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UFO DANGER ZONE Terror and Death in Brazil—Where Next? By Bob Pratt All rights reserved. Copyright 1996 by Bob Pratt No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. For information address Horus House Press, Inc. P.O. Box 164, Blue River, Wisconsin 53518. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 96-76549 ISBN: 1-881852-14-8 First Printing August 1996 Cover design by Bob Pratt. Photos: Left, Januncio De Souza re-enacts encounter when he resisted UFO abduction by clinging to a tree. Right, Firmino Souza in a coma in hospital after Crab Island incident. Published by Horus House Press, Inc. P.O. Box 164 Blue River, Wisconsin 53518 To Faith and Cynthia Acknowledgments None of my research in Brazil would have been possible without the help of many of the excellent investigators who live there. All have been generous to a fault, freely sharing ******ebook converter DEMO Watermarks******* their time and information, often taking me to the places where encounters happened and introducing me to the people who had those experiences. Foremost among these researchers is Irene Granchi of Rio de Janeiro. She was my first contact in Brazil, and over the years she informed me of numerous UFO happenings. Directly or indirectly, she put me in touch with nearly all the other people I've worked with in Brazil. Cynthia Luce has also been invaluable to my research. Cynthia is an American who's lived in Brazil since the 1970s. She has joined me on several field trips, making many of the arrangements, procuring maps and other supplies, interpreting, sharing the driving and enduring the hardships and sometimes limited facilities in the interior. I am especially grateful to my wife, Faith, who is my best friend and toughest critic. She has been very supportive of my research through the years and has been enormously helpful in reviewing and critiquing every line in this book. I am also deeply indebted to several UFO investigators who have given up a great deal of their time to help me. Among them are Hulvio Aleixo, Jose Jean Alencar, Reginaldo Athayde, Alberto Do Carmo, Rogerio Freitas and Daniel Rebisso. Many other UFO investigators have also been very helpful, especially Vitorio Pacaccini, Ubirajara Rodrigues, Thynam Salmeito de Melo, Helio Loyola, Sales Pagannini da Silva, Jackson Felix Pereira, Elianildo de Silva Nascimento, Ricardo Lima e Silva, Alberto Rodriques de Quiera, Monoel de Freitas, Lourinaldo Souza Queiroz, Ronaldo Rodriques de Farias, Romero Chaves, Marcio Miranda Furtado and Pablo Ramires Sales Mascimento. Some individuals who are not investigators but who took time to help in my research include Pedro Alves, Dr. Auxiliadora da Silva Maia, Jose Marcelo Pereira, Maria ******ebook converter DEMO Watermarks******* Conceicao Pontes, Alberto Ferreira da Silva and Jose Humberto dos Santos. I also wish to salute three people who I first met as interpreters and who became dear friends: Monica Carneiro, Ana Britto Luna and Angela Hadade. Finally, I am most grateful to all the Brazilian men, women and children who have shared their UFO experiences with me. They are true heroes. Foreword The book you are about to read is an exceptional account of adventure, a description of a true mystery. But it should also be read as something else: a wake-up call to scientists who are seriously interested in expanding the frontiers of our knowledge. The person who goes into a bookstore in search of information about the UFO phenomenon is confronted with entire shelves proposing a bewildering series of volumes claiming to solve the enigma. Some offer arguments to support the idea that we are being visited by an advanced civilization from outer space; others take the opposite view, claiming that all the witnesses have been fooled by mirages and hallucinations, or by yet unrecognized aberrations of the mind. And every theory in between has its advocates and its detractors who often launch violent accusations against one another. Opinions about UFOs are as varied and confusing as the phenomenon itself. Out of that confusion emerges this remarkable observation: These books offer a lot of speculation but few hard facts. They come from writers who analyze and compare accounts of sightings they have read in other books. They quote each other, often without proper attribution, without citing the source. They propagate old stories even when they are known to be false, and they ******ebook converter DEMO Watermarks******* speculate endlessly about possible causes and probable effects. The few books that make a real contribution in terms of original material, coming from an author who has actually gone into the field and spoken first-hand to the witnesses in their own environment, are very hard to find. The present volume makes such a contribution. For that reason, it stands far above most other volumes on that crowded bookstore shelf. Bob Pratt's book is unique in describing the experience of decades of very difficult field work by a skilled investigator who is equipped with excellent knowledge of the phenomenon, yet has no preconceived notion about the origin or nature of the sightings he is collecting. Mr. Pratt has gone repeatedly to Brazil, a country he knows well, in search of hard data about the effects of UFOs on people. He makes no secret of the fact that his first visits there were performed while he worked for a well- known American tabloid. He was so intrigued by what he saw that he later went back on his own. This book represents a lucid compilation of the best documented and most puzzling of his cases. It must have been quite a challenge for him to select the accounts he is describing here out of the thousands of interesting observations he brought back from his many trips to that country-one of the richest reservoirs of UFO data in the world. In every case we follow him as he carefully explains how he contacted the witnesses, what their environment was, the circumstances of their experience and the impact it made on them, on their family, on the social environment around them. This is field research as it should be done, and we can only deplore the fact that his work has not been repeated in other parts of the world. Perhaps Mr. Pratt's book will inspire others to launch similar efforts in their own countries, to help convince skeptical scientists that the UFO phenomenon is ******ebook converter DEMO Watermarks******* indeed an important, robust, significant, new fact in our physical and social environment, one that deserves serious study rather than superficial rejection. What picture emerges from this compilation of Brazilian encounters, recounted here in the easy-going but precise style of an experienced, American journalist? To me, the first impression was a confirmation that the phenomenon, whatever it is, is vastly more complex and varied than all the speculations and all the theories proposed thus far. You are about to read not only about objects that come and go in the sky, and land on the earth, but also craft and occupants that interact with humans, occasionally causing harm, and often behaving in ways that appear so absurd, yet so consistent, that they bring all our rational interpretations to their knees. It would be satisfying to be able to deny these facts. It would be nice to assume that the author was simply mistaken, or that he exaggerated the stories he had heard. Perhaps he had a bad interpreter? Perhaps the local people got carried away by their local beliefs in sorcery and spiritism? Perhaps the witnesses wanted to impress the American journalist with a repertoire of tall tales? Some reviewers will undoubtedly be tempted to take that facile approach. If they are so tempted, and if they take the trouble of checking the facts, they will quickly realize their mistake. Far from exaggerating the widespread nature, the weirdness and the importance of UFO encounters in South America, Mr. Pratt has actually understated his case. No critic will get away with a superficial examination of his findings. As a scientist who has researched the same material in the course of three separate trips to Brazil (to the regions of Sao Paulo, of Rio de Janeiro and of the Northeast), I realize that my own data is more limited than the rich harvest gathered by Mr. Pratt. But it is extensive enough to offer first-hand confirmation of its reality. Independently of him, I ******ebook converter DEMO Watermarks******* came across some of the same reports. The doctors he interviewed are real. They describe injuries that are well- documented. The military experts, some of whom provided their own testimony about UFOs they observed in the course of their duties, are real too. Mr. Pratt traveled everywhere with experienced interpreters and with the support of dedicated local researchers, themselves technically skilled persons. If there is one weakness in this account, it comes from the difficulty in conveying the awesome, the massive reality of the impact caused by the UFO phenomenon all over the magnificent land of Brazil. One has to stand on the banks of the Amazon at dusk to grasp the enormity of the mystery that surrounds us, and the opportunity it offers for new knowledge. The feeling is overwhelming. It is almost impossible to convey in a book. We must be satisfied with glimpses of that other reality which teases us, plays with us, and occasionally, as this book demonstrates so dramatically, hurts any human being who comes into contact with it, as if it was entirely indifferent to our fate on this planet. For that enigma of the ultimate nature and purpose of the phenomenon, Mr. Pratt has no answer, and neither does modern science. Thanks to his work, however, the day is a little closer when we may begin a serious examination of the evidence. Dr. Jacques Vallee, 29 January, 1996 Introduction The world is full of many terrors. This book is about one of them, a terror that comes from some place other than Earth. It's a terror that the world's governments ignore or claim doesn't exist, perhaps because there's no way they can protect their citizens from it. ******ebook converter DEMO Watermarks******* The terror comes from UFOs-unidentified flying objects —and the aliens that operate them. These aliens are not our space brothers coming here to help us, as so many people want to believe. These are nonhuman creatures that for years have been tormenting and terrorizing human beings, hurting many and killing some. In the past fifty years, hundreds of thousands of people around the world have had close encounters with these aliens, often face to face. Most of these incidents appear to have been relatively harmless, but there is an insensitive, even cruel, side to the aliens that cannot be ignored. Since the 1970s, and probably much earlier, terrible things have been done to people in Brazil-perhaps more so than in all other countries combined-and these cosmic muggings are still occurring. This book is about what happened to several dozen victims, most of whom told me their stories during more than six months of field investigations in Brazil conducted over ten visits between May 1978 and July 1993. Some people could not testify because they're incapacitated or dead. This book makes no attempt to convince people that UFOs are real. Most of the people in the world have long accepted the reality of UFOs, and any objective, open- minded investigator will come to the same conclusion. Frequently, an encounter of the unhealthy kind peculiar to Brazil begins when a UFO appears without warning just above the head of someone at night, revealing itself in a burst of sudden daylight and then chasing the terrified man, woman or child as he or she flees in terror. At times, UFOs have tried to pull a victim up into their craft with some unseen force, and sometimes they've taken people away. They've also used grappling hooks to snag unfortunate souls, and dropped hot liquid on the arms and shoulders of others to make them let go of trees and bushes. ******ebook converter DEMO Watermarks******* Some hapless victims have been paralyzed during encounters. Others have hidden, horror-stricken, as UFOs tried for hours to flush them out of their hiding places. Not even homes have been safe, as beams of lights from UFOs have pierced tile roofs like lasers and burned men and women inside. Even when a person isn't injured, he or she is nearly always traumatized. They are confronted by a strange airborne machine with seemingly magical powers and humanoid creatures who try to take them away. Even the simple sighting of a fiery ball of light in the sky can be terrifying because almost everyone knows of someone who had been chased, hurt or killed by these things. UFOs have been particularly grim news for people living in the small towns, farms and forests of central and northeastern Brazil, where most of the incidents related in this book took place. To these people, this terror is very real and has many names. Among the most common names are chupa,1 chupa-chupa or chupa sanguine, terms that come from the Portuguese verb chupar, meaning to suck. Many people believe the Chupa-Chupa sucks blood or energy from humans and animals. There is some evidence that this does occur. Depending on who you talk to, this alien aggressor is also called the Light, the Fire, the Animal, the Worm, the Apparatus, the Machine, the Thing, the Train and the Object. Frequently it's Disco Voador (flying saucer) or just Disco. The Portuguese equivalent of UFO is OVNI (objeto voador nao identificado) but few people use that when they tell about their terrifying experiences. For them, this is something very real and personal with a definite identity, a terror that comes from the sky without warning. The fact that these violent experiences appear to be happening mostly in Brazil doesn't mean Americans or people ******ebook converter DEMO Watermarks******* in other countries are safe from attack. UFOs are seen throughout the United States and in every country in the world, and what is happening in Brazil could happen anywhere. Why is an American writing a book about Brazilian UFOs? Because my search for answers to this UFO malevolence has taken me across a broader stretch of the country than perhaps any other researcher has covered. I've investigated cases from the middle of the Amazon all across northern Brazil and down the east coast to the southernmost state on the border with Uruguay, but I've concentrated my efforts on the Northeast, where so much of the harmful activity has taken place. Brazil is one of the largest nations in the world, with one hundred sixty million people living in a land as big as the United States. Yet, there are only three hundred to four hundred active UFO investigators, and most of them live in the major cities within a hundred miles of the seacoast. Vast regions of many states, and sometimes entire states, have no investigators at all. Much that happens never comes to the attention of any researcher. There are many excellent researchers in Brazil who have been extraordinarily helpful to me over the years and still are. Many of the cases reported in this book were first investigated by them, and they have generously shared their data with me and made it possible for me to meet the people who've had these terrible UFO experiences. When I first began going to Brazil to look into UFO incidents, I had resources beyond the reach of most investigators. My first four trips, in 1978, 1979 and 1980, were made as a reporter for a magazine that paid all my expenses. This allowed me to do many things that most researchers can't afford to do, such as spend weeks at a time on one case, travel wherever I needed to go, and hire cars, planes, boats, guides, interpreters and whatever else ******ebook converter DEMO Watermarks*******

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