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Preview UFO Newsclipping Service 1995 09 no 314

September 1995 Number 314 trucker ~ Missing : attra_cts UFO g.roup c ,; BY MAX FOSlER Sunday and asked him why he STAFFWRqm drove the truck into the rugged area. They said he ~ ~ mysterious disappear- pointed to the truck and said, .. ance of a Karmrs truck driver "I didn't do it, they did it." § almost one month ago near Then he walked back to the Ill Payson has family members truck. ~ grieving, law enforcement au- During the course of Cor ~ thorities scratching their heads nish' s investigation - which is and a UFO organization still ongoing - the Flagstaff ~ claiming aliens might have detective interviewed witnesses ~9 been responsible. · who told him they saw _ On the morning of Sunday, Williams on Monday, May 29 May 28, Devin Williams, 28, a a short distance from the long-distance driver for Flint stranded truck and that he was Hills Transportation in Empo- barefooted, seemingly disori ria, Kan., drove his refrigerated en ted arid "talking to a tree." truck loaded with salad mix That w~s the last time .. Williams and strawberries off Interstate was seen, Cornish said. 40 onto the Beeline Highway. The . highly unusual disap- Pllolo by Karen Banard/The Waahlnglon Times -About 50 miles latef he pearance has attracted the at John Mack, Harvard psychiatrist and author of "Abduction," listens to a speaker yesterday. turned onto a remote· Forest tention of a Texas-based re UFO buffs meet Service road, FR95, and drove search organization ·known as into the BuGk Springs area. MUFON - Mutual UFO Net- Several miles down the oar- work. row, winding dirt road, the 18- Tucson Insurance agent Earthlings called unprepared for alien arrival wheeler became stuck and Charlie Green, a long-time Williams left the vehicle. member of MUFON, said the The incident is a mystery to case has him fascinated be many. They want to know why cause of what Williams told the ·sy Sean Piccoli THE WASHINGTON TIMES As the book title put it, "If Williams - a respected, mar- campe'rs who first confronted ried man with three children him. In the 1951 sci-fi movie classic "The Day ·We Can't Even 1lllk to the Earth Stood Still," a wayfaring space -would drive his truck into a "The driver said, 'I didn't creature named Klaatu lands his flying Each Other, How Can We dense wilderness area and van- do it, THEY did it,"' said saucer on the Ellipse - practically in the ish without a trace. Green. "That kind of makes 1hlk to Them?,, president's back yard-and gets shot and Coconino County Sheriff's you wonder who 'THEY' is, chased all over town for his trouble. Detective Bruce Cornish has doesn't it?" All of which could explain Washington as been invest!gati~ Ule disap- Cornish said he was recently Cthuel tcuhroesic eM oefe ts,"e ttai ngcos nffoerr e"nWceh enth aCto scmonic pe·Soptillel owthitehrhso lsdpionkge cgrruimcilayl oinf fo~ormweartfiouln pearance since the d1y it was contacted by a female who cluded yesterday after a long weekend of a about the exist17nce of otherW?rldly life .. At reported and he says he has no identified herself as a "UFO soul-searching, star-gazing inq~iry into the one point, a ~1sitor found himself bemg idea why,· Williams would take .scientist" who wanted more biggest appointmen~ humankmd --:- or. a pulled aside for a "background" briefing tm the truck into the area or what details about Williams' disap- segment of humankmd, anyway - IS still the subject of possible governtnent cover- has since happened to him. pearance. waiting to keep. ChTuhrceh -cboansefde reHnucme,a nh ePldo tebnyti alt hFe ouFnadllas up""~LD iokne 'ta glle td siaulcokgeude ,I nt:h• ehree 'ws Mbo wUtatdtn etod .b e ce"rtIat'isn lsyu cihs na' t ream sohteo ratcreuat. tIot ca"sSe heli satsekde di ni f hIe rw aonrtgeadn itzhais tion, brought together a group <?f true ~e­ some nuts involved," said Scott Jones, the Kansas City (Williams' tion's log. I told her I had no lievers looking for ways to cushiOn the .m retired Navy officer and ex-Capitol Hill destin~tion)," Cornish said: reason to believe this had evitable global shock when worlds collide staffer who created the Human. Potential "And we have no recent leads anything to do with UFOs. But, and to make for a warmer welcome than the Foundation to tackle such issues. "aut any on his whereabouts." . some-people really believe it one Klaatu got. perceptive ear can tell the difference." Kyle Burris, a fellow em- does." "It's a start" Harvard University psychi atrist John E.' Mack said of the gathering, prePsasrintigc ibpuasnintse ssa ltsoo d iisncsuissste. d they had ployee of Williams' at Flint Wiison said he also has been which included scientists, historians, jour Hills Transportation, said he, contacted by· UFO organiza "I think this is the hottest question ott the nalists and several people claiming to have planet right now," said Rauni-teena too, is baffled. tion representatives but could- regular contact with alien beings. Luukanen-Kilde, a physician and uto ex "1 went out to Arizona in n't recall who the callers were. But the wiry, dark-haired Dr. Mack - pert from Helsinki who has written several early June and brought the "They asked me about author of the recent best seller "Abduc tion" chronicling his work with some of books on the topic. truck back," Burris said. Devin arid then told me about tho;e people - seemed to capture the The conference's timing did seem in "Why he would have driven a man out in Arizona who was mood of the conferees by suggesting that spired, given the rush of best-sellin~ books, into ·a rugged area like that, I abducted into a spaceship and earthlings have light years to go before movies and TV programs that has stgnaled don't know. . later got away. They made a they're ready to handle neighbors from be the '90s as a decade of resurgence for UFO · "This is not at all like him. movie about it," Wilson said. yonAds . one presenter put it in the title of his spo"Ittnetresr easntd iasl.i wena-ya budpu,"c tMions. bAufllfiss.o n sa1.d , It is out of character. He's The movie the caller was ap pHaopwe rC, "aInf WWee CTahnl·k~" tEo vTehne Tmh?lk" to Each Other, basEixngtr :haeterr arepsptrraiaisliaslt so nh ahveer ab omoku lstaitluedse. of .awnodr keevde rhyeornee akbnoouwt sf oaunrd yh~karess pina rtehnet lyS kryef,"e rrai ndgr atmo aw athsa "t Fdiere 1b outsiders it might have looked like a conferences to attend these days: Even the him. His wife and kids are tak- picted the alleged abduction of conspiracy buff's bazaar or' a 'Irekkie con respected Massachusetts Institute of 'tech ing this real hard. Everyone is Snowflake logger Travis Wal vention for the reality-impaired. Scholars nology held one in 1992. They also have worried and no one can figure ton bl':a liens. astnede paelide nin-a bthdeu cmtiyosnt earciecso uonf tUs dFeOl isviegrhetdi npgas sPormizee-twhiinngn ionfg a gbuiorgur ianp Dher.r M wahcok , cao Puuldli tzbee r out what happened." Burris said when he visited preelrigs ioonu st hiem spolciicaal,t iloengsa lo, ft ecehxntroalotegrirceasl tan~adl icnotmeme aa lm inaqrutyirry t oH tahrev aarlide nIsi sctosn' dcuauctsien gif .mthtoe HiTllosm T Wranilsspoonr, taotwionne,r soafi dF lihnet Awrhiezeolnear hteo froeutrnide veit tuhneu su18a-l ·contact. his abduction research goes badly f<>r him. had complete confidence in that Williams had left his per One guest, a middle-aged man in a As one observer put it yestetday, "He's Williams, who he says was one sonal citizen's band radio, val eswtarigtihpe ercldyli pssphhiianrrtgi sna gnad na d b UopFliocO t utisrece;rs as paobtf o~sopnk aa cs etccuorfuafecftdh. athceaS dohememreoi cgo fui nethtseitssr e cpsotr noinffee rsbesunegdc-e em.y"e odr eb etihnagns .j uDsrt. of" hIi s dboetnte'tr trkuncok wd rivwerhsa. t to tuheed caatb .a pproximately $300, in "Now we get to the weird stuff:· he said with Luukanen-Kilde, dressed festively in think. Devin is a good man. "That was his own - not a smile. beachy stripes and big earrings, identified He passed all his random drug the company's. And he also Other guests found nothing "weird ·•-or herself as a "contactee:• a frequeht guest tests that federal law requires left his favorite hat - a even debatable-about alien visitation and aboard alien spacecraft. us to give. Detective Cornish Marlboro hat - he always instead chirped about the good tidings that Nobody here was questioning the clai,m. tells me there were no drugs kept it with him." such contacts are bound to bring. "I haven't heard ahy debunking or skep found in the truck. I don't .be- While the questions are "I think irs a very positive time," said tics here:· she said in a pleasantly liccet;Jted Kay Allison, a bookstore owner from Char voice. "This crowd is so sure lthat ahens Iieve that had anything to do many and the clues ar.e few, lottesville who. busied herself at a table exist] they moved beyond that a lob~ titne with it." ' detectives, family and friends selling titles like "Preparing for Contaft," ago. We have our evidence - the military Campers in the area told au- will contioue looking for "Visitors from Within" lmd "The Ahen also has its evidence, which it doesn't share thorities they talked to answers to Williams' Book of 'Iruth." - and we're liere to explore." Williams at about noon on disappearance. HEWS. Federal Way, WA - July 6, 1995 Area resident finds art in extraterrestrial life By Sue Kidd It was sweltering outside, but STAFF WAITER Chace appeared cool wearing a black D avid Chace rarely mentions T -shirt and long, black slacks. in casual conversation what The 24-year-old biology enthusiast he does in his spare time. sat on his bed barefoot, thumbing After all, telling someone through illustrations of aliens he had you chronicle the existence of aliens sketched from descriptions given to on Earth isn't usually the best ice him by others. Books about extrater breaker. restrials and dinosaurs littered the "I don't usually bring it up, but if floor of his dim room. someone is interested, I talk. To some "It's a natural curiosity, but as far people, it's a threat to their belief as I know, I've never had an experi system," Chace said during an ence," Chace said about his fascina- interview at his Federal Way area home last week. ed. Chace's interpretation of this tion with alien creatures. alien contact was of a female He picked up from the pile a like figure with large, almond sketch of a green reptilian face. shaped eyes. The being seemed The bulbous yellow eyes of the to be enveloped in light. alien peered from the canvas as In his own research, Chace Chace described his work with said he has been startled in a group called Mufon, which finding familiar patterns in dif stands for Mutual UFO Net ferent experiences he has illus work, Inc. trated, particularly with simi Mufon is an international lar descriptions of green, reptil non-profit organization com ian aliens that have popped up posed of people who study and .in six ~parate sightings on ~ese11t:di th~ p~$IillP ~ Ctilce·~a5 workende: .· k.nown-:.as Umdentified Flying Cfiace.sataillltnough ne:Ver Ol)j~ . ~ ~-a personal exp~rience On JUly 7, 8 and 9, Mufon with aliens, he has gathered will host a symposium at the enough evidence to make him a Sea-Tac Red Lion Hotel. As of believer. John Froschauer/staff last week, about 400 were reg When asked for proof, Chace Area resident David Chace shows off one of his sketches istered to attend the confer contemplated for a moment. depicting a reptilian-like alien. ence, but about 1,000 are ex He described documentation pected. published by Mufon and other Chace began illustrating for groups. Regardless of the re Mufon after he moved here in search, belief is ultimately up 1993 from California, where he to the reader, Chace said. attended the University of Cal "In the absence of proof, NEWS TRIBUNE, Tacoma, WA- Aug. 17, 1995 ifornia ·at there is a ten Santa Cruz. " dency to deny 'We're not alone': Spate of sightings He has a there is any bachelor's de I'm a chameleon. I evidence," suggests space sojourners in the sky gree in biolo Chace said. "I try not to push my gy and evolu can't prove it tion, which beliefs. I try to be to you. All I has been es can say is if By Anthony K. Albert ed Sm1day night. sential in intellectually hum y ou ' re The News Tribune In the past 10 months, the center has re eattpgthhhlvluiereeoeioxdno l uusirgrng.tie ihgeeos snenc aeh ortiomcimonhc f btol ew ahnadt t-preyDo aptUovlFi edlO isC saahtryeat"inc.s e t rhpelionexeoostCp sekenlshr aoeiearrvibccsnieintehtlreo gi. "dt t s ri ttaiehheiisdnees, JehtDaaueakTSs pvitshtn.iiar edtgaw e n3Bar 0g a-ab-e iyrtl wreeelaiayhagv.kri het -feotlris lond lmiig gnT f hwartotcoh mo-rekm assMak o byuomin ttrha dabwnarr yeesi lsganytihi dgttgoh ehe trnte w ot phrwhtaaehasnns t eicihpsmemea Di(rsva2c taeW0beevd6ne es a)etains gnb7thpoh o2io ant2u2ir g-t0ntr3 t ga1osp0ss0an0eh,i,0 r.0hd c.0oe ehf0 ns e Uatc iadaFdlriOl.de sTn .b hs'Oteie glk fich etnehvtoinoenwtdsge e rtsw,o' s a ih bnnbye uo Wtmluhetegbe s1irett0e r When he's to convince The light pulsed, then changed course. Mo Clifford Stone, a private UFO researcher not at his full-time job at a local skeptics. ments later he saw another light, traveling the from Roswell, N.M., said the lights might department store, Chace volun "I'm a chameleon. I try not to same path over Tacoma. have been UFOs or possibly a common nat teers about 15 hours a week push my beliefs. I try to be "It got almost to the zenith ... and disap ural phenomenon called ball lightning, pro meeting with local sources who intellectually humble and try peared," he said. "There was no cloud cover." duced when the Earth gives off a sphere of en report to Mufon that they have to listen to what people say," he The nursing-home employee said he has no ergy. had some sort of experience said. doubt he saw a UFO. Bailey said a friend saw a bluish-green light with an alien. The stories· he's As for concrete proof of the "I think it's a sign of the times," he said. over the area last weekend. The light was illustrated have ranged from existence of aliens, Chace said Bailey phoned his sighting into the National about the size of a nickel viewed at arm's haunting to intriguing. perhaps only time will tell. UFO Reporting Center in Seattle. length, he said. He detailed one memorable "All you can do is hope He's lucky he didn't get a busy signal. "The bluish-green color we're concerned sighting he heard in Monroe. there's more information that The center was swamped with calls this about," Bailey said. "I saw ball lightning in the It was the middle of the night will come in the future to prove week from people up and down the West Coast military. This was something other than this when a woman and her daugh what is actually going on," he reporting objects in the sky. world." ter awoke to a strange, trilling said. "We appeared to have had an extraordinary Bailey, who said he's seen UFOs since when song coming from within their When asked if he thought amoWlt of activity," said Peter Davenport, di he was yom1g, offered some advice. home. The woman walked anyone had ever made up a rector of the 21-year-old center. "People shouldn't panic," he said. "These down her hallway and saw an story for the sake of getting The phone was relatively quiet Wednesday, sort of things have been happening for thou ethereal figure. As the woman recognition, Chace said it was but Davenport said he'd taken several dozen sands of years. We're not alone, despite what drew near, the figure retreated possible, but he couldn't ima calls in previous days since the sightings start- the government tells us." into her kitchen. The woman gine why any of his sources followed. The being disap would lie. peared, but the chirping song "It's always possible someone continued. It seemed as if an has been making it up for invisible chorus of beings were whatever reasons," Chase said. chirping excitedly in her kitch "I've met enough people who en. presumably have had genuine PROGRESS TRIBUNE, Scottsdale, AZ - June 8, 1995 As the voices crooned, a sin experiences. It's always pos Believe it: UFO activity in Valley gle familiar word suddenly sible people have deceived me. emerged from the song. "Mom?" If that's the case, it doesn't I enjoyed your article, May 30, ing UFO activity. I know 10 people a voice asked tentatively. matter. Those few people aren't "UFO rumors fly in Nevada town." who have witnessed strange orange At that moment, the woman going to upset the overall rf' The Arizona media and national lights and UFOs with red, blue and became frightened and retreat- search." media has brought to our attention white lights on them doing bizarre that a lot of people believe that "un manuevers. believable" things are happening For the curious, Sun Valley Park there. way, starting at dusk, makes an 2 I would like to bring it to the ideal viewing area for this activity. attention of your readers that not far Roger Bollinger from the Luke Air Force Base/White Editor Tank Mountain area, there is ongo- UFO Update SUNBURST, Waynesboro, VA - Summer 1995 CR: B. Pittman VALLEY FOLKLORE SHENANDOAH SAUCERS By George Hawke In 1977, on the evening of Tuesday, sightings since 1987, claims to be the UFO Special Correspondent December 6, three Waynesboro residents capital of the world. saw and photographed two UFOs near Mar UFOlogists from around the world held a tin's Store south of Greenfield in Nelson conference at the Wytheville Community The Shenandoah Valley is a great place County. Although this sighting on the eastern College in October, 1989. The attendees for tourists. They come from Europe, slope of the Blue Ridge was technically out compared notes, but not conclusions. Some Canada, Asia, and all the states of the Union side the Valley, the photo taken by J. D. experts attributed the Wytheville sightings to to see our sights. Some lllJY ~:ven have come Phillips, I3ernie Phillips and Glenn Loucks military aircraft performing night refueling from beyond th~ Solar Syst<.:m. We can't be wao; published by the Waynesboro News exercises, while others - including many who ~ure. of course, because r.one of these Virginian on December R, 1977. These UFOs actually viewed the flying objects - vehe extraterrestri~ls has ~i~ned in at any of our were swift and silent like the others, but they mently dispute this explanation. vi<>itor centers. But we do knuw that a lot of proceeded in 'lingle file and were connected rcputabie Valley residents have spotted them. by a streak of light. A recent sighting was reported by Paul Grant and his son Jim. About 7:30 PM on ln July, 1952, skywatchcrs in the Valley Move forward a decade to the next signif October 10, 1992, Paul was driving his son's saw eight little visitors - or intruders - com icant local sighting. It occurred about 10 PM truck along Route 666 (a mystical number!) ing in from Tidewater and the D.C. area. on the evening of March 23, 1988. This vis about two and one-half miles south of These UFO's were apparently solid. They itation was described in the March-April, Greenville. showed up on radar screens, changed colors, 1990 edition of The Virginian magazine. and soared over airports and restricted areas. Blurry photos were taken of these fast mov A lady who did not wish her name used ing sightseers. reported seeing a large, luminous object fly ing along beside her car near Rockbridge On December 21, 1964, Grottoes resident Baths. The location was on Route 39, near The Staunton News-Leader reported this incident in it's November 9, 1992 edition Horace Burns saw an oval space ship land the Maury River Scenic Area. stating that "a large, glowing object sud near Fishersville, just off Route 250. Mr. denly appeared over open pasture/and near Bums, a gunshop owner, said the vehicle had Lofton Lake." a blue band around. its base and stayed on the - The UFO flashed four green lights at its ground for about a minute before whooshing corners and blocked the path of the lady's off in a northeasterly direction. car. The viewer estimated the flying object to Mr. Bums noted the exact spot where the be about 20 feet long, seven feet wide, and The Grants estimated the UFO's size at UFO landed near the Woodrow Wilson only about a foot thick. about that of a 747 jetliner. The Grants were Rehabilitation Center. Nine days later he led convinced it was not like any man-made Eastern Mennonite College professor Ernest object they had ever seen. Gehman to the site. Gehman's geiger counter The next night "dozens" of Staunton resi registered an abnonnally high radiation level. dents reported seeing a white oval shape Adding credibility to the Grant's sighting Gehman's readings were then verified by with red pulsating lights hovering low in the was the fact that on the previous night DuPont engineer H. M. (or Lawrence) Cook. southern sky. This object remained stationary Augusta· County police had received reports No other evidence of the saucer's landing for nearly an hour and was also seen by of a "green ball darting across the sky." was found, although another flurry of sight some residents of Crimora and Mt. Sidney. Also, about the same time the Grants saw ings occurred from January 24 through 27, their UFO, Franklin Moses spotted a ball of 1965. This group of vehicles moved swiftly Since Staunton is about 20 miles north of fire falling from the southern sky. Mr. and silently across the Valley. A Verona Rockbridge Baths, this may have been the Moses' vantage point was the intersection of couple reported that a bright yellow light same UFO seen the night before by the Routes 11 and 675, and two miles north of hovered over their home for about five anonymous lady. the Grant's location. He thought what he saw minutes on the night of January 24th. Other might have been a m~teor or fireball, but sightings from Marion, Rappahannock, Fre Wytheville in southwestern Virginia is in added that the Grants would have been dericksburg and Bedford supported the local the same flyway as the Shenandoah Valley. closer to the object, which he saw only reports. This town, which has reponed over 3000 momentarily. Two weeks later, on October 28th, Fishersville resident Sibert Annstrong, a fre quent skywatcher, reported seeing a huge, bright light traveling across the sky. HERALD, Titusville, PA LEWIS RIVER NEWS, Woodland, WA - Aug. 9, 1995 July 7. 1995 University of Virginia astronomers tend to Have you seen the UFOs? Unidentified believe most of the UFOs reported are meteors, comets and aircraft. But the far Green Light At least nine persons have the ground below a hovering disk mers, hunters, and other reputable viewers recently reported seeing uniden on July 9 near Versailles, Seen in Sky believe otherwise. They point out that their tified -flying objects in the vicini Missouri. The sighting was UFOs change color, shape and direction. The ty of the Lewis River Road, about verified by at least a dozen peo 5 miles east of the Woodland ci ple. And on June 19, police of A former ate-a resident home objects are frequently seen by view~rs in dif- ty limits. Cameron. Missouri, responded to for a short vacation called The Peter Davenport, at the Na a UFO sighting which resuhed in. Herald last night to report ferent locations, and the descriptions are tional UFO Reporting Center in fuef"igbters dowsing a suspected something he never expected to Seattle, said there have been a scene. The UFO reportedly zip see back on home turf - an identical. flurry of sightin~ all over the na ped overhead while they were unidentifiecl ohject. in the. alty. So you decide. Forsake the TV some clear tCioona,s ta. nd in particular, the West woThren~, othnr eteh ed falyasm least.e r, some fianHcee rwepeorer teadt tthhaet ihnete rasnedc tihoins night when the moon is dim. Go outside and .. We're being lied to by our young men came back to of Routes 8 and 408 at Hy look above the wooded slopes and covers of government," Davenport said. Cameron from a camping trip, detown at 9:23 p.m. when they the Blue Ridge. You might spot a tourist ..T hey know the truth and they're Davenport said. They imm~ both saw a green light in the not telling us." ly went to the police department. sky. who has traveled light years to see the In a phone Conversation with where the officer separated them The steady green light was in museums, battlefields and natural wonders of The Lewis River News. Daven and took individual descriptions. the center of a dark cloud, he port related various types of They all matched stories, accord said. It was fairly large, he our Valley home. sightings around the ing to Davenport. added. PortlandNancouver area. From The UFO Hotline asks that you As the couple watched, the tal1ing stars that stop dead in their contact them at (206)722-3000, or light became brighter and then tracks to blue hovering lights. you can call The Lew'-. River suddenly disappeared. He also related the swarm of News at 225-8287. Anyone else who saw this 3 reports coming from the Please, no inquiries. only those light, or anyone who knows M1dwest. Apparantly, Davenport that wish to report a sighting. what it may have been, ma) said,' 50 creatures were sighted on Story at 11. contact the newsroom. ISLANDER, Pensacola TIMES, Bryan. OH -May 27, 1995 CR: J. Fry/COUD-1 Beach, FL - Au~. 9, 1995 Space aliens & academic freedom I I UFO Should a distinguished Har denying that the Mack tnvestl the Issue of space aliens Is not vard professor of psychiatry be gaUon Nls a disciplinary or ten a politically. racially or sexu subject to formal Investigation ure matter"-- at least for now. ally divisive one. Imagine tf a and potential discipline for do But any formal Investigation of committee were to be convened LIGHT PATTERN Ing research on the posstbtllty a professor's Ideas raises seri to examine controversial re that people who claim that they ous concerns about the chtlltng search that touched on any of APPEARS AGAIN were abducted by space aliens of academic freedom. Will the these hot-button issues. There may not all be crazy after all? next professor who Is thinking would be student demonstra By Carole Baker This question Is dividing the about an unconventional re tions, alumni threatening to (recently elected Publicitv academic community, which Is search project be deterred by withhold contributions, and Chairman for PensacoWGulf watching carefully as Harvard to be lending his credibility to the prospect of having to hire a perhaps even governmental Breeze MUFON) Medical School completes Its stories of space alien abduc lawyer to defend his Ideas? pressure. The dean's decision year-long tnvestlgatlon Into the tions. It Is extremely unusual If Dr. Mack had taught at to appoint an tnvestlgattng Another" report of mysterious research of Dr. John Mack, for great universities to sec the Harvard Divinity School. It committee should quickly be orange lights in the night sky who wrote the controversial ond-guess the research or pub Is unlikely that any Investiga reversed and the damage un were received on the best-seller "Abduction: Human lications of their tenured facul tion would be tolerated, since done before It establishes a divtntty schools are not gov dangerous precedent. No great Pensacola/Gulf Breeze MUFON Encounters with Aliens." ty, except for allegations of Hotline. At about II :30 p.m. The dean of Harvard Medical fraud, plagiarism or violations erned by the laws of science. university should be In the oTbaCHprrohw pio rgryivhosh etxe9tari r8 mt K horoaeirintn ageS gnlhot yhgtuw ,eeno a dvsne ,elia gdirssg hhrtGihet-v tanios.nroa fcgw roAJ tn uehas al -yPslea tos ar2hiogns0enett. 1'j wSawpcmoncrhiemhtdeetho stm3 ohcuD0liel tm rirtten. ie smiaeDcMt abaelrabals.l c.sly ikatMws .cyth itaoeteiIchav tdksd ril t,'aetsi mwahe tsneiery se dresfss mriaIeasotca tnaiuhirns nlcatfIedhysys JcINoIFnenlfoeafvf pwrflie urmae sietxeYtsinisae goc mnaertotkht pfseo a l'dn ehtoP , tar "rrhCas omesc ift .tiene'uya"lsedrla sUv enecosenhinrern iata v"srrfLe 'aco hrerchrsaiomt"iges ntahayr anilat rlsosdnyd .f aolhtItehhnrboyadaalw)seett;te eh wGsvmdypeoh,opar de,osIc rttetee a ht xI ahaesisl esss icatiotesshitln.e oe (nslTa ge ltthaiiea afltxeseintc iteafss aorsta-l t-rl-sa ym-I Isn sfle io tItnrkerht oes IaeltIsty s.t, aaaItbyd cbu'ecTsousae iunorspnite bteov setesefehd slrsaet s urs icoI rtcfnyhefart .,cie tItuITgenotlrr hv tIiiyseetba .ysrl eeet oig bgcafiay torIitet nmis nc wwafgeati rhedcnt iuefhceollhdey r watched the large light (about the certain unspecified academic tics and makes blacks better It Is a matter of Nfatth." not such Integrity Is judged: Re size of a quarter at arm's length) criteria. But, at bottom, the than whites, or of a white pro proof, and faith Is not subject search must be reported hon appeared to have three or four committee will necessarily be fessor who has argued that to the scientific method. But estly; sources must be attrib others come out from it and fall asking whether a Harvard blacks }:lave lower IQs than the paradigm of the scientific uted properly; Informed con slowly down to a certain point, Medical School professor ought whites. Harvard, moreover. Is method --testable propositions sent must be obtained; biases whe1~upon the whole light pat-, subjected to double-blind and must be disclosed. But these tern, tncluding that large initial·r------------------------- replicable experimentation --Is are not the criticisms directed light went out, all at the same Farmers see not the only criteria for evalu against Dr. Mack's research. time. She stated that the smaller ~ ating academic undertakings. What Is on trial In his case are ctlfgimhtes .. wWehrei lea bsohcet twhea tschteud o ffoa r ~ odd objects Tmhaitsiv Ies ,c eerxtpalionrlyat torruye pInh athsees f oIrn choisn siiddeears t-h-eh isp owssililbiinlgitnye stsh atot (lpproximately -fi-e minutes, she the development of an Idea. lf the numerous accounts of saw exactly the same pattern Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx or alien abductions may not all be g;o Area farmers who have been Martin Buber had been re products of Insane delusions. repeated several times with the < swathing and baling hay in the quired to satisfy a committee He has certainly not convinced light pattern being lit for approxi 1 early morning hours have had before they could continue me, but surely that cannot be mately 30 to 45 seconds and ~ their long and tedious tasks their research. the world might the criteria. being out for approximately I 0 to o enlivened considerably in have been deprived of signifi Let those who disagree with 15 seconds. "They just kept kind recent weeks. cant Insights. Dr. Mack's research respond to of going on and off," Christa told ~ Farmers from Bonanza to In the end, It Is unlikely that It on the merits -- by reviews. me. "The one bright one would ~ the Klamath Falls area have the Harvard Medical School rebuttals, debates and books of just sit there, then three or four ~ reported seeing unidentified will do anything to Dr. Mack. their own. The marketplace of others shot out and went slowly~· .c flying objects overhead as they Nor Is It likely that Dr. Mack academic Ideas Is wide open. down, they would all disappear." ~ work. himself will be deterred from Dr. Mack's Idea "shop" In the Recently moved to the area from ~ One rancher reportedly pursuing his research agendas marketplace should not be St. Louis, Missouri, Christa was ~ sighted a cylindrical object he -- though other more timorous shut down: nor should It be amazed by what we saw. "The said was the size of a football professors may. What Is trou subjected to extraordinary lights just flowed on and faded off Cl) field. bling Is the principle behind a "Inspections." Critics should in the exact same pattern every ~ There have been about 10 dean convening an lnvestlga open their own Idea "shops" time -they did not look like any-1 UFO reports in the area since Uve committee, at least In the and try to compete. Eventually thing I have seen before." She/· ..e the early morning of July 31. absence of clear guidelines or the truth will out. That Is what was particularly interested in the ~ Although mid-August nights are criteria. Unless challenged a university Is all about. ~ an exceptional time to watch now; the precedent-setting ef fact that all of the smaller lights j' ~ the Perseides meteor showers, fect of the appointment of this Alan M. Dershowitz Is a pro would stop at the same point in none of the sightings reported committee will act as a sword fessor of law at Harvard Uni the sky, then the whole pattern match the description of the of Damocles, hangtng over the versity. His newest books are would disappear. meteors. head of every professor who "'The Advocate's Devil. (Warner This is not unlike other reports People who have seen a UFO drifts outside the mainstream, Books) and "The Abuse we have received recently and during or since that time can especially in politically sensi Excuse" (Uttle. Brown & Com this information will be added to call the Mutual UFO Network tive areas. It Is noteworthy that pany). our investigation of these strange Inc. (MUFON) to report their lights in the night skies. sighting. MUFON is an interna To report a sighting, call the tional organization composed of people who study and research Pensacola/Gulf Breeze MUFON UFOs. Oregon's MUFON direc Hotline at 438-3261. For informa tor is Michael Downey. He can tion on the Project Awareness be reached at (503) 621-3725. 1995 Gulf Breeze Conference to Jean Bilodeaux, a MUFON be held October 20-22, call investigator in Northern Project Awareness at (904) 432- California, can be reached at 8888. Keep Looking Up! (916) 279-6125. sightings reported by Vista residents ~UFO N N By D. Wade Booth drank some bad water. Yeah that's it. woman wh(l lives in the 200 block of Knoll ~ StaffWriter Well, late ~esday night at about 10:20 p.m., Road. ::l . the strange hghts reported darting back and "Right after it disappeared. the sky was full ..., YISTA -. ~trange lights in the night sky forth in tbe heavens made believers of several of military-style helicopters," she said. "It was 1 tra1led by m1htary-style helicopters. An eerie, Vista ~sidents ana a family on Knoll Road. net an airplllne or a blimp. It moved too fast. peacb·colored, glowing object that flared up They d1dn't believe in flying saucers before (and) would stop and stan, then speed up and j over Vista neighborhoods Tuesday night. then. They do now. dlange directions." ~ Suuuuure they saw UFOs. Right. Men from "There were so many people who saw it " ~ Mars. Suuuuuure. Maybe the folks in Vista just said witness Joyee Holley, a 53-year-old Vista . ...; Ic(Cltllll fro'mfh isp esoipglhet inign fNololortwhs Coothuenrtys wwaatscnhle ad ni t.a Iirtp wlaasn ek ionrd boafl slpoooonk ayn. Idt cwoimll pcaornet asctta rl occhaal rtms ilfiotra rtyh abta sdeas)" 0u reportmg unexplained objects it wasn't making any noise." and contact the ShcriiT's Depart hovering m tl1c sl--y. UFO experts Talea's boyfriend, Wenche ment and other locnl authorities ~~ Orion, a San Diego County Ul'O seaxyp lmaianneyd reeacseinlyt, soiguht ttihuigss ocnaen h baes t~oa vraerproor.t 19th. efi rm.st yrsatne riinotuos t hc~r ahfotm toe Davirtson, who has been inve,ti ...:1 scientific-research group, is seasoned experts baffied. the Holley falllily. He was in Los gating UFO sigbtings in 1\ort.h =:l eyeing the :-ighting and takes it There have been recent reports Angeles and could not be reached County for three years. said that of seriously. of people putting candle-lit bal far comment Wednesdav about 50 reported sightings during "The movement doesn't match loons into the sky. but this was no Other residents or' the area that period. ouly ~ pprcf'nt to') pet· something that's floating in the balloon or airplane, according to stopped in the streets to view the cent ever get logged as .. con 4 wind, like a balloon," said Gary Witnesses. object, which lighted the area. fh·med" sightings_ Davidson, an Orion investigator. "It would go in one direction. Davidson said his organization ''We're getting eyewitness then move to another, then stop,'' will attempt to eliminate possible accounts. We'll be looking into it.'' said 17 year-old Talea Holley. "We explanations for the sighting. They INTELLIGENCER JOURNAL. Lancaster, PA - July 24, 1995 UFO witnesses challenge you to open your mind r-----------~--------~------~------~------~-------------------------------- Melanie Landis lntelligencer Journal Staff M ork landed his giant eggshell in Milwau kee to kidnap Richie Cunningham. The Great Gazoo appeared to Fred Flinstone and Barney Rubble when they found themselves be tween a rock and a hard place. And mild-mannered reporter Tim O'Hara opened his home to "Uncle" Martin, a Martian who had crashed on Earth. "Happy Days," "The Flintsones" and "My Favorite Martian" are a few of the televi sion shows throughout history that have tickled the public's con sciousness with the idea of extra terrestrial life on this planet. These humorous portrayals of other beings made us laugh at the idea of visitors from other dimen sions. Movies like "Star Wars," "Star Trek" and "Aliens" paint vivid pictures of benevolent beings of fering assistance and sometimes bellicose creatures that visit Earth for their own reward, call ing into question the possibility of their existence. IBteUJaeacer ~plloeoby Du Mandlb More recent programs like Lark Zeigler looks for answers from her library on extraterrestrials. The books are available for the public to borrow. "Sightings" and "Encounters" provide testimonials and raise seven or eight seconds, which ing a dramatic swing of her slen Green Hill area. It was 4:30 or 5 Vonderheide says he went questions that some people might seemed like forever." der arms over her head. "It slowly a.m. before sunrise. through several emotions after not want to have answered. Ques Then it was gone. "You knew it floated down in the distance." "I saw a single light moving er the sigbtings-awe, fear and a tions like "Who is responsible foc went and it went fast," he says. He Zeigler says she saw the same ratically through the sky," he need to look for other witnesses in the crop circles?" "Why did the describes the object as round with thing again later. says. "It hovered in one spot. I the area. He contends that extra government close Project Blue eerie, strange lights that were • John Schatt of Lancaster wit pulled the car over to look." terrestrials do visit the planet, Book, the investigative force be green, blue and red-but not like nessed an unidentified flying ob He describes the ship as a disc often in human form. hind.UFO.a...:f B'lsi.~z· and the green, blue and red of our uni Ject five years ago when he lived about a mile away with lights "I'm sure I've met them "he "What really was uncovered at verse. m Hawaii. He says he was driving around the bottom. It traveled at says. "But they haven't identified Roswell (the site in New Mexico Egy doesn't doubt we are being home about 1:30 a.m. near a ma "unbelievable speeds," he says themselves." where a space craft allegedly visited by extraterrestrials. "The rine base when he spotted an un with a "zup, zup, zup. • "Everyone has experiences," crashed and extraterrestrials odds are against us being the only usual craft. ''It was not of this world," he says Joseph Anthony of Philadel were recovered in 1947)?" ones," he says. "Since you never "You do see aircraft low flying says. "I pretty much fi~red it phia, an extensive extraterrestri Organizations like the Fund for experienced it, you wouldn't un there," he admits. :aut this seem was a neat experience. 'Shortly al researcher. Anthony was a UFO Research in Maryland and derstand," he says to skeptics. ed different. It made no noise. afterward, he and two friends guest speaker at the first Close the Center for the Study of Extra "What seems ridiculous now may "Something came across us left spotted another ship on the beach Encounters meeting held at S~ terrestrial Intelligence in North not be ridiculous in the future." to right rising very quickly ... too at Long Branch, N.J. He says the Earth, Moon. The meetings are gCcteraareItrrndeoe ehslsiinotngrcnahieo act rtilo onosn gfted hSsxu eaipsc niattdd.c s e etsau eD tdehaikeya tst,o , we igxnhitvvirceeahs t i oaebcw•lon euec"trtP ii otce,f"o bS psoualuneyt, ia sEq rLuaeaer art afkhrt ,Z a3 Mie4d9iog t oWolne t.,r aaL, lnek m on aqi"nbAu eoilcalu ktcthl haye d h fsioatrrlre feac hentoit ao uliinrrg .ca"hbr taosf uwtt,e "a n hhte ao slufat my fosi.rl e stauhus.me,n" a Ash.l haoa sonndhrdg ijep utt.h hcseeta yc mso iwdeme euerop euf a twplh oaaenblokgoci usneitgad 5 nae:3l ,oo"0f n b ge awfctiotooherun odan o n wwtfye ahiortnu onhtmfe Ut t owahF nleheOo otaih adrhicnsart sdmui v hskoiuaitrnaydeld) ala oy( bcor aol btoshussseotoe rsc eveina was last Thursday, local ET St. "People will act like, 'Oh, His reaction was not fear but says. "I looked up and saw this un UFOs. Three more are scheduled. watchers challenge you to open that's crazy,' but deep down inside amazement. Schatt called the believable ship about 150 feet A discussion of the Bill Meier vid your mind to the possibility that I think they know there's some local police, but was told they had from the ground, 200 feet from , eos at 6 p.m. Sept. 11; a discussion extraterrestrials have broken the truth to it." no other reports of the incident. wbere·we stood." He says the rec of the Roswell incident at 6 p.m. fourth wall and exist beyond Hol Zeigler says she's always been "I still don't know if it was an tangular ship was about 100 to 150 Oct. 2; and a program on the mon lywood. interested in UFOs and consid experimental Marine thing or a yards long with lights along the uments of mars at 6 p.m. Oct.16, • Lyn Egy of Lancaster re ered the posstbittty of "life out UFO," he says. boarder. all held at Sun, Earth, Moon. members an incident when he there." She had an experience • Ben Vonderheide of Conesto "This was very frightening," he According to Anthony, there was about 16, driving with a friend herself in Northern California ga says he had two UFO experi says. "I remember looking to the are 85-90 different varieties of ex through back country. about nine years ago. ences, which he rarely talks about other guy and saying, 'Did you see traterrestrials, including the "There was just this huge 00.. "I was on top of a mountain in because talking would "diminish that?' His eyes were wide open. It Grays, the Pleiadians and reptile ject that came up over the top of Garberville, at a neighbor's the experience." wasn't moving much faster than like beings. He says the govern the farm house," says Egy. "It bouse. This huge ball of light ap The first observation took place we were walkin~. And it wasn't ment has interacted with at least hovered above the house for about peared in the sky," she says mak- about 1980 on River Road in the making a sound. ' two of these. His research has re- r-----------------------. CC~77''ll UFO olifg hvtesr y" hbarilgfh wt aoyra nugpe /irne dt hceo lsokryed" oSnho rtehlein eb ePaacrkh thnaeta trh etyh eh acda bmeepn tphoer tPelde eiandcioaunnst. eTrhs ew Gitrha Gysr apyrosm an d graZmeisg alenrd s mayosv tieelse avbisoiuont e pxrt~ra ter that were going on and off and ground at Ft. Pickens last evening ised technology in return for restrials are designed as part of "deftnitely spinning counterclock- and had witnessed bright harmless human studies. The th.e master plan to slowly indoc Pleiadians, described as human trmate the public with the idea. wise." Mike stated that they were orange/amber lights in the sky to looking, claimed they are here to "All that stuff (movies, TV) :0s0 to his left and ahead of him as he the east of their viewpoint on the help achieve a peaceful world seems like it'sgetting us ready," < ~------------------~ ttrhaev eBleady tBheri dingtee.r sAtatt ea ramnd's c lreonssgethd tshoautn tdh-esyid ew bereea ceha.s Tt hoefy t heesmtim, aptaesdt owne tahpeo cnosn adnidti ofonl lwowe pthute diro lwenad o.u Ar n nshoeu sncaeymse-nrte tahdayt e foxrt rtahtee arnre stri ~ MYSTERIOUS the configuration was at least an the Bay Bridge. The lights ltheoernyy osfa byesi tnhge d geofveenrsnemleessn ta wnda s amlsa dheav ceo vnitsaictte wd tithhe u psl.a net and ~ LIGHTS OVER innoc hai racnrda fat ihna tlhfe a cskroys sa raonudn dh eit . saw a''tpwpoe atrreiadn gtole st hceosme inwgi tdnoewssne st haast tcehcohsneo tloo ggoy f. or the Grays and their puAblnicth gornayd suaaylsly b tyo e txhpeo isdienag, the ~ GARCON POINT While Mike was relating his just kept coming and going in the "Obviously we made the wrong "we're more able to accept there story, the group was approached sky." They observed the lights for choice," he says. "The ones we ality of it." Anthony, whostudied ~AREA by Tom and Janet from Navarre. approximately fifteen minutes aligned ourselves with were here astronomy and served in the U.S. to use us." Anthony says the Grays Air Force, maintains that Orson ~0 They had been driving east on between 9:45 and 10:00 p.m. performed bizarre experiments Welles' 1938 broadcast of the H.G. uco Hwy 98 near the entrance to the A member of Pensacola/Gulf on humans and never delivered Wells description of an invasion ~Q~,j By Carole Baker o"Nbna rviinga hlt th Leoi rvsaekn ygO efa olkri gsa hbatosn udtth hafttaf tdse teasney eetnod FBthireeel edCz oeo nmM JmuUlayFn Od1N 5P aocnasdltl ewthda asHt tu"ortllhdb eubrryet cTthlhaei.i stm eecrshr, nI~Sro w lionhg jauyt d tkhgeeeeymp pse rtnohtme, h liiesde odn. twfhroaesm p au Mgbolaivrcse w,r "noWmuledan rrote tfaetcshtte. t Wo soerel dhos,w" : ~ weTreh rreecee ivinedd eopfe mnydsetnerti oruesp loigrthst twenty seconds, faded off and were no aircraft in the area at that the" Tcahne yo'fr we otrryminsg th toe yp'lvaey o cpaetncehd . broHaydsctaesrti.a A ennds uZeedi gwlietrh p trheadti cts 6 patterns in the skies over Garcon then came on again." Tom, who is time." Investigation will continue, up before they reveal anything," the same would hap~n now. "It ~ Point on Friday, July 14, 1995. eloxo-kU lSikAeF f lasraeisd ttoh ahti mth aety a ldl.i dE ancoht a"lnigdh ti"f oann ythoensee ecvaenn tss h( endo apQnyn stharyosu Agnht thhoen Fy.r Heeed colmai mofs I tnhfaotr ma w"Poeuolrd. lcer aeraete a fpraaniidc.," 'she says. H The ftrst report was given to sky- light was the size of a dime at intended), or to report another tion Act, government was forced "It s not a frightening thing," watchers at Shoreline Park by a to reveal formerly classified in says Anthony. "It's beautiful." very excited young man who had arm's length and was over the sighting, please call the formation about extraterrestri Zeigler maintains that the fear hvoiemwee dfr othme swe olrikg.h tMs iokne , hai sT wigaeyr Btthhaeey irl i ogerhs ttoismv wearet iGroena ar. ctT oahnne Pyao psiptnartot eaxdriem atha iatnet HPeonFtlsoianrc eio nalfta o4/rG3m8ua-l3tfi 2oB6nr1 e.o enz eth Me PUrFoOjecNt galos"v.P erenompleen tth aarte w taolrkkiendg f aobr othuet e n ssistca banordyrn ibte,e o"c usahtu oesf se ta yhyoesu u. d"nWoknne'ot nw uenned.d "e tIrot ' s dPboyoiw nwnt h reIas-til dlhe 0en ta,h nwadda sas cteoreotansls.l y Dt harmei vaBiznaegyd Mele vtahteioy na losof thhaidr tsye edne gnore-aeisr caranfdt CAownafreernenecsse t1o9 9b5e hGeuldlf OBcrteoebzeer dpcoueunbntlsitc e.. s.r tsCa,"ate rhmtee esra n..y.t .Rs E.e "iaPsgeaansnht opmwraeedsrie a ggthoeeitns ogev lteoirt tt talheke ge fr oeevaeern.r Wm theee nt wh tihonrakltd ta.h reey 're Bridge between 9:40 p.m. and ~them. 20-22, call Project Awareness at had encounters. This is public re They're actually here to help us." On Saturday, July 15, a couple (904) 432-8888. Keep Looking cord." 5 10:05 p.m. he saw a configuration came to tell the skvwatch group at Up! ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT-GAZETTE, Little Rock, AR- Aug. 27, 1995 Attention all space cadets: 'Autopsy' may Roswell. THE MEDIA --""":;;llllil. ... ------. astound Depending on where your COLUMN head's at, Roswell (in Southeast New Mexico) may mean nothing much or it may send chills down Michael your spine. You've got to be going there to Storey get there, because the city of Is this purported 40,000 bakes in the middle of the government autopsy of desert about 150 miles from Autopsy: Fact or Fiction? debuts. nowhere. But conspiracy buffs Jonathan Frakes <Star Trek: The an alien visitor for real? will tell you that it was in the mid Next Generation) hosts the one dle of all that remoteness where hour special. If so, what does this tell ... it all began. Not since Geraldo opened AI us about the Roswell It was near Roswell in 1947 Capone's vault has there been that something came from the sky. such excitement. Fox, which has incident and the The circumstances surrounding obtained exclusive U.S. and the purported crash of a UFO Canadian rights to this contro involvement of the near Roswell and the govern versial film, boldly states that it's government? ment cover-up that allegedly fol "either an extremely elaborate lowed have been hotly debated hoax or the first ever document ever since. ed evidence of an alien being." All agree that something went Can't argue with that. This is oAr DFEicFtioUnN?C" Ta tA 7L IpE.Nm .p Mreopnadreasy toon gFoo ux nadnedr tCheh aknnniefel i1n6 ." ATliheen sApuetcoipasl yw: ilFl alectt down near Roswell, but was it a better than cattle circles or crop viewers decide if the little guy is real or an elaborate hoax. weather balloon, as officials mutilations. would have you believe, or was it What you'll see if you tune in, ply going to let the guy drop this footage to test its veracity. a UFO with a really bad case of Fox publicity crows, "may be the bombshell and vamoose. They're Is this purported government engine trouble? most startling film footage ever gonna 'vestigate this thing. Gonna autopsy of an alien· visitor for If it was an alien and its space shown on television!" be a whole Iotta 'vestigatin' goin' real? If so, what does this tell craft, the little guy wasn't wear I suppose that excludes the pi on - about an hour's worth, with us about the Roswell incident ing seat belts, because the bug lot episode of Models, Inc. lots of commercials. and the involvement of the gov eyed rascal bought the farm and The guy who's responsible for Fox has the film to prove it. "finding" the long-lost footage Producer Robert Kiviat (Un ernment? The bottom line is Well, maybe. Trust no one. The claims he got it from the actual, solved Mysteries, Encounters: that the special will lay it aU out and ask you to make up your truth is out there. genuine cameraman who used to The Hidden Truth) called in as own mind. urologists, close encounter en work for the military and who sorted experts to check things thusiasts and all you alien ab filmed the actual autopsy on the out. Pathologists, camera and ductees will want to set that VCR actual dead alien body as it ac film specialists, government of for 7 p.m. Monday on Fox (where tually took place. ficials and special effects else?) and Channel16 when Alien The show, however, isn't sim- artists all have a shot at the GLOBE, Boston, MA - Aug. 3, 1995 Harvard takes 'no adverse action' on UFO researcher GAZETTE, Phoenix, AZ July 24. 1995 dreds of thousands, if not millions en," said Anne Taylor, a Harvard guish to many of his colleagues. By Alex Beam of people." University counsel who sat on the The Medical School commit GLOBE STAFF In a meeting held last F'riday, committee conv~ned by Tosteson tee's preliminary report, drafted After a yearlong investigation, Medical School dean Daniel Taste last summer. earlier this year, chastised Mack the Harvard Medical School has son informed Mack that the review Mack had become a cause ce for "affirming the delusions" of his UFOs, aliens decided not to censure psychiatrist carried out by a "Special Faculty lebre at Harvard after the 1994 many patients who claim to have John Mack, a tenured professor Committee" had ended, according publication of his best-selling book, been abducted by aliens. The com and nationally known UFO re to committee chairman Arnold Rei "Abduction." In countless televi mittee also found Mack to be "in hot subjects searcher who has publicly asserted man. "John Mack is just as he sion and newspaper interviews, he violation of the standards of con that extraterrestrial beings have started out - a perfectly full was inevitably dubbed "the Har duct expected of a member of the on Internet "invaded our physical reality and fledged member of the Harvard vard professor who believes in faculty of Harvard University." [are] affecting the lives of hun- faculty with no adverse action tak- UFOs," causing considerable an- Each week, we travel the. globe via the I11ternet and the commercial on1iiie services to scout cyberspace. Here's a Mack's lawyer, E1ic MacLeish, com~idered revoking Mack's tenure into the anti-nuclear movement, me did a handful of his patients and sev travelogue from our most recent vigorously contested the preliminary at Harvard. "Harvard Univers.ity diation efforts in the Mideast and eral Harvard psychiatrists, who trip. findings and helped mobilize promi isn't going to take action against US-Soviet diplomacy, as well as a va criticized his abductee research. nent academics to support Mack. some1one who takes unorthodox riety of alternative therapies, includ In the early weeks of the com TBHy EK ePrHryO FEeNhIrX-S GnAydZeEr 1TE TTtoohnseet des pdoronewl iamn fiiennw atr hywe e fceioknnsa cl aludgsroia.o fnIt sts eiswn tue nrtoe vabgieelrw ePesr,. izJaeon hdan n wdM igtahoc kwd omhwoamny iwni ti nhm istahtoyer yNr liaoss iiMnngtar co"kdh ouslceoertdvr oefpdoi cuo nnhd reetrha etWh weesortnr keb"ro aaErndrd h aaensrtdd. fBmiraisrtttloe lewa'ws, ycpeorroo, cpCeeeraadrtlien.Sdg asw,p eiMtrhsa cothkf eH arniledlv aiehnwids !Pr:- ~.· ·· · ·. ·1~~ s"MuSsappyeibcceiie oisnt,'" st ohthra ett h Nheie tsw nfitel mak ing known what restrictions, if any, will the modern Galileo." to I farvard, "which went over like a board, turning over interview tapes ,-..,-~ Gingrinch isn't human, but be applied to Mack's future work. lead balloon," according to one col and ur!-,ring patients to tell their sto people seem to be talking about aliens Neither Mack nor MacLeish was The committee league. Jies to the Harvard panel. "Initially, again. available for comment. In the past, Much of Mack's UFO investiga their approach was, 'What can you Several supposed alien autopsy Mack has said he hoped the conflict examined Mack's tions take place at his Cambridge do to help us understand this re photos from an alleged 1947 UFO crash with Harvard could be resolved qui 'professional ha~ed Program For Extraordinary search,' " said Peter Faust, an ab in Roswell, N.M., are circulating on the etly and amicably. Now, "he's very Experience Research. Many of his duction "expe1iencer" who testified Internet's World Wide Web. More relieved," a friend reported. "He behavior as an colleagues first learned of his UFO before the committee. "Then it be pictures can be downloaded from feels he and the dean had a useful academic intl'rest..c; when he co-sponsored a na came clear that Harvard had an Usenet newsgroups dedicated to the cexercnhTeahdne g ietcs."eo lmf wmiittht eteh ep prrimocaerdiulyra lc odne wphseytchheira htrei swt, aasn hde othiPfo inTda elca hct notonhlfeoe grMeyn aicnse s 1ao9cn9h 2ua. slWieetnLh <i>l aebI ndmsuotcisttituo tonef ogathgeMinr gaac gkfei rnlsadtta e.D"r acnhiaenl gSehde leahwayne rosf, tehne saUurFebT'Oajoe s (cs ktae.e enyE dwfvo toerh rnyde oA :c usmrriesgeaehrtltinfic,nr aemg sOsa )wnk dlehie oncs eiofg lnhynt aaatsthc eaetd nm to. tails of Mack's work, according to dealing with his hi~ colleagues privately scoff at the far-left Christie Institute, and then with your computer modem and try two doctors who worked on the ef abductees' tales, they do credit Mack MacLeish, who specializes in mental http:/! Wlvw.interaccess.com/users/ fort. "One of the issues before the patients in a with many important contributions health related litigation. newman/ The site has a link to the committee was whether .John was suitable academic to psychoanalysis during his 35-year In an interview earlier this year, autopsy photos at http://www. doing clinical care, or research," one way.' career. a wistful Mack noted that the Har primenet.com/' keithr/artbell.html doctor said. "If he was doing re FUJtherrnore, many viewed the vard investigation "has been expen If your Internet access is limited to search on human suhjeclc;, he need ARNOLD RELMAN, chairman Medical School's review committee sive in all senses of the word." In newsgroups, find alt. ufo.reports and ed fonnal permission. He said it waR m; an unacceptable intrusion into documents unrelated to the Harvard alt.alien. visitors. In addition to autopsy clinical work." Committee chairman Mack's research. "I would defend to inquiry, Mack disclosed that he has pictures that can be downloaded to your aMhiRRnce eea aaiidcwmmC kesaoaaum'ssnnni it t"cahrp sbeasar aplroeiyidsdd fy ee a acscttlohstahih iindeoaege pnt m ruaciwhblsio lcotim,hti a hw~emr ahhdanheia ytddivts. Pe" i xoewpr area hmpntaeioesietn rvhntea.ee.t"ndsrr. vywfroeaae.rs.racetd;rM lse.ha saf eaosc cg krboo c,en. m rgtwAuraooshnlravtoe edeh rreinthssrh aia aaUtsoeln Flr ytf Oait aghdu nurreg eershesiecnt er tieaedbavrleLtece cd.hn!aH c daftbauiesver asea l, >biftknh'rPoeegeiotesi Twknd dyhwogee me aees ottrn,uhfce" f o tfssJkmh,aou eiiimshmnpd nt iyt mot'hsstenee eaeeerc rr ,in.r· pg eawsh1Mtmy,9th cae9motch o4sokie e af ti atn aar2pnpdci5rsapudo tdle. tcg ieaelmemrae eetdiidencs aaamwhnlbihrsodle ierAc Hae ehd.il;n a otyhrc;i pvsoo eapmucnragtedosih d t tf sorMuao$ nlbm3aaue0cr ' ,ykl0ftb a l0iiadmls0lle ei$dldfi1yvon 2 r fet, o0srlare 0u cg0s$oca t1nlal i0 f nsu0yiifd,ncee0ediea0assrr0n ,,, ascehobonamomEpcuopiepttuet.uhhn nteiitennrer grg,ws syo a wooythun,i t e tchChra aoetnhp t ahieartxenoerp la w eUsHr ewFiiielrOlindl tl c o beg e itclvaileelok vsy eeor us6. butterfly, hr has plunged himself ~event! times before the group, as with limited teaching duties. ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS, Denver. CO- Aug. 17. 1995 A BEGINNER -'S GUIDE TO At the monthly meetings of the Denver UFO Societ\~ stories nf sightings m:1ke UFOs seem :~s common :IS taxis :Jrotmd Denver, and everyone's offerings :1rc t:~ken t:~ken :~t f:1re \':Jlue in :1 non-judg ment;-t) atmosphere. UFOs Chuck St:1nsburge. who runs the Denver lTFI) Institute, IP:~ds week end outings :1nd an :~nnual trip to the Gre<tt ~;md Dunes N<tti0n:1l Monument. where he says sight ings are not unu~u:1l. He !<tlks about Pleiadians, "isitors from a star clus ter in the T;111rus constellation. "But we welcome anyone, non believer~ :1nd skeptics. tno," said Stansbw·ge. "And when we go on an Colorado Matult outing, <tkohPI and dntgs are forbid UFO Networtl, Inc. IPMO! IBfOoN• ) 7119 San Luis Valley's d10eCn'< tla pnodl iwcee a:~blowu:tw w~ thrayt t wo en'(r1et idfvo tihneg . OoiJirjer. 80306 odd rights We \vant to protect our reputation 451-5992. :1s serious. sober p('nple." Membership in the UFO Insti lllluttlnatlonalln· \ Colorado's UFO tute costs $2S. but includes a card ..., ti1ative Coop- \~ hotspot is Greenie that identifit'S vou :IS a "UVO Jn "' ~~lv" of Aerial \ Mountain, in the vestig:~tor." · Phf'nomf'nll IIIIIICAPI San Luis Valley. A new org:~niz:1tinn. the Sophi<t ::'' Rn, i.'2 Long n trnored to '.,1\'f·e::Jt Rtdge, be the site of a Institute, h:1s scheduled a p<tir of 8003<1-0172 secret under· UFO conferences later thi~ month. ~63 0<184_ grounrt n"lttary C<11led "The UFO Phenomenon," MePtings second bas£>, rnnre UFO they'll focus on the possible origins Thursday of the sighttrgs nccur in of the visitors, and on a wom:1n who month this ar('rl thnn claims she was :~bducted. 7:30p.m. anywhere else in "I found speakers that I felt were P0ttr Joe's Coffee the state. among the very best in the field," House "For a long 9 70S. Lincoln time they were a said Jack Steinhauser, organizer of St.Denver daily occurrence the conference. "This field has so Admission: $3. on our UFO hot much fringe element baggage I More people are looking to the skies line," said wanted only the best. To skeptics or UFO lnstttwte of Michael Curta. people who challenge me, I s<tv ~mer prc'~IJCIII •;: Ll:•.· 'Come and listen. I 'onder wh<tt thev ~ A~,....h~ c:ornnrl Colorndo Mutual sar Then make up your mind.' " · Wednesday of the UFO Network. month Briatt rJ01ton, 7 p.m. ~-~~-~~--------- ·---·-- ·- --·-- people have themselves seen umt~tml things in the an undersheriff 200 W. 92nd Ave. Rncky Mnuntaln News Staff Writ" sky and they know something's going on," Corbin-. with the Rio Holiday Hills . said. "We need to stay away from the notion that our ~ CM65lou0bb-ihl5eo9 uC7so2em . munity Mywm siuttehtir lhaioutuimosna lsing.o hSidttsr ca irnneg tahete uer nsekcsyo.. uCnatettrlse hespaxavtrceae tt oebr rsroettuhsdteryri asit la .i nrBe tu hhtee irt p'esh. ysTsthriacenaregl re'es :p 1shltmeill.n naoonm dpe rtnorayo aft onitd 's w e tUchoFamOt masriogenha;t ianhrgees e ivne n Denver UFO Society There was a time when a serious explain it scientifically." got a call from Meets fourth Sat interest in this kind of thing would MICAP has 150 members, mostly with scientific NORAD recently urElay of the month earn only derision. UFOs, backgrounds, linked by computer on ParaNet, avail about an unidenti Glendale Fire Unidentified Flying able through the Internet (contact Mcorbin@Para fied ''hot spot" house Community Objects, were the stuff of B movies, net.org for more information). near Greenie SUN, Bremerton, WA C99en9t eSr. Clermont asingdh otinnlgys l usnearitoicuss ltyo. ok reported "Wsaei'dr eC aofrtbeirn s. c"iNenot oifnice e'sv eidveenrc ber,o nuogth ets ao ftoerrmicaal,i"z ed uMpo ubny traaind apr.ic Ikt ewda s Aug. 21, 1995 22$925 32a3-d1 m2i6ss5i oonr 377- lawNyoe rlosn, glaewr. eTnofdoaryc epmhyesnict ioafnfisc,e rs, memthuoltdi-odliosgcyip tloin tahriys fsotrucdey o bfe infovrees. tWigea thoarvse a an d onef vcea"rWl lside ae gbnetoitfu ieat dl.o t JIM ROTHGEB engineers and college professors consultants, although so many have main lights, but the last The UFO are forming networks to investigate stream scientific jobs they like to remain one turned out to PhettOIIMitiOit UFO reports and evaluate evidence anonymous." be a pivot light on A conference with scientific detachment. The oldest local UFO investigative group is the a sprinkler," he sponsored by the Many don't want their names in the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) founded in said. "We've also Sophia Institute paper; believing in the possibility IJIIlt~Oit 19G!l With 110 members in Colorado, they oper- got one cattle Aug. 26, 8:30 of extra-terrestrial life visiting ate a UFO hotline for sightings mutilation under a.m. to 5 p.m. earth still invites ridicule reports (451-5992) and train field investigation. The vUuemnri vGeBrsCi tyA uodf iDtoerni einx scoitmeme eqnuta irntehresr.e Bnut itn th e tiniovne.s tigators to coUect informa ftfeahwremr, eeb·r~us t q ttlehtiletl eym awe ant 2040 S. Race St. possible alien visits, the "Most people don't know what to to stay out of the COLUMNIST Aug. 27, 8:30 vast number of reported do if they've seen something strange papers so they a.m. to 5 p.m. encounters. and the consis or unusual," said Colorado MUFON don't always Boulder Broker Inn tency of the details, lead president Michael Curta, an emergency report them." MYSTERIOUS UNCLE FRm 3atAAPB3oopsMhdhnt0h0d alweohnvoKemts3 neheawNdenH-diren osl6o SieaoOkpcnsom9tytnleaieryWro 3.sC ,eer nU aRr-nea-o$a 3AFnoat$tt7d O4oM la& 1t6i5rodh0s m0 at7aaa a.it.nnmn ld t. mwaattIiCi"anhnisn cgooalvavt "araPrtrenetToobt'ntshysshtwuhidt iet nt mtipeiiaaogung,n rrrtoaw doavdedhdtvmeethes a'iitsio sv-oenhtte bnh teapm igniras ag uotraC p siotatsdnf 'ohe(es mtuseMsioode nibl ogepp"t iIgtjhn Cthesleos.eee s tcsrpcAs i a tntoiMia oPe,ctgc"niwn u)v istse,tleaa aitatfgi ryioinnddco fda n MA teiiseionc-rnch-aoalue nlM tearrl<s .M atterrvRocky MounOtatinihi nseN~areumt wbweUaeees.nh Ft WdldheiOie erctetaevah ag'onel kelpflrpbW a e isotttenhveyha euetodieczhkeo pp ~tnehesemusrilo.na emystg "t hmim ho a cwct tesoikrepaaii eeun llnintnlenr~; ogaaitt sefboskrt o stle uetyiehar.osas msrat a nNlrtetsyt aeas' t ' .itspshdcs tn Wt icreeitehoeoe i.amaenehtbn "nysn eat aiTdw iimtpltbfni yhhipfeilcdmi tyieehcr h sa tcextr ora epe ripwdvtspepronli preastraasteoor pi t opnostae eeolaeftc ac rl cdhicitmha. ,e .l .C OcMoaaIUimbBnnu eftFoo' yof hBr tOoltDusrnhtoshrCesrtl iepritdmeeatcsnhahnoeenr o tdav.rirUalar oni,yyeot s krniu fl raeo'taeif,osiosn iavntrn fw pgaeee ,V:iUh n rsrrnwaa6 siedhFtctlitehi9lr itOe leny lrii3 nsyss g, - ntfmdWinfrnJiiiuarumggoNs~trOyBIh ti<wii' o n nkstWulnlc' nt g Ostaie;t. l N ih ft lhIlgachto le'ohhhn(a<kr" tu'aldba i ttlnilthtiw nweo 'gfg(tU rJans <AhR csmthtn';txE ta tW( cs.sg'ipi 'l~iklhadmyne{lLnlya 'c c (s'ysF; i'aI ekhp sOtnrn rto td. iNtVoUe'nfh rl t aar<I'eu.Kr'iJ t>sto l uMc'cdol ulOlJe ogy"sas:ai{h nmoc bas'~tu.itm'noaio(d n'l<adlunw eln' et tsrt t< sFxh!oeh.a1 tp.rii_uesengicld ;pratghf al lt yc y fBO. "There has been more media coverage and many 9205. TIK'y wen• siltiug on tltf' dt'ck of their home on Chko Way wlwn tJu'y saw somctJling moving so fast. and so strange, thf'y swore it couldn't be an aiq>lane. Field Trip To Roswell, N.M. · It had ~Dow and gl:'e('n lights, the caller said, and it Irft a trnil of sparkling lights that lookt.'CI something like flares. The Mutual UFO Network was of some unknown metal, and the government wanted four tiny Sh<' said tht> ohjN1. wac; quit<> f.'U' off in (MUFON) is sponsoring a bus trip the rancher's sheep refused to cross caskets, and local medical per the di~ancp hut its lights Wf'n> \'Pry from Denver to New Mexico Sept. 9- the area. sonnel talk of colleagues present bright. 12 to look at the site of a purported The story goes that an early inves during the post-mortem examina Also, thc woman who originally Roswell, N.M. UFO crash. Partici tigative team from the U.S. Air Force tions. tipped us off to thic; said sh<' saw the pants can talk to witnesses who base in Roswell issued a press The bodies are rumored to remain object again, two nights later. She claim they saw the debris and know release identifying the area as a pos in a secret location. One legend has called the UFO hotJine b1 Seattw where about an alleged government sible UFO crash site, but higher-ups it that Richard Nixon got drunk with at least one other sighting in Ute Man coverup of the case. quashed that story, collected all the Jackie Gleason one night and took chester area was confinned One of the most persistent stories evidence and reported it was a him to see the tiny corpses. in all UFO lore, the Roswell crash secret weather balloon that went Roswell is now home to two UFO If anyone knows what these lights was supposed to have taken place in down. museums, which Colorado MUFON an> alJ about, it's your tum to call July, 194 7, when a rancher found a In Roswell, rumors persist of alien members will visit. Tour cost. includ smtrielew-lno nagc rsotsres thchis ofife sldtr.a Tnhgee ddeebbrriiss baoudtoiepss ireedc.o Ave lorecda lf ruonmde trhta~k sPitre s aaynsd i$n3g7 lo5d. glninfogr amnndt imono:s 4t 5m1e-a5ls9,9 is2 . 7 --------.. ----------------------~~--------___j HIGHLINE TIMES, Burien, WA - July 12, 1995 UFO believers plan for 'contact' at SeaTac forum Gathering draws 900 to At the latte cart, a slight young man space station Mir. abduction stories, discuss government from Seattle told a pilot about his "I wish I could say something cover-ups and learn about the latest discuss flying saucers abduction by aliens. He remembered stranger," he said. research into ufology. waking up on a operating table with a Approximately 900 people attended MUFON, headquartered in Texas, By Kim Todd sheet around his waist and three the annual Mutual UFO Network has been operating since 1969, and STAFF WRITER shadowy forms on either side of him. (MUFON) symposium at the SeaTac currently has almost 5000 members. SEATAC-Old friends asking, "So The pilot, with 25 years experience Red Lion last weekend, western re To lend scientific credibility to the what's happening in Oregon?" were in the air, had never seen anything gional director Marilyn Henry Childs study of unidentified flying objects, inquiring about flying-saucer activity, more unusual than a rendezvous be says. not the weather. tween a space shuttle and the Russian They met for three days to share ISLANDER, Pensacola Beach, FL - July 12, 1995 MUFON is involved with cata UFO loging information about sight ings and abductions. John F. Schuessler, MUFON Director of Administration and an aerospace engineer, gave a talk to a crowded conference room, listing human injury as a result Daylight and of alien contact. Dan R. Wright, manager of MUFON abduction transcrip Nigh time tion project, presented descrip tions of aliens and their sur Sightings roundings given by 142 abduc tees. Continue MOST COMMON were aliens three to three and a half feet tall, gray with large black AT 9:00 a.m. on June 14th, Eli eyes and a musty smell. But was raising the Stars and Stripes others looked more familiar. in his front yard in Holley-by-the "Were some of these actually Sea. In the southeastern sky he humans - stolen sperm and noticed a silverish white object ova - alien only in garments?" that appeared flat on the bottom asked Wnght. and rounded on top. He could In the vendor room, humans hear the sound of a prop plane off still on earth could buy a UFO to the east. but that sound soon detector for $85, jewelry in the faded. There was no sound asso shape of crop circles, or a cookie ciated with the object. The object with a plastic E.T. embedded in moved slowly to the east at about it for $2. Hats reading "Trust no one," and bumper stickers Kim Todd/staff thirty degrees from the southern Author Piere Sinclair explains to a potential customer the horizon. It suddenly dropped declaring "UFOs are real, ask scientific principle behind his model of a flying saucer (in the down ··real fast" to about twenty me," were also for sale. foreground). On the book table, "Prepar degrees above the horizon and continued slowly east, then shot in!'; fur Contad, a Metamorpho 1cal modei under glass where a the origiual negatives showing sis of Human Consciousness," straight up ·'higher than when I disk dutifully spun. that Meier's UFO pictures were featured a human female and first saw it" (about thirty degrees Now both men are working models on strings. He also dis attTective alien male staring elevation) before accelerating on the final prototype and Sin covered that Meier, supposedly with tremendous speed out of i~ each other's eyes. "The clair's book "The Granite Man illiterate, read hundreds of .sig'h·tI.f I had bUnked my eye, l taUeunltt himboyra ,t Cea onDm eamcleiapentnid,o enrg, "lXa wr eaadns dwf rtrohimte banrids kltyh efo rB $u1t1te.9rf5l.y ," is selling boon otkri ca km pohnottho,g rianpchluyd. ing tomes jttwuohsoledt u oblmdblie jpen.p co"ettId a hwopaoupvu(eel'a drsA eehtdea anvtr eoim ttb'h ,sgeo o lue1agn ·•bh goEtth uIl,.tti StshtioneIrN cycl o aAvisreoN,r .hO moTaarHnsyeE Rftrio mcmoe rstn,e elrld,ie nPmgi oehnries ilaainntk J etpiah na"mecXr rtic e eFoda niuslTfeieeons rt"gteho na,i cnnteeatdle,n esr"oveaStisihisdtgie ohirhnnt ei vnU'ssegh FsnsoeOd.w"eos nsr, mtthhoieB''srWi Uert eiTmh reh aecan,Te"vdp Hehst eiEcv isan eau cigttdrohho. etw Stdcth oaeonsmkteoi eenwm jieaTthdr. one half to three quarters of an strated his UFO model to an "They've really broke the me Friedman, who presented a inch across. The sighting lasted other customer. In 1989. Sin dium. (Now) it's okay to believe speech on a 1947 incident in about one minute. Eli, USAF clair met a man who said he in UFO's or to wonder if UFOs Roswell, N.M., where two fly retired, said that he knows no had been abducted by aliens exist," he said. ing saucers allegedly crashed pilot could survive those maneu who had shown him how to The final speaker on Satur and alien bodies were recovered vers and questions the ability of build a flying saucer. day night was Kal K. Korff, by the government. aircraft to maneuver in that man The first few attempts to du who went undercover as a "I hope you will think about ner in our atmosphere. plicate the saucer on earth ·'naive New Age dude" to ex man's place in the universe," he Immediately after the sighting, worked but didn't last. pose a UFO scam in Switzer said. ''We're not at the top of Eli and his son saw low flying jets "It went up eight feet, started land. the heap. We're not at the top of overhead. They flew into the sec glowing a radiant red and it IN HIS bouk "Sp~;ces]·,ip,.:; of rhe mountain ... U we're lucky, tor of sky where the object was exploded.'' Sinclair said, wav tlw Plei;Jdes: The Bi!h· l\1eH:'r maybe W(· can qualify for the seen. Eli stated they are used to ing his hands over a mechan- StorT ... Korff d,·,::cnbecl.locaung co::;mic kindergarten." seeing helicopters and gunships fly over, but not jets. Skywatchers at Shoreline Park saw an amber light UFO in the RECORD-HERALD, Waynesboro, PA - July 14, 1995 southern sky between the Water Police at loss to explain flying object Tower and Holiday Inn at 8:45 p.m. On Tuesday, June 13th the sighting lasted two seconds and was followed two minutes later at 8:47 p.m. by another amber light By ROSCOE BARNES III know what it was." appearing for two seconds, further Staff writer A spokesman for Waynesboro Geiger said she does not know we~t near' the Holiday Inn. The WAYNESBORO - For the police confirmed there was a what the light might be. She won lights appeared at five degrees second time in two months, Mary bright light in the sky. ders whether it could be a foreign elevation and the second light Geiser of 54 Clayton Ave. has "It was moving very slowly. plane taking surveillance. flared up brightly before fading seen a slow-moving bright li~ht in That's all I can tell you. I told ha She was concerned it could out. It was a clear evening with a the sky. As before, she called the I didn't know what to do about have been a plane from a foreign full moon in the sky and stars Waynesboro police. it," he said. country on a flight to determine clearly vi~ible. The spokesman said he was at where a bomb should be dropped, To report a sighting, plea~e call Standing on her side porch Geiger's holllt! for a couple of according to police reports. the Pensacola/Gulf Breeze around 9, she said she saw a light minutes. ··A helicopter went through the MUFON Hotline at 438-3261. in the sky. "There was definitely som~­ sky hefore that." she said. "It was For information on the Project "I tried to get an impression of thing there. but I don't know what going in the direction of Hager Awareness 1995 Gulf Breeze the shape of it," she said this it was," he said. stown Airport. This one had no UFO Conference to be held morning. "This one did not have Geiger, 79, said the object flashing lights and no sounds or 8 October, 20-22, call Project as many lights on it as the first resembled a unicycle. colored lights." Awarene~s al (904) 432-XXR. one. It had three or four points of ·'Two squad cars came." she It was moving to the east very, Keep Looking Up' light on the top that made an arc." saiJ ...T he~· ~:nv it. hut they didn ·, very slowly. she said. TIMES-NEWS, Kingsport, TN- Aug. 13, 1995 CR: S. McGee Haley said her experi ences with the military con vinced her she'd been abducted by aliens because the military has followed her and bugged her house and phones. They've also kid napped her and given her drugs and shock treatment to make her talk about her alien experiences. then drugs to wipe out her memory. Haley believes. She said she once got a suspicious invitation to tour The AssoCiated PressjWM J. CASTtLLO the space shuttle alone and take as many pictures as she Fireball wanted. She said she declined IJ /~ y .,I,, the invitation, fearing she'd ./ !• be killed. '1 .. ( Haley, like McGee, dis lights up .1t_~ -~- -----'-··- cussed the emulional trauma that people abducted by 1 ,,.,._News photo-Earl Corter aliens face before being ridi night sky Stacey McGee, who founded the United States UFO Informatio.n andRe culed by other people. search Center about two years ago, says, 'I've been obsessed with UFOs ''If people understood and abduction phenomena since I was a child.' what abductees go through, Police think meteor they would never laugh at UFO enthusiasts gather them," said Haley. burned Canada trailer Haley also talked about the time she wandered along the beach outside Eglin Air The Associated Press for annual conference A tremendous bluish-green Force Base in Florida where flash of light, apparently from a she took pictures of what she blazing meteor, illuminated the called an electromagnetic night sky over a 400-mile area from pulse device, a non-lethal Michigan to New York state early TBiym CeHs-RNIeSwTsO SPtHaEffRW SrCitHeNr AARS L Ufology is a chance for us, as mweilaiptaorny ttoh katn oicsk udsoewdn bUyF Oths.e FriPdoalyi.c e in Windsor, Ontario, W an organization, to bring peer Haley believes she was right across the border from De If you've seen a UFO, Stacey pie together from across the na able to gain access to the troit, said they believe a chunk of the meteor slammed into a vacant McGee wants to talk to you. beach and photograph the tion .... It's a chance to have some mobile home, burning it to the Yes, UFO. As in Unidentified weapon 13 miles away be Flying Object. fun with an otherwise uncomfort cause good people in govern gedro. und. No injuries were report McGee hosted the second annu able issue, to try to lighten the ment, who want the truth out, But officers Friday morning al Ufology Day Conference and Sky stress that some of these abduction took actions to make sure she scoured the charred remains of watch at the Davy Crockett was able to get to it. the trailer looking for evidence Birthplace State Park near Lime experiences have caused. ~ She also believes the O.J, but couldn't find so much as a stone on Saturday. - Stacey McGee Simpson trial is a plot by the rock, Windsor Police Sgt. Joseph "I've been obsessed with UFOs bad guys in government who Monteleone said. and abduction phenomena since I want to cover up the news "We have nothing to indicate was a child," said McGee, who going on," said McGee. about UFOs by flooding the tShtaaft fa S mgt.e Lteloory dh iGt trhaeh atmraei.l e"rW," es abied added that the idea to form a na About a dozen people attended media with O.J. lieve it did because it disappeared ttoaiegnoro nsUS. aiFcln aOcmeo s reigg tathhonte iinnzh,gai mtsi hoa enna' dbso cauolftino erctnmwe neoent drcy aoetuitanhnrges gtchhoueenea ssdtt.c r suopcnetfaeekdree nrtsoc, e v,l oidoweko hsli icakhne d aiann c pliaunldiaeetnda sOkiiIdnRedM"C Tsi c shGg odaefeto t'ecsis n ogaans,nbta"r o ioseduhlx t ea t2 hmtsh0aap etitl d oet.h Uo2eS5f UbtrhaFede tsfinhiar eietPd hbU eaahtntlee lia rvcwr eBearouarsuo,si tlwbeyddun o bt,t fwhea W eesr eutecrsrsaaeptniearl'riterns cvr e heOfdrieirn freiYt f,aw rtciihitit.othe" , United States UFO Information and One speaker who shared ing the lack of reports of residents ports of close encounters Research Center, a group that her beliefs that she has been hearing a sonic boom and the fact each year as well as hundreds boasts 1,000 members around the kidnapped both by aliens and that meteorites are no longer hot world. the u.s. military was Leah of reports of nocturnal light when they strike Earth. But he "It's important that people real Haley, who said sh~ ha~ en sightings. said it was too early to tell for ize that this is not fiction and that countered at least six differ The organization also puts sure. out a monthly newsletter, "It's not impossible, but it's this is something very real that's ent kinds of aliens. which includes verbatim ac highly unlikely," he said. "There counts of UFO encounters. has never been a substantiated For more information, caH case when a meteor lands and causes a fire.'' (615) 283-0737. The trailer Friday morning was a charred frame, with evidence that something had hit its tin roof and gone through. Two empty trailers next door were burned slightly, as was a small area ?f MOJAVE DAILY MINER, Kingman, AZ - June 25, 1995 grass and weeds around the tratl Legend has Kingman as alien crash site er. Connie Mazza was returning home from work in Kitchener, On tario, when she turned and saw "a By Kim Smith MUFON in 1969 when they realized with the undertakers, though, be large, with skin that looked beautiful sparkling'' light. MinWera lSt taAffn Wdrruitse r Jr. was just killing pthueb ligc ov"esrinllmy enant swwearss " giivni nagn tahte chaauvsee dai elodt. 'o ' f the original witnesses brown ... The eyes seemed to be sha"rIpt ,"w sahs el iskaeid a. "rIo clokveetd, liotn, git awnads time, waiting for a plane back to tempt to explain away the sightings. Roswell isn't the only desert open, the mouth small and the nose, beautiful, but it was gone." if any, was indistinct The anns were Reports placed the time of the Illinois from Phoenix when his life MUFON now has 5,200 members community which claims to have. positioned down alongside their bo flash at between 12:30 and 1 a.m. was suddenly changed, irrevocably. worldwide. links to the outer limits. Although dies, but their hands and feet were EDT. Shortly before 1 a.m., a Wind He saw four UFOs. it's not well documented, several sor patrol officer sighted "a flam oiAdunetSad i trnhutchesear e htt .ha tsahH te berse eueb nnaen rcyeoa, mb ahsleoei ets ssndoe a dlyoi fbwiens i etf1hos9 srmet4hd8es,, lmfaorerTg nehtt, eh w AeUi lnFl idsOnrofu oamsnm o ibsov eueh spmo rpeoRinvnotgi dsh wiatnhsege gl lago, nottsvNewen.reM snros . KtbeodinoAlygkn m dwtraounrois kt aed rroepsaw la hUnca eFvp Oelai n ycw erMardis tthathey etn h pa1aot9b sr5oes3iupb. oti rla sittonihmrdeT i iwMwslatoirrUno eotcFevttO.h,e "enN rtt s hpi,en e wvoMepesrlUteei, gF iawOnttohNeror .v idAineevtws etchesretdiib geebandy d soiiinntav,gg"ied rr. ep otdohb lewjie ciscetkth i eSams gt troo.a vfii KlWn oegfni n g dsaMossoeucsrtF h.b.ab. egrohlluaoinnnwddd he helped form the Mutual UFO incident ity of a Kingman crash, because, of the MUFON report, the writer "It was about the size of an air Network, or MUFON in 1969. Andrus said Albuquerque State unlike Roswell, there isn't much indicated that •' 1953 was either an plane, with an orange tail behind Rep. Steven Schiff demanded to collaboration between witnesses or it. and at the top it seemed to have When Andrus lirst heard about know if it was true that five dead any documentation. active year for several UFO crashes, a crown of greenish light," said strange objects in the sky it was one or, all three were describing one Joe Stocco of Liverpool, N.Y., near aliens were retrieved from a crashed According to a report published year before he had his experience event. All three describe the area of Syracuse. "I'd never seen anything and they weren't called UFOs. They UFO from the Roswell area in July by MUFON in 1980, a MUFON impact in a de:;ert region and two that had an orange color like this were called flying saucers. What he 1947. When he was "given the member was approached in 1977 by named Arizc•na as the site." before. It was pretty interesting." heave ho" by lhe military, he put the a pilot who claimed he saw the The fire at the mobile home - and his wife and son saw were four Andrus .>aid he believes HO to 90 General Accounting Office in bodies of three aliens at Wright used for storage and located away silver balloon-shaped objects that charge of doing an independent Patterson, a U.S. Air Force base. percent of [ JFOs can be explained from occupied homes - was re popped in and out of the cloud-free away by "mundane" things like ported shortly afterward, Detroit investigation, Andrus said. The re The bodies, the pilot said, had been sky. They made no noise, they had planets, aircraft, space rocket debris r:tdio station WWJ-AM reported. sults of that investigation are ex retrieved from within a space craft no vapor trails and they were flying or weather balloons. in formation. pected to be revealed next month. that had crashed in the Arizona One day, people will have the ·'If the report comes out that there desert answers they want, Andrus said 9 The retired Motorola executive was nothing to it, then we'll have to •' He recalls that their heads were "This is the most important sci and a handful of people who had had start the fight over again," Andrus hairless and narrow and by human entific enigma of the Space Age and similar experiences decided to form said. "At this point we're racing standards were disporportionately the 20th Century." Anrln1c: -:aid. JOURNAL, Alexandria, VA - Aug. 30, 1995 CR: L. Bryant To some, there's nothing alien about UFOs 8y BOB SOKOLSKY Aaron ~ he first became interested in ob Shermer believes the government is partially Riverside Preaa-Enterprlae ''Within the.n ext 90 taining UFO information in 1964, when he respol\1ible for the barrage of UFO stories. Associated Press claims to have encountered an unidentified craft "Roswell was fraught with so many prob . YUCAIPA, Calif.- The Bey>rans are coming! days, there is something that landed in Hacienda Heights. lems," he~· "And we lmow the government ·The Bey>rans are coming! Or maybe it's Klin that is going to blow on "It zapped me with a white light," he says, lied at first in telling us what happened there. :gons, Romulans or possibly Vulcan<!. adding that he still carries a scar from that But my take is this: Is there life in the <Xllll\08? Don't laugh if you disc\B!l this with Dave AM the whole UFO situation. meeting. UkeJy. But have any of these tieing! COOle here? :on. He is very serious about such matters. He I think a lot of people are He created his clearing house in 1986. He That's Wllikely. There# the protjem of interstel :says he has been since 1964 when he was says he has 40,000 members in 175 different lar travel. It would take so loog, you couldn't ·zapped by some alien creatures. going to be very countries. make it in one lifetime. And, at the speed re ; AMon is owner of UFO Audi~Video Clearing surprised.'' Films, photos and other UFO material are quired, if a ship encountered a meteor or any ·House, distributor of fibn footage dealing with constantly sent to him by members. All of it, thing in outer space, it would go rigtt through ·uros and the beings who fly in them. He has AMon~. is tested by Clearing HOWle employ the spacecraft.'' made some footage available to Showtime cable Dave Aaron, ee Mark Lee Center. Shermer believes it is possible that beings network for its "Roswell" movie. He has also UFO Audio-VIdeo "He is meticulous in his checking, measuring from different planets coukl eventually contact supplied shows like "Hard Copy" and is now everything against information we have on hand each other. working on something for the Arts & Entertain Clearing House and exploring logical new possibilities. During "But the most likely encounter involves sig ment cable network. Fox got fibn clips for the this time, he has found orey one ently that was nals. They can and do travel at the speed of "AlienAutopsy: FactorF\ction?" not authentic.'' light. For now, though, there has never been As far as AMon is concerned, there is no fic Michael Shermer, director of the Skeptics~ any evidence of alien contact." tion involved. ering up details of a crashed UFO for 52 years. ciety in Altadena, Calif., is not so sure about AMon disagrees. He points to reported sight ''Within the next 90 da,ys, there is something The Clearing House also provided clips supplied that. ings over Fontana, Calif., last week. He says that is going to blow on the whole UFO situa by sources aroWld the world. Much of it came "I've appeared on 'IV shows with these ~ there were sighting9 over Yucaipa in 1992. tion," he ~ "I think a lot of people are going from British docwnentmy producer Ray Santilli, pie. I think most of them are genuinely con Aaron says he realizes such reports are al to be very surprised'' who was not available for comment. vinced that they have seen UFOs and that the ways greeted by skepticism. They may be even more surprised early next But in an Internet~. Santilli stated that things they have described have happened to "But the skeptics are people who hiM!n't re year, he adm. he first heard of a 1947 Roswell film in 1993. them." searched the entire infonnation." "By Januazy or Februazy of 1996 a lot of top He said it was shot by a cameraman whose He sees numerous holes in most stories. Fox spokeswoman Sharan Magl\U80n sap se(Tet documents are going to be released. All name he has not revealed. After several unsuc "For example, they tell you they were probed the network is taking no stand on the UFO argu of this is coming to a head. This is going to be cessful efforts, Santilli said he was finaiJy able to by strange instnunents. I ask them if they ever ment or the material that was presented the story of the millennia." obtain a copy of the fllm which highlights, succeeded in grabbing one. They never have. Mond&;y. Fox received footage from Roswell, N.M., among other things, an alleged 17- minute au They tell of implants in their bodies. Yet, we can 'We pereeive this as an iiM!sdgaUve report where the government has been accused of cov- topsy of an alien creature. never find them." and are not going beyond that.'' ISLANDER, Pensacola Beach, FL - Aug. 16, 1995 DAILY NEWS, New York, NY - Aug. 24, 1995 CR: L. Bryant a y went away from the window, but L I UFO I then decided to come back apd see if it was still there. To his ' great excitement, as he watched, BY GEORGE RUSH AN.D JOANNA MOLLOY the first "star" seemed to split up into two, both exhibiting the same Prez' hunt for campaign cash characteristics as the initial one. PENSACOLA The two "stars" now appeared in SIGHTING the sky close together side by may turn up some UFOs first side. 'Then they just started sepa rating and coming back together By Carole Baker again," Gary told me. The "stars" P were moving apart and up and resident Clinton may have to hold still for At 12:30 a.m. on July 23rd, away from each other: and then a lecture on UFOs if he expects to squeeze Gary Tipton, a Brownsville, coming back into their original campaign money out of Laurance Rocke Pensacola resident, went to his positions. Gary watched this feller. The 85-year-old philanthropist was kitchen for a drink of water prior maneuvering for abOut thirty min among the YIPs at Clinton's 49th birthday to retiring for the night. As he utes. A\though Gary has not been last weekend in Wyoming. And it's safe to say that JOURNAL, Alexandria, VA looked out of his kitchen window an active skywatcher, he has seen the venture capitalist has the President's ear at least while Clinton is vacationing on the Aug. 31, 1995 CR: L.~ryant he saw a very bright "star" in the unidentified lights in the sky Rockefeller spread. CIA hindering sky to 'the southeast. Appearing before. He reported this sighting Chances are the two men have, or will, talk just above the treeline, Gary on the MUFON Hotline and later aa bcoounts tehrev aetnivoinr oandmviesnetr, stoin ecvee Lrya uPrraenscied ehnats sbienecne UFO requests tbhroiguhght ts tthaart wheh iwcha s wseaesi nsgh oa wvienrgy cdaemsceri bteo hiSsh eoxrpeelirnieen cPea rtok thtoe Eisenhower. It's also likely that Rockefeller will bring up the alien issue. Can the Central Intelligence alternate flickering colors of skywatch group personally. Immigrants from Mexico? No, from outer Agency deny a citizen's freedom-of green, red and gold. He watched To report a sighting, call the space. information access to CIA-owned it for about fifteen minutes, trying Pensacola/Gulf Breeze MUFON ingR othcek eCfelilnletor nh aasd mbieneins trparteisosn creocnoterdstsi nifg t haas t" cuitnirzeeans hoanpapbelen"s ato 1 b7e- to decide exactly what he was Hotline at 438-3261. For informa to open the government's UFO year-old records-search fee levied looking at. Gary did not feel this tion on the upcoming Project files. by the agency? was just a star because of the Awareness 1995 Gulf Bree·ze Correspondence we've ob That question forms the core of a brightness and size of it, and also Conference, call Project thaaisn etodl ds hWowhsit et hHato uRsoec Skceifeenllceer dCiosuprutt eo nh etahdee gdr toouwnadrsd t Uha.St .t Dheis Utr.iSc.t because of the changing colors Awareness at (904)432-8888. Adviser John Gibbons that the Freedom of Information Act disal and flickering appearance. He Keep Looking Up! government must put an end to lows federal agencies from taking "4(}plus years of denial on the into account the identity of an FOIA subject" of UFOs, particularly using requestor-whether that per the rumored crash of a space son be a priest, a prisoner or a polit craft in Roswell. N.M .. in 1947. ical activist. Rockefeller said he has As a member of the third cat~go­ been "encouraged" by Gibbons' ry, I had sought a copy of any CIA suggestion that he make Ros dossier maintained on the late ORANGE CO. REGISTER, Santa Ana, CA well "a test case." "UFO contactee" George Adamski A Rockefeller-funded study (who had been surveilled by the FBI Aug. 31, 1995 CR: A- Snow on UFO activity - conducted and the State Department), Pro recently with the help of three ceeding to ignore my inferenc& of 'Alien Autopsy' pumps former astronauts-should be $1 0 as being a reasonable fee, the presented to the White House agency billed me for $60.67 fot its life into .F ox on Monday this fall, according to Michael (incomplete) 1978 search. Luckman, of the New York When I filed an appeal to waive Center for UFO Research. the search fees-citing the public's Rockefeller is also said to interest in knowing how and lJ'hY have financed a group trying to U.S. intelligence agencies spy upon Knight-Ridder Newspapers in Roswell, N.M., in 1947. scineoWtrnestr.ha eacsttt eemxdt arkianet es ErrR.eTos.t?ci kaSelsfoe wmllieet hr s lasaoy atUhgFeNe Onoac-wcyrt,e if vleialitltts ieu edpFs o OnapInA eitdr ss msoawnassnoaoragcdgei aoestrf i od-inenn&s'iifa shlot.es f tahliaFeton xs fmpouraonkgde rsoa umtth mMe ionrnagdt ianyg ansh ioggnhott. 9(5pF.e4ro cmxe ingllteianognee r TatVoef d h toahnme e8.s1n) a ratainotidnn 'gas the octogenarian hopes the that unless I pay the outstandil!g bill well. up. 14 share (percentage of the aliens will share their secrets I shall be barred from having ruture Indeed, interest in "Alien sets in use) with Monday's of longevity. FOIA requests accepted for gro Autopsy: Fact or Fiction" telecast, its best ratings in the "I don't know about any anti cessing. He also avers that I have flO was so high that the network time period since the season aging cure." says Rockefeller right to appeal the debarment. has decided to repeat the finale of "Melrose Place" in spokesman Frasier Sietel. "But If any other readers have ineutted broadcast quickly. It will air May. It was the highest share LHaeu'sr aa nrceea'ls eicnlteecrteisct sfe allroew b.r''o ad. wa osiumldil alirk ed etnoi ajol ionf mFOe IAin aac ccelass~s-aancd aKgTaTinV /1a1t a9n dp .XmE. TMVo/6n. day on ecivaelr. for Fox for a Monday spe-. 1Q tion lawsuit to challenge this illegal "Alien Autopsy" examines Still, Fox was bested in the policy, please let me hear from you. what's alleged to be footage time period by CBS' comedies LARRYW. BRYANT from an autopsy done on an "The Nanny" and "Dave's Alexandria aiien after the crash of a UFO World.··

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