"EWSCLIPPI"G SERVICE July 1998 Number 348 EDITOR/PUBLISHER: LUCIUS FARISH ses" that so far has been lacking, the report said. Among the potentially fruitful areas of investigation targeted research to try to explain these occurrences. the panel cites are: "'t may be valuable to carefully evaluate UFO reports • Physical effects on witnesses. Bums, or sensations of to extract information about unusual phenomena cur heat, and eye problems are the most . frequently rently unknown to science," the report stated, adding reported forms. The available evidence, though sparse, that such research could also improve understanding suggests microwave, infrared, visible and ultraviolet of, and in some cases debunk, supposed UFO events. radiation, although "a few cases seem to point toward For example, Earth science researchers have eventu high doses of ionizing radiation, such as X-rays or ally accepted several phenomena "originally dismissed gamma rays." as folk tales," including meteorites and certain types of • Radar detections of UFOs. Scientific study would lightning, the panel noted. require the cooperation of military authorities. An The findings are from a four-day workshop held in example occurred in January 1994, in the skies above Tarrytown, N.Y., followed by a second three-day Paris, when an airborne crew saw "a gigantic disk" meeting in San Francisco, both last fall. The results are more than 3,000 feet in diameter. The disk was published in the current issue of the Society for detected on military radar for 50 seconds, slowed Scientific Exploration, which was established by Stur abruptly from 110 knots to zero, then disappeared. g FU PltOTO/ASSOCIAltD PtlESS rock. • Semi-regular sightings of strange lights (such as Near Roswell, N.M., where a 1947 incident led to much The inquiry involved scientists from the Massachu those in Hessdalen, Norway, and Marfa, Tex.), in some c: speculation about flying saucers, a sign guides visitors. setts Institute of Technology, Cornell and Princeton cases associated with measured magnetic disturbances. universities, the universities of Arizona and Virginia, • Apparent gravitational and/o r inertial effects, as in a 0 Panel Urges Study and institutions in France and Germany, among others. case that occurred in Ohio in 1973. A number of ~ A panel of nine physical scientists analyzed presenta witnesses, both on the ground and in an Army Reserve tions by eight UFO investigators, who were encouraged helicopter, saw lights, including a powerful green glow, ~GO Of UFO Reports tfoun pdreeds ebnyt Lthaeuirra sntcreo nSg. eRsto ecvkiedfeenllceer . tThrhoeu gphro jheicst LwSaRs atinmde a t h"cei ghaerl-ischoappteerd a gsrcaeyn dmeedt aallltihco oubgjhec itt,s" cdounrtirnogl sw wheicrhe · Fund because of a belief, the report said, that "the set for descent. Scientists apparently failed to investi en problem is in a very unsatisfactory state of ignorance gate the one item of physical evidence-a magnetic 0 Unexplnined Pherwmena Need and confusion." compass that had begun to spin during the event and Cl. The panel suggests the scientific community has was subsequently removed because it was unservice suffered a failure of curiosity regarding UFOs. Despite Scrutiny, Science Group Says able. an abundance of reports over the last 50 years, "and • Injuries to vegetation and other ground traces. In a despite great public interest, the scientific community 1981 case in Trans-en-Provence, France, a witness By KATHY SAWYER has shown remarkably little interest in this topic." reported an ovoid object emiting a low whistle as it flew Washington Posl SlafJWriler Asked about the conclusions, a sampling of scientists in for a landing. Police and special UFO researchers and officials outside the panel expressed surprise that a pscnsecohierinSyIeidnotson r iumotbcitsviyshe se te tsr ssu scuhPnifiapaeeiersplxtns eopctttri oslof aeiinpScindcni tdc lueUue sdrdtpiFr uneoeOpdd nchy. akd ys,l e imsgoniachoftna tsl iSst n cteigai3nvesn0tin efd hotreiyanrfnvediaccae t eri Uobs r,etnen hveaidvanilei et r wraepdscc aiecttnoysoeeef,md lr vttpbhheoayees f jfatttruoohre·ti d upienIngci lnglcechmie aaany. s"reewt nt ens Stial totesb othuoeppem ndimhtcwt esofi,euo l ne s crteeaah shs ninice edn diylr etaei t ehn ohgrstauevihoitdsysiiimeg mt srswwhtee aua ,ot"d deSuw"sy glattr,diuhii elpdgl res norg e orerslateeesvchrta pkec'ebdor fhysl ary ac tcat i.ofthwd nuome drrot "th muht ralheeedtmerp n h boti"e rglrloe uuhhtsn rnoter aaprtinhvtnbeideegecs atwhhmfholealhiue,aTdc erntr oheindobnf.e w esgtA tSueh,aw bntaevtuo jno eere hx drcrfeci oafttcaoeehdcovcdnkieltai cor sltgteye ogirco n i woolscntaurtueo. bi prlcmcode o s rpsncahaayicitarcdmolcvut reltepdyehd tes bao,a d etmna tebtahnnshelod y oacuc sfatiago sausuht,gos hs esimeenw hodrego if , twb i tahntrydhaeo t vodcuhpea utoetn sgh wp IcheDleet a hIsrsnQnf aooiutotnsit,rll epvaindeel nceem opfh eaxstirzaetde rrtehsattr iaitl ihntaedl lifgoeunncde onro a ncyo vnivoilnactiionng obnec tohmise i scsuureio. uIts'. s. d.if. fTichuelt c."h allenge is to do good science ckannotw lleeadrgnei nagn adr ete gchrenaictearl ncaopwa bthilaitny ,3 c0h yaneacerss aogfo s iwgnhiefin of natural laws. Some reported UFO incidents could have been the Air Force and the CIA supported a two-year But the panel cited cases that included intriguing and caused by rare natural phenomena, such as electrical investigation by the Colorado Project, directed by inexplicable details, such as burns to witnesses, radar activity high above thunderstorms, or other known Edward U. Condon. That 1968 report concluded that detections of mysterious objects, strange lights appear physical effects, the panel found. But there were some "further extensive study of UFOs probably cannot be ing repeatedly in the skies over certain locales, aberra phenomena they could not easily explain. justified in the expectation that science will be ad tions in the workings of automobiles, and radiation and ' The existing evidence from past cases is unlikely to vanced." other damage found in vegetation. · ~uce either a solid debunking or other satisfactory 'The Air Force last year made public its latest report The ~e review, being released today, asserts explanation of the reports, the panel found. But "new on the infamous 1947 incident near tlie town of that the scientific community might learn somethiilg data, scientifically acquired and analyzed (especially of Roswell, N.M., which gave rise to a whole flying-&ucer worthwhile if it can overcome the fear of ridicule weiHJ.ocwnented, recurrent events) could yield useful culture of paranoia, up to and including the fictional associated with the topic and get some funding for information," it said. television program "The X-Files." Titled "The Roswell . To be credible to the scientific community, future Report: Case Closed," that report, like the Sturrock UFO "evaluations must take place with a spirit d pane~ reiterated earlier conclusion~ that there is no objectivity and a \hllingness to evaluate rival hypoth~ evidence of aliens or their spaceships. ! Calistoga has history of UFO flybys c~ -•- --L--o-c-a--l-s- f-e--s-s- -u--p- -t-o-- t-h--e-i-r- --- UFO, Manzer said. It went from Tubbs Lane to Mt. St. Helena in one or two sec c real life sightings in '70s onds. Mter the object disappeared, Mark (.) Thomas approached Manzer and asked g him if he'd seen the UFO. By Toby Mitchell Joanne Coil's sighting took place in j0 Unexpected corroboration for THE 1972, also at the fairgrounds. She was in Cii WEEKLY CALISTOGAN's story entitled "Is the clubhouse with Barbara Wolleson (.) Logvy a sacred alien landing site?'' came in when Mark Thomas came "sputtering" in. z· the form of personal testimonies by Norm He'd been working on the sprinkler station gc Manzer and Rotary President Joanne Coil when he saw the UFO. Howard Fisher last week at the Calistoga Rotary meeting. invited the ladies onto a golf cart and they t; Both individuals saw a large puffy glow drove to a vantage point where they could :; ing ball with no definitive edges hover over see the object. c the Fairgrounds and then rocket off at "It was like a puffball, but it was light 0 Mach-something through a pass next to and it hovered and hung around a little Mt. St. Helena. and then shot off towards Middletown," Norm Manzer, whose sighting took Coil said. place in the summer of 1970, was unsure "People have told me it had to have been what the "oddity'' was, but he said it hov a gas ball. It only took an instant for it to ered "at least several hundred feet off the go from hover-mode to full speed," she ground" as he stood by himself at the south said. end of the racetrack looking towards Tubbs Mark Thomas, who was present at both Lane. It proceeded to race out of sight over Joanne Coil, Norm Manzer and Mark Coil and Manzer's sightings could not be a pass beside Mt. St. Helena. The only Thomas have witnessed UFOs hovering reached for comment before the news explanation for the object is that it was a over the Napa County Fairgrounds. deadline on Wednesday. C r o p C i r c l e s ? tened barley. Zucker said she is a member of the Mutual UFO Network, a national magazine which follows occur rences such as these alleged crop circles, and heard about the fields on Bell's program. c( radio show puts spotlight on Coupeville After holding her dowsing rods ~National over the ground in the center of one of the circles, Zucker said she re > ceived some energy. Q. 8::::s Zucker said she became sick By Maria Elena Panagi with a migraine once after picking and Keven R. Graves ri up large amounts of energy in a simi w z Fields of flattened barley - declared to lar crop circle in England called i "Snail" because of its distinctive be "crop circles" by some.lTF9 believers-: c( shape. >< thrust a Ebey's Prairie farm into the national w Still, Zucker said she couldn't be spotlight this week. certain the patterns were made by Crowds of curious people from through an extraterrestrial. out the region started arriving in Coupeville "I would need to see an aerial Wednesday to see the so-called "crop circles," photograph to determine if there is which were the subject of a lengthy discus any real pattern," she said. sion the previous night on nationally-broad A woman from Bellingham took cast "Coast to Coast with Art Bell." her compass into the field to see if it Bell also talked about the .barley fields might register some unusual readings. again during Wednesday night's program. What is a curiosity to some, how Bell's show, aired locally by ~Q~O-AM ever, is of serious concern for the I 000, frequently features extended discus Sherman family. sions about purported UFO and paranormal "Harvest costs rise pretty signifi phenomena. cantly when something like this hap Whidbey Island residents Capt. Kelly pens," Don Sherman said. He esti Sweeney and his wife Frances had phoned mated that about 50 percent of the barley crop was damaged. Bell in Arizona earlier Wednesday to report The barley, which is used for seed thl! flattened barley, which they said appeared Roger Sherman, of and for feeding dairy cows, was se to be in some sort of "labyrinth." Sherman Farms, verely damaged in some areas. The Sweeneys were on Bell's program talks to some of the Roger Sherman spent the day discussing the crop circles with Peter Dav people who made talking with visitors to the field and enport of the Nation.al_Y .fO Reporting Cen their way to Coupe took the strange events of the day in ville to see the stride. ter in Seattle. alleged "crop In light of all the shootings and Sweeney said he learned about the odd circles" reported other tragedies making national looking designs in the barley fields while at Tuesday night on headlines lately, he said, maybe ev the Greenbank Store. He and his wife imme the nationally eryone deserves to have a few "crop diately set out for Coupeville. broadcast radio circles." They said they were surprised by what program "Coast to As far as covering the loss? they saw. Coast with Art Bell." "We could set up a booth and "It looked as if (someone) took a cookie The photo at right charge admission," he said with a cutter and stuck it into the field and pulled it shows the flattened laugh. out," Kelly Sweeney told Bell. The designs, barley that was the subject of specula- he added, appeared to be "very precise." tion by crop circle Sweeney told Bell and Davenport that aficionados. they did not believe the designs in the barley fields were man-made. "We're sending a contingent of investi gators up there tomorrow," Davenport told year may have contributed to the extensive Bell. "We could set up a booth damage. The fields, located on the south side of Some visitors to the field said they don't State Highway 20 just north of Coupeville, and charge admission." believe the barley in the fields was flattened are owned by Sherman Farms. by the weather. Members of the family that owns ,R oger Sherman Trent and Ilene Blackburn of Seattle Sherman Farms agree that the designs prob learned about Sherman Farms' damaged crop ably aren't man-made. Nor, they maintain, while visiting friends in Freeland and came are they made by extraterrestrials. and in tum weighs it down causing it to break. to Coupeville to check it out. Wilbur Bishop, of Sherman Farms, said "The stems aren't strong enough," he said, The Blackbums said they had been to the same damage occurs every year, but is "the barley is susceptible to the wind, the England to visit similar "crop circles" and worse this time because of the excessive rain stems break." enjoy witnessing such phenomena. and wind earlier in the week. Roger Sherman agreed similar damage Poulsbo resident Jane Lane Zucker Bishop said the barley lodges because the happens annually and wondered aloud if brought dowsing rods to hold over the flat- in~reased rain speeds the growth of the plant, switching back to a taller barley plant this 0 THE NATION c ·a; UFO groups say scientists are seeing the light ~ ~ By Paul Hoversten unknown to science;· the panel conclud The panel's conclusions are far dif USA TODAY ed. "Such evaluations must take place ferent from those reached by Edward co with a spirit of objectivity and a willing Condon, who headed an Air Force-spon g, Buoyed by suggestions from an inter- ness to evaluate rival hypotheses." sored study in 1968 known as the Colo g, national panel of scientists, UFO groups The panel looked into several inci rado Project That report said further in the USA plan to step up efforts to dents, including: study of UFOs "cannot be justified in ~ push for congressional hearin~ into un- .,.. A photo taken on Vancouver Is the expectation that science will be ad identified flying objects. land, British Columbia, by a family visit vanced." ~ "This could be the thing that puts it ing a park in October 1981. It shows a But Greer said he has 150 former ::::s over the top," said Steven Greer, a daytime view of a mountain with a sil government employees, many from ..., Charlottesville, Va., physician who very oval-shaped object set against the classified projects, willing to testify un ' heads the nonprofit Center for the blue sky. But the panel said it is impossi der oath of their experiences with ><1: StuGdyre oefr Ewxatsr arteefrerrersitnrgia lto I nMteollnidgaeyn'cse r.e Sighting: Computer eJnohurannalc oef mScreenntttf iCo fE xapl oprahtroo n ble., ..t oA r1u9l9e4 o ruetp ao rhto farxo.m an airline crew hUeFlpO st hea nwdo rhldo.w such technology can c port from scientists who said past and to taken in 1981 by a family visiting a park that spotted a gigantic, fuzzy-edged disk "These people are not the flakes you o future mysterious sighti~ deserve se on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. near Paris. The crew lost sight of the ob see at some bizarre UFO conference C, rious scientific review. ject when the edges appeared to lose fo with the T- shirts and bug-eye thin~ you ~ The nine-member panel, which in unbiased investigation of claimed cus. Swiss military radar tracked it for wear on your head," Greer said. "These ~ eluded physicists and astronomers from anomalous phenomena. 50 seconds. are courageous men, and in a few cases > such institutions as the German Aero Though it did not find convincing evi .,.. A 1992 report from Haines City. women, who do not want to take to their space Center, the University of New dence to support the existence of extra Fla., patrolman Luis Delgado, who said grave one of the most important issues c:( Mexico and France's University of Bor terrestrial intelligence, the panel noted he saw a green-lighted object in the of the century." He has pressed Con ge ddeeapuexn,d sepnet nrte vniienwe mofo UntFhOs so sni nthcee f1i9rs6t8 .i n tchoantt aUinF Oe nroeupgohrt su dnaetxinpgla ibnaecdk o50b syeervaars Hreea rs-aviide wth em oirbrjoerc t owf ahsi s1 5p faetreot ll ocnrgu iasnedr. ghreeasrsi ann~d a nthde tWakhei tet hHe owusiten etos secso'n vteesntie 2 The study was sponsored by the Soci tions to merit another look. hovered 10 feet otJ the ground. It cir mony - so far to no avail. ~ ety ot Scientific Exploration of Stan "It may be valuable to carefully evalu cled his car several times before he The last congressional inquiry into :;:, ford, Calif. It's an interdisciplinary orga ate UFO reports to extract information pulled otJ the road. Then the engine, UFOs was in 1966, chaired by the then nization of scholars formed to support about unusual phenomenon cUrrently lights and radio went dead. representative Gerald Ford. SOUTHEAST MISSOURIAN, Cape Girardeau, MO-June XI, 1998 CR: J. Westwood Local UFO probe Huffman died in 1959. His wife, who died in 1984, told Mann the storY. · A few weeks after the crash, Huffman was appare.ntly given a photo of two men holding <>.Ill$ of the corpses fol.Uld at the scene. Mann's father loaned the photO to a friend but never saw Researcher seeks answers it again. Now WeStwood, who read Mann's account in Stringfield's publication, is looking for others who may remember hearing about the crash. to report of crash in 1941 "What you need here is another source, at least orie other person who says, I sort of remember this," Westwood said. "Even if it's a second-hand account, you've at least got another source." By Peggy O'Farrell IF ·vou ~VE INF0RMA.TJON Mann's account says the crash happened in Southeast Missourian J .. " ~ • • the spring. Westwood speculates it may actually A Vrrginia man is investigating the possibility have happened in the fall because of the men that a UFO crashed near Cape Girardeau in 1941. Anyone with tion of a field fire caused bv the crash. 'That would be six years before Roswell," said ~nformatloo In the spring, he reasons, vegetation would James Westwood of Centreville, Va, referring to about ·• a 1941 have been too wet to burn easily. "But in the fall, the 1947 incident in which the government it's very dry," he said. c:~ash may con allegedly recovered and then covered up a UFO He also speculates the military officers on -the crash in New Mexico. 'That would put Cape . tact James West scene may have been called in from an Army Air Girardeau County on the UFO map." he said. wood at ·5 608-34 Corps base in Sikeston at the time. . Southeast Missouri already is known for UFO Wlll~ughby New- If the crcish happened, the military and police activity. Dr. Harley Rutledge, a former chairman wouldn't have known what they were looking at, ton Drlv~, Centre of the physics department at Southeast Missouri Westwood said, because Roswell and the other State University who is now retired, has investi ville, Va., 20120, early UFO sightings hadn't happened. gated reports of strange lights seen flying or call him· at And the incident may have been covered up James .· through the skies near Piedmont and other UFO (703) 222~978. for military security reasons since the U.S. was reports. . Westwood gearing up for World War IT, he said. · "Project Identification: The Frrst Scientific Field "It wouldn't be implausible" for the incident to Stuqy of UFO ·Phenomena" outlines Rutledge's have been reported as an ai.q)Iane crash, West research. . "appeared to have a rounded shape with no wood said. Westwood said Rutledge told him he has not edges-or seams," and a "very shiny metallic fin-· · Westwood began researching Mann's story at heard of the 1941 incident ish." the beginning of the year. He has been in Cape Westwood, a retired Navy man and engineer, is Police officers, "plainclothes men" and military Girardeau for the last week reviewing local looking for people who may remember an inci officers were already at the scene sifting through records and looking for potential sources. dent from 1941 when some type of aircraft report-. the wreckage, Mann said. He hasn't had much luck. So far, no one he edly crashed approximately 13 to 15 miles out Laid to one side of the scene were "three bod has talked to has admitted to knowing anything. side Cape Girardeau. ies, not human," she recounted. "There isn't anything that I would consider Westwood bases his investigation on an "It was hard for him.t o tell if they had on suits even close," Westwood said. account by Charlotte Mann, a Texas woman or if it was their skin, but they were covered head He found a report of a student pilot's airplane whose grandfather, the Rev. William Huffman, to foot in what looked like wrinkled aluminum crash near Morley in Scott County in May 1941, was the pastor of Red Star Baptist Church from foil," Mann said. "He could see no hair on their and a local pilot told him about another crash 1941 to 1944. bodies and they had no ears. They were small near Oak Ridge that happened in spring 1941. Leonard H. Stringfield, a renowned UFO inve& framed like a child, about 4 feet tall, but had larg The other problem is the Huffmans left the tigator, recounted Mann's story in the July 1991 er heads and longer anns." area not long after the alleged crash. The Cape issue of his "Status Report," a monthly publica- 'Their faces had "large, oval-shaped eyes, no Girardeau city directory lists the Huffrnans from tion on UFO actn?ties and investigations. . noses, just holes and no lips, just small slits for 1942 to 1944, but they aren't listed in the 1945 ·Mann told Stringfield her grandfather got a call mouths," Mann said. directOry. Records from the Southeast Missouri one spring night from police asking him· to · Huffm.an was told by one of the military officers an say Huffman became the pastor of the accompany them to the site of an airplane crash at the scene not to tell anyone what he had Wit church in September 1941. outside town in case.the victims needed a Clergy- nessed for ·security reasons, Mann told String And Stringfield, who investigated hundreds of man. . ·field. Huffman told his wife, Floy, and their two reports of UFO crashes and retrievals, died in "A car was sent to get him, but grandmother sons what he had seen when he returned home 1994. His family has refused to release his files said it wasn't a police car," Mann said in String from the crash site but never spoke of it again, to other·r esearchers. field's recounting of the story. said Mann. Wes.twood says he has never seen a lWO <;>r When Huffman got to the crash scene, Mann been in contact with extraterrestrials. ~d, he noticed one piece of the wreckage that "There's no doubt in my mind that UFOs are real flying objects from outer space," he said. · He points to simllarities in thousands of sight ings and reports from people who have reported having contact with extraterrestrials as evidence SUN, Vancouver, B.C., Canma-June 30, 1988 CR: G. Conway that something is out there. · Failure of curiosity brings tres in diameter, witn~sseq by a flight crew and But what he.calls the "cultism" surrounding recorded on radar_ l?~for~. ..; dl~P.P~·;triqg~ An· the study of UFOs and false reports by atten an Ohio sighting from ·army' reserve helicopter tion-seeking hysterics·d etracts from evidence UFOs crashing to earth was accompanied by bizarre .equipment mal given by witnesses or people who claim contact, functions. Westwood says, "aren't any crazier than any- It m'ay be that tht;JW~~~ :-: err~t ~eath~ body else." · · er balloons or strong~~ ·1... i.Mllr~Hilli suth' Tracing UFO reports is "an interesting kind of In describing the necessary attributes for a career in science the author Ray Bradbury said things: "The great tragedy of science, the slay detective story," Westwood said. "'t's a Sherlock the best are open to experience and begin with irig of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact," Holmes-kind of thing in which you have to sort the idea that anything.i s possible. S~.e, then, as T.H. Huxley said. Then again, he was a sci through a lot of BS looking for those nuggets. In entist Mr. Bradbury would have liked. He also that the frrst independent inquiry into sight the end; some of the things~ and·some things said, "I'm too much a skeptic to deny the possi ings of unidentified flying objects since 1968 don't" · bility of anything." found the scientific community to be suffering The Roswcll crash and recovery isn't the only from, as The Washington Post put it, "a failure UFO crash in the annals of the study of UFOs, of curiosity." . Westwood said. "'t's just the best known," he Led by physicist Peter Sturrock of Stanford said. University, nine scientists from American and European universities studied evidence pre sented by UFO researchers. Their 50-page re port found no extraterrestrials, small, green or otherwise, but also concluded (despite what colleagues called "the giggle factor") the sub ject deserves serious consideration. Questions abound, from radiation-burned 3 grass and shrubs to a 1994 Parisian sighting that recorded a "gigantic disk" more than 1,000 me- OLYMPIAN, Olympia, WA - June 14, 1998 CR: J. Seifried Fred Matamoros I The Olympian Sky wimesses I know, a UFO sighting is as likely to occur over any one point as any other," Davenport said. "There do seem to be flaps of localized sightings ... nobody knows why that occurs, but one is as likely to see a UFO over a city as over an empty desert." Still, even assuming that there is no such By Lewis Taylor As UFO culture takes off, thing as a UFO hot spot, the variety of local or The Olympian ganizations and events and growing number of 0 South Sound residents amateur UFO buffs suggest that Washington LYMPIA-Court Mickelson is does seem to have acquired a taste for UFOs. used to seeing aircraft in the It all started in 1947, when pilot Kenneth night sky around the Hawks share their sightings Arnold spotted nine objects flying over the Prairie development where he Cascades. He termed them "flying saucers," lives, but on a summer evening and that incident is widely credited as the five years ago, he spotted some and both say the experience changed their start of modern ufology- thing that baffied him and his opinions of UFOs. the study of "unidentified house guests. "I'm kind of a born skeptic until I see some flying objects." '' "I was just talking with a couple of friends of thing," said Johansen, who didn't discount the Washington has shown mine on the porch and looked up and all of a possibility of aliens. "I think there's a lot more its affinity for UFOs in A LOT OF (UFO sudden saw this thing hovering over the tree that's known that's just not being said .... A lot other ways, as when it CULTURE) IS line," Mickelson recalled. "We thought we were going nuts. We didn't say a whole lot." of it's science fiction, but 50 years ago, it was constructed the Space SCIENCE science fiction to be landing on the moon." Needle in Seattle and Mickelson's friend Rick L. Johansen of FICTION, BUT topped it with a flying fheorveedr ihnigs oinw tnh ere ecaorlllyec etvioenn ionfg t hskey s. trange craft UFO·friendly state disc. Seattle is now home 50 YEARS "It was in a triangular shape, and we Whether you believe the prospect of alien to at least two interna AGO, IT WAS thought it might be the end lights from a tri visitors to be science fiction or just science, tional UFO hot lines. SCIENCE aslnogwullya .r. .c rita mft,a" dJeo hnoa nssoeunn dsa."i d. "It flew really Wthea sshuibnjgetcotn o. fT UheF Ostsa itse dbioffaisctusl tm too rige nUoFreO i n noTt hesec pahpeendo tmhee nSoonu thha s FICTION TO BE Mickelson and Johansen thought little of sightings than any other, according to the Na Sound, which boasts a LANDING ON number of significant the incident until the following day, when they tional UFO Reporting Center in Seattle - a THE MOON." saw a story in a Tacoma newspaper that re fact that director Peter Davenport is quick to sightings, including a '' ported a UFO sighting south of Tacoma. Jo qualify, however. 1988 incident in Shelton hansen called the Olympia airport, but no Davenport said the statistic makes no men and a 1979 Elk River inci RICK body there could offer an explanation. tion of how many Washington reports are dent, involving an alleged .JOHANSEN, To this day, neither Johansen nor Mickel later discounted, and suggests the high inci crash and cover-up. UFO EYEWITNESS son knows exactly what he saw in the south dence could simply be due to the fact that the This past March, a lec sky five years ago. Both say they feel lucky to reporting center is well known locally. ture and slide presenta- have a crowd of people to back up their story, "Sightings occur everywhere, but as far as tion by local ufologist James E. Clarkson drew more than 80 spectators to the Cen tralia College and, even without considering Fwther reading International Hotline: (206) 721-5035. the current outbreak of "X-Files" fever, there Sc•r ib'"nAerbsd auncdt iSoonn."s ,J Noehwn MYoarckk, ,1 C99h4a.r les 30•2 3I3n, tNruedwe Yrosrk F, oNuYn 1d0 a00ti1o .n , P.O. Box sceio"enTmahdse otrose ,b 'wse ai at n lohetis goshef sin nautnmedrbe eesvrte ,o"n fC aloluactrahklo sUroiFntiO ess aa.i fdi . • •Allen Agenda." Jim Marrs, Harper On the Web "I think every time the Hubble telescope Collins, New York, 1997. peers out into space and people catc~ those • "The Interrupted .Joumey." John • Mutual UFO Network: incredible views ... people are becommg a G. Fuller, Dial Press, New York, 1966. www.mufon.com lot more comfortable with the idea of intelli • "Allen Harvest." Linda Moulton • National UFO Reporting Center: gent life-forms." Howe, Pioneer Printing, Cheyenne, 1989. www.ufocenter.com • '"Night Siege." Allen Hynek and • Computer UFO Network: www.cu- Growing phenomel1011 Philip J. Imbrogno, Ballantine, New York, fon.org . · . \ . , 1987. • Mutual UFO N4rtwork WA: Clarkson, a UFO investigator from Grays www.pdsnorth.com/-mufohwa/ Harbor County with a 30-year interest in ufol UFO orga~lizatiolas ww• wM.uafosmteinrd I.ncodme x of UFO Links: aosgey,d a cttormibmuteerdc itahleis gmro owf iUnFgO in itceorness.t Htoe i pnoc~meted • Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), to the numerous incarnations of spade 103 Oldtowne Road, Seguin, TX 78155- Coming up headed, black-eyed aliens, and to the popular 4099. ity of television shows such as "The X-Files." • Citizens Against UFO Secrecy, • Local ufologlst James E. Clarkson Clarkson and other ufologists say the Inter P.O. Box 176, Stoneham, MA 02180. presents a free slide show and lecture on net has also been a tremendous boon to the • National UFO Reporting Center, UFOs at 6:30p.m. July 16 at Centralia Col field. In addition to offering a means of com National Hotline: (206) 722-3000. lege Library, 600 W. Locust St., Centralia. munication for UFO interest groups, it also 4 a Computer UFO Network (CUFON), Call (360) 532-3752. (continued on page 5) (continued from page 4 - OLYMPIAN, ISLANDER, Pensacola Beach, FL - Feb. 25, 1998 Olympia, WA - June 14, 1998) provides a way for people to edu "1 thmk there are a lot of people cate themselves on the subject. out there who are kind of wacko "I tell people, 'Don't believe me. about it," Hall said. "They join UFO Go out and do the research your cults and I think they give the legiti self,' "Clarkson said. "I know that if mate study of UFOs a bad name." people study this and they have an Another reason believers aren't open mind, they're going to come often taken seriously, Hall said is away convinced that there's some the misconception that the w~rd mthoinreg thgaonin mg eoents. t.h . .e Teyhee."r e's a lot g"UreFeOn "m seonm" eahroew in ivmoplvlieeds. that "little Well, the excitement contin stotu nsanye d", Bitu dtodoyk lao ocko!u pBleu dodfy s elcooonkd!s" thiaovne wofittehn s higahdt isnkgysq uina ktehse inp aassts. oTcihae lwmfHaooraAerCgrcrmsklebe a,smabo rt kre eUoU srnCro FFt oon OOfp,Mu awtnoihtUntrrhyegvoFo, a el OMi wnsssNti eouziargr,atl gkuatsiesattoo hoal an anres,.U t Cl aFion nlOnJaa aGgrt wiktNori saemnoeyn'tnses vsM~thoaielem"ewlWre emest'hdsha eo.ima ndal g s.s i o "ytecbhPoiseaeuel tot oi'aseplt fvl aure ielnen karsgn epr aceaoiln bniog sostogueuiich tnnt. oog"t s U ettthosFra O bote"sr qpahlanuairqd i Itu ibe netr ahedatsiec i,sws re a eimhruvapseieneptulps.eddac o. rh Et raehl ton svaic sctcecel aytrolwill,yv m uemioalteiaynnnekr dedg i p'ni wsawih n itoe itehhonn xi nsehtpse ariacarvge areershels eslatt ~nmi onuoiinnggst awssfBBhlionaeluyadosvwsd ne tdsd rh ahy itnaesebh f a hartactpeolaiiolpmrdur-u pes gtelhtlahdhua are rns epcn htedlehdeee,.d edi a s s P rhaoisltanaoypbatd c pjm dlee aeoics heasoast; cr,kohia aed, ear nrs n entctth wa aheeat taah ieosrotaos,p ft b f al tasjtabthheknnhlaicyedeestt sFithMnbnaheeoo ioaobnntobhdroe.mu"iel kli iaeon"r Jr e fdyuFP w oso"rr8tiEwafed ,fssa xain safcyp ft ti,loReo"a orFrwllesa slegiotn nobtiaowl nsresoMut e.keln aaiderork n dy oerbdu a nl i6cynplb a e Toiwnas boh snayamuub ns,er ae d"s.sr " dtocTBtitahnechhuyairlecee t,t has looked into dozens of local Lacey resident Russell L. Black the afternoon of Wednesday, to see the wings on it. Theodore, Alabama area caused 911 sightings over the years, including knows just how skeptical most peo February 4 from Vicki Lyons. She In the midst of all these reports phone lines to become busy. This the Elk Ri.ver case. Although that ple become at the mention of words was driving west on I-I 0 toward coming in, on Monday mght, was a "double boom" event, with the case remams unsolved, most of the such as "alien" or "UFO." Not only Mobile. It was 3:55 p.m. on an February I 0, 1998, our local FOX first timed at approximately 12:05 UFO sightings he investigates can does Black claim to have seen at absolutely clear, cloudless winter Television affiliate station out of p.m. and the second at about 12:20 easily be attributed to man-made least one UFO, but he also says he afternoon. Winds were out of the Mobile, Alabama, WALA-Channel p.m., emergency phone lines in objects or natural phenomena has had an encounter with an alien. northwest at about fifteen miles per I 0 aired a video of a UFO that had Mobile received a dozen or so calls Clarkson said. ' "Most people look down on people hour. Driving through an area of Pme been taken by a Robertsdale, as did the Sheriff's Departments in "For any object that is a fixed v;ho say they've see (an alien), but Forest, with virtually no landmarks, Alabama couple, Christie and Scott an area from Grand Bay in southern light source or that moves at a con I ve seen one," Black said. "It's a she was passing the vicinity of mile Edwards. The video shown was shot Mobile County to Citronelle in the stant velocity, there is probably a story to tell over the campfire." marker 61, when she saw a perfectly by the Robertsdale couple on north. There were many reports of natur~l ~r man-made explanation," Agreeing to tell his story over the round silver ball-shaped object in the February 7, 1998 at 7:06a.m. The walls shaking and merchandise he said. Man-made objects are op telephone instead, Black described southwestern sky. It was clearly visi witnesses reported also seeing the crashing from shelves in local busi erated upon by the laws of momen the events leading up to an en ble and contrasted against the clear, same UFO as is shown on the video nesses. Meteorologists with the tum and tend to travel in a continu counter in Lake Clark, Alaska, brilliant blue sky. "It looked like a on February I 0, the day the story National Weather Service in Mobile ous direction." nearly two decades ago. sterling silver marble hanging in the aired. Christie Edwards is quoted as stated that the booms were not Although he has witnessed t~o Black, who was 6 at the time was sky," Vicki told me. She estimated saying "Looks like just a bright light, caused by thunder or any other sightings and investigated dozens of home alone with his brother' and that the object was approximately but it is real big and it is nothing I've weather-related phenome·na. A claims, Clarkson said he is still wait sister in a cabin 250 miles south one mile away from her at an approx ever seen before." The National spokesperson for the U.S. Geological ing for a big case or a close en west of Anchorage. That night, they imate fifteen degree angle from the Weather Service in Mobile states that Survey in Golden, Colorado stated counter, which includes any sight awoke to the sounds of footsteps in horizon (she actually describes the the object could be a weather balloon that the booms were not related to an ing within 500 feet. the living room. As he and his sib elevation as being approximately or a planet. The Robertsdale Police earthquake. The U.S. Geological fnpgBieiorsLrsemtit ael Debcnineeaecoyncevn adrMe em aisnr. e is sHdi 1i geaa9nhnl6tlntt9,ei a nwrdanegfh ds tshote aie krmhmd aers aiesepnt alne fdtt,ue hiisvrneac eug ysprf so th e hlhxeoee obeosliayppen"ieaeegAdndsns, yebhcvad eleseb uds rlwtlratyocohcw ahoekltelmac y dedrh. gydoteheoeode osr ti rh hr,at"e orpb aoB pldtualeh angaewckhr kei eb tstrdhesqe ,dcu isBranimonl llatoteahecmdldekl. .. dsotbattrwrorbieeemsrjiimeeca nl'ecipegist tnn p ,tted lhceoseo)aoauon.t umrd kgsiSod nt phfheosga enpt.f hr lefAaayed eb l tesdmohal s,neew ·scoid chrgastr ieohrotbw d tseo ii sasotnbinht nhfss t gtehetnaah reosneIvn p- tepos1inlidrryr0ezeit .anehc tar hu " nbaaairIdys-sttt otcobftDhhiobbrceeenijju mpeegcalacche tptrt ra tt pntwm ,wo acei esardattehnlis elln a t.lv ambtlhT eodamofhrusarv e torom i ukvmntvr heggebi idme stotae dihtnesotl eo inla g imtnsthchv hy.e twio oid sInwanstepgs kesowh y tdwea,aoi us r fho vige odcrte ih i vartfiioyee slf FbtywmSlhoyeiuieoew atrrllharvedoi.i n e grsgwySicinuc r oe acathrmMhlhfea te i v eon c"f eebsalsp ytaioprileirnuneantomi shbgpcrtqi "eaelliue pnlinltb aot eissokertd phtoesi eneem sd c faet slauchvy nrtleegeioia nvrae atag.ienar tled iey Brafr s cra ateflrohttaoiaeemzaslfds ttt ufological classic, "The Interrupted "It appeared to be no more than 3 took off at a tremendously fast speed camera movement, and this issue was there, and the Naval Au Station Journey." He has read extensively feet high and seemed curious be ... the speed of the object was inde-· not addressed in the television report. Pensacola Operations Office stated on the subject ever since. cause it never took its eyes off of us." scribable!!! My eyes could hardly The object shown on this video that while they have been flying a lot "I've come to believe that there is Black's older sister, Sandra, who . follow it-just too fast for human closely resembles the object that was of training missions, they had only truly something going on," Hall said. also lives in Lacey, said she also re , eyes. It looked like a blur and then captured on video by Tony James, an been at subsonic speeds. The same is "Having been exposed to reading members the encounter. was gone," Vicki told me. Shortly English researcher, during his visit to true for the Air Force out of Keesler and research from people who've "It had a huge head," she re afterward, she saw a commercial air Gulf Breeze in 1995 as well as that AFB, in Biloxi, Mississippi. A public talked to witnesses, my value sys called. "It was this big beady-eyed plane flying in the same area of sky on Dennis Ubaldi's December 1997 affairs officer for Egltn AFB in tem says that it's kind of hard to dis looking thing with a big bulgy head and because of the clearness of the video which was discussed in a Florida also stated that there were no regard all these people as crazy." and no hair ... I just screamed as day, states that she could "easily and recent Skywatch Diary. Other com missions in the area at that time, and Hall, who is also a card-carrying loud as I could like I was having a clearly identify it as a plane, wings, parisons have been made to the that there had been no supersonic MUFON member, traveled to nightmare and it just started run and tail clearly outlined against the objects shown on videos coming out flights in the area for sorqcume. The Roswell, N.M., last summer for the ning." sky." of Mexico in recent years. only way they could have been sonic 50th anniversary of the alleged UFO The siblings never did learn what Interestingly, just a few days later, As a result of this video and all of booms, was if they were generated crash and military cover-up there. it was they saw in Alaska, and nei Pat Crumbley, also a co-director of the recent local activity, Whitley by aircraft flying at high altitude The event, which still has not been ther claims to know for cerfain, but, Project Awareness, as is Vicki Lyons, Strieber and Vicki Lyons were fea between bases in Aorida and Texas. entirely explained, has come to be like Mickelson and Johansen, the had a similar daylight sighting. Pat tured on the Art Bell show on The weather conditions were appar known as a pivotal event in the field event forever colored their opinions was driving east on I-1 0 on the after February I 0, I 998 discussing the ently generated by aircraft flying at ofufology. of the paranormal. noon of February I I, 1998 on her video and recent sightings in the area high altitude between bases in chBtmoieu ooWm dnraedeahls edihHloteo wosts~ phaewkelwl i h-~tn kroaasin p noasn gwn eugaednomvm oWUebd eFHe hdtOroai t l tl oluaeo fftuy oh tb UlSehoe Fgtoc ryOhrde.sai o blnaiienfkcirpee , covsatnhalfneau e"ysryresI prso'eloo amen.nwcR se lIens- uyt.m oo'" sas tfos si jtenn muhtldehlsey esetr d Be ssan tulttroeaoocoxcr huttyktrh .n.yag i dI un "a vy kjIna.ui' ndmtssIh t ttc t'a asohjtt umene pwlsv roltiu eeun int'tacnrt,iyees" t cAezBhibwnoxaaaub anduinydoSs gd dutPpj. htuyta ao Bts,tn Pf itNuiofamf satdbpthiec ycdsae sie esnynFtvresa g ovieydtw lreedleethedsa ,g i , ,stmraA ah eFn" ed elsLIda wsri bMl iwvhfvaIare beiimaollnrnosmto agov bo s.tn ea aokha lH,tll meenh-kFerdsdeie rlhn h othauhtgohrhpopii umneerdts.idyog"ea saaWrYpaektcnhoa:ythdo uilAhq v ti totuttisctilhtpgma aeyekr:any,/ea e/ A pwsftaaahh ocruwrie tcno.d fdrwe rtiBet osonh. sVeam oeh olr itl tatfac hebtv rkhwet eeehe ilta e leA o. bb vwc asresoiagthdeie mlatoernBleie ow.n e t.rhl ha feloAas eipn sswasow t waremulet boshlrsalsce i tnicoiadatlhyeslfl. ePadwFHth-rilemeoteroin iI worcatsfaineoied amlys nv ac omtc epowoualrlleu , niea fswdmrna,iie octvi eTFsaneCah etLe.p bia x op ttaoao3a nksf r2P .e ce to5.rTohnOsf2nethw l.2staye aed- Bc 7@swcetoo1o xeamnn5xpaoid2lt eclahu,,.1 nc ecb7ptaoriho vlt1mceiaoeo5oa nmnso2ntkoes r,. object about one half inch in diame of you who keep up with Gulf Coqst you. And remember -Keep t.ookiYig ter at arm's length. She states, "I was UFO sightings will remember, we Up! f~reater : .a. a: Spacemen Land at Vegas Airport 0 ;; c onspiracy theorists, secret agents and be within the Nevada Desert shopping zone, terminal toward the future store. She plans to >- space abductees, take note: Soon you sprawling between a bank of slot machines and sell educational space videos, alien-infested Java ~ won't need to drive far out into the desert the duty-free shops. lamps and copies of the definitive reference to reach the mysterious Area 51. Kathy Hussey, an executive of airport con work, "Area 51 Viewer's Guide" by Glenn c The super-secret Air Force base cum cultural cessionaire W.H. Smith Inc., said she had been Campbell, a researcher who has done a lot to 0 lightning rod for all things alien has inspired a pondering possible shopping themes for the new make the shadowy place a cultural icon in rJi themed shopping experience in Las Vegas· new 1cu $300-million airport terminal, which opens June 15. Shoppers will be able to browse under c hovering spacecraft among "Star Trek" videos C and glowing jewelry as lifelike space creatures peer over their shoul<,iers. The real Area 51, 100 miles north of Las u) Vegas, attracts UFO buffs worldwide. Aficio L&J nados of unexplained phenomena take state :E Route 375-Nevada's official "Extraterrestrial i= Highway" -to reach the parched outpost of The new shopping area caters to tourist interest in ·Area 51 , believed to be an extraterrestrial hot spot. Rachel. . They gather there at the Little A'Le'Inn tavern and motel to watch lights moving in the terminal when she happened upon an air show recent years. night sky. Key scenes of "Independence Day" at Nellis AFB. There she saw the light: Meanwhile, longtime Las Vegas writer-editor were set there. Actually, she spotted merchants from Rachel Jim Barrows said he has heard word of another. McCarran International Airport's Area 51 is in selling Area 51 merchandise. She hurried back even more mysterious base out in the desert: 5 the east wing of the spacious new terminal with to the office to contact vendors. · Area 58. the unglamorous name D Gates-no, not after "There is so much alien stuff out there," she "Just mention Area 58 now and people go the former L.A. police chief; but because the A, said as construction workers hauled an ungainly ballistic," he said. Band C gates were there first. This Area 51 will model flying ·saucer through the unfinished -MICHAEL P. LUCAS ! Temple professor warns: Truth is out there .cG:.:,s) In his latest book, respected, tenured David M. Jacobs, the "foremost· llyIN LqUeoIHnEaHr dS TWAF. FD WoRaITsEbRc rg tpheooupgleh , wish oo,n ea cocfo trhdein gth otuo saJnadcos bosf, expert" on aliens, says they do not come with benign intent. So you're walking down Walnut have been abducted by extraterres Street and you see this guy trial beings and taken onto space coming toward you, and he ships, stripped, and used for experi looks like an attorney or maybe an mental procedures, including the accountant. removal of ova or sperm. Well, maybe he is, or maybe he's And the baby? Don't ask. Embar one of those hybrid alien/humans rassing. Frightening. Jacobs him that Temple University professor self is frightenf,:ld. David M. Jacobs writes about in The The aliens from outer space, he Threat, just published by Simon & contends, do not come to earth with Schuster. benign motives. On the contrary. There are thousands of these be They have an agenda. As he de ings, he contends. They could be scribes in The Threat, with the sub anyone. "Some hybrids look really title The Secret Agenda: What the quite human," Jacobs said in a re Aliens Really Want . . . and How cent interview in his Victorian-style They Plan to Get It, the motive is home near Chestnut Hill. nothing less than "the systematic But many look like the kind of ex and clandestine physiological ex traterrestrials you've seen in mov ploitation, and perhaps alteration, ies and trash tabloids: That's the of human beings for the purposes of way people have described them to passing on their genetic capabilities Jacobs: large heads; big black eyes; to progeny who will integrate into no hair, ears or nose; slits for the human society and, without mouths; thin arms and legs; grayish doubt, control it." bodies. Whew! What about that young woman And it may be too late to stop taking her baby out for a stroll in them. "My own complacency is long Rittenhouse Square? Cotild she be gone, replaced," he writes, "by a one? "I do not think they are walk sense of profound apprehension For The Inquirer I JILL ANNA GREENBERG ing among us," Jacobs says, "or that and even dread." they have a job at the. ?-Eleven, or Jacobs, SS, a tenured associate pro D,a¥id M. Jacobs, a$$ociate professor 9! history, specializing in 20th-r.entury something lika that." · fessor of history at Temple, special- America, has studied UFOs since 1965 and appears regularly on talk shows. What the young woman might be, izing in 20th-century America, is t\ustJand when nve of contends, the skeptics would claim "There are no alien the David Jacobs of The Threat and also, according to his publisher, these creatures en it had been made on earth. "Ulti spaceships. There never have who is on Howard Stern and the Da "the world's foremost expert on the tered the bedroom, mately, what you need is an alien. been," said Robert Baker, emeritus vid Jacobs we see every day as a UFO and abduction phenomenon." and one of them got on You need one of these little guys professor of psychology at the Uni colleague and a teacher. In the hmfiadAoleou nm sctoaaefcn h owoef,f h ahmi teeem sdpahinueaa mikwr s hh aweoni igdtkhh n t·ao,t h wwews i cthhohi ntieas ttnooo p"ts Dhtooiofnpn g nhh aeis,mr"h. e.T whchoeeurneld w sdhaoes TwthhiWegangth lwaiyntoo guua blodonw u botteh u pelcd ho eonnhtvodaig vnorecaf i pnashg osp.m"?o leeDt,h iiadnnngd't vldauleeitrneescnliyetsy hno aofo vf a renKe yasebp nadetlcuuiteccanktbe ylide.n a"vsnTacyshi eiehonrunteim 'fosi arca n tbe hsbvoaei t ccmwlehaonsostst u rcoorofyo vh meiUrs, s nc hitotehel'lesde asaSga tmugaeitefse t s1de 9odi t n.hi. n.at shnatnedru d 2c wd0taiotfhy r subject. He's been studying UFOs was 20, met a hybrid on a beach in it occur to any of these people who ing." fers from us only in doing that since 1965. He's written two previ Maine. He was wearing aT-shirt and claim multiple abductions to have a How then does he explain how teaching with more success." jeans, and his hair was down past camera handy the next time? people who come from all walks of SSoCecarreeuunnathgcenscinat eru ebu nnnMl oa-na,st ollraepG ylkrloyi, iseLn nn trroaoohsateone.nrelt dr rru tyDenothr dh,anie sKete Aicbs idoouTy&nn v bVgEaftej ,rhel rot LcyetamtUih lvC.Rk eF eHh Oe,tsae Lph h nHueaeocnbpa wooerplswnlin eic.fcxi aa Henirtrorrdghes f ~ehlrowuexindestUcp e aihl nlesloyaa lfedrLe vov-~idera.net, u utgr oHfryan ia netraga'h esdotnbi ec andoelr"nyga gnyd,c ay o ik niouanDne l u lat kof rslein bw!lse "netstelo ha ti nwe'eyhssg o ea cw euvahtnosrieen e r rbsdgt,ao rl.bts iahAsnhgioanlgoe lt tttttthhhhhhTSoieeaenu rsthrg eeerberse' ' eses.,p g sn anrpiBd onocapeubon certplneis oenlcs pmsatgcrelchaie ,eeo ef ,o ht u tf aeost hbh n heiehdeeajvxaiyusvedpcs'cerre lkty aea ee l itepdtnhane i sbecpar,mkdaak aitesue.sib sddc oio tt,vn ihaeo ursaa.npdo tt slfcpwfirtiasfoonaIelytrmkdl 'ciese eh hd soaaiu ?t avuph"p teto srehei ilfmneesr tbont e ssstelpoehp di mlaen vpc Jgeeameaa nsn?arc ioda bodnl dbdyp,usl saew ciprs satsoe"eulylf ydcl c--zt hhkhbe onydeslo , poia nwmegliioingaiespl hnntatlsotdser,, .·' scotkbbhooifen1J omb toaut swhech sg oeesuoh db srkfttiese shns h maoaiiedntwsitx m shmschtse roiietastayhlssn tl m eeeyhyart iher hgnpea'esuedexvs oe?nitessp reqntL,il. vaue 'tatHe,lhe u srsoiig nntwsihihnekco iiselc nnmuthnaga.de ns ,lo 'iel sJHnhenla fdgeeea , Jacobs started studying UFOs as • Jacobs describes is .what the people How is it, a Wall Street Journal have psychological experiences in nutcase. sntiuad aent tL aots thAen Ugenlievse, rwsithye roef Chael ifmoar~ in"vAolnveecdd ototaldl hevimid. ence is not evi trhevati etwheer aolfie Tnhs ea lTwharyesa ts ewemon dtoe reabd , wrehail,c hB athkeeyr stahiidn.k their dreams are say"Is'.v eI t'lse aar nseadc rtiof icaec chepet mthaakte,"s htoe jtoairneedd ian mhaissttoerr'ys. dIeng re1e9 7i3n, hhies to~ry dpreonfcees saiot naalll ,"m saagyisc iaJnam, aelss oR aknndoiw, na Wduhcyt pdeoonp'tl e tnhoe yo naeb'sd uecvte rs hoemaerbdo odfy? en"cIet' st haa tu hnaivs erbseaeln hruempoarnte de xfpreormi : "chonavtrei btuhteio no pinp oar ftiuenldit yo f tpoo tmenatkiael lya at the University of Wisconsin and, as lhe Amazmg Randi, who has gone important, like Alan Greenspan or the beginning of time," he said. surpassing importance." later, his doctorate, with a disserta around the world debunking claims Kathie Lee Gifford? At Temple, Jacobs, in addition to "You have to remember," he says ttihoIenn a obTndh uethc teTi ohUnrF eeOax tpc, eoJrnaitecrnoocbveses r srthyec.a ot uoneots oafn Rda tohncdec i,u plwta.h roa nroercmeiavle, d sau MpearcnAatruthruarl ytho"auTt. htIhef e tyha end sopwe."oe prL,li"ek ews awaynhsto ?tJo a" ccCooabmnse',t ft"oeirls l dthuuisrcy tm s Aaaimn ecjrooicbua rnsoef htecisaatlcolheridyn , g" aU2ls0FotOh s-c coeinnn - . soceof rnisoctluuusdslyiyoi,n n"gst hatafhttie sIr ' vsaeun b cjaeodcmut,el t atloni fdet htiIem'vseee ple · he's interviewed have de Foundation award for his work in ward, they will. ... I cannot give you American Society," in the American come to them with full realization scribed. He writes that he has used investigating such claims, says he names right now." studies program. He believes it's the of how fringy they are, of how off hypnosis in more than 700 abduc thhaes poefrffeorremd aan cme oilfl iaonny pdaorlalanrosr m"faolr, Jacobs, like many UFO research oAnmlye rcicoaunrs e uonni vUeFrsOist yt,a ugahntd at haen'ys to-the-side they are. I've come to tion investigations. He learned it on supernatural or occult phenomenon ers, contends that the government, pretty sure there's nothing of the them with the full realization of the his own: "Doing hypnosis is the eas under proper observing conditions, along with the media and the scien kind anywhere else in the real damage it does to my career and to iest thing in the world." and that includes contact with·alien tific community, determined long world. my credibility. And yet, as an aca tthhTea th aehbrede u cicastl lossro s"m msetitanhrdiens cgina, mtfoo, "rt hieenx aawmbhdpiulcceh , sbnoeeuignrocgtesias .b"l eT hbfroeo nmmds o naet yG, noholedn mtseaarynrse ,S sitasrc ihiansl anrgeooan l itthhyaa. td tShnoeo po"hbbejenecocamtuivseee heH :e:; atyesa, cinhcelsu bdointhg sriedqeus ioref dth ree aisdsiuneg, dlweechmteuircae l latyhn edh eoavsn ieads etp,ne crIes o flenee awld shI om miesu ."si nt teglo· tees' eyes at a distance of a few inch in New York. So far, no claimants. the normal avenues of of a debunking book by Philip etcoaiensannn Agldeols s erw in "nliowseLg emsaohsbxu,emteu rndsaaaso. lnh" m weas eariwttoiJihduama csste aohhsllbeay srpt i nro vbookthin gm ienn saolut tamWRtEhmeevailhlyrpnela n deicton di r,ona i t Jbii"fdraoc mecoussol atwelbw daaiesrethr ,sc so ahp wihyn" raowash d,ifa hteM ivisasne satagls orin doskrf, ?eo"eo v n rTaae eJs yrh alh.oaeo"ctburt or s.eab oo'yss f sahUfwmpoacaoFaieravpOdycsdeu,sse e adlm"arg betrteihoe stc.o ee"e yancbtr uacrhlkichtdaneuleivog srres ecste o, od"tb uh eatrehhesitioreneer jKhhGfVeuiialorJssnakmgat sdo.ectse"aelr,o, ,mya b Ucf s"eFodh'tn Oreihcmntp aaoAgaeltl. b rrl te dcTmddauohgieecnseuptnctireaeotoes nrnn s tdsmipnissn:ee. e AacsntIkt h'aD tm i ehadc b in hTgeaMgathe ewimlortryo,eorp treu"oalinseaslf POST-DISPATCH, St. Louis, MO - June 14, 1998 CR: B. Soetebier Piedmont, Mo., residents mark UFO anniversary there," said Joe King, a middle than 600 observers watched the Dexter when they saw lights rotat 'I know that I saw school scienceteacher. "What it sky at various times. ing along a tree line. was and what it wasn't, I have no King, then a college student, re Bone told Rutledge he saw an something there,' science idea." called seeing lights moving in the object SO feet off the ground, a hov In his book "Project Identifica sky. ering craft with a row of lights that tion," Harley Rutledge reported "They weren't airplane lights," looked like portholes. teacher says 157 sightings of 178 unidentified he said. "Sometimes there was Rutledge's book. published in flying objects, mainly in the Pied more than one. We would sit out on 1981, summed up the project this mont area. from 1973 to 1980. the front porch and watch them at -~ Rutledge. then chairman of the night. "Without doubt, our research THE AsSOCIATED PRESS Physics Department at Southeast "A couple of times the light has established that there is a UFO Missouri State University, decided would go off as an airplane ap phenomenon, and we have conjec PIEDMONT, Mo. - It was in in March 1973 to lead an investlgii proached. After the airplane had tured about the nature of the intel 1973 that strange lights and ob tion of the strange haQPemngs at gone by, the light would come back ligence behind the capricious jects first appeared in the sky Piedmont. Imtiaily he took a few on." UFOs. I suspect their game is to above Piedmont in a phenomenon colleagues to the town to investi Although most of the Piedmont gradually create general accep that would last for seven years. gate reports of people seeing sightings involved lights, a few tance by repeated appearances ... A quarter of a century later, no strange lights. people reported seeing objects. "When we understand them on a one knows exactly what residents Using sophisticated telescopes, Reggie Bone, now deceased, was technical-scientific basis, when 6 saw, although many in this small, sound detectors, camera eqUip the basketball coach at Piedmont most of the world's inhabitants ac southeastern Missouri town still ment and electromagnetic fre High School in 1973. In February cept the reality of UFOs, then we believe they were seeing UFOs. quency analyzers, Rutledge helped 1973 Bone and five players were will meet them face to face. And "I know that I saw something ·set up 1S8 v1ewmg statiOns. More driving home from a tournament in then we will know their mission." ISLANDER, Pensacola Beach, FL - March 18, 1998 ter dated February 12th, 1998 details the object in a southwest direction. I and asked him to bring the film to tioned in the report on the Sightings Happy St. Patrick's Day!! Erin his sighting of February 9th, 1998: "I then viewed the object through the them. He did not bring hi's film to the show. He states that the Air Force go Bragh!! Well, I am sure we was walkmg back home from my eyepiece. My first impression was Air Force and has been working on representative he spoke with there will be hearing some reports neighbor's home about 3: l 0 p.m. that it seemed to be a group of black getting the pictures develcyJed and srud that they were very interested in of activity by the "little people!" One when I noticed a bright object com and white balloons, but it was high in enlarged to enable the best possible this object and particularly to hear cannot help but wonder if the stories ing out of the north sky which looked the air. I looked back into the eye view of this object. that this witness could describe some such as those of the little people in somewhat different than a normal piece and focused in on them and The story does not end here. The of the superstructure of the object Ireland or faeries in England and plane or jet. I watched it for a couple then I saw that it was not balloons. witness telephoned me again on which, he was told, had not been vis Europe have any historical basis in of minutes and the closer it got to me There was one large pearl black Wednesday, February 25th, 1998. To ible before. the UFO/Abduction phenomenon. the more confusing it was. I went object attached to a frame that his astonishment, h.e had been watch The witness and myself are We have seen the development of into my house and got a pair of 7x35 extended back and had two larger ing the television show "Sightings" extremely interested in why the Air descriptive frames of reference in binoculars and viewed it through round flat objects on each side of the on February 24th, the previous Force are so anxious for information UFO sighting reports over the years, them. My first impression was that it frame, the sides of which were char ·evening, and had seen a video clip about this object. If there are any from the earliest reports dating back might be a large white bird, possibly coal colored. In front of the first from Mexico of the exact same other witnesses to this object reading into the eighteenth century with their an Egret. It was white with a faint tint black object, which may be part of object that he had witnessed fly over this report, or anyone who could pro descriptions of "coaches of fire" in of black on the edges. I watched it or the frame, was an extended section his home on February 9th! I person vide any more information about it, the sky, to more recent reports where a few seconds and was going to dis resembling half of an arrowhead. It ally contacted the National Weather please contact me at the address people are using modern day com miss it as that, but then the object was only visible for about two to Service in Mobile, Alabama after the shown below. This is a very unusual parative descriptions to clarify their seemed to turn and reflect the sun three minutes. It was travelling at a witness' initial telephone call to object and a very interesting sighting sightings. Perhaps the same is true of with a very bright glare. I immediate steady even pace from north to south inquire as to the possibility of this which definitely warrants deeper and the descriptions employed by ly went back into the house and put a east. The entire episode took only being a weather balloon. I described further investigation. I am hoping to abducteeslexperiencers? 200mm lens on my camera and went about eight minutes and then it was the object from the witness' drawing show this witness' drawing and dis A very interesting sighting was back out and at this time it was out of view." and was told by the representative of cuss the video from Mexico with reported to me at the beginning of almost directly overhead. I had time This witness contacted Maguire the National Weather Service with Jaime Mausson, the ·researcher from February by a witness in Minotola, to take two pictures, and seeing that I Air Force Base in New Jersey and whom I spoke that it was "unlike any Mexico who will be attending the New Jersey. After an initial telephone was still unable to make out what it discussed what he had seen with an weather balloon I have ever seen." upcoming Project Awareness call, the witness forwarded to me a was I went back inside and brought Air Force representative there. The Authorities also rule out the object Conference in March on Pensacola full written account of his sighting out my son's telescope. I noticed at Air Force was apparently extremely being the Space Shuttle or a satellite. Beach. He may be able to provide together with the picture which that time there was a passenger jet interested in the photographs this wit The witness himself contacted Nellis more information regarding the video appears adjacent to this text. His let- which seemed to be passing above ness may have taken of this object Air Force Base, which was men- which the Sightings show apparently stated was "smuggled" out of Mexico. I have also contacted the "Sightings" show via e-mail regard ing this situation and am awaiting a response. If you wish to contact me, please HERALD, Everett, WA - May 28, 1998 e-mail me at [email protected] or Say it, they will come write to me at P.O. Box 17152, Pensacola FL 32522-7152, thank you. And remember -Keep Looking Report of crop circles brings throng to Whidbey Island Up! By GEORGIE SMITH relayed his experience investigating a field fascination with the field, there Special to The Herald of fallen barley alongside Highway 20 on were a variety of opinions about "Coast to Coast AM." The program, hosted what - or who - could have COUPEVIlLE - Curious onlookers, by Art Bell, focuses on UFOs and other caused the formations. ttenlte4v@isWionff meretfdtibat,> UwFeOd ueinl tihltufstrioasvtess a·Wnde dcnroeps ,t. aleSsw oefe sntreayn gsaei pdh heen owmaesn ac.o ntacted by the ing" Tsihmerilea riatriees c(ewrtiathin olyt hienrt rcirgoup day after a nationally syndicated radio talk radio program after he called the National circles)," said crop-circle investi show reported the discovery of unusual for UFO Reporting Center in Seattle and gator Ilyes, who goes by only mations in barley fields just south of reported he found "some kind of a picto one name and who rushed to Coupeville. graph" in the field. Whidbey Island from Portland "Basically I saw a lot of bent grass," said "It's almost like somebody had drawn a after receiving reports about the Port T-Ownsend resident Mike J{enna who · .line," Sweeney said of the formation. strange formations. took an early morning ferry to Whidbey ·"Everything inside this line is going to lie Ilyes is the national coordina Island after hearing about the crop circles down, everything outside is going to stand tor for the Center for Crop Circle Tuesday OJ;t a late-night radio talk show. up. It blew me away." Studies/U.S. Network and has Kenna and many others who turned out From Kenna's skepticism to Sweeney's traveled to E~gland_ for_ the past Wednesday had their curiosity aroused by Coupeville_r esident Kelly Sweeney, who seven years mvesugatmg crop circles. She said that although TIMES, Washington, DC - June 30, 1998 CR: L. Bryant she found some evidence of crop Truth is out there -maybe circles within the Coupeville for mations, they showed definite signs of randomness not associ ated with the precise patterns discovered in crop circles else UFO reports merit more scrutiny, team of scientists says where. Perhaps, Ilyes theorized, there was a crop circle pattern in REUTERS NEWS AGENCY dar ducting occurs when the radar extraterrestrial spacecraft," the the fields that had been dam Some reports of UFOs might be signal twists around and seems to report said. aged by recent foul weather. But, worth a closer look, although there be reflected from elsewhere. "Despite the abundance of such she added, "I wouldn't bet my is no real evidence of little green The report was posted on the In reports, and despite great public car on it." men out there, a panel of scientists ternet at www.jse.com and pub interest, the scientific community Ilyes and members of the concluded yesterday. lished in the Journal of Scientific has shown remarkably little inter Mutual Unidentified Flying The report, coming from what Exploration. est in this topic." Object Network (MUFON) used the panel describes as the first in "On the other hand, the review This is in part because many sci metal rods like the wires used for dependent review of unidentified panel was not convinced that aqy entists thiok UFO sightings have flying objects since 1970, says sci of the evidence involved currently more to do with psychology than water witching to test the barley ence has sorely neglected the area unknown physical processes or science, Mr. Sturrock's group fields for unusual ener~ fields. despite numerous reports and con pointed to the involvement of an pointed out. . Meanwhile, CoupeVIlle farm siderable public interest. extraterrestrial intelligence. A few They said France's space agen ers Don and Roger Shennan, "It may be valuable to carefully cases may have their origins in se cy funded further research into who own the field the formation evaluate UFO reports to extract in cret military activities." such sightings and recommended was found in, explained the bent formation about unusual phenom Von Eshleman, an expert in the that an international review agen barley to a steady stream of curi ena currently unknown to sci atmospheres of other planets who cy, probably privately funded, be ous onlookers and MUFON ence," the experts, headed by helped chair the panel, conceded set up to check out the most prom members as a combination of Stanford University physicist Pe the report risked being ridiculed. ising reports. overfertilizing, heavy rain and ter Sturrock, wrote in a report re "We may be opening a Pandora's Among those might be pictures high winds, not as the work of leased yesterday. box of some kind," he said in a tele taken by some Canadian tourists in alien beings. . "The UFO problem is not a sim phone interview. "But I'm a profes British Columbia in 1984 that ap When grass crops receive too ple one, and it is unlikely there is sor emeritus. I don't care." pear to show a flying saucer and a much nitrogen and grow too any simple, universal answer." They said some of the evidence 1956 case in which two Royal quickly the stalk often becomes Nine scientists from institutions presented to them was shaky, but Canadian Air Force pilots flying such as the High Altitude Obser this was in part because no one F -86 Sabre jets saw a bright, shiny too weak to support a single vatory in Boulder, Colo., the Uni bothered to make a proper scienti disk and photographed it. blade and "lodges," or falls over, versity of New Mexico and fic investigation. In 1994, near Paris, the crew of Don Shennan said. Typically France's University of Bordeaux A 1968 study concluded that a jetliner saw a giant disk, at least farmers experience lodging looked at evidence ranging from nothing could be gained from 1,000 yards or about a half mile in every year, although this year photographs of what appear to be studying UFO reports. But the diameter and 300 feet thick. It some of their fields definitely flying saucers to a policeman's re panel said technology has ad went fuzzy around the edges and had more lodging than normal. port that his car was stopped and vanced and something might be then disappeared. Military air "If there's extraterrestrials out scanned by a hovering object shin learned from such study. traffic controllers also saw the there and they can figure out a ing a bright light. "Over the last SO years, people object on radar. way to bring my crop back to "It was clear that at least a few throughout the world have become Even this could be explained - life, well then··;t:m a believer," reported incidents might have in familiar with UFO reports. These if someone bothered to get the evi Don Shennan said. vnoolmveedn ar saurech baust e lseigctnriifciacla natc tipvhiety wreipdoer trsa hnagvee obfe ecna uastetrsi biuntceldu dtoin ga dence, Mr. Eshleman said. 7 high above thunderstq,rms or rare hO,i!?Ce.~. , hallucinations, pla~ets, "As radar waves.. prop~gate cases of radar ducting," the re stars, rrteteors, cloud formations, through the atmosphere-they do viewers wrote in their report. Ra- ball lightning, secret aircraft and some funny things," he said. LABOR NEWS, Rockford, IL ·June 5, 1898 ISLANDER, Pensacola Beach, FL ·July 1, 1898 Author, Sue Kovach to On OJd River Road WHAT DID speak at local Mufon The Pensacola/Gulf Breeze of phenomena that stubbornly defy Chapter ofMUFON will present Sue explanation. TRIO SEE? Kovach as the guest speaker at the At our July meeting, Sue Kovach Sunday, July 12th meeting from 2:30 will discuss some astonishing cases to 5:30p.m. at the Gulf Breeze Rec from Hidden Files. She will also ex reation Center, 800 Shoreline Drive. plain how she researched the cases, Another Unsolved UFO Mystery Admission is $5.00 for members and what it took to convince these offic $7.00 for nonmembers. Sue Kovach ers to go public, the consequences . They don't know what it was. will review her book, "Hidden Files, suffered by .some for doing so, and Sheriffs police don't know either. Law Enforcement's True Case Sto how these cops' experiences affected It was around -11:30 p.m. As ries of the Unexplained and Paran them on a personal level. She'll also 20-year-old Rick Montoya and talk about some cases that did not ormal." ·his fiancee, Erin Hammack, were In the line of duty, law enforce get into the book because the offic driviag her.brother Jered home along Old River Rd. they noticed ment officers sometimes· encounter ers would not speak on the record, it in the distance. exceptional situations marked by and some t~talizing new cases that Erin said she didn't think any strange or: unexplainable circum officers have presented to her since thing much about the light con· stances; a brush with the occult; an the book's publication. figuration at first. But as they encounter with psychic phenomena; Sue Kovach is an investigative drove the object moved nearer UFO sightings; or mysterious events journalist, author and free lance TV until- it was hovering over a water tower just east of Gleas that simply can't be explained by any · producer. She has worked for publi manRd. laws of science we know. cations such as Newsweek, the Lon "We were hoping it was a Author Sue Kovach has compiled don Times, the New York Times, helicopter;" said Erin. "The thing such experiences from police offic Playboy and Ladies Home Journal. didn't make a sound, and it ers across· North America in her She regularly produces segments for hovered eerily motionless over book. Police officers went on the Fox TV's America's Most Wanted the tower," the trio reported to sheriffs Officer Tom Keeg_an. record - many for the first time - and the syndicated show Inside Edi - Hammack sliid they couldn't to reveal their encounters with the tion, and has also worked for Ameri make out the shape of it, but it paranormal, providing a unique per can Journal and Dateline NBC. was at least three to four times spective on occurrences that often For more information, call Art bigger than the water tower, and have no physical evidence. As · Hufford, 438-5863; the MUFON a bright white light was beaming at one end. She said she could see trained investigators, their observa UFO Hotline, 429-0216; or visit rows of flashing bright green, tions lend higher than average cred our . web site at: http://Gulf blue, red, yellow and orange ibility toward proving the existence BreezeUFOs.com. lights moving in a left to right · pattern across the middle. Keegan noted on his report_ that they saw no visible windows and nothing emitting from the craft such as beams of light, rays or sparks. The car radio was off so it was unknown if there was CHRONICLE, Houston, TX-July 5, 1998 CR: W. Theriot any radio-disturbance. The startled viewers said after MEN IN WHITE ten or 15 minutes, the object appeared to drift south for a short time, and then dart away at an incredible speed until it van Let science try to explain unexplained 'UFO' phenomena ished from sight. According to Winnebago County sheriff's deputies, most Many Americans say they believe space sist scientific explanation is not sufficient reports of UFOs have come from aliens in flying saucers regularly visit this proof of flying saucers and creatures from an-. north of Rockford in the Loves planet, and others suspect such VISits. These other galaxy. (''We come in peace. Take me to Park-Machesney Park area. Americans have adopted opinions unsup your leader.") Officer Tom Keegan indi ported by convincing evidence or personal ex In science and mathematics, the simplest cated no apparent use of alcohol perience. explanation or solution to a problem is invari or drugs by Montoya or his However, there are unexplained phenomena ably the most coiTect one. Interstellar travel fiancee. It was also noted that connected with reports of unidentified flying by outer space creatures is not a simple expla this is the second report of a objects, and these phenomena are the :proper nation for anything. It requires the assumption sighting by Montoya. subject of scientific investigation. Scientists on that the universe contains other civilizations, What was it that captured this an international panel have recommended that they have developed the ability to travel trio's attention strongly enough that their colleagues overcome the fear of ridi faster than the speed of light, that they have to prompt a call to the Sheriff's _cule and study some of the unexplained physi discovered materials immune to great heat Department? cal evidence left in the wake of UFO reports. and friction, and that they have vehicles that Anyone can speculate. No one Such evidence includes injuries to the eyes can appear and disappear instantly. can say for sure. and skin of obseiVers, burned or flattened veg One must also assume that all these highly Feedback from readers ~ etation, electronic malfunctions, etc. Marla, in advanced and powerful creatures are too shy always appreciated. West Texas, is one site of potentially fertile in to appear before large numbers of sober vestigation to explain the off-and-on appear Amencans with good eyesight and stable per ance of strange lights and magnetic distur sonalities. bances. It is the role of science to examine the unex The public, however, must bear in mind that plained and explain the mysterious. Investigat there is a vast difference between examination ing the residue of various UFO sightings, real of evidence by field investigators and lab or imagined; could expand the store of human coated technicianS and the fictional escapades Isnowle~e and might help to wean Americans of agents Mulder and Scully in The X-Files. from their gullible readiness to leap to fanciful The existence of natural phenomena that re- conclusions. 8 CHRONICLE, Muskegon, Ml - May 23, 1998 Pair of educators report seeing mysterious flying object 81 Michael G. Walsh ·above the treetops at the camp, which for about 15 seconds as it drifted in a satellites and planets," Weaver said. CHRONICLE STAFF WRITER is in the Manistee National Forest. south-to-north path. "But this' thing flew right over our Two North Muskegon educators re "It was huge, it was up there and it "It was moving slowly. The lights heads. Looking right up underneath, it ceived a lesson in the unknown late didn't make a sound," Weaver said. "It seemed to be dimming and receding was shiny." Thursday when something they can't looked like a flying paramecium (a mi and then we lost sight of it," Schanhals Weaver said he and Schanhals got a el(plain drifted over a remote area of croscopic animal)." said. "It didn't seem to be solid. It strange feeling as the object disap northern Muskegon County. Both Weaver, 43, and Schanhals, 29, seemed like you could see through it. It peared but they continued to watch the North Muskegon sixth-graders stay said the object was cylindrically was strange." sky for its return. ing at Camp Pendalouan in Blue Lake shaped. Lights were visible at the front Weaver and Schanhals said they "We had the heebie-jeebies by then," Township were asleep in cabins Thurs and back, but the middle glowed with a couldn't determine how far away the Weaver said. "But we spent the rest of day night as principal John Weaver and dull opaque light. object was nor its size. They held their night, until about 12:30 (a.m.), waiting teacher Michael Schanhals sat outside "It gave the impression of shimmer arms out in front of them to frame the for this thing to float by again .. .It was talking. ing, or gossamer," Weaver said. "There object between their fingers. It ap most weird." About 10:30 p.m., as starlight glis was something between the two lights." peared to be about 3 inches long as Nate McClure, executive director of tened on a backdrop of clear dark Schanhals said he and Weaver compared to their fingers, they said. skies, something floated into view watched the object that made no sound "We saw a lot of other things -jets, the Muskegon County 911 Dispatch saw a meteorite," McClure said. West Michigan residents from "Oh my God, what is this?" ra service, said his operators report "It got very bright, then dim, then midstate through Holland reported dar operator Jack Bushong Jr. ed no UFO calls that night. that was the end of it. Maybe that seeing a glowing cylindrical object said as the object - solid and Still, Weaver said, he'd like was (what the educators saw)." that pulsed with light as it drifted moving - zipped from South Ha some answers. in a southwesterly direction at ven to 10 miles west of the city, "I hope we hear from someone The Chronicle receives numer treetop level. over Lake Michigan, in 10 seconds else," he said. "I could not explain ous UFO-sighting calls each year. and disappeared. this one." Most are by single observers who At the same time, a National sniagMthutcrinCagll u. ree sxapilda nthaetiroen i s prfoobr ablyth ae saskastywr.o sTnoohmmeesietch aitnle nged vu entnout ssub. ael einx ptlhaei nnaigbhlet Wwtrahecaaktt ehhdeer s thaSewe r otvobi cjaeeuc tth,r aoadrniatdir e dso ewpscehrroia brteeod r Vupe",l"Ith t'oHsu onsloel tas nsadoid m Pienot hlaii cnleag t etShrg ait.nt tieJsr evmfifearwedye. "For example, (the other night) I But in March 1994, dozens of tcaopred.e. d the conversation on a 911 "l~ned." MACOMB DAILY, Mt. Clemens, Ml -June 30, 1998 CR: C. Grusinski Visitors? ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT-GAZETTE, Little Rock, AR - July 1, 1998 A little fantasy never hurt • International experts say UFO sightings Los ANGELES TIMES mean the panelists believe in flying merit more study. It seemed like a promotional stunt for saucers. But they're rightly curious about ''The X-Files" movie: an international pan what makes people think they are seeing By Mitch Hotts el of respected scientists calling for "serious something from outer space. scientific study" ofUFO-related phenom Not that UFO theories will wither in the Macomb Daily Staff Writer ena Recipients half-expected to find a "Just light of scince, for the lure of the unknown Are we alone in this universe, or is kidding!" buried in the 00-page report, is seems eternal. Scientific debunki.n& in f8ci, there another form of intelligent life out sued Monday. has tended to inspire rather than SUPP1811S there, somewhere? But the panel-composed of members UFO theories-witness all the true-belieYer from leading universities like Stanford, books, articles and movies that followed.a A national study by a team of inter Princeton and Cornell-w:lS cosmically se science panel's 1968 conclusion that no·fty national scientists found physical evi rious, concluding that "it may be valuable ing saucer had crashed near Roswell, N~. dence in some UFO sightings deserves to care~~val_~~Y!:Q. reports to extract in 1947. And even the best scientific studies serious scientific review. information about unusual phenomena cur are unlikely to dissuade us from the oc:ca And some Macomb County residents rently unknown to science."_ sional belief that the colleague in the next say "it's about time." For example, the panel wants to know chair is an extragalactic alien. Perhaps1 a "I certainly feel it's abaut time our what happened in 1994 when an airplane "The X-Files" creator Chris Carter puts i~ government came clean with all of the crew and a military radar operator report science will never .be able to explain all information they've been holding ed "a gigantic disk" more than 3,000 feet mysteries. Actually; that's a relief. back," said Jack Thompson, associate wide hovering over Paris. That doesn't dean of design engineering at Macomb Corru,nunity College. Macomb Daily staff photo by David Dalton Thompson, a Warren resident, spent Jack Thompson, an associate dean at Macomb Community College, saki It's likely the government has guarded secrets aboutUFOs. _, M-.~b-~.¢9~rity. ~Fo··sigtftings trhartioopnis. tI Lt awuarsa nfcinea Rnoccekde fbeyll eprh. ilan tShceie Pnatirfaicn oInrvmeaslt.i gation of Claims of years chasing down a flurry of UFO Panel members examined a 1981 "Many of these people are editors sighting in Macomb County and has . listed -:BI ,:,B.k-j photograph taken by a family on of journals that have a skewed out visited Roswell, N.M., where a flying Vancouver Island, British look and are believers of the phe saucer reportedly crashed in a cat Columbia. It showed a silver, oval nomena," CSICP spokesman ;."i:>.• at tremendous tleranch. shaped object that has a glow and Matthew Nisbett said. '~d the tim "I've known there was something brightness consistent with a reflect ing comes a week after the movie, ing metal object. Scientists were un 'X-Files' came out, so there's a lot of Ttoh ethree'sse j urestp toorot sm fuocr h3 e0v yideeanrcse n, otowo. • ,j~lf~~~::~~ able to rule out a photographic popular interest in the subject. many folks with some unique expe hoax. "But I must ask: Where's the riences. We need to knQw," ThQlllp. Another sighting, ve.ar Par\s in news? What are they adding to the son said. 1994, came from an airline captain, discUssion? I have yet to see any Others, such as Chester Grusins co-pilot and flight attendant. All re thing," Nisbett said. ki of Clinton Township, had real-life ported seeing an object resembling Certainly national interest in encounters with something unusu a gigantic disk with fuzzy edges. UFOs seems to be at an all-time al that caused them to believe that Swiss radar detected the object for high. A recent Time magazine pOll there is an unearthly presence to be 50 seconds. found 34 percent of Americans be found. "It is.a puzzle," said Stanford Uni lieve intelligent beings from other "My best guess is there is some versity physicist Peter Sturrock, a planets have visited Earth. thing unknown to us, people who member of the San Francisco panel. Grusinski, a Clinton Township are not human beings that look like In addition to reports of strange auto shop worker, agrees. us. I think we will know a lot more ly damaged vegetation, the scien He was an 18-year-old Navy sea in the next year or so," Grusinski tists~ ground traces of soil man aboard the USS Franklin D. said. disturbance and physiological ef Roosevelt in 1958 says he saw a glow The group of scientists, convened fects on witnesses such as marks, ing, cigar-shaped figure, 100 feet in San Francisco to conduct an inde memory lo~and double vision. long, approach the ship. When it pendent review of UFO phenome But skeptics said the study did flew off, Grusinski says he felt heat . na, found no solid proof that ex burns on the skin of supposed UFO together astronomers, physicists not include any convincing evi on his skin. traterrestriallife exists. witnesses to unusual damage to veg and experts in other scientific disci dence about UFOs. And the panel He has sought out witnesses, col But the nine-member panel said a etation-remain unexplained. plines, will appear in the summer is members may have a vested inter lected documents from witnesses variety of reports - ranging from The 50-page study, which brought sue of Journal of Scientific Explo- est, according to the Committee for and examined photographs. "I get teased at work about this all the time," Grusinski said. "But I've been told there will be some Con gressional hearings on the subject soon. Maybe there's more proof yet 9 to come." Associated Pnla contrtbuted to this ,. port. DAILY RECORD, Roswell, NM -July 2, 1998 CR: W. Connors UFO Encounter '98 under way SANTA FE - Roswell's A lecture series of distin the government to divulge its al.hearings and lawsuits to Roswell's International UFO Encounter '98 opened guished speakers will again UFO secrets. get the truth about Roswell. UFO Museum and Research Wednesday and continues be offered. The featured The closest those congres the grand jury route also is Center has declined to head through Monday. speaker was to have been sional hearings may have being pursued. So far orga the local effort because of its, Between the yearly retired Col. Phil Corso, come to reality was not long nizers. headed by Larry limited mission as a provider· Encounter and the Interna author of a book released after Rep. Steve Schiff unsuc Bryant of Alexandria, Va .. of information. so organizers tional UFO Museum and shortly before last year's cessfully sought to uncover have been unsuccessful in are looking for someone from Research Center, Roswell Encounter titled, MThe Day Air Force documents on convincing U.S. Attorney the Roswell area who is inter has become a household After Roswell." in which he Roswell. Schiff told me that General Janet Reno to con ested in getting the petition word. not only nationally but describes being in charge of Rep. Dan Burton of Indiana vene a federal grand jury. process started. ftrraonms ftehreri nRgo sawlieelnl tsepcahcneoclroagfyt Rasoksewde lhl imbe cfoaru shei s hfeil ew oans AtTtohrenye yal sion tVriierdg itnhiea , Ut.hSe. Even though the IUFOM~ RC's mission is limited, its to private industry. But interested in conducting home of the Pentagon, and dreams aren't. The museum Corso recently suffered a hearings of his Government John Kelly. the U.S. attorney is planning a $15 million serious heart attack and Reform and Oversight Com in New Mexico, but struck won't be making any engage mittee into the coverup. out both places. expansion project that will ments for some time. But Burton got sidetracked The current effort is to call include a high-tech computet Another speaker, Peter trying to find a conspiracy in for a Chaves County grand research facility. interactive Gersten, an Arizona attorney Vince Foster's death and now jury probe. New Mexico is museum and gift shop, office INSIDE THE CAPITOL who heads Citizens Against is conducting an inquiry into one of only two states that complex, a children's muse UFO Secrecy. has filed suit White House fund-raising provide for convening a grand um and an auditorium. Just JAY MILLER against the U.S. Army seek activities. I didn't get the jury by citizen petition - and a year and a half ago the ing documents referred to by opportunity after the onset of it takes only 200 signatures. museum moved into larger internationally. State Secre Corso in his book. Robert Rep. Schiffs cancer to ask The petition method is quarters in an old theater, tary of Tourism John Garcia Dean. a retired Army officer him if he ever turned his sometimes used in New Mexi which many felt would said that during his travels who was assigned to NATO Roswell file over to Burton. co when district attorneys are always be too large. he has watched Roswell in the mid-'60s, will speak After the flap over Burton's reluctant to act. Citizens ·But last year. the 50th come to the forefront. Mit about secret reports he saw release of· the Webster Against UFO Secrecy, headed anniversary of whatever used to be Santa Fe was all that convinced him at least Hubbell prison tapes, he may by Gersten, and Operation didn't happen at Roswell, the they talked about." Garcia four extraterrestrial races are want to stay away from any Right to Know, operating out museum tripled its atten said. Mit is truly Roswell. New among us. He is campaign thing as high-profile as a of the Washington, D.C., dance to almost 200,000 and Mexico - that is what they ing full time for open con UFO investigation. area, are supporting the this year's attendance is run talk about now." gressional hearings to force In addition to congression- effort. ning 60 percent higher. ((CJJD)) S~YWAl ft\ .,ARY TRIBUNE, Albuquerque, NM July 7, 1998 CR: K. Pflock UFO gala draws 10,000 to Roswell ..J of this site. Before I realize, it is past LL me. The black streak I saw changed £u elevations and directions, and al- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS IDCCIDS . tfhacoeu gaht oitn ew taism rei.g fhitv ein o frr oson tf eoeft mofyf telR rOooSmWsE thLrLo u-gSho thme ew e1e0k,0e0n0d v fiosirt othrse f'i9ll8ed e Rdiotsiowne lol fm toh-e 8CIS the ground, this object left the camp city's UFO Encounter, commemorating the purported A sighting at Shoreline Park was site over the tops of the trees at the crash of a flying saucer. : witnessed by five people on the closed end of the horseshoe. What I "I consider it a success," said Johnny Johnson, director i evening of May 12, 1998. The wit saw was a black ball about the size of the Roswell Convention and Civic Center. "We had 90 a. nesses were all regular skywatchers, I received two interesting reports of a tennis ball, changing directions, percent of the motel rooms filled up in the last four days. •· ci including my husband, Ken Baker, this week of what we have come to altitude and moving at about 150 coBvearcekd i an UJuFlyO 1 a9n4d7 a, lsioe nth beo sdtioersy f groomes a, nth ies ogloavteedrn Rmoeswnte rlel ~ our friends, Tom, Judy Francouer term "tinkerbell" type sightings, i.e. m.p.h. I felt a shock wave ...b ut what area ranch, then covered up the whole thing. z and Pat Gerbig, and Harold Bosch. small objects at close range. One is I didn't say was that as the object got Last year's 50th an- ~ All except Harold were observing from Australia and one from here in to a position almost in front of me The 30-plus vendors who niversary celebration ~ the event· through binoculars. The the United States. my lungs began to inflate (only a exhibited at the UFO Expo brought in 48,000 sighting began at 8:55 p.m. and The Australian sighting took small amount of air), then as the ob and Trade Show were people, according to lasted for approximately two min place in the Brisbane, Australia sub ject passed by, they began to deflate about evenly divided the sta~ Department utpfhutaeelsls tm. m fIuotol olson,hn ao onwundl ad tsth h bisesehr eibnnfoioigrnrhngete, wbitnhrai egsm hjouitnnlsydet ptdinhaa asyatt dwuinrr iybth.n oiesIfs t Ssyw,ua Grnadsne, yo ahfbbfaaronneugykti nHE6gbi: l3ellsa0r tu i nwpn .da1mrs9y .9o 6uion.tu sTtit hdhtoeee T(twhahiantenhd twtahwgihsoao silsnteoe, rceyoov,nn e"ldyNns t.o a"o sMcsomcuiunkardlerl. e cTdaohm nienot if unulnunetecs.ss) braenepdtwo freateeildnu rftehin,o adsneirc ewiachlt oosr u scacyess.s JnsfoloaufarhTmtyneo bdsuaoe.nl nrTss ombhm eeip,lg i araeholvnttm ehbnsoep iut tvhigenaedh-t- clear sky at the time of this sighting. evening when Geoffrey noticed a tions of my lungs were totally spon more than 1,000 articles from March through December At 8:55 p.m. to the left of the ball about one hundred and fifty feet taneous. The effects on the skin were 1997, reaching 46. 1 million people. Holiday Inn on Santa Rosa Island, a away that appeared to be "not mate of a nature of shock wave. This thing Johnson said this year's celebration, which ended Sun single, bright reddish orange light rial but pure energy." It drifted be acted conscious by avoiding me. I day, can't be compared to last year's. appeared and glowed up brightly, hind some tree branches and was to was right in its path ... it did a little "This is not the 50th anniversary," he said. "You can't fading down and away after a few tally silent and about the size of a arc around me. At that time the ob expect the same amount of people. The media didn't cov~ seconds. The light was a single light, beachball. The ball of energy then ject was about 4/5 feet in altitude, er the event like they did last year." several times larger than a star in just disappeared "as if someone and after finishing its arc it returned The 30-plus vendors who exhibited at the UFO Expo size. It appeared at about ten degrees turned off a light, leaving no outline to its original path and dropped to and Trade Show were about evenly divided between those above the horizon, below the bright of any physical object." Geoffrey about three feet off the ground, then whBou rte fpoor rftuetdu rfein eavnecniatsl stou cscuecscse aendd, tfhaeilruer'es ,g hoet stoa ibde. more moon. There were no aircraft visible says, "I wasn't the only one having continued for about fifteen feet and than UFO souvenirs because merchandising doesn't bring in the vicinity of the light at all. The reported it. I was so amazed by it, I shot up at a 75 degree angle until it in visitors, Johnson said. He'd like to see speakers, exhibits light reappeared again a few seconds let out with a "what the--is that," cleared the 35 foot trees and then and presentations based on mankind's space travel expe. later and pulsated on and off again. then got embarrassed that my neigh corrected its degree of flight to about riences. Approximately 15-20 seconds later bors heard me!" 30 degrees and disappeared." Mike "We need to mix science fiction with science .... Wfl it reappeared further towards the The second report came to me is totally amazed at this experience, need to offer attractions that are educational and show that northeast and at slightly higher el from Mike Robertson, friend and and of course, wonders if anyone else reality is just as wild as the imagination is," he said. evation. It reappeared again after itinerant astronomer who is .currently has had anything similar occur to several seconds, showing the same camping somewhere in the State of them. I have heard of several similar pattern of glowing up and fading out, Oregon. (For his own purposes, Mike encounters, which are all extremely appearing to pulsate. This was re does not wish his location made pub interesting, because whatever these peated again, with this final time lic at this time.) The event occurred type of objects are, it seems they are appearing to be over the south end on Monday, May 5, 1998 and Mike's intent on closer contact that the usual of the Bob Sikes Bridge and higher account is so eloquent, I am going distant ufosllights/objects that people in the sky at approximately thirteen to quote it directly. often report experiencing. to fifteen degrees elevation. There "At my campsite as I stepped to I can be contacted by e-mail at 10 was no sound associated with this the stone ring of the cold campfire, I [email protected] or my sighting and no aircraft in the area noticed something coming out of my regular mail at P.O. Box 17152, during it. This appeared to the wit peripheral vision to my right into the Pensacola, FL. 32522-7152. nesses to be the same light (object) clearing that is the horseshoe-shape Keep Looking Up!