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Preview UFO Newsclipping Service 1994 07 no 300

DAILY BOOMERANG, Laramie, WY - June 25, 1994 CR: P. Normarf Scientist shares vieWs on spaCe images at UFO conference by Robert Roten c~rgo bay W8$·pointed toward the earth's ho- Kasher also said different objects oil the ity and speeds up to 430,000 miles per hour), rizon shortly before dawn. · tape can be seen accelerating in different di the spacecraft were probably from beyond Boomerang Staff Writer Small. whitf.! Objects moved across the rections, inconsistent with the theory that the earth. He even speculated that some of A scientist who analyzed inulges on a vi screen, .Two flashes of white light appeared they were accelerated by a single rocket. the objects-could have been missiles fired deotape made on a space llbuttle camera said on the l.itt of thE! Screen and then the moving Kasher said that by detailed analysis, he was from one spacecraft at others. Friday in Laramie he· lias eliminated all objects chariged direction. One of the objects able to {liscount the effects of movement in Responding to questions, he said a log of ail other explanations except that the images moved rapidly upward across the screen. three dimensions being depicted on a two-di rocket activity on the shuttle is available were made by other spa~. Rasher said an analysis of the movements mensional television screen. showing which of the over 40 rockets were Jack Kasher, a professor of physics and of the objects show that some of them Kasher also said that his analysis indicates fired and when, but it would be extremely aanstnruoanlo mCoyn mfearednec eh ios nr eUvFeOla tIionvnes satitg tahtieo ln~ atbt sletoraptpiendg .b Ietf oalrseo c shhaonwgiendg t hdiart ~stoimone aonf dth aec ocbe tchloes oeb tjoe ctths ec ocualmd neorta ,h amveet beeoersn, tisnayte plalirtteisc loesr exTphene stihvree teo- odbayta iUn FfrOo mc oNnAfeSrAen. ce continues UW. Kasher is a professor of physics and as jects accelerated for a second or more. space junk, the only other explanations for today, Saturday. John E. Mack, professor of tronomy at the University of Nebraska and a the images he could think of. . psychiatry-at the Harvard Medical School researcher with the .National Aeronautics NASA's explanation for the objects and The inulges on the live video feed from and founding director of the Center for Psy and Space Administration (NASA). He has their movement, Kasher said, was that the NASA caused some queries from Congress chology and Social Change will give the con worked on "Star Wars" research in the past. objects are ice particles and that their move and there was discussion about them on sev ferences' keynote address on "Alien Abduc . ments were caused by small rockets being Kasher told an audience of over 100 people eral television shows. Since that time, he tion: Possible Implications for Human fired aboard the shuttle. at the conference in the basement of the Wyo noted, NASA no longer sends live video feeds Evolution," today at 8 p.m. at Club U-Dub in ming Union that be and others bad analyzed Kasher said that by analyzing the move to U.S. television. Instead, he said, the video the basement of the Wyoming Union. a videotape ~ hnages captured by a camera ment of the objects on the tape he was able to signal is shown on a 20-second tape delay ba Barbara Lamb, a Claremont, Calif. mar aboard the space shuttle. Discovery. The prove that they are not ice particles and that sis. riage, family and child therapist will talk images were captured on Sept. 15, 1991. rocket pulses from the shuttle could not The images open up "a can of worms," about "An Expanded View of Extraterres There were broadcast live on cable tele\dsion make them move the way they moved. Kasher said. He said his analysis indicates trial/Human lnteractiohs." Lamb uses "past across the U.S. . Kasher said the shuttle's only attitude ad the inulges had to have been made by "some life regression therapy" in her work. Her Kaallf!r said he had received.a grant from justment rocket that could have caused the kind of spacecraft.'' He also said it is unlikely talk will be today at 1: 30 p.m. in the Washa tbe Fund for .UFO ~aet o analyze the movement of one of the particles fires in 80 the spacecraft are from earth. Because of the kie Center Wyoming Room. There is a $10 imqes on the tape. ~ed tbe tape for millisecond bursts, while the object can be acceleration and speed of the objects (acce admission fee to each of the two talks for per tbe a~erK.'e. The camera in the shuttle's seen accelerating for 400 milliseconds. lerations up to 18,000 times the force of grav- sons not registered for the conference. BEE, Fresno, CA - June 19, 1994 They see tbings swoosh across sky Yates counted two sightings of 'You are not alone' his own: a vivid, rapid light over Sebastopol about 3:30 a.m. in MUFON is an international, 1989; 'and another, possibly nonprofit organization that ap • UFO networt< members seeks other witnesses' accounts "space junk" over Pacheco Pass. proaches scientifically and takes check out a location in of such unidentified sightings. "We're working three cases sseigrihotuinsglys t"htoe greept otrot itnhge o1f0 UpFeOr The short expedition brought now over Pacheco Pass," Yates cent to 15 percent that are legiti 1he foolhills along Kings Debra ·Flanders, 43, to the place said. mately unidentified," Flanders CanyOn Road. ashloen agn Kdi nhgesr Claatne y_on _Roa_d _wh_ e re They mentioned sightings over said in a prepared statement. STORIES Buttonwillow near Bakersfield. "If you have seen one," it said, . fEadthwearr, dL t.F lCaonl-. sTthreuyc tudrees crwibiethd oan e trsitaenegl-ulilkaer "you are not alone, and you are T~he FJresnio Bmee ~ · ders, a retired 0~ J~E shape hovering over it and an· NOT crazy." ihSfdiiing UeaKhrlpelriy anrt ,hg tehcsYf le·ooR ysot iretrve heetkiaorlkc,l esh·4td,e,h 0,dr 0po 3t0auh, 0sgeft0eh est0 hpt r,oe ·o ut fl.reln aientptig ,l · ApsI1at.9im wr8 9.w F,as aobonaremd rt ewe2E t:ehap3eisi0nnlt oeg pt2r..,m J. Oin A~a AQskNyU dIaNrk sfolaeitdcehTekte h.i rabne bedgyoai avrsimedhn iaogodrnb npldsi 'ge-tserh vhdtsmeag,rpe salse.ei,d ns sist taotsihm naue nntth dh1ien0ar0gt·. lnsiiukgSFethstl ia.ttl"ihln n,id gsHe rwasav illeola nnga galsw ianiatd hy,ers e "caSmatotlrolmeaudcent th t-hatihnienegr ctfooa lnItltih a itensh s Met eiirmun tapoustramigln·auU gnc FithzoO aa ct sNia oltelnh tt ewhMyeo mbUrkeF lMaoOnnuNdg · wYdvaaaiAytttthe,s, s M3s,s t4hUo6;e r4FB m,tO oo tblNcad llH o kmhuaeedevdrsme .n sibnt,eo 7rrt2syh ; J eWao nnmed doG nRueronasy wtthheee"rs Iep e o auimwnnit ed:r neeno tti sfpwieaadcc,e k aosn,h"d i pFtshl.a antT dwheearyss ctrneoaanau"ll Idsy e.i pt b mreoocybfa fa,mf"ba elty hsa he werb oewsulaialeidsdv .eth hra."e"vBr eeu , tw I rbifeti - but that would seem mocking tain wind about things that go said. and unfair to their serious pur fffflppp aC1"088 the sky. suit. The MUFON members trav anGd rparviavtatt ei sp ial otr.e gistered nurse Rlc:hMt D.-by-The Fresno Bee eled Wednesday to this spot Haven is a retired Air Forre The place. Debra Flanders re along Highway 180 to illustrate turns to the 4,()()()-foot elevation their point: There are happen m~oetreo rwoliothg ym aastnedr' s dinedgruesetsr iainl where she and her father saw ISLANDER, Pensacola Beach, FL - June 29, 1994 ings in skies over the Valley that mysterious li~hts flit across the cannot be explained. MUFON · sky at incredible speeds in 1989. Locals Star In TV Show Information the sky, descended and made lat get that "perfect" shot Sometimes, I Ipnsysctihtoultoeg y offr omTe cthhneo Cloaglyif orannida elirgahl t mcoavmeem efnrtosm. Tbheehni,n ad sae cohnildl By Patti Weatherford wonder why, because it seems that in Purdue University, respectively. Witnesses to unidentified and hovered with the first. the field of ufol()gy; when you get a Yates is a retired teacher. flying phenomena can call Roy A television crew was in town picture that is really clear, you get Flanders said she and her fa Yates at 233-6892, Debra Flanders and her father Saturday, 6/25/94, interviewing and blasted by people who say it must be ther were sightseeing that East Flanders at 229-2464 or Jon watched this for eight or nine filming local skywatchers for Fox a fake because it is just too clear. er, looking at flowers. Gravatt at pager 263-0604. minutes. She asked him wheth Network's "Encounters" program. Then, when yougetone that is blurry They drove up the road to the er, given the chance, he would The program premiered Friday night, or fuzzy, then it is not clear enough to entrance to Kings Canyon Na "~o with them." 6{2.4/94 and covered a variety of top tell for sure if it is a bonafide UFO! tstrwpihoooohai rnnodttasgh. lewe fAyPirwt osaho hmr rketc kha.to edhmIgyeetid pv cwe udosbtra reoasntrv cesegekc,r ,el smtodatFfioiwcl nwhaa genlns rdoc s emoltuerhlpedsfe ,,t VeatfhacdasAre lohtl etese rhysr a.,iet gh.FW hdaMlwniaeryn 'atra dysenire, lyo rltytasaoh dlfvsik anaeirtingrhudlg en,Io rno"e1 Wrik7vna7ie7nnger7 g 7sdpf 7aoar7wtorw7hkm".net" , pdeaSN"rpsIheo ers w w atoiaoaduryl.dlt ,di c htlhieeni ,s s aasn itdoom.tr wyin ifutohtres ,ta"a nnFdelwiannsg accwiinciiiaarrsgc lsFs)sl we.rbu igsyced.ohl aplv y Idiaenl osron n nmtiasgmeb yh(.e dm tTo,nu ihpt7cl ceii/tnt1io saoi/vero9nyecn4sr oa .,- ntnuUhddpe Fs , c hpaOonorm owdsg imc grwraheoimrtlp l adivSsnitoietg etunehwsam' teSt eg isapdoe ta nutlrai asrkkb dp.eto aoi Suyc omtt knnu yieterghw.e heo,a titWf thrac ettehp Sh wleeolhrr,eso sseae orwvt enh"leeaiennrnlroe e ii s si Pfinw ngaytiiheronckrtue" . eye. this road." her fear of being ridiculed in Bruce Morrison and Art Hufford Unfortunately, there was no sighting 'What's that?' Her pilot father could not ex print and portrayed as a nut. were .interviewed about their sight that night. "I immediately asked my dad, plain this thing. It was not a Other sightings ings and also tips on photographing The July Pensacola/Gulf Breeze 'What's that?' " she said. "It was weather balloon. It was not a She came in contact with MU and videotaping UFO's. In the past, MUFON meeting will be held on the a brilliant, white, circular light, hang glider. This moved far too FON in March, and learned of Gulf Breeze has provided a rare op third Sunday, 7/17/94. More later on the size of a nickel at arm's fast, she said. other Valley sightings: one north portunity for photographers to ex our interesting guest speaker. For length. It moved about the speed As fast as it moved over Valley of a jet for several seconds. foothills, Flanders said, _the cir of Livingston along Highway 99, periment with different types of cam information or to report your UFO "All of a sudden, it darted way cular light came to a dead stop in one over Visalia. eras,lenses, film speeds, etc., to try to sighting, call the Hotline 438-3261. I A T E Ill: u -4' ~ They're close encounters of the worst kind. And more and more people are saying they've had them BY TANYA BARRIENTOS Knight-Riddcr NL'Wll Scrvire I T USUALLY happens at night. "Almost always the event is accompanied by a light source, an unnatural light source that is not headlights or street lights," said QJ Wendy, a Philadelphia area woman who asked that her last name not be ..U0.,) used. r:: "This light source enables them to travel. It's an energy field of some Ill sort." ell Wendy, 30, an articulate woman with a job and a family and strong religious values, is convinced that space aliens have been abducting her for years. Recently they've begun abducting her two children as well. She is not alone. Alleged alien abduction is all over the media, in books, on television, as fiction and even as could-be fact: • Much attention is being given to "Abduction," a new book by Harvard University psychiatrist John E. Mack that recounts first-per son tales of space-alien abductions that Mack has certified as real. • Omni, a national science magazine, is running a six-part series about an alleged government cover-up of UFO visits since the 1940s. • The Weekly World News, a supermarket tabloid, recently ran a front-page headline declaring: "12 U.S. Senators Are Space Aliens!" • Abductees have ap Believers say that the 41bductions are peared on ''The Oprah ......................................................................................................... Winfrey Show,'' and have neither ~~~. . ~.~~~.~~ ..~ ~~. . ~~.~~~.•.................... evep hit big-time news illness, but real. And some scientists shows such as "48 Hours"· ......................................................................................................... with Dan Rather and say t"at through hypnosis and "Dateline NBC." Believers say that the regression therapy, they've abductions are neither bad uncovered what the aliens are up to. dreams nor mental illness, but real. Scientists in their camp say that through hypnosis and regression therapy, they've been able to uncover exactly what the space aliens are up to. Skeptics, on the other hand, say the reports could be the side effect of a strange physical occurrence similar to sleepwalking. And doubts have been growing about all kinds of memories unearthed during hypnosis, from child abuse to past lives. Indisputable evidence, however, is scarce on both sides. 0 For 18 month3, Wendy has been hypnotized by David Jacobs, a Temple University history professor who in 1992 wrote "Secret Life: Firsthand Accounts of UFO Abductions." She says Jacobs has been helping her re-create her experiences from her subconscious. "One or two beings will come in with the light and take myself and my kids," she said in a recent interview at Jacobs' home office. "Normally they just look at me. They have an ability with their eyes and their minds to give almost like a sedative effect, to knock you out and make you go without feelings of your own," Wendy said. "You become robotic. With that mind control, that's part of what facilitates their ability to make you forget .... " Wendy stopped herself, and then added: "I can't blame people for not being able to digest it, for not believing. I just ask that people don't make fun of me because I do believe it." It took her a while, she said, to accept it herself. For as long as she can remember, Wendy said she's seen "odd" things, balls of light following her and unexplained shadows in her house. "But they would be far enough apart that I'd just say, 'What in the world?' and then go about my day." But that all changed 18 months ago. That was when her 7-year-old son, afraid to sleep in his own room, woke up in terror while sleeping in REBECCA HALL - MERCURY NEWS Wendy's bedroom. dangers of suggestion. Wendy's cal School's Cambridge Hospital examination tables. "They have a Wendy said the aliens do to ex "He said he'd seen two alien account is similar to the 13 in and the author of "A Prince of standard physical, a head-to-toe tract fetuses and "put them in beings in my bedroom," Wendy Mack's book - and, for that mat Our Disorder: The Life of T.E. check, kind of like to make sure these columns with water. Well, I said. "He consciously remem ter, to those in Jacobs' book. Lawrence," which won a Pulitzer there have been no changes in the say 'water,' but I don't know bered seeing these things, wide Mack performed psychiatric Prize in 1977. The New York specimen," she said. "They check what it is." awake." evaluations on more than 100 al Times printed a serious review of the nose, eyes, throat, mouth, Wendy said sometimes abduc Wendy said neither she nor her leged abductees. He contends that "Abduction," and Mack has been they run their hands down your tees are led into the incubation husband had an interest in such their sincerity, the sheer honesty on a national public relations tour legs and back." room and made to look at the things as UFOs or space aliens. he felt in their narratives, and an defending its authenticity. In books about abductions, vic fetuses. Sometimes they are They asked the boy to draw a apparent lack of psychiatric in "I think it (the abduction theo tims report that the aliens often shown what looks like a nursery. picture of what he saw. stability, convinced him that they ry) is coming out of the marginal take sperm from men and implant "It's a room with children ... "He sat down and drew big were telling the truth. ized status into the forefront," alien embryos into women. Wen Some look very alien-like, but heads with big black eyes," Wen "I originally thought it (alien Mack said. "The denial is begin dy said it's happened to her. She they have some human qualities," dy said. "He knew nothing about abduction) was not possible in ning to break down. . . . I think said she's felt pregnant after Wendy said. "You can tell there aliens and we hadn't shown him the reality in which I was it's becoming increasingly legiti some abductions. has been a genetic splicing." any movies with them so there raised," said Mack, in a telephone mized." "Once I missed my period for Once home, neither Wendy nor was no way my son could have interview. "I didn't write any three months and I called the doc her children remember much picked this up somewhere." thing about it for the first two 0 tor," she said. "I made an ap about the abductions. But, she theLriakpe yJ,a cwobitsh, Ma0l al ckit su saetst ehnydpanno t igysie vMpaerr aoshc fiteksh s'wass too raIr ckasa ttsdu otdehmmieee id Hcc r aietrc.dv"ri aebrdidlei tnMyt.ie aHdlies- WabboeOdanurnddccy)te c a esrsaae by (dosria asrsrreohdlbe y e tdaihsn ea ds n hdshep p eaalrcal ocefneeseldhl o ioopwnn, ctphaoem"i nIedtt "ma? .y.rene ndbf te eitrfw sow irtteaoh s t ahdt hoepeynr oe d(c."toe hcdetu orarel, iteahnnasd)t ssaidide(,rc sso hsneo lthiidan seu vfeoiduden ndoc ewn: hpaat gshee 3co)n -2 (continued from page 2 - MERCURY HEWS, San Jose, OREGONIAN, Portland, OR - June 28, 1994 CR: K. Dobbs C-A - July 4, 1994) Crop circles leave minds spinning "Man~ titneS I've come back and my underwear is on inside out and backwards, or I'll have no underwear at all," Wendy •Impressions In a field along U.S. Four arms radiate from the huge cen people armed with camcorders and said. "Once I woke up with a sock 26 draw scores of observers, each ter circle, each one ending in a smaller 35mm cameras flocked to the "crop Sono mmeyti mheasn dm iyn skteidasd aonf dm Iy hfoaovte. one wHh a theory of how the figures oovpaeln ionfg t rascmepnlee dfo wr hae acth. eIta plo oskcise lnickee tfhiee· cwihrcol ed"i dno'vt esrt opth aet lweaesetk selnodw, eda nddo wtnh ofsoer woken up and everyone is in a got there and what they mean tion film. a look as they drove home -from the different bed." "I've been here two days," says Chris coast. She also cites bruises that ap By JERRY F. BOONE Ullman, a part-time actor and owner of The circles are on the north side of pear overnight and scars she be of The Oregonian staff a small movie production company. the hill, just high enough to be seen lieves have been left by the "Everyone's got an idea what it means. from the highway. They are about half· aliens' medical instruments. The circles appeared about 10 days And no one knows what it means." way between the exit for Southwest 0 agAo ti nfi rthste, fnioeltd t oaolo mnga nUy. Sp. e2o6p. le noticed. allBs ehjoinkde sh iamb oau bt eahradveidn gm aSnta irn Tcorevker's a1g8e5 thtr eAavtmeneunet palnadn tt.h e Rock Creek sew One possible explanation is Then a few stopped to look, and told "Scotty" beam him aboard. Each one has a divot in the center, something called sleep paralysis, their friends. And they told their A woman who won't give her name like a stake was driven in to act as a a strange physical state some frier.ds. says she heard someone say that some pivot point for whatever was used to where between sleep and wake By Sunday afternoon dozens of cars one else knew someone who saw lights crush the wheat. fulness. lined up along the eastbound lane of the in the area a number of nights ago. "There's a lot of evidence to support David Hufford, professor of highway, just west of the 185th Avenue the teens and beer theory," agrees Ul· medical humanities and behavior exit. It could have been a UFO. Or it could lman "But you'd think whoever did it al science at Penn State Universi Motorists scrambled through the bar have been teens celebrating their high would be having a hard time not telling tryes eCaorlclehgine go s(le ~eepd ipcairnael,y shisa sf obre 2e0n crolows epr ilto oakn.d over the earth berm for a schWooasl hgirnagdtuoant iCoonu. nty Sheriff's deputies sthoem ecoinrcel ebsy nsoo wp. rAecnids eh?o wIn d itdh eth edya rgke?t years. Scythed into the waist high wheat is a have been called to the scene a couple of Seems like you'd need a light source for Normally, he said, the body's circle about 35 feet across. It is ringed times, mostly to control traffic and ask that." central nervous system goes limp by a second circle of untouched wheat, gawkers not to park along the Sunset Unfortunately, the woman who knew during dream sleep. That paraly-· surrounded by another cut path about Highway. someone who knew someone else had sis keeps people from physically three feet wide. _I t didn't do much good. Hundreds of already left. acting out their dreams. During sleep paralysis, the body remains limp, even though the person is conscious and no longer asleep or dreaming. "They are aware of their envi ronment .... No matter what the person's cultural background, with no regard of what they be lieve in, the majority are con vinced that at the time there is a threatening presence in the room with them," Hufford said. That's why, he said, people who report alien abductions claim they are not dreaming. Because, Hufford said, they are fully con scious while still suffering from an abnormal condition that some times leads to hallucinations. "People report that the pres- -ence sometimes looks humanoid," said Hufford. "The little grays (the alleged aliens) sound a lot like gnomes or elves that people historically reported." Hufford said victims of sleep paralysis from all over the world report similar occurrences, which include strange visitors and even the feeling of being prodded by the beings. ROQER JENSEN/The Oregonian "The similarities are just too Circles just don't square: A "crop circle" created in a field along the Sunset Highway great for a coincidence," he said. But Mack says abductions have near Hillsboro has attracted numerous visitors. Some say the circle may be the result of a UFO occurred when people are not . visit, while others think.i t is the work of humans with a sense of humor. asleep. "Debunkers will invent the most outlandish of explana tions," he said. COMMERCIAL APPEAL, Memphis, TN- June 23, 1994 CR: J. Fletcher Lecturer to recount UFO abduction They're off "I would not have had to go Since then, she wrote two By Andy Mar white in color. what I've gone through if the books, including one for chil The Commercial Appeal They perform public was educated about dren. "It's fiction, but I based it medical ex this," Haley said. "It (her lec on an abduction I had when I Leah Haley says she lost her periments, in tures) has given other people was 3," she said. "It's bright husband, job, and family mem sert a needle courage to speak out. So yes, it and colorful, to appeal to chil bers' respect because she pub into my ova is doing some good." dren. I want to alleviate the licly talks about certain events ries and ex .Eddie Middleton, co-founder fear children who were ab in her past. tract ova, and of the UFO Discussion Group ducted might have." She admits. she has no proof. talk telepathi of Memphis, said the UFO phe Haley currently isn't em But Haley wants people to cally. That's nomenon is regaining populari ployed but was supported by bknyo swp atchea ta lsihenes's dboezeenn sa obfd uticmteeds Leah Haley baHsicaallelyy ita."d - tlye.c tHuere s aoidcc tuhrer elads ti nti mMe eam UpFhiOs vhoerrc eh. usband before their di mits her sto was 1983. "All these people are and wants to educate others She said she is lecturing on a ries sound unbelievable but in having these flashbacks," he about the unidentified flying sists they are nothing but truth. said. "I don't know what all volunteer basis. "I'm going object phenomenon. Haley, 43, "This sounds weird," she said. that means, but it's getting very broke doing this," she insisted. and another UFO researcher, "I don't have any proof. But I'm intense." "I'm going to have to get a Mark Davenport, are speaking not trying to convince anybody. A recent book by a professor grant or something. When I go Saturday night at the Univer I just want to help others, if of psychiatry at Harvard de to speak, they (the sponsoring sity of Tennessee, Memphis. they've had abduction experi tails several cases of alien ab organization) pay for my travel A typical abduction, accord ences, to realize, 'it's not just duction. Abduction by Dr. John and hotel expenses, and if they ing to Haley, starts at night me.'" E. Mack presents testimony of can I get a little honorarium.'' when she is asleep. She said Ever since her first public several people who claim to Haley said the fear she had she. wakes to "a beam of white lecture in November 1992 have been transported to alien of space aliens is now gone. light with a force-field that about her abductions, which craft and had experiments "The more I remembered, the takes me out of the house into a also involve other types of al done on them. iess frightened I became," she spacecraft." iens, the Columbus, Miss., resi Haley began having flash said. "I'm still here, I'm fine, She compared her feeling to dent said she endured family backs in 1990 and was initially I'm no longer afraid." one like taking drugs before anger and fear of ridicule. Her skeptical. "I thought I must be Haley and Davenport's lec surgery. "I'm awake, but not in husband divorced her last going crazy," she said. After ture is Saturday from 6:30 to 11 control," she said. "I end up on month because she continued seeing a hypnotherapist, how p.m. in the Schreier Audito a platform, like an operating to lecture, she said. And she ever, her viewpoint changed. "I rium on the UT-Memphis cam table, surrounded by creatures claims that government harass wanted to see if there were ad pus. 3 4 to S feet tall, with solid black ment caused her to lose her job ditional details, or things miss Tickets are $10 in advance eyes, two holes for a nose, no teaching at the local Air Force ing that I didn't remember and $12.50 at the door. Call hair, no ears, that all look alike. base. yet" 683-7178 for more information. DAILY RECORD, Roswell, NM - Jan. 30, 1994 A space vlsltQf at Outa Umhs. The OUta Llmhs UFO Enigma Museum owner-curator John his museum at 6108 S. Main St. Price shOws the replica flying saucer whh aliens displayed at Five museums offer variety Chris Giles Record Vistas Editor A lthough the sign on North Main Street reads "3 Museums," Roswell actually has five and each provides something dlfferent for the visitor. The two newest museums came into being because of the interest in the unldentl.Oed flv1ng ob1e<;t that landed on the Brazel ranCh northwest oftRoswell in 1947. ' Whatever the object was it has c'ilused people - tourists, television crews and movie producers - to come to Roswell to look and to wonder. Was it a cover up? Was it really something· "unearthly?" The C)llta Umit» UFO Enigma M~ at 6108 S. Main St., has almost every news.. .tory printed about the UFO landing on display. Owner-curator John Price, not only has kept the Record stories about the UFO, but he also has stories Waher Haut stands by the displays In The library of books, magazine and newspaper ·from the Albuquerque Journal and The El Paso Times. International UFO Museum and Research anlcles and videos about the 1947 UFO Price, until recently, had a video store with the Center at 400 N. Main St. The museum has a Incident. museum, but he closed that out last week and is planning to concentrate on enlarging his museum. He also sells T-shirts and gift items with references to the Glenn Dennis is vice president and Max Uttell is UFO incident on them. secretary-treasurer. Haut said 28 volunteers work at Outa. IJmits opened 1J:l April 1992. In December the museum. 1993 some 300 visJtors went through the museum. The research center features a library with copies of Price said he has had visitors from as far away as every book written about the UFO crash as well as Russia and Brazil come to the museum s~e it first magazine articles. opened. His January guest log showed visitors from as The museum has two viewing rooms for the 23 far away as Alaska and North Carolina. videos on flle which have been made about the The most impressive exhibit at Outa l.Jmits is the · incident. That includes a copy of the .. Unsolved replica of a flying saucer, crashed in a field with the Mysteries" television program about the Roswell lnd bodies of the little gray men around it. Price dent in 1988. constructed the silver saucer for the 1991 Eastern Haut said "Showtime," a television prodilction, New Mexico State Fair parade. Adding to the exhibit would air a new show about the Roswell OFO are ceramic statues of a desert terrapin, a rattlesnake, sometime in May or June. a horned toad and a cottontail and several stuffed Haut said that since the museum opened in birds. October of 1992, some 19,924 visitors from all 50 One is left with the speculation that the first states and 51 foreign countries have toured the observers of the strange craft may have been the museum. He has a map of the United States and the small animals, who crept out of hiding to wonder at world on the wall with pins marking the spot the the thing that disturbed their environment. visitors came from. Price also displays pictures of the writers who have In December Tad Nakanichi, chief executive officer visited Roswell to flnd out more about the UFO. of Computer Images in Torrance, Calif., presented the Visitors will flnd posters of the ortginal Star Trek crew musuem with a mural of the crash by Albuquerque as well as NASA astronauts on exhibit at the artist Miller Johnson. museum. The mural shows the spaceship crashed ill the Clifford Stone is director of research for Outa foothills of the mountains with one gray man lying Umits. The museum is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. beside the ship. Blue smoke is billowing from the Monday through Saturday. It is closed on Sunday. downed craft. The admission charge is $1 for adults and 50 cents The museum is open for children. from 1 to 5 p.m. Monday The .Jntematio~ UFO Museum an<i. R~earch through Sunday. Special 4 Center is located at 400 H~ 'Main st. arrangements may be made Walter tlaut. who was a young public information for group tours. No-admis- officer at Roswell Anny Air Field when the crash sion is charged. occurred, is president of the non-profit corporation. SCENES .•..................... DAILY HEWS, New York, NY -June I, 1994 Close-Encounter Group Abducted by.aliens? At artist and UFO observer Bil-4d H op~ins' Chelsea get-togethers, you can talk it over with others· By LEWIS BEAI.E.tDaily News Staff Writer Th ey're discussing implants. terviewed more than 1,000 potential The kind extraterrestrials put abductees (he has identified more than in your body after they've ab 400 people he assumes are abductees), ducted you, probed you with written two books, and now runs The weird instruments, then Intruder Foundation out of his home dumped you back on Planet Earth. - it's a nonprofit organization dedicat We're in the Chelsea townhouse of ed to researching UFO phenomena, artist Budd Hopkins, the garrulous, provh:ling support services for ab avuncular point man for the nation ductees and educating the public on wide underground of alien-abduction the subject. true believers. And we are surrounded Hopkins has been in the public eye by Hopkins' work: large geometricill latelY because of "Abduction," a book paintings, abstract wooden sculptures by Harvard Prof. John E. Mack (Scrib and shelves filled with unsold expres ners. $22), which takes the abduction sionist works in·b right. colors. experience at face value. Hopkins in Meanwhile, 63-year-old Hopkins is troduced Mack to most of the ab holding up an X-ray of an 11-year-old ductees he interviewed, and the book girl's skull, which he claims shows is dedicated to him. something mighcy weird behind the eye · Hopkins himself has never been ab socket. Crowded around him are 15 ducted, but says he had a UFO sighting white middl~lass folks, totally normal in the 1960s. He's an engaging and like (well, maybe one or two are a planet able advocate with a sense of humor. . short of a solar system), aU of them al That he does not take himself too seri~ leged abductees, straining mightily to ously distinguishes him from many of .. see what Hopkins 5ees. · the members of his support group, who range from interesting and thoughtful WllkNIICtlle..._ to frighteningly obsessed. And there·i s something there, a mass Take Ja"nice (names have been . of who knows what, which these niem~ ·changed), who ·says her abduction ~as · hers of Hopkins'.alien-abduction sup made her so p~cology that she acto-• port group take as further proof that ally wishes most of the people on the They're here, They're messing with us, pltmet would die, "so we copld start all so why don't you believe us'? over again" in a natural way. "Do people feel thE!ir implants'?" Thanks for sharing, Janice. asks one. ''Do people feel numb at the Then there's Karen, twent;ysomething sight oftheir implants'?" wonders an and articulate, who describes a dream BEINGS THERE: Budd Hopkins, with drawing by alleged UFO abductee other. And: "Has anyone had implants she had as a kid that she recently re in their earlobes'?" · membered under hypnosis. The dream go "13th Tsukuba Marathon." Hopkins you don't know what it is, do you, Mr. Are these folks seriously deluded, or begins with her lying in a cornfield; says an abductee woke up wearing it, Journalist'? ahead of the curve on the biggest story then she's on the floor of a room, and but that she had gone to bed wearing And that's all Budd Hopkins is say in the history of the solar system'? "the gray guys are there." A horse something entirely different Can any ing. If there's intelligent life in the "This isn't being curious about some comes in, drops dead, and a machine one identify it'? The support group universe, and some of it is cruising humped fish swimming around in a strips the skin from it An eyeball is re members tug, poke and fondle it as if it Earth, then maybe some E. T.' s are ab lake in Scotland," says Hopkins. "This moved, and put in a box. "The feeling I were a precious artifact. ducting humans for - What'? Gene changes everything. All human history got was the mutilations were for some splicing'? Torture'? Cheap sex'? will be measured before and after this sort of monitoring purpose," says Karen. Signs of lntellgent lfe? If it's really happening, then shouldn't kind of contact" Karen thinks this dream is related Sit around with these folks for a few investigating the occurrences be a top Hopkins, a respected painter whose to her abduction, and who's to argue'? hours, and you're seriously conflicted. scientific priority'? work is in the permanent collections of She's obviously not crazy. Still, Dr. Hopkins tells endless abduction tales "We are calling for a gathering of in the Whitney and Guggenheim muse Michael D. Yapko, author of "Sugges filled with the kind of evidentiary formation, and a focusing of attention," ums (among others), jumped feet first tions of Abuse" (Simon & Schuster. minutiae that can produce an REM says Keith Ferrell, editor of Omni mag into the UFO/abduction controversy in $22), says people like Karen "are look state in any listener. And his followers azine, which is running a six-month se 1975, after investigating reports of a ing for answers to the most fundamen spend a lot of time discussing dreams ries investigating the UFO/abductee close encounter in a New Jersey park. tal questions, and they are willing to (are they evidence of abduction?), hyp phenomenon. "There are plenty of Hopkins' story of the sighting ran in accept anything that is plausible, even notherapy sessions and anomalous be good scientific minds out there who the Village Voice and other publica if it isn't true. It's a matter of faith, not havior: watches running weirdly, bread can take a hard look at this and get the . tions, and before you could say "watch science." rising at the wrong time. sensationalism out of the way." the skies," he had received mail from Faith is a big thing with Hopkins After awhile the stories get boring, Says Hopkins: ''I'm not going to de hundreds of alleged abductees and and his followers, who tend to fixate the riffs more convoluted, the behavior fend my generalship in this. I'm not spaceship sighters. on the strangest things. Like the T-shirt way too "Twilight Zone." But then you trying to be George Washington, I'm Twenty years later, Hopkins has in- Hopkins passes around bearing the lo- think: There's something going on, and trying to be Paul Revere." :Man writing book on 1977 :>. UFO sightings in Oil City .~ OIL CITY - A former Oil The couple. now lives in Atlan on the objects was being trans former teacher of mine and Persons who witnessed the ~ City resident is researching a ta, Ga. mitted by about 30 mobile some retired policemen back in UFO sighting in 1977 may ~ 1977 sidttinst nf UFO~ which On ·that October 1977 date, citizen band radio units in the Oil City. They all remembered share their information with ra~.. hhoe mseatyosw nh. e witnessed in his h1i3s- ytewaro- obldr oRthiecrks Rseaywn oclidrsc ualanrd, are.O av. er . the. years, Reynolds it,H" eR epylnaocledds saani d.a dvertisement cRieayten olgdsr oubpy' sc al2li4n-gh otuhre UasFsoO Rick Reynolds, son of form lighted objects in the sky over said, he ·forgot about his UFO in the newspaper seeking wit Hotline at: 1-614-227-7324. e:~ er South Side residents Maurice their neighborhood about 6:45 sighting experiellce in Oil City. nesses to the 1977 sighting. The ~ and Barbara Reynolds, was p.m. Moving to Columbus, Ohio, response has yielded personal ~ among observers who reported As the objects traveled two years ago to accept a job interviews with a dozen resi cp UFOs in Oil City on .. Oct. 26, through the sky towards the as national sales manager for a dents. tl) 1977 . . North Side, Reynolds said, he banking processing company, Earlier this week, Reynolds ~ He is• writing a. 'book about and his brothers headed for the his interest was again piqued traveled to Oil City to interview ~ that 1977 sighting and, as an local vo-tech school. when he joined Mid-Ohio Re local residents and photograph independent film producer, also "There was a large crowd search Associates. The group key locations. may malce a documentary fllm. there watching these crafts. It includes physicists, pilots and "I had planned to write just R~eeTeyhkne or ledRssee aywrncaohsli dnsign f tahOmei iltl oyCp iliictvy. e _d.t hiins ltwahasatsten d'lt a sltihkso eu fyorosr ,u"ar nty Rpienicysatnalo nsltdi.gs h Ttihrneigs oUtFh"OeIr ssg. oint tienrveostlevde di nin rtehsaeta rgcrhoiunpg vam ieopwraeep de,hr eroIe n rteihta alibnzu etdj, usattsh eIra e inliwttetalres 5 Oil City from 1970-75. Maurice membered. and I told these fellows about blurb. So now I'm writing a Reynolds was a<p lant engineer According to news reports of my sighting. They encouraged book," he 'said. at Foster Forbes glass plant. the UFO sighting, information me to pursue it so I contacted a -:t UFO believer protests government 'secrets' ~ » ca By Jamy Scott Operation Right to Know in California today. The Those same people might say only the uneducated :£ staff writer group holds protests .in hopes the government will believe in alien spacecraft. But Hernandez breaks that release information about recovered UFOs, he said. stereotype. Late one night in Cali, Colombia, Jose Hernandez "The U.S. government is pretty much involved in He came to America 13 years ago to attend school g whiams oanwtaok tehnee db aflrcoomn ys, lheeisp bbryo thheisr btorlodt hheirm. Btoe clkooonki nagt covering it up," Hernandez said. "They have a power daengdr ebeesc ianm peh yas icUs .aSn. dc hitaisz setnu.d iHede ehnagsin etweroin gm, aasstterorn's ful intelligence system to cover it up." ~ the sky. Hernandez acknowledges that many people would omy and neurology. Because of his background in sci .....:~ A rectangular object hung suspended in the air above ence-related fields, .Hernandez said, he wants to him. For the next 45 minutes, the object rotated 180 think he was crazy. ., But he said his own experiences examine all the evidence. degrees and then split into two cir have led him to believe in UFOs. "My whole life and profes ~ cles. Then it was gone. sion is relate.d to discovering the This was the first of three llFOs Skywatchers See Strange ~ruth no matter what it is," Hernan .., Hernandez said he saw in hfs nauve dez said. "They (the government) b country. During his third sighting, have the real physical proof that '::3 the UFO hovered over the Andes Groups Of Amber Lights we have been visited and moni ~ Mountains· fot 30 minutes zigzag tored by beings." a:! ging back and forth, Hernandez said. Hernandez lived in Califor For the past 25 years, these expe nia before relocating to Logan riences have led ·Hernandez to By Patti Weatherford about three.,onths ago ..H ernandez research the existence. of UFOs and, is on the boar~ .Of directors of space beings: A call received on the Hot-line If the female caller would please con ORTk that is. ~taging the protest at Hernandez, a appl~cations. engi last week reported groups of amber tact the Hot-line again so that a more a senator's office in C3lifortiia. neer at Campbell Scientific, is one colored lights in the sky in the Tiger complete report may be obtained, The group claims U.S. military of the organizers of a protest by Point area between 11:30 p.m. to 12 anonymity will be respected upon and intelligence organizations a.m. on June 29. The female caller request. Anyone else who may have 'have obtained acttpil spacecraft also reported a square shaped object sightinginformation,pleasecall438- and bodies of space aliens. and a string of amber colored lights. 3261. "We're telling the American A call also came in from skywatcher, There were some other reports people, 'wake up'," he said. Greg Liss, who reported an amber received that are being investigated "Things are going on. The Ameri light over the Naval Live Oaks area and I hope to deliver more informa can government needs to talk." the same evening around 11:50 p.m. tion to you as it becomes available. But critics say there is no evi- dence backing Hernandez' claims. Barry Karr, the executive director Eyes on the sky of Skeptical Inquirer, a national publication that debunks paranor mal experiences, said il is scientif ically possible for other life to exist, "it doesn't mean they are UFO hotlinetrackssightings in NW here visiting us." Karr said people need to remember the term UFO doesn't necessarily mean outer space. "UFO doesn't mean alien space decades and has been called "the ship. It means unidentified flying By The Associated Press Sherlock Holmes ofUFOlogy." object," Karr said. "Sometimes Klass, for34years the senior avion people associate the two." SEA 'n'LE-The call came in on a ics editor for Aviation Week & Space Most UFOs arc easily tSVhuieon gldelaoty ww aiatn s1g 1 bo:3rb1ej apet.cmht li.e nAs ts whleyo msdkeayns sc nhraiebm ainneddg : Teddaeyict hoonrn,o islhoaeyg tsyo hapenic dg. entosw 10 a t oco 2n0t lreibttuetrisn ga enxa,p lsauincehd a bs yp laa nneastu, rwale apthheenro bmael her fiiend Annie saw from the sec He says UFO$-have the smell of loons and bright planets. ond floor o~their rural hou~e at the pseudoscience in that nothing more Hernandez said that the govern end of Moffett Road in Somewhere, is known about them today than ment has kept things quiet for U.SA Arnold's first publicized report five years. Alien spacecraft were dis "We were looking at pictures and decades ago. covered as early as the 1940s, he all of a sudden Annie sllid, 'What'S· "I do not believe in ghosts. I do not said. sthtaart? b' Aringdh tI lcigashut aolulyt tghlaenrec?e dI su tph aant da · Ibreilsihe vlee ipnr deecmhaounnss. .I dBou nto It bhealvieev en iont A government coverup of UFOs said, 'Oh, it's probably nothing but a spent any time investigating them. So isn't possible, Karr said. "I don't weather satellite.' if Gribble, or someone else who tells have faith in the U.S. government "And then I took a second look. I stories ofbeing abducted by strange to keep anything secret for this swear, it was like a live coal. the color creatures, if those stories are true, long," he said. "I don't believe the of it, and it. kind ofhovered a little bit perhaps they're being abducted by government could keep it secret." at first There were streaks of light demons or ghosts or Irish lep Robert R. Young, education comingoutofil Thenallofasudden ;' ~· rechauns," Klass says. · chairman of the Astronomical ait t coapm. Iet cwlaoss ebrr.i Igth wt,a rse .a..l s tp;riingnbinl g like. soBmuett hGirnigb boluet itsh ecoren.v Hinec endo ttehde rteh'es Society of Harrisburg, Pa., called "And theri we heard the roar from . Air Force secretly investigated space aliens and· UFO sightings it And it sounded like those old-fash- Associated p ess UFOs under the code name Project "urban rumors." He said the myth ioned gasoline lawn mowers, is the . . . r Blue Book during the 1950s and '60s started in the 1940s wh~n the U.S. way 1 can describe it And it took off, Robert Gnbble stand~ tn the workroom C?f hts s~uth Seattle home, where he while publicly denying they existed. government launched secret pro as near as 1c an flgnre, in a northwest runs the UFO Reporttng Center telephone hot ltne. Gribble says it could take decades jects during World War II. direction." as 1,000 feet. today he saw one flash .over· Okla- "to condition people out of this 'we "People just like to have a be.Jief Violet isn't sure what she saw that Because of sheer volume, Gribble hom a City several weekS ago·. And a are the only ones' mentalit;y." that there is something out there," night, and neither is Robert Gribble, mostly follows up only calls involving carpenter working on a roof in "I can remember when I was going Young said. the man she called to report the close encounters and landings.-He KansasCityreportedhesa'wnineol>- to parochial school. The nun would sigbting. ·rorwards the information from ject.S shortly after noon yesterday." say, 'Oh, those beautiful white lights But Hernandez said life exists in Gribble runs the UFO Reporting promisfng, rich-in-detail calls to the Arnold mentioned the sighting to in the sky, they're the windows of· the universe and space travel is Center telephone hot line from the Mutual UF0Network,anearly5,()()(). otherpilotswhenhelanded~.Yaki­ heaven, that's the light coming possible. Ignoring the phenome attic workroom of his tidy, white- member international UFO organi- rna, but was met by blank stares. But through those windows' and that we non isn't the answer, Hernandez shake house in south Seattle. zation based in Seguin, Texas. he said he talked with a Ukiah, Ore., are the only intelligent beings. This said. Aretiredfirefighterwitharamrod MUFON draws on more than 800 man the next day who told him he had been taught to people for 2,000 "Ignorance is a powerful tool posture, piercing eyes and a no-non- field investigators across the globe had seen similar objects over the years up until recently when the used by those who have an inter sense voice, Gribble speaks matter- for on-site probes and r~search, says mountains near Ukiah. space program really changed things est in keeping everything status of-factly about the more than 20,000 its international director, Walter An- "It seems impossible, but there it and astronomers made spectacular quo," Hernandez said. calls he's gotten since he set up his drus. He's convinced in a small nurn- is," Arnold told one reporter. discoveries, new planets, solar sys- hot line in October 1974. He averages ber of cases, people have seen ex- An Army spokesman in Washing- tems," Gribble says. about six calls a day. traterrestrial objects. . ton, D.C., commented at the time: "As "I think we've reached that point in The vast majority of the sightings "They're not from this earth. They far as we know, nothing flies that fast our global history where as time goes -usually some sort ofbright light in weren't manufactured by Boeing or except a V-2 rocket, which travels at on we will become more and more thesky-turnouttohaveaperfectly McDonne!l·Douglas," Andrus says. about 3,500 miles an hour-and aware that we are being watched and earthly explanation: weather bal- Reports of strange objects iri the that's too fast to be seen." there is intellig•en•t •lif e out there." loons, meteors, satellites, airplanes sky have been around at least as long The term "UFOs" was coined by an or other man-made aircraft as the Bible. Air Force captain in 1951. The UFO Reporting Center hot "lntheendweendupwithabout5 But "flying saucers" didn't make Gribble, who has never seen a line in Seattle is (206) 722-3000. The percent unknowns," Gribble says. major headlines until June 24, 1947, UFO, thinks they come from "many, Mutual UFO Network's number in "Usually those are cases we call when businessman-pilot Kenneth manydifferentpointsoforigin." Seguin, Texas, is (210) 379-9216. 'closeencounters,'wherethe(UFO) Arnoldreportedastrangeencounter <~My only conclusion is these ob vehicle is close enough that people while flying his single-engine Cessna jects are conducting a massive con can get a very good identification of around Mount Rainier in Washing- ditioning program," trying to inform TRI-CITY HERALD, some kind of structured object" A ton state. humans in a non-threatening way tiny .fraction of that subgroup in- Arnold reported seeing nine that there is other intelligent life in Kennewick, WA volves alleged UFO landings and hu- bright, disc-shaped objects traveling the universe, Gribble says. man.encounters with "aliens." along the Cascade mountains at an Skeptics are waiting for proof. June 19, 1994 What people report hasn't varied estimated speed of more than 1,200 "There is nothing that would ex much since Gribble started reading mph. cite me and the world of science about UFOs 40 years ago as a hobby. "Don't sell short those strange fly- more than to find some scientifically Callers generally describe objects ing objects reported whizzing over credibleevidencethatwehavealien 6 that are dome-shaped, lens-shaped, Western Washington, until the re- visitors. Butin nearly 28years, I have spherical or cigar-shaped, ranging turns are all in," read one Associated yet to find a single such case," said from pulsating discs 6 inches in di- Press dispatch a couple of days after Philip Klass, who has investigated ameter to nondescript tubes as long Arnold's sighting. "A flyer asserted UFO repQrts for nearly three 0~\ THE NERVE SEATTLE WEEKLY, Seattle, WA- June 29, 1994 0\ BY KATHRYN ROBINSON Aliens: skeptics such as Philip Klass tried to : •ortray ~ Skeptics unite dhuimre sa. s Dar . qRuoacbker tw Bitahk efrla w(wedh o refaseceadrc ho ffp rwociteh Conference of the Committee Mack on a Dateline NBC alien-abduction seg ..c=~.:,' ofofr C thlaei mScs ieonft tihfiec PInavreasntoigramtiaoln mpheennto am feenwo nw weeakss n aogthoi)n tgr imedo rteo tphraonv aen tthharot pthoe morphism caused by vivid imaginations and I Doubletree Suites Hotel maybe even indigestion. Another of the counter :i Tukwila speakers was Donna Bassett, who had suckered June 23 Mack in his clinical studies by faking an abduc ; tion claim. Bassett and Mack recently duked it The skeptics were unmoved. Even a Harvard ~wwco tMheemdi ctahla tS tchheo aolli epns-yacbhdiuactrtiiostn cpohuelndonm't ecnoonnv iwncase ottehurists e i ncr oetnshpfeeo rpneasngece etso o whfae Tsr icmao ens,du aernpscdrie shneed rit noag p Mptoeanacerka, .nM cIean c·a kat C~l) atenrys thwinitgh mlloFrOe sth caonu dlde lubsei oenx. pAlat inbeedst , aewncaoyu nas relied on the confidentiality of his profession to a disturbing form of sleep paralysis; at worst, unleash the ultimate putdown: "I'm constrained :>o they were a publicity stunt turned cultural ob because I can't talk about her troubled past and ~ session. But Dr. John Mack plowed ahead in his the traumas in her life." role as opposing-voice panelist at the conference Throughout the evening Mack maintained ~ \ of the Committee for the Scientific Investigation his resolve, characterizing the skeptics' vehe of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP). mence as "epistemological totalitarianism." Is ~ "There's a point where courage drifts off into sues such as false-memory syndrome, ritual sa E~ afouothlhoarr dainnde sasb,"d usacitdio tnh eb ePluielvitezre ra bPoriuzte -twhei ncnriintig twaenriec aalbl upsaer, t aonfd t hree glriveesslyiv ea nhdy dpinvoissiivse thdiesrcaupsy Cl) cmisaml a hs epaopsesdib oilnit yh. i"mI hfoarv ea cthciesp ntianigv et hpel apcae riann~ oidre swioans .b Brouat cwhehde,n D thr.e M isascuke doefm puasrtr-eldif et or ethgere ssksieopn me that says dialogue can occur. I do not have tics. "I would be utterly mad to get into the sub :;n, cx~lanatinn for this. It is an authentic m, . ject of reincarnation with this group," he said. My favorite tcrv." "I may be crazy, but I'm not that crazy.T" ed Fry Martian§~~, Dr. Mack was a picture of reason at the C ~I· COP conference opening event. Prominent ~ Mysteries: Alien abduction stories are impossible : First sighting in NW to explain, but they shouldn't be dismissed. T he other night I was reading enough to convincingly refute them. The brought instant fame along in Abduction: Human En result is a book with too little of the crit ~ counters with Aliens, the much ical distance a reader requires from an discussed new book by the "expert." =' in addition to ridicule Pulitzer Prize-winning Harvard psychia That's because Mack has set out not 7 trist John E. Mack. I was at the part to answer our skepticism, but to ignite where Mack explains that right before our trust. These ":thductees" have clear ~ people are abducted by aliens mysteri ly been through ;,OmethinR-a Gottom ..lll • William Bequette was the news ed was never the same again for the ous electrical malfunctions often c•·.:-ur. line even Mack's !1arshest critics will al u itor of the East Oregonian newspaper former University of Minnesota It being nightfall, I reached up to turr, .,n low-and Mack is. simply here to testify . ..; in Pendleton in 1947 when he wrote football player, trained pilot with ~ the first story about UFO's_o ver the more than 1,200 hours of flying a lamp. Sparks flew and the lamr sud as a trained psychiatrist that the consis denly burst into flames. tent intensity and authenticity of emo ~ ::~~~-. ~e~n~~:~rt~~o~u~~~ tfiomuen,d efra othfe thr eo Gfr efoatu Wr edsatuegrnh tFeirrse, I am not making this up. tional fallout frorr, these people points to t:.:: tape, in the manner of those days, and Control Co. in Boise, and an unsuc Careful to keep an eye on thr dock an experience that's real. transmitted it to The Associated Press. cessful candidate for lieutenant (abductees often report large, unac For many "abductees," Mack is the ~ The AP sent it around the world. Be governor ofldaho. counted-for chunks of time), J blew first person who has ever believed them. P~:: qHueerattled cina 1m9e4 8to. Hweo rrekt irfoerd tahse thTeri -HCeitry Everywhere he went he was the out the little hlaze and sat very ~til;. WJs Mack elicits their "memories," gathers ~ aid's editor in 1982. soibojneacltl oyf priudbilciucl ceu ariso tshitey manadn o wcchao I about to be abducred bv ,tli..:ns? them into suppon groups, validates their :>o "saw things." Whooshed up to the mother .ship and experiences. I don't know if those of us t; By WILUAM C. BEQUETTE Whenever he flew after that first anally probed, like nearly every one of who have never had our deepest-held u Herald staff writer sighting he kept a movie camera in I the 100-some claimants Mack inter beliefs dismissed .lS sick and ridiculous 1-1 the cockpit. He said years later he viewed over the past four years? Or can begin to understand the overwhelm !0-:<:: Kenneth Arnold was obviously saw UFOs seven more times and maybe I had just then been abducted, ing therapeutic value of simple respect. puzzled on June 24, 1947, when he twice he made in-flight movies of perhaps relieved (as women abductees It's hard, indeed, to find a downside in came into the newsroom of the them. East Oregonian, the Pendleton At first he believed the UFOs he almost always report) of a partially in Mack's trust: with nobody being sued or daily. saw were military guided missiles. cubated hybrid fetus. (The aliens are fa impugned (as in "repressed memories" He said while flying home to But subsequent interviews with mous, after all, for erasing memories.) of childhood abuse), his patients report Boise that morning he had seen scientists and military officials And what was that ... smell? (Oh, the edly function better after their purgative something "strange," nine saucer convinced him they were not lamp.) sessions with him. If this is bad science, shaped craft flying between Mount What did he think they were Outlandish testimonies like these fill it may nonethebs be good medicine. Rainier and Mount Adams at a then? His responsetothequestion the pages of Abduction, a book most no speed he estimated at 1,200 mph, was always cautious: "Nobody table for the fact that its author believes Yet, is it bad sc;ence? One of the most tfhasatte re rtha.a nH aen yw konnodwenre adi rcifr atfht eoyf tkhneo wrigs.h Pt werohrda.p"s other-worldly is them. For his credulity Mack has been fascinating thmgs Mack does is in might be experimental planes the Since Arnold's story was first skewered hy The New Republic and (o tentionally suspend his attachment to military was testing. told, the number of UFO converts humiliation!) Dateline, and has become the Western scientific paradigm and the Neither Nolan Skiff, the associ grows. Attempts at explaining the the laughing stock of the scientific and conventional divis1ons that separate "ra ate editor, nor I could answer UFO phenomenon range from the academic communities-even, The New tional" from "irr;ltional," "real" from Arnold's question. ridiculous to the pseudo-scientific. York Times reports, his own department "unreal," "materi:1l plane" from "spiri We said we would run a story and Perhaps Swiss psychoanalyst maybe some reader could help him. CarlJunggives the best insight. In at Harvard. tual plane." This receptivity to things Nolan and I wrote a five-para an essay in 1954 he suggested the But now that I've finished his book metaphysical-no stranger, really, than graph story for the paper and I gave saucer shape represents a spiritu outdoors, under natural light-! find common belief in God-amounts to the story to the Associated Press. al symbol of order and wholesome myself with a good deal more respect for handing buckshot to critics like The Arnold checked into the hotel and I ness he called a mandala. Mack than for the skeptics who keep New Republic's James Gleick, who sav went to lunch. "There is a tendency all over the lobbing conventional wisdom at him. ages Mack for his blowzy disregard for Awaitingmewhenireturnedtothe world," he wrote, "to believe in Why is that? It's certainly not the quality material proof and his suggestion that office an hour later were telephone saucers and to want them to be real." calls from newspapers around the The story the East Oregonian of his book, an overlong and confus abductions could be occurring within United States and Canada and from published June 24, 1947, ended by ingly written (how did this guy win the "another reality." the Associated Press. All of the saying: Pulitzer?) succession of case studies Mack is savaged, in short, for having callers wanted more details on the "Mr. Arnold-and perhaps oth chronicling his hypnotic retrieval of peo an open mind-a fundamental prereq "flying saucers." ers-saw something strange and ple's really disturbing memories of sex uisite for scientific inquiry, not a dis During the next two months al almost unbelievable. What it was with aliens. Though Mack claims to qualifier from it. As Columbus and most ·~ UFO sightings were re perhaps only time will tell." have started out a skeptic, spending Newton and Einstein would testify, sci ported in the U.S. and Canada. Forty-seven years later, we still Whatever it was Arnold saw, life are waiting for time to tell. "countless hours" trying to find alter entific discovery is not a matter of jam nate explanations for these stories, he ming data into existing categories; it's never details the alternate explanations about supposing new ones. It's about a,:- explain away such mythic visitations as epiphany that kicks off th1s ascerrt ttthc. cosmic projections of the human psy same: the individual's acknowledgement mitt.ng how much we don't know-in l>natching folks out of their beds on qui che's own extremes of goodness and evil at the hands of the aliens that he or she marked contrast to the hubris of a ratio et nights? Mack is criticized-with good -the current influx of angel sightings, is not, in fact, in control. nalist such as Glrick, who argues that reason-for using hypnosis to "reenact" for instance, or reports of satanic ritual That this triumph over ego also hap any phenomenon that's not available to abductions, a means as likely to access abuse-Mack's claimants report a dif pens to be the essential ingredient of his senses must therefore be a sham. imagination as memory. But isn't it sig ferent, more chillingly authentic attitude most religions, of Jung's concept of indi Gleick's arrogance would perhaps ap nificant-and rather taxing of the thin toward their alien captors: ambivalence. viduation-of 12-step psychology, for proach respectability if there were no explanation that everyone's seen all the With intriguing consistency the ab that matter-suggests that there may be mysteries left to science. ~ut as we all same alien movies-that every abductee ductees report feeling violated and ex something very like truth in what seems know, there are innumerable mysteries is imagining virtually the same details? ploited by the aliens' painful medical ex to be so much alien nonsense. Perhaps left to science. A friend's theory that ab (Did you go see Communion?) periments and humiliating interspecies the aliens are literally zooming down in duction experiences could be the doing Another scientist who experienced de breeding campaign-even as they admit their spaceships, perhaps they're pene of a fancy virus sounds as plausible as rision in his day, C.G. Jung, believed to simultaneous senses of protection, in trating the veil of some parallel universe, any other explanation, given how much there existed a higher plane of wisdom, struction, even guidance into higher perhaps they really are all in our heads, scientists have left to learn about viruses. a "collective unconscious," to which in states of consciousness by the aliens. In symptoms of some disease the conceits Even if "abductions" turn out to be dividuals had access through numino~s nearly every case, the abductee experi of Western science have-could it be? 7 mere symptoms of some bizarre brain dreams of a vivid, archetypal sort. It ences a crisis of ego through his or her hitherto failed to diagnose. But WP'll fever. would that then render the "a h nay be that "aliens'.' are the latest ar alien encounter, followed by a life never know, Mack wisely attests, if we ducuon" experiences any less "true" rival from that ancient plane. But it's in changing, often ecstatic, expansion of persist in reflexively dismissing the folks than if little gray aliens were literally t::resting to note that where one might consciousness. Again and again, the who claim firsthand experience.• liue believer takes on UFO skeptics ~ r:: ..::.:,! Has sdence closed its eyes to possibilities Among the arguments: and include a businessman run • Delusion. University of· Ken ning for Congress, two children ~ or are some things just out of this wor1d? tucky psychologist Robert Baker said under age 3 and a paraplegic with abduction stories fit a common "hyp scars from a claimed spaceship Q) nogogic" sleep condition that will medical examination that the ~ affect 4 to 5 percent of Americans in paralyzed man could not have o.J wQco) SBeYa iBtlIeL LT iDmIeEsT sRcIiCenHc e reporter queTsthioen :d eAbarete spkoespetdic sa nj uisnttirfiigedu ining t1h0e imr illliiofent ipmeeo ple- -owr hom owriell wthakane mad• e Ehvimidseenlfc. e. Baker pointed tn John Mack is a Harvard psychia- demanding physical proof and confor to a vivid hallucination that a ghost, out no abductee has returned with trist, the founding director of a re mance with physical laws, or is the demon or alien is in their room. a surgical implant, spaceship sou ; nowned psychiatry department at scientific community closing its mind Similar visions have been recounted venir, photograph or other artifact ~ Massachusetts' Cambridge Hospital to compelling evidence of what Mack since the Middle Ages, he said. that has withstood scientific scru f-< ~Pulitzer Prize-winning biogra- called "something not of this world Thomas Bullard, a folklorist at tiny. No hybrid children have .....o f Lawrence of Arabia. but which enters into this world"? Indiana University, countered with a turned up as proof of alleged alien .He also believes about 90 of his The Tukwila convention is ad survey he did suggesting 80 percent breeding programs. Members of Jtttimts have been abducted and dressing not just the alien-abduction of abductees reported a similar ap the audience argued abductions malested by space aliens and has issue but human belief in repressed pearance for the aliens. are primarily an American cull ural wdlet.en a new book on that subject memories of past abuse, angels, con "Surprisingly, there is a great phenomenon, with few reports in caMim "Abductions: Human Encoun spiracy theories and questionable deal of consistency," he argued. most other countries. itfl With Aliens." "expert" courtroom testimony. "What we have here is an anomaly. I Mack said the stories are so Last night Mack gamely ad One of Mack's allies was Sharon don't know what it is. It's worth frequent, convincing and similar dressed an overflow audience in Filip, a Seattle hypnotherapist who KORT DUCE/ SEATTLE TIMES investigating." that there must be something to T\d(Wila at the national convention of described her encounter with a UFO. John Mack, a psychiatry professor • Motive. William Cone, a New them. "All other -cultures allow tt.e. Committee for the Scientific In When she asked the crowd how at Harvard, discusses the possi port Beach, Calif., psychiatrist who other beings, other realities, other w.tigation of Claims of the Paranor many believed in God, no hands went bility ofa lien abductions. has treated alleged abductees, said dimensions," he maintained. rruU, a skeptics' group that made a up. that based on his experience, "Many One UFO enthusiast who heated discussion hotter by confront Mack said his patients' stories of these people are in it for the came to the skeptics' gathering i~ Mack with a woman journalist were so compelling he is convinced as an abductee, said Mack is simply money," and others are troubled and was DeAnna Emerson of Ut Con wte had hoaxed him with an abduc there are realities and realms beyond gullible. seeking an identity that abduction ner. Skagit County, who brought a tf• story he swallowed. scientific laws and human senses. "I've never seen a UFO, nor have stories give them. "Some of these photograph of what she said was a The timing was apt: Today is the "We are the condemned prison I ever been abducted," she said. "I people are just certifiably nuts," he UFO over Skagit Bay taken in 47th anniversary of the first modern ers of rationalism," he quoted. faked it. ... The (research) environ added. "Not all of them." 1988. "It's always a good idea to revorted sighting of flying saucers, But Donna Bassett, a North Caro ment was disturbing. There was no Mack said his patients were often hear both sides out," she ex maile by a pilot near Mount Rainier. lina free-lance journalist who posed scientific method whatsoever." reluctant to share their experience plained. "I keep balanced." what we do and do not know mer, on hand to counsel ab ~ Aliens about them. duc-te~::s. He says he sees So make up your own about two new cases per mind, but Karla Turner and day \C feds: those who joined her in Average and remarkablf: ISLANDER, Pensacola Beach, FL - June 15, 1994 ~ and Tampa have not time for citizens (Hopkins says he's validation or acceptance. counseling a Hollywood ac National TV Sho"Ws ..., And they are not, as you tor's son and seven psychia Both lie rnight suspect, ignorant dirt trists) are "being played farmers with bad teeth. A with in ways that are dis Filtn Islander nuclear physicist shares Tur tasteful." ner's conviction. So does A recent national survey, ~co UFO abductees MHaacrkv,a rad p sypcrhoifaetrsissot ra ndJo ahun aHboopukti n2s p esraciden, t sohfo wtheed pothpaut UFO Stories ] decry 'cover-up' t.l-.or of "Abduction: Human lation are abductees. Encounters with Aliens." Of course you don't be u They are, simply, detec lieve any of this. ~ By JOHN HUGHES tives of another kind, There are people in this By Bland Pugh Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel looking skyward suspicious world who don't believe as As Jane Waters wrote in her ar tn Sometimes when Karla ly to say, "Hey, what's tronauts landed on the ticle last week, "Sightings" came to steady himself while filming. As ; Turner is cooking dinner this':>" moon, UFOlogists will say. week -end before last and interviewed the boat was working its way along they come. Read their books - Turn It is not about credulity, the surf the UFO hovered just above ~ Right there in her Arkan er has sold about 40,000 cop this notion we are not alone. Ed Walters, Jane Waters, and myself. what appeared to be the second sand """' sas kitchen, stirring a pot of ies of "Beyond the Fringe." It is about whether a peo They were here to interview Ed and bar, approximately one half mile ;:§ soup or cleaning grease spots Buy their tapes. Believe it if ple who demand to know Jane about the UFO/JET picture that away. One of the most fascinating from the oven door handle, you will, but listen. who their president has appeared in the April 27 issue of The parts of the video was a person walk she is visited by uninvited "We don't know with any slept with will allow its I slander. This picture has drawn ing towards him, as this person con guests. certainty what they may government to continue to both national and international atten Sometimes they bless her. be," Turner told her audi lie to them about outsiders tion. I have received calls and letters tinued to walk in his direction, Ed Other times they torment ence. And: playing tricks on a male from ail over the country, Washing talked to the camera, saying some her. "At least some of them model and turning a house ton D. C. to California and as far thing to the effect "I hope this fellow wiTthh eeyy easr lei kteh et hcoosleo rc hoifl darsehn, lie•.• "H Aumnda:n perceptions are ewnicfeo'usn tderi.n ner into a close athwis~ W~ casl eE.n glSaon da sa nydo uC acanna dsae ea bTohuet awthilil mge"t. juJusts ata listhtleew claossaebr osou It tcoasnh-yoeultl in bad '60s pop art, with controlled by aliens during "Never believe two I slander gets around. to the person, the UFO decided it was elongated limbs and digits, the encounters." groups," Hopkins said to "Encounters" the TV show came time to leave and flashed away. spindly, as if they could be She told of a religious boisterous applause in Tam snapped in two like a cock woman of extreme modesty pa, "the aliens or the U.S. to town this past week-end and did an The remarkable part about this roach even by a woman of who was taken captive by government. They both lie." interview with Ed Walters on the video is the way the UFO interacted Turner's slender build. aliens, stripped naked, And so there is Operation UFO/JET story we ran in The with its environment, the waves, the But they are powerful and placed in a tube of light and Right To Know, an organiza Islander about a month ago. They boat in the surf and a person walking capricious, lying little bas used as a chart for biological tion with a flying saucer on interviewed him about this story and towards the camera, all of the things tards given to sexual perver explanation. its letterhead from a Wash theNovember28,1993, videohehad were a photo analyst's dream. These sion and experiments more "Sexual intrusions oc ington, D.C., address. takenofaUFOoverPensacolaBeach. items were extremely useful when inhuman than the maddest curred," she said. "The mission of Opera For those. of you who don't know the video was examined, resulting in of mad scientists of archaic Turner said her husband tion Right to Know," the about that particular video let me complete authentication by both Dr. comic book lore. was "abducted, drugged and literature says, "is to take describe it Bruce Maccabee and Jeff Sainio. For more than 20 years, interrogated about alien public political action to end they've bothered Karla phenomenon. And if you the UFO cover-up and build On November 28, 1993, several Also, the UFO displayed the same Turner and her family. She's find this hard to believe, a worldwide movement flashes caught his attention, they were characteristics, vanishing instanta pretty fed up about it and there are other examples we which will demand the truth to the southwest over the gulf and neously as the Martin Allen UFO did wishes her government could discuss." from all governments." appeared to be quite some distance in the March 1993 video. The UFO would use its available re Let's. Cover-up? from his home, so he grabbed his zipped away at such incredible speed sources to stop the invasion. There was, for example, •' The evidence is over videocameraanddrove to the "Gates" that it was there one split -second and At the recent UFO con the 25-year-old man in Ala whelming that Earth is be area of Pen~cola Beach. Walking gone in Ute next. After the video was vention in Tampa, Turner, a bama who was seduced by ing visited by intelligence on to the Beach, he clicked on the examined it was discovered that the former professor (Ph.D., En an attractive blonde, who controlled aliens," said camera and did a panorama of the UFO was indeed there in one frame glish) told a meeting of more after hypnotizing him with Stanton Friedman, a nuclear Beach and ocean, while doing this a and gone in the next, it reappeared in than 400 this: considerable womanly pas physicist from Canada, "bait boat" came by heading in the one more frame and then totally van job" Ii ta ims tnoo ct oan vpienrcseo na wdihsobsee bsieoans,t twuhrnoe d"r aimntmo eda na atlwieon Ewahrotshe's leCcotsumrei c wWasa te"rUgFatOes.": direction of the pier, which was sev ished. Now think about that, one lieving audience." foot rod down his throat to There have been, Friedman eral miles away. Talking to the cam frame of video tape is l/30th of a Naysayers, nay. But do extract juices and left claw said, 4,400 physical traces of era, he described the day and the second long. Folks, that is not quick, not think for a moment your marks on his shoulders." alien invasion in 65 coun location of the video,justashe turned it is damned quick. disbelief shakes Turner. She There have been, Tampa tries. to follow the boat, something caught So I guess both "Sightings" and has seen too much. conventioneers were told by "This is the biggest story his eye coming from the mainland "Encounters" will have two pretty Besides, Turner says, Bud Hopkins, one of UFOlo of the millennium," said towards the gulf. It was a UFO. The special shows for us in the near fu "The nature of alien activity gy's leading experts, cases of Friedman. object stopped and hovered to the ture. Keep your eyes to the tubes and is designed to keep us from animal mutilation. "There are nuts concerned east between him and the pier. He while you're at it, Keep Looking Up and krlOwing too much concrete __H o~igs, it New York with UFOs and there are was able to kneel down on one knee Behind You! evidence." sculptor who became an E.T. nuts with New Age. But 8 Put another way: These ~pecialirt after years of there is also some very cred extraterrestrials are so pow -studying the phenomenon, is ible scholarship." erful that they even control something of a deprograrn- JOURNAL, Albuquerque. NM - June 5, 1994 CR: W. Clendenon UFO Ahductee Makes Peace With Past at City Expo Man Tells of Trip tation at the t..xpo. "But really, what to ask him about his opm10ns ou goo<.; would ft do?" ,-,puce aliens and extraterre:;rrial The experience, according to Wal bemgs (one astrologer on Saturday At Whole Life Fair ton, went like this. Walton was asked for his birthdate to advance returning home in a truck filled with her "research"). Walton believes seven loggers on that clear fall he's become something of an expert By Phill Casaus evening. As the pickup meandered on human nature - rather than on a mountain road, the men inside UFOs. JOURNAL STAFF WRITER spied a blue-gold light coming from If Travis Walton could retrace the the treeline in the forest. "Over time, I've broadened my PAUL BEARCE/JOURNAL footsteps of his life, he'd change one Walton, then 22, got out of the ;:'Prsoective," Walton said. 'Tve Travis Walton, left, and Michael Rogers, who says he saw Wal thing. One big thing. One huge thing. pickup to investigate the light. He'd never have walked into that Though his companions screamed ; dl"'ted <~ lot about people.'' ton's abduction by a UFO, talk before their presentation. forest clearing on the evening of at him to return, he stayed outside Nov. 5, 1975. long enough to be hammered by a That was the night, Travis Walton beam of light. claims, he was abducted by space Frightened by what they'd seen, aliens. the men left Walton, believing he "If I had to do it all over again, I was dead. When they returned, he guess I'd have stayed in the truck," was gone. The witnesses' stories, Walton told an audience of about 100 Walton says, have been backed up people at the Whole Life Expo in by lie-detector tests. Albuquerque on Saturday. Walton says that when he woke up, Walton's account of his experience he was on a spaceship, surrounded with UFOs was the spark behind the by alien beings. He was eventually 1993 movie "Fire in the Sky" -and a returned to a lonely Arizona road controversy that continues to sim side - five days after he disap mer even now, nearly 19 years after peared. it happened. His story, of course, has been the Walton is a shy man who seems source of much talk - both by uncomfortable talking with UFO believers and skeptics in Snowflake ophiles who regard him-or his st~ and around the country. Every day, ry-as proof of aliens' contact with Walton says, he has tried to make Planet Earth. sense of the incident, if not the fall He is not a polished public speak out. er. For years, Walton said, he'd do "I don't think I lived up to the almost anything to avoid talking role," said Walton, a red-headed about the experience. man who was a rarity at the Expo: But now, in the wake of the movie, He was dressed in a coat and tie. and with plans to write an expanded "For me," he said, "the main way book about that night in the Sitg of coping was to withdraw and just teaves National Forest, Walton tries try to get on with my life. That to make his peace with the past. might not be the best way, but it That's one reason he still lives in worked for me." PAUL BEARCE/,IIJURN;\. tiny Snowflake, Ariz., the pretty log Walton decided to stay on the road Santa Fe residents Susan Goseyun, left, and Nancy Halonen look over a selection of crystals. ging-and-timber town where he was he's always known. Now 41, he is a raised. Though many in Snowflake husband and the father of four. He believed Walton was a flake - or a still works in the wood molding fake-when he recounted his story, plant in Snowflake. He remains he has resisted the urge to move to friends with many of the men who another place where he is known to witnessed his experience on th<tt no one. night so many years ago. "My wife and I thought about it," And while many people come up Walton said after a !112--hour presen- Unidentified Flying I met with Freeman after she wrote me a month ago. I asked Freeman if it had been worth it, her insis She was a bit upset about a column of mine on the best tence on UFOs, and knowing that some might ridicule seller" Abduction," a book about people reporting they her. "Oh, of course," she said. "You know, there's noth Objects? Skeptic were abducted by aliens. Freeman did not think this was ing sadder than thinking there're no mysteries.'' satire material. "Obviously the well-controlled media would not have allowed you to publish a serious article evaluating wants your photos the reports," she said. I asked Freeman just what serious proof she had. I have to admit. I was impressed with her well-written let ter. Even my name was spelled correctly. ERIK LACITIS That's how we ended up talking about her photos. I looked at them and told her this is the kind of alleged Times staff columnist proof that makes us UFO skeptics remain skeptics. Freeman said that in early 1970, she took sequential We really aren't much of a country of photos of the moon to test her car ~a. It was when the individualists anymore. Oh, sure, film was developed, Freeman said, that she noticed there are the few thousand people something unusual. The pictures showed a spherical ob who make up the perpetual guest lists ject flying past the moon. This wasn't a reflection on the for the Oprahs and G<;raldos. lens, she said; it had to be a UFO. But in the corporate world, in uni I told Freeman that. frankly, I had hoped for proof versities, in any large workplace, that didn't look like a picture of a light bulb. we've learned not to appear contro I asked if there had been something else that had versial or unconventional. It just convinced her of their existence. She recounted another - or what we perceive a~ the f>Olential expel ience: In 19G7 "h"" wa:. d1 i vi r.g by the iui"i11cr Air for trouble, which is just as inhibiting, sow<; begin self Force base at Paine Field. It was 9 a.m. Between two censoring ourselves. clouds, she said, "I saw a glowing orange disc, at least That's why I told Gloria Freeman that I admired her 30,000 feet high or more, going like a bat out of hell." candor, and why I told her I wasn't going to make fun of her in print, if she feared that. 'The pilots see them all the time' For the last 13 years, Freeman, 65, has tJeen a legal She drove to the base, she said, and made a report or secretary and word processor with the King County her UFO sighting to a major. Afterward. Freeman said, Prosecutor's Office. She deals with all kinds of impor as she was leaving. ''this non-com says to me, 'UFOs? tant documents and is well-regarded at her job. The pilots see them all the time. They just can't catch "She's superb. She gets things right, and she does a them.' "That's called anecdotal evidence, and is another lot of work," said Pat Sainsbury. hP.;~d of the pros~?ru­ reason we UFO skeptics remain skeptics. How come tor's fraud division. there are never UFOs that hover over a downtown, So there would be plenty of reasons for Freeman not where thousands of people could take detailed photos? to have her name in the paper, talking about how she Gloria Freeman assured me there are plenty of such Gloria Freeman says the small round object at the took photos of a UFO, and how aliens have been making detailed pictures. All I had to do was ask the public. bottom oft hese sequential photos she took is a UFO regular visits to this planet. That kind of talk immediate Well, all right, I'm game. There's nothing like som~ _tly! ng past the moon. ly puts you into that "Kook on Oprah's" category. UFO pictures to goose up those ratings. Have you gut such a photo? There should be plenty. Not afraid ofm ockery It was here, after all. that the UFO craze began in 1947, Rnt Freeman hasn't been fearful ahout being when flying saucers were reported near Mt. Rainier. 9 mo..:ked. By her desk, she puts up photos qf flvin_• ub rhat address is: Erik Laritis. The Seattle Times. jects. ·'Kind of interesting, don't you tf.,nk) · ,;h, 11 sa'. P 0. Box 70. Seattle. WA 98111. Include your name and Her r0-workers accept it all in stride. d;~vt ime and evr·nmg :elt'plwne numbers. TRIBUNE-TIMES, Tampa, FL -March 27, 1994 evada town's reputation for UFO activity brings in 1 By TIMOTHY R. GAFFNEY UFO tourism has become so important known UFO investigators cover the walls. believers of Cox News Service to business that proprietors Joe and Pat There's a strange matter-of-factness about RACHEL, Nev. - This tiny sprawl of Travis have named their place the Little it, the saucer photos getting equal play with atrna iolears ihs oomf esso ortns tthoe tvhaes tw Neaervya dtar adveesleerrt. iIst Apr'oLcel'aIinmn.s a" Elaarrgthe lisniggns aalolwnga ytsh e wheiglchowmaye,." tphheo tAosir oFfo rthcee TFh-1u1n7d eSrtbeiarldths aaitrt aschko wje tte aanmd. scoammeet hthmrogu hgehr eo. uWr de otoorld, wite tob emlieavkee tlhbeerlef aist offers the only gas, food and lodging on the "When we took it over, it was the Ra The Little A'Le'Inn offers an assortment home." (wo-lane state highway that runs past it. chel Bar and Grill," Pat Travis explained of mementos - T- shirts that show an alien The main business here is a roadside after serving a Saucer Burger Platter sipping a cold one, alien coffee cups, alien That was one night in the winter of bar and grill that offers a pool table, juke (cheeseburger with the works, fries and kitchen magnets. A small bookshelf offers 1989, when the outside temperature was 20 box and a few motel rooms in trailers on coleslaw). videotapes and books on various extrater below. Without warning, she recounted, a tbe dusty back lot. In 1990, they decided to give their estab restrial themes. bright light streamed around the edges of Oh, and aliens, too. lishment a catchier name. You don't have to swear to a belief in tbhaer ,"m sehteal sadiodo.r . "It illuminated the whole Claims that the Air Force is secretly "We needed a name that would cover extraterrestrials to get service there. "We testing flying saucers just across the jagged everything we had," Pat Travis said. "The have to stay totally neutral," Pat Travis The aliens are friendly, she said. "I Croom Mountains from Rachel has brought UFO activity had started and was escalat said. "Our beliefs are our own." have one [allen] I've named. His name is a growing stream of UFO investigators, cu ing. So, why not?" But, she added, "We do believe there Archibald and he travels with us." rfoslty seekers and media to this town. Pictures of aliens, saucers and well- are UFOs. And after that beam of light She credits Archibald with sending her a telepathic warning to slow down her car one night on the highway. The highway Speakers describe crosses an open cattle range, and Pat Trav is said she slowed her car just before the massive shape of a Black Angus bull iN close encounters ,... UFO believer loomThede iTn rathveis ehse addoling'ht tsa.t tempt to draw a .C..l.) line between truth and fantasy. "We've = speculates heard all kinds of weird stories," Pat Travis Q,l at UFO meeting u"QC"'d . 'they're here saa icdr.a f"tA a llla dthye h weraey ina ctroowssn twhea sT fioklalobwooe dV ably to help us' ley from Alamo." A husband and wife say ..C..l.) u theyE xwterarete arrbedsutcritaelds inno tthwei thvastlalenyd, inshg,e lsoacidal. "C"C0"'ld) By JOSHtaNff WHriUteGr HES • dNeebwu nbkoionkgs UaFddO sto. 10 u~ Aliens walk mriailli tdairsyp ltaryasi.n ing flights ensure exciting ae ] TAMPA - A slight woman of -4' "The airplanes are fantastic out here .... j , wacitahd eumnwica vmerainngn ecer rtias insptye aakbionugt "The evidence is 0~1 among us, Sdoowmne,t"i mPeas t thTerya vitsry satoid .t e"aBr utth eth abtu'si ldOinKg. ..,. sex with extraterrestrials, and overwhelming M' Tbose are my boys up there, learning how ~:oo~ not one of her 200 or so listeners that Earth is · N man says to fly - and girls, too." so much as snickers. ~ At the UFO Convention in being visited by =Cl) ~ Tampa this weekend, much that intelligence ":"Il ~ in other circles might be dis controlled US missed as lunacy is instead ab By Cary Massaro aliens." 0 - --- --- sorbed with something near U Rocky Mountain Neu·s Sflljf Writer ~ reverence. -Stanton Friedman, : FmERAL So it was then that Karla Tur one of UFOlogy's HEIGHTS- Chuck ntheer, F aruinthgoe,r wofa sth nee iUthFeOr sbcooofkfe Idn atot leading experts C~ll wStaatncshbeudr. ge says we're being snhoer scahiadl ltehnigs:e d on Saturday when But it is this phenomenon that: ~ aliNenost. by Big Brother, but by ge"t Iytv'su eaansyyw fhoer r[es."p ace aliens] to hfraosm d r1a6w snta mteos raen tdh afinv e4 0c0o upnetorpieles e~n rig"hTt hneeyx ts atoy yoonue acnodu lydo bue'd s nitetivnegr Aliens got her and her family. for three days of meetings, lec know it," said Stansburge, presi tures and workshops about things Swept them out of their Texas ~ dent of the UFO Institute's newly th.eosms,e Taru.drn ienrt os aa. dw. oIrnldto oaf wweoirrdld $th12aE ta (gfcooh r b couonmnev ple eincntt iutohrneee) es ktro yp .$a 2id4 5f r(ofomr ~< forSmtaends Dbuerngvee crl cahimapst efor.u r sight where slimy raisin-colored things eight lectures and seven work :~: ings of UFOs over 30 years. The with egg-shaped heads and eyes shops) to attend sessions such as last was two weeks ago while he the size of doorknobs perform "The Watchers, The Secret, The !::;; was parked on the Thornton Park brain surgery, clone earthlings, Answer" and "Symptoms of Hid u way near Interstate 25. use virtual reality for propagan den UFO Abductions." ~ Stansburge can't offer proof of da and cross-breed with humans On Friday, a nuclear physicist the sightings -only his word. Chuck Stansburge ianst oa omure acnuslt uforer . easing unnoticed sWpoakteer goant e.""C racking UFOlogy's naSmtea nbsabsuisr gwei,t h4 8t,h ies nM'ta onn i na tfhires t Claims he's seen four UFOs Do not be deceived by Neil Dia "The evidence is overwhelm Moon. couldn't have been planes mond's mushy anthem (Turn on ing that Earth is being visited by "I laugh at stories made up by because they changed direction your heartlight ... ") or Steven intelligence controlled aliens," the kooks themselves," said too fast. And they couldn't have Speilberg's movie ET, these are said Stanton Friedman, one of . Stansburge, a retired truck driver. been shooting stars because they nasty little buggers. Liars. Per UFOlogy's leading experts. "You've got to be insane not to were too big. verts. In an exhibit room, convention think there are other life forms. Stansburge also has a collection Do not phone home. eers could buy alien-head paper There are even certain things in of supermarket tabloids to show Turner, a former professor weights, ceramic angels, caps the Bible. In Ezekiel, there's men the fake, sensationalized accounts who has a doctorate in English, that say "UFO Pilot" or have· tion of a 'wheel in the sky.' What of UFO sightings. told about a woman who was their "aura-photograph" taken. was that wheel?" "This is what makes real UFO raped by aliens and about a 25- Or they could buy books .on Stansburge knows wheels. He investigators look bad," he said. eyroexdat rr-raoaclmdt mjmueaidcn e dswo hwaonn d "h hi[ash dat dha]r o2ca-ltfa otwoot tEtohT ecsro.e n Lavoritens c aoesf embvoaeonnk ysa . e. .Exsknteroaputtigechr rt behosatotr kiis f sbaaycks hfoer dcerodv hei mtr uinctkos a b deifsoarbei ali tbya d meSntta nhsabs ucrognes psairyesd t thoe c goonvceeranl evi marks left on his shoulders." als on Earth as there are books retirement. dence of alien sightings as well as Her audience hung on her about them, then certainly all of The ex-Marine was also a Colo autopsy reports on aliens. words, took notes, .nodded as if us must have met at least one. rado State Patrol trooper from Why would intelligent life visit she had just described events as Pat Crumbley, one of the direc 1969 to 1971. Earth? common and earthly as yester tors of the UFO Convention, says After his back gave out, he "I believe they're here to help day's Little League practice. she expects to make this an annu- started chasing UFOs and com us, and to know life other than She is, in fact, an ordinary ·al event. · piled a library of books and . their own," Stansburge said. woman who loves her new grand "So ~ny people are just be-, magazines. He has talked wtth Although a UFO believer for 30 child and listens to Bruce ginning to realize that ETs exist ::>thers who say their sightmgs years, Stansburge didn't join the Springsteen. and that they are going to have to UFO Institute until last year after "We do have lives outside this accept it and learn to live with reading a newspaper article about phenomenon," Turner said. it," Crumbley said. strange sightings. About 130 peo ple belong to the group. The na tional headquarters is in Colorado OREGONIAN. Portland, OR- June 27, 1994 CR: J. Deardorff Springs. Stansburge says it's no bother Some lookouts recall seeing if people scoff. He says newspa lamp," she said. "I thought I Bill Friday said a large, bluish· pers are filled with stuff about unidentified flying objects could see windows." white disk had awakened him people doing bad things. He says When Ron Johnson, director of one night in the summer of 1974 he's not doing anything wrong. So SgeeIsrnvt iscwuerh parltoi swoeka oos uf ptt hroecb oraenbcfleeyrn ettn hFceeo rbeiigsnt· siLneo eon1k9 o5a9u ,t raennden aoarun nMdc oewudhn ittt heSa tts. phHien enlheinandgs wFtthhihiernoe gO isLnr eo wtgohokhenoi l rueoc toh omaAnp sthsleooarodc oik asfoet iuteohtnn e ,d s Fuiamtosykri,el easdart RRtwhoihavcetek nr h .e hLI etco oowwukalaodssu tss stoeio lrlnvb sirneitgeghh eitot , nwUh eIhml elpsanaqh iuhedeae, hbskeeyl'il lef ovcroe .nU tFinOuse aton dl ocookn atitn tuhee tnoi ght Oakridge, a number of firewatch disk perhaps a 1,000 feet across dozen hands went up. The sight pulled his sleeping bag over his "I have nothing else to do," he veterans said they had observed travel the distance from Mount ings seemed to be concentrated in head. said. "Some of the stories I read, I unidentified flying objects during Hood to Mount Adams in 40 sec· their lonely summer vigils. onds, one of two close encounters the Cascade Range. "I was in a cold sweat, and the laugh at. It makes me feel I'm The fact came out just as con· he had that summer. Several lookouts said they had hair stood up on my neck." he doing the positive thing, that I've 10 ference participants were sitting His wife, Martha, attending the not reported the strange phenom said. "Il was very real." got the truth." down to a buffet dinner at Tim banquet with him, said she also ena because they didn't want ber Jim's on Oregon 58. Jim had seen the huge, silent object. their district rangers to think Doerter. who served on Flat Top "It looked like a mercury-vapor that they had lost their minds.

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