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Preview UFO Newsclipping Service 1995 04 no 309

Apri1 1995 Number 309 er pulled into the driveway. The teen called 911. "I had heard a boom and thought it was a gunshot. But my sister had her earphones on and thought it was something else. When my mother came in, I went outside with her and there it was with two bright lights, like headlights on a car," ·-· .. she said. ~ •• • r·· • • Mother and daughter fol lowed the object back over to a clearing near Railroad Avenue. "It didn't make a sound. We .· :~~ rolled down the windows and we didn't hear anything like a ,/ ·. ... . plane or a helicopter. And it ~--~tid:..__.. moved too swiftly for it to be a •.. ~:""J... -·--.( • blimp," the younger daughter said. When the two returned to the house, the 17-year-old daughter noticed the object fol lowing them back. "I screamed. It looked like it was comine richt at us. It was so low and it turned sharply. It was really scary to me," she said. Two 19-year-old ROTC stu dents had a similar encounter just a few days earlier on Jan. 16. "We were coming back from Lucky's on East Wigeon Way and we spotted it out near Lawler Ranch and Grizzly Daily Republi<:IMII<E Island. We both got a little Citizens who claim they aaw a UFO over Fairfield last month have described details of the obJect, depleted In this drawing. scared. It seemed like it was fol Mystery UFO lowing us. ''What convinced me it wasn't a blimp is that it moved too agile, too swiftly," one stu dent said. The ~e~ns '!'Yer!'!~ignificruill.Y Citizens stand by story of unidentified flying object impressed and made a drawing of the object and told their ROTC instructor, Col. Daryl By Charlie Goodyear ly not a blimp, and not easily explained. Driving home through Suisun City, Nelson. of the Dally Republk: All wished to remain anonymous. she saw the object again near Railroad Nelson, however, was skepti "I'm not a believer in UFOs. I never Avenue and Sunset Boulevard. And FAIRFIELD-Some people just have had been. But what I saw made me when she pulled into the driveway of her cal and remains so. to believe. think twice," said one Fairfield woman home off Travis Street, the object, bril "I w_Quldn'~ put any credence Following reports in January of an who swears she and her two teenage liantly lit, was floating above the neigh in what they're saying," he said. unidentified flying object, officials at daughters experienced a close encounter. borhood. "I'm sure they believe« w hat Travis Air Force Base declared it a case "I was driving home from Benicia on "At this point I'm talking to myself. I they're saying. But kids this of mistaken identity, saying the object Jan. 20 around 7:30p.m. after dropping said 'This is something the girls need to age get excited by thes~sort of was actually a blimp advertising tax ser- off a friend, and as I headed east on see' and I went inside to get my daugh things. And there was no physi vices. Interstate 680 I noticed something all lit ters," she said. cal evidence to support: their But not everyone is convinced. up," she said. "I took the Rio Vista The woman's two daughters, 15 and claim." All of the people contacted for this . turnoff and noticed it again near the 17, were inside the home. The 15-year Still all of the observers article were adamant that what they Budweiser plant. At that point I got a lit ora-had thought she heard a insist they know what they saw on two January nights was definite- tle freaked out." shot around the time her moth- saw. - Government can hide anything even UFOs ~ "" N By Dennla Pollock social implication of weapons systems. The questions be .c The Fresno Bee human-alien con lllc. .... Unclenwnn came, 'What's the strategy?' 'Who's u... No, Michael Lindemann has not tact. "Our govern Futurist and UFO researcher will speak at the enemy?' ~ stahkihpee.n ah arsidne't onta lak sepda cfei risntvhaadnedr 'st oa ira wfmohertanhttc tohhmaesyi n nkgon ota wbb.eo"eu nt c~leoguen'ste Srs.p~ ewatitkhe iUrsF =FOos~r.u" mbT,ic yIks et~tistl e~$d3 ,k" R$1el aflog Er nset u no"tA f isgouurrec eo Iu tt rtuhsete dw htoollde mane,s w'Yeor ut'lol tj space alien. He calls govern dents. Details: 442-8221. that question unless you look into Heck, he hasn't even seen an uni ment's unwilling UFOs.' ... I thought that was goofy, g dentified flying object. ness to respond se the government's abilities to hide in but the guy was a straight shooter. I ~en theBruet. Hhee' ss ucsopnevcitnsc etdh eUreF a0rse anroen houu t Michael erinocuosluyn tteor sc lai"mbsa loo f fsoigrmniaftiicoann, t inacmluoduinngts exopf enmdoitnuerye s oonf twhaes msihnouctkee dy oaut a swkh."a t was available r... man aliens here and that there have UndernMn ney." weapons systems. Lindemann has been busy in recent ~ been for some time. And he believes Lindemann will He said it was interest in weaponry months running what he calls a new ~ everyone needs to take the subject speak at Fresno City College on Mon that drew him to extraterrestrials. "on-line educational service," ex llQ seriously. day and said he will cite "eight or 10 "It began as an innocent inquiry on changing published information of "Tens of thousands of people feel cases that remain robustly impres another subject," he said. "I was a UFOs and nonhuman aliens. It's marginalized because they are caught sive" as credible instances of encoun full-time social analyst and peace ac called the Institute for the Study of between what they know has hap ters with space aliens. tivist for most of the 1980s and ex Contact with Non-Human Intelli pened to them and the conventional Thoee include the alleged recovery amined ways to prevent nuclear war, gence. (Details: (805) 563-8500, wisdom of what is possible," Linde of a crashed UFO and alien bodies so I was pretty up to date on U.S. e-mail: [email protected].) mann said by telephone from Santa near Roswell, N.M., in 1947. weapons policy. "My intention is to establish that Barbara, where he heads the 2020 In an interview and on audio tapes "As the cold war ended, the U.S. the subject is a serious one with seri Group, which concerns itself with the he has made, Lindemann emphasizes government continued to develop ous social implications," he said. COURIER, San Marcos, CA - Jan. 26, 1995 North County UFO hotline focuses on San Marcos, T~hRe OgB.,Y UNarWalAl LCTolEORr SSla. lf. day than they were 5() years ago, especially since a number Vista On-any · given night Vista 'We.m ay be obsessed; agO'. At some point-we are going of scientists and retired resident Laura Miller can be but.w e aren't kooks. to have to decide-that it's. more military personnel have· come ftiomuned·s kpye. ering into the night We are intelligent peo sthaaidn. "rj-uthsti nkco tihncei dsetnecree-o,_t~y p&sh ies fIonr fwaacrt,d thwei-tthw op ewrsoomneanl . smtoerti eosn. psoelovpilneg wa hmo yshtaepryp,e na ntdo taeknijnogy But do not mistake-her ac ple who happen to en· changing:- the. elect"ronic computer the time to research and ex tiona for those~ of an amateur joy solving a.mystery; bulfetfu. board~ CompuServe, plain unidentified flying ob iansgtr oant-otmhee rs; taMrsil.l eSrh'se 'sn olto olokoinkg _ and taking the time to Jones:.- adds: the belief-in relaymg: UFO stories. jects," said Jones. for unidentified flying objects, research and explain UFOs is also. much more- ac- "We·may be: obsessed, but we Part of the mission. of or should we should say, more unidentified flying-ob cepted today than it was years aren'tkoo_ks,.. We.are intelligent MUFON is to. be-a public ser- UFOs. jects Miller is part of the interna tional organization MUFO N, or -Laura Miller the Mutual UFO Network. The organization,_ around since : 1967 and 5,000 members from North County residents strong, attempts to scientifical reporting UFO sightings. ly explain strange phenomenon "We've gotten more than 100' and document personal calls already. Our largest. ~ere is a strict process we keep to-when we. analyze and investigate sightings. In MUFON we strongly believe in scientific knowledge, so we will try and explain things before we call it a UFO.' Marie Jones MUFON sightings-or alleged alien en number seems. to- come from. counters:. Vista and OceanSide but we. are getting calls; fiom1 as: i~r ~ 'Pith 'Marie-. Jones of away as Poway arufEli Cajon;,. Encinitas:;, Miller has 'tarted a said Miller-, who'~ been inter North ~o-unty chapter of .e sted in UFO Sightings ior 18 MUFON along with' a 24-hour years. telephone- hot line for UFO sightings in the area_ Just as quickly as. Miller is to explain the: popularity sur And while the two women rounding UFO sightings, she need no help in exhibiting their dispels the notion that it could pehnetnhomu,se.nioans, mth eyf odor noUt. FaOp be mass hysteria. Staffphoto by MIKEH~NlG pear to•be' alone. The hot line, Marie. Jones-(left) and laura Miller talk about the creation of a North Vlce: and provide a wrum for only in operation for a month, "I just think people are more County chapter of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). those who have seen things and has been inundated with calls aware and knowledgeable to- want someplace to 'talk about it, without'controversy. "The more. people!-that. get -FO- . together ·and· work together, ~ Unidentified object still unidentified - the more-, we can' get answers 0\ DETROIT - It's been a year, and those unidentified flying U. ·-• ()~.{ / r ,, anIdnf-infdactht~e -MtruUthF.O''MN ilmleermsabide:r.s. • objects that confounded sky w~tchers in western lower Michl- U'T111&QIIIIIOIMAII•.,._ , ~ {J ~ are ..c urren~t ly investiga~two .cco: .g aOnn r eMmaaricnh u8n, id1e99n4ti, fiHedol.l and ·police t oo k many 911 ca II s f rom M A G A z 1 _N e ~· -,....,~ _-_o ~ .-,0~ r 0 Vsigishttain Ug;F Ooc csuigrhrteindO.' !IoI:DnI-~. TNhoev: S2'r8s,t ~ people reporting seeing five or six objects, some cylinder '~:::~;jl((-t-_~ 1994 and was-videotaped. by :;! shaped, with blue, red, white and green lights. · I ,. Miller an"d- her husband. ------c::::::::______ A National Weather Service operator told police the objects Bobby, from theirpatio. I showed on radar there, larger than the typical plane, flying fast -The videotape was, sent out :Z: and at varying altitudes and headed West. 3~. '--.....__, for professional analysis in ""' - _"These sightings would have to fall into the category of a true Wisconsin, where· a MUFON: ~ unidentified flying object," Dr. Michael Swords, professor of /\IJ u__T U ·' staff' photoanalyst ther& de- ~ natural science at Western Michigan University, told the Detroit , ur·o·----~-.~ U F .-.0-.- N . termined the object captured ~~ · FrIene tPhree syse ainr asinn caer titchlee spiugbhltiisnhge, d reWseedarncehsdearsy . have ruled out ..,,·, .. --.-._-_ _. :_~·._ .. _-_--. -.. ] -_Q-__-- _-_----_0·---B---J-~-5Li~A-_9_ _-_- _-_-R___L_K_ by" MThilelreer "irse am satirnisc ta pUroFceOsS."" " we ~ weather balloons, small planes, marsh gas, blimps, satellites, keep to when we analyze and falling stars, space junk or military aircraft, the Free Press investigate sightings. In. ~ said. But they still don't know exactly what it was. ~~:'.?_:,~- MUFON we strongly believe in ~ The Mutual UFO Network is investigating, doing interviews '1'118- scientific knowledge, so we wilf e-o and looking at radar data. d 1 thin be "We get excited because it's such a big case," Michigan MU- try-an exp ain · gs fore we call it a UFO," said Jones, FON Director Shirley Tafoya said. "We try to keep an open who added that 90 percent of minq, to see whether this was a true sighting." ----------------------------..L.-------------------------, the sightings can be accounted for~ Meanwhile, the MUFON DAILY TIDINGS. Ashland, OR - Nov. 25. 1994 members- are also hot on' the Group shares experiences with UFOs trail of another Vista sighting Jan. 5, witnessed by at least a dozen-indiViduals. For more-information about By Stephanie Shea therapists want to create a group for people who people who have had an experience with extrater MUFON, those- interested can, attend a meeting scheduled for Ashland Daily Tidinp have had personal experiences with UFOs or just restrial beings to come forward. They placed an Jan. 19 at. 7 p.m. The place-. o£ On August 11, 1979, a couple was camping in have an interest in them. ad in local newspapers seeking people with expe the meeting has. not yet been. the hills just south of Ashland. At approximately Ward said he and his wife wanted to share rience or knowledge of UFOs and got about 45 selectedr but it can: be retrieved 9 p.m., they were talking in their tent when a their experience, which he described as more responses. A group of at least 20 showed up for by calling the hot line. at 271~· cylinder of pure, white light came straight down unusual than frightening, to calm the fears that the Medford meeting, with several claiming to 3022 a few days prior to. the outside their tent. It shone into their eyes for what people may have about aliens. ''I'm not trying to have had an encounter with a UFO or alien meeting~ Regular monthly seemed like one or two seconds before complete convince anyone," he said, ''I'm still a skeptic." beings. Noted guests at the meeting included meetings of MUFON will ly vanishing. Starkey is well acquainted with June and Aleuti Francesca, a UFO researcher who has follow. Although that was more than 15 years ago, the Ward and said that the two are Ashland profes given lectures on radio and television in the couple who wishes to be identified only as June sionals that he described as "intelligent, level United States and Canada, and Michael Brein, and Ward have never forgotten the night they headed people." It is common for people who Ph.D., a parapsychologist and former director of believe they were visited by a UFO. Under hyp have had experiences with UFOs to to keep it to the Mutual UFO Network Inc. (MUFON) in nosis last year, June recalled more of that night, themselves or to wait years before sharing their Hawaii. filling in the gaps of a 15-to 17-minute span that story, and then only anonymously, as Ward and The group plans to meet monthly to share the couple could not remember. "The bright light June did, Starkey said. "There is still a stigma knowledge about UFOs through viewing docu was shining in and there were several strange attached to the topic of UFOs." mentaries, guest lectures, and discussion groups. looking beings in the tent The beings were short, But times are changing, and people are talking A support group for people with sighting or skeletal-looking figures, with a translucent look about UFOs more than ever before, according to abduction experiences is also in the works. The to their bodies. They were obviously looking at us Starkey. "There are scientists, public figures, mil next meeting is scheduled for Dec. 8. The film and discussing us," June said. She remembers the itary pilots, generals, intelligence officers, CIA "Messenger of Destiny," a documentary on the beings' presence as "strange, but not threaten and other government officials who are breaking Mexico City UFO sightings in 1991 during a ing." the cover of silence and saying that they [UFOs] solar eclipse, will be shown. Francesca will speak 2 This account was read aloud at a recent public are real, that they have seen them," he said. and answer questions. forum on UFOs given in Medford by R. Hawk Stoltz and Starkey are trying to provide a net For more information, call Starkey at 1-800- Starkey, PhD. and Art Stoltz, Ph.D .. The two work of information and support to encourage 616-2202 or Stoltz at 779-1410 or 773-7396. REPUBLIC, Fairfield, CA- Feb. 27, 1995 In search of . • • base. Still, I am surprised they commented at all on this past sighting." And no matter what you think of Moreno's personal beliefs, his contacts in the field of parapsychology and UFO inves tigations are bona fide . .. :Ie has a real interest in research and that indicates to me that he's on the up and-up," said Lloyd Auerbach, an eminent San Francisco parapsychology investigator and author. "1'he problem is that legitimate acade mics in the field are suffering from the New Age imagery," he added. "There are a lot of flakes and hucksters out there promoting themselves but not interested in what may be actually happening. And that scares off mainstream science." ' In a world of tabloid journalism and past hPflxes t such as the English farmers who created strange patterns in crop fields using only a broom and wire), Moreno sees him .· self playing a valuable role. At the very least he is someone who will listen. At the most, he could help foster a more tolerant scientific and academic community. "A lot of people have a Ph.D. to lose. I don't,'' Moreno said. "I want to h~lp remove the stigma from these kinds of investiga tions. There is a whole area of science out there waiting to be discovered. Just because somebody can fake something doesn't mean it never happened." Skepticism aside, funding is one of the largest hurdles for UFO investigators. The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence organization had its federal funds cut last year. Moreno's Psi Applications is a non-profit foundation that so far has received dona tions from individuals. Contributors receive a quarterly newsletter and access to a data base Moreno is compiling of UFO groups, paranormal investigators and tips on gov ernment flies. Moreno offers his own services as a coun selor and consultant to people who may be dealing with the supernatural. He can be reached at 425-4382. While SETI's loss of its funding disap pointed Moreno, he plans to forge on with his own research. "It really exasperated me," he said. ''But with SETI you had all those scientists spendii.6 millions of dollars looking for life in outer space when it's been right here in our backyard all along." Daily Republic/MIKE McCOY Amateur parapsychologist Steve Moreno says aliens have been visiting Earth for years. VALLEY DAILY NEWS, Kent, WA - Feb. 24, 1995 Residents ''Then we had reports it was hov Trying to explain ering. too. so I don't know just what to make nf this yet," Goudie said. The light in the sky was seen report between 5 a.m. and 6 a.m. Wednes the unexplainable day. Sullivan, the UW professor, said anyone looking near the hori sighting zon to the east and slightly south durin!! those hours now will see Vcnu~ shining bright. Viewed with Non-profit foundation targets UFOs the naked eye. it will "twinkle" and of UFO appear to change color:.. in hues of hlue. l!rccn and r<!d, Sullivan said. , Go~Jie, who \Hll k; in advertising By Charlie Goodyear His discussion -ranges from the merely in Seattle, is am l1l:f hx-al residents of the Daily Republic bizarre to the unbelievable: By BRUCE ROMMEL who operate thl· C F1 l Reporting and • Cattle mutilations reported across the Valley Daily News lnformatiou St>rv:r:,· The group's SUISUN CITY - Between the cold reality country are supposedly the work of aliens Was that mysterious green light goal is to rind expLm.t•ions for UFO of science and the fanciful musings of New Age who need enzymes from cow blood to help seen in Ute $klH over Western sightings, he said. mysticism, you'll find Steve Moreno. process their digestive systems. Washington a satellite? A meteor? As far as his ~·rct..o :~ concerned. A self-described amateur parapsychologist, • The Air Force has been testing bor Or was it just the planet Venus Goudie said, liFO ~1ghtings arc Moreno, 38, has been interested in trying to rowed or captured space craft at its top twinkling at sunrise? found to he "explained.·· or else explain the unexplainable since his teens. secret facility at Groom Lake, Nev. "Ever~ though Venus doesn't they're "still being invc,tigated." But Moreno, an independent contractor, • Psychic surgeons from the Philippines move around. a lot of reports of The invcstigatio;,; literally can iwnavnetsst igtoa ted oh mauonrtei ntghsa.n Hjuiss tg cohala sies UtoF Obsri nogr can• hAeanld t ufammoersd wIsirthaeoluit pssuyrcgheircy .U .-i Geller, sUVietFynO uos~f . c.W..:a nWa sboheoi ndtgryat ocSneud lal itsvota ronsin,g oah mUtiynn gipvsr eoor f dtlaietkene.c eCw osanursgsig.d eehsreti sns gaa i dtUh. eFS Onoum mweabtisem ra e ossf a estveailt · ~sknedpet~ic_ta_!lt ~s c~!i!e!nbtriesltlsa aonfd h firse fel etdhginliknegr sn oton-gpertohfeirt krencoewivne df ohri sb peonwdienrsg fsropmoo enxs trwaittehr rhesistr imali.sn.d 1 fesOsno rt. hsea iodt hTehru hrasndday, .V enus doesn't cclolnitfeisr min ththaet. sck:i.epsc,c iiat lltya kiefs itt iwmaes toa foundation, Psi Applications. "I met Geller once and he was amazing. I · 't.ip acros~ the sky,·· as a few resi military one. "The scientific method as it is prad:iced now saw seeds sprout from his hands," Moreno dent), around Western Washington is too confining. You've got to keep an open said. described the unidentified flying As of Thursday afternoon. Goudie mind with some.ofthis stuff," Moreno said. Closer to home, Moreno has experienced object Wednesday morning. said, he had no immediate explana Keeping an open mind is definitely a a number of sightings during the past 13 Several witnesses telephoned the tion ti.>r the light movmg in the sky requirement. Moreno has spent years research years, starting with an incident that UFO Reporting and Information Wednesday morning. ing incidents, logging thousands of hours of occurred near the south gate of Travis Air Servin· in Seattle and described a Sullivan said UFO sightings in computer time pouring through declassified Force Base in 1982, he said. ~r!'en di~c nr light traveling west to this <Jrea have been traced to air flles and chatting with professional parapsy More recently, he has been investigating l'a~t. < Jther~ ~aid i1 was movin£ craft. weather balloons and some chologists and fellow UFO buffs. a number of sightings reported in January, ih>llh hl ~outh tunes meteors. Sometimes. what "' know the government will disclose a lot of trying to determine if the object was really a wa· s' Thm~·o vritn•pgo prhre twtye gfao~tt .w laesa vthinagt iat pinego pinle ghaasvees sreeelena sise ds ufnrloimgh tb arellfoleocnts evidence in the n~xt 15 year~ Moreno said. blimp as Travis AFB officials claimed. trail." said Dale Goudie. one of the at high altitudes in experiments to '"They aren't going to admit anything now "The UFO phenomenon does exist in volunt<·crs <It the UFO service. test how the gases expand. he said. about something they can't control. There Fairfield, probably because-of the base," wh1ch h;h heen tmcking sightings in have been several different species of aliens Moreno said. ''But I don't think Travis AFB thi~ area ~inn~ 19X2. 3 .who've been visiting Earth for years." is directly involved. They're not that type of eVENTS TIMES, Trenton, NJ - March 19, 1995 Eyes of aliens are watching < u UFO congress compares notes By LISA ANN MYERS Stall Writer 'I have had positive, negative and neutral BORDENTOWN TOWNSHIP - experiences with aliens,' No one attending the S'ixth Annual said Haley. She lectures all Great UFO/ET Alien and Abduction Congress spotted any extraterrestri over the country and aims als yesterday, but a number of to 'help alleviate fear of speakers said they have had close these entities and encounters. Yesterday the congress, an organi educate.' zation focusing on the distribution of scientific and Jay UFO data, fea along with 30 other people in Flori tured lectures by scientists and self da. proclaimed alien abductees, exhibits UFO enthusiast Rene Jacques said and vendors. The congress, which he had a spiritual experience during started Friday, will also meet today a sighting. "It was similar to being at the Days Inn here. with God," he said. cirrles, spirits of the dead (my Lecturer Leah A. Haley relayed Although lecturer Stanton Fried gness is Elvis would fall under that personal accounts of alien abduction man, a nuclear physicist and author, Crop Zone heading), UFOs and our own psy and medical experiments. has "never seen a flying saucer or an ches? Whi<fl1s okay, as rhetorical Haley, a certified public account, alien being," he's convinced of their questions go, but I was disappoint claims to have had UFO sightings existence_ Friedman bases his con ed he couldn't find a way to work since childhood. As she grew older, viction upon, "a consistent response Bigfoot in there. she was abducted on numerous occa throughout the country" and scleh He spent the rest of the lecture sions and used for medical research, tiflc data. However, his conviction .is she said. accompanied by skepticism. handily failihg to answer ·that She has written books about en According to Friedman, with ev What the CIA doesn't want you qthuoeusgtiho,n t. hIat tw haes tphrientktys cUleFaOr st oh mavee, cpoeuarnetde rso n wTiVth taUlkF Oshs owans dt o hdaiss cuasps e"Irty Isfnin'td ienngo,u ghhe fnoere sdosm veeornifei ctaot itoenll. something to do with crop circles. I her experiences_ me a story _. _t here are a lot of pho to know about crop circles mean, what else could be doing it? On one occasion, an alien removed nies out there," Friedman said. Except maybe the CIA. her right eyeball, inserted an object Friedman said he considers Mac I don't think I'm being unfair inside her eye socket and replaced cabee's accounts credible, but many THbw eEhtotRe Er s'Sut ghNgaeOnsT tsH aI tNhlGeer ceIt 'usli rkeear lMheayyv. e(c Isr eowepma-cse idrdc elielni cgeohxmteppdel retiotee n hcweei athrw ootuhutil sda. prwaahmyesbn l peI e.s oAapycl ecC ootrold inicn rhgea atdot e ah iptmehno, dntehyne c cCyr oItApo sadhanoeidcrd t oeisrynhsede cbe oanhlutalal,sd t is ohnhnaoedst eroepxnpup onlrhactieetndur. _ rbe o Swdhyeo utanhldsaost omwtiihFcthe rWi rse cadaicmetcneoatrunigfn iaactsl tse eocv" ai-dbneenanl oigcetoe vb.ve ese rbinanmc kae en"dtc couosp CIA agent in the audi mention of Elvis.) That same man circles. He calls these people Haley also reported that she has verup of UFO data. In his opinion, ence_ The other day, I also had 20 films shot in 1947 by the "hoaxers." The CIA also pays peo seen at least four different kinds of reports of UFO crashes, military in went to a talk by the world's fore military at the famed Roswell, .ple to destroy authentic crop cir aliens. Some were short with big volvement and scientific findings most authority on crop circles, N.M., UFO crash site. I found it cles. That incensed me. What a · eyes and large heads, while others demonstra.te the government's Colin Andrews_ Crop circles, for perfectly logical that the same man waste of tax money! It would be a were reptilian, she said. knowledge of extra-terrestrial activi those out of the unexplained-phe would have both sorts of films. lot more economical if the CIA "I have had positive, negative and ty. nomenon loop, are giant geometric Colin said the films were proba would just pay people to falsely neutral experiences with aliens," Along with lecturer's proclama patterns fashioned in fields of bly authentic. (Harry Truman ap claim they'd hoaxed the authentic said Haley. She lectures all over the tions, there were displays of UFO wheat, beans, etc., by invisible and pears in one of them, which would crop circles. In fact, Colin may country and aims to "help alleviate pictures, scientific data and books. unknown forces. be hard to fake.) He had actually have accused them of that at some fear of these entities and educate." One exhibit made claims that the ovTehrnei ghpta titne rdniss tahnatv pe artasp poefa rthede saeuetonp osnye p oefrf tohrem feidlm ons -aa d 1e5a-dm ailnieunte. poAinst ,n teoaor. Iats's Ih oaorudl dto dsiascye fronr, sCuorlein. beAe, CwChOoR DhoINldGs aT OPh .BD.r uicne pMhyasciccas , fEigrsytp UtiaFnOs sinig 1h5t0in0 go _wc_a s made by the world-sort of like those weird No wonder Colin was excited! The feels the CIA was also responsible anyone cau be abducted. Maccabee Maccahee said, whether UFOs ex pastel strip malls now popping up films have been purchased by the for the disruption in his personal wwiatsn fn'SoStf '(alb ad urcintegd o bf ulti gchlatsi mins ttoh eh askvye cisot roer i sn ogto, in"gce ornta."in ly something hard everywhere. I wish somebody Fox Network for $150,000 and, ac life. Well, it was either them or the would investigate where those cording to Colin, will be broadcast UFOs. Colin used to keep the world's things are coming from. later this year. It will change every largest database devotf'li to croo cir Colin himself has a mysterious thing! Or at least, I guess, provide cles in his home. For some le~gthy haircut. He's a more or less nor relief from summer reruns. period of time, he said, every night ISLANDER, Pensacola Beach, FL - March 15, 1995 mal-looking guy-in a jleaming, at precisely 4:15am something would Skywatchers Sight Amber Lights religious-cui t -executive-board IT 'S EASY to understand why set off his security alarm. member way. As it turns out, the CIA would want to follow It was chaos-the alarms that's very close to what he is. around a guy with information wouldn't turn off, and the cops There are crop-circle fans every not even the Weekly World would show up. It always hap By Carole Baker where-a secret underground News has yet. To a bizarre-phe pened at exactly 4:15am except for Thursday evening, March 9, watchers were more prepareo <11•-. movement. When Colin comes to nomena investigator like Colin, once when it happened at 3:20am. three skywatchers arrived at Shore- had cameras and binoculars ready. town, they all turn out. the United States government is a Colin couldn't figure out the devia line Park earlier than usual. It was a The three lights appeared this time The room that night was awash huge, sinister gang that devotes tion until he realized that if you chilly evening so they were watching about fifteen degrees in the sky and with insider winks and nudges. most of its time and resources to look at a clockface reading 3:20 in a from their car. It was 6:38p.m_, and appeared to be closer to the sky Andrews started out excitedly re covering up the really cool stuff, mirror, it reads 4:15! they had only been in the park a few watchers than the fu-st sighting. They lating news only peripherally con like flying saucers and crop circles And suddenly I got it. Jt was all minutes when three amber lights ap- were able to observe the left light nected with crop circles but of and, hell, even Elvis. ' beginning to make sense to me. peared in the sky over Sabine Yacht blinkoutandtheremainingtwolights monumental and earth-shattering Finally, having warned us of The CIA, the aliens, the crop cir importance. An ex-rock-star he "immense changes" about to oc cles, Elvis, the clock in the mir Club. Scrambling for cameras and tum deep red before fading out. knows, a crop-circle aficionado as cur, Colin got to the crop circles. ror- it all ties together' binoculars they rushed from their car Again, this sighting lasted about fif well, has turned up a guy with pre He asked the rhetorical question: Don't you see it, too? toobserve the UFO. The three amber teen seconds. viously unseen film of Elvis Pres- Is there a connection between crop M. NiCK lights appeared in a horizontal row A few minutes later at 6:53p.m_ about ten degrees above the horizon a single red light blinked in to the east above the Yacht Club. One of the of Sans Souci. This light came in lights blinked out and the remaining about ten degrees above the horizon DAILY RECORD, Roswell, NH - March 8, 1995 two then faded out. The sighting and faded out. The sighting lasted GAO continues to search lasted about fifteen seconds_ It was a about five seconds- This was fol very clear night with a half moon lowed at 6:54 by another red light in high in the sky and stars visible the exact same position in the sky to throughoutthe sky. The last reported the east of Sans Souci_ It too ap for information on UFOs sighting at Shoreline Park had oc- peared for a very short time before curred on January 19. fading out. About ten minutes later at 6:50 A couple visiting from Atlanta p.m. a similar configuration of three arrived at Shoreline Park shortly af Richard Olmsted but It sheds no &lght on the amber lights in a horizontal row ap- ter the last sighting and were very alleged crash. peared in the sky just to the east of the disappointed to have missed these Record Staff Writer The search started in Janu water tower. This time the sky- sightings. Keep Looking Up! ary 1994 at the request of Rep. The General Accounung ;.,.~;(\:}t\):\) .I Steve Schiff, R-N.M., whose Office's search of documents ~:c~e1;et:'?l congressional district doesn't fIonrc itdnfeonrtt noaft 1ia9D4 7 o tns cthoen URnouswlnegl,l TF.f¥7"777777T77'77ftfu••f lionfc olulhdeer R poesowpelell .w Ahto t hwer oreteq uheimst Department of Defense. Mogul designed to detect one Of the..researchers said letters, Schiff lnqulred aboul prompting his request for a Soviet nuclear testing. That Tuesday. The 14-month ~earch theallegedUFOcrashonMac GAAOc cinovrdeisnugg atou otnh.e Air Force, cstizoerdy bhya sw biteneens swesid aenlyd cUriFtOi ··we are busy evaluating turned up fl document detail..- Brazel's ranch 75 miles n0rth the crashed 'Object was a bal researchers. things," researcher Gqry Wee ing the dally acUvity at Roswell west of Roswell. loon belonging to Project ter said. "We have no specific Army Air Flelq during the week lle sald he became very 4 date to be finished, but we are of July 2 1947. the day the the Interested after his questions closer." UFO w.(l1s found, Weeter sald, were stonewalled by the ARIZONA REPUBLIC, Phoenix, AZ - Jan. 22, 1995 CR: P. Jeffries/R. Seifried THE ALIEN HIGHWAY THE 98 LONELY MILES OF NEVADA 375 PASS AND STRAIGHT INTO THE TWILIGHT ZONE Photo Illustration by Thomas Ropp/Pattl Valdez/The Arizona Republic RACHEL, NEV. A cold wind ripped through this trailer town of l 00 as the morning EARTHLINGS sun exploded over the mountains, spilling across the valley, renewing shadows swallowed by the night WELCOME before. Joe Travis sat at a table in his stark cafe with TT his head between his hands, smoking a cigarette, drinking a cup, trying to wake up. Wife Pat sat next to Joe. They were the only people in the cafe. But they weren't alone. "A psychic once told us that there were 27 be ;LEI ings in this cafe," Pat said in a tired voice. "They Stery fly live here." And, if you believe the spooky stories that have TIIOIIIs circulated in this area over the years, you would Ropp have to conclude that they live all along Neva· da 375, a 98-mile single-lane road that connects Ash Springs to Warm Springs. Reports of other· worldly lights, celestial abductions and just plain weird encounters with UFOs are so common, this desolate stretch of asphalt is now referred to as the Alien Highway . . Rachel, 150 miles or so north of Las Vegas, is Thomas Ropp/The Arizona Republic the only community along the Alien Highway. It's Joe and Pat Travis suspect that aliens want them to remain in Rachel, a town 150 miles or so north of Las a spot Larry King recently called the "loneliest Vegas. Rachel is a spot Larry King, on his two-hour UFO special, called the "loneliest place on Earth." place on Earth" while doing a live two-hour UFO show for cable channel TNT. bitterly cold in this high desert, like it did their whole doorjamb. What I believe now is that some· The Travis' story begins in 1988, when they first winter, when Pat claims temperatures dropped thing came in here that day and has never left." · moved to Rachel from Las Vegas and purchased to 30 below one day - the day they had their first A short time later, Pat and another woman were the Rachel Bar and Grill It wasn't something they preternatural encounter. traveling along Nevada 375. Pat was driving. Sud had planned on doing. No longer a youngster, Joe "It was a Thursday afternoon," Pat said. "Joe denly she heard a voice tell her to slow down. swore he'd never live in snow again. It snows in and I were here by ourselves and a beam of light "It wasn't the voice of the other woman, and Rachel. passed right through the middle of the back door, In fact, at nearly 5,000 feet elevation, it can get which was closed at the time. The light lit up the it wasn't a voice in my head," Pat sign. The saucer was about 40 inches message from the entity that had night in front of the restaurant." a human/alien hybrid by stealing said. "I slowed down from 55 to across, approximately the same di entered their cafe. Earlier that day Not everyone in Rachel is as open viable sex cells from human adults. 35 and saw two black bulls in the ameter as the sign. she and Joe had discussed the possi about their run-ins with the bizarre. Tales of such close encounters ap road. I couldn't have stopped if I The sign is still there. The saucer bility of selling the Little A'Le'Inn. For instance, an elderly woman in pear to be uncannily similar. Victims had been going 55." isn't. "They want us to stay here," Pat the Mormon church who did not are snatched from bed, from a car Given the history of UFO lore "Best we can figure, a whirlwind said. want to be identified said a craft or even from the street. Many "ab in the area, as well as their own ex uprooted the saucer and tossed it One other time, the Travises had -followed her vehicle from Alamo ductees" are forced to have ova or periences, Joe and Pat renamed their into the sign," Pat said, not believing talked quietly about selling. Again, to Rachel one night, a distance of sperm removed). cafe the Little A'Le'Inn and expan· that's what really happened. something strange occurred. A light about 48 miles. The saucer-shape Another local woman claimed ded it into a trailer motel They con· Somehow, the saucer was hurled outside their bedroom kept flashing craft, she said, was close enough a blue light paralyzed her while it str'Ucted a two-panel sign off the with such force that it lodged in the on and off. above her that she could see the probed around her house. After highway featuring the classic face small slit between the t\\'o panels "But when I went to see what portholes. ward, the woman said, there was 5 of a a slanted-eyed alien with the in the sign. A million-to-one shot. it was, there was nothing there," The woman believed the only rea a strange scar on her leg and she ~timent "Earthlings Welcome." "It took three men to dislodge Pat said. "If I hadn't known better, son she wasn't abducted was because had "lost tim.e" (losing track of time They also securely anchored a it." Pat said. I would have sworn the flashing she was too old. (A popular abduc - anvwhere from 20 minutes to rniniatu;fe flying saucer next to the .Pat believes the incident was a light was the same one we have at tion theory is that aliens are creating (continued on page 6) (continued from page 5 - ARIZONA REPUBLIC, Phoenix, AZ - Jan. 22, 1995~ an hour - is commonly reported entire object seemed to be moving from people who claim close encoun Beam yourself up to mysterious stretch slightly as if rotating on a pedestal. ters with alien craft or paralyzing Bian Myers, of the International lights). If you decide to drive, go first Little A'Le'Inn in Rachel, the Center for UFO Research Inc. in Couple minutes late to Las Vegas then north to cost is $31 per night. Phone: Scottsdale, said he has interviewed Rachel, via U.S. 93 and Nevada 1-702-729-2515. "credible sources" over the past 10 Others, homing in on Rachel's 375. Expect a six-hour drive There's little in the way of years who have reported UFO activ burgeoning reputation as "Weird from Phoenix to Las Vegas and facilities between Las Vegas and ity around Area 51. Cine hnotrpaels, "o hf awviet nbeesgsuinng tfoi rsshthowan du pn on aVneogtahse tro 2R ~ac hehl.o uYros u fcrooumld aLlsaos Rachel. Fill your tank in Las "Primarily they report craft flying empirically correct phenomena. fly to Las Vegas from Phoenix Vegas. You may want to eat in around at night erratically," Myers Chuck Clark is such a pilgrim. and rent a car for the drive to Alamo before entering the Alien said. Rachel. Highway. Bring binoculars and An astronomer from southern Cali What you might see If you decide to stay at The water. fornia, Clark has lived in Rachel If you're of sound mind, adventur for two months. He said he hasn't ous and not easily spooked, by all seen anything too out of the ordinary means take a drive to Rachel. There yet, but he's been close. "I've missed having a couple en Area 51 have visited Rachel. Last year's final are no guarantees you'll see anything counters by just a few minutes," episode of The X-Files, featuring too arcane, but then again, the odds Clark said. About a year after the Travises a secret military base in the desert seem to be in your favor. purchased their tiny cafe, a major where aliens were being kept alive One thing you most likely will He said the most interesting inci event rocked the world of UFO chas in incubators, was obviously a direct see are high-flying jets and a sky dent occurred in September when ers when physicist Bob Lazar, who descendant of speculations over filled with flares at twilight. This a friend asked him whether he had allegedly had left his job at a secret what's going on at Area 51. is part of the nightly war games con seen the two glowing blue beams Air Force base, announced to the Rachel's full-time residents aren't ducted by nearby Nellis Air Force of lights near Coyote Summit, a few world that he had been working on saying much about it, but the preva Range. miles southeast of Rachel. captured alien spacecraft. From that lent theory is that at the very least You'll also see an attractive coun "But by the time I got out there proclamation, more incredible stories the Air Force is experimenting with tryside with volcanic-peak moun the show was over," Clark said. have surfaced, including the possibil its own saucer back in the foothills. tains, shrubby pines and joshua for "Apparently these ligilts were shoot ity that there are a half-dozen live "From the people I've talked to, ests that low-flying ravens maneuver ing blue beams between each other space aliens being held captive there. I'd say there's a strong possibility deftly through from perch to perch. for about 15 minutes." The officially secret base is only of that," Clark said. "There have The hilly area near Hancock Sum 18 miles south of Rachel in a region been sightings of strange floating mit, 36 miles east of Rachel, is espe identified on some maps as Area lights out near the Back Gate area." cially striking. The rocks here are 51. The Back Gate is a gate across striated with colorful bands and lines Recently, Nevada Gov. Bob a dirt road beyond alfalfa fields at that - if you squint - resemble Miller more or less admit!ed the the base of the foothills that leads a pattern of hieroglyphics or enig existence of the base, but wouldn't to the secret base. Signs warn that matic faces. elaborate except to say it needed deadly force will be used to keep In April, the desert floor is blan to remain secret in the interest of out intruders. keted in rose-colored mallows. national security. His admission was One night in Rachel, I also saw If you decide to visit, consider wise considering there are photo this floating light in the area of the spending a night at the Little graphs and videos of the place taken Back Gate, altltough, at the time A'Le'Inn, keeping in mind that these from public lands 10 miles away I didn't know about the Back Gate. are not fancy accommodations, but that show buildings, hangars and I saw it from the highway with they are the only accommodations. workers arriving by bus and daily another witness. It was a pumpkin And who knows, over a Beam shuttle flights from Las Vegas. colored ball of light that pulsated Me Up Scotty drink and an Alien Human secrets, of course, are and appeared to jump erratically Burger, the Travises may tell you nothing new to this area of Nevada. just above the desert floor in front what it all means: Atomic bombs, the U-2 spy plane of the foothills. But when I looked "I truly believe there's an educa The Arizona Republic and the Stealth bomber were tested at the ball of light through binocu tion process going on here," Pat here. Now what's going on is any lars, what I saw more closely resem said. one's guess, but the publicity gener bled the headlights of a truck, except She believes the entities are com Flashing lights work best for contact ated by it all has also had a major the beams weren't right. Instead ing to her and Joe at night while Tips on communicating with extraterrestrial craft, impact on Rachel. Besides Larry of shining straight out, these ap they sleep and teaching them lessons. courtesy of the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial King, camera crews from across peared to be moving and fanning "Why else," she said, "would we Intelligence: the United States, Europe and Japan out in a circular pattern. Also, the have ended up in Rachel?" •Flash headlights on and off in a pattern of some kind. The craft could duplicate the pattern. •You can do the same with a flashlight, although the larger the light the better. •Try thought-transference. Think: "I'd like to get a closer look at you." The craft may move closer. • Do not wave hands and arms. This could be interpreted as a hostile gesture. '' UFO reports gain credibility in many quarters From the people I've Opinion polls show talked to, I'd experiences. The videotape~ all showed the same with UFOs, and even through telepathy. firsthand sightings Two million people witnessed a UFO thing: a shiny metallic saucer-shaped "We emphasize working in teams so say there's a frenzy over Mexico City in the early '90s. craft that appeared to have a reddish, experiences are witnessed by more than strong are on the increase In recent years, heavy activity also has glowing field of energy underneath it. one person and therefore more scientific possibility of been reported around Siberia, the Baltic The sightings continued throughout and verifiable," said Emily Greer, wife of (the Air By Thomas Ropp Sea, throughout South America, the central and southern Mexico for another Steven and CSETI's spokesperson. Force having TheA Alrli ztohnias Rspeapucbel-ica lien stuff may still seem CHuurdrseonntl yV,a tlhleey Gaundlf MBraerefzae, Tareexaa so.f twoB eyseiadress. video documentation, an sucScheess sfauild c tohme mteuanmicsa htianvge vbieae anl l three captured pretty asinine, but there's no denying the Florida near Pensacola is a sighting increasing number of UFO researchers techniques, but especiaily through lights. UFOs). UFO phenomenon has had a profound mecca. ("ufologists") are trying to scientifically "We've made contact with craft by There have cinefnltuuernyc.e on our culture over the past half theI nN Aavraizjoo nRae, sheorvt astpioonts, hPaavyes oinnc, lCuhdieldd s, aresctroorpdh UysFicOis ta cJt. ivAitlyle. nM Haynnye, kl,i kaer eth e late frleassphoinngd twhirtehe tthimreees ,f ltahsheens ,h athviisn gs otrhte o cfr aft been You can't escape it. Turn on the radio Sedona, the Superstition Mountains, Casa scientists who just want to know what's thing," Greer said. sigh tings of Aanlide nh.e aInr Jloitee rSaatutrriea,n Ui'sF SOusr fainpgp eWari tihn tKhue rt GraBnrdiaen aMndy eHrse boefr t.h e International areraolulyn dg othineg w oonr.l dU, nwlihkoes ge oovfefircnimal epnotsli cies In February 1992, she said, a CSETI strange Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five. Even Center for UFO Research Inc. in have been to deny everything, these team Jed by her husband was in a floating architect Frank Lloyd Wright sketched Scottsdale said polls show that 50 percent privately funded researchers are sharing volcanic region outside Mexico City lights out flying saucers scooting in the air above of the American public now believes in their findings with the public. where a lot of craft had been seen. homes of the future. Dr. Steven Greer, for instance, is a "They had one of those triangular craft near the Then there's the film and TV industry, UFOs, and that one in seven has had specialist in the medical-emergency field that's the size of two or three football UFO or paranormal experiences. Back Gate which has produced the likes of The from North Carolina. He's also a fields come within a couple hundred area. oX-fF thilee sT, hAirldie nK iNndat,i oInnv, aCsiloonse oEfn thcoe uBnotedrys inc"reI atshei,n"k M thyeesres nsauimd.b "eTrsh aerree 'osn m tuhceh less tuhfeo lSogtuisdty a onfd E fxoturnadteerrr eosft trhiael CInetnetlelirg feonrc e fylaarsdhsin ogf bthaecmk a,"n dG rfoeertrh s awidit.h " tIhte wma sf or CHUUFOC KP ILCGLRAIMR K Saannbaddt,uc cohtfei orcsno, ucTrashseee, oADfar wiyz ootohndea 'csEu aottrwethrn TSfartamovooidsu sS till sprioedmoicpeuloelne a ern ewo whhao bv'sei nccgaru eedsxeipb melero iewrnehc aoen sh doa smr khonarode w (UCFSOE TeId)u. cHatiiso onr gfoarn itzhaet ipounb elimc pahnads ipzuebsl ic spoemopel et iwmhe.o Avenrdif itehde riet. wTehries fiisv ee xccrietdinigb le Walton portrayed in Fire in the Sky. them." officials. But CSETI is better known for stuff." trying to establish communications with Bookstores now fill whole sections Then there's the ubiquitous home what this group believes to be Exciting to some. Disturbing to others. with non-fiction accounts of documented video camera. Sightings that were extraterrestrial craft. But what does it all mean? UFO sightings, cover-ups, lost-time undocumented in 1950 are now being The way I see it, there are two primary abductions and history. recorded. In Mexico City, for instance, Team approach scenarios. Either people all over the In Gila Bend there's a Space Age Inn, and at Filiberto's 24-hour Mexican millions of people took to the streets to Teams of CSETI researchers travel to world have fallen under the spell of a restaurants, you can eat a super tostada witness a total eclipse of the sun in 1991. sites where UFO activity is particularly mass hallucination the past 50 years, or, called a "flying saucer." Many had video cameras. A UFO frenetic. Then they set up a base camp this gradual alien assimilation is their Some argue that the media are creating appeared and was recorded by dozens of and attempt to communicate with way of preparing us for the greatest event 6 the message. But opinion polls show more people at the same time in various unidentified craft through light patterns, in human history: and more people are !1aving firsthand locations around the city. tones recorded from other encounters Contact. SENTINEL, Ft. Wayne, IN - Feb. 13, 1995 THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE Rick Andrews In his house, video camera on tripod at the window, ready for future UFO visits. UFO spotter ready for rush ofs pace visitors HAMILTON-What an icebreaker. About a of UFO visitations, he doesn't seem obsessed waves of UFO ~tings. Thus, his family and minute after I showed up at Rick Andrews' by the subject. He hasn't joined any networks friends haven't:treatecl' hilh as if he's crazy. house, he asked, "Have you had experience of UFO buffs, researched the history of UFO · Unfortunately, what he captured on \iideo with UFOs?" sightings or compared various schools of wasn't the UFO right over his house. When he I said no. thought on the origin of these phenomena. recorded his sightings in August and October, "Well, the time's coming," he said. Until somebody makes a great case to the he said, the UFOs were several miles away. Andrews has seen unidentified flying ob- contrary, he's assuming what he's seen are To be fair, I must say I'm a novice at iden jects. He's videotaped them. As far as he's craft from other solar systems. tifying alien spacecraft. If they haven't ap concerned, what he's seen is part of a ground Andrews saw the first of three UFOs about peared on "Star Trek," I'm at a loss. All I saw swell of galactic lourism that soon will become 21/2 years ago. Last year, he captured images in those videos were thuinb-sized, egg-shaped just too big for the government to hide. on videotape on two different occasions. He's blobs of white against fields of black. Bob Andrews, 39, is a machinist who's spent the talked about it and reviewed his videotape of Perhaps I'm prejudiced because I keep Caylor last several months at. home, partially disabled ten enough he doesn't get overly excited any missing out on all these mysterious experi Beyond by rheumatoid arthritis. more, even when he tells about the time a ences that make modern life so exciting for the Fort He's slowly remodeling his little house on mysterious light the size of a football field everydne else. I've never seen a UFO or a the fringe of a woods northeast of Hamilton in passed over his house, about 300 feet in the ghost. I never hear the.ilutter of an~els' wings. Steuben County. He putters around with dec air. My dreams never foretell the future. The vis ade-old computers and other machines, He also had the good luck to see his UFOs age of Jesus never materi,alizes in the rust on watches CNN and plays with his dogs. last year, at the same time DeKalb and Steu my q1~~! don't _remember my pas~ ijves. For a guy who's been on the receiving end ben counties were titillated by a couple of And soon. I guess I'm doomed to be the kind of party pooper who won't be lieve UFOs are alien vessels until I see Dean Kruse auction off an Alpha .Centaunan g8laxy-hopper along with those Duesenbergs and Auburns. TRIBUNE-REVIEW, Greensburg, PA - March 4, 1995 CR: S. Gordon When I told Andrews I remain Witnesses: Floating objects seen in Jeannette skeptical, he took it in good humor. He suggested it's hard for people to accept the existence of UFOs Cugino said she and Solomon watched the because we want to believe we're By Sharon Santus objects about five minutes until they disappeared. the most advanced creatures in the ~IBUNE.flEVIEW "They just sort of floated away," she said. "It was universe. kinda spooky. I've never seen anything like it Since he saw the first d. the two ,JeTanhnee stitge hFtirnidga oyf a sdtdraendg teo, af loliastti nogf roebcjeenctts u onveexr· before in my life." UFOs last year, he's !~t a loaded l>lained phenomena over Westmoreland and Stan Gordon of Greensburg, who has been inves video camera in his living room. He Allegheny counties. tigating unidentified flying objects for more than keeps Dobber, his enormous Saint At approximately 1:45 p.m. Friday, two people 30 years, had no immediate explanation for the Bernard, outdoors to alert him to Jeannette sightings. He said they come of the heels Said they saw the objects floating high in the skies unusual lights in the skies. of strange objects seen over several southwestern over Lowry Avenue. Pennsylvani.a counties in recent days. He waits, confident. Philip Solomon, who lives on Lowry Avenue, He said Pittsburgh television stations and emer "I think this will be the year. I said he was walking near the Teamsters headquar· gency centers were deluged with calls from people think something's going to be too ter-•s· A wt hfeinrs ht eI stphootutegdh tth seo ombjeeocntse. was flying kites, reporting weird light beams between 8 and 11:15 big to cover up," Andrews said. p.m. Thursday over a five-county area. And he's unafraid of the because they looked sort of triangular," said Solomon. "But when I got a better look, you could Vince Golden of Portage said he spotted the consequences. tell they weren't kites." objects at about 8 p.m. "If they wanted to harm us, theY, Solomon said the objects appeared to be white "As I turned around 360 degrees, I could see already would have," he said. and floated above the clouds. At the same time, he about 15 lights the whole way around on different spotted hundreds of confetti-like objects floating points of the horizon," said Golden. "All the light around the "kites." beams seemed to point toward the center at the ·Margaret Cugino, also of Lowry Avenue, said same spot in the sky." &tle had gone out to mail a letter when she saw Stan Gordon said similar phenomena are com -Sc'lktf non peering into the sky. mon during unusual atmospheric conditions. 7 "The objects did look like kites at first, but we Stan Gordon said yet another unusual object qpt watching them ~d no way were they kites," was spotted near Delmont Feb. 13. He said there ft1S sald. "They zipped up, down, sideways ... I were two separate sightings of a triangular object know what in the devil they were." moving slowly across the skv at 8:30 p.m. MORNING NEWS, Dallas. TX - Jan. IS, 1995 Roswell space alien story born on night in '4 7 Aaoc:lmd Prea og1sts from Walter Reed Hospital," Mr. dered Lt Haut to issue it nuclear testing. Ra;WELL, N.M. - The legend of Dennis said. "She also said on one gur The next day, the Roswell Daily For their part, UFO enthusiasts say ihe Roswell Incident started on a ney were two crash bags with two Record newspaper ran a bold headline: that the matter continues to be an .stormy night of violent lightning mutilated bodies inside. She said they "RAAF Captures Flying Saucer on elaborate conspiracy orchestrated by strikes in the southeMtern New Mexi· had a horrible smell" Ranch in Roswell Region." the Air Force. co skies during the summer of 1947. Walter Reed Is the Army's national One day later, higher-ranking offi. Last year, Rep. Steve Schiff, R-N.M., As the story goes, a fireball plunged hospital near Washington, D.C. cials at 8th Army Air Force headquar· entered the fray at the reciuest of a to the ground in early July that year Meanwhile, Army Lt Walter Haut, ters in Fort Worth called a news con constituent He &'Jked the General Ac near the v1llage of Corona, about 75 now president of the International ference to say the recovered material counting Office, the investigative arm miles northwest of Roswell The next UFO Museum, was summoned by ba.<le was actually a crashed weather bal· of Congress, to account for all federal morning. rancher Mac Brazel found a commander Col. William Blanchard. loon. records relating to the Roswell lncl· erwnbled mess of peculiar metal while U Haut, then the ba.<le public informa A recent Air Force report reaf. dent and' make them public. Louis Ve liding the range to check his livestock. tion officer, listened closely as Col. firmed the government's pa;ition that ga, a spokesman for Mr. Schiff, said the Mr. Brazel notified Chaves County Blanchard dictated a news release the weather balloon WM a secret ex GAO set no deadline for completing its Sheriff George WUcox. The sheriff about a recovered flying disc and or periment designed to monitor Soviet work and hasn't finished yet thought the debris could be a downed· aircraft from the nearby Roswell Army Air Force Base, so he contacted MlU. Jesse Marcel, the base's intelligence officer. Uld by Mr. Brazel, a group of mill· tary officers visited the site. According "She (the nurse) also said on one gurney were two crash bags with two mutilated bodies inside. She said they had a horrible smell." - Glenn Dennis to some accounts, several large pieces of the unusual metal were recovered, along with the corpses of four or five alien bodies. The find was taken to Roswell un· der strict security. Glenn Dennis, vice president of the International UFO Museum and Re search Center, at the time was a morti· dan at a Roswell funeral home. Around noon on July 8, 1947, Mr. Dennis said, an officer from the base called to &'Jk how many medically sealed CMltets 3 to 4 feet long were .woclated Pral available. Forty minutes later, the offl. John Price, owner of the OUta Utnits UFO artist's interpretation of the purported 1947 cer called again to &'Jk detaUed ques. Enipla Museum in Roswell, N.M., shows an UFO crash. tions about embalming chemicals and their effects on internal organs. "He also wanted to know about pro N.M. town a mecca for UFO buffs cedures for picldng up bodies that had been left in the elements for several days, possibly mutilated by Jiredators," Mr. Dennis said. '1 &'Jked if I could help. By Tim Korte Roswell is home UFO photograph from a hoax and He declined. .. Aaoc:lmd""" explains how to report a UFO encoun· ltasahamneidbcOT beuhnha lecraseu een f nucwthnhe oat eehsssrr paaeecitt,rla a vnhhllli.ieoec g dmesh, a teoi a dauann,tl sd hdoo e enMo nn prdaoe.ent riad Dct aeeeumddnp bne aauxinst·: sdywhoaeihsyuaRte,tro hnsatro Me yauas TgrpsaiotErasee,cLt r seLUnm e .Fa aNaNOlgkei. eeMiwnern . gnsf M-o tthIrvhe uaixtess i liicwtetaroesaes dsstkpos .ln n taehb iinaeenrsl il.Uve yTFva SeOseO>t, nmbtaeyoca" krSpl yisetne ricawsneto.s nItT aaoghlno itst p himutnhirtvsisnou.u lgivt shes dahe sha tevuareke me,t naa kolesofnft sooaf tetmAfehodcarrr t oIy ,sap n uoo satsg irepcifh tretrn' n sertet sehahse ntrteacioli soeonFui nlgeigrlnaree ho telctf o dtor et eoM thdsahmue mueb b Ss oss4yeh ft uoa7o Irnmfwn~e tufits toaiermv troatemiherr.sc eaeimhttaloieoatorervtnssr· traordinary activity, with people bus Roswell has become a mecca for fast," said Glenn J;)ennis, vice presi· ie RosweU, starring Martin Sheen. tling about and many faces he didn't UFO buffs from around the world. In dent of the International UFO Mu.se A popular exhibit at The Interna recognize. a town of some 50,000 residents, there um and Research Center. tional Museum Is a model of a 3¥J-foot Inside a hospital hallway, he met a are two UFO museums. Visitors have arrived from SO space alien lying on a hospital gur nurse he knew leaving a room in The attraction Is tied to the tale - states and 52 countries. A promotion ney. Part of Roswell's UFO legend search of supplies. Behind the nurse legendary in UFO circles - of a al brochure says The International says Army doctors performed auto}> were two doctQrs; all three covered downed spacecraft that purportedly Museum averages 1,500 visitors per sies on recovered alien corpses. The their mouths and were becoming sick crashed on a remote ranch northwest month, and Mr. Dennis said that up to pale-gray body on display wss used as as they left the room, he says. of town during a lightning storm in 160 visitors arrived daily over the a prop in the film. At that point, Mr. Dennis said, an July 1947. holidays. More than 43,000 people While some museum workers ex· officer banished him from the hospital. Officials at Roswell Army Air Force have been to the museum. press a belief in extraterrestrials, But he says he arranged to meet the Base issued a news release saying they At the nearby Outa Limits UFO they encourage visitors to make up nurse for lunch the next day and she had recovered a flying saucer, accord· Enigma Museum, owner John Price their own minds. drew him pictures of small bodies, now ing to a newspaper of the time. The said about 30,000 visitors have seen a Mr. Dennis said that, for the most purported to be space aliens. next day, the brass at 8th Army Air sculpture re-creating the fabled crash part, it's a matter of preaching to the "She said there were two pathol· Force headquarters in Fort Worth an scene. The exhibit shows a spacecraft converted. He said that about 60 per· nounced that the material was actual· -made of two satellite dishes welded cent of the visitors to The Interna ly a crashed weather balloon. together - and the "bodies" of aliens tional Museum are "very serious" The topic has generated books by in silver spacesuits strewn about, as about the existence of UFOs, whUe UFO researchers through the years, described in some accounts. about 12 percent "think it's a joke." but it wasn't until more recently that Attractions at both museums in· "When they sit in here and see the area residents connected to what's elude articles on alleged UFO encoun documentaries or look through our now called the Roswell Incident be ters and displays on UFO research. library, a lot of them really get excit· gan to get into the act. The two UFO The International Museum shows vis museums opened in 1992; both were itors how to distinguish a possible ed," he said. "Some come in and began as a video store with a section they're laughing about it, but they for urorelated films. Mr. Price said might read something and then that as he collected other urorelated they'll get interested." items, the museum was born. Ad.Jnis.. Added Mr. Price: "We get very few sion for adults is $1. disbelievers." The video store closed last year, The International Museum, which seeking protection from creditors un· gets much of its exhibit materials der bankruptcy laws. However, Mr. from UFO journals and science maga Price said that move allowed him to zines, is nonprofit. Admission Is free devote himself to compiling UFO re and the staff is all-volunteer. Dona search. tions and gift shop sales pay the bills. "When we closed the video store, 8 The Outa Limits Museum, which we had too much effort put into all also documents the history of U.S. this to just quit everything," he said. space flight and has a 20-seat theater, HERALD. Boston, MA - March 10, 1995 CR: L. Bryant Disney goes Goofy over UFOs more precise, Walt Disney Co. have reported seeing some "Alien Encounters from New To thing strange in the skies. morrowland," produced by Tho '"This is not the first time mas & Friends Productions in as someone has done a show on By STEPHANIE SCHOROW ttoh ep eroxviset etnhcee goof vUeFrnOms.e nt is covering up saoircsi aStiuonnd wayit ha tW 5 aplt. mD.i sonne yC Whaonrnledl, fslayiidn gT hsoamuacse,r sw hoor raelcieeinvse,d" Are we turnin~ into a nation of Fox That's a line long touted by super 38. The documentary proves con an Emmy nomination as the Mulders? market tabloids, flying-saucer cults clusively "that we are not alone - original producer of the rea Fox Mulder - for those who have and, now, Mickey Mouse. Well, to be and that our government knows lity series "Cops." "But they never watchcrl "The X-Files" on Fox-TV it," according to its press release. always seemed to me to have - is a dedirated FBI agent determined Enquiring minds should not be a certain paranoid feeling surprised. about them. They would From TV's "Sightings" to "En take a whole hour to try to counters," from tabloids to talk say, 'They do exist, they do shows, in books by academics and exist, please believe us.' amateur investigators, earthlings "We wanted to take a can't stop talking about alien en whole different tack. We NORTHWEST FLORIDA DAILY NEWS, Ft. Walton Beach, FL- April 4, 1995 counters, abductions and aggrava wanted to say, 'Of course, LETTERS county coroner, retired newspa- taken of alien vehicles around t"iTohnes. INnvoat dseirnsc,e" hthaev e1 t9h6e7- a6i~r wshaovwes, tfhooetya'gree ; hheerree.' reH seorem'se scoamsees per editor, Monsanto engineer, Gulf Breeze. There have been been so imbued with the suspicion that are documented. Here's DAY chapter president). Since many photographers and thou- that Something Is Out There. the government evidence. UFOs, panthers, u19n8k8n ohwunnd areerdisa lo pf hseignhotminegnsa o f vsaenhidcsl eosf" wpiatrntelyss beesc. a(Iu ssea yt h"oasliee n OlivLeirk e SDtoonnea, ldD iDsnuecyk' s chdaoncnuemlienng Hinegr yeo'su ;w hhearte 'tsh weyh'raet tnhoety t ealrle and synchronicity have been reported in Gulf people who reported being tary uses government records, telling you. Let's go from Breeze. taken on board in that area re- newspaper articles, video clips, co there. What's the final effect It's interesting that you juxta But back to the panther and ported non-human beings on the lorful graphics, and that old that this is going to have on pose Walton County's panther synchronicity: The purpose of vehicles.) standby - the doubting official society at large?" with the Gulf Breeze UFO (not who turns true believer - to docu Thomas, an independent to mention the synchronicity of Y?Ur March 30 editori~l was to On Jan 12, 1994, two photos ment "proof" of both creatures producer who has worked having a UFO cover-up article pli~ory grass-~oots ~nvtronme~- were made of an F-15 making a and cover-up. with Jack Anderson on in in the same section). Being ac tahsts ~ho mtght ctte a breedmg close-identification pass on a ve The show is presided over by vestigating the Kennedy as quainted with both Chick populatiOn of panther~ a~ cause hide over the sound that ·was 29 host Robert Urich, who adds a sassination. says internal Heuttel and Ed Walters, I find to slow development m our area. feet in diameter and 19 feet Spenser-like aura to such state government memos show they share better-than-average Isn't it interesting that right. high. In April 1994 a circular ments as "statistics indicate a any coverup is more "inter powers of observation. When across t~e page we find DaVId craft was photographed over the greater probability that you will department squabbling" credible people see incredible Stevens eloquent call for con- sound from Pensacoia Beach experience extraterrestial contact than conspiracy. things, let's not be quick to trolling Destin's runaway with ~water column connecti~g in the next five years than the "Is it a revelation that the scoff. growth? it to the surface. chan~ you will win the state lot government is holding back? wQiuTtihlwl i5oa0 ny-,p ealau rtsso ypae glaoorn smg obyfo wfwr ioehonuddns tDeexra n muniWfdesitltlt etiort e tsdah kdoeew vp eualsno tpthhmeere sfno til?nly Coouofur ld awcaNtyinos gnd -wehsuiitmgh napened o btpeoli enb giens ntaohrnies ianrteear in tnweariymtWh. e hmywo rietwh o guoalodnf baDisllisssu nete hya ansl sioGnckoi oatfieytd?s OgevofeO vrcfye o rcmunorsmauejrose ernn , stot tolhpr eyaT .t"hdt oeactr'unsm teohnne perience, saw an uncollared UFOs perhaps help? frightening. The last alien ve Maybe because the last fourth of tary doesn't waste time panther near Georgia's Ocmul hicle I saw rose up from the the. documentary turns into an in·. striving for balance, consid gee River. Dan watched the cat, BOB REID water several miles south of the formercial for Disney World's re ering, for example, famous a young male, for several min Niceville Eglin Officers' Beach Club, and burnished Tomorrowland and UFO hoaxes. And there's utes as it moved through sun there is evidence that it reacted "ExtraTERRORestrial Alien En one - admittedly only one light and shadow. Panthers UFOs are no joke to my thoughts. counter," a George Lucas-pro - of those much-maligned "BdrUoeneFz'Ote es, x e"iidsttho"en ri'n.t eBGxueisto tyr"go iiuna . h Gauvlef n't ien·wY aoGlutro unM plaafrcn hBth 3e0rr eetadelietoszr dieael m and PueaTdrkh ne ii ngs hkGtyluy wl fs aiBtncrcheeee zs1 e9a8 ht8 a.S vheo rceolnintien dtPoua creapdnr oefipiaal mries/ egxophoediob piblteu stihnfaoetrs sp. cuornptoarctts. wbreui-"ztchAzr ierntahegt i istow?hn eesW W-eb heatiirhnteeag at H no'otdfau lbswielgoe.h 'irdtes' been paying attention if you skepticism") referred to Gulf Producer/director Andy Tho not," Thomas said. "We think this was just a silly-season Breeze flying saucers a few DONALD M. WARE mas, 40, a baby boomer wean~d on knew we were going to be story that died a few years ago. years ago as just a silly-season Fort Walton Beach Watergate and JFK consptracy arrused of being tabloid ~­ Besides Walters' photos, closeup theories, isn't concerned about ms(eig.aghn.,ty ian o gctshi tewyr ec croreue ndrceibipll oemr tweemidt nbbeeysr s, es agstwroarapyrh.e s Pt ahenarhdt a hvpuisdn eydoorseu d hasar voeef n pbohetoe tno CR: B. Reid etfroxyriismnt.eg r T tooPo r ceomsniadvneinync te f oJvlikimesw,m eym.r sc ClUua~drmOtesgr_ schuaobuSmsjteeeilc lvt.o. i"df etthohese ro efn's sa ttruparlneeg neoty fs ttuhofeff to make you consider J)8('k ing a loaded camcorder at all times. Too many people want to believe the truth is out there. UFO enthusiasts to describe An Arizona congressman ~ has demanded the govern ment release documents on ~ out-of-this-world adventures the 1947 UFO case in Rosewell, Ariz. Pulitzer .c Prize winning biographer u .... John Mack, a Harvard psy j! By KURT LOFT Network, which has more than chiatrist, risked - and re Tribune Staff Writer ''We're used to 5b,a2r0r0a smseedm tbhearts U. F"WOse afreee lt hvee vryeh eicmle cceuilvee dto -pubplriosfhe s"sAiobndaul ctriiodni : TAMPA - The aliens travel skepticism. But we're here for people making a living. When Human Encounters with through ·worm holes that connect to educate the public. We people tell such ridiculous stories, it Aliens," an analysis of abu {Ic!ot dttwriafovf eerlu enrniatvs etoerscre cstah.s aiTon nhlsei girthh t,es ypa anccdea mosneh ispitoxs fpeeeol pitle's uimndpeorrstatannt dth mato re dwooerDskn ab'vte eihnnepglo pdr to,t nhwee. h"so esrei otualsk sIcsi ecnatlilfeidc dcahbuaocntuiiotc ns tesrtcaohnrni eoasl o.r gePiccoeapnlu t labarrr teMiacklee Earth and abducted Leah Haley. about UFOs, and that they "UFO's: Time Travel and the Rea· throughs that. would let us e;! The Air Force, she contends, don't need to listen to this sons for Contact," said he Is more build our own flying disks. S shot down the UFO she was on. By ongoing government Interested In the science of alien When TV producer Chris llQ sheer miracle, Haley escaped, but cover-up.'' technology. He believes advanced Carter began market re H~ was kidnapped by the military and societies on other planets have the searrh into what t'Yefltually harassed, drugged, brainwashed - Marc Davenport ability to travel through "worm became '"The X-Files_" "'I and given shock treatments to keep holes," which pierce the fabric of was amazed by the almost her quiet. the universe and allow spacecraft to absolute belief by the Her story, along with a discus slsslppl and Tennessee. The aliens enter another universe. viewers that the government sion on alien time travel by col· chose her, apparently, through "I believe It's possible that UFOs aims to deceive them in league Marc Davenport, will be the "telepathic Instinct." operate using technology so ad· small, if not, large ways." he focus of a three-hour lecture Mon "She'll talk about her encounters vanced they're able to warp space said day night in Tampa. The two consid both with aliens and the military," time similar to the way a black hole "'ne of the things that in er themselves Internationally Davenport said. "It appears the mil warps space-time," he said. "There spired the series was a scien known Investigators of unidentified Itary Is very interested In what's go are ·craft out there that literally tific survey, conducted, flying objects and aliens, and have Ing on with these abductees, and turn time Inside out. They can do among others by Dr. John written books ·on the subject. Some they've Interrogated her to down this artificially, actually changing Mack, that carne up with challenge their claims. load what she knows. Because of the structure of space and time." some amazing figures. There But the two want to be heard, this, she has blanks in her rriemory. Davenport said the aliens .don't are millions of people, ac ahnowd" Wwfaielrl-' rfteee tlcui hsetehdde titorh essktyoe rmpiteiisgc hinstom s,om"u aDntdatev. r dBeunt Tiathhl.ee" Pmeniltiatagroyn hscaos fftsh iast tphoeli cayc cuof gtraeelbnyle eor anot onnraests,u. rhaTelh .w ecyoo rnmtpe onhsdosslee,s ss,t hbsauptt e pcpriooar l· clioe"vrdTei hninegr eUto'sF tOhesvi,se" npC olaa~ r tsewmrh soaal li•ed r., ectanantpeto rttthh eSa at pidpu.eb "ol'iBpclu.e t W wuene 'dfreeee rlhs teIartn'esd t lomm epodorure · ssWaptoaioskhneissn,m gstoaannid. fMora j. thDea vAe irT hFuorsrtcoen , Ina dfmouarccneei sps.u ylnatthe etgirca vmitaagtinoent ica nfdie ldosth etor elnbideuu vmbte y bet ehaqrelu iyeoa nfhls la.yp"v eeo rpbelemee naw rakhboad bublceet . about UFOs, and that they don't "I don't want to dignify such "They make their own worm For a generation raised on need to listen to this ongoing gov <:barges with a comment," he said:.. hole and carry It around with Star Trek, alien contact ernment cover-up." "I will say the Air Force isn't In the them," he said. "It's a short cut Into doesn't seem all that far The speakers, who are married business of kidnapping the citizens another universe, and makes the fetched. and live in Murfreesboro, Tenn., in of this country." space In front of them disappear. So Perhaps on a slow day at sist that Leah was kidnapped by the Nor does the Mutual UFO Net the speed of light doesn't even ap the O.J. trial, a mass landing Air Force - although Davenport of work, which publishes the UFO ply." might even m:tke the front fered no specifics about the encoun Journal In Seguin, Texas, embrace ters. Haley will reveal the details in Haley's abduction stories - either Davenport and Haley will speak ~ a talk she calls ""Abducted by Aliens by aliens or the military. · from 7 to 10 p.m. at the Tampa and the Military." She claims to "I would advise people to listen Unity Church, corner of Horatio 9 have been picked up by strange be very closely to their lecture and ap and Lincoln streets in Tampa. Tick ings a half-dozen times since she ply some common sense to what ets are $12 at the door. For more was a child living in Alabama. Mis- they hear," said Tom Deuley of the information call (813) 595-7964. THEDISTRICTLINE Ken Kramer (R-Colo.); as deputy assistant secretary of defense during President Ronald Reagan's second term; and as a research and lass is unabashed: She sports a saucer lapel publications director for the House Republi pin, and joins in the chant of "Go, go, GAO, can Conference. He's also married to Mary people have a right to know!" Martinek, chief of staff for Congressman Schiffs office. In 1992, Pflock helped ar Among crashed-saucer stories, "Roswell range briefings for Schiffs staff and for a has one unique quality-it's not a staff member of the House Government Op friend-of-a-friend story," says Curtis erations Committee (now called the Govern Peebles, aerospace historian and author of ment Reform and Oversight Committee), Watch the Skies! A Chronicle of the Flying where Schiff serves as a subcommittee chair Saucer Myth (Smithsonian Institution Press). man. "It's obvious something happened .... The In late 1992, Schiff started receiving quer question is, what?" ies about Roswell from his constituents. One In June 1947, sheep rancher W.W. "Mac" of his correspondents was Dennis; the mor Brazel and his son discovered curious debris tician reportedly complained in the scrub desert 75 miles northwest of about being manhandled by the Roswell. Brazel contacted the local sheriff, military and claimed he was told who in turn notified Maj. Jesse Marcel, an that "if he talked, he'd be dog intelligence officer at Roswell Army Air food." Field, home base of the 509th Bomb Group. In March 1993, Schiff wrote to On July 8 that year, the base issued a press then-Secretary of Defense Les release stating that the 509th had recovered a Aspin, asking for a personal brief "flying disc," and that the strange object was ing on the military's role in the being "loaned ... to higher headquarters." Roswell incident. The department The announcement was the stuff of banner referred him to the National Ar headlines--for aU of a day. Then Brig. Gen. chives, where the Air Force had Roger Ramey, commander of the Eighth Air deposited the voluminous files Force at Fort Worth, Texas, stated that the from Project Blue Book, its 18- wreckage came from a Rawin Target radar year official investigation into weather balloon. Photos by the Fort Worth UFOs. Unsatisfied, Schiff penned Star-Telegram show Marcel kneeling beside a a second letter to As pin in May, pile of debris that looks like wooden sticks demanding that the Department and paper covered with tin foil-hardly the of Defense produce its own re cutting edge of flying saucer technology, un port. That same month, Schiff re less the saucer is from an Ed Wood movie. ceived a letter from the Archives Douglass and her cohorts don't buy the stating that there was no mention story. They insist that the military staged the of the Roswell incident in the Blue photos, and whisked the genuine UFO wreck Book files or any other defense age to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in department records. Ohio. There, the debris became the subject of Schiff fumed that he was being a top-secret research project that yielded the stonewalled, and launched the Stealth bomber and fiber optics. "Is it credible GAO investigation. Doing so that these highly trained military people sparked the most publicity he's couldn't tell the difference between a flying received during his six years in disc and a weather balloon?" she asks. Congress. "You called hot on the "The government said the debris field was heels of NBC," says Barry Bitzer, Schiffs three-quarters of an acre long. if this thing public-information officer. crashed, there's no way it could put down a Schiff is reported to be skeptical about . debris field like that," adds Smith, the model UFOs. "I don't think the congressman has builder. come out strongly as to whether there are lit The Roswell incident remained a mere foot tle green men running around," Bitzer says. Little Green Schiff (R-N.M.), the GAO last year began note in UFO lore for 31 years. Then in 1978, Rather, Schiff considers the issue one of auditing the paperwork surrounding the Ros nuclear physicist and UFO researcher Stanton "government accessibility and accountabili Questions well crash. The GAO hunt prompted the Air Friedman located intelligence officer Marcel, ty." Force to start its own investigation, and last living in obscurity as a retired TV repairman. September 8, Secretary of the Air Force Marcel told a very different story. The debris And Schiff seems to have a p<>int. The Air In 1947, SOTI)ething crashed Sheila Widnall released that agency's first he helped scoop up, he insisted, was "nothing Force report released last September con in the New Mexico desert. statement on UFOs in 25 years. from this earth." It consisted of shards of met cwlruedcekda gthe aatt tRheo smwiehlla rwya fsi binbedde e..d. s forrotm o fa. Tbahle "Air Force research efforts did not disclose al thinner than newsprint but so strong that Nearly half a century later, any records of the recovery of any 'alien' even a blow from a 16-pound sledgehammer loon, but not your ordinary weather balloon. Instead, it came from a device lofted to de UFO groups and the bodies or extraterrestrial materials," con couldn't make a dent. Marcel also reported tect the faint reverberations from Soviet nu U.S. government are still cludes an executive summary of the report. finding an object which he described as an "I clear blasts, as part of a top secret operation Even the White House got involved. Ac beam," painted with hieroglyphic-style sym arguing over what it was. cording to the Washington-based Skeptics bols. He alleged that he had been ordered not called Project Mogul. According to historian Peebles, the full train of a Mogul balloon UFO Newsktter, presidential science adviser to breathe the truth to anyone, not even his would have stretched over 700 feet. The ap John Gibbons penned a memo to Widnall family. The Roswell incident has spawned at paratus would have consisted of 20 rubber The protest's ringleader, a stocky man asking her to declassify all Air Force UFO least half a dozen books, a newsletter, several balloons, three to five radar targets, recovery with a crew cut, musters his troops material. TV docudramas, a movie on the Showtime parachutes and an acoustic payload. "It lost with a bullhorn. And soon, on this Longtime UFO debunker Philip J. Klass channel, and an International UFO Museum lift," explains Peebles, "dragged across the Wednesday noon at the end of March, 25 publishes the Skeptics newsletter. He "guess in Roswell. Investigators flushed out dozens of desert, and the balloons and radar reflectors Operation Right to Know demonstrators are timates" that the Air Force spent tens of alleged witnesses, including a few who were ripped to shreds." marching in a circle outside the General Ac thousands of dollars on the investigation. claimed knowledge of alien bodies recovered So why, after nearly half a century, would counting Office (GAO). Their signs pro "But as a taxpayer, I don't object," he says. from a second crash site. a congressman have trouble uncovering the claim "UFOs are real and the government "I think the cost will be quite nominal if Among these wimesses was Glenn Dennis, a true story? Peebles doesn't believe that knows it" and "Tell the Truth About Ros only Operation Right to Know were to ac mortician from Roswell. Dennis claimed that Schiff was getting the runaround. He notes well." cept the findings." airfield personnel contacti:d him and peppered that by 1948, when the Air Force began its Roswell? To the UFO community, the Fat chance. For this demonstration, Oper him with questions on embalming techniques. first official investigation of UFOs, the Ros New Mexico city is Watergate, Iran-contra, ation Right to Know has produced a replica Figuring that some airmen had died in a well case was considered solved, and thus a and Whitewater all wrapped up in one. In of the craft that the military insists fell to crash, Dennis drove to the base, only to be 1947, something feU out of the sky near Ros earth near Roswell. Completely unsaucer forcibly ejected by the MPs. The next day, he non-UFO matter. As a result, documents on the case would not have been included in the well. The government claimed-and still like, the model consists of eight separate yel said, a nurse with security clearance told him Air Force's UFO files. claims--that the object was a weather bal low balloons hoisting two flat, shiny objects that she had helped perform autopsies on sev And perhaps that's what the GAO will loon. "We know we're being lied to," says shaped like home plate of a baseball dia eral nonhuman bodies with oversize heads, find. Results of the audit are tentatively demonstration organizer Elaine Douglass. mond. "They're made of cardboard with four-fingered hands, and narrow slits for scheduled to be released June 30, under the "The government has had proof of extrater Reynolds Wrap," explains Right to Knower mouths. stultifying title "Records Management Pro restrial life for nearly 50 years," in the form Mark Smith of Glen Burnie, Md. "I covered "The first time I heard this, it reminded me cedures DealinfWith Weather Balloon, of a crashed saucer and its crew. them up last night at 12 o'clock." of a bad Oliver Stone script," says UFO inves Unknown Aircraft, and Similar Crash Inci No one is suggesting that the GAO, the Douglass, an Adams Morgan resident, tigator Karl Pflock. "But now that I've gotten dents." "We don't comment on work in investigative arm of Congress, is hiding characterizes Operation Right to Know as to know Mr. Dennis very well, I'm firmly progress," says agency spokesman Cleve Cor downed saucer pilots inside its building at "the activist wing of the UFO community." convinced he's an honest man." lett. 4otthhe ar nbdr aGnc Shetrse eotfs t hNeW g.o vBeurtn tmhee nGt-AarOe- n-aonwd, Itetsr rpeusrtrpioasle a cist itvoi teyn bdy t hweo crlodv egro-uvpe ronfm eexntrtas , P flock has something that other saucer Outside the GAO building, the UFO rally winds down around I p.m. Although Opera for the first time, venturing into territory and its tools are marches, rallies, street thea researchers don't: connections. His re ii_s>_n Right to Know members have .b..e.en previously covered only by UFO-dom's true ter, and lobbying. "We're saying the days sume includes stints as a special assist chanting themselves hoarse voicing support believers. the government could silence us with ridi ant for defense, space, and science and tech for the GAO and Congressman Schiff, sever At the request of Congressman Steven cule are over," she explains. Clearly, Doug- nology on the staff of former Congressman al express doubts that the audit will turn up a smoking gun. The cabal behind UFO se crecy is too clever to leave a paper trail, they argue. "They should be asking where are UFO group summarizes the bodies, not where are the records," says demonstrator Larry W. Bryant. "I don't think the GAO will find much," confides Douglass. But she remains un ; year of seeing the lights daunted. "Then the ball will be back in Congressman Schiffs court. We'll be push ing for a full congressional investigation." -Greg Kitsock For information on Operation Right ro Know, call (202) 232-24/0. Unidentified flying objects are the business of UFOs," the fund ~ the Fund for UFO Research, a nonprofit Maryland states, "the possibility group supporting UFO research projects. In its UFO exists:' co Year in Review, the group summarizes sightings, Fund director ~ government activity, abductions and scientific Don Berliner Cl! endeavors. Highlights include strange images on a considers himself a !-' space shuttle videotape; a pilot study of UFO cases healthy skeptic, not a involving radiation injuries; expanded research into UFO advocate: "Our ~ the massive 1947 wave of UFO reports; and symposia goal is to find out _ on government secrecy and abductions. what's going on, but !~-' "catAtl ep emriupthileartaiol nms,a"t treerp ocrotnsc oefr nailnlegg tehdely g rhoiguhp- ties ch wweh arte aitl liys, "d ohne' ts acyasr eb y Since forming in 10 mutilations of cows, horses and other farm animals. telephone. "We're not 1979, the group has raised $500,000 to fund a dozen "While these. too, are only speculatively connected to selling anything." research projects.

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