U.F.O. NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE ROUTE 1 - BOX 220 PLUMERVILLE, ARKANSAS 72127 U.S.A. NEWSCLIPPING EDITOR/PUBLISHER: LUCIUS FARISH SERVICE AUGUST 1993 NUMBER 289 ISLANDER. Pensacola Beach, Fl. - June 30, 1993 DAILY HOME, Talladega. AL- June 8, 1993- Blazing Blue And White Lights UFOs heading south? Sparkle On Giant Boomerang Area residents cite by Bland Pugtl strange happenings These articles were submitted to ground by 9:00 p.m. that night. The ram, and listened. It didn't make a mbyea tgheronutlgehm Tahne, IR slaaynLdeyrn NcheowfsMpaepme r Cusouaaslt. Guard reported nothing un sounMd. cCracken said as the object By Denise Sinclair fromTh tehree ·;ceirrcele nso, tCraacmk-ps lseaaiddi.n Igt two oasr phis, 1N, whose daughter lives in Air traffic controllers at Tampa passed near her house a street light and Fred Guarino the second time in two weeks the Clearwater, FL. Since receiving International Airport dittoed the re winked off. When it was gone the Home staff writers circles have appeared in his yard. them, MUFON has received subse port. light glowed again. Are UFOs flying over Camp said his dogs started bark quent reports from State Section OTHERS DESCRIBE "I couldn't believe it not making Childersburg ana landing in ing after midnight Friday, but he Director's Gene & Jean Brown of the STRANGE SILENT OBJECT IN a sound and going so slow like that," Stewartville, leaving black circles? dido 't get up to see what they might Tampa, St. Pete area. The formal THE SKY she said. "It makes me feel better that There's no official confirmation have seen. investigation is being conducted by BAYPORT -Ron Chancey, a somebody else saw it and it was some an object spotted flying over ''I'm not sure what it is or what SSD Leonard Sturm. A report of a Hernando County Sheriffs deputy, body credible like a deputy." Childersburg and captured on video made it," Camp said, "but I haven't similar object was turned into may not know exactly what he saw Lisa Curran, 28, also of New is a UFO. Nor that the black circles seen it in my yard before.'' Pensacola MUFON last year at this on patrol Friday night, but he insists Port Richey, said she and her parents found in a yard in Stewartville were Camp dido 't see any objects in time. It was thought to have been he saw something. - -- saw the unusual object in broad day made by UFOs landing. the sky before any of the circles were But an object was spotted in the found. The circles appeared to be sighted over the Santa Rosa Sound, "A boomerang-shaped some light Sund8y afternoon. "It hovered sky around Childersburg and the between five feet and 10 feet in and off of Avalon Blvd. in Santa thing with a wingspan of at least 200 high above them, rising until it van circles were made in a Stewartville diameter. RosaCounty. CreditWesPiattofthe feet Something that hovered in the ished," she said. yard on the same night, and it has left Dewberry said the object he saw St. Petersburg Times, I have made starry sky along Hernando's coast. the two men who've seen them shak appears to be a bright ball with two some changes in order to condense That could go from still to warp what MOVtENT ing their heads wondering what they antennae coming from it, but he s~d these articles. ever time, in the time it takes to snap ~~.~~r are. they do not show up on his video "It looked like a giant boomer your fmgers." "It's a bright looking ball," said tape that shows it in motion. ang, the witnesses said, dotted with Chancey found six Hernando George Dewberry of Third Street in "I don't think it's a star or any blue and white lights. Larger than a residents who said they saw the same Childersburg as he described the ob thing, ~ause it moved too slow to commercial jetliner, it hovered si thing over the coastal communities ject in the slcy he said he has seen for be an airplane, and all of a sudden, it lently only 300 feet above the moon ofP ine Island and Bayport. On Tues G,• the past five nights and captured it on just took off like a bullet,'' Dew white lights short video tape. berry said. lit marsh along the Hernando County day, three more sightings of the X blue hghts side Dewbecrx said the object, which He first saw the object on W ednes coast".T" hen, in a blink, it was gone." Tmiymsetse.r ious thing were reported to the bhnktng lights hthee h n~ig shet,e nh afsr obme e1n1 s:3o0u tph.ema.s to onf i nthtoe dfiavye nniigghhtts a.n Ddo heassh seetehni nitk fiotr's tahUe pFaOs,t Whatever it was, the Dortch While on patrol about 9:20p.m. Coosa River Bridge and from where perhaps? "Defmitely, I do," he said. family of Brooksville is pretty sure he noticed, to the north and through lights on he lives, appeared to be over Taylor's Dewberry said he' has never seen what they saw about 9:20 p.m., that trees, blue lights that seemed to fol Restaurant. The restaurant is located anything like what he has seen of evening. low him. He drove southeast toward · ~ on U.S. 280 in Childersburg. late, and "I don't even drink." The Dortch family had gone to a Bayport. Then he saw it over the ~ ~ When Joe Camp of Alabama 21 Dewberry is retired from Spe painnotdpe uncldraaerbd p, t aour tunes aaewn hadar dep bitchenaeitnc t bhaleroe pwai neto ra twfhteashyy mars"hI.t was like a huge something or cSSiaortucultrehd aainyn dmS otae rwnlaianrrggtev, hilcelie rs cpgloeot,tt e gudrp aa y se maaranllydl TsciienaxclCtaeyas m1,S a9pan8n d5ed .hx aaCsm oliimnveepdda nitnyh C ei hnbi llHdaceokrus sbstuuobrng , by anA esa trhleieyr tsutronremd oton lMeaavrec,h D1o3r. tch oI tthheoru,"g Chht aonfc ewya ssa itdh.e "CTrhyes ftiarls tR thivinegr All lightso obnje tcht e front of the black in color, in his yard. dstoaenscne' t fkonuonwd winh ahti ist isy.a Irtd r uabnbde ds otifllf spotted something, "Do you see those nuclear plant. I don't know why, the grass blade like smut or a chemi lights up there?" "That airplane's really. Then I thoughtofthatmovie, cal of some s.ort but had no smell to huge," Dortch told his wife as they Close Encounters of the Third Kind, it. sat in their pickup truck in the darlc with that big whatever-it-was that ''It may be nothing but some sort ness. played the music, but this thing was onef vfeurn gsuese no ni tt hhee rger absse,f oyreet. II hjauvset "He and I both said there's no real quiet I would guess it was 200 thought it was strange and had seen way that's an airplane," Mrs. Dortch or 300 feet long." on television and read in the news said. "It's way too big, it didn't make Chancey said he stopped his paper about those occurrences in a sound. It just hung there. We cruiser and shined a spotlight at the north Alabama recently. I thought thing. He saw no markings or num this could be something similar," looked away, and when we looked bers, no cockpit. He made out a Camp said. _ _ back it was gone." She said they didn't.hear it leave and had no idea in bveag suhea,p eddar llci koeu atl ibnoeo tmhaetr aanpgp.e ared to whCo asmerpv,e ad rient irWedo rmldil iWtarayr oIIf,f itcheer which direction it traveled. After watching for a few min Korean War and Vietnam, has lived Chancey, a sheriffs deputy who utes, Chancey drove toward the park at his present residence for five years. previously worked for the Florida He said his neighbors had reported at Bayport. As he accelerated the Highway Patrol, saw it about the nothing strange to him. object accelerated. The deputy said same time over Pine Island Drive. In Camp did say a businessman his report, he said, "It flew south, he shined the light on the object again across the street from his home had toward Bayport, at a moderate rate of and it cut west toward the Gulf of taken a sample of the black stuff to MeXico. have it checked. speed." At the park he met with six people Camp also contacted the Coosa As the Dortch family left the that said they also had seen the ob County Extension Service;-and an park, Chancey stopped them. He ject agent plans to visit him on Wednes seemed uneasy, Mrs. Dortch recalled. Chancey said, "Based on what I day to study the black substance. "How long have you been out know now, I don't think it's from this ''It's curious to me, these circles. here?'' Chancey asked. planet. Nothing on Earth could hover They're not just patches here and "A few minutes," Dortch re and haul ass like that." there but circles, different sizes. I wondered if it was related to what plied. From Tarpon Springs a report of was going on in north Alabama "''m going to ask you a strange asightingatapproximately9:30p.m. "If it had been a patch here or question, butidon'tknow how to ask "We sat and watched it a good five there, I wouldn't have paid any at it," the deputy said. minutes," Garth Curtiss said. "It was tention to i.t." Camp said. Dortch said he needed no further moving slowly to the west, I don't prompting, "Yeah, we saw it," tell know what to believe. I've never ing the deputy, "that thing in the seen anything like it." sky." Mary McCracken of New Port In his report, Chancey said he Richey said she saw the same object talked to two other park visitors. Both the night before the Bayport sighting. said they saw the mysterious thing, "Through my bedroom window, over which Chancey said stayed in sight in the southwest, I saw a bunch of real for about two minutes. bright lights not too far over the tree Denise Sinclair/Home staff photo Officials at MacDill AFB, which tops, moving real slow. I kept watch hosted an air show during the week ing it It was really big. I opened the Joe Camp examines a black, smutty material from circles end, said all its aircraft were on the window all the way, even with the found In his yard Saturday morning. , ':An the visits havt> be<·n sc;n 1. TLMES. Seattle. WA - July 18. 1993 CR: R. Seifried 'One of them stared at me s;, hard UFO believers: 'No beanies or Trekkies' t i1at I felt like its eyes h;rd tentacles ;uul was reaching into my soul and my entire being," Filip Si!id. Milrilyn Childs, ? h~hv-l11>fllf1Pr from Bothell. he<~ds the loc<~l ch;Jpter BY LILY ENG J. ilip, now director of the UFO Los of extr<~terrcstri<Jis ilnd picker! np nar on multiple-participant <~lxluc ofMlJFON.the Mutual UFO Network Statile Times st"ff ref>orlrr Ahduction Studies Center, was one pamphlets on how to interpret crop tions. "They're not wearing T-shirts Inc., which has 100 active lllf'llllll'rs. Sharon Filip says <~lien beings of 2~0 participants at the Se<~ttle circle language. saying, 'I've seen an UFO.' " She Si!id she has h;rd hundreds of visits have visited her for the past four UFO Research ConfPrence, where "Abductees are much like Vietnam or "missing-time episodes·· involvin~ decades. believers in extraterTestrials gath Todav's seminars will feature veterans who saw some awful things space aliens. She believes they ;•re Her most recent experience was ered in the Grand Ballroom of the John Mi!ck, a psychi<~trist from the or people who have lost loved ones in a beinRS from the future who ;u e rh<'rk two years ago on a September morn Bellevue J lyatt Re~cncy to discuss ll<~rvard Medical School. who will tornado," said Carpenter. 'The exper ing up on their ancestors. ing at her Kirkland home. She woke the latest research on third encoun give his perspective on UFO abduc ience is just too much. They are Her last missing-time episode oc from a dream and saw something ters and abductions - the phenom tions; and Fred Alan Wolf. a physicist knocked off their centers." curred Jan 11, 1992, she s<Jid, while staring at her with black, liquid eyes. enon of being kidnapped by aliens. ami author. who will li!lk <~bout the There's no pattern among those she and a friend drove in her van aTssfowra efhii simetdkMehn"F y i Icdinya-lt r irhbaefepsIerslea . u lt owtteheu" unra anIr addgsM eisa hlv o nyhakyewidao fnsrd a tsto ea scIewaa ri.f ri"sswynrce ehae lasnieildsf nl osoo g.senr wv ae iitvtoitsh ssfiehoe treo uh,Stdn"teisun aeirtdbdnFf ya.aeei nl c sidpeaisl egtrsdaaxouilnfakrvfgameTIeencetror iidecwnn p neameiab tcdfs aeros tog nahuacem ttaolt no nm tttwhh spsateee -urhgk ctittieroewrf eaeyilcanocrc oetgy--tePdnsv . sn oavehtnyeon ;P a nn~t;cn~bn, to irecdntonMxeouifncdtecta i trrdmopiepsofoahu n nonfictctnrs:oes~.h whcksc"ylholiDiepuoredsnsr "nO e teoTtraahr stethgsmhe ea aeserawitanerrcnseiaey,h gz" pa le e laa biUlrsSrraidssteisne! u ia ifndvcprnsns otaosed eJmyi ardoeucbsb hsneehSdn.pi.ao u·p ivHln·lcroe rCiittegenr eia sicsgdlrsie ifp tptoidysteeahr lnpn awdeTrtt ,oemssh r erMfoe.e,mi sknsoeai . -, adaeattwahlblomilihedeeknoyonF nu' tt i bcit blbokobtieepee eneli iieehslnnesis.pegev ga hrsveys Tca,e s tbovCv h hutmieseaehst hirrfy ietrnpee 'mmivg heeedn aen.h obkrtdba.eeaes vercsS ee aksnhh nna.'ee d tibad r T b edf,k ahefdonamenenueoey dsicwll tytmke d itnwdmwhoao nehnhbewiyy'oysrt allWteIiiissaggm<s shhlatyte"Ahttqb,Iss anu o stotdhatu.kofo hen tefIpy.h dsp p saS Bteeat oo dnqewamnltu.sle aaeeksrhvwile nu?nadhtgle'le e,.?a"r rs ICett"'WW < bhw~altihalhaleodcese n skrra~ 9ee ss v0 a tooi ha<dJirertrdd.oee ""iwh n Ai;atgtamhhlrhriydeedi SilW w;rc; bl<tck rlarJrnpc;<:_" FLORIDA TODAY, Melbourne. FL- July II, 1993 xtraterrestrial • nterpr1se UFOs are all business for some believers GLOWING DISCS that Melbourne UFO aficionado John Frick. thinks are alien spaceships light the skies over Florida. The Polaroid photo on the left was taken near Homestead in the early 1980s, Frick says. He knows little of the origins of the image above. the corporate name World UFO Data~ Aeticulans and focuses on visitors from the And on July 26, Vero Beach resident Susan 'Pleiades, the constellation also known as the Seven Sunset will begin holding a series of UFO classes in Sisters. ByBlllyCoJ: Cocoa Beach. More human-looking and possessing higher FLORIDA TODAY Sunset (her legal name; it's a long story) is a ethical standards than grays, the Pleiadians, she The strange, unending drama of unidentified former model who saw her first UFO in Acapulco in says, "are 3,000 years more advanced flying objects took yet another twist when 45 1965. Today, nearly three decades later, Sunset has technologically than we are." demonstrators demanding an end to the "Cosmic plunged full-time into the realm of space aliens "They say the Watergate" picketed the White House. if, indeed, that's what they really are. greed and Monday was a slow news day in the nation's "The word 'alien' has egotism on this UFO Info capital, and the sizeable media contingent that always bothered me," she says. planet is showed up tended to hype the exotic and subjective "They're not really aliens; unparalleled tales of UFO kidnappings related by some of the they're our ancestors." anywhere else in • For more information on protesters. On the other hand, rally organizers With conversational the universe. I Susan Sunset's series, call 784- unfUrled government documents to hammer away familiarity, Sunset makes believe they're 2313 or 407-569-1421 in Vero at a theme which, via pop-culture osmosis more distinctions among the here to help us Beach. than mainstream journalism, is fast becoming extraterrestrials. She is help ourselves." axiomatic: reluctant, for instance, to give • To discuss getting rid of UFOs are America's last big, Cold War secret. a lot of air time to those known How does she alien implants with Caroline And a cottage industry is as the grays. know? Connor, write P.O. Box 1002, blooming in the vacuum of First elevated to national SUNSET Largely from Melbourne, FL, 32902-1002. government silence. prominence with Whitley the work of Billy • To reach John Frick, write Caroline Connor of Strieber's best-selling nonfiction book Communion, Meier, a one him at P.O. Box 0705, Mel "Mraedlbioonuircnse ,t hfoerr ainpsyt"a nshcee, s oafyfse rs thheea dgerady csr aeraetu trhees f rreapilo, rstpeidnldyly r,e 3s¥p2o-nfsoiobt-leta fllo br ig athrem Sewdi fsas rAmlpesr in bourne,FL,32902. can dissolve the BB-sized nasal abducting human beings and experimenting on whom the implantS that space aliens them, often painfUlly, like med-school apes. Pleiadians supposedly use to monitor the Recollections gleaned from hypnotic regression supposedly have beeri visiting most of his life. activities of selected suggest the grays are interested in genetic research Meier's controversial stories and photos have left Earthlings. and cross-breeding; they keep tabs on their subjects American UFO groups sharply divided over their 2 John Frick, a Melbourne by injecting them with tiny tracking devices. authenticity. resident who claims he was FRICK These guys, agree some UFO researchers, are abducted in the 1960s, offers his probably from the binary star system Zeta Reticuli. (continued on page 3) prolific insights into UFO propulsion systems under Sunset normally steers clear of the Zeta (co~tinued from page 2_- FLORIDA TODAY, Melbourne, FL- July II, 1993) an-· NUGGET, Sisters, OR . John Frick of Melbourne say~ had unscientific in 1969. 1m plant that worked its way out of his arm Not a word anywhere in those archives-not June 30, 1993_ without radionics assistance. even an effort to scuttle it - of the celebrated Bright star But for what it's worth, Michael Malin, It happened sometime' after 1965, the year he Roswell Incident. This was the one in 1947 where director of NASA's upcoming Mars Observer says he was hustled aboard an ET spacecraft in the Army issued a press release announcing it photo reconnaissance mission to the Red Planet, Palm Bay. The pilots resembled Earthlings, but had recovered a crashed flying saucer near ·or UFO? examined Meier's pictures during the 1980s and where they came from, he doesn't know. What Roswell Army Air Base. The statement was found no evidence of a hoax. he says he does know as a result of the quickly rescinded and replaced by the red-faced So, beginning the last Monday in July at : experience is how the vehicles work. ·· news that veteran field investigators bad actual- By Mark Duncan 730 \'.m., SUnset will offer six two-hour UFO courses In 1980, be published an intricately-detailed ly mistaken a weather balloon for a spaceship. tor $50, which will include a look at Meier's UFO booklet titled Portrait of an Alien Spacecraft. He . In 1991, the year before their deaths, Lewis There are phenomena in the footage. The classes run for six consecutive has since redefined gravity and repudiated Rickett of St. Petersburg and Thomas DuBose of universe that defy comprehen Mondays at Freedom 7 community center, 400 s. Newton's gravitational laws based on the in- Winter Park gave Florida Today an altogether sion, things that can be seen but Fourth St. in Cocoa Beach, and for six straight sights given to him by the aliens. But unlike the different account. not explained. Thursdays at Harmony Health center, spaceships that elevated him to higher levels of Rickett, a retired counterintelligence officer Municipal Lane in Melbourne. 1900 understanding, his writings never have taken off. said be participated in the recovery operatio~ Well aware that some types But if you're having problems with Zeta "Well what can you say?" says Frick. "I'm and personally gathered the fabricated debris of sightings, be it Elvis, Big •.n .et·i cu1 a ns, Caroline Connor of Melbourne has a fuosre dit .t"o it. People will read it when they're ready wrehtiircehd h ew siathid aw agse nnoetr aolf' sth risa nEka,r tsha.i Dd ubBeo shee lwphe~d Foot, or mysterious lights in the IUggestion. A quick scan of the classified ads in the UFO eng·m eer the weather balloon cover story on sky, can arouse skepticism, Ray For less than the price of two compact discs, magazines suggests the public appetite for such orders from Washington. Bowlin of Sisters made sure he Connor bas a machine that can raise the body's unconventional wisdom may be growil1g, fueled Forty-six years later• people ke ep seem· g and had backup when he spotted a ~b.rational frequency rates and, in the process, by the advent of camcorders and tabloid TV photograp~ing. lights in the sky, the footage d1smtegrate those troublesome implant mon- shows . that routinely air UFO footage and keeps com1ng 1n • and the gove mment con t·m ues UFO in the eastern sky, shortly itors. All she needs is a lock of hair. scenanos. to duck. before dawn on June 22. The suitcase-sized giZmo is called a radionics Barely a week goes by . without La-Z-Boy The most frequent target of UFO-related "I don't want people to think machine, or black box. Invented by an American Larry and Couch Potato Carrie getting the latest Freedom of Information Act thrusts is the I'm losing it," said Bowlin. "I named Albert Abrams in 1913, the black box on cattle mutilations from Montana to Alabama Central Intelligence Agency, established under called 911, and they turned me aenerates weak pulsating magnetic currents elegant crop-circle hieroglyphs in the wheat the National Security Act of 1947, jus't after that supposedly cure a wide variety of ills. fields of England, or the newest sightings of Roswell. What few documents the CIA usually over to a sheriff's He Tbougb not authorized by the FDA fot; mecUclnal releases often are painted with black boles. dJMevI1e"'l)o)!epSm, ethn"_t' 3d, .ervei ocnes t ahne dm saelrlk feotr a asn ryewsehaerrceh f raonmd tnooucIrtnius rtsnF almol rloiindgiaht,to sr sz tmihgazela lng iggbihnatng dsaksb ioeousf t n terheaesr ci doPeuennnttssra yc.a onlda wh Sotmille , vethr,e o rb wothtoamtev elirn, eis breehminadin tsh et hpeh ensoammee-: tHIO to $3~. Connor has found them effective Bay tl\rough their camera lenses as the Chinese non bas yet to accept a standing offer to attend a lor,· among other things, disintegrating those t h party at the most logical place on Earth. !llmettmes painful alien imptan~ 1a n em-s aped UFOs continue their six-year Joe Morgan, managing director for the ·~~-n tially , we ~ a person's vibrational ehxoevrecriisnegs, o2v~efro Gotu lf bBoroemezeer.a nIng Mbeargcahn, am saikleinntg, sF reedto m· u7 Communiatiyl s Cthe nbte r where Susan saw it, too." frequency, and by doing tbat, they can't ftnd noctural incursions over the west coast around 1u96n5se WI appear, rec e ig PR exercise in 'It' was an apparently large, y_o.u.v,"i Connor ·sa,.y..s. . ·'"We. b,ave a lot of UF· O Hemand0 c oun ty• occas1· on allY d azzling the "W· e wanted Cocoa Beach to be the first saucer-shaped object, covered -_.,u_ ty in tbe "'i"pe C8Jla~eral ~8. As ·you locals Wl'th ll'ght s h ows. . community in the world to set up a UFO with,w hite lights, that hovered, b..o. p_e,t w 9bpoe aeret, a It ·t thee~t r~ wiltse en dw.~ o'· Ve .n ln out . of. n1eEntx:a~ c_oe_~rcbiaatlin ign dtihfefesree nmcea.t tUerkse ias dtuhset -cgloovgegrend- swa ~t.eo ~ ~:tt ~t~· 0ci,n~':.de tet b~ ~t'. := hi :\~efo~·~r: nearly motionless, for 45 to SO But you ~t not b•ve implants; your stress ~ needle· sn_-gged on an old record, the position cross at Fisher Park and a big sign: 'World's minutes while Bowlin and his imc.i lFbot rb •e sy-Da\aPdS·Qa mloatcikc ooff ! IbOamire, tCbionngn Joers dsaryasm sabte- hasT rheem U~nnietedd u Sntcahteasn ggeodv seirnncmee tnhte hNaisxno'nt iynevaersst.i - Fi rst UFO Statio n. ·I mean, where else but on the 'wife, Mary, watched~. Bowlin ea mU..e_ tta!nY e~r en.t and adjust the black gated UFOs since Project Bluebook, the Air ~;~ni0::p~:~::;;>J:~~ ~a~~~ receptive to set up his telescope, whi~ re bu tor ~~you need. Force study, rendered them harmless . and "We're still waiting, and the offer's still good." vealed a domed shape aiop the saucer section. "You could almost see a win dow around the top," he said .. "It was like a big, brilliantkalei 1"'1 doscope." 01 01 WALKING SOFTLY BY JOHN E. ANDRIST Deschutes County Sheriff's (Deputy Gene Moyers was on 0 :duty at the. time, and spoke to 1"'1 l Tales of a card- carrying UFO detective Bowlin _on the telephone. 'The officer asked if I was referring to a big object in die eastern sky at about30degrees,•• .~~llll eqangupaeUisontFri tToO onhsfsu SFrasebLdaoEatutylWte wt hs IhteoNe "pnTep aPOeredt thm ein rcy oD tlooia fkaveis ek" sglataattenirnd. gin cgr ogpra* cini r cfliee*lsd. sD. eM*sio grnes o inn that aymnooyuRr 'ecir aceot krtr l oTleeu ismnmsd imisisns nigcn' otgu u.gp lo Bdhinunu'tgnt w drtoerhe mebdnees m, noobn eer er"irtgahhteetr eihn'is st hssoepm e*eeye ctehh wi. n*Hhge e on l uoh*toe tk hssea ryyeos..u" vsaaicdDa tBeipoounwt 1yait nM p. oreysesr st,i mweh oa wnda su onn. . which appeared on the Timm THE EARTH COOKIE theo- ticed instantly. HE SUPPORTED the tractor available for comment, noted .~~~...:I · RRtheaesnD epcrahhvve oaentnnoi opmthnoee rint nC ow Oonal,cs vbt itoulolbtoe en Irlona 1ttd e9ti o8atoo4n . sl aetee hrbdiareeidesn p gat or ch ehc iuatmolclo k u Rlfpeai scts okca i ndTndaait mtyeine.m tgT, hStaoe us rnweedn awasiyete. rotIeo f oTpuircetAk kme tfdura acnuch pta ofnaur d scb so"e.uD aApmrls.e Wca oo ohfun coledo"- whtaiadsmv dweeic iStth,t a I. r bfasrtbeoaaonmmud ti a tna hs greo uoiunrrna yhld iwr sse lispetihaed jpaea nnmto ta a wfnsie hnicndod hhwoiitsome k fsreeo lnft etmahv beeenr ri,tcg iwaohlnalt s soi ttnaofr c.th"ha iesll tslhiogeg ho.t binHjegic,s t h ·oo~nyus.loty · B~ ·taob coFouomtrit et.h uops ew withh ot wdoo nn'et wre mtheemorbieesr , "pcoorPut'elsdt et wbr eios" nsaeosr tIiioo rnuessla. atbedo uDt athviesn. donT'tH dEou SbUt* iBt -aE b*Ait.R T*H travel the- lywoaacrlkdke.e dHd. itHsh ehe roceuo.s uel dwna'st htoatvaell ysl eep ingB thurto thueg hd ae pteulteys cwoapsen.' t look a huge pear-shaped "earth cookie" "There definitely is something out ory took me by surprise. While puzzling the event he Bowlin managed a photo was lifted from a dry pothole, car there we don't know about," he Peter observed humans have heard a loud humming and saw a graph of me object, though not ried 65 feet' and dropped, intact. It said. "It's powerful and it's mastered travel in all parts of our beam of light come straight down throughhistelescope.1bephoto had rotated slightly during its scary." planet as well as in space. All parts from the sky and illuminate a cow shows a starless expanse of sky, "flight." Like tractor beams. but one. We travel through the air standing in a pasture near his punctuated by a clusterofbright Rick and Pete Timm discov You "Trekkies" understand that and above it. We travel over water home. lights. Very little imagination is etores,dD c aiotv pweinehpdilo eor utr irldo eionnkgtie rfdeo rca tlc ioaput tfrlt elpe. h (oi t's -pdboorwet anpm eoousptl ooe ffu etphn eein rstgkoyy t.wh Teh hsicekh ys ttourarf nf so f agnrdoW utnhedr ot,r ubagvuhet lni tao. ct rtohsrso uthgeh tiotp. of the tshtrea Tcighohewt h uwupma.s Am lififtnteegrd ia nb bcyir tet,h ateshe ebd eb aaenmadm, nsheacpeses Baroyw toli ng iavtetr tihbeu toebsj teoc ti tt.h e an inch thick) and offered his "beam me up, Scotty." UFOs may have mastered that snapped off. Seconds later the cow This is not the ·first time ideas, along with dozens of anec Peter suggested a UFO had one. They might create "earth plopped to the earth, killed by the Bowlin has seen unidentifiable dotes about Unidentified Flying hovered over the spot and used a cookies" or huge divots when they falL lights in the sky. Once last sum Objects. tractor beaiil in an attempt tore surface too quickly on their sub Davenport gave me a number mer, and again in the fall, he thmiigmaaYjto oaorsr u. U s CsuFeacOerh,r ,giP earesfotf ueail rpic asias tr iinadn g Uoi duhFeriOnm nt ia ifwntyivoiitennhsg. ~thtrwui~eogv ef«e ed eai,t vc otohitwt i ocd.kf rI eo.n Uapsrtppteheoad,nd 8 ,td hxiite1s t0cdo oiofvvekoee ttru. i pbn yga tawenriylrNdao-nonee,ey a Peenedl sjt oeoer,ud rdDdnr-aeebvysasesleln.. s p Hcoaerts luiosaonlkl'yts aal inkde ftewoonhnrc o teSh htieana tUvse oh.F lHaOvdie n h aegonn t UcleiovFnueeOrn aistn g ot oeWrs ce aaaxsnlphly eitonrhinge e shpeo "tstBaeiudd t,s wi~m<hitie lnaa rlIs posba jwheca itdts .b ceofloorree,d" He came to Omak from Ken ~~ tried again and got its neatly, speaks clearly, doesn't 24-hour hotline at 206-722-3000. lights. It's kind of eerie when newick, where he'd been investi- CtiW, he said. waive his anns or suddenly accel- It's not a toll-free calL you see this kind of thing." More reports of UFOs in area 0~: t~•:=v BStya "fJfIA tW NhrIaiCtdeEr lKigAhtRs,L Oit VwICaHs quiet, it was low spaliad"n.Te h"bIatet 'cswa uwasshe y st ohI ewrrueel iewrdd a osbu entc oaa nunysoetih siietn, "gw Rlaikso ews aoe frcoilgramBhimtua.t etiD dos neot.Ho m ahevatehvnie,n lgsiek eewn ao tsthhnee' tr osq bwujeihctoet, deaafofseLats itI r.nns d oSoithaf finsrieacln.ee dyr aaZti urGcmrraibsfestoh oml,v , easr a pinduo brstlhhice :~: ....; andT iht awta'ss shlooww." Shriner Lake resident quieTth."e number of people who say they saasisdo cbiea tdeiddn 'wt ihteha rh ethliec oloputde rnso ioser cmoiuglhdt nboet bnee swu rme,i bliutatr tyh ohueglihcto tphteerres ~~ ~u Gflyeionrgg eo bRjeocwt et hdaets cshrieb esda idth aep upneiadreend tinfieeadr. snaigwh t asnk iuesn iTdueenstdifaiye di nf lWyinhgit leoyb jaenctd iNn otbhlee airc"rIa fts. topped my truck and that are quieter than usual. his Whitley County home Tuesday night. counties continues to grow. ~~~~...1 ., ~0-~>1 . bwwlaiaghlRlthe' c'tgnIohs'a vwiotmnehueg eetn sy aetsi hdvhnseeeoad .rrw M tshl yeaaie sjbogn er r1a fo4noLu-yrepyeta he go9aiuf:nr3 eg-s0 o i lxAlpid k.ltmel o- sS. io tet Tanibgru e hewfbtso aderrseearee,dy " lLshetaiyrgva ISoCnneon g oi abeeufd eranf derltypiy,nt io i nmmolugincnia loeanit bbto,ao jl aerefR cyf Lito t cioaTwge nuoreedsen x a sipredwnelrada peyfi oaana nrmt nhtiteogiheldhtyreh t .esao iernnf efcdWiiinc dtgihwea inltoas t lfioptor,noe oir aFAktrt kae ow dyddsria p,atdw" sor W hkhnvTeeeoeuasn rteysm y asryn ediasoedpnpau .yoo I a"l ornonWttkt oiegytukhhrh.ne neetIud.na t s It awunIi toada finliist ra.a os"anltb ajlsA ietaActiwlrtie sr FtcmhaoaelrRlTy te NuhdWhsa atasthat v iMyepeon h Dnaererae,osn lsphs ouapaWmlilltdlee,ee r dnata e h otffmehnrf oeee lcormate tcc.o Sk csr euooorrmlfvso iegscwtoihesuht i nneiandngt ~o...., ~~ sksEaonvimodRaw enotRs hw owieTnwh gosea.ay,"t i odwitt athhw oeia n osi s,bF jbaeo ucrtftt i mnwWaaenda ceyde en nfemoin. ani"tnoeIail sgyde e osra annaw'dtt comDEwwplaaahesnstete an lo ny Chn.o eo rW Wrstphaa.he wliitatn lswDe tCy he hoHaCufta robvCuueebon nutlt,husy ocam ounRb,g o iehsaanatd giwC di5 nieth5ery0eee, r at sNaflariaigedthai ot.Ws n AaTel du sGnepseuodsakdareaydsy nw uitnghoihamttt iaintnnh eFtahroteer tGLw Wiregirosaesny oinnemoer ssathopoaupunnen datdhr ssef r eeeemqitiuhtiethetnree cdrsi etfrgsroe rnqseghuaeeiftrnte corya rn. odwr e naloekisseesr 3 hovered right about tree level. three helicopters flying in Air Force Base in Peru said Grissom GLOBE, Joplin, MO - July 29, 1993 CR: M. Davenport Globe PholoiMIKE GULLETT Sam Uptegrove sits In his office In his home where he writes, edits and publishes Amateur Ufology News, a magazine about UFO slghtlngs and experiences. Reporter says some things he's heard are. . • . By Mike Surbrugg and reach conclustiiJl" I get some did not talk about publicly until the Globe Stall Writer good-natured kiddtng, hut I am not la,;t two years. "You try to get all the facts you can about each nHwked," h1· says. .. For lack of better words, that LOCKWOOD. Mo. During the Uptegr'""' says lw's ,;11rprised at was when I came out of the closet," reported sighting and reach conclusions. I get last 20 years, Sam Uptt'h'TOVL' tht- nwnlwr of JK'oplt· 111 the last he says. some good-natured kidding, but I am not mocked." estimates he has intt·tviewed more two yt·ars who hav•· nmfided to Besides publishing his magazine, than 1,000 people to rel'ord their him ;Jbout UF< l si~h''''~s they have Uptegrove also attends UFO con - Sam Uptegrove descriptions of what are commonly ent·owltt·rPd n•t't'nl h or years earli ferences. He is also working with a called Unidentifit'CI Flying Object<;. er. group in Springfield who are kee~ new to the Uzarks. He says what wanner months when more people He says the accounts are ahout l-It-.. own intPrest began when he ing track of sightings, locations and was described as a flying airship are outdoors, says Uptegrove. "incredible things seen by en'<liblt• wa,., K YL·an; old. dates. was seen in Webster County prior · Not all sightings are in the sky. people." "( ln~ day my father called me Among seven sightings reported to 1900. He talks about seeing fields where "What people tell of set>ing is and my mother into the yard to see in April: Persons who have seen UFOs craft may have landed and about a often unbelievable, but told hy a hr·ight-blue light in the sky. - A Battlefield resident seeing a react with fear, fascination and depression left in a gravel road in people who are believable." says Nei~hlx)rs in our Kansas City white oval light with a red-yellow doubt. Webster County. Uptegrove. suburb wt·n• luoking at the light green band moving around the "I saw it with my own eyes, but it "The ring was nine feet in The 42-year-old Lockwood police that would JIHJVL· in small circles center. is not possible," he says people tell diameter. The gravel had been officer writes, edits and publishes and th•·n IJJ(l\ ,. quickly in a - A man in the same area who him. pressed into the ground. Some in the monthly Amateur Ufology wavl'nltg nt•>l ""'to another site to says he was followed by a light that Most people are hesitant to call the bottom of the depression was News magazine. He says has more n·sw1w tlw ,.,,nail circles. We looked left when stopped and got out of his sightings a spaceship, Uptegrove crushed. The gravel was not than 300 subscribers in the United at it fi1r mon· than 10 minutes," he car. says, referring to sightings as craft thrown out like what would be left States and four foreign countries. "avs. A Marshfield resident who saw or an airplane type they had never by a motorcycle cutting dough "I plan to exchange subscriptions \Jpt<'grow lll·gan reading books a black oval object with "funny seen before. nuts," Uptegrove says. with a UFO magazine published in on UFO stghtings. When he was 15, colored" lights in the say. A Uptegrove says current interest He says people have reported English in Russia," he says. his father t<x1k him to interview a similarly described craft was report is on abductions that appear to close encounters or seeing objects While being a police officer may couple at Lexington who told of ed seen in other areas months follow UFO sighting paths recorded at a distance they cannot explain. keep some people from talking seeing a UFO. earlier. since 1947. Some who say they have Sightings last a few seconds to freely with him, he says it helps "It turns out what they had seen "It is difficult to describe things been abducted are scheduled speak hours and are seen day and night. others who like the credibility it was a weather balloon. About 75 to you have never seen before. Colors ers during a UFO conference. to be bri"nYgos.u try to get all the facts you 8n0o tp eUrcFeOnst" o fh ree psoarytse.d sightings are abrreig hdti,f"f icsuaylts bUepcateugsreo vteh.e y are so shaeylds. Sept. 17-19 in Springfield, he 2te3l2Ul --ph4t8iem5g6 r oatovb eog uest ta uyfansc etxpsp ealrasbiononeusdt tchsaeign h mtcianaggllas z.h inime oart can about each reported sighting His interest was a hobby that he Unexplained sightings are not Most aerial sightings are in the 4 NEWS, Detroit, MI - April 12, 1993 CR: K. Turner • Visitors? Michigan has always been a popular tourist destination- in fact some say calls from residents who reported seeing mysterious orange and blue the state's popularity extends all the way into the far reaches of the galaxy. ' lights and flying disks in the sky. Among the witnesses were a World War II bomber pilot and a Baptist minister. • In October 1973, two Detroit po lice officers reported seeing a UFO with red and white flashing lights at 6 a.m. while patroling near Mary grove College. Both agreed it couldn't . have been a airplane because, one said, "Planes can't travel that fast straight up." • In September 1967, three people, including a United Press Interna tional business manager, reported seeing a UFO behind an Air Force jet over Detroit one night. They thought it was a bright star or weather bal loon until they noticed it was keeping up with the jet. The object stopped completely for a minute, then sped away from the plane, they said. UFO devotees hope Fire in the Sky will bring more people forward to tell their tales of abduction. The movie focuses on Travis Walton, then 22. He and five crew members were returning from a job on a backwoods road near Heber, Ariz., about 100 miles southwest of Flag staff, when they saw a bright light. They said a UFO appeared in front of their truck. Walton got out to investigate and was hit by a ray from the craft, the workers said. · The remaining workers fled in terror. When they returned, Walton was missing. Walton turned up sev eral days later, and staggered into Heber, supposedly suffering from shock and partial amnesia. Walton's story of abduction was revealed under hypnosis with three physicians in attendance. In his re telling, Walton described his exami nation in the spacecraft by aliens with large heads and hands that had no fingernails. Others called Walton's story UFO watchers look to the stars bunk. Philip J. Klass, a retired senior editor for Aviation Week and Space Technology magazine, concluded Walton and logging crew leader Mi in hopes of seeing fire in the sky chael Rogers concocted a hoax to win a National Enquirer UFO-sighting contest and manufacture an excuse for missing a logging deadline. Walton, Rogers and the others ly true story of Travis Walton, an rector of the Mutual UFO Net fM·1*W·N4ilj split a $5,000 prize, but have denied By Douglas llka Arizona Forest Service tree cutter work (MUFON). any hoax. THE DETROIT NEWS whc claims he was abducted by Have any of these abductions Have you ever seen a UFO? Tell Klass said Walton flunked his aliens in November 1975. been documented and publicized? first lie detector test, and respected Aliens from outer space are Such close encounters of the "Absolutely not," Coyne said. us about your experiences. polygraph examiner John J. McCar· saying yes to Michigan. third kind - contact with extra "People come to me in confidence. aPnleda dsea yinticmlued peh yoonuer nnuammbee, rt.o Ywonu thy concluded Walton committed And they're even taking state terrestrials - are happening right They don't come to me to have can: "gross deception," and, "in concert residents for a ride, say local UFO in our back yard, UFO students their stories publicized. with others, is attempting to perpe • Fax your response at - unidentified flying object - say. "These people are traumatized. trate a UFO hoax." 222-2335. "watchers." "There have been 33 abduc This is not like driving down the • Call the hotline at 222-2284 or ~oy~e disputes Klass' findings, The recently released movie tions in Michigan since Jan. 1," saymg: I wouldn't give you 2 cents 222-2287 Fire in the Sky tells the supposed- said Shirley Coyne, statewide di- for Phil Klass. He's the biggest de • Or write Soundoff, The Detroit bunker out there. He's an armchair News, 615 W. Lafayette, Detroit, Close encounters Mich., 48226. investigator. He's a liar. He's never even talked to anyone who has been abducted. Most alien abduction stories share these "These abductions happen and elements: they happen to people just like you and me." • A UFO is sighted. Does MSU's Murphy believe hu • Victims report a period of unaccounted, man beings have been abducted by missing time. UFOs? • Details of the abduction are revealed "Maybe I'm not the best person to only after the victim undergoes hypnosis. ask about that," Murphy said. "Talk • Someone appears to have medically to a psychologist. I think there are •e xVamictinimesd dthisep alabyd pucstyecdh ovliocgtimicasl. ~~-(~ ... snoemede sdoimsteu rhbeeldp .p" eople out there who problems and sometimes physical But he does believe life exists aftereffects. .~· outside the solar system. • Victims' story is substantiated with "The materials are all out there " a lie detector test. ''· Murphy said. "The substances of life •' :'~-' are found freely in space. If the conditions are right there's a good chance that life does exist, but for it ~aobdireWrpnoecnveoaygdaceedvanr d OMunneat s' o tH r amhfa orh fnrwteniMtiriaedelhcedddladpn i sUo - na otdsas2buahlFtrhea7sw l gtaOuht el aehoene waiypIdn ' rTeteaC 5rgdalaosrdi0.i lone rhgt ae Tksoe auUe xh hsbdMarnptaF.oesjieb gteefOf ei yoorfccfmrai usthe.ssr oi teiwn ieTn ggsnipcd shitathegtwote enchiht,parni sae,e tnagu ebmls pngaee t lDipucdbsipoden ecber f shtkoaolx g haitttiprtcahehevndeils.ydneeeeg "r, t~~asilMWnuctrsa•a e Mreuavpj"a""nM u rloietIiAetrg.rp dg m'ieunYbdahnnn elrpeo btideyttupgilo yso in moihouet slon nyhavfaotob n ei etfPvetdbtsa, a h oir t.tgarret hewh ise rwoogeb eestaofUf.yehehm is p stdU FeTct tp e oheOaattFhonhrlbenNreOls aedej stbeyaei p r dnaevc'etslrao nxetCaa iet bg ddhpolnh l aohwao l veeaarutAvoe tiai its ketrnnsnegca Vy c gaaowrba piebsd enaqete ,nle nsu. etoetw"umtbhtnhi.p risc au aifayl,kase s"ttl. tysqwsUhVribonoepouaeonogl mauniaatuy" nMc irdrtlewtTaeagtidt.e vegh .uv eh"dirteeeerTr dh-ef er p lmied he htSiiatt i enmoioyUs stl ii ta oeasn1zanvng tfghe9sniieei eia sv7rtcatdsoe wiihe7ern,tefdso,e e sa k"o y f sy o aa tuMotsi.Shu nti rtuUzh es tr uTtrpeat e oe Fra lpht x ppsOaerataaasohahn nsl omtllywemew dm al tapgos srl,o. r i laa diuuz eVvoiulesel desddofpny oys. o y tcs fsh"ybfha thtyU aeottge eehoh vuemomsudeeea rrf •psstUit shoate oFie nacDBdb"pC OeoSIe.h{ped o'n sksu"ett iytrt Iyghtndr oont.aeto is ieet bnsuaTtshl tu dtylgNierirt caha gTmeeeknvtedtotw s cdihn imf sthst tereo o WSxaow Gotmanthftacraach d itesyltfsehe te lfn wonwyerrn Winje weaoictp.mslno"yirloot s ti iauod trwmntgetddogo.rhi n e nsFvaenh aMtii ttars "ihse iioss tak nn hpoiuen.'e s"tf UFOB uitn sak ehpigtihc-ss pseaeyd cUhFaOse . watchers saebesionlgu tuen buosuttaolm th oinf gmsy i nli stht we oskuyld. Tbeh ea cweonutledr oonf lyy ohuar vhe antrda vteol etdh ef roemdg et hoef sdhoouudlsd. get their heads out .·v f the visit by a UFO." your palm in 12 years. And that's According to Murphy, the odds traveling at 40,000 mph." "I've had some contact wit!h MU are astronomically slim that an ad But that does not stop people FON in the past when they rented vanced civilization would want to from reporting sightings: the Kellogg Center on campus," said 5 visit Earth. • In July 1952, officers at the Doug Murphy, program director for "Our Milky Way is one of billions Selfridge air base in Harrison Town· Michigan State University's Abrams in the universe," Murphy said. "If ship were swamped with late-evening Planetarium. TIMES HERALD RECORD, Roche~ter, NY - July 31, 1993 CR: T. Nesser ~Taking UFO, or folks feeling their oats? ~ ~UFOs COLUMBIA CENTER (AP) - Whatever caused the ..., strange design in Helen Pyc's oat field, it sure is the talk of this upstate farming town. The unusual pattern mysteriously appeared this week. ~seriously That, combined with a report of unidentified objects in the air near the field, have fueled speculation over what caused the design. "c0:: "It makes you think; it makes you wonder," Mike Robel j Group works to give lard of Ilion said. "Yes, it might have been a UFO," said Cyndie Bailey of ~ credence to sightings West Winfield. Cars lined both sides of Route 28 this week as motorists tried to make sense of the strange design that appeared in EE9 BY TOM CAMPBELL a cOonr nMero onfd aa y2, 0a-anc ruen fiideeldn tioffi erdip e"ntriungck o adtrsi.v er from North TIMES-DISPATCH STAFF WRITER Carolina" told the Herkimer Evening Telegram he had seen "round cylindrical shapes" in the air near the field. ?~ The word "serious" shows up of- The Telegram printed a story, and people began driving ten in the literature of UFO sightings by to gape at the pattern. Hundreds were there Thursday en and investigations. and they kept coming yesterday, Mrs. Pyc, of Herkimer, ~ UFO people advocate serious in- said. The Associated Press H {!!es~to ~~:e~:~~tl~:n~~ bu"t In loitvheidn go nto am faakrme thfoors e4 4o aytes alrasy. Wso ep'veer fheacdt aws inthdastt,o"r mshse, Circular patterns appear in an oat field in Her methods to obtain serious data, seri said. "It don't seem possible that a prankster could do kimer County. ously studying them and drawing se that." rious conclusions. The oats lay perfectly flat in precise patterns. Within week ago, and said that wind had knocked some of his own "It's probably the most important each circular area, the oats lay in a neat concentric clock hay down as well. The pattern was "definitely the work of scientific subject of the century," wise whorl about 25 feet in diameter. wind," he said. said Walter H. Andrus Jr., interna Some of those who stopped to see the pattern said it Others think the patterns are the work of pranksters. tional director of the Mutual UFO might have been caused by visitors from space because "I think there's somebody looking out the window of that Network. MUFON is holding its 1993 they could see no way a prankster could have done it. barn right this minute laughing his pants off," said Paula International UFO Symposium here But some farmers in this Herkimer County community Macisco of Frankfort. 10 miles southeast of Utica say the patterns were caused this weekend. Several hundred people are at by recent violent winds. Neighbor John Kucerak said he saw the oats down a tending and yesterday nearly filled a ballroom at the Hyatt Richmond to hear speakers on an agenda that started Friday, ran late lastrught and concludes about 5:30 p.m. today. REPORTER, Fond du Lac, WI - Feb. 4, 1993 CR: R. Heiden More than a dozen people will speak UFO scare? City man through the weekend. The writt~n proceedings of the symposium present UFO reports and investigations-in exhaustive detail . ..., topics cllcuslecl So do the speakers, whose topics says E. T. friendly include world-wide similarities in ab ductions of humans by aliens; signifi cant sightings in Germany, China and Puerto Rico; and declassification of Spain's version of Project Blue Book, the U.S. Air Force report on UFOs. "Detail is really the evidence that By Lee Reinsch leasing the information to the "We shouldn't be frightened; you need to substantiate the solid Of The Reporter Staff public." we should wake up to this fact ca$efi,'' Andrus said.. "We.deal with ftahei'ntfi t-hatn waonutelds, st~ifn'C! up p-ilna ca. ecso, uarnt yo f A local man with an intense meOnnt'es sreecarseocny , fhoer stahyes , giosv ethrna t sBaoybs Khuee shanw l:llw,We don~ deal in · ·es. We interest in unidentified flying ob "New World Order is control of his first UFO e~ryB trliinttgleein gd esttcaiielh nwtiefei cc sianivHeeisnt~dig ao tuitoot.n "e vto jsloehgcoitucsl dton( 'Ut" eFtxrOyp lsa)tio n sauawsyeas ys"pc ieereonctpieflniect pemneeomnpetl enf,rt oacmnad nc oapnnretyrv oetlynlpitn egt h opef e egonoplvlieeg.rh nIt t 4a.t tShien caeg eth oefn , bear on what used to be mainly just reports of UFO sightings. (secrecy) is mind control of the he's seen somebody's description of what they Reports of a UFO sighting masses." "literally saw is difficult. But nowadays people near Hustisford in Dodge "The sightings around the dozens" often obtain photographs or video County during the weekend has country tend to come in a bar more. tape of lights in the sky, shapes hov produced a flood of reaction and rage, and you'll hear govern ering nearby and other UFO phe phone calls at the Dodge County ment officials giving some expla very quickly because they are go nomena. Sheriff's Department. nation that is absolutely ridicu ing to figure into the civilization MUFON and other UFO study "They (authorities) say it is lous," he said. of this world," Kuehn says. groups employ scientific investiga the planet Jupiter, but what To label UFOs as "natural Kuehn says beings from outer tppioevrrect sem nthte atthto o ad9rse5 etpoxe prlwcaeienneatdb oleof uotth ro tuhsneer er8lei0 twraet'ererr esseteriinalg cisr adfet,f"in iltoeclya l anU FexO Kphueehnno smayesn. a" is outrageous, spa"cMe aorset t reyxintrga ttoe rhreelspt ruisa. ls are able and to give some measure of buff Bob Kuehn said. "I have seen UFOs, and they good people and they want to credence to the rest, Andrus said. "Extraterrestrial beings are com are not natural phenomena," he help us make things better," he That growing, detailed "body of ing into our ar'!a," he says. says. says. evidence" will one day be sufficient Kuehn, a f..:>rmer member of Kuehn, a former private pilot Kuehn says extraterrestrials to "resolve the phenomena" and ex the Fond du Lac Symphonic and amateur astronomer, says walk, live and work among us. plain UFOs. That is MUFON's ulti Band who is employed in a he knows an aircraft when he "You can't tell them from reg mate hope, Andrus said. "number of different jobs," says sees one. ular people. Some of them have hderadlon .........? Ohev esra wth eh ilsa sft ir5s7t yUeFarOs, ahte 'asg see e4n. sp"inTnhien go,b jseacutsc eI r-hsahvaep esede dn isacres higKhu cehhene ksbayosn ehse,' 'p Keruseohnna l5lyay hs.a s Perhaps that will happen by induc "literally dozens" of them, he with yellow lights. I know what had mental contact with beings ing the U.S. government to acknowl says. I see." he says. from other planets. feaUondFrdg Oy et eshw aaarhtrsa e a-t leAixentnthrdsaar ttuae sUrr ersFe aOisyntssrt eiaiartrla e hcs atprisean ackglen , cwotrhwiatafnhtt g(tohKvee usreinghmhnte,i nngt6 s1"), kansraoey"ws b s uthwt eihs a fnte odtteh rreeay-l tmheeKrmeusleyeh lv"nfe rssi.ag"yh st ennoend- baenldie vlyeirns ga rtoe crmaeidi"nviTodeh ri,wes" y anK vcoueo msen htooanrrc e st waytyhhosaau.n tre avm eriran.d diY owo iruteh r human beings. "The government has denied the existence ofUFOs for ages," he said. "They're continually lying to the public." Andrus also buys the idea that on my part," Andrus said. Glasses showed effects of heat The wife had been sleeping in the eamlnn!edAgml inno~bdeterh~eurer-sssmr iiasnfealcoirlrdiou s~dpteM hoa ecfcNfe DiA c4ofe,Si5nrrAsm0n e0asln s,l cd-MDdi ecoUonocutFltilgoOselrtgassNes,, afdapenleeirdsAretici nmlnfrisridta ebyriane lu,rtpd saer wt boisayiojateb hniacdd btuh a.d cuntuhtgdicene t a gehla eselpsoia ee adonasspss s lamea-n adfslo loe,ro r ytfthete exiosnn ,f aowmfi WOtrahens phseUoae trFrd'tesO e pndisnoo . sr titM g siphnUet itFcnhuOgels aNs tay ionminndpv ieosen sstcithuiogemua dnt eiptoteranoriss l dwssetoaaewWsnm tet aeebandmb d tpr soeotl odurhoa cirkftk ile ahlhydsimih sb b lehoiinihfel diatnlehdiddg e;o.h futHaa tct ai etsnth hdapean l atwdh s eiithnnaiec t abcwonlunihdm nel kinbhi mb eatdehd h e aij bdinunordstiu otvtt h epaerut hsctma aewhbi l,ee trb rhi bugeseht h hUts-oihFhneeaOds nw. dgoo anki nesaie unnapdgt professors - "serious people," he and no sex organs - are a dying ceedings details a 20-year-old inci glasses showed heat effects and his The driver hit the brakes after the said. race. They can reproduce now only dent near Cape Girardeau, Mo. Eddie face felt sunburned afterward. Doc- flash of light and brought the truck to Also attending the symposium is by artificially inseminating human Doyle Webb and Velma Mae Webb, a tors said his vision w:as affect~<i: __ _ a stop nearly straight, but not com the woman who said she recently beings. husband-and-wife trucker team, In the MUFON report, we also pletely straight, in the lane. gave birth to her tenth human-alien were nearing home on an interstate learn the truck was a 1973 Peterbilt Schuessler said MUFON has thou- hybrid child. So is the New Yorker Detailed lmestiptlotll highway just before dawn one foggy pulling a 40-foot Dorsey refrigerated sands of such cases on file, carefully who reported being abducted from "They are using us. Tl;ley're here night in 1973. trailer. researched from all available sources her apartment by aliens using a blue for their own welt"are, not" ours," An Something the shape of a turnip or "But he was hauling plastic at the of information, all with "the details of tractor beam. drus said. "Otherwise, they'll die a spinning top with bright lights in time so the refrigerator unit wasn't what we found. The details are im Andrus said the evidence is over out." rainbow colors came up behind the on," said John F. Schuessler, who portant. ... It's there, it's all there, whelming that UFOs exist and he's But he thinks the aliens are basi 18-wheeler. Webb, who was driving, described the highly detailed report and you can decide for yourself what pisisspe arsscotoeh ncasartua lrlfyett. .h c Neoyon tv ieanvrceeer dy oethnxeetr eainxt epMrlraUensaFttOriioaNnl cttihaoelnlyya rcby-oe nnls~aidoddle~err nu. ts" Ttloohwwaaetr rdi so uns~ p-t;he-acelu telhvaootuilogunh cgwsaoeawurs-l sdaiindnt 'egt lisneoe due ht fsaiosinrd yetmt hheimirn ridgorr rriio.vn re Mtrhb. rees c.p aauWssseee bnib t yrleieeassrt neefrrddoa mfyr oinmU hFtiOhs est amlak.n don wmheadti ccaal nin jbue you think about it." 6 DAILY NEBRASKAN, Lincoln~ NE - May 3, 1993 Conference explores unexplained phenomena Center's director Abduction survivor insists UFO believers shares experiences have evidence, sanity about meeting aliens By Sam Kepfield By Sam Kepfield Staff Reporter ~taft Reporter Physicist Enrico Fermi once asked, "If there "The first time you meet someone who's had arc other intelligent extraterrestrial life forms a bizarre experience like this, you feel like out there, where arc they?" you're no longer alone in this world." Some people believe the answer to Fermi's For Vicki Stadler, that sentiment is particu question is that they arc already here, and hayc larly important, in light of her "bizarre experi been for nearly 50 years-and that the U.S. ences." government knows about it. Stadler, 41, a lifelong Lincolnitc, said she The Lincoln-based Fortean Research Center has been abducted by al icns nearly one hundred sponsored "Exploring Unexplained Phenom times since age seven. ena Y" this weekend at the Nebraska Center for Continuing Education. Founded in 1982, the She told her story Friday night at a confer Fortcan Center, named for paranormal re ence sponsored by the Fortean Research Cen searcher Charles Fort, has sponsored five con ter, at the Center for Continuing Education, ferences over the past 10 years, on various 33rd and Holdrege streets. paranormal topics. Stadler said her·first~~oecurred at The focus of this year's conference was age 7, while playing in her back yard. She saw Unidentified Flying. Objects. Scientific data a tiny man - very old with large eyes and was presented by world-renowned researchers dressed in a snug-fitting uniform -motion to from such diverse fields as nuclear physics to her from a garage in the back yard. She fol theology, on topics from crop circles to abduc lowed him inside, and walked into "an enor tions. mously bright light." She awoke three hours Scott Colbor'l, director of the center, said it later in a closet-unusual, considering she had was "high time that we forget about what others claustrophobia. think of this. It's time for people to come forward with what they know, be it research or In 1984 Stadler's experiences began again, personal experiences." when she began to have a recurring dream that The UFO field has too often been painted as she was in her car taking a trip to Branched Oak the province of the "True Believers," who Lake. At the lake she was met by a large ship ·'want to be beamed up now," Colborn said. and was drawn up into a lighL Once inside, the Two presentations centered on the crash of aliens examined her physically and questioned a spacecraft ncar Roswell, N.M., in July 1947. her. She was returned two days later. Kevin Randle, a former Air Force intelligence In 1989, she began seeing a psychologist to officer, set out initially to disprove the entire help her rcmcJl!ber the events. With the aid of story in 19HX. But as he and his partner, Don hypnosis, the memories came back in a "land Schmitt, dug decper,thcy found credible, first slide." hand evidence that the crash had indeed oc curred, and that the U.S. government had cov Since then, Stadler's visitations have· re ered it up. Their first hook on the incident sulted in two mysteriously-terminated preg appeared in 1991; a second book, prescntmg nancies. One five months along, which physi even more evidence, is due out at the end or cians termed a "miscarriage." 1993. She was followed several times by "men in Stanton Friedman, a nuclear physicist, has black," after beginning work on an article, with researched the same event for the last 15 years. her husband and her psychologist, about a Friedman said he had uncovered evidence point see ret underground installation in New Maxico ing to a crash ncar Roswell, as well as indica Robin Trimarchi/DN which houses human and hybrid human-alien tions of another one nearby at the same Limo. children. Although he and Randle d is agrcc on some of Carol Singer of Fort Collins, Colo., browses among the alien dolls made the details, the two arc in accord on most of the by J.P. Moore of Lincoln, on display at the "Exploring Unexplained Stadler said that everything that has oc basics. Phenomena" conference at the Nebraska Center on Friday. curred has left her with symptoms akin to post Friedman said the theory that UFOs arc the _,, ________________________________ _ traumatic stress syndrome, or rape trauma syn staple of uneducated fools is inaccurate. He drome. Socially, she said she was hesitant at first to come forth with her story, "because said Gallup polls showed that the majority of people believe in UFOs and that the more someone you know will find out and think educated a person is, the more likely he is to you're a lunatic." This is only the second time believe in UFOs. If you're a belisver, you're the cream of the crop, not the bottom she has made her experiences public; the first was a year and a half ago at a similar conference "Ifyou'rca believer, you'rcthccrcam of the of the barrel. Come out of the closet! in Lincoln. crop, not the bottom of the barrel. Come out of -Friedman sthciec nctilsoLs<et; ~a·n· dF reinegdimneaenr ss aairdc, baedldieinvger st haast wmeolls.t ''- cryS hhoea ixs .n oMt foarzee dp,r tohfoeussgiho,n bayl st haorsce cwohmoi mngig htot The three-day conference also included a recognize the problem, and it is gaining accep panel of five people, four of them from Ne tance from the general public, with support braska-two from Lincoln-who claimed to modern tales of "Men in Black" who often "is that widespread, uncritical belief could lead groups forming everywhere, including Lin have multiple abduction experiences. One of threaten and harass UFO witnesses and to overt rule by god-like beings, much like coln. the speakers was Dr. John Slater, a professor of abd!.!CtCCS. Mount Olympus." The subject must be ap Indian Studies at the University of North Da Bocchc said he was doubtful that these proached with a great deal of caution, he said. "Most people don't know the magnitude of kota. Slater said he had been abducted several sightings were actually extraterrestrial. He said it. I'm not real educated, but I'm real knowl times, most recently in 1988. he believed some may come from inside the Colhorn agreed. "The center comes at this edgeable on this topic," she said. "I try to live Theologian Ray Boeehc, co-founder of the Earth and abductions may be conducted in from an open-minded, skeptical point of view. my life, with a husband and our children, and· Fortcan Center, spoke on the similarities be tandem with the government. We try to be open-minded, but not so much so odd things occur in life from which there is no tween ancient tales of demons and fairies and "The dan)!er of belief," Bocchc cautioned, that our brains fall out." reference point to deal with them." Warm Weather Brings Out ISLANDER, Pensacola Beach, FL - March 31, 1993 beach pattern that we are all familiar offshore. To witness, this object sighted at Shoreline Park, the object with, the next day he again set up the appeared to be about twice that dis appeared at approximately 8:00p.m., Skywatchers, UFOs video camera when he went home for tance away and it took only 1 second and remained forsome4 1(2 minutes. lunch, after fixing a sandwich he to cross the screen, making its speed There were approximately 8 to 10 went back onto the deck, looking to 400 M.P.H. plus. witnesses present because I received a phone call on the southeast he was amazed to see The object appears to be ellipti As the weather improves, so do Thursday from a fellow that lives on the object streaking towards him from cal, and silver in color, there was the numbers of people coming out to by Bland Pugh the beach. It seems that he was going out in the Gulf. The video camera did definitely a structural feature, the skywatch. to his mailbox and just happened to its· job, and captured the UFO as it bottom appeared to be flat, as the Well what can I tell you, other On Wednesday evening I had look up, as he did something mo~. crossed the field of view. object streaked across the sky you than to keep looking up and behind gone to the beach alone to skywatch, at an incredible sjieed flashed over On Saturday evening, I met with could see the sun reflecting off of the you. You never know what or who is I was looking through binoculars to his head from the west northwest to him and saw this tape, he had dubbed upper portions of it, the underside watching you. the east at about 8:00p.m., hoping to east southeasL Of course he had the thehelicoptersequence, andtheUFO was darkened. When the UFO had see some flashes from the explosions same reaction I did, "What the hell parts out and put them on a new tape gotten to the last 1/4 of the screen it being set off at Eglin AFB, when wasthat?" andfileditaway. Hewent for quicker viewing. Carolyn and I appears to lift the right side ever so something streaked across the Sound into his house and ate lunch, going watched over and over this object slightly. heading north. This object appeared back out a short time later the object streaking across the screen from the This persons identity is known to be elliptical and opaque in color, came over again from the same direc lower left to the center right. Just to myself and another member of there was no light associated with it, tion. Having Jived in the area for doing a little mathematical figuring MUFON, he has requested that his and it left no trail. As I watched, I quite some time he knew this wasn't in my head, those "Hueys" would name be withheld for personal rea noticed the flashing towers of Mid a Sea Gull, so he decided to set up his probably be doing about 50 M.P.H. sons. I have to put credence in this way, and noted that this object was video camera on the sundeck. Put as they cruise the beach, this one video and story, in that I saw, what east of them. ting the camera on NC hook up, and took 4 seconds to pass the entire appeared to be this same object the 7 I didn't tell anyone, as I didn't putting in a two hour tape he went width of the screen, assuming he was night before it was videoed. have pictures or a witness, so I filled back to work. That evening he re just about over the second sandbar, To cap off these sightings, on it in the old memory bank for future viewed the tape, only to observe a that would put him at about 300 feet Thursday evening, the UFO was reference, it didn't gather much dust, "Huey" helicopter flying it's usual seminar lands on the Treasure Coast Artist: CHARLES W. JONES At UFO By Barbara DiObilda extraterrestrials and planets previously inhabited in our solar system. of the News staff B Similar seminars have taken off like irds. planes and Superman rockets in Melbourne and Vero Beach, Sunset's aren't the only things that home for the past 18 years. ''We started a· study group, prompt people to look up in six-week course there, and it has gone on for the sky. UFOs- unidentified two year's,'' she said. "There is so much flying objects- get their information to share we couldn't stop." share of attention, too. _ Sunset usually gets the ball rolling at tl:te "There are I 0,000 !trst class by telling her own story of a UFO participants reported sightings of UFOs every year," said sighting. Susan Sunset of Vero Beach, a yoga It happened in 1965. instructor and former school teacher who has "My husband and I ~rein AcapJ.Ilco, made a career of collecting and staying ~ith some friends in a.;cabana.~.a'ddf; disseminating information about UFOs. overlookmg the ocean," Suns~\ remem~~. encouraged "And that's just the people who report "We were all sitting out on the patio ontnight, them- think how many thousands of others "7'hen suddenly we saw an extremely bright see something, but are afraid to come hght about a mile away. Think of the difference forward to talk about it for fear of being between a 25 watt light bulb cp1d a I 000 watt ridiculed or just not believed." bulb- this was definitely a 1000 watt bulb! to s-hare Those folks need a forum to air their "It was round and flat, sort of disk- stories among others who can relate and are shaped, and there was nog s.0r.u.n d from it at all. It willing to listen, Sunset believes. stopped right in front of us·:and did what I So she's giving them one. call a light show-it started blinking from The UFO Study Group will meet every white to yellow to red to and blue. experi• ences Tuesday for six weeks beginning July 6 at 7:30 "1 remember thinking. . •J ~h you'd come p.m. at Boogie and Beethoven, a dance closer' and suddenly, it diU. ll',stopped right in .>tudio in Palm City. front of us and did the light show again." Guests will be encouraged to share stories The lighted object stayed for about an of their own sightings and participate in an hour before disappearing. open discussion about UFOs. Since that night, Sunset has collected every ''About !l~ percept of the people who , bit of information, including books, videotapes come to th~ semmars have seen something," and arttcles, about UFOs. She's willing to Sunset said.' "We hear everything from share all of it with anyone who is interested. saonmd enoonte k sneoewinign ga hpoinwp otoin etx opfl aliignh itt itno tshhei pssk y infRoirgmhatt nioonw s, pwreoardds-o, Sf-umnoseutt hsa iisd t.h Seh oen rlsy c wriatyi~ l landmg and humans being abducted.'' of government, which she believes has Following the discussion, films will be rovered up information regarding UFOs, s~own at each meeting. Topics include UFOs, stghtmgs, abductions, contact with aliens, ~esting sites, and claims of sight downplay, Sunset said studies have planet by the year 2000 in America. v1d~ a place for serious discussion. mgs. shown ~at &l percent of Ameri Why here? "We have the best Th1s mformation is revealing, "For the last 50 years we have cans beheve there is life on other communications system in the shocking and educational. It needs been taught to debunk everything planets. "If we can go to the moon world," Sunset said. "I believe they to be told.'' we hear about UFOs " she sa1d. w~y can't others come here?" sh~ want to get the word out that we Cost for the six-week seminar is "More and. mo~e,' thou~h, peo sa1d. are destroying our planet, and they $50. ple are gathermg mformatwn and Besides, it might be high t.ilne the want to help us help ourselves to Pre-regist~tion is necessary, as warhea bt etchoem ~ionvge mrnomreen wt idlloinegs nto't swhaanret othSe~rn s4e0t p esraciedn tU toFoOk neoxtpee. rts have sav"eM ity. purpose is not to prove class size is limited. for more infof 8 to tell us.' pred1cted that there will be a mass UFOs exist-I'm not out to con mation, call Sunset at (407) But despite the government's landing of berngs from another Vi,_ anyone-I just want to pro- ~-1421 or Cindy Harper at Boo gie and Beethoven at 220-0929. SOMETHING ductive organs or some other such thing removed with surgical preci STRANGE IS sion. Often, thete is very little blood and no sign of a struggle. The cases HAPPENING. have a funny way of never being solved, Marilyn noted. ARE ALIENS Same with crop circles: Patterns of flattened grass in the middle of an oth VISITING US? erwise undisturbed field. They've been showing up in the United States A BOTHELL lately, she said. Whenever the Mutual UFO Net Q) >:::l ...................... . COUPLE IS work receives a call about such Q) things, it sends an investigator to get ~~ SEEKING the particulars. Investigators ask wit ~ nesses a_n.e~ha~s~iv~Jls~~f qu~s!_i~-n~ ANSWERS to get as much specific information as possible. The reports then are for warded to the organization's Texas headquarters. WHERE IS IT ALL HEADED? The Childs hope it eventually will lead to some objective conclusions. But that's a ways off. Some feel nothing will come of it. Cornell University's Carl Sagan is singularly unimpressed with UFOl ogy. Although there's a pretty good statistical chance there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, there is no evidence of it, he said. And why would it want to visit us? Our planet is a small and rather obscure one, after all. UFO sighting reports offer no help, Sagan added. The sighters' sto ries vary so widely that no general conclusions can be drawn. And, they often involve the sorts of cultur al expressions the Childses noted. Usually, aliens who allegedly have spoken to earthlings claim they have been observing us for many years and are deep!Y_~ ~~~rn-~~ about our grave political crisis, Sagan noted. Since there have been such reports for more than 40 years, one must wonder whiCh political crisis they mean and why it's more important" than the one they came to warn·us about a few years ago, Sagan said. Exhaustive government studies of UFO sightings have found the stories either aren't true or involve unusual but explainable natural phenomena, Sagan said. That leads many UFO Annette KrausiJoumaJ American enthusiasts to howl coverup. Again, however, there is no evidence of one, Sagan said. By Doug Margeson a Texas-based organization dedicated to col around Lake Tahoe. As they drove through In the final analysis, he thinks the JBournal American Featu res Writer lecting reports on UFOs and other unexplained Donner Pass at about 2:30 a.m., they spotted a public fascination with UFOs is OTHELL- In Russia, they are phenomena. By cataloging and analyzing large red-orange disc in the sky to the south. probably rooted in unfulfilled reli 12-foot tall creatures resembling those reports, the groups hopes it eventually They thought it was odd, but nothing to get gious needs. People need magic in Native Americans. They say they will come to some objective conclusions about upset about. their lives, something to replace the have come to heal humanity. the whole business. Then, the next thing they knew, it was 5:30 gods science has replaced, Sagan In China, they look a bit like rab Meanwhile, day in and day out, week in a.m. and they were near Wendover Air Force said. bits. They don't say anything. and week out, people who think they've had a Base on the Nevada/Utah border, 280 miles Well, maybe, the Childses said. In Latin America, they wear conical hats, brush with something strange keep calling the away. Marilyn was sick as a dog. Larry felt But they still have never figured out dark capes and have glowing red eyes. network. Its Seattle area hotline is 722-3000. fine, except he was extremely hungry. what happened on that September day Her£, they are "the grays"; short, human The Chilclses and other UFO students listen tc What happened? The Childses have no in 1970 in the high Sierras of Cali like creatures with big tapes from some of those idea, other than that tht:il t:X1JC1it:nce fit~ a fornia. bald heads, scrawny bod calls at the group's meet whole category of close encounters known as "But it did happen," Larry said. ies and slick, grayish Atagl.a ings, held the third Satur- "missing time." Typically, people see a bright "That much we're sure of." skin. day of each month from I light, sometimes in the sky, sometimes filling In all cases, they come WINII& Larry and Marilyn S p.m. at the Bothell a room. Then, the next thing they know, it's from glowing objects in Childs will present a free Library. hours later. Often, like the Childses, they find the sky. Or so those who program, 'No Nonsense Lately, there have been themselves miles away. And, often, they are see them claim. Approach to UFOiogy.' It will a Jot of calls from Long sick for a while. There's a lot of talk include a video presentation Jsland, as well as a bunch Were they abducted by a UFO? and panel discussion. about Unidentified Flying When: 7:30-9 p.m. May 24. from the upper Hudson That's one explanation, Larry said. But Objects (UFOs) going Where: Snoqualmie library, Vallty. They're seeing there are lots of things to consider before around these days, thanks 219 River Street. glowing lights in the sky jumping to that conclusion. Did the person largely to the movie Fire back there. The lights vary have a history of mental illness? Was he or she REVIEW, Towanda, PA in the Sky, which tells of in shape and color and, taking any medication or other drugs, includ July 12, 1993 a man who claims to have been abducted by unless there are some distinct landmarks to ing alcohol? Had he or she been physically ill? occupants of a flying saucer. It's a sure-fire compare them to, it's hard to tell their size. There are, f::n example, a number of neurolog Midnight movie formula: unexplained phenomena, dan The reports have one notable similarity. All ical disorders that cause hallucinations. Glow ger and, of course, a great opportunity for raz the callers start their stories with the same pre ing lights are among the most common. Or, zle-dazzle special effects. Whether there's any amble: "You may think I'm c:razy, but ... " m<•jbe, the witness just made the story up. It's swimmers truth to it, well, it is the movies, after all. You "Actually, some are nuts," Larry said. one way to get attention. suspend disbelief when you buy your ticket. "They're usually pretty easi to spot, though. A little bit of history and anthropology go a But the issue the movie raises remains: Just The majority are perfectly sane; normal people long way in understanding UFOs, Larry said. see UFO what are those lights in the sky? who've seen something or experienced some Unexplainable lights have been appearing in Larry and Marilyn Childs of Bothell don't thing they can't explain." the sky since ancient times. Different cultures know. But they spend a fair amount of their of,·ered different explanations. A woman from the Mercur Hill time trying to find out. They are the Washing IT HAPPENED to the Childses. In Sep area of Wysox Township telling a ton co-directors of the Mutual UFO Network, tember 1970, they were tourillg the area strange story. She and her husband both work second shift. At 12:45 a.m. Thursday they were in their swim ming pool when they saw what she The flaming chariots of the Old WHY DO THEY TAKE differ limited at best. The creatures could, can only describe as an unidentified Testament may have been UFOs, for ent forms in Russia, China, Latin for example, be time travelers, he flying object fl)FO). She explains the example. Same with space crea America and so forth? Again, it's said. object they saw m the sky had three tures. European legends about impossible to say, but hallucinations For all that, there is something round white lights in front and it gnomes, and leprechauns may have tend to have roots in our cultural funny going on, Marilyn argues. Too moved with a rolling motion from been medieval man's explanation of experience, Larry said. many people have experienced too left to right - back and forth - them. Arabs saw them as genies. In In the final analysis no one knows many strange things to dismiss the while traveling straight. It sounded the Southwest, Native Americans what they ar.e, if irideed they are any phenomena entirely. flilkaesh ian g jelti ghrotsa rilnikge. oTnh eraen waierprel anneo. concluded they were kachinas. thing at all, Larry said. Even the sci In addition to UFOs and aliens, She wonders if anyone else saw it. "Now we Jive in the age of space entific approach comes up short there is that business about animal ''Maybe there are UFOs,'' she com g exploration, so it's natural to see thc:m because it's based on the laws of mutilations. You've heard about it: A mented, in telling about this sight. in terms of visitors from other plan physics as we understand them. It's cow or horse or whatever is found ets," Larry said. entirely p0ssible our understand in!_' is dead in a field with its rectum, repro- en BEE, Sacramento, CA - Ju_!:y 1_~, 1993 '1'he whole subject of extrater .~ From our readers restrial beings is controversial Therapist sued in and I think its controversy is be = ing used as a weapon against Dr. Columnist behind the times Boylan," he said. ''This portrait of :c 'close encounters' victims led around by this psycho ~ logical Svengali is simply not u To the editor: Russia and we recently signed an true." Rafael Tammariello really agreement with the Russian By Ramon Coronado Joseph C. George, the Sacra ~ needs to get some new material Academy of Sciences for joint re Bee Staff Writer m~nto lawyer who filed the suits, 01 for the next incarnation of his search into UFOs. IfTammariello srud Linkert is wrong. shopworn, bi-annual anti-UFO thinks there is nothing more to Psychologist Richard Boylan's belief in extrater .. column. Besides merely being in- UFOs than lights in the sky, then "Who cares if it is p~-litically restrial life is no secret. accurate, Tammariello's oft-recy he is simply behind the times. pslync hhoilso gpiusbt lidseQsecdri bwersi tihnigs so, wthne aSlaiecnr aambednutcot icolnin. icHael :a::l.leengsietidv,e ?" Tish eth haatr mth heeyr ef,e"e Gl etohregye 3~ acrleodu nvd itthrieo el dgise s.g etting brown abAous tf othr eA areliae n5 1t,e cI hfniorslto gleya ranlleed advertises 1n the Yellow Pages as a "close-encounter have been hurt, manipulated and '"1 A group of American citizens gations when I read it in the Re specialisC1 lie a letter to President Clinton, Boylan exploited." has asked its government to re view-Journal, of all places. Other ehmasi scsaalrlieeds ."f or the appointment of "extraterrestrial enA hcicroedrd Binogy tloa nt htoe shueiltps ,t htheem w woimth :>z: lWeahsaet 'si nwforormnga twiointh otnh aUt?F OWse. oththaenr rtehpaonr tsienvge rtahle s"nriudme ocro,l"u mannds And now, Boylan's belief in extraterrestrial life has their emotional problems. Woy know from the government's own aimed in my direction, your pa become the focus of a court battle. cheshin saw Boylan for about a ~ files that several agencies have per has done virtually nothing to In lawsuits filed by two former *male patients, year, and Stone saw him for about bO studied UFOs for decades. We take a look at the story. Heck, ~ also know the government is even if there are no flying saucers Boylan is accvsed of using extraterrestrial phenome two years. en )pending $10 million a year, tax out there, it's a mighty interest na. to diagnose and treat the In the suits, Woycheshin and cu payer dollars, on the search for ing place. In the past year, jour women's emotional problems so Stone said Boylan told them that ~ extraterrestrial intelligence. It nalists from Japan, Germany, that he could get them to join him based on his interpretations of Strikes me as odd that a journal England and Australia have in "naked hot tub sessions." their life experiences, they had ~~ 'ist, any journalist, would want to come to Nevada to ask questions Boylan is a licensed marriage separate close encounters with ex bash people simply because they about Area 51. American journal and family counselor and current traterrestrial life. dared to demand information ists from national television pro president of the Sacramento Val ~ from their government. grams, network news affiliates Jey Psychologists Association. They were then referred to sup ~ I have filed dozens of UFO-re and major magazines have also Through his attorney, he denies port-group meetings at Boylan's ~ lated Freedom of Information re been here. The Review-Journal, the allegations. home, which he led. Known as > quests over the years. Most have which is only 80 miles from Area Several members of the 150- "CE-4" meetings, people discussed ~ been refused, and that makes me 51, isn't interested. I don't under member association, including close encounters, extraterrestrial all the more curious. I don't know stand. President-elect Lisa Farquhar, de beings and related subjects. if Tammariello has ever worked The UFO-bashing columns dined to comment about Boylan Boylan further advised the as a repOrter, but it would seem that Tammariello writes are and his controversy. women that their extraterrestrial that he and the Review-Journal probably the most widely read ~n]iQt ose pSaurpateer isouri tCs ofiulerdt oinv eSra ctrhae "eCxpIAer iaenncde/so rw FerBeI o,"f ir~itierdeslt wtoo tuhlde zsheno ueldff osurtpsp otor t,f innodt oriudti chuolew, ctiatix fitaecmt tsh haet hpeu tkse eopust walrli tyinegar a. bTohuet ctpata.iensst h titNnw t2ot n tmhdr Doonuogtrhohst h,B yoD Syitlaoannna'es mWcoauoinny huanvdee ra snu rivneteilrleasntc ein, tkheee spuiintgs- sthaiedm. damrooelrlnae'r tis n ''atrrerieag lu,b"ie niignt g wb sehpcyeo nmthte.e s H ga oUlvl FetrOhnes ttUhhFeeO spsuu bbisjl,i~ ci.'ns Iiett'snsed aluf ,sr itaon rgtye sitnthataemtr eewsntot nitno't seling, they became dependent George, who is-also a psycholo ment is spending money to study go away, and it's one that I in upon him as a "father-like figure." gist and specializes in mental them. tend to keep working on. H Tam At his home, Boylan and Woy health suits, said that although Tammariello is correct in sug mariello is truly interested in ·cheshin would sit nude in a hot Boylan did not physically touch gesting that some people ap getting up to date information tub, her suit alleges. Stone's suit the women, his therapy crossed proach the UFO topic with reli about some of the exciting UFO said Boylan encouraged her to go the line of propriety. gious fervor. But not everyone is related research under way all a nut case. Serious researchers at around the world, I would be glad with him to Harbin Hot Springs in Shirley Glass, an expert on ethi Harvard, Temple and other uni to put him in touch with the right the, Napa Valley for nude exer cal standards in therapy and a versities are now studying the people. cises. former member of the board of ex topic. The company I work for, GEORGE KNAPP A third former patient, Karla aminers that licenses psycholo Altamira, has opened an office in Las Vegas Grant, filed suit three weeks ago, gists in Maryland, said that as a efaiming that although Boylan general rule, psychologists should didn't discuss extraterrestrial not socialize with patients outside close encounters, he fo.stered the the office. · EXAMINER, ~an Francisco, C~ July 16, 1993 same dependent "dual-role" rela tionship as Woycheshin and Stone 'There is something sterile in tffiAY DAVIDSON allege and invited her to partici the office environment that the P1ite in nude hot tub sessions. therapist has an obligation to cre DOWN TO A SCIENCE ·Boylan declined to discuss the ate and maintain," Glass said. suits last week, but he defended But Mark Foster, a licensed his research with people who say marriage and family therapist in they have had encounters with Sacramento and former associate SKEPTICS CORNER: A baffling &bOut the photo, he became in UFOs and extraterrestrial life. of Boylan's, said there are also creasingly skeptical aa the years UFO photo has apparently bit "My research doesn't involve gray areas in the rules o( oondu~. went by, partly because of holes rwehadeyth ebre eUn FwOesll eexsitsatb. lTishhaetd',s" ahle to Bporoyvlaind,e Fthoestrearp ysa fidor; \f\r'eaes Jalnnodw tno tmeonr tnhien dgu inst 1. 9O6n6 ,a a N dorivveemr obner iinss tuhee o wf tihtnee Ssst'a sntfoorryd. -Ibna tsheed l atest smaaidk.i n"gT thhee rsec iiesn tmifiucc ihn qwuiorryt,h a nidn pspeoenplde aw lhoot obfe ltiiemvee itnh erye sheaavrec hh aodn Route 58 along the ~==t Jtioounr,n Wali eodfe Src eiexnptliafiincJ E hxopwlo hrea ethr apte'so pwleh aatr eI daonidn ga. "n umber of oth clo''sWe aesn choeu ndtoeirnsg. community ser alonodk toouotk p poiicn-t ewvietnnetussa,l ilyn dae mteormviinDge cda trh, haat dth e Regarding the suit, Boylan's lawyer, Richard Linkert, said his vice? Were these people going to =l~- photographed a sign saying "Di client's therapy meets acceptable him as research subjects?" Fostet: amond Peak" with an upward ecsttoia~enmsdi. atrtdesd aanndy t hsaetx Buaoly liamn phroapsnri' t tfaahi snpkaeret o dtibhs .lnee." 'm Att h p."tre horevaripdaiepsdti-s, ptt ahnteieenen dyts o ruot o·l) el a-oc. YIt.ef ad esveeelmopinegdl,y t hcree pdhibolpeto hwgoitrtonasep swhsee. rre psgtorraiunpchttiienndgg t a ahr reroe iwpnlc.i icWdae 'oJneftdt behyre r p sehicgoontn o from a different moving vehicle. with a respectable scientific and UFO PAC military background-found Result: An image of a blurred ob ject that looks euctly Hke the that one image included a dome purported "UFO." ~ It was inevitable. crashed in the New Mexico desert 45 shaped object with a series of al To be specific, the car'a move 3N~ mpoelTmithibcees frhlsya,i sno bgne-csceaou mccoeer na f trpeionnlgti etti oco afcl A ofmomrecmeriu. cnIatins yUeFaAOrsn cdaog imot? hm Aausnn adi twryi ghwhaatt n atotbs ok tunoto kNwna.o owm. i? The tbbeeern ane avatatiphno,g ar lonigudhs w tt-rhaaanitld ua-pdnpadreekar brtehaden tdos smigenn,t c brleuartriendg t thhee iimlluasgieo no fot fh ae "dome" (the blurred top of the .., -eate among themselves via mimeo bands. The world's most distin ~' .sogetrlhaveperhs eg"drtho neue pUw FfsiOlgeh ctttoienmrgsm , funonor iwtrye c.c"ao Llglin ktiheti eaomnny , cdoarnLksi.pk Wier aeccierydr t,t ahcioenon trkoiierntsed dgs r eooxwfp m lbaunesashtti roionno smt fhoser, tgruoinshoemde Ur DFOr. iJn. vAelslteing aHtoyrn,e aks, aplenotdtse-t rdhsao rrledkai bndaginn tgdh s'eC" sO (tiihagemn bo)lnud,r rP'ee~da k") the assassinations of the Kennedys and called the photo "one of the most ,; it's marching on Washington. and the ''vapor trail" (the g (What, not fly? Or just beam up?) Martin Luther King Jr. remain popular puzzling on record." Another blurred bottom of the post). because the public doesn't have access saucer researcher speculated ~ - This very special interest group has to all the facts. Nothing makes a story that the dark bands shed light on Eventually W'leder traveled to ~~ ·,wpihcakte itte dd etshcer iWbehsi taes H(oof ucsoeu rtsoe )p rao gtoevs t tmaiolrse. (iNntaritguurainllgy ,t hthane tsheec rmeti scsainbga ld oe f UFO propulsion. tfhoeu nDdi tahmeo snmdo Pkeinakg garuean a-ntdh e ....~:l yeemamrse, nyto cuo snesep,i rtahcey .m Oilvietar ryth eh alsa sct o5n0 Maliaefnias mreemspboenrss,i bClIeA afgoer nttsh ae ndk islpliancges stuNdyo,w a,n a ifntetrre ypeiadr Bs oafy c Aarreefau l bonrocke esna tp. ost on which the sign r~:r.i ' dthuocutseadn dses voefr ald osctuudmieens tsa ndre lgaattinhge retdo sktnoorwy.s) every detail, but that's another tphhey msicyisstte hrya.s T aphpea UreFnOt lwy saoslnv'te ad In his article, Wieder ac r::a:l unidentified flying objects. Most of the spaceship from another world or knowledges he might have hit on t~f tmhaesteer piaelo prelem waiitnhs s oclmases qifuieesdt,i olnesa vthineyg sifyT hael la ddmociunmisetrnattsi orne lsahtionugl dt od etchleasse another dimension. It was some btheee ntr suot hco snovoinnecre idf t hhee h pahdont'ot ~ find tantalizing. events as soon as possible - or ex thing much more mundane: a showed a mysterious phenome ;:! For instance: Were the many air plain why it can't or won't. road sign that was blurred be non. For a while, he ''remained cause it was photographed from ~ borne metallic disks captured on film In the end, the country will benefit. oblivious to an abundance of evi i5 in the '50s and '60s extraterrestrial Oliver Stone and the UFO community amoving car. dence that should have signaled t:l spacecraft? Or, as the Air Force claims, might not be so luck:Y. If real informa Los Altos physicist Irwin something was wrong. Ifa ny en only stray weather balloons? Have alien tion were available, they could go out of Wieder, who has a Ph.D. in ~ beings landed on Earth? If so, are they business. Nothing is going to discourage physics from Stanford, began in thing can be learned from this, it 10 i sleeacsrte tthlye rCulninntionng athdem ginoivsetrrnatmioenn?t, W orh aatt slaotmioen fcaanna tsitcisll, bhueltp s ucnleliagrh ot uatn da vloetn toi f v19e8st0i8g.a Itninitgia tlhley ecansthe uinsi tahseti eca rly ibse t hmaotr Ue FdiOlig reensTea inrc ahpeprsly nienegd t htoe happened to the flying saucer that musty things that grow in the dark. principles of scientific research."