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Preview UFO Newsclipping Service 1993 03 no 284

UF.O. NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE ROUTE 1- BOX 220 PLUMERVILLE, ARKANSAS 72127 U.S.A. NEWSCLIPPING EDITOR/PUBLISHER: LUCIUS FARISH SERVICE MARCH 1993 NUMBER 284 SUN, Baltimore, MD - March 2, 1993 CR: D. Ratsch 11!1:!!11 Should government reveal its UFO data? By Tom Keyser tomorrow." StaffWt1ter When wtll the lAC problem bub ble up to the surface? The concept of life elsewhere In Will the people be ready? the universe - visitors from space, Will the shock stop civilization UFOs, extraterrestrials, aliens - In Its tracks? tantalizes earthlings. Yet In the Is It better to watt for something United States no top government to happen that nobody has thought official has ever said publicly that about that drops on us like a load of such activity exists. bricks from above, or Is It better to MWhat's out there" consumes bite the bullet now - and make many researchers wtth sound aca some kind of announcement that demic and professional credentlals. causes people to start thinking Books and hundreds of papers on about what's gotng on so that we'll the sul:!lect have been written, films be prepared? have been made, and researchers MB. Do~: The very worst meet occasionally to discuss their outcome would be If the allen dis opinions. closed Itself and the government J One such meeting last month In had stone-walled to the end. Silver Spring dealt wtth the ques So I ask our government: Do you tion of U.S. government disclosure. want your own plan of disclosure, Assuming that the government has or the aliens' plan? We get up one evidence of UFOs, four specialists morning and tum on the TV and gave their answers for and against there's an allen face and he says: official government acknowledg People on Earth, be calm. ment of the reality of unidentified Dr. Maccabee: The UFO prob BYKR>TEN~ flying ol:!lects. lem has been nipping around the Bruce Maccabee and Elaine Douglass both favor government disclosure. He is a civilian research Favoring government disclosure heels of our clvtltzatlon for the last physicist for the Navy and she is director of the Washington chapter of the Mutual UFO Network. were Bruce Maccabee, a civilian re 45 years or so. For most people It search physicist for the Navy from has been at the bottom of the list of ades. The evidence Is overwhelm many years, absorbing the awe valled for the last 2,000 years. Sabillasville who has long been a things to think about, ranking be Ing. some secret that UFOs are real. But How can you legitimize a subject leader In UFO research groups, and low such all-pressing problems as But look at this thing from the you want to hit the public right be that Is so latent wtth fear and anxi Elaine Douglass. director of the "Will Dl really get a divorce?" eyes of the president of the United tween the eyes with this psycholog ety on the part of virtually every Washington chapter of the Mutual The government should come States and his national security ad Ical bomb? We had the radio broad Individual on this planet - the UFO Network (MUFON). clean. This could legitimize the sub visers. If the government releases cast of "The War of the Worlds" In prospect of meeting a superior or Tell the public all ject for study by leading thinkers of Its files - and the logical conclu 1939 that caused a panic. Is this a more powerful Intelligence that the human race. The top quantum sion of those files - the public wtll precedent we ought to pay attention somehow came Into existence else Dr. Maccabee: A large portion of mechanics, or the relativistic theo demand to know not just the phys to or not? where In this universe? human society either knows or sus rists, or the top world philosophers Ics of the matter, but who the aliens If we look historically at the UFO The allen agenda Is basically un pects that at least some of the don't discuss the subject. Why? are, where they come from and why reports, they've mainly been hit known to humans. From a cosmic things reported as UFOs are In fact Well, [the subject's left to! kooks they are here. and-run affairs. standpoint, they're clearly a superi allen craft. and nuts ltke those guys at a hotel The result would be chaos. The - Beginning In the 1980s, we've or force, and they have powers far The Increased Interest Is begin In Silver Spring on Saturday, Feb. economic life of the country would seen a shift to the long-duration, In advance of anything humans rung to have an impact on society 6. be paralyzed. There would be only low-level, multiple-witness sight can muster at this point. In the form of public speculation, one topic of discussion: The aliens. ing. The great risk Is that we're go We really aren't In a position to Keep the lid on both trivial and serious, about the Mr. Levintow: In addition to the Ing to have a landing In a shopping do anything about tt. because we activities and the Intent of the Not all those Interested In UFOs risk of generating social chaos, or mall someplace. My problem Is: don't have the ability to control the aliens. favor government disclosure of even public panic, a polttlcal fire What do you do with Mr. and Mrs. situation. The aliens have control of What Is the true characteriza what's known Mofficlally." Their ar storm would most certainly build America about all of this? the agenda. It Is their program. tion of the aliens? guments were made at the Silver for the government to expel the Mr. Levintow: If the government They proceed wtth it. They're the In the absence of valid Informa Spring conference by Robert Du aliens. This would put the U.S. on a makes an official statement, will superior force. tion, people speculate wtldly. But rant, a commercial airline pilot and collision course wtth space aliens, that legitimize It or simply lead to Those who are seriously Inter the government could end the wtld ex-Navy helicopter pilot from Pen who appear to be vastly technologi more controversy as to whether the ested In the subject can research speculation by releasing valid infor nington, N.J., and Michael Levin cally superior to humans. government Is telling the truth, or until their heart's content, and mation - even If It released only tow, a computer analyst from Why risk provoking such a con whether It Is simply more cover-ups learn all sorts of Interesting things part of the avatlable Information. Washington. Both are UFO re frontation, since nothing whatsoev and deceptions on their part? about UFOs and ETs. Anyone who knows about the searchers. er Is gatned by politicizing the UFO It may be Impossible to legitlmtze Those In the general public who reality of Identified allen craft Mr. Durant: We have collected a extraterrestrlal matter, quite possi the subject of UFOs and extrater would like to continue to believe [IACsJ, Is likely to agree wtth Presi great mass of UFO stghttngs, photo bly the biggest secret of all time? restrials. because It Is such a radi that there are no such things as dent Clinton's favorite song, which graphs, movies, videos, radar track Mr. Durant: You have had the cal departure from traditional UFOs and ETs can continue In says. "I can't stop thinking about togs, physical traces In recent dec- luxury of slowly, over a period of modes of thought that have pre- their blissful ignorance. NEWS-STAR, Monroe, LA Dec. 25, 1992 CR: W. Garner Deputies, skywatchers A deputy who wouldn't ~ivc hi~ planes in the area. name said an object with na~hing One privati! plane was sightseeing see Santa or something red, white and blue lights flew over over the city Juring that time and his head as he was talking to a Jad :.cveral pas~nger planes flt:w over ~on l'ari~h ~hcritT's deputy nc;n the head, sajJ ~~i~e Kiley, an air traffic Jac~!>On l'an~h line. specialist. By MINDY WILSON gathered on Philpot Road after "It flew almost over that Jadson But the ctHltroltower's radar like StaH Wnter hearing on their police scanners re l'uri!>h t..lcputy and I, and there was ly wouldn't detect anything flying Linda Dicks wasn't sure whether ports of unidentified flying ohjccts. no noise whaboever," he said. low in the !'tky, he S<tid. Deputies she was ~'\:in~ Santa Claus or an The objects were apparently sighted ''I've never ~'\:n anything like it reported many of the objcrts were alien sract.:cruf\ in the night sky in southwestern Ouachita Parish before in my lii'c," the deputy said. flying just aiHJVI: the tree line. over southwes1crn Ouachita Parish. between ahout 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. Kichard Antley of Uawwmvilk But ~he was convinced the red Thursday. said he u:.cd a rille scope and bin<x: and white-lighted object flying just "Deputies saw it first. and then ular.; to view an objt.:ct with ··twin above the tree line wasn't an air we started gctting calls," ~aid Cpl. ~ling lighb, best I can dc!>erihe. It plane. And wh~tevcr i! wus, she Sandy PfcitTer of the Ouachita Par looked li~e something pointed with wanted to take a ride on it. ish Shcritrs Department. two tails corning otT it and spar~s "If it's only got two seats,.me and In radio communications, depu flying oil." he saiJ. my son arc going fir.;t," said Dicks, tie!; talked ahout seeing a lighted West Mt)rHoc and Monroe police 4X·.m e object bouncing up and down ahovc reported no calls of UFO sightings. West Monroe woman and the tree line and di~arrearing, and Deputies ciH.-ckcd regularly with her 27-year-Did son Butch were seeing objects with multiple light!i air traffic controlkrs at Monroe Kc among a group of ~kywatchcrs whn ;md lights that dwnged color~. gional Airport\ control tuwcr for IN TOUCH, Mountain Home, AR- Feb. 10, 1993 CR: L. Willett 1979 on the West Road altitude. This data is sent (Hwy. 178 W.) about six to M ufon headquarters in miles west of Mountain Sequin, Texas, where it is Home. filed with thousands of Willett was driving east other reports. toward town when he Some of these reports spotted a bright, oval even include the possibility shaped object moving of alien bodies being slowly in the sky over what removed from wrecked is now the Daffron Ranch. UFOs. When he pulled over to "Mufon is fairly certain get a better look, the craft there has been crash stopped moving and began retrieval in at least two hovering, Willett says. instances," Willett says, "I estimate it was about "and there is speculation 30 feet in diameter and 1 0 that the federal feet thick," he recalls. "It government has done was a quarter to a half-mile reverse engineering on the away from me. wreckage to determine "When I stepped out of more about the crafts. my vehicle to look at it, it "Some people are appeared to emit short convinced that the flashes of bright white light government has even done at me. I'm not sure what test flights after rebuilding those were, but I know that the crafts." something or someone He says there is a large knew I was there." govemment base in Nevada UFO auer Fllllllln• Willett says he wanted that is off-limits to all but In 1968, then-Flippin photo to the University another witness to what he authorized personnel. The Airport Manager I' of Arizona optical was seeing and when a land covers thousands of Lawrence Willett's sister- department for analysis. In-law took this photo of the first Jet to land at He was told the gray obJect seemed to be pickup approached on the acres-plenty of space for the facility. When the print was retutned, the something In the air, and not a blemish on the highway he flagged it such rebuilding and gray object In the sky (unnoticed at the time film or print. UFO slghtlngs had been reported down. research. the picture was taken) aroused Willett's In the area around the time this photo taken. "I held out my hand for Willett says, "What goes curiosity. (Later, he also noticed a large, shiny This Is not Willett's only encounter with the driver to stop and with on there is just speculation obJect on the ground In the mountain-top strange obJects In the sky. Read more about the other hand pointed to anyone who isn't clearing behind the plane.) Willett sent the the local UFO Investigator on page 8. toward the object," he says. authorized to be involved, "The instant the pickup but personally, I'm quite stopped, the craft just sure the government knows disappeared. more about UFOs than it is Lawrence Willett: Investigator of "Of course, when that admitting, it's just afraid to u(l happened I felt like a fool. I release the information for $&,q told the driver I had fear of public panic." $~6.1\-~ o~ ~ stopped him because there Many scientists admit was something I wanted that the the UFO sighting By Ray Dean Davis him to see, but now it was phenomenon is real, but gone. He said, 'OK," and some feel it is psychological drove off. in origin--possibly the "As soon as he did, the product of human minds object reappeared. It inventing a "higher power." floated slowly toward Willett doesn't believe Whiteville, trailing little this. "I know the ones I wisps of white vapor as it have seen were physical," moved." , he says. "And they weren't Willett says he knows hallucinations. They were the object was no real. conventional airplane or "If some people think I'm helicopter. foolish, that's up to them, "In my opinion," he says, but I will keep studying "it came from outside this this subject as long as there earth." are new cases being Willett admits that some reported." people probably think he is either easily fooled or Anyone who would like "crazy" because of his to report a UFO sighting beliefs in UFOs, but that can contact Lawrence doesn't stop him from Willett at 425-8260. continuing his study of the subject. However, not everyone feels that way. He finds many witnesses very reluctant to file a report or have their name connected to a sighting ENTERPRISE-RECORD, because of fear of public Chico, CA - Jan. 1, 1993 ridicule. Even with the Boy reports many calls he does receive, Willett estimates that 10 UFO above times that number of sightings are not reported. Dairy Queen "I guess I can't blame A triangular UFO hov some people for feeling that ered above Dairy Queen, way," he says, "but it's too 2190 The Esplanade, at bad. We might be able to about 6:30p.m. Wedn~sday, get a handle on whatever according to an entry m the this is more quickly if log of calls at the Chico everyone who saw one was Police Department. The unidentified flying willing to share their object was sighted by an 11- information." year-old boy. He told a When investigating a police dispatcb~r the black sighting claim, Mufon and gra)ltoeolored machine investigators ask questions had ·'disc-like lights." to determine that the object The UFO hovered 10 0- was not a star, 150 yards above the fas~­ food restaurant for approxi conventional aircraft, hoax mately three minutes before or otherwise explainable. speeding off. If the sighting is verified, He was the only one who notes are taken on such saw it, the boy told_ tb~­ dispatcher. · · factors as its characteristics of 2 movement, appearance, lighting, sound (or lack of), location and approximate ..~.., CITYSCAPES will answer any questions. She is exhausted, she confides, because she has MILES CORWIN been staying up late every night to outwit .c GroupHelpsThose the aliens who have been abducting her in ~ her sleep. Carlson now will not go to bed until4:30 a.m.-the time that she has Abducted by UFOs determined is the alien abduction > deadline. Carlson delivers the same spiel as any e3 other support-group devotee. She used to Feel Less Alienated feel alone, keeping her feelings bottled up inside. But now that she has met others "r'') like herself, she is open and forthcoming "....'. W hat do you do if you are abducted in your sleep about her abduction experiences . Although this has done wonders for her r;i by a group of scrawny gray aliens with emotional health, it has been tough on her enormous heads, beamed up to a spacecraft, '5 placed upon an examination table, probed with social life. Her boyfriend of five years recently dumped her, telling Carlson: :i~ll benedo?r mous needles and lasers, and then returned to your " 'When you get through this UFO business, give me a call.' "She shakes her <1 groIfu ypo aun ldiv seh ianr eS tohuet heexrpne rCieanlicfoe.r nBiau,t ythoue tfhoormrn ay support Hypnotherapist Yvonne Smith with moJ. dAeLBlsE RoT fD IaAZli eI nL osk Aidnngealeps Teirmse.s "hLeaikde, rIa rieseasll hy ehra pvael ma sc hsokiycwe.a" rd and says: u questions posed at these sessions are far more complex Carlson is a still photographer for the than those discussed at your run-of-the-mill self-help 'I know it wasn't a dream because film industry. Like most of the others at the meeting, ~ groups. Carlson relates even the most outlandish tales with a ~ How do you determine, one man asked at a recent when I returned, my dog was very heartfelt sincerity. oo meeting in La Crescenta, whether you have been hyper ... and he usually is very calm.' Many of her abductions, she says, follow a similar ~ abducted by aliens, abducted by the CIA or were merely pattern. She is transported by little gray men to their dreaming? When the aliens impl~nt a tracking device in spacecraft and placed on a table, where the aliens your body, how do you get it out? After you've been surround her and study her emotions, her sexuality, her abducted, what do you tell your employer when you throughout Southern California meet on the last Sunday DNA makeup and her hand-eye coordination. She is show up late for work? of every month and discuss these common problems, returned home after about two hours, she says. If you are concerned about something such as buck each other up and relate abduction adventures. Carlson has become something of an abduction abduction security, you cannot simply approach your activist. Wherever she goes, she asks strangers if they neighborhood watch captain for advice. And your family 0 have been abducted or had UFO experiences. Just last doctor might be reluctant to explore the "scoop marks" During a break in the meeting, Kim Carlson rushes week, she says earnestly, while shopping at Circuit City, left by aliens seeking tissue samples. So abductees from over to the coffeepot for a caffeine jolt before she conversational mosaic: come from the lunatic fringe, those hypnosis, she directs their she discovered a salesman and a "Did your alien have a sense of who attended the meeting did not "regression .therapy," where they warehouseman who both had had humor?" seem all that peculiar. Many of them can re-experience and ultimately intimate experiences with UFOs. "At first I thought I was in an had the mien of typical suburbanites come to terms with the abduction. anCd atrhlseo no thdoeerss anto tt hken omwe ewtihnyg sahree einl evaa tosmr, abllu tc trhaeftn dI erteaaclhiziendg I two aas awthteon sdt rPuIg'gA l em weeitthin gthse airn dm ocortmgapglaeisn, She frequently is asked if the the chosen people-for larger craft." about freeway traffic. But ask them abduction experience is "just a abduction-but she has a hunch "I know it wasn't a dream about UFOs, aliens or California thing," because why the aliens are studying the because when I returned, my dog extraterrestrial abductions, and they residents seem more open to the human race. The little gray men, was very hyper and panting and he launch into lengthy monologues unorthodox. But abductions and she surmises, are attempting to usually is very calm." that some might consider more UFO experiences, she says, are create a new, hybrid race. "There is .some sort of work appropriately delivered from a occurring all over the United 0 going on between the CIA and an psychiatrist's couch. States and the world. During the session, abductees alien faction to develop a The support group meets at the The difference is that discuss a variety of esoteric . propulsion technology." home of Yvonne Smith, a Californians are the only ones who subjects. Snatches of testimony and Although some of these random hypnotherapist who sees many of eagerfy, enthusiastically and random comments create a bizarre comments might seem as if they the abductees as clients. Through publicly talk about it. REVIEW, Towanda, PA- Jan. 10, 1993 Others, too, ~ Many unexplain-ed UFO sightings 0 report they z ~ saw UFOs reported throughout Pennsylvania ~ By CHRIS BATEMAN "Jessica wasn't cfingy. ~ We saw the UFOs too." g GREENSBURG, Pa. -A volun Hotline, from the Beaver and Butler of information sources by sending a two miles from theW. Va. line, ob That's ttle. word from ~ teer, Statewide Scientific Clearing County areas, then Easterly into SASE to the address mentioned. serves three low flying objects at Yvonne Blackman of Old .. house that conducts investigations Armstrong, Indiana, and. Cambria Sightings may be reported confiden tree top level, that are round in Melones Dam Rd., who said of alleged UFO sightings and other Counties, where people were seeing tially without ridicule or publicity. shape, wingless, have a red, green she, her husband Don, and &; phenomena across Pennsylvania, is a slow moving, glowing object that Among the strange cases P ASU and yellow light, and are making no another couple saw three sisrPneitegrtpnruhoinctgritstunueyegrdldsev , da t hnbriywao o huibtgAchjhheeso c suotnstic n uitavmhtoieteol hvrnyoae dtue a fso r.rl wUaTrFetghhrOeeee slMwroetorapaakrnodneyrdsgt e ehNd al eiadowkc be rt joJiemescasrt e s. t eh"tyeoTF . sh lTytveaiih dnteeego oh ob ebjSetajaceadptcui netc geww trthaa.o"ess swslueiinggagushhe sdttiuiin nnavgglo Ussl ,svFo oeOfu dsB nt ridingasa nf,bto ghdosieutst ,r c ayatfinneoogaionmrets p aw,r mli enkaratiersll kl,lU ieingnFgaegOslds , nttpbiuoloairintnnstk,ees te,r.h dnteh T inenho n seuf u fndoioasrdblmoeljn ne a.lc ty tht srvr ieaaemnn igasokuhbel. aj Terhs cfeetosv rl meigraahal llt vsRked"yr.Wy aw teb ha rdibiligeod hundtt' tr 6 ios vpbei.jenme gtc.h t Msoe nmoi nn Sf drhtoaheymle.l ~"~::! Study of the Unexplained ( P ASU) determined to have been a blimp, il on the ground, odd substances, and Aug. 14-(Indiana Co.) A mother anywhere near as close as which is based in Greensburg, has luminated from within by two bright apparitions. PASU attempts to send and daughter traveling westbound Jessica did, but I'm sure ~ been active since the start of the halogen bulbs, that was being used investigators to the site of an occur on Rte. 22 noticed in the distance, a they were the same thing," ~ year, interviewing eyewitnesses and for some camera work at a sporting rence, to interview those involved, row offour blue lights in the sky. As said Blackman. "Just like w conducting many on the scene inves event in Ohio, and was returning to and to gather any physical evidence they got closer, they realized the she did, I first thought they tigations, to try to determine just it's base in New Jersey. Also on the for laboratory studies.· lights were attached to an object were very bright stars, but what it is that has been seen in our night of Oct. 9, about 7:48 p.m., a that was approaching at an angle to then I realized they were skies. Many of the strange objects brilliant fireball meteor flashed Some of the 1992 Unexplained cases wards their position. After they something else." reported, were described as boo through the night sky, causing many rounded a curve, the object came "Jessica" was the alias merang or triangular in shape, were eyes to turn skyward. This speetacu Feb. 5- Williamsport, PA into view. The object was low, about used to identify a Greenley as low as about 50 feet above the lar natural object known as a (Lycoming Co.) as well as locations as high above the ground, as two Rd. woman who at about ground, and some were estimated to Bolide, was reported over a large in Snyder, Northumberland, and telephone poles, and was moving midnight Monday said she be several hundred feet in length. area covering about seven states. Union Counties. Around 6:15 p.m., very slow, and about to pass across saw three wedge-shaped Many of the sightings involved mul The P ASU group was founded by apparently hundreds of people in the highway, directly above their UFO.$ rise from a range of tiple observers, and some sightings Stan Gordon, an electronic tech about a 40 mile area observed one or car. Both women got a very close hils 1n the east, pass over occurred in highly populated areas. nician, who has been studying the possibly more, large boomerang or look at the roughly triangular her house and then disap It is PASU's position to look into Unexplained for over 33 years. triangular objects, that moved very shaped object whose structural pear to the south. epanalacdnh aa sttiitogenhm tifpnotrg ttrohe epf iocnardts eoasp esrcnei-pemonrittniefdidce. d eOlxyn , siPspA eSccUoiam lmipsertsims, ebwdeh rosm hviaopiln uislny vt eoeolruf nthrteeeeisrre ,ta iarmncdhe sdjeliocrwetsc, t lpaynr odadb uioncv eesd o3 moam e vece ahrsyoe mslo ewus.de Tresho esu enoebdn , fmwraaamsd ees wiulpvo erokrf lianser gecmeo lbeoder,a mtaons d. h Tawhveae s o bbejeseetcin t soJne wssaitccah esdai tdh seh oeb jaencdts hfeorr a yearly basis, most of the incidents and equipment, to find answers to that caused structures and windows mated to be about 60 feet long and 10 to 15 minutes before investigated are found to have a the mysteries reported. PASU mem to vibrate, and frightened animals. wide. they disappeared. logical explanation. Many UFO bers include scientists, engineers, Mar. 9-New Kensington Similar triangular or boomerang Blackman said the UFOs sightings this year were determined technicians, medical specialists, (Westmoreland Co.) Two boys play shaped objects have been reported she and her husband saw to have been caused by bright mete and former military officers. PASU ing near a cemetery, in the early all year across this state, and simi were in the northeastern ors. advertising searchlights, an in maintains a large radio communica evening, observed a disc shaped ob lar reports have come in from neigh sky and "lined right up, one ternally lit blimp, and lights on air tions facility, and P ASU exchanges ject, that banked so they could see boring states as well. As recently as on top of the other." craft. Yet a number of UFO cases information worldwide, with reli the top and bottom structure. Lights Dec. 3, more similar sightings were Don Blackman said he remain unexplained. PASU received able research organizations. PASU on the object went off as it reached reported in the Williamsport area figured the UFOs may have reports of various strange events works closely with the Mutual UFO the vicinity near the boys, and a again. been two or three miles from 27 counties in the Common Network (MUFON) from Seguin, beam of light was emitted towards Bigfoot sightings were also away at the time, "maybe wealth during 1992. The two UFO in TX, the largest international organi the youths. The light was so intense reported during the 1992 year from above Highway 49." cidents which attracted the most at zation involved in UFO research. it hurt their eyes to look at it. The various locations. Close up sightings "They had a lot of lights tention, and were apparently seen The public may report unusual boys frightened, ran towards a road, of these large hairy creatures were on them and we tried to by thousands of observers, were sighting reports (24 hrs. daily) on the and the object followed a short dis reported in Somerset and Indiana keep track of them as we 3 found to be scientifically ex PASU UFO Hotline at (412) 838-7768 tance, then returned in the direction Counties, and other reported en were driving," he said. "But plainable. The first occurred about P ASU may be contacted by mail at 6 from which it came. counters originated from when we reached Rawhide 8:30p.m. on Aug. 30, when reports Oakhill Ave. Greensburg. PA 15601. June 23-(Washington Co.) A Westmoreland, Washington and Al Rd. they just disappeared. I began to come into the PASU UFO The public can receive a free packet woman traveling on Rte. 22, about legheny Counties. was amazed." TIMES, Gadsden, AL Feb. 19, 1993 Greenley Rd. woman sees objects in sky By CHRIS BATEMAN called both the Tuolumne County declined to give her real name She said the UFOs were flat, Sheriff's Office and Columbia for this account wedge-shaped and "humongous "Oh my gracious, what a bright Airport for answers, but found ''When I told my sister about it, - probably about as long and star." none. she was laughing at me," she wide as our house." · That was Jessica's reaction A dispatcher told. her the said. "Mqre of that I don't need." "They weren't flying saucers," when she stepped onto the deck sheriff had received no other But Jessica wanted to get her Jessica continued. ''They looked of her Greenley Rd. area home calls concernin.J UFOs that story in The Union Democrat more like ·the spaceships you'd Video s~ows lights as for a breath of fresh air late night. The next morning a ~tafler "just in case anybody else saw see on 'Star Trek.' They had kind over DeKalb County. Monday night and saw a shining at Columbia Airport said she the same thing." of a ridge pattern. tapering to object above the hills to the east. knew nothing of flight move Coincidentally, the local sight ward the front and rear, and they Military: ''Then I started looking at it a ments in the Greenley area ing coincided with a "cluster' of had a lot of lights, in lines little closer and realized it was no Monday night or Tuesday morn UFO t'eltOrts from the rural running from front to back." star," she said. "Stars don't move ing, "but was very interested." Midwest. Descriptions given to At their closest. she said, the around:' "I at first thought it might have authorities in Wausau County, Stealth What Jessica (not her real been something the Air Force Wise., and other areas - of flat 'I wasn't name) said she saw was instead was experimenting with, maybe objects with lights underneath - tohbeje cftisr stth aotf gtlihdreede ohvuerg ea rfalynignge aJe hsseilcicao. p"tBeru to Ir' vseo mneevtheirn hge,"a rsda iodf scaloysse slyh e msaawtc. hed what . Jessica imagining things. I not UFO of rolling hills to the east, passed a helicopter that didn't make any Her close encounter began at know what I saw. directly above her house, silently noise and didn't have blades." nearly midnight Monday, when headed south toward Highway She said the objects made only she stepped out on her deck for a I just don't know 108 and then disappeared in the "a low drone" and moved with "a breath of fresh air and saw what Time• Steff, Wire Reporte distance. gentle slowness." si).e first thought was a star. what they were' An Air Force spokesman said "I wasn't imagining things," Although Jessica's is positive ·But she almost instantly real Th~day it is unlikely one of the she insists. "I know what I saw. I and confident about ·what she ized that what she was seeing -'JESSICA' military's Stealth bombers would just d011't knew what they were." saw, and although her 30-year was too big and too bright to be a be the source of the strange lights After the sighting, Jessica old son witnessed it as well, she star. Then she made out some seen hovering over areas of Sand faint objects behind it and ran objects were flying not too far Mountain in recent weeks. Inside to get her son. above tree-top level and "lower Lt. Col. Mike Gannon, an Air "When we came back out, the than any private plane I've seen foree SJ?Okesman in Washington, big one had moved," said Jessi around here." D.C., said the only Stealth wing in UNION DEMOCRAT, Sonora, CA- Feb. 4, 1993 chao.u s"eIt f owlloaws ecdo bmyi ntwgo tootwhearrds. "t h. e forS htiell,r stoh es esea iwd,h eitt hwears t htoeore d waarks onpgehrtaetriso na ti sH othlleo monaen , wNit.Mh .F ~117A any lettering or symbols on the He. said the Stealth bomber is flying objects or ·to tell if there still bei,ng tested at Edwards Air li'orce Base in southern California. were any windows or portholes. lil neither case, he said, would it Sightings have been repQrted before In her 60s and a retired office be likely for such aircraft to fly worker, Jessica moved from the over Sand Mountain. valley to Tuolumne County last Earlier this week, Sgt. Ron Og UnexplaiDQe objects are no summer. Although she's always letree, commander of the Ala strangers to Tuolumne County's June 20;1977 - A-Buckhorn "orange Objects" ·that lit up a ttahkee ns kayn'' inatnedre sth a"si n wwihtnaet'sss eidn dbeanm, as aSitda tfeo rTmroeor pmeri lPitoasryt i no fGfiacderss skies. Here's a sampling of past Mountain resident sees a "large, canyon near Cedar Ridge, and "some unusual things," she and representatives of the Mutual UJ!O sightings reported in The oblong silver object hanging si "two whirling lights" that came swears she has "never, ever seen Unidentified Flying Object Net Union Democrat over the past lently in the air" off Woodham up from the ground" in the Red anything like this." work had viewed video film shot two decades: Carne Rd. at about 10 a.m. Hills - are noted in The Urlton Jessica says she and her son by Geraldine police dispatcher Su Sept. 12, 1973 - While on Nov. 29, 1977 - A Tuolumne Democrat. watched the UFOs for about 10 sanne Austin and tentatively iden their way to work, two Tuolumne Rancheria woman sees a ''yel minutes as they glided over the tified the object as the light pat men report seeing a 75 to 100- lowish white object" moving little valley in which her house terTnh eo nc ua rSretenat lrthe pboormtsb oefr . strange foot-long "silverish-yellowish or through the trees near her home. sits and then disappeared ·to the lights in some kind of triangular ange disc" hovering over a can No~ 30, 1977 - A Belle~ew south. pattern began on the night of Jan. yon near Long Barn. Rd. woman sees a "red oblong Although hers is the first 28 at the Dogtown community, fol Sept. 14, 1973 -A similar disc object moving up, down and Tuolumne. County sighting to be lowed by similar reports from is seen by Sonora woman from sideways" when she looks out noted in The Union Democrat Lickskillet Jan. 30. More sightings the bedroom window of her Snell her bedroom window at 1 a.m. since 1982, it is hardly unique. followed in February. Marv Taylor of the Mutual Ogletree said it's not known why St. home. "It was sitting down March 29, 1978 - Three Lake UFO Network <MUFON) logged a Stealth aircraft would have been low," she says. "I could almost Tulloch fishermen spot a UFO numerous sightings in the 1970s flying over DeKalb County. He reach out and touch it." "flying at an altitude of 50,000 said the Federal Aviation Admin and early 80s (see separate Sept. 17, 1973 - A Rolling feet and at a speed of 800 to 1,000 story). istration referred calls to a UFO Hills couple sees a blinking, miles per hour." network, and neither he nor others in the area felt a call to the Air bright object in the northern March 18, 1980 - "A bright light Force would have been helpful. skies above the old Columbia in the sky'' follows a Sonora "They're not going to give you duSmepp.t . 20, 1973 - A mother abnro thhoeur ra nads stihsteeyr fdorri vme oruep thLaan ~ County UFO-sighting theT htiem me oofu ndtaayin,"o uhse rseagidio. n near and her four children spy a UFO Grange Rd. from Merced. Geraldine became a hotspot for resembling "a huge, blinking March 19, 1980 - A Pine ~ reports puzzle expert UFO reports four years ago thls flashbulb" hovering over Mt. Mountain Lake couple and their m~nth. The town of Fyffe, a few Elizabeth. son see a 300 to 400-foot object c: By ERIC HRIN miles north of Geraldine and Nov. 26, 1973 - A Sonora "resembling the Goodyear blimp,. ~ Herald-Stllndard StllffWriter Stikoniraulm n,e gwasi nseedr vthicee ast.t ention of na woman and her 14-year-old son but having portholes" while driv see "a UFO, much bigger than a ing in the Second Garrotte area 1 Several Uniontown residents reportedly had close encounters of star, giving off a spikey kind of in the early evening. ~ the eerie kind Thursday night. light and moving in a jerky way'' March 24, 1980 - A Sherwood i State police at Uniontown said they received phone calls Thurs near Hess Estates. Forest woman, awakened by 11 day nig~t beginning at about 10:15 p.m. from about a dozen people Oct. 12, 1976 - Three Tuol loud sound, looks out her window -0;5 twhhe os kcyl aaubnoevde tUo m~oavneto .wsene.n an unidentified flying object (UFO) in umne residents report seeing "a to see a UFO resembling "a red and white. pul$ating object" moon with two eyes on it." .c~:: as aP o"l~iecle lsoa~i dl igalhl t,o wf tihthe gpreeoepnl efl adsehsicnrgib leidg hthtse. "o bject the same way ' over Table Mountain. They say it March 6,1981 - A Green ::J Pohce sa1d the people reported seeing the object at three differ- "streaked across the sky'' more Springs Rd. rancher sees "a ent places - above Haky's Funeral Home, above Gallatin Avenue than once, turned red, then huge, brilliant tubular object" 9 and above the Sensus Plant. disappeared. and several flying saucers while <~ "Our g~ys sa.~ nothing," said a police dispatcher. Oct. 14, 1976 - A doctor's wife driving back from a dinner at One umdent1f1ed caller to the Herald-Standard described the and her teenage daughter spot a Poker Flat. E-t ob~ect as "~o oval green rings." The caller said that, at a certain "pulsating, bright red UFO" in May 22, 1981 - Two men Ul pomt, the Objects would turn into bright white lights and then dis- the night sky above their Phoenb.c working the graveyard shift at ~ appear, only to return again at another site. Lake area home. The next morn Calaveras Asbestos spy "two _ .The caller said many people were following the object, or ing they find a white, gossamer diamond-shaped lights" moving ..... objects, across town. material believed left by aliens. It from the north 1,000 feet above Sta!l ~ordon, director of the Greensburg-based Pennsylvania turns out to be a spider web. them. AssocJatJon for the Study of the Unexplained, urged people who saw the objects to call his hotline at 838-7768. Dec. 1, 1976 - A Tuolumne Aug. 11, 1982 - A spate of 10 shopkeeper, his wife and several summer UFO sightings - in Gordon said a volunteer from his group was traveling to Union· 4 local children report seeing "a cluding a "big white light" that t<?wn and w~>Uld make a report on the sighting reports. Gordon said h1s group tnes to study such objects in a scientific manner. bright, egg-shaped object" hover momentarily set down on a ing above tl:le Westside property. Draper Mine Rd. lawn, a fleet of "Sometimes these things can be explained ...a nd sometimes they can't," said Gordon. TIMES, Gadsden, AL - Feb. 4, 1993 Deja ·vu! UFOs return to skies over DeKalb? Then Tuesday night, Mrs. Aus tin, 24, said she watched a strange light in the sky for about 45 min utes, beginning about 8:45. Mrs. Austin, chief dispatcher at Geraldine Police Department, lives at the Geraldine city limits to the east. She said she and her hus band went outside after hearing chatter about lights in the sky on a police scanner. "What we saw was definitely not a falling star," Mrs. Austin said. "It never did break up or fall to the ground." Mrs. Austin said that by looking SAND MOUNTAIN REPORTER, back toward Crossville and Kilpat hellicclpber, but no rick, she watched a light source Albertville, AL- Feb. 4, 1993 longer hear sound that attract high in the sky that was "shaped Bright On Beulah Cut Off Road, in a ed her. Opening her door, she said, like a spinning top." stationary vehicle, the object FORT PAYNE - A week of re- she saw an array of lights about 50 It did not have defined edges, seemed to move slightly and no ports of strange lights over De- feet straight ahead and could but had instead "a misty blur strange noise could be heard. Kalb County has police officials make out its shape. around it." object Once on East Main St. in building a file on the county's lat- "It was bigger that an automo Mrs. Austin said she took some Albertville, however, the object est encounter with unidentified bile, and it was thicker in the mid pictures, but was not optimistic disappeared behind trees and flying objects. die than it was on the ends," Ms. that the film captured what see buildings. Sue Johnson was drying her hair Johnson said. "I tried to make a saw. baffles StAatneo Rthouerte 1w6i8t nEeassst sdarwiv ai nbgri gohnt sahbeo ucta n5n ao.tm d.e Jsacrni.b 2e8 b wrohuegnh at hneori stoe cdorauwldinn'gt ogfe itt ofonr pthaep etrro wophearts ,I bsuatw I lig"hItt wwaass ap rcehtetya ph cigahm ienr ath, ea nsdk yth,"e v•t ewers aovtre aarnbygo eub tib g9a: l0la 5nfpad.l mlian. lgTm hforeo somtb jhtehictet wsthkayes DtbhaoeWcg kkthoiyatwact rhnsdeh. new wsaaisnw ds opowrma oceft ihscoearrllt hy oo ifmn aehi eirnr- wamliloStyhsh tse mo ss ytasa liotediwy otehnlysea . r"toy hb.a jteT cihtt eam polpivgeehadtrs el adtt heaarl- t ssreohtMueu trhosnao ciinndietg.yy ,h loi5mm9,i et wforfho oGm e lariav rleedssi ntoaenu, rwathanest ground but it quit burning right borne object, covered with glim- covered it did not actually blink on with sandwiches about 8:30 p.m. before it hit the ground, he said. ' mering red, green and white and off, but glimmered or shim Tuesday when he saw a bright Tony Simmons and his son lights, and moving slowly below mered "like a bunch of gnats." light in the sky ahead. BRy eJpEoNrtNerI FSEtaRff EWSrKitEerW SJanseoadn awnde rWe aldnruitv Ginrgo vbe eotnw Ue.eSn. theIt twreaest ojupsst. after 8 p.m. Saturday sa"idI. w"Ia sw raenatleldy tfor ikgehetpen seede,i"n gs hite, tai"lI ot vwears tshteil lt oapt foifr stth, eth terne eist taonokd A bright object was seen Tues 278 heading East, when they saw when Karen Twilley got a call but I wanted to get away from it at stopped again," Mooney said. "It day night in Marshall and the object at about 9 p.m. from her mother-in-law across the the same time." never did move again, but it DeKalb counties, along with "I've never seen anything like road in Lickskillet, telling her to The object disappeared while stayed there, shining bright." . other states such as Georgia, it before," said Simmons. go outside and look at the strange she was moving from one door to Mooney said the light appeared Tennessee and North Carolina. The object he saw was bright lights. the other. She said she had it in in the direction of Albertville. It . The object was seen hovering white with a ring of bright red When she, her husband and -son constant sight for about five min was about the size of a dinner m the sky and has been classified around it. It was heading downw got outside, they were shocked by utes. plate, and it had a reddish glow. It as a UFO by many who viewed ard all the time and was at about a different kind of light show. In The objects seen at Lickskillet was first at a 45-degree angle from it. tree top height. one direction they saw three trian- lingered longer. Mrs. Twilley, 29, the ground, but moved down to The Crossville Police received "It looked like a scud missile," gle-shaped objects covered in red said they were visible for a total of about 10 feet above the tree line. a couple of calls on the bright he said. and white blinking lights, in the about 45 minutes, counting the After he got home, he and his wife object, said Chief Ronald West. West also said that last Friday other a single large globe-shaped time of the first sightings by her watched it for about 30 minutes. "It was odd," he said but night, he received a call from a white light. in-laws. Mooney does not discount a con added, "I don't know what's woman who had seen a bright Then Tuesday about 9 p.m. Su- The three triangular objects nection between the sightings in going on." object but he couldn't find the sanne Austin and Ernest G. werehighinthesky,andeachwas the sky and recent cattle mutila At least four people saw the source of the light. "Gene" Mooney, both of GeraT- larger than an airplane. tio"nHs oown tdhoe ygoruo uenxdp. lain that the oCbojuencct ila mfteere titnheg . Crossville City lauAnccchoerdd ian gro ctok etr eTpuoerstds,a yN nAigShAt dfrionme, sdaiwff ea rsetnrta npgleac leigsh tb iunt thine st,khye bu"tT thheerye wwearsen i'nt acnoyn ssotaunntd m,"o Mtiorns,. ctaakttelne aoruet kainllded paanrdts a lol ft htehierm b locoudt waAst aat bmoeudt i7u:m30 h pei.mgh.t tihn et hoeb sjkeyc.t pbruot baitb lhye naodte dth es ooubtjhe cat nsde enw ains sa"mIet' sd irbeecetnio ng. oing on a week Tliwghiltlse yk espati db. l"inTkhien gr.e dM ayn din w-lahwites aofw aa ys twruitghg lneo? "tr aMckoos noery aansyk esdig. ns When compared to stars in the the sky. now,'' Sgt. Ron Ogletree, com- saw the other source of light move Local police department offi sky it was muc:h brigblet' and The chances of it being a mander of the Gadsden trooper in and later just vanish, but I only cials confirmed this morning that when a plane passed by the meteorite that was breaking up post, said Wednesday. "We are in- saw it when it was shining con investigations of cattle mutila opblajnecet' s wliigtnhet swseass mcouucldh dteimll mtheer arAe lab emritl"liiUone tPoo olknee. received no avnesdt itgraytiinngg teoa cphu tr etopgoerttehde rs iag hctoimng- staMntr.s". Twilley said she was not stiiognnss ohfa av es trnuogtg ldei socro avneyre dti rea noyr and moving faster than the ~.;oaa bright object~ plete file. frightened. human tracks in the areas. object. .kff-Ballard, the state director "We are treating all of them se- "I felt shock and excitement, Ogletree said the aerial sight About 15 minutes later the with ~njdentified Flying Objects rio_u~ly because these are serious but they were too far away for me ings and reports of cattle being object was lower. Network, said that he has had no people. They are not publicity to get scared," she said. "The first mutilated are "both interesting One witness said that even reports on Tuesday night's seekers who made all this up to get thing I thought of was those cows and important stories," which later the object was the same object but this is the same time their name in the papers... -that had been mutilated. w~ have were being pursued independent height as the buildings around of year that Fyffe, saw UFOs in It was in 1988 that huge crowds cows around here." ly, but said he had no reason to Crossville. their town in 1989. of people flocked to Fyffe after nu- Her reference was to recent re connect the two. On the way from Crossville to He said that people there saw merous reports of UFO sightings. ports of cattle found dead in Mar "I, too, would like to see a com Albertville the object at times the UFOs every Friday for Stotorke eotsn oaf tchaer nSiavnadl Matomuonstpaihne troew. n sthheailrl taenedth DanedK aslebx ucaolu onrtigeasn sw riteh- plete forensic exam of one of the got very low in the sky between almost the whole month of Feb cows to answer some of these 8 and 8:30p.m., too low to be a ruary and that it attracted lots Ms. Johnson, 29, said she first ~o:ved a~d the blood drained from questions," he said. star and it did not stay in the of media attention. thought the object out her window elr bodies. same place. TIMES-JOURNAL, Fort Payne, AL- Jan. 30, 1993 Look! Up in the sky! Is it a bird, a plane ...a UFO, or what ... ? By LARUE CORNELISON It was about half the length of my 65-foot trailer." believe anythi~g like that until I see it for myself. TheTimes-Joumal She stood, transfixed, until the object glided to the Thursday was JUSt a normal morning for me." DOGTOWN-Sue Johnson was drying her hair fernodn to df hooerr, throaiplienrg, otou tk oefe psi gith itn; tvhieewn .s he ran to the ah~esns. ,J obhunt sfeoenl ss athyes schraef dt oise nsno'tth niencae tshsaarti mlya bienlsiterveea imn before leaving for work early Thursday morning when "I never saw it again," she shrugged. "It just disap America is aware of. ., a strange, unearthly hum rose above the noise of the peared." "I don't know what this thing was. I was sizing it up hair dryer, accompanied by an odd vibration through Sue immediately called her mother, Shirley Akins. from one end to the other. I stood there for several out her mobile home. "The first thing my daughter asked me was 'do you seconds. I was so amazed at what I was seeing, it just She clicked off the dryer and walked to her kitchen believe in UFO's?"' said Mrs. Akins. "I told her any blew me away." itawnhci"girnnTo dtgshhos iwel sit ,khnt hepoe iri inpset.egap Is am wtrduiuaonrssneg t'e ttbty ookeew n -laotoa oowrl-odke w ywume-phf,e"lwa.y tsiaI nh'irvtged e w asinainaeristcdvo;r ,e b at"rhufm tset. e o Isev kdniy noa, g knt hnyio nwk tltehhvMiene argl-sr hwe. eAaaa skmd iepnedons s tpasieoinbrndsle eoSd.n u I.a "ed t oswa boiedrl kia e Tvcheo u-mwrsyod rdakayeur s gwhheht eohr el.i avSrehdse ti hinse a honaeft~ ~rws erd.s:e 1tJsdaocelh~lnytnp-sstp wo~U:nmnb c lsoliafcui itddhz m~se hg FDe Fy okfygfnfetfeo eUww pF novO leuir cnsyeip) dl oiiettnntt letFeidfe oibbef.yd t 1h nf9eluy8 mii9nn,bt gebe rur st same sound ~r?und 5 8:.m. And later that evening, at obJect closely resembled those offered in Fyffe. it was not an airplane or a helicopter." 6:30 p.m., W1lhams Akms of Adamsburg reported see Mrs. Akins has notified the Federal Aviation inStou teh rea cno tldo h5 ear. mba. cdka rdkonore,s fsl.u "nIgt wita osp meno vainndg pbeeelorewd isnhga pthee o of 'bfjaetc-ti,n w-thhiec-hm Sidudel es-kaentdc-hteadp eirne dth-eo nt-ytphiec-ael nds." ASdlmaiungihstterra tw~iotnh, t hweh oF esduegrgaels Bteudr eshaeu coafl Iln Avgesetnigt aGtlieonnn. the Lreetops about three car-lengths along my back "I didn't want to say anything about this," Ms. Attempts to reach Slaughter in Gadsden on Friday yita~r idm fnegnPc. eb,"y sthhee preodin atendd tgor eshenow li gthhtes ~ ppuolt.s a"It icnogu oldn tiet.l l Jyoohun dsoo.n N aodrdmeadl.l y",I Tk'mn otwh ep etyoppele p tehrisnokn ywohue'rree cTr adzoyn 'itf were unsuccessful. 5 ~c:: --------------------------------------------------~ co >. 1-1 ~ People By Karen Jowers ~ No kidding, UFOs are out there, ~ ~ say former service members By Karen Jowers tary also investigate UFO reports. LIFE IN THE TIMES staff writer For instance, there is the 4,500-member Mutual UFO "Retired Army M~Y. Ed Dames' company uses special Network, Inc. (MUFON), some of whose members have ized intelligence techniques to study current UFO opera been members of the military. Former Air Force Capt. tions in the New Mexico desert. Kevin Randle and retired Air Force M~. George Dames, who says he has firsthand knowledge of UFOs, Filer, who both served in intelligence, will speak at a is president of Psi Tech in Albuquerque, N.M., a private MUFON conference in Washington, D.C., Feb. 6. company that studies UFOs. He is writing a book. The focus of the conference is the question of whether Dames describes strange alien machines going under the government is hiding the truth about UFOs, a preoc ground in the desert. He and other former military mem cupation Dames doesn't like. bers interviewed talk about their ongoing research on Among those convinced the government is withholding alien activity and "mental abductions," in which aliens en information is Randle, a Vietnam veteran and an intelli ter the minds of earthlings for hours. They disagree on gence officer in the Air Force Reserve for 10 years. He many issues in their research, but they all take a stand wrote UFO Crash at Roswell with Don Schmitt, pub against widespread ridicule of UFOs. lished in 1991 by Avon Books. Randle is now an inactive Psi Tech takes private and government scientists to se reservist. cret sites where the company has found repeated UFO Randle is convinced a crash near Roswell Army Airfield, Alien ship? The arrow points to an alleged UFO that Ed activity. He and eight other ofT~uty or retired military of N.M., July 4, 1947, involved a flying saucer, and was cov and Frances Walters show in their book, The Gulf Breeze ficers who work for the company use a technique called ered up by the federal government. The official explana Sightings (Morrow, 1990). Photo was taken in Gulf remote viewing, which involves training the unconscious tion is that a military balloon crashed. Breeze, Fla., in 1987. to explore a target with rigorous discipline while suppress Randle and Schmitt have interviewed more than 400 ing the imagination, he says. They are not psychics, he people, including 37 who say they handled pieces of the sion in their brains. Neither bodies nor debris ever existed, says. flying saucer debris and eight witnesses who say they saw he claims. (Randle scoffs at this theory, and says he has Dames was an Army intelligence officer until he retired bodies of dead aliens recovered at the crash site. held in his hand a piece of debris that one witness claims in 1991. He started Psi Tech in 1989. The company works Filer says he has talked to more than 50 people who to have taken from the scene.) for a number of clients, including private companies. claim they have been mentally abducted by aliens. What happened at Roswell is similar to other "mental Their work does not deal just with UFOs. For instance, Dames shares some of Randle's and Filer's conclusions. abductions," Dames says. In Psi Tech's remote viewing, they gave information to United Nations officials about He says Psi Tech has compiled evidence of mental abduc "We have seen the [Roswell witnesses) standing outside in underground biological warfare research and developmt!nt tions. He believes that's what happened at Roswell in a eatatonic state, or lying in bed, or driving up and down facilities in Iraq just before the Persian Gulf war. 1947. Aliens orchestrated the crash in the minds of the the road, while these 20 or so spheres moved overhead, Others who are or have been connected with the mili- witnesses. using highly technical methods to create an illu- zigzagging back and forth from person to person." Survey alters DAILY SENTINEL, Scottsboro, AL- Feb. 4, 1993 doctors' views Cattle mutilations, UFOs ~ ~u of UFO tales reported in DeKalb County ~ ...-4 ~ By Jeff Barker From the Times-Jo~Jmal shall County, including· one at his own fann. ...-t Republic Washington Bureau "We have no explanation for them whatsoever," he .c WASHINGTON - This is a story about psychologists UCKSKll...LET - It all sounds like scieitce fiction, said Monday. & maybe even .a Stephen King novel. Cole confirmed that reports of strange aircraft in the and space aliens. A Roper poll has touched ofT a spirited debate over UFO's and mutilated cows - a bizarre combination vicinity of the lcillings had rome I(> his office. but some people are thinking the two might go together. Sightings of the DeKalb UFOs were first reported at I whether mental-bealth professionals have too quickly A rash of photte calls to State Troopers and Sherifrs Dogtown last Thursday at 5 a.m. ~ dismissed patients' claims that they have been abduc;ted by Offices since Thursday have recorded at least seven Other reportS came· frorn Adamsburg at 6:30 p.m. UFOs. sightings of unidentified flying objects in the Lookout Thursdar.: from Liclcskillet at 8:1S p.m. Saturday; from ~ Alien-encounter stories, once relegated to the realm of Mountain area. Gaylesville at 9:15p.m. Saturday; and from Piedmont at ·~ !1t:i~s!i~r:~:~~gh:i:~e~~~~~a~~: ;~~~~t r~ie~::~~~~t~~; In the. same time frame, three mutilated head of cattle 6:30 p.m. Sunday. were reported in DeKalb County-the first such reports All described a craft with bright moving lights that ] results, which found that one in SO Americans believes he that law enforcement here can . recall. could hover below treetops or move at a faster rate of ~ or she may have had one of at least four types of Jaclcson Coqnty authorities said Wednesday they had speed and at higher altitudes. experiences consistent with a "UFO abduction." received no reports of UFOs or cattle mutilation in the Some said &hey sensed a stranJe humming vibration at ~ At the least, a small but growing number of therapists county rec~ntly. close range, while others said they heard no sound at all, . ~ now say it is their duty to approach these claims with an In DeKalb County the carcasses were located on Sand though their pets reacted wildly to the · aircraft ::;, open mind. Mountain, and the UFO sightings in a direct eastward line State Trooper Post Commander Ron O~letree ~ "The abduction stories are so unusual, so outside of across on Lookout Mountain. described a Lickskillet resident who reported seemg the ;C:l2d rpesaylcithyo logasis ts waen d hoathveer s khnavoew nre leigta, tedt htahte mpsayttcehri attor istthse, ouTt, hbeu cto wnos ' bseloxo odr gwanass arnedp otortnegdu east wtheree srecpeonret.e dly cut acrnacfet aosr "dveemrye acnroedr itbhlaet. Iw soauwld n coathuisneg m abe onuot th tiso abpeplieeavre 0 margin of their consciousness." Harvard University The mutilations were reported on farmland near Geral him." ~ psychiatrist John Mack wrote in an introduction to the poll dine, in Lathanville, and at Dawson .. Cole said his research indicates animal mutilations like ~ results, which were mailed to nearly 100,000 psychoana- Special· Investigator Tommy Cole said the DeKalb those in Marshall and DeKalb counties have only been lysts around the country last year. mutilations are like eight to 10 incidents rep~>rted in Mar- reported in a few other states across the U.S. Be open to the possibility The vast numbers of people with abduction stories demand that clinicians "be open to the possibility that semething exists or is happening to their clients, which, in our traditional Western framework, cannot, or should not, Of course, the survey also found that one adult in 10 tnumatic stress disorder from some traumatizing or be,'' Mack wrote. "ad seen a ghost. unsettling event." Some of Mack's colleagues are not heeding his advice to David Jacobs, a Temple University history professor Some therapists have proposed theories to explain the be open-minded. who helped with the survey and accompanying articles series of bizarre stories. Terence Sandbek, a Sacramento clinical psychologist, mailed to psychologists, said he was not prepared for what Robert Baker, a retired psychology professor from the said Mack's comments are proof-positive that ''even Ph.D.s happened after the results were released. University of Kentucky, is seeking to publish a paper get sucked into some of the most ludicrous schemes in the He said that more than 1,000 mental-health profession rebutting claims made by Jacobs, Mack and others. world." als sent cards back in expressing interest in learning more One of Baker's explanations for the stories is that people "To go the nearest star is going to take years and years about the subject. are experiencing hallucinations called "waking dreams" as if you travel at the speed of light, which you can't," "What that means, of course, ·is that there are a lot of they are drifting off to sleep or waking up. Sandbek said. "When you got there, would you talk to a therapists who have had people sitting in front of them "When people having these experiences go to a drunken fisherman from Mississippi, or would you talk to talking about these experiences, and often the therapists are psychotherapist, the psychotherapist is more than likely to a head of state? If you were that intelligent, you couldn't at a loss as to how to proceed," Jacobs said. "They realize say that it's just a nightmare," Baker said. "This sort of act that stupid." the person is not delusional, and they don't know what to dismissing it isn't really terribly satisfactory because it did The arguments began after the release of results from a do." seem so real.., Roper Organization poll of 5,947 adult Americans Responding to the queries, Jacobs and two colleagues Baker said he simply can't believe Americans have been conducted in late 1991. The poll had a margin of sampling have held informational workshops for the professionals in visited by extraterrestrials. error of plus or minus 1.4 percentage points. Los Angeles and . New York and are planning a third "Maybe there is life on other planets, but dammit, we The survey said that 2 percent reported having at least session in Atlanta on March 27. haven't been able to find it," he said. four types of experiences consistent with a UFO abduction. Traumatic abduction memories Sandbek said he knew of a therapist who had decided to The experiences included seeing unusual lights or balls specialize in UFO abduction cases. of light, having an hour or more pass without remembering Therapists at the workshops are told, among other His reaction? what happened, waking up paralyzed with the sense of a things, about investigatory techniques they may use to . "Did he get hit by a truck or something? Give me a strange figure in the room and finding puzzling or unusual dislodge traumatic abduction memories. break," Sandbek said. scars on their bodies. "I have interviewed many wonderful people-including schoolteachers, policemen, businessmen, college professors, Waking up paralyzed and community leaders - and found no psychopathology 6 The figures were highest for waking up paralyzed with a that would even begin to explain these reports," John stranger there. Eighteen percent of those polled reported at Carpenter, a Springfield, Mo., social worker, wrote in a least one such experience. Thirteen percent reported recent paper about the phenomenon. "These individuals experiencing a period of "missing time." normally cope well but experience the symptoms of post UFO puts on show Jefferson police officers describe close encounter By GARDINER HARRIS again and flew close to the helicop Staff Writer ter. Graham tried to close the gap with the object, and it again flew Two Jefferson County air unit away. As the UFO approached on a police offlce1'S - described by parallel course, the three fireballs their lieutenant as "solid guys" burst out of its core. - swear they had a two-minute dogfight with a UFO during a Scared, Graham banked away routine helicopter patrol Friday from the object. night. "When we came back around, it Two officers on the ground was gone," Graham said. said they, too, spotted the object. When the two returned to their The UFO - a glowing pear base, Graham called the control shaped object about the size of a tower at Standiford Field to ask if basketball - literally flew circles their radar had spotted anything un Officer Kenny Downs around the helicopter, even usual. It had not. (far right) was with though the fliers say they were Downs called the county's radio pilot Kenny Graham moving at speeds approaching 100 mph. dispatchers to ask if anyone else (seated with him) had reported sightings. No one had. 1n one blinding moment when when they saw the both craft were hurtling toward But the two did get confirmation UFO. They descrlbecl.lt each other, the UFO shot three from two officers on the ground, baseball-size fireballs out of its one of whom was Smith. as a glowing pear middle, all three officers said. "I have no idea what it was," shaped object about The fireballs fizzled into nothing. Smith said, but his confirmation the size of a basketball Officers Kenny Graham and cheered the two fliers. Kenny Downs haven't talked that at one point shot "It makes me feel better," Downs much about their Friday night said, "that there are ... grown men three baseball-size flight over General Electric Ap out there who are sworn to protect fireballs out of Its pliance Park because they fear this community and who saw the middle. few will believe them. But they same thing." are convinced they weren't hallu cinating. "We both go to church every week," Downs said as a way of explaining how normal the two normally are. "ln fact, I might start going to church twice a week." Officer Mike Smith, in his squad TIMES DAILY, Florence, AL- Feb. 7, 1993 car below, said he saw the object UFOs for only about a min~. But he con firmed the UFO shot three fireballs into the air and then disappeared. Officer Joe Smolenski said he tried for more than a minute to Strange lights taken seriously in northeast Alabama catch up to the object in his squad car. "I've been looking for 'em for 14 years, and I guess this is the clos est I've come to something I By Darrell Nonnan police scanner. couldn't explain." WYT Regional Newspapers ''I was really frightened. I "What we saw was definitely not a falling star," Lt. David Pope, who was roused FORT PAYNE - A week of reports of strange Austin said. "It never did break up or fall to the out of bed at 12:30 Saturday morn lights over DeKalb County has police oflicials wanted to keep seeing it, but ground." ing by a call from the startled offi building a file on the county's latest encounter Austin said that by looking back toward Cross cers, attested to their sanity and sin with unidentified flying objects. I wanted to get away from it ville and Kilpatrick, she watched a light source cerity. Sue Johnson was drying her hair about 5 am high in the sky that was "shaped like a spinning "These guys are totally solid Jan. 28 when a noise she cannot descrtbe brought at the same time.'' top. It did not have defined edges, but had instead ~ys," Pope said. "There's no doubt her to the kitchen window of her home in Dog "a misty blur around it." m my nund there was sorpething town. Sue Johnson Mrs. Austin said she took some pictures, but out there." What she saw practically in her backyard was UFOsigbter was not optimistic that the film captured what see The night started out like every .some sort of airborne object, covered with glim saw . other night. Graham and Downs got mering red, green and white lights, and moving "It was a cheap camera, and the light was pretty to work around 6 p.m. and were slowly below the treetops. saw with my eyes." high in the sky," she said. soon in the air flying a routine pa It was just after 8 p.m. Saturday when Karen She said the object moved laterally so slowly Mooney, 59, who lives on the south city limit of trol. Graham, 39 and an 11-year vet 'I'willey got a call from her mother-in-law across that it appeared almost stationary. The lights that Geraldine, was returning home from a restaurant eran, was the pilot. Downs, 39 and a the road in Lickskillet, telling her to go outside covered it did not actually blink on and otT, but with sandwiches about 8:30 p.m. Tuesday when he five-year veteran, was the spotter. anWd hloeonk sahte t,h eh esrt rahnugseb alingdh tsa. nd son got outside, gli"mI mwearse dre aolrl ys hfirmigmhteerneedd ","l ikseh ea sbauindc. h"I o wf gannatetsd." to sa"wI ta w balsig shtitl ll iagth tf iirnst t, hthe esnk yit a thoeoakd t. ail over the top While in the air, they received a they were shocked by a ditierent kind of light keep seeing it, but I wanted to get away from it at of the trees and stopped again," Mooney said "It call about a possible break-in near show. In one direction they saw three trtangle the same time." never did move again, but it stayed there, shining Sanford Avenue and Buechel Bank shaped objects covered in red and white blinking The object disappeared while she was moving blight." Road. They flew off and quickly lights, in the other a single large globe-shaped from one door to the other. She said she had it in Couple watched object for 30 minutes anrerooarcuthhneedad s 1tt1h c:5eo0 ra npree.mar ,o. wf Ahipcphl iiasn ncee aPra trhke, wErhTnihteees tnl i gGTh.ut .e" Gsdeanye "a bMouoot n9e yp,. mbo Sthu soafn Gneer Aaludsintien, asanwd TcowTnihlsleteay 'n,o tb2 sj9ei,gc htssta ifsdoe r etanhb eoayut tw Lfeiivcreek smkviiilsnlieubttl eel sin.f ogre rae dt olotanlg eorf. opflMa Ateol,ob naerentydv i slilate i.dh aIttdh ewa alrisge dhadtb iaosphup tw etaohrweed . sIiitnz e wt haosef fdaiir rsdet icnatinto eanr As they circled, Graham sew; a strange light in the Sk)' from ditferent places but about 45 minutes, counting the time of -ttle -fiist 45-degree angle from the ground, but moved down something that looked like a small in the same direction. sightings by her in-laws. to about 10 feet above the tree line. Mer he got fire off to his left. Dozens of bon loopers puffing together file Objects larger than airplane home, he and his wife watched it for about 30 fires had been lit around the county "It's been going on a week now," Sgt. Ron The three trtangular objects were high in the minutes. that night by revelers delighting in Ogletree, commander of the Gadsden trooper sky, and each was larger than an airplane. Mooney does not discount a connection be the new snowfall. post, said Wednesday. "We are investigating each "They were in constant motion, but there wasn't tween the sightings in the sky and recent cattle But Graham soon decided it reported sighting and trying to put together a any sound," Twilley said. "The red and white lights mutilations on the ground. wasn't a fire. Downs shined his 1.3- complete file. kept blinking. My in-laws saw the other source of "How do you explain that the cattle are killed million-candlepower spotlight on "We are treating all of them sertously because light move in and later just vanish, but I only saw and all their blood taken out and parts of them the object, which began to drift these are sertous people. They are not publicity it when it was shining constant." cut away with no tracks or any signs of a strug back and forth like a balloon as .the seekers who made all this up to get their name in Twilley said she was not frightened. gle?" Mooney asked. light washed over it. Then it gradu the papers." "I felt shock and excitement, but they were too Local police department oflicials confirmed this ally floated up to the helicopter's It was in 1988 that huge crowds of people far away for me to get scared," she said. "The first morning that investigations of cattle mutilations elevation about 500 feet above the flocked to Fytfe after numerous reports of UFO thing I thought of was those cows that had been have not discovered any signs of a struggle or any ground, where it hovered for a .few sightings. Streets of the Sand Mountain town took mutilated. We have cows around here." tire or hwnan tracks in the areas. seconds. on a carnival atmosphere. Her reference was to recent reports of cattle Ogletree said the aertal sightings and reports of Johnson, 29, said she first thought the object out found dead in Marshall and DeKalb counties with cattle being mutilated are "both interesting and "Then it took off at a speed I've her window was a helicopter, but she could no their teeth and sexual organs removed and the important stones," which were being pursued in never seen before," said Graham, longer hear the sound that attracted her. Opening blood drained from their bodies. dependently, but said he had no reason to connect an experienced pilot. her door, she said, she saw an array of lights about Then Tuesday night, Austin, 24, said she the two. The object made two huge count 50 feet straight ahead and could make out its watched a strange light in the sky for about 45 "1, too, would like to see a complete forensic er-clockwise loops and finally ap shape. minutes, beginning about 8:45. exam of one of the cows to answer some of these proached the helicopter's rear. "It was bigger that an automobile, and it was Austin, chief dispatcher at Geraldine Police De questions," he said. Graham, afraid ille object would thicker in the middle than it was on the ends," partment, lives at the Geraldine city limits to the ram his tail rotor, pushed his speed Johnson said. "I trted to make a drawing of it for east. She said she and her husband went outside Darrell Nonnan is a staff writer for The Gadsden above 100 mph. The UFO shot past the troopers, but I couldn't get on paper what I after healing chatter about lights in the sky on a Times 7 them and instantly climbed hun dreds of feet in the air. It descended ISLANDER, Pensacola Beach, FL- Feb. 24, 1993 COURIER-JOURNAL, Louisville, KY- March 8, 1993 CR: J. Slone Papa Joe Says UFOs More than a few UFO spotters Drop Aliens On Beach have remained unidentified too By Bland Pugh BYRON would be discredited professionally "Just once," he said. It's been several weeks since Breeze (I still don't know who's been CRAWFORD if the strange details of his story Then he told me a story that I we've bad a sighting, the weather has writing those articles). That was when were ever made public, and he cannot quote verbatim but have been good, so there has been no he told me he knew why the UFOs declined to discuss the sighting. retrieved from memory, reasonably excuse not to be out Skywatching. had been coming to this area, are you State troopers. truck drivers and certain that the basic details are Joe Barron reports a sighting in ready? TheAlienshaven'tbeencom an airline pilot have related UFO correct. Crestview: ing here to abduct people, they are stories to me over the past several Late one afternoon, several A mother (47) and her son (26) heretodropthemoff. You know, Joe years, but most would not consent years earlier, he had been in a were wiblesses to bright yellow lights may have something. Not to belabor this UFO thing, to be quoted for fear of ridicule. weed patch not far from the gravel being ejected from some sort of silent but the recent widely publicized Of all the UFO stories I have road that led past his farm, when craft about 5:30p.m. on February 5. I do hope that everyone got to close encounter between a heard, the most intriguing was told he heard what he thought were 1be craft resembled a helicopter with read our two part article on the "Ed Jefferson County police helicopter to me by a man who lived in a "bull bats," another name for the out rotors. Four balls of light were Walters' Case," I had a conversation and a small, glowing, pear-shaped tent in the woods, year round, for night hawk, a dark bird with eethjseaticnmt eatdhtee fd rco trmoa fbtthe e s Techvraeefr tab,l a tlwlismh iewcshe lr awer gearere r amwritetinhc tl eWw aiatnhltd u Ash nerdu rwnunasis,n gicn io t,n1 c0he0or%wni enavgge rrteh heies cbsotlaboaljirlemoiceotss n twI h'bvaaretsi n abhg eiLsse otnhou oti sommvldiieln mlode av made eraf enthwh one t Uo-awFirO A prominent Southern isspnieoxseie nnoct rtefs lds.y e iTwnvhgeinne egy, rs arc antathdniac ttash oldlemyiyv e iemntsi magakrfeotese u arbp es of r5a0n fgeeedt iinn ad diaiammeotenrd a fnodr mthaet icorna,f ta 2b0o utot awbalse tdoi sraupnp tohien atecdc otmhapta wnyei nwge prae rtn ooft ytheeayrs f obuyn cdr etdoiob lien cpreeodpiblele w toit hm taaklees Kentucky banker said kinWdh oefn b muzyz firnige nsdq uleoaokk.e d up, he 30 feet long. The sighting time was this story, which was written by Art public. he had seen an saw, suspended in rectangular box s3e0t sm oifn fuotuesr .b Talhlse,y l saargwe trw thoa and tdhiet ifoirnsat.l Hveurfyf ocrodn. ciIsne hainsd a fraticctluea, l aAcrct oguanvte o af A former Navy aircraft navigator amazing sight in the flionrems,a tfioounr jsumsta lalb, omveet aslolimc eg rpaoyw, er told of having watched a bright, being ejected from the craft near the the "Walters' Investigation," includ disk-shaped object perform night sky some years cigar-shaped objects that appeared Sbalimar water tower, before losing ing the facts on Tommy Smith's ac aeronautically impossible feats ago that haunts him to be no more than 8 to 10 inches sight of the craft beyond the tree line. count, the model, and the alleged around a jet in which he was long. He believed them to be the The balls appeared to fade out as they Salisberry investigation. Anyone flying a routine radar mission off to this day. source of the squeaky, changing descended into the trees. The inves wishing a copy of this article may the California coast several years tones that he was hearing. He tigator was Robert Mosley of write to me through The Islander, back. stood watching for what seemed a aSnhdal iTomhfa icsr. op uaGrssote ow dee vejoekrb wy, oaBns eoM'bs a. ardttie Gntriaosn, apntletesaascs ehene evdn.e clolopsee, aw siethl f5 a2d cdernestss epdo sbtuasgie calnoTdsh ece at ouo sbtejhedec ttph flelae nuwen ndaeat rntvigmeedreo spu, islholeyt stoai d, sCeovuenrtayl, yIenadr.s I inu sWeda sthoi vnigstiot nh im sgbaoeieodnd. lweshsi leth baunt tmwoay m aicntuutaelsly, hhea ve has been directed towards the revelry We continue to have visitors alert flight command of the threat. every winter just to see if he was Then the noise stopped, and the of the season. As most of you know, come to the area from all over the The navigator, a Louisville still there: to walk the creek banks small metallic objects, still in I have been one of the Red Beans and country. Floyd and Sally Hitchcock, resident, said he signed a classified and forest paths on his 90 acres formation, lifted slowly away from RI wicaes c cooookksi fnogr tah efe dwe lyiceaacrsy, wsoh etnh eurpe cfrioamlly Dtoe "nSvkeyr,w aCtochlo,r"a adnod c sahmaree esospmee orebpjeocrtt wofa tsh ree fienrcriedde ntto ians wah UicFhO t.h e jwaunhddag tet odh elhe ikamnrn et wob i batsbe oaiunntdt e nlplaiigteucerneest. aoI nf d sethlxiecg ehppto taw fnoegrrl eol.i nnTeeh ss ema nsakdlyl a cwslceaeasnr idonevgde riacnat sat walked "Papa Joe" Reynolds to very interesting experiences. I hope Skylab astronaut Gerald Carr truthful. the clouds, and as the objects share a few words of encouragement they are not disappointed. told me during an interview in the neared the clearing, they instantly with the cooks. After he'd given us Well that'saboutitforthis week, mid-1970s that he had seen some One year, as our visit was accelerated and vanished through our lesson in humility for the morn I think you'lllike the articles we have things in space that had no ending, I asked him if, in all the the clearing, my friend said. It was ing, the conversation turned to UFOs. planned for you in the near future. plausible explanation and that he years he had lived in the woods, the only thing that had baffled Joe said he'd been reading about all of Don't forget the Hotline 438-3261, could not dismiss all UFO watching the skies, he had ever him in all the years he had spent the abductions on the beach and Gulf and keep looking up and behind you! phenomena as purely imaginary. seen anything he couldn't explain. outdoors. A prominent Southern Kentucky A look of perplexed relief came He had never bothered to tell Letter To The Editor banker said he had seen an over his face, and he hesitated for anyone else the story, he said, amazing sight in the night sky a few seconds, as though because he knew no one would some years ago that haunts him to considering whether he should believe it. He had trouble believing this day. But he feared that he answer. it himself. In search of the enigmatic an Ed Walters know this on November swers to the UFO situation, I have 11, 1987? made fourteen trips to Pensacola/Gulf Breeze from my home in North Caro Mr. Larsons' article was the frrst ~ r----·,----"'-~~x-"--t1ie-BookNook_*,,=,~*·VW,~··-·~-·,~--*1 blienaac. hYeso aurres ai sn aa tgiorenaatl atrreeaas, uraen. d the ytiemaer sI hoadf eivnevre sseteing athtiios nin oinvteor thMrere. &------· --·~~*~·m»~·~MX·>~"·--·----·~»,=·»'•'W-~<««-·--·~··· ~*--· _J I believe we can now answer one Walters' sightings. I do not believe ..; By Mickey Gallagher of the big questions concerning the Ed Walters moved to Gulf Breeze Have you ever looked at the Gulf Breeze UFO sightings -Why knowing this, then waited years to ~ sky and thought you saw some are they coming to Gulf Breeze? hoax photos and then not tell anyone ~ thing moving up there that There is no longer any question of the geographical significance of 1 didn't look famUJar? If so, you're as to the reality of UFO's. Given that Gulf Breeze as this would add cre ~ not the only one to ever see a they are real and piloted by intelli dence to his story. UFO (unidentified flying object). ag etinmt een ttbitri ethse, itrh oevree rwt cilol nhtaavcet two ictho muse. live aDt idth eE dce Wntearl toerfs t hjuiss tg rheaaptp ceinr ctloe ·<glJ Yltobur'allr yfi ntdh palte ndtoyc oufm boeonkts mata tnhye I belicwe. what we are seeing is the and just happen to fake UFO photos? -;; people's experiences wtth UFOs. beginning of this contact I think not. It is their way to add Mankind is being prepared for credibility to Mr. Walters' photo :0::"l ' One of the best introductions the knowledge of their reality by their graphs. c0 to the UFO phenomenon Is staging sightings at various times and It is interesting to note that using U'l Jenny Randles' "1be UFO Con- places. The sightings over Mexico Homographic or Sinusoidal projec spiracy: The First Forty Years." near Roswell, N.M. But by the City during the solar eclipse of July tions, the centers of a circle using the ~ ~~:;~f ~~=~;~~. ~~~ next day, the m111tary had N11in, ete1e9n91 paeroep laen uenxkanmowplne toof ethacish. Osacmeaen t,a nwgehnetr ep ohianbtsit aist iionn t hise nAottl apnotsic ~ ntng with 1947 when strange changed Its story and claimed that It was only the debris from other videotaped a silver disk that sible by humans. Also interesting is ~ flytng discs were spotted --over was in the sky during the eclipse. An that according to "Goode's World » the Cascades here In Wash a weather balloon. Was this a cover-up? Author Friedman exact same disk was videotaped 7000 Atlas" the Mercator projection is "of ~ ingtonl Randles beUeves that the beUeved so, and he interviewed miles away in Japan. If these entities value in navigation because a line ~> U.S. govermnent is not telUng us more than 100 witnesses, some wanted their ships to be seen, what connecting any two points gives the everything It knows about better time than an eclipse? true direction between them." UFOs. And she's not the only of whom say they examined the I believe they wanted Ed Walters I was shocked to open the Febru one. bodtes of dead aliens. to take pictures. In order to avoid an ary 3 "Islander" to Bland Pughs' ar Probably the most widely Orwellian panic they are giving us ticle, "Bizarre Story Unfords," and In "Out There: The Govem known UFO researcher Is Jac bits and pieces of evidence so the see the photo of" Bills"' hand, which ment's Secret Quest for Ex ques Vallee, the model for the majority of our population can adapt had been mysteriously wounded traterrestrials,"" HowiU'd Blum fftnch UFO spceta!lst. tn -the their belief systems to handle this while on a skywatch. Seven small shows that a highly secretive fihn "Close Encounters of the information. No wonder UFO's seem scars in a circle - with one in the governmental organization 1ltlrd Kind." In "Dimensions: A so enigmatic - sightings are enig center. called the UFO Working Group Casebook of Allen Contact." Val matic by intelligent design. There is an intelligent design has been Investigating UFO lee looks at a wtde variety of UFO When I read Kenneth Lloyd behind the release of UFO informa slghtlngs since 1987. But the reports and comes to the con Larsons' article, "L. A. Researcher tion. As one researcher has said, U.S. govermnent denies such an clusion that UFOs do exist. but Places Gulf Breeze At World's Cen when you have pictures of an actual organization exists. Why? Blum they don't come from "outer ter" in the January 8 "Islander," I craft, there are only two possibilities takes the reader on a fascinating space" -- they come from knew this could be significant. Sure -the pictures are consciously fabri journey to uncover the truth another dtmenslonl enough, on a Mercator projection cated or are the real thing. about governmental Inquiries If I've whetted your appetite map of the world, Gulf Breeze is at I believe Ed Walters' are the real Into UFOs. for more Information on UFOs. the center of a circle enclosing North thing. I'll bet "Bill" does too. I'll also you may want to come to the One such inquiry Is looked at and South America and is tangent at bet that small scar at the center of in detail in "Crash at Corona: Snoqualmte Ubrary on Monday1 Point Hope, AK, and at Cape Hom. "Bills'" wound is symbolic of Gulf Jan. 25, from 7:30 to 9 p.m., to The U.S. M1Utary Retrieval and I believe Mr. Larson is correct in Breeze, Florida. hear a panel from the Mutual Cover-up of a UFO," by Stanton his conclusion that they came to Gulf Sincerely, UFO Network discuss their find~ Breeze because they know this. Did Brian Boldman Friedman and Don BerUner. On ings on reports of UFO slghtings. 8 July 8, 1947, the U.S. military Whether you're a beUever or Jl reported that the remains from skeptic, you'll find their presen a crashed UFO had been found tation provocative. TIMES-JOURNAL, Fort Payne, AL - Feb. 4, 1993 'This was not an airplane or anything like we've ever seen .. : What are people seeing in the night sky? By LARUE CORNELISON Also at about 7:30p.m., a sister of Mrs. Henderson's who lives in Grove Oak near Geraldine The~fTIIII reported seeing the same type object that Mrs. GERALDINE -It's almost a replay of the first Austin described. sightings of the Fyffe phenomenon that four years "This didn't really scare me," Mrs. Austin had said, ago this month drew thousands of binoculared UFO "it just tripped me out. It's so weird, with these cows seekers to the small mountain town. being mutilated during the same time frame. I don't On Tuesday night, numbers of people in DeKalb know if the two are tied together, but it's just a bit County reported seeing a dazzling star-like triangu strange." She referred to cattle mutilations reported lar-shaped craft with red and white lights. All said in the Geraldine-Dawson area during the past week. the silent object could hover or move in any direction At 8:15p.m. Tuesday, Virgil and Bonnie Owens of at slow or blinding speeds. Adamsburg reported seeing "a big stationary bright Sightings on Tuesday night were reported from light with points of light coming out all around it" to Geraldine, Grove Oak, Crossville, Dawson, the west of their Baugh Rd. residence. "My husband Kilpatrick, Duck Springs, Walker's Chapel, and said it was a star, it was the largest he's ever seen," Adamsburg. The time frame was 6:30 p.m. until past said Mrs. Owens. Geraldine Police records show that midnight. at 9:14p.m., Geraldine P.D. dispatcher Corey Dobson Geraldine Police dispatcher Susanne Austin said and Geraldine Rescue Squad member Brian Ritchey she and her husband Dave, a Geraldine police officer, watched the same type object from the police build saw the object from their farm between 7:30-9 p.m., ing for approximately three minutes. ab"oI uhte tawrod mCriloesss vsiolulet hpwoleicset ooff fGiceerra Cldhiuncek C Pitryi eHsat loln. Here is a rough rendering drawn from discriptions nuSmoeurtohu osf sDigahwtsinong,s iwn etrhee r Depuocrkt eSdp, riinncglsu dairnega ,o ne the scanner about 7:30," Susanne said. "He had spot given by witnesses who say they have watched the from a motorist who said the object shot down from ted the UFO where Highways 20 and 43 intersect at object over northeast Alabama skies for two nights above in front ofhis vehicle, before "simply disinte Dawson. I ran outside to look. I might have thought fast. Then it slowly descended back to where it was. grating". it was just a very bright star, except for the way it When it would move, its color would change from Federal Bureau 'of Investigation Agent Glenn began to move. When it started moving, I ran and got white to orange-yellow. All around it, was like a Slaughter said Wednesday he h~d received calls on my camera, and got my husband to look. I knew no lantern, that has a misty glow about it. the DeKalb County UFO, but said the Federal one would believe me." "I'm not saying I believe in aliens. But this was not Aviation Administration, not the FBI handles UFO Susanne's photos, taken from a distance with an an airplane, or anything like we've ever seen." cases. inexpensive camera, didn't outline the object clearly. At the same time-7:30p.m., Dolly and Nig .The FAA in Atlanta on Wednesday said they do not But in her mind, the silent UFO is etched in detail. Henderson of Dawson were standing outside their accept calls reporting UFO sightings, and gave a 'There were (air)planes in the sky, and this bright rural home, watching a bright, white object which telephone number for the National UFO Reporting light was so much larger than them. Around the Henderson described as hovering near Skirum. They Center as 206-722-3000. Several calls placed to that object was a hazy glow. Once, it shot upward, very called Crossville Police to report the object. number Wednesday were unanswered. BAXTER BULLETIN, Mountain Home, AR - Jan. 25, 1993 Ozark UFO Network director tells ISLANDER, Pensacola Beach, FL- Feb. 17, 1993 UFO B rings Back of unusual events at MH program Good Old Days· By JOSEPH A. HUDDLESTON break through the wall of secrecy sons apparently abducted at one the federal government has time or another had indicated Bulletin Staff Writer imposed on information regard such common experiences. by Bland Pugh Lights, abductions and atroci ing such vehicles and visitors, he Many who have been abducted ties are among things connected said. by aliens may not even know it, he Just a little over a week ago, I ings. The results told us that this with aliens and unidentified fly He said there have been stories said, although common charac received a call from a friend of mine UFO was some 1 and 3/4 miles off ing objects in the Ozarks. of women being impregnated by teristics may offer indications of saying, 'as he drove home he looked shore, at an altitude ofa pproximately That's according to W.G. Eslin aliens, and the aliens returning in whether a person may have straight ahead to the south over the 4600 ft Sort of gets your attention ger, director of the Ozark UFO a couple of weeks and extracting experienced aliens. Gulf, were two very familiar lights in doesn't it. It did me and the other Network, who presented a prog the fetus. Eslinger told of sightings in the the southern sky.' Knowing full well people watching, especially when ram in Mountain Home Thursday People under hypnosis have Ozark area, showed photographs what they were, he pulled into the this thing moved into the 9 knot NW night. said they have seen fetuses in var of purported UFOs in the area. He beach pier parking lot, got out of his wind. That's pretty tough on kites, He described mutilation of ious stages of growth aboard said it is not unusual for flying car and watched as the two lights and balloons. ichnau tmtlheau,n m imwanpomlsa,en ntia mtaiponnrde goonft hametrioo npnirt oaocrs f "mhouHtmhe eamrn saohdiiedp ssre,; fbheeerie nnsgac inedsu. rtotu trheed cinrotop otibojHne cet tos dwbiseipt hlsa pnyooe tdstep deac iifnvi citd ihedeoe natorieffi aca.a n hmoovreer emdi naubtoevs.e tNheee Gdluelsfs ftoor ssaeyv,e trhael meTehtionsge o wn hFoe bartuteanryd e1d4 tphreo bMabUlyF OsaNw. tices he believes have been prac patterns, or designs in fields, that object in the sky that was taken in next evening I was there in living the best meeting to date on the sub ticed by aliens traveling in UFOs. UFO students have attributed to Newton County. color, video camera in hand and ject of" Abductions," Dr.JohnMack The federal government knows alien activities. The patterns in He told of an object that last ready for the excitement to begin. spoke for almost three hours, and bad about the visitors from other England were widely publicized. year residents of Searcy County Friends I didn't have long to wait, those in attendance completely en worlds, he said, but has concen A truck driver in the audience watched circle the area for three just as I had gotten out of my car and thralled with his presentation. Dr. trated on covering it up. said he had seen one in a rice field hours. setthedateonmycamera, atanangle Mack spoke on the abduction phe He cited reports going back to in the Crowley's Ridge area. Eslinger said it was fairly com of about 30-32 degrees there it was, nomenon, and showed videos of one 1947 when the government first Eslinger also spoke of stran~e mon for UFOs to go beneath the bright red, pulsing, and moving into of his patients as he relived a regres reported a flying object crashed in white birds, some owl-like m water in Stockton Lake in the wind, just like old times, "The sion. New Mexico, but later retracted appearance, that may be used as Missouri. Gulf Breeze UFO." I was able to Dr. Mack probably came as close the story, saying the object was a "screens" by aliens. He also spoke of cattle mutila video this guy for about 4 1{2 min to the explanation of the phenom weather balloon. The birds may be hallucina tion, which also has drawn quite a Around 50 persons gathered at tions, he said, and may be bit of attention over recent years. utes, even though it had been there enon as any I have ever heard. Well the VFW Hall at Mountain Home designed to attract a person to a He said the aliens could beam an for a full minute before I started the over a hundred people attended the to hear Eslinger, watch a video, place where there is a UFO with animal aboard a ship, surgically camera. These sightings occurred on meeting. Of those attending were and participate in discussions on aliens waiting. remove certain organs and blood, February 2 and 3, respectfully. Gene & Jean Brown, MUFON State unusual sightings and reports of He also said that his organiza then deposit the creature back in "Bill" had been on the beach Section Directors from the Clearwater strange activities. tion is seeking to recover implants a field. again Saturday evening February 6 area, I had the pleasure of having Thirteen of those present indi that aliens may have left in Government research concern and had another sighting, although breakfast with them Monday morn cated by show of hands that they humans. The implants enable the ing such happenings has not been he was not affected as before (article ing. They are in the process of train had seen evidence of or had been aliens to keep track of the carrier, released, he said. of Feb. 3). On Monday I received a ing eight new Field Investigators, involved in an association with he said, and may also allow the He said that a half dozen or so call at work telling me the UFO had and establishing an up and going MU extra-terrestrial experiences. aliens to monitor thoughts of the different "races" of aliens have been spotted Sunday evening as well, FON chapter. I feel that they are on Eslinger said sightings of carrier. been identified, and that ships so what else to do but to load up the the right track. UUleFFaOsOts s4 5sh eyaeedna rabsl,le weonvi tehar r"tothhueon ucdos aufnnodtrr sy ao."tf itmwTop-hlwaenraetya i sti csooonmms em aeulvsniodi ecnamcteiao ytnh saa,lt l tohhwee TsphoTuthrtesoddsea h yaa vtretae nhngadedidn d gwi fftidehreeel ynm t ifenoe rtmaingsge. oaglda icna. mPearya ,d iratn! dH haevaidn gf oar m theee tbinegac tho that Ith heayv eh baeveen g toolnde b tyo s sekvyewraal ptceho palre "People have seen flying sauc said. and origin. The group seemed to attend first, I was running a little later eas, and have not been able to fmd ers, flying discs, rays of light, red An influx of people to the Ozark enjoy a question-and-answer ses than I liked, but this was to be no any of the MUFON group, also an balls, spheres," and an assort area in recent years from the sion that took up the last part of problem, not more that 20 minutes article in the PNJ said we meet ment of other indications of Eastern states and California the three hour meeting. after I'd set up the UFO appeared at regularly three nights a week. We do unusual things from beyond the have indicated some things in The Ozark UFO Network, with about 30 degrees, and from what I not meetregularly three nights a week, norm, he said. common, Eslinger said. an office in Harrison, covers could tell was well out over the Gulf. we meet when the weather permits, One reason for meetings such Many cannot tell why they Boone, Baxter, Carroll, Marion, This was to be confirmed later, there and almost nightly someone will be as the one Thursday is for people moved to he area, he said, "except Newton, Searcy and Van Buren were two additional skywatchers set at Shoreline Park, however there is to be able to share what they have that something told them to." counties. up on this particular evening, at nosettime. Yourbestbetistocallthe seen or encountered, he said. The frequency of contact from An additional meeting is sche different locations. One was at Shore Hotline at 438-3261 and leave your He said his organization works the aliens to recent in-migrants duled at 9:30a.m. Saturday, Jan. to help educate the people about has increased, according to Eslin 23, at the Ozarks Heritage Center line Park, the other in the Ft. Pickens name and telephone number. the objects and beings from outer ger, with some contact being Art Center at Leslie. Information area, all three of us were able to Remember to keep looking up space, and also offers counseling mainly for intimidation: "We just about that and later meetings is obtain compass and elevation read- and behind you. for persons who "have suffered at want to let you know we know available by calling 741-7278, or 9 the hands of aliens." where you are." writing the network at P.O. Box Another purpose is to trv to He said interviews with per- 1919, Harrison, Ark. 72601. JOURNAL, Winston-Salem, NC - Dec. 8, 1992 CR: G. Fawcett 'I Know What I Saw' Mother, Daughter Say UFO Hovered Over Winston-Salem on Friday By Karen Stinneford JOURNAL REPORTER A funny thing happened to Tif faney Manor on her way to the school bus. Tiffaney, 7, says she saw an un identified flying object hovering over a house on Benbow Street, off Polo Road, while she was walking throqgh woods to meet the school bus F'ri.day morning. Her mother, Sheila, says that she ordinarily wouldn't believe such a claim but that she saw it, too. "I heard a humming noise and thought, 'What in the world is that?' and the noise got louder and I looked around and saw lights flash ing," Manor said. Tiffaney, who had walked about halfway through the woods between Benbow Street and her home on Linbrook Drive, said she was scared by the object. ''When I heard the noise, I knew it wasn't an airplane," she said. Manor said that the incident happened at 8:05 a.m. The object Tiffaney and Sheila Manor say the was gray with no windows, Tif object they saw wasn't a plane. faney said, and had wheels and pur ple, red and white lights. It was morning. "Someone had to have shaped sort of like a cigar, she said. heard that noise," she said. "And if "Only wider." it was a helicopter or airplane fly Mter hovering briefly over a ing low, they need to watch it, be house on Benbow Street, it disap cause they scared my daughter." peared, she said. Federal Aviation Administration Manor said she Was standing at officials at Piedmont Triad Interna a bedroom window watching her tional and Smith Reynolds air daughter make her way to the bus ports said they didn't see any low stop when she saw the object. It rat flying airplanes or UFOs on Fri tled her, she said. day morning. "I thought that I had to call Manor said she has watched somebody, but there's no way I'm shows where people claimed to have calling the police because they'll seen UFOs and aliens and that think I'm crazy," Manor said. she always doubted them. "I was a skeptic until this happened." SHE REPORTED it, anyway. Manor said she called airport Police Sgt. Bill Miller said that offi authorities, law-enforcement agen• cers canvassed the woods behind cies, and radio and television sta Manor's home but didn't fmd any tions. The reception was chilly. thing. "The more I got turned down, Manor said she called the news the more determined I got because ! JOURNAl BY DAVID ROlFE paper because she feels that some have nothing to gain from this. Tlffaney Manor, 7, told police that the UFO she saw on the way to school had no one in the neighborhood must I'm getting scoffed at, but I know windows and had wheels and purple, red and white lights. have seen something unusual that what I saw." HORNING NEWS TRIBUNE, Tacoma, WA - March 2, 1993 Hello, out there! Bonney Lake man tums his message From beneath the trees of a Bonney Lake mobile He says that be's working with a Tacoma sign skywa~d borne park a signal aimed at the eyes of alien maker proficient with neon. "He's the only one I've I ' beings soon will slice into the quiet night sky. talked to who even half-understands what I was At the speed of light the mes- talking about." Then came the little lizards onto whose tiny legs sage will ascend, offering a uni- Stewart describes how he will let fly his bright he would tie a parachute. versal invitation, asking a uni- gaseous light across the starry sky. versal question. "I don't plan on shooting across the solar system It went like this: Parachute and lizard Stewart would squeeze into a metal cigar tube. A small trap Ron Stewart will stand pa- - just within the solar system," he says. "Not tiently waiting for an answer. across the universe. I don't plan to go past Jup;ter." door at the end of the tube he would tie to a very long string. The tube with the lizard inside he would He lives in a bus with his At 10,000 volts, using house current, he will :send a send aloft by means of a balloon filled with hydro wife of 25 years and he is build- message to beings he believes may wish to com- ing a cosmic telephone. He municate. gen gas. At 600 feet he would pull the string. wants to talk with aliens. He "They know everything they want to know about Out comes the lizard. wants to know the truth behin4 us already," he says. "I think that Earth is just a "My mom was forever pulling her hair out," the riddles and the mysteries of C. R. tourist attraction for them." Stewart says. life. Roberts Aad maybe they'd like to say hello. His family today "was skeptical at first, and now "I'm just a backyard inven- Mayhe. just maybe, they'd like to meet a 47-year- that they've seen the legwork I've done, now they tor," be says. old maintenance engineer with a ponytail and a want to be standing right there with me." He shows me his invention, The News Tribune hunger for wisdom. He displays the balance of his invention, more under construction, nearing columnist "I'd like to 1-.now about the Big Bang," Stewart equipment, the circuit board of a police scanner and completion. says. "I'd ask them for a tour of their ship." a double-cassette answering machine. It is upon one "This is something I dreamed He wants to know "what their family life is like, of these cassette tapes that he expects to hear a up. This is my baby," be says. He calls his baby what their environment is. What is their basis for reply from space, in the form of a fluctuating tone. mPEisTsiSoEnT iIn, Swehaircchh s otaf nEdxs tfroar- TPehroretos-tErilaelc Itrnotenlilci gTernacnes - trhelaitg. ioI'nm? cTehretiari np hinil omsoyp hmyi.n Id' mth jeuy~'tr eC 'uwraioituins ga bfooru t When the answer comes, he says, "The next thing In the end, it will cost hlm pet1laps $!790. somebody to do this." I'm going to do is give them my coordinates in longitude and latitude." It's about the size of a coffee table, more round If they're waiting for somebody who seems genu- than square, four feet across and 20 inches high. It ine in his desire, then Ron Stewart is the man they He will invite them down for an Earthly chat. consists of a framework of white PVC pipe onto seek. "I'll be honest with you," he says. "I don't really which Stewart will clamp a series of 24 mirrors. But conversation is all they'll get. Stewart says, "I know what's going to happen after that." The mirrors will reflect the energy from four ~>ets of wouldn't want to go back with them to their home glass tubes placed at the base. planet, because I get terribly ·homesick. Even if they C.R. Roberts' column appears Sundays, Tuesdays The tubes will each contain a gas - neon, then promised me immortality." and Thursdays . .1rgon, then krypton and xenon. He is not afraid of what he might find, should "That'll be the bell-ringer," Stewart says. "That'll PETSETI prove successful. get their attention, when the xenon flashes. It's so "They would look on us as a newborn child," bright, you wouldn't want to i.ook at it." Stewart says. "I think they have compassion for us." He shows me his apparatus and he shows me his And Ron Stewart has an itch for scientific inquiry. notebook. as we sit inside the mobile home of a Even as a boy, growing up in Burien, he licked the relative, as "The Brady Bunch'" plays on a nearby envelope of exploration. TV. He tells thP story of the time he went chasing a 10 ''I'm going to modulate the amplitude," Stewart mouse and ended up b!r:·~;ng the lid off the family says. septic tank after pouring ,. . ·oline down a hole. J tell him that I never was very good at science. I "We weren't trying to hurt the mouse, we were 'l!<lo. ~·rr· :-,,explain. just trying to smoke !li:1: (JUt," Stewart says.

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