... fiEWSCLIPPifiG SERVICE March 1999 Number 356 12 CANEY VALLEY DRIVE • PLUMERVILLE, ARKANSAS 72127 USA EDITOR/PUBLISHER: LUCIUS FARISH BULLETIN, Latrobe, PA - Feb. 12, 1999 CR: S. Gordon ~ '98 good year UFOs, Phenomena Reported In '98 ~ forUFOs Mysterious lights in the tion on alleged observations ger be heard. The sound was timed sequence. ci As a point of information, 1998 sky, unexplained booms, in 1998,whichcouldnotbe reportedlyheardbyothersin Triangular-shapedobjects was a good year for UFOs strange field formations and confirmed. Some incidents Westmoreland County as were reported from Blair and 0: worldwide, in the amount of 0 a shiney "something" in a remain under study well. Eric counties. There were UFO materials and statements tree were some of the un- Some of the 1998 cases There were a number of numerous reports of odd 01 released. usual occurrences that re- include: fireball reports from around spheres of light reported g Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar searcher Stan Gordon looked May 7-Butler County the area. These reports were from various locations. On .....~ Mitchell stated in a Connecticut into during 1998 from around -A farmer on a tractor, do- likely observations of bright Oct. 30 near Ford City in ~ talk that UFOs are now Pcrmsylvania. ing some early morning meteors. During the evening Armstrong County, a man . becoming mainstream in When Gordon of Greens- planting, saw on object mov- of March 31 residents in watched a bright orange ball !; America and called for open "? burg began researching re- ing about five. feet above his Westmoreland County re- ~flight move in a straight ~earin~s in Congress and urged ports of alleged UFO sight- field. The obJect was about ported a fast moving blazing hne acro~s the sky. It then 1mmuntty from prosecutions for mgs and other strange events 30 to 40 feet long, dome- object moving west to east. shot straight up, then the 0z those who were threatened or in 1959, little did he know shaped in the front, and On Nov. 11 at about 9:30 light stopped, then went c signed previous oaths of secrecy that nearly 40 years later, he thinne~ out towards the back p.m. a white fireball was straight down. He called his .2 concerning their experiences. would still be investigating where It became rounded off. seen moving east to west be- wife to come outside to con ~ Qr. Richard Haines at ~~ such matters, trying to find There were numero.us col- tween Greensburg and firm his observation. Shere g Research in California released answers to these persistent ored, s9uare-sha~cd lights on Jeanette emitting debris and ported seeing the light move mysteries. the ObJeCt, ~nd 1t appeared white sparks as it passed across the sky then stop, then ::::; information on 3,000 pilot reports Over the years, Gordon surrounded m a vapor. Some through the sky. People also it accelerated and took off CJ) o~e~ the past 80 years: 52 percept has been involved with the unusual effect were reported reported an orange fireball faster than anything she had ;= mahtary, 40 percent commercial, investigation of thousands of with the farmer's machinery with a tail moving towards. ever seen, leaving a streak of ~ seven percent private and one strange incidents that were when the object ~as in the Ligonier fqrm the Youngs- light in the sky. ch percent test pilots. Some of report~d from ac_ro~s the area. As the O~Jec.t rose town area on Nov. 15. If you have seen anything w these reports, along with gun state. H1s research md1cated above the tree hne, It sud- A more unusual meteor- strange or unusual recently ~ camera photographs and r;War that these incidents gcner~lly d~nly vanished from sight like s~ghting occurred on ~e or in the past, Gordon would zt- tracking ar.c still classified. .. are reported by responsible (via. BORU.) mommg of Dec. 14 near Gu- like to hear from you UFO S Fourteen scientists. testifit4 to ~bse:vers ~rom all wa_lks of July 6-Pittsburgh sub- ard in E~c County. A person sightings·(or other s;range o the reality of many aspects. of hfe, mcl~dmg profes~10nals urb, Allegh~n_y County~ A unloadmg some packages events) can be reported 24 ~ UFO evidence and the need for such as pilots and police of- couple admmng a beauuful from a car around 6:40a.m. hours a day by calling the ficers. While many of the ac- sunset, noticed a black object reported a bright object with u F 0 H t 1i n e at ( 7 2 4) -' more scientific investigations and 0 funding of.. these efforts in New counts app~ar strange and motionless a~ovc some a t~il moving v~ry fast. The 838-7768. Gordon also can York. The chairman, Peter A. unusual, quue often a man- clouds. The obJeCt looked object moved duectly over- be contacted by email at pau madc or natural explanation like a ~uselage _of an aircraft head, and appeared very low. fo@ westol.com. you can Sturrock, a phyaicist of Stanford University hea4¢ the six-clay can be found to explain the but With no wmgs or rotor The startled observer write to him at PO Box 936 event. blades. Usi~gbinoculars, watchedastheobjectmov~ Greensburg,PA 15601.And review of tbe o~·p\lblis»ted There are many well- whatlookedhkeanumberof about30feet,andstoppeddl- visit Gordon's website at in the Journal· of Sc.ientific documented events however, "giant lollipops" were seen rcctly above the roof of the www.westol.com/-paufo.·A Exploration. which have occu~red in the e!llainating out from the top, hou~c. The object rem~ined SASE is appreciated if you Freedom of Information Act Keystone state d~nng the last sides and underneath of the motionless, looked hke a are requesting information 01 documents, 26,000 in all, now 40 years .. that still defy easy object. These projections solid round light, which be- a response. released through presspre and explanation. Gordon bcg~n looked long and solid with a gao to blink on and off in a lawsuits against government to take calls form the public round object at the end. The · agencies show that UFOs are the in 1969 abour their ex peri- object while under observa- most highly classified subject in ences, and since then he has tion began turning side to directed three volunteer UFO side, and the shape seemed to American History, even higher investigating groups in the vary from that of a cigar to a than the tf-bomb Manhattan state. Today Gordon con- triangular configuration. Af- Project(~ o!these I've read tinues to document reports ter several minutea it ap- pei'S(?Dall)' ). . . . and conduct investigations as peared to pick up speed and Over 83 UFO incidents, an independent researcher. moved north where it was previously classified· as Top He also keeps in contact with lost from sighL DAILY NEWS, Anchorage, AK Secret recently have b~en various agencies, UFO asso- S c pt. 2 7 - Fayette declassified by the Spanish Jan. 6, 1999 CR: J. & L Nicholson ciations and other research- County-At about 8:30 government through Madrid's ers to keep up to date with p.m., an unexplained loud Meteor streaks over Bowl General Air Force Library. An the latest events. boom was reported by resi- A meteor or some other visiting p_!~~~ ~ estimated 20 percent of ~he Gordon maintains an 'ex- dents in Brownsville. The ex space junk streaked through the sky ,over cases lack any logical tensive electronics commu- plosive sound was heard the Anchorage Bowl on Tuesday evening, explanation, compared to the nicationscenter,whereinfor- nearly 15 miles away into according to sightings reported to the Fed recently revised U.S. Air Force mation on UFOs and the un- Washington County. Ire eral Aviation Administration. One of the re Blue Book UFO project that ports came from Jamie Bouchard, an An explained is gathered from ceived reports of a person be could not explain .40 percent of chorage resident. Bouchard was walking his sources around the world. ing jolted out of bed, and dog alongside the University Center mall in their cases investigated over 20 Reports of strange incidents another family who watched Midtown about 5 p.m. when for several sec years~ were received from 18 coun- as their curio cabinet rocked onds he saw an object streak low in the sky Recent new discoveries ties in Pennsylvania during with·t heir collectables being against the backdrop of the Chugach Moun demonstrate that the USAF is 1998. Some UFO sightings tossed about. Researcher Jim tains. "It was about the same height as a still inve~ti·-~ throl)gh were explained as observa- Brown who also investigated small plane would have traveled," Bouchard tions of bright meteors, syn- the matter, said some witnes said. "It was a bright blue light, and you the 696~lbtelli'JCJlCe Group chronized .ad vcrtis·ing ses described the sound as a could almost hear the flames, and the at Fort Belvoir; Va., contrary to searchlight displays, atmo- concussion. I also received flames went out and it left black smoke as it the general"'public's awareness. went farther down." Two pilots told the President Bill Clinton's spheric conditions that made information that a similar oc FAA they spotted an object, possibly a me executive order· N12958 will planets and stars look un- currence was reported during usual, and even lights refleet- the afternoon of Sept. 25 ateno ar,i rocvrearf tC cooou~l dI,n alent FtrAaAve dliuntgy foafsftiecre rth saanid . require · ·> automatic ing from flying bats and near Saltsburg in Indiana Bouchard. and the pilots said the object al declassificatjpn by.the year 2000 moths. Gordon who h:1s in- County. One person de ternated between white and a blue or green of ,all. na~j()n.al . SeiHirity vestigated many alleged Big- scribed the sound as starting color. Bouchard has seen meteors before, docum~s more ..t han~2S Afears foot encounters, as well as out like a huge explosion, but but this was different) he said. "Just this old·. Are .more surprises other unusual animal sight- with a very low pitch, which one item appeared out of nowhere. It was concernih&. · ,Ut"Os to ·:be ings such as mountain.lion was followed by a long beautiful to watch, but I didn't know what it revealed?, .,·· .. , -'' . · , \ · ·'!;~ anq black panther reports in rumble of a higher pitch. The was, so I called the FAA." We can col~ftly 'hqld our '\·<:· the state, says that he only re- rumble lasted about 15-30 breath untilthen, . ~ ceived secondhand informa- seconds until it could no Ion- GEORGE D. FA\VCi'IT · · " Luicotrtton TIMES, New York, NY - Feb. 22, 1999 CR: W. Theriot Stop the Flying Saucer, I W ant to Get Off •By Lawrence M. Krauss T · · ' a CLEVELAND here wu peat deal of concern expresttd dur ing the Monica LeWin sky scandal that the distinction between mainstream journal ~-.and the tablol~ had all but nn isied-But the public, bombarded day aJJd, night with salacious and trrele Vltflt revelations, maoqed to separate r&w wheat from the eMU. Js it too much to bepe that this in9;ate good sense wtH WlJ to the ~li>id fare that televtstoo is peddling BOW, during the ratings sweeps? No longer able to rely on Washington to provide a steady supplJ'_~Biiiintion allsm, at least one network has started looking to outer spaat; .tmn tal.ldng, of •CQJU"Se, about alien llitldms :.Ust Wednesday nJtbt; WblJe cban -r,m.surflng toward the PBS eod of the -3pedrum, I was stopped by the title -.~ of a program caDid "ec.ftrma- -d:lo; The Hard Evtdlllcllt;:· <.t\llens Amoog Us?" Grainy ~ -.-:ers, aliens' fac.CM· ~::afi: :w.ltiet- ·IIX*in& operatin& .cteen. It must be a • •"Abe X-Files," I ll1ten I U.corner. Scedbytbe .dimion, Ill. den tntplants to abductkla. .. . . ·; . ablef atJlOD3 the~~~ tiWJdence" was the ..._ ~ Jbieber, wboee bil~ -ai~De tom·snatcbed him tnlilb<MI llome one tligbt. injected cbellllals . blto. ... bls w.rn and helped • .-t aatn tbe 'bit-seller lists. N~ecJ Mr. Strteber as both an · ' .tOUrce and ·a jOW'Jl<.tlc .JIIalniewer. I Andy Rub learned later that he was all!o an exec The fragment was then sent, for finger, or what particular aspect was When it comes to scientific zealots, . and television is an important source utive producer of the Show. Is lt unfair reasons unexplained, to be analyzed unclassifiable. Moreover, we were not however, It's a different story. of that knowledge. But If "science" on (~1\ ~aplieecnt atbhdautc htiiosn ~ ~ I II Msnttalhe biin sbcya na ngienogl oegleisctt.r oInt wMaisc rmosacgonpief,i eadn db yw ae wtoalds swoh iym -poirft atnhti s- suNpBpCo sdeidd envoitd heanvcee W hen a big net- enietthweor rpk rtoeglervaimsiso nh ycpoinnsgi stasl iemno svtilsyit oaf ~~ w tahtec hpeteds wenhtaatti (r)iJtl?-.~ ; . .a s "the learned - to our amazement I - that tahneo trheesro ularbceosr attoo rhya. vBeu itt, oafn acloyuzresde ,b iyf waworaky strtihpes tbiroena kotrh rnoeuwgsh ss,e gism Iet natnsy d wetoainldinegr tdhiaett ~t'on<amera ~---anea~ it appeared t<H>e a bit of iron. We were the fragment had turned out to be part pretense of the border between sense and non 1llfel'i tmpl.nt" f~M ' lalnd ot a of the edge of a car door, or a shard journalistic sense becomes blurred? _{JI!Ill01184 abduCUe.: ,. operat1dg from a metal fence post, It might have integrity to The late Carl Sagan called science a~ameJitB, o•_i_ lil alla fnr~ q.noi~Mt.edf e t ttlxlb doatDfl r-df ~l .llB'lHaultt · ~fW.lall.l aDb Omtoh(ube.t. coFnsopri arailc ayl,i elono ,k byaleeisSee,onn owseroeximg tirwenaw.et erherar tel eshftatr iratdoles r c otonm culjuusdst tei fhytha aIvttes, epNinrrBatoetCmirne'ossg tt esep idnea fpclliiauearenltn icecaaesb,?md wueTch htfeireoro enme ixs cc ilttuahsis emee mnst thoebdary t taainu lsq"roecu aipornryfod mvtlheey adittn ht ihstlha luaet nm sddcia inesrankutcp,e"ees r-atsh tmieet ivetoretnhunsoe .td eJH l;loeae f bl~ ............. lllab- planted a mysterious device in some tainment division rather Ulan its news vise4 science - could be both accu- ~ "ezpert" on dli ·told us no farther guy's hand. Technically, I suppose, tfie Qivision is a feeble one, because the . rate and entertaining. e.~Ued)y that this wW . te- Iron chip is hard evidence. But it de distinction is lost on ftlriM viewers. If ·NBC's executives had devoted ~able pied of mCtt '-d ever than NBC. pends on wttat the meaning of "Is" Is. Maahtalns of statlsttcs aukgest those ~ hours to any of the attual • removed from 1 •,•.r.m._el o(nIt This minor bit of yellow journal that the public Is fill' more suscepti mysteries being faced in medicine, ~to me lite a small ism and the press coverage of Presi ble to scientific nonsense than politi-· biology, chemistry, astronomy or ~ but alas I am nCit 1111 expert on dent Clinton's problems are related, cal nonsense. More than half of physics, they might have discovered alien implants.) and in a way I find unnerving. Americans are unaware that the something that everyone who has then informed that - even more mys After years of watching displays of earth orbits the sun and takes a year honestly explored the physical uni Lawrence M. Krauss, Chairman of teriously! - although it did indeed righteous indignation from politi to do it. Many people simply do not verse knows : yes, truth often is the physics department at Case contain iron, the geologist "couldn't cians, the public has become largely have the tools to distinguish charla- stranger than fiction. Western Reserve University, is the classify it." ' immune to them. In fact, it has been tans from honest researchers. · As for me, after getting my fill of culthor of "The PhysicS of Star Trek" What we were not told was why a comforting to see how the moderating Still, people crave more informa NBC's alien "investigation," I tuned and the forthcoming "Genesis: The geologist should be able to "classify" effect of popular opinion can silence tion about the scientific break in to the more compelling science Lives of an Atom." an object removed from someone's zealots on both the right and the left. throughs that are changing our world, fiction of "Star Trek." D GOVERNMENT EXPOSED Speaker reveals evidence for UFOs BY MELISSA SMITH in Montana during a suspicious incident. STAFF WRITER "Five UFOs were tracked on radar for several minutes, and jets were launched to attempt to intercept them," Hastings said. "I later learned from air Oklahoma State University received a crash course Thesday night on possi force sources that as the jets closed in, the UFOs performed a vertical ascent and ble governmental cover-ups of UFO existence. left the area at an enormous speed-a speed far beyond the capability of any Robert Hastings, a UFO researcher, presented "UFOs: The Hidden History", conventional aircraft." a slide-show lecture intended to educate the public about the infonnation now Hastings started to research UFOs in the early 1970s and began speaking available through the Freedom of Information Act His presentation was based publicly about them in 1981. He has spoken to more than 500 colleges and uni on previously classified documents that have been released recently. versities in an effort to reveal the U.S. government's alleged cover-up of UFO "So-called 'flying saucers' do exist," Hastings said. "Behind the scenes, evidence. highest levels of government have judged UFOs to be a national security mat "I am not condemning any government agency," Hastings said. "American ter." citizens just have the right to know." Hastings said he is not out to change skeptics into believers, but he thinks the Hastings presented documents from government agencies such as the OA, Reed Shelton/O'Collegian public should be aware of the information. FBI and U.S. Air Force. One document shows a "dogfight" between an Robert Hastings of Placitas, N.M., deliv "I think that what is coming out has the greatest implications for all of us," American aircraft and what Hastings believes is a UFO. ers a presentation on UFO's and the para Hastings said. 'The government doesn't deserve a blank check, so to speak, to Another document, a 1950 FBI memorandum, was addressed to former FBI normal. Hastings, brought to OSU by the keep it secret forever." Director J. Edgar Hoover. The document said that "flying saucers" had crashed Student Union Activities Board, has been Hastings' interest in UFO research began when he was a 16-year-old "air in New Mexico, and that "bodies of human shape but only three feet tall" were investigating UFO activity for 26 years. force brat" present at an air traffic control tower on Malmstrom Air Force Base DAILY O'COLLEGIAN, found. pie are fogies and think, 'This doesn't that wasn't public." "No one knows the truth regarding Stillwater, OK - Feb. 3, 1999 Dallas Holland, geology junior, and won't happen to me.' They need Despite what Hastings considers to UFOs," Hastings said. "(But) what I found Hastings' presentation to be to wake up and open their eyes." be strong evidence in support of the have shown is closer to the truth than convincing. Sally Hague, psychology sopho existence of UFOs, he said his pro you 'II ever get from your govern 2 "A lot of people ought to listen to more, said, "I was surprised how gram does not solve the mystery of ment." this guy," Holland said. "A lot of peo- much documentation was out there UFOs. (") 0 c: z -1 < ::0 Ne'W Worlds: All That Is, UFO's & You, Too! 0 by SUlV'lV'Y -S. )> 0 A_LIEN ABDUCTIONS WOLF (") :I: T nal emotion and sensory perception of the original numerous ~ HIS COLUMN IS ABOUT UFE - who we are, event. Hypnosis, then is simply a state of mind in ~mu~. z where we are, where we are going - and - which the conscious mind relaxu enough for the sub 5. Mysterious paralysis and tingling feeling prior to 0 where we came from. It will discuss a combi conscious mind to take over. It can be said that in the being abducted. r- nation of studiu that are all relative to life - science, hypnotic state, the person's higher consciousnus is in 6. Being levitated into the craft. ~ philosophy, theology, anthropology. charge, giving the individual accus to that timelus and 7. Being placed on a table. There will be background information given and spacelus dimension that connects him to the rest of 8. Enduring painful examinations. 3: dYioffue,r ethnet preoaidnetrs, ocfa nv iderw.u4 at ny4o puerr ospwecnt icvoensc -lusailol nosn. life. theT uhnei vseurbsceo. nscious is also in charge of sl:oring all our b9.e inSgese i~ngt ha vlaarrgiee,t ya lmofo nbdei-nsghsa,p esdp,e cbiflaiccakl leyy esms; apllr, aygirnayg o:.: The answer to the U.fO mystery is not as simple as . memoriu, even those we don't want to remember, all mantis typu and some ~th reptilian features. ~ that of an alien invasion as many researchers believe. the way back to birth, and some say even beyond. The There are those beings who walk among us as The El Paso (NM) MUFON (Mutual UFO ability of the conscious mind to accus those memoriu humans whom you will frotice, if you are aware, have ~ Network) chapter began to grow and to bring in is sometimu blocked by the subconscious which pro these reptilian features. Be careful if they should speakers that attracted audiences of over 400 at the tects the conscious mind by not allo~ it to remem befriend you. Some only want" to take away your ener- locaMl cUoFmOmNun isit ay wcoollrelgde-.w ide network bice. rT thhioss eim thpionrgtsa ntht agta taer ek teoeop itnrga ufmunact g1y0, . yBoeuinr gp otawuegrh. t many things by the beings and being ~~0 of investigators monitoring and inves· tion is the most important aspect of shown glass tubes or tanks where non-human fe~ otivgearti n5g0 0U FscOie nstiifgihc ticnognss. uTltahnetys fhraovme ttrhaeu musae. Ionf haybpdnuoctsiiosn i nre sdeeaarlcinhg it~ htahs w11e.r eM beemingo rgiruo owfn h laikvein pgl aknntso.w n the beings for a very (~0 every field of science and the organiza been found that not even the most long time. tion played a key rolu in famous UFO clever hypnotherapist is able to open 12. Displaying strong emotions and trauma as the investigations including Roswell, the the gate to an abduction memory until memoriu are recovered. Gulf Breeze, Florida case where hun the person has consciously made the 13. Exhibiting great relief from stress and stress--relat dreds of citizens had seen, pho· decision that he is ready to deal ~th ed symptoms, such as sleep disorder after uncovering tographed and taped unidentifiable fly the information. the memoriu during hypnosis. . · ing crafts for several years and the There is another more disturbing All of these "symptom.S"· are quite normal and ordi Travis Walton case, in which a forest aspect to abduction cases that nary when it is viewed in light of existing research on worker was abducted by a UFO for researchers have discovered. The gate ·the subject of alien abduction. five days in Arizona. to the hidden memoriu can also be If you have an experience you'd like to tell us about The organization attracted people controlled by outside agents - the and would like us to print, please write to me c/o from all walks of life as well as beings themselvu. In case after case, Country Road Chroniclu, RR2 Box 132, Dingmans abductees. They came ~th their stories of missing researchers have been stymied in their efforts to gain Ferry, PA 18328; or email me at cheroku@sky time, sleeplus nights of terror and sketchu of the alien accus to certain hidden memoriu by memory blocks lands.net. We will kup your identity confidential if . beings. What was heard was the typical pattem all too apparently put in place by these higher beings. An you so wire. ~ familiar to abduction researchers throughout the coun abductee will say under hypnosis that try. he's not allowed to know that right whAo tbeadml f~ohrmee dw oafsf ehrainvgin fgr eael iceonu ennsceoliunngt eforsr. aAn ysounpe now, etc. At time.<:, efforts t.o bt"l?a..k r---------------------------------- port group also began for abductees, meeting monthly athtirnogu gphai nth feo rb athrrei earb dreuscutelte ionr e hxec rwuciil-l to share their fears and concems and to gain comfort come out of the trance. And they feel cin the knowledge that they were not alone. Many of that something terrible would happen these people were paranoid about anyone ever finding if they told what they knew. out. their deep dark secret who were outstanding com The aliens also have a way of taking JOURNAL, Albuquerque, NM - Feb. 9, 1999 CR: A. Dyke InGlnlty leaders totally afraid of their alien abductions control of a hypnosis session. The Arizona Man Selling 'UFO Debris' for -and paranormal events leaking out to the community. knowledge that the beings could con Ses-e were so traumatized that they were too fearful to trol the hypnosis and communicate $69,000 e.e.n speak of their experiences. They ~arne their directly with the subject and also own therapists by reading such books as with the therapists left all of them in The A \·sociuted Press . . "'Communion" and "Missing Time." a ~.tate of awe and quite shaken. For TUCSON--One might not notice a potato-sized gray and green rock 1f 11 tht"}ofuygphn otshies ainm naubidau cstuiorrno ucnadsiens g ist heu smedi sstion g btriemake eimxaamgipnlee , wa hbeena uthtief upla tipelnatc ew, aso fttoelnd toa wereo'tfurtts $69,000 price tag. ellt!!lts. These events quite often included several peo beach, where he or she could feel com But Ron Ruiz, owner of the Oro Valley-based Stone People ~roducts, says tJAe who experience shared amnesia for a specific peri pletely safe, so that the person there is oood reason for the price. He chiif111S the item is the remams of a od of time ranging from about half an hour to several becomes relaxed to answer questions, liquid-h~lled alien spaceship that crashed i.n St. Jos~ph, Mo_., in 19~~; . sheceuTnr hsteh. eOb rfaatlieinenn w tbhoeerik ncgsos on ansnc tdiwo tuohs e lemivr eeslmpsa o-creicetrhsa e.fi tnc: colnusdcei ohuasv ainndg jebetecca.t,c thht.h aTte h thebeyeri dne gewsm aossnh nsotowr apetledad c eut ops hthoe enc ostuuhblde told"I tth see eAmrisz olinkae Dana ialyw Sfutallry. high amount, but there IS very ltttle of 1l, RU. lz the tubconscious. The conscious mind is the part of truly be safe from them. They But Tucson astronomer and self-proclaimed skeptic James McGaha sa1d the Uw! mind that is aware of being in contact with physi explained to her that if she chose not 1Gtllesed UFO debris looks a. lot like si;t%-ihe fused remains separated from Ql reality through the use of the five senses. It gathers to carry out their mission in life of metal dunng the smelting process. _ . ancl ~orts information, tests probabilities and then speaking out publicly, she would not "The sad thing is that there are nutty UrO people out t~ere that m1ght buy imnafokrems adteiocnis itoon st.h eT hseu bFcoonnsscciioouuss mmiinndd faolrs os toprraegseen itns babe opuet rhmeirtt-aebdd utoc tiroenm eexmpbeerri eanncyu .m ore it for $69,000," said McGaha, chairman of Tucson Skeptics and a consultant the memory banks and has the ability to call forth Numerous similaritiu can be found forth~ Committee for Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Para~om1al .. memoriu from the subconscious when necusary. It is in the thousands of alien abduction Several people have already paid Rurz $100 a gram for smaller pteces ot the believed that much of the work of the conscious mind casu which have been documented .at"ten debris. is done in the left hemisphere of the brain. and researched around the world: Ruiz said the rock. is the remains of a11 alien mother ship that sent out an On the other hand, the subconscious mind func 1. Evaluation by a competent psychia tions much like a robot, carrying out the instructions trist concluding there is no sign of escape pod that crashed in Roswell in July 1947. . . of the conscious mind-without quution, and control mental illnus. McGaha said the fact that Ruiz is selling alleged UFO remams casts doubt ling such automatic functions as respiration, eye blink 2. Physical evidence in the form of a on his story. _ . . , ing and the rhythm of the heart, even while we are scar (scoop mark) on the leg for which "If you thought you had a piece of a r~ Ul-0, tt would be pncelcss. You asleTehpe orer uisn cao ncsocmiomuso. n· view that the subconscious tinhjeurrey .i s no conscious memory of an wouldn't cut it up into little pieces and sell it," McGaha said. mind records all aspects of events experienced by a per· 3. A missing-time experience that can son. When those memoriu are triggered, they emerge be verified by numerous ~tnu~. into consciousnus with the full force of all the origi- 4. A close encounter ~th a UFO by TAl-CITY HERALD, Kennewick, WA - Dec. 6, 1998 Tri-Citians report bright flash in morning sky Flash at least 4th in past year "It rattled the windows," he said. Cities in the last year. Felix Quinn, a Battelle meteorologist, was LastJ anuary, a meteorlike object dazzled res to spark reports in Mid-Columbia driving to work at the Hanford weather station idents throughout the Mid-Columbia when it wherihe witnessed the flash. flashed across the Tri-Cities, apparently "It lit up the whole sky," Quinn said. "It wasn't splashing down in the Columbia, according to By.ta..lla&8J any half-flash. It was bright." one witness. Herald staff writer It was brief, too. No evidence was found on the ground, howev Several witnesses saw a brilliant flash light The whole thing lasted about two seconds, er, and it couldn't be proved that anything up.the early morning sky Saturday in the Quinn said. reached the river. Tri-Cities, triggering phone calls to the Not one to believe in conspiracy theories, In March, another burst oflight in the nigJ)t National UFO RqK>rting Center in Seattle and Quinn figures the mysterious burst was a mete sky appeared in the Tri-Cities, astonishing ·;· astonishing folks who happened to be awake at orite. "But it was the best one I've se.en,'' he said. those who saw it. 5:40a.m. It wasn't clear what caused the flash. "I was in awe, said one woman. "It gave me Some witnesses reported a sonic boom Peter Davenport, director of the National goose bumps." moments later that was strong enough to rattle UFO Reporting Center, said people witnessed And on Thursday a pilot flying about 20 miles windows in south Kennewick and Burbank. it in the Tri-Cities, Hermiston and Wapato. northeast oftbe Tri-Cities told air traffic eon "I was standing in the living room when I saw "This thing over Washington must have been trollers in Pasco that he saw a meteor-flash it out ofthe corner of my eye,'' said Charlie major,'' said Davenport, whose organization across the cockpit of his plane. Wilkerson. "It just silhouetted everything I can has been tracking a flurry of UFO sightings in "He saw it pretty clear from his window," said 3 see from my window." Washington over the last few months. "It must Mike Taylor, an air traffic controller. Wilkerson, who lives in Burbank, went out have been spectacular." side to investigate about the time a loud boom The flash is at least the fourth meteor or • Reporter Jason Hagey can be reached 111582-1566 sounded. celestial sighting to spark reports in the Tri- or via HMII at JhegeyOtrkftyherald.com OBSERVER, Salt Lake City, UT-Feb. 12-25, 1999 CR: R. Forte FORMER UTAHN .JOI! F'IRMAGI! NOW PUTS HIS MONEY WHI!III! HIS MIND IS - IN THE COSMOS. JACOB ESCOBEDO Firmage Takes a Cosmic Leap An Agnostic Biz Kid Grows Up a Gee-Whiz Believer BY PAUL SWENSON mind games and quantum mechanics. But entranced with the Carl Sagan "Cosmos" tele Joe Firmage is a dreamer. Uke all dream after leaking some intriguing hints of his new vision series. ers, he's been dissed and dismissed for hav path on the Internet last fall, he left USWeb Now, he's been newly-minted by the press ing hie head in the clouds. 8at at ~. Mr. shortly after Christmas (Mr. r1rn1age says he at th. e Seer of Silicon Valley. He's proven him Firmage is not your averaffe Joe - ftOt witk w~ed away on his own .-olition; others say self. eminently qll$ble about UFOs, flying $10 million in assets and a reputation as a cor he was pushed) and took "'3 leap into the cos saucers and, more importantly, the nine porate ienius. At 18, he founded his first mos. minute visit which he says a "being of light" Internet company (Serius Corp.), briefly The existence of aliens, and extraterrestri made to his Los Gatos, Calli bedroom· one became Novell Corp.'s vice president of al contacts with human beings aren't the sort morning 16 months ago. Mr. Firmage said he strategic planning, and in 1995, founded of subjects that corporate luminaries usually confessed his destre for space exploration to USWeb, which he built into a $1 billion enter address, but suddenly the World Wide Web the being. prise. was flooded with his thoughts on these And on the Internet, where he was once As long as Mr. Firmage was in left-brain themes. regarded as a genuine prodigy, he's launched country, making money for himself and oth "A year and a half ago, we stood together a magnum opus modestly titled The Truth, a ers while nailing down his own corner of the on a beach in California and looked into the book intended to synthesize science and spir- traditional American Dream, he had more night sky," said Joe's father, Ed Firmage, a ituality. . than his share of good press and a wide berth University of Utah law professor. "I reminded wrbe truth is not a conclusion, it's a of noblesse oblige from his colleagues. He him that space travel had been his passion process," Mr. Firmage told the Observer last could be forgiven for what some thought was since he was a little kid." week. "!be learning process goes on forever." an eccentric but harmless preoccupation with Ed Firmage recalls a 10-year-old Joe The book was titled to "intention nomically rewarding unless you So at the ripe old age of 28, Joe ally provoke people to consider there wanted to make nuclear bombs, Firmage is at the controversial cen may be a 'true saga.' I've committed which I didn't"), then rediscovers it . ter of a media firestorm. A quick to publish a 'living' book-however 10 years later. Left-brained logician Web search turns up 89 stories about that may continue to unfold." discovers his dormant other half. -him over the past few weeks, giving Mr. Firmagc said he is protecting Deeply agnostic (if not atheistic) ·a new spin to his reputation as "the the anonymity of nearly a dozen of over-achiever allows himself a pas · Webmeister" (as the New York Times his co-authors-reputable scientists sionate, new spiritual perspective. referred to him). Last week he was who shouldn't have to take the heat Here's the wav Joe Firmage ·in Time magazine ("From IPOs to while their ideas and his own evolve wants the story told: "It's about how ~ UFOs") and a long piece is coming in within the marketplace of informa science discovers God - about how Rolling Stone. In some early stories tion. a scientist discovers his spiritual he is routinely referred to as There are a lot of ways the side. On balance, as stories go, it's a "wacko" or "crackpot." He calls Firmage story could be told: Sharp beautiful one," he said. "Core truths those first pieces "sensationalized, businessman discovers Internet, turn out to be beautiful." Here, he trivial and shallow." makes a ton of money and throws it appears to be describing hCJH be If they were looking for conflict, over for an ethereal adventure. Teen believes the universe itself works, as journalists chose "the wrong contro science prodigy gives up his dream . well as recalling the twists in his own versial material from my book." he 4 at 18 ("Being a physicist was not eco- life's epic. (continued on page 5) (continued from page 4 - OBSERVER, Salt Lake City, UT - Feb. 12-25, 1999) contends. "If they wanted controver- that "there is overwhelming evi including Catholic, Islamic and events in the history of mankind." sy, they should have focused on the dence that the UFO phenomenon is ijuddhist. · That's the kind of sweeping state- reunification of science and spiritual- real" and that this planet has been The senior Mr. Firmage ~as ment that has given Mr. Flrmage ity." He recently founded something under observation in a continuing warned his son to keep most person- critics cause to link him with the called the Internatiopal Space series of extra-terrestrial fly-bys for al experiences to himself, since they lunatic fringe. Sciences Organization to continue the last 50 years (maybe for ceo -would be inevitably misunderstood 1bere has, of course, been a that work. turies), he hangs himself out there in mainstream media "Sure Dad," great debunking of UFO believers," Instead, reporters wrote about for far-ranging, sometimes snide crit- Joe told his father, "preach nie a ser- observes his father, "and 99 percent Roswell. icism. mon about keeping a low profile. of what many of them say may be Roswell, New Call the visitors You're the one who marched with bullshit That leaves t.~e 1 percent Mexico, that is, There are a lot of ways "aliens," "angels," Martin Luther King; who publicly who are serious people seeking a where something or as Joe Firmage took on the Mormon Church over more significant government crashed to earth the Firm.age story could does, "teachers" ordination of blacks and women, and response; including Sen. Pat 52 years ago, set- - they all amount who confronted the Air Force over Moynihan and Sen. Jay Rockefeller." ting scientists, be told: Sharp business- to the same thing, plans to place the MX missile in In The Truth, Mr. Firmage calls UFOlogists and he said. Utah. You want me to be careful?" "upon the president and Congress of conspiracy theo- man discovers Internet, Influenced by his Before Joe Firm age will talk the United States to waive oaths of rists in a decades- father, a religious about that early morning epiphany, secrecy for all civilian and military long orbit. Yes, makes a ton of money rebel and thinker he wants you to know what led up to personnel concerning the historical Mr. Firmage con- on the outskirts of it events presented within documen- firmed for the and throws it over for an the Mormon tradi- "When I last studied quantum tary finds published for the first time Observer, he does tion, and familiar mechanics 10 years ago, the con- in this book. .. For the first time in believe the crash ethereal adventure. Teen with the legend of cepts sounded weird and spooky- 50 years, society is now ready to. at Roswell in 1947, his great-grandfa- particles appearing in two places at hear the rest of the story. The organ and many that fol- science prodigy gives up ther, the intellec- once, information traveling. faster izing motive for the world has never lowed, involved tually vigorous than the speed of light Other an om- been greater." spaceships. his dream at 18, then and outspoken alies related to the UFO phenome- Ed Fmnage is the only one of The D o c u m e n t s LDS Apostle non included reports of spacecraft Truth's co-authors to waive his authenticated by rediscovers it 10 years Hugh B. Brown, it whose properties appeared to defy anonymity, penning a long chapter respected physi- wasn't uncommon aerodynamic principles. I was a seri- on the Christian story whose New cist Dr. Robert M. later. Left-brained logi- during Joe's form- ous skeptic, even with knowledge of Testament eschatolgy emerges as an Wood, who ative years to be physics that most don't have. I simply intense, long and constant interac- worked for clan discovers his dor- drawn into dinner rejected the evidence as fantasy or as tion between heaven, angels, dream- M c D o n n e 1 1 table conversation misreported natural phenomena ers and prophets. Douglas for 43 mant other half. Deeply about angels and "About 18 months ago I had some Such descriptions were antitheti- years, corroborate astronomers. time to use the Internet to see what cal to the corporate culture where the fact that the agnostic (if not atheistic) "As a young had transpired over the last decade. I Mr. Firmage burrowed for so many U.S. military manof16,heasked was stunned at what I found. There years. It was the mind-numhing recovered the over-achiever allows him- his LDS priest quo- were recent physics papers propos- meaningless of the lifestyle that may ship and that the rum advisor ques- ing that, contrary to 100 years of sci- have pushed him in a new· direction. federal govern- self a passionate, new tions for which he entific thought, gravity itself might he said. "Corporate experience is by ment established had no answers," be engineerable. Those UFO reports no means what it's cracked up to be." a security appara- spiritual perspective. Joe's father said. began to seem not quite so fantastic he said. · tus to keep that '1fe walked out of after all." "Only when you become a CEO in crash and several church and didn't Mr. Firmage had been reading a Wall Street-backed firm do you others under go back." one of those seminal physics papers realize how powerful is the profit wraps, he said. More than one observer has a few hours before he slapped the motive and how ultimately unstable The raw technological material noted a similarity in Mr. Firmage's snooze button on his alarm at 6:10 it must become by virtue of the darn- recovered from those crashes was . description of the visit he received in a.m. on that life-changing morning in age it causes. When the focus of your studied and eventually "reverse-engi- his bedroom one morning in October 1997. life becomes limited to the three- neered" into private industry, Mr. November, 1997 and that of another The next nine minutes (while Mr. month experience of the fiscal quar- Firmage contends, yielding bedroom appearance - the visit of Firmage still lay in bed) would bios- ter, that close horizon can destroy advances in microcircuitry, fiber the Angel .Moroni to LDS founder som with brilliant clarity. your long-term future." optics and other applications. Joseph Smith in his Palmyra, N.Y. "'The image of a being stood at the Among .t he things that concern Mr. Ftrmage is certainly not the home in 1822. fo« of my bed. He may not have Joe Ftrmage are those people who first person of prominence to sug- "'That's a can of worms I don't been tangible or physical, but he would like to make him the guru of a gest that the universe is vast enough want to open," Mr. Fmnage said. But looked human. He had brown hair new religion. "'The last thing I want to accommodate other sentient his father insists that both stories fit and a brown mustache. He either to do is cast myself in that light," he beings with highly-developed intelli- into a broad genre of "startlingly had white clothes or was clothed in a said. But when he speaks, his words gence. But by specifically declaring similar" tales told in many cultures, white ll.ght He appeared annoyed carry both a prophetic warning and that I had 'called' him. 'Why have an unusual optimism. you bothered me?' he said. I told h1m "Economically we find ourselves I wanted to travel in space. 'Why?' he in a present state of dramatic irony. asked. 'Because I am willing to die While this country's economy is sta- tor it,' I said. His demeanor changed ble, huge portions of the world are LOOKING BACK and he chuckled. But he seemed to plunged inl:o near depression. take me seriously. At that moment, a People who think the imbalance can DAILY NUGGET, [City & Province Unknown), Canada-Nov. 7, 1957 blue, glowing ball of light came from go on indefinitely are very nai've." Everything but the image and entered my body. I In the propulsiop systems of had an incredible feeling of ecstasy those who visit earth, however, may and joy. The physical effect on my be both a cure for capitalism and for Sputnik Seen body was very real. I was shaking." the coming energy crisis, Mr. Some people have told . Mr. Fmnage believes. Fmnage that he must have been in a "The scientific papers which I cite In Los Angeles "hypnagogic dream state," That the- point to the day when we Will be able ory doesn't diminish the reality of to extract energy from the vacuwn of the experience for him. space at essentially no cost The cost LOS ANGELES (.AP) - Either. like spun aluminum changing there's been a profusion of lllu- course ln•tantaneoWily without "It .was a wake-up call that rein- of energy would drop to zero. We sions or 110methlng mighty queer los• of speed like planes in a dog forced with utter clarity for me that would not have to burn oil or gasoline. ohfu A bnegeenls gaonindg t·ootn. soaTteerll itthee eComity- figThhte." "ball o{ fire" report came there is a· bigger universe out there. Energy would be unlimited and free. munltle•. from people In the Hollywood That was my takeaway message." '"With gravity-based propulsion No - nobody has spotted . an hills, and the "orange jack-o' In the intervening l6 months, "I systems, highways will becoine angel yet, but the.t'e one of the lantern" turned up In a report few flying object. that hun't from Mrs. Charles Weltze! of have had to make choices about my obsolescent, deserts can be trans been mentioned. Corona ~I Mar. She said she life's direction, about priorities and formed to verdant ·gardens, entire Some that have: spotted It hoverlng over' the Six "saucer-sha.ped" ~hlngnlka. ~c:~d:n:c ~~~:rw::a!~~~~~~~ what I want to do. I have a new com- continents transformed. The implica A "ball of flr•." The object vani&hed In a few see- mitment to my old domain of study tions of these changes sweep across AA n" p"oowraenrfguel, jmayck.t~e'r-1loaunat elringh."t ." onds, she said. that leads me to conclusions about civilizations. But getting from here A "great, green light." The "great, green light" -~~ why these events (visits from space) to there is no trivial task. The And a lot of lee• colorfully de- reported seen by residents of the scribed, ordinary, unidentified San Fernando Valley. have been happening. They are most process will have to be constructed flying objects. certainly related to the most spiritual ever so delicately." The report about the six sauc ers came from three air force weather ol:Mierver~~. They said they spotted the phenomena mov Ing at the bue of a cloud hank about 7,000 feet ov•r Long Beach 5 municipal airport Tuesday. M·aj. Louis F. Baker, head of the unit, gave thle description: "They were circular and e.hiny STAR, Norwin, PA - Feb. 3, 1999 CR: S. Gordon II LEGENDS AND MYSTERIES . . , heard a loud "swirling" sound which shook her whole house. She went to the window and saw a large metallic object about 150 WE ARE NOT ALONE? yards away in the sky, "wobbling up and down like a yo-yo." The object was a couple of hun dred feet in diameter and covered with blue and green lights. "It looked like a double decker layer Spooky sagas cake," she said. In the five minutes that she watched it, she was able to get a of UFOs, even pretty good look at it, says Gordon. She said the object had a dome like structure on the top of it with a 'bigfoot/ lurk row of four square windows. Below that was an outline of what looked like some sort of door. in local area All of a sudden, it whooshed up into the sky and was gone in sec onds. By Steven Singer Sounds crazy, doesn't it? Staff w_r_it_e_r- -------- - - But one of the most unusual factors I t's late. about this sighting is that it was You're walking home from preceded by a similar sighting in work through the streets of Latrobe, Pa., two hours earlier. North Irwin with only one "Both eyewitnesses described thought on your mind-sleep. the square windows as important," But then you see something out of says Gordon. the corner of your eye. "That's a very unusual feature." You tlli11 around and there before It may be hard to believe, but, you is a bright oblong-shaped object, "Normal everyday people see and hovering over a field. experience unusual things," says You rub your eyes in disbelief, but Gordon. when you look again it's still there! In his experience, people like Now ypu notice red and white those who see something strange lights all over it and two beams of usually don't want to be identified white light coming from the bottom. by name. That's why he refuses to You stand there watching it for sev give out any names on any of his eral minutes but it doesn't go away. It reports. However, the climate is chang even begins to appear as if a fine ing. vapor surrounds it. "People today aren't as afraid of And what's eeriest of all, the whole ridicule as they were before," says time you stand there gaping at the 40- Gordon. to-5(}.foot-long object, you hear no "They're beginning to talk more sound. about it." None. The UFO researcher has lived Such was the report of a North his whole life in Greensburg, and he Irwin resident in February of 1988. got his interest in the paranormal Stan Gordon, a Greensburg UFO on his lOth birthday. researcher, collects reports like these His parents had bought him a from all across western Pennsylvania, radio, and when he went upstairs to anct as strange as it may seem, the listen to it, everyone was talking Norwin area is common ground for about strange and unusual things. weird things in the air. THERE HAVE even been local tales of a bigfoot-like creature, says This shouldn't be too strange, "There have been dozens of reports UFO researcher Stan Gordon, who offers this cast of a strange footprint itself, since Gordon was born on from North Huntingdon, Irwin and as an example of such legends. The print measures 13 inches long and Halloween. Really. Jeannette," says Gordo!1. 8 inches wide. It has been darkened so as to be easier to see. "The radio shows caused me "And, in this area, there have been enough interest to go to the library very detailed UFO sightings." and look into it," he says. For example, one of Gordon's first because they were afraid the objects sightings occur around energy "When I got a little older, I talked cases took place on the Adamsburg would hit them A!> the objects passed sources - high tension power Jines, to some local people about the hill cloverleaf of Route 30 in 1966. overhead, the women got a pretty power stations, radio/TV tr;m:-;mission Kecksburg incident and that set me Two women traveling on Route 30 good look at them, says Gordon. towers, etc." on my lifetime search to find noticed strange objects hovering over They described the objects as dark A.nother local sighting took place in answers to some of these myster the high tension wires on the side of and oblong with "a flat front and a Jeannette in July of 1:183. At :.lpp:·nxi ies." the road. When the women got close back rounded out like a tail pipe" and mately 7:45a.m. a woman wJs ~et Kecksburg has special meaning. to the power lines, the objects dropped about the same as a sports car. ting ready for her day Jfter her llus Gordon refers to the famous inci down over their car and sped away. "This is an interesting case," says band had left for work, when she dent that took place in December of The women even reported ducking Gordon, .. because commonly these 1965 near Mount Pleasant, one in which more than 20 people reported the crash landing of an alien space craft. Gordon has been so interested in this particular incident that he's produced a video on the subject, "Kecksburg: The Untold Story." He has served as the head of numerous UFO research organiza tions and appeared on a plethora of television shows dealing with UFO phenomena such as "Unsolved Mysteries," "Inside Edition " "A Current Affair" and "Sighting~." However, Gordon isn't so fanati cal on the subject as to jump to a conclusion of extraterrestrial origin every time someone sees some thing strange in the sky. "Most UFO reports - about 90 to 95 percent - are explainable as manmade or natural in origin," he says. Some commonly reported natur- al or manmade UFOs are bright planets that can appear to flash or move, given the right atmospheric "IS ANYBODY out there?" wonders Stan Gordon, UFO researcher, as he tunes in to radio sig conditions. UFOs can also be bright 6 nals from far and wide at his home in Greensburg. (continued on page 7) (continued from page 6-STAR, Norwin, PA-Feb. 3, 1999) meteors, lights on aircraft and even he observed a very bright light I've interviewed, I'm convinced a animals not . ordinarily encowt space jWlk that falls back into the moving slowly in the sky. small percentage of these. reports tered, like mountain lions. atmosphere. At first, he thought it was an air are extraterrestrial in origin - Add to that reports of giant birds, Gordon notes a recent sighting in plane, but then it began to do some intelligently controlled vehicles ·strange animal mutilations,: falls Larimer this past December in thing that airplanes can't - it from outside our world." from the sky, strange geologic or which residents saw a bright object began .t o hover over the crest of a . . As to claims about a military archeological finds, wtexplain~ in a tree.· hill in the direction of North Irwin. cover-up at Kecksburg, Gordon artifacts, religious miracles, crop "It turned out to be a can of pop When the resident went-to a high says the U.S. government disre circles, undetermined explosive stuck to a parachute," says Gordon. er observation point. he could see gards UFO sightings publicly, but it sounds or anything wtusual. Another such incident involved a three objects - one bright yellow seems that privately they take the The hotline number is (724) lot of people in Larimer and Irwin and the others somewhat dimmer. matter very seriously. · 838-7768. in 1968 who reported seeing a bright The brightest one changed from "The government has to be Gordon also invites anyone to yellowish fireball in the sky in the its yellow color to a pulsing silver aware that something is going 'on," mail him at P.O. Box 936; early morning. white light. After 25 minutes, they he says. Greensburg, Pa. 15160; or e-mail It was pro_!)ably a bright meteor. all sped away. Smells like "X-Files," it seems. him at [email protected]. "After you eliminate all normal ''I don't believe there's one It's up to civilians to investigate Gordon will discuss his latest explanations, then you look at these easy explanation for these phenom these phenomena, says Gordon. research with the North more interesting cases," Gordon ena," says Gordon. He has a hotline set up for any HW1tingdon chapter of AARP .on says. "Most reports .are manmade or one who sees something strange, Thursday, March 4. Another of these interesting natural in origin, but my feeling is whether it be a UFO, bigfoot or The truth is out there! cases took place in Irwin in July of that after the thousands of people even something more earthly, like · Isn't it? 1973. There was a rash of UFO sightings in this area in the early '70s, he says. Two green lights were seen at a distance behind a resident's home. They dipped down and then 'Bigfoot' legend exists here, too came right into the reSident's back yard, illwninating everything . . · The resident turned away from By Steven Singer position that revealed it to be about 7 feet tall. the mysterious lights for a moment The hWlters stood there, gaping at the creature and when he turned · back, they Staff writer for about two minutes before it ran off. The whole were gone, Though Stan Gordon is more known for his UFO time, the creature never blinked. The· interesting thing, says research, he is also a leading expert on bigfoot. A lot of people don't realize that even though Gordon, is that a. dog tied up near Don't laugh. Bigfoot is a serious subject in west UFOs have almost become a mainstay of our pop by was reported to be shivering and ern Pennsylvania. ular culture, people are still reluctant· to report. cringing up against the home. The There are a lot of reports of sightings of strange sightings of a bigfoot-like creature, says Gordon. whole time it never barked. creatures in this area that have the same or simi· The first reported bigfoot sighting in this area "This is a common feature of lar characteristics as the famed sasquatch of the was in Fayette CoWlty in 1~1. UFO and bigfoot sightings," says West, according to Gordon. Since then, the largest number of reports in Gordon. "Animals are capable of Take for example a report he relates from western Pennsylvania were reported between 1972 · seeing and hearing beyond our August of 1983 ... and the early '80s, says Gordon, a time that senses." In the early morning, two hWlters were out look· strangely coincided with a similar rash of UFO In October of the same year, a ~ing for deer in a wooded area near Shaner, which sightings. resident of North HWltingdon was is not that far from Irwin. "There are a lot of very "etailed daylight sight· driving on Robbins Station Road in As they were lying in wait for the ultimate buck, ings," says ·GOrdon, "someti.ines involving more the early morning. When he came they kept hearing Wlusual SOWlds aroWld them than one creature." to a traffic light, a huge light "as that they described as "heavy hollow thumping One of the reasons for the decline in sightings, bright as a sWl" came over the traf· SOWlds." speculates Gordon, might be that the area is much fic signallightiilg up his whole vehi When they tried to find its source in the thick cle, temporarily blinding him. predawn darkness, the beam of their flashlight more built up now than it was before. Yet there have been a great number of alleged came upon a huge red eye, at least a third larger It all took place in about 30 sec footprints and hair samples, says Gordon. than a human's. onds, but the resident said it looked They jumped back .in fright, but the flashlight "What these things are we don't know, but there as if the object was searching for had already begWl to illuminate the creature fut· ·is solid evidence:o£ something Wlusual," he says. something. ther. . . ·However, he· is at 'a ·loss to explain why after all Anotber more recent report They saw a large hairy animal with shaggy these sightings, no one has ever recovered a car· comes from the same area, accord dark brown hair, kneeling in a patch of weeds and cass. ingI nto DGeocredmonb.e r of 1990, a resident beA~s aso on as the light hit it, it. went to .a standing: "Al"l Wwee ddoo ni'st ghaatvhee ra liln ftohrem aantisowne."r s," says Gordon. of the.t OWnship was returning home from Norwin 1bwne Square and as he reached the intersection of Robbins Station Road and Route 30, LOOKING BACK (Paper & City Unknown], Ontario, Canada-Feb. 1,1957 'Flying . Saucers' Like Family At Gillies, Pay· second Visit . COBALT (Staff) - 'Flying sau~ less:ly' and. across .the skies· at ter- feet, spinning in the ice~ The tazn:.. cers' are becoming a ·family a!- ri!ic speeds "far in. excess ·of ily all .watched. As Don Cameron fair for the ··Don .Camerons of <Gil- ·those of a jet plan·e." The.' saucer walked toward them they rose at lies, three miles south of here. never went ··overhead, but wenf·as the same· angle · and . shot. off Tom Cameron,· 24, and· a ·neigh- high as, 80 degrees above the through.· trees on a nead;>Y ridge bor, Bob Cole, 28, are j\lst back· horiZon: . · . ·. . without touching· the branches. · from cutting .ice on · Anlma-Nipis- Contacted· yesterday by .RCAF The objects left black marks· on sing Lake, five miles west of Filter· Centre . officials in North the snow and 'ice. Queried about Latchford· with the 'latest story in ·Bay. say: ·they h<nie. received no this, filter officials stated ·the .date the ·~nnals of .flying saucers. ·on :other ·reports Jrom anywhere in and circumstances correspond€d Saturday they· watched a mysteri- the ar~a on ·Saturd~y evening. to those of similar reports from ous object for two •h ours with They refrained·. trom .advancing various parts o.f the countrY.. Cam..; binoc'ul~rs and :the n'aked 'eye .as any: theories as" to what it ·might eron said ,the objects: descended .it played·pranks in tbe rught skies .. have been: . . . . . in a chain - ''making a rattling It wasn't · · the . family's. first . Dqn· .Cameron, his wife arid their sound." · · 'brush·with'!lying\s,~ucers; · . children·had··-their;first brush .with The.Y had reported it to ·no one At ·.about· 7.45 ·p,rn. Saturday, ,the flying·: saucers· on .April · 25r 1946. at the time · · men ·were .sitting· in a· •,hack .. by ·On: the· same lake, cutting. a .chan- Asked about Saturday's phenom the lake when- they· saw a ~ig cir- nel for their boat, . they saw be- ena. Don Cameron stated: .. · ...I cular flare of light :in ~the ·.eastern tween. ,i2 .. to 14 small disk-shaped couldn't. see any windows on ·the sky. . Above the .tre~tops it shone o'bjects come ·down at a 45-degree flving saucer. It was circular but green, red and 'blue. . · ·angle a .mere .75 ·feet in .front. of changed to disk. shape according Through ·the ·binoculars the .ob- tilem. .· · . . .to the .angle it was seen from." ject, ·which they saw was . .Solid, Appearing to. be about twice the "We looked at it for two ,hours appeared about three· f-€ct in dia- size ~f a. <Ush, the objects jumped and· are certain it was no figment 7 meter. It ·ShOt Up .and dOWn noise- On alid Off ground Of height Of tWO I 0! .th~ imagination/' he COilclUded. DAILY PROGRESS, Charlottesville, VA - Jan. 31, 1999 CR: G. Hawke/8. Pittman FRIEND OR U F O ? This flying object was spotted on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, on Oct. 8, 1981. DocroR ScRuBs H 1s lAB CoAT FoR 'MEN-IN-BLACK' SUIT By DAVID A. MAURER that spacecraft - and extraterrestrial Daily Progress staff writer biological entities who pilot them - are W real that he put his medical career on hile thumbing through hold in an effort to convince others of a handful of UFO pho · the existence of UFOs. tographs, Dr. Steven Greer moved to Alflemarle County M. Greer stopped at last summer from North Carolina so he one and pulled it out. could be closer to Washington. He said Appearing on the picture was a bas· he often travels to the capital to brief ketball·sized orb several feet off the military and political figures on the lat ground. The founder and director of the est CSETI findings. Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial At 7:30 Thursday evening, Greer will Intelligence said it was a probe that was lecture on UFOs in Lane Auditorium at photographed by a member of his CSETI the Albemarle County Office Building. team in Wichita Falls, Texas, in April Admission is $5. 1992. In 1990, after a lifelong interest in "When the team members stopped to the subject, Greer founded CSETI as a check it o_t~.hit was there fDr a little nonprofit lml!lP to seriously look into while and then vanished," said Greer, as lhe phenomenon with scientists, lay peo- he studied the photograph m the hvmg ple and government officials. room of his Albemarle County home. To date, Greer said, his group has "Absolutely disappeared. compiled about 2,000 pages of govern "We had been attempting to vector ment documents relevant to the UFO [UFOs] in, so they often show up like topic, hours of video tapes of UFOs and that. We've seen hundreds of these." lists of more than 4,000 landing trace Greer made the comment with nei cases, in which extraterrestrial craft ther awe nor surprise in his voice. He have landed and left behind physical said that he has seen too much proof of evidence. the existence of extraterrestrial space Greer claims CSETI's rapid mobiliza craft to doubt they are here. tion investigative teams have successful In fact, the physician is so convinced ly established contact with extraterres trial spacecraft in this country, England, Mexico and Belgium. He said the contacts involved the coor dinated signaling and vec- toring of positively identified extraterrestrial space craft and the returned acknowledgment through similar signaling and near landing events by these crafts. Greer believes that, behind the thickest wall of security, there exist actual extraterrestrial spacecraft. He feels the secrecy surrounding this is so extreme that even the president of the United States could be kept out of the loop. "I have many witnesses, who are military, intelli gence and aerospace people who have worked on these devices or have seen them, including people who have handled the deceased extraterrestrial bodies," Greer Dr. Steven M. Greer will speak about UFOs at the Albemarle County Office Buildingr -orun!~ "T'"'h"'uu'r"s"id" aCylo.s e said. ·'And I'm not talking about one. I'm talking about several men who have worked on retrieval operations where they have actually handled these things. I have ' no question at all that these people are telling the truth. "These are not people who are publicity seekers, and they check out. I would say the best evidence, unfortu nat.ely, is beyond access to the media or the non-covert sm'ntific community.'· Extraterrestrial study Steven Greer (ireer believes the government first got its hands on said this an t:xtraterrestrial spacecraft in 1947. He says scien "probe" was t 1sts then went to work studying the craft to find out photographed 8 how it functioned. in Wichita Falls, ·'Jn the 1950s, somewhere between '54 and '57 to the Texas, in April he..;t 1 can discern. we had figured out the basic operat- (continued on page 9) 1992. (continued from page 8 - DAILY PROGRESS, as a cntld, 1 became very mterested Ill the :;ubJect !'ron; visiting us. Charlottesville, VA - Jan. 31, 1999) a serious point of view and started reading ,;eriou::: ing system of these space craft of extraterrestrial ori· accounts by scientists who were studying this." "My personal feeling is that we are not being visited gin," Greer said. "And when they realized what they Many people have been attracted to CSETI because by aliens,'' Tolbert said. "First of all, I find the likeli had, this consortium of military intelligence and of Greer's serious approach in addre:;sing the UFO hood that someone would be able to transport them aerospace people buried it 10 levels deep- black." question. One such person is Ted Loder, a professor of :;elves across space at the distances we're talking about Why? oceanology at the University of New Hampshire. in the universe is very, very low. "Because the release of that information would have "Doctor Greer is one of the most brilliant men I've "The second issue is, I can't imagine why, if there terminated the entire industrial infrastructure of the ever met," said Loder, who became a CSETI member were such intelligent beings out there, they would Earth," he said, "meaning electric utility companies, after he heard Greer and others speak in Washington bother looking at what we're doing here on Earth. gas, oil, coal and internal combustion engines for cars, on April 9, 1997. Surely, we are not the most interesting thing in the jets, buses, would have all become obsolete. "I was incredibly impressed by what I heard at the universe. "The good news is that they are obsolete and there briefing and the reality of this and what it means to us "One of the problems human beings have is that is another system out there that can be put on line. A as a nation and a planet. Although I don't know of a they have this sort of innate position that we are system which would greatly enable the Earth to reach group that compiles a list of all UFO events, there do important. We think of ourselves as important, and the its potential and exist long term technologically with· seem to be more and more bold in-the-face sightings. fact that UFOs would come here sort of fits our psy out destroying the ecosystem. The bad news is that if "When I first got into this subject, I was very cir che." you own a trillion dollar oil field someplace, what's that cumventive, because I don't want to be seen as H After spending a decade sorting through UFO-relat oil worth now?" wacko. But I've looked at this very carefully, and I now ed material and interviewing countless people, Knapp According to Greer, the scientists figured out that think CSETI is closer to what's going on also reached a few conclusions. To begin with, he said, the extraterrestrial craft were powered by a counter than other groups." he believes 95 percent of it is complete and utter non rotating, electromagnetic system that taps into a so Greer said he has 200 creditable wit sense. called "zero point field." He believes that same alien nesses, many of them from classified But what about the rest? power source could be the answer to the world's energy projects, who have first-hand knowl and pollution problems. edge of the UFO coverup and are will It's that last 5 percent that continues to pique Greer feels this technology should be made avail ing to testify under oath in front of an Knapp and motivates him to keep searching for able to the world and that it has tremendous promise open congressional hearing. answers. for humanity if it's handled properly. He added that "I know from my own work that there's little doubt the real issue is geopolitical. No television? the government has a lot more information than "What happens when you have a device that fits into What Greer said his organization they've let on," Knapp said. "You write to the CIA, the size of, say, a heat pump unit that can generate all isn't willing to do is parade their wit which I did many times over the years, and they say, the energy your house or a village in Africa needs and nesses out piecemeal for television pro 'Ah, we've never studied this stuff,' and yet through a does not need to be replenished?" Greer asked. grams "that have little grannies in ten freedom of information request you see documents in "It's not on an electrical utility line, so you don't nis shoes talking about the last time which the CIA had references to UFO studies and UFO have to pay a utility bill. The same device is in your they were taken aboard a space craft experts within the CIA. vehicle, so you don't have to go to Exxon to pump up and saw babies floating around." "The FBI said they never studied this stuff and then your car. "CSETI has been very particular the FOI was passed and they were forced to release "When you have a device like this, the economic and, some would say, difficult on the 2,000 pages of information. It sounds crazy and, unless prosperity that would blossom in India, sub-Sahara issue of quality control," Greer said. "I you do some of the legwork yourself, you probably Africa, South America and parts of Asia that now live have a moral responsibility to these wouldn't believe it. But there really is a core of infor with tremendous starvation, want and poverty would top-secret witnesses. mation that has not been fully explained and has not change relatively quickly." "Say I had a captain of a Navy vessel been dealt with fairly, especially by science." who picked up an object we had shot Knapp said every year since he has been following Why upset the apple cart? down in the south Atlantic in August of the UFO topic he has heard predictions and pro Greer feels that geopolitical power is the real reason 1963 with dead ET bodies in it. I have nouncements that this was the year when the govern why information about UFOs has been kept from the such a witness. He's real. ment was going to throw up the hangar doors, show public. Why, he reasoned, would those sitting in the "I don't want to put this man, who is where they've been hiding the flying saucers, and final catbird seat of geopolitical power introduce a device old and not in good health, on what I ly come clean. that would completely upset the status quo? said was going to be a It never happens. While the energy source Greer describes might serious program and it "There's been some congressional investigators who appear to be a godsend to some, others might see it as ends up being horrific, are quietly interested in this topic who have looked into too good to believe. tabloid junk. I'm called it over the years, and have pursued some of the same George Knapp, an investigative reporter for the once a month by people kind of leads I've pursued," Knapp said. . CBS affiliate KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, has been investi who want to do a docu "And they say, 'You know, if some of this stuff is gating UFO-related stories for a decade. He first mentary on this, but true, there's really a good reason for the coverup. And became involved in the subject when he did a story on when I see the outline, that is if it ever comes out, some of these guys are going the ultra-top-secret base in the Nevada desert, com it's filled with the non to go to jail for lying to the public, for creating disinfor monly referred to as Area 51. sense that is the grist mation campaigns and for taking money from legiti "I'm sort of the guy responsible for the Area 51 flap," of the mill for these mate national security programs to keep this coverup Knapp said from his Las Vegas office. "We started UFO documentaries." going.' looking into reports of flying saucers out there, and it The problem Greer "If all of this does prove true, it's going to be a huge led me into this whole world of 'ufology,' which is pret and other UFO investi story, and people say they're ready for it. I'm not sure ty crazy. gators run into is lack they're ready for it. We don't exactly know what the "In ufology,. there are degrees of credibility. The of hard evidence. Docu- truth is." whole field is generally pretty wacky, but there are ments can be forged, photographs and videos staged or After 50 years of studying this phenomenon, Knapp legitimate research organizations that try to do a good alt~red and well-meaning witnesses mistaken. said, we're not really any closer to answering the big job and really are interested in getting to the truth. "One of the problems you have in dealing with questions: Who are they? Where are they from? Why "Doctor Greer is controversial in ufology, which is things like this is so much of it falls into the category are they here? What do they want? and What's their saying a lot. I mean, if you can be controversial in a of eyewitness reporting," said Charles R. Tolbert, pro interest in us? The answers could be scary, he said. field that, by its nature is controversial, it's saying a lot fessor in the astronomy department at the University Greer doesn't think so. about you." of Virginia. He said all the evidence his group has compiled Knapp said he doesn't know Greer personally, but "Eyewitnesses are really not a very good source of points to the extraterrestrial biological entities as non he knows a lot of CSETI folks because they have local evidence for things, because two different people will hostile and not motivated by the acquisition or s).,lbju organizations sp_read all over the country. He said the see the same event differently. What lots of people will gation of the Earth or its people. group members are very passionate about what they're say is, 'Look, I've talked to these people, I know they're Two main goals doing, but largely operate outside the mainstream of honest people, I know they're telling me what they UFO research organizations. think is the truth.' The 43-year-old physician said he and dozens of "My impression of them [CSETI members] - and "Well, that's fine, and I'm sure that's true in most other people in his organization have made huge sacri it's only impressions, not based on any in-depth cases, but that doesn't mean what they're telling you is, fices in their careers and finances to try to make friend research - is that they're sort of like the evangelicals in fact, what happened. It's what they thought hap ly contact with these outer space visitors. of the UFO field," Knapp said. pened, given the circumstances they were in at the "We have two goals in CSETI," Greer said. "Number "They've made a lot of claims, such as self-initiated time." one is to collect the best scientific evidence on the sub contact with aliens. They go out in fields and shine Like Greer, Tolbert is interested in getting some ject and get it disclosed through a credible vehicle to lights up in the sky and bring down flying saucers. I answers to the UFO question. In September 1997, he the public. think most of the reputable people in the UFO field joined a panel of eight other scientists near Tarrytown, "Number two is to continue to develop this program find that a little hard to believe. N.Y., to look at the status of UFO reports in a scientif of engagement with these objects for peaceful long "I think the fact that Greer is a doctor has given him ic way. term purposes. Our CSETI research teams have had a degree of credibility that he wouldn't have otherwise. these objects, 150-foot in diameter spinning disks, He's been to medical school, he's a scientist to some Sturrock's findings appear in the same field they were in, 10 feet above the degree, so you tend to pay attention to him." Their findings have come to be known as the Stur ground. rock Report, after Peter Sturrock, who headed the "We've had them right overhead signaling to us. He gave up his day job group. What I'm saying is that a lot of what people may have Before moving to Albemarle County with his wife, "We asked UFO enthusiasts and investigators to seen in fictionalized movies, like 'Close Encounters of Emily, and their four children, Greer had been the bring us their best evidence," Tolbert said. "We listened the Third Kind,' we have actually had a lot of that hap- chairman of the department of emergency medicine at to that and discussed it. pen." . Caldwell Memorial Hospital in Lenoir, N.C. "I have to tell you that none of that evidence was Greer nodded his head toward a crystal-clear, day "Doctor Greer is highly respected here," said Vir convincing to the point that we would have said there time photograph of a suspected UFO flying near a ginia Nelson, director of emergency medicine at .Cald is now evidence of some physical activity that could be mountain in British Columbia, Canada, to emphasize well Memorial Hospital. "He's very intelligent and an ascribed to UFOs. Most of it either didn't provide his point. He placed his photographs back in a folder excellent physician." enough data to make an explanation one way or anoth and looked out the large picture window of his home Greer is also dedicated to unraveling the mystery er or it lent itself to totally natural explanations. toward the dusk-shaded mountains nearby. surrounding UFOs and the intelligent beings he thinks "Now, that doesn't mean that such evidence couldn't "For me, this has been really quite a personal jour are flying them. He said his fascination with UFOs be gotten, and it certainly doesn't disprove UFOs. ney of learning about this and also coping with the started when he saw one when he was a child. What we eventually concluded was that these sight responsibility of knowing about it," Greer said. "I went "My uncle, L. Macon Epps, helped design the lunar ings and so forth deserve some attention. Probably not through a period where I didn't sleep well, and I'm not module that Neil Armstrong·landed on the moon in," a lot of attention until such time one of them proves to being melodramatic. Greer said. "I was a child in the mid-'60s when he was have more reality to it than what we've seen so far, but "I'm a physician and I've been called every name in working on the module, so that got me quite interested we shouldn't just throw it all out." the book for being involved in this subject. The ridicule in space and things like that. Tolbert said he, like most scientists today, believe factor is merciless and relentless. "I don't remember the exact year, it would have there are probably other life forms somewhere else in . "But I've told my children and my wife, if we can get been between '63 and '65, I'm guessing, that I saw one the universe. He said this belief is based largely on a th1s done, the benefits to the world will be so immense of these objects on a clear day late in the afternoon. It statistical argument of the number of stars and the that whatever little sacrifice we make is not that big of was a disk, silver, metallic, silent and it was spinning. likeiy number of planets and the fact that it would be a deal. We're talking about a very promising message 9 "I would guess it was 10,000 feet away and it moved very remarkable if Earth was the only place in the here." slowly, hovered and vanished. I knew what I had seen whole umverseW here life has develope{f.--- -- - - More information about CSETI can be found at and, of course, my parents -thought, 'Oh yes, sure.' But However, that doesn't necessarily mean aliens are httpJ/www.cseti.org on the Internet. Truman landed in town as saucers circled New Mexico On June 24, 1947, Kenneth der. New. Mexico field continues to this · visiting. Hedgman Smith ran up to him Arnold was scanning · DAVID A. When Brazel rode out to inves day. The military's disclaimer If the conspiracy-theory folks y~lling, "Hi, Mr. President." A mountainous terrain from tigate the following morning, he appeared in The Daily Progress on are right, Truman might have delighted Truman scooped the boy MAURER the cockpit of his aircraft. said, he discovered strange pieces July 9. been getting updated reports from up in his arms and, as photogra The Boise, Idaho, pilot and of wreckage strewn over a wide "An examination by the Army the New Mexico crash site as he phers took pictures, the two Yesteryears businessman had joined an aerial area. After Brazel reported his revealed last night that a mysteri participated in our local Fourth of exchanged beaming smiles. search for a Marine C-46 air find to officials at nearby Roswell ous object found on a lonely New July celebrations. If that 'was the Later that afterno~ Truman transport plane that had disap Army Air Field, Maj. Jesse Marcel Mexico ranch was a harmless case, he was one of the coolest paid a visit to Ash Lawn, w~re 0 > peared in the rugged Cascade and counterintelligence corpsman high-altitude weather balloon - presidents we've ever had. he placed a wreath at the foot of ;:::: Mountains of Washington. Arnold brought UFOs to the Sheridan Cavitt were dispatched not a grounded flying disc," the Truman observed Independence the statue of James Monroe. < Arnold never spotted the forefront of public attention. But to the site. story reported. Day with activities that kept him Shortly before 6 p.m., he spent a :"n0 downed plane, but what he did an alleged crash of a UFO several When Marcel and Cavitt However, if the opposite is on the move from morning to half-hour with newsmen at a cock ~ report gave birth to the modern days later in New Mexico created returned to the base, they report eventually proved true-that a . nearly dusk. He started off by giv tail party. m era of UFO sightings. He said he a wellspring for conspiracy theo ed that the material at the crash UFO did crash that evening in ing an address from the east porti If Truman told them anything ~ saw nine "shiny, disc-shaped ries and continues to fuel a debate site was different from anything New Mexico-July 2, 1947, co of Monticello to an audience of about strange goings-on out in 0 objects skipping" through the air over alleged governmental that might have come from an air would become one of the most more than 2,500. New Mexico, they didn't report it. !:r at a speed he estimated at about coverups. plane, balloon or missile. Initially, famous dates in the history of After his speech, he placed a But, then, it was an unfolding I 1,350 mph. The story goes that during a the U.S. Arrriy said they had mankind. wreath on Thomas Jefferson's story and the man from Missouri When the fire-appliance sales thunderstorm on the evening of recovered the remains of a crashed Interestingly, Charlottesville grave. He then waved at the wasn't given to making snap dis J., man described the objects to July 2, 1947, a UFO crashed on flying saucer, but within hours, could then play a role in the big crowds that lined both sides of closures. reporters by saying, "They flew William Brazel's sheep ranch near recanted this story and said they picture. While army personnel Main Street as he was driven to. Still, Truman, like nearly > like a saucer would if you skipped Corona, N.M. During the storm, were merely pieces of a weather were either picking up pieces of a the University of Virginia for a everyone else in the nation who cI .. it across water," he inadvertently the rancher said, he heard an balloon. downed weather balloon or the luncheon at the Colonnade Club. had a radio 01: could read, would ' coined the term "flying saucer$." explosion that sounded different The contreyersy over what wreckage of an alien spacecraft, As Truman walked from the have been aware of the UFO flap. Co) than the numerous claps of thun- actually was spread. through the President Harry Truman was here Rotunda to the club, 3-year-old ~i 0 ~ ~ PUr(so0s~1ggoh-"o=-) l :fJ· --.3 ;::a'-:~!0~af;:";a:>:';!: l " : a ~.?.::.~~U,:r',~~:or§.~~~:U0s..s~;.....:ooq::.:"...==;J.:.l...ll.l !:~ r . ::...p·.l . a:.Jr:rsa~E.Ur~.<.0g.~.UUg~:8of~.. o..;o. .;.>,'..J.'o; l.l... :l :r - . . .. o ~ "fl~0~:go:.rr"o"U&:0eos~~8Uoo:«'.:~:o:::1=!J,.lJ' n;l ..' . : .-· .-.-~>. 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