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Preview UFO Newsclipping Service 1999 07 no 360

riEWSCLIPPiriG f . SERVICE July1999 36 DRIVE • PLUMERVILLE, ARKANSAS 72127 USA EDITOR/PUBLISHER: LUCIUS FARISH Number 0 DAILY RECORD, Roswell, NM-July 2, 1999 CR: G. Fawcett UFO research library opens FELIPE MENDOZA RECORD STAFF WRITER The Smithsonian's loss is the International UFO Muse um and Research Center's gain thanks to the work of two UFO enthusiasts. George Fawcett of Lincol nton, N.C., and E.R. Sabo of St. Petersburg, Fla .. donated their UFO research collec tion worth more than $250,000 to the UFO Muse um's research library which held its grand opening Thursday . .. The word would have to be sincerely overwhelmed," Fawcett said of the library's opening ... It's a dream come true." Fawcett, 69, has collected UFO-related material since the age of 15. His interest in· UFOs start ed in 1944 when he read a eli pping from a New Orleans newspaper with the head line, .. Shiny silver balls in the sky latest Nazi device." According to Fawcett, the story told of World War II pilots who encountered fly ing objects over Europe . .. It triggered my interest," Fawcett said. lbat's when I Dally Record • Felipe Mendoza became the Ralph Nader of Glenn Dennis, left, watches as George Fawcett and Mayor Bill UFOs." Owen cut a ribbon for the new research library inside the Fawcett, along with Sabo, International UFO Museum and Research Center. turned over 45,600 items to the library, Fawcett said. tions for the phenomena ..We want this to be the Sabo, who contributed alongside his materials. largest UFO research center one-third of the collection, .. Roswell benefited from in the world," Dennis said. could not attend the opening the fiasco" because he had .. We already have the largest because he was ill. It was 35 more years of material to library in the world." Fawcett's first time in the give the UFO Museum, Faw Included in the collection new library. cett said. are unclassified government In 1964, Fawcett's collec .. More people will see my documents, I 940s and '50s tion was accepted by the colleGtlon in the (museum) ... newspaper clippings, manu Smithsonian for display at than have seen it in the last scripts, videos and pam the National Air Research 40 years," he added. phlets. Museum. Fawcett chose to give his There is also a lending The Smithsonian later collection to the UFO muse library with books and reversed its decision to um because his plans for a videos for local residents. accept the collection UFO museum in North Car A gallery displaying pho .. because of the fact that I olina were never realized . tos, paranormal art and blew my own horn .. through The library contains newspaper clippings is also publicity about the decision. 56,000 documents and located inside the library. Fawcett also said the 220,068 books and maga The library is open during Smithsonian wanted to zines, UFO Museum Board the museum's regular hours "whitewash" the collection by of Directors President Glenn from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every displaying Air Force explana- Dennis said. day. POST, Washington, DC-July 3, 1999 CR: L. Bryant Joe Flrmage, left, and lnlce Maccallbee at a news conference JUterdaJat the UFO COIIVelltlon. BY DAYNA SMITK-M WASIHTON POST who claim to be infused with alien consciousness and re ceive messages from other galaxies. Here are researchers who believe they have bettered Einstein and uncovered the. secrets of "extralwninal" (beyond light speed) phys ics. What could be more all-American than the partici pants' passion, the intense debate and yearning to be new.s heard? At a conference yesterday-attended by ex actly one mainstream newspaper reporter and about 50 conventioneers-panelists from around the world de fended their research papers, addressed a schism in the movement and criticized the media. . 'They tend to view us as an interesting sociological phenomenon--and we end up on the Style pages," la mented Richard R Hall, whose saucer investigations Flying saucers are sorely misunderstood, says Tom Benson, at the UFO convention in Crystal City. date to the mid-1950s. "I'm very empirically oriented. We need to get back to basics." For some, UFOlogy has become a New Age religion. UFO Believers Have construct," explains Benson. "It's your One constant controversy pits those who embrace UFO consciousness or soul that gets taken on "evidence"- the sightings, radar returns, declassified A Close Encounter Group board." docwnents and eye-witness testimonials-against ethe Benson, 61, works for the state of New real approaches that seem to construe space visitors as Jersey as a personnel management analyst but angels. By RicHARD LEIBY has a sideline selling vintage UFO books. A 'We don't get involved with New Agers. We avoid them Washington Post Staff Writer patriotic fellow, he's set up several American like the plague," says Walter R Andrus Jr., MUFON's 78- flags amid his wares, and this weekend is year-old international director. 'We're dedicated to the The blinking red button on Tom · offering a special on a plastic "Dashboard sdentific study of the UFO phenomenon." He quickly Benson's madras shirt wishes you a Uncle Sam With Flag" for $3. adds, "'The evidence is overwhelming that the abductions Happy Fourth of July as he talks about It would be tidy to conclude that Tom take place." the third time he encountered aliens. Many Benson represents something "typical" about Yet Andrus admits he has never seen one tangible piece people misunderstand flying saucers, he says this convention, which is open to the public oflactual evidence---6ay, an exhaust pipe from an extrater from behind his vendor's booth at the 30th and expected to attract about 500 people restrial craft-emerge in decades of UFO studies. annual Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) through tomorrow. But there is nothing No matter. UFOlogy is among our most durable, high symposium being held this weekend in the typical about MUFON. Here we have humans ~ industries, taking off in 194 7, concurrent with the so Crystal City Hyatt Regency. . called Roswell incident and the development of the early "The vehicle's not physical. It's an energy computer, ENIAC. Saucer sightings fueled an entire Hol lywood fihn genre, featuring space beings whose essential personalities sha~hift depending on our cultural mood-from the benevolent Klaatu in "The Day the Earth Stood Still" to the malevolent squid monsters in HOMES & LIFESTYLES, Seattle, WA ·June 1999 "Independence Day" to the current nonsymbolic, merely annoying Jar Jar Binks. The Paper Chase 1bis weekend, all the movement's most quoted mouth pieces are in town-among them Stanton T. Friedman, who calls himself the "original civilian investigator of the AU FO "GuRu;' Dale Goudie makes it perfectly clear, he is not. Roswell incident," a reference to the purported crash of Slapped with the guru tag in a 1987 newspaper article, the founder and infor an otherworldly vehicle in New Mexico. But the star of mation director of UFO Reporting and Information Service adds that the article the conference is a newcomer with a neatly trimmed beard and a nice blazer: Joe Firmage, 28, a Silicon Valley also referred to users of his service as "member~." "It sounded like this was my flock or entrepreneur. something," he quips. .finnage is an important figure not just because he es The gurulike image doesn't fit the semiretired freelance television producer, and not pdtiSes a new, unified. alien-oriented theory-which he modestly calls The Truth-but because he is loaded. just because of his lack of robes, beads and beard. ''I'm trying to show facts," the UFO WOrthJ some whisper, abo}lt $200 million. 'That bestows a researcher emphasizes. ''I'm not trying to change people's minds." certain instant credibility. Finnage founded USWeb ~ .• but his new intellectual pursuits prompted a hasty "Unidentified flying objects," Goudie explains, is a general term used by the govern eXIt as CEO. ment. "Unauthorized aerial objects in restricted air space," he specifies, says more -I have reached the conclusion that UFOs are real," Fir mage said. He admitted he's never seen a UFO--or, as about his interest. Goudie doesn't chase aliens, he chases paper. frequently reported, actually spoken with a space crea Using the Freedom of Information Act, GouJie and his associates, Jim Klotz and ture. "What I said was that I had a conversation with a be Chris Lambright, obtain verified government documents relating to UFOs. They dis ing of light. I didn't say 'alien.' I didn't say an organic body." (For more on Firmage, his talk is a:t 8:45 tonight.) seminate the information, along with associated material, on their Web site, CU rON ,iusan Swiatek of Fairfax, the symposium coordinator, (Computer UFO Network). Says Goudie, "We're very well-known around the world ci')E) says she's never had a close encounter, but she's ded icatEd all her spare time to setting up this convention for for the accuracy of our verification." thef>elievers-and anyone who might marvel at the end Goudie is also well-known locally for taking reports of mysterious nocturnal lights Je$8 poSSlbilities of a clear night sky. "At MUFON we'll baNe fun, glow-in-the-dark aliens!" she promises. "It's an in the sky. Always ferreting out facts, he follows up a reported sighting by contacting ~ternative if your beach plans fall through." the Federal Aviation Administration to see if planes were in the area or if anything was UFOlogists, like most Americans, are questers, she picked up by radar. sa~; they yearn to be part of something more. •"I, personally, do not claim to have seen a UFO," Swia Despite Goudie's wealth of information, he doesn't make a dime from the nonprofit tek, 41, said. "I saw something so far away, it could have service. Still, in almost 20 years, there have been some invaluable coml'ensations: meeting been a kite or something." prominent UFO researchers Dr. Jacques Valkc .mJ I he late Dr.]. Allen Hynek, appearing And you never know. Go out and look in the sky this Vieekend. You might notice something glowing. You three times on the Larry King show and being the first to speak at the Museum of Flight might see things that sparkle, swoop, arc and fly. You on the subject of UFOs. might see something that reflects what it means to be an American. "That," he states proudly, "was quite an honor." -· Nita Leising For more information, contact UFOR eporting and Information Service at (206) 721-5035. Or visit their Web site at 2 http:/ /www.cufon .org. POST-CRESCENT, Appleton, WI-Aprll18, 1999 CR: R. Heiden UFO-logists share a heavenly addiction Appleton forum gives and then discredit." said Shurburn. the believers a chance a 38-year-old apartment mainte nance worker who along with Baier to share experiences and Bonnie Meyer claims to have at a two-day session befriended a kind E.T. named "Monn." -It is a battle every day." she By Alex Hummel said. "We call it an addiction ... For The Post-Crescent "We call it 'earthed."" Baier chimed in. Imagine you are standing on a The ultimate extraterrestrial U.S. 41 frontage road in Neenah enlightenment. their beliefs dictate. looking skyward. would involve "being heavencd." Now glance northward up U.S. Baier said. or returning to their true 41 toward Appleton. spiritual home. aboard the Peace Calmly turn your head south- ship. ward and look down U.S. 41 "We're not out to preach or toward Oshkosh. change others:· said Russell Now - here's the clincher - Brodtke. 53. "We're just out to live try to imagine. from horizon to what our truths are." horizon. you see nothing else above That includes a life of "positivi you but the underbelly of an Posi-Crescenl pholo t)V Tun Gr- "1' ty," he said. immense hovering spacecraft. the PARTICIPANTS IN the Spring UFO Open Forum discuss accounts "Unfortunately there is a lot of "Peaceship,"' as Sandy Hanson calls fear." he said. "People fear the of their sightings, encounters, abductions and contacts w~h aliens it. unknown." It's an alien vessel that is Han Saturday in Appleton. •Alex Hummel u·rires {or Thomson son's - and others' - otherworld Wisconsin Newspapers/The Oshkosh ly home-away-from-home. the evo "I saw a ship the size of a house "I think there's more and more Nqrthwesrern. lutionary and educational "floating shaped like a bell with lights pulsat people believing this than 40 years city" where they commune with ing from it ... said Caldwell. a retired ago." said Bob Guarino. 59. a sales benevolent alien beings and the insurance representative and moth man from West Bend. "But we need spiritual. philosophical and theo er of eight from Cobbtown. some hard-core proof. Otherwise logical epicenter in their lives. Caldwell's first sighting was in you're just spinning your wheels." "I always knew my life was con 1958. Since then. UFO study and The proof for Lightside mem nected to the stars. planets and the mysticism that surrounds every bers such as Diana Shurburn and other alien cultures ... Hanson said. facet of the topic have been a fact Kathy Baier is their faith. It's a spir With that bold and confident of life for Caldwell and her chil itual investment that they said declaration at the end of her dren. Every Saturday she holds her makes even everyday life tougher to "Peaceship" description. Hanson own discussion session in her explain. welcomed about 30 "experiencers ... house. "The campaign is first to ridicule "non-cxperiencers." "abductees" and skeptics to the Lightside's Spring UFO Open Forum Saturday afternoon at the Appleton Ramada Inn. The two-day forum is the seconu SPOKESMAN REVIEW, Spokane, WA-June 6, 1999 such event the Lightside members have opened to the public in Apple He's keeping Vickie and Colby Landrum, two ton since they began meeting II Texas women and a grandson who years ago. The goal is to draw in in 1980 claimed they were nearly timid or fearful UFO research killed by radiation from· an object eye on close gumshoes. alien encounterers and that hovered over their Oldsmobile part-time prognosticators to share Cutlass. their stories. Schuessler rejects any suggestion 'Tm sure you will all agree that encounters that bug-eyed, bulb-headed aliens everybody's entitled te their own are communing with humans. He's opinions and beliefs." Hanson said. convinced that the long list . of "These topics are food for thought physical injuries are proof that and topics for your discussion." The panel guided discussion on By Grayden Jones something other than hallucina everything from government cover Staff writer tions are behind many UFO sight- ings reported each year. ups to black helicopters to the He's seen the radiation burns and hair myths and mysteries forming the Y2K dilemma. But the forum was fall out. He's documented the paralysis Nine out of 10 UFO 'reports are n' t any trendy. X-Files-esque "what and fried corneas. bogus and can be explained· by if' convention. It's an immersion In -more, "than 400 ~cience, Schuessler said. . into a world of thought and possi cases, John Schuess Schuessler said he spent 16 years bility designed to open any curious ler has recorded evi researching his book, "The Cash human being's eyes. Lightsiders dence of physical in Landrum UFO Incident." He ·con say. jury by people who cluded that a diamond-shaped ob That's why Carol Gall. a 62-year claimed they have ject with power and mobility not old church secretary. drove up from had close encounters known on Earth scorched the Texas southern Wisconsin with her hus with unidentified fly women. Federal officials have at band Jim to sit in with the believers ing objects. tempted to cover up the incident, and the folks with questions. She Schuessler said, denying any knowl read about the forum in a newspa "It can happen to edge of military helicopters that per ad. an_yone at any time," Schuessler witnesses said were tracking the "I feel there is a possibility."' Gall sa1d Schuessler, dep- object. said. reflecting on a discussion uty director of the San Antonio, Teras shifting between UFO-logy and based Mutual UFO Network Inc. (MlJ. Jerry Rolwes, director of MU reincarnation. "I think I'm a doubt FON). "Most people are apathetic a•out FON in Spokane, said that s4nce ing Thomas. I need proof many UFOs, but when it happens to them, -d 1994 there have been 10 docu times. But I wouldn't discredit it." changes their life." mented cases of UFOs across the Gall listened to Arlene Caldwell. Schuessler, who lives in Littleton, Inland Northwest. One of the most 66. tell her sighting story during the Colo., is in Spokane this weekend to spectacular occurred in early 1996 discussion mixing non-experiencers with experiencers. A black. three hold private meetings with. m~m­ when a Sagle, Idaho, woman, .her bers of MUFON, an orgamzat10n teenage daughter and two Sand ring binder with saucer-configura that tracks and researches UFO point police officers witnessed an tion sketches and drawings of the interior of the "Peaceship" served incidents. The local chapter has 18 unexplained, bright object over a as a visual aid. members. lake. The retired Boeing engineer is "I've never witnessed a UFO," considered the nation's expert· in Schuessler said, "but it intrigues the the dramatic case of Betty Cash and heck out of me." · 3 PITCH WEEKLY, Kansas Cny, MO-July 1-7, 1999 CR: A. Yoho At heme park Wood cult movie Plan9 From Outer Space, which that after UFOland Quebec, there would be a were paper plates dangling from strings. Still, I UFOland in Orlando and another in Japan-all had no regrets about being lured to Raelian devoted to UFOs, space exploration, genetic engi for aliens Headquarters and "The World's First Theme neering and the future. Park Devoted to UFOs." What a grand idea, a UFOland was run by Raelians, not aliens, theme park for aliens. And what a preposterous members of the godless Raelian Religion-to BY NANCY LYON location: Valcourt, Quebec. Demystify-All-Religions who believed that we, I'd driven 60 miles from Montreal to see the In Quebec's mountainous rural Eastern and all life forms on the good ol' Planet Earth, are UFO. Now I was inside it, hearing an astonishing Townships bordering Vermont, New Hampshire products of cloners from outer space, who, some "message from Outer Space." and Maine, Valcourt wasn't exactly on the tourist time before the year 2025 will land at the Raelian "You see, Nancy, there is no God. Human path, unless one arrived by snowmobile or flying Alien Embassy, whose design was inspired by a . beings and all forms of life on Earth were cloned saucer. Its dilapidated farms and Appalachian crop drcle Rael saw in a vision. by scientists 25,000 years more advanced than us villages were a far cry from chic microbrewery The story goes that on Christmas Day, 1945, who came here from outer space. These were the towns like North Hatley and picturesque Wine Rael's mother was abducted and inseminated by 'Elohim' of the Bible, translated from the Hebrew Route villages like Dunham. But Valcourt was the Elohim and gave birth to Rael. Now, between as, 'those who came from the sky.' They had the secret of eternal life-DNA and genetic combi nation, and we are their scientific experiment. Jesus was not resurrected; he was cloned by these extraterremrial geneticists! And now that we earthlings have matured enough to understand our true origins, our true parents are getting ready to return." Sitting beside me was not an alien but a Raelian -Michel Beluat, director of UFOland. -=~~~IW:l• "And when the Elohim return," Befuat contin- .,.....,. ___ ....,.w.. ued, "they'll bring back Jesus, Buddha, Moses, Mohammed, Joseph Smith and all the other ·prophets they've sent to us over time. They are all still alive, because when they die, their minds and personalities are transferred to their fresh clones." "What about their souls?" I practically stammered. "There is no soul, or rather, the soul is the DNA," Beluat said. "It's the DNA that animates life." A good moment now for a P-hoto break,. I thought "No, no photos allowed inside the UFO," Beluat said as I reached for my camera. the home of the Ski-Doo inventor Joseph race car driving, press conferences to spread the "What? You don·t want me photographing Armand Bombardier and the museum devoted · Raelian movement (see www.rael.org) and solic you on this throne from outer space?" I chortled, to the history of the snowmobile. iting funds for a cloning revolution, Rael handles referring to the dear plastic inflatable armchairs I'd been lured the UFO land by the Web site his company Clonaid (www.donaid.com) offer we were sitting in, the only objects iriside this I'd seen advertised on a car. After hiking down ing customers the opportunity to be cloned for a UFO. The no-photos policy was smart, actually. If Mont Bromont, I could hardly believe my eyes. piddling $200,000 (Canadian). And now there's anyone saw what wasn't inside this grounded There in the parking lot of the Quebec provincial Clonapet, "cloning the pets of rich individuals saucer-no simulated controls, signs, cryp park, fixed atop a white Ford sedan-right who wish to bring back to life their lost pet tograms, windows, nothing but blank white where you'd expect to see a plastic St. Hubert's especially champion race horses." And for walls -they wouldn't be lured by the UFO land fried chicken or a plastic pizza-was a hokey $50,000, Insuracl~ne provides the safe sampling brochure headline which teased, "Montez a Bord plastic flying saucer announcing and storage of cells from a living child to create d'un OVNI!-Climb Aboard a UFO!" and to www.ufoland.com. Quebec could be adorably its clone if the child should die. pay $10 for a 90-minute guided visit through a corny and weird, with swear words inspired by I can't afford to be cloned; nor would I wish building made of hay. saints' names and a giddy-up rodeo in a town to be, after the recent report in the journal Nature This flying saucer, hyped as "the most fasci called St. Tite. I decided to pay a virtual visit to that Dolly, cloned from a 6-year-old sheep, has nating part of UFOiand," was a ful1-s~ed replica the dot-com to see what the hype was about. telomeres (those cufflike bands at the end of of the one that supposedly abducted the French The Web site S<lid that UFOland was built chromosomes) which are six years older than her sports reporter and race car driver Claude from 5,825 bales of hay, featured the world's cloned body, which could mean that a clone Vorilhon (now the sci-fi messiah Rael) to the tallest replica of DNA and promised to allow the made from a 35-year-old cell would be "born" planet of the Elohim on Dec. 13, 1973. But this public to "visit the interior of a UFO." It com pre-aged. saucer looked more like the ones in the old Ed pared UFOland to Disneyland and announced This creepy cloning business aside, I wanted to see this alien embassy made of hay. And most And the 5,825 bales of hay? They were cloned?" I asked. of all, I wanted to find out why the Elohim had embedded in poured concrete in the 400-foot "Oh, our most brilliant scientists and artists chosen Quebec. It seemed that ever since the lon~ four-story-high, adobe-type building which -they will be cloned." Catholic Church had lost its power in this rene housed the UFO paraphernalia gift shop, photos "But who will decide?" I repeated. gade province, there wasn't much left to believe of the Miss UFOland competition and the seven "Those who have made valuable contribu in except Quebec independence-and cults, like thematic halls with exhibits on Cloning, Genetics, tions to the world, but not just the rich-a poor the Solar Temple, Scientology and Raelians. Crop Circles, Nanotechnology, UFO sightings person could be worthy. . .'' A hand-painted sign off Route 243 led me around the world and other fascinating stuff. "But who will decide?" · down a dirt road to a big bam and a rambling Much as I snicker at the name Clonaid and Now when I meet St. Peter at the gate, how white building, where I was greeted by a beauti the name of Rae!' s business partner I scientist will he know if I've lived a clone-worthy life? ful French woman in tight leather pants and who wants to be first to clone a human-Dr. ·~, quickly delivered of my delusions. Firstly, the Richard Seed-it appears that $15 million has QUICK HITS! embassy I'd seen on the Web site was only a been raised to buy land on Hokkaido in northern • Visit UFO land at www.ufoland.com, or just go miniature model. The real one wasn't built yet, Japan, where human cloning operations for mfer there! For information, E-mail since cash needed to be raised to buy land in tile couples will soon begin. [email protected] or call450-532-6864. Israel, the Chosen Place. (No matter that Middle Of all the statements I heard on my tour of •At the Joseph-Armand Bombardier Museum in East air space wasn't exactly the friendliest air UFOland, the most shocking was Beluat expiain Valcourt, you can see the history of the Ski-Doo space on earth.) It was simply too cold for the ing that when cloning really got going, only those from a motorized sleigh to Formula One racing Elohim to land in Quebec, regardless of how who were worthy would be cloned. snowmobiles. Call514-532-5300 or visit 4 much fun they might have driving snowmobiles. "And who will decide who's worthy to be www.ucctech.com/museeiab. NEWS, Kenosha, WI-Aprll26, 1999 CR: R. Heiden Nostradamus through hypno tism, to "channeler" Diandra leading a meditation. and pre senting messages purportedly given by alien "entities." While more tangible "proof' was the focus of author and photoanalyst Jeff Sainio's video of what could be a UFO crash, author Lloyd Pye of Louisiana offered the most unusual object. Pye wants to begin raising funds to do DNA and other sci entific testing on the odd shaped skull that was found about 70 years ago in Mexico. Photos can be seen on the Internet at: http:// www.starchildproject.c om/ or link through http:// www.lloydpye.com/links. htm. "We know it's bone," said Pye, who's had the skull in his possession two months. "I've shown it to 30 experts, special ists and anthropologists, who all say, of course, it has to be some kind of pathology. It's estimated to be (of a child) about 5 years old that is very unlikely to survive unless it's a different kind of being." A few visitors and exhibitors from Neenah also had "eyewit ness" proof of UFO sightings or alien encounters. "I started seeing them back in '39~'' said Car Meiers, 75. "Six tfrnef I've seen them and I've sket~hed the UFOs I've :;....r;;_ _. ..;.._.j_ _______. :...,.__ ___K _E...::N:...OS-H-A-N-E-W-S-P-HO-T-0-8-Y-8-R-IA-N-PA_S_S_IN--JO seen." A model of a UFO sits on a vendor's table at the Hearttand Encounters conference Sunday at the Brat Judie Woolcott, 62, also of Stop In Bristol. Neenah, said the aliens commu- nicate through languages she transcribes. She's written a Encounters Conference draws book on her experiences and thoughts. Some residents, like two Silver Lake women who didn't the curious and the convinced want their names used, found the whole atmosphere kind of strange. "I'm very disappointed," said BY CHRISTINE A. VERSTRAETE to conferences all over the the daughter. "There's been KENOSHA NEWS CORRESPONDENT 'I STARTED SEEING Midwest," she said. "There's nothing accurate for the pro BRISTOL - Sunday was the never been anything like this gram." them (UFOs) back in perfect day for a group of peo in our area." "I'm interested in outer ple to gather for what almost '39. Six times I've seen And what did Kenosha ~pace," said the mother. "Like I seemed like a religious confer County residents think? If an said, it reminds you of a cult. A ence, except that the beliefs them.' informal survey was any indi lot of · baloney, in plain English." here were more of the "Close cation, only a handful of local Encounters" kind. residents could be found among At the first Heartland Car Meiers the estimated 150 people attend Encounters Conference, which conference attendee ing the morning and early took place at the Brat Stop on afternoon lectures. Most of the Highway 50, visitors heard other spectators were from speakers talk about everything Chicago and the northern from the mysteries of the pyra Illinois suburbs, along with mids to unidentified flying some from northern Wisconsin objects. and the Midwest. And they even saw for them had alien encounters since Those local residents willing selves an unusual skull that is childhood, and members of the to talk said that they attended being touted as possibly being Chicago Art Bell Chat Club and mostly due to curiosity. of alien, and not human, origin. other organizations. "It's something to do," said The event was organized by Hughes thought it would be Larry Nance, 35, of Pleasant Antioch, Ill., resident Bonnie something Kenosha County res - , Prairie. "Some of this stuff is Hughes, who claims to have idents would enjoy. "I've been interesting. I'm interested in the serious stuff." Kenosh~n Gary Turner, 67, said he came to the event because he occasionally listens to the Art Bell radio show. "I think there's a lot of ideas out there, but I don't know how true it is," he said. "Everybody's looking for the truth." The "truth," as presented here, included everything from national author and hypnother apist Delores Cannon dis cussing her book based on "contact" with seer 5 DAILY HERALD, Wausau, WI-April29, 1999 CR: R. Heiden Arts & Events Contr1but.d photo This case displaying items influenced by UFOs in pop culture is part of The Neville Public Museum's newest exhibit, "UFO: An Exhibit about Little Green (gray) Men." A 'quirky' UFO encounter Museum explores pl.ace," Stasiak said. "We are neither If you go trying to confirm or deny the existence state's reputation as a • The Neville Public Museum of ofUFOs. We are just stating cases. It's Brown County is located at 21 0 up to whoever comes to see it to make hot bed of sightings in Museum Place, directly across the Fox their own decisions. It's an interesting River from the Port Plaza Mall in down exhibit that covers all the bases." 'all over the place' exhibit town Green Bay. A scientific portion of the display • Museum hours are noon to 4 p.m. explores the question of who studies By Joy Marquardt Sunday; closed Monday; 9 a.m. to 4 UFOs and why, and how they are stud Special to the Daily Herald GREEN BAY-The Neville Public p.m. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and ied, Stasiak said. Saturday; and 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Museum of Brown County is calling all "They actually have classifications E.T.s to phone home. Wednesday. such as 'close encounters of the first, Searching the galaxies above • For more information, contact second and third kind' depending what Marilyn Stasiak, development and public \Visconsin, "UFO: An Exhibit about is sighted," she said. "We are not mak relations director, at 1-920-448-4460. Little Green (gray) Men," the Neville ing this stuff up." Museum's latest exhibit, offers some The exhibit is curated by Jack Moga, thing for everyone heading into the next "We sent out fliers asking for people's curator of art for the Neville Museum, millennium. visual interpretations if they had seen a who found several centers for UFOs in On display through Jan. 9, 2000, the sighting," Stasiak said. 'We had quite a Appleton, Milwaukee and Chicago as exhibit explores UFOs, or Unidentified few ordinary people like you and me see he conducted research for the exhibit. flying Objects, by sharing studies, ing something of things unexplained." "The curator found that Wisconsin is ide.a-s, sightings and both amateur and The museum received drawings from a real hot bed for UFOs since the 1898 professional artwork relating to the sub people all around the state and also sighting in Oconto," Stasiak said. "Even ject. obtained work from professional artists in Door County, Washington Island ..,.It's a fascinating topic," said Marilyn who interpreted their own sightings. and up into the UP." Stasiak, development and public rela One photograph came from a New York In conjunction with the exhibit, the tions officer with the museum. City artist who had heard about the museum will be sponsoring a science "'Everybody has an opinion on the sub exhibit on the Internet. fiction film festival beginning June 13. ject one way or another .. , Other sections in the exhibit include which will start at 1 p.m. each Sunday A portion of the museum's display recently declassified government and run through the month of comes from citizens of the state who sent reports, a history of UFOs, modern September in the museum's Learning in drawings of their own UFO sightings. ufology, or the study of UFOs, and a Center. Films from the 1950s through According to Stasiak, the first sighting case displaying items influenced by the '90s will be featured, including in Wisconsin was recorded in Oconto UFOs in pop culture. "Independence Day," "E.T." and "Close County as early as 1898. "The exhibit is kind of all over the Encounters of the Third Kind." 6 WILLAMETTE WEEK, Portland, OR-June 23, 1999 BY AMY FAUST WW: How long have you been investigating UFOs? Tom Carey: I've had an active role since 1986. tHoe. most of us, I was inter ested as a kid. Years later, when I was established in my job~ I wanted to do something creative, and I came back to the UFO. But I wanted to do more Wh.at percentage of your time is spent on UFOs? than read books. I wanted to actually investigate cases. Zero time at work, but of my own time, 75 percent. The other 25 percent is spent on house repairs. The Roswell case has pretty much taken over my What new information do you have about Roswell? life until it gets solved. I've set up an office at home. I've got a UFO hot The memo in General Ramey's hand in a well-known photo from that time line, a·fax machine, the whole thing. Ramey was the architect of the military coverup of the incident. For years we looked at this photo, but we never really zoomed in on it. Now, with modern Have you ever seen a UFO? computer technology, we can blow this memo up and actually read about 75 I've seen things in the sky, one in 1965 and one last year, that 1 can't percent of it. Several words are key: "explosion," "victims," "wreck," "disk." explain. And what that says to us is that the Roswell crash was not the crash of a Do you speculate much on alien life? weather balloon, which the military claimed it was. No, absolutely not. We never d~s where they might be from, why they Why do you think the government would want to cover up a .UFO landing? might b~ coming here, because all of that is pure speculation. I can't We get that question all the time, and no one really knows, but back in 1947 emphasize enough that we are focused on proving the reality or non-reality we think there were good reasons to cover it up. The initial concern at the of this case. We're like Joe Friday: "Just the facts." time was that it was the Russians who sent this craft over. Also, this was not What about the autopsy film showing the Roswell aliens on the long after the War of the Worlds episode in 1938, when people were told they operating table? were listening to a dramatization of aliens landing, but they still went out Hoax. Not even close. But the good thing it.did was to start a discussion and went crazy. Another reason is the unknown factor of what this revelation amongst everyday people about what happened at Roswell. would do to our economic and religious institutions. And also, once you get a coverup·going, it tends to get a life of its own. Do you watch The X Files? It was my favorite show when it first came on, but they've gotten too far Do you think people are becoming more open-minded about UFOs? Oh, yeah, it's amazing. I mean, look at the commercials alone. Even in a off track. It's j~:~st not as good as _it was the first year. tradejournal for the insurance industry, I've seen a full-page ad of people If you solve the case, what will you do with your spare time after that? pointing up into the sky at a UFO, and this is to sell Prudential life insur I Like investigating and writing mysteries. Or I'd find the next crash-there ance. You can't find a more conservative industry than insurance. are other alleged crashes-so I'd probably do that. They think there are 20 billion solar systems in the Milky Way, so you take the Law of averages, and Does your wife believe in UFOs? there's got to be Life out there. $ She's more spiritual than I am. She's not really into this, but she knows it brings pleasure to me, so that's good enough for her. I would say she looks at this with bemused enjoyment. 7 DAIL V RECORD, Roswell, NM -July 2, 1999 CR: G. Fawcett Shirkey writes book with death if they talked." .. Walter and I never spoke about it until 1990 when we went to a conference in Washington on the UFO. on Roswell incident !bat's when we found out what the other did 45 years ago." Shirkey said he was moti vated to write the book after watching a colonel on a tele fEUPE MENDOZA "The first four days it was vision program who said RECORD STAFF WRITER just military who knew what most people around in 1947 Mter years of silence regarding the 1947 "were old enough to be Roswell Incident, Roswell resident Robert J. was going on." senile." Shirkey has written a book released this week lbe government said that calllbedr e.. Reo hswunedll r1e9d4 o7r: 4I 0w0a bs otohkerse, .m" aybe more, Robert J. Shirkey .i. tT nheavte rit h wapapse nneodt, "a hUe FaOdd, edi.t have been written on.t he subject," Shirkey Author of "Roswell1947: I was there." was a weather balloon. said. 'ibis is the first one written by someone "Those of us who were who was there." Shirkey said ... I saw the 1-beam with the involved immediately knew According to Shirkey, he was assistant strange markings on it." we'd better keep our mouths group operations officer for the 509th Bomb Shirkey added, lbe airplane took off at 2 shut." Group stationed at Walker Air Force Base p.m." According to Shirkey, he when the incident occurred in July, 1947. That morning Lt. Walter Haut was asked chose to write about the inci dent because so much infor Shirkey got involved with the alleged UFO by Col. William Blanchard to write a news mation has come out·s ince crash four or five days after the incident story that appeared in the Roswell Daily 1980. occurred. Record. Shirkey also said manv Shirkey reportedly set up the flight plan for .. That's when they had the big headline explanations regarding the a B-29 that transported materials found by a about a foreign craft having been found," he incident have been released rancher to Fort Worth, Texas. said. by the Air Force since 1990 .. When the rancher brought items that he Walter Haut and Shirkey shared an offlce - "All of them untrue." found on his property and took it to the sher in Roswell for several years but never spoke .. I'm trying to get people to iff, then the secrecy was broken," he said. about the incident, Shirkey said. understand there's more .. Now the civillans knew about this. Although Shirkey was never threatened_, behind the scenes and that !be first four days it was just military who .. some people claimed they were threatened we'll get the true story out," knew what was going on." Shirkey said . .. I saw pieces of metal from the craft," The book is available at the International UFO Museum and various stores in Roswell. Shirkey will also sign I Antioch woman copies of the book at the Roswell Convention and Civic Center beginning this after ia: noon. says she was once also had similar experiences. i abducted by aliens "My kids would come to me one by one, and say this wa~ happening to me," she recalled. "I'd listen to them, but I didn't say I was having those experi cef BY CHRISTINE A. VERSTRA£TE ences too." ':7i KENOSHA NEWS CORRESPONDENT 'LIFE IS ETERNAL, Later, Hugbet said, they g BRISTOL - Close encounters shared their tttperiences. Once ~ of the extra-terrestrial kind are and there's something she stopped nghtlllg the experi ences and reallnd she had the uf not all that unusual in this 3: area, if you believe one out there.' choice to say no to the visitors, Hughes said she accepted it and ~ Antioch, Ill., woman and her made peace with it. family. Bonnie Hughes "It's a very spiritual experi Fifty-year-old Bonnie Hughes Antioch, Ill., resident ence once you go through the said that stories of unusual vis fear part," she said. "You start itors have long been a tradition in her family, dating back to When she got older, Hughes all over with the ethics of the her grandparents. said, there were other visita universe and spirituality. tions, and she recalled strange "The human soul body is "Our family's had stories of things happening in the house. about to mature. All the sys contacts going back several generations," said Hughes, a "Lights would turn on and tems on this planet are about to lifelong Antioch resident. "We off," she said. "Electrical equip come to fruition. From the per never connected them with ment would malfunction. My spective of the others, we're spaceships. We just called them mother had to fit it into her going to literally transform into 'the others."' Russian background, saying it lhe next being. Hughes, who describes her wasn't something to be feared. "Life is eternal, and there's parents as "very fundamental It was unaccountable." something out there." Christian," said that she and Hughes said that when she Her daughters have been her four sisters were encour read a book in 1985 telling attending conferences with her, aged to explore other beliefs. about alien abductions, she but her two sons want nothing Her first memory, she said, was thought it was her story. She to do with it now. "They want from age 2 months when she said she visited alien space to live a normal life,' she said. was sick with encephalitis. ships, endured examinations Daughter Liz Hughes, 19, also "I remember seeing little peo and "fetal extractions." of Antioch, said she views her ple standing higher than my She was terrified at first. "I experiences differently now as crib," she said. "I remember was a spiritual seeker," she well. them looking with gray eyes ... said. "When I first realized "I remember being deathly I saw a tall being and lights." what was happening to me, I afraid of nighttime, and my Some visitors she called the thought it could be hybrid blankets movlnR around on "Beloved Ones" she described beings manufactured for some me," she said. "I really think I as gray and 7-feet-tall. one else's purposes. I was mor started spiritually developing " I've seen some pictures that tified." around 15. It's just a special look like they're related to the Hughes later learned that her awakening and time for every Bird People in Jewish lore," five children, three daughters one to get together and just be 8 she said. and two sons, now ages 19 to 30, aware." FOREIGN NEWS [All British clippings courtesy of Timothy Good, unless otherwise credited.] i ! They're all UFO sightings .. ;c on ri• se since !still out there i' lights spotted 1 by David Wiles m IB w UFO sightings across North Yorkshire are watching ~ on the increase. CJ Since strange lights were reported in the sky ~ last Monday, the Eveping Press has been inun UJ dated with phone calls from local residents [ij claiming to have seen similar unexplained UJ objects. the skies ~ Some feel the county could be set to regain its 0 reputation as .a hotbed of UFO activity, with ~ recent sightings in Riccall, Kelfield, Selby and ~ York within the last two weeks. University lecturer Hugh Palmer saw what he described as a "phenomenal sight" while driving from York to Wheldrake on Wednesduy. "I was about half a mile from Elvington air field when this huge ball of orange light maybe As the turn of the millennium approaches, the 30ft across shot downwards extremely quickly from the sky. skies are thick with new UFO books. BILL "When it got to about 100ft from the ground WILSON identifies two of them. it just vanished." Mr Palmer said he then drove around for 30 minutes looking for clues as to what he had W seen, but there was no sign of debris or an impact. John Mcintyre, a retired British gas worker TH the end of the 1930s, and for Thny Dodd it is the belief from Tang Hall, York, was on St Nicholas millennium looming, that there are massive UFO bases under Fields, York, two weeks ago when he saw an here are as many splits, the sea off the coast of Iceland. oblong object in the sky. · schisms, and sects appearing in the world Dodd's book starts with accounts of "There were two rows oflights running down of Ufology as 'there were in the Christian triangular, disc and cigar shapes he has the side of it and I was watching it for about Church in days gone by. sighted while UFO-watching on the North ten minutes," he said. And, as Y2K (the year 2000 to you and Yorkshire moors but his book quickly "I know it was there because another man me) approaches, publishers are only too descends into more exotic tales of alien who had been stood watching it came over and keen to get books into print on the subject abductions and animal mutilation. said 'Can you see what I can see?" - which they see as appealing to growing Tim Matthews' book works works in Mr Mcintyre said the object moved slowly New Age sensibilities. reverse. It starts questionably and There are hundreds of gradually offers more into the clouds and then back down again four times. theories about the source of reasonable explanations for UFOs - strange sights in the the strange sights over our "Then a plane appeared next to it and the skies which historians have skies. object just disappeared. It was as if the plane been chronicling for His hypothesis that most had been scrambled to deal with it," he said. centuries. UFOs are prototypes of A caller from Riccall, who did not want to be Everything, from naturally futuristic man-made craft is named, said she had seen lights in the sky at occurring physical preceded by SO pages the same time and in the same place as our phenomena to alien breeding arguing that the technology reporter. . programmes, have been put used in these vehicles The caller revealed that two years ago she forward as explanations, originated in the Third and her husband followed a UFO from York to with a lot of other ideas in Reich. Harrogate before giving up the chase. between. The latter argument seems An RAF spokesman said they were not aware In two new books UFO: based on possibility, of any air traffic that would ·explain Monday's Revelation and Alien suggestion and hypothesis, sightings. "But we do take any such reports Investigator, by Tim but he is stronger when seriously," he said. Matthews and Thny Dodd suggesting today's triangular A spokesman for North Yorkshire Police said resl?ectively, the pair add their research shapes are hybrid lighter-than-air (LTA) he had not seen any reports of sightings for a and ideas to an ever-groWing volume of vehicles made from tough composite couple of years, but the force had recently literature on the subject. materials. received a report of flashing lights above But with Roswell, crop-circles, Two interesting books-two different Harrogate, and above Escrick last week. abductions, Mars and other well-known approaches. But will they still be in print e Have you any strange sightings to report ? themes done. to death, the new UFO book in 2001? Call David Wiles on 01757 703580. has to offer a fresh approach. In Tim Matthews' case it is the theory (JFO: Revelation by Tim Matthews (Blandford that the roots of UFOs lie in the £9.99); Allen Investigator by Tony Dodd experiments of Nazi Germany in the ,(Headline, £9.99) TARGET, Boston, England-Feb. 24, 1999 - I t was a UFO says video man- VIDEO footage of June 1997, when he drawn to looking out like a disc," he said. him to send a cc,py to and spoke to UFO what appears to 'be a saw the strange object of the window after ''The clouds were them and said they magazine who were UFO, shot by a in the sky. hearing two FIS's grey and you could would be in touch as very keen to see the Boston man, has been fl)·ing across. see the object going in it was hoped to be fooffi2e. After being initially snapped up by UFO However, Shane, and out of the clouds. used at an autumn stunned by the expe Magazine. an enthusiast with an It appeared to be conference. But this is riot the rience, he managed to oBfoS shtGaononeo, dsBhoranod w nC blo(e3se0en), cgpaeictm kse ormau ejpu sshth oiinsts t iomvfi edt hetooe cdainrie rafdcifnetr aipttfhtethal,y tk shnnaeooi wdst a lwaeidnt. g wae iaors f cwbrlaaWascf kthe. em"on ri t thgeerde yof.rr ioAgmi nl iagtlhlhyet cmaaHmgoawezi enveef. rr,o mno wtohred afi rc"srTta fhttie.m fei rhste thimase sweeans living with his craft. "At the time I saw spoke to a magazine "They never con when I was very grandmother on ••u was doing quite the craft (UFO) it was which dealt "ith the tacted me so I just left young as I was Argyle Street at tbe strange directly over the subject of UFO's at it." he ~~id. coming down Vaux time of the incident, manoeuvres," said house. When I looked the time of the in However, he d~­ hall Road with my 9 shortly before 3pm in Shane, who had been at the video it looked cident they had asked cided to try again, mum," said Shane. ;ouT OF THIS WORLD ."c.0! dANo zaemnasz ionfg sfiillmv ·eorf UFO excitement as Brian hfciuerrsaitod un"so wotibhcjieeldcet so" anp anhsuissimn wgb aoeyvr eotrof· 0 orb-like objects work. eun shooting across films spectacular in sky vidHeeo cmaamneargae adn dto c abuogrrhot wth ea the sky In Stirling objects on film over several 'i more days. cI0Cul;l l) twhhaaes tUc ehKxe. crsit eadll oUvFeOr HeB tyh eSnT pEaVssEe dS thMeI rTeHsu lt to etni·io ogMtnh aetr f dhrCo aB<uu!rrdlsi la,oa nsgra hafi aodcn rot, n hmwmeoh faroinne .dq "t u hweaasns· i~tnh~c_rr:oe~udigi!b~hl{e ft s.hp!ee~~ ec d~l.ao tuJ'd;s~ ·a~tl da~n~ eGddirdi~t i:nn2ognt o h~rai cv~o~em :apanuivt~i n~cgo~ m3eq~pu~li~ep~x The video caught by a experts at UFO Magazine. as spectacular as the UFO The team contacted Brian ment-and was only able to 0a: roadworker, who is puAb ltiecaamt ifornom t rtahvee mlloendt htloy Cimitayg iens tchaep mtuirde-1d9 o9v0esr. Mexico aarfrtievre dh aist tmhey mstaegraizoiunes hteaapde· sctoapnyd tahred oVriHgSin atal pfiel mb yo cno nto 0 known only as Brian, Stirling just before He added: ~The VHS cas quarters in Dkley, Yorkshire, necting the camera to a (aw,:) hU"taFhsOe b mefooesnot tshaigganieli efeidcv aeansrt CCviniahnlvrcliaesegdtshm watainesg 'v,s aaeai tndgodo: t "r yW seoRsemt'uereerst dhcsaioenyngl, s:berlota:tdet dc~aoy~lni ogt:ahcti n:in,e S~dc ~osrtel~aveneddr." a~l iiltn'.i DAetwhsee c ShyelO imOsmelJb n.ea trBs .a re ixtaepnae,mr tw st ohv oiien whteaerds nnreaecHtiitooherned a ret odtrh .dp eee rdrep:s eo"tuIur acfeteese aln nohyre ik nhicnalids > recorded in Britain". extremely unusual. ~Some of the manouevres lil'ed in the town for 10 years, of hoax or try to mislead any· c..I Brian, 31, recorded the "What we've seen at Stirling and detail on the 15-minute told the experts: "It's like "'leas to what he has filmed." Q five-and-a-half-hours of cisa soense I ohfa vthe ee vmeor shta cnodolevdin. cing ctalopsee lwv errees qemuibtele sdtu thntn-iknign dan odf t'/h'beeyy k Pnsorw s ewelmw nto I aapmp efialmr.j"f1 6. BoFnonry byreidagres,, ntheaer tSotwirlnin ogf, film footage near his "Brian is as genuine as the activirv recorded in the ~Jo •., Brian, who also handed has been regarded as one the home in Stirling at the end day is long and wasn't out to over ~iexico." over the master tape to help countrY'S most active area for LOOKING UP: Brian's image magnified by magazine of last year. make a million. He's cenainlv 0. ORe.~ioq ~ a proveltsauthenticity, -.aid he UFO slghtings. What chased us across moor;» ~~ "i0 0» c : ~a; A~~ CuLpOlSeE t oE bnaccoku ncatellrs o tfo t sheet Tuhp iar dV Kalilnedy iUs FleOa dcienng- 0 u p Ie break silence to relive /flying light' terror = ~ A strange light in the sky that chased them en cQ . ayceraorsss o mf eomorblaanrrda wssaesd r esvileeanlceed. this week· after 45 ---:b:-y--:N==I-=G~E='L'--=L-A-=-=:-N.,-C=-:A=-S~H""I"'R=E=--- Ifrto smud bdeehnilnyd s,t abratcekd otonw thaerd rso uasd, thoowv~errdinsg B suilrennletlyy. strhiee dt htoin fkinsd aabnosuwte trhs,e wire e axrpee.~ bioetnhc rea. ti"oWnea lh paevae- en The bright light followed them across above the ground. ple. But we cannot find any sane explanation. aw: "'0 aDnede rtphleayn Mgooto br firgogmer a a hnudn dbrreigd hytaerrd su dnitsilta int cwe a..s. ha"vTe hber oreucgehnt ti rt eapllo brtasc akn. dW ae phwavael so fnolyr seivgehrt isnpgos bri"gWhet ,h aadn dth otouog hst tiet awdays ao bni ctyhcalet, brouut gith w ams otooor sim"Biluatr I e axmpe arlimenocsets g ilnad t htoe hseamare o pthlaecres. hNavoew. ,h wade a. ; within a yard of their terrified faces. ken about it to friends but we now think every g~~~-ever-brighter ball of light sped up, blind- don't feel quite so alien ourselves." w Q The couple, known to 'the Free Press although one should know." ing us. It began to hurt. UFO phenomena prompted Roger Markman, a aW: wc rriedqiucuesleti, nwge raen woanlykminigty a crtoo sss athvee mtohoemr t o fvriosmit twAent ttihese. tMimres, Xth sea icdo: u"pMley wfiaenrec ei na ntdh eI ihr aeda rdley wa"mlWl. :eB yg otth secna trheed baanldl whaids 5b0e hbiing da na dr oduazgzhl isntgo,n iet BBaaccuupp' sr efsoirdmeenrt ,b iast hses ebkuiinlgd ibnagc iknetros a t oU cFoOn cveenr-t Lt.. theM mr aann'sd sMistresr Xin, Wnoawte rl.i ving in Ramsbottom, cniidgehdt ttoo vsihsoitr th icsu sti satcerro isns WDeateerrp. lIa yh aMd orooar moende ~ :!:fl~~ moor and shone through the cracks !.~~a de us both feel better to know that someone were courting at the time. Mrs X said: "We have those moors all my lU'e without incident." The light moved right up to the wall and moved else takes this sort of thing seriously," Mrs X kept silent because we didn't want to appear fool "We reached the cenotaph and left the main along it. adds. "There may be lots of other sightings but ish and rarely speak about it even to each other. road. Then we became aware of a bright light To this day, Mrs X has nightmares whenever people feel silly speaking out." ,..;. 0 ;:: ;I;l;l ri I w ~~--------------~------~~--~ w ~ HERE can't be too many village sub-postmasters ;: who have become nationally renowned for their ~ · expertise in all things astronomical and UFO- re ated. Many people may know of the existence of the ~ Natural Sciences Centre in North Staffordshire, proba i bly even visited it. ~ And they will certainly know there's a Post Office in Eccleshall. a: But not that many would necessarily connect the two. 0 But Tony Pace, who runs the centre with his u.. twin brother and is also a nationally respected By Sarah Kirby before and the day after." pretend to be professional astronomers," he Lt.. expert amateur - or amateur expert - on ufol Next on the agenda for the centre is a tele added. C~J) sougSbyo- p daoons tdtmh eaa svstietlrrloa. gneorms wyh, o ics omales oin toE tchcel esshhoapl lt'os sbtaacrk gyaazridn gi nw Terhee p Pooortt,e wrihesa.t wBiutht caolln tdhieti osnmso kfoer. gscao"zpiWneg e. thhoapt e pteoo pbluey caa nsm aulsle 'offofr thdea yshtiemlfe' testlea r iUngFMsO,r aRPnaedcs eeh aiasrs c ahel svAoe snvs oesrceyira ivtnieotden r,te itsmhtoeeud g oihnn hUtehF ehO aB ss rdiigteihfsith · buy stamps and get their pension know who So he and his brother Michael rented a piece of scope. Not so we can say we!ve got this new toy nitely got his feet on the ground and has little the"yA h laovte o lfi vtihnegm in d tohne'itr kmniodwst,? b ut quite a few of lwahnedr ea t tNheewy chbaupilet l, ahni gho basbeorvvea tnoroyr thferornm Sstpoakree, stoc opplea.y Inwsitteha, db uotf spoe owpel'ev eq ugeout ina g' puupb litco' ltoeloek tim"Ie wfoars tkheee wn atcok tireyr aenndd pouf tt hthei nUgFsO o nm aa srkenest.i ble ottthhoneeuN y ctoeo hltsl e edwjveueii rtsshs tio o opmmnne eeoeos.tp"r h l dhihenoe eig a nsb r aodeEiuc dctat.hc uilenesmes h t htaohelnle syotkh'rvie eeS s rt aastdefhfeieoonyr. d Wtgshehihtni regienns, wvbpuiaisTlriidltthdsloii.ifrs nes g' e, vchaeealnntvetteurrnnea. al lwtyiTvi thehte u e rannc eeeprdngl atyrni ende tetoama rlisoauonnm s t,ser tdaeutuxdicohiaenibtssi i otaitnnohadnel atuthhnper"d oyfW ru cocgeomah mnk teafghyonoe r i tientane ybtlteoehle-s ept,c hiCoaeepQnc ecde- e{ on)osnrtendr etia nh alpa ertif eocmrseot uoeomrznfei i wnasto gnhwr io.cch bohijcl edihsc ntwc itoaghmrhemtye, fib1mr2aoH spmiyrseeo aaavs nrebesdrda v dgaes eadp tn r rote ehsnsoes er .tfa gharaeccn thasi ss,"dsa otihircoeei ncas ttaioitodrhn .a 'astn cdho a.mb dem lisietuvtfeefese rfheoder uAhttsfmtuhhrhseouaioiM"."o gn"mlshuIPwlhgt ygarr etse hpad h oP hraleh.np.iat edo aah'lc t pev.ge e ao eloy He an bt'cv lceewrloseoui onnh mfec goo hahtwe ou laatl n ihhsd adn do fi moncr fwotboskoaomoi mrnntt mgshy p ywee aeuaeaty ti tanht imvehhnridirs na sa ttavignohtpbne ueiaiu deicna nnt ch ltc d laee audM twsrm'emoe pisesnotehptthl ' foib ut. mno nopEsgfkeuet vrwon traoceennoinacnoteewldkh r,l, ltawwtbatouhhnneoeoreTe""ddeearkW Whn lstcm dwhip aseiee.tertane"n h e rc y htptac.aahcrb iai tnecaeesc dk n e aa waht arhrluase se ewashlpo ae co a oetttcpbhwltadoimireetdd cihrrnoerp t seeuftngsemhlrrrtt oyo e iaa pnamisctlnon l' losa e f ndg na rr h ou erdotmasamshainopetnleo il fp tyoitnuwt.ceh n ileiwmnee styeoi a ae nxrmtnff..hgt r otroe PoAearanrm de r iioo sltnt taoaphuocvdtrlen oeisyeks dlm inl pthdcitooetihaaaec rwydne-ss sssaolttwerhwconfaaaieM"Hl deinanar nI ndnsserttgr ctal' d ts trahseyePoo ortaa,.leaos en yenlaoc suososdsenmt cnmo hs io'ldtkteio-iy psn o tni aehsgabnagv t.isne , na ne a adlldrpgiinlsy ne r dtats tve«wrhc kbse?awiees eo ce eesuksngi cninuc tcoam ante,an~ hon 'b las aen pl:n spn io u_hndrod'v baoidt b neeltswibijhrrtntcear m egtp cosph u t isnt.ecedne .poto oldPhueme"pneooresWlreeycproess i ol petza feapod l oo enlefudnro fdw ro. twciit"a ninnhatl till'onhggetl' owaoOPUtt'shhgunheafFeeIHsef erttr tlOicni'nyheecoshNdo,e e u aow,mtw aais sh suttma'uh fei hutssUoibn aor ac orjsaazaunFh epfli.lgo tcO nsaihtHhtottgchS h e -we ceec ehe.oh ias rtlewteneshte i na. tfmsae 'lrecttsf.e ro eeriJ engecosnpssdan auto szsarc rCes eileinnse tfet a i giucannwtml rslh t es oorseatwuteoeuf t'b e t lTthtkdl-opfilripe un s rabaoeol grnslebpusj - se turt naitmicto pea mhmttn kat ehethtsae hoe .etpgnA rnee ha r eArsPzrf,ure'a tioiinh.nrnssansidoeees tlt what it is, something that's always been a mys- tery to them." And when this happens. the sub-postmaster faces a slight dilemma. "I never know whether to give them a straight 10 report on what it is, because then the mystery's gone." Mr Pace's first love is astronomy, a passion that began when he had a telescope in his

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