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Preview UFO Newsclipping Service 1992 02 no 271

U.F.O. NEWSCL/PPING SERVICE ROUTE 1 - BOX 220 PLUMERVILLE, ARKANSAS 72127 U.S.A. NEWSCLIPPING EDITOR/PUBLISHER: LUCIUS FARISH SERVICE FEBRUARY 1992 NUMBER 271 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS, Denver, CO - Jan. 5, 1992 CR: C. Carpenter "You know how kids imagine Virgin Mary appearances do we Circles don't square with science, when they play house to find out need before we just decide to say how they'll be when they grow up? something is happening? ... No Well, this is like playing planet," one knows what to do with the so Louisville friends look elsewhere adds McCray. "It presents a ques question, 'What next?' At least we tion and if there are 10 different will try to imagine some answers." ans~ers, we look at each one. Leading a seminar about the What if aliens are c:ausing the cir nature of reality might seem a bit Kit McCray and cles? How would your life and your of a challenge for a pair of middle Tere Kristovich of relationships and your religion and aged women from Louisville, but Louisville are per your government look if that was they aren't the least bit intimidat fectly normal peo definitely the answer? What if our '!d by the prospect. Kristovich ex ple who came up subconscious kinetic energy is plains why. against a very ab causing them? What if it's the "On March 3, 1990, my daugh normal phenome earth talking to us?" ter was playing basketball for Ceo The women say they will di::;cov· non. taurus High School," she says. er no final answers, and that's the Both are wives "They were behind two points at Alan and mothers. whole point. the end of the game that would "We don't knov. what reality is Dumas McCray is a nurse, determine if they went to the state Kristovich a psy- any more than you do," says finals. At the buzzer-she was in the Other chotherapist. On a McCray. middle of the court and there was Directions trip to England When they first began to give nothing to lose so she just threw they ran into the slide presentations to groups the ball and it went through for a about the circles a couple of years crop circles, those mysterious pat three-pointer. Everybody just ago, the two women discovered terns that seem to appear sponta went nuts. So I got her a plaque for they weren't alone in trying to neously in the vegetation of the Christmas that said, 'Never Say explain some unusual event in English countryside. Can't 3/3/90.' After you've seen their lives. They say that after "The most amazing thing about something like that once, how can their talks people would come up them is the perfection," remem you ever again say that you can't? and relate stories of ghosts or ESP bers McCray. "The huge size, the That's how I feel. I don't need 87 lack of damage to the plants in experiences or UFO encounters. million more close encounters. Af "These people don't need a con volved and the absolute perfec ter the circles, I just said, 'OK, firmation of their experience. tion." they're here. Now what?' " They just need permission to talk Being ordinary people faced And McCray says we don't have about it," says McCray. "They with something extraordinary, to wait for science to answer that need a place to talk about it." maybe even supernatural, they question. had to quietly rethink reality. Or, What frustrates the two is the "Our background tells us that as they put it, they said, "Now continuing perception that auy science has to explain something what?" Do you just go home and thing paranormal is always viewed before we can use it," she com forget it, or do you try to work it as a momentary interruption of plains. "Well, maybe we don't into your world view? Kit McCray and Tere Kristovich don't claim to have answers for what's natural instead of being have to sit around waiting for an McCray and Kristovich did the life's strange occurrences, but they're willing to ask questions. part of nature. explanation. . . . Waiting around latter, and they are sharing that "We're not victfJTIS. We're part would be like Columbus waiting for process in an upcoming seminar (For information, call666-7856.) vich. "You imagine what their of it all," is how Kristovich puts it. proof there was really something they'll be giving around the metro "How can a regular person in existence does to things." "How many stories do we need to out there before he would agree to area called "More Than Meets the corporate something like the cir hear. How many close encounters set sail." Eye: New Views of an Old Plarret." cles into their lives?'' a5ks Kristo- or ESP experiences or ghosts or Russian pilot/scientist continues search for UFO answers definitely believes a lot of commu nication has taken place between By Howard Morgan from th1s spot and move up to the UFOs and our governments. The sphere where it stopped. This hap powers that be, however, have all o::: Before her visit in 1980 to the pened three times before the object agreed not to tell the rest of us U Pamire Mountains in Russia, Dr. maneuvered its way back towards because they don't believe we're Marina Popovich's life had a pur the sky. ready to hear about them. "' pose. She was a colonel in the Soviet What was it? A flying saucer? A Since the Glasnost revolution "' Air Force, a test pilot and a partici government experiment? Colonel swept through Russia, Dr. Popovich pant in the Russian Cosmonaut pro Popovich decided to find out, and has found a gateway for her free ~ gram. During her thirty-year career, from that moment forward her life thoughts. Before the press was liber ~ ~~~ ~e:d 'g~b~:!~ :i~~~~~:~~o~~~ has been dedicated to that quest. ated, most of her work and all of her I caught up with Dr. Popovich at writings were silenced by the KGB. flight experiences. She was president the Whole Life Expo in L.A. in She says it's almost hard to believe <:: of the World Association of Woman November where she was being you don't need to ask permission to u Scientists. and a member ofthe Inter- joined by three other Russian scien speak anymore. national Association of Pilots. She tists and an American healer by the She has spearheaded the formation &, knew where she was headed. or at name of Gene Egidio, who has and is currently the president of the .~ least she thought she knew. Sud- worked extensively with Dr. Popo· Association of Scientists Research· 0 denly, during a pleasure trip to the vich in the Soviet Union. ing UFO Phenomenon and Anoma c mountains she saw something that When I asked Dr. Popovich what the paranormal. She and her group She went on to explain that many lous Phenomenon (UCUFON). She ~ changed her life. the purpose of her trip is. she told me have started an organization dedi of her colleagues believe UFOs are also plans to make a concerted effort (through her interpreter and fellow cated to the gathering and documen in constant contact with the earth . to help bring American and Soviet ....:l Popovich describes it as a spheri scientist Larissa Vilenskaya) that tation of unexplained phenomena. The problem is they don't consider scientists to a round table where, to <:: cal object that came out of the sky. It she wanted to have a part in "creat ··we are constantly searching for the human population to be ready for put it in her words, "we can strive for ;~::::, zigzagged across the sky and finally ing a bridge between the Soviet like-minded people," she explained. them yet. Instead, they believe UFOs a higher level of knowledge." "When people of similar ideas get are communicating with another Not all may agree with her teach ~ It is not a question of whether together, the joint work brings solu earthly species, perhaps the dolphins, ings, but nobody can argue with the tions at a different, higher level." who then come back to check up on logic behind a world conference of or not they exist, anybody When asked if she was merely mankind's progress. This theory is scientists. Einstein died while push advocating the existence of UFOs, based on the similarities of sound ing for such a union and, as far back she insisted that the issue was far patterns emitted by dolphins and the as the days of Aristotle, scientists who can't believe that is more complex. "It is not a question recordings of extraterrestrials trying and philosophers have been teaching of whether or not they exist, anybody to communicate. that the development of knowledge blind.'' who can't believe that is blind. The She tries to keep an open mind to should be blind to politics. issue is what influence they've had other concepts, but her own personal Perhaps the development of instant and continue to have in our societies. belief seems to aim more towards worldwide communication media stopped in mid-flight, hovering over Union and America based on friend· I believe they have personally con the theory that there are several and the global awareness of pressing a valley in front of her. Next, the ship and mutual understanding. We tacted and had a profound influence parallel universes. This theory re problems have created an atmos object emitted a beam of light that need to work together at gathering on many of the great thinkers of his volves around the idea that UFOs phere where this concept might began to move towards the ground information.·· tory ..." She went on to list several are merely inhabitants of the earth flourish. If this is true, it will take below. The beam, explained Popo Since her experience twelve years Russian philosophers and scientists that live in a different dimension individuals like Dr. Marina Popo vich. seemed to hit the ground. then a ago. Colonel Popovich has spent a who had all claimed to have been than humans and they occasionally vich to negotiate on both sides of the similar beam appeared to bounce lot of time investigating UFOs and contacted. come around to check up on us. She line and ignore the boundaries. ABINGTON JOURNAL, Clarks Summit, PA- Jan. 15, 1992 CR: I. McDonald Close Encounters of the Newton kind? l:lecause it was an extremely clear and cold night. Wallick and his co-workers were com Strange sights in Abington skies menting on the weather a few hours before the lights were reported. "It was funny. because about four of us were standing around By PAM ZIKOSKI The search for the source of home. but nearly 45 minutes Scranton International Airport Journal Staff the lights began when a resident later. he still hadn't seen the and asked them to check their "Nobody said they living on Terra Drive contacted reported lights. Then. quite radar and they said there was Could word of Newton Town the IA1ckawanna County Com suclclenly. Cali said he saw four nothing in the area,· he said. were aliens," ship's temporary lack of police munications Center with a re or five lights "flying in a strange ·so I said, check it again.· coverage have traveled to an port of four or five low-flying. manner and acting in a strange A plane was dispatched from otherworld and Invited aliens to unidentified flying objects. After manner." He reported that the the airport. and Cali said the Sgt. Anthony Call visit the quiet little town last receiving the call. the dispatcher lights stayed in the sky for nearly lights couldn't be seen by the Newton Police week? Obviously. If they were contacted Sgt. Anthony Cali of three hours. pilot. although Cali and other visitors from another planet. the Newlon Police Department. l:ly strange, Cali explained residents watched the plane fly JssltttihhhaktcreeenyeOa ym unolp oiahfg iigvfrsaneihey cvd itraoe ees 8nrn nnR,sads 'y beta c imduurthnu entgea a Buaby ntlrahls aodydumc aio kfattwn f h lteoVe hearsn rei twielo gylt thnahh whIgo tenewe.e js rthpoaeohoabw nea t. gsahppaosahlaykivoC"nie eTnnagid hteel a ied m obt .rdomve ee iec p"estbrHapoot e u raetcltths tiha eceeoslevhl afh ehre ireU adire mdd ,tFcs hiiaiO odid'blYsl',nease.·o' n .cdt ·uC tk•b wm 'a ruoaealettni n a ntthewnh oxtidoees t aos!ittihnhenboespajy"net Ila .ae nc rtratocaahesdaitnea se l r.dleol aeei ftdgpno hh odtfarttrt acestth ve oncesed moe lwlueW yemloI tndiduo le bilkgdaddeeen ns tthsyho'-teeB e hedarmao.mir rrvTdaer ek hecItrnoee /, bruhlhiaeepegdt A ".hwadT·tt lhrihsehtd ho eeew coun deoaau gixtmnsghshp lphteeytl uh a CtUftteihheran Foel iepiOnme dlwxgsa' .so p noo.t ulehuuar eltnctdeyhaenr te h 'ityoso aps fndsa as etyco hne onIet.ff stlIchlhatiaae'gusiau Wdh gtasw .th aesngae l' i!alirsdg:tilep ncoh.wa pky'ttt e. a aansewsn rixusgehdpurhda plcto ta rih nifnian ose a reet chdodcUlef l eFe atttsaOhhhrkr ea'a ysnn tt,. gii ·gga·ubthhnhhyettdees .. Ice crystals and weather phe although he couldn't totally nomena offered by some com explain them. he's seen similar mentators. sights before. "Nobody said they were ali "You see lights all the time on ens.· he commented. "Everybody this job.· he said. saw them. They were there. It's One reason for the lights. ac not like they weren't there. It cording tQ Wallick. is that be was definitely none of those cause of the clear sky, what things they mentioned. People someone sees In the sky that shouldn't try to explain what appears to be very close. is act u they were without seeing them ally far away, and therefore. not for themselves.· appear on radar. Regardless of what the lights "It was so clear that night; were, Newton Township cer and your depth perception can tainly got a Jot of attention be really be distorted in that kind cause of them. of clear air,· he explained. "Those ·we had a lot of people up lights could have been 200 or here watching them. it was fun." 300 miles away ... Cali said. "People called about When asked ifthe lights could them from as far away as l:ling actually be aliens from another hamton." planet. Wallick wouldn't dispute l:llll Wallick, a Federal Avia the possibility. tion Administration air traffic -rhe universe is too big for us control supervisor at the Wilkes to be the only ones around,· he Barre/Scranton International said. Airport. was on duty the night Wallick said there was no of the lights appeared. ficial report of a UFO made "We saw something up there ... because there Is no such thing. Wallick said. "I was the su pervl He did say that there Is a tele sor on duty that night." phone number to call to report phenomena to a research cen ter. which he gave to the Lacka wanna County Communication Center dispatcher. who called it. Reportedly. the research WATAUGA DEMOCRAT, Boone, NC - Jan. 3, 1992 CR: G. Fawcett center said that the clarity of the MUFON reports many UFO sightings in N.C. weather distorted depth percep tion. "If we had a pilot say, 'I saw something and I had to make a UFO sighting reports were Mr. Fawcett said 1991 encounters in lights.· up in the sky, while giving off a red sharp turn to miss it,' then we received from 14 different towns North Carolina were far more On April 13, in Lincolton, two light. would have to file a near mid-air and cities in North Carolina during numerous than one would believe. women, Tracey Lowman of Maiden On July 11, in Lexington, a hus 1 collision report and on the re 1991. an official from the Mutual On Jan. 12~Cecily Murray and and Rita Sellers of Bessemer City, band and his wife (whose names ' port where it asks what it was UFO Network of North Carolina her 13-year-old daughter, Ellen, reportedly encountered a huge are on me~ reponed· seeing 'a' cigar they almost hit. I would have to (MUFON-NC), Inc. revealed reported their automobile was UFO fl_ying above their car on U.S. shaped UFO with a "bright white say ·unknown,'" Wallick ex recently. paced hy a large object on the 321 at 8:50 p.m. The tWo eyewit light on each end" hove't1n& ever plained. George D. Fawcett, 62, of Lin Coliseum Road in Winston-Salem at nesses said the UFO was covered head at 9:20 P-"t.lt.Maieaclrclf.,. An employee of Lou's Market, colnton, who serves as the public 9:30 r.m. The UFO was covered with blue, yellow, pink and white motion while moving in a straight located in Red Barn Village. who relations director of MUFON-NC with two ··great lights and a series lights and seemed to be the size of a line for three minutes. It stopped wished to remain anonymous, Inc. and has been a civilian UFO in of 40 to 50 smaller lights.· they said. f!~Othall stadium. Both said they and hovered silently, then moved said he didn't believe the lights vestigator and researcher for t!lc On Jan. 22 or 29. retired school were badly frightened by their away, disappearing in the western were aircraft. past 48 years. released his annual teachc~ Jean C. Miller saw several experience. sky, the witness said. "They're saying it was a plane; UFO report for the Tar Heel State Saturn-shaped UFOs moving up On April 24, in Belmont, a On Aug. 2, in Lincolnton, three thai was no plane.· he said. recently. · and down above nearby treetops Shoney's employee, Kerry Hester, or four persons, among them ·'there shouldn't be a plane flying Mr. Fawcett said unidentified and moving in a southwestern saw three oval-shaped UFOs hover Teresa Yoder, 34, and her brother that low in a residential district. flying ohjc;-t reports came from direction. The UFOs were ing silently and then moving from David Hodge, 20, watched a bril When something like that hap Winston-Salem, Salisbury, between descriped as reddish-orange in side to side 200 feet off the ground. liant "ball-shaped UFO," like the pens. you never get to the bot Cherryville and Kings Mountain, color and "larger than a house.·· They were estimated to be about end of a sparkler, giving off red, tom of it. It's something they Shelbv. Ellenboro, Lincolnton, Bel The incident occurred at 10 p.m. in 900 feet away ..T he witness said the_ white, blue and some green colors can·t ellpbin, and they don't mont.' Huntersville. Chocowinity, Salisburv. UFOs had amber lights toward their for about 30 to 45 minutes starting wo.n't to explain." Lexington, Asheboro, Iron Station On J~ n. 31, hetween Cherrvville front ends, as well as "red win at 12:45 a.m. It moved at a 30- and Marshville, in that order, over and Kings Mountain, a law enfott:e- dows." TI1e witness watched the degree angle toward the mountain the past 12 months. ment officer (whose name is on file) UFOs for a three-minute period, from Northbtcck No, 3 school road. Eleven of the 14 sightings took several photographs of a disc starting at 6 a.m. A check with the The witnesses watched the UFO reported occurred '1' night after 6 shaped UFO hovering at a low al Federal Aviation Administration through binoculars and reported p.m .. and most of the objects were titude at 11 p.m. The yellowish radar at Douglas International Air their experience to Bob Jones at the described as huge with multa white UFO was ftlmed on 35mm port in Charlotte showed no UFOs Lincolnton County Communica colored lights. Two of the UFO en film. on their screens at the time. tions Center, who notified Mr. Faw counters involved humming On Feb. 11, in Shelby, a On May 7, in Huntersville, a cett about the incident. sounds. housewife and two other eyewit Pizza Hut employee (whose name On Dec. 7, in Asheboro, a Char The number of cases reported by nesses (whose names are on ftle) is on file) heard a loud "tuning fork lotte psychiatrist (whose name is on individuals and/or multi-witnesses reported seeing a huge UFO with sound" outside his home hnear the file), while hunting near Asheboro was split down the middle. pulsating red, green, blue and yel McGuire Nuclear Plant. He saw an at 6 p.m. spotted a big white jet-like Seine of the UFOs reportedly low lights at 7:15 p.m. The obser object with three tiers of lights or trail in the southwestern sky. angle hovered directly overhead for seen had what witnesses described vers, who watched the UFO portholes at 3 a.m. The witness 1llrough binoculars he said he was approx.im:ztdy 'three . se.a:md; he as "windows,'' .. doors" or "por through binoculars, said it made no reported he felt a "missing time" able to discern a tear drop-shaped Said, -then suddenly gave off a tholes... and the si~htin~s lasted sounds and turned bright red before episode, often reported in close object moving in the sky. The light "bright flash" of light and disap from seconds to 45 minutes. A its departure. UFO encounters. This report is still in front of the UFO was yellow, he peared in the distant sky. variety of different shapes were On March 24, a former Army en under investigation. said. On Dec. 11, south of Marshville, recorded, but optics and viewing gineer, Douglas Dyers reported In July (no exact date given), in On Dec. 10, in Iron Station, a a 10-year-old boy (whose name is conditions might account for some seeing a 11- 30-foot-half globe Chocowinity (near Washington, plant employee, Wayne Johnson, on file) was frightened by a rotating of the differences. Mr. Fawcett said. shaped UFO upside down, which N.C.). Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mills stepped outside to eat dinner at hot dog-shaped UFO that he said rem$aji~n edo fc ontfhied entie<~yl.e wwihtnilee sstehes h11o :v4e'ir epd. ma.b aotu tE ll5e0n0h ofreoe.t Tahwe aUy FaOt awnhdit eo tihgehrtss" rienp othrete dsk ys.e eTihneg U"FtwOos m11e:4n5te da .omn. hwowhe nb luae tfhreie nsdk y cwoams . sgpreoertne dw inadno wasn"t efnlenwa naenard th•eb lwuiet - 2 other eight sightings came from wit entered an orange fog and one were self-illuminating and were Mr. Johnson said he looked up and ness and between two houses at nesses who made thPir names minute later it di-;appeared. Mr. seen for over an hour starting at saw a silver triangle-shaped UFO low altitude at 7 p.m. The UFO had public. Since experience has shown Dvers said the strange object was either 9 p.m. or 10 p.m. Witnesses hovering above his plant at an es a "door" on it and made a loud that only 10 ,percent of UFO sight ahout "two times the size of a full said the UFOs moved silently, timated 2,500-foot altitude. The tri- humming sound, the boy said. ings are reported in the first place, moon·· and was covered with white merged, split and then left straight EPITAPH-NEWS, LaForge, WI - Jan. 16, 1992 CR: J. Salter ously parting company." (page 5, UFOs Of The Kickapoo II Ibid) There were two types of hu manoids met by Prof. Salter and his son on Pier Springs Road: "Up closer, they are four to four AW rong Turn Into Destiny At Readstown and one-half feet tall, thin bodies and thin limbs-but comparatively large, quasi-slanted eyes. There are several of these small people - by John H. Slme tl' California. Both the father and perhaps six or seven -and a taller E-N Staff Writer Betty Hill·s Map the son gradually remembered the humanoid figure. almost as 1all as On March 20, 1988, Rev. Jesse startling details of their drive down l (six (ut) and not' as proportion Jackson won the Michigan Highway 14-61 on March 20, ately IIWa as the others. His fea Democratic caucuses. Also, Soviet 1988. On that day, both maintain, tures are more, as we use the term, Fnoadrezieg n aMndin isSteecr rEedtaurayrd oSfh eSvatardte • . ..... ··-··········· othtehye rh saidd ele oftf Hthigeh Bwaasyh f1o4r do nH tihlle, m"hiuxmeda bnl"o, o-da."n (dp ahgee sm 1a2y- 1w3e,l Il bbide ) a George Schultz met in Washing ~- turned right up into Pier Spring The communication between the ton, D.C. to discuss the upcoming -- Road. They drove a ways up this Salters and the humanoids was summit meeting between Gor narrow, woods enshrouded, gravel telepathic. An implant was placed bachev and Reagan. And, a man road. They stopped the truck, got into Prof. Salter's right nostril by from Grand Forks, North Dakota. • out and met a group of humanoids these individuals and they also driving a 1987 Ford pickup &ruck, .. front another planet. They visited gave him two injections of some mtraavdeel ain wg roenagst t uornn inH iRgehawdsatyo w1n4, · (thweh sicpha cweacsra hfti dodfe tnh eins et hheu mwaonoodisd as khiins ds. oTnh'se yfa acles ow ciathre fsuolmlye s csoanrtn eodf rather than south on Highway 61. short walk away), and then they "flashlight" type instrument History might come to see that went back to the truck. They drove whose head is so soft that it melds that wrong tum -in Readstown was on up Pier Spring Road, turned into the contours of his face". by far the most significant event right onto County ZZ, which Later, as the tall humanoid es to have ~ on that day in swung them back around to corted the Salters back to their this country, on this planet, in Highway 14. truck, everyone seemed to have the this universe. Marjorie Fish's Interpretation Since that day, UFOs feeling that things had gone very ProL,Jobn. Salter Jr. of &he (Unidentified Flying Objects) have well for everyone. They all com . . .M .Nodi Dato&a at-·. \Cil-IJ been a big part of the life of Prof. municated that they "will see one Grand Forks, and his almost 23 Salter. ~ now teaches a course at another again, .in another p/Qce, in year old· lOft, Jot. III, were l. . · the University of North Dakota another time." As the Salters sat traveling to New Orleans to attend 107Pt1Ctum Department of Indian Studies alone in the pickup. they watched the Popular Culture Associa E"d•~-. -•··················-..~\2E "d•n•1s~n called IS 379: UFOs, ETs, and the brightly lit UFO rise and fly tion/American Culture Associa Tou 1 Close Encounters. Over 170 stu off. tion convention. He was to deliver .. 54 lttsctUm Ttu Cet. dents enrolled in this course for Both Salters feel that the whole a paper entitled "Civil Rights and Fall 1991, more would have thing was a very positive experi Self Defense" before that group. A <oPOOFo•n~·--·····... ~A•<>"•M•nto• signed up if a bigger room had ence. They felt this way despite professor in University of North Gl•ew 95 e '· been available. Students of about the fact that they believe them Dakota's Department of American G""" ae 1 .. '.... ·~ sixty majors were present -"right selves to have been the subjects of Indian Studies (and department '~---.._~ •ZeutRtt•cvt• across the UND undergraduate di some sort of sophisticated mind chairman), Salter was an activist .. _ •.• ---·-· -• -•• ---. Gl .... 86 Z•ta 1 R•ttcuh mension". Many of these students control from the outset of their in the 1960's Southern Civil were from Aerospace Sciences. adventure. "Their actions Rights Movement. He is the au Prof. Salter has returned to (motivations and effects and related thor of Juckson Mississippi: An Betty and Barney Hill were abducted by extraterrestrials in 1962. Western Wisconsin a number of factors) are quite positive. While I American Chronicle of Struggle Under hypnosis she drew this star map as a version of the one times since 1988, the most recent think it's possible that there may and Schism, which records that shown to her by the ETs. Astronomers later identified such a star visit was made in October of be some "experimentation" in era. For some reason. Salter de system that has been called Zeta Reticuli. Salter says that the 1991. The missing time episodes volved, I think this is ethically cided to go to New Orleans via humanoids told him that they came from this star system. The are all the more amazmg smce and honorably done -and to good Southwest Wisconsin. drawing of the extraterrestrial Salter holds on page one was both he and his son went through ends. However, I believe the basic Two lane U.S. Highways 14/61 drawn by Betty Hill, based on her experiences. Coon Valley, Westby, Viroqua, thrusts focus on helping some of hardly make the most logical route and Readstown, and came awav us (directly) "keep on keeping on" from North Dakota to New Or noticed that it was 6:25 p.m. Both memories came back to both men without the slightest memory ~f in the business of edging human leans. However, Prof. Salter and men again dropped into amnesia. of their missing time experiences. any of it. Salter and his daughter ity closer and closer to the Sun his son, for some reason, found The next thing they knew, it was To date neither man has been took the same journey in June of (figurativ~ly speaking) and themselves drawn in the direction 7:45 p.m., and they were now hypnotized. These memories have 1989: sensitizing humanity with respect of this road. As he looked back heading down County Z:Z for just come back as if some im "In the June, 1989 junket,/ saw to the relatively nearby presence of upon, Salter found himself moti Highway 14, at the top of the posed forgetfulness had worn off: nothing beyond the large hill that other forms of intelligent life." vated by an odd wave of nostalgia Bashford Hill. They turned right "Invariably, as they've devel I recognized (Editor's Note: This is (page 20, Ibid) They are convinced for Cedar Rapids, Iowa (he had onto Highway 14 and headed to oped, my recall vignettes -images evidently the Ten Mile or Coon that whatever these visitors want, taught at Coe College in Cedar ward Richland Center. Again, "a and sequences -have come first as Valley Hill) - everything was they mean us no harm. Since that Rapids from 1968 to 1969). This curtain of amnesia descended", un vivid dreams in the early morning "new" - even though there were time, Prof. Salter (and his son) nostalgia was stimulated by a til they found themselves east of hours, then recede back temporar quaint towns, unique hill forma have seen numerous medical children's song, often sung by Richland Center, at the intersec ily into unconsciousness before tions, and Indian and other place changes in his own body. His hair Salter and his then young family tion of U.S. 14 and Wis. 58. emerging the following late names that could have definitely and fingernails grow faster. His at that time and at that place - Here, they consulted a map, and morning or afternoon as clear registered. (In checking with John wounds heal more rapidly. He has Kookaburra, an Australian lullaby: found out that they had not only flashbacks laced with a sharp III, now in California, no land effortlessly given up smoking, af "Koo/cabu.rra sits in the old gum missed Readstown and their in memory of the earlier dream or marks that I indicated were re ter a heavy 40 year habit (he was ~ tended tum down Highway 61 for dreams." (page 8, Ibid) membered by him). Among other once a 4 pack a day cigarette Merry, merry king of the bush Dubuque, but they seemed to have This recall process occurred for things, we did not recall Read smoker, later a pound per week is he. "lost"· several chunks of time. both father and son, who were stown and the much advertised pipe tobacco user). He has also re Laugh, Kookaburra; Laugh, They continued on their journey, now separated by half a continent - forking of the roads with High called previous UFO encounters. Kookaburra sleeping at Bettendorf, Iowa and as the son and his wife had moved ways 14 and 61 very conspicu- (continued on page 4) Gay your life must be!" breakfasting in Peoria. lllinois. The more that Salter remem The next morning, on the other bered this song, the more he side of Peoria, they saw "an in seemed to be drawn to Highway credibly bright object, glowing 61 as a means of avoiding Cedar with an extraordinary shimmering Rapids and its cloying sentimental silverness" moving in the sky to attachments. And since this is al ward and above their car. This was most like a vacation, why not? along a stretch of highway where This was evidently not a co~­ they were the only vehicles to be scious decision reached by Salter seen. and his son, they simply got to "It was aboUI two-thirds the size LaCrosse in the late afternoon, of the full double highway and, ate, gassed up, and headed south when about 200 yards from us, east on Highway 14/61. The last swerved slightly and rose over the thing they remembered, they had pickup at an angle. We could now reached the lOp of the Ten Mile or· make out its saucer-like form and, West Coon Valley Hill, and had I think, a slight dome." (page 8, just passed the wayside at the An Account of the Salter UFO LaCrosse County line. The· next Encounters of March 1988, by thing they knew, they were John R. Salter Jr.; 1989) climbing the Bashford Hill, going Even as they saw the ship, the east on Highway 14, just at the Salters seemed 10 belive that it west end of the short four lane was a friendly appearance done for stretch, outside of Richland Cen just their benefiL ler. Now it was past sunseL 'They As the months went by, 3 Wayside, at LaCrosse-Vernon County line, where the Salters dropped into amnesia. (April Paul photo) (continued from page 3 - EPITAPH-NEWS, LaForge, WI - Jan. 16, 1992) The tall humanoid indicated to Sources Prof. Salter that their spacecraft originates from the Zeta Reticuli star system. This is a doubled Salter, John A. Jr. ;..An starred system, 37 light years AQQQL! nt Qf lh~ Sall~r away, in which the two suns arc !.!FQ i;nQQL!Dl~rs Qf both dimmer than our own. The Salter adventure was the MarQh, 19fHt copyright subject of a CBS television docu 1989, John R. Salter Jr. mentary entitled Visitors from the Thanks To Unknown. This was broadcast in May 1991, and will probably be Terry Arbegust, John re-broadcast soon. and Eldri Salter and If anyone has comments or in .fonnation for Prof. Salter he can Gary Sime be reached at 307 North 49th Street, Grand Forks, North Dako1a 5S203. ' A Bird or Plane? Fireball ~ Ql -:~ Fuels Curiosity in S. Utah o::: By Mike Gorrell long" descending slightly in the U THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE northwest sky. He watGhed it Na- theT hsek yf irSeabtaullr dsatyre ankiginhgt alacsrotesds fdororp p3e0d bseehcinodn da sp eabke bfoetrwee eint Prof. John R. Salter Jr. of the University of North Dakota -Grand Forks. See pages 8 and 9 for evi a- only seconds, but Beryl resident New Harmony and Beryl in dence that local tourism efforts are succeeding beyond anybody's wildest dreams. Zeta Reticuli Steven Robinson will never for Washington County. visitor in drawing. Photo contributed by Professor John Salter Jr. ~ get it. When the peak was backlit Neither will Parowan resi brilliantly, Mr. Holt believed c dent John Holt, who was so cer the fireball had exploded. "I ~ btaeitnw iet eenx plNodewed iHntaor ma monoyu ntaanidn tthhionugg hht,e r'We htohaa.t Tnheeerdes's tsoo mbee 1 Beryl in southern Utah that he found out about,' " Mr. Holt said. Upon arriving home 20 ~ wanted to rent a helicopter or minutes later, he called the Iron small airplane Sunday to search County Sheriff's Office. >. for evidence of its impact. Mr. Holt's report was one of .~ Although it is highly unlikely nearly two dozen calls received u a fireball actually came any by the Sheriff's Office, many Ql where near that mountain, Han from Cedar City, said dispatch ~ sen Planetarium Director Von er Kristie Holm. She dispatched ,..J Del Chamberlain said, the men Deputy Wayne Peterson to an ~ are fortunate to have witnessed swer one call-Mr. Robinson's. ra a phenomenal meteor display. Mr. Robinson was driving en "I can't think of an event in home to Beryl from a high nature that is more exciting and school basketball game in En ~ yet more misunderstood," he terprise, idly watching the light ~ said Sunday when informed of of a full moon on fields to the ~ Mr. Holt's observations.· "It west, when they "lit up slightly ~-" sounds like a very good descrip- as though a spotlight had swept tion of a fireball, a meteor com across. Then the fireball ing through the atmosphere. cleared the roof of my car and They are so impressive that peo came into my line of sight." Mr. ple's conclusions aren't valid Robinson thought the three-sec about distance. You get the im ond burst of light might have pression they're close when ac been an airplane that exploded. tually they're far away." He called authorities. Mr. Holt was driving north on The deputy called Federal Interstate 15 about 10 p.m. Aviation Administration offi when he saw "a ball of flame cials. They said all planes were with a tail of red fire 500 feet accounted for. Bashford Hill, 4 lane, where Salters regained their awareness for a short time. (April Paul photo) SKY SIGHTINGS MYSTIFY LOCAL KIDS U.F.O~ REPORTS MADE u ~ "Lqok, up in the sky ... " No, it wasn't a bird, nor a plane and it surely wasn't Elvis for all we could ...l learn, but several Tavernier youth reported seeing ~::o what appeared to be a "flying saucer" hovering above a wooded area in town last Friday evening. ~ "They haven't been this excited about anything, ·e~ ever. .. " said the mother of one of the young witnesses to this event. ~ The "sighting'' took place last Friday evening at ~ approximately 6pm. "The boys were looking for snakes," ·according to mom, "they noticed lights ~ above the trees. ..b right lights." She tried to relate ~ the excited descriptions of her son's close encounter o of the unknown kind." 'They looked up and said ~ there was an object hovering just above the tree tops .. .it was big as a house." In search of more data about the alleged UFO sighting over Tavernier, TM Reporter contacted the U.S. Air Force and several other agencies to see if anyone had scheduled flight activity over the Keys that evening. The answer from all concerned was a cryptic .. no, sir." And, according to records on file with the Monroe County Sheriff's Office, oo other Pier Spring Road, where Salters turned and again dropped into amnesia. After a short drive up sig"hPteinrhgasp wse,"re ~ mortemd., "they were alien children this road,'fbey stopped and met ETs. (April Paul photo) also looking for makes in that wooded Jot," incidentally just several houses oceanside of TM Reporter liuilding. Or perhaps it was Santa on an 4 early reconnaissance mission looking for suitable places to set down on Christmas Eve. So far there have been no comments from the North Pole either. -Jim Rubino By WENDY HARRIS The Coynes said they have inves Journal Staff Writer tigated about 150 reports of UFO sightings since 1983, including four W hen a Marquette family VISifO~S in the Upper Peninsula - in Iron of seven believed they Mountain. Sault Ste. Marie, Esca saw an unidentified fly naba and Rock. ing object in their back yard last "These were up-close sightings, year, they called the police. not distant lights in the sky," she Instead of ·investigating the said. The crafts were most often claim, the police referred the fam described as disk-shaped but also ily to a group of experts, the Michi as boomerang, triangular or cigar gNaentw cohrka,p taenr ionft etrhnea tiMonuatul aol rgUaFnOi VPOM shTapene s.o ther sightings were re zation that investigates sightings. ported to the organization, but be Not unlike others. the family cause MUFON lacks a U.P. inves hesitated. Until the UFO returned. tigator, written reports were never Generally, the subject of UFOs filed, she said. is considered of whimsical enter Six U.P. residents also claim tainment value or is greeted with they have been abducted by aliens, skepticism or denial. Coyne said. But to eyewitnesses whose ANOfHE~ Michigan is among the states "close encounters" remain unex that most frequently report UFO plained. UFOs are real, according activity, said John Timmermann, to Shirley Coyne of Flushing, who public relations director for the directs MUFON with her husband Center for UFO Studies in George. Chicago. Coyne said many sightings A banker at Liberty Savings aren't reported because people Bank in Lima, Ohio, and a former don't know who to contact and fear field investigator for the center, they won't be taken seriously Timmermann travels around the cu"lePde oapnlde adroen a'tf rwaiadn tt o tOc obmee rfiodri WO~LO ocorguanntrizyi nggi vUinFgO perxehsiebnittsat. ions and ward," she said. "We know the He said UFO sightings are sightings are occurring, but we arc underreported. not getting the reports." "Thousands of people have told The Marquette family called me they have seen things,'' he MUFON after the second sighting said. "The number of UFOs seen is of a 60-foot triangular-shaped UFO more than the number reported by with red lights. They said the craft a large factor." hovered in their back yard. MUFON has been registered roughly 100 feet from the house. with state police posts and sheriff All seven family members re departments since 1986. ported witnessing the craft three Something's out there, according to some Upper "We are serious about the work times in November 1990 and two we do, and we try to get that across times in April 1991, Coyne said. Peninsula residents who have seen strange obiects to them," Coyne said. "We send Coyne said she could not disclose summaries of our investigations to names or identifying details about in the sky. Some even claim they've made contact. the police." any person claiming a UFO encounter. ISLANDER, Pensacola, FL- Feb. 7, 1992 CR: E. Walters Gulf Breeze UFO Sighting Fascinates Nebraska Visitor By Bland Pugh Sunday, February 2. The mys Jack Richardson said, "I was end of the Bay Bridge so we might hoping to see the UFO and there it tery of the "Gulf Breeze UFO" con driving west on highway 98 passing seethefamousGulfBreezeUFO. As was. Most of us in the Restaurant tinues to build in sighting frequency through Naval Live Oaks Park, when, we turned into the parking area, there quickly went out on the deck to watch andsheernumberofwitnesses. With up in the sky to my right, I saw a red it was! High in the sky, it hovered to the UFO hover over the Bay. I read over one hundred and thirty docu sphere. When I reached the Parkway the west of suddenly a smaller red a book called "The Gulf Breeze mented local UFO sighting reports Animal Hospital, I pulled off the object appeared to the right of the Sightings" and decided to visit Gulf filed with MUFON (The Mutual UFO road and watched the brilliant pulsat first object. They began rotating Breeze and try my luck. Yes! Seeing Network) in 1991; this new year has ing glow of the unknown object. It around one another before moving to is believing!" continued the trend. suddenly disappeared like a rheo the south. Two minutes later they With 1000mm lens cameras and On this night while the MUFON stat." faded and just winked out." video footage, MUFON investiga Gulf Breeze Research Team, located Jane Maney described her sight From Pier One Restaurant, Doug tors confirmed the details reported by at South Shoreline Park, spotted and ing this way. "Mary and Tom Zeier, Edmunds saw the UFO and said, "I these wimesses. The nightly "sky 5 photographed the UFO, dozens of Johnas Meyer, Melody and Corry couldn't believe my eyes! I came to watches" continue from the south residents and visitors also reported Cota and I decided to go to the south Gulf Breeze from Omaha, Nebraska, end of the bay bridge and from South seeing the UFO. Shoreline Park. >a resfdents said the objecl was traveling in a northwest direction when they saw it. Many calls came in from throughout south I r Polk County as well as Mena. s:: Two Le Flore County deputies reponed seeing a large ~lash of light in this area from Interstate BY RON GIBSON aoiid and .c:ouUJ vanish at any Lime. ::s 259 on Three Sticks Mountain .. 1'he mysterlu surrounding the development or human kind and the dlrec· Although tho bunianOid beings wen: Dewey Hamm was in a tower Uoa thb planet should be taking to resolve Its problems were Identified In genllo wirll her, Jho llid, "they did pos ar Harfield Lumber Company aF.ar a•nnkffl&orhdte tnol nag T rtaelnkt o&nJ vseenr vbicye agurothuopr. aBnadr tsotna,r wgahzoe hr,o lWdsl.naln(r heod nBoraarrtyo nd,o oc·r sgya sb IeOyIoJlnOd ! aacnreydthibinlog p1ohwlle wn ~a npdo essnecsrs· when he witnessed the. object. torate and has written more than 33 books. described her experiences since here." Hamm said the object went down beJn&llta.aalormed by encounters with allen lire. Sbo aaw IOlDO ,of tho IUUQWlding 0 due west of Hatfield. Babnaoiaoc &h.u o alp OmUoCred lahnudl lmhr:eocr doccd:c euxiotrrau· her" 'Ttrhaen sefxoprmeraietinocne. o!. ~ transfonna aupupe awrebde r1o0 Jbheo pwlc.ux ik&elpuls fWori tha ati mbeei,n hg The watch supervisor at Mem tcneatrial siahtina• and has lived tioa wu like geuing out a litllo botllo pec:zia&itlrou~lt. . phis Center said no planes in that lhr._gh an actual cncouala' oa SepL and coming 10 undcnt&nd lhall am an "1bo 11JW.1n1 pan of the ll'lp wu (.) Tarheea hsaudp bereveins olor sts fariodm otnhley r adtwaro. r2Jipe6aa,w cJ:e:9oa 7bo3ifp. &.S ShCe arledlianteg> fdr othme tuhnoi qeuaen hex ipne •- Iinllt•B'm G1i11t11c10 11b111e1 1iu naUgJ.dt"' l'1Z1 JlIn'rnil'U"ei'"df l1lti/UJrfoJu.qtltf ~itnh&ro uthg odh c .mv.eanl toy.ipm mteh ielnWagtI•oD avdf" 1a clnchd;el i enaxggp eeahr.w i•e nnaon planes were in the area at the "h wu a bit or a misty evening Ill• aoliiiWIII 141 Ill• worlll probu~n~. 1bo ~pcricnco led 10 her irltcres( in. rime and both were accounted aarpCpIIeUaJrde 7d ol'lc llohcc kp warbkc. uA a nbuemamb eorf o lifg ub.sl Allal•l o_,ll,ap lph'io"nt· lhlll UJial 111111 lUlu .n p•tbayra iCauLi Q& aac1 in particular mw for. walked &oward the lighL" She dcacribcd her abduction into lho "To SliDd up and oCCer lho aolutjons. Sheriff Mike Oglesby and his .abc is well aware of lbo skepticism ahip and viewing lho earlh before 1D Ol,(l4 's problema llku COIIli&C, buL J.. deputies searched the area thor aacncd:c pdli sbcexltireaf- toefrr epaetorpialeli awtnb .o o rd oj dDcOul qIQuIi1c okl!y n adviiagaaptipoeoaarli n~g vlh~ro u&h some aulasaow u,qan,"v iacb:oti oInO ldl hKatiw oanneia nhl.u " Wtboo oughly umil it was detem1incd :Eood whll exists on lhia plaac&. But mllowing her ~ a varie~Y of havelho aolll&ioos," abo ~laims. "I pn> Q) that the object was not an aircraft. lhuo arc many people who lived tells weco carried OU1 wilh aamplea of poao a dcflnito mclhodology for ~d­ Around 9 p.m., Deputy Sheriff evJAignha libDo 1a9a7m3e, ewxhpielrei evnicsei lionna tthhaot aaemna1l l1 0tr athuea U onfi mveertsaitly a nodf OOluhcclrp thh iannpd hinwgn anhkuiovde,"n ab oa enxdp laeiialcrdt.h Tfhoerre haalsl > Buck Bailey and a group of vol LcMer B. Peanon Peace Park near Olhcr placea for analyaia. been a -conspiracy o! siJhlinis Cor unteers made a final search of the Ac:tlnolitc, Ontario. Tbey include a 'Ibo results of lho Lolls came baclt 10 llWl)' c;cnlUries, sho llid. area where the object is believed dOcillcmriCbIoIldr hais~ ex pmcaroia lwuh oof bhcain~& al&lslto- rbaon gIOe OoIfC llhCinC&b oofalorJ Yb.e yond IQD aonnal Tho autha believea lha1 these let. . to have gone down just over the cu 11110 a Jpaceahip. She recalls tho hum&Doid figure• ~trial 6einp.h ave marc than CDOilgh Me Curtain County line. "Wbcu 1 weal on lbo spaceahip il appeared 10 be uioro electrical and DOl tochoology 10 clean up pi&Det Earth. 0 tr&DJfonned my li!e," Barton told Several observers reponed mombcn ef lho Trenton Kiwanis Cub hearing a swishing sound as the lutlburaday. "I wu DOllho aamo per IOD I wu ber0111 aoin& through a umo object passed which would indi lWIDCI once entering tho Jp&ee cra!L I cate that the meteor was relative pUled lhrough lhil Limo wnnel and ly close, according to James experiCOIOCd many dilfcnnt things and WU JiVCO I IOtally diffeR~~( pcrsp«l Lynn, science instructor at Rich livo or whallile wu all aboul Oil lhia Mountain Community College. planeL" She recalls pa11ing through "ua "It's most unusual for meteors iac:rediblo light" while travcllin& to have sound associated with through tho Limo tunneL She llid her them, and because this one did, irr.pressioa and her experience led her there is a good possibility that it 10 belicvo human kind is DO IIIQre lhaa a cledt of cards bein& played. may have reached the ground," "The experience wu .quite beautilul Lynn said. and peacefuL Wo u human beings are limited because of our concept of He said the explosion that was ~." abe e:qtlained. "We are only observed could be explained by hereiOday and gooe 10morrow but time heat and pressure exerted on the coalinuea. We simply go in&o another dimension. The experience with the meteor as it traveled through the humanoid being• were also desaibcd earths atmosphere which can u &bey conversed through ldepathy. cause fragmentation. 1bcy appeared 10 be a very soft and A small meteorite was found acnllo beiDa," abo added. Banon saya lhero has been an near Hatfield in 1941 by James incredible cover up of lhc sightings and Sloat. The iron meteorite extra~tcrresnial cncowuen by aovem weighed 21 grams and is present IDCOll. She believea the reuoa Cor the aoverntnent not to admit or tell ly located in the Center For Me humankind of !hue cnc;ountcn 11 lha& teorite Studies at Arizona State Ill lnlaU b 10 U10 Wbat ll bu learned University, according to Lynn. Cor its own plllpOICI. Several people are continuing locTtuhroe dlo.wcaolr lrdewaiiddCcI I1l 0h cuol ltergaevae,l luendi vaenrd efforts to locate the meteorite that liliu aad 10 m&DY imolloetual bod.i• is believed to have collided with and COUDCib and rCICCiltly appeared oa tho Dina Peuy Show. Sbo had her own the Earth approximately ten miles AUTHOR ENCOUNTER-A world travelled author and metaphysician, west of the Vandervoort Junction 1td0c 1v9i7si3o. a lhow in OUawa from 1971 aWnidn ifrsehda rBe;du topnh,o otfo Fgrraanpkhfo• rdw,i tdhe sTcrreibnetod nh eKr lewxatrnal-at eCrrelu&btr imale emxpbeerries nlcaesst J.. in Me Curtain County, Oklaho dimSchmei QiaG Jc obneyvoinocde odu rt hoewrne baercea uosteh oerl Thursday night at the country club.-Aon Gib&on photo ma. Lynn said if the meteorite is 0 located it would be quite a rare find considering that only about Blue lights in sky may be reflections I 0 to 20 meteorites per year are discovered throughout the world Q) with the exception of Antarctica, About four county residents and two pilots called authorities where finds are more common. Tu~ay evening to report streaking blue lights in the sky. _One thing is certain, the mis A Palm Beach County sheriff's dispatcher said thr~ or four I ' sile from outer space that bright '5 ~ ~pie called, in<:luding ooe perso:1 who said somethlng blue crashed ened the sky Saturday evening ~ cr::: near Glades Road and U.S. 441. will not soon be forgotten by ~t:~ u Air Traffic Controller W~ Baker said a TWA pilot spotted a those fortunate enough to have ~ N gr~n cornet~like light with a red tip and a blue tail. A civilian pilot witnessed the rare and spectacu ~ ~ said he aaw U.gnts bouncing up and down around him, Baker l!!aid. lar event. "I'll tell you what we think it is is reflective lights from the (South Florida) fair," Baker s.aid. "Evidently, there's some lasers over there on some rid~ and stuff and theyfre reflecting off low cloud~." UFO UP-DATE then increased to a much larger si1.e. moved to the west that the structured I could see three or four intense red outline of a disk-shaped craft was Something Is Out There lights glowing within this ball of bril visible; that moment will be with me liant "energy." Stationary fora minute forever. or so, the UFO then started moving Before I saw this for myself I quickly to the west I could see an neither believed nor disbelieved in orange/red trail as it traveled, similar UFO's but this event happened be BY GAYLE RADCLIFF Ted "UFO" that many area Despite the chilling cold, the to the trail a rocket leaves as it thrusts fore my eyes. Something isoutthere. The right place ...S horelinePatk. residents have reported. Typically detennined Gulf Breeze Research away from Earth. It then stopped It is real, it is exciting and it's happen The right time ... almost every night. the red "UFO" would appear in the Team (Anne & Bruce Morrison, Paui again and hovered with the lights ing now! The right happcning ... A Major UFO sky, hovered motionless, and often Weatherford, Marsha Athey, Bland shining brightly. After a couple of Sighting! Sound exciting? It was! travel into the wind before disappear Pugh, Scott Maas,Russ Linger, and minutes it reduced in size and, in a ISLANDER, Pensacola, FL Two months ago this reporter ing .. I was told of some spectacular more) gathered at Shoreline Park startling fashion, the red turned into Jan. 24, 1992 (now UFO witness) took an interest close up sightings of light rings that hoping, as every night, l>Omething a large brilliant white light and faded CR: E. Walters in the reported UFO sightings that were referred to as possibly being the unique would appear. It Did! quickly away. persist in the Pensacola Beach/Gulf · UFO's "portholes." But what I saw It first appeared to be a small As I said earlier, I have been 6 Breeze area. I met with the local was far too distant to identify any stationary white light much like a star witness to the "red light UFO," but Mutual UFO Network research team structure ... until Wednesday night. but it suddenly turned from a smatt this was different. It was much closer and during that time I witnessed the Whow! white light to a small red light and and there was a moment when it •DANFORTH RESIDENT up-close sightings - unlike Carolyn Young, now 61, recalls MINING JOURNAL, Marquette, MI- Dec. 29, 1991 mysterious distant lights that can driving into Escanaba with her CLOSE be explained away by natural late husband, Edwin, and her 'Freaky' ,phenomena, satellites or weather daughter and grandchildren in balloons -· have an intriguing 1975 when they saw a brightly lit, consistency. disk-shaped craft. ENCOUNIEPS When they talk of their experi "We knew it wasn't an airp sight in ences to others, more often than lane," said Young, a retired not they're met with skepticism. restaurant owner. "It seemed to or Because they're subject to severe be following us. We would turn, it rHE ridicule. many choose not to tell would turn." others. Her husband reported the sight the sky Sure of what she saw, however, ing to the police, but the incident Blair called three area airports, a remained unexplained. weather service station, and "They really didn't believe him Sawyer Air Force Base in and neither did anybody else," she Marquette County. Nothing had said. Are space aliens been piekcd up on radar and no paying a visit? military operations were being • GLADSTONE PUBLIC SAFE conducted in the area, she was TY OFFICERS Dave Mariin and told. Mark Hager received a call from a "I know what I saw was no woman alleging to have seen a By WENDY HARRIS airplane. It was a UFO," she said. UFO. She complained that her Journal Staff Writer "I didn't tell peo~le because they household appliances, along with Carrie Blair says she was only U.P. would ask if I was on hallucinogen her dog, were acting strangely. drinking soda when she and two ic drugs." They thought it was a joke. o"tthheer sf rewaiktnieessts etdh inwgh"a ts hseh'es ceavlelsr anOdt ahreorus nwd htoh eh Uav.Pe . sienecnlu UdeF:O s in we"nWt ew tihtohu gthhte, 'aYtteiatuhd, er ig(hotf,)' annodt seeveIetnn .i wnga s ina 1w9a88rm. ,B lcaliera ra nAdu ghuesrt Rbye pCflriacierarni.e od fsB hilnaa niMrd oa-fdr iMrnaeewtntneo m pinici ntAueuereg, uoWsf tiUs 1.F 9aO8n8 ds. eheenr Mthe•a ti Ari nIU.e FttOeA. N siDgw hhtoiSn UgSd tAiod Nann 'ty OonCmeHe fnSot ri o1on5f drbeeeclniatel.v lii"nnWgg htehinte, "w Mesa agricodht t4oM, wa1r9hi8ie1nr ,e i nt3ch8ie , ~M~adrisne twt~ee,r We· siist.t,.i ~nstga orIn g tahz eiln ibggeh.a tcsh oinn didn't need binoculars. ws·v aee'ia'd Wrw.s e.e rdei donff' t owuar nbt uatntoyno,n"e AtoI tOhcinhks awindh dittrheee,s srse kodyf, tgahrnee ehinno tuaesnneds ewb lagusle,o wlwiigenh gst sao.w"f tahned· bfOorritzho na lsownege pthineg ssoluowthl yG braecenk More inside: "It was moving slowly, like it Ochs, 60, an area supervisor for ligAhtt st,h e Msigahriti nof tahne dro uHndag ceirrc, le3 o4f, was exploring the shoreline. Then ortheastern Wisconsin Technical cBoaays st.h orTehlien e,l oigffh tth eo Dcocaosr iCoonuanlltyy the• FUopr pmeor reP eonin asulielan, vsieseit st oto voBomef,o rite tothoka to finf.c"i dent, Blair, 30, Cwoelrlee ger,e taunrndi nhgis fwroifme, SWuissacno,n s5i5n, sotuotp fpoerd a . tbheetitre rp laotorkol. car and got dhbieoslvtoiewnrc etiltdy f, orsa eanp dat irmaate e, stlhmieganhl tlr ~edttui-prnpbeeuddt dMaagya'zsin e.S uperiorland aMne noinmtienreieo, rh add encoo prraitoor ri ntferroemst R<WW,ides , Wwies.r ein Jounl y H19i6g6h. way 29 cra''1ft1 tweeren t wriagsh tn oov ewri tnhde, taonpd o f thuiss, in unidentified flying objects. She between Medford and Wausau and and we couldn't hear any sound to the folds of the larger light. does now. we saw this flying saucer kind of from it whatsoever." Suddenly 'it moved, in a flash of breeze. It was right over our Blair is one of several Upper thing," he said. "It had colored The UFO moved slowly past tinimg eth, ea cshroosrse st hoef W20i smcoilnessin s aenpdar tahte lhaeragdes,, " VB-slhaairp esda,i dl. a"rgIte rw atsh avne rya Pheanvien ssuelean reUsFidOesn. tsT whehior ctlaaliems otof ,l.ilthdt Sc iracllli nagr oauronudn dit ,i t.a"m ber ana tfholelmow eadn dit uinp tha eibrl ucfafr .w here they· ~• rtt P~ednien sunlao. sound and no fdoeoctkb aolfl fliieglhdt.s .W _!eL c_o~~usld s mo ackloes oeu wt ae c.aT!' h-fee rU rFoOug hflleyw t hpraerea lmleiln utote st,h ehier zo"oOmn c-e iti t, gowta tso gthoen et.r eTeh leinn e w-e said. It was in clear view despite watched it for another hour and a the. darkness. half off in the distance," he said. "T)I,e radio started sputtering During the sighting, Mariin was badly and even the car was acting in radio contact with the Delta funny." he said. "My feeling was County Sheriff's Department and this was some sort of surveillance Sawyer Air Force Base. ~uipment by the United States "It took K.I. Sawyer 55 minutes ,Air Force. But from an engineer to respond to tell us they had their 'Beamed up' !jnt and technical standpoint, it radar shut off, and didn't have was something we hadn't seen anything," he said. "It was an before.'' absolute denial on their part. They /rt the time, Ochs didn't specu didn't cooperate at all." Jate on the possibility of an alien When a New York City-based i-llteJligence. He just knew the organization investigated the Six in U .P. claim alien abduction di*-sha.ped aircraft he and his claim, it found witnesses stretch ·wife saw was real. ing from northern Michigan to "That is the truth. so help us Minnesota had reported similar By WENDY HARRIS Virginia Tilly ofGrand Rapids. said. "I'm very skeptical that God,." he said. sightings that night, Mariin said. Journal Staff Writer "She wanted me to relive the UFOs exist in the first place." The Gladstone sightings experience of seeing the crafts, People who claim close FORMER HARVEY RESI attracted national attention - According to the Mutual UFO and I went through it step by encounters may be experiencing pENT Beverly Richer, 40, was from the National Enquirer, "The Network, six Upper Peninsula step," Coyne said. a sort of group psychosis, he lying awake in bed one August Phil Donahue Show," "That's cadrmseaMtthUiaeirbbvioan.kaassTWUIddPensiccnkzehruudsF r.eyfsihy ecceenOo ?wi i1t tndtlgsr niNe9hemittio 8dtMves tah,sn3 a teu bt,s wemit ghsbccuiei,onhetr cyhhlbosiai nica ijgesacsvgl esatvhuyaaUeace a edm tn tstFchbe si hp tnoletOoadhaeyefgrsueid s i oi n oamtyo.siodp alrri ufii,gxlehbi e rAseMna caaeonnfM ndrt vcr euoeioiiaptecUwsv ztrombeh s saiFbrodtrd.i t sh gsOeuu1itu ooeeha2lcoiNaydnnnnn5e fl scosead4pbitbsaharxb-yreauhflTa""ie adsrole dtfaI nc,Thmuocl st ler etac Tiawi iyhvea bttsbn"iiaeaninldrChpteagtldodt dhy.dtoerwir b u i .ac dbyo"ao egiaaay n,etW"aniuh hssneesTa.let rglegsn."b liahbca" s gyho oowhee t·c h vhaiutyno l,nehte raetd v rgde hrair eceaymy tatra ti3h flivhbm mdlrn1iepheeaaeteeg e h erihacsa ,nlgfte om c ro yayedisavr bbnce s oi fe4r othbdwtwio r1 d eea cf aw9nuettay e9nrahha,prnde,0e"dee"esl,t ,, sweaatpbcddmotiainanourfveehm"i UeacuodipetodTlmayhl et epd n.dhfcmh ra.s dieo hseyesgaIaeraoetrmtecrcv rrhy nxe eh ccefeea a peeosoronarcnnlaxtmueusnt,iatdaml"ziltrnd ynsdefr r ait reh te e ntb oba bfwiemtont-eoomlhee fsgcornsle febo iie aar, neewtne ks ishbpv tdchl itweeoietrf.thtesfh oi a teeeoia ro i" lzsene so ordkTbssoi la nfnen ioy,i hpia ne tssfddm.thenp lpguo.fi"ouyr eeeabps feeT osiou jtncodnl,eopplho ainectcoolmlaisynaeeee srft, ta~lMw~smhfbRei1aneloiodi"~Sini:adigngdhrua'rtd 'haalluuitd >s~ionn nstn.v NceR' wee- i~-nnedf\tsl sitstea:or ,ne-cdy hSd1toee. o;hs9-im. ,J.t5 naf- 8hro «Js a 10"i eyhh,1nnh It1 aegwuhtcde3is r u 1errn\iah1cd\st aw igelhpt.cwtdhih a notl3mh.oi ars 0 nato uby0bbhsdlnu st reeuhaoheogifdttelsweew,o h l i esfoio .tna vuts nhu niFitseo etzechapt owWs ew owoeewrl snl finei aoo glsifddblylrfd ihoo eevei.twtfnahd"aaddest sseuithFtr"IththeaoanxneWo liied·"mcp ilesd·wd rilAwewl vi.ooeea des ailanpwd ienlssas" nseliiu tyi.saboW ivI ne twfc cnltneag.oiWeohe keroet .nm ei ndtbre"uesohetoe otlsphntesawna dwlwes eflrwe'y rl otlt.oaty ehrieernItaisoddk llanhv tndyrye tsegreo dtoi a ed hnnruiban let gaot,nu h' o ntt,stwscdraM "b oeanoks aiijwmynneamtte.s hiudorcse,nmiiw ewm ptsoiga. o naaen·.en u· pfw"ssre rdsrtca eo o ha iirahoumidaattsnoodenstl.. cases is confidential, said Shir pointy chin, a slit for a mouth, a psychotic depression or border of a la.l"ge plane. The lights were • ON MARCH 6, 1967, Duncan ley Coyne, 52, a retired real small nose, and large eyes with line personality. two.:tiered and circular in motion. and Esther Hollingsworth of estate saleswoman from no pupil. They have long, slender "A person could have a \t just seemed to move forward Detour were traveling on Inter Fl"uTshhiensge. -people don't want to ffiinnggeerrss ,i sa nltohto aulgwha ytsh eth ec osuanmt eo."f etexmpeproieranrcye atrnadu mcaatni c fesetlr eqssufiutel wanads bgaedntew.a". ttd effortlf:'sslv· . Then it sBtaastee 7s5o unteha ro Kf iSncahueltl oSe tAe.i r MFaorricee rush out and tell the world about Tilly, a MUFON investigator, detached, and not be oriented in While she remembers cars pass They saw an object with white: ssvttt"ohhuteT aeecrthnmaiyhredl ks..fe"a e rt x iIogpt g phperietereseioo aenppnotell cueedte r wr saa,hhjnu"ooad mb vd C eadoot oonyn as'ntun'p etufd rfnosw edataraeeierndcrde tt. ssdeaethlatxwreyeipeead.mepa"r re meiId emstins ,osoo c ftfs eutawt eraw nbn idah "atmnh fabrct ades enuoeUshic m,ffa FtelpneoesOpieattgsiets-mih n nritetegemsadl seraa a lenfrtb enexaausid'ns t,t altjtieuhlmotMsi"tnnteiI ngoep,t gs nrpw mo ntlvhiat athiaechdyelye se mt o bhodc eeoros inkpmaran' ie tefdo rwoxww srMpoa atyen ntUtr o,thi"o F eept fOonh ye cdeNo'bre ipese lsulalm .ei tien idabnvo.yyge t nss~Inhhougee tr ads r o alC'ecAwiR!vdlilztte.hllN r er'dtW'r ls.t'o_hi' lte l\h\oa"ewarrsd Rsposoei oamfdpail nlettah arsas attis wcnto. i gribithe u.t.st., gHhmthoroie"evnl Weleuinrrtnoei egn assgwda w n aaadnaobtc droht wvhreiee.tad dy tfh sionte,lo "fl wlotf arow sserahe e6idi adn0l bi gnuo Desau .unt ld indgofc ihwvatnanes Coyne and her 74-year-old intense fear of a particular and explaining them through Ri~ said .~he told peoole of substitute teacher who owns a husband, George, a former place. supernatural or extrasensory he.-s~ht·~ tlw following evening property management business. General Motors supervisor, head Abductees may experience ways that have no bearing in at ada~ n·unton. "The next day I talked to a MUFON in Michigan. They repeated UFO sightings, reality," he said. "The value is 41'J1ter-e Wl're a couple people commander at the Air Force base claim first-hand knowledge of episodes of missing time, or the not so much that they were 11\at were really receptive to it," who was a friend of mine." alien abductions. feeling of being awakened by a abducted, but they feel kinship slee ~~id, ''"while others just Hollingworth said, "but the way he In 1983, they said, they were "presence" at night but feeling and are part of a unique, special \.aughed it off and thought it was spoke. he didn't want to make a awakened by a bright light shin physically paralyzed. group." si\lf,'' report." ing through their bedroom "Most people's experiences Tilly, however, said she can window and saw a disk-shaped are really suppressed and they tell the difference between some object fly across a nearby will not remember what has one who's distraught over an cornfield. happened to them," said Tilly, alien encounter and someone "We jumped out of bed and ran who taught school for 25 years who wants to be unique. oowsfaboibuuegarTTddtr yhd bh.hub t,ooee ciaIon at tthrirgns ones iwsdC ne g fa xsaohecoa.styte r nn intontdtc,eosh"go s s es nts tw hhtshfphcaeeeieris r oo s swwfputmai easriaops dttk iftt.o im ge n,sdro geead fm v surtshieptov wre reiaiiynon rl ayokiIUhnnnoneygpDsuedep tpp nrioopte .iofpuc ssr sK yoeta iencc sme hhe P.nt oiarohnentfnHleei ngodfet D.igidfh"'enuiso e sd slMott ur sorob,oklif ni yaretdt i h .pno Hett,chwi " acmtaeBonha ercoulpIs mo ntr coaifonokuifcn rnts,tiii ihecetctiyeessss sswarprpteenera"eagodenTcdpu stil.hsr,ae"d"g el i,i if wstfis ateohh ttronieehes e an w nttsw, oaa ttthnhih daitsaen .noty gt dm o " dteThobatthh eehbie yendnrsy ougep tc hettjcfaheaueiveeraesyeesllt interest in MUFON, and in 1985, use by MUFON. Morin said he suspects people Shirley Coyne underwent hypno "My opinion is that (stories of who say they are abducted are tic regression by hypnotherapist abduction) are made up," he not truly hypnotized. SIJSAN OCHS AL OCHS ~"'w colored lights Thought it was Air Force i Pilot Spots Strange Craft SUN TIMES, North Port, FL Nov. 27, 1991 'UFO' Red UFO Comes Back Again sighted? 0N'1 By Glen Bradley By BETH SUMNER 0'1 Staff Writer Saturday, January25, 1992. As iarge red light of great intensity mov ing and recording the sighting. In When David Kersky's eyes wNc M still trained on the eastern sky a professional in the field of psycho! ing slowly to the south (into the wind). vestigator Marsha Athey used a car Sunday night after the space shut § ogy, the continuing reports of UFO It appeared to be about eight miles phone to call another team of investi tle went up, he saw a SI'Cond phenomenon - a cylandrkal fly '"' sightings from residents in the away; it was a very clear night. gators who were stationed near Fort ing object that came right over his 1 Pensacola Beach and Gulf Breeze As this glowing red unidentified Pickens. Chief Investigator, Gary Mayberry Av<'nuc residence, an ~ area piqued my curiosity. Could these flying object moved to the south, Watson acknowledged that he could oNbejiegchtb hoer su ncohrcrsaihtaonrtaltyc chailllls saf oUtyF •O , .. people be seeing real UFO's. another identical red light appeared also see the red glowing object and "It came out of the northeast, ! On this night I joined a group of below and to its left. This second was able to triangulate the location of and I noticed it because of the ~ people at South Shoreline Park in brilliant red light faded in and out the object, (later calculated to be 6 1/ Pligohrtt., "· Ista idc aKmeer skryig, hat Woovreldr WNoarr tIhI ~ Gulf Breeze who gather nightly for occasionally while the first light dis 4 miles east of our location). Dozens fighter pilot who moved here from ~ the purpose of hopefully witnessing appeared behind the trees that were of photographs were taken, includ Cwhifiec,a gCoa remigehnt. yWeahresn atghoe wsiigthh tihnigs .. the UFO. These people were very almostinfrontofme. Aboutaminute ing some with two lOOOmm lens cam occured, she was inside watching ~ normal; no guru or cultism, just had gone by-it was 7:55-when I was eras and a video camera. I look the shuttle lift off on television. Kersky's neighbor, Rita Maul, ~ friendly curious people li.ke myself handed a pair of binoculars so that I forward to the detail the photos will said she saw the sam!' thing. "We t;; looking for an answer to the local could see the object in more detail. saw this UFO or whati'VN you ~ UFO mystery. Through the binoculars the light's rperaolvlyid ae rwehdidcihs ho foterann sgheo rwin tgh eo lfi gghret aist w"Iat ntw taos c aklli nidt. Ao fs aduuclll'.r ,"I t shwl' asasin1'lt. Suddenly somebody said, "Is intensity was really impressive and intensity. bright like whl'n the shuttle Wl'nt that an airplane?" had a very consistent reddish orange up." If you would like to visit a "sky According to the two a<Tnunt!l, I am an active private pilot, hav glow -much like that of a ruby laser. watch" as I did, feel free to do so. the object wn.'l not w<•lllit; nor wm; ing flown airplanes since the age of It was not at all like any light I have It accompanied by sound. It The group meets every night at about traveled fllllter than a jl't would fifteen. I looked to the east and saw seen in over twenty years of flying seven at the south end of the Bay trnvet, said Kertky, ma~700to something that as not like any air 4000+ hours. I was impressed! Bridge or at South Shoreline Park. 800 mile!! per hour. plane I had ever seen. It was a very Several Mutual UFO Network See you there!! froTmh et hoeb jdli'cret ctiino n qoufl' stthlol'n . lrX<·'akml'ye invt:stigators were busy photograph- Club and movl'd southwest, !laid Kersky. "It went right uwr dty hall, right down North Port Boulevard," he said. "When I first noti<'<'d it, th<.'rl' NEWS-LEADER, Springfield, MO - Feb. 12, 1992 was a light," said K<.'rsky. How NEWS, Birmingham, AL - Jan. 6, 1992 ever, he added, as the ohjl'et Memories Thtre were other stories from CHRIS VeTrhneo nW, aartseonn'ts ,k widhdoi nlgiv ea bion uMt tohuisn.t sacpuprreoda,c halemdo, stth aes liifg hitt whPe<r~ea ronne toobp that penod~ BENTLEY They point out that details of of the ohjoct. • Becky Kilpatrick, 24, and her their stories match up with many "The reason I could Sl'e it wa.o1 ofUFOs husband, Farris, who live in the other people's experiences with because of the lights from Winn rural community of Rodentown, Dixie," he said. Evl'n with Ill(' UFOs. And they have spoken at still.linger saobm"oIuett t hw1i8na sgm .a ibleosu ts o9u:3t0h oorf sFoy fafte ,n isgahwt sUoFnO, -Dwaaltlcahse rasn cdo nLvaesn tVioengsa si.n TTuhcis oKliguehttr. s.a<k~ yd fesrfoaiimndi thete i lfwlo' ramgs r uoenuxancbedlp,e t ttotho om una~okht,ee in Fyffe ashned sMai d. w"Oeruer . wneaitgchhbinogrs tfeirlesvt issaiown ,i"t yGeeanrn tahneyy fhoorp ae tcoo ngvoe tnot iDonu.s seldorf, thOatt hIet rhs amd ingoh t ahpapvl'en dbaegeens . fright and they called us and said, 'Go look Their UFO stories are so convinc ened by such a sight, hut not ing that convention organizers pay Kersky. lie's used to spotting un out that window.' We saw this object. It was low over the field. It bad red their expenses to attend. Identified flying obje<'t!l and to and green lights, and they went Wallace C. Stevens, director of hearing skeptics n•futc him. "I've NBye wFsra sntka fSf wikroitrear ancrohoiasusene, d j uefsaatc sthth. e oTdthohgee sr l.c igaTrhrhtysei rnsege eowmn.ae Tsd h entyoo Oalzieanrakteerds Tseinovhvneeen Wlsta.t isogtHr alyedtoe Uari srF, wOab h rCooreo utngicrvhehetde ntc thikAeoemnidr i ntFoU To FruhcOcies sgpwenoic.nt.' nlette ,"hs esthhemedr o. s"oua tgihdh.e rI ftU hyiFosO u sblioetoifnokgr, esy . ionu I t'chvleeo FYFFE - On these chilly winter weren't barking. They were howling. During WW II Kersky was in a mornings, men gather for coffee at They knew something was differ sightings. bomber !I(JUadron, ancl he r<.' "I learned a long time ago truth is Ray Peek's restaurant, talking about ent." by UFOs truly stranger than fiction," Ste memhcrs s<.'ein~ grc<'n fireballs cthroep ws eoant &Saenr da Mndo uthneta ionu.t look for the saiBdy, ththee o tbijmecet twheays wgoeltl oinuttos idthee, sskhye vens says. flliyei ntgh ooufgf htth et hWaltl\ 1(p.'1e rohfa tphse Ipt lawnne.'l. But every once in a while someone and began moving rapidly. So many people have been going some Japanese ~ rl'<'nnnaisan<'<.' wiAll nmde .nfotri ojn~_U fa~ little while the boTrsh eh oKppielpda tirnitcok sa panicdk utph etirru cnke iagnhd- peLopalset, wPeeaku,l lai kea nhdu ndRroend s oWf oattshoenr tMo iNssooruthriv iHewig htow aloyo kP afotrro Ul FSOgts. tJh.Da.t twheea spaomn.e t"hTinhge bJta'cpaauns<l''s tt'h <t'hy oWugNhIt' weather and the planting are forgot- tried to follow the UFO, she said, but drove to the small town of North Lasater is concerned. flying off their wingtips, ton, .. hi' ten. it soon moved across the sky and van view to look at lights in the sky that "It is getting to be a problem," said. This DeKalb County town of 1,300 ished over the horizon. some people say are UFOs. Lasater says. "They're like a bunch K~rsky docs not discount thl' p e o p l e "We still wonder about it," she They saw what many people there of chickens - they can get out of possibility that the war is re~pon· made na- said. have seen: "I saw a light like a gold hand if you don't watch them.'' sible for his seeing more than tht• dyUeiea rPsa raeDgao ,A rwehpeTcnr iesEedv esreael irnnteg esi wi dsoset rntnaht nsra geo eefl llmiiggi•hhl ett A edfignr nuo epmst h t Khete ihl sgienko syriKe d,iew lw poahafs ot hr ilesciorvk ehsdbo, rmaisgbeaoh.i dut t iaat utbrpaeBl ela suin,nt"d t uPhdneaol uwsiklknaey ,Wa mnnoadott ss tbtoh lneion nfsk aiotynhvsgee. .r I ptin ewo tephnleet chvmaiaeoOrswvs n e a t eottc xo ali e tmtka iemorae fkenp e I ipn gtahthterehtkrs es, ha tialagoUtshen Fw gmO4 at4a-hy.wn eyLca N ltaeacsoasharr ett.5he r0s r aaawtrnvtaatderisnri baptihnguraegetce ectsiini nctte iehzm ailis'inyn r a cdaSbrlnCa'itdlIfli'St 'tr wy.m i hldtilao<not i'wn nlw'txlgi'fatl iel"sCe. wntyl,tsoh iiolnuawn•tr objects in the sky. • A man near Lick Skillet, to the there, the Wa tsons, both 35, are old own." It began the night of Feb. 10, 1989. northeast of Fyffe, reportedly fired a hands at UFO-watching. The Wa tsons have advice for peo On anotlwr o<"<':t!lion In th<' 60s, Police radios bristled with sight- shotgun at a UFO. And Paula Watson has an expla ple who have an encounter with a 1\l'rsky !law a ··squadron nf light!!" ing reports - craft with white, red Peeks said sometimes visitors nation for the lights: "They're try UFO: Don't be scared, and trust in thnt hi' kiii'W Wl'rt' IICI nirplane.'l. "I or green lights, sometimes hovering, from out of state come by for lunch ing to make themselves seen." God. Most aliens are kind, and the told mv dad nhout it, ami Ill' snill sometimes . moving silently at in- or a piece of pie, and the topic turns In fact, both Wa tsons say they've few who seem unkind don't mess 'What hav<' \'Oil ht'l'll drinking'?' ·· credible speeds. talked to aliens and been in UFOs. with religious people, they say. Al'l'tmlinf(· to Kl'rsky, ht• was itoOckn eodn e ton ighFty fafbeo uth o4p,0in0g0 vfiosirt oras to "UWFeO ss.t ill hear some stories," he theTihre ye cnacnou't nrteecrasl.l aTllh tehye dseatya ilst hoef ridMicouslet o-f afllro, tmh epye soapyle, ,b en oret aadliye nfosr. "h<!l' ton!!tp' oRttnth•df' r" sStmunwdtahyl nngi l(hstt nwmhgl'tn• {tfgtahrilirlir"BekemoWnsu u pdtge asswnh-ebhso eotitpwirouhle lftiht nogog sl eoaio gtwunwm haryaa tetnsfeh e etdis waxn etlpg oeiave ensoinrc suai oieatgtm cno atrhcriesasnee if gr,.ctb" e.no y .am Blsa aionnionddgf- swflhhiraoogoliOimuhmdnstn.geee e. d fBal aoTnoutfdhb co ekjnte r'h sactem htn me aPm tn gooo r ciovnkabuivn eonogtlmdl t ve.eet dwoas dhw oofaar wo rdms,c ao swtupht prehaliaeer aauavnplesiuBrdpeya neu lmasbtl ryrtuc ih facgcreuhohoysm nt elbsey dia-o g yltuagi htnttes hedraii edn ri ded nami. sla siiTemedmmnheoo seono' t rdhstsyhh-ha s iilnhippan aspsstp shiaaedeerrdseyee.,, eRsganooyT"" onsPoIuh .tne gWe'so h wpra eetltioexastho lptdl neeyeyn r aosihdelaua nytwrrocsd ie.l t git hfoee,i t ,gt" Pps eaersteulh oftle tvay eis Wsamr yiaetsht a.asa nnor,ddn" NdmaaPnnaoooAvt\r\ir·' t <tt hht'!hP hilpinoPas!ngl! toiik clnmrllent''l!n. 'mo! itlpl l>(yslnh'tur '.hnpa«aotall'.nlr r\ st dBrn l fuw'dpots irnowdt trl ntwi1lsf1''_t1tnd 1la ' yi dKt s• NaetM•olelorv sior<kntni•hyngr Assistant Police Chief Fred Works, He later said - somewhat shee with several different levels. Most eithl'r. oenneHc oeou fna tntehdro .s Peo lwicheo Chhaide f a Jumnyiostri fGyianrg- wpias"shH lgyeo in-negv tteohr apstlao iwhde iantnthoyo ttuhhgienhigtr hathboemo uetth . iint,g" trohoTamth esp uhWlal vaoetus nto onfr sof' umrU nFtihtOuer ewe,x abplluesr.t i eitnecmess r0e pCohrtreisr . Bentley is a News-Leader many pbserved a silent, low~flying said Peek, chuckling. "But his wife started in 1983 when they watched a CR: R. Watson object with three lights on it. That told on him." pair ofthin,lizardlike aliens cause a report brought the news teams to Another is about a man from Flor- cow to float into a green ship. town. ida who was riled because he drove Since then, they've seen several Works says he thinks the craft nearly 500 miles and didn't see a more ships. Friends have told them was of this Earth, probably sent UFO. they saw UFOs over the Wa tsons' aloft by the U.S. military. "You from here in Fyffe?" he home, scanning it with lights when "I'm open-minded as to other life asked a man. the Wa tsons are not there. forms .flut there in the universe," he "About a mile down the road," the Now, Paula Watson says, aliens said, "But I want to see more than I local replied. take her to their ships at least once have seen, even though that was a "Well, I think people in Fyffe are a month. They are teaching her to 8 strange craft. It was more oblo!:!$, O! ~azy,u said the Floridian. -- r£>ad th£'ir lan~ua~e. she says. triangle-shaped, with the corners· "Well, we may be," said the local. Ron Watson says aliens once rounded off. It didn't make any "But we didn't drive all the way up floated him out of his camper, took noise. That was what amazed me. It here from Florida looking for flying him to their ship and talked Wlth was huge, but didn't make a sound." saucers." him for more than three hours. : UFOs, Bigfoot reported in 27 counties c: By The Standard Observer Founded in 1981 by electronics technician Stan an investigator to the scene of an unusual incident ~ Some may believe Hollywood movie sets and Gordon of Greensburg, PASU is an all volunteer, as soon as it is reported. If a case warrants further check-out-line magazines to be the main bastions non~profit scientific research unit that specializes study, investigators interview witnesses, docu <1 of UFO's and Bigfoot-like creatures, but that's not in investigating UFO's and strange animal sight ment all information relative to the event for fur c.. necessarily so, say some local observers. ings. Established as a statewide clearinghouse for ther study and obtain physical evidence for labo c: According to one Greensburg-based scientific re reports of UFO sightings and other phenomena, it ratory studies. .,.. search group, people in 27 Pennsylvania counties is widely recognized by law enforcement and news In Pennsylvania this year, a number of cases at ~ and several surrounding states reported sightings agencies. tracted the special attention of the PASU investi PASU is not open to general membership. Only gators. H of strange crafts and creatures, as well as other those with experience in the fields of science, engi One of those occurred close to home, right on the !o;:::: odTdh eev ePnetns,n isny l1v9a9n1i aa lAonsseo. ciation for the Study of inneveerisntigg,a tteocrhs nfoolro gthy eo rg rmouepd,i cwinhei cmha hya asc tm aesm fbieelrds boArdcecro rodfi Wnge tsotm PoArSelUa,n da agnrodu Ipn doifa ynoau cnogu mnteiens w. ere ~ the Unexplained (PASU) investigated a variety of throughout the United States and several foreign spotlighting for de~r in a heavily wooded area on ~ strange objects and occurrences in 1991, including countries. August 9 when their light allegedly shone on a 0 unidentified flying objects, strange footprints, un Representatives from PASU work closely with tall. upright standing creature covered with hair ~ usual sound:>, a fall of ice from the sky, a tremor MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network, the largest and having red eyes. The creature was reportedly < which appears not to be earthquake related and international UFO research organization in the reaching over its head, eating berries from a ~ sightings of Bigfoot, black panthers and the East world, based in Seguin, Texas. patch. The creature was observed for about· five ~ ern Cougar, an animal that is supposedly extinct. PASU's standard operating procedure is to send minutes, during which time it continued eating while constantly keeping its eyes on its observers. A strange smell like sulfur was apparent during UFO sighting reported the sighting, according to the young men. ~ Local The next day the young men reportedly re turned to the site to look for tracks. They esti mated that the creature would have to have been about nine feet tall to be seen from their observa B~ STARLA POINnll So what was it? tion position. ~ News-Register NIIWS Edtor Possibly a helicopter, according to Other incidents that were investigated include 0 1950 sighting Sgt. Mitchell, public affairs officer at the alleged sighting by a hunter in Armstrong 1 The Star of Bethlehem? An air- McCord Air Force Base near Seattle. County on October 28 of a black panther; a Feh. 4 earned national That's the only kind of aircraft that incident in Monroe County in which witnesses re ·~~>QJ ophue~rt s:ae ilsfo sFur~tihd;-af.yac ~min~ogr~ nwsiniangdn ao ftwWez. o Tgldlha ean scMkineegd attention ... cfnooorutM l4cdil5t ach ihammevl eilnr aceuopsteppusoel.dna srgeiubdei lstiost y,b befuo str t haWeti oconolaudrl'yds jffpeeaocemrttts ieo ldmifafl oyrt vh wioen biggtsh reso riuvlaeneinrddct ;lr ysaae nfavtdn,e dtrwha aleh t oc h aau sssgaeleio do wf r ehas ceppt eaooenlibdgcs euje ulroasvfrtfe id2co 0ebr0a , .X~,g... aMmnaidTAnn hnyllme vobrioorelikls elteli itrda ae nw satirga dleisaegc,in thnatwt. nsp h.gu "alteWt o.e nvaFe yhri,le lwriet dag y lwa wusaspsiet.. h"s UMFiOFnOrnni dv wtaihlyalee sw easavrisege nnahoi.t net gdth eoin ff i rMtshtae t yimM 1ec1 a , MfUliFcgMOChat.o yMrbdpeca Mtat eisnrannt veilfllliotere i, sa anciroccot rrwadfiittn hgif nrt ooth mae hramawuocgaveeye a iwtsnrliao jaywun slagytnu ttdwloa pwora massrshid nao uphvteieemdrs a. ot hsbe.jrecocoutn gdwh o itfthfhie c teshrk rfei,ve oe n lmilgyih lettoss t0~~t:l FsglaraoWrn,u tfinacndrlg . a llfwlrioacmyh. hSoetna eltt icodonDmarlyellr,t wltloeiwtohab arjdlei gcthh:ett aMh1 o9scma5Mu0ec ,iPneIrna-Ivus ih1lmlaTepir.le eeTdns h topesb hopjoeuhcttooht tgwnoresea aspwrth eheoridsef pbnAueiFtrbeBglliy, c n t nehaoaoftrfu a aSg inhrase~n w t"oaW fl Bfaiueac nrehbcra ahavr ftae r,Vno Cm'ata n llVadifuea.n nnDcbd heeefernigd CR: S. Gordon ~ Jefell ._. ~ 7!lS ..,.., printed in the N.,._Re~ 8fl1IUng fDr about1hree weeks," he th wben the surrounding sky was some June 8, causing that <*tion of said, and when they do the craft heads SENTINEL, Gulf Breeze, FL- Nov. 21, 1991 :3: what dark, and 8 a.m., full daylight the paper to be requested by south on its way to polar orbit. Voice of the People ~ Then it was gone, leaving her with thousands of people all over the Probably a balloon, according to a the finn belief she had seen an country. representative of the McMinnville unidentified flying object. Evelyn Trent described the Police Department, which has had no edrosn", I' tbw kunat osInw 'kt indfo rIew ba emIl iiensfga i,wn" fsalhy eiUn sgFa Oisda.."u "c I osUirlF vsOmer oya,k sea .n""dv B etohryteh r eTb rwrieganhstt s,n soaa ilndmo toihsseet rliegpThoterste sn to-oa fgb esairlgsloh otisnnosg ms.ae ntdim seesn da ttthaecmh larOgne USuFnOd aayn,d S ae spm. 1a5ll eart u2n pit.m w.e, rae vseeeryn Her second: "I saw one once object was moving "awfully skyward as a science project or as a in the area of Santa Rosa Shores and before when I was driving, but I fast" joke. "Teen-agers have been known Highway 98. Both were metallic in col or. The larger appeared to have appen didn't look at it closely." to play pranks, you know," she said. dages which circled the object and Wold told a friend and called the "A lot of it's just kids." News-Register on Friday, but she agency for UFO data. from No~h She discounted the possibility that described by the observer as "tree hadn't reported her sighting to the America, has been getbng about s1x the UFO came from outer space. branches." It also had what appeared National UFO Reporting Station, calls a day lately. "That's very quiet," "This isn't the right year," she said. to be layers. or structures, placed one (206) 722-3000. Gribble said. "How about the Goodyear upon the other as plates. In fact, the reporting station hasn't Reported sightings range from Blimp?" wondered Galen McBee, The smaller object was shaped like a heard from the McMinnville area in lights in the sky to vehicles at close Parks and Recreation director, who bow-tie. It was estimated to be 45 feet years, according to Robert Gribble. range, he said. The bright rectangle oversees the McMinnville Airport. wide and 60 feet long. The smaller ap director. He has calls from the Port Wold described is typical. Except the blimp is not in the area .... land area and from the Oregon Coast The time of day of her sighting, So it really was a UFO, because it peared to be about 1/lOth in size when compared with the larger. Both objects fairly regularly. however, is unusual. Gribble said remains unidentified. "I would have The station, the official collection most UFOs are seen in full darkness. loved to have seen it," McBee said. rotated clockwise in a circular fashon; but diametrically opposed in position. The smaller rotated on the opposite side of the circle. study was poorly edited ~UFO Additionally, they moved vertically, up and down, with the closest distance interviews. explain arcane UFO to the ground estimated at 500 feet. ''UFOs and the Allen Presence - terminology or force the experts Finally, the larger object shot off and u Six VIewpoints" to support some of the outrageous disappeared. The smaller, went in an 0Q J Tedheit e2d0 2b0y GMroicuhpa;e l$ 1L2i.n9d5e mann claFimousr tohfe yth omsaek fee.a tured are high edaissateprpleya drierde cbtieoyno, nfdai rtlhye stlroewel yli,n uen otivl eirt profile UFO investigators: East Bay. o Reviewed by David Proctor • Boise native and Emmy-win The observers said that four oc H The~ Sintsmat~ ning documentary film maker Linda Moulton Howe addresses cupants of a car took off toward the C<1lJl BuriPd 1n this book somewhere animal mutilations. bay in an effort to see where the "bow 0 '" tht> kernal of a good idea. • Nuclear phvsicist Stanton tie·· had gone. It was estimated that =:l .1 I ich ncl Friedman di:;cus;:;es the alleged between 30 to 40 people witnessed the Lifi<it>mann. 1947 UFO crash in Roswell, N.M. sighting. : p!·r·,;idcnt of a and the MJ-12 letter which, if If you are one of the witnesses to this t~>:l !~·aa nlt,fal ,;;eBd arbfua earunthmeenntitc .a greenvceya lsr pas psoencsrihetle gofovr sighting, please call Joe Barron at <E'-1 tt:1·•" orgfl•It studying UFOs. 932·5394 so that the report can be tEt'-:1l zt ahtl ·1 011 c·;~, U':i:v?tol the• orBieusd do n HUoFpOki nasb deuxcptliaoinnss ahnids ecnhhasaendc etdh. e TUhFe Of oaurre opcacrtuipcaunlatsrl yw rheo 0 f;,.f,l!'• ha,; U:'· evirlence that alien-human hy quested to contact Joe. Of all the ~ !J.·,,·iJ' .. d intcr- brid;; are being creHted on earth. witnesses who were there, it is hoped 8 vioc>ws with ~ix Lindemann • Lt Col. Donald Ware that pictures were taken. If so, you are ]H'ople. all (USAF-Ret.) looks at both the Friedman and Hopkins work far encouraged to contact Joe. wE;iwthh ap c,r;:t-a;okne hina ,; tha es pUeFcOia ldtye boart ea. sfaitminoguss aGndu lfh isB rhet>elzier..f tFhlaat.. UUFFOOs mbe:twte rb et hbaenc athuese o tHhoewr et hwrfo'l'r. kTs hiins Joe Barron wpooirntth to hfl • \,';Hp'aWcp. rhltu>\t· o~1l-1"O" t toa ltlh emar.< > aann•d atvheen uwe:o-; rltchrrso uggreha tw hreiclihg iohnus tkhine-f'm al·rdcia eaxnpde rFireinecdemd ana ta ndde aHlionpg CR: IL Reid \\"or,:;•·. thl' ii:t·~rviews are so mans can e\·olvE' toward a higher with interviews. Their chapters p.,.,rh Prlttt'd '""-"Cit the most credi plane of existance. read like the:v editerl tlwmselves. bk l.ll'Oplr• ~ound disjointed. and The other two interviews are But it v.:as LindPrnann's respon otlwr,; an· virtu;dl·.- incohen•nt. wnh Boh Lazar. who ,;ays he sibility. not thosr> being intE'r· Tht· hnnk !'Pad-n..; if LindPmann workE'd on a Sl'Crer government viewPrl to Pnsurp that thP result •ttJI!t•rl Pl1 thv tapP n•corder. chat· projPct that sturlied UFO propul ing hook was cohPr<'nt anrl 9 l•·d ···"···•ih· with ~l'Vt·ral friend;.; sion i'V~LL~ms. 11no ··Tom.·· who credihlr'. HP oropjwd th!' hrdl. .md '"'IlltL•d tlw tran;.;cript in a riaJms-t<- have had repcaterl UFO Thcr<' an• intf'n'sting uf-;,.<·ts q0.. \ t'prmat. Litllt· :Jtt(•mpt wa;.; contact;-throughout his lifE' hroach('d II('t'l', bllt tht·v'n· c:•r !l..t,l, f() lll'!!<lllld' <IIHI ,.,Jil tht• ThL• intpn·ivws \\·ith HoWL'. I'IJUndcrl h\· ronf'l~tcm. TIMES, Los Angeles, CA - Jan. 20, 1992 CR: D. Clements POST-DISPATCH, St. Louis, MO- Feb. 10, 1992 Meteor Shower Suspected as Fireballs Are Seen Erratically Moving UFO Reported Special to The Times Hood, 26, of San Diego said they most recent regularly plotted me By Several Near Springfield, Mo. saw a bright flash around his car. teor shower, the Quadrantid, LONE PINE, Calif.-Sky Geiger said that after inspecting peaked earlier this month, he said. watchers from Los Angeles to Inyo Hood's car he could find no expla But in the Lone Pine area several By Linda Eardley unincorporated community about 20 County reported a brightly colored nation for the br..eakage. He ruled years ago, he said, another motorist Of the Post-Dispatch Staff miles east of Springfield, in southwest fireball shower Saturday night, and ou~ firearms. He added that there reported seeing a meteorite strike to Sboem geotihnign go no uInt othf et hsiksy wnoeraldr Nseoermths ezarnti oMn iIsss oinuvrie. sAtig naatitniogn; atlh aUtF gOr oourpg ahnais authorities here said a San Diego were no burns, scratches or other the ground, although a search view, Mo., and some people are buzz taken photographs that are being de cmlaainm eddr itvhiant gs omone thCinagli fsohrantitae re3d9 5a omra rpkrso ojenc tthilee cawr,a as ndf osuanidd noi no bjtehcet co"uIldt' sn ont foitn d riat.r e to see them," ine" I!l bt0h•i1ntk p woses'vihel eg oUtF a~n. u nusual situa velRoopgeedr. Todd, a sheriff's dispatcher, window of his car just after he saw vehicle. Palmer said, "but it's very rare to tion there," said WP.bster County Sher saw whatever-It-Is about two weeks the lights streak across the sky. Hood was driving north about 10 hear of something being struck." iff Flill John. "There's probably a logi ago from nearby Marshfield. The reports came amid other p.m. Saturday when he and pas One of those who also reported cal explanation. We just don't know "All I could see was a pinkish-col sightings in Inyo and Mono coun senger Tracy Brock saw the cas seeing the colored lights was Gei know what it is yet. I'm personally not ored light," Todd said. "The thing ties of what may have been a cade of lights, Geiger said. A few ger's wife, Kim, who was driving too excited about it." moves somewhat erratic. Unlike an meteor swarm. A guide at Griffith minutes later, he heard a loud on the same highway south of Lone Several residents In the area have airplane, it seems to go from side to Observatory said they received explosion that shattered his right Pine at about the same time. seen a mysterious light over the tiny, skte and up and down a little bit and three calls from Southland resi rear window. "It started off like a falling star," then disappears all or a sudden." dents reporting the lights. Kirk Palmer, a telescope opera she said. "It was · bright orange, Todd said county deputies, Marsh Inyo County Sheriff's Deputy tor at Griffith Observatory, said then it was red, then just before it field police officers and a couple of Randy Geiger said that other mo descriptions made the fireballs burned out, it turned blue. It looked Highway Patrol officers had s~en the torists driving behind Gregory sound like a "sporadic event." The like it landed on the freeway." light at one time or another. ",Maybe we're all losing our minds," Todd !"aid. DAILY NEWS, Anchorage, AK - Jan. 20, The sightings have taken place around 9:30 p.m. on random nights. ...1 992 CR: J. & L. Nicholson NEWS-EXAMINER, Connersville, IN People gather nightly at a favorite tn Jan. 16, 1992 CR: D. Worley evxaintt oagn eI nptoeirnstt,a taer o4u4n, dto tshcea nN tohret hsvkiye.w %:.f.f?i'Rfff6ffB~II:f,.f'l~$%1£~~tl~.,f John Carpenter, a member of the LETTERS rorHE EDITOR Mutual UFO Network, saw the light on Feb.l. Cl) "The thing that caught my eye was .c it was not high - it was below the tree '~~f··;s!;;rili~i?':f:'~&JfJ!tW~t4f1M%;;~~r ~Jf~~-;ifi"#l:~ line, over a remote pasture," said Car penter, who works as a psychiatric .u... SincCeO tWheS . CmAidT S1 A96N0D's UgFoOve'Srn ment therapist in Springfield. "It was or angelround, a shimmering, flicker has bC'cn sitting on a secret that has ing 'tYPe or light that would change huge implications for the human from dull orange to white, drifting ca racMey. sterious night surgeons have slo1w16t ysaleidft 1hoe rhiagdh ~w uaptc ahnedd dito wfonr .a"b out been removing specific parts and 15 minutes, before it drifted out of blood from cattle, and sometimes sight. ~ other animals. Usually an eye, ear, Other people have ~een a number of tongue, sexual organs system. rectal lights; splilting off in different direc area and blood are removed and tions and a large red light illuminating vanish. The precision laser-like cuts one (arm from above, Carpenter said. ~ arc done with 3()()-plus degree heat. CR: R. Nelke The area is in a flight path for the E:.~rth science does not have this Springfield airport, about 20 miles to abililty. A cow may have 40 gallons of lhe west. Harold Brier, area supervi t/1 blood and some have had all blood sor at the airport tower, said air con removed down.to the capillary level. trollers had seen nothing unusual and .... This is another fete beyond our had no explanation for what residents science. On the night of March 5, 1967. say they have seen. ·~- a UFO even tried for some human priscd when in addition to cattle she an"yNthoinnge sotfr tahneg aei,r"p hlae nseasid h. as reported blood when it triC'd to take a loaded began to talk about cats. Periodical ThP. Mutual UFO Network, of Se bloodmobile on route 2 ncar Hun cycles of mutilated and disappearing guir;. Texas, investigates reports of tington. W.Va. cats have been occurring in areas like suspl!cted UFO sightings all over the (.) There are never any tracks around California, New York. Texas and world. said Walter Andrus, interna an animal and they seem to have been Canada, cats whose suburban owners tional director. "Tens of thousands" dmpped from above. Twenty-five love them and only let them out on the have been deemed by the organiza I!! vears of evidence show satanic cults lawn briefly. In Plano. a suburb of ti0n to be "real UFOs," he said in a ~re not involved. Preditors stay away Dallas. 85 were found mutilated and telephone interview. from "Mutes." Mutes is the term we over 200 vanished. This reminded me John, the Webster County sheriff, researchers use to describe such of my Billingsville case of some years said three cows and a calf have been Cl) cases. I have much information from ago where two big oval craft ap mutilated in the last two weeks. Car --c wVEe'sStteigrant or sthapereisf,f sa.n d rnaenwcsh ecrlisp, pinigns tpoena.r ed. Cats seemed to vanish there. spaeynst esru.c ho fa tchtiev iMtyu otuftaeln UcFoOin cNideetsw woritkh, ·- that all paint a disturbing pM:tlJre. Of course, in view of such goings-on reports of UFO sightings. gloMbualt e opphe~rnatoimoenn. a I is haav er elwenrtiltetesns swcer ehaamves <1i nm oounru mbreanitna,l "qWuehsyti oins tthhaist terJioobuns lsigaihdt. hAen dh aidf hneo dt isde, ehne twhoeu mldyns' t ~ sthpieaaovvsneseaer laslsyl t 1o. a0pT,r0pth0iec0edl . etFsorea llpor mnoi nret iitr.nts hg pea untbUhdle .iSrisrah. neelcdoah ssensielrayss cthUhoaFamptOp pe'sotn hnieneis ng t?ash"l,ai ebrOvnlo enosedit ni,n thaegynl lpdioog DutehrnNe cAsbei s ibo eblhoceagahsiui cnsaidetl saphdlao"miTunilhetd id isb .t ei.- >"r Ieaa ptn do loerenatlese'dttc tfaitoohsr ni snn ekoyew ien.ta ghr e,a" UshhFeeO rei.x"f f .C.l.) since they have learned nothing can they themselves need it. I would .c be done. Manuel Gomez of Deluce. N. prefer this theory were it not for the M., had 12 mutes in the same pasture fact of widespread human abduction :S Takes Effort to See UFOs over the years yet the culprits were which we have learned mounts into .c Cubunotcu anattcsieh say bionlu e K. geonG turwacyekssyot nht ahveae n htdea mdS pshooe mlbiney . tpmhieea nystbh eao ruoesn aluyns duasa .l slycT ahrrae,nt uakrnfnu elilmdy ,pa llhaivnoemt, wolsoiatsh t ~~ SeMntri.n eBl. oDf 2a8v iNd oSvielmcobxe'sr, l1e9t9te1r ciann nthoet creases with Colorado peaking in time and troubled dreams. On the be left unchallenged. He says that no 1!!701. craft the aliens central aim is often ~ UFOs are sighted during the day. Look ·-.C. . ) fieUldFsO a'ns d arracn cnhola·n stdr awnhgeerres mtou tefsa romc thhuem eaxnt reagcgtiso na nadn ds pemramn.i pCuolautlido nt hoisf ~ btiancek[ iinsstoue t,h Me 2r1. SNilocvoexm abnedr , y1o9u9'1ll Sfeinnd cur. In Colorado, Sheriff Graves and somehow be associated with the pro 0'1 an article of a daylight sighting. his deputies, beset with many mutes. ducts of mute activity? Are these began to call the everpresent UFO's clandestine primordials developing ~ If you really want to see a UFO, how "Big Mamma and her babies." The earth-alien hybrids somewhere? about joining us at the end of the Pen .c babies would leave and cntC'r the huge Assuming they may be, this brings us ~ sacola/Gulf Breeze bridge, next to the liFO. In 1980 a Waco. Tex., rancher to another terrible question. "Why ~ boat ramp from about 6:30 to 10 p.m. rounded some mesquite trees and would they do this?" Could they hope ~ If you do, for five straight nights. I'm ... came face-to-face with two 4 foot to or have they long since been con 1 sure that you'll see one. However, if ·-C) creatures with grey-green skin, large cealing in our midst un-detectable ~ that proves too much for you I have bl<tck slanted eyes, and heads shaped hybrids for eventual control, good or some tapes you might like to see. Just like eggs with the pointed end down. bad? Between them they were carrying a Another question could be, "Do ~N like anything else, Sir, it takes a little ..c.. calf. The frightened man fled and it they know something that we don't ~~ effort to do anything. took him three days to tl'll his family. know'?" Maybe they know, as is ~ However, to put your cynicism in a At the scc·ne was a mutilated calf. stated in a number of well-known pro ~ newspaper article and lace it with One night in May, 1991. a phecies, that our beautiful little blue :; ridicule, particularly when it's obvious Washington state ranchhand watched and green planet is doomed to be ... as a 18(Kl-lb. bull went up a blue beam wracked by a cataclysmic upheaval c.? that you know nothing about the sub Cl) of light headfirst. At the top the beam <pole shift> whose effects could ex ..; ject, is beyond understanding. .c seemed to flare and the bull was turn tinguish life as we know it. So. they ~ Since vou nave an unlisted phone ed end-wise 5 or 6 times. The beam are developing their more durable ~ number." I would appreciate if you snapped off and then he heard an quasi-human hybrids to survive on t•normous plop as the animal hit the some other planl't in the cosmos. ~ would call me. I just might be able to ground. In daylight the bull was found All the things I have written about til penetrate that sarcasm with some 0 to be a typical surgical mute victim. here are true, resc<.~rchcd facts. The facts. As the prophet tells us "A clos c Hccently I was listening to a taped last paragraphs beginning with the ed mind is a terrible thing to behold." IC'cture of Linda 1\1. Howe. Ph.D., a qucsions arc. of course. only my !'\'Searcher in the mute phenomena thinking on this shocking situation Joe Barron <t who has received national and inter that government feels it must never national awards for her documen let you learn about. 932·5394 taries and produced programs on DON WORLEY 10 WTHS Atlanta and CNN. I was sur- 1051 Beech Street

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Most books are stored in the elastic cloud where traffic is expensive. For this reason, we have a limit on daily download.