U.F.O. NEWS CLIPPING SERVICE ROUTE 1- BOX 220 PLUMERVILLE, ARKANSAS 72127 U.S. A. NEWSCLIPPING EDITOR/PUBLISHER: LUCIUS FARISH SERVICE SEPTEMBER 1993 NUMBER 290 PIONEER PRESS, Fort Jones, CA - June 30, 1993 ~ Islander Story Sparks UFO Ripple Effect ~ Cl ~ : I by Bland Pugh ~ . A third person revealed another North Carolina, Nona exclaimed :UFO sighting, on Friday, June 11. I "Gee Whiz" or something to that ,d ~received a tape in the mail of a UFO, effect, "I can't believe that we saw ~ :that demonstrates all of the charac it" As most of you probably already ~ :teristics of the Martin "Allen" UFO know a certain area of Nona's busi CIS :(Islander article June 9). The video ness, Christie & Co., is deeorated ~3 :reveals a craft hovering in one spot with UFO article and posters of the just as in the tape authenticated by "Road Shot" from the "Gulf Breeze ~ pr. Bruce· Maccabee and Jeffrey Sightings"byEdandFrancesWalters, ~ ;Sainio, when after only a few sec so Nona had a pretty good idea of ~ :onds it flashes away. what she was looking for. Included with the tape was a The most interesting portion of : note saying that the video was taken the sighting was the report by another ~ onSunday, June6at5:30p.m. The j photographer, "Philip," was indoors group of MUFON skywatchers who ~ and looked out to see the UFO, he w~re located on the eastern end of Pensacola Beach. Their report of the was able to film it as it was hovering sighting coincided exactly with ours, over the Sound in the Tiger Point area the coordinates matched also. What of Gulf Breeze before it zipped away. made the sighting different was the The note mentions of his reading anomaly that appeared forty minutes Second UFO sightings the June 9 article in The I slander, later. As this group of skywatchers obviously prompting him to mail his was recovering from the first sight video tape to my P. 0. Box. Inciden ing they were surprised by a small reported south of Etna tally, we had a misprint, P. 0. Box light that darted around and among 6111, Gulf Breeze, the correct zip them. They reported something re for that box is 32561. sembling a "Firefly" that moved So This tape and the Thomas fast that it looked as if it were lit by a ETNA--For the second time in the 1800s, and in recent decades "Bryant" slide will be sent for analy strobe light, it seemed to be circling past few months, "lights" have been most of the sighttngs have sis as soon as possible. I believe that the entire parking area before if zipped observed in the neighborhood of the been in the French Creek and they are all the same craft, if they are awaytothenorth. Thissameanomaly Itmestone bluffs east of town and Clark Creek drainages which not then we even have a bigger mys was reported last July in an Islander tery on our hands! south of McConaughy Gulch. happen to be west and slightly article. Dr. Bruce Maccabee and a A couple who Itves near Hayden south of the sighttngs this group of fellow scientist had set up On Thursday evening, I had Ridge have asked not to be identified year. their instruments in the Ft. Pickens gone to Shoreline Park to skywatch. watched a half dozen ltghts earlter The wife in the recent sight areawhenasimilaroccurrencecaused After walking out onto the pier with this month for about an hour and ings wondered if the two areas their equipment to respond errati a couple of friends to talk, the Gulf half "play around" the mountain. used as a military terrain-fol cally. Breeze UFO made its appearance One spouse works for a govemment lowing training route might It looks as if this is going to be an some five minutes later. I couldn't agency and wished to avoid the pub have something to do with the interesting summer for the skywatch believe it but there it was in all of its Hetty. The couple said, however, activity. "Maybe it is some top ers and those that have just about had glory. This sighting lasted for about "they are not the type to believe in secret thing," she said, noting 5 minutes, after the triangulations enough of the reruns for a while. UFOs." "sometime~ they (planes like F were completed it was determined to Usually a group of skywatchers meet Back in February, a number of l6s) come over our house pret at South Shoreline Park in the eve beat an altitude of approximate 6,400 people witnessed a Saturday night ty low". nings, other groups locate on the light show in the same gener.al area, The proximity to the installa to 6,500 feet and was located some beach at the various parking areas, so vivid along Hayden ridge that tion known as the Fort Jones where over the Live Oaks Naval Park both to the east and to the west end of area. callers were convinced an airplane VOR (very-high -frequency, Pensacola Beach. crashed along the mountain fringing omni-directional radio) was There were approximately 12 That about covers it for now, the east side of the southem part of also brought up as something people at the park at the time of the remember to keep looking up and Scott Valley. "that might be attracting sighting, including Nona Christie behind you, you never know what or In that instance, the number of them." Also in some conversa- :md her nephew Brian JOnes from who is watching you! unconnected people who saw the tion, some peop~ t~k of the~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: lights was substantial enough that extensive caves in the lime- the Siskiyou County Sheriff's stone mountains which run Department. dispatched a helicopter from there eastward to the looking for evidence of a downed air town of Gazelle. And, craft. But ultimately came back with course, the possibility of an no evidence of either a downed elaborate prank. plane or any fire like people had No one is quite sure what it reported. is, but people who live between The latest sightings on June l 7 Etna and Callahan have been were between 10:30 and about mid more observant at night in night. recent months, that's for About the brightness of stars, the lights came from the east over the ridge and made maneuvers around the area for quite some time. area in which they were operating was when one unidentified object went south to the area of Denny Point, once when one of the ltghts came straight for the couple (enough to have them run into a nearby bam). and once when one went low enough to "highlight the trees" with its light. The other oddity was when a light plane flew over the area, and the lights in the sky seemingly froze until the aircraft was gone. "Strange lights" have been report ed in Scott Valley clear back into the LIMES'fONE BLuffs at north end of Hayden Ridge was spot where UFO's were observed recently. SUN, Camarillo, CA- Aug. I, 1993 CR: M. Evans When it comes to flying saucers, they believe BY SHANNON FARLEY the now-defunct Santa Barbara SUN STAFF WRITER Peace Resource Center. era and had just defeated Hitler. He first became interested in What we didn't want right then It sounds like something the UFO phenomenon in 1989. was to be threatened by space stra.i¢1t out of a science fiction "I was looking at some new men," Lindemann continued. mov1e: weapons projects of the U.S. gov- "They chose to not publicly speak Two Ventura women were ernment and puzzling over them about it until they could answer driving home on Hwy. 101 from a because of the winding down of who they are and what they want. meeting one night last November. the Cold War," Lindemann said. "I And I believe they still can't It was after 9 p.m. outside Camar- was puzzling over why we were answer that. There is no political illo heading toward Oxnard when developing a whole new genera advantage to saying we don't they disappeared... tion of weapons. And a consultant know what's going on." At least they think they dis- I work with said to me, 'Maybe Lindemann said as far as appeared. Supposed to be home these weapons are not tor the Rus experts know, UFOs have never by 10 pm., they didn't get there sians, but for the aliens."' attacked, but abductions are a until after midnight, with no idea Lindemann said his col- very real possibility. what happened in between. league's credibility spurred him "Something is really happen UFO experts have a possible to pursue the subject. OVer the ing. What it really is, I don't think answer: They were abducted by next four years, he researched anybody knows," he said. aliens. books on UFOs, read eyewitness "I don't know if aliens are lit all th"eT hsiegyn sh aanvde 'Jh ey ha ve aI I ataclckoeudn tWs_i th mmaon:sodt kernaolwly issn tahtocuhsinagn dhsu omf apneso.p Wle hwaht oI symptoms of of the top are demonstrably not crazy and spbareieidns igMd aeibkndet uEocvfte atdnh,se", ·-···-·-·t-·h-·· ·e--· -5··1•·· g···n·Y s·-· -a·-n-·- d.. -· .. --····· .atr helsseoe acdroicudhn ehtrrissy .o wHmne tnphhoeyty sl iyhciaanlvlgey bebexelaeiemnv ietna ekfdee,rn vi embnypt lrayel gitenhnaastt , ed or lost pregnancies, or had Mutual UFO ····--·-S·--y··m·--p-·t-O-···m---S-- -O-·-f· --······ field work. sperm and ovum taken. And that Nrae tCwoournkt,y V cehnatpu-- mAaltnhno ugsha yLsi ndhee- these experiences change human lives forever," he explained. "This ter. ·-··b···· ·•·· --g-·- ···b-·d··· ---·t·-e--d-· ·-····-- has never seen a Michael Llndef!!ann keeps an eye on the sky. we know for certainty. We don't manAy m os ymn pg- 810 a uc ... 1 UalFi~On . ohre bmeelite vaens know why this is happening, but Local UFO reports know something is happening." toms, including ---···--·········-····---·---······-·········- eVidence over Lindemann and Mike Evans non-specific anx- whelmingly sup of MUFON cited statistics from a ieties, nightmares and unidenti- ports the existence of both. tied scars, missing time is the '1 have become convinced 1992 Roper poll that measured baibgdguecstti oinn deixcpaetortrs soafy .a · possible tuhinaet ,t hthea Ut FpOeo pplhee anroem reeanlolny sise e~mng rare, but it happens aunndu scuaamle uppe rwsiotnh atlh e efxinpdeirnige ntcheast In ~t months, UFO sight- things which are hard to explain as many as 2 percent of Ameri ings and alien abductions have within the bounds of our normal cans might have had a UFO encounter. made national headlines and scientific assumptions," he said. "Conservatively, thousands major motion pictures. The issue "And that more and more people So far, there haven't been too cialist, amateur radio operator, of people have been abducted in was highly popularized among the are seeing these things and more many reported UFO sight field investigator trainee, trans the United States," Lindernaru1 general public in 1988 by Wesley and more credible witnesses, ings in Ventura County, lator, UFO news clipping ser said. Strieber's personal story in his including military, law enforce but there have been a few, says vice, journal subscriber or asso Evans agreed. "Taking into book "Communion." ment people and scientists are Mike :Evans, director of the ciate member. account all the abductions that Paramount Pictures' March attesting that this phenomenon is Mutual UFO Network-Ventura The monthly magazine have been documented, there is a release of "Fire in the Sky" about genuine." County. "MUFON UFO Journal" keeps whole mountain of evidence that Arizona lumberjack Travis Wal- Lindemann said la~ely there Evans, 45, of Simi Valley, members up-to-date on sighting points in that direction," Evans ton's reported abduction in 1975, have b~n more ~rt1cles and took over last month as director reports and UFO information. said. "As the word goes around helped fuel growing interest in the reports m the med1a on UFOs, of the 5-year-old chapter; he was Locally, MUFON puts out the more and more people are coming UFO field. especially on television. He attrib- a founding member. He said the monthly newsletter "Swap1p out. No one used to want to talk Local and national authority utes the increased awareness to a group has investigated several Gas." on UFO information Michael Lin- growing public acceptance of the "s~htin·gs:• in the past, and is "It seems like to me that the athbeoiurt s tiot.r iNeso.w" people are telling ddtoiesrmycu asnson f t heU whFiisOl-l 'There has been sisu"scTuhhe e. rea hasst i_gbmeena cnaoswe:·" .rOe.ns ee aorcf hoiunrg maenm abbedrus cwtihoon komiuanrjd o mroitefye ; stiiongfgh psti enohgpa,l"ve e L wehhaaovd y a ststoaemindde. ttihorno uLginhedv eirdmeeganrnecnses sivaeiids hmyorpesntco oasvbieds rueocd f encounters in ············S···U·····C····h··· ···a····· ·S····t···i··g····m······a···· ··········· attached to talk- lives:iiJ. ·camarillo saw one (a "I've noticed the more people abductees. He said he has talked America and ing about UFOs UFO) flying over his house and a you talk to, the more people to at least six people in the Santa government that it is unclear jet (flying) after it. It was flying have experienced things that are Barbara area who claim to have secrecy sur- ···a····t···t··a····c····h····e·····d···· ··t···O···· ···t··a····l··k····i··n····g····· ·· how many untold toward _,Thousand Oaks," said unusual." been kidnapped by aliens. rounding UFOs stories there are Alice Leavy, MUFON assistant Leavy says she had an A typical abduction usually on Wednesday, out there. M?re section leader:. unusual experience when; she occurs at night, Lindemann said. Aug. 4 in Ven- ·············a····b····o·····u····t·· ···U····F···O·····S··· ···················· people are talkmg ··~:Y6ii:see these things every was 14 living in Reseda. One The person wakes up and discov tura. . I about. it today," where.:You don't have to be in a night she came outside to fiAd.,a: ers somebody in the room or will L i n d e - ••• he srud. "That's mann's pro- ······································································ partl~ due to. a Ndeeswoloauteryd, .'a Preaark,". ;s"aHido wLe amvya noyf houvgere , hreerd hboaulsl eo af nfidr eh e~i:o: v;n~~eiigngh': oreucta ilnl tob eai ncrga fcta. rTryiepdic aolrly l ethvei tnaetexdt 7g:r3a0m p .mbe.g aint st haet Poinsettia Pavil- sion within the_ggreonwemrag_l ppuebrli~cm sto- ksnioghvt/,i'.'bn~ut· t(htheerere a raer eq)u itIe ad ofenw't bboorrh'so hoodu. sSeh ien sthaiedir htrearc·mt·noetihgehr dmeotarinlsin, gb utth heayv deo a nstorta nrgecea flele lainngy ion, 3451 Foothill Road. Admission speak about this publicly. Word is $7 at the door. has gotten out that you are not per year." saw it too. The experience that something happened, he said. In his two-hour slide presen- necessarily crazy if you have seen The, small, local group is scared her so much she was in People also have been abduct tation, "UFOs and the Future of a UFO." part of the larger, loose-knit shock. Years later, her curiosity ed out of their cars or out of their Human-Alien Contact," the Santa Knowledge about UFOs is M~tu~l\'UFO NetV{ork,' Inc., about UFOs led her to jo1.n offices in broad daylight, he said. founaoo..t.n May 1969 in Seguin, MUFON. Witnesses seem to be put in sus Bthaer baallreag efdu tu19r4is7t cwrailslh b eogf ian UwFitOh tmhoinrek , Lwiniddeesmparenand s ai~dh.a On nep oeof ph~ies Texas'.-•lfis self-described as an Evans became a believer pended animation and don't real near Roswell, N.M. and work up to big causes is government secrecy _int~lli\t!onal;.nori.,P.rofit scien while in the Navy during\!}le ly notice what's happening. He tlfl.c organization that covers the Vietnam War. He said he saw said the strongest linking evi current sightings and abduction on UFO information. reports. "We don't really know what r~e5da€ i, cf;ahcintsg olfJ-FinOv e_ssigti9gtaintignsg .. and osocmeea nst-ramnygset ethriionugss clirgohsstsin fglo tahte dencAe bisd umcitseseisn g staimy e. aliens are Lindemann, 44, is head of the UFOs are, but one thing we are .A · spokeswqpum in ing under the water and across studying us and are concerned private research organization The sure of is there has been a govern- 2000 Group, founded in Santa Bar- ment policy of secrecy on UFOs MUFON's head office in Seguin the sky. about deteriorating conditions on said. there are about 4,500 mem Once, while crossing the the planet, or they need genetic bara in 1989 to study forces that since at least 1947 (the Roswell bel-S worldwide, but no one was Pacific from the Philippines to material, Lindemann said, but he shape the future-economic, polit- incident)," he _said. able.t o give figures on how many HawaU, he saw five or six huge added that no one really knows ical and environmental. Before On the mght of July 2, 1947, chapters.t here are. lights zipping in a line across the why. that he was executive director of something very large crashed on a ·.· ·TI1e Ventura County sec sky from one end of the horizon He said widespread panic ' ranch outside of Roswell, N.M. A tion lists about 40 members from to the other. He said they would over the phenomenon has in part rancher found the huge wreckage Sirrii · Vhlley· to Santa· Barbara, cigzag at 90-dcgree turns, taking been prevented by government and notified authorities. Officers at Evansisald. The group meets the seconds to cross the sky. secrecy. But he said it is time for the Roswell Army I Air Force base fo.uttl{Friday. of each mont4. to "At the time (196Hi8), we the American public to know. investigated it and issued a pre di8ci.is~· new 'sightings, new didn't have anything that could "I think the American people liminary report that it was a flying tliin'gs,~ happening within the do that," said Evans, referring to are capable of being briefed on saucer. That finding was retracted MJ.d:and plan events. military technology. "They had this subject and not go off half a day later, and according to Lin ._,,:·~Membership is. by invita- to be UFOs. cocked and go crazy," Lindemann demann, thus began the cover-up. ti.o.n'~cinly "in order:· that only "As the ward goes around said. "I believe the government's "There was great concern that q~oo, coUipetent .and·s incere more and more people are com greatest mistake is to underesti they (the government) didn't know ~P.L~!Yay4~ec.o~e~~i.nvplved," ing out,". he sai~ "No one used mate the American people·s abili what they were dealing w1th and1t ac®r(ijifg t~ffl.cihl 'literaturE:l to want to talk aQOut it. Now peo ty to rise !o the occasion. I also would be very difficult to explam ';~~ ·Basect l>n their education ple are telling their stories." believe it's a situation where the to the general public that we have and~e~rience;' members may government has been lying for 40 visitors from outer space. That we s~~.~.c.q~Ult?p.t, state dlrec years and that's a problem." have no way of knowing where tor, •:.section:-director, national - Shannon Farley they come from and how they get dfrector, foreign representative, Sun Stoff Writer 2 here and what they want," he said. field investi.eRtor, research spe- "We were entering the nuclear NEWS-PRESS, Santa Barbara, CA- March 7, 1993 CR: J. Galloway u s a r e . By Ben Hellwarlh ~u Staft.Wrlter A s a,f,elevision interviewer, Willitenry is no![f!d kopp~l. ·Wt(t Henry knows it. flli's·Wite knows it. Ify'ou,ca,tch the Carpinteria couple's self.,J)reittice.d show on C~:rx <;:able's· pub lic flccess Cllan~f)~i-it's about p~op~e.'who say they've·been"'kidilapped by space alien's ....,-. you might come to the same conclusion. Henry, who ran a Ventura autobody repair business for years and now does crash damage estimates for an insurance company, would readily admit that his folksy on-camera manner can hardly be compared with that of Koppel, the savvy anchor of ABC-TV's "Nightline." But then, why should it? At 53, Henry just inade his debut on the little screen this year. Koppel has a lifetime of expe rience. With each future installment of Henry's "Alien Encounters" program, he hopes to go as boldly as possible- where a TV newsman like Koppel has never gone before. The direction of the show depends somewhat on the supply of earthlings-kiiown in the UFO business as "abductees"-willing to talk about what happened when they were kidnapped by extraterrestrial beings. So far, Henry has done one two-part inter -view, which first aired in January and has been rerun a half-dozen times. Some might say Henry should have a lot less trouble lining up good guests than his network TV talk-show eounterparts. Why? A privately funded random survey of 5,947 American adults conducted by the Roper Organ ization in 1991 found that 2 percent of those polled had at least four types of experiences consistent with a UFO abduction. If you take those findings at face value many critics don't-they su~est that 3. 7 mil lion Americans have, at one time or another, been ·kidnapped by aliens. Over the past 30 years, that works out to 340 abductions a day. Those eyebrow-raising poll results were in cluded in a 60-page booklet, "Unusual Personal Experiences: An Analys_is of the Data from Three National Surveys." Its authors, including two university professors, created a scientific stir last year when they mailed the report to thousands of mental-health professionals, in part to encourage more sympathetic treatment of people suffering from so-called "UFO abduc tion syndrome." Psychologists should treat these patients as they would war veterans, victims of family vio lence or others with post-traumatic stress disor der, the authors said. They said abductees should not simply be dismissed as mentally ill. Henry shares that feeling, and although he's not familiar with the controversial Roper poll, he said it sounds as though the poll likely un- derestimated the true number of abductees. But even that possibility doesn't make production of "Alien Encounters" any easier. to get around that he once saw a Many people who might make UFO outside his capsule while in good subjects for the show don't orbit over the Indian Ocean. want to go public with their sto As he firmly explained during ries, he said, for fear of being la last Monday's episode of the popu beled kooks. lar CBS series: "What's important Just think about it, Henry rea is a reasonable man, a sane man, a sons. If you were a top financial healthy man, when he encounters executive, for example, would you the inexplicable, forgets about it." want it known that you thought It has occurred to Henry that by you had been visited by beings appearing on local cable televi from another world? sion as the host of "Alien En 3 Even Maurice Minnifield, the counters," some might wonder fictional former astronaut and civ whether he is a reasonable man, a ic leader on television's "North sane man, a healthy man. Henry ern Exposure," didn't want word doesn't care. (continued on page 4) (continued from page 3- NEWS-PRESS, Santa Barbara, CA- March 7, 1993) Will Henry created the public access cable Channel19 program "Alien Encounters," screening on his TV in the background. An artist's rendition of the beings, right and held by Henry above, "abductee" Licia Davidson says she saw are shown during the interview. Joyce Galloway and C.C., short for "Sir Cool Cat" In their Carpinteria home. ··You can't be serious all your ness is being an abductee") to Though Henry's debut interview then it went back out of the house ·life. It's too damn short. If you dead-serious testimonials by peo may have some rough edges, Da- through the glass window ... can't laugh at yourself, you've got ple claiming to have experienced vidson was a good choice as a first I've never been able to explain it STANDARD-OBSERVER, ak inbdig opfr olabulgemhi n-g aatn dm yIs'mel f,a"l wsaayids apleioepnl ea wbdaus cLtiiocnias .D Oavnied soonf, ath Losoes gthuee stS, asnatiad BMaricbhaareal aLuitnhdoerm awnhno, ·· to Htheins rdya yp.'l'a ns to do further in Irwin, PA- July 7, 1993 Henry, whose frequent chuckles Angeles woman whose story struck wrote "UFOs and the Alien Pres- stallments of "Alien Encounters" Dea. Editor; and ample belly give the faint im Henry and Galloway as particular ence." as often as he can find willing Some comm.en~ 0111 ~he uni opurets osfi ounn ifhoer mco. uld be Santa Claus tlyh ei mdapyr eiss sliovneg ,'-' Haenndry "saasid .r eal as tee" Laisc iIa' mis aaws laergei toimf. aI ted oann' ta bkdnuocw- · jguudegsmts ewnht ohme hme adkeeesm lsa rcgreeldyi bolne , aa Idn ea pnre~vi ofluysir wSt aonbjdeo_d r dd iOscbussesrivo n But just in case any corporate Henry made a point of meeting what an abductee is, but whatever "gut feeling.'' er. . superiors at his nine-to-five insur her during the convention. it is, she's it," Lindemann said in a Davidson, who since the inter- ance job don't share his sense of It so happened that Henry and phone interview. view has become a personal friend P"rhaps you ha'<e opened the humor, Henry prefers to go by his Galloway had just started learning He doesn't mean to sound face- of Henry and Galloway, registered door to many troubled discus first and middle names only - the ropes of KCTV's public access tious. The point is, Lindemann high on the gut-o-meter for credi sion;;. William Henry - in his new tele programming - almost anyone said, that people like Licia David- bility. Space traveling vehicles have vision role to avoid any profes can produce his or her own non son tell the same kinds of stories Even if it was just a show, Hen been spotted time and time sional encounters of the unfavor commercial show -and one thing and seem to share common expe- ry's hourlong interview with Da again throughout history. Isn't able kind. led to another after they met Da riences - whether or not you be- vidson has generated "lots of tele there an account of Joshua see As he puts it: "Why go up and vidson. lieve those experiences are the re- phone calls from people wanting ing one? There is a large number ring the bell when the eat's "Her story was just so interest suit of being abducted by space to see it again," said Susan Gosl of reports in a book of the Air asleep?" ing to me that as things progressed aliens. ing, KCTV program and produc- Force records, these are of the An avid reader of science fic and I got access to the (KCTV pub Davidson and others like her tion coordinator. tion, Henry maintains a healthy lic access) studio," Henry said, "I tend to be intelligent, and many Henry, who asks for viewer in so-called flying saucers. The un skepticism. Still, the subject de asked her if she would like to do a have been tested and shown not to put during "Alien Encounters," abridged report of Colonel E.J. serves wider attention and is too production, and she said, 'Oh yes. suffer from recognized psychologi- has received about a dozen letters. 1\uppelt list::, many accounts of often brushed aside by the main I would like the people to know.' " cal abnormalities, Lindemann He keeps them confidential, so he nn1dentified flying objects. He stream media and the government, There was one "but," Galloway said. can't talk about particulars. He carries many records and sight he said. adds. "That's important because it's will say that most of the mail has ings of unknown objects. Later "I think Carl Sagan pretty well "The 'but' was that she wanted easy to write off the entire thing as come from mental health profes this effort was organized into summed it up: He said it's to be allowed to tell her story in delusion,'' said Lindemann, who sionals who, 'ike the backers of the Air Force Project, Blue Book. mathematically impossible for her own words. She didn't want it heads The 2020 Group, a small pri- the Roper poll, seem interested in One account tells of an Air stthhceieerrneet. i nsHotset 'sitno o tbnheee oseofn mtthiereoe nmweo oesrtll dsne, o aotneuddt jdlaiukzcezt eitdoh neu.y pS dhloeik edo nida nthH'to oswlelya wnTtoV oi tds hdpoorwnoes vfpoaurtrcepe osre steshe aatir ssc hha tpoo erg tashtneui dzfuaytt iuordnei .f wfehroesnet tthheOa tnU eHF eOnp riaeybc dceua cnot ifso hnoc wsoyr rniesd srtpohomen eJd.ae nn.c e8 Fwohroc ec hcaosloende Ul a.Fn.dO c.'os minm tahnedir p Fil-ot if that man says 'yeah, it's with recreations and all of the ef "Alien Encounters" could be- letter from a St. Louis public ac 86. mathematically impossible for us fects. She wanted to simply tell it come a valuable TV program, Lin- cess station, whose director asked Another tells of a businessman to be the sole ones in the entire like it was without 'Hollywood-iz demann said, "because thousands permission to air the interview. A from Boise, Idaho, who reports universe,' I tend to believe him," ing' it." of others have had strange experi- station based in the little town of that on June 24, 1947, he was Henry said, his blue eyes widen Henry and Galloway clearly ences they're not allowed to talk Gulf Breeze, near Pensacola, Fla., flying his private plane near Mt. ing. held up their end of the deal. Hen about. In effect, the program ere- may also be interested in showing R:1inier. He l'l:1W ?. vPrv hril!ht Except for the subject of space ry's taped interview with David ates more of an atmosphere of it, Henry said. disc-shaped object. - - aliens, a conversation with Henry son bears no trace of Hollywood public permission to talk about What would Henry envision as On July 24, 1952, two Air and his wife, Joyce Galloway, is glitz, no "Star Wars"-style leaps highly disturbing events." the ultimate "Alien Encounters" Force colonels were flying a down to earth. The two, who fond into hyperspace or frantic MTV Henry hopes his program will interview? He doesn't hesitate to B-25 from Hamilton Air Force callyyub -slrkehee yfppe,t r aom rfttofon- wbeeiarhlseci,t h"eh oossmotihtfe ae.t roi nga set ht"heienirrs enopenaa rta gtaHhlroeaennp grhfy.ei c eIsitg '.s eo n"mfAt loylair eenc ho oofEam axne icfn rogimue nnohdtvieilsery s, ""g wfuiheriateshs t ppisru "obtTvoli ihcdie nes feuoarl vrtumiimcs eeap. tfeeuo pgl-loeaa ln wodhf a utth'nse i qrsehuaolelwy- truheies"npmTeoo fn dodogoow:t ango eau nto dfi ngm e·ett h sseot amndede sirneeagrtl ,,t hgceearnle l tdBhaaeys eSw itaeosr Cr caol eNloaerrav adasod taSh peaynri dnc rgwosse. srTeehd fe ly side chat" than a hard-nosed in and truly happening so that they talking to them - and a lot of ing at 11,000 feet over the Aerial Their 2-year-old cat, a white terview, he said. can react to it. Either good or bad. other people-to get their point. I Highway to Salt Lake City. At Persian named "C.C."-short for The two-part program was, in But react to what is actually hap- mean, people want the truth? OK 5:40 p.m., one of the colonels no "Sir Cool Cat" - occasionally rubs fact, filmed in the Henry-Galloway pening. Don't hide it. Don't put it sport! Let's sit down and have cof ticed three objects ahead of against someone's leg or seeks a home because Davidson felt un in the closet. Don't sweep it under fee-with the aliens!" he said. them. The objects looked like lap to sit in. Every half-hour or so, easy about telling her story in the the rug," Henry said. "That would be the ultimate three F-88's flying a Tight V For Henry gets up and stands in the doorway next to the couch to KCTV studio. "Don't call it 'swamp gas,'" Gal- show. Turn the camera on, sit mation. It was noticed that their snmoTnoh-kseem oasok nceir g. oafre tMtei.d wHeiss tewrinf e ciosa la eoinnniHdeti eaconlalfrym yt hreeaercan o idntr otde Gewrdvao lilerookwnw l.wy a yTiDt whah,o va sidodw setojheuneks'ysst laHonwe"dnTa ryhyl eec s th'aUsii mFdaO eets tma picpnhkh.e anitoti.cm aLellneyot.' ns idso reiat,l", "dAowlienn, aEnndc loeut'sn thearvse," c Poaffretes. "I and sfIlnhi ogohuntle dh cheaiasgvehe, t o bwneeae sno tffo tloyh iehn igog blhjoe,w cthteser .y miners, Henry left home at 17 to later, they brought back the cam Henry doesn't believe he has II, is scheduled for replay on flew past a B-25 at speeds esti join the Navy, which brought him era and lighting equipment to film ever been abducted by space KCTV, Channel19, at 8 p.m. on mated to be at least three times to California years ago. Galloway, Henry separately, seated at his aliens, but he still puzzles over Wednesday, and again on March that of the B-25s. 54, explains that her upbringing in desk, asking questions. one strange childhood memory. 17. I have on hand many accounts the Los Angeles area, where she They edited the two tapes to "I was about 12 years old, and I of space vehicles, perhaps the used to ride horses on the family gether - a tricky process - which had finally inherited my brother's most interesting is the Zeta Re ranch, was quite different from explains the sometimes awkward bedroom ... I went to bed one ticuli incident .... Sleep tight. yHoeuntrhy. 's hard-boiled working-cl·a ss flow of the dialogue between Hen evening and in the corner of my Victor Jackman The couple married in Santa wryo manadn wDitahv iadnsgonu,l ara fedaatrukr-ehsa iwrehdo wneiwth bceudrrtoaoinms waansd a itl awrgaes wdianrdkoewr North Huntingdon Barbara two years ago and be speaks sternly and in great detail than midnight - black dark. And tgmwroaewrernina gtehcseh.mi ld rheanv e frao mh anpdrefuvli ouosf abbeSoighueet- hskd~ien sencxer£dibe ersia ~linhecener ~ -ab-bl-udeu-ct_oanr_sd, stthhuieds d sweinzinelyd oowft h aae rhleiu ttmlaepa nrpe edtah rbueamdll b, ,aa bbvooevruyet The idea for "Alien Encounters" their bug-eyed features and the bright orange," Henry said, hold- aryr oasned s Gevaellroawl ayye,a wrsh aog hoa wd hjeuns tH meent , fdoirfmfeerde n-t thfuen lcetaiodners, ththee my edpicear l sinizge uopf thheis mthyustmerbio tuos pinrdesiceantcee .t he made a whimsical d~c~Jon to gQ !o technicians. An artist's rendition "It kind of floated along the top a UTFhOe cgoanthveernitniogn pinro Svaend Dtoie gboe. a soafw t haer eb esihnogws nD davuirdinsogn thsaey sin tsehre onfo tt hme ocvuirntga ina rmodu. sOclfe 'c"o uhres e,s aIi'md, 4 mix of everything from silly T view. laughing. "I am petrified' And shirts (with slogans like "Happi- BANNER, Brown City, MI - July 6, 1993 Man for UFO sightings "Even about sightings 20 years to what goes on in the universe. s~arches ago, I'd like to talk to them. I gave up thinking of infinity. I You have one good sighting, think there are civilizations and you never forget. Some millions of years ahead of us, By KELLY HILLSTEAD may not believe it and are but we don't have a handle on Banner editor afraid to talk about it. Nobody it. It's a big mystery." likes to be laughed at. People Snow has had several people like to know that other people litlk about their UFO sightings MARLETIE - If you think have seen the same thing and with ·him. Though 80 percent you have spotted a UFO, a that they're not going crazy." have an earthly explanation, Marlette man would like to Snow, co-owner of Snow the other 20 percent have no speak with you. Sc~ew Products in Marlette, logical explanation other than Robert Snow Jr. believes in said he has always been inter a UFO encounter. UFOs, and he needs help in ested in UFOs. · He recently A couple west of Kingston gad't!ting information about uncovered a 1956 book in his saw a big disc with a dome on other people's sightings of attic about UFOs. March 3. There was one band UFOs. He is a field investigator "Something is going on," he with three lights on the left and trainee with the Mutual UFO said. "A lot of people realize two lights on the right. Network (MUFON), an l!M!r something is going on. There is On March 17, a Silverwood national organization with a &enuine UFO phenonmenon. woman watched with another more than 4,000 members who Wh;t makes us think that we're family members a disc with are all volunteers. He joined the od<f intelligent ones? We're four lights rotating to the right. the group in October of last 11ear the edge of our galaxy, out A Kingston person saw one on year. on the boon docks. There's March 17 also. It had three blue During an investigation, billions of stars in the galaxy. lights in a triangular shape in forms are filled out, with the To think that we're the only the sky. Then a lot of lights names kept confidential. ~es is presumptuous. It's silly came on. Though unsure of the Among things asked about the ~ think we're the only life in shape, it was about 600 feet sighting are what was viewed, ..u niverse." across. the time, the weather condi · Snow realizes that most On March 3, a couple had a tions, the shape of the object, a people are skeptical of UFOs sighting. They had a friend sketch of it, and personal ac a~ other life. with a video camera and counts. The reports are logged •'Most people are skepti cruised the area for several in a computer. Snow also draws cal,u he said. "My wife is. She days afterwards. Later, they a sketch on his personal com said she won't believe it until saw a bright yellow light, puter. she sees one. But keep an open which went out and replaced by "People like to talk to some mind. Most people are skepti a white flashing light, which one who will listen and won't cal until they see one. Like changed to a red flashing light. ridicule them," Said Snow, a ghosts, it's the same thing with The couple followed· the light in graduate of Marlette High UFOs -they're here and gone. the car, videotaping it. They School and AI~~ College. We don't know all the answers blinked their headlights at it, there was a big flash of light, and it was gone. The video tape is still being analyzed. DAILY RECORD, Roswell, NM - July 9, 1993 Snow himself has had two Roswell Incident-rem3.iiis mystery sightings. The first one was in 1967 while he was stationed at Fort Myers, Va., adjacent to the Pentagon. He saw a red Nancy Fleming sighting of a "large glowing Wtlcox was also reporting ship remains is the stem of the light over the Pentagon that Record Staff Writer object" which zoomed out of telephone calls at the Sheriffs controversary. The lack of was stationary. Snow left, and the sky from the southeast. It Office from as far away as hard evidence - even paper asked--the man what hap{>ened The F.oswell Incident is 46 was coincidental that the Wil- England. work on the incident has van later. He said it zipped to the years old this month, yet -4W:S mots reported _their incident, The story continues with ished -is what has fueled the right, stopped, zipped to the tions still.umam as to wltat which had occurred the previ- information provided by Haut. cover-up fire. left, stopped, went straight up ous .week, minutes before Mar- Haut. then 25 years old, was Haut believes 70 percent of and was gone. r~Aly g hroapuppe nceadn.e. d- 'O·p·-eraiion. eel s press release was the public relations officer for Rqswell's population if polled The other one was in April Right to Know demonstrated presented. the base. He brought Marcel's today. would agree there was near Cass City. At first he in Washington July 5 request !he following day th~ pap- press release to the news some sort of crash in 1947. He thought it was an airplane with ing the release of 20,000 pages er s headline read. Gen. media. dtedchangtngattitudesabout a blinking light. But then the of documentation the organi ~ey Empties Ro~well Sauc- To re-cap. we have Brazel reporting or believing in UFOs light was in one spot and then zation believes the government er. The military was now telling Wilcox who told Marcel could lead to more and more switched simultaneously to a spot above it. The lights were to have which proves the exis people demanding the govern- never on at the same time. tence of unidentified flying . . men t 's information be· objects. ''There is no question something happened, released. · After watching it, he believed he saw a UFO. Snew called the Information concerning the otherwise the military wouldn't have put a gag order Haut continues to wor~ state director and she said it Roswell Incident are thought on government officials." with agencies such as the Cen~ was one of the more common to bWeh aamt otsn kgn tohwe sne score fta pr aapbeorust. • J.J. Johnston taenrd f otrh Ue FFOu nSdtu fdt>ire sU iFnO C hRiecsaegr~-• types ofUFOs. There are a lot of different the Roswell Incident can be ach in Washington to try to of UFO sightings. Big lights found in over 100 books in a obtain more information. With' and no noise are usually what minimum of 15 languages, claiming the UFO to be a who wrote the first press each book he learns some-: the sightings have in common. says Walter Haut, the UFO harmless high-altitude weath release. Marcel told Base Com thing new. Sightings are usually at night Museum's board president. erballoon. Brig. Gen. RogerM, mander Blanchard who told And what has the Roswell and mostly to the north sky. Even the television program Ramey. commander of the Ramey who wrote the second Incident done for Roswell?' If you think you have seen a Unsolved Mysteries taped a Eighth Air Forces. had cleared press release. Tourists. UFO or would like to talk to story two years ago on Ros- up the mystery. It was also Ramey. then well's unsolved mystery. Not. located in Fort Worth, Texas, J.J. Johnston, chief execu Snow, call him evenings at The first article on the inci- . Although Brazel is no longer who talked with higher offi tive officer and director of eco (517) 635-7158. nomic development at the dent. however. 3P'\Rilled ~ with us, reports show .he cials and had the remnants here in the Daily Record. On believed what he found was shipped to higher headquar Chamber of Commerce, says July 1t, ~> -..esf4ems read not a weather balloon. After ters. Haut says there were at that in his seven years at the Chamber he's personally the headline "RAAF Captures all. he'd already retrieved two least nine flights by C-54s (the talked to over a thousand visi Flying Saucer On Ranch in weather balloons previously largest air carrier at the-time) Roswetl ~ ." on the ranch and they did not bringing the saucer pieces to tors who inquired about the The story describes a press look like his current finding. Wright Field outside of Day incident. Johnston passes out bro release from Maj. J. A. Marcel. ton. Ohio. intelligence officer at the Ros After Brazel had reported Not only the· debris was chures on the two UFO well Anny Air Field, indicating his finding to the sheriff, who recovered; however. as reports museums - Outa Limits and that a disk was recovered from reported it to Marcel. Marcel indicate there were alien the UFO Museum. He also a Roswell vicinity rC}.Ilch. after and "a man in plain clothes" bodies found near the crash noted that information on our. an unidentified rancher noti went to the Brazel home to site. Those. too. were carried UFO museums are included in' fied Sheriff George Wilcox. construct the object - which off by Ramey after a partial the 29,000 Roswell Magazines The rancher turned out to they were not able to do. autopsy was done by a military (published by the Chamber) be W. W. "Mac" Brazel who There were also non mortician. which go out to people in other was the operator of the J .B. recognizable letters. or hiero cities each year. Foster Ranch located in Lin glyphics, on a few of the col Glenn Dennis, a founding The Roswell Incident "is coln County. 30 miles from lected parts. member of the UFO Museum, part of our culture," he said. It Corona. When Brazel reported his has said in previous reports is his belief that something And the saucer had actually story in the July 9, 1947, edi that he had received telephone occurred or "the milt tary crashed on June 14. with tion of the Daily Record, he inqutries from military doctors wouldn't have put a gag order Brazel retuming to the site went on to state the publicity on tissue preservation on July on government officials" July 4 to pick up some of the from the incident was driving 8, 1947 . He further reported a regarding the incident. debris-rubber strips, tinfoil, him crazy. "If I find anything military nurse told him of The search goes on ... 5 a yather tough paper and else besides a bomb they a..:-e three alien bodies that were The alleged government sticks. going to have a hard time get pronounced dead on arrival at cover-up of information on The same article also cited ting me to say anything about the base hospital. UFOs is being called "Th~ Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wilmot's it. .. What is left of the alien or Cosmic Watergate." DAILY WORLD, Aberdeen, WA - July 22, 1993 His investigative skills are out of this world He has interviewed members of a Shelton family who thought they had been "buzzed" by al ien aircraft and has talked to two Hoguiam fishermeo who thought thEY were being dulsed by an dien craft while driving aro\llia .lttt. Rainier, (where one of the first highly publicized UFO sightings occurred in 1948.) Both groups were "highly cre dible" and frightened by what they had seen, he says. Clarkson became involved with the UFO network in the late 19808 when he was studying a 1979 explosion of an unidenti fied object near the Elk River Bridge. An article he wrote analyzing the incident appeared in the December 1992 issue of the Blaclc Hills Journal. Clarkson doesn't believe that object was an alien ship. His guess is that it was an experi mental manmade craft that failed. U.S. government officials have denied ownership of the object, but Clarkson doesn't be lieve them. "They didn't want to admit they almost dropped something on Westport," he says. Clarkson is one of many in the network who believe there has been a "worldwide government coverup" on UFOs. Among oth er things, they believe the U.S. government found alien arti facts in the 1940s in New Mexi co. They based this on .news reports of a crash of what was first called an alien craft. Later, KATHY QUIGG/DAILY WORLD government officials said the Aberdeen Pollee Sgt. Jim Clarkson keeps an eye on Investigating alleged allen abductions, UFO crash object was a weather balloon. the sky. The detective has made a lifetime hobby of landings and other unexplained phenomena. There are "good reasons why they don't want to tell us" about UFOs cop' s hobby UFO sightings, he says - "cul ture shock" for one. The nickname UFO enthusi asts give this coverup is "Cosm ic Watergate," he said. The government bas tried to "ex plain the uninvestigated," he D People may snicker, he The detective learned of several ways Still, before speaking to a reporter says. The network attempts to says, but deep down they to test claims of alien contact. about the conference, he closed his office "investigate the unexplained." Crop circles, or other patterns in door, saying that way the rest of the Clarkson suspeet. the govern have an abiding interest in fields that may indicate the landing of department wouldn't "hear something ment uses ridicule u a way to the unknown. an alien craft, can be checked for out of context" and get the wrong idea. keep people from telling their authenticity by testing for radioactive However, other officers don't tend to storie11. isotopes and evidence of damage caused debate the UFO issue with him. But, "I think tbe perspective By Barbara Henry by high temperatures, Clarkson says, "U they seriously take me on, I (OD UFOI) II changing. What Daily World writer consulting the yellow legal pad he filled debate them with facts," he says. wu ridk:uled JO years ago, peo with notes during the conference. Clarkson doesn't believe all the re ple are DOW faclnl with a more Police most often deal with burglaries Clarkson admits there are a ''fair ports of UFO sightings are hoaxes. open mind." and brawls. But one Aberdeen detec number of hoaxes" involving crop cir There are enough credible people out Clarkson II looking forward to tive's investigative skills are out of this cles and other alleged UFO data, but he there to convince an open-minded person the national UFO network con world. says "I would be a lot more convinced that there's something strange going on, vention at SeaTac in 1995. A Sgt. James Clarkson, 41, bas made a that it was a fake phenomenon if (all) he says. thousand or more people are alilfieetnim aeb dhuocbtbioyn so,f UinFvOes t. cigraatsihn gl aanldleignegds tthheast eth peyeo hpalde bweeenre c otnrytaicntge dt.o advertise" theHy'ev eb eslieeevne s iws hseonl vtehde mity swteilrl y borfi nwgh aat ewxopuelcdtne'dt .m Iinnd tbheei nmg ceoannttaicmteed .h e and other unexplained phenomena. Many, he says, "are scared to death "shattering" conclusion that there are "I always entertain the possi Last weekend, he attended his fll'Bt of somebody findini out what they've alien aomethings watching us Earth bility," he says. "I wouldn't UFO convention. been through.'' lings. And, it's probably a life form very mind being an abductee because For Clarkson, the most interesting At first it seems incongruous that a much like us, he says. then I would know (UFOI exist) lnpuaartreitod n o, Ufw FatOhs en feaBwness l tlhefrawotme i n vmtehesretoitguinaggtho,o rusw th hatihvchee hCbyalan-trghkiesn-obgno ooakua,t y asat rtha aieg hiUst-nFa'Otr r tochwoen cvooenpnly twi omonu.al ndB buinet himS.o Bfaurt, mnoo raeli ethnas nh a2v0 ey teraiersd taog oc ownhtailcet etavcFetone rdi f,t nhotohbseoerd wey' hsb oe· alhi eavSveeeda btmteleeen ." U coFnO new ways to test claima of alien contact blue interested in the "little~ men." wgootr kai ncga lalt aab oCuatl isfoormniea srtardaniog es,t actioolno rhede hotline at 722-3000. It Ul8d to be ht-iem cFealoo,t tsreen nt oehdnte ec dtrohe uectnh otepred orc,sl io Cconefl f atehrdrkeees ptnohacnierr t sdmto krneei nnshdst'ie.ss s. otHhwainst mmaoC"nrYeyl at ochrukoa spnosw yn aoo ruuee lmwd i opnuvhbloaedls vtihzesieduns rki pn,tr' h'it hshaeietsd s shatyiausstf . f .U hIFotOw's clCiagflahlretkd.s oafnlroo awutniendng tt ooo suvete ert ioft htthaeek yeO waak ellraoeno gdko , vbteihlrlenan . alloa rntgoaeell r- ffvrroeeleeu ,m cCaella l,ro kfbs oucnta DcllOtaut e. ditt.o 's tnhoe "beat" hasn't gone extraterrestrial. studies are his hobby. He tat• a lot of ment planes, but no one ever claimed About 125 people - most of them ribbing at the station for his interest in responsibility. "pretty average looking" - were on extraterrestrial investigations. Clarkson, who bas followed UFO re hand, according to Clarkson. There were People may snicker, he aays, but ports since he was a teen-ager, is a field a few "odd" types, including people who deep down they have an abidini interest mvestigator and section director for the believe they act as channels for alien in the unknown. Mutual UFO network, a national eroup voices, but "we expect that," Clarkson "A lot of reasons people laugh at this of some 5,000 members. says. "We listen to those people, but we are the same reasons they whistle when treat them with several grains of salt." they go by a graveyard," he says. HERALD, Gridley, CA - July 2, 1993 visible until daybreak. It would also project flashes of light. It glowed a bright white. The display lasted for over an hour. Beale AFB had no comment when asked if they could explain the light. Georgie's film should make one of the UFO feature shows on television this season. Andy Rodgers also witnessed the heavenly display. Georgie Waddell has some excellent UEO v\.deo tape. She was awakened by a bright light last Saturday and started 6 filming at 4:32a.m. The six minute video tape clearly shows a round object with a rectangle window near the top _and dimples at the top and bottom. It hovered above the honzon to the east and finally moved further eastward but remained Most reports note humanoid fonns BILL KRASEAN seemingly un GAZETIE STAFF WRITER explainable In 1959, a missionary named Father events can be Gill and 30 villagers in Papua New used to teach Guinea saw a disc-shape craft hover critical think over the ocean, with several smaller ing. crafts in the background and a much Swords was larger ship even farther away. a freshman at The sighting was not unlike thou Notre Dame sands of similar reports from around University at the world since the first "flying sau the time he cers" - later dubbed UFOs - began and Tom wit appearing in the 1940s. nessed the ob On this occa- ----- - ject, which he sion, however, • Scientists In still cannot ex three human- allen quest, B3 plain. He sub shaped figures sequently earned degrees in chemistry appeared on the top of the disc and and biochemistry and a doctorate in the Drew Barrymore kisses E.T. in the movie "E.T. The ExtraTerrestrial." returned both one-and two-arm waves history of science and technology. from the villagers. Gill, ever a realist, While he remains curious about was convinced the craft was a secret UFOs - so much so he currently edits easy: Yes. But I don't have proof of ex "They were like humans but they American project the Journal of UFO Studies published traterrestrials." were not humans. The heads were Others who have interviewed Gill by the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO The vast majority of reported sight round, the eyes were small, and they and the villagers, however, think it was Studies - his interest in strange things ings can be explained by natural phe had no · hair. The eyes were oddly one of a few UFO sightings tltQt are in nature is wide-ranging. nomena or by psychological and shaped. They were quite small by our most difficult to disprove. His personal library covers a spec emotional factors, he said. Yet some, standards and their heads were larger "The fact that the figures returned trum of unexplained topics, from UFOs like the Father Gill report, are so un in proportion to their bodies than the waves defeats the argument that it to psychic phenomena. "I'm curious usual that the UFO hypothesis is the ours." was a mirage," said Michael D. Swords, about the wonders of nature," Swords most logical explanation. Barnett's description is but one of professor of Natural Sciences at West said. Yet he approaches the field not Swords is especially intrigued by a thousands that are similar - witness ern Michigan University. "In addition, necessarily as a believer but as a skep tbeme common to almost all reports of the extraterrestrials imagined by Ste there was the .seemingly impossible tic who looks critically at all sides in human/extraterrestrial contact: the ven Spielberg in "Close Encounters of aerodynamics, humanoid figures, real the debate. aliens' humanoid form. . the Third Kind" and "E.T.," or even time response and multiple witnesses. "Belief for me is not a casual word," Consider, for example, the account that non-Spielberg light beer commer "What other hypothesis, other than he said. "Belief is a powerful statement from a civil engineer with the U.S. Soil cial that features dancing blue crea the E.T. hypothesis, is there? This is the about something someone feels is true Conservation District cited in the book tures. kind of thing that keeps one interested about something that is very Important "Above Top Secret: The Worldwide Critics argue that the consistent ap in UFO reports." to them. I'm a Catholic and I believe in UFO Coverup" by Timothy Good. pearance of aliens who have a human Swords has been interested in such God, the soul, free will and an afterlife. Grady L. "Barney" Barnett came like shape is an argument against the reports for more than 30 years, since a "As for UFOs and extraterrestrials, I across a disc-shaped aircraft in the notion that Earth is being visited by night in West Virginia in 1959 when he can take them or leave them. I don't New Mexican desert in July 1947, 150 denizens of other worlds. Why a human and his brother Tom watched a disc need them. If there are guys out there, miles from the Roswell Army Air Field shape? shaped object fly overhead. fine. If not, finf' I'm in this field be (see related story on this page). Barnett Swords argues that a human form is Until recently, he taught a course at cause it's interesting. lt is the pure joy later told friends that he saw several not only highly likely, but almost a ne WMU on how anomalies such as UFO ofthe possibility of discovery. bodies, apparently dead, in and outside cessity for a creature to achieve thP reports, psychic phenomena and other "Is it possible that they exist? That's the craft. technology needed for space trav periments all over the universe." eyes, ears, arms, legs-since DNA gravity JS not as critical. And they becomes more advanced. eL He presented his arguments at only certain random changes lead the genetic material in cells, is also are small enough that if they lose "We are civilized because of our the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the to survival and success, he said. bilaterally symmetricaL one leg to a predator, they can still shape," Swords said. survive. But larger creatures can't Society for Scientific Exploration, Each successful change is, in ef "If you have a structure, you are i\n upright creature can sec So the fewer the better." held Thursday through Saturday in fect. that which is most cost-effec going to have a reason," Swords more distant objects, he said, an Santa Fe. N.M. tive. At the base is the simple, said. "Most creatures have two A head is inevitable as a place to ability that, coupled with a think Evolution and the laws of nature efficient cylindrical form - an eyes. If they have more than that, keep the brain, he said. And sense ing brain, translates into an ab may be random, he said, but organ opening (mouth) and exit (anus) it's an additional expense of ener organs like the eyes and ears are straction: Thinking farther into the isms succeed as a result of non through which food is processed. gy for no structural benefit. You most efficient close to the brain. future. "Humans are the only spe random consequences. These Once an organism has that basic don't need extra junk. Four limbs Hands that are freed from walking cies with a profound sense of modifications in traits allow for ad shape, other appendages occur at arc the max(imum) for anything by an upright posture - which it time," Swords said. "When a chimp aptations to climate and other fac random, some useful, others not. bigger than an insect. self requires less energy for bal ~~~.·s a stick to beat a baboon. h~' tors. And while Mother Nature is Yet each has what Swords calls bi "Insects can have more than two ance - all contribute to J conducting "billions of (life) ex- lateral symmetry - two matching legs sincP they are so small that technological success as the brain (continued on page 8) (continued from page 7 - TRIBUNE-REVIEW, Greensburg. PA -Aug. 7, 1993 CR: S. Gordon GAZETTE. Kalamazoo, MI UFOs, other phenomena are subject of mall display - June 29. 1993) .. ; . ,, , ·: ... ·. dwn he s lmtshed. fi, :!'.!!•- · t' ::w tick because lht'~· !~:;;•.'Jl i~<ed it later." Kecksburg, on Dec. 9, 1965. either a highly sophisticated, man been a violation of international Humans. too, are predators. And By The Tribune-Review Just before sundown, a bright made space probe or an extrater law. I'm convinced the object was predators. to succeed, need to plan Aficionados of UFOs, Bigfoot and oskrayn goev feirr ebMalilc shtirgeaakne, dt hacer otsisp thoef resCtrliifaflo crrda fSt.t"o ne, author of UFOs: noPt oAfS tUhi sh eaasr tbhe.e" n lobbying for a ahrad. to anticipate the movement other strange occurrences should Ontario and western Lake Erie. Let the Evidence Speak for Itself, full congressional inquiry into the of prey, he said. Prey is a richer head to Westmoreland Mall, Route Wit11esses spotted the object over said he saw the object at Lockborne Kecksburg case. food source than plants, and rich 30, Hempfield Township. for the Westmoreland skies and some said Air Base near Columbus, Ohio, in "Until the government releases foods contribute to a warmer body, Ninth Annual National UFO lnfor· it glided to earth at low speed in a December 1965. its files or there is a congressional morr movement and a womb that mation Week. wooded area near Kecksburg. Fifteen at the time, Stone said a inquiry, this case will always allows for a bigger fetal head - The display that runs through According to some, a military friend brought him onto the base remain open," said Gordon. and brain growth. Saturday is presented by the flatbed truck hauled a tarpaulin· and he saw military personnel In addition to UFO material, the thiCnognss yeoquu emntilgyh. t heex pescati do, f 'a'tnh oesxe GAUnsrseeoxepcnlisaabitnuioerdng-. bfFoaersa ettduh reeP dSe ntwunidsllyy b loev fap nthhioae· schoovretr teidm eo blajteecrt. from the scene a ma"nTehuevye wrienrge tbhrei nobgjiencgt .i t out of the ddiniesvapellisantyigg wawtielildt ha bl soyo t htfheeear tguprrhoeeu mnpo.a mCteaersinatasl traterrestrial - coloration and tographs of UFOs, video presenta Many property owners in the hangar and it was covered with a will be shown of alleged Bigfoot hairlessness, for example - you tions, UFO books and magazines area say the alleged UFO is nothing tarpaulin," said Stone. "It looked tracks and those of the "Eastern could expect to be different from and numerous government UFO more than a hoax. like a vanilla-filled chocolate cougar," an animal considered humans since they are not directly documents. But PASU has interviewed drop." extinct in this part of the country. correlated to success. But those PASU is a volunteer, statewide dozens of witnesses who say they Since that experience, Stone has A special guest at the display, things in the reported sightings scientific clearinghouse for the saw the object in the sky, after it done exhaustive research on the author/researcher Rich Berry, will that are the same - humanoid investigation of alleged UFO sight landed and at least three who say Kecksburg case. answer any questions pertaining to ings and other strange occur they saw the object at two separate "If it were a Soviet probe, the the Bigfoot phenomena. shape, large head, hands - are the rences. Air Force bases days later. United States could have studied it, Anyone having information same because they are correlated One of the group's most noted "There's no doubt that some type taken all the information they regarding Kecksburg or any other to technological success." investigations involves the alleged of object came down," said PASU needed and given it back," said unusual phenomenon is asked to Swords said he cannot under landing.of a UFO near the West director Stan Gordon. "From the Stone. "There was no reason to call the PASU Hotline at 412-838- stand the unyielding lack of accep moreland County community of information we've gathered, it was keep it because that would have 7768. tance among many in science and academia of the notion that extra terrestrials may be visiting Earth. ''I'm totally open-minded," hP said. 'Tm not trying to prove any thing. If experts (who doubt the ex POST, Newark, DE- June II, 1993 istence of extraterrestrials) look at UFOs above Newark? Well ... the frontier in their own fields, they have to admit that some things are open to debate. Why not in this field as well? ''My intuition is that Mother Na By Diane Heck friend had stepped out of the meet who wishes to remain anonymous, no noise of a plane or helicopter. ture has rather few categories of Post Community Editor ing at the Unitarian Universalist was driving home from the meeting Soon it was hovering directly success. If the environment re Fellowship irr Newark to use the on I-95 North at approximately above me, and I saw that it was mains hospitable long enough, A strong form of cosmic energy restrooms in the other building 9:15 p.m. It was raining and she shaped like an equilateral triangle. some increases in brain size and permeated the room during the when he looked up and saw a large was near the rest stop in Newark One comer had a white light, the function are inevitable. Does that Extraterrestrial (ET) Contact red light through the tree branches. when she saw something strange in other a green light, and the third tmhaekni nagu atonmd amticoarell ya dlveaandc etdo tetocho l WSuepdpnoerstd aGy,r ouJpu nem e2e,t inwg heorne and" Iwt aws aosn vlye rayb oburti g1h0t0 a fnede ts iulpe nitn, the" dIi sptaenetr sekdy .t hrough the wind cgolorwn,e"r shhae ds aaidn. orange pulsating bwnrohelooalgkeyt h, erocorou ligosh gt?ihe ast nleeavpe rs om raakree tthhaet sskhtirnaaIdrtn.e gsdee reesxm pbeeedrc ineanmocte ea sft r oiaeflnl tdhssue r apbsri zitsahirnergye easthruxeorp upaenricrdi,st."e"e dW e iinath chelero stot efor ufsa sy.E sIT. "saI ct ttduoia dlnbl'yet ssishp iteeShelahddte ?aw "nk'h dei ltpeh to trudygrihintvg, i n'tWog hgaaettt tnah eob rhemettcaeklr rwhaaadrSsiv ohea stesot wmehsieogtroih,m na .ana sdt e tisht rwtehaeas t ha etshi gleah rtogseb ojaefsc aat "No one knows the answer to that a few hours later, when the Winchester's friend had never look at the craft. When she got "I was rather frightened and that question. But I feel Mother Na gathering ended, there were UFO had seen a UFO before, and was almost underneath it, she rolled didn't want to pull off the road. ture. given enough time, will find a sightings in.Newark. very excited about it. down the window. When I Jooked back at it. it seemed way to make that jump." Steve Winchester, a founding In another incident, a woman, "I saw no wing lights, and heard as if it was turning a little, like it member of the group, said his was looking around. It was right over Newark. Anyone out that time of night should have seen it," she said. When the North Wilmington POST. Paradise. CA- July 6, 1993 woman got home, she called mem Strange object lights up holiday sky bers of MUFON (Mutual UFO Network, Delaware/Northeast Maryland chapter), a UFO inves tigative group in which she and '' '' changed her mind. some members of the ET Contact By Lorena Anderson Her friends said they had been Support Group belong. hJstlifesryle editor looking for the UFO most nights "Trying to be scientific about it, While most people were out I always said I'd believe it if I saw hsiandcne' tt,h etoy stahwei ri tk lnaostw mleodngteh,, cboumt iet mtheilyi tsairmy pplyla tnoeld c malel eidt wthaes tAheu rnoerwa .rdalftailhdl~Suncta,night, Judi Banon, 'bllo wie8ds and two it but now I don't know what to back.T hen, at 10:15, the next door tthoa ht'esr ,r eipt lwacaisn gs hteh ew ShRo 7g1a."v eF tuhnenmy nkiendi o~f wftree rine t hwea stckhyi. ng a different believe. neighbor called. the information on the new plane in "She said, 'It's back,"' Barron the first place. R..<./1. .~- a UsFO houte ev earn dth hee rC forniecnodws Judi Barron saidT. hey all ran out to the front deck ticaSlh een hgains ebeereinng t raaninde dd rianf tainergo, naanud used to draw cross sections of to look, and sure enough, across the Barron went over to her friends' planes for DuPont years ago. "I canyon, Barron said, she saw a large house Sunday evening. Over a game ridge across the Feather River Can ing, it took off up the canyon and was know what I saw, and it was a shape, brightly lit withacircleofred of cards, her friend told her the story yon, she said. gone within seconds. UFO." of a sighting one night last month The shape hovered for two or "I just politely nodded and said, lights on the bottom and a bright The woman considers herself when the moon was full. three minutes, they told her, then 'Oh, sure,"' Barron said. "I didn't grouping of white lights on the top. quite a normal person, but does The friend and her husband and moved in all different directions: up, particularly disbelieve her, but I "You couldn'tmake out the ac- admit to having seen a UFO over their next-door neighbors saw a down, sideways and back and forth, didn't believe her, either." 27 years ago on Silverside Road in brightly lit shape hovering over the very quickly. Then, without warn- But a little while later, Barron Wilmington. "Back then, people would really make fun of you if you talked about seeing UFOs. It to see the actual shape," she said. anybody' s story. But there were ftve Barron said she couldn't really was hard when there really was no "They were so bright that the neigh of us watching it. I always said I'd estimate how big it was, only that it one to talk to," she said. tual shape, not like tile outline of a bor said she saw them in her living believe it if I saw it, but now I don't must have _!>een very large for her to plane, but it was a solid shape," room while she was on the couch." know what to believe." be able to see individual lights on it Barron said. Barron said a whole range of with plain binoculars. While Barron was inside calling The object, remaining across the emotions flashed through her mind Barron said she called the Para the police to make a report, her friends ridge, would move a few hundred while she watched the object. dise Police Deparunent and was re told her the object suddenly turned a yards then hover again, she said. "It was frightening and fascinat ferred to the Mutual UFO Network bit and came toward Paradise so With binoculars Barron said she ing. I wanted to look and run away at based in Seattle. Because of the holi quickly that her friend felt the need was able to make out the individual the same time," she said. "In the day, no one answered at MUFON, to jump back from the edge of the red lights encircling the object. back of your mind you hope that but there is a recorded message which porch and up against the house. Then "It was able to move very someone will come along and say said MUFON is open between 9 a.m. it moved back to where it bad been, quickly," she said. "A helicopter it's our experimental whatever, or a and 1 p.m. Monday through Friday. hovering above the Concow area. doesn 'tbave the speed of this thing." DEA helicopter doing marijuana Dispatchers at the Paradise Po · She said it appeared almost flat eradication. But this thing wasn't in "I didn't see that happen, lice Deparunent said no other re . a saucer shape, and when it tilted a searching pattern, and there was though," she said. "When I came ports of UFOs were received this slightly toward Paradise, she said never any concentrated beam ofligbt back out, it turned sideways and weekend. she could clearly see the oval shape aimed at the ground. I'll never feel began moving down the canyon. It Representati~ .t • eate... Air of the ring of lights. But since it was the same again." would move down, then stop for a Force Base said they bad no informa dark out, the outline was not clear, Barron said up until last night few minutes, then continue. It fol tion on any reports from Sunday 8 and she said the object could have she bad never been very interested in lowed the canyon down. If you were night, but because of the holiday the been much larger than the ring of this sort of thing. out at Lake Oroville, there would base was on limited duty and the lights. "I guess I believed as much as I have been no way you couldn't have people working Sunday night could "The lights were much too bright disbelieved," she said. "You'd doubt seen it." not be reached. ] Experiences spurred Norman man's interest u n FOs ·~ I. eng::~. That's when I discovered I was anew, he became active with the leaving an indentation scar that By KAREN DORRELL d h dr Of The Norman Transcript very e Y ated." Mutual UFO Network, an inter- he still has. While he was gulping down national organization fonned to ''This apparently is typical for milar to the ones he saw, and fluids, he said, the woman told investigate the phenomenon. many abductees," he said. "It's apparently to those encountered In 1977, Richard D. Seifried him there had been several UFO "But something kept bother- like they take a scoop of flesh by the thousands he estimates ~ was an employee with the U.S. sightings in the area recently. ing me," he recalled. "FUJ.ally, out down to the bone, usually in have had similar experiences. 01 Forest Service, working in Seifried knew something about in 1981 when I was in Dayton, the shin or spine." Seifried said further hypnosis Idaho. An avid outdoorsman, he UFOs. When he was in the Ohio, without telling anyone After the hypnosis session sessions revealed he had been ~ was hiking up a mountain when Anny before joining the· forest what I was doing, I found a doc- was over, Seifried said, "the abducted earlier, when he was a .c be beard something totally out service he worked in classified tor and went under regressive doctor said he could come up young man, and he said he had ~ of place in the wilderness records, he said, and one of his hypnosis." with four different hypotheses another experience three years ~ setting. jobs was to file reports on UFO Under hypnosis he told the to explain what I told him, but ago while camping at Black "I heard what sounded like sightings. doctor a startling story about none of them held water. Then Mesa in Oklahoma. His con 1 ~ electronic horns, like you hear When be felt up to it, Seifried what had happened to him on he said he believed me." scious memories of the loci-: at a basketball game. 1ben there started back down the mountain, that mountain in Idaho. He had, The aliens be saw, Seifried dents - even with the help of r:: was a strange roar and I heard intending to check out the area he said, been abducted by alien said, had "grey wrinkled skin, hypnosis - are sketchy, be ~ trees crashing." where he had heard the strange visitors, twice. four long fmgers with no oppos- said, due to a mental block im ~ Puzzled and oddly very tired, sounds. But again, something 'They took me aboard their able thumb, long arms, a thin posed by his captors. :z: he continued on to the lookout seemed to go o'ff track. craft, put me on a table, gave me slit for a mouth and large, very Seifried said he was disap t: station at the top of the "Suddenly I was three miles a superficial physical exam and black eyes." pointed by the current film, mountain. away from where I thought I then dumped me back ouL" The alien pictured on the "Fire in the Sky," based on the ucH.: : "the woman who ran the sta was and it was later in the day The first time he was taken, cover of the book "Common- story of Travis Walton, who re tion ·took one look at me and than it should have been." Seifried said, the aliens removed ion" by Whitley Strieber was si- ported being abducted by aliens ~ asked what had happened. His interest in UFOs piqued a sample of tissue from his leg, in 1975 and held for five days. The abduction scenes were What if you should see a UFO? across the state. The prime area "too jazzed up," Seifried felt, seems to be north and east of and he is concerned that they Oklahoma City." will create fear in possible ab Sightings tend to run in pat MUFON, an international or quin, Texas, with a copy to the terns, he added. ductees struggling to deal with By KAREN DORRELL ganization founded in 1969, is regional director." "We have a lot in October, an experience t~?-ey don't yet Of The Norman Transcript composed of "people seriously Seifried offers these sugges because it's such a clear month. understand. interested in studying and re tions for anyone who sees some Most of those tum out to be A recent Roper poll, be said, A person who sees something searching the phenomenon thing they think may be a UFO: Venus being more visible than indicated that as many as Qne in in the sky that he can't recog known as unidentified flying "Watch as closely as possible. usual, but some are legitimate." 50 Americans feels they have nize or explain - an unidenti objects," according to its Make mental notes. Take a Recent sightings, Seifried bad one of four experiences fied flying object, in other literature. photo if you have your camera said, include one by four people consistent with a UFO words - may feel he has two but don't leave the area to get a at Tuttle in January, one in Ok abduction. choices: He can tell somebody There are around 50 members camera. Try to get other witnes lahoma City and even one on "I think that's a little high," what be saw and risk disbelief in Oklahoma, Seifried said, ab ses to the sighting. Porter in Nonnan last fall. Seifried said, "but I believe and possible ridicule, or he can out half of whom are trained as "As soon as possible," he State law enforcement offices there are thousands who have keep his mouth shuL volunteer investigators. concluded, "write everything and agencies know about MU had this experience and who are Richard D. Seifried offers a "When a sighting is re down. And then call us." FON, he said, and many will angry or frightened and need third allemative: Call him. ported," he explained, "we talk Seifried and Waller's number contact the group when a sight help dealing with iL" Seifried, a Nonnan resident, to the people involved, fill out is 329-1005. ing is reported to them. In addi Seifried says MUFON stands is director of investigations for forms, gather statistics, tape There are a lot of sightings in tion, Tinker Field "has referred ready to offer help, including the Oklahoma affiliate of the their recollections and make Oklahoma, he said, "most fre our last four cases to us." sessions with a psychiatric nurse Mutual UFO Network Inc. His maps of the location. We then quently nocturnal lights. Last However, many people, after and hypnotherapiSL The group wife, Jean Waller, is state send the infonnation to the in year there probably were 24 making an initial report, become can be reached at 329-1005. directOr. ternational headquarters in Se- reluctant to discuss the experi ence further, Seifried said, either for fear of ridicule or ISLANDER, Pensacola Beach, sometimes, he suspects, because ISLANDER. Pensaco~~Beach, FL- July 7. 1993 they have been advised to say couFnLt-doAwugn. II. 1993 CNN s·hoW Airs nothing. "Following a reported UFO When Ed Walters, author of the crash in New Mexico in 1947, book "The Gulf Breeze Sightings," the government cracked down commented that on November 11, Beach UFO Sighting and suppressed a lot of infonna 1987, at the site of Gulf Breeze, he tion," he said. "Investigators saw and photographed a UFO, he have managed to get some may not have realized that seven other by Bland Pugh through Freedom of Infonnation people saw tne same object on that requests, enough to prove that same day and during the years to On Friday of last week, Dr. people could call this experience to to sit down with the witnesses as yet the government is still investi come up through 1993. As a re Bnx:e Maccabee was a guest on the them?" Maccabee answered, "Not and discuss it with them. I have gating UFOs even though they searcher, I think that there was a SonyaliveprogramthatairsonCNN. that I know of, although some people talked to one of them over the phone say they're not." deliberate space of 30 years between lie and Ed Komarick of Georgia were have tried that. UFO sightings tend as she reported it to me. Air Force pilots are advised the UFOs that hovered over Gulf featured. During the interview Dr. to happen more or less independently Briefly, they were driving along Breeze, starting on November 11, Maccabee spoke about the Gulf of who happens to be looking." Dr. Hwy. 29 just north of Pensacola, she not to report sightings, Seifried 1987, and the UFOs that hovered Breeze UFO and the sightings that Maccabee then went on to tell the was dozing in the passenger scat when said, and commercial pilots "are over and landed around Levelland, have been occurring here. He showed story of the Gulf Breeze sightings, he her husband saw something crossing harassed if they try." Texas, November2and 3, 1957, the several slides ofUFO's that have been talked about the numbers and the the sky in front of them. It was large The 194 7 crash is the subject Salton Sea, California, November4, investigatedoflate. One of them was many videos and pictures that had and cylindrical shaped, it was mov of tapes which will be shown by 1957, and the object seen and re the Martin Allen photo that shows been taken over the years. He also ing slowly. He woke the wife up and MUFON from 1 to 5 p.m. Satur ported by the crew of the USS Sebago the object hovering over Pensacola mentioned that Gulf Breeze might be showed her the object, as he did so, day at the Nonnan Public Li about 200 miles south of Gulf Breeze BMeaaccchab. ee wIna s tahsikse di bnyt eSrovniyeaw " WDhry. aU FgOoo'sd. place to begin looking for iwt asyto ipt hpaedd caonmd eb. eTghane ctoo logro w baasc gkr tahye, bvrieawrys. Twhiteh t parpiev~a cteo ncsitiiszte onfs ,i nmteirl arenadsoonn Ntohavte mI bcearn5 ,s u1g9g5e7s.t ,T hfoero nthlye do you think the government is hold no soun\1 was associated with it and interval of 30 years, is that the time ing infonnation (on UFO's) back?" In the article I wrote about the there were no other witnesses present. itary personnel or journalists scale of the UFOs might be shorter Maccabee said "They probably know Allen sighting, I reported that there They did not have time to stop the car who either themselves were wit than that of planet earth. For ex Something we don't. We don't know wasanotherpictureinvolvedandhave and get out to look. She mailed nesses of events following the ample, 1,000 years on earth might what the government hasn't released, since reported a video tape that was drawings of the object to me, as yet discovery of the crashed debris represent 24 hours to the UFOs. On all we can do is make deductions sent to me through the mail. Both of I have not received them because of or who had relatives or friends this basis, the 30 earth-years be based on interviews with witnesses." these have been sent to Jeffrey Sainio the holiday mail. who were. tween the Gulf of Mexico sighting in He then went on to show several and Dr. Maccabee for analysis. I For now, I guess that about cov The program, according to a November, 1957, and the Gulf pictures taken from video, he spoke have had the opportunity to talk to ers the UFO front, don't forget there letter that came with the tapes, Breeze UFOs during November, about the Martin Allen tape, "The Sainio and can report that he has run is a skywatch every night at South "allows the witnesses to tell 1987, might represent about45 min one in Florida was particularly inter preliminary test on the video. Need Shoreline Park. You are welcome, their stories in their own utes on the time-scale of the UFOs. esting, I think it is the first video we less to say, he was very impressed bring your chairs and a little bug words." Their comments indi This seems to suggest that some kind have of a UFO moving along very with both the video and the picture. spray. No adult beverages, please. cate that "a craft and aliens - of countdown has started that is build slowly and then all of a sudden accel This past weekend, the MUFON Remember to keep looking up both dead and alive - were ing toward a climax. The sightings of espraeteindg a ntod athne nex gtoreinmge olyu th oigfh t hrea tfeie oldf iInn tRerinchatmioonnadl , SVyAm.p Io hsiauvme nwota hs ahde alnd and behind you. found at two crash sites. There kthneo wU FjuOsst wmhiyg htth ecyo nhtainvuee c ounnttiinl uwede of view of the camera faster than the opportunity to talk with Maccabee, is also evidence that witnesses to visit and to hover over Gulf Breeze, cameraman could follow it." He went since he and Sainio both attended this were threatened with physical Florida. on to say, "I estimate that if it were a conference. However, I will pass harm - even death - if they Yours very truly, I 000 feet from the camera and it was along the results as soon as I have discussed the event." Kenneth Lloyd Larson 8 to 9 feet in diameter that within I/ them. The showing is free and open Los Angeles, CA 9 30th of a second it achieved an accel I have hadanotherdaylightsight to the public. eration of about 500 g's ... " ing reported to me in the past few Sonya .... "Bruce, is there a way that days, However, I have not been able INDEPENDENT-ENTERPRISE, Payette, ID -May 5, 1993 CR: T. Good ISLANDER, Pensacola Beach, FL - July 14, 1993 Mysteries and speculations MUFON Writer Locates surrounding UFOs examined UFO Sighting Site Colonel Bowker valuable docu by Bland Pugh ments proving the existence of the On Sunday afternoon, my wife After we had taken pictures of ~~( ~~e. : The Gems UbeF Ore'oso hvaevreed d. isappeared never to aanndd eI ndjeocyi doeudr steol vgeos ofourt atow thhiele b. eNacoht omuern otsw, nw aen dd efciindieshde tdo twhea lkm eoavseurr eto· .•. of Another of the more fascinating particularly caring for crowds, I de· the Sound and cool off with a quick aspects .accredited to alien being is cided to kill two birds with one stone. dip. I worked my way up to the top of Payette the constant reports of mutilated Armed with a camera, Thomas one of the sand dunes and looked County animals · being found.. In and "Bryant's" picture and map, we around. To my surprise I found a lake around Sand Mountain, Alabama, headed for the east end of Pensacola there and marsh grass. I knew there between October ·1992 and March Beach. Of course the lure of the surf were some small lakes on the western DEE KLENCK 1993 -at least 26 cattle have been was beckoning, but I had more on my end of Santa Rosa Island but I didn't located butchered in an unknown mind than wading in the emerald know this one existed. As many fashion. There are no foot prints, waters of the Gulf. I had an idea of times as I have been in this area of the spTechuisl astuebdj ecatb iso fuatm ibliya r teox mpearntys;; tcioounl d~ ,ta.k;e; o;;ff- i-n- ab ovrenrt ibcaabl ep.o sTithieoyn ftirroem t rathcek s coarr ctarsasiless ,f uaant dl eiand stoo moer kwfonhre awtth eIi t pwwroaassv eglrooboiinakgli n t"gon ebfeeod rll iekb eiun tl oaIo khaialnsyog aobwceacacuyhr r efordno m tso k ytmhwee a tStchohauet nsI,d .iw t ajMsu sytth anpteo vfianerrt denied by so-called intellectuals; and had unbelieveable accleration cases e"'ery bone in the animal's stack." about this marsh area is; it sure feared by most and yet the general capabilities. Few pecple outside of ·body has bet!n broken as if it fell or We grabbed a cooler of drinks would be a good spot to put some· public is fascinated with its possi engineers know ofhim but one of was dropped from great heights. and headed across the dunes for the thing you didn't want anyone to see, bilities. Why? his 800 government held patents There have been no witnesses. Sound Three quarters of the way · if you get my drift and I am not Because since the beginning of included the famous Tesla coil. no suspects and no motive. Exten across I figured this fellow "Bryant" talking about a golf course! time, man has beencaptivated by Also he discovered~ternating cur sive coverage by the local media of must have really wanted to be alone, These pictures will go to Jeff mysteries, secrets and the rent used in every borne and busi that region indicate everyone then I remembered the reason he and Sainio in Wisconsin for analysis. I unknown. No one has the answer, ness building throughout the including law enforcement and the his lady friend had gone there in the sure hope this will enable him to give and yet everyone has an opinion. world, today. I1 is considered far owners of the beasts are baffled. first place, it made sense to me. After us some idea as to how big this UFO We are talking about Unidenti superior to direct current which The strangest part is how the walking for about 20 minutes through might have actually been. fied Firing Objects or UFO's fer Thomas Edison is given credit for. incisions are made, that remove the dunes we saw something that ****** shorL Some think the whole matter . Lt. Col. Robert Bowker different segments of the anatomy. caught our eye, it was a couple of Another TV crew visited us this is hog wash -others swear by the (Retired) of Payette is an avid stu One eye, one ear and the tongue scrub pines and a dune with some past week. They were from Chatta· saucer shaped objects that operate dent of the UFO phenomena. His may be surgically cut out as if by a growth on it I pulled out the photo nooga, 1N, Rebecca Williams and from a stand still, go up, down, library is extensive and he might high density laser light or beam. . and began trying to match up what I her husband Scotty had been to Fyffe. backward and forward with the be convinced to share the know The tissue is not tom or sawed on, was looking for. There it was, a AL, on Tuesday, they'd investigated speed of lightening. Burned patch ledge contained therein. In fact, he as would be the case if a predator clump of trees that appeared to have the cattle mutilations and had talked es in fields that are unexplainable; stated there is a 'ilrmulation of attacked the cow. Each cut is of a a notch and a dune with scrub brush to Terry Baker the Editor of the local intense rays of light that can blind interested individuals that belong precision nature. growing on it. I looked through the paper there. The next day, they came you; journeys attested to by som_e to the Mutual Unidentified F1ying view fmder of my camera, adjusting to Gulf Breeze. Gary Watson and I ··mwtehroronit yoc rltayhi;a mot taahlbieedrnsus ca thrieao vcneo; nsinvwvionarcdnee ddte oosruu a r Oqarubea jraetncextr eiNodue tsiwn t ooS rcekog n(uMtiancU. tT FaOenxdNa }rse, h.c weeaihvdoe rtreapIcrnto mdaunacoytt ihbveeer r oaenmrgiomavnaeilsd, otahrne d d giiegnne aislttlai vlcsef, Iatt hankwed i antsesgtl u etodhpuyehtiro netthg.o e i lt"Ie Bfnocrsroy uaaa lnmcdton"ou 'mtpp ibelcenet ultoi,re feIv t akiemgn ameeiwsny, msT"hPheohetwi ylti hepwed"me trh veef iomdimre tolphu renet casMhpsee.a dsrtA .i nafn t"edAr wlplaeircndt"us arwensde. government cover up; and lives information regarding sightings the carcasses not a drop of blood eyes, I was standing in the same spot Rebecca and Scotty came to tock mutilations that defy_m otive, and evidence of UFO visitations to remains. Something else that is Thomas "Bryant" had been on when Shoreline Park South that evening justification or purpose. this planet. very interesting is the fact that pre he shot his picture of the UFO on and interviewed those present. Un· Books, pamphlets, letters and Many very important person dators including birds will not fed April2, 1993. fortunately we did not have a sight· documents have explored this sub ages have pursued this subject and on the mutilated flesh. They seem I measured the distance to one ing. If you remember last year, TV ject from every angle. II it is a hoax all are convinced beyond any to be instinctively aware that a group of trees, then figured the el· crews were batting almost a thou· -it is a very expensive one and why doubt that alien beings have not very unusual happening has evation of the UFO based on the sand, as it seemed every time a crew would anyone wish to introduce only been seen here but some of occurred and they want no part of configuration the camera lens pre· would come to town the UFO would such a scam. How do they intend to their aircraft have crashed. There it sented to me, attempting to estab· make its appearance. benefit? are even stories circulated that our Colonel Bowker is in addition lished some factors that might help For now I believe that covers the If it is an imagined scenario, armed forces have been in actual fascinated by the world of HAM detennine the height, distance and UFO report for this week, remember how could so many people scat combat with them, and that under operation and has been for 62 years size of the UFO. to keep looking up and behind you. tered world wide, all swear to the ground caverns in remote areas of plus. He is one of approximately 1-------------------------- same type of occurrences. Espe the world are outfitted to rejuve cially since many of the witnesses nate the aliens. c2o5u0n,0tr0y0 arlaodnieo. operators in this are highly regarded individuals Colonel Bowker admits to hav which include military men, pro ing seen two saucers. He was part He explained there are very SENTINEL, Gulf Breeze, FL - July 22, 1993 fessional pilots. law enforcement of a FAA flight crew on a rrurning stringent regulations governing the ·somerby UFO sighting and other citizens. who have abso aircraft from Wake Island in 1950 use of wave frequencies. For lutely nothing to gain. when all of sudden their direction instance, an operator is not allowed If indeed it is fact-why the cov finder went berserk. It began to to use obscene language over the related in publication erup by aulhorities? Is it to conceal spin so rapidly it seemed to. be air, or interfere with another's a possible invasion by alien forces. destroying itself. At the same ume broadcast or falsify SOS messages Iqsfmu esaosrtt, i octnahn-emnAo?rt e o Ttuhhree itUle cFthhOne'orsel o bguisyi l to tbhuyet latii nosene,ar jirueyss ato nafdh reieandd a al ifpglpahsetsha riientd d atao rs tbtereda isogtuah tt oTtorh enu otgtteo rov nesnclyam ncedonantl ofhiusascs a ctteho ent vhaeeur tsohafotfireointny . ::Bt · aNyk eiCnahgral yrol siueirx a ynneidga Dhrsto layrgi oSs toarmso lewlr eba wylo enrge veneTrchyoe usiinrm tdeierls.a crr tiop ttihoen o obfjtehcets U oFnO th ies these visitors from another planet of line of sighL When the equip der's equipment but can actually 'Hickory Shores Boulevard in photographs. or are they built on our own, in sec ment was later examined, it had no imprison and/or fine them without Midway, we spotted a flying ob Unfortunately, the indepen ret places? defect and operated normally. court litigation if they persist in ject seemingly following the dence of their testimony is some . That brings to mind that a genius Repeated efforts to bring the violating the code. If anyone is shoreline of East Bay. what clouded by the fact that Ed named Nikola . Testa actually public's attention to this mysteri interested in either of the subjects Since that Veterans Day sight Walters sent the photographs to designed the first helicopter and ous force has resulted in an ambi covered in this column I am certain ing, we have appeared on many the local Sentinel newspaper of aircraft that resemble a flying valence attitude. Colonel Bowker will be happy to television programs and have which Mr. Somerby is a former saucer, back in the days when avia- In some instances, according to accommodate. ·bpaepener ws. ritten up in many news editor and his wife, the present editor's mother. It appeared as though the spot· It must be said, however, that light had gradually shifted to the sheer weight of evidence in Vidalia harvests· sightings of triangle shapes, the classical disk others to our intense relief. Gulf Breeze has convinced many shape with a dome top, cigar-shaped, every Now, suddenly, we have re top American Ufologists of the shape imaginable." ceived in the mail pages 284 and validity of this case." · UFO sightings It was enough to draw a visit from Christo· c2a8t5i ofnro tmh aatn e vuindiednetnlyti fiise ad Wpuhboli's Before each interview, we pher Early, the state director of the U'FO net· Who in UFOs. brought out the relationship as as well as onions twhoer Ak.t "laWnthaa rt eI tsiraewe .w "aTsh meraein alrye a cireprltaanine sp,e"o spalyes, SLOisMteEdR isB: Y, CHARLES tpheactt oaff tthere wsiigthnteisnsgi.n Ag ltshoe t hoeb fjaecctt they're s~lected. I don't know why." "In the Gulf Breeze sightings, on a Tuesday night and not see .. t"") Mr. Early says he's never been chosen for a the first period of photugraphic ing or hearing news in the media S:Z: O~'I By Paul Kaplan UFO ride, but he sympathizes with those who contact came when on 11 No ofthe sighting, we decided to say have been• "The real problem is ridicule," he vember 1987 when the witness, nothing about it. ~ _ .. STAFF WRITER says. "It puts you in a vulnerable position. Peo Ed Walters, took five photo But a week later when we ~ - Vidalia is known worldwide for its sweet on· ple think you're nuts." graphs of the UFO near his dropped in at the Sentinel office, ~ !:; ions, but the little town had a decidedly olit-of· That doesn't seem to faze Mr. Monroe, who home. we were amazed to see Ed 8 is sticking "to his story about an extraterrestrial There was some independent Walters' pictures on the ~ ~ tthhiasn- wSoOr lsdi gfheetiln ognse t nhiegrhet wine Mrea rrcehp,o wrtehden t om othree inna Vmiedda lAial torneex dwahyo a anpdp Heeawre hdi min dhoisw lni vtoin Fgl ororoidma wwhitenne Cssh acrolersr oI.b Sooramtieorbny oafn dt hhiiss mpoaidnet -audpm firtotnedt pthagaet wane dh aadt steheant MuStuianlc eU tFhOe nN, emtworoer kth iann a 1f0o0u ra-dhdoiutiro pnearl isoidg.h t to tour an underground installation. It's a tale wife Doris apparently reported exactly what was laid out. ings have been recorded in and around the far too remarkable to atterhpt. to summarize asete tihneg ttihmee s aomf teh iUs FpOh oitno gthraep shkiyc thAet i tdheantt iptoyi onft, t whee phhaodt ongor iadpehae or.f southeast Georgia farming town, says Ricky here. Monroe, section director for the UFO network'. "Please mention," Mr. Monroe says, "that 10 "They've come in all shApes and sizes. We have I'm available for speaking engagements."