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Preview UFO Newsclipping Service 1996 04 no 321

April1996 Number 321 Believers fuidiMcE amaraaerie m group By Gena Asher H-T Staff Writer· About 25 people who attended a meeting at the Monroe Cmmty Public library recent ly were typical representatives of the area: professionals, students, factory workers and home makers; psyclllatrists, pilots, mechan ics and cooks. But they had one thing in common, one thread that united them: they all believe in the presence ofUFOs. Some believe they've seen them Others believe they exist but aren't sure if they've actually seen them. "It's good to meet with others because this is sometimes the only chance we get to trade stories and discuss our concerns with out ridicule," said Jean Bruce, one of the attendees and an avid "watcher." "People laugh at you, ask you what you've had to drink, · tell you you're crazy because you believe in such things." The 25 or 30 attendees at the library lis tened to a couple of speakers, watched videos of sightings and swapped reports of recent sightings. Some have beenAmeeting informally for eight or nine years wfiile others were new to the group. "Many of us had seen something last December, for instance, and some of us called each other to confirm it," said Bruce, who first saw a UFO in 1973 while outside with her then 9-year-old son "(The 1973 sighting) was in the papers and many people saw it I came to the library to research such sightings and while here, asked if anyone else was interested in UFOs. There wasn't a for Jean Bruce, left, and Rosemary Drescher check map coordinates before meeting with others who watch for UFO sightings. mal group, but the librarian said I could hold STAFF PHOTO BY DAVID SNOOGRESS a meeting here if I wanted." cer. "It's a lot like training police detectives, 311en by ·tots of other people and many of For more inforrnaticm The informal group, which doesn't want teaching the way to handle photographic them called me that day," said Jean Bruce. "I to be defined by the word "club" because the and physical evidence." know many calls were made to the airport members' philosophies are so diverse, met at Sievers has been associated with and local police." • The Bloomington network of peo ssatphthrlaeeeot a fewlr sipobu amrwprak .roa ysul ,lol odvav et hero ret nhtaheere yaa senbtaaoorttsueh.t aeS nrte'hvdsee eh rvamole~m tntime aisden jsaog,n i pndaei nnoadg t goMrnaUes"F saIrOnnooNdotit hasfen onrare atisnmw dooo rrnrekeegs iotsshftwae trnah tp eh2 ei5tnio rfp yof iern1amd0rsai n,st gitoahstn.e el swp ifinothgr wa1r9ie7tah3D , lheiasganchvrdtesi p, tithnliiokecen luls odt hnoeegdf fpstiirhogseithn tottiernnadged s i" Btwiaorirunnocaguell nesssdaas w utach iieirns r T1pp el:he3re i0io nndpeti.ecxmrate .l mlsayteet t dehtht iiisenn gyMU eiFaso rOns raesot tp e vf loCaarrno iMsou untaostry clm ohPce u1aeb7ttil ioacnt s. "We're a good network for each other," people reporting sightings to MUFON," said plane" she saw last month. Others have seen Ubrary ~uditorium. Anyone interested said Bruce, one of few attendees who didn't Sievers, who has been a watcher for 37 years, lights that zigzag. then become stationary, or may attend. mind being identified for this story. 'We go since reading books on the subject in while other objects that move quietly but rapidly • The state Mutual UFO Network out on sightings sometimes at night, as a high school. "MUFON is growing every year, across the sky. (MUFON) representative is available by group. We call each other when we see with groups in every state and about 30 Objects have been described by govern mail at: Jerry Sievers, 140 Ramsey Road, things." countries, representing over 5,500 mem ment authorities as everything from weather Vincennes, IN 47591; or by phone, (812) Nationally, there are groups which main bers." balloons to unauthorized airplanes making 882-1862. tain reports from all over the country. Mutu He cited opinion polls that show 51 per drug drops. Bruce apd other believers say • National organizations which al UFO Network. for instance, tries to provide cent of Americans who participated in 1be f.t\ere's Il9 pJ;'ooflJ.FOs don't exist, and that's addcess_the subject of UFOs are: trained investigators in many regions of the surveys believe in UFOs and o( that portiQQ. CQOugh t.o ~them looking up 1ntothe sky. ~. 103<1dtowne Road, country. 15 percent said they've seen one. "Jf people don't see things themselves, Seguin, TX 78155-4099 'These people are trained to assess sight Meeting attendees aren't surprised by then they don't believe," said Bruce. "Some FUFOR (Fund for UFO Research), ings and to categorize them," said Vmcennes these figures, but they still don't like to talk people just don't want to think there's some P.O. Box 227, Mount Rainier, MD 20712. resident Jerry Sievers, state MUFON repre about their interests in public. thing else out there. They're afraid of the sentative and field investigator training offi- "The UFO I saw Dec. 6, fo_r instance, was unkdown." HERALD. Boston. MA- Feb. 27. 1996 Show se11ds H;1nard Medical Srll<lnl psy rrets to c·onvc>ntional c>xplana- yesterday said had been de And science, at least in I lw dli:tt ri!'t .John Mark, a lnngt irnt• 1 ions." nied. person of acdaimed ast ron· helic·n•r ami im·rstigator or I'<HI icularly galling to Mack Bassett. from her home in omPr and biologist Carl S;~~an, Harvard's <~lien ahdurtion claims, l'alls thP -·· and what might trigger a North Carolina, l11st night tiP dismisses alien abduction and ~ p.m. "Ncn·a·· hrmuka~t on drfamation suit, according to fended herself against Mnl'k·s t.he occasional abduction-and \VG Blf an "unconseionahll'. . ami his lawyer, Eric MacLeish _:__ is attacks but said she wouldn't rape scenario as hallucination UFO pt·of "atr.neirnrci·h lyst ohriiae!slr do" f athtci•jarnepkte ctlo hc•ux - Nfroeevlaa'ns cut!s e wofr iDteorn nwah Bo atssreastth,e a~ lt>t" Btheeimng gceatl leudn dae wr ahrekro s kuyin .I hP oabr loet hpehre nsocmieenntiaf.i cally explain 111:11\s in J.(t'ncral ami his work in Mack's work in front of the Mackies is like being callt>cl a In a seven-page lettl'r to I he i11to orbit •pua "rTttiIrcHyu' lta•tfrof.t ·cd·t isoefo Iu hriasg ep roagnryahmo diys canaBmd arshrsaiPs. ttl,a wdyics>mr isasse da h"yw aMckaork" sliahiDtd•cr.> anl ishey D Pilaatn nBiu, cthht>a nparno.d'· usehet>r tBMhoiansctkkoin n-grb,aa ilsilekeded n tienalgeg vaailisinieosnnt a bsshduoucwch , from taking the rt-'ality of this who latchl's ·on to a new causr of the hour-long Nova film, tees and investigators to the phenomenon sPriow;ly," Mack every few yrars, says she went also mounted a vigorous dt• early pioneers of science. fff T~hliet •snB tyr aaMlnHgAitRu•K da iMnndnU EsmLoLnaEiyiR d i nwsoprinld• ddshaiiesisidtnmo igr~ ytlscte>> dc~il tt heaIyr h~d ahinyhy.kap ilnnl"uogTct hiisneotyars t ,i otaprnnryods p oitlnorr afuprnhaaiddunedutrs cur toitPihvonee nt r.d oisnt'uttoob rc'sMu mlatcuektr'hseo daasli neadns saiftpul tn •has J_t•e"t crtohtef.ao ~tu.omgnehingttf huotlf' s aa s nhr1ool mwepo, ln1isc·ai·callltipPnrdg ftthhifaa"teWtt ednfeaa tchyae ,r decm efbnaaytncu yirnt yhgp,e "e a op hppeelore op wbclreoloe utmoledf. l"tnikhIotn>et lTltynV d est'hIuJoIiIwhIl lkayiin rgslt •ttghoaenl i\gh\·haottri lktl: '>lol rr' plralo ttr:H'tff"a 'dra · mficy"!l Adv. ilriIPw hn,a th aiasvh idpnuaget etw.niootrlnky e fdai sli nsr t.n .hoit~ tNeorMvviaae l'weku t. whounitts.h a dfBemmarsarsn-edmtPti.,nc lu ah •t hdinae t ewvh"eaWrt eevu fenerlp t osicpt iuwenlaacsre o, usrtao ij do hr,ra phhooowrutt erbadeu litseheva ect otpmheeom pwoleno rwkldno ouwwldal esf darglole u omdfiflc atlanwty lv'l;l1lrl1d• ¥pt'm uf.fe stshme -Pxitmrmatte•rrrstl•~ds l irni alln. t> scllnt>t hing that yic>lds it~ sc>- marul that a Nova produc('r tnhoen ,a" lisehne saabiddu. ction pht>nome round object." Photos by the los Angeles Till'MI~ E.T., PIIOIE HOME: Only he'd never find a telephone booth out here on remote Nevada Highway 375, prime hunting grounds for UFO buffs. On a lonely Nevada highway, UFO hunters search for an unfamiliar face By Carla Hall guide to a group hoping for similar luck. The Los Angeles Times This is alien territory~xtraterrestrial RACHEL, Nev.-Kathleen Ford peers alie"ns, that is. over the steering wheel of her van and In fact, this desolate Nevada desert is points a manicured fingernail toward the so famous for UFO sightings that the dusky golden sky. "Perfect weather to pick Nevada State Assembly has designated up saucers," she says approvingly. Nevada State Highway 375 the Many a cold lonely evening, the 45- "Extraterrestrial Highway." year~ld former Las Vegas blackjack deal For Ford's 10 passengers, all attending er and the weeklong International UFO Congress beauty in Mesquite, 80 miles north of Las Vegas, school this ride was a long field trip. It began graduate with sky watching and ended with a has point respite here at the Little A' Le1nn, a diner ed her that caters to the hunger pangs of UFO camera tourists. . hopefully In between would be a trip down at the wrote sand roads to the edge of Area 51, desert sky a highly secret military installation-the and taken location of which is one of the military's WHAT'LL YOU HAVE, BUDDY? Patrick Bailey, wearing an alien mask, gets a second pictures of worst-kept secrets. look from Joe Travis, co-owner of the little A'Le'lnn restaurant in Rachel, Nev. what Some say this is where the military looked like tests its state-of-the-art planes. Legend won't say what goes on there. flat tops of mesas spread across the hori nothing among UFO buffs has it that the mili "We don't discuss that," said Maj. zon. In the golden light of dusk, their JoumaJ and Courier graphic only to tary holds captured spacesrups there and Mary Feltault, an Air Force spokes rocky faces are ribboned in colors of red have the film reveal dark landscapes attempts to "reverse-engineer" them. In woman at the Pentagon. "On certain and brown. Who could blame extrater punctuated by odd squiggles of light or public, the Air Force doesn't even call it areas of the Nellis Range Complex, the restrials for wanting to land in such ghostly blobs. Area 51. (The name is nothing more mission. is classified." starkly beautiful surroundings? UFOs, she muses. than its grid location on maps of the The secrecy of Area 51 and the mystery As the sun sets, three peach and gray "When there are just enough clouds in Nevada atomic testing site.) ofUFOs are inextricably linked in trus clouds appear in the sky bearing an the sky, things fall into place," Ford The Air Force calls it the operating remote Nevada rugh desert. This group uncanny resemblance to flying saucers' explains. "And I pick up trungs." location near Groom Dry Lake-a part of would just have to see for themselves. Which is why she was acting as tour the huge Nellis Range Complex. They As the van trundles up U.S. 93, the as Salvador Dali might have one and a half seconds." The ob road and painted red and white CALIFORNIAN, Salinas, CA painted them. Everyone looks and ject, he says, made nary a sound. with the words RESTRICTED March 6, 1996 CR: S. Canada chuckles in delight. It is their first "Wow," som.eone says softly. AREA. Scrub-covered hillsides Strange lights seen shared sighting. But why would alien beings, flank the road, and a camera Night falls by the time Ford from millions of miles away, keep mounted on top of one ridge spies over Pacific Grove turns onto Highway 375 and picking this tiny sliver of Nevada on all who drive up. heads west, not passing another - so desolate that Clark himself With Ford's headlights the only car for miles. She scans the high laughingly says "at 5 in the eve illumination, the group gingerly Pacific Grove police Tuesday way for Mailbox Road - a parting ning you can put a sleeping bag wanders up to the signposts like in the blackness of the night, out there on the middle line of the cats approaching a big sleeping night were investigating bright marked only by a mailbox. She highway and not be disturbed un dog. lights one caller said looked ''like once camped here alone for three til 5 the next morning?" Why "Don't go within 10 feet of the UFOs." weeks with little more than a · would this stretch of Highway 375 signs," warns Ford, "or you'll be About 9:18p.m., a man used his sleeping bag, a camera and a rifle turn into a kind of cult favorite arrested." for protection. landing spot for extraterrestrials? Sure enough, within 10 minutes, cellular phone to call from his car From this remote swatch of land "I never said they were extra headlights begin snaking toward parked ncar Pico and Asilomar people have seen light shows they terrestrial," Clark corrects. ''They the visitors from beyond the avenues. according to Ken Lesher, can't explain. It also happens to be very likely may be inter warning signs. a mere 20 miles from Area 51. dimensional. Quantum physicists Pacific Grove community relations "OK, that's it! Let's go!" cries The air is chilly, and the only believe there are maybe as many officer. The man reported seeing light is the moon. Chuck Clark, as 23 dimensions. We are only Ford, and everyone scrambles back into the cars to beat a hasty re· three bright objects, one white. one wearing a warm jacket and a hat aware of four. There may be other treat. Out the back window of the red and one green. fairly high in the with earflaps, is waiting for the realities we don't realize." van, the only strange lights from gro:up, his telescope mounted and Tonight there are no flares from sky and described them a-; looking pointed at the moon. A self any dimension or world. With the Area 51 are the headlights of the security patrol. like UFOs, Lesher said. described amateur astronomer, he exception of a few satellites glid Two officers were dispatched hUaFsO dse vaontde ds chriumtisneilzfi ntog stthued ypeinrigm iunnge vbeyn itnfu tlh ief hmeaajveestnisc, sikt'ys. aPne ople is Ppehniltoasgoopnh iscpaol kaebsowuotm thaen aFteteltna ult while the man's friend went for eter of Area 51. He has even be take turns peering through the tion Area 51 attracts. "Everybody binoculars. Lesher said. come familiar with the security telescope while others look up loves a secret," she said. The officer~ also reported seeing guards. unaided - content to have a night But if Area 51 is forbidding, the something headed north in the sky "I aggravate them a lot," says of stargazing. last stop on the journey is in· Clark, a soft-spoken, serious man. But it's cold, and a closer look at viting. The blinking sign of the before it disappeared. and Lesher "I'll sit out there for an hour and Little A'Le'Inn, the centerpiece of Area 51 awaits. Ford plans a bold said he saw bright white and red then hit them with a strobe light." the block-long town of Rachel, drive up to one perimeter. She lights when he looked out the police A year ago, he was on this road, scans her assembled charges, and beckons like a beacon on the dark peering into the distance, when he highway. Next to the door is a department door. saw what looked - at first - like the caravan heads across miles of picture of an alien character with 2 sandy road, seemingly toward The police only received the one a flare from a mortar launch. "All bulbous head and huge almond· nowhere. call and don't intend to imesti~ate otof ath sautd mdeonu nitt asitnr,e"a hkee ds aoyvse, rp tohienrte The cars stop 30 feet shy of half cshlaaipmesd: "eEyeAsR aTnHd LaI NsiGgnS tWhaEtL p· ro· further. Lesher said. ~ ing. "It went about 4.8 miles in a dozen signposts stuck in the COME." JOURNAL-GAZETTE, Mattoon, IL - Feb. 8, 1996 SPIRIT, Jeannette, PA Illinoisans keep eye to the sky for visitors from space Jan . 24 , 1996 Like, man BLOOMINGTON tAP)- The way some see '' Sometime around 1980 or '81 everything fell it, it doesn't make sense to sit around watching off." it's weird TV shows about alien abductions and space Carl Wenning, who heads the Illinois State travel, when you can simply get off your couch, Outside beings are University planetarium, concurs. "It's been a w grab your binoculars and check it out for your ful quiet." UFO researcher Stan Gordon self. smarter than us. It will Crawford said UFO visits run in nine-to 11- reports that last year on Sept. 1 UFOs over Illinois? Should the masses be happen in my life span. I year cycles, with small surges every five or six a man traveling through the alarmed? years. Penn Borough area at 3:30 a.m. While many call it bunk, others believe that know I'm going to have, , "It ebbs and flows," said Hart, who said 410 noticed a bright yellow gold light close encounters occur right here in the Corn sightings were reported in Fulton County dur that appeared stationary and Belt. the last laugh. ing a six-week stretch in 1987. looked as though it were setting In illinois, there is a cadre of residents dedi _ _Paul _Ru ssell But the frequency of sightings appears to be on the railroad tracks. cated to theinvestigationofUFOsand the ques on the upswing. :Oeing curious he pulled his ca c tions their existence inevitably arouse. In Pekin, Paul Russell reported the reap over and walked to a distance of Paul Russell ofPekin heads the Central illi pearance of"angel hair," a spider web-like sub about 30 feet from the light, nois chapter of the Mutual UFO Network, one stance he says is cosmic pollution from space emanating from a strange object of the largest UFO organizations in the world. craft. about 20 feet high and about as He and a band ofa bout 30 space sentinels travel One MUFON member, Gary Hart of rural The frothy, white material falls as spacecraft wide as the tracks. the back roads on clear nights to spot UFOs. Bloomington, has spent about $10,000 on dart in and out of the Spoon River Valley, he The man went back to his car He says he's seen and heard ofa bnormalities equipment he hopes will help him zero in on said. for a polaroid camera then in the night sky, ranging from bright flashes to alien visitors. Greg Brown, a Bloomington UFO afi retumed and took one picture "The Mothership," a half-mile-long vessel with He investigates sightings ofhis own and oth cionado, said, "It's up in the air yet about what's before leaving. A computer flashing lights. ers, some of which occurred during the day, he going on. It's leading up to something and we'd enhancement of the picture has "Civilization as we know it will collapse," he said. better be ready. But what's our biggest enemy? revealed some details that were said. "Outside beings are smarter than us. It "That's when it gets really hard to discount." Denial." not apparent. will happen in my life span. I know I'm going to George Eberhard, director of publications for Wemung said he11 believe spacecraft from Gordon also reported other have the last laugh." the Chicago-based J. Allen Hynek Center for other planets are visiting earth when someone UFO sightings in the Jeannette, The chief of MUFON's state office, Forrest UFO Studies, said 95 percent oft he world's UFO can produce a specimen that can be studied. Irwin, and Harrison City area in Crawford of Collinsville, says the network has reportsare"garbage"thatcanbeexplainedasei "The burden of proof is on them," Wenning his 1995 summary report. been attempting to discern a pattern of UFO ther airplanes, satellites or planets. said. "I'm talking about stuff you can put your visits, an elusive venture thus far. The idea, he After peaking in the 1970s, Eberhard said hands on. said, would be to predict when the UFOs are UFO sightings have declined. One explanation, "Remember, there are people out there who coming, set up shop at that site and wait. he said: "Aliens were here, now they're not. believe that Elvis is still alive," Wenning said. TRIBUNE, Tampa, FL - Feb. 5, 1996 UFO investigator: 'No proof' But Joe Jordan keeps an eye on the skies By JIM TUNSTALL When he isn't building molds for Tribune Staff Writer Sea Ray Boats in Merritt Island. Jor dan is a field investigator for MU COCOA - The first thing to know FON. the Mutual UFO Network Inc .. about Joe Jordan: an international organization that He has never seen a UFO. studies reported sightings of unidenti· The second thing: fied flying objects. He keeps an open mind. He does Four years ago. searching for a all that he can to find the truth - book to endure a 10-hour flight to whether that means finding a reason Alaska. Jordan picked out one on the able, more earthly explanation for a Roswell incident. UFO. buffs believe "UFO" photo or finding what many of the event in 1947 involved the crash his stargazer friends seek: proof we of an alien spacecraft. The Air Force are not alone. says it was a surveillance balloon. Ray Strunk, founder CINDY TUNSTALL/photos for the Tnbune So far? That led Jordan. through a series of the Daytona Joe Jordan of MUFON shows a display of what some believe "No proof," says Jordan, who re Beach UFO Forum, are UFO landing sites or reference points in the United States. mains hopeful. expresses his belief. "My memory is they looked like you and me. thusiastic about his beliefs - especially after he The commander was short, heavy. He looked went on the talk-show circuit. The psychiatry de like a farmer who ate real well." partment tried to have his professorial privileges of other books and contacts. to become a mem Don Zanghi. a DeLand researcher and abduc lifted, but it was resolved with a reprimand. ber of MUFON and eventually a field investiga tee counselor. says Frick's story isn't unusual. In Like Jordan, Jena Bartlett, 64, is a believer; tor and state section chief. some respects it's tame. She organized the UFO Forum of Florida, The jobs don't require a lengthy college tou:. Zanghi says he uses hypnosis to learn about which conducts monthly meetings in Sanford, They do require an interest in UFOs and at and treat his patients. He also has set up a sup Daytona Beach, Edgewater, Cocoa and Orlando,. least a 75 percent score on an open-book test on port group for "abductees." She. too, never has seen a UFO. MUFON's 311-page manual. The manual covers a "It helps them understand they are not alone. "But even as a child I'd look at the stars, then wide range of topics, from how to interview and In fact. many of the cases are very similar," he at my mother. and think that it doesn't seem investigate reported sightings to subjects such as said. possible we are the only ones. She agreed with radar, light and radio transmissions, says Walter Unlike Frick's description, Zanghi says most me." Andrus, founder of the Seguin. Texas-based net of the people who come to him describe beings After studying the subject much of her life work. who stepped out of "Close Encounters." Usually. time, taking into consideration the government's The jobs also require a certain amount of the contact is physical and involves some sort of explanation, Bartlett is convinced there is life objectivity. medical tests. beyond Earth. As for the critics, she takes tbero "I have to be a skeptic so I can be ohjective." One of his clients says aliens implanted some in stride. Jordan says. kind of a device in his penis. and another has "a "We have a lot of fun." Bartlett says. "Every. About a year after he joined· MUFON. Jordan Caesarean section scar. although she never had a one can lake a joke." formed a Brevard County chapter and started his Caesarean section childbirth. As for Jordan, bis work is sort of like being a field work, checking into other people's stories. "There isn't pain or violence. it's closer to referee. What kind of person reports a sighting? going to your dentist." Some believers don't like to listen when he There isn't a stereotype, he says. Many have had multiple contacts through offers reasonable explanations for their photer "You get a lot from retired space-center their lifetimes. graphs or other "evidence." He points to one types who saw them in groups from a bunker. The credentials needed for his work? photo, showing a tiny object in a daytime sky, Then, I started coming into contact with people "Nobody is giving college degrees in alien ab and dismisses its "UFO" as an emulsion spot on who said they'd been abductees, and I didn't duction research, if that's what you mean." says the negative. know how to deal with them." Zanghi, 46. "If you are sensitive. know the field Often it's the government's explanations .. Melbourne resident John Frick, 70. doesn't and can take tpe heat. you're qualified." sometimes farfetched - causing the believers to hesitate to tell his story. He studied with John Mack, a Harvard Medi believe even stronger. "I've had five major sightings, and I am an cal School psychiatry professor and Pulitzer One television news tape shows what appears abductee," says the long-time Brevard County Prize-winning biographer of Lawrence of Arabia. to be debris on the shuttle's nose. The govent resident. Mack also wrote "Abduction: Human Encounters ment's answer: The debris was Earth. Frick says his encounter lasted five hours, With Aliens." The book tells the stories of 13 but "much of my memory has been clouded by people who Mack believes had alien encounters. "How Earth got at that angle," the commenta 3 tor quips, "I don't know." them. I do remember that they ran [medical] The 13 include a woman who says she gave birth tests on me." to a human-alien baby and a man who says he For more information on the Mutual UFO Were they little green men with light-bulb has an alien wife in a parallel universe. Network or various groups around the state, call heads and big bug eyes? Mack's Harvard colleagues were less than en- Charles D. Flanni£:an. :-104-478-0465. : Apparent UFO reportedly seen near Midway &~ Jason Bunch bright crystal blue, but could not say Wednesday. ~ Record Staff Writer what shape or size it was. "It wasn't like an airplane that you "When I was looking down the can follow its path. It would blink It came from the skies, but what road, it looked like a roadblock light," and then suddenly be somewhere i was it? Lykins said. "But then when it was else," Chavez said. "I don't know Nova BUS, witnessed the occur ~~ BUTSh eamt pislo tyheee sq aurees atsioknin gso amfteer Nwohvaat bcoeusildden 'tm eev,e nit tewlla asb soou tb (rtihgeh sti zteh)a."t I wfohr aa tj iett w aansd, iitt wwaass ftlryaivnegl itnogo ltoowo .f"a st hreanvcee t. rSiehde t soa oidff esro emxep lfaenllaotwio wnso.r kers ~ appears to be a close encounter ~th Tom Gomez said that he saw the Both Chavez and Gomez said the "They said it might have been a ~ a UFO Wedr:~esday warning~ object at around 5:40a.m. as he was object was moving very close to the hot wire," Lykins said. "I checked Between 5:15a.m. and 5:45a.m. a going into Nova BUS as well. ground at about the height of a tele and there was no wire out there, and number of witnesses traveling north "I was going past the old Coors Co. phone pole. there-was no way the wire could have ~ }~~~ ~:'s~~. ~e::e:ea:!!\~tbe~~~ (building) and I saw a blue light One more witness, Larry Van traveled." Pearl Stoll, a volunteer at the flashing," Gomez said. "I couldn't tell denbout from Nova BUS, said that at ga sighted what can only be classified as what it was. Every time it blinked it first it didn't phase him until others International UFO Museum and >o an unidentifiable object. was moving by about 2,000 yards per brought it up at work. Research Center, 400 N. Main St., H..: l "1 was coming into work and there blink or better. It was pretty fast." "I really didn't think much about it dsaesicdr ibtheda tis tah ceo mtympoen oofn es. ighting ~ was this blue light flashing," said Gomez said that as it moved, the until everybody started talking about 'This sounds like the real thing," light didn't appear to grow, even as it, then I thought, 'Hey, something Kay Lykins, a shipping clerk at Nova Stoll said. "Some are blue, some are the distance between he and the crazy might have happened,'" Van BUS. "At first I thought it was the air red and some are a clear and lumi object diminished. denbout said. port, but then I realized it was com nescent light, and it does appear ear ing toward me. All of a sudden it was "To me it looked like it stayed the All of the witnesses said the object ly in the morning. They are brilliant right beside me. I looked at it to see same," Gomez said. 'The light didn't was silent and that it moved so lights and often times they appear what it was, but then 1 had to tum grow any more." quickly that some of them where blinking." from it because it was so bright. Another Nova BUS employee, unable to get a good look at it. Stoll said the UFO museum has a \.Vhen I looked back it was gone." Jesus Chavez, said he experienced According to Lykins, more than 10 lot of articles and documents dealing Lykins described the object as a the same phenomena going to work people, all traveling separately to with just the kind of sighting described by the Nova BUS workers. George Swenson, the manager of the control tower at the Roswell Bright light in sky Industrial Air Center, said it is quite ~ possible that something unusual occurred in the skies over Roswell with aut anyone at the airport startles Eastsiders noticing. ~ "Our guys arrive at 5:45, and :IEll there is a certain amount of work that they have to do downstairs to :i 'Frightening' object "We're talking about a prominent, 'The most extraordinary night' prepare the tower for operation;• ~ likely just a fireball, sDiazvaebnlep oorbt.j eItc tw ians tahlseo s rkeipeosr,t''e dsa biyd ers Tinh elartee aFree bnrou amrya, jbour tm Seutleliovra snh soawid tShwaetn asot n5 s:4ai5d .t h'Tehye rwee irse a npoots siinb itlhitey ~ UW professor says tFweod emraeln W ina yR,e hdem soanidd .a nd a couple in a fiDreabvaelln pcoarnt csoaimd ela astt amnoyn ttihm we.a s rife tower." The object was probably a really with UFO sightings, both here and Even if there were workers in the ~~ By Mike Ullmann bright fireball-an extra-large mete elsewhere in the country. tower they may not have picked up ~ Journal American Slaff Writer or that bums spectacularly as it enters Here, Feb. 9 "was the most extra anything unusual, because of tht A "sturuting, stunning" UFO sight the earth's atmosphere, said a ordinary night, with multiple sight lack of radar equipment at the ~ ing was reported this week by resi University of Washington astronomy ings of a long, slender, black, tubu airport. !~1:11:: denTtsh eo fg Riaendt mblouned-w ahnidt eB boatlhl,e hll.a lf~ profSeusscohr . a fireball on Wednesday lliagrh-stsh aopne tdh eo bsijdeec,t" wDiathv eantp loerats sta fiodu. r bin"oWceu lvairssu aalnlyd skiegehpt reavdeiroy tchoinntga wcti ttoh 1ize of a iUH moon, ltreaked across night was reported to the university. The object was seen from the c.lea.,. sky from south to north It was seen between 7:30 and 7:45 Woodinville, Redmond, Whidbey know where the planes are," Swen son said. shortly before 8 p.m. Wednesday. p.m .. below the planet Venus in the Island and Granite Fulls shortly before ~ according to the eyewitnesses. western sky, heading south to north 6 p.m., Robinson said. As of now, the light that invaded One report came from a pilot liv and downwards. "Up to two dozen people saw it. the southwestern skies Wednesday ~ ing in Bothell, who saw the object dis "That's undoubtedly what it is, if "It streaked in all directions, morning is an enigma, and it appears appear over Woodinville, said Peter everybody's seeing this," said pro dipped its nose down, and disap that the incident will go ·down in the B. Davenport, director of the Seattle fessor Woodruff Sullivan. "They're peared behind the horizon of the books as yet one more unsolved based National UFO Reporting very frightening. I've only seen one Olympic Mountains." mystery. Center. in my life." for the 'X-Files': ~ One PLAIN DEALER, Cleveland, OH O PENERS ~ Strange lights in night Jan. ?, 1996 CR: A. Snow &l , · In & Out of Cleveland :(jJ sky seen from Albany The UFO Year 0 ~ BY JENNIFER MOODY jorie went outside at 5 a.m. to In Review ;... Albany Democrat-Herald get the paper, the lights were ~c John and Marjorie Friedrich ssthiollr tltyh earfet.e rFwoagr do, bhsocwuerevde r.t hem The Unabomber and O.J ., Hugh Grant, ;; sen know it's a crazy story. But John said he knows many Farrakhan, Frank ~ on the other hand, they say, they such sightings are dismissed as Gaul and the Indians. They c still don't know what the bright weather balloons. "But to have were front-page news in ~ lights they saw Tuesday night so many up in the middle of the 1995, but that didn't mean ~ actually were. night?" he asked. things were quiet on the ::c The couple were out walking UFO front. ~ their dog at about 10:20 Tuesday A former pilot, John said he Although the "long ~ night near their home at 432 knows what other aircraft look term trend away from day g Calapooia St. when they first no like in the sky at night and this light sightings continued," ffi ticed the lights in the eastern didn't match any of them. "The the Fund for UFO c sky above Lebanon. closest thing it could have been Research Inc. describes a {) FOX BROADCASTING "I saw this Y-shaped contrap was a chopper, but choppers provocative encounter in An extraterrestrial biological entity was autopsied on TV in ufolo tion, perfectly still, IIJOtionless," don't sit in the same place for its recently released "UFO gy's most controversial event of 1995. Marjorie said. "It was mostly six hours," he said. Year In Review." white and blue, with a little .red A similar sighting was report "In the Texas-New Mex- and green towards the ends." ed this morning, when two peo ico area, the crew of an Air West airliner saw a published in a 675-page opus entitled "Alien Dis The Friedrichsens counted at ple told Linn County sheriff's 300-foot to 400-foot-long cylindrical object below cussions." least 17 of the strange lights. deputies they saw what they their plane," according to the review. "The sight "Numerous possible explanations for the One especially bright one was thought was an airplane crash ing was confirmed by NORAD radar." bizarre, yet consistent stories told by hundreds more northeast than the others. near Highway 99E and Highway No aliens crashed to Earth in 1995, and abduc of 'abductees' were offered, and then rejected by "The major portion made a 34 in Tangent. tions "decreased slightly." the gathering of psychiatrists, psychologists, large circle," John said. The General Accounting Office completed its psychiatric social workers and 'abduction' inves· "Every one of them was an The "crash" was reported 18-month investigation into the alleged alien tigators," according to the review. identical shape, like a wide-open about 1 a.m. No plane was found cover-up known as the "Roswell Incident," and And bad news for those of us who believed V," Marjorie said. in the area. Air control tower concluded in typical "X-File" fashion that "the those were real aliens we saw on Fox TV's "Alien The two called the police and staff at the Salem airport said debate on what crashed at Roswell continues." Autopsy: Fact or Fiction." the Democrat-Herald to see if they had seen what looked like a Crop circles were up. "Due to the refusal by the film's owner to per panoyrt eodth. eNro snieg hhtaidn,g bs uhta wdh beene Jno rhen Smeevteeroarl Labeobuatn otnh ep olsiacme eo fftiicmeres. sopThhisetyi c"acteodn tsihnaupee tso," b teh es ereevni einw nreepwo ratnsd. more smtaitt eths,e " ftihlmer teo i bs ec opnrosipdeerrlayb alnea rleyazseodn," t oth deo ruebvti eiwts 4 contacted a retired Air Force reported seeing the same thing. authenticity." The inconclusive conclusions of a conference friend, he said he'd seen strange It's not known whether the on "Experienced Anomalous Trauma," more For updates on current alien activity, write lights as well. strange sightings on Tuesday commonly known as alien abduction, held at the the fund at P.O. Box 277, Mount Rainier, Md., In the morning, when Mar- and Thursday are relat.ed. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, were 20712. - Christopher Evans ~ 'UF()' was irrigation syste :lic.!si,m vncb.·· Vandenboul '.Va~n·t U!C' :..;cl!il\.: t~!ln1.!,. ! l.,: ,P'.\ sa1d. "rl:c~.··.· \\'!i!."n I could tell what I saw. l k\.ntl\V v;b·~-~· it'.';;!' what it w:·t~ ... at. The sprinkler -;·.-~rcnr \\ ;t<.n'! some witnesses, farmer say F:dubin0 Rubio, \"hO was in tlw field where it wa;; \\'hen 1: '& driving irnn that area recently. was beside me." eonfirms \'andenbout's inter The path (lfthc !J_Qht OJt tll<Ji c.. pretation of events. mornin.~ bounced frolll OJH Jason Bunch "From far .:nvav it looks like a side of tht: road to tlte otht·t u: flying s3ucer. wl;cn l passed a a sprii'Idcr system <.illlpiy i Joshua Byers certain area it just disap couid :1ut do that. he added. =P ------ peared." Rubio said. "So, I Var.denbout said he Re.;ord ·~taff Writf rs slowed down to see what it was. 1;ouldn't speak for Lykins and ()! ) and ·,vhat I saw was a sprinkler that she might have seen Cll :·he 1 !'l':'nt _Aghtm~ of <1 systPm." something differ!."nt. but h!' i" ~ lJFC~th ofRo..,wet\ is now ~~llbiO said she could see sure his sighting was only ~~ p the subjnt of dispute. how p<"ople could mistake it for sprinkler sysrt·m. ~ In one corner ::,tands a UFO. but she said she "She said that wasn't what 8 those who say a mysterious belkn·d what everybody has she saw last Wednesday, but I ~ blue light sighted on the l::.!."en seeing is nothing more know that this is what -1 saw ... morning of Jan. :11 was thall the illusion Vandenbout he said. ~ nothing but an optical illu saw. Since the reported sighting. ~ ~ion created by an a~ricul- The la,1d in question is being at least one new !."yewitnC'ss 0 1· :raltrrigation system. farmf·d by f'rptj Sehrimser. has stepped forward to support !;1 the other corner are After read.ing the reports of a Lykins' claim. the believers. who say that UFO si~hting in the Daily Last Friday night. in the what they saw was not an ReC'';n!, Schrimser and his same area as the original sight illusion, but the real thing. sons made a model alien and ing. Rebecca Valasco said he The whole incident atlached it to the mobile irriga and a friend were driving strd t.~d when more than 15 t:on system. which has blue around 9:15p.m., when a tiny employees at Nova BUS Inc. lights on the top that are on blue light appeared in front of claimed to have sighted a while it works. them. UFO early in the morning "We just did thatbecausewe "It was little and in a manner while driving to work. The knew what everyone was look of seconds it jumped right for object was described as a ing at," Schrimser said. He us. Everything was really blue. blue light that moved quick added that the alien is just It looked like a big round tram ly through the sky and over "poking fun" at all the reports poline," Valasco said. whelmed observers as it of UFO sightings. Mter the light approached came close to their vehicles. "I knew that light was·f lash the car, it remained for a few But now, some of those ing so I thought I'd make a joke seconds and took off as quickly same eyewitnesses are about it," he said. as it appeared, Valasco said, recanting their original sto But some eyewitnesses are adding that she looked behmd ries to say it was not other still maintaining that what her and saw the object circling worldly at all, but very much they saw was not simple farm the base. She also said that of this earth. ing equipment. what she saw was not an irriga 'There are still some of us tion system. "It is a sprinkler system," that say that is not what we "We thought that at first, Nova BUS employee Larry saw," Lykins said. "I saw that but where we saw it was past Vandenbout said. "It is on Mike Pettit photo (irrigation system) on the same the irrigation, and it came too the south side of (U.S.) 285, morning that I saw that other close to us to have been that," right out of Midway. There is ~ two-f~ot statue of a space alien, along with a blinking blue thing (the UFO), and it simply Valasco said. hght, s1ts atop a mobile irrigation system southeast of an irrigation system with a Roswell. Many motorists passing the araa at night reported blue strobe light on there to the blue light as a UFO. indicate when the system is operating. I assume that the Vandenbout said that he find the ::,pr:nkler system reflection off the water and has noticed the light twice without any ~IJaccmen. the s: r' 1t(• projects an image now since the original sight "When I ~top the cur the in th, :::.ky that makes it ing and after that first time, looks lii<.e it is moving." stopped to investigate it to COLORADOAN, Fort Collins, CO- Oct. 9, 1995 Local woman speaks of a·lien encounters firsthand that a changeable atom vibra tory rate allowed his spacecraft to appear and disappear at By EIL&N I..A.arr 64, who answered questions at counter occurred 32 years ago in She said flying rapidly through will. People can see him or his The Coloradoan the Rocky CaJifernia, she said. space and disappearing at will re spacecraft only if the frequency She was observing a dramatic Mountain As times changed and attitudes quires an extraordinary amount corresponds to the frequency thunder and lightning storm Golden Age about space aliens became less of intelligence, which is not con humans recognize. when suddenly she found herself Festival of cynical, Brown finally found the sumed by the need to harm hu Although Brown never com in a gray round room. A shadowy Light psychic ~m to tell her story about a mans. Rather, they simply want municated with the being being stood before her, outlined by fair in Fort Col yeat" ago. to send a message, she said. again, she accepted her experi a pale golden light. lins over the "He (the being) said they were ence and opened her mind to No words were spoken, but she weekend. haTveh ea gboeoidn gm itnodld, anBdr owwen n, ee"Yd otuo gwuearred iwaantsc,h" inBgr othwen Esaaritdh., t"rTyhineyg different ideas. understood the messages flooding Brown said communicate with people who to make sure we didn't do any "He (the being) said there her mind. She pinched herself. It she wished she have good minds and can make thing destructive." were answers and all we have waTsh neo t vai vdirde aemx.p erience excited BROWN thiamde bteoe ans gki vthene chBanrogwesn." said she was never in The life form also told Brown toou rdsoel vise sl,"o oskh ef osar idth. em within Fort Collins resident Jean Brown, stranger more questions. The en- danger. CALIFORNIAN, Bakersfield, CA - Jan. 19, 1996 Court orders -research Brown acknowledges public ees, called ~strangers In Our cynicism about alien encoun World." The tape will offer a group to return gold ters but she feels people are mix of different people's en more accepting now than in counters, including some that for allegedly stealing the coins, the 1960s when she had her Brown called "good connec which subsequently were deposit experience. tions" and others she called By TIM CONWAY hearing wasn't needed "in the ed with the court until the dispute She remains intrigued with "off-the-wall experiences." The CNaliefovrnaiadn ac oSrreusppornedmente CcAJri ainctceorredsitn go ft oe fAfescsotucaiatitnedg Pjuresstisc ere," was" Oseutrt lemda. in objective was to dstuucdeydi nngi nael ievnidse oasn de xhaams inpin~g Br"oI'wmn t rysianigd .t o "sSoortm the empe oouptl,e" has upheld a 1994 lower courC ports. get the coins back to Mr. <her various sighiings of unidenti firmly believe what they're $dtmTi4eeea0cshT0ni as, h0ticow0oeh 0 nhaa ohpnbo iie rgt edrhroxie eerrttrdgicuana otrgtneuno irrge zrtgdoea ils trdvittuoor e.cln teoaat dhi1ncn e. ls eamJ liwadm ntoeoi.rrn tlhyga4 -aEscaonkiidkdDInn esotsDr hrt uieioistnynur ittEhsi1el 9ka 9EdkbO2 eok.n vrako er etrdkotr nol dmono w feT cmlheTaedble gleheeCrad saco fhlEEi fato..hpJJre..i spOctoaeavniicveAd,k"re ct dGocE tnofrh..oreJ edue. iL rnn Ega gsowki hnlkitydpsoee tm rrr isEuens cank fittkodsbeer .doo rx ,f t- OehcGsevo rienelrEaestb oknfenk rol eremetrods factroiiabee dos.a um fntl adyrnui nyhign i ssoot obitnrhjie eccCrat sel ,ni dntirofnaoc lmau dAmedrmeicnteiitaoralin s twhssdhaaoahyeynraird 'nettt hg t kIiie, snm ay oblse wruwo ebt meaae rbdileeitoyte hu vdhkitioan.nn"ergog ms wnpoe'e.ut do tI,f p ithltuhe ane wvwlreeeiht s haosI against George Green, a fonner nian that she translates messages "machine parts" and address them Whenever she works on her officer with the Tehachapi-based from a being known as "Hatonn" to him. Ekker said Green packed up videos about UFOs, she takes She also wants to investi Phoenix Institute for Research through her other persona, his Bear Valley home and moved to into account that the "space gate recent claims that people and Development, who challenged "Dhanna." Carson City, allegedly taking the craft" many people see are ac saw UFO activity Vial ..f a Douglas County, Nev., District "I don't know why, but I can coins and burying them in his back tually secret military experi Horsetooth Reservoir. Court decision to return the coins translate. I definitely do hear a yard. Green filed a counterclaim ments. wrhat doesn't surpns. -.,• to David Overton, a fonner Uni tone," she said in a 1993 interview naming the Phoenix lnstit\lte, the "It would be nice if they (the she said. "Mountains ~ a versity of Texas mathematics with The Californian. "It sounds Ekkers and even "Hatonn, com military) told us more about natural magnet fi:Jr this~­ professor now in his 80s. like we are some flakes running mander in chief, sector flight com what's going on, so people thing." 5 The Supreme Court agreed with little E.T.s out here. We are mand, intergalactic federation aren't startled when they see There may be several PQ1III8 wGirtehe nth he addi sbtereicnt hcooludritn gr utlhineg c tohinast npohty shicearle dtroi veful.r"t her some meta fleeItt. "i s unknown whether Overton something," she said. imnu nFicoartte dC woiltlhi ntsh e wbehion gsc aon~d in what amounted to a construc The Ekkers filed a lawsuit still intends to donate the coins Brown is working on her have not reported the experi tive trust fund for Overton, and a against Green in February 1993 directly to the institute. next video about alien abduct- ence, she said. IDAHO STATESMAN, Boise, ID - Feb. 25, 1996 < t· f:;) \ . r~ ' I ' I $I~~":llftlllllt.J1t>U·•ruLve seen one of these, you know what 51, says firmly. "The hair stands gives you a chilling feeling. It's not !(continued on page 7) idaho sightings the truth is out there Here are some reported slghtlngs In to be a straight line of five to seven lIidsatehdo adsu rtihnegy t haep ppeaasrt Iyne tahr.e T rheecyo radrse Dligehfitnsi theo, vdeisritningc mt cootiloonrlse.s" s in the Sky. dTehev oItnetde rtnoe Ut FisO a swtuadshy, iand sviotecsa cy or huitdtep://h ;twmwl w.rahul.netjrogerd/u• f6.g J. of the National UFO Reporting Center • Sept. 24. 8:25 p.m. Boise: debunking. Whether or not you're • "I Want to Believe" (links to UFO' in Seattle: ''Woman calls to report seeing large, convinced, you'll learn a lot about stuff, some the same as the UFO • July 23. 11 p.m. Snake River: triangular-shaped black mass hover what others believe. Guide): http:/ ;www.voicenE!t.com/ s·eTew e·mlvaen ptaa srsaeyn· gpearsss odni raec totlyu ro bvoear-t tinhgin, gm forovmin gd isflfoewrelyn.t Sloocna stieoens. "s ame , estHlle1rge saproet sa: fpw of t ne more mter •- sUtuFbOb ssyigahjbtienlgiesv bey. hatmstlr onauts:·. ': P;Japdle. .·D Selttraa-nsghea pbelad cwk incgoslo ra.p" pear ·to •" MOacnt .c 1a4ll,s 1to0 :r3e0p opr.mt m. Sualtnipdlpeo wJnitt : ·• •P dTfhce rM;ttupt:uj ajl wUwFwO. rNuettgweorrs~.e·ds ..h / o-mr.el hawttpod:/n j/ wuwfow/ .acsst.rbogssiguh.etidnug/s-jj:hZt ml • • •\ug. 29. 5:50 a.m. Boise: nesses to 'green fireball' over c ··.-. "'·tiFON • "The X-Files" (one of many abOut l \:.-;n rt:ports sighting bnght white Washington, Idaho and Montana. ,_ ,. · 1. ·· ,'ldl UFO Reoorting Hte Fox TV show): http:/ jwww.ua 1'5'li s!rea1<1P!S t:c~st to west bU Very strange object!" Cen· 1 .:.ei'ltti(: t.; report Sight· lberta.caj-vichanjwwwjx- . :r 0•:l, ,'·_! g..S•l r ·-oc ;rn,ic·1r1-1J:.1 ,· J,5; 1'.ldpb ,·o'.:· ltv1r1en1 oef't-.ht•e1he1rv. nsBoofot uhfiustelherl e:s m.rn·o· ohno.r izon. •ed" exFpDsAclAeoec dne.e dm1 i4ponl,uto ot4y :oefr2efa 4 tgohambe.mse nen.irt gvsBhe ovts ie sssrekyixy: caolobnjsdee c t~os •;F nl)gTCs11.N:e r1RU1;F.t pCo: rjjG 'c,;'a;,"W!!l" "W'? 0 ·6n~ \-'\:7ll"r2t> 2t<c '3 C0c•,l0:nt0plis. -)· U •cfi loeSmsl-.-/ne-to:rftririec msorPr~<g!e :'1 :hfot.thpt:m/ jlw ww.rtd. 6 ,,_;,!' the g•ound. Bizarre sight · media blitz (continued from page 6 - IDAHO STATESMAN, Boise, ID - Feb. 25, 1996) Othet' Idahoans reported see Then. in 1979, while living in One IS the Aug. ~9 event, but the ing thte light that riveted Copple Las Vegas, Bishop says he was rPported time of that sighting on Au'g. 29. Dozens of unex in hi;; yard one night when the doesn't jibe with Copple's. UFOs have invaded plained sightings occur in the area suddenly glowed with light. The "Sightings" program will f>ta te every year. It wasn't a helicopter. he says. look at another mysterious light pop culture. Fascination with UFOs has "I called 911 and they said in the Idaho sky. One of the most popular shows seeped from murky cult status they'd been notified by the mili On Feb. 10, 1994, an explosion on television is Fox's "The X ~nd tabloid fodder into the tary that it's a meteor." Bishop boomed and light blazed briefly Files," a riveting and coolly mainstream world of scientists says. "I knew that was false. over Fairfield. near the desolate creepy hourlong drama about fed a11d the media. Meteors don't hover.'' sagebrush of the Mount Bennett eral agents investigating UFOs, Whatever Copple saw will be Copple. too, believes his sight hills. government conspiracies and the subject of the May 19 epi ing was from another civiliza "It was bright enough to trip other strange doings. sode of "Sightings," the syndi tion. He says it's happened to the photo sensors on the street It's the No. 1 show in the cated TV program that re-crP him before. lights. They went off," says Boise viewing area on Friday ate,; alleged sightings of UFU.,. He was in Vietnam in 1967 in Mark Johnson, then a Camas nights. It airs at 8 p.m. on KTRV UFOs also are the topic of the infantry. It was night, and County Sheriffs deputy who Channel12. ·t ,lk;; Tuesday and March 5 in he and his assistant gunner was in his office. "(The explo It's prompted a glut of "X Boise's Community Education were pulling watch. sion) rattled the entire Files" books and on-line comput program. Ike Bishop, state sec "There was a fire fight taking building." er Web pages and discussions. tion director for the Mutual place six to seven miles away," He thought it might be a plane Other media addressing para UFO Network, will discuss Copple recalled. "All of a sud crash. He hopped in his car and normal or UFO activity: sightings in Idaho. den, this huge bright light came looked for damage. He found • Sightings," an ongoing show at l'v1UFON is an international on. My first impression was it none. He called Mountain Home ' .. 4 p.m. Sundays on KBCI Channel nen-profit organization that col was a helicopter with landing Air Force Base and was told tt ·re-creates claims of sight- lects and investigates reports of lights.'' they had no planes in the air at .i ngs and abductions. A Boise ,iglrtlngs. Copple says he knows what a the time that would go fast based show airs May 19. Vv i1ile skeptics and debunkers helicopter looks and sounds enough to create a sonic boom. · • "Nova," at 8 p.m. Tuesday on abound, the average person like. This wasn't it. Johnson, who was interviewed KAIO.TV Channel 4. The public seems increasingly willing to at ''Within seconds it came over by the "Sightings" TV crew, television show will air a docu least consider the possibility of us, totally lit the area up subsequently heard that others mentary this week called something intelligent out there. brighter than daylight. There had called wondering what "Kidnapped by UFOs?" It was no sound, nu heat, no odor, happened. explores the stories of those who Alien or earthly? nothing. It seemed to hover Johnson 1s not ready to pro say they were abducted and stud Bishop spoke with about 100 right over the top of us, turned nounce the light an alien craft. ied by alien races. people in the Boise area who left and it turned green to red Still, he's curious and open • "r04" ("Independence Day"), saw the bright light Aug. 29. and disappeared." minded. a high-budget 20th Century Fox Many had phoned KBOI-AM ra He couldn't discern any out "I don't have a clue," he says. movie opening July 3, about UFOs dio, which passed calls on to line of a craft, he says. The ''I'm not the type who believes . that land July 2, attack the Earth him. changing light patterns were in UFOS. It's like, 'How's Elvis, July 3, and the Earth fights back Upon investigation, Bishop identical to those he saw in the and when was the last time you ~;:)uly 4. concluded no aircraft were fly Kuna area last August. saw him?' But I'm not going to ing then, and that the sighting For a long time, Copple hesi rule that out. was a UFO that may have been tated to talk about his sightings. "I feel that there's something of extraterrestrial origin. He feared ridicule. "People out there, but I don't know Skeptics, however, question think, 'Oh, you were trauma what. I would like someone to the interpretation of what peo tized (by the war)?' " show up at my door with a re ple are seeing. "We have people from totally port that says, 'This is what you "Anyone can see a UFO. I've different cultures, from different saw.'" seen a few," says Joe Nickell, hemispheres relating the exact senior research fellow with the same stories, and they don't The start of 'saucers' New York state-based Commit even know one another. How An Idahoan opened the mod tee for the Scientific Investiga could that be?" ern era of "flying saucers." tion of Claims of the Paranor At 2:59p.m. on Tuesday, June maL "What we mean by UFO is Secrets in space? 24, 1947, Boise businessman an unidentified flying object." Jim Steinfort, a former com Kenneth Arnold was flying in But concluding a UFO is alien puter contractor for NASA, also his Callair plane over Mineral, craft, he says, "is a logical falla has seen strange lights. He was Wash., searching for the downed cy known as arguing from igno 17 or 18 in Michigan. He didn't wreckage of a C-46 marine trans rance. We say, 'I don't know gi,ve it much thought until he port plane believed to have hit what something was, therefore went to work on computer simu Mount Rainier. it is fill-in-the-blank.' " lators for command capsules at Nickell and other doubters ex NASA. "He saw a tremendous blue plain away many of the major Steinfort, who lives in Boise, white flash that lit up the sur sightings of lights or alien craft now thinks the lights could have face of his airplane," says his as government balloons and oth been alien UFOs. daughter, Kim Arnold, who lives er projects that were secret. While working at NASA, he in the Boise area. "When he Such secrecy gave birth to con heard stories about sightings of came to his senses, he noticed spiracy theories and alien expla UFOs by astronauts. People these objects approaching." nations. whispered about U.S. space ve There were nine objects that He sites the now-infamous sto hicles being "followed." were shaped roughly like half of ry about a supposed 1947 crash Speaking to a meeting recent a saucer, he later said. He de of an alien craft in Roswell, lv of 30 members of the Boise scribed their flight movement as N.M .. ~J:UFON group, Steinfort was like "the tail of a Chinese kite It was, Nickell says, nothing asked why NASA continued to or speedboats in rough water." more than Project Mogul, a se launch Apollo missions if UFOs Arnold figured they were trav cret U.S. array of instruments were real. eling more than 1,700 miles per and balloons designed to moni "They saw a lot of (UFOs) hour, judging by the time it took tor sonic emissions from Soviet over a long period of time, but them to cross the distance be nuclear tests. there was never a problem," he tween two peaks. ''What appears to be the case replied. He later told a newsman in is that when you have secrecy, Steinfort believes the govern Pendleton, "They flew like a you have a situation in which ment knows UFOs exist and is saucer would if you skipped it Chris Butler/The Idaho Statesman things fester," Nickell says. covering it up il) part to prevent across the water." Jim Steinfort worked on the computer simulator for NASA during "The first thing that people do hysteria. But he thinks the main The media picked up on his several Apollo missions including Apollo 13. Steinfort often gives in response is to speculate. It reason for a cover-up is "ego." expression and coined the presentations about his role in the 1970 Apollo 13 space mission. becomes paranoid conspiracy." "If they said it wasn't real then, phrase "flying saucer." And what of people who claim and they say it is now, they've Kim Arnold, who is writing a Astronauts' sightings of UFOs to have seen the bodies of dead got a credibility problem." book about her father, says he aliens in the crash? Astronaut sightings are one of became devoted to studying Nickell dismisses it. "What is the more intriguing stories sur UFOs and keeping his sighting Here are some of the purport sticking out of it. the phenomenon that causes El rounding UFOlogy. historically accurate. ed UFO sightings by NASA as • Jim Lovell and Frank Borman: vis sightings? We have a type of Yet Nickell, who writes a col A celebrity overnight, he also tronauts. This material comes In December 1965, Gemini astro psychological contagion." umn for Skeptical Inquirer mag struggled to raise his family from Internet sources, some of it nauts Lovell and Borman say azine, remains unconvinced. amid adulation and infamy. He stemming from astronauts they saw a UFO during their Seeing something "Astronauts are people like any eventually stopped making pub themselves: second orbit. Lovell reported Bishop agrees that many other people. They are probably lic comments about his sighting. • Gordon Cooper: On May 15, seeing a ''bogey at 10 o'clock UFOs can be explained by earth more likely to see strange things Yet in his 1952 book, "The 1963, he was shot into orbit in a high." Flight control asked Lov ly, non-alien events, such as mil from their vantage points than Coming of the Saucers," Arnold Mercury capsule, the last Amer ell if it was the booster or "an itary projects. you and I are." wrote, "It is time the truth was ican to fly in space alone. Dur actual sighting." Still, he and others believe sifted from the untruth, the facts ing the final orbit, he told the "We have several ... actual there are mysteries that scien Lights in Idaho from the fakery, the real flying tracking station at M uchea, in sighting," he said. "We also tists and skeptics can't explain. It's not unusual for MUFON saucer from the fanciful. It may Australia, that he could see a have the booster in sight." "(People) are seeing too many to receive more than 100 reports be the most vitally important glowing object ahead of him ap • Nell Armstrong and Buzz Al things now to not believe that of strange sightings each year in fact of our time." proaching his capsule. drin: During Apollo 11, they are something is there," he says. Idaho, Bishop says. Echoing a similar theme, Bish It was picked up on ground said to have reported seeing a Bishop, 50, is convinced that "There have been a great deal op of the MUFON group says radar. Cooper's sighting was re light in a crater, as well as alien many UFOs are of extraterres of UFO sightings in North Ida it's up to people who have seen ported by NBC, but when Coo craft on the moon. trial origin because he had two ho," adds Peter Davenport, ex objects and believe in them to per landed, reporters were not • NASA's Maurice Chatelain: In sightings of his own. ecutive director of the National uncover their origin. allowed to question him about 1979, Chatelain, former chief of As a boy, Bishop and his fa UFO Reporting Center in Seat ''We feel that if the answer to the sighting. NASA Communications Sys ther s::.w "this huge thing that tle. The non-profit phone line the UFO phenomenon is going • Ed White and James McDivitt: tems, confirmed that Armstro,ng 7 looked like a gray football over takes calls and publishes re to be forthcoming, it will come In June i965, astronauts Wh~ bad seen two UFOs. "The en Malta. It had to have been 200 ports. It lists only six events from the people." and McDivitt were passing over counter was common knowledge feet in diameter." occurring in Idaho last year. Hawaii in a Gemini spacecraft in NASA, but nobody has talked when they spotted a weird-looking about it until now," Chatelain is metallic object with long arms 4uoted as saying. :MWARD KCNRaims Steven .o ~Cll to flush out ~ Liebman UFOswith Just try $10 million to explain Radio station vows to pay E-< anyone who can land alien ~ this one u vessel in its parking lot. ~ ~ H ave you seen something By Lynn Arave ~ strange in the sky recent- and Zack Van Eyck ~ ly? Deseret News staff writers =:~ Not to worry. You may be one Got a UFO stored in your ga- ~E-< owfe hsutenrdnr ePdesn onrs yelvveann tihao wuhsaon rdesf uins e rpaagrek?in Fgl ylo itt ninetxot aw Seaelkt aLnadk ey oCuit y !~(?z to admit you have seen some could be a multimillionaire. t;:; thing overhead hovering, darting Salt Lake radio station KCNR ~ side to side or going by in a flash (AM-1320) is offering $10 million o of light. to anyone who can land a UFO in ~ If you are one of them, don't be its parking lot-434 Bearcat ~ embarrassed. It's happened to Drive-next week. The only catch many. is that the craft must be certified ~ In most cases, what you have by the U.S. government as being of Clyde Lewis, Todd Herman and Martin Davies, KCNR disc jockeys, prepare a landing spot for UFOs. seen probably can be explained. extraterrestrial origin. In easy scientific terms, that is. Station general manager Scott Beginning in the early 1970s, the going to take me in the spaceship tions is in any danger of losing $10 In other cases, the incident just Mahalick said the bizarre five tabloid offered $50,000 for a Neptune to Mars," Salisbury said. million. may be chalked up to the "G" days-only offer will be announced "real" UFO, and the prize reached "I figured, well, if he does, that "I don't think anybody is sitting files. Sunday on "Ground Zero," a 6- $2 million before the contest was would be proof." there with a UFO in their garage," "G" as in Gordon. Stan Gordon. month-old KCNR program that fo discontinued at the end of the Salisbury never did make that Biesele said. "I don't think $10 mil Gordon keeps files and investi cuses on the unexplained and the decade. journey and remains skeptical that lion would mean anything to an ex gates unexplained phenomena. paranormal. Frank Salisbury, a professor of UFOs are actually alien vessels. traterrestrial. And if the Almost like Fox Mulder does on Mahalick said SCA Promotions plant physiology at Utah State Uni However, in writing his book, "it government has one, I don't think the "X-Files" television series. of Dallas has guaranteed it will pay versity and author of "The Utah was clear from the interviews I had Almost. Mulder works for the the $10 million, if certain restric UFO Display," was a member of a with people in the Uinta Basin, it will come forward." U.S. government, specifically the tions are met. The craft must land "blue-ribbon panel" the National they were seeing some very Official rules for the UFO offer FBI. Gordon works for an electri during business hours, 9 a.m. to 5 Enquirer assembled to determine strange things." will be available at the station's of cal-repair shop. p.m., March 11-15. if any claims were legitimate. Some UFO researchers believe fices next week. The Westmoreland County res "They initially laughed," Salisbury said the committee captured or crashed alien craft "Ground Zero" airs from 4-7 ident has been interested in UFOs Mahalick said of SCA Promotions' pored through hundreds of letters, may be housed at a high-security p.m. every Sunday and is followed since he was 10. Since then, the response. "Now they're serious." many of them quite humorous, and government base at Groom Lake, by two national programs about now 46-year-old man has been As unusual as it sounds, the of examined pieces of metal and Nevada, or at Wright-Patterson UFOs and related phenomena working with groups and volun fer is not unique. Other U.S. media other material-allegedly from Air Force Base in Ohio. the Denver-based "Paranet Con teers cataloging information. outlets have constructed UFO alien spacecrafts-that were not But Mildred Biesele, a Salt Lake tinuum" with Michael Corbin from Here are a couple of highlights landing pads or offered big money readily identifiable. resident and state director for the 7 to 8 p.m., and the Las Vegas from his 1995 report. These are for out-of-this-world proof-most "I had an ongoing correspond Texas-based Mutual UFO Net based "Dreamland" with Art Bell items for which a scientific notably, the National Enquirer. ence with a guy in Chicago who was work, said she doubts SCA Promo- from 8 to 11 p.m. explanation has not yet been found. • On Feb. 13, at Beaver Run Dam, a pilot sitting in his home POST-DISPATCH, Center, CO - Feb. 14, 1996 soauwts iad es.t rHaen gwee pnat totuetr nfo orf a l ibgehtttse r Center man captures UFOs from Mars. Most sightings people look and saw two huge, solid, tri see in the Valley are military. angular objects passing silently 0' Brien cited a secret military across the sky. on hand-held video camera operation called Project Shining The colors and light patterns Mountain where three military were unlike conventional air craft fly over an area in formation craft. Other sightings of the and shine strobe lights on each strange objects were reported television show "Sightings" for professional other to make it look like a huge that same night within a short By Mark Hunter examination. UFO is flying overhead. time. Special to Vtdky Publishing Last October, "Sightings" featured the August Whether these three objects are • On March 2, in Cambria, videotape of a large object over Salida, more recent military, Armijo said he believes Westmoreland, Allegheny and what he saw. James Armijo said be has been seeing unidentified sightings in the San Luis Valley as well as the January Butler counties, for more than Growing up in Center. he said, flying objects in the San Luis Valley skies his whole 1994 Greenie Mountain 'fire' incident. two hours during the evening, a "I've seen strange objects eight or life, but two weeks ago, he caught three of them on Armijo said he has shown the tape to friends and strange light phenomena was re nine times. A lot of people say I'm videotape flying over the San family members in the las! two ported in an area about 100 miles nuts, or I'm seeing things. They wide. There were numerous Juan Mountains. weeks. are not sunspots. they move. You beams of light that made a com The silvery, disk-shaped ' I "They were all amazed. can see it spinning," he said as he pNloe toen cei hrcalse b aereonu nabdl teh teo h foinridz oann. doobwjenc tasn wd esridee mwaoyvsi njugs tu pa baonvde would be the last Twhhearte's' sg ogiontgta o nbe," ahne saanisdw. er to cterloevuicshioend sdeto wannd ipno ifnrtoend t too fit .h "isI explanation for the event. the horizon of Greenie person to say these are O'Brien was not am:1zed know there's something here." • On Oct. 12, in Centre County Mountain a few minutes after because he's seen many similar Armijo said he saw another at 3:15 p.m., a woman and her son sunset Jan. 25. spaceships from Mars. .. ' videotapes and has even strange sight last week near heard an intense roaring sound "These things were moving recorded some strange flying Alamosa but didn"t have his and felt a vibration that was so all over the sky," he said. -CHRISTOPHER O'BRIEN objects himself. He is part of a camcorder with him. strong the entire house shook. Armijo wat at his cousin's PARANORMAL INVESTIIGQATOR network of Valley residents who ,;It looked sorta like a They went outside to find out house near Colorado I 7 north nightly scan the skies for liFO's boomerang. It was near the big what was creating the distur of Alamosa when he or other paranonnal activity. bance and were amazed to see a videotaped the flying craft. '"This is consistent with h!ue water tower in Alamosa. It huge, solid object passing slowly "I saw one right over Greenie. It was sitting right many reports we've been getting laiely. This is very wa~ just sitting there. It didn·r about 100 feet overhead. The on top of the mountain. When I zoomed in on it, I credible footage," O'Brien said. move. Then it disappeared.·· orobujegchtl yw tarsi adnegsucrliabre idn ashs abpeein. Tg he coOulnd nW't efdinnde sidt, abyu tm Io sranwin gan, ohteh esrh oonwee."d his videotape ob"j1ec htes soebejnec atsr oiunn dth iGs uflofo Btargeee zaer e( Fvloerryid as.i maniloatrh etor imom·BerJiieant( 'elnvc owurraigtee d dAorwmni joh tio, object had a grayish-silver to Crestone 'paranormal investigator' Christopher UFO hot spot)." he said. "There is a transparent ~ightings ;u{J call him at (7!91 appearance and had eight lights O'Brien. O'Brien is nearly finished writing a book. quality to these objects. It's almost like they were 256-412X ~:o others can l:>e alened of various size and colors on its "The Mysterious Valley," and intermittently publishes holographic projections that we've heard the Air to watch for objects. surface. It was estimated to be "'The Mysterious Valley Report" newsletter. Force has been testing. They may be throwing Often, O'Brien said. objects can 200 feet wide and 100 feet long. he tracked across the Vafley skie~ The tape showed as one object disappeared, another holograms to see if somebody catches on. It was observed for five min by his network of observers. appeared. A third craft appears from the Tight side of 'Td be the last person to say these are space ships utes moving very slowly in a straight line. the television screen and slowly moves acros~ it. After the object was out of O'Brien said he will send Annijo's tape to the Fox sight, the loud vibrating sound could still be heard. Unusual electrical and animal distur bances were noticed during the observation. During the evening, ports have scientific explana something that could normally be UFO or experienced something other similar reports came from tions." manufactured by human beings. strange or weird. Not yet. that section of the state. Then, there are those instances But in the above-mentioned Sure, some of these things in which it is difficult to find a cases, there was never a reasona Steven Liebman is the fea seem kind of weird. That's why scientific explanation or a reason ble explanation as to why those tures editor of The Tribune 8 Gordon goes out to investigate. why something has appeared. substances were in those Democrat and an award-win "A lot of things on the surface According to Gordon, whenev locations, he said. ning columnist. look strange," Gordon said. "But er physical evidence is found at a And, to answer the basic ques you find the majority of there- contact site. the evidence is tion. No. Gordon has never seen a PLAIN DEALER, Cleveland, OH - Feb. 18. 1996 CR: A. Snow Are watchful eyes monitoring life on Earth? UFO buffs convinced southeastern Ohio under surveillance By TERRY KINNEY WATCHING THE SKIES ASSOCIATED PRESS CINCINNATI - Beam us up, ASSOCIATID PRESS Roundtown UFO Society, Scotty. We've been spotted. Ohio, it seems, is a hotbed of Ohio groups that monitor Circleville wrUehFsoOtr imsaiLgo hntiitnogr sa, lal ctchoirndgisn ge xtot rtahtoesre aidneMdn itidinf-ivOeedhs itfoilg yRainteegs eoraebrpjceohcr ttOss: r ogaf nuinz KnAoswsolecdiagtee,s N orfworo od Scientific Why? We're interesting. ation, Dublin Mutual UFO Network, West One aficionado theorized that Phenomenon Investigation erville the region has "on its surface or Committee, Columbus under it, man-made or natural ... Phenomenon Research Or Mutual UFO Network, Day something that triggers intensive ganization, South Charleston ton UFO surveillance." "Ohio is up near the top- Ohio and New Mexico- in UFO sight to do with testing new radar and Wright-Patterson near Dayton is ings," said Jim Donohoe, who weapons systems, and it was the still an Air Force command cen publishes Equinoxe, a monthly information and communication ter, and GE Aircraft Engines, newsletter for UFO buffs, from hub during World War II." which has its headquarters in his home in London, Ohio. During the war, one of the na suburban Evendale, is one of the Donohoe said he believes aliens tion's largest airplane plants was nation's two largest suppliers of started watching Earth during in Cincinnati. Since then, the gov jet engines. World War II and intensified ernment has operated uranium The Cincinnati/Northern Ken their monitoring during the tucky International Airport is AtomicAge. · processing plants at Fernald and Delta's second-largest hub. Air Extensive atomic testing was Portsmouth. borne Express is headquartered done in New Mexico, and Ohio is Hundreds of flights daily could at Wilmington, and DHL World an aviation center. explain some of the unidentified wide Express has a hub in subur "Green fireball sightings lights UFO spotters have re ban Dayton. started when we started atomic ported. The late Leonard Stringfield of tests," Donohoe said. "Wright The aviation industry has bur- suburban Mariemont used his Patterson Air Force Base has a lot geoned in southwest Ohio. 1977 book "Situation Red: The UFO Siege" to describe his inves He thinks some UFOs are se tique alive. tigations. cret government craft related to Donohoe belongs to two groups He contended that 10 south GE's testing facility in Adams - Phenomenon Investigation western Ohio counties - Hamil County. He doesn't believe in Committee in Columbus and the ton, Butler, Warren, Clermont, space travelers. Phenomenon Research Organiza Preble, Montgomery, Greene, Donohoe does. He is convinced tion in South Charleston. Clinton, Highland and Brown - visitors have come "from space, Not all UFO enthusiasts believe might be interesting to aliens if another dimension or another aliens are visiting Earth. only because of the industrial time . . . something the govern "If I was younger, I would say base. ment is trying to keep quiet." yes, there could be," said ASK "But this region does have a One of the most venerable UFO member Dale Farmer of Middle uniqueness, a fact long known by tales says Wright-Patterson is the town, who has grown skeptical many UFOlogists: on its surface repository for bodies of aliens over the years. or under it, man-made or natural, who crashed on Earth. Donohoe He once wanted to be an astro there is something that triggers believes it. He says his uncle saw naut and still follows UFO sight intensive UFO surveillance, the bodies in 1953. ings on the Internet. something that. is undetected by Young's group believes the Air But fellow ASK member our human sensors," Stringfield Force has a secret telephone Charles Stuart of West Chester said. number where law enforcement says too many people have re Kenny Young of suburban Nor agencies report sightings. ported UFO sightings to be writ Associates for Scientific Knowledge members Kenny Young. left, wood agrees. He is a member of Lt. Col. Marc Martens, head of ten off. Charles Stuart, center and Dale Farmer chart UFO sightings in casadreAwiclanduoshs"ingdcoseuoI te o nst iimim,'co cn sssiaena v ieaa g, keets n gheesptmbors tt,emouiit" un gcut fosi gasocpainttasrco lhet. iioi nh desaSfrsltr n ecy.ieaY dpi bateoeooionnsur rudts entiwast dfg v i ,1aocic 2dpc f2a e rK9smspeoe,tne d oy oopwisrybwpritohoeellluoees get"tswpohonOru eoAa"ndabuaTtu,ceSl rrpichdsKy casee a y ip ondiaetAtnyfih fa s tivimfarth nraohst eqoi lFeora uvrkA snogeieel erro,ieme"icar .gep "eteFeso nn oMtdfaWthdr o bcea erome arisuwt gnUnahethdi n'FnaUttt y hsOs-rdF P eg eOafrmOsautotsalthyhs.w ei eadiisrnon-st. imAststsoooa soo "a"nr rstlIIds ie afioest ym lye nfde o oc piamatfhfuhlnn fni apai dsdocnettti uli o-owsocmtlcpwth ghofl aoaoyaetudoru rt nd a e ismtdrs a iste eneinmhet t,cd ceec"arsmbrr renha meea-,eazti msi y nnysneaogd.aasie u r diT, d ct sewhhhr.o. aaa"ohimtvtf ua''teesst . southwestern Ohio at Young's home. Are Aliens Real? El Capitan's Viewpoint on Flying Saucers, Aliens, and Abductions by Denise Dreis comments, 'There are stranger things peo- called Area 51. This large fenced-in area say that all the proof needed is in the ab ple believe in." does not appear on any maps and many ductions. The number of people who claim Extraterrestials have been common sub What~he alien- enth-usiasts argue that there is a mili- they have been abducted by aliens is grow ~ jects in books, movies, and TV. Nearly ev popula- --- tary base located on the ing. Abductions, according to some, can ~ eErnycoonunet ehrsa so fs tehee nT hmirdo vKieinsd 'l iakned ''FCilreo sine tk nioonw s ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---- .- -.:...·- -:-·- --- groundsc oamnmd utnhie- hwahpop ehna vaen cyltaimimee dto thainsy roanneg, ea nfrdo mth ed rpuego apdle- tS ------ the Sky.' These are the movies that give is very little. - --···-··- ~~ dspear:r kA tRo Eo uWr Eim AaLgiOnaNtiEo?n and make us won Hfoirs ttohrey fuist uarlel . wReo shwaevtel, New Mexico be with aliecnasti oins Abductions, according to 8 With Hollywood making more and more came famous worldwitle in 1947 when taking place as you react this article. some, can happen anytime to t.!l realistic movies, there is a popular theory residents claimed a disk crashed in UFO enthusiasts who have bro anyone, and the people who r:: roaming the nation and El Capitan: Aliens the desert just outsido of town. ken the law and trcsrassect oflto ~ are real. As the local legend goes, investi the grounds have been shot at since have claimed this range ~ El Capitan students generally feel that gators from the Armed Air Corps as anyone who watches the Discov from drug addicts to doctors ~ there is something out there in the vastness collected the de- ery Channel knows military police can legally kill anyone on the re and lawyers. ~ ~:0~a~~~~~;i:~~~n~~~~ os~l~~e a~:~~:;sn~~ stricted grounds. Survivors poss diets to doctors and lawyers. Abductions es pictures proving the ~ ~~~~~~~~ can not be proven by some and some peo and went to a military base does exist on e~~n thi"sM pya rftryi einn dBsl oasnsdo mI Vwaelrlee ya,"t cbaamsee. Louatt esra ay imngil itthaaryt trheep oscrta t t h e cpalen N dheiaaspcrplryee ndei. vt etrhyeosne ea chcaos uannts ,o pbiunti oann yathbionugt ~ says Mac Powers, "and we tered debris was nothing but aliens, and, if nothing else, the questions a crashed weather balloon. grounds. saw a blue and purple light Roswell residents insist Some people people have about them might bring a little excitement. fly across the sky." the governments is lyiog. think that our government has If you want answers, look up in the Some feel that this received technology from night sky and watch the stars. After all, it is 'encounters.' was the start of the gov aliens. This technology infOf"- all about what you believe. "My friends and I were at this party in ernment conspiracy to mation resulted in the F-117 Blossom Valley," says Mac Powers, "and hide the fact that Night Hawk or the Stealth we saw a blue and purple light fly across aliens exist; others Bomber. It is true that this the sky. It looked like it landed so we all feel that the entire plane does not look like any took off toward the hill. When we got affair was the work other plane ever created, there, the light was gone. Aliens are a defi of peoples' over ~ b~t0~~u~~o~ :~~~~ nite possibility." active imagina "They are among us," feels Elana Scott, tions. \~\ technology? "and, soon, they will be revealed." L i k e A I i en Ben Larsen says, "I am an alien. I'm Roswell, there 9 going to phone home and call the others." is a place in Separating fact from fiction in a mess of the desert conspiracy, lies, and altered videotape is near Las not easy. Nevertheless, as Abigail Wilson Vegas TIMES, New York, NY March 10, 1996 ISLANDER, Pensacola Beach, FL - Jan. 31, 1996 CR: J. White Pulitzer Prize winning Harvard doctor to speak at Beach UFO Conference Quiet Town John Mack, M.D., Professor of with Aliens," hailed by the New He spoke here in 1993 to a stand recent work in Africa. Dr. Mack's OnETRoad Psychiatry at The Cambridge York Times as "fascinating, sug ing room only crowd and we lecture will be Friday night, Hospital, Harvard Medical School gestive and even inspiring" and expect that to happen again. Dr. March 15th, 6:45 -8: 15 p.m. and winner of the Pulitzer Prize described by The Boston Herald Mack's remarkable body of data The public is invited to attend Using Lure for his book "A Prince of Our as "a transcendent, landmark work forced him to re-examine his the Conference by purchasing Disorder" will be a featured . . . an extraordinarily rich and beliefs. He has determined that individual lecture tickets begin OfU.F.O.'s ~peaker at the fourth annual Gulf strange mind expanding book." science and spirituality can indeed ning at $ i 0 or there are weekend Breeze UFO Conference March Conference Co-Director, Vicki co-exist," Lyons said. packages available. For a com 15-1 7th on Pensacola Beach. Lyons commented on the rare Dr. Mack will share updates of plete free conference program By 'Jllt New York Times Dr. Mack is the founding direc public appearance of Dr. Mack, his latest work in the field of alien guide about Dr.Mack's participa UCHEL, Nev. - This speck of a tor of the Center for Psychology "Dr. Mack is impressed with the abduction from all over the world tion and all the other speakers, to• Is little more than a trailer park. a gas station and a diner along· and Social Change at Harvard, credibility of Project Awareness as he discussed on "Oprah," contact: Project Awareness at si~ State Route 375, a lOO.mile and began investigating the UFO and its staff and although he rarely "Prime Time Live," "48 Hours," (904) 432-8888 or write to P.O. suetch of secondary road through abduction phenomenon which led speaks at UFO Conferences, is and "CNN'. He will also share a Box 730, Gulf Breeze, Fl 32562. the~rub country of southern Neva· to his recent best selling book making his second appearance fascinating video tape of some da wbere there are often more cows "Abductions: Human Encounters with the Gulf Breeze Conference. extraordinary cases from his on Ute blacktop than cars. Yet Rachel has become a tourlsi dettlnation for finders and seekers of U.,.O.'s, prompting the state to ~es· ignate the road running by here as By Carole Baker the Extraterrestrial Highway and to order signs along the thoroughfare. •u·s kind of a tourist ploy," said Scdll Magruder, spokesman for the It was late on Saturday night, when Michele saw a car coming across at arm's length and was the TV or radio they get a lot of Newada Transportation Department, January 27th when Michele Dupre toward her with its brights on. pulsating. "It pulsated five times," static on them and sometimes which gave the highway Its new and her friend were driving home Temporarily blinded, she looked Michele told me. "Each time for lights 'go bright' when I go near name after a similar effort faltered in West Pensacola. At about II :45 up toward the sky to try to clear about ten seconds." them." Michele has noticed that in Mtbaen Ly elogcisallast uanred lvaissti tyoersa,r .h owever, p.m. the two friends saw an her vision. What she saw in the "I slowed the car down and she has quite an effect on electri are not so lighthearted about the extremely bright shooting star in sky to her north-east was a large, turned the radio off," Michele cal equipment that she comes in subject. Seminars on flying saucers the sky close to Mariner Mall. red-amber light. Thinking that it said. "I had rolled the window contact with. She has also recalled have been held here and tours fre· After dropping her friend off, was just an image remaining from down and there was no noise a UFO related event from her quently take to the rough side roads Michele was driving home, travel the car's bright headlight, she coming from it at all." Michele childhood. Whether these effects and barren hills to look for strange ling east on Lillian Hwy. from looked away and looked back went on to describe that she could are as a result of her UFO experi objects in the sky. Their tales range from those who say they have seen 65th Ave. It was about 12:15 a.m. again. The light was still there. It see that the ball of orange-red ence or not, Michele hopes to find flying saucers or have psychic con· Sunday, 28th of January, I 996 was approximately one inch light was, in fact, on one end of an out with further investigation. tact with aliens to those who do not t--------------------------..... oblong shaped object. "It looked If anyone else saw this object know what they saw but reject con· shadowy in the sky, and as I drove early on Sunday morning, please ventional explanations. along slowly it travelled with me," call the Pensacola/Gulf Breeze tarTyh 'et ehsitg shiwtea yc aslkleirdt sA ar etae c5r1e. tS momllie· TIMES, Washington, DC- March 17, 1996 CR: R. Forte she told me. MUFON Hotline at 438-3261. For bUenliiteevde rSs tIant eUs. FG.Oov.'se rsnumspeenctt itsh auts itnhge R on"d a t own d ub be d ideTnhtaifti'se dw fhlyaitn tgo po ebxjepcetrst ssa iyn, un- yeaMr,i cihne lMe ahyad 1a9 9si5g. htSihneg lhaasst i1n9fo9r6m atiGonu lofn thBe rFeoeuzreth AnUnFuOal the site to test captured allen space wor1d's 'UFO Capital' prompting hundreds of believers noticed that since then she has Conference to be held at the craft. But a more prosaic explana· GULF BREEZE, F1a. _Alien to gather here this weekend for become hypersensitive to electric Clarion Resort, Pensacola Beach tion for sightlngs attributed to the beings, taunting earthlings with tUhFeO f oCuortnhf earnennucael. Gulf Breeze ity and electromagnetic fields. "I March 15th-17th, call Project ealxlylr afltiegrhrtess btryi aali risc rthafatt othveeyr tahree naecatur·· arenpde oattheder o evxeorftilcig shptas cine csaraufctes,r s "It's the only p1a cem· t h e coun- feel really bad, really agitated with Awareness at 432-8888. Keep by Nellis Air Force Base. have chosen this wealthly seaside try or in the world that has these the storms in the summer," Looking Up! Still, Glenn Campbell was In· town at the tip of the Florida sightings repeatedly;• said Walt Michele stated. "also, if I go near trigued enough to leave a job as a f Andrus, international director of panhandle to provide clues o the Mutual UFO Network. computer programmer In Boston extraterrestrial life. andfllove to Rachel in January 1993, where he is the director of the Area 51 Research Center, which has a staff of one and operates out of a INDIANA AGRI-NEWS, [City Unknown- Marion County], IN- March l, 1996 trailer surrounded by cattle skulls. Latest theory on cause of bent-stalk crop circle offered Mr. Campbell, who has written a r'M-i-les1 geAneR KLIaNmGpTeOr Nes,t iImowatae 5(0A0P p)e o-pleR haayv ea vnids iEteld atiboonvs eo tfh eel eecatrrtohn'sic saullryfa cchea. rLgiegdh tpnairntgic ilse as nh iegxh preepro'sr tl.a nBdu,t s haei da hgere heasd w niotht sLeeevne tnhgeo Loedv tehnagt othode 0 25 their eastern Iowa farm to see the crop circle. ample of ionized plasma. Vortices refer to a formation could not have been manmade. He And each visitor has an explanation. whirling mass of air. said there were no tracks and "no evidence of The explanations range from aliens to Levengood said when pulled together by the anyone being there.'' pranksters to meteorites. earth's magnetic field, the ions become swirl The center of the 55-foot-diameter circle And then there's W.C. Levengood, whose ing masses that emit energy. When the vor also made Burrack think it could not have hypothesis isn't as easy to understand - ion tices move to the earth and strike crops, the been a hoax: "It wasn't dried and it wasn't plasma vortices. intense energy weakens the plant stalks, burned. It was browned,'' he said. Levengood of Grass Lake, Mich. and his causing them to lie in the circular direction of Ray Kamper estimates 500 people came to Cambridge, Mass.-based research group col the vortex, and parts of the plants are brow see the crop circle, and as they left, Kamper lected soil and plant samples from the Kam ned by the microwave-like energy, he said. and his wife asked them what they thought pers' rural Arlington farm, where a circle of Christopher Church, an atmospheric phys caused it. bent corn stalks was discovered last August. icist at Miami University in Ohio, said some "I suppose we got about 500 different opin Levengood has studied about 150 crop circ rare cases of electronically charged tor ions,'' Kamper said. les around the world. nadoes, which showed plasma-like dis His hypothesis is that the Arlington circle charges, have been documented. was caused by ion plasma vortices - collec- Tim Burrack, who rents and farms Kam- The New York Times Rachel, Nev., is drawing tourists because of sightings of U.F.O\. un a recent afternoon, with tem viewer's guide to the area and sells peratures around 30 and snow cover detailed maps of the Area 51 installa mg the mountains that flank the tiOn, discounts most of the wilder road, several tourists shopped for tales but believes that advanced air souvenirs while a group of locals craft of extra-worldly origin may be bad-mouthed the federal Govern in Hthee ipso snsoets shioanp poyf , thheo wGeovveerr,n mabeonut.t tmioenn tb.e Ttwakeienng rpoaurntd sin oft hvei dceoon vpeorksear CITIZEN, Tucson, AZ- March 29, 1996 CR: S. Atlanti the road's new name, fearing that was Chuck Clark, who said he had tourists will inundate the area, un ht>en interested in the subject since NEWS MAKERS prepared either for the harsh desert he saw several U.F.O.'s playing cat UFO museum to check out metal or the vigilant security officers who and mouse with jet fighters in the are well known for arresting stray skies over Los Angeles in 1957. Ing sightseers. Mr. Clark, an astronomy enthusi · ·Jt pulls down the credibility of the '!St who moved to Rachel after re The Associated Press The 1\.ir Force has said the crash was probably a !j.F.O. movement," he said of the t.irement and spent months camping balloon launched as part of Project Mogul, a highly designation. "It trivializes the seri m the hills and watching the heavens, ROSWELL, N.M. - A mysterious piece of metal classified effort to detect Soviet nuclear weapons, us .ms issues here." pulled out some photos taken in the marked with intricate lines has been brought to Ros ing balloons that carried radar reflectors and sensors. idvri tevsB,e"ir .t'uahgotuen rfsrr eae.w an "at tE o-rmefat h rtwohtehte oel rloiL-rntgiighetitsfdelt er wa s1beh0Aolo0cu' pLopt m eettooh' epoa, Il"tenm snswaea, nlhylyoass edoltiaferg iashpne tu. r orRmtnp.e lt Oehas enanli eiognd thi shghth eheosrt hw dsooiekdodcy t cin,na aoags tni dooihonntatth oveo weraf h aambe nscrohi aguamhnhfe tt wbsmeeeou lTsplmt'hrs S o eSOUo p ufFyi neOtedhca aaerMyts, wuaabsgnhyeo i uca.a hml i eli,os nw c fashrlpae marrceeees dai d,ds hemwniapitns i cwbsrthraroosaushteoge rhdist d nsteoaen yatthi ritbety y mm haaualys dnboeenctB atb uuretsec ealae uGaitsse eens dhei tor laaswlsh etAe dsdc u ctnmoheuamwtn e tidlrnio gtgcrh iuOtg mfgofeneicrn eetth dsr e en ap1ebo9wor4u t7s to pcntehr ctaehus elhac ,itr niabocsunih t, items like Extraterrestrial Highway witnessed some type of craft going not been made public. were destroyed. doormats and playing cards. through aerial maneuvers that de "From the information we have, this is from a man Museum officials sa;,: photos of the piece of metal ,trtm-unhrDg eetm ohslb eelsl oeu wfroe ifanpl ligbrlgis anhp,l tdtlsasa, ln odaisnno r fgeeo- t erhw byeaiae tfsdhsle ykadbiyln li geuoa nnrsnr sayd auh captdenihcerge. fniuinNe.gMrd s g.ortuuh..b ieC'dss el.ck a r"nrtiookbW w ethe hn taoe ms l aaaianwgrlyhesso ta o o anwbfle ulrp ttibh httseyeea soneiird cxya sth r.av eabi teodewuird t "wwhWehhloape te w aditra eisps i,s cntbkoau tt iitto s wanuyeep ida,n "rgh e es oargeniod eia n nMgwd aat oyxw daoLosri t eptaveanlerlotr ytoohtffhe ttirhnh egteh ·cwmarteeu twcshea itunsh m atiost. wcstoari ailadls ,mhb t ehew tesah elmneluntu r tsgohei eusa t m mwto paa dslna e nw1te2shr tomyo esitnaaaeirkds ew hoahel ad pst.i a ietwAc ief sdt .oe erfbw trhiaser d fmr, oaLmtei trttiehalell 10 -cription by Bob Lazar, whose asser restrials," he said. "Basically our find out." "If some metallurgist says there is nothing in the . nn that he worked on captured alien m1~smg link could be in the sands of For nearly half a century, a mysterious crash has book like this, and he has got all of his degrees and is 1. ,wecraft at Area 51 put Rachel on :• Martian desert. l don't claim it's fueled speculation about aliens in the New Mexico de an expert source, then we are home free. That is it," l1< map m 1989 Hue, but it's G possibility." sert, Cold War secrecy and a government cover-up .;aid LittelL

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