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Preview UFO Newsclipping Service 1997 03 no 332

March 1997 Number 332 HERALD, Boston, MA- March 6, 1997 CR: J. Trainor The hills are alive with the swooping of UFOs By JULES CRITIENDEN looking out their windows o\·er the last six since 1973," said Ray Fowler of ~enha~, wPek:-; ha,·e described at least 15 sightings of Ma MUFON's national director of mvestJ In tlw greatest rash of sightings in ~most :;trangP mo,·ing li~hts and saucer-shaped, o,b gati~ns. ""'!e've had sigh~ing~, b~~ not sight 2fj vears. UFOs have been reported swoop ject~ to local pollee and the Mutu~l Ur ~ ing after s1ghtmg after s1ghtmg. ing-.otef' lhe woods, mountain:-; and :-;wamp:-; Net ,,·ork. a nationwide group that mvestt- In one case. an elderly woman from Cole- cf northern New England this winter. gatt>~ extraterrestial claims. . . . ~11J0btlers, drivers and people just · "I don't think we've had anythmg hke thts were familiar with some of the reports, but could not brook, N.H., claims she was say whether any were legi JUFOs visited by 12 aliens who sat timate or false. at her table, took notes and UFO sightings are not whispered among them uncommon in the north selves, and wouldn't leave country. until 3:30 a.m. despite her In the early 1970s, re ; North Country Sightings Real 'Flap' polite requests. peated sightings - or "I just want to forget "flaps" in UFO jargon - about it. It was very dis were reported along the ..... turbing," said the 73-year New Hampshire-Massa a> By LORNA COLQUHOUN end." old woman, who told her chusetts border. a> Union Leader Correspondent story to co-workers at a lo Fowler speculates that ,..: COLUMBIA-On a clear night in January, a full The previous day in North Stratford, a witness cal nursing home and to a UFOs may have been at .::: moon and a sky dotted with stars accompanied reported seeing an object the size of a house. MUFON investigator. tracted by nuclear weapons "There were pink and blue lights glowing around ~ Beverly Higgins on her drive home ~m work. it," she said, adding that the lights condensed into Co-worker Tracy Perry at Pease Air Force Base and ta All of a sudden there was somethmg else. one, moved to the northeast and disappeared. said the woman is stable military industries in the :::!: "It was ten to' seven," she recalled. "I was on and not one to make up area. In Stratford last month, a woman and members ' Route 3 coming home from Littleton jus~ bef?re of her family sa'" a saucer-shaped object in the stories. But since the day He has no idea what would :Zt: tahcer oCsso lmumyb wia intrdasilheire lpda,r kj uwsth eanb oIv sea wm yt hs1tse ethr~mngg wStormatafonr sdp Hototleldow th pea orbt joefc tto awgani.n A. few days later, the lhaesrt tmaloen, thP ewrrhye ns aisdh,e "tSohlde antotrrtahc to fa Nlieenws Eton gltahned .f rozen ..: wheel." hasn't been herself." "There's nothing up ~ As she watched it move across the sky from the linS, iJgehffteinrsgosn h, aSvtera btfeoernd raenpdo rCteodlu imn b<i;al.a rksville, Ber Meanwhile, in Columbia, there. There's some paper 'fQi) Vermont side of the Connecticut River, she thought "It'.s not all that unusual," Black said. "But to N.H., Beverly Higgins, 60, mills, but essentially it was airplane. Or maybe a helicopter. have so many people report it to the newspapers - described her own close en there's nothing but woods, c::st:a:!:i:: wveaB"rsIe utad tw ssglahorseew eoklnvyn ,ae llbiw g-u hti tttI hw icenaor sefu rn wnoetnaiettsdh on esofri .x i nt o,w"i isnsehd."eo wssa iadn. d" Itth ehr~e tphea"SatTre eivhsde eu rirnnae lu l iosssuct aoallelr .isn"ese s w aansbpdao puleetsr ssU. Fn.Od 1 . csuigleh tainbgosu th 1.a t vteh easpe- agctoo "inunIinggt t hweatrl,ao" so ns ngaa iJdRfau oHnllu .i mtg2ego 2i3o.n nsa., baIo ruwetg a7s ofbifue TtlUedydsFp itOacona lndslyai gpt uahobrtnaiondlu gsots, r" & ma>hr aeepn esmaractaietddrn.ie t W Within a couple of minutes, it took off over the days " she said. "Most people are in wonder about istered nurse. "Right above causes, Fowler said. The rest ~ m?~~;~~~~~;~~~{i~~~thf~~~tened what they 'Saw and want to know what it is and they my steering whee~ through are classified "unknown." me," want to see it again." the windshield, I saw it going MUFON member San Z...I shHe isgagidin. s is not alone in her sight in~ of ~n un~.. den- "HIi'vgeg ihnas da gnroe eodn. e make fun of me," she said. "In ov"eIr tchoeu ltdre eelaisniel. y make out mdrean tB loafcfkic, era wlahwo elinvfeosr cein 0Z tyiefaier,d nfelayrilnyg a odbojezcetn. USFinOc es itghhet inbgesg mhanvme gb eoe.n trhee wfahcat,t Ip heaovpel es eheanv."e told me that they have seen athne a sirapulcaenre s ohra pae .h eIlti cwoapstenr't. Ctiglaartkisnvgi ltlhe,e Nla.Hte.s, t isr eipnovretss . ~ ported to Sandra Black of S~ewa~stown, .a local The North Country flap comes at a time when the It was dark, with big win She said she has not found investigator for the Mutual Umdentlfied Flytng Ob state MUFON chapter is about to start "shaking dows lit up, and a green any evidence yet that any ject Network (MUFON). some bushes," Geremia said, recruiting new mem light on the bottom." one saw a manmade object "It's called a flap when a lot of sightings are re She saw nothing inside. or Aurora Borealis - the ported in a short span of time," she said. bers and investigators for variou~ parts .of the _stat~. The object, nearly as big as Northern Lights. plaAcned i int Nseeewm sH tahmatp tshheir Ne owrthhe rCeo UunFtOrys isa rteh fb: eoinnlgy Absce hc haeledll-udiln e adtta ftlohkre s ThMhouawnr scwdhiaetyhs t aeanr CdP outnhbceloi crs dtLa rtiaebd rm1aorey es ot~mnt1 gA0 nWpI r~.Iisll aa sqcuhoaorlt ebru sm, iwlea sa wleassy thanadn recPteotre ro fG eMreUmFiaO, Nth eN edwi spotted. 5, beginning at 1 p.m. . . about 500 feet up. Hampshire, said a direct "We have no other reports from around the state And Black will continue to chart stghtmgs for as "It was moving slowly. It encounter as described by of anything exciting," said MUFON state direc long as they last in the North Country. stopped for about 20 or 30 the Colebrook woman re tor Peter Geremia of Rye. "Sandra seems to have "You can probably compare this to a Stone Age seconds, and then it moved quires extensive research. all the excitement." . person seeing 21st century technology," she sa~d. over the mountain," said "It's the kind of thing Since becoming an investigator for MUFON m "What they are seeing is technology ahead of 1ts Higgins. "It was peaceful, that is so bizarre, you have 1993 Black has checked into about 17 reports a time. Most people are in awe." . calm. I wasn't frightened. to be -wry cardut you're year.' She started getting busy this year on Jan. 15. As for Higgins, she said she hopes to agam see I'll probably never see an not dealing with someone "The best one was reported on Jan. 23 on Route what she saw that night in January. . other thing like it, but I who is delusional," Geremia 26 in daylight," she said. "Two people were com "I may never see it again, but I'll keep lookmg know what I saw." said. "This t;ype of case we ing home from work at the Balsams .when th.ey saw up," she said. Local police said they don't take at face value." a large saucer-shaped object standing vertical on UFO reported in South County were reports of a green object streak By Journal Staff ing south, roughly paralleling ..i Interstate 5, near Stockton, Calif. c:c ..... A mysterious green object was aZ: aa>> Creopuonrtteyd lsyk sieese nF srtirdeaayk inngig ahctr,o esms Sitotiuntgh spoAk eFsedmearanl Asaviiadt iothne A adgmeinnicsytr ahtiaond O~ il) beams oflight as it soared southward. received no such reports of an uniden 1>-z')- ,-1c:',:0: bidye tnLwtesos si n fta hCmaati lltiihferoser einn hi atoh ureer spK oaefrtnteetrd as rsiegeaeh,it nirneggs as Gsotiiffgefimhiectdiie nnrfig ldssy a imoindfeg mt tehoeoebtrrej eseo hcrhost.a w fvrAeoernm sb . e FtheAneA ar nedncuuetanylt Har•dw ick • 8~<3C: bright green object streaking south, • Bertin said Peter Davenport of the National But Davenport said the descrip :t:.: Unidentified Flying Objects Reporting tions Friday didn't .sound like most Jefferson (2) 1- c:: Center in Seattle. meteor sightings "or other natural e:0:nI ~Q) CovAi nfgatmonil yg aivne Ksiemnti laanr dd easncoritphteiro nins phe"nWomhaetn tah.e"y a~. I don't know," he VERMONT HAMNPESWH IRE MAINE of an object emitting green-colored said. beams, Davenport said yesterday. The nonprofit UFO Reporting Both families say the shining Center gathers data on reported UFO object appeared at about 8:20 p.m. sightings and makes the information Friday. Shortly after II p.m., there available to the public, Davenport said. TRIBUNE, Chicago, IL -Feb. 17, 1997 Strangers in the night Author tries to explain his close encounters of the most terrifying kind By Connie Lauerman TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER T ' his is the story of one man's attempt to deal with a shattering assault from the unknown." So began Whitley Strieber's 1987 book "Communion," an account of his extraordinary experiences with what may or may not have been aliens at his rustic upstate New York cabin on Dec. 26, 1985. "Communion" was a non-fiction bestseller for Strieber, who is also the author of such successful novels as "The Wolfen" and "The Hunger." "CommuniOJ1" also was made into a 1989 movie starring Tribune photo by Chuck Berman Christopher Walken and Lindsay Since Whitley Strieber went public with his own close encounter in Crouse as Strieber and his wife the book "Communion," his professional life has become precarious. Anne. Those books and the film helped and relatives in the context of have studied one object that has Tnbune photo by Chuck Berman; Illustration by Ted JacobsTM fuel the pllblic's ever-growing close encounters with aliens. come out of the leg of Jesse Long, appetite for stories about UFOs People flock to "The X-Files," says Whitley Strieber, "but my stuff, Familial contact is very common. a mMt from Calmrni.a. and close encounters. Witness the where I'm claiming something real, has a much smaller audience." If the parents are involved, so are "It looks like a little shard of immensely popular fllm "Indepen the children, who are profoundly glass but it is not ordinary glass dence Day" and such hot television I'm claiming something real, has a after that. . . There's a loyal core affected by the experience and not at all. We don't know what it is shows as "The X-Files." But people much smaller audience," Strieber of readers. most of whom have had often frightened. but it has characteristics like a eolwanfbh ceUoole uFdnO gtsewo r asac nkptdayu k, beeaxl titt crhba eet esatrr.ibr seToksh utreoti a fm l bUavetFiitsneOig r "scaaTighdoe , dupSrreiocnmrgeo ta ti Snrcgeh coehonistl , "vl aisateibts ott uobt oChohkiis,· fttwhrhoiietnm hk e ,ix titi p.sb e eTrwcihaeaeunit sciernee .gts htTt eoyho sefce yate'hnr wee't hgpweeutotbh ralekiwrci ,nao ygIr ns[fuer"vocTmehhr epesbeexeo epapnerl eera i e wlonchnacogre ,e ssfca]uo.yl m Ttsphtlhueeeydx'ry vel ee d thhtoeanardess ttttoyoh p eckemo ea.oe tfp B t ghotlihatnhesgs s bh iloenidk vyeae nndftdereo ndhmt aii lsn r iemmtjhepeocl tath'i7nne0tgssr tors is controversial, and many memories of childhood encounters not they have to deal with it." of the people because there's no claim it was in his leg since 1954. people reject it out of hand. with aliens and new theories to money [available] to do it. My He was told by the so-called aliens an"d[ TThVe sphuobwlics,] beuatt sm tylP stthueff ,m wohveieres spuepopploer tr esaudc h'C aosmsemrtuinoinosn. ' .b..u tl otth eonf Strieber himself was skeptical aim npruemssbioenr iso ft hpaet othpelere warheo q uairtee tthhaatt odnied otfh tihse-ma nadpp Ie amreidg htot ahdimd unusually bright among this to be a human being- that he group." would not get sick after it was put in his body." Visitors and implants Strieber is convinced that sci probes into your nose all the way He is not alone Strieber, 51, grew up in San ence has the tools to discover the up to your sinuses and into your The whole area of extraterres Antonio and says he wanted to be truth. head. I lay in a sort of chair while trial visits and abductions is a writer since childhood. He With the popularity of camcord they flashed lights and tried to problematic. Reports of UFOs and briefly attended St. John's College ers, videotapes of encounters are about the UFO phenomenon until induce seizures in my brain. It strange ·encounters have in Annapolis, Md., and earned his now being made, and Strieber his first-hand experience in 1985, turned out that my brain was increased, but little money is liberal arts degree from the Uni says that those "videos can be which he claims initially involved unusually stable. That was the available to pay for studies to versity of Texas. analyzed. an abrupt awakening in the mid most abnormal thing about my prove or disprove their legiti He studied film in London in dle of the night by a "peculiar brain, which was a relief but also macy. the late 1960s and upon his return "The objects taken out of people winhgo forsohmin gth, es wlivirinlign gr onoomi,s ea"n dc otmhe vwearlyk edd iostuutr bofi ntgh ebree cwaiutshe mthye lna sIt of" aI ldieonn 'tc oknntoawct iof rI 'mno ot,n" tShter ietrbaeirl ttois iAngm ebruicsian ewsos rkine dN ienw thYeo rakd. veHre coarant obrei eesx aamndin ethd eiinr mboadteiersia lesx alamb saniregoxhutt notdhf iatn h"gec ohbmee pdkarcnoteo fwmig uhdreeo "o wre.ad sgT ihninge aeshxfotcete rpg to tnetehm. eTp ohoenrraeel twhloainsb gen oIe thpdiiinldge pnlseofytt .utshanaidkt .n I'"omIw donon n t'htt hee avtrtea'nsil coaifmr eso.p mIo erktthnaionnwgt q"trTuaihitne e toeO wabnel cdao nmwdeo rtakh eeDd iPoreuncs tstohyrec' sam t"Go uvaiinledds irpnaseytdci vhboeylso gpihcsytassn iao nlobdg,e i shtossp.t euTfduhlieleyi,rd wnabitryh motion, then sitting on the ground want to think, that it was an f:Jecause it has to do with the "They Might Be Giants" before PET scans we can even learn to in the woods and then transported unknown. human mind and the way we returning to advertising. In 1977 differentiate between their true mto oav imnge sqsuyi crkoloym a rwouitnhd t ihnimy .p eople ob"sIets sewda os n viet rayf tesrc tahrayt.. TI haret awllays vmieewan oinugrs eolvfe so uarn dp preossesinbclye tohne thher iblleegrasn a nwdr ihtiansg biemena gwinraittiinvge mwheimcho riaerse aenssde nftailaslel ym memistoarkieess,. ltihfeFe rthoimamse ,tn hheavet e wrn aibgse hemtn aotknhi,en gSs taarm ieleib.v eirnA'gst wwit.oh oeI dncs o.I uIsl tdcanor'tute ldbd newa'tra tltukoir nnkg n aoowwuat y ii tn f rwothames sgEceaiter tanh t.ih fIai'cnm dd lniero eotc ngti ooiitn.n sgI ' Ivt'oem s ggtoootp ina u gJn oitnti .lo" I f eavnHedre sciiusn rcraeel.s not liyn vhoalvs ebd eienn rleosoekairnchg lBrienealelil eyfvo ewr aamlnlet , t thoIe sfweini lsdlt uobdeui te tsthh ebe e facinarsustws eie nrI writing thrillers and, rather than out there somewhere and not try After "Communion," Strieber into implants, small foreign to this. keeping the close encounter to to get a handle on it. I'm working wrote "Transformation," "Break objects that some people believe "If this is something that's phys himself, decided to write about it on that still." through" and recently "The Secret have been put in their bodies by ically real, and it's beginning to as he struggled to make sense of The price of going public was School'' (HarperCollins),'' accounts alien visitors. Strieber says he look like that may be true, at least it. steep. Strieber says his "commer of recurring encounters, recov used to regard implants as fan in part, I would like to be the per To that end, he has been hypno cial life·· as an author and screen ered childhood memories and his tasy. but now he is not so sure. son that proves that because I've tized four times, although he writer has been "precarious." For dogged efforts to find an explana· "I've enlisted the help of a labo been through the mill. I would acknowledges that hypnosis is not his family, he says, it was worse. tion for his experiences and, in ratory in Texas and another foun like to come out with some recog a reliable tool for discovering the His son was subject to ridicule the process. those of thousands of dation to do the financing along nition of the fact that it turned truth. He has passed two lie detec· from classmates. His wife was other "witnesses" who have writ with my foundation. the Commun out I wasn't entirely wrong." tor tests (one of them required by socially ostracized. ten him letters since the publica ion Foundation. and so far we the BBC before it would let him The Striebers, who now reside tion of "Communion." appear on television) and a voice in Texas, were virtually driven stress test. He has undergone a out of their isolated upstate New Strieber says he has received CAT scan to rule out brain abnor· York cabin where they lived part more than 200,000 letters indicat malities, two tests for temporal time. Intruders easily bypassed ing ··a great deal of variation'' HERALD, Everett, WA - Feb. 15, 1997 lobe epilepsy (which sometimes the home's alarm system. rifled beyond the standard scenario of UFO COVERAGE involves unexplained panic states his files and put a virus on his seeing light or some sort of space- and vivid hallucinations). several Media choos~ to ignore MRis and psychiatric evaluations. The sonic boom ~hat was heard recentlv Tests and self-analysis 'I don't know if I'm on the trail of alien contact or not. I iii two states from the flyover of a military don't even care. I know that I'm on the trail of something spy plane has brought up a very interesting In the aftermath of his first point. Back in the '60s and '70s when UFO Pncounters. he was diagnosed unknown that's important because it has to do with the sightings were considered newsworthy, with post traumatic stress disor human mind and the way we view ourselves.' t:1ers were report' of radar tracking of der and for several years suffered a debilitating depression that did Whittey Strieber chieL·t<; flying rr.any times the speed of not respond to any medications. sound, yet there were no sonic booms. Back In his worst moments Strieber in 1968 I s"w six objects in formation fly thought he was insane. computer that nearly destroyed all craft. hnmanuirl ent1tiPS and then ofrnodrrs.. hIofr itzhoeny toh a>do rbizeoenn i"np ah ymsiacattle"r oobf jeseccts ..T t-wct" r.ut plea~ai~t ... he said. "! of hi~ ~ot"k. Open c;ms of ~seUne beinE trans.ported for medical there ·,vould have been a sonic boom intense had an extremely happy marriagP. v. Pre rPpPatPdly placPd beside the exannnat1on or rxpcrimPntatinn. enough to cause physical damage, but there ·1 child. and suddenly I thought it otl burner~ in the hnsemPnt. he That type of experience is was utter silence. There is also almost utter cwhaoss iasl l ogro ain gb rtaoi nh et urmuionre do rb ys opmsyP · cwlaitihm tsh eH !en ewaal sp oolfitceen. on the phone "mr:ptua;lllivl\ · rfaarre ..m. oSrtlr' ieinbteerr essatyinsg. ·a•Jnt'ds silence in the media on the subject of UFOs, tthhaint gs. hWowheend Im he aId dtihda tn CotA Tha vscea na thIen nthnPv rela r"lMy a·~jess. tiacf t..e. r bhaes ewdr ootne siztaratinogne. than that kind of human· dyaeit lyin Msiegxhitcinog sC,i ty.r atdhaerr e htraasc kbienegn, alcmloosset bmrga.i nI tcuomulodrn. 'tI jeuvsPtn lamyo vtheP ..r. e EcvrPyn· :r1Pnp oArtr~ moyf :"1:" li1r!- !4l7> aUscF Oa tc rRasohs wnePallr. Px"pTehriise insc ae . reFaollry ewxiladm apnlde ,w tehirids venidceoou natenrds wfiiltmh arierccroarfdts anodf tUhfo<uOs anadntsi cos.f now tears pool in his Pyes as he N.M.. StriPber was contacted by a IPxperiencel usually happens to Camera and video experts have even set up tPlls the story SenntP committeP investigating people when at least one other classes to teach the average citizen how to "OnP of the tests for temporal illeg:1l military and intelligence member of the family will be in get the best pictures, yet as far as our media !.lbe epilep'-'y involves sticking act1vity. which queried him about some way aware of it. It's gener· is concerned, there is nothing going on in hi~ ~ourres for the book. At that ally ultra high-level strangeness. Mexico City. time he lwliPvPd his home 1n "By that 1 mean people report I can't help but wonder how many other BrooklYn w:1~ under obvious sur· ~eeing very. vpry vividly real-look things are going on in the world that our \"f'lilancP. ing ghosts of their dead friends media have chosen to consider as not news worthy. Does the media have the right to 2 sc!ecr what information reaches the public? WILLARD WINQUIST Everett BULLETIN, Latrobe, PA- Jan. 31, 1997 ~ Illinois Christo!, a grandfather, says he takes his work very seriously and UFO Researcher Gordon works with the Mutual UFO circle ~ crop Network, an international group that studies the paranormal. Issues Annual Report ~ stumps UFO He said his next step will be to turn evidence collected over to fellow UFO investigator Tom ~~ investigator · Theofanous of Toronto. The UFO Hotline number blimps, laser shows, and triangular shape and multiple Samples will be analyzed at ocbfiooaefrlu Gl aRssc r feetarisoegvemneeasn rdbtcchuuhierree gipsrn u cSgcboto lan1incnt9 ci aG9nen6uord enrw vddiian ottrgnoh eethhvvaaeveBnteru y ilatne dyGdcve ioteadorrr edt,si noisngtinosnh t agt ailo nsrsngeeola ryirrene cpidphnoiol rciPtrgasteht.en etdss -ctahisAre (tc Fdhuiae lsty artoaacrbni ulljcic egoe cCh.ft lto amsu rcnogotveyue )lfd doF aoebwtbepr arsuyiean eritnyns 5.C~.&«.1JJ_f CafSpinCalheGorRrsaiRt:IsPnh tAPoeoaYrS!r m VoHcmaIrfOLlyo WOLspitnE Awev,rRc eyeiDnI srl sctltNib.ol geEo a- WrtaodoSd,ri U ds SKcFM EyoOtR.iovc, V ehaIhrChaneaeiEddssl cctthohoha!ev re nmesU' asin ycbisaecv,le e emnlrtlos uai altkyadner yeu ot pesfc. tr Thrmuoaicnrnotguene rtseoi ,f i oCntr hh etrhiirstees strange sights in the sky and nsylvania, but from many were observed in the freshly a: last month west of Grayville. He said he has his own theory other alleged unusual other parts of the country and falling snow. The footprints < Since 1980, he said, he's in· of what causes crop circles. encounters. from around the world, were estimated at 15 inches 0 vestigated everything from odd "These patterns could be pro catU1hce9FerIi9oOn v6psce. su sidG dibP geolefhnirrncttdon iormnisenngyp lb1o1rvee9r4agtp6 nsaco9 inwoar,t uetdsao rnunf etrotd aiirr nekemignes ptwpwrloahaa"riiitnlUncekeehdFsdd c bO oaoaywb nf sswa 'ietylgi ri.tbhv fneeete ir ssnsosi gnes eussca c flsarhuior ldaemys i ernaaexilg lr isdlHtnhaturir ecslig edetCeodne hrh g niebactusheiatmrtl,nywl euay crnet otr edRheun eaisw d t easugirairtegeche ahhsh at.aa i tTnsrlro aghapurscerg nookrede f. :.w~.:.t1: bRnllieiegogoRahsenowrtd,s b eGceIlillornr,lt va. ,Nye Ht.vrhdM-oieiulrs. l ptecis onkov,lyf ae 8asrt2 teo U,d mFo thOfot henr eCuth tJrh: acaelisa r htAc aal!lae t wacmads ouaa rcvsynteea h sdbtfe ee iayebl sl lydid tt woseemi,e sn"ita gcb pCr etooihhitwnn retsigoa s. v"tuos epst! ie reros n ajpoeeiedrfcog .t mpye"d lTife crh oruooempny gt1h9ar7ete0i vnhoegl uf onutengedrre Udo FuthOpe isfni vrsets itoin f Tctrihaaefl fspieci l poceotson patlrneod lh lsaetvrasete, n ctoroo mroepmaeserorsn . cafrlracoi mmm atanory he iaanv ceri edhesaniddt see noncnto sru enwctoehrrods GWreeAmaibgromaetsreeh dc lR oouicwvnaeitttrieh.o r n a an ndeb arari g shtmht ea lylL ebliltlotulwee stcuelucCrnmohenrpddiss s to,oo n!af ntghsdraea y dspssu o pwihlniee c raa fthmeoadris ca trbhopoewlu aaptcv ae3etd0 Pennsylvania. to make up such reports, and with Bigfoot. box with an assortment of terns seen in crop circles. Since November of 1993, quite often are baffled by Centerville (Washington switches and flashing lights, Theofanous is expected to visit Gordon continues to be ac what they observed," Gordon County)-Feb. 8-A large Christo! examined the nearly 1- the Grayville site in early tive as time permits as an in states. diamond-shaped object, gol acre site a couple of weeks ago December. dependent researcher and in The public and other agen den color, covered with but came up with little evidence avnesdt itghaet oUr onfe xUpFlOai sniegdh.t iAngts csiigehst imngasy o rne Gpoorrdt ounn'su UsuFaOl nemumitetirnogu sb ewahmiste o lfi glihgthst, wanads tcoo rnefixepldla. in the mashed-down wreoAprodkrdetir n fgwro htmoo tchal eaG ilmoracsya vlh iemll eys asotweir l-yef eiiersil dea tempts arc made to investi Hotline 24 hours a day at reported suspended in the He said he could find no evi lights around the time the crop gate as many of the firsthand 412-838-7768 phone/FAX. sky for a period of time. The dence of an extraterrestrial circle appeared. reports he receives. Gordon Those wishing to report past object at times reportedly landing. Recent rains, though, John Cox said he was driving also maintains an active cor or recent UFO sightings or turned on its side, and spun could have diluted any residual west of Grayville and stopped to respondence with various other unusual experiences by like a top. forces left behind by an uniden watch. "It dropped below the other researchers and organi mail can write to Gordon at 6 Montgomery County tified flying object. clouds and it looked like some zations, as well as a commu Oakhill Avenue, Greens March 24-People outside "At this time, there is no con thing falling. Then it just stayed nications center which pro burg, PA 15601. A self comet watching, observed a clusive evidence that proves or there. I don't know what it was," vafinisin dvAwdeoefs sltl voelt.hure ram3.tc7 ecm ysn eotf,aos rrtGs oi oonfrff odt rhroemesn eaU asttriFoicOlhnl smaiUstdi aFadltlpOr ieapo scrnisetn iecovcdinaei,d t stieenhtdan e.pm t GuD pnroeesercudad.i re on9 nnKg,v iei1esnc 9lafok6olpss5roe , ottsehrkbvaeyjen e gnsacrlittuo n aacug bcen ooonduntf m tstM rt1oaiaa,vn0nrit0cn gp0hgua lfc2aaee6cre.r ,t so Ohaisnbnas po Atthhveldeee tsstdheatiareisdlrp kse.r i sotHtevsr.eae i amst lhp yeloenvus i,st' voiteoaa ktni hdosaon di,vl" iaadnnCed oh etrcaxiosptrtreonad! hclpioeegC uahsorrtasxsei e dd .o wa flits tooha ntcbh leeaa iiomrbopsjnle a cnhta.ee tschaoawltli staihopen incidents reported can be ex burg. If you were a witness legheny County, witnesses plained by natural or man or at the scene in 1965 or observed a formation of five ~ Throw back veil of secrecy made explanations. Many are have any other information orange glowing triangular misidentifications of bright on the event, Gordon would shaped objects. The objects ,...~ To the Editor: planets and stars seen in a like to hear from you. While made no sound as they ~ As a one-time UFO researcher I was pleas clear sky where the atmo some 1996 events arc still be moved across the sky. e: antly surprised to see the UFO phenomena spheric conditions make ing researched, the following Oct. 22- Allegheny, ~ back in the media again. There has been quite a jtuhmemp aarpopuenadr, taon fdl aasphp ecaorl oarnsd, arerpco art efde.w of the incidents fcaoyuenttteie, sW-Aest t1m0o:4r0e lpa.nmd. (3' tbhiet osfu cbojevcetr awgea sl anteoltye wono rTthVy .a Tndh ey oruerc eanrtti cSlea notna disappear. Bright meteors Crabtree-(Westmore observers reported what ap ~Maria Times article ("Quest for UFO and re-entry of space debris, land County) Jan. 21-A pears to have been a bright ·~ Information Turns Toward Former US lights on aircraft, illuminated multi-colored object began to meteor moving through the ~ Presidents," Dec. 30) dealt with the frustration move in a zig-zag pattern and sky. The object was de Eo f UFO researchers in obtaining data from the scribed as green, orange and Truman and Eisenhower libraries relative to go upward in the sky. A bright beam of light emitted blue in color with a tail and «J UFO events of the late 40s and early 50s. emitting debris as it con ~ Those UFO researchers looking for interest from the object towards the tinued on its journey. (/) ing events involving our presidents should con direction of the witnesses. As ~ tact former Pres. Jimmy Carter. I have seen a the object passed nearby, a i= copy of a UFO sighting report signed by Carter, then governor of Georgia. His sighting entailed a strange light in the evening sky as witnessed by Carter and several of his col leagues. During Carter's ftrst presidential cam paign he promised that if he was elected he would release governmental information on ISLANDER, Pensacola Beach, FL - Nov. 27, 1996 UFOs. Well, Carter was elected, and guess what, he never mentioned UFOs again. But maybe he will talk about it now. Or maybe this only serves as another example of governmen tal secrecy involving UFOs. Most likely there Compiled by Carole Baker is a high-level bureaucratic secrecy concerning UFOs but who needs this information, anyhow. Details of the sighting that took with a row of five or six colored restaurants, so there is a possibili You can get your own UFO data and plenty of place recently near Bagdad, lights along the central line of the ty that there may have been other it-it's in your own backyard. Florida have now been made object. The "body" appeared to be witnesses. If anyone else did see My own experience has shown that there is available. The sighting took place simply solid black. As the witness this object, we encourage them to a wealth of UFO lore in the form of unreported on Sunday, November 3, 1996 at observed the object, it hovered for call the hotline number below. sightings as told by ordinary, but credible, 8:35 p.m. Central Time and lasted about one minute before it began Another quiet week of sky folks. One problem, however, is that there is approximately one and a half min to move very slowly off in a watching at Shoreline Park. There literally too many unreported UFO events for the few qualified UFOiogists to handle. It has utes. northerly direction. "This object was a little excitement on been estimated that l 0 percent of the US adult The witness, a woman, was dri was clearly not a helicopter or air Wednesday evening when an population thinks it has seen a UFO ... an enor ving home in an easterly direction plane ... there was no noise." the anomalous light was sighted in the mous amount of potential data. Further, it has along Old Bagdad Hwy. in witness states. The lights along sky in the area of the Sans Souci been estimated that only several percent of all Milton, Florida. She was accom the side of the object appeared to Condominiums on Fort Pickens these events have ever been reported. So the panied by her two year old child be blinking and were colored red, Road on Santa Rosa Island. The modern day UFO investigator only needs to who was sleeping in the back seat. yellow. blue and green. Given the sky conditions were mainly sift through, analyze and document this moun She was driving with the car win close proximity of the witness to cloudy and the light was only visi tain of untapped data ... an enormous job for dows partly open. the object, it would appear that her ble for a second or two, so it is only a handful of people. She first noticed the object ability to discern the unusualness impossible to determine its There may be more raw data on the way. when she was approximately one of the object is quite reliable. source. According to TV's "Hard Copy" of Dec. 31, quarter mile from it. It appeared in The witness continued her jour-· If you have a sighting or (there) has been a recent spate of UFO sight the sky in the clearing between the ney home, keeping a lookout for unusual experience to report, or ings in these top five states - Washington, trees on both sides of the road the object, but was unable to see it wish to contact the experiencer's Oregon, California, Michigan and Florida. In straight ahead of her, when she again. It had travelled off in a support group, please call the all probability, this information originated with was approximately I 00 yards northerly direction toward Hwy Pensacola/Gulf Breeze MUFON amateur UFO researchers, not the US ·govern from a railroad track crossing the 90 in Milton. roughly on a parallel hotline at 438-3261, and ... Keep ment. 3 road. It was at the level of the tree path with the railroad track. It Looking Up! Walt Greenawald tops and appeared quite large. The would have travelled toward a (ret.) aerospace engineer/UFO researcher shape was elongated and oval built up area. with stores and Santa Maria r----~-lf>ITJ;fiNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE, london, Er1g1and -Sept. ~. 19~6 CR: T. Gooq__ __. ........, NEW MEXICAN, Santa Fe, NM Nov. 3, 1996 r--....----. William R. Lyne My View UFO editorial was unscientific 'dupe literature' along government lines I couldn't resist responding to your Oct. 19, 1996, editorial, which asked, "Is science too hard for UFO theorists?" Science is apparently too nard for gov ernment cover-up dupes. I notice that no name is signed to the editorial, so to whomever you are, I say you do this community a gross disservice by demonstrating the very unscientific examples of making false assumptions, that all "UFO theory" automatically entails "aliens," or that a local ex-FBI lone/ Talpazon, who says he experienced "hluf' energy" as a hoy in Romania, with his UFO art. It is now on exhibit in MJacak nMhanamntgt/Tahne N.e w York T1me~ agent, Ken Rommel, is a "scientist." Ken Rommel - no longer an FBI agent at the time he carried out a pseu Flying-Saucer Art Invades New York do-investigation under a $50,000 grant from a clandestine federal agency, fun neled through the Santa Fe D.A.'s office -laiws, snoo hsec ikennotiwsts. hHoiws etod udceacteiiovne .i sY ionu t he By Trip Gabriel hUiFbOiti oann ds paaliceens- aabred uschtoiowni nthge marte sw. iAtht Fprroasfeesr sor Uonf ivpesryscithyo logyin at BSirmitiosnh spe'c'It' mas trIe actianng, "i t swaiidth Pahs ilm Ducehm irsee obviously are no scientist. The purpose New York Times Service the opening last week of a show at Columbia, who has studied reports of Smith, who assembled the Hudson of Rommel's "investigation" was to N EW YORK - Anyone Hudson Grill, a club kid with a painted UFO encounters. ''People are looking Grill show, "Spatial Relations: the determine what the public had knowl stopping in for a game of silver face mingled with artists, while for answers from different channels. UFO Experience'' (through Sept. 30). edge of, so as to manufacture a false pool and a Rolling Rock at upstairs flying-saucer poetry was re UFOs are a marriage of high-tech and "For me, it's a very strong metaphor report around it, to be used by people the Hudson Grill in SoHo cited and flying-saucer rock rang out. a strong religious desire to believe.'' for lots of things I know to be true: the here is greeted by an ET-like figure In popular culture, interest in UFOs idea of something greater than like you to further deceive the public waving from the window. has waxed and waned, from the World 0 N the day the Hudson Grill ourselves, whether God or Allah or regarding so-called "cattle mutilations." Three feet tall, formed of latex over War ll sightings of Foo Fighters, mil show opened, Andre Van Buddha. There's a human need for The most obvious and unscientific cotton, he (she?) is the work of John itary slang for flying saucers, to the Pier showed his UFO-in this kind of belief.'' mistake of logic you make is the omis Sheldon, a sometime waiter and cook band Foo Fighters formed last year by spired fashion collection, At the American Primitive Gallery sion of the most rational assumptions, in New York, who says he has been Nirvana's former drummer, Dave including wide "Mothership" hats in SoHo, where an exhibition ofUFO that cattle mutilations -thousands of fascinated by unidentified flying ob Grohl. Today flying-saucer fascina for women and men's silvery jeans theme art by 18 individuals opened documented ones-and man-made fly jects since he had a UFO "sighting" tion seems bigger than ever. Inter and jackets. Thursday, there are wild and colorful ing saucers - millions of documented on a fishing trip with his father in the views with psychologists, historians ''The futuristic look is strong now; drawings of saucer propulsion sys 1950s. In obscurity, he has made ET and artists suggest a variety of reasons: its acceptance is major among buyers tems, annotated in Romanian, by sightings by reliable witnesses - have sculptures for more than a decade. apprehension over the millennium, and retailers," Van Pier declared. A Ionel Talpazon, who thinks they will been around for many years. Those who "You think you're the only one," .distrust of government and traditional costume designer for movies and rock be of more interest to future scientists reject the false (government Sheldon, 56, said, ''but I'm finding information sources, New Age spir stars, he took credit for accessorizing than art collectors. introduced) "alien" scenarios, must out there's a whole network of people itual yearnings and anxieties about the slime-ball aliens in "Indepen Talpazon, 41, traces his interest in admit that cattle mutilations are secret doing this.'' sexuality in the risk-averse 1990s. dence Day'' with silver neck rings, UFOs to an encounter with a "blue government-conducted "medical The little gray creatures with big Though true believers would dis bracelets and kneepads. energy" that passed over him one weapons" research, and flying saucers eyes just keep advancing. agree, it is probably safe to say that the Much of the UFO art in galleries night as a boy in rural Romania. are man-made, government operated Invaders from Mars and elsewhere, deluge of UFO images tells us less has the visceral intensity and un When Arne Anton, the owner of they are stalking back into movie about aliens than about ourselves. schooled technique of work that goes American Primitive, announced that machines, as the most rational assump houses and onto television screens "The Judeo-Christian world view, by the name Outsider Art. Some he intended to mount the show of tions. It is grossly irrational to assume this fall, and also infiltrating cultural and beliefs that people grew up with, artists claim firsthand encounters UFO work this year, he was over that all reliable witnesses of flying territory where they have rarely been in many cases have failed them and no with UFOs, and they bring to their flat whelmed by the response. "The art saucers and cattle mutilations find sci seen before: art. fashion and music. longer answer the great existential compositions and simple palettes a work is just coming out of the wood ence "too hard," or believe in "aliens" No fewer than three downtown ex- questions,•·· fillid Barry Beyerstein, a visionary intensity. work,'' he said. ''It strikes a chord.'' or "God" for that matter. I made my first close-up daylight sighting of a fly Force jet caused ing saucer along with even several ~ Air other witnesses - including a certified aircraft identification expert-in 1953. sonic boom I absolutely believe in no mystical, ~ alarming superstitious, or "spiritual" beings or "other-dimensional" entities of any kind. (.) N b t h It takes energy, courage, persever ,... ow, a ou_ t .ose Meanwhile, a Medford pilot, who ance and intelligence to continue to wouldnotidentifyhimself,reported smeoasrtc hco fwora rtdhley t trhuitnhg. Ttoh ed oe aiss iteos tb,e llaiezivees t, ,~...f lyI" n g S au ce rs tnheaatr hCer astaewr L"athkree Te usetrsadnagye e vliegnhitnsg" the government lies that neither flying cD Staff and wire re orts - at th~ time of t~e boom. . saucers nor cattle mutilations exist. .C . P . The pilot was flymg a small plane cv QuestiOns remam about a loud from Bend to Medford when he Meanwhile, only dupes believe the U. boom that rattled windows and set spotted the unidentified flying ob- 'other' covertly government disseminat ' ofT car alarms up and down western jects ed lies, that "aliens" are responsible for appear to have died of "natural" causes, 0:: Oregon and Washington on Tues- H · ·d h a1 al mili flying saucers and cattle mutilations, such as AIDS, mycoplasmic pneumonia, 0 day evening . ~ sru e . so saw sever . - _ . · . . tary Jets pursumg the strange lights. with the obvious intent of discrediting tuberculosis, cancer, or "hantavirus." 'E Was It a meteo~, as one televiSIO~ The jets flew at incredibly high craiatitoionna.l Ywoiutnr eesdsietso rainadl ias naa flyinsets e bxya maspsloe cTohnisd urecsteeda rscihn coen a ms aemarmlya alss h1a9s6 6b.e Wene :00 Ostra tviios~i torersp ofrrotemd .a Onort hane r ewxpolrolsdi?O n. sepaertehd sa, th uagbgoiungt t5h,0e0 c0o nfteoeut r·aobfothvee of unscientific "dupe literature" along can safely say that whatever will work cv Air Force officials were qui<:k to the ground he said government lines. It is ironic that you on the cattle will work on humans. :E blame the Navy on T~esday night "They w~re playing with us .. he repeat the comments of "scientists" of UFOs-more properly, "man-made W-In turn, the Nav~ srud It was the Air said of the lights which sped ~way U.C. Berkeley and Sandia Labs, some of electro-propulsive aircraft" - have z Force domg m1btary operations. from the militar~ aircraft. "It was the very labs responsible for the "muti been an operational reality for over 60 :::> On Wednesday, the two branches the damnedest thing I've ever !;g of the n:uhtary got their story . l'fi , lations" or involved in developing the years. They were initially tested as a: straight. seen m my 1 e .. ships observed. Officer Gabe Valdez, a early as 1915 by Nikola Tesla, who 1- "It was us," conceded Air Force Camel~ ~e.clmed to comment on State Police investigator from Dulce, invented electropropulsion around ...J Lt. Wilson Camelo at Beale Air the possibility that the military was entrusted through his duties to the 1893. This greatest invention of all <( Force Base near Sacramento Calif was chasing spaceships. people of New Mexico with investigat mankind is concealed by our govern :E He said the noise was a' soni~ "I don't even want to go into ing the mutilations, having at his dispos ment, on behalf of international oil, boom caused by one of Beale's two that," he said. al the New Mexico State crime lab and transportation, manufacturing, political SR-71s-also called Blackbirds- But Camelo did say that it would its forensic scientists. His courageous and banking interests. The "national on a tr~ning mission. have been difficult, if not impossi- 1980 conclusion was the mutilations security" lies no longer apply. The offending plane took ofT from ble, to see the SR-71 aircraft a were " ... defense-related government If you believe everything Edw~rct~; Air Forue Base in South- military reconnaissance plane' at medical experiments." government agency spokesmen tell ern California at 5:23 p.m. and flew night. ' The blunt fact is that our government you, you are a dope who knows nothing. aA vrioautitoen apApdrmovinedis tbrayt itohne, FCeadmeeralol . , "B Y th e tI' me you h ear,t h e b oom ;::onducts particle beam weapons tests Otherwise, you could work for the CIA said The boom came he explained Its already past you, Camelo r:>n, "mutilates" and destroys, the pri or NASA, disseminating false whe~ the plane br~ke the sound said .." The s.~und is traveling past vately owned livestock of its citizens. propaganda for them, instead of pre barrier. the aircraft. All tissue and fluids necessary are tending to be a responsible newspaper "Mach 1 is the speed of sound We Jackson County SherifT's Lt. Ed removed, to analyze for ionizing radia editor interested in "scientific truth." f1y Mach 3," Camelo said. · Mayer could neither confirm nor tion damage. The only eventual object William Lyne of La my is an artist and An FAA spokeswoman in Seattle deny any reported UFO sightings. 4 IS to develop and covertly use these writer. He has self-published a book contacted Tuesday night appar "Actually, we have one of those weapons on human beings, who will titled Space Aliens From the Pentagon. ently had not been informed of the UFOs in custody, tut I ran't tell approved Oight. you that," Mayer quipped. l Objects Assuming what he was looking at must have been driven by a heli from mental illness, he believed. copter-type propulsion, Foster lowered his window to listen for the tell-tale In fact, his boss, who was in the vehicle with him, refuses to discuss the chopping sounds. incident, fearing such perceptions by the public could hurt his contracting "The scariest thing is there was no sound," said Foster. He wondered business. Such worries could be a reason why none of those reporting sight· ~ Seen how anything so large could travel soundlessly. ings have turned in a report at sheriff's offices. Fawcett said he didn't hear of Foster's story until December. By the time Alien Fever a: he began calling airports and weather monitoring stations, videotape When people experience such unusual events, it can set off a rash ot (.) Sky footage from that night had already been taped over with new footage, false alamts, according to Fawcett. Having researched many incidents and ~ In eliminating the chance of learning if the object was a large weather balloon being actively involved in field investigation, Fawcett, 67, wrote a book on or hot air balloon. the subject in 1975 and has a new book nearly completed. Second Sighting Alien fever gripped Surry County more than 20 years ago after a repon ~ By JEFF LINVILLE A Stokes County man gave a description of an unidentified aircraft simi ed UFO sighting. In 1973, reports of a spacecraft landing on Buck Shoall .I.gL•. shiagshA t isnorgmesc eei Snnrt t eatshrifaedfs eWhwn tesros itfetw erunorn n ePdxeieprdilnamgino enidft Nalah:rCe Otao. dn 6F. t6oh sent eemar'ros r Rsntuionrragyl oaHf m aDlole ncwt.h h1 el9an,t eJhrae.c ksa Ewd swoamrdesth winags tinra vtheeli nskgy w ai tfhe whi sm biolesss ounp Rltooo chaaFadla n wasduecltneeht to att,lrh li \et\t.i ·hehmeso e hmdwoieaaldds a iinanli gdvq iusanoe gpsm rtieineos nslMo scc.oo aFunl anfrwete rsAceiednitrectyn e ht asaitm t itn3sht eeoal . ftma iw mf. raeaes,nn sdzsoya a .i bdgea hsiniee garete cd6a :lb3lye0 dat e.tmle~.~ (.) what they are seeing are UFOs or The skies were still dark that morning around 6:45, and Edwards could phone calls that he rented a motel room in Winston-Salem so he could get see lights shining from an oval-shaped object. Z some new military aircraft being some sleep. >. tested over area skies. Driving closer, Edwards said he couldn't tell if the object were station • False alarms abounded throughout the county as one person thougt.t. ary or traveling at a very slow rate, but could make out at least five bright ~ People from Germanton to Yad- lights. he saw a UFO which turned out to be a parachute caught in a tree. c kinville, King to Pilot Mountain "''ve been around a lot of aircraft; I was in the military," said Edwards. • Another man reported space aliens in his back yard. When he arrived have seen unidentified objects in at the home, Fawcett discovered the property owner to be rather intoxicatecS 5 "This thing wasn't like anything I've ever seen before ... it was as big as a the sky over the past three months. and staring out the window at an opossum family in a tree. jumbo jet." :E Reports from two separate incidents The craft was in the sky off to the side of the road as the truck pulled • So distraught was one deputy sheriff that the young man mistook the ~ described similar light formations. closer, but the two men were close enough to make out the underside. water tower in Holly Springs to be a spacecraft in the dense fog and nearly ~ George Fawcett, a former Mount While the top seemed to have a dome shape, Edwards described, the bottom took shots at it with his pistol. ;;> Airy resident and avid UFO re formed a triangle with bright points of light in each corner. Such calls make studying sighting patterns difficult, said Fawcett. How ~ searcher, said he has received "a Trees along the highway obscured Edwards' vision for a stretch of road ever, more than one report has been documented of triangular-shaped lights slew of reports" since November in and, when the truck emerged into a clear area, the object was gone. in another city. areas just south and east of Mount "I'll be honest with you. It shook me up a bit," admitted Edwards. "My Fawcett said in 1975 sightings similar to those recently reported oc· Airy. first thought was, 'They're here'." curred in Lumberton. Researchers were able to rule out shooting stars, air After hearing of sightings While he wanted to share what he had seen with others, Edwards said he planes andhelicopfl!fs, but w«e u~table to identify what was seen. through the Mutual UFO Network, was hesitant to speak out because of what others would think of him. If he "I know what I saw," said Edwards. '·Well, I don't know what I saw, butl. Fawcett, now living in Lincolnton, admitted to seeing a UFO, then people would begin to think he is suffering definitely saw something." checks with airports, police depart ments and weather bureaus, seeking a logical explanation. However, no obvious cause can be found for at least two sightings, according to INDEPENDENT, Gallup, NM- Nov. 5, 1996 Fawcett. 'Punk UFOlogist' recalls Gallup Incident First-Hand Account An incident on Nov. 15 has at tracted attention, for four people ifi one vehicle saw the same unex By Malcolm Brenner plained object at the same time. Staff Writer Bill Foster, an advertising agent GALLUP-When he isn't craft for the King Times News, was trav ing custom furniture, building eling with his wife and two friends straw-bale houses or playing with on U.S. 601 south of Yadkinville his rock band to make ends meet, when they encountered something Christopher O'Brien can be found they couldn't explain. chasing lights in the sky, analyz Foster said they had left Bermu ing crystal "skulls" or poking into da Run near Advance and were dead cows. traveling north on U.S. 601 near the "I'm into anything people think intersection of U.S. 801 around 11 is weird," O'Brien told a dozen p.m. people who attended the First An Up ahead near the flashing lights nual Gallup UFO Symposium at of the intersection, a distance of the Downtown Health Club Mon about nine miles, appeared three day night. ''I'm ju~t that kind of lights in a triangular formation, he guy." said. At first glance, he thought the O'Brien was the only one of the evening's three featured speakers lights might be a trio of helicopters who showed up. Symposium or passing -over the highway. As he ganizer Robert Allen, who owns drew closer, his opinion changed. the club, and journalist Bill Collier "All I could see was a sort of never arrived. flashing or strobe light, like on top "Maybe they were abducted," of a school bus." Three such lignts O'Brien joked as he began his talk. appeared to be the comers of a large The self-described "punk UFO object. While Foster said he could Iogist.. hails from in Creston, not make out the shape of the air Colo., a small town at the north craft, he found he couldn't see the end of the San Luis Valley. A na stars near the lights and knew some tive of Bellevue. Wash., O'Brien thing had to be blocking his view. nwved to the valley eight years "The damn thing was half the ago and has spent the past five UFOiogist Chris O'Brien illustrates his theory of how U.S. military planes fly wing to wing carrying size of a football field," Foster re years probing the weird goings-on lights which they flash in sequence to make people think they are alien space craft called. there, when the pressures of time One of the passengers said, and hi~ over-extended bank ac traces back to a bizarre experience but years later, O'Brien found that calls the infamous 'Roswell Inci 'That's awful low for a 747. count will permit. when he was seven. Nervously UFO!ogist John Keel had investi dent' - the alleged 1947 crash of WhTehree' sc hraef tth winaks hme ogvoinnnga ltoanod s?l'o' w VaHllei.sy tri. rhsat sb jolloiSk1t b·ft'f~l p-u.MbylsisthcerdiO LbJy.I cschreiwbeidn g bae inwga da woaf kegnuemd, hine dthee gthaet esda mseev eanr eoat,h eart , asbimouilta rt hcea sseasm ine gano vaelriennm sepnatc ecsohviepr -aunpd -sub"sae qdueeandt to be a jet, Foster pointed out to the St. Ma1r tm·~ Press. It documents night by three-foot-tall bug-like time. horse." other occupants in the car. The ob some of the 600 sightings of ul) creatures who chased him out of Now, O'Brien said, Keel is one Unlike many UFO investigators ject was traveling slowly, just above identified ol.lJedts and cases of ani his house and around his subur of his mentors, as is French UFO who command much higher fees treeto level. mal mutilations_ O'Brien's ban neighborhood before he was Iogist Jacques Vallee, the model for for their speaking engagements, investigated - an average of one found by his sister. the character Lacombe in the Ste O'Brien doesn't necessarily believe incident every three days, if he is What struck him about the crea ven Spielberg film, "Close Encoun UFO's come from other planets. to be bdieved. tures was that when they turned ters of the Third Kind." "There's a high probability most of "I consider this area one of the sideways to him they disappeared. O'Brien considers himself some this stuff b military," he said. most intensive for unusual aerial "They had no depth," he said. He thing of a radical among profes He thinks many of the San Luis activity anywhere," he said Mon doesn't believe the experience was sional UFO investigators. "I enjoy Valley sightings are government day night. a dream or a nightmare. kicking UFOlogicial shins," he tests of secret aircraft, or-some O'Brien's interest in UFO's His parents scoffed at his story, said. "They need to be kicked." He what more sinisterly - "A program The story shows how UFO "inci physical ~vidence that dynamite or that the military was involved in the masses with their books, lec of sleight-of-hand," designed for dents" grow out a series of puzzling had been exploded at the scene, a crashed saucer recovery and cov tures, and TV appearances, O'Brien "conditioning the masses." but unrelated events. Lynn Bartels, a perhaps causing the fire. The FBI er-up. doesn't have to worry about those and state police dug holes to take O'Brien confesses to a fondness kind of accusations. At the end of "The media, military and gov writer for the Independent at the soil samples; the holes were later for the bizarre: "Science has stolen this two-hour im?romptu speech he feorrn msoemnet tahrien gt,r"y iOn'gB rtioe ng esat iuds, brueta dhye atirmtiec,l ecso ovner Jeadn .t h1e3 , s1t4o,r ya nind f1r5o. nt-page miOstna kJeann f. o1r 4b, lathste c ·rlantdeerpse.r ydent and tmivoes t oAf mouerr imcaynsst eriheas,v"e he "seaxida.l tNeda" bwoaosk h aapnpdi lya p3e0d-pdaligneg lcisotp ioefs wofe ihrids wouldn't be boxed in about what An unusually loud blast was the Durango Herald were both told knowledge of extraterrestrials, re happenings in the San Luis Valley, that might be. heard at 5:30 p.m. on the evening of by separate sources that the explo ferred to as "the Star People" in both for the bargain basement price He has established a network of the 12. Several large meteorites, one sion was caused by jets breaking the their legends, "but that information of$5.00. about 100 spotters scattered of them green, were observed fall sound barrier, but this was never of is not revealed to nosy white boys "That's great!" he remarked after throughout the valley who can con ing. And local law-enforcement offi ficially confirmed. Meanwhile, sci like me." several copies had changed hands. tact him and each other through a cials found a small fire burning in entists from Los Alamos Labs. said While he stresses that he's a stick "Now I have enough money to get phone tree to report sightings. the hills seven miles east of Gallup the boom was due to meteors break ler for accuracy, O'Brien made doz home!" O'Brien had some videotapes of un off I-40. ing the sound barrier as they en ens of unsubstantiated, off-the-cuff identified objects with him, but be Authorities speculated a meteor tered Earth's atmosphere. (The statements. At one point he said an cause Allen didn't show up with a impact had caused the fire, even Quadrantid meteor shower takes other UFOlogist had shown him 30 VCR and a TV set, he wasn't able to though astronomers said meteors place in early January.) "implants" allegedly recovered show them at the symposium. aren't hot enough to start a fire After that the story vanished, re from the victims of "alien abduc One event which interests O'Bri when they hit the ground and no placed on the front page by the sei tions." No one in the audience chal en is the so-called "Gallup Incident" impact crater was found. zure of Navajo Chairman Peter Ole'nBgreiedn thhoawt hseta tkenmeewn tt,h eo irm palsaknetds 5 of Jan. 12, 1983. O'Brien and other The next day, a resident of the MacDonald's documents. weren't fakes. saucer buffs claim an alien space Continental Divide reported numer At the time there was no evidence craft crashed near Gallup, but the ous military helicopters and vehicles and no speculation that the "inci While UFO "debunkers" accuse military quickly removed the debris. in that area. An undersheriff found dent" was caused by a UFO crash, UFOlogists of getting rich by bilking TIMES, Los Angeles, CA- Feb. 24, 1997 CR: D. Stock In Person Looking Into the Alien Ex Machina Physicist Bob Wood Wants to Know How UFOs Get Here By RUSS WAR SPECIAL TO TilE TIMES Attention extraterrestrial VISI tors: H your travel plans include an Orange County flyover, you might want to stop by Bob's house. Bob Wood, a .f ormer director of research and development at McDonnell Douglas who holds a doctorate in physics, would like to chat The 68-year-old Newport Beach resident has spent the last three decades trying to answer a single, basic,question: How did you get here? CHRISTINE OOM'ER I Loa Anse~e. Timel "We're just a little bit behind in Bob Wood: "We're just a little bit behind in understanding all of the technology used by the aliens, or visitors-or whatever you want to call them." understanding all of the technol ogy used by the aliens, or visi month later. They were examined body had left him his original tors-or whatever you want to call ·Profile: ·Bob·W ood in 1967 by the Condon Committee, photographs inside an envelope." them," said Wood, research direc a team of scientists from the Uni Using the latest computer tech tor of the 5,000-member Mutual versity of Colorado commissioned nology, Wood hopes to determine if UFO Network and its Orange Age:68 by the Air Force to conduct an the photos are indeed genuine. County chapter. "But there are independent study of UFO reports. "You couldn't have done this ways to figure it out and build such Hometown~ Little Falls, N.Y. "The Condon Committee de five years ago. We will be using a craft. I don't accept the idea that Retldence: Newport Beach clared that maybe it was a hoax, new technique for finding patterns we won't be able to replicate their Family: Wife Charlotte, two grown children; two grandchildren because of their inability to prove in photographs-it's basically a capabilities." that it couldn't have been a small computer scan." But he does accept the idea that Education: Bachelor's degree in aeronautical engineering, model," said Wood, who first met Of the 300 sightings reported to visitors from other worlds have University of Colorado; PhD in physics, Cornell University Heflin in 1968. "He seemed quite MUFON each year that are consid been corning to Earth for a long Background; McDonnell Douglas Corp. researcher and executive credible to me. And there were ered unexplainable, about 10 are time. And in 1967, he managed to for 43 years, including eight years as director of research and other things that were consistent from Southern California. The tOO convince McDonnell Douglas that development; director of advanced development for space station with other sightings: His radio member Orange County chapter the idea was worth studying. project ' · crackled and went out just as the gets only a few calls each month, The giant aerospace company UFO was close. And he described a and most have earthly explanations. allowed him to assemble a small UFO research: Investigated reports of sightings and conducted, wedge-shaped region of light on "You have to think of multiple team of researchers to investigate scientific research on possible methods of UFO space travel for the bottom of the craft. He never explanations for these anomalous reports of UFOs and alien encoun McDonnell Douglas, 1968-70; director of research for Mutual knew that this light was on his things. Many times there are rea ters, with the goal of discovering UFO Network Inc. (MUFON) since 1993; founding director of photographs. It was only later that sonable explanations, and you don't the underlying science that could research for the Orange County section of MUFON since 1995 the researchers found it on the. want to be led down the wrong make their visits possible. The Who are those guys?: "I'd say there are several civilizations that photographs." path." project ended after two years with might be involved, based on the in-depth interrogation of For those unexplainable ac no definitive results, but the re witnesses who are willing to go on record. Extraterrestrial Wood and Pasadena researcher counts of UFOs and alien encoun search made him a believer. societies could be better at some things, such as propulsion. But Ann Druffel have obtained ters, Wood said there is no cons en "I read a book, then I read that wouldn't make them necessarily better in ethics." the original photos, which were sus on whether the visitors are another book, and pretty soon I'd taken from Heflin in 1965 and friendly or hostile. read about 100 books and I decided Source: Bob Wood; Rese311lhed by RUSS LOAR I For The nmes mysteriously returned to him in "I'd say there are several civili this was no joke, there was some 1993. Heflin said he'd given the zations that might be involved, thing to it. The preponderance of Loa Angeles Times photos to someone claiming to be an based on the in-depth interroga eyewitness accounts was just so official from the North American tion of witnesses who are willing to overwhelming, I couldn't ignore "During his normal routine, Heflin took three photos before Air Defense Command. But NORAD go on record. Extraterrestrial soci it." somewhere near Dyer and Myford the hat-shaped UFO left the area. officials denied contacting him. eties coulci be better at some One of the most intriguing UFO roads, he saw this craft right in "He drove farther and then got out "He told me that he'd gotten a things, such as propulsion. But that accounts Wood has investigated front of his windshield. He had a and took a picture of the smoke phone call from a female voice that wouldn't make them necessarily was reported in 1965 by Orange loaded Polaroid camera on his front ring that was left behind after it said, 'Have you looked in your mail better in ethics. There's significant County highway inspector Rex seat because that was his job, to accelerated out of sight." box recently?' He said, 'No,' so he evidence that people have been Heflin. Wood ranks it as the photograph things that needed to The first three photographs went out and looked and there was abducted, but for the most part, the county's most significant UFO be fixed. So he took a shot right were published in an Orange nothing there. He went out and interest seems to be one of curios sighting to date. through his front window." County newspaper more than a looked a half-hour late~. and some- ity and seeking understanding." ISLANDER, Pensacola Beach, FL- Feb. 12. 1997 SKVWATCH DIARY future, and as such, our own. This ing, although it is the content that you would wish to contact the is a fascinating book. Whitley will grip your mind and give you Experiencer Support Group, allows us to understand that we pause for thought. please call the Pensacola/Gulf should not be searching for Whitley Strieber will be one of Breeze MUFON Hotline at 438- "E.T.s." The visitors are already the featured speakers next month 261. Keep Looking Up! BY C AROLE B AKER here, have been here, probably at the 5th Anniversary Project since the beginning and will be Awareness Gulf Breeze UFO here for the future. What we Conference. Hotel rooms are We still have yet to record the Whitley Strieber's new book, should be doing is learning how to going fast, so if you are one of first sighting of 1997 from "The Secret School" is another interact with them. The book is those last minute people, make a Shoreline Park, or as far as we must read. Whitley continues to reassuring in that it allows us to reservation right away. The know, in general in the area. There allows us to accompany him on feel comfortable with contact with Conference is on March 21st, have been no calls to the Hotline his own journey of discovery of the visitors, and allows us to gain 22nd and 23rd at the Beachside as yet this year. A call was made his involvement with the visitors. some insight and understanding Resort, Pensacola Beach. That to the Project Awareness office As with his previous books deal into a possible agenda This book hotel is already full, but the adja regarding a witness having seen ing with the visitor phenomenon, is a valuable contribution since it cent hotels still have rooms avail an anomalous light while driving Whitley shares in intimate detail steers away from the negative able. You can pre-register for the west along Highway 98, through the revelations of his current fear-ridden aspects that are often whole event, or buy individual the Naval Live Oaks area recently. experiences. In "The Secret associated with this phenomenon. tickets to the lectures and events. Upon interviewing the witness, School," we see Whitley as both a I strongly recommend everyone For more information, contact however, the event was brief and child in Texas, being initiated into who has even the smallest interest Project Awareness at (904) 432- 6 distant, and it was difficult to 'The Secret School" and through in this phenomenon not to miss 8888. detennine the exact nature of what his experiences we are even given this wonderful book. If nothing If you have a sighting or was seen. a glimpse of Whitley's potential else, the writing itself is outstand- unusual experience to report or Peggy Kane renewing ties with Delaware friends ~Artist 0 M By Joanna Austin sprt:ad panic often found in science fiction. tual goal of combining about 50 in a full-color book with their 1j Staff writer Kane also doesn't believe world conqw·•st-as portrayed respective stories. 0 111 recent films like the hugely popular "Independence Day" "Mv art has become more narrative. I'm trying to convey r'\rtist Peggy Kane, formerly of Magnolia, has always fol - is the goal of extraterrestrials who visit Earth. Instead, she information, to tell a story rather than reveal the secrets uf my W !!)wed her own path. said, films like "E.T." and "Starman" and TV shows like "Alien soul," Kane said of how her work has changed to reflect her 0 Six years ago, that path took her to Arizona, where she now Nation" are closer to realitv. interests. Q3 makes her home. The move has brought many changes in both "If the aliens wanted to' take over, their technology is so 'Tve discovered that the universe is really much bigger than g> her litestyle and her art, but sht• still like~ to maintam her much more ad\'anced they could have done it a long time I thought, and the story of our humanity is much grander, so ~)elaware ties, mclud1n~ her memh~·r.,hip in the D•l\ <'r Art 1go. I Jon't think that's whc1! they're doing here," Kane said. that's who! I'm trying to portray," she said. L e:1gue, which she helped found in tlw early 70s. -,he believe~ aliens have been visiting Earth for several hun Kane's work, including prints and small gold leaf piece::. ~0 1\''i. t)hLcKl afrniee n1vdhsi laen sdh en ies win fDadn.!-·,vw-:~drle hfp,wr ,e1 rae c1ch·p,mtiocne !t~u nC••eltl< h hn nltl•fr' ~Ir ehdi ~tthooryu staon "da vyle' ahrusm, paenrhiatyp :f-r. oemve ints ienlft.e rvening at key points wdoilnl eb oev sehr othwen la ostn tlwy od yuerainrsg a tsh we ewlle aesk t eonf ohreigr invaisli pt,i ewceilsl wbeh iocnh 0.. at the Dol·t·r Art League un ~unJay, New l ;" c.m1unLttll<l KilnL' rs Lurrentl y \\ url..ing on a seri~s uf paintings oi gods display at the Dover Art League, 21 Loockerman Street in \\"!In l'cing featured as the L<'•l).:UL ·, .'\ rtist ·. ol 'ite 1\ h>ntll. _tnd goddeS!-Co. trom mythologies all over the world which Dover from Nov. 2 to 30. The League will host a reception ior ~.,;,,1,· -!'), tl" \it•w )ero.ev na!ivt> mtwed :u DcldwMe 1n 19n<) ·nay h,1\ e been influenced by extraterrestrial visitors. She has the artist from 2 to 5 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 3. For more infor :md ,tayed 21 yl'.\ro., be..:t.>n\l:lg ,,.,.·1 ~ ..... ,VI. o\ oJ~ .: p.l;i!tt r ·~ild ,o tM completed four and is researching more with an even- mation, call 674-0402. ro~tr.;iti-;t. ~IlL 11<1' "n•.'\'.'" l' .. ·. . I., l.. ill ,, >iu -.1 '""'" !I' "~('\\' f.,,-i.,.. ;·~~\, fJ,r.LI .• :nd ldt..-.. .. ;r, K,me-. '. o! f. v. :~~ .. tl~o "'";blc dum·~ h<'r 1(1 ve.H'> ,,, l:·dnbtt Arb ::,re-.;.,:i-.1 ol'l thE' [), l.tworL' St.lll' :viU'><';Il11'>, foJr 1\'hclll\ -.he p.11r.h:d IlL: tlc'lllUS I1J;,I<lricol~ ::-• c'nL"> mcludm;.•, oll.~.L'illlt .. ,.,_,~f',lrched c\l't.-;!'~ ;onCCpliUII • r ,Ill ,1n(i~·nt :\: •. 1:1 l' .\Jllt'!'IC,111 httflt.ll (l'ff'J1Jpl)y, ill)\\ 0[1 di.._~1i.i\ it~ ~~I(* l)ltl'-lt 1Ll ..._ rt.:rnl.1ill 11t oli'Chol~'O]og\· t''.hihit lll·r :n!l'rl"t 111 :\:.1ti\ L' ''"'"r '· !', llliun•. 11cl ptn,·r ·'"Pt'Ch \,~ •;outh\.\'t". ... tern lit.l' \\l11"·': .t·t t \-.ll.t' dn."s hL'I :•),\ri;o:l.l f!1 l\ rt.'\.1_nt rh-H~Q l!ltt_:' !t ,, t-. .t. · . .'\: ,,(·('L, )t'f ...;tdJ~ •:volving art and ih connL'.-1;<111 ·.vttlt .lllotlwr nt her interL·~h whrch ha~ grown sincl' mol'ing tH:t we,t --LirO~, In Anzona, unlike Delaware, ~hL' !>aid~ are ex tremely common in the clear skies over the desert. Kane is currently a cp-host on UFO AZ, c1 live TV and radio ::.how broadcast from Tucson and airing in 17 cities including New York, Seattle, Los Angeles and Albuquerque. On the show, Kane has interviewed top UFO experts as well as many people who have experienced alien abductions and close encounters. With the growing popularity of UFO AZ as well as nation ally-known shows like "Sightings," "Strange Universe" and "The X-Files," Kane said UFO believers are no longer "on the fringe." In fact, Kane said, surveys indicate that 50 percent of the population now believes in the existence of extraterrestrials. "There's still skepticism, but people aren't laughing any more," Kane said, adding that "there's a lot of closet believers out there who are afraid to fess up because of ridicule." Of the "X-Files" premise about a government consp1racy to cover up the existence of UFOs, Kane said "there's an cle ment of truth to that program," calling it "fictionalized but somewhat based on true stories." ARTIST OF THE MONTH: Former Magnolia resident and November. Kane now lives in Arivaca, Arizona. Photo However, Kane said she doesn't believe the government is Dover Art League founding member Peggy Kane will be courtesy Peggy Kane. denying the existence of UFOs because of its own involve featured as the League's Artist of the Month for ment with them-it's simply trying to avoid the kind of wide- • UFO M DAILY RECORD, Roswell, NM -Dec. 27, 1996 useum Ancient bow1 at head covers touching the sky In an obvious way, he added. C:osby _said the exhibit includes the hand-carved wood rq.liica of the most famous of the Mayan temple tomb • ht h f 1• m1g ave come rom a 1en S in~criptions: the Palenque Astronaut. The wood carving suggests an astronaut sitting at the controls of a space ship. This piece is out on loan right now, but should be back at the museum Jan. l. she added. · r fJe exhiuit also includes photos from Anasazi artifacts JULIE MARIE BROWN hmnd in Arizona and petroglyph research by Tony Rullan. RECORD STAFF WRITER 'This exhibit will continue to grow," Crosby said. Was there extraterrestr.tal -:·-rw museum also is working with Arizona State Univer contact with ancient cul sity on research and exhibit items for the exhibit. tures? ;,To \1'3 it shows that extraterrestrials have been part of "There is a very strong ancienl cultures," she said. belief ancient cultures had contact with advanced life forms,M said Dean Crosby, director of the International a~ Anyone see that bright circular UFO Museum and Research object hovering over a freighter in Center. -:i the ship channel in the Sound? The museum's Ancient Cultures and Their Connec a: Gary Ramon, his girlfriend, tions to Extraterrestrial Life 0 Robin Spratley and sons Gary forms exhibit is the study of ~Jr. and Christopher ilid. just such a possibility, Cros by said .. ~ "My 13-year-old said 'what's The exhibit received a new that bright thing above it,"' Gary ancient artifact Thursday. Mg Stephen E. LaChapelle, pres said. "It wasn't a plane, it was too ident of World tel Interactive ; bright. It was circular. It stayed Inc. in Santa Monica, Calif., placed on loan to the muse ~ there about 30 to 35 seconds and um a compote bowl from ·;fit was gone. It was weird.'" Equator. It is part of his per g Gary said it had the appearance sonal pre-Columbian art col lection. m~ of a fluorescent light. All of a sud- The bowl, which is more 9 den, it W~as gone. than 600 years old, depicts ~ Gary and his crew were near six figures each equipped with what appears to be a Mike Pettit photo ~ Edgewater Village and it was Mspace helmet" or possibly a Stephen LaChapelle, of Santa Monica, Calif., is donating a ~ about 4:30 p.m. halo, LaChapelle said. pre-Columbian artifact to the International .UFO Mu.seum a~d The ancient figures have Research Center in Roswell. The museum IS plann1ng to dis en "They want to call it a UFO," he play the bowl in its Ancient Cultures and Their Connections to said. "I believe in them. 7 Extraterrestrial L.ifeforms exhibit. Anything's possible. I just know it was ·no aircraft." and sometJ~t+n~·~ CO'IIIe up to Reports from the Cochise County said, "The human race is being nocturnal tight" thac trave\a! through ~ UFO change his mind entirely - that is a branch of MUFON are disseminated braced for even bigger revelations. the sky about four miles north of man with an open mind." through the state headquarters in ... The government is being forced to Willcox on Aug. 5 . Reese, a retired electronics tech Phoenix and the national headquar disclose more and more. I believe The Sierra Vista sighting was ~sightings nician who served 22 years in the ters in Seguin, Texas. they have been keeping it a secret." found to be the planet Venus being military and 22 years in the civil ser MUFON State Director Tom Tay He said he has seen NASA photo mistaken for a flying object. The vice at Ft. Huachuca, has never seen lor. who appointed Reese to head up graphs - not yet made public - that Tombstone sighting is still under in ~ being ak e"eUIpF shO aav nef oi rnpsoett-n hs emaenindn ,dw hbonua tt t Ihh ewe sosuuablidjde c cath.le l ththiames esC.e oeHcnhi fsio seufi rrC osotr ufeinvntecy o UsueFncOtteisor inno, c hsciasui drlir fehede soinhf~ o,twh" e h aemn csoiaoeidnn,t. r"uTinhes yo na rtch ev edrayr km sidke· MtvheeUs tFiWgOaitlNiloc conlx ab syss iiMgfiheUtdiF nthOge N ios. b Tcjelhocets ecadsa s"eau nnod f a UFO," he said. "I have seen things when he was 17 years old and he saw "I hope (the government) will be known." that I did not know what they were. I a UFO maneuvering in the sky. more forthcoming and honest with !reported have never seen what is normall)' the American public. Belgium has " 'Unknown,' means we do not classified as a UFO." "When they make 45 degree angle disclosed to their citi'zensthatthere know what it is," said Reese. "This Reese said the investigators are turns at incredible speeds. it is not is extraterrestrial craftstnYdinga.« does not mean they are extraterres e:;:n:) trained from the MUFON Field In something man made," said Taylor. that country," he said. trial vehicles." STEVE MILLER vestigator Manual and they follow He said MUFON, which has been Other reports of UFO ~'-ing in He said the classifications assigned ch San Pedro Valley News-Sun strict scientific method. operating since 1967, is dedicated to Cochise County include ~ "law-ge, to closed cases by MUFON are sub "We try and stay within the scien trying to unravel UFO mysteries. well illuminated triangle'" fly\"g ill ject to change by the headquarters in =wz= On numerous occasions over the tific mainstream," he said. "As soon About recent announcements by the sky about two ailes. ~ et Texas. > past two years, UFOs have been spot as you start to include psychic find the U.S. government that there is Tombstone on Oct.l.l; a ~ering "Nothing is impossible," he said. w ted flying over the Dragoon Moun ings and the likes, the scientific main possible evidence oflife on Mars and light spotted ~Y Siena Vis-Q 0111 "Some things are highly unlikely, but ......JJ tains, according reports cited by the .>tream will not even look at it." water systems on the Moon, Taylor Sept.l4 and Sept. l9; and an 4femtfe nothing is impossible." < Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), an > investigative organization which re 0 cently set up shop in Cochise County. a: c The last reported sighting of UFOs ~I Diary closer to Eglin or NAS Pensacola w over the Dragoon Mountains oc c. curred on Sept. 18. According to that they would choose Shoreline z MUFON, a witness that frequents the Park from which to launch this < boat. At the same time the boat was en aorbejeac trse paoprptreoda csheienign gM midadnlye Mflyairncgh e~n ~-by- C-a-r-o-le- -B-a-k-e-r --------------c-a-u-s-ed- -q-u-it-e- a- -lo-t- o-f- i-n-te-r-es-t- a~n d being launched, two skywatchers Pass from the northeast. Labor Day weekend is, of investigation. At that time there reported seeing a red light "pop in 'These objects appear at night, and ...J course, the official close of summer were several sightings of actual the eastern sky at about a thirty usually display a white strobe light. LL and Fall fast approaches. For us craft and evidence that the sightings degree elevation~ It was only visible Usually coming in singularly, at .r:. here on the Gulf Coast though, fall were picked up on local radar. for about five seconds, and with' times they approach in greater num (n,:s) comes in slowly and we can look It is interesting to note the such a short duration, and consider bers, and have been sighted regularly C~D forward to a few more weeks of progress of the planets and constel ing the partly cloudy sky condi over the past two years," the n:s wann weather before things start to lations across the sky. It is a way of tions, it is very difficult to deter MUFON report stated. 0 cool off. We have had a lot of rain marking the passing seasons. mine the source. The UFOs reportedly appear on (n,:s) and thunderstorms during the last Jupiter, with attendant moons now Chris and Debbie from Ft. such a regular basis that the witness (c/:) week. The Labor Day weekend appears in the south/southwest and Lauderdale, FL were visitors on has been able to video tape several c~. itself was very wet, which resulted Scorpio with the red planet Mars in Thursday evening. They had both encounters. So far, the objects have in limited skywatching activities. its midst in the southwest now. The experienced sightings as children, not appeared regularly enough for rw:i There was quite a crowd at summer triangle is still visible over Chris in Pittsburgh at age thirteen MUFON investigators to sight them. c Shoreline Park on Sunday night .head, but soon we will be looking and Debbie driving with her family The incidents are presently being z though, despite the heavy rain earli- for Orion in the eastern sky and the across "Alligator Alley" in south investigated by MUFON; but as of ~ er in the day and a storm later in the other familiar falVwinter constella Florida at around age nine. Chris yet, no findings have been deter ~ evening which resulted in everyone tions, Cassiopeia and the Pleiades. has had an abiding interest in UFOs mined. going home. A family who fre- Looking out at the stars really puts since his sighting and was hoping to The organization, which in June quently skywatch had come over things in perspective and confirms see something at Shoreline Park. opened a Cochise County office in from Mobile to eat a picnic supper that we surely are tucked away on Unfortunately there were no sight Sierra Vista, is a non-profit and fed and join the group for the evening. one small planet in one small comer ings on Thursday evening, but we eosirfga vlh ottailnuxgn estxe. eemrs pwt hcoor ipnovreasttiiogna tmesa dUeF uOp Wbaec kw oenree oafl soou rp rleegausleadr stok ywwealtccohmeres of tWhee Udnneisvdearsye .e vening saw quite a eDnejbobyiee dv etrayl mkiuncgh . with Chris and "Right now I have a real good, hard who had returned just that afternoon large group out to skywatch includ The Project Awareness core group of investigator trainees," from a trip to Oklahoma. While ing some visitors from Illinois. Of Conference in Tampa is this coming said Whitey Reese, director of the there she had a sighting! She was interest during the evening was the weekend, September 13th, 14th and MUFON Cochise County Section. driving around the north shore of launching from the Shoreline Park 15th. The speakers are: Courtney When asked if he believed in ex Lake Lugent in Quartz Mountain boat ramp of a USAF boat. We have Brown, Budd Hopkins, Colin traterrestrial life or space travelers State Park outside of Granite. OK seen this boat launched from Andrews, Linda Howe, Dr. Roger visiting Earth, Reese said, 'That's a (in the southeastern part of the Shoreline Park on several occa Leir, John Carpenter and Micheal hard question .... I keep an open state). The sighting occurred on sions. It is a very sophisticated Lindemann. If you need informa mind. I stress to all of our members, Friday, August 30, at 8 p.m. She "cigar" type speedboat with huge tion, you can contact Project and especially the investigators, that saw a large orange ball of light over outboard engines. The crew use Awareness at (904) 432-8888. It is they must keep an open mind." the lake. The sighting lasted a total night vision equipment and there is not too late to be a part of this excit He described a man with an open of thirty seconds with the light a new addition of a large ramp type ing Conference! mind as someone who "will start blinking off and on again once dur- structure on the rear of the boat. Of A quiet week on the hotline leaning toward believing anything ing that time period and then blink- course. when you approach them again, with no sightings reported. If ing out, not to return. As a native of and ask what they are doing, they you have a sighting or unusual the area, she remembers a flap of won't tell you' It seems odd that experience to report, please call sightings back in 1966 which withallofthepotentiallaunchspots the Pensacola/Gulf Breeze MUFON hotline at 438-3261, Clinton man "There were silhouettes of fig So why have UFOs been dra\m to c ures looking at us.'' he said. "They this one ship? ~ had no features and you can tell At that time, the F.D.R. was the ~ says government they weren't human." first U.S. carrier that had thermonu-~ Grusinski said the bottom then clear capability and was the only 3: coveri•n g up turned a "bright, cherry red" and one allowed to transport the hydro- ~ took off. gen bomb, Grusinski said. o5- After the incident, Grusinski Through his research, Grusinski UFO sightings said, no one would admit anything obtained a list of everyone on board ~ happened. He said the CIA came during the 1958 "sighting" and has ~ aboard shortlv after, but he was told written letters to all of them. But hE- ' they were investigating a gambling still hasn't found any wimesses. ;- By Samar Abulhassan problem. Requests under the Freedom o: ? Macomb Dally Special Wrjter Since then, Grusinski has be Information Act to the \an: CP.. ~ You don't have to be a believer to appreciate come consumed by UFO phenome and the National Security Agency ~ Chester Grusinski 's story. na. collecting photos, letters and have yielded no information. ~ documents from witnesses who The Clinton Township man's testimony of spot But this has hardly discourageci ~ ting a CFO almost 30 years ago has been met with came in contact with UFOs from the Grusinki. He was featured on n skepticism by man::r: but that hasn't stopped him same ship at various times. "Sightings," a television prograrr_ ::c from pursuing the truth about UFOs. The truth, he sigHheti nhga,s d uprhiontgo s" Oopfe raa ti1o95n2 MUaFinO out of Sterling Heights. in 1??.~ with r> belie,·es. that the government continues to with other UFO witnesses. and has writ· hold. brace," taken from the deck of the ten a screenplav about his E-xperi- C> It \\as 195tl, and Grusinski, then 18, was aboard F.D.R. as the object "overtook the ence. · 2 the Franklin D. Roosevelt aircraft carrier cruising iNnAciTdOe nflt ereet.p"o Hrtee da lbsoy na aNmaevsy a c1o9m53 Grusinski said he is willing to: ;(/)· tthhee Cfliagrhibt bdeeacnk nbye afre lClouwba c,r wewhe mn ehme bwearss .c alled up to wmhaincdhe wr asi nal sot htrea ckMeedd biyte trhrea rnaedaanr:. "mHeee tw thoeu lgdo sveetrtnlem foern to phaelnf- wcoanyg,"r es· (~/) It was there that he first made contact with the "little light following the ship." Grusinski said there were nvo sional hearings. anythin~ the;: sightings in 1956, while the ship was would shed light on the mar::-r. peaArse dth toe blieg ah t" cciagmare- schlaopsee!d~ "G firguusrien, sakbio suati 7d5, tiot 1a0p0 at anchor in the port of Rio de Jane "We're getting to a pot".t no·.:. fert lonJ:,:. He s:1id the VFO floater! miclair for sever rio, Brazil. He said a witness drew a where there's a lot more a-.1·c..rene::'.: 8 al mmutesandhe could feel tllf hea~ on his face. sketch of the objects and sent it to of UFOs ... he said. "I think t::-,:-,·m.:: ·.· Chester Grusinski, here with his wife, Carol Ann. believes that he the Defense Department. but ,,·as release the information ~l'C·:-. : . saw a UFO while aboard the Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1958. told to tell no one for 20 years. Co essAfOCiiOURi(fdSu"efUelairto nf UFO Roswell museum releases book detailing theory dying tnan' s story about alien ship By DAVE NELSON hnrl heard, a local rancher found waited for daylight. and then AvAIRnrhr-.lournal unusual debris scattereci across gathered some of the debris in ROSWELL, N.M. - UFO ex his land ncar Corona, N.M. their truck. That's when he re JlNLf; here helieVP the confes Some of the debris was said to ported seeing military vehicles sions of :1 dying man have pro look like aluminum foil lhat pull up and decided in his words, vided a not hPr piece to the punic couldn't be burned ami would re "to get the hell out of there." surrounding i.hat infamous event turn to its original form if it They showed the debris to in 1947 - when Roswell and ny were crumpled_ Other parts re some of Ragsdale's friends, who ing s.'lucers h€'came intertwined. portedly contained unidentifi are all dead now. In the months In his last months, Jim Rags able hieroglyphics. that followed, his girlfriend was dal(•, a New Mexico truck driver The rancher, suspecting the killPd in a car craRh that he told who was about to die of terminal debris could be from military op interviewers did not have cancer, told his daughter h'€'d erations from Roswell Army Air enough impact to result in her !wen keeping something from Field, brought some of it to the death. Littell said he checked lwr. Something she may have a sheriff in Roswell, who notified the pol ice report and a greeR. hr~rd time hf'li€'ving. He told lwr the base for assistance. In the Then RagRdale's home was bur lw kept the secrt'l to protect her following days, the military re glarized, and the thieves only to protect himself and the rest leased a statement to the media look the debris and a pistol. of his family from olhf'rs who saying it had recovered debris That's when he decided never wanted t.IH' secret to die. from a flying saucer and subse I o mention what he had seen. lie-d seen that Rtrange disr quently changed its story. Coming forward cmshing ncar Roswell in .July The military maihtains that He lived with the secret until 19-17. almost. -1R years tc tl;e day the debris came from a weather November 1994, when Ragsdale bcfin·e he died last .July. balloon and that Major Jesse decided to unburden himself. His In a book rf'lcased last month Marcel, who investigated the de henlth had deteriorated and so hy RoswPll's International UFO bris, misidentified the wreckage. had his spirits, recovering from a Museum, fL.'lgsdale describes the RagRdale's is the latest story recent divorce, so he moved into crash this wny: "From the north UFO researchers have uncov his daughter's home in Oklaho west there was a big nash, an in ered that contradicts the mili tf'nse, bright explosion, and tary's position. It also adds cre town, and the military had roads down to the crash of this disc llla, where he was to die_ Judy Ragsdale Lott remem then, ~hortl)' thereafter, w_jt#'t a dence to the accounts of two bloc)<ed off alj the way there:' like thing. Ther~ was a hQle in bered taking long vacations to noise like thunder, this thing nuns working in a Roswell hos Stan Friedman, a UFO re one side about four feet wide and that same campsite all her lil'e came plowing through the trees, pital who saw a bright object searcher quoted in Ragsdale's two feet high. There was junk and watching her dad stare shearing off the tops, and then plunging to the ground in the di book, has been following the scattered around the disc and we dreamily at the sky. But she stopped hetween two huge rocks. rection of the Capitan Moun Roswell incident for years and is picked some of it up. I looked in wasn't prepared for the story of It wfls proppPd up against one tains, where Ragsdale was camp credited with resurrecting the side the hole, and inside, there what her father says happened rock. It was about 20 feet ing during the alleged sighting. interest in Roswell about 15 was a chair that looked like a there. around. As it was approaching, It also provideR a new theory years ago. He Raid in· the video throne. It looked like it was He told her about the space huge streamR like fire were com in how the military could have he had received an anonymous made of rubies and diamonds. ing out from behind. After the covered up the incident. phorw call in previous years, There were other little chairs - craft and the lillie people im~idc. He told her how his girlrriend impact, silence." Littell said people have been telling how the military took the four or five and a lot of instru mysteriously died, and how on a The implications wondering for years how a truck craft to Carrizozo. But nothing ments on a panel. few occasions people tried to run carrying a 20-foot disc could substantial had come ofthatthe "There were also the 1i ttle If his story is true, it would have gone through Roswell un ory until now. people, four of them. They looked him off the road. mark the first eyewitness ac He told her he'd kept the se count ol the crasi1 and bolster noticed. What Ragsdale saw like midgets, about four feet cret for years to protect the fami In a book released two years long. Their skin, if it was !elkin, thC' theory of researchers who be Ragsdale was 22 and living in ly. ago, "The Truth About the UFO was sort of gray and when I lieve two alien spacecrafls col Crash at Roswell," experts nl Carlsbad when the Roswell inci touched one of them, it felt hke a Lott has said she doesn't be lidC'd. Theorists maintain that. lPgcd that the craRh ~itc was dent occurred. He'd planned to wet snake." lieve in UFOs, but she also one craft was destroyed in lhe north of Roswell, along U.S. 28G. meet his girlfriend, who lived in His report of alien bodies isn't doesn't believe her father would collision, scattl'ring dchris ov'€r a That would have meant the mili Las Cruces, near Boy Scout iRolated. lie to her. So, she contacted the onNlw(h'"wafF'y ro M. r eacx rilacosonh gse hdLe iempes e,f vathermerar,le a wndma sit lhneoes tttihaorrnyo. u hgahd Rto.os wtrealln stpo oar t ttrhaein csrtaaf t ftMworoo Atu hsfno ethu aweni ndet eeaaklt les sanp iodstet . icbnle uthdhieend d bc oaa omckip,u stmihtpee tDheeRn nomisswi lheitalals r fypu uncbealrilaclell ydd dihreeitmacit loeard sG khilonewng sthUhhaFeevOi ern oshtrmoi mhruyes ,re i uanfcmtaect rhovreaidreni wndwg ee drtao.eg rtpNehaeeeiddi tm hfueoto rr talk about a crall. It was just de But the Ragsdale site is about of trees near a campsite in the for small, hermetically sealed seum. bris,'' explained Max Littell, a 53 miles northwest of Roswell, Lincoln National Forest. caskets. He didn't have any in "The last few months when llFO museum volunteer who just north of the Capitan Moun "We were lying in the back of stock, so they asked how t.o make my dad came to live with me, produced a book and video of tains along Pine Lodge Roaci, my pickup truck, buck naked, them. When he went out to the until his death on July 1, 1995, fu-lgsdale's story. "We've never which wasn't heavily traveled at drinking beer, and having a good base, which was normal since he have been very traumatic and had anyone else say they !':aw a the time. The site is closer to ol' time when ail hell broke had a contract with them, he almost mystic to me," she writes crnft actually lnnd, and we've in Carrizozo, which had a train ter loose," his account staled. was forcibly removed. His girl in the book. LPrviewed huncirerls of people." minal with routes to the WC'st After a bright explosion, a 20- friend, who was a nurse at the "I am not a believer in UFOs, Those f'nmiliar with the Ros Coast, than to Roswell, which foot disc came flying through the base, told him later they had but I certainly have my doubts w£'11 incident kno\\' that after a only had a station with few des trees and imbedded itself among performed autopsies on non-hu now and a million questions. I night of i ntensr> thu nderslorms tinations. some large boulders, according man bodies. The girlfriend died wish my dad had told me sooner in .July 1H47, which provided a "That could explain why no to his testimony. in a plane crash weeks later. about his encounter with the fly boom rC'sidents have recnllt:.-.d as one in Roswell saw il," Littell "We were scared but curious," According to Ragsdale's ac- ing saucer and the little people. louder than any thunder they said. "Carrizozo was just a small he told interviewers. ''We went count, he and his girlfriend Maybe I could have helped quiet his fears and made him more at was true," Littell said. "He had SKVWATCH DIARY Houston based researcher John peace with his life. It's too late no motive for lying. I just don't Culver who works with Project now and I'm sorry.'' see how a man could sit on his V.I.S.I.T. His particular area of c BY CAROLE BAKER fascination is propulsion, and he is Credibility dteera."th bead and lie to his daugh putting together raw data at this Like everything else in Ros ~ Well, if we are to get some sky twenty-eight sighting events time. He was especially interested well's UFO museum, Ragsdale's The museum puts so much W~cc-u£C~:5Cmur5.D ...iJ .~ poDhcatmugtwb whhonapodueeaeoave udicdbkc ntsfe r o acleeregs fCimowrssmheo ce oma,tpigeieo obnlmze iwia negnfvoefhheteroel ehdpta ao ihrfrv1le wsonnsayiete5 rnhd,iro e ctag socihtnspMl bn ouotde.twaa e olleoacntdItdot htr horttdd ef oekhee-nao i ro rn deflnoH na aNp wor tdsarsne A wuhleio cdNrltrp a arrhA osactoeat,pa lmihel itRc tnfeehd. iu ple y atPeeWtorN ltnh.r stea h hlie t.oeoai Ona loasnsswiIynngessfttt,f Ss-aMaMtooiowronhtennebf hgapaoa e4jdpbrt.irolew h lcc,ectoTr. ceteh h ht:fthhT Nesm J sJ-wdeeeahuw/oa 0lb nehlnvibee(,syd egi buevuraclA rhemeaocsheA pt aitr n-wsebu-ynrrpwt)si ae isre,ltailg22r i- ns sl -mwht,,s wt 3 w 0ita wmeo,g i,O mAe rtnsdhiiFMhentnitcatuho e ghitdytnaf ogybnh o itnygtfr-vuitttubomu s hhiess-mnreea a stnte4rgvarrtr ue e ey,ts esw dlspip- Jitn-so gooia-ute opmhirrnnr3ocuIttlItdeesssee, ,ft, eCfil2tABJwisiiinun2eol noa wlltdnnaisDyeoannasd ac oogf or s1ruh efb sanei9lopu gr~san'n9rapte etihd 6e eorn dntft f.v,siehdo fac2nTews e r s3edg gs Rhtmhr . GFpee sdeewttaireoro. usfek eea tt odl oheH kiafbor sh oet Ametn"a Bahtr rd'enMasnoothrl n r ol sewkreaulitereei lnrhaaon pdyzcleicrogo t oherel m"Pr auu u s stretneUr2sedto fert d1icfijFtvlanle eslah raOacictlgiene r,ttt · aodtwscRphseairfeeetoadory osalr"Bgo eiu,etrtIed s syhaun n"fvds ob Wsddt eai erboo sL l lu.ee teuni tpiwhnd k'htt'asult e teiear tewtm .heRatth l,hooo lcss n Fuwui ceaaosnlotlrn otsdt vkiuhf d me heao ne Udtlseraeset o m o FlwvnlwmmmwiO gaehRhhni.aaeea r"ioi kis tlnf slUol eo i erebsldFfi oslrno e aoOntsta oluhwo ti l gocet iehedlhn_vhrxorieygeyes s t dfdtaillfwfsthutiaroloohtsesenonaouree Lvon dlsdncsvylei ie. nketd i' tds. svsdt' , sef th eiieA o altnlo alporlw ld stwe n mrlRh eahssdsRtev, anaeh sw owpagr taeaetght sin ihoelts dsedblh ddee da e os cra bRalxaoueoaetel apk b nte' csts hgpepm'dhop sasreeu vaee tdnir etc cstgcadd r csiAieltrae pnoemhfan lbv aui a entariruscsn ad s idieewstssgetttcc ce t erohetwhotruu.h ib oa iromsotaelIalfyo ntestf tt c( people who became ill around this November -5 and December -3. Whitley Strieber, Courtney Brown -------------... to Congress, but rather let the ~ time and then we have all this Although the freyuency of report and Nick Pope from the U.K. It unusual experience to report or scores of curious visitors make - weird weather. Makes you won- ed sightings is somewhat less than will be a very interesting week you would wish to contact the up their own minds_ der. · we observed in 1995, 28 events in end. For more information, you Experiencer Support Group, "We're not trying to convert can contact Project Awareness at anyone here," he said. "We juRt 19A96 l oyoike lbdaecdk saot mthee isnigthetriensgtsi nogf an iftwicealnvt.e month period is. still sig (904) 432-8888. pBlreeaeszee cMalUl FtOheN PHeontslainceo laat /G43u8l-f lay it out there on the table a9nu information. We had a total of I spoke at length this week with If you have a sighting or 3261. Keep Looking Up! let them decide_" ISLANDER, Pensacola Beach, FL- Dec. 18, 1996 ,,· it, it was just one big ball at that The UFO was not more than 80 prime concern. time, I could see it was very yards away from all three witness If you have a sighting or bright, but there was a darker ring es. The one witness who ran unusual experience to report, or around the outside of it. I could toward the power sub-station, was wish to contact the experiencer's not see any structure." at one point much closer than that, support group, please call the After watching this display for but just how close is not possible Pensacola/Gulf Breeze MUFON Caroui Baker about 2-112 to 3 minutes the two to determine. The witness cannot hotline at 438-3261, and ... Keep original witnesses were joined by remember how close to the sub Looking Up1 Sunday evening, December 8, that the large ball of light was a third. From the third witness' station she got before her friend 1966, saw quite a large group of about two inches across at arm's description, it would appear that called her back. "We were excit skywatchers at Shoreline Park length and the other, smaller by this time the UFO was moving ed. My friend was freaking out, so including some friends from Ft. lights, were about half that size. away, beyond the sub-station. "It I ran back. I'm not sure how close Walton Beach who were visiting The witnesses both went on to looked to me to be about a mile I got to it," she told me. one of our regular skywatchers describe how they watched for beyond the power plant thing" the Two of the witnesses have had and decided to come along on the over five minutes as the small third witness states. "I could see previous UFO sightings; one had watch. Unfortunately they were balls of light would merge back lights in a triangle shape." This a previous sighting here in the not rewarded with a sighting. with the larger ball and then sepa witness described the size at arm's Pensacola area and the other had Many of our regular group has rate from it again. This occurred length as being about 1 inch two previous sightings in another been under the weather this week. three or four times. "When they across. "It looked to me like they state. The third witness had never There is a "flu like bug" going went back in, the sparks started were in a perfect triangle, all sides see anything unusual before. around and several people have going up to the big ball instead of the same." After the three witness Apparently, we were told that fallen prey to it. Hopefully next raining down;· one witness stated. es watched amazed for another there were some other witnesses week will result in everyone feel "You know there was something approximately 2-1/2 minutes, all in the vicinity who also saw the ing better and with the weather's intelligent controlling the thing, three concur that " ... it just went UFO on that Friday evening. cooperation we can look forward because every time a car would out and never came back on." However, we have been given no to a good week of skywatching. come by and shine its headlights, Immediately after the final disap further information as to how to Last week I mentioned a sight the whole thing would disappear, pearance of the UFO, the pager contact them. Therefore we would ing in north Pensacola which was like someone flipped a switch, returned to its normal functions urge them to come forward and still under investigation. My then when the car went by, it and the telephone line became contact the hotline number below. thanks to our Chief Investigator, would switch back on again," the clear. As always confidentiality is our Bill Ford, for allowing me to go witness who approached the sub along with him when he inter station told me. "As I got closer to viewed all three witnesses. The sighting was at very close range CONSTITUTION, Atlanta, GA -Jan. 18, 1997 and perhaps one of the most sig nificant reports we have received A favorite spot this year-to4ite. The sighting took place at approximately 5:50 p.m. on Friday, November 22, 1996. for UFO visits? Weather conditions were cloudy and drizzling with the temperature around the 60 degree mark. The sighting took place over a power Tales from LaGrange: The area, known for sub-station at the junction of Jernigan Road and JoJo Road, in close encounters of the alien kind, is sure to be north Pensacola. Adjacent to this a hot topic at a meeting Sunday in Smyrna. site is a church, and this is where the witnesses observed from. Two witnesses were driving to By Jack Warner or the person who took them," a local mall from their home in STAFF WRITER Thompson said. northwest Pensacola when one of Investigation showed that the them was paged. She knew there LaGrange - The photo weather seen in the pictures was was a telephone she could use at graph would be a pointless snap consistent with the weather in her church, and drove directly shot of a turkey-wire fence, a the area that day. there to return the page. As the pasture and a line of trees in late Thompson said he was able to two witnesses drove up to the summer if not for the bell rig a coffee mug using five church outbuilding where the tele shaped thing hovering in the sky. strands of fishing line to produce phone was, one of them noticed a Because of that, it's the latest similar photographs. "The trick large bright orange light over the addition to a pile of oddities that is not the distance the picture is power sub-station. "I was joking suggest the countryside around taken from, but not to catch any around saying it was a UFO!" the LaGrange is a hotbed of Uniden sunlight reflecting off the sup witness told me. The second wit tified Flying Objects. port lines." ness saw the light and they On the other hand, SO or more His conclusion: The photo stopped the car. Still watching the sightings a year may have come graphs "are not in themselves light, one of the witnesses tried to to light merely because the area enough to prove that a genuine use the telephone in the Church is a hotbed of UFO investigators, UFO was caught in broad day building. "It was all just static," according to John Thompson, light loitering over a farm state director of the Mutual UFO pasture." the witness states, "You could not get anything but static." :Network CMUFON). While investigating almost DWIGHT ROSS IR. I Staff Meanwhile, as one witness was Thompson runs an insurance 100 reported sightmgs that have Georgia Mutual UFO Network leader john Thompson agency on the square in La come to light in west Georgia trying to use the telephone, the tells how a military jet crashed near an earlier UFO sighting. Grange. Above his desk is a sign over two years, Thompson says, other witness, carrying the pager asking, "HAVE YOU SEEN A he has talked to people who, he is decided to go toward the power UFO? Please tell me." convinced, have not only seen from left to right. It was more Thompson, who also is a sub-station to get a closer look at "Most people who see one tell UFOs but have been abducted rounded at the ends than a blimp, board member of the fledgling the light. "I just wanted to see their family and their friends," and examined, sometimes re and it was flying faster. It looked International Society for UFO what it was," she told me. "It was Thompson said, "but they're em peatedly, by their short, almond to be moving at about the same Research (ISUR), says UFO perfectly round and just hovering barrassed to talk about it other eyed, gray crews. speed a small aircraft would." hunters are becoming convinced there, low above the power thing." wise. They're afraid of the rid A peculiarity of west Georgia He said he was convinced it that just collecting verbal re As she walked toward the sub-sta icule." sightings seems to be selectivity: wasn't a blimp, but nonetheless ports is a waste of time. tion, the pager began acting That fear of being laughed at One person or group of people made calls to airports in the area "The next step is to get in strangely, vibrating and beeping at Js presumably what has stymied see something that should have to see if there were any blimps in strumentation packages out into the same time (which it is not ilhe investigation of the "Valley been seen by many others but ap the area. There were not. areas like this to record radioac designed to do) and no numbers UFO," as Thompson calls the parently was not. A man and his "There were no markings at tivity and electromagnetic dis were showing up on it. The other bell-shaped object. The photo daughter who had been fishing all on it. No gondola. No windows turbances," he said. Money, of witness saw what her friend was graphs were sent anonymously from a boat told Thompson about that I could see," he said "This course, is a stumbling block in doing and became hysterical, call to news outlets by a man who a Volkswagen-sized, egg-shaped thing was flying over rart of La the path of these efforts. mg the ~econd witness back. called himself "Mr. Z" and said craft that reportedly was in plain Grange. A lot of other people Skeptics wonder why techno Together again in the doorway he snapped the pictures Sept. 16 view of a landscaping crew that should have seen it." There were, logically superior aliens would of the Church building, the two on his farm near Valley, Ala.,just apparently never saw it. however, no other reports. insist on pussyfooting around v. itne~~e~ watched as the central across the Chattahoochee from Another witness, a retired "I don't rule out scunething like this for decades, if not centu ball of light began to interact with Georgia. dentist and former Air Force vet from outer spa~,._ he said, ••nut ries. Why not reveal themselves? the power sub-station. "There The Valley UFO and other eran who-for fear of ridicule - it seems more li\{ely the Military "Good question," Thompson were sparh, like from a sparkler events will be the focus of a state asked that his name not be used, is involved. How can it exist admits. "But something's going just raining down from this big wide meeting of MUFON at 2 said he had a similar experience. without the government not on. Trust me." orange ball of light to the sub-sta p.m. Sunday at the Smyrna li It was almost three years ago, knowing about it'" tion. Then as we watched, two brary. The public is welcome. he said, and he was driving down That, of course, is central to For more information. call John smaller balls of light, the same Thompson said. Hamilton Road in midmorning. any UFO theory. But federal and Thompson at 706-845-1145. color, kind of rolled out from the There are six different pic "I saw something shiny above military authorities continue to Those with Internet connections big one and hung there next to it." tures of the Valley UFO and an the trees," he said, still uncom insist they have no reason to be can read about UFO matters at One of the witnes~es esttmates accompanying letter, but that's fortable telling his story to a lieve UFOs are anything but nat /SUR's and MUFON's home pages1. 0 all. "We've been unable to locate stranger. "I looked up and saw a ural phenomena misinterpreted http://www.isur.com and the place where they were taken short, fat, hot-dog shape flying by observers. http://www.mufon.org

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