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Preview UFO Newsclipping Service 2004 02 no 415

NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE February 2004 Number 415 EDITOR/PUBLISHER: Lucius Farish • #2 Caney Valley Drive • Plumerville, AR 72127-8725 USA outstaiidmg. . ,he-:-liad . an -exceF · lent view of it." · Others, such as Stevenson's nephew, Pickaway County com missioner John Stevenson. said his uncle wasn't prone to flights of fancy. ''I can't disbelieve what he said. I knew him well, he didh't make things up. He wasn't a publicist," Stevenson said last week. Steve Richards, Stevenson's grandson, remembers hearing the story, having his grandfather gather all the children together and show them how close he had been to the silver craft. "That's one thing, the prox imity to it, he was about 100 feet from it. And he watched it for a long time," Richards said. Original news clippings of Stevenson's story make a special point of the presence of eerie blue-tinted lights in the hog barn. The news accounts said the blue-tinted lights were used by fanners ..t o_ aid i'!_ reducing unwanted bacteria. According to reports, the lights may have been visible from above through ceiling ventilation grids. Joel Barnttfrhe Herald "I think it was the lights that PETE HART~NGER, DIRECTOR of the Roundtown UFO Society, at the site of one of America's first cl9se gave them some kind of signal," ~ncounter with a ,UFO. The building In the background was one of the building over, which Bruce Stevenson said he told the Columbus .Citizen Aug. 10, 1952. he saw a UFO hover. Hartinger visited the scene on the.5 6th anniversary of Stevens9n's sighting.· Bruce Stevenson Jr. was only 56 .years later, Stevenson's about 10 at the time and still remembers those blue lights. "I don't know if they worked but they were bright blue lights tale of UFO visit lives on and you could seen them for miles," he said. He stands by his father's word. "He was a very honest person, he didn't tell the story By JOEL BARRETT these saucers," he told the ·.LOCAL;;_Uf,Q:.: right away· because he thought The Herald· . media four years after the "He was a very hon ·;;RESOURCE$:>" people woufd think he was From all accounts, Bruce sighting. est person, he didn't lying," Staev enson said. ebSaatercStvkhte ,ein nvs ~'oh1nna9s r4odw8n- .wa wso arask inlsigajll lto-nfoagfr- mththeee-r oh1on9g 4Is 8to b,mw awreanhs s, e oanawb hosioe ua ntng gd2o, tp sauit.gomplr e.yt ot-Fs a ceinnhbd .e h-cailks , · taewlla tyh eb esctaourys eri·gh ~h t · ·erL.ex. l'lb taeArtatners1dy~i;·v. reN:en a~oc~tlo~.;~.tlirl~J ei(i~c~l,toa iJo!nyJnrc;.t :lq1ou'.9hfd .~~iUnsngF-~a:O '~ · hbm1!ysgt "s.o.eI.7 ',lm f,., h Tbe ehsceaa1.bu udes.n leiiv eoevrfes rem yiisn fjauttshhte ersm'os first in the modern era to claim.. half tall building. As he thought people... .. . ~ ··• 20'Biu~books"On·the' · ' Hartinger said the public's to have seen a craft from out- stepped from his farmhouse's would think he was topic;:;:~;.·~>;·;~~',·:· .... ·:::: ;;:, · '· openness to . the ·existence of of-this-world.· door stoop, Stevenson was ·. · •MomniY.'I'v1UFON_J9urna1, · UFO is growing. Sunday represented the startled by what he saw. lying." with ·1o ·vaars of. back issues: · "Most ·sighting have never 56th anniversary of what locals "As he came out his back · • Two-volume UFO been reported out of fear of call America's first close door he saw a strange glow - Brl.Jq3 Stevenson Jr., Encyclopedia; . , · . ridicule. We find that attitude is encounter with an unidentified · .from behind the hoghouse," son of UFO witness • Roundtown'UF.O Society: slowing changing. Obviously, flying object. the Columbus Citizen reported newsletters;·with,back i$'sues people who laugh at this subject Stevenson was on his fann Aug. 10, 1952. "He said he to1s91 . .: . ·. ~ • .-. have never done any research on off state Route 56 in Pickaway thought first it was flames from · the saucer. . . •· Four.hour UFO ;,. ·.. . it. Our local library has a lot of County one cold February a fire, but then the glow moved "One detail in connection Disclosure :f.?rojec(video cor\~ materials on UFOs, including:a morning in 1948 when he saw between the hoghouse and a with the silver bottom section I taining s_t;:~~~ment$· frqrri::·ex; >: four-hour video that includes a strange, brilliant craft hover- 120-foot-long toolshed ... Then noticed very clearly. There was govern.rn~PV~Qd,;rryilitary wit.;. : some high-ranking witness tes~­ ing over his outbuildings. he saw it." something whirling around the nesses; mony to the UFO reality. The He kept quiet about it but "The object was round like botto.m section, sort of like a •AnnuaLpl,Jblic. UFO o.is" Internet has been a great told a Columbus newspaper a dinner plate, a gleaming sil big propeller or a series of pro- plqy ln. liQl9!)(. ~eetipg··r.9()m;. ~. · · improvement for communica four years later he'd never even ver color with amber-lighted pellers might do. The move- \·.•,·.M9!l~t"Y•}::r•.ee,tlf1Q:9.fJ . ·.:< tions and research. Sometimes, thought about science fiction dome," the Citizen reported. As . me11t was clear; the bottom part · Rour,)dtowr:f;U~Q..,Spc;iety,, thi()c;l ..: you can find out about a sightiqg until that f~teful cold February he stood about 100-feet away did not turn. Something kept · Thursday,ofthe''.r.rlootf!'af:;.: <·,: the same day it occurs," he said. mom. · near a fann pump, the craft whirling around the whole ' meetin~fi:ob'rni···~~ ,, ..: :_.:;'-:·-~-.::· ,;:· Stevenson may have. been · "I never drank; smoked or floated about 20 feet off the thing," he told the Circleville · ' • :RUFOS~informatiori:· (i40f · among the first humans to claiin chewed in my life and I never ground. · Herald. 477~6?5;2/.M~ii'RUFQ.S, SOl(( .. he saw an alien craft, but read any science stuff before I He noticed what seemed to The dome-like top of the 52, Circleville; Ohio 43113/e- ·Hartinger said he surely wasq't saw it and the only science I've be propeller-like lights running _craft also caught his eye. [email protected] ·.. the last. Sightings continue rea4 .s~c~ th~n bas-"~·!al,>out. around ~e. . c~nc,ave .99.!t<?JP .. <;>f today. InQ,ecem~er, thre~ poliee •'• I '' • • 1 '~ '~1'.H\• ~~ ,•I ~.:tr.:. . :,J.': '{~~..,{. ·;,,.ty;,;•r~j!'•··· 0 :,:·.<·.'t.~\\!1;~·.· .... , _~ ~-•. ~t. . :«,-~:\~<.h. ·::fV-i"Q:;,.;~~..ld~f~if.~· , officers 'i~·~;-,Hu~t\ngton~~ :In&, . "This part was glowing with' wondering if maybe the thing the•' site .and :recounted what he seeing a :UFO over Kentucky ·reported seei.ng a UFO,· he said. a bright amber light - all of it would hit the chimney of my calls one of the first classic and latei: crashed; Hartinger Again, the witnesses were glowing, not as though there tool shed, the amber light went encounters with a UFO. said. upstanding members of their were bulbs inside that would off and the thing traveled slowly . While Stevenson told his Hartinger· said Stevenson community. show bright spots," he said: off to my left and out of sight. family about i.he encounter the may' have ·told those clo~est to "Bruce Stevenson's unusual "There's no use saying why I The light stayed off but I could next morning, but he kept quiet him, but didn't go public with experience has been repeated to didn't run . and call others. see the silver," he said. for more than four years out of the story until 1952, when there the present time by thousands Of Somehow I just stood spell- The fann's sheds and barns fear of ridicule. was a reported UFO sighting reported UFO sightings world bound, almost in a daze, I guess, are still intact today, as is an Historically, 1948 was a time over Washington D.C . . wide by reputable witnesses."· while I watched the saucer glide interest in Stevenson's tale. Pete of change. The Red Scare was Others may have ,seen UFOs ''I do know the UFO phe along the the top edge of the tool Hartinger, director of the beginning, the Berlin Wall had locally, but only Stevenson nomenon does exist. Knowledge shed roof," he told the Herald. Roundtown UFO Society, said gone up, the Soviets had stolen spoke up and stood by what he is not a matter of belief or Four . years after the Stevenson's close encounter is the "bomb" from the U.S .. and .s!lw, Hartinger said. desire, knowledge is a matter of encounter, Stevenson estimated something ,that's getting lo.st. in the clouCISOr~ were gathering "He's not the only farmer evidence. There is· plenty of evi the overall diameter of the craft the passage of time. · over Korea. Hartinger said that's seen them, he's the only dence," hesaid. was about 60 feet and the height -~~.!!..l_g,!ye talks jQS:a,l_ly, Stevenson's encounter came one who came out and said so. "The Roundtown UFO of the dome-part was about 12 maybe one in 20 people in about six months after the infa He never changed his story to Society doesn't know the origin or 13 feet. Circleville even know who he mous Roswell, N. M., incident the day he died. When there's a of the UFO phenomenon, we "Suddenly,'' he said reeount- was," he said. and about a month after an Air sighting, you look at the wit can only speculate." ing the event, "just while I ~as On Sunday, Hartinger visited N~~ional Guard fighter reported nesses' _<;redi~ility, Bruce's was CHRONICLE, Houston, TX - Jan. 22, 2004 CR: J. Schuessler REPORTER, Vacaville, CA - Dec. 5, 2003 'THE DAVOS DINNER MAY REPRESENT THE GREAT LEAP FORWARD :a!l0<~~lta>>.. "llg~.~'ll.>>1.,. C lS(:~<lt>T;) · .;<(S0ft/ )-: -l: &l~0<:ol>t:> .: ··~<:"eo ":n?3r -. -";oCoQ~" 3T . : c~<;,."C(:t':.:)-)r: j CF:lo~~l:>S ·.;-- cgr~:0~nn: r: i' • :« !og~~>a;- . ,'C6:("< "';t)>3r ,__''''~CCCd~,_; .f /P~<(r~l:tC:)-: T~en00EnO ..'_ '~ Q;:g~~: S. C~ . 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VpghS~bseelptuexoaxlePEeaessototwV rct rphasaI .e:ae ~t~rg; Ssmw tt~ mtai~ehnodtemdgrea'n lees rl cnJ HneVe ts_h h_dltsCmIon ea e tBenioarw1wc nui .dkleB9aMevosi e erllhgOpnosr ~a'i o~setcsmcrem or sotsrc rpot m,eaboeb br ceilneol1menderaft9srgtn ,os9.epe _ Bttr81rre ~e ctceAmwcs1 ase et2tltbet lil0~ enieas3iotgronkhg0s ­ ctwEfgKgsFheoelouniaoRseurssrcsikb liugs ood caUrhimrnunhoel a n'aonln todae rcitsnf badvgeb o se: reebe- aBe sCreanm"td os hmTdEo iyoDaoathOelfvryana. deeit"n voh Ph,Dogor etifalahVh sme li TeCDe lri rfeahspmea.ucbt iplfilrieolir eeedfieas nfoc dr B ctCKrd oaenp iattu nrihnhparaoeddelt ,~ g<dinpctimPss~oaoooe tcher rperiqnsyindaundont,sitgea"t ssiti d iociioisnsnsbt in bis iuatbusaohyetny l nslr euSirasusigea. snnf tatn voehhBedlslepasai oo,nlchsg ytg agt t oleiUihawsn cvnriteFdt >sei mt OH f,ruha tanhpeassw cme r .tswai "rg tetd e gkeahsneaoiprarntlslev sytlg yv c,e ca : aiir odrnasr"enrilodeI t SpwliFtnwpNnueporeoighorAtialtaerv,roroch ce tdnaM- gB hcesst, yc oortiu oAo.rzoCyrg"Lniemdpl oeagsadui l.rapennG consag,er renttanm xousntacit o,meore cut Bas rsomtt Tte iohreic apaneeter,hrnoicr c enae.crlhD uagsanDnitdt len aimr1oioofn in0waellncd0gyolnas e ECgh sIrtxhBoueieeotaecros rMrvonshoat&es , ·, gsagpRsmnpDilprreoaozsoIoaaorrl esnwwgoetynwn s rgdhi sea cehsyf Ceorulghri hlearnoso,-et eda j mborCdudntsbn rh sodooIitwartrBnhswoe tsoi eg aMkovtdnva .h ed e en5,oTrTo csradsuBw hkgayh4e tnieeos ne-wnft hl ee evhle,Daan efd deetlitLgf ae orrUostti.arntayh anuFmsblmle relaOvs,A- ee mt aew lrefaafgoinit cinnneLennhot~dddgr f· N ." .' ':,(:.:t":):.>r . •("~t"•)3 cl0:l:>s . gll> ':r~<::s:: ' - ':nd:' r· ~-0.. r0+. -i,:o- : r i):-":'Qs' · -.((".D'.)', c::': : :t~u; "0(/''l :-0r:o;. .. -("~t")3 .0.=....'. ;. .-((~tt,)) bseaAsl snaidog netnsh daeat p. D"u abvliocs's r epfullescet. thAe 1g9l9o6- psamearto t onofgff U tahFneOt if caonirpaualmytis'sot sna s ginneoncedt aCs elohesanes sEen"ntTte hrteph reDi sagevr. oesa td ilenanpe rf omrwaya. .rrde pwree· thhimBe o fayonlardun m hsias yncseo gUhleee acigstuneed'ts sttuoo r pDinraivsvieotdes wNo."trMakirion ssgtt aEwr asitryhtsh tv ecimsoi,rt"po oRrsroa ytfliraoonnm ss aatyhrsee_ fRtteiocorrsssm ,w aueBnlladol t yaeMl naldinac sroaeotdrsh odbefsret, a UCwmFoasOrs,p f.eu ibnsecerod uo npto DAILY REPUBLIC, Fairfield, CA - Dec. 4, 2003 Teen sticks to crop circle claim 0 ·----.- -. •• 0 - ------·--·--00··--- M· 000-----··· -- -· --·---· --- ------ ---- Media turns out for press conference offering another,e xplanation By Jeff Mitchell "The reaction to this has been crazy," Moreno, researcher Ruben Uriarte, Jean-Noel DAILY REPUBLIC Brossard said. "We were watching a Discovery Aubrun, a doctor of physics and Michael Miley, Channel special on crop circles in England a local researcher and freelance journalist. . FAIRFIELD-Not three hours after a local and decided to go out and see if we could do The panelists are convinced of their conclu research group declared the Fairfield crop cir it." . ~ion.s .because. the cr?P circle patterns are so cttelheersen wea geefrreri eprnredoibste arbcalrytee andto ethd o isft hhcuel maimmany sotthreiargitio nuh, sae looarcnbadsl of Ba ropsrseasrsd 'sc ocnlafeimre nccaem ae ta fttheer tRhoec ckovnilclleu sIinonn mamdatvnkacena cttheeed m kt,nh toehwierly e dsdgaeieds io.g f n·E eurc liwdeoaunld g, eonmeeedtr y atno 11· found etched into a local wheat field .. attended by about a dozen Bay Area print and The researchers also said the stalks of Casey Brossard, 18, and three friends were TV journalists. wheat found in the circles appear to ha:ve been inspired to create the ornate patterns in an During that event, officials with Fairfield exposed to electromagnetic radiation: The 80-acre field along Suisun Valley Road based PsiApplicati9ns told 'reporters the cir radiation caused the stalks'.s tructural nodules June 28 after watching a TV documentary on cles were consider~~/i~uthentic" and were to either lengthe~ or burst - a phenomena the subject the night before, he told the Daily most likely not· the workofhumail beings. The Republic Wednesday. panel included PsiApplicatio'ns director Steve RESE-ARCH iYiiiiQT'-i;mii:ii'iii'ii Researchers Casey Brossard, a senior at Armijo High; claims that say the pattern shortly after he and his friends created the crop circles, of circles is so intricate that he left for a vacation in Hawaii and was unaware of the their designer clamor of researchers and others for him and his friends :1 would have to to replicate their actions under the supervision of have an DISPATCH, Columbus, OH - Dec. 28, 2003 CR: J. Fry advanced scientists. · knowledge of Euclidean ·geometry. that doesn't normally occur in friends created the crop cir nature. cles, he left for a vacation in PsiApplications research in Hawaii and was unaware of the past five months has the clamor of researchers and focused on ruling out the pos others for him and his friends sibility the circles were hoaxes to replicate their and to give mainstream scien actions under the supervision tists a jumping off point to of scientists. continue the research, Moreno When he returned the furor said. He and his fellow pan of the designs had ·died down elists scoffed at the idea the and he and his friends went four heretofore unidentified on to other things, he added. local teenagers had built the The circles created a carni circles. "We have asked these val-like atmosphere near the young men to step forward farm for three weeks and The crop circles that daqtaged a Ross County couple's soyb.e an fields remai. n a mystery. "It's ha~rd~ to~ adnatde rtehcerye hataev et hfaeiilre de ftfoo rdtos .s oT,o" I. at ot ttrhacet esidte h. uVnednrdeodrss oefv veins istoolrds tell who did it," sald Mary Ellen Mark. "I don't think we'll ever find out." said Uriarte, who works for T-shirts emblazoned·with the PsiApplications. design of the field's circles. Brossard's mother, Gayle, On Wednesday,. BrossaTd 47, said she was cleaning out Bainbridge crop circles: told the Daily Repub11c he the family garage on June 29 still generating questions - the day after the .c ircles ·would be willing to construct ' were · first discovered - and , other circles to prove it was he Unannounced visits from mystery noticed that ,75 feet of rope and his friends - not space~ seekers and calls from curious scien from the family ski boat had aliens -who were responsible :i tists have ended, but farmer Dale been attached to long sections for the circles. · Mark and his wife still wonder about of plywood. Reached late Wednesday, the unexplained design in their Ross When she asked her son PsiApplications' Moreno said· County fields. about them, he admitted he he would welcome a chance to. Ruling out the supernatural, the and three chums had done the meet and interview the: Bainbridge couple doubt that the cul ·etching in the fields. teenagers. prit who damaged $1,200 worth of "I was amazed. He showed "This is very. exciting. We· soybeans in October will come for me the original sketch and have a ton of questions for ward. Passengers in a private airplane discovered that the beans had been explained how he and the them," Moreno said. "Yes, we f(Olacttt.e n1t, ~Md ienttroo a& gSetoamte)e. tric pattern · · tbhoeyys fdiirdst ipt.r aCctaisceeyd sinai da ftihealdt sbeurti oouusrly m 'dinodusb t rethmeayi nd· iodp eint,. "We haven't heard a thing," Mary behind the Budweiser plant We'd like to hear what they Ellen Mark said. "It's hard to tell who before going over to the other have to say." did it I don't think we'll ever find out." field," Gayle Brossard said. The Marks were amused, at times, Casey Brossard, a senior at Reach Jeff Mitchell at 427- by the buzz that the crop circles Armijo High, claims that 6977 or jmitchell@dailyrepub created. ~\th th shortly after he and his lic.net. A woman from New ~ itt~ Mexico sent a letter say- "::V! · • ing she believed in aliens .;., but was sympathetic to S'r::! their financial loss. Mrs. Mark appreciated the ;> woman's concern but • sent back her $25 dona- tion. h. d About a month ago, a 19Q,r. :t,O 'en college student called seeking S an interview with Mr. Mark for a project. "You've got to laugh about it," Mrs. Mark said. "We've had calls from all over the country." By now, the gossip around town has faded. Resident Dave BroWn siild he has gained a greater appreciation for the slcills needed to execute such a hoax. "I was watching the History Chan nel, and some of the designs I saw on lVwere really just beautiful," he said. "I can't get over people who had the time in the middle of the night." -Dana Wilson [email protected] 3 Christine Baker/DAILY REPUBLIC: Head scientist Dr. Jean-Noel Aubrun listens to reporters' questions during a press conference. PROVINCE, Vancouver, B.C., Canada-jan. 25, 2004 CR: G. Conway oswell UFO fest goes retro ~ Unexplained object N' a · We,filmed' large "disc- ~ shqped" metallic ob]ectflyii.J:g ROSWELL, N.M.-Visitors to include presentations by Apol ~ against prevailing winds over this year's UFO festival in this lo 14 astronaut Edgar J. Mitchell > Bristol in August. So, armed · New Mexico community will and noted UFO researcher. Stan 0 with all the data we could get have a chance to step back in the alien-themed haunted house ton Friedman. m~ wind and balloon data from the time-six decades, to be exact. on Roswell's main street. The event, Baumann said, will ri National Oceanic and 1\ \:mos- ThE!'annual event, celebrating The committee. wants to get provide the city with an oppor w pheric Agency, confinnation the tale of a purported alien the whole town involved. Plans tunity to promote its~lf as a ~ from the Federal Aviation spacecraft crash-landing on a call for employees at motels and tourist destination, as well as 8 Roswell farm in 1947, will have restaurants to wear clothing a good place to do business or Administration that there was a 1940s theme·. from that era. Radio stations will retire. · g nothing conventional flying on This year's festival is sched be asked to play music from the "Roswell's got a lot to offer ~ that day and time, thoro.ugh uled for July 1 to 4 and the com '40s and the committee is look these people, not just aliens," w analysis by two of the most mittee in charge of the event ing at the downtown historic dis Baumann said. ::x:: highly qualified optical physi plans to "bring Roswell back to trict for a block to use as a 1940s On the web: www.roswellnm. cists on Earth - we proved the the 1940s," said David Baumann, neighbourhood. or g. thing we filmed was not any the operator of Alien Encounter, This year's festival also will - Associated Press type of known aircraft, balloon or natural phenomenon. I was A bright red plume ready to face the media. trails over the My first contact was this mountains near paper. I was politely hung up lake Pend Orellle. on. I e-mailed reporters- none The cause of the answered. The story did tlnally plume hasn't been get a mention in a weekly determined, but it column. I tried our local has been television station. I made a suggested it was a new friend, but his boss said it jet contrr.~il. was a balloon. Flying against Others say it could have been caused 14 mph winds? During all this, by a meteor or the BBC did the story and I ,,·;~··'·~ . .. falling space was asked to appear on two ' debris. national radio talk shows. Now, with more of an air of credibility, I approached the "other" television station. No story there either, yet these guys do the "meteor" story - only because they can explain it to you. They avoid my story because they cannot compre hend the scope of what I filmed. Wouldn't you like to see what was flying over your head that cannot be reasonably, scientifically explained? Is it . responsible journalism to Photo courtesy of Brent Sisson avoid the story? A mystery in midair Anthony Shaffer Bristol, Tenn. Red plume near Lake Pend Oreille creates a puzzle caused by a jet. The center has operated a UFO hotline since its inception in 1974 and lists accounts By James Hagengruber honey, we've got to record this,, "Sisson of hundreds of possible sightings, Staff writer recalled. including :55 for Idaho and 1, 69~ A streak of light, then a puzzling red plume The sky was beginning to lighten and the ~i;lulgstpoinci.o us flying objects over Wash plume was a dramatic hue of red. It twisted, cut through the early morning calm in the skies ··we get many, many, many calls above Lake Pend Oreille. broadened and lingered in the air for about 15 EilIet ewna Ssi jsu~sot nb seafwor eth seu bnrriigseh to onb Djeecct . s2tr3e wakhienng 5m0i nfruatmese. sS oisfs tohne ussigehd l.a c:ig!tal cam~ra to shoot sL~1i ubirnocducottv ovrcn,o .P nTetrhtea~ri:l tsD' s aemviteyhn egpruu erast.ts ,"s Lsianiudp !hoer high overhead towards the east. She was "I tell you what, it WdS pretty phenomenal," Srecifically, Davenport suspects it he said. "I've never seen anything like it." drinking coffee in her Garfield Bay home. She was.a Seattk-tu-Chicagu tlight of an The Sissons suspeclc:::d they might have told her husbahd, Brent, to look out the American Airlines jet. The com .. window. · witnessed a plane crash, but an official with the pany's jetliners are llnpainted. Their Spokane office of the FAA said there were no Neither knows what they saw. The flying plane crashes reported in the area on Dec. 23. ~,ilvcr fuselages can create spectacu object looked a bit like a fireball, but it was high lctr flashes of light: when hit by the The Bonner County Sheriff's Department also in the sky. It could have been a jet, a meteor or has no records of an object falling out of the rays of a rising or ~;etting sun. a pi-e,..:e of"space junk," said Brent Sisson, a dawn sky, according to a dispatcher. Davenport was irked that tHi one suciatworker for a local hospice progran1. i'l.)portcd the red plume to his ccntc:·. Whatever it was, the bright light seemed to After listening to a description of the ~·.igllt, !·:ven if iL was not an alien spacecraft, the director of the Seattle-based National UFO plummet behind the remote Scotchman Peak the sighting of anything peculiar area far across the lake. Reporting Center said the plume was pt <)b~tbh~· should be noted, he said. The Nation- "When I spotted it I said, 'Get my camera, al . UFO Reporting Center makes from Sandpoint have made reports to the object was likely the planet Mars. vinccd the pillar of smoke was cre available to the public all of its data in the national UFO center in the past The Sissons are curious about what ated by a jet. summary form .on the group's Web year, according to its online database. caused the plume they saw last "Maybe it was a meteorite, maybe site, www.nuforc.org. Experienced The most recent report was made month, but not enough to lose sleep it was space debris," she said. "And UFO investigators are granted access July 17 when the observer saw - over it. Some of their friends also I've heard someone say it might have to more detailed reports. while "enjoying a beerj) - what spotted the bright object' and subse been the stealth bomber. People have "tf they don't write it down, no appeared to be a ·star orbitting the quent reel smoke trail. all kinds of theories." body will know about it," Davenport moon; "The object in question exhib Brent Sisson showed his photos to said. "What they have seen could ited a yellowisfi tinge and produced a pair of friends who are commercial I! James Hagengruber can be reached at havt.: an effect l)l1 an investigation coronal light discharge that com ~tirline pilots. Both pilots agreed it (208) 765-7126 or by e-mail at elsewhere. This is why we have a pletely differed from any heavenly did not look like any jet contrail [email protected]. National UFO Reporting Center." body I have yet encountered," the they've seen; Sisson said. One of the 4 Although the Sissons didn't report unidentified observer wrote. pilots suspected a meteor. their sighting, three other parties The UFO center concluded that Eileen Sisson also rem~1ins uncon·- FOREIGN NEWS . . [All British clippings courtesy of Timothy Good, unless otherwise credited.] 8 :ETs love C'll j of ~skies a) C:: i lCum·bria ~ January 27 may not immediately stand something from another galaxy, why did man of Croydon Astronomical Society, Aourct haivs isat s mweilml oterlal byleo u diaty i s inth eh idsatyo riyn. it Wleahvaet niso ptrroacbea bbleyh oinnde? of the most sig- sbaey ssp oonttee do fe athseil yf aartt htehsist stiimghet so ft hyaeta cra ins "tIJ 1. S ELLAFIELD attracts 1756 that Mozart was born. Yet for peo nificant misbrivings surrounding the U1e Andromeda Galaxy. He says: "ll's ac c :nylng saucers like a light ple living in Carshalton, January 27, event is if extra-terrestrial forms were tually a bigger galaxy than the Milky .!! · ! attracts moths, according 1979, holds a little-known historical mo to visit earth, would they really choose a Way in which we live, with arow1d 100 g' ;to a leading Cumbrlan ment that could have paved the way for small pocket of suburbia to launch.their . billion stars in it." UJ :uFO expert. a monumental global discovery: it was bid for universal domination? John says Oaks Park is probably one of I The claim follows al- the day the aliens came. Yet even the biggest sceptic can dis- the darkest areas in Carshalton that 0 :Ieged slghtlngs over According to a national database com cover the skies over the small Surrey could potentially be suitable for would· en Christmas when it was piled by the Essex UFO Research Group, padsh hold a lot to interest the casual be astronomers, however they could be ~ · claimed a sliver disc was aintg a, roovuanld-s h2aapme do no bthjeicst dwaates, sap soltotwed-m oovve r orebssterrivaellri. !we hfoertmhesr oinr jsuesatr ac hw oifd eerx ktrnao twe!r-- nheaamrbpyer felodo bdyli gphatirnkg . closing times arid u:.;. sseeean nheoavre ritnhge ovneurc lethaer Carshalton. edge of the world beyond our planet. The growing industrialisation of crystals in the cloud. .!•: plAanbto.u.t the same ti:m e. llowever, ii the cosmic object was really Carshalton man John Murrell, chair: fgorre aatsetrro Lnoonmdeorns iisn mtearmkisn go fl ilfieg hdti fpfoiclluul t mCaya rbseh aclotonns'isg nberdu stho wthiteh rtehaelm Wsl konfo lwegn· .: ~e shining balls and spooky· triangles were seen In the : tion. end, but the world above is still there to ... night sky above White "There's actually a light spot on the be explored. as haven and Workington. clouds that I can see from my house," Visit www.croydonastro.org.uk. Cll UFO ex-pert Sharon Lar-· says ,Jolm. although in 1967 he did man _j kin, of Cumbria UFO and age to spot a meteorite over the skies of < : Carshalton and Mitcham. M n~~ear~~i:nd }£:J!N~fci· So could a phenomenon such as a me· 00 ::E i seems to be a big attrac- teorite. or spots created by light pol : Something tion for them. lution go some way to explaining the (!) · "Friends In · Sellafleld mysterious UFO sighting more than out there ~ffi :have reported all kind of 24" yIte'sa rvse aryg od?i fficult to say because all ti > :.. hUaFvOe acbteievnit y.r eSpliovreter dd isrces I could find out was that there was a 0 UJ : cenUy flying in Sellafield slow moving light in the sky," says IN THE last few weeks, l'vc ._ i air space, at Christmas' Jnou"hcDnleu. arirn gte tshtso sien dsapyasc teh. eAyn wde aret dsooimnge "CIg'll, sotheneeY c noDl ueaa a dnsrbie gnyvhi egatrirh nesteagse. o I nIvt e tmrhleoo vosekk, iyn g .~3.-:- ·:: avwne"edrIr f edl a iasnssekyte osntnou pewm uaamrrt~ deBusrlN BntwFgaL orar ojhsewaitlss.- . : · stage balloons were also being used c: but you see It In different J: more slghtlngs they Cor commurucations research." UJ parts of the sky ii1. that .,_ should contact me." John says another unusual sight t area regularly. · Ct Ms Larkin· says Cum- that could be mistaken for an uruden Looking at it with the 0 bria and South West Scot (Top right) The moon taken through an 18-inch telescope. tiiicd object is moon dogs -coloured c: naked eye It looks like a big Z land have a higher than. (RAoyb Lo· •v.: oe, )C rJoyodhonn A sMtrounormreicalll Saoncledty .c olleague. tphaetc hmeoso inn tish er esfk1ye cwtehde rteh lrioguhgt h[ roicmc -oIE'll satsa bri agn ads sao dmientniemr epsl iatt elo oks apvlaelrnaegde nsulgmhbtlenrg os,f uwneixth-:: with colour lights around about 20 per cent o(s ight Z the outside. lngs being the real deal,' en Has anybody else seen while the rest are air this sighting? cran, satellites, cloud U> I used to be with a UFO formations or hoaxes. M00 WORLDWIDE RESPONSE TO GRIMSBY TAPE g>U<J: sIno TcBieeontny sd hI nSi lt1lri9en7eg9ts, f Loa rom nfiodvnoe ntyh. e faorrs : lIanSr lhyCe auslamiivdbe:r. ""ia T hies npigahrtti sckuy N video out UJ all information on UFOs in BNFL declined to com ; UFO > the world. ment on the claims. C....t. MrHolmes z Trinity Close UJ Daven.try > , < ! Q of this world OBSERVER, Carlyle, Saskatchewan, Canada - Sept. 1, 2003 .eDn Crop circle found near .§ By Rob Burman (; Steelman THE suspected UFO Proof of UFO '% sighting in Grimsby ~ has been the source of effit sgploebceu .l ation across the sighting caught ..J Earlier this month we print· UJ ed the strange acco.unt of Steve 1- Musson and his wife. Caron, on camera e, who spotted a "black shiny. . z disc" above their home in Z Bodiam Way, Grimsby. >UJ obMscru reM oubsjescot nw iftihl mhiesd v idtheoe UJ camera. The footage, which lasted Cor little more than a minute, . showed a black object coming in and ou.t of view. The video was digitally enhanced but identUication of the disc remained a mystery. After printing the originiu article, the Telegraph was flooded with responses from f1ying saucer spotters in locations across the globe, FLASHBACK: The "black shiny disc" spotted by Steve and his including America, India and wife Caron above their home in Bodiam Way, Grimsby. Milan. dedicated to the study of aliens Some gave accounts of their and paranormal sichtings, .own peculiar encounters, contacted the Telegraph to . while others drew parallels obtain a copy of Mr Musson's cwoiuthn trUieFsO. sightings in other video. by Sylvia MacBean circle near an oil field facility One response was from UFO Mr Augustin said: "I have CR: G. Conway Several crop circles have in the Steelman area. epxupbelirsth eDdi aan nbeo oGko ocadlmleadn Dwohoor obnee fno rs mtuodryei nthg atnh es epvhenen yoemaersn. Sbeaesnk raetpcohretewda thni s sutror unetrh ine navig"aWtieo nw eleres sjounst adnodin gw ea to Atlantis. "I found the Steven Musson She has had numerous sighting to be very interesting, Canadian Crop Circle happened to fly over that area paranoqnal ·encounters and to say the least.'' Research Network (CCCRN) and discov<!red it," said had now added the UFO sight· Another response came in Vancouver. Erickson. ing in Grimsby to her extra from a 16-year-old student Paul Anderson, director Anderson said that crop terBrreusctrei aMl fla.lcecsa. bee has been from India. of CCCRN said the latest circles have also been studying a similar account of a She saw a strange object in crop circle was reported last reported near Tisdale and UFO encounter in Tennessee, the sky while on a school trip week in the Steelman, Sask. Scott, Sask. He is travelling to America, back in August. to Bangalore. area, northeast of Estevan. Saskatchewan to inspect the a bHlaec,. kto od,i sgka vien at hdee sskcyr.i ption of weSihrde, saviedr:y "Ibtr iegmhti ttceodl osuormede John Erickson, Estevan sites later this week. Anyone The article even caught the lights. It was Oylng pretty Airport Manager was giving wishing to report a crop circle attention of a self-proc1almed slowly. Cor a few minutes and a flying lesson to a pilot, can reach CCCRN at 604-731- paranormal investigator. then I do not know where it when he discovered the crop 8522. Chris Augustin, who runs went." STEVE MUSSON: His video ·www.aliensthetruth.com, a site ,;,;_bw,11411V!6rinubyllltiraph.oo.uk stirred many responses. CHRONICLE, Chester, England - Aug. 1, 2003 I T CAN be hard to believe in intelligent life elsewhere in the universe when some- times it is hard enough to believe it exists down here on Earth. But Cheshire man Eric Morris, 49, has spent his life pursuing the 'truth' behind UFO sightings across the county. The ex-Navy ser viceman has run the British UFO Studies Centre from 'his Earth-base on Greenall Road in Northwich for near ly 10 years; and has seen· the society grow into one of the most. rAspected in the UK. , Interested in unidentified flying objects since seeing a cylindrical shape hovering In the skies of Wins ford when aged nine, Eric Qriginnlly set up the group after finding that established societies to be less than he imagil)ed. 'Iwas disappointed by the research tactics of other·· groups as' well as· the fact thut they have all these big ·ideas and then lose interest after 'a STAR MAN: year,' h6' said. · · Northwlch UFO · 'People like our organisation expert Eric and know where they can find Morris, with . us. Over a 10-year period. video footage, we've stayed on the same_. shot'in number. ahd. address;.and peo- · Cheshire, of pie can easily find where to · 'aliens' over the contact us.' · county. The group has helped cement 2J290222 its reputat!on through detailed trhesaet ahrcahs ibnrtoou cgahste sth; eso gmreotuhpin ag PHENOME~A SPOTLIGHT/UFOs .· ·· : · . . hi'sI athpipnrkoa tchhe tr~e t haer eu ~okbnjoecwtns. we soeursv ipcieemceasn o mf ymsiellift aI rrye ahlaisred wvaarrie cmfgEelr'rewoWoisn cu,wee pyd ops wor trwlotoedo nuwrb·e d~rii e dlnmoyse en .Wae_ae.dx''ri cTelcolt.huhslfnhs e itcivrchrreeeroeos,' ps'.p f s iccbariiyisrrgs t iltFiyth o haris an ms owo ub~ate·~'tt cchpoheemironeepg. l Aesoo,nn mt hteehept ohissinenoagdyr e coH hof o faf roT vMrh ielusif·leXod ,enFfrri o-lrlemeiskp,e .oob qrtuthuste e.f rso tpr tlCoo .hndeeisstsch oisrvteree rmt ciahf neth.s Ee n ritocru Mftuh rotrhrereios,r~. ,· \ Azbacnbaieo nndelto-enu ntcs ce p atocitluefohlt sn atUsihstnaF.e ir Ofn itelhaS ytdeJ,h i aeetmolh nllnoee a duntttehi gh saeh1ep m 9b aty9hceh 0eysemss py.hhae iaga pv,aorsee .f · bsiBhntea'ertWlvriaioeetleiv tds hteuohw dca eeibur recste Uhr kaaeftef tohtc p.lefr toia rgsffsteyit r ct.- sort e bwt,gNu ortlro oilbk-dubyewp otit dhdhtyoeee cle patterns and 90% .of crop . · ··uF0s .,are not a modern .phe time it came out publicly in the circles are fakes .. _·nomenon: if you look very closely Press, we were vindicated. We 'Various. advertisers like ;His account makes me~b~lieve at th{l f'rlona Lisa painting, in the are very proud that we get our dKthoeo plulasotagtnegdrsns ;s hQ ;haf.•ivp· ('fel{:u~:pnlddassi,. dt~h pap. tgeo· so haponlwde ',!-.tw .h 1_a0asnt' oeipf o e_af .bo ~dfhu·techt. settmoii,t;(s~'~ :edsot · · 'occacsetisr:/·W ·h .iass' - &··v!!ef;rqy(J J·cf liJo?sqek .Yl~ ::,'I staokppyp:e·fsaihgrosho.t tt-oi.hi 1abgrei'''d ds oo_cmw6enrnt heai rn;b g.e taihnme rt eho'esf orersgeaanricshat ioounts b.'e fore a lot of other· sthomeier opf: ·rtohdeu p.ce'Voopflfe.. :w.. hl o·k. dnoo wit. wa hvaidt'eso o no ft haner ea iirss haobswo lIunt eTly9 9f9an ~ at-.:,theMona lEigghytp. tAialsno rseolmieefs o sfh tohwe atnhciinegnst The Sunday People· was will tastic. T,he objec:;t we have on 'LiSa,; in·.';the that look like spaceships with . s o does Eric think we will Ing to pay video footage was people in them. ever see the day when a me a lot.of · s.eeli hover.fng in top righ{ 'There's all different -shapes of creature from another money to the clouds and craft and over the years we have world shakes hands with the stand in a actually reported hand corner, had sightlngs from cylindrical to British Prime Minister (exclud carnodp cirscalye Ftor ehnacvhe acihra dsiesdp ltahye. there,s wbahleln s hwaep heasd toa tlhote olfa btela c1k9 9tr0is in'gI' mPr essuidreen ot nBeu sdha)?y proof will cthreeyat ewde brey iWneg atrhe arte saeta rcthhe . CJ,ppears to.b e aanndg uDlaerla smhaepree.s over Weaverham acostmroen,'o hmee srasy hs.a v'Se cbieenetni swts roanndg walioeunlsd, bnuot tI mUomnleinkte.' some something in 'We did step on somebody's about certain things in the sky toes at British Aerospace, which before and information that we do it as I UFO enthusiasts, the sky we accused of using Remote have got from space in the last had other Eric never auto Piloted Vehicles. RPVs were 10 years are changes our per theories to matically equates used in the Gulf War, and we spectives all the time - with all what they the mystery believe that BA was flying them the galaxies out in the sky I'm may be objects with over the North West coast. I'm sure we're not the only living caused by.' aliens; in fact he is sure the military is contributing matter in the whole of the uni According :ver·y scientific in. a lot towards this; being an ex- verse.' to Eric, most cases of UFOs can be 'Five:p.~~ cent ofsightings explained away by can't he explained' natural phenomena such as the I moon or IF YOU think UFO hunting is all about mysterious contacts and airplanes1·. ovoidi.ng alien. bounty-hunters, then you hove probobly been but there is .wotchrng too much X·Files. Sometimes the truth is more normal always a than fiction... . . . · small per- · You can search the Cheshire skies camped i~ the countrysid~ centage· armed with little more than a pair of binoculars and a hot flask uth ant aar e nle f-t ofA cnodc othae. good news is that you are living right in the middle of· 1 swered. pne of the hotbe9s pf UFO octivif.y. 'I've met at least 50 people 'The North, West' is :more active than 'mosi' places: in the· coun.: who have claJmed to be try,' says Eric Morris, who regularly holds 'sky-watches' in fields organisation to become better investigotor.s.' adbowdunc ttoe di.t, bthuet wnuhmenb eirt Ib oclalns ~rncgrso ~rsn tthhee cpoousnt,t ya. n'Dd etlhaamt eisre w Fhoerrees t whea sh obevee nb eae hn octboendc eonft rsaitginhgt· stOravnegre t :hs~: gyhe~trrnsg, sm, awnhyi cphe owpilell hthoevne cboem es ctrou tEinriics'es dg raosu pe vweitrhy honestly say might have been our sky watches in the post few yeors. attempt. is made to rule out natural causes. . abducted is two or three. 'We hold sky wo_tches as learning tools for people who wont . 'When\sorneone.comes to.us, we ask what time they observed 'We investigated a gentleman to be investigators; if it's a. clear night, we con show· various con· the object and for how long, preferably giving the direction and who came from near st~Uotion_s, and things -such as soteUites passing over. angle of:elevotion that they sow it from the ground. Wrexham who claimed to have Sometrmes I wonder what we are doing sitting in a field at 'We take o general description and ask whether they want to had a strange experience in 4om but the good thing is that we toke a lot of people down leave their name and telephone number but we make it 1996. He took us to where it with us and turn it into a learning and social event.' absolutely clear that if they do not want it to appear in the Press, happened and we eventually So you hove bought your tent and sleeping bog, but what do then we have a confidentiality douse. found out that he had gone you do next? 'They. may -have seen things like Venus shining through the missing for more that an hour. 'AU you need is a good knowledge of the sky at night and the cloud or on aircraft turning into Manchester Airport. 90% of 'Wfl latr.r found two drivers area. I advise anybody to get a pair of 10xi5 binoculars ar.d sightings con be explained, 5% ore sightings too old to research who had ser.n his bicycle at the go and read, to gain experience. We ore training people in our -and that leaves the 5% we connot explain.' side or the lay-by at that. time. 6 Aliens love to ·buzz borough by Eric Munn A HOUSEWIFE from Wallasey claims verify the sightings we don't record evening as they were sat in the. garden that the area is a hotbed of UFO activity. them." with friends enjoying the clear weather. Nikki Limb is the newly appointed The group has a strict code of practice, One of the people noticed a· black ball Wirral representative of the Merseyside which means that witnesses are in the sky moving at high speed - Anomalies Research Association interviewed in confidence and each apparently quicker than an aircraft. (MARA), which was set up in 1996 to incident is looked at with an open mind. They watched this for about a minute investigate and research UFOs and other Nikki said: "We meet on the last and had enough time to get in the house strange incidents. Friday of every month to discuss all the to get binoculars. She says UFO sightings are extremely group's findings. We're not saying that During the observation the object common in Wirral and many are what people are seeing are flying saucers changed direction a number of times and regularly reporte~ to her. She also claims - they could be something completely l,llso ·seemed also to change shape. to have seen UFOs herself. natural or even something from the Eventually the group lost sight of the "There have been lots of recent military. object when it went over the roofline. The sightings," said Nikki. "We log each "We get a lot of reports of objects rising sighting was verified by three other sighting and interview the people who out of the Mersey so we think that ,the groups of witnesses. · report them. We check night paths and water might have something to do with · MARA founder Tony Eccles said: "Most make sure no planes were flying over all the sightings in the area." of the things people see are explainable, when the object was spotted because One of the strangest of MARA's they look mysterious but can mostly be sometimes planes wings can catch the incidents occurred on August 24, 1997, identified. light and distort the shape of the whim they say a black sphere appeared "But there are areas in Wirral that aircraft. to rise out of the river. seem to have more sightings than most "If we think it's something that can't The group claim that four witnesses in places. There are quite a lot of sightingn be explained we look into it further and Wallasey saw something odd in the in Bidston and several people have seen try to find more witnesses. If we can't evening sky at about 7.30pm in the them while they are driving on the M53." ECHO, Lincolnshire, England - Nov. 20, 2003 UFO check a mysterious pulsating light in the sky. One man tells the Echo he heard over county a report that RAF Waddington had sent a Vulcan to take a closer look at the light and when he DID Lincolnshire have a close looked out of his bedroom window THE X-FILES: Nikki limb with UFO magazine collection encounter of the third kind? he saw the aircraft circling the That's what people were asking object. after a middle-of-the-night But a spokesman at RAF incident involving police Waddington says he can neither athgroo tuhgihs owuete ak .~ ide area, 25 years cthoen fMirimni nstorry doefn Dye tfheen cree pino rt and People tuning in to police radio London says it doesn't comment DAILY MIRROR, London, England - Oct. 16, 2003 atrnadn s1m.3i0sasmio snasy b tehtewye henea mrdid rneipgohrtt s onP orelipcoe rstasy o tfh UeFyO asr.e investigating from patrol vehicles, in an area the reports which had come from between Lincoln and Stamford. of a number of patrols in the county. Did UF buzz ST.HELENS secured Its lasting place in UFO old? history this week • via its own official entry In a mysterious X-FIIes style database. Detective Constable Gary Heseltine, founder of the unique PRUFOS (Police Reporting UFO Sightings) records system, highlighted the almost-forgotten incident in the skies above the town as one of major " Defence Significance." And -·despite its initial logging on police files 25 years ago· Special report by Gary insisted that there was STILL NO convincing IAN BRANDES logical explanation for what happened above Bold Power Station in January 1978. Then onlookers watched in disbelief as a shining light buzzed the installation, and appeared to dart down to take a closer look. But none were quite as astonished as two patrolling police officers who immediately logged in the spectacular sighting with disbelieving colleagues in the radio room. DC Heseltine -a serving CID officer with British Transport Police in the South of England -explained ~~~\ n~t~~e· ~~~ M;~~:;ry b~!~e~en~:s!til~t~~f:~~: Significance. As a police officer, I find that position untenable and here is why. " Having served in the Armed Forces I know that in the event of war in this country, all types of installation throughout Brit~in have been categorised for importance and St Helens vulnerability. For example oil fields, power stations, military installations are all key enemy targets which if hit would gets its own 'X-File' affect the infrastructure of Britain; " · · And he added later: " It follows that any attempt to survey or interfere with these types of installations would by definition have to be of 'Defence Significance.'" Most significant The PRUFOS dossier contains 84 official sightings · Some years reported by a total of 212 policemen and policewoman in the earlier in October years between 1950 and 2002. And researcher Heseltine 1967, . two highlighted the St. Helens incident as one of the three MOST policemen· spotted significant to take place at official installations during the a stationary UFO Seventies while the Cold War was still raging. hovering above THE most significant event in the human-like face. the But the serving sleuth claimed the speed of the craft over HMS Dolphin · a UFO saga happ~ned .two years ~~~-~eO::;~~~e~s~he SBoovldi eitn sdpicya tpelda noeth! eCr-hwroornlidcllye-dp oaws eNrso, .4ra4t hine rt hthea dna ata tboaps-ese, ctrheet sfourb marine· . sb.eavseer al- ago. It was the first drrect com- message. It described report observed: " Two uniformed officers -PCs Lowe and minutes. munication we've received another solar system. Ita Roberts -observed a high speed UFO that hovered above Bold UFO expert from space beings. ' ¥J~ ~~~~tt_ti~i~;s t!\:r~~n-1~~~ Power Station before darting across the landscape and doing Heseltine · ones of And it came in answer to a !/~;:;,!¥_f~t..~~~4 · · :, 4~; heads than ours ..T heir genetic likewise overFiddler's Ferry Power Station. scores of police message sent from Earth mto I·!·~·~,~--~-;.·. ';'._';!:!•.~Z•.:..!ettt~"' DNA is different and they are " This occurred during the Cold War and again multiple officers to go public space 'J:7 years earlier. ·i !·~~1..".;;~.·:,,:,.·.~. .. partly made of slllcon. police witness corroboration was provided. Power Stations about strange lD 1974. Carl Sagan and a 1·•,•_.•.,~·~;,· ..~ '1i:'~.-:~~·:i, · These people claim they are would be targeted in the event of war in Britain, and are thus f~~~~om~h=t- sf~~ tAeraemci boof rreasdeiaor chteerles sucsoepde thIne · -:.." =.~ ,~.•~r·! ~~<--'t, ~~·~ ;• :• ;• ;t • dnoo wn oatm soanyg wuhsy o tnh eEya rathre. Thehreey, rveiegwar.d"e d as key insta· llations from a national defence point of St.Helens incident Puerto Rico to beam out data , ::~;~!~~·,;:;~:::~:i;;: but the signs are that their pur- Gary, who believes ·that Ets may have been monitoring the indicated an extra· oenmo_u rTsehlveesmanesdsoaurgeso!arasyis-n ",.t~:~~~:~:;:·:~:;~':~t:•l', pose ls benevolent. strategic strengths and weaknesses of various world powers, terrestrial wbtihIneta nrg yia tvc ceoa dmdineegt.a wialnas ds o stfih maeni lroae8trph. leyr. .-'·:.t~-·;.,·.:",:~"-.;.. :"~.': !.,"·•~'~~?";-~:."·;' ~:t~ ,f~¥":~-t>:.·.-;: •:·:•.~·"~•;.:": :i:r".·:Z'J+;'t'~.'r~'I/Ii ;/I,~~J7 , slcsar goYnepoo -cuewi vraacirsdlee e snbs aecorreuei noo hdufo stta hoxa aebntse.d. T btohunleotd t mhtoheenraaee-t aitwnlssoot a ncehsii gmhpliogrhtatenodtf ovnisTei htaeot ifor enst.he ea rcmheari n· St.Helens style contributors to a rte;armt~ ~stheo~ ubldf :h:a'v~e ~ 'b~eeen ~A-C.E : f UP:. ~T-h•e ' i·~m. a:g. e' e~xlt~r~a~-ste rrtr!es~t~reia il~s~ ~aere ! ~w~i~tho ~:u:st, incIind eAnutsg. ust 1976, STAR, St. Helens, England anvewai lacbolme mercUiaIl:lOy excited, but they dismissed It rn a crop formation preparing us to accept them. a craft hovered video called 'Hard ~! ~~~~8e~~':in~ ~':: discovered in 2001 e ORDER The Face & The Meuoge by over Buncefield Oil Nov. 13, 2003 Evidence Vll'· they did not expect - in John Michell, fJ ind p&p, payable to Terminal nr Heme! confirmed: " There markings on an English wheat field. •Gothic Image•, 7 High St, Glastonbury, Hempstead for is excellent Crop circles are the greatast mystery of 6A6 9DP. · several minutes circumstantial odoneurerf tukilnm onewesw.s Fwdoehrso it ghoners pw hahasavt te1 5 i osy ccecrauerrasr teoidnr .gs o Bt,h uweto mnno. JeOxpHeNr iMenicchee oll fw ~o~u~ledu lo~v~e5j t~oh h'e:a :r ~a~b~o~uft ~¥~o~udo bNeoTf.o3hr5ee vanrieinsp hoirntg t.h e ebpveoiiidnnegtsn cteao thgee ncutrhianafett 7 On August 20. 2001, two crop formations phenomena.. et: PO Box 4018, The Daily PRUFOS records - UFO." were discovered 1n a neld next to the J~nathaln Cdao'"n E't4 SBL Or email John at: noted: " Checks Chllbolton ra.dlo telescope In Hampshire. M1rror, on • with Luton Airport From a great distance one showed a huge, [email protected] . ruled out conventional craft." c UFO picture a t'll E 0 z a.: a: (.J saucer wonder Creating a buzz: the photo taken by council worker Roland Rozario (shown top) of a railway crossing shows a mysterious object in the sky. WHILE man is making Kate Uebergang He said the council was Bernard Wilson said the his mark on Mars, some considering referring it to group needed more informa humans are wondering if urban affairs reporter NASA and other authorities. tion in order to make a full aMthahralAeBeisee olcsnsbmtipcshtoayyr bru'hasskett racelennivhrdeoeieiv orna. etu gzhrUss o. FatophOnmhed oif ersrt ocednegh zpireynatai ptdciohnss oithpinmhefh "if oaonsTigtancgoheiee dses ,w,p . n a"hfh naIIedo cdtnotcio o nnawowg.om k nete ie alca owbesbaodeta dru acaeetknn d1 dt 0toh o wbeo rjtreteeh hs1c,ete2"t. lIhtthiihtaee sMo"vv oeAsre enraai s t inIi ttdtaeLhd o. Isi imsls nt ew hruttieoh enmtsnoh ipagc ehogiomsapnevavas iewelidar b ocn ntlorhdemskue t tean iwoetnfc ex fotip plu abaaewtuse,sre"s caaartbheospslfu"epsnplTe reese scrhciatasstteoritimssorle se tntne oh tstnaao , etrf"tp h re. oplb iehssmeefo eap t m trhsho soeoeaftm t oi iootdn ehb..tb eTejeem "rh iceTmeoftsha ttasaiieirnuongrldynnege ~=· fUroFmO sthtoer y over this picture, snapped in "I still don't know what it sured the council the photo which might indicate a fast Beveridge by a council officer is. I passed it around the graph was not altered or moving object." g. 19th hole last week. office and people didn't know tampered with. ssAhieaduTWases h talhCerilian rotplegtuilha aneiodnnscytfe iool" as ugr ettmrCrhnaaoiotpfrn ufithginthce iNce eri e~,Ali ; WmnSi.g saAhi gni ctaeeto lentnerod , owdapifiahrMd stcanhsrrteea' tdf tcRt t la tooohmwrozr akeoearv sruiea.olg in. k"hA· eas tabhfiaedue w g bc aiirsn road sfit,srdr oia anniinngtt scintole aa"WmviWnemedere a eotb'terxnehelpl e iaeurtnnr.s t .Wo a Mwbtn euhsa'rrwomyee b eacaleroaku .t"oni h nk elgisorn eoegnk a wi fnooailyrrtl sdRneavioeBiritsded ue ceaatntc rodocctrienhhg s ieoitNG fda leaeAe rptofuewhlrdsygoot ierrtnkoa gal g ciVsSracaaniieumcp ptchtopUea rwsrbFio.aa lOnnes (.ct/',)l l GgbeeO raaLctFlcoEunHs eSda. nmodfu cnthh. t eeli nkdteee l·anlnicngygl e troos ,fe 'mx tanaglyl· Roland Rozario said he could just seconds after the photo forecaster Peter Blake said "They cannot be verified. C, tales. not explain the digital photo, graph was taken and believes the photograph did not look They are too easily manipu c But It was with ·an seriousness which shows a small round a passenger may have like anything meteorological. lated on the computer and W that a group ofslx people at White· otobpje rcitg hzto osimdein ogf tthhreo furgahm et.h e spWothteitdtl seosmeae tChoinugn cinil 'tsh ec oskmy . fro"mIt atlhme orseta lro.o Ikts ilsi kcee ar tpaliannlye yhoe us adido.n 't have a negative," "rC: hina vethn e GopUre sCelnulc>e stoofo da trUanFsOl ixoedn cctiornMolelse rsa aigRunudogiezt -awroaieofbr oeas uadritaod ii lnw2hgepa ymaa n lredovo uena l fCmteohnunicn,e eif sc DeaSntceitifoe enntnshcc eeeo ffSIaimncceidaerg ,n eTJt ieismtctoh, nLDtoihnele stBnoaol uate ckxeaep r l waeisxenapa itetdhhr.ete s r p aLhblosoaoclt loasolgto rrnuaf,gpl"ygh il.Mne dgr snnioogMrtht hhrt ei. nSagBrimdsu pot sfi onha nne y Ms soaaetiihddlbe orha ur ee rlcnoheace<na';stll .~.Qo; Sinu Int dWIas hyti htneeihg sahevtc.e onn d. i ns imai lamr astitgehrt inogf Thursday, January 15. ogy Organisation and the . Victorian UFO Research member would investigate E weeks "We didn't see or hear any- Civil Aviation Authority. Society scientific adviser the sighting for his group. :s The mysterious flying object, C.J brightly lit and initially taken for ~ a helicopter, travelled across the 0~ 'UFO' sightings >~ : Sskciheoso l,f rfolmew aobvoevre thSet clBuebn ehdoiucts'es C0' 4 ~ and dropped innto the the middle of th!!. golf CQW'Se, .abou.t 500 ,.>lards z away from. where the group were. W "It was very strange," said golf > club operator Craig Hamilton. continue in area fcf(i "Five or six of us were sitting in thl! consl!rvatory having a drink. It .,_ was about B.30pm and this large % light about 11ve or six foot across 3: travelled past us across the sky at about 60 or 70mph. "It was at a constant height but there was no noise, then when it .t:.~- • I WOUI..,D like to take this this the radio started to crackle been a bit afraid to drive in the often take walks into the woods got about 500 yards away there was 0 crehcaenncte l etott ceorsm imn .ethnet oHne roanled oabf othuet aWnhde n1 mloyst c aalrl hpaodw cearm ien t ot hae c ocmar.· daIr kh obpye mthyisse ilsf .o f some interest to neOarn boyn. e occasion about a month aa bpouuttT 1o5f0 smmpohk ea nadn df eIllt stoh ogtr oouffn adt. 3E: Tthaem pweorsrothn. who saw a 'UFO' in tphleiste s tsrtaanngde s btiullz zI icnogu nldo isstei.l l hear 'tUheF Oau' tlhetotresr so. f some of the recent awgooo dI awt aabs owuta 4l.k3i0npgm twhrhoeung iht wthaes tIht alono ak eldig hmt.o re like a flame t:ather ..t'.l.l I was reading the letters page Then I saw these two small • Julie J Radford, Warton, just getting dark . "We wondered if it could be a and when I read this particular round objects flying over the top via email. All of a sudden I heard this firework or a flare but it was too 0 letter I realised the person was of the car. humming sound and when l constant and there was no illumin· .:w~::.z:I:: TPtIwo iha rgIFtmai shtwidi rwein sans gtsloe aA dreaontnrbmfhei o vasaitu lnoijlfnt gu.e WgtwtsIho t m ae nhwar .ysetf eoa taceenmrkard, serT w baathhh gaebioecn u.nkP gz rf Izrte hoigtntmaoygtt 2mtttrhh0io-eeWIe3 vyyd0ech wwdamef eennefyern ar etteio e,hr nataler ybgpoye oiua rxnvawrnpeeptde lifa,adrtr nehiolfny dlemyo . ii uagttn thtrgs oeot au aafflran tlst cdeaitgw dbtah.ohh ntuaa dtItt a•tupbh reenoaIoIet tuinwp ln IlA ase IdhesM raecTo ediotnaa hnpsmdgeecl efwreoela nrfyosn t itershnehtdoagdhe mn s.st eoteao mtus theicyilghelns heragestanl i rmfniy ngbyh tsaosah nedvialdynetf pcalinonwoeoo IIoutta k dphclaydeoole de p iu sfs tlileak anduwerynd pe .naa e 1s or tt,roe to so bpr ttu euorshnlaetrel dnte lihiit gncot wewhgow iph tasn htaslegeaa terd trh.i ge sinotfoe glv nw omeiitrrat.a i efsnnal yygrI. · ltathn>ehtiaoirgeTAsoty hh h na trrr rt,esec ehevumoeaaaeb m t aaws welieisenenvhqidesgemeu k.n r enfsieirnlo n oaatItgm rgth oiaa in,noinp tgvcodp.,"cen e tuss ahtaroriee eg Sn·tdan hcat eeiettxoou t nmr wfdd ayaaaloslyys,·f S ,smmd. At first I thought it was the I drove home and have not seen the paper. • Miss E Clarke, sighted in the skies over the Valley car but as soon as I had thought anything since, though I have I am a resident of ~ordon and Dordon. area of Whitehaven. MAIL, Northwich, England - Aug. 8, 2003 Book retells Cheshire worn.an's claims of sex on spacecraft her an :alien? Was baby T HE.'J(-Fi/es may have by PAUL BROWN ainliteenrv aiebwdusc tfioorn t hwea s:o raing iunnafla mboiloikar: heRru bdyh Meaythk irion.v estigator Eric Morris:, all over the world have. file(freports ·· been closed, but a term to most people: Then the X- who interviewed Suzanne; feels that; of UFOs. I have talked to pilots who. over lwoqhtel raeu t·Mhourl dise rta kainndg gwraesenn't tmhee nca -se!I 'm glad to say that cwFaiiulthes sea d nh erintw a o n.i nyut ret r oeT slVto . o .k s car te ethn cs swu bhJ'i ec cht ttbhh yee hms eeenrr.io epss:t ~rouefst ecen,h cm's ougup npft roeorrmtss etphxuep bevreiierewtnysc etoodf ·1.;. cbbleuacti.am auersdee ·ttihto ecoyo uahfladrva e-bi des e tteohne r meenapndoy ~o U ft FthhOeemsir, S~Fuolrlmy elre fFt.l oeefft . Street hack Carl an'1d hwada sa acbceless toto d BisUmFisOs RthAe' sc afisleess Pu'Wbliec awtieorne sa tpop rboraincgh etdh eb yb oBoeky ionntdo cthoe~6vriinsctsc dl ikthea Bt_. u'gdedn eHtiocp hkainrvse wsthinog a' ries;' ca'Yreoeur. h· ave got to be8.r in inind that NrhrCieioahsmg uelassaai.ht trweiikssro ateh r bblawdlose oo-d omkef. lca vawanlesi hdeewi nci-hn hsaot toufb e cddtalhuyateuci mtrmieoossy fn ss t thhienaee · · egtibnhxae'1tapgte etulrw, avi tnliaihineasnow tgssim.oiet nry nugt ,hc opakapent i bodnsyp ei wloetenmhe w,ene thhdf oaoa ca dnwt leattio hrtte rala ietpn t vliImaeo siwnontarailye~sl · cwSthauTheszih eca2ashn1 t ns iisscte ocb tnBehecniarentotrug nw<r Styinof , la ad(a t nwhfCdoooh rumo etgnhsahheen i ,fotr hiekfra sntwttho tewioism m nnne eaao.wn'st gttthihooEeamnr tismg c t -hohesannaeviyo., pe pc: a ne'uHoassweae p sdspe tiaeolsmyp·, pss heh tdeeor a aba.n pleidp efr natohr V~.e.mic ·S fhoaieC~rde-t .. j · pmw•t heaaeoWlrnp dl ili ttevhha enoahsotu,a'n tssv y oCfe{i Tonitfnoel ot.s h'uge esnolyt y', bw, faaa~csapk ttS u tturo·oi z ntoahgon etmniare.le ne dfsooi·odrr--f, gave birth tp an alien child. not crazy. They had nothing to gain her real.name),who has suffered mul-· than coincidence. Could it be. that ·extraterrestrial contact. and alien Without Consent is one of the first from speaking to me, and I came· tiple abductions-and is convinced . her value to the alien visitors plum- abduction in the UK," is out now, she was used by her visitors to give meted when she reached the end ·of published by Beyond Pubiications, comprehensive surveys of alien away from speaking to them con birth to an alien offspring. . her childbearing years?' priced !9.99, from all good book- abIdt uisc ttihoen sr pesuubllti sohfe dC ianr lt'hse c UolKla.b ora viBncuet dw thhaatt? s Iosm ite rtheainllgy walaise ngso?i ng on.' She claims ~he was visited by a It is the extraordinary tales like shops. Alternatively. visit tion with P~ilip Mantle, a former ·~ will believe in aliens when Philip mysterious visitor she calls Mykiro, Suzanne's which· have caus~d an : www.beyondpublications.com. director of investigations for the takes me into a UFO to meet one - sometimes as i;nany as three times a explosion in the number of paranor- British UFO Research Association. but after talking to some of those year, over a period of nearly 30 mal titles on the market. · · 'I thought it would be interesting to featured in the book, I won't rule years. But why do they 'share their 'expe- combine my cynicism with Philip's that out.' Mykiro becJ,;oncd her onto a myste- riences' with us, the readers?· · passion for the subject,' said Carl. 'I Without Consent is an updated ver rious 'craft' <in a number of occa- •.J .think some people come forward went into· the subject thinking that I sion of Carl and Philip's 1994 book sions, and aft.cr one visit she fell as a sort of therapy to come to terms would be talking to :1 nutter who of the same name. pregnant. She later believes she suf- with what has happened to them,' would be rambling on about little He said: 'When we started the fered a miscarroge, but is convinced said Carl. · . that the unborn child was taken from 'Policemen, astronauts and pilots V The following Is an abridged extract from. Without Consent. It tells the extraordinary story of one Cheshire woman, who wishes to remain anonymous, and her contacts with a life-form only known to her as 'Myrlko'. SUZANNE Brown felt Myriko's pres tions with Myriko ence even before she opened her tired meant that she could not discuss them .with. and heavy eyes to peer at his slight, onybody, not even her five-feet tall body standing by the side of parents. So how was she her bed. . going to explain her Even after all these years his pure beauty stunned pregnancy to. them her. Myriko smiled and gazed into Suzanne's eyes. ·when it became glaring- As alwnys he was perfectly groomed, with the flow ly obvious that she was ing long blond hair which framed his slightly over in the family way? large head sweeping down to his shoulders. He Weeks Inter Suzanne· wore the same skin-tight, membrane-like grey suit found herself trying to h.: alwa:-'s had, smooth and spotless. relax with a book on the Myriko's numerous night-time visits had begun settee in her lounge when she was just a child of 12. Now a mature when she began to feel woman in her late 30s, with a successful career in a drowsy. The 1·room mnjor department store and her own comfortable seemed to darken as a home, Suzanne still felt a tingle of anticipation. heavy pressure bore Even before his telepathic words formed in her down on her lower abdomen. mind, Suzanne knew that Myriko was taking her out Suzanne said: 'I opened my eyes and rhere was agnin. These night-time expeditions now followed n Myrlko.' Suzanne then lost consciousness and when pnllern. a routine which had begun yenrs ago when· she came to, some hours later, found herself lying TRUTH she had followed her strange companion into ·the on her settee. Suzanne spent the following three IS OUT cold and darkness of the Cheshire countryside and dnys drifting in and out of ~leep until the pain even· THERE: onto. a craft. tually subsided. thor The sorties into the darkness even continued dur By the time she returned to work Suzanne was arl ing the years when Suzanne was married and lived aware thnt the early signs of pregnancy she had dis Nagaitis with her husbnnd. covered hod ceased-a sign of termination of preg· with his Myriko would arrive as always and beckon her to nancy. new book, fthoolluogwh , hSimuz awnhniel ew hase ra lhounseb faonldlo wslienpgt tohen . faTiolunrieg hotf haBpupte snheed wona st huen wniiglihntg o tfo M sypreickuol'as tlea sot nv iwsith. aMt roenatlhlys Without her marriage. As she followed Myriko· ·out" of her later Myriko returned and invitc:d Suzanne for Consent. home she pondered on the factors· that conlributed nnother trip to the crnft. Obediently she followc:d to their sepnration and evcntual"divorce. or course, him out into the nearby fields where the craft was th.:ir fruitless attempts to conceive a child played a waiting. . . part, but what about her obs.:ssion with Myriko? But the similaril)' to previous advenrures ended She ac.Jrnitled. to herself at leas!, that she had felt a when they were met by a small group of excited stronger love for her mystery visitor than for. the grey entities who seemed intent on congratulating mJn she married. And now she was with him again.i: Suzanne. Once inside she found herself in what she More cases reported pe'rWec.hJ att ois hheer sgeolifn ga st ot hshe ocwr amfte ctahmis et·i mineto?' vshieew \\.; hAiss laStehre d ceosucrldib esede a si naf annutr seenrtyit .i. es of various sizes, and always the pair floated in through the entrance and possibly ages, being cared for by a group of adult along the neverending dark corridor lfntil Myriko beings. She suddenly stopped when she glimpsed a ssosSAttsRhhottttptcrrHuorLeuricaaar dn dIoeninEnBhEieim gggores~rtNiee·i easnicatarnry n i Ct. ro~sajMh ea!e Thhfe sn ' oh imdnshgdUnri'utae govrriFcttieh~ert's tOseis .,in toto ighngf e a · saaitphecwnhkbnosae''aveiHOtlndsrlare els wodtsnb ttserl hh wltcseitutiitoeseeo•sgsen ·nn hgteaaveft. e l teihs egw crodsotarosohri ,t,t fna n fem yas pttosr hroonuieru uictud atssosie stat or el ir s csstihppltuanhotchoeunTHotdpeoaooemspihlakeeph lrhp arte ee lao:aefaneddln v t.odtp, l .gpeme lol pdeeandaIiaknkaiad s t f serhemn fafo efr edwe natoanan h rcdl !tnteaeiotrpt" n l, hon l rwwooait huottfofnkh.aaeeegs dyetaestrhAhhgi ts rd.ytboe iera utn lT yehn retigl ew atlelshiwhyel nd.;keuo y f e -hbte immcea hslal tfosnceiitahaan n eldanyrl iognac o s. vu t SehseoceaT raueunlkdlteohdiglhzde dnet epaard hn gbyntaoo il llnn irnfagoitqtw gekhbtranua; e.eeeold ids er duTh a.uietnh ,dt ueh n soa dgwdtewwinnh eer Ceh-ie, wfam' rvIeimrh senoeormeh hi ·mrot wawteebiewmvsnandaaliioygnss l, , .·cbfthnatabiirrriodanonS'oAgamSduydnyzhdhos,yle sd e tlt m.c.b ,e, ls o' rir ebheseeeifeetntee hsaxl Mn icieiotpnsngou swlytg seruarer hen e idriinnmeIt,akn leregtfoygko hdaaea 'rnvesnr dpereSbl etmy iai wSycudm sesk,zua tn, peat nfzrtvhufrdnaideeioatl nnsc ysatmuiesnoer tpi i.e glt l'nylh·t enaiogiittnntniloh e)stspgs eg,riithi n . dca liechgnkoke' oI·a oem ltduam dakh tt pl ehgeyscn ndoh e otenhm tbamd sikeronhio enbcdfuirt·eykani hyrfwg. nf·tr e cia to Bodr ionmtt-i nt.huntb l aTtiaaat lhmtnnblhh aeiiddyyneeetr caatg"Hn oirmhsrcdomystauw mimtcwimetnp~nuii~l anrloo il nanhif·t~r ghcm;m. ~la ·tliennyic~et k nocnis ~alr ;lt ra'oc­ tr oa ••,D ~~;;;:;:..;;r.'":.•:('~;-:,E'l"Iil aoesmiuanavfflaem oa asfnllbsoyeto dr~ gsot ue~,it f· mhc p tnatehreineo oe wcdev nad n ia umdeatstib eaantl hitgiolene sraf g- cscltnyithoan Sreuaumguano rzapsginadn een.aev r.nn- ,o uSedlbvp huseh ektwda id iismttw ahwpbii dtyeaah e :s ognn'tuaI h'ttrtae fi wsitswthhe ae tar rhtseerwa edtmooa lf lle ei apm fhwtsha etflaviu.ic vitlkInt i l gnewpa geansto soeds p x ettlwuhhxeaeee. l r aw eIirmit,iin ntgawthgege a rtiaas - · _bavthnosioaeSs ldrsisi t nthy .vriwce enise shaflh iaometeenoonn trkf d tse eseohlherdtweai v n isniewtng rhabt waosheela ere3hsy r9n cee rh rmayec eresaoeespalnkn iroeaosssnng.p p od oSiablic udunadusz.gbu oaa yrulnt 'iossnny egeehb yaeyBMre rsrs ho y withwrseaie ankrrar mo bslna' tssobsh etce f nitsagncuana·ae wrdn l.. . Wri1ing in WEIRD WORLD: Eric Morris is the abductee to my body but not my mind.' Today she continues with her career and lives 'with WitlroutCon.~·et/1, Nonhwich's number one UFO come to terms with Myriko turned to her and smiled. 'You have done her new partner, content to live a life that at last is he s11irl: 'Abduction exper1. 23HP9521 ~~c:~ her experi- well,' he said. 'You have fulfilled my wishes.' When normal. C Cart Nagaltls and Philip Mantle, 2002. reports cmne in all she woke the following morning, Suzanne remem the time and these days people arc Eric and his wife Linda have bered the previous night's events with renewed more willing to talk ahilut their expe become adept at dealing with peo revulsion. rit!nce~ than when I started my wnrk ple who find themselves in situll l n the days that followed, Suzanne:s shame was 20 ye11rs a~;o. when folk were likely tions of crisis thanks to their careers replaced by the fc:ar that he had made her ·pregnant. In he('( I me victims of ridicule. as nurses. The prospect of motherhood following a few 'ThanJ,;s to u more open-minded That has enabled them to catalogue moments of lust with a disgusting vagrant rein- aathtdituucdtee cins c~aonci nctnyw a sh ea pwelrwsulca,d ed to ahbudnudcretidosn so.f I cta wseass, Einrciclu wdihnog imntaenr y of foArcnedd thheery f egeolti nwgso rosfe raesv uthlsei ofnir.s t signs of preg· nancy 9 relate tht• detail nf their experiences. viewed 'Suzanne Brown'. became evident. What made matters worse was that she felt so iso lated. The bizarre nature of her nOcturnal expedi· EVENING NEWS, Worcester, England - Aug. 6, 2003 Police pyrotechnics light u p sky MYSTERIOUS lights spotted above the Worcestershire countryside sparked rumours that UFOs were flying over Hanbury. But an investigation by the Evening News has discovered the lights were little more than police training aids. Some residents thought UFOs were descending on the county after seeing the lights hovering in the sky. The lights were captured over Hanbury by BBC cameraman Tom Hines, aged 24, who was filming a possible location for a private short film, on Tuesday, July 22, at 8.30pm. Tom-who works on the TV soap Doctors-quickly trained his camera _on the two orb-like lights which disappeared, then reappeared very brightly and moving slowly. Thinking the show was over, Tom put his camera down, but the three lights suddenly began to flash and formed a cluster. · At this point Tom, who works in Birmingham,-grabbed his camera and began filming for a second, time. The "As my time as <{BBC cameraman I three lights disappeared a few have never seen anything like it. • Light programme: moments later. "It was quite honestly, and in every Mysterious lights over Usually a UFO sceptic, Tom was meaning of the phrase, out of this Hanbury sparked convinced he had witnessed something world." rumours that UFOs had supernatural. But West Mercia,p olice said the lights landed in "It was seriously like something out of were pyrotechnic devices being used to Worcestershire-they Close Encounters," he said. train officers on a firearms course at its turned out to be oart of "The only way I can describe it was Hindlip Hall headquarters. a police training · like somebody turning on spotlights in "\Ve don't want ro go into any details exercise. the sky. about the course for operational "I'm certain what I saw and filmed reasons," said a police spokesman. was from another world. "People living nearby are always "I can remember clear as day looking informed in advance, as too are local • On the scene: BSC up and seeing, at first, two and then police stations. cameraman Tom Hines, three lights. During the spectacle they "We've been running the course for a who captured lights appeared and disappeared almost like number of years now and this is the hovering in the sky. they were flashing. first time it's attracted interest." Picture: Mike Thomas. HESWALL NEWS, Meraoeysidet, E ngland - Sept. 20, 2003 Mvsterv 'lights' HEMEL HEMPSTEAD HERALD EXPRESS, Hertfordahire, England - Aug. 7, 2003 Wast it .a UFO o.r all -a bit of 'hot air'? A MORETON man Is ·com· Odd images pletely baffled by strange lights recorded ·on his home on camera .FLOODS oi 'calls came in to said she was in Seaton Road security camera. the HeraldExpress news· two weeks before Gary Keith Thompson, 37, of Yew room this week with tales of Perry's sighting and saw Tree Road keeps a close eye on By JAMIE McLOUGHLIN more t]FO .sightings in something similar, but it .his back. garden with a CCTV Heme! Hempstead. could easily be explained. system connected to a 'nome again, flies toward the camera As reported last week,; She said: "We saw some · computer. . · and flies away." · G.ary Perry- from Seaton thing large in .the sky with a Although. ltS pi.J.rpose is to Mr Thompson ·has already Road saw something in the name inside it, it flickered · scupper· ariy··pi:>timtial thieves, informed a group of American· sky he couldn't explain .. and it then set on fire and Keith ···now. ·believes he has based UFO experts and a team Since then more· people fell to the ground." recorded footnge of visitors based at BBC Leeds for help In have reported they ·have She believes it may have from further afleld. identifying the strange ·seen something strange in been youngsters experi· The scenes were recorded at phenomenon·.· u ·the night sky. menting with a miniature ll.OSpm on August 16. He added: anybody in the But we've had several hot·air balloon. The father·of-four explained: area can explal,n what these calls too from readers who She added: "The teenagers "When you watch the video It lights were, I'd love to know." :reckon to have solved the or whoever did it could even is more effective than the pho· • If anyone else noticed mystery. be thinking, We did it, we itons ,t hweh sickhy .j uTsht ilso omko lvikineg l ilgighhtst Apeucguulsiat r 1l6i,g hptlse aisne Mcoonrteatcotn tohne e The Images captured on Keith Thompson's home security One of them,. Jaite Seers got it in the paper." appea,rs which just stops, then newsdesk via e-mail on:· camera. Can you provide an explanation? changes .d irection, then. st~ps. [email protected] Stills reproduced courtesy of SupervisionCam BURNTWOOD POST, Cannock, England - Dec. 4, 2003 Can nock's ·paranormal 'chasers' are kept .b usy RAF. tion of the media and the later claimed he received an angry call from the the lights in the pub suddenly went off and the by Amy Doyle According to the Staffordshire UFO Group, Ministry of Defence, warning him to tell no one room was filled with an intense green light. there are peaks in sightings, then just as sud- about what he saw. Was this a government But before anyone could go and investigate it Cannock has long been known as a denly as they start they tail off. In March, cover up attempt? had gone and the pub lights suddenly came hot bed of paranormal activity 1988, sightings rocketed to 90. in just over a Thursday March 3, 1988: Lee Haycock from back on. The only explanation that could be month. Burntwood relaid to Police his terrifying offered was that it was some trickery of the from strange beasts to it's own However about 90 per cent of UFO sightings evening in which he saw a UFO twice! He told light coupled with the snow storms cutting out Roswell style UFO crash. · can easily be· explained - a fact that UFO Burntwood Police he saw a cigar-shaped object the electricity briefly. . Most recently the appearance of the black experts themselves will freely agree with. But floating over Biddulph Park at 9.30pm on Whether you believe in life on other planets Panther on Cannock . Chase has made what about t,he other 10 per cent.According to Sunday, then later spotted the same object and communication from the other side of the headlines. Graham Allen: "People know about us and above a caravan park in Brownhills. He galaxy or ET left you cold, stories such as this But the UFO sightings are most notorious. report things that they just cannot explain". described the object as cigar-shaptld with are worth thinking about.lf encounters like They are so common Cannock's resident UFO Are the 10 per cent that cannot be explained flashing blue, red, white and green lights.No this can't be rationalised by logical, sensible group is rarely without sightings to investigate. away truly paranormal or is there another explanation could be offered for his sighting: people, what really is going on? Stafford UFO leader Graham Allen said: explanation? You decide. neither Birmingham Airport or Shawbury air "Cannock Chase is notorious for UFO sight February 1964: An unamed man claimed to base spotted anything on their radars. This If you are interested the paranormal, unex ings. The most likely reason being the lack of have seen a UFO crash in a clearing in the was the third reported sighting in two months. plainable and sometimes down right strange, light pollution over the Chase. However, there Chase forest. December . 1989: Cannock had been the Staffordshire UFO Group are a like-minded are hotspots all over the world and C~ock.. "Two suited beings walked towards me with experiencing horrendous winter snow storms. ~~~=~~~~e 01u~~0fs1:u:s~o meet regularly to dis happens to be one of them." lights in their hands," the man said. He pre- One night in December Robert Newman, of Sightings in the area stretch back as far as ceded to take photos and quickly made his exit. Gilwell Road, decided to go to the Park Gate For more information contact Graham Allen the 1960s. Some have even caught the atten- He contacted ·the local UFO expert. But he pub. He was sitting-chatting to friends when on 01889 585149 or visit www.sufog.co.uk 10

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