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Preview UFO Newsclipping Service 2001 08 no 385

riEWSCLIPPifiG SERVICE August 2001 Number 385 EDITOR/PUBLISHER: LUCIUS FARISH Aliens invade Then again, maybe it was just a satellite. Suburban UFO sightings happen all the time, Schaumburg! but no one's seen any little green men .... yet BY HILARY SHENFFLD UFO Reporting Center. moved very quickly. Daily HeraJO. Slaffwntlr "What that second object is is open to interpre • An astronomy student reported seeing two tation," he says. flashes of light and felt a gust of wind, followed by Mike Sparks knows satellites. Sparks certainly isn't the only one questioning the vision of a bright, shiny, diamond-shaped fly He can identify planets. the existence of intelligent life on other planets. ing object in Schaumburg. He's familiar with stars. And he's not alone in wondering whether aliens • A Wheaton resident heard a deafening, puls What he saw flying through the have ever visited here. ing, droning sound and felt the house rattling. A Schaumburg skies not long ago was none of the In fact, suburban residents see unidentified fly friend who lived a mile away also reported hearing above. ing objects on a fairly regular basis. the sound, comparing it to a gigantic helicopter Now he's left to wonder if the blazing light was a So far this year, for example, several unexplain hovering over the house. visitor from another world. able phenomenon were reported to the National • In Glendale Heights, four people witnessed a Au k That's right, an alien. UFO Reporting Center, which maintains a record bright light hovering in the western sky for 45 W n S The business owner was of otherworldly sightings. They include: minutes. The light appeared to change shape at ~ walking his dog about 10:10 • A cigar-shaped, metallic object spotted high Bookmark our Web p.m. on May 28 and gazed sky above the clouds in Palatine. The air-borne object . page for hypertlnks ward. He often sees satellites in · -to -mo-re clnfo.rmwatfon the night sky, so he wasn't sur prised when he spotted a slow ............... U.F.O. . moving light floating above. ........... But suddenly a faster moving· and much brighter light1 Sclldllc appeared in the southeast.: ,a........ ..... . Rather than cross paths,. though, the two lights met at Hoffman Estates resident precisely the same point and Chris Aemlng, shown c.tlrfwiFO then the faster light disap- alongside an allen model, SIIIdlel peared. publishes Unknown .,..... ....-. "It's impossible for that to magazine, which have been a satellite," says chronicles otherwordly Sparks, an amateur stargazer who tracks satellites events Including UFO . via a NASA Web site. "The odds of observing two slghtings. His painting visible satellites intersect has got to be in the bil "~ualntance," In lions to one." background, represent Sparks, 30, believes the first light likely oriFat spiritual beings In the ed here on Earth. As for the second one, he s not afteltife. sure, but he reported the sighting to the National (continued on page 2) (continued from page 1 - DAILY HERALD, Arlington Heights, IL - July 3, 2001) And twice, he's seen a glowing red ~ Event W.11.o pa. · "&:sed on the nidence orb: about two years ago in Clearwa least six times, but stayed constant in ter, Fla, and another time outside his eyes and minds, intensity. available to me, it seems aparnnent door just a few weeks ago. ~ Be afraid. Be very afraid. But don't indisputable that these tlrungs "Many types of different alien § UFO group says move to some place you think is safer. species have visited thls planet be ., Turns out Illinois ranks fairly low in we call DFOs are in American fore and will continue to," Fleming sthayes n Mumarbke Rr oodf engahtiioenr,w diidreec stiogrh otifn tghse, airspace every day of the week." smayosr.e " cAonmdi nthge."r e are probably many ' NewsStaff Chicago-based Center for UFO Stud Peter Davenport, director of the That's news to James McGaha, a 0 ies. National UFO Reporting Center, batJed UFO debunker who is a retired Air (:.)i BOULDER - The truth is out Since the early 1980s, 407 reports in Seattle, Wash. Force major and current astronomy there, and they have proof. have come from all over the state, in teacher in Tucson, Ariz. ~ So say officials of the Disclo cluding numerous sightings in Rock He says all you people now quak: ~» sure Project, a nonprofit research ford, Chicago and DuPage County, ing with fear and trying to figure out C group working to publicize the according to the national reporting photo or article from his correspon what type of appetizer to serve an in uf facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial center. dents is entirely plausible. tergalactic visitor can relax. ~ intelligence and classified ad In the United States, California, Even the editors of World Weekly "I do not accept the idea that an Washington and Texas rank among News might be suspect of some of the alien spacecraft has ever visited the ~ vanced energy and propulsion the top states for sightings. magazine's reports touting the au &rth for one reason," he says. systems. All in all, Rodeghier says, aliens thenticity of the "death touch," a "There's no evidence." ~ On Saturday, the project will seede umrb toan a vcoenidt ebrus sayn, dh ethaveiilry s puobpuurblast. wteicthhn oiqnluye ai nt wouhcihch, oar p celresaorlny csatang keildl ingPse, opblrei gwhht ol riJedpttosr,t ucnreuespuya l ssipgahcte ~z ap repsreongtr a"mT hteh aDt isicnlcolsuudrees Eav etnwto," What? They can't stand a little traf photos of alien spacecraft. sounds or eerie flying objects simply :;) hour video featuring 50 governto fic congestion? Are they afraid of our "People are gullible. They'll believe don't know what they're seeing. Mc ~ ment and military witnesses- strip malls and skyscrapers? anything." he says. "Some people Gahasays. UFO and extraterrestrial events Actually, Rodeghier speculates our send stuff in and it's so fake." "The problem is people don't ~ and projects. The video will be fol little green friends are simply trying to However other stories, he says, know what they're looking at," he u lowed by a p.resentation by project avoid being seen by a lot of people. chronicle some of the same super says. "It could be any number of 0 director Dr. Steven Greer. Really, who can blame them, after natural a,nd waclcy goings-on he has things. The least likely is that it's a a: The free program begins at 1· seeing the havoc humans wreaked on experienced himself. spacecraft from another world." p.m. in Room 140 of the Chem their species in such movies as "Men . One ardent interest is ghosts, McGaha, like some other scien istry Building of the-University of in Black" and "Aliens"? which he says started visiting him at tists, does concede the possibility Colorado. Other theories are that city resi an early age. He's seen demonic faces that some type of intelligent life exists "This is the first in the serie& 9f dents don't look up a lot, and even appearing through walls, visions like on other planets. The sheer volume free town hall meetings that, are when they do, they can't see much the black, spinning form resembling a of planets in the universe leaves open scheduled to be held across·: the because there's so much artificial 6-foot high tornado that blew into his the possibility that we may not be light flooding the sky, he says. room, as well as benevolent angels alone. United States," said Ken Ellio~ •.a Still,thinldng about bolting? Don't who've protected him. But so far no one has come up with spokesman for the Disclosure bother. Even if you wanted to run, Compared to all that, his UFO the proof: a chunk of alien spacecraft, Project. "We are trying to bring those clever, bulbous-headed beings sightings seem almost dull. an extraterrestrial passport or any up the level of public awareness, could find you just about anywhere. About three years ago, he saw a other piece of physical proof. and at the same time trying give "Based on the eVidence available to black, hat-shaped object disappear "The harder we look, the less we the Congress the impetus and the me, it~ indisputable that these behind a cloud near Woodfield Shop find," he says. · courage to hold disclosure hear things we call UEQs are in American ping Center in Schaumburg. Another He must need glasses. Author Jay ings." airspace everyaay of the week," says time, he and a girlfriend saw an enor Rath, who wrote a book about unex Elliott said Greer, a Virginia Peter l)ayenport, director of the Na mous, glowing red, white and orange plained phenomena in Illinois, says emergency room physician, has tlooal UFO-Reporting Center, based object flying through Addison. . there is plenty of evidence including been doing Disclosure Project in Seattle, Wash. photos, videos, eyewitness accounts briefings on Capitol Hill in Wash But just because there are objects and even pieces of spacecraft mater- ington, D.C., for four years but and they are~ doesn't necessar ial ' nothing ·has come of it. ily mean they are unidentified. · "I don'tthlnlc there's any questioh "So now we are going public," Indeed, aft but about 5 percent of that there's something in our skies UFO reports tum out to be either that are UFOs, "'Rathsays. His book, Elliott said. "They say what we planets, satellites, space debris, air "The 1-FUes" (Trails Books, $14.95), need is real evidence, .ana~ tlYe craft, the moon. reflections, weather details hundreds of strange happen people in this video are th~- :~vi­ phenomena or hoaxes, Davenport ings in our skies. "Ify ou stop and ex dence. These aren't the light~~­ and others say. amine even a few (reports), you begin the-sky stories of people deliver It' s.that remaining 5 percent that's to become uncomfortable." ing pizzas or who have ha<t, .too spawned unabated speculation So keep looking. Seek. Explore. many beers. They are people Wfi.o about extraterrestrial visitors, alien Search. Just make sure not to confuse represent every military bruch abductions and impregnations, as speculation with facts. and rank. The evidence is over- weU as untold numbers of books, 'We must not mistake fantasies, whelming. , · Web sites, 1V ghows, movies and fears, hopes and fears for reality," "All we ask is that the public magazines. says Joe Nickell, a senior researcher give this· information an intelli Hoffman Estates resident Chris at the Committee for the Scientific gent hearing." Fleming publishes one such maga Investigation of Claims of the Para zine, Unknown, a publication devot normal, based in Amherst, N.Y. "The ed to unusual phenomena fact is, there is not any good evidence By day; the 34-year-old is a regular that they're visiting us now." guy, plying his trade as a staid mort But if you're still worried, all you gage broker. But during his offhours, have to do to protect yourself from an Fleming delves into the worlds of unwanted E.T. invasion is to ques ghosts and aliens, Bigfoot sightings "I don't think there's any question tion their existence. and angels, spooky sounds and that there's something In our skies "Be skeptical," Nickell says, "Be seances. that are UFOs," says author Jay cause the aliens are not abductinv He is willing to admit that not every Rath. skP.ptics." A Fire in the Sky :> For as long as human beings have scorched. Reporters followed. 0: watched the sky, shooting stars have But a meteorite big and dense u portended something - the birth of enough to survive atmospheric en a hero, the turning point of a battle, a try-say, the size of luggage - o generous harvest. So what to make would shatter 20 miles up and the re ~ of last Monday, when western Penn sultant shards would .cool the last a; sylvania was surprised by a fireball nine miles or so and feel lukewarm 3N ' in the sky at 6:18p.m. E.D.T.? by the time they hit. No scorching. True, fortunes vanished, nations What the object also clearly was .., clashed and the Yankees appeared n't was a U.F.O. No, that was what • to be emerging from their slump, was seen July 16 over Carteret, N.J.: > but nothing happened that the peo 16 orange lights that appeared to z ples of the world might agree was all hover in a V- formation and then van ~· that lamentable or miraculous. . ish. James Richardson, who heads 0 > The shooting star itself, in the the Fireball Monitoring Program at modern manner, was scrutinized to the American Meteor Society, a I death. Only hours after it fell, the ob group of meteor buffs, said a meteor gz j ect was described by Reuters as could appear to hover if an observer ~~!~t:~ ;e~si~~~: ~:~;;:~~1- was "looking directly down its bar rel." But seeing a group of such me i= police were quoted as saying that it teors would be impossible, he said. might be just a part from a plane. By week's end, the puzzle of the Archive Photos Speculation moved to a fiery me Pennsylvanian fireball also persist As real as it gets: a flying saucer built in Canada to be used in movies. teorite. Near Williamsport, a volun ed. But by then a restless world's in 2 teer fireman, Jerold Ross, hastened terest had burned itself out. to a cornfield that seemed freshly ANTHONY RAMIREZ GAZETTE, Colorado Springs, CO - June 11, 2001 desert plain, there's some On a Colorado ranch, alien-watchers keep thing special about the San Luis Valley. It has an ... aura. American Indian legend An eve on has it that "ant people" live under its sun-baked soil. Scores of modern residents and visitors have reported see ing strange lights - or strange aircraft - in the sky. Some believe alien "mother ships" come and go from se the sky cret caves high in the Sangre de Cristo mountains that run jagged down the east side of the valley. Folks even whisper there are one to four secret "bases" somewhere in the val ley - either alien or govern ment, or both. At least one writer has made a cottage in dustry out of the UFO sight ings, churning out books of personal anecdotes from peo ple who have seen something weird, from mutilated cattle to pulsing lights in the sky. When Judy moved to the valley from Golden six years ago, she wasn't attracted by the aura that has made near by Crestone a metaphysical mecca for such people as ac tress and past-lives guru Shirl ey MacLaine. No, Judy bought her place, the 164-acre TLC Ranch, intending to raise Scotch Highland cattle. But she didn't have the water to grow feed, and the cost of hay eventually forced her to sell most of her herd. Casting about for a way to keep her land and house and support her three grandchil dren, the 56-year-old decided to throw her lot in with the aliens. After winning permission from the perplexed county commissioners, Judy set about to construct the UFO Center and a campground on a patch of her land near Colorado Highway 17. By Memorial Day 2000, she was ready for visi tors - alien or human, prefer ably both. So far, the aliens have been a bit shy - although one may have hovered over Judy's lOP: As ign directs visitors to Judy Messoline's UFO cerrter. UFO ~' She 6peoed tfi·t:enter a year &gO MemOrial Day, and ·keeps: campground one predawn ABOVE: Messoline leans on a telescope in front of the wat~htower ~t the hoors to please gi.Jests 1rom this world - ·and otttiii-s . .- • · morning, she said. But human traffic has been good, a mix of tourists passing through and Woman leaves light on for little green men true believers visiting their holy land. They drop coins - sometimes even bills - into Judy's donation box and climb the stairs to the UFO watch By Bil McKeown east. But should an alien pass over, IF_youoo tower, ~_long, wide platform o_( nesSsA Nh LoluiSr sV, AJl.uLd£TyYhe -GMWmeeillts hs ohleinr elo nregc bkuosnis aalhi novmdvese iu rnp juou tarse tls. a hnStohdorr mtoa luneatgynih met. i emStshh,e ee " a'lwfclt ahbemeern pd1 g0ot,r whoJinuun dnginyds oThf eH. oUoFpOe rC aenndte jru isst onno Crtho.loo rfa tdhoe Heingthrawnacye 1t7o, tshoeu th pawbiipodTeuesht e v1a i5en wfwdea e tostc tfohe fttehfol te wh meeSr eag snrhoodf u fDrneadruis.sn eedas sheM'lla brye opMenu nwohze, n twhheo a lieisn s cpoemrhea. ps awriet hh aipt paenndin gk"e eipns thteh es kUy,F JOu dCy egnoteesr Grerseidaet nStasn cda Dn uvniseist bNya ttiroanvael liPnga rlwe eCsot loonra dUo.S S. prings athned e tahset aSnadn ga rleo tD oef sCurni-sbtoask etod Judy's most faithful customer, is open until2, 3 or 4 in the morning. Highway 24, then heading south on Colorado sagebrush to the west. At counting on it. Of course, if aliens were visiting Highway 285 at Salida, or by driving Interstate 25 night, visitors can unfold offJicuidayll'ys h11o ua.rms .a tto t h1e0 pU.FmO., Cseevnetne rd aayres Eniaerntche ,l otohkeiyn'dg jluasntd f oart 2a4 -hSouupre rc oWnvael to Walsenburg and heading west on Colorado tkheetsir olna wthne cshpaaicriso uasn dd ecbkla no f a week. Good enough, you'd think, for Mart. No, say Judy and Mary and hun Highway 160. Summer hours are from 11 a.m. to 10 the watchtower and gaze up most aliens - and for the tourists vis dreds of others lured _to this high p.m. - unless aliens are visiting, in which case the hopefully at a velvety blanket iting the Great Sand Dunes just to the hours are extended until they leave. of stars, an alien interstate. Iflittle green men don't pop down for a photo-op, visitors needn't worry. Judy has a bunch of them in the gift shop, a concrete igloo just below the watchtower. There are green ones, of course - they look remarkably like dolls made in Taiwan. There are alien pens, suitable pre sumably for two-or three-fin ger writing. There are even must-have saucer accessories: alien key chains, bumper stickers and dashboard dolls. It's all been great fun, says Judy, who's a bit coy ~bout whether she actually believes in UFOs. She hasn't seen one or - God forbid - been ab ducted by one. But since she's been in the alien biz, she has seen some strange lights in the sky above the valley. Be sides, she says, it doesn't mat ter what she believes. Like a good bartender or barber, she's there to listen. 3 (continued on page 4) ABOVE: Mary Munoz, a UFO Center regular, shows a drawing of aliens she says abducted her. (continued from page 3 - GAZETTE, Colorado Springs, CO - June 11, 2001) ·~ lot of people who come arity, N.M., stayed at Judy's "We love Judy," she says. in don't like to talk about what campground last Memorial "It's kind of neat to talk to her they've seen because people Day, along with her daughter and have her understand and make fun of them," she says. and her nephew. Sometime in not look at you and think "We don't make fun of them the darkt early morn, says you're a nutso." JudY: - · Tourists may come and go. here - that's the big thing." "I heard like a microwave Gen-Xers may hit the roadside Even when she wants to. going on and off. I told myself attraction to smirk. But the Like the guy who appeared at 'I hear the ship. I have to wake Munoz family has found a sec- the igloo one day, walked up to up.' But I couldn't. Then my ond home at the UFO Center. her and said with a straight nephew woke up and he saw a Ever since their experience face: roulette wheel kind of light at last year, they've been mak- " 'I'm an alien.' the top of the tent and he saw ing the 3%- hour drive to "I thought he meant some that my husband was gone. Judy's place up to three times thing else," Judy recalls. "I My daughter heard what a month. In warm weather, said, 'Mexico?' He just looked sounded like kids jabbering. they stay in the campground. at me and then said, 'Pluto.' " And my husband said it In the winter, they find a Judy also was visited by a seemed like it was a dream, motel. group of four women, each of but he was outside the tent, Now, they've become so whom had been abducted by looking at a ship two feet off hooked on the aura of the val- aliens. They wrote their sto t h e ground with little crea- lienyg thseoym'ree tlaalnkdi,n gb aubiolduitn bgu yi-t. Judy Messoline's UFO Center and watchtower in Hooper. ries in a notebook Judy keeps tures - white, with little house and moving up perma- in the igloo for such visitors, green eyes popping out of nently. and even drew pictures of them." There's just something ... their kidnappers. NEWS®NORMAN, Denver, NC OK, OK. Mary knows what otherworldly ... about the sky In just her first year of oper you're thinking. She's heard it over Judy's place, Munoz says. July 18, 2001 CR: G. Fawcett amtiaonny, inw efaircdt, Jsutdoyri ehse aardb osuot awlal sb aebfodruec, tsetda rbtyin agl iwenhse nw hshene oth"eIr'v pel asceeesn, boutht eI rh athvien nges vienr· Over two dozen, military, intel UFOs that she began taping she was 12. experienced the spiritual end., ligence and governmenta1 eye them. She transcribed them "Even some of my family of it as I do in that valley.'' witnesses revealed for the first over the winter, and they're members say, 'OK, she's kind 0( course, Judy isn't guar- time reports of plane chases, now collected in a booklet of wacky,"' Mary says. "My ex- ant eeing visitors will get a landings, crashes (with bodies available for sale in the gift husband told me I was a visit from aliens like Mary Thanks for article recovered), shooting incidents, shop. She thinks it makes wacko. He hated me for the did. But she'll do her darndest great reading for those long UFO stuff. It's made me very to accommodate. Thanks so much for the excel radar tracking, E-M reports saucer trips across the galaxy careful about what I say and "If there's somethfng out lent article concerning some of worldwide under "Project - and for folks tooling who I say· it to.'' there, you'll see it with the- Disclosure." Four hmdred eye around the West in their Win But not to Judy. Mary and hours-we keep." my UFO investigations in North witnesses have been videotaped ntbheaebnM adbgo,a oroAsyk.b leeMt, . urMensoairzdy'e nasnttsod r ohyf e Mri sho urisin- fAthrbieeemn d ke-ndo twahn edms h.i en fwaoctn 'th ajsu dbgee Bmorile l mntMcsk ceaKnoedwo nwm@na yg acbozeve etrteresa. ccohgmeedn earta l6 3a6s-s0i1g9n.7- , Ctrmieoauvrneco ahlcil nooeandf. v t aThetey ht eehhd eitdy Nidpseea ntioid otfeen insnattflii comParrmole natsoys ocUorF nUOcNesr f nhoiern apgro itnshsgeisibr.l een Ccoonugnrteesrss iwonitahl George D. Fawcett Club in Washington, D.C. on Lincolnton May9. FLORIDA TODAY, Melbourne, FL - June 27, 2001 DAILY RECORD, Roswell, NM - June 29, 2001 CR: G. Fawcett UFOs haunt member of the 579th Strategic Missile Muse·um gets one mil:tlo.nth vlsi·tor SQuadroo. bia poet at an ICBM silo caDed Site 9 auataiDec1 its own pecu]jar nocturnal mi ite crew security breaches during a period of eeveral D. J. DIK!YlER moo"1tbbse. guar'd s were scared; says Nelson. R~QftO ST~, Wttm;,. . . a retired Pbarmadst. "Tbese objects would Wbea -,a/re a llaocb-c:ootrol operator hoYer om-the silo and shine ~ts down They com~ from all over the world for an out ipnlu cb:mbaiurJm! m_waI rbliDe.iad ep madiMioiJge efinttoeudg hw yitihe lda Ocailn t htheem b awsieth aonudt tmhea kbian8ge awnoyu lDdO sJaSey., S'Wo ef1d1 oa f·Vlhilitttt ·wtoo trhlde tIxnptcerrnteanUcoen, abl uUt FfoOr Monue seteuemna ganerc,l i(nthdDreeer amtioeop tboya as )f atcot oern olafr 1g5e0 Hliifreo einhi emvae'ns ctahkaen cite uton dseeer aitd, vbiesceamuesen tI,' cbouutl dI nn'et vleearv geo mt ya R~rch ~ter provtded a onee·tn·a-ltfeUme the 1oae.1ia1t d.rt can get a tittle intense. post· vetet:an memory.· Youmuemberthebigtbiugafirst. One.~ who got a _look at Amanda Oennette. 17, of Jaeksonvtlle, Fla.. You remember things like ~ a_l~ttle different was~~ was the one mllllonlh vftHor Friday to the cOocdtoebse-r m19d6 a2' nuwdheeanr ~act_ivawtinag thse glito- Rd.loitbienesJ t;et aPmarika. aCna Bliof.b H Cea pdlaidnn, 'nt owwo lrivki nwgi tmh IUFOMRC. She and her parents. Bucky and eraQy at -jOur~ As it was ag'<lin in Nel8on s crew, but late one night on an Cathy. are on the return ltg of a trip to the November 1963, when the president got ?ther ebift. a «uard at ~ite 9 asked !Jle :-mk Orand Canyon. The Roa~wel[ EQuscum waa a' ballroewecnlY a wJoacy: baDd di ntbtoe firpsrte ptrairmgeet seuds JpDecidt wats mto gc uotf ftihcee rg blaerleo wbe tcoa udsiem w tehier ds elicguhntsty ju lsigt hbets "QlUit·•· on tbetr 1Uilerary, Bucky sald. wmtseilraaontnst.,dh f eafond yud fout upye oolw eueelt rpw enl ooeansatid r1toDe nRrees od Sds etwwrsatebrtleoalgt)· . i wNcb oA 'Mulilrdt d l1a.o:ftsu;~ wY~t.ilc ~lAibe-s fbtt.el hCrae ca ekppm leadrenair mrwgkieenntneegtsr st io,wn ptCso~ia dpce llga etnioav r cis,n hagmeyc sOhk i1 ?1!tnnt. to loetuhsots.ek , u~remeaH:..~ eun al af~itdnt ' eccvo emgnQ inathgl o owufg athhs cttnohr e v trtGst.ptrt,a tnAhdem CaUnaFdnOay' o&mn ouwrseta-y·i .. . .....,.. him a few m<ments to spot the silent mter- pen il_fl_ 1t ~ot down to loper. "'twas definitely on the ""'""'nd and "[t was the hook we used to get her to come- launcbingliverounds. it was white and very intensei"he-~ on the trtp: hr ~u1td. You~ other "'t's bard to explain. It didn't Put a beam of c2r4a-hzoyu ~r sghsifts,. w~heich t ahce- fliukdet t ao supt,h ietr we.a Ms moroer eli kcoe nac eflnattr actiercdl,e b, ulitk neo at o! Ttbhee hwigeehk lsyc htoc:olcl wstes.inotno r& shaoiwd , s•hReo .1q8w uc lbl.1 $ afnan4 tually worked out to halogen light that's shining flat on the tbat.the and her parents watch ft every Mon· about 27 after you ground." day ntabt. tai~mdee.d Yroouun dr-etrmipe mdrbiveer flas~hhgh tCsa ptolawn aarndd tah geu athrdi nsgw uanngd t haepi r ·Aa1he-tourtata from Flortda entered the O.lfyRtoonf• ItrChiaeBg eMtso sla lnt odbo akobt yho-ensr i tmrteialnarg-- "o2'0rbo etao cl hi3ge0hd ft, e rieett avapawpnaeiysah,r eeoddn .l syNe ctooot nhddiinssga l pawpteearsa, r t shwoeimrthee . t~~bat.·h a.tcnJt gold,-.-ttb.beg rAepdmJ ia~Jnl adth.a,t '.~i·nlo J·bthbae afloe a~tdtah, rett he.ed. tn.Wa.sn.hu.~n ·.BF 1 r0u rii dltaa nn aatimveb Au•maaanodra oDn tnthMe tpteh, o1n7t ,wtllttktllt wvtttthtt·ltnheg Billy tiooships, the divorces. out a trace. Although Caplan never saw it 1ng. RoaweU Frldty •.O tnnette r.ctjvtd the call 1fttr Cox But it wasn't until again, he was interrogated several days befng tht one millionth perton to visit the Intima· last month, when Jerry later by an Office of Special Investigations Uonal UFO Muaeum and Reatarch Cent.r. People Nelson of Cocoa Beach agent. Caplan never saw the report, assum read about the Disclo- ing one was filed. sure Project going on in Gene Lamb of Oklahoma City was a Washington, D.C., that he remembered 5?9fh SMS deputy crew commander who something else. didn't see anythin_g, but heard about and Having r~gatned her composure. Amanda In May, some 20 people claiming en- read UFO stories. One of those things sup answered the ambassador's questions with the counters with unidentified flying objects posedly landed north of Roswell." he says. calmness of an expert She described the a.ru ~ performjnJ( military or government Jolt wa8 .fet?Orted by a. higbwaf patrolman duties "went public to demand open con- who &a_ld 1t left a tnan.IOllation pattern "1 wasn't sure 1 ahould come tn: tht young facts she had setn, thufl. far, in the "coot· gprbeesnsoiomneanl ohne.a rOinnges A 01i1r tFhoisr claer gveeltye rcalnas, sRifoiebd- wwahse raen 1ottsh eler g(sU tFoOuc)h iendc iddoewntn .a fAtenr dt htahte, rea !)CTHhI e[ alnit ol~a&urlglehde tde. tnoger rece.h•ed a stJver-bal- muIns eaunms.w er to an obV1oWJ questton. Amanda est Salas, reported how UFOs buzzing mi&- daylight ~ting." sile silos at Malmstrom Air Force Base Even. ¥a crew commande~ wi~essc;d Jooned gtft baaket full of R()swtU/UfO memeo- replJed, "It's proof enough for me- 1 beUevr It managed to shut down more than a dozen UFO~-Lamb says he cant g~t mto 1t, tos and a $SO gift ('ertiOcate lo the rnutteum·~ happ~ned." Minuteman nukes in Montana during ~his old buddy feels constrained by a gHt J~hop, After posing for several photo$, Actording to Sandy James. g1ft shop man.ag M!IDaO~rcOhp io1g9 6u7i .t om orerset rwicitdeedly s ppaucbel icairzoeudn dU FnuO- sneactuLonra .mtfyob ro, atbhtyhe . t h5e7 9wthay, ,w ish tohsee rsehuonriot nli fceo soprdain- <AUm~dJnl't deav eJnO (p)kucrd ()an( mheark cp·autpe ntth8is a mndo rgnrtonagn:e d. "l esra, tdth eJ umlyW itcsu mth eo pbeunesdie sInt tmheo nfatlhl oof f1 I9 h9e2 .y Sehaer clear weapons systems occurred in the au- ~ from 1961 to 1965. Alfh?ugh the as The glttB and interviews weren't the only ~ur- becauiSe of the UFO fest1n1. taut oLmor ionfg 1, 9(7M5.a iTnhe)a tW's wurhtsemn istehc (uMriitcyh fiogracne)s SbJo.gnldlDs,l eLllta mprbo dsuaycse dn osot mevee rlyabstoidnyg wpearnstosn taol Pttses Jn More for the mJlltontb \1s1tor. Shortly '"Thl~ tlrne of year. we have 700 to 800 vial and MaiJnstrom · (~) Air Force ~ a~ get-t.ogethers. :'fve had guys tell me, after arrtvlng. Amanda received a phone call tors a day. During the week before and after were scrambled_ in vain_ to reb d 1 don t want to be discourteous, but what from EduardO Castro, the Urazll1lu ambat~~a· the fetelivaJ that number Increases to closer to the intruders. But Nelson had ~~ ~d happened out there ruined my life.' One dor. 1 1.000 u. d<Jy,· she said. · of those events. And even though he was even told me he, suffered a nervous break- Castro saki he had aeen on the Internet that The International UFO Mu~cum and Rstoastiwoenlel din a tth We a1l9k6er0 sA, FhBe oalns oth sea yosu thsek inretsv eorf dowWne alfl.t eartwleaarsdt. we won the Cold War. tlle IUFOMRC In Roswell would have Its mil- RcsNtrch Cent('r, 114 N. Maln St., is open 9 heard of the alleged 1947 flymg saucer Billp Cox'S column runs every Wednes- llonth visitor Frtdny. so he called to spt:-ak with a.m. to 5 p.m .. geven days a week during the cra.sh near the New Mexico cow town until da••. He can be reached at 242-3774 or the lur.ky pt>r!!on. summer months . 4 several years ago. ,.. ' What Nelson does recall is how. as a Florida Today, P.O. Box 419000, Mel boutm, FL 32941-9000. L OI<IN BA I< PLAIN DEALER, Cleveland, OH-July 30, 1952 PLAIN DEALER, Cleveland, OH-Nov. 22, 1953 la'r sky light is gaseous or whether RfPORTS NO it· is· a reflection ·from some gar Ca.nada., Serious on Flying den-variety headlight down on a country road. · . .The air force is also toying Saucers, Sharpens Radar Eye around with the .idea of buying a fVIOENCf .O F special telescopic camera with a 150-degree. aperture to photograph the entire hemisphere with one BY DON BROWN 0. M. Solandt and Dr. C. J. Mac- plate.· These run between $3,000: Plain Dealer Special kenzie, former head of the Cana- arid $5,000. OTTAWA, Nov. 21-Canadian dian atomie energy project, con · The cameras with &rids cost SAUCfR PfRil only about $30. scientists hope to determine con- sistently have refused to ridicule elusively by the summer of 1954 the numerous reports of credible Samford said the oririnal meth if !lying saucers actually exist, witnesses that they have sighted od or investiration was to collect and if they do, the scientists strange saucer-shaped objects in as many reports as possible to sift the sky. General, However, Pushes through them for some kind ·or hope to have charts and data to "My own opinion' is that there- pattern. prove it. ports are valid," Smith states. Probe of 20°/o of Cases Not "Frantic Attention" The Canadian government is "The optical illusion explanation Now, he said, the air force was taking such a serious view of the is lovel?', but in every sighting Still Unexplained convinced that the only way to possibility of visits from inter- the_re IS a~ways some , factor get material suitable for scientific terrestrial aircraft that it is set- which rules It out. So we ve de analysis was to bring in more ting up the world's first "fl)ring cided to learn just what flying BY PIUL G. GOULDIN'G scientific reports~ · saucer" observatory 10 miles saucers are." Plain Dealer Bureau ' "Our present course is to con west of here. Using Super Radar WASHINGTON, J u 1 y 2 9-:-If tinue on this problem to the best The observatory's radar "eyes" Smith and his associates be there is any danger to the Unite6 'of our' ability, givin, it all the at will be in operation early next lieve the highly-sensitive radar States from the flying whatzits, itention it warrants, but not fran year and if saucers exist, officials equipment they have perfected the air force has not found it. 'tic attention," he told newsmen. expect they will be picked up on will reach far enough into the Sudden reappearance of the In answer to a question, he said aerial objects over the nation's there had been absolutely no pat th~ intricate instrument screens stratosphere and beyond to pick capital arid elsewhere in the el\lt tern or speed or size in the un during the summer when Mars up the ~ail of any foreign body is the closest to the earth. and record its presence on deli- led today to a top brass Pentagon explained 20% or the whatzits. Wilbert B. Smith, chief scien- cate recording devices. press conference, conducted by the Samford had a rather tough time tist in charge of the saucer sight- The instruments will record air force director of intelligence. deciding on what to call the re ing station, says, ••There is a the probings ot the radar eyes, Recent "sightings" over Wash ported sights, finally dt-ciding on very high degree of probability but the chances that the scien lington were derived from natural "things desirable to intercept." that flying saucers are real ob- tists will see a saucer with the :causes, said Maj. Gen. John A. Asked about the possibility of jects, and a 60% probabil:ity that naked eye are slight, unless, of i Samford, who added that per the iaucen bein& from a foreign they are alien vehic1es." course, they come as close to i, s onally he was satisfied they were pnlaiteido:n or another planet, he re Defense Board Concerned the earth as they have been re- a result of "temperature inver The saucer-sighting station is ported on numerous occasions. sions." "It you could collect out of this 'abWouhti .laen yh oe f twhaes· renpootr tecdo n·ocbejrencetds amnads s fiontd rtehpeomrt sw aitnhy thoneeo reotri catwlloy stbhoyme eepx rspocedireuinmcttie sontf t firnfiigevn e dbysy.e aTSrmhse ioitrhf fhianondbd-- yfleyFainrrsog mag stoah,ue c Cveear rnya rdb~iepagonir ntansui ntghs oeonvf_ etti~heaesl being hostile to the United States, no limit to the power involved or ings were so startling and con- have maintained a file of all ·Samford announced the air force the mass involved, then it could be vincing that the Defense Re- details which witnesses· have, !w as stepping up itt investigationa explained . as one of those things." search Board of Canada-the na- been able to adduce. The Royal· i so that an unexplained 20~ of Even lu Blbllc&l Tlmea tion's top scientific research of- Canadian Air Force 1s looking ireported incidents becomes ex He later added: fice-is co-operating in the sau- for information constantly, and : plainable. ·"The highest probabill~y is that cer investigation. has· a special branch· to deal / Analyz~ Reports for Flve Yean these.' are phenomena asoclated Top Canadian scientists, Dr. with such matters and reports. I Some thought is being given to with intellectual and scientific in bringing in another governmental terest. that we are~on the road to i !Air Force Studying scientific body to help out. learnin1 somethint more about, Samford announced his men had but nothing in them is of material i New 'Saucer' Report analyzed between 1,000 and 2,000 or vehicular or missile interests of 1 reports of ''flying 1aucers" since menace to the United States." 1947~ His conclusions: Samford said reports ot thing3 .., W ASIDNGTON (JP) -The · Air ABOUT. 80% HAVE BEEN in the sky went back to Biblical c( Force followed a familiar routine identified as friendly aircraft, our times, but were more numerous of. today-sending through channels guided missil~~ a,nd roekets and tod~y because man had ·put more J its latest flying saucer report. i ·various phenomena ot met~orology objects in the sky and had a bet Two airline pilots, First Offic~rs and electronics. ter opportunity to,observe it. tl W. B. Nas~ and.W. H. ~ortenb~rry,: , IN SUFFICIENT 1ntorma One ot several lesser ol!icera en reported 1D Miami eight ObJects I 'tion from observer. is the primary who helped out with specific ques ui 100 feet in diameter glowing like cause for lac~ ot ldentifJcaijon of tions during the press conference, ~ reti hot coals and traveling 1,000 t~, 9t~r. '20%. . . which went on for nearly 90 min ID miles an hour passed directly be . ''NO ··PATTERN revealJ any· utes, said there was no basis to ~ neath their plane over Chesapeake thing like a purpOse or. anytbinc rumors· that more· explainable ob Bay on Tuesday ·night. like a consistency that in any way jects were seen around atomic' The Air Force said it ha.. made r'epresenti a menace to the .United energy plants. · a preliminary report to the Air, States." · . While· tber~ were more reporta Force's technical intelligence cen-j Nothlnr Materl.t from such areas, becau.se of 24- ter ·at Dayton, Ohio, and that a hour-a-day alert guards, tke per complete written report is expect The saucers jumped into head· ed to follow. centage of unknown ai&hts wu lines here two weeks ago when Until this report is made, the Air they were picked up on radar the aame as elsewhere, a captain Force added, no evaluation can be asserted. screens. They swooped back over made of this reported sighting. the capital Sunday morning and Kimball .Adds 'No' Capt. E. J. Ruppelt of the air were picked up again by radar technical intelligence center at this morning for several hours. PORTLAND, Ore., July 2$ Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Jet planes were sent to track (INS)-Secretary ot. the NaY}'. near Dayton, said today 60 reports them down Sunday, but couldn't Dan Kimball declared in Portland of flying saucers from throughout catch· them. today that flying saucen do not the nation have been channeled to · Samford and a .half-dozen aides exist. the base. decl#ed · · the jets :found pothing Roy T. Ellis of Dayton reported because there was nothin, materi seeing an object almost like an icel al to be found. They said the cream cone with an ellipitical dark radar screens ha~ registered tem [Paper Unknown}, Cleveland, OH-Sepl.. 10, 1851 object in the center where the ice perature inversions, which occur cream would rest in the cone. when warm and· cold air meet and Air Fore~ Pilot Reports Ellis, an amateur astronomer,/1 run around toiether. Sighting ·'Flying Disc' said he was looking for comets. ,Various ground images are re· Sunday night when he saw the ob flected into the air to provide the MITCHEL AIR FORCE BASE, ject. He said it moved "very de lights. N. Y. (JP)......:.An ·Air Force jet pilot liberately ." Orden 200 Cameras report.!. . sighting a mysterious Col. Richard H. Magee, Dayton Civil Defense director, said "There The air force has ordered 200- round object speeding ·about· 900 is something flying around our odd-cameras with refraction grids. miles per hour over the New Jersey skies and 1 wish I knew what it to. be given. certain observers. 'nlese cameras, which. have not coastline. was." Asked if flying saucers could be before· been used · in connection · The report came from Lt. Wil 5 the reason for the "skywatch oper· with flying whatevers, will enable bert S. Rogers, 28, attached to the ·a tion," Colonel Magee said no spe· e~rts to tell whether a particu- Air · Force Base at Dover, Del. cific reason had been given, "but that could be the answer." JOURNAL-EVERY EVENING, Wilmington, DE· Aug. 7, 1850 CR: C. Felndt NEWS, Cleveland, OH ·Dec. 8, 1~ Sh~p OHice.rs, Crew Report 'Saucer' Skims Conneaut Shore Seeing Flying in Area Sau~er A "flying saucer" or something dlat looked like one is responsi~ Nova Scotia111 Arrlved at Marine Termiual· DiJfer On for intensification of a drive· in CONNEAUT for enougb volun Desct'iption, Speed and Size :of Objler.t,. But teers to Qperate the Grou·nd Ob servation ,_Corps post 24 hours a All.Ag.ree ·They Saw s·omethb1g h11 Sky day. The object, described as brown, and shaped like a pie plate, was Those "th.1nrs" are being s!en. around Delawalre now...:..flylng nuc~rs. seen heading east along the Lake that ls. Erie 9horeline a.t about 2,000 feet. ·.The captain and crew of the Marcala, which docked yesterday at the It cireled several' times and then Wllmlngton· Marine ·Terminal with .a load of bar)'tes tram Nova Scotia, sped east and disappeared, accord ill aaw aomethtn;. ing to J-ames MQI'Siha11 of Conneaut, one of the first to observe it. Their dcscrlptlons d1Uer u to flying altitud~. dl.st~nce !rom wa.ler, The GOc post was not open at and shape ot··the white metalllc nat· the time but a formal report on object - but they all. caught a it was filed with the Canton Filter glimpse of. tts appearan~. dlp to- Center. based on witnesses Stories. ~ard the ocoaJ:l, and ~eparture. Thla all too~&place ail~out 100 mUes west of f'lve .P'athcm Bank Light Vessel,· ott the· mouth . of the Dela- ware Bay, on Saturday. Captain NUs Lewr1ni. master of - DREW PEARSON: the ves.sel, · and Third ·Mate Osle Pa.raon, ga-..e their de.scrlptlon n.rst. 1(-------~--- They a1reed, as dld -most oC the .~., 'Saucer' ·Stories Now crew, it ·wu a large flat white met.al :I llc object which triveled at l' rapid I :rate on an angle with the· ocean. ~ ' ·The eapta.in u.1d tt eame toward I I them from·. t}\t nol\thw~st, ran paral- Taken More .S eriously · lel wlth t.he vesul, .dlppesd toward the water, ·.and vanLshe:d ln the t:tortheast: He· though It looktd about (,) 10 feet long, and the ume distance I ln1. diameter. · WASHINGTON - While the politicians In addition, the Air Force has instructed · ''it" reminded· t.he mate oc a large ~ have been watching the none-too-mysterious . its 2thour air observers to watch not only klte, .. some"Nllat d1am.ond in shape. '! conv.entions, some other people, including for enemy planes but flying saucers. Fur . •nd he thou'ght ft. was about 10 feet ::::» the Air Force, have been watching a mys thermore· it has set up special cameras on its above the ·w&ter. Unlike ·a klte how. &... terious rash of flying saucers. radar screens to keep a pictorial record of ever, lt dipped a.nd rose again rapid e:. Furthermore, the Air Force, long skepti flying saucers or any other strange object.! ly. cal about .flying saucers, has now ~ade some flitting across the screens. · ·There 'laoS t:tothhli attached to it official and important admissions. Finally, Wright Field, at Dayton, the or on at, all the obsei'vors said. Admission No. 1 is that they have now de center of all Air· Force research, hu . SOme belleved they estimated the tected something that looks' like flying been lnstl'ucted to chart all ftylng ~peed at 12 to H miles an hour, saucers on radar at the same time that peo saucer patterns, find out whether their -whll~ othen euessed · a.t 70 ·mph. ple have said they saw flying saucers. In light behavior is simllar, and what char· Orie ·or two thought lt wu four other words, flying saucers are not just acteristlcs they seem to have in com· to nve feet wlde, but atlll others cloud freaks or .h allucinations. If so they were closer to the eapt.aln's !6tl· could not be detected on a radar screen. iDOD. mate. Admission No. 2 is that flying saucers This was started only two month.! ago and CaptAin Lewrlna · ,atd: he didn't could .possibly be space ships from another no similar patterns have yet been reported, h~ ve time to t.&ke a. photograph; planet. The reason for this admission is except for the peculiar fact that more flying th~ "thing" W!l-5- iOlnf too ·fut ~d that it will soon be possible for us to build a saucers have been observed around U. S. had gone when lie· wu ready with space ship to visit the moon if we are will· . atomic centers· and around Wright Field the lem. ing to spend the money for research and than any place else. This could be because · ...F lying saucer~" or object.s 1\ttlng construction. observers from another planet were inter IntO ~~at unomclal category~· were: Our current research into · atomic ested in our atomic and air. development, reportid lut May .bY.· !L SlUpslde power and supersonic speeds already though the Air Force thinks it's more likely housewife" wno thought sahned . saw an has progressed so far tl!at it is definite· to be because the population around these object "odd: in .~hape· shiny ly ~nown such a &hip can be buUt, but bases is more sensitiw to something strange 61lver 1n color." the big expense would come from creat· in the skies. Bu ~. the Marea.la crew report ls ing atmosphere inside the ship to sup· However, while Air Force officials are the nrat one glven by a large num· port human life while traveling from taking every precaution to solve the mys ber ot people ·who nld they·uw it one planet to the other. tery they also warn that the first flying a.t the sa.me tlme and reported a saucer was ·seen. by the Prophet Ezekiel, .s lmulta.neous act.lon. Therefore if we are this close to inter. . who reported seeing a flying wheel in the planetary travel, Air ·Force officers admit heavens~ that a more advanced civilization could be The Air Force has tracked .down thou· keeping this planet under surveillance . TRIBUNE, Scranton, PA ·Aug. 7, 1952 through flying saucers. · sands. of fantastic reports from that of George Koehler o' Denver, who re· Flying Saucers Admission No. 3 is to the effect that s.eien· ported blond beardless three·foot men Editor, The Tribune. Ntifeicw oMbseexrivcoa,t iownh eproes tsw.he aavree bteesetnin sge tg uupid eind from Venus, to the movie .. taken by Nick Mariana of Great Falls, Mont. The Sir: It seems to me that sume missiles, to track flying saucers also. A beardless men turned out to be a hoax, scientists are putting themselves number of flying saucers have been seen in and the movie• turned out to be pic· wawitahy roeucte notn stthaete mpreonvtes rbtihaal t litmhbe athree aSlorueathdwy,e osnt, tahned josibn cien ttrhaaitn e~de as pwecitihal itshtes tures of two hlgh-ftylng jet ~ghters. objects being sighted and recor~ed latest scientific gadgets, ·the Air Force has So, while the Air For~e b. doing every (in instances on radar screens) ordered t}lem to watch for flying saucen thing pos!ible to solve the mystery, it still are the result of either hallucina and track them scientifically. · ha.s it.s collective fingers crossed •. tions o~ ~e.natural phenomena. It takes a very· narrow mind to coQclude that life exists nowhere ·else but on this minute particle in the univerae. It is my careful One explanation which should Force spokesmen and "experts" go : opiilion, ·as an· uneducated layman,· become a classic of logic is that through to further confuse the tbat some ·of the statements made the objects \ sighted on radar public is hardly 11 · testimonial ·by so-called scientists strongly in· screens around Washington, D. C., to logical, careful deduction or dicate a mental fog that belongs were tinfoil confetti drifting down opinion. in the 12th Century rather than from Canadian maneuvers and Most of the explanations clearly the 20th. Some of .the explanations therefore the radar screens were lack careful thought and logical that have been advanced are so mistaking "clutter'' for true radar appraisal · of all the facts and in obviously ridiculous that they do returns. The strange .thing is that varying degrees credits the ob not merit space in print-all this this was picked up by radar. only servers of these sightings en masse, business of optical illusions and at night and pilots reported seeing with delusion, hallucinations, or a hallucinations condemns the ob moving lights with which they seryations of a great many reo. could ·not close. level of intelligence. comparable 6 to that of small children. liable, sober people. The mental gymnastics some Air W. J. K. FOREIGN NEWS [All British clippings courtesy of Timothy Good, unless otherwise credited.] iThe -Files Jetliners' 30 near misses with UFOs , c II "& wc AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER: 'WAS IT, ER, AN AIRCRAFT?' By Roger Tavener go d.,.Jn ~ Rjis JU•t !above MANCRESTER:' ...K eep an eye H UNDREDS of passengers M1A1N8 ¥CWHEflSMTEt.R : ". Well,. m' '. e•.a .o-_ut.f o~r410meth iantg ,a ellr ,al tc aihn'et · gf wBreirtea iwni'sth wino ars stp alviti asteicoonn ddi os f 81Wno3.t.h7tlt:f,1'i~i{ .,.,...1,.£ an l ~rpe tn·J ft~?th':;'e I1,r a.t d,a ~.r . • ~br9enn'.~qv U,ir c~yk -fl• yu ., .ta,."f ot"re. r,g_ .Io.th ~apv adesos, weerco,t , ~a. absyt ejur swt h1OenO fttw ato H jeetast hmrioswse dai crpoollritd. ing qduuosi,wCynek e[tahhn.e•d. W) jursb(p aalrlgdh •U•ylt•a b voevr-ye· 87~g3lo7tt:" h "lOnkk. «.J". ' Well, ' there you . · > The public was shocked and public confi ::! dence severely dented. But what air trav- encounter' took on an altogether more significant ~ ~~~;~~:~:~~:e :!~~~~~~~h;d~~'fa~ meaning for the crew and passengers of a London- ,------------------ bound airliner. At 9.00 pm Captain Achille tw~; neTahr em Wisessteesrn- wDiatihly U PFreOsss .h as uncovered a dossier ocZrbaajgfehtc,e tt wtpiaa, ssw s hahmoi swa azaiesr dcp ritaloof tti snaesge iata Mnfl ecuwDn oiodnvenenertl ilt fhMiee Ddc o8fa0lys ati niorg f Tally hits 22 detailing the sensational incidents. The Civil Avia- Kent at a height of more than 22,000 feet. ~ ostihfoo ntwo Apn utihnthevo ecrsoittniygt'easnt iXtvse- tF oai ultehtshe oaDrre aN inliyoc wPkr Reinse std.h fee rpno wssheoss hioans Asa btohvee UthFeO a iwrlianse nr,o a nmdo trhee t ihnacnid 1e,n0t0 t0h efereet G) TolaHvseEt r S NtehUpeMt eDBmaElbeRes r oa nfn osdwl gP hsettaainkn gdssks io eafst U 2sF2in.O cse The CAA's hidden files, only recently released fore classed as a 'near-miss', an official ... A Tideswell man saw a saucer-shlfped after years under wraps, documents pilot1' ~d air inquiry was launched by the CAA. :C object hovering over the hills at Millers traffic controllers' descriptions of the unidentified Approximately two weeks later the following CD g,.. Dale on Wednesday morning. flying objects which were close to bringing down brief statement was issued: "The pilot said the ~ And as he pulled up in the layby to jets loaded with passengers. object was light brown, round, three metres long, ~ C'l Inspect further, two more saucers came Last night the CAA's spokesman Chris Mason and did not describe any means of propulsion. Q G) ft~": ~=-hill and sped oH following the sswhhbaeaieeigev"edrnhWene l,o ytnenefr ve oa ttaaerc hadrnaeeli mrdy nigcf .eil iu tanwd ms t chshpoeiaaiflnltitlo e ittitshd nsiw eo paysnianot sphdmwae wiaewrts i hcrch: aaat"tnshrtOe a'etstf u hf abitreiech ry recece rxospaapaniofrylttrca rthriostnaah lavfeleetredy er w. s n fh.her aoWvicvmeheer explain what it was," said British Airways pilot aaiibnn iefr d""hat ihtEiTicrnneaaxhtd ft vtefi retoiia hcncandie sin crao iAicovrtfry nel tawi,t rt feraabhtonlc auilwqeat tc u a tawcehisiorn raeiucnst esr rnssoeiaidg s fbhwhettsa.ert ehvni nrtoethv g wfeeh amd aicitd lahote ye dnn tnh toh rta neooov a lptep uho irbtleofioecr vteL a ainrldoie .remn"pc doraialonreftnyst, >:0(:f:.f:>I):i ",:cQ .0'e. . twnhlooao"ThooTmvhekkehene rbeo di4IeHny, 7g c g ss-woa yahautieio ttdstah ott:er h a tu- aewotwlhb )lodsaeuo ,iyrsmd uew tert o ewhp 2oraou0aefll 0ls layfte ohsy tdqhelkal uo ierIshnidwdc i sll ktiilnn o,gla yoga hw,ht n t iaaa ttdoy.ovn b,e dt bhji etaee c nt W Mike Dalton, of his sighting of a large, silver disc But more was to come. The next incident to ~ ; there Is certainly something out there e keep an open mind about UFOs. shaped object from his Boeing 737 from Rome to occur took place on June 1, 1991 when a yellow (.) - becausa there Is no object that can Some things just can't be explained, Gatwick on the night of November 5, 1990. orange cylindrical object, ten feet long, was seen at 0 ~ move that fast, be It military or from but they have been reported by top "My co-pilot and I called in two cabin crew to see close quarters by the crew of a Britannia Airways ..J 1.11 another region. professionals and we do take that into account." it and then it went out of sight. Ground radar Boeing 737 en route to London from Dublin. ~ "I wasn't frightened but It was very The CAA has been carefully and quietly collect couldn't pick it up, so it must have been travelling at Sixteen days later, yet another cylindrical-shaped cC strange as time seemed to stand still, ing and analysing data pertaining to near-collisions phenomenal speed." UFO was sighted, this time by one Walter Leiss, a :E even though It all happened In about a between airliners and UFOs for a number of years. Subsequent investigations determined the UFO German engineer aboard Dan Air flight DA 4700 as minute." And while such a claim might sound like some had seen by a second BA pilot and the pilot of an it headed toward Hamburg. The saucers were about 60 feet In thing straight out of an episode of The X-Files, it RAF Tornado aircraft who was obliged to take eNick Redfern is the author of three best-selling diameter, and the man says they made is one supported by the CAA's own records. "violent evasive action" to avoid a collision with it. books on UFOs. The latest, Cosmic Crashes, is no sound. "I've never seen anything like it before and can't On the night of 21 Aprill991, the term 'close published by Simon and Schuster at £6. 99. ligHhatvse I ny othue s sekeine sa?n yIf s stora, nteglee pohbojencet so noer of our reporters on (01629) 582432. CANNOCK CHASE POST, Wolverhampton, England - March 29, 2001 F or the m~ority of peo ple, any mention of term by Nick Redfern & Irene Bott Men in Black inevitably Here c o m e the conjures up images of Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones - the dark-suited stars of the Hollywood block bUSter movie of the same name. However, it is a little-known fact that the film itself was based on real-life reports of encounters with mysterious Men in Black-style characters who warn men in black witnesses to UFO incidents not to talke about their strange experiences. Reports of meetings with the Men in Black date back to at least the early 1950s and possibly earlier · and the range of theories put forward to try and explain who they are and where they are front it intriguing. Bill Moore, a US author, is convinced that ..! .IIII!!. ..., .IIIIII!IP.!!II in 1994 and shortly after Then he repeated it, exactly rid of the smell. tehrenym aernet, pine ofapclet "irne adlilsyg guoisve suese: ing a UFO. As she told Jthfhea st amhee maneda nI t.h a'Tdh teo saksky "It really shook me up and wbInihzteoal rloriregi egnuincneai tte k onwfoi wtAhn ia r arFsa othtrhceeer osln"oeTw hwlyea sbd huoitot rhti anbrgda in,t g lwiekdiet h sr toehamelleiyr lldiiaggwhhttnsse;,d' hoaelnw masayeis.d .f dtTh ehs eeenns k iyat ihatap uvanertnti 'ltf nrrooemwal. ?t' etlalliknegd yaobuo uIt ACeirn Ftroer•c. e Special Activities (fiasntd )i nwstheeand Io f okpnenoecdk inigt wUFeeOk lbaetfeo raet wnhigehnt mabyo huut sa BSlaoc kw? hoA raer et htehye Mpaernt ionf He further asserts that there was this horrible lit band and I had been driving some secret US the history of the Men in tle man about five feet tall. home and we both had a Government project Black can be traced back to He was dressed in a black really weird dream after designed to hide the truth an "odball unit•, a compos suit and tie and had a about some little men behind the UFO controver ite of special intelligence ~ little black hat on. standing around our car on sy? And what of the links groups whose job it was to the edge of the woods. with RAF Rudloe Manor? pt people to talk. Recruited ~iO:k:dwlike':o~.::s:r~ We do not pretend to have mto the job, says Moore, anorexia, you know? His ."Then he said something all of the answers but if you were safe-craclters, cat· bur· cheeks were all gaunt; his like, 'Cease and dream one day see a UFO on the glare, lock-pickers, imper eyes were dark and his skin easy'. I think that was it, Chase and you later hear a sonators and assorted mas was almost white. and he gave me a really slow banging on your front ttehAresc cooBfr drdieitncigeap htt oio MNn.i icnki sPtoryp e ooff Rtahtoteay camlh eyAdsi trte orF yao rvbciresa inktocnrhos w owfn teharees adboBseuus tra dwn. yh aotf, thyiosu hmavaey toa sdko, alyn" Ifd r dijguihdstnte 'stnt iaknrngeo.d wT; hiwte whna ahtse t roseu addlo · tdlBoooun watg tn tsh atteach rkeje udm lsrieitkv eoew h.r a eIsl kowsemtaadesr ttsaheowidni nagtoyg. dboeo cro, mbien gc aforer fyuol:u !t hey may tA"iDthneWgere fsemaBe nlnstwtlceseaeh•rl1 avoMa he niasoltdit rwky ew"ee 'h v asnoettsoor y o, tl hbettih thcn"aiehsgin nae Mkrc bf arueuceonn ttf SqMtwuhneuhaertaenv irlroiPt ecrer e1,ro s9sWiv 9t o -i8asl htttas ah hasaRib nrdAerd la,oF inant ScsngRe hd c hu ubfdetrrehaloieoadtmnyet· WwwoTiJuIhiie tttBelnh l tle haisttecsh fikseeore s lh ewlaCoimnavwasr enin t ntnhibhgnoiea sgce tksn a t arthdCeoceia chs U ohMatuisFoneenoOng?lt dghmtroereaaoiandnkkll ,lyeb yoa- e gfune hapdnbvi ascIeo d o crhm l ooasuweutol rmaidteghn dte ied,ts lho l lhihin khnao.egi drs r.w Y tilhbiHioptlihueess fdtwbaehobeehidoolse r,u n d. t i hIazI nozjtwyrudhr o sraiektbnf eeledce lr lu as hplwsaoa mltmsuehlredmeesl er.let ep od wlBttifhhkaoueeesrt eIMtophInneBaecr yt haoChbvaueehpen Cu ysty eoeayoru'nous w'nuv b8o eiheitc cehhvkD eaco C daaanh t eaU.a? no8F OefO ?r ftarHosmioew s leiivnve itnrh,g i sin ow usate yvt. hereailr Mfaenn trianukvmeeonsut ifrgreoadmt ito.h nast saercer eut nUdFeOr Ccliovhmeasse es i nafrn odtmh we ah how ehaoarmdt aaon f t rwuthhlyeo kbnu"oAt wtllh , ehh weei gls owaoiakdse dj ewat abbsol:au ctk' W.6 0e tbthhueer nhwioniungsd erou.w bWsb eew rih daaeldl otthpore onhu afgvoher signohv,o cesostltnyitg ataactlteo o ntuo Nr t Ciecl-klF? >il eIsf 7 in Black encounters in the This, of course, renders sinister encounter with one would ask that you cease days and get the carpets Redfern and Irene Bott UK, it has been proven that Nick Pope's assertions of the real-life Men in Black your studies.' I srud, 'What?' and furniture cleaned to get on 01922 869641. ~0 .-------------------------------------------------------~ captured UFOs and advanced alien technology. The US 2 government claims the base doesn't exist, but there have been a disproportionately large number of UFOs sightings recorded ·in that. . area. (;-"" In common with other UFo buffs, David Kingston believes that governments are en131ed in an elaborate· ~·f.~ ...~. :.·· cover-up because they don't trust dumb old Joe Public •A · 1 . enough to reveal the full extent of their knowledge. He explained: "In the 1960s, a panel of academics and other leading figures known as the Brooking Institute 'ca was asked to put together a report for NASA on the implications of encountering alien life forms or UFOs cC.l during missions into space. c "The report stated that the impact on society in w general. religion and economic and monetary systems i. . should be taken into consideration. I believe the evidence for UFOs is being covered up by governments Cl because they think that pe.ople are not ready to hear Q0 the truth." But it is possible that the authorities may be on the 0 brink of a monumental shift in their attitude towards : disclosing what they know about UFOs. An organisation (w.) called the Centre for the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence is currently gathering UFO testimonies CzJ from military and intelligence personnel. The findings of Operation Disclosure are due to be presented to US i President George W Bush later this year. w > These all~ alien visitors" ~ their secrets well w hidden from modern rAan.·but ·there ar. pooplo Who think they were not s'*:h a> mystery to our ancestors. Maverick historians and authors have stirred up controversy and provoked scorn from mainstream academics by suggesting that aliens regularly visited ancient cultures on Earth and may have imparted some of their wisdom and technology. One of the most popular and radical of these is Erich Von Daniken, author of UFO buffs' bible Choriot o( the Gods. He has even gone as far as reinterpreting biblical texts and suggesting that aliens may have bred with our forebears. The 'ancient astronaut' theory is one David keenly subscribes to. He enthuses:"! don't doubt that our planet has been visited by aliens for thousands of years. "UFOs sometimes appear in religious paintings. They are clearly depicted in the Sis.tine Chapel in Rome - Michelangelo was definitely aware of their existence. "Images of UFOs go back to many of the ancient civilisations. such as the Egyptians and Sumerians." However. the apocalyptic 'lndeoendenre Dav' sc~rio of ~levolent. ~qgs besieging planet Earth gets shQrt shrift David said:'1 d. not think there is any reason for us to fear UFOs and'beings from other planets. I am sure that if they wanted to harm the human race their superior technolocr would have enabled them to do that already. For an we know. we may even be a greater threat to them than they are to us." Alien races may already be trying to establish communication through cryptic symbols more commonly known as crop circles. David will be exploring the link between UFOs and these striking and often highly complex crop formations as part of a conference he is orpnising in Dorchester next week. Tbe conference, in its s.ixth year. will explore all aspects of unexplai.ned phenomena such as UFOs and is expected to attract visitors from all over the couatry. David revealed:"Aithough we know 1hat some crop circles are hoaxes. they have occurred all over the world. from Afghanistan to Japan. There have even been TIM CHAMPION meets Dorset's David Kingston, one of the UK's ice circles in the Hudson River in North America." He add~d: "When I was lecturing In Salisbury a few leading authorities on the phenomena of UFOs and crop circles years ago, I met a Russian man who told me that until the Berlin wall came down his countrymen thought THE aliens are invading and planet Earth .has no defence "Despite the Cold War, it later became clear that the th:at Western governments were responsible for against them. Americans and Ru"ians had co-operated quite closely creating crop circles~· As interest in unidentified flying objects has exploded in in sharing information on UFOs." David offered his library of crop circle images to an recent years. the extra terrestrials have launched a no Reporu filed by David on these close encounters expert in Egyptian hieroglyphics who is currently holds-barred assault on our TV and movie screens - X -Files, found their way into Project Blue Book. an official studying them in an attempt to discover whether they Independence Day ... the list is endless. investigation into the saucer enigma. But he is hold any hidden meaning. And there are people who believe that the aliens have dismissive of the project's conclusions, believing it to be The determined band of people who profess a already arrived in a literal as well as a metaphorical sense. a whitewash designed to reassure a nervous general strong conviction that we are not alone in the Uttle green men may or may not already be living a public. universe are frequendy waved away as cranks and covert existence among Dorset's unsuspecting populace, He grumbled:"Project Blue Book was compiled by eccentrics. Howeo.<er. David Kingston. an unassuming fiendishly disguised as humble fishermen. farmers, council the air force for the purpose of putting minds at rest. and thoughtful type with a credible military and even journalists - depending on whether or not you Virtually all the cases included could be easily explained background. is not a freak or a ~irdo. . choose to believe the more outrageous of the conspiracy away." He is calm. articulate and plaus1ble. He IS even theorists. Dorset has experienced its fair share of strange sceptical about claims of'alien abductions' -although But the county is certainly home to one of the UK's sightings. David said that a total of around ISO craft his explanation of these intergalactic kidnapping bids is foremost authorities on the UFO phenomenon. have been spotted in the county's skies during the equally unnerving. Retired Royal Ait Force intelligence officer David course of the last year - +t of which defy explanation. He seems to be suggesting that the 'abductions· Kingston, 63. has spent the last '40 years amassing The county has also produced "one of the best could be hallucinations produced by bizarre mind information on, and studying the mysteries posed by. these examples of UFO footage I have seen in this country", control experiments carried out by the military to elusive extra-terrestrial intruders. according to David. block the memories of people who have stumbled He has written dozens of articles and featured in In April 1998, a London man visiting relatives in upon national secrets. television and radio broadcasts all over the world in a Weymouth noticed an unfamiliar object floating in the Personally, I find his version as unsatisfactory as tales resolute bid to spread the UFO message amid the endless sky above a communications mast on the Ridgeway. of sinister creatures in spaceships - as nearly four claims and counterclaims. Intrigued by the unusual shape moving erratically million Americans claim to have been abducted by This guru of the unexplained moved to Dorset in 1981 overhead, he stopped his car in a lay-by and filmed aliens at some point in their lives, surely they can't all after spending much of his life continent-hopping with the eight minutes of astonishing footage that clearly shows be the victims of a military plot. Despite my doubts. RAF. all the classic 'flying saucer' features. The UFO was also this theory is still deeply unsettling. I met him at the secluded farm cottage near Martinstown seen by a group of witnesses, including a vicar and his When I arrived at David's rustic headquarters I was he shares with his wife. Virginia. and the first thing to strike wife. full of confidence that flying saucers and oddly shaped me was the remoteness of the location. You could be The Ridgeway is not the only UFO hotspot in the bug-eyed beings from far-off galaxies belonged abducted by aliens and not a soul would know about it for county - Maiden Castle near Dorchester is a magnet exclusively to the fictional world of Tht X-Fi/es and the weeks - in deepest Dorset no one can hear you scream. for flying saucers and there have been numerous investigations of agents Mulder and Scully. David's career with the RAF - first as a communications sightings stretching back decades. But I left with a greater feeling of uncertainty about technician then as an intelligence officer - took him to the Stories of crash landings and government the existence of UFOs and government agencies that Pacific outpost of Christmas Island in 1957, where he manoeuverings are legion in UFO lore. The granddaddy are hell bent on keeping the truth from us. witnessed both nuclear tests and, he claims, his first of these conspiracy theories is the 'Roswell incident', As I drove back from Martinstown, a sense of mild flying saucers. where a spaceship is said to have fallen to earth in the paranoia came over me as I noticed another car close He mused: "UFOs are often seen near military bases, New Mexico desert in July 19'47. behind. nuclear power stations and communications masts. The United States Air Force immediately issued a Could it have been one of the shadowy 'men in "There may be a connection with whatever energy press release stating that it had captured a flying saucer, black' who are 311eged to pay a visit to witnesses after system is used to propel the craft. Or they may just be but the statement was later withdrawn and the incident an alien encounter and warn them to keep their noses keeping an eye on what is happening on the Earth, as was put down to a crashed weather balloon. oud On the other hand, surely they .,. oould drive there might be consequences for life on other planets.'' Despite official denials, there have since been something a bit more menacing than a Ford Fiesta. During the 1960s, the budding UFO detective was countless rumours of alien corpses being recovered The UFO puzzle may not be fully solved for many attached to the United States Air Force and posted to from the desert and a video of the so-called 'alien years to come, but public curiosity shows no sign of RAF Brize Norton in Oxfordshire. where his autopsy' later emerged - but it is widely considered to waning. The human condition requires a belief in some 8 fascination with mystery objects grew. be a fake. form of higher intelligence - and with the decline in He said: "The Americans were flying 2'4-hour patrols The public imagination has also been stimulated by organised religion in the West. the UFO obsession to monitor Russia and the other Iron Curtain countries the idea of a huge compound in the Nevada desert - seems to be filling the void ... the aliens have landed. - many of the pilots reported encounters with UFOs. known as Area 51 - at which the military tests out WESTERN DAILY PRESS, Bristol, England - May 16, 2001 MEL GIBSON TIPPED FOR STARRING ROLE AS CROP CIRCLE RIDDLE EXCITES PICTURE MOGULS Ho\V Holly\Vood is hon1ing in on the West's strangest Film star Mel Gibson: Lead role UFO n1ystery CROP circles are THREE CENTURIES OF CROP CIRCLES set to become the latest West phe nomenon to hit the silver eThe first r~orded c'OP clrct. screen -and Hollywood appeared In 1678, In Stlrltngahlre. It heart-throb Mel Gibson -ceaTmeen tyoe baers k n1o11W0 ntw ..o t ehled Deerlvyta m'se ~nJ fero.m. is hotly-tipped to play the lead role. The tough-guy star of Lethal Weapon and The Patriot is fascinated by the famous circles - and is con sidering an offer from Disney to star in a supernatural thriller about them. The still-secret film, called Signs, is thought to concern the appearance of elaborate crop pat terns on a family farm in ~nnsylvania. It is being directed by Sixth Sense director M. Ni&ht Shyrilalan and shootin& begins this Then two years a member Marlborough, have been in autumn. By David of the fabulously wealthy the shape of a Jewish cande- . Disney picked up the pro Humphrey Rockefeller family commis labra and ancient Egyptian ject last month in a multi sioQed a study into circles. ornament. million-dollar pre-emptive After exhaustive site Many farmers resigned to bid - making crop circles the ti&ate circles at close band. inspections in Wiltshire, Colin havine their crops trampled latest West phenDmenon to He's convinced there's an Andrews, a former Hamp by camera-clickin& tourists cross the Atlantic for a show extra-terrestrial explanation. shire local perrunent officer now charJe them admission to Crop circles: Is the explanation extra-terrestrial or Just a plain hoax? aobnnizd G t mhAibeans knoheeneo a Rvilsseo rtbo,hi fnef os Hlolalnoatewr. rsiytn VgP IohPtat retdor abpruuoCbtu lroniocndp'ls y f oacsrtit rtaecrtlnhteetrside oe nt ho ac avegbenro tauubbrt ietehe2sn0e, sttThuleerunmteh wd, ehrceeo fhnucocilrallc-xutlediemses. d ea rem ocnsiortwc l eoasf amAllua Tksothevr eaeul rpic a tif,rho cterhl eetwhs U eohirkarl rvdlaoe,i unianeepc sapl.nu eddai rnteh&de Celebrity fans tpaaktete arnn si natnedre stht ei nm tohve iew ewirildl aypeparesa rainggo wwithhe nin ctrheeaysi nbge gfraen imn ajWor imltsohnierey, spwinhnereer whBeautt fhieelrdes c orof pK cainrcsales .i nvesti TROGGS lead singer Reg Presley has only add to their cult status. quency in Wiltshire. cirdes appear in greater num gators fear foot-and-mouth thrilled audiences throughout the world elleAdc ttore Mss aGrloblodrioe uHghaw lans tt ryaeva r TVIn ctrheew l astep o8n0sso rae dJa pOanpeesre bUeKrs. than anywhere else in the swtuilld ym oefa nth ae d pishaesntoromuesn yoena.r for wAirtohu nhdit.s like Wild Thing and Love Is All and flew over some fields ation Blackbird, complete Thousands of tourists from If movement restrictions He Is one of two original band members close to the M4 for a bird's eye with sophisticated surveil around the world flock to the are still in fon:e in the coun who still tour, performing with as much view of the biurr( shapes. lance equipment, at West county to inspect the balling tryside as crops bt!gin ripen gusto as they did in the 1960s. PreAsnledy ,m leilalido nsianirgee rr owckitehr T~hge buTryh'se yW hciatue gHhot rsae . group of spoirpthoigsrtiacmatse,d w bhyi cthhe g yroewar .m ore sintugd, ye nfothrmusaitaiostnss wfriollm h tahvee atior IncHleu dIsin agl soa cotnrees osf aG sotlrdinieg oHfa cwenle, brBitliueess. Troggs, regularly travels to hoaxers trying to create cir Two of the most elaborate instead of on the ground. Brother Dan Ackroyd and American mil· Wiltshire in summl'r tu inws- cles under cover of darkness. patterns, both near D.Humphr~y(iU·~pp.co.uk Troggs singer Reg Presley lrleognuallarre v Lisaitusr aton cWei lRtsohcikree'fse cllreorp. cwihrcol ems.a ke for the US president I A UFO spotter's collection of extraterres "They were hoping to do it for Clinton ious UFO organisations and members of tial video film footage is to be examined ·. Re.,ort·by Tim Edmonds but now it will be Bush and they will be the public who are put in contact after by the President of the United States. · saying to him 'This is what we have got. repons of UFOs are made to the police. David Kingston, aged 63; of How do you explain it away?' Martinstown, is backing The Campaign that will be shown at the conference "Dr Greer spoke to the leaders of each Mr JGngston believes the UFO hotspot for Disclosure which aims to reveal the by Dr Steven Greer, ~e campaign country and when he came over here he of the county is Maiden Castle, facts about UFOs. organiser. spoke to some fairly high-up people Dorchester, and recently claimed para Witnesses who have seen UFOs and He said: "As far as I know he is going who I cannot name for obvious rea normal activity in the Dorset skies other" extraterrestlal events will come to use some of my stuff. I relayed lots of sons." appeared to have increased during the forward as a group to tell their stories at information to him but he has of course Mr Kingston, a former RAF intelli past year. an international press conference in amassed so much information. gence worker who collated information Washington, USA, on Wednesday 9 May "Some of the top military men that on possible sightings, saw his first UFO The campaign is calling for a presi which is expected to be attended by have had UFO experiences are coming over the Pacific in 1957 and since then dential executive order to protect wit 9 George Bush. · forward to operate a disclosure pro ·has seen around 60 other close encoun nesses afraid of violating security oaths Mr JGngston's video footage of a flying gramme project and put all the facts ters. and to declassify documents and secret saucer over Dorset is among evidence before President Bush. He receives 50 e-mails a day from var- projects. W here have all the UFOs gone? The National UFO Reporting Centre In Seattle, Washington, logged . iust 143 sight lngs across America last month - its lowest record for more than two years. At the turn orthe Millennium there were dozens or unidenti fied objects in Do laws of America's skies every ~hysics night. lt doesn't seem probable that the new President.wtio bas just announced defence spending plans that would bankrupt any other nation. allow you to travel bas ditched all the expert mental aircraft which scep tics claim are the source or most sJ)RCeship sigbtings. So U' the UFOs were truly paranormal. why are we see ing fewer of them? Have the aliena beaded home? Or is Western culture less time - and shoot yourself? receptive to psychic experi ences at the moment? I have long held that cyni cal people ran to understand the nature or reality when they sniff. ··n1 believe it when I see it"! Reality works in reverse: we see it when we believe it. and our brains screen out world is truly getting weird around in the loop. You of physics permit the inven number of Elvises are still only to mystics and medita anything they are not pre er; but we're not on the could get on. travel back tion or a machine which alive.·· suggests Vtlekin. · tors of the highest spiritual pared to recognise. look-out for weirdness. wards to the point when the enabled a man to travel The mind-bending possi pur1ty. elwpanlhuTycog heshree-e f omlbiacurteittelim lol ioDnabuon edutr lgm wytl hhaawseek ni eAt jtsIody sak simmemcssie .. efptounaIrrgs ybsikeen.n ldeiod eshwrv iouelvfe mte dahnagma netbo tygarh nareteld h2 e h1eduus .nt tn swcwgueiienrln rl aefmmomnaard cec ahrhg giiyenneteee a ohwrtfaw,af d sye a blosgvewuaee ii nctn corm.h uueIlonfddnn titornhhenges , sbtthheaealTcf ttwk djqm qeana e e.wd-t tc?rewi geejynkteht ialo! cntu.odtt n hrsceahefvpoeetro e ,tnt qhcleivm etqd caeIbmxonilpomimlttoibheeriensenr s tt eechhd oeat lmhttu has.m eptn oiIr ratsiolhe osabr leralg rtnihenee esstoode grtihisoTainnth. g sia scins ied Ian s ttc hyceap lIteet iasonerftl pefe nrIvassyi edae terhr.ne ecloie invented a spacecraft which generate discoveries so before you boarded. Jaume Garriga or the You'll read it here next The two theories. of time became invisible by cloak extraordinary that Travel into what is 'the Independent University of week. assuming that nei travel and infinite histo Ing itself In sheer improba- Nostradamus himself could past' as I write this will not Barcelona and Alexander ther you and I are on one of ries. Inspire me. but I am bility. . not have dreamed of them. be possible on Mallett's VUenkin or Tufts those unfortunate sponta even more Inspired by the It could land in the mid Time travel, for Instance: machine. You won't be able University In Medford. neous-com~ustion planes. knowledge that science. as dle of a Teat match at Lords scientists at Connecticut to go back to the days of the Massachusetts. say an Infi well as spiritual wisdom. and disgorge hundreds of Patriarchs or even Tuesday: nite number or histories are My prayer proves that belief Is the extraordinarily ugly. heavi Unsurpassed the attainable past will not happening in parallel across first layer of reality. ly-armed extra-terrestrial begin until the slow loop of a near-infinity of universes. shock-troops. and no one light Is first created. Everything that can pos is e=mc2 My meditation and would •see· this because human greed That day may not be far sibly happen is happening, prayer this Sabbath. a.'\ the they refused to accept or away - Lene Hau at so I am spontaneously com Shabbat candles are kin even register the evidence Harvard has slowed a light busting on some other plane dled. will not be a plea Cot· soeaxf Rmtchieeteae.im lr oeUwTnFtnh O bessae nsm seMebasby.i el ldbe aenw ntalhayel. Unon8loiqvgneyar lisdsi tMwy iactlhlleaintitm omu trqh gfeer .aytaeopcr. hq f bShlaeocuauegmrph tt ioifncr aoga ms lat atr1n e8mda6sd.y0te 0igl0rlus .m llwiilbielisll iabtyne attohtP gatheutit tsh epttir~hm.i eaes n edt w mtIrotoa' smv tepehlnoe tso.s wriibiellesl ahpnoaMvndde e eapbrnr etwachcohistim:li eceo.a rsIdl o il entpaahrvraayegt yp moetohuap·te tilyoce pprea!aCvc ewer Wo tqr bnhejeg aahnltt hei.to oeur-a mmtioe"p't.· c-y. mu the New Age Is old bat and theqrc(lcal phusjc.s. hM pub now-how can I believe a Involve a leap from one uni can't even see the UFOs econfessions of a Rabbi ami :L most people are not expect lished a PaPer wfljch .thqw,t mad scientist. when time verse to another. Step Into that werE'! rf!cently so plen Psychic by Uri Gellt'r and Ing the wol'lll to enll any that if a light WaVC' equid be travel Is clearly impossible the loop In this reality. but tiful. Shmule:v Boteach 1:1 puu Ptirmesei dsoeonnt' s- eadgeesrp Iitnev etshte sbleonwt eindt oa lam qlq,qttp t ot hae hcaorlet aqnf da wbeicthau tsiem we-et oaureri sntost forovmer rtuhne creo-memmietr sgiem uInlt aanneootuhse mr utro opBenuetd s othmeei rs cmieinndtsis stos hwaivdee lnivshee-Cd Db yc oRlolebcetoino nB ooof klsn.s Uplrmi·s· ment In 'defence· and his tjmc machjne equid be cqn fUture? der and suicide by killing that they are blessed with tlonal mualc and wot·ds C>\n contempt for global warm structed ar0und It And Cthe clincher> what yourself. the kind or insights and he ordet·ed on 0500 829262 VIMit. Ing treaties. A scan of any In Mallett's machine. about the eternal sci-fl ··Not only is ElviR Presley enlightenments which In www.urlgcller.com :mtl email \lay's papers shows the time would run around and paradox: how could the laws still alive. but an infinite previous eras were granted urhcellet'f" comp~t·ve.com EALING & ACTON GUARDIAN, London, England - May 17, 2001 (; THE · MAMMOUTH BOOK Musician Richard ~ Of UFOs, by Lynn Picknett _ (Robinson, £1.99) .... =N O PIATE for believers and quite P,obably a tltd rag to C. sceptics, this lateit ueation < in the acclaimed Mammoth tunes in to space , series leaves no stone untumed In seeking to ~ answer the big question. .. So. Is anybody Out there? "Q And if tiMiy are.: what are £ their intendons • far as this planet and Its ! ~ inhablhnts are concerned? Are aliens -if they exist - by Teresa Keane and presents his ideas to things eastern, like yoga, or : benign or of malignant sell-out aduiences all over Indian philosphy. Re-incar ~ inteJrt7 AUTHOR Richard the wofid. He is regarded as nation and karma were also 0 Tbfs masterpiece by Lynn Lawrence is avery Britain's leading expen on very trendy. I looked into ~ PklMtt may be .rtort on the paranormal. meditation and discovered answers, but who cares down to earth . His planned workshop on the Aetherius Society. It's u) when the anecdotal bloke, until he -telepathy at the Mind Body not everybody's patb, but it ~ evidence appurs so talks about his and ·Spirit Festival May 27 suits me." &&.1 compelling, And It certainly to June 3 is in Aetherius. derived from Z grips the ,...... right from cigar-shaped space popular demand. the Greek word ether, C) the start n the case for the ship experience in One of the original means one who speaks or zz existence of extraterrestial Hull. presenters 11 the show in the travels across the ethers of intelligent beings starts to He said: "I was a RVoicytaolr iHa.o rhteic uwltiullr ahle Hoanlles oinf ssppiatcireu. alT he orwgaonrlidsa-wtioidne. >&&.1 buHiledr eu apr. e tru•life accounts univ~r.-ity student when I its star attractions - so to which loftily claims to be &&.1 from around the world, of had my first sighting. I speak-at the 25th anniver dedicated to the cnglight craft slghtlngs, alleged alien had spent a lot of money sary celebrations this year. ment of mankind. was abductions and other on books about UFOs spiIrni tuaaln argeev olwuthioenn thies fKoiunngd. ed by Dr George sctrroapn cgierc plehse annodm UenFaO -cfurtotsm, and yoga. I should have taking hold, and an The doctor awoke on the to conspiracy theories and been spending it on train insatiable appetite for morning of May 8 1954, to the Men In Black. ers. answers inslaotly devours be informed that he was We learn what the craft WI was in the middle of anything new age, Richard now the voice of interplane look like, how they behave this huge field looking up at comes well prepared. tary parliament. Since then ~nd where they are seen. the spaceship when it be When most of us were he claims to have Then there are the aHens came obscured behind a completeJy self obsessed at hundreds of communica themselves, encounters, b"ee. When I went over to the age of 14, he was tions with extra terrestrial abductions and abductee the tree. there were a new wrestling hard with human being or the gods. interviews. .. plus the pair of trainers in exactly philosophical musing on the The society also has a animal mutilations and the my size:· meaning of life. health food shop at 767 poltergeist outbreaks after Preny wild stuff, but it's Richard, the new age Ful Fulham Road. A sister UFO Slghtlngs. impossible not to warm to ham-based guru, said: "I group for anyone who A couple of points. First, the softly spoken, wanted to become a priest, wants to discover their are we really alone? And intelligent voice of the but religion did not suit inner potential can be second, if not, what secretary of the Aetherius me." He adds hastily: "Not contacted on 020 7731 messages do UFOs hold for Society. in Fulham Road. that I have any 1094. Information and tick us? This book will Richard. a former Henry problem with religion." et for Mind Body Spirit undoubtedly help the 1 0 Compton School music "It's just that in the 70s Festival are available on reader gain a greater teacher. regularly lectures the search was on for all 020 7938 37!!8. Richard Lawrence: First sighting as a student. insight, even if a greater understanding remains tantalisingly elusive. John Phillpott.

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