost unusual occurrence . ~tte~p~ .to .k7ep the ,glass. mt~ct. ;.recto~s to Gulf Port, Miss: At show 1,200-year-old drawings of star ,in February ~f .t-9i~ 'year; sqme~·. J?eq~u;;kl~okl·g?t~t't:J:le obJect .. that ·location~ I· was furnished travelers riding on disks. He believes crop circles, cattle mutilations and alien )vhere oyer-..T exas ...•T his ~veonft- ·· ~a~e ltappe.~r~ lf ~t wasa Y~~-· .with .c,i surveillance ·approach. pregnancies are all the work of spiny ·willcenain1y.notbe.repeat<!d 1ow~sb ~ay:.c~b~··like metalhc . The land~ng w_as uneventful. I gray people from outer space. ten: . . . . . . , .. : . : ·. co~or.}ta~pe~~ed to befrom 4 t? did have tolean o~er to the right "I'm amazed people are talking of this lt \\'as 7:30 iri the morning; . 6 ~~hes ln ~1an1eter. Where i.t to see out.of that window to find openly," Allen said. "Many people are Pearson was f1ying a Cessna 421 · came from, .l do n~tknow. Cen- . the runway~" stated Pearson. afraid to speak out because ofr idicule." . Allen believes the Earth is about to for ~oontz Electt~c Co., his em.;: t~r w~s not hat1dhng anY; other Pearson has·h ad one previous There. experience a massive spiritual change as ployer. was one passe~ger~ · ·fraft m.IDY area· at~the· hme. It.· ge~r.:up landing due to gear mal aliens try to change numan DNA and P~te Foster of Conway, electrical : couldhave,;come from .space for function, an exhaust fire on one help earthlings avoid a nuclear-related 1 engineer with Koontz ·Electric, all ¥o~, ·. Pea~son.said. . . · engine, and now this hit from the disaster like "The Grays" experienced in the past. "We have a misswn to make on board./ Level at ·15,000 feet · · Beulg hlt ~lth .sp~ce · JUnk, Unidentified Falling Object. He them feel welcome." m·sl, on an IFR flight plan, but. P?rtsfrom anauplane~ lee from a feels pretty secure- even a cat Allen said he thinks "We are not. in IFR conditions. An ?ts~antsto~m all;baye been taken has nine"lives. , interplanetary beings ourselves" who ·~nidcmtified Falling ·· ObjeCt. IIito. cons~~e.ratlon ... Th~ ~torm were brou~ht h~re from outer space, and came out qf the _sky and hit .t he . was ·~ good 25 .· mlle~ d1stant. that the altens bke us because the Earth is so beautiful from space. left windscreen. :The inlpa'ct at. There was .only one Item. that He advised audience members to carry 220 knots shattered~ but :did not .· callle toward t?.-eplane.and 1t ~p- a camera everywhere they go, even pertetrate. the. integrity of tQe pear~? me~alhc, .not hke an 1ce though he said he has never succeeded in glass. lf:it had~ t.his story· would .· ball. The 1tem came out.of clear getting a J?icture of an alien. Allen believes aliens don't show be in the NTSB accident reports. s~y and moved towa~d the plane themselves openly because the U.S~ "I advised Houston Center of hke a curve ball bemg thrown. militarr. wants to use their technology the impact, not declaring an On!! would thin.k this item ~ould for military purposes. He named emergen<:;y at that time. -As long . have had a str.a1gbt path. as It a p PPrreessiiddeenntt GDeowrgieg hWt . DBu. shE iasnedn ·hfoowrmeerr, as the windscre.en maintained its proached the plane, it didn't," Fuhrer Adolph Hitler as famous UFO sighters. Hitler shot down a UFO in Germany during Wor-ld War II, according to Allen. "Grants needs to go out and reach everyone on the su!>ject," he said. G1'J Ri1 ggs sat' d tR ihe g gal ~t ens are mt. ro~en- He talked of earthly astronauts who and that people often saw Hghts in the based life forms who were created m a · believe in little gray men from space, and sky when she was a girl growing up in laboratory and cannot reproduce on of how those little visitors follow him Oklahoma. "Every country on Earth has their own. That is why they keep trying around. He also believes in rein encountered this problem, she said. to get Earth women pregnant -so they carnation, and that people from Atlantis Artist D€nnis Black said he attended a can remove the alien baoy before it is had space travel. · UFO conference in Stockton Pass~ Ari born, "'without scars or anything." He Other audience members zona. and that the area is sometimes call said the aliens are also concerned about A woman who refused to identify ed a "portal" for space visitors. "All humans blowing themselves up with herself, but who said she is a psychiatric things are possible," he ~aid. Of course, nurse, had her own memories of an Black also wore a t-sh1rt that stated, atomic bombs, and that they remove gold attempted abduction that she refused to "You have the right to remain silent. Any from the earth with lasers. participate in. She felt there are several thing you say will be misquoted, and Riggs claimed that UFOs are so kinds of aliens with different missions then used agamst you." common that the US and USSR signed concerning Earth, and that they can be The next Alien Abduction Night is agreements during the Cold War tob old off on launching nuclear bombs until divided into "Good Guys" and "Bad planned for 6 p.m. on April 27 at the Guys." The woman said her boss is a Double Six GaJiery. For more informat after they had verified that no UFOs psychiatrist who treats abductees' ion, call 287-7311 or stop by 117 N. were involved. Airline pilots and psychological problems, and that the U.S. First Street in Grants. - Marian Hami stewardesses have been told to keep government is trying to cover up pr.oof of .Jton their mouths shut about UFO sightings, alien visits. Allen agreed. ''Tfiereis lots he added, and military pilots can be of secret stuff the government doesn't court-martialed if they talk. want us to know." Riggs claimed to have seen half-mile Even local residents got into the act. long mother ships while UFO watching '1 Janice Derrick didn't make any comments in Laguna and San Diego. Some about her own beliefs, but noted that answered questions by blinking their UFO sightings are a rural phenomena lights. FOREIGN- NEWS [Ali British ciippings courtesy of Thnothy Good, unless otherwise credite~.] EUROPEAN VOICE, Brussels, Belgium • March 18, 2004 Scepticism set to scupper any chance of Union-led UFO research Late night visitors? Despite much documentation, serious research by the EU into UFOs is unlikely Bv jAMES DREW On 30-31 March 1990, Belgian Air of this kind. They put obstacles in my no matter how sober or well intentioned, Force (BAF) F-16 jets were scrambled to path and this developed into a strong it is hardly surprising that people become ARE we alone in the universe? If not, intercept the unknown intruders, their attack by the UK. I believe that Labour discouraged. I welcome Musumeci's are we being visited by our intergalactic radar confirming the objects' ability to MEPs decided to attack this report for proposal, but I fear that nothing will neighbours? Such questions, normally elude their pursuers by means of political reasons, just to make a fuss." come of it" pondered following an excellent supper, phenomenal manoeuvres, as evident on Almost certainly as a result of the· His view is echoed by Nick Pope, who when port and cigars are handed· out the radar tapes later released to the media. ensuing ridicule, the-then European was responsible for the UK's Ministry of and thoughts turn to philosophical In Vague d'OVNI sur la Belgique (Wave of Parliament president Egon Klepsch Defence (MoD) UFO research project matters, have once again appeared on the UFOs over Belgium), ·a two-volume text omitted the debate from its agenda on from 1991-94: "Despite being interested European Parliament's radar screen. produced by Brussels-based research 21 January 1994. in Musumeci's Parliamentary question On 20 January, Union for Europe of the group Socittt Beige d'Etude des Regge proposed a new text, but concerning the study of unexplained Nations (UEN) l'vfEP Sebastiano Musmneci Ph~nomenes Spatiaux, retired deputy because the Parliament was approaching atmospheric phenomena, I doubt the submitted a proposal concerning the chief of the BAF, Major-General Wilfried the end of session (owing to the election European Commission will accept "creation of a Community body for De ·Brouwer, said: "The Air Force inJune 1994) there was insufficient time the suggestion, despite the fact that the· study of unexplained atmospheric has arrived at the -------------- to bring the proposal coordinating research and investigation phenomena". In other words, unidentified conclusion that a before .the assembly's on a Union-wide basis seems like a very flying objects (UFOs). number of anomalous 'No one wants to look fun session. sensible idei "For a long time now," Musumeci phenomena has foolish, least of all The reaction comes "It is a great pity that the Commission declared, "sightings ... have been reported been produced within · as no surprise to hard- does not promote and coordinate in all comers of the globe. Some of these . Belgian airspace. The politicians. When faced with nosed investigators .. research into such matters . pher10mena ... not only cause considerable numerous testimonies WOrldwide media that Seems Timothy Good, "During my time at the MoD's UFO perplexity but also fuel theories - so far of observations... h /1 b k' l.TK bestselling author research project, we investigated several lacking any foundation -on the probable reinforced by the (Air e • ent on moe mg any of ufologists' 'bibles', hundred sighting reports each year existence of aliens." Force] reports of the research, if iS hardly such as Beyond Top and, while most could be explained as The Italian MEP pointed out that nightof30-31 March, S r,pris' thafpeop/e Secret (1996) and misidentifications of known objects or the European Commission should pay have led· us to face U tng Unearthly Disclosure phenomena, others appeared to defy any special attention to the "serious study" by the hypothesis that become discouraged' (2000), one of conventional explanation .. various European space centres and a certain number the world's most "Whatever the explanation for them, if research establishments, "since these of unauthorized aerial highly regarded UFO there are things in our airspace that we phenomena do not fall within the scope activities have taken place." experts, and a man inured, after 50 years do not understand, this raises a number of individual member state competence". These remarkable events led to a of painstaking research, to sceptics' slings of defence and flight safety issues." "In the light of the above, would the resolution being proposed by Belgian and arrows, believes that fear of mockery Pope also· agrees· with Musumeci's Commission not consider it appropriate deputy Elio Di Rupo to the European has held back serious debate on the issue point that "this is not an issue confined to to promote and coordinate research and Parliament in 1991. The assembly's for too long. any one member state". information on unexplained atmospheric committee on industry, external trade, "No one wants to look foolish, least of "If we pool our data and work together phenomena at a Europe-wide level, research and energy held numerous all politicians," he told European Voice. on the problem, we stand a better chance possibly assigning this responsibility to a meetings, chaired by Tullio Regge, an "When faced with worldwide media that of solving the. mystery." specialized and experienced body, such as Italian Independent l'vfEP and physicist Di seems hell-bent on mocking any research, [email protected] [French government organization] Service Rupo's·intention was to bring about an d'Expertise des Phenomenes de Rentr~es all-European agency, run by the Atmosph~riques (SEPRA) in Toulouse, or Commission and with a standing UFO sightings across Europe the European Space Agency?" committee of experts from the member It is not the first time that such a states, which would collate and analyze recommendation has been put before EU UFO reports from the military, scientific · 1942-45: Allied pilots on bombing raids over Germany reported seeing institutions and, considering Belgium's organizations and the general public. unusual balls of lights and small metallic discs. Dubbed 'Foo Fighters', the previous history of remarkable (and In a report tabled in December 1993 - Allies feared they were a new Nazi weapon. After the war it transpired that well-documented) sightings, perhaps the accepted unanimously by the committee German air crew had seen them too, but were also unaware of their origin. question's most surprising characteristic is - Regge proposed that SEPRA in its rarity. Toulouse.be given a statute enabling it 1946: Strange objects were seen over Norway, Sweden and Finland. UK and For at least eight months, beginning in to carry out inquiries .throughout. the American intelligence took a dose interest in sightings of these so-called October 1989, Belgium experienced near EU. But the proposal to establish what ghost rockets, but no explanation was ever found. daily sightings of large triangular-shaped might have become the European UFO UFOs. The sightings began near Eupen, observation centre attracted a great deal 1956: A series of UFO sightings took place over England, in August. Objects close to the Dutch and German border, of ridicule in the media and the m'otion were tracked on radars at Royal Air Force (RAF) Lakenheath and RAF and then.progressed steadily westward to was defeated in early 1994. Bentwaters and the RAF scrambled two Venom fighters to try to intercept Li~ge, Namur, Wavre, Mons and, finally, In his report, Regge expressed the object. One pilot said he saw the UFO, which eluded the jets. toward the French border. considerable scepticism about the majority Among the witnesses were· nearly two of UFO 'sightings', although he noted 1980: In December, United States Air Force personnel based at RAF hundred members and officers of the that "scientists srjJJ have a duty to Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge in England ·reported seeing a landed UFO genda171'1Die nationale as well as policemen, continue researching into these events in Rendlesham Forest, in Suffolk. Radiation readings were taken from the military and ·civilian pilots, air traffic in order to arrive at a satisfactory landing site, assessed as being ten times the norm for the area. controllers, meteorologists, aeronautical explanation". Later, he emphasized that engineers and physicists. the proposal by t.he committee had 1981: In January, a UFO was seen landing near the village of Trans-en Observers frequently described the focused on the creation of a European Provence in France. Unusual marks were found at the landing site and an objects as being "as big as a football field", evaluation centre witl1in SEPRA, rather analysis of the soil showed various anomalies. "as big as, or bigger than, an aircraft than on a study of the phenomena per se, carrier". An account also describes· one but largely thanks to ridicule in the media 1990: On 5 November a number of fast jets travelling from the UK to "hovering for minutes at a time and [it - particularly in the UK - critics ignored Germany were overtaken by a UFO as they were entering Dutch airspace. would] pivot, turning 90 degrees and even this point The pilots submitted an official report to the British Ministry of Defence. 180 degrees" and then moving "too slowly "I was attacked by two UK Labour to be a conventional aeroplane", before MEPs who prohably hadn't even read 1993: In March, a UFO flew over RAF Cosford and RAF Shawbury, seen by "accelerating so ·rapidly that it would be the report." lamented the scientist "I was military personnel. A report was sent to UK Ministry of Defence. across the horizon in a second or two - accused of asking for money to do and sometimes it would flash right back". research into Father Ch1istmas and things 8 COURIER, Vancouver, B.C;, Canada- March 14, 2004 CR: G. Conway 1 . crescent-shaped, so he described !I them as saucers skipping across the ~ · water-:-hence the term "flying ac saucers." For Graham Conway, it sparked an interest in UFOs that's ~ never diminished: At the time, he ~ . was living in Sheffield, England and interested in enigmas. "Fifty-seven years later, I'm nowhere nearer a so lution than the day I started," he says from the living room of his middle class home in Delta. -·· Aside from what.mmywould con- sider a quirky obsession with UFOs, the 76-year-old has led a relatively normal life, working in the hospitali ty industry and teaching food studies · and consumer education in Ontario · and B.C. After retiring in 1986, he . worked for the·S alvation Army for eight years before landin(a job with · the Delta School Board as a noon . time supervisor at a secondary school. For a few year-s, he was associated with an American group called the Mutual UFO Network, which bills itself as the world's largest civilian UFO research organization, but found B.C. reports seemed to drop into a black hole, ·never to be heard of again. Frustrated, Conway and a small group of like-minded friends formed. UFO*BC in 199 5, and were later joined by Martin Jasek, a 40- year-old engineer for a utilities com pany. The non-profit society operates a 24-hour hocline for reporting sight ings, . a- web site and a quarterly newsletter. Members also ho~t lec tures on subjects ranging from alien abductions to cattle mutilations and crop circles. Each year, they investi gate a few UFO reportS in the Low er Mainland .or Interior. Jasek, the group~ mild-mannered treasurer, developed an interest in the subject while living in White horse, where he said reportS of unidentified flying objects were Last year there were ~.11tiful. Unlike Conway; he's only spotted one UFO-a term he uses more UFO sightihgs literally in this case, although he sus pects that some UFOs are "intelli gently controlled craft" that are not and was an estimac in Vancouver than man-made. ru5hed inside to re Jasek's brief sighting occurred in two days earlier, docwnent any other Canadian 1998, while driving across Manitoba tape, which he keeps under during daylight hours. He glanced property manager has since city, which doesn't · over to a slight hill on his left where a that he plays qver and over. white ball, three metres in diameter screen, a small, shiny object surprise believers and roughly 200 metres away, ap heads rapidly towards peared. Seconds later, it was ob it becomes a round, black scured by trees as the vehicle. trav Martin Jasek (I) and elled along the highway. .B y the time the trees cleared, it had disappeared. Graham Conway (r) To chis day, Jasek, a soft-spoken, seri ous man, isn't sure what he saw. Conway, however, has no reserva tions about his sightings. Murphy loses sight of it several rimes and is forced co refocus co re With little .prompting, he rattles off several anecdotes. In one case, he caprure the object on film. It z.ips was heading up Canada Way to across the screen so quickly on an wards Edmonds Street when traffic ocher occasion chat it can only be a hit standstilL Looking up, he spot seen later, when Murphy watches the cape in slow motion. ted a red, disk-shaped object, possi "It's something I'll never forget for bly six feet in diameter. None of the the rest of my life-! was in shock. passengers in the cars beside him ap The clarity of chis. is just incredible," peared to see it. When traffic moved forward slightly, the object became he says. "I heard about UFOs but more mirror-like, chen headed in a had written [them) off in my head. northwesterly direction. T6cal view I'm a skeptical kind of person who ing rime: five minutes. has co couch ic co believe ic, but now Another rime, Conway was moon I'm not too certain." lighting as a security officer at a large It sounds &rfetched, but he's got a parking lot on Annacis Island when lot of company locally. he observed a square aluminum-like According to the 2003 Canadian craft hovering above a plant emitting UFO Survey, reported by Chris steam that was being circled by seag Rutkowski of UFOl ogy Research of ulls and eagles. Viewing conditions Manitoba, more chan 673 sightings were excellent, according to Conway, of UFOs-defined literally as flying who watched it head northeast to objeccs that can't be identified-were . wards the Fraser River for about 10 documented across the country last minutes. year,. including 41 .i n Vancouver, Lack of physical proof does noth making it the city with the highest ing to shake his confidence. In face, number of reportS. Sources of the re- UppooFrrtOtSi· *ninBgc C.l u,rv d thee- ent-h tHeeo rN uastmt·i oo nn Ba. cl.h CU e. F COeU nR ·ts er. e-, , fMora trhke M ruerspth oyf omny . t hllfee U-1F Ow acsa pIntu srheodc okn." v·i deo and h. ighlighte.d on the TV behind. him: .. It; s somethlngp h I o, I tIo n0e avne ,r: o f uo 1rcg oeett oabsrok toehdd d im.f "oeMcnh oelrsost ospkeeeeo dpt hleep mduzo az sbl eeedlci ecvewenh t[reiinnc for UFO Research and the Meteor · UFOs]," insistS Jasek. "You'd be sur Advisocy prised how many people you know . athnedO CInmalynp aa1dc7it aps ne rS cpeancet oAfgC tehoneic ny6m.7 3i tsteigeh CtO- Smolfgu ahcnthi n oBgr.sgC aa.n ~bi zutahdt,ei o bnsui dtc eas lo.le mefdie e UcmtF eOomf*b BteorCos vhthiimdeusseael sldf ,aa yraesn .dw "iinTllsihnisegts t$ omo caaidanmly aimtc scoiergpeht itaninndcgies- . IpdNiolw otIn 9eid4n v 7aoi,r lcvKreaEdfNt nmNeEaTr a MH s oeAuaRrncNth RO aLfioDnri,e raa, . , {continued on page 10) ings remain unexplained-the rest · believe the earth has been visited by has changed. People are prepared co . reported seeing nine objeccs flying at . were simply fireballs, meteors or alien ships. come forward andDo.t ~elth~U.be. an estimated 1,200 miles an hour · 9 other natural phenomena. . Graham ConW:ly, the group's vice written off as kooks." .a C:ross the. mountains. They were . . ~~pries ~y brush off l?fO president, claims co have spotted 30 (continued from psge 9 - COURIER, Vancouver, B.C., Canads - March 14, :2004) towards ~y building. I mean any ''At first I didn't see the three lights on the Moller cites several cases in which have seen something totally unex thing made by man that flies only ·experts have exposed so-called proof ;aft plainable, but they don't divulge it 500 meters away has to make a triangular until it very, very shwly, and I ofUFOs. Philip Klass, known as the without being prompted." sound.". top UFO debunker in the United Conway speculates special psyclllc After failing to find a camera in the stress silently, without the smallest s~nd,just States, has come up with plausible gifu. passed down through families apartment, the witness, whose gen explanations for a number of UFO make people like him more suscepti . der isn't apparent from the write-up, b()1Jered towards my building. I mean anything sightings, including uncovedng the ble to seeing UFOs. "We have thou ran down to the street and saw the made by man that flies only 500 meters away truth behind a striking photo tiken sands and thousands of reports. "craft" travel vertically into the sky, by a Florida man. It turned out to be Every one c:m't be a case of misiden remain st2tionary for a while, then has to make a sound. a double exposure of an outdoor tification." leave. "Some other people saw this "-statement from report on light with a paper shade. "All I can downstairs and they didn't care. sighting In dowirtown Vancouver really say is mat if aliens did really THE NATIONAL UFO Reporting Th~ said its no big deal, probably take the time and effort to travel the Centre out of Seattle, WA., regis some governmental plane. But what light years thats required to actually tered two notable UFO sightings in would a governmental plane be do come to the earth, somehow I don't Vancouver last year. One, on Feb. ing in downtown Vancouver?" vince Lee Moller of die eXistence of is not a cheap thing to do." think they'd be communicating wim 12, just past 9 p.m., was from a self At 3 a.m. Oct. 31, another person alien space crafts, however. To the "If we ever talk to (extraterrestrial us by zipping around the night sky or described "harsh critic of aliens and reported seeing red, orange, green, .computer programmer, a founding life], it's almost certainly going to be drawing big patterns in crops,'' said all that stuff," who lives in downtown blue, yellow and white lights rotating member of the. B.C. Society for through radio waves, not through Moller. Vancouver on the 16th floor of a under and around the edges of an Skeptical Enquiry, UFOs are exacdy personal visits---at least· in the short "Having said all that, I would love high-rise. The witness was about to object. TI1e lights weren't bright. It that-unidentified flying objects that term." · for it to be true. Nothing would be watch Th( Simpsons and spotted an was eerily silent and the object was likely have a rational eXplanation. Some people confuse convention- more cool or interesting than the day object flying over some buildings, moving in "more ofa hover, almost a Moller argues the sheer distnnce al aircraft, landing lights, satellites or humanity talks, in any sense, to initially brushing it off as light from a slight wobble from too low a speed," between st2rs makes d1e prospect of planets with UFOs, suggests the 47- something off the planet-its going construction crane. But that turned notes the entry. "It had to be enor space travel highly unlikely. While year-old skeptic, because the average to be one of me greatest days in his out not to be the case--nor was d1e mous in size. I guesstimate I was 1-2 the earth is one "astronomical unit" person is unfamiliar with natural tory." high-rise on a flight path and the kilometres from it, then it passed be or 98 million miles away from the phenomena such as sun dogs-re- Barry Beyerstein, a UFO skeptic lights weren't blinking, as on nn air hind a building." According' to the sun, me next nearest .st2r is 300,000 flections of the sun that look like big . · and psychology professor at Simon craft. Instead, they were "constandy witness, it would have been visible to astronomical units away from the glowing balls-meteors or Venus, Fraser University who's been in beaming a hazy sort of weird anyone ou~ide at 3 a.m., near Eng sun-that's four-and-a-half light for instance. volved in brain research, pointed out whitish/yellowish light." lish Bay or the Stanley Park area. Its years. "I'd actually be quite shocked Thanks to a temperate climate in quasars and pulsars were once "At fil'b't I didn't see the three lights altitude was very low, a few hundred if there wasn't extraterrestrial life out B.C., more people also go out walk- thought to be signs of extraterrestrial on the triangular craft until it very, feet over the water at English Bay. there, but you have to understand ing, and are thus more likely to spot life by noted scientists. very slowly, and I stress ril1!11tly, widl how big the universe. actually is. objects they t::ln't identify in .the sky, In 1970, he added, English out me ~'!1lal!l~·$t sound, just hovered DoN'T BOTHER ·rRYJNG to con- [rravelling) about between the stars Moller adds. a UFO·(or perhaps TIFO, physicist David Simpson con "If we ever talk to Tentatively Identified ...) , but ducted a controlled hoax to not one I am going to lose e:~.'Pose UFOlogists' readiness [extraterrestrials], it's sleep over." to unquestioningly accept Murphy, who maintains he PRESS & JOURNAL, Aberdeen, sightings. Late one evening, almost certainly going . didn't make the tape to make Scotland - March 9, 2004 shiet} s' eptu \IrPp lae 1 s2p-ovtollitg hhitg dhi-rienctetend to be through radio m'~to:tnlkesy" waitlhth oa upgrho duhcee r ifsr omin Did UFO scupper Beagle 2 towards a hill three-quarters California, is unmoved by of a mile away in the town of waves, not through critics·, stressing the extreme mission to the Red Planet? \Vartninster, England, where rate of speed the object trav a group of 30 sky-watchers personal visits .... " ... · elledat. stood. It was switched on and.: "You can hear it in my voice EUROPEAN scientists are ex Mark Sims, Beagle 2 mission off at intervals. One of Simp - Lee Moiler, B.C. how shocked I am. It's not a amining an image of the Beagle manager, showed fellow scien son's colleagues operating· a . Society for Skeptical plane, it's not a balloon, it's not aa2mnf otM eu:rah nr~iisrtd leaswnhntaidispf ei ers- dp- utothnaba kjteeo cnfatf l. ms foto omsmhe onwittsss sttdihheseotps ti csatahniwna idgamye b agoforetofh mo tafh teMbh reais girldash ent Edseoxprpfo r atest sh isine,t fwpulkaaetcc emhde argsn.a emAtioct n fogiensltde spetonhsieno tr, wshkayes Enquiry · atci: aobnn i rfcdoar-l lth humamte'a snu nsp.o -[ DTtreialbn usdnpekoberatraste] The mysterious blot on the lander and an entirely separate sounded its alarm buzzer, any skeptic," he said. "It could photograph is being scrutinised object. which signals the presence of wasn't a fake. site www.rense.com. be the military, it could be as one of several potential rea Mr Sims said the image was a strong magnetic field-sup " .. .It is important to be While Moller doesn't aliens-who knows? It was sons for the failure of the mis still being analysed in an at posedly a sign ofUFOs. aware of the general calibre of doubt the couple's sincerity, . one of those things where the slPailonannd e -t.a E uprorpoeb'se fiorsnt atttheem p.Rt etdo tmreemsaurkpltst otaofr e td hseeitg enirmimfaiicgnaienn tgw o hprre ostiChl;e'nersp slt.yh ea leaMgueea npwrheitleen, deadn ottoh etra kceo la dUoF nOo te anpthpuesaira tsots h, aevvee nb eiefn t hd~i hpeh osatoids haen'sd smeeonv aie lso tt hoaft U loFoOk luonoivke wrshea to'sp oeunte tdh eurpe ."a nd said Mission controllers .told a "The bright object and · the picture of the light from a recdy involved in the case. similar. He argues that a small, Murphy insists he'd love to London metting that they were glint on the side of Beagle 2 may camera on a tripod. Part of the Their irrational thinking is in shiny object the size of a Fris get to the bottom of the mys also considering the possibility · be nothing. They may be every- film had already been ex fectious and has frequently bee or pie plate launched into tery and wonders whether that Beagle 2 simply crashed on thing," he said. · . posed, capturing two images, provided the media with en the air could look exacdy like anyone else in his neighbour to the surface of Mars because Mr Sims added that the according to an account of the tertaining headlines," he what's captured . on film, hood saw something similar. twhaes aletsms odsepnhseer eth aonn etxhpee cptelda.n et p"slytr isnhgo wof apreteafralsc"t sm oafy thales oi msiamg · experiment written by Simp wrote. "As a result, certain pointing out the object only Luca said she never be Scientists are examining pho ing process. son. They depicted a night members of the general pub appears to stay in the air for lieved in ·extraterrestrial life tographs of the landing site that One theory about the missing view of street lamps with a bo lic, on seeing something in the about three seconds. The until the August experience. show four bright spots, dubbed . probe gaining credence is gus UFO superimposed. The sky mat is strange to them, de shininess suggests it caught "Now, at this point, after I've the ~string of pearls," that might that Mars's atmosphere was photographer took two real scribe not what they see but the light of the setting sun and seen it I have this feeling-it's bfreo BmBe eaasggilnelec e22 'siht arswe mansao iten jsbe.ec teend hferoamrd gBnooeiatn ggale s to2do em nfsaaeys t safisom re pxiltyps e hcpataevrdea cb-heuestnoe wphooutlods sshoo wth ef oduerv neleogpaetdi vfielms hwahvaet stehen~. "th ink they ought to fthroem c igaa rc hshaanpgee siinm. pthlye caonmgeles notohte ar bweolireldf.,: s-tohmate idtl'si nfrgc iwmh aicnh the European Space Agency's and air bags to ensure a soft two with UFOs and two with Although both Conway and . from which it's viewed. we don't know, somedling we Mars Express orbiter in mid· landing. out. "They were designed to Jasek argue in equally impor-· Moller suspects the object cannot explain with our intel December. The 143lb probe That idea is supported by present substantial inconsis tant to be skeptical of the disappears at the'' one third ligence or sorpedling we can't gave no answering signal to evidence from Nasa, which also tencies that would allow any skeptics, whose agenda is to mark of the tape simply be perceive. scheduled attempts to contact it reported a less dense atmo moderately critical investiga disprove everything, B~er­ cause it fell from the sky, per '1t happened. We caught it omna.i Cnehdr isstmtuabsb oDrnayly arsiidle nhta s evree r sepnhtreyre o ft ihtsa nfi rsetx rpoevcetre,d S poirni t, tohne tor to cast strong suspicion on stein points out "the burden haps into a neighbour's yard on tape--that's it." since. January 3. their authenticity," Simpson of proof is always on the or field. After repeated attempts at The US space agency suc wrote. claimant." "In my view, this is an unre- For irrformatian about communication and last-ditch ceeded in getting its vehicle For more than two years, markable movie," 'he wrote in UFO•Bc or tht sktptics srxiay, changes to programming, mis down safely because of Spirit's the hoax was kept secret while MARK MuRPHY and Diana an e-mail. "Extraordinary chtck . out w:zgw.t(obc.ca tmd sion controllers admitted defeat multiple chutes and robust air UFOologists debated the sup Luca insist they have proof of claims require extraordinary wiuw.smrum.crmzlbcslmda.cgi last month. bag system. posed sighting. a UFO in their t:tpe, but evidence. I . find 'pie plate' · Tht wtb ritt for tht Ho11stim Correspondence collected Moller, for one, isn't con more plausible than 'extrater-. B.C. Cmtrt for UFO ~arch, by Simpson during that time vinced, after watching a ver restrial,' although I am happy · which can bt rtachtd at 1-250- indicates inany concluded it sion of it posted on the web to let the whole thirig.remain 845-2189, isatw:ww.*ba:ttfo.com UFO film showing SUN, Vancouve.!.!.. B._c., Canada - March 29, 20.04 CR: G. Conway 'c0 Pilot of PM's plane reports close encount~r with UFO gCIS, FOOTAGE ~f the recent UFO c sightlrigs over Fleetwood will · UJ be shown in public for the first BY JIM BRONSKILL traffic controllers, the pilot of Chris Rutkowski of the Winnipeg Canada's new leader? Unlikely, says -00~ ~o('I I . otnifom mteh eean tLa ta hInniscv amesshotiingrteah tA'iso emnr ieSaeolt cPiinehgtey . CustnaaOcnrlsaTe hdaToar.'lAs dB p fWuortir m AoPnea-e um Wlt Mhinihniaasgrttt'ei sfnr ac rmeteercat eyatn hibntee : "Mtthhveeea rraaytiiri rb,n crw'risagi tfphhttl p asliamngsehos tekn fdeao ltotlrievanideglri "ns Stgehu,e rfwifonihuegilgld hae, bMtorabaastnaeciidktn ogeebrdrao t .uh oRpef u Ur tUekfpooFolwoOrsgtk yfsir ,Rio agme lsh oettnhaigrenct fighem dsoe ,f cRtthehuraut'tksn nopkwil goashnkft iea .w Wacanoshdm aa mtle mttah oonersy p t a rocintem hraeetsa rtmisen irstnoyaiisw da ~ ..; The footage captured by Fleet- ·lY had a high-flying close Alta., on Sunday, March 21 , eral1hmsport Department, which that entered Earth's atmosphere CIS C'll wood residents shows the encounter with a UFO. · People aboard at least two oth~ routinely forwards him data on and burned up into fragments. · ai .ci strange objects which have Martin and his entourage were er planes also saw the plummet unidentified flying objects. · An amateur astronomer in Cal w Lf been shocking people in the cruising above Alberta when ing object, which was travelling .Martin travelled to a farm near gary captured the blazing streak ~ town for three years. · their Challenger jet carne within · "at a very fast rate of speed" from Picture Butte, Alta., to announce on videotape: And it appears one 10 U~J TThhee Gmueaertidn'sg Cwliullb b ien h Welhdi taet· althunrm ooutighnheo rtuhwseo norilbgdhjlety cs kwty h.s itsrkeeark oinf ga tai thAleig dch 'o' la.pJlylt1i t0ou fPd treho, cese aodynus erte-hspe,a" rg weepa ofso rptrr.mo :.,. aMnSo anoid·w daa yps.a acnk eaxgter aftoerr rfeasrtmriaelr esn lvaosyt abosyr . fmpaero oerpeal ssetu aaccshr Qo fsiursee tbbheaecl l.Ps rwaierriees s aenedn " gate Drive, Blackpool at In a report to Edmonton air- vided to the Canadian Press by trying to convey a message to · · Canadian Press 8.30pm on Thursday.

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