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Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing: 8th International Conference, UIC 2011, Banff, Canada, September 2-4, 2011. Proceedings PDF

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Preview Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing: 8th International Conference, UIC 2011, Banff, Canada, September 2-4, 2011. Proceedings

Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6905 CommencedPublicationin1973 FoundingandFormerSeriesEditors: GerhardGoos,JurisHartmanis,andJanvanLeeuwen EditorialBoard DavidHutchison LancasterUniversity,UK TakeoKanade CarnegieMellonUniversity,Pittsburgh,PA,USA JosefKittler UniversityofSurrey,Guildford,UK JonM.Kleinberg CornellUniversity,Ithaca,NY,USA AlfredKobsa UniversityofCalifornia,Irvine,CA,USA FriedemannMattern ETHZurich,Switzerland JohnC.Mitchell StanfordUniversity,CA,USA MoniNaor WeizmannInstituteofScience,Rehovot,Israel OscarNierstrasz UniversityofBern,Switzerland C.PanduRangan IndianInstituteofTechnology,Madras,India BernhardSteffen TUDortmundUniversity,Germany MadhuSudan MicrosoftResearch,Cambridge,MA,USA DemetriTerzopoulos UniversityofCalifornia,LosAngeles,CA,USA DougTygar UniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley,CA,USA GerhardWeikum MaxPlanckInstituteforInformatics,Saarbruecken,Germany Ching-Hsien Hsu Laurence T.Yang Jianhua Ma Chunsheng Zhu (Eds.) Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing 8th International Conference, UIC 2011 Banff, Canada, September 2-4, 2011 Proceedings 1 3 VolumeEditors Ching-HsienHsu ChungHuaUniversity DepartmentofComputerScienceandInformationEngineering Hsinchu300,Taiwan E-mail:[email protected] LaurenceT.Yang St.FrancisXavierUniversity,DepartmentofComputerScience Antigonish,NS,B2G2W5,Canada E-mail:[email protected] JianhuaMa HoseiUniversity,FacultyofComputerandInformationSciences Tokyo184-8584,Japan E-mail:[email protected] ChunshengZhu St.FrancisXavierUniversity,DepartmentofComputerScience Antigonish,NS,B2G2W5,Canada E-mail:[email protected] ISSN0302-9743 e-ISSN1611-3349 ISBN978-3-642-23640-2 e-ISBN978-3-642-23641-9 DOI10.1007/978-3-642-23641-9 SpringerHeidelbergDordrechtLondonNewYork LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2011934962 CRSubjectClassification(1998):C.2,H.4,I.2,H.5,C.2.4,I.2.11,D.2.8,J.4 LNCSSublibrary:SL3–InformationSystemsandApplication,incl.Internet/Web andHCI ©Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2011 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.Allrightsarereserved,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerialis concerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,re-useofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting, reproductiononmicrofilmsorinanyotherway,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthispublication orpartsthereofispermittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLawofSeptember9,1965, initscurrentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer.Violationsareliable toprosecutionundertheGermanCopyrightLaw. Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,etc.inthispublicationdoesnotimply, evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevantprotectivelaws andregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Typesetting:Camera-readybyauthor,dataconversionbyScientificPublishingServices,Chennai,India Printedonacid-freepaper SpringerispartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia(www.springer.com) Preface It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the eighth annual event of the Inter- national Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC 2011). This volume contains the proceedings of UIC 2011, the 8th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing: Building Smart Worlds in Real and Cyber Spaces. The conference was held in Banff, Canada, during September 2–4, 2011. The event was the eighth meeting of this conference se- ries, following USW 2005 (Taiwan), UISW 2005 (Japan), UIC 2006 (Wuhan, China),UIC2007(HongKong),UIC2008(Oslo,Norway),UIC2009(Brisbane, Australia) and UIC 2010 (Xian, China). UIC is recognized as the main regular event in the world that covers many dimensionsofubiquitousintelligentcomputing,smartenvironmentandsystems, smart objects and personal, social or physical aspects. UIC 2011 played an im- portant role for researchers and industry practitioners to exchange information regarding advancements in the state of art and practice of IT-driven services and applications, as well as to identify emerging research topics and define the future directions of ubiquitous intelligence and computing. We receiveda large amountof submissions this year,showing by both quan- tity and quality that UIC is a premier conference on ubiquitous intelligence computing. In the first stage, all papers submitted were screened for their rele- vanceandgeneralsubmissionrequirements.Thesemanuscriptsthenunderwenta rigorouspeer-reviewprocesswithatleastthreereviewersperpaper.Atthe end, 44 papers were accepted for presentationand included in the main proceedings. To encourage and promote the work presented at UIC 2011, we were delighted to inform the authors that some of the papers will be accepted in special issues of several reputable international journals. All of these journals have played a prominent role in promoting the development and use of ubiquitous intelligence and computing. Aninternationalconferenceofthisscalerequiresthesupportofmanypeople. Firstofall,wewouldliketothanktheSteeringChairs,JianhuaMaandLaurence T.Yang,fornourishingtheconferenceandguidingitscourse.Weappreciatethe participation of the keynote speakers, Han-Chieh Chao and Victor C. M. Le- ung; their speeches greatly benefited the audience. We are also indebted to the members of the Program Committee, who put in hard work and long hours to review each paper in a professional way. Thanks to them all for their valuable time andeffortin reviewingthe papers.Withouttheir help,this programwould not be possible. Special thanks go to Chunsheng Zhu for his help with the con- ference website, paper submission and reviewing system and a lot of detailed work, which facilitated the overall process. Thanks also go to the entire local VI Preface Arrangements Committee for their help in making the conference a wonderful success. We take this opportunity to thank all the authors, participants and SessionChairsfortheirvaluableefforts,manyofwhomtraveledlongdistancesto attendthisconferenceandmaketheirvaluablecontributions.Lastbutnotleast, we would like express our gratitude to all of the organizations that supported our efforts to bring the conference to fruition. We are grateful to Springer for publishing the proceedings. The conference was held in the beautiful town of Banff, was an area with ample scenic spots. We trust that our guests enjoyed the academic side of the conference as well as the venue and magnificent natural beauty of the area. September 2011 Ching-Hsien Hsu Laurence T. Yang Jianhua Ma Chunsheng Zhu Organization Executive Committee Honorary Chair Stephen S. Yau Arizona State University, USA General Chairs M. Jamal Deen McMaster University, Canada Witold Pedrycz University of Alberta, Canada Ying Zhang Palo Alto Research Center, USA Program Chairs Robert C. Hsu Chung Hua University, Taiwan Torben Weis University of Duisburg, Germany Woontack Woo GIST, Korea Program Vice Chairs Ren-Hung Hwang National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan Minkyong Kim IBM, USA Workshop Chairs Bernady O. Apduhan Kyushu Sangyo University, Japan Waltenegus Dargie Technical University of Dresden, Germany Steering Committee Jianhua Ma (Chair) Hosei University, Japan Laurence T. Yang (Chair) St. Francis Xavier University, Canada Hai Jin Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China Theo Ungerer University of Augsburg, Germany Jadwiga Indulska University of Queensland, Australia Daqing Zhang Institute TELECOM SudParis, France Advisory Committee Sumi Helal (Chair) University of Florida, USA Norio Shiratori Tohoku University, Japan Jeffrey J.P. Tsai University of Illinois at Chicago, USA Mohan Kumar University of Texas at Arlington, USA Max Muehlhaeuser Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany Yuanchun Shi Tsinghua University, China VIII Organization Zhaohui Wu Zhejiang University, China Xingshe Zhou Northwest Polytechnic University, China Ahhwee Tan Nanyang TechnologicalUniversity, Singapore Christian Becker University of Mannheim, Germany Publicity Chairs Carlos Westphall Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil Wenbin Jiang Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China Damien Sauveron University of Limoges, France Xingang Liu Yonsei University, Korea Mianxiong Dong University of Aizu, Japan Chao Chen University of Florida, USA Jiehan Zhou University of Oulu, Finland Agustinus Borgy Waluyo Monash University, Australia Senol Z. Erdogan Maltepe University, Turkey Weiwei Fang Beijing Jiaotong University, China Xu Li University of Waterloo, Canada International Liaison Chairs Bessam Abdulrazak Sherbrooke University, Canada Frode Eika Sandnes Oslo University College, Norway Marius Portmann University of Queensland, Australia Jiannong Cao HongKongPolytechnicUniversity,HongKong Yo-Ping Huang National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan Industrial Liaison Chairs Nagula Sangary RIM, Canada Alvin Chin Nokia Research Centre Beijing, China Demo/Exhibition Chairs Gang Pan Zhejiang University, China Itiro Siio Ochanomizu University, Japan Award Chairs Judith Symonds Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand Jong Hyuk Park Kyungnam University, Korea Panel Chairs Daqing Zhang Institute TELECOM SudParis, France Ramiro Liscano University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada Organization IX Special Track Chairs Zheng Yan Nokia Research Center, Finland Yan Wang Macquarie University, Australia Web Chair Chunsheng Zhu St. Francis Xavier University, Canada Local Chairs Andy Yongwen Pan St. Francis Xavier University, Canada Alice Ying Huang St. Francis Xavier University, Canada Shizheng Jiang St. Francis Xavier University, Canada Program Committee Rafael ‘Tico’ Ballagas Nokia Research, USA Martin Bauer NEC Laboratories Europe, Germany Rachid Benamri Lakehead University, Canada Neil Bergmann The University of Queensland, Australia Miriam Capretz The University of Western Ontario, Canada Lin-huang Chang National Taichung University, Taiwan Yue-Shan Chang National Taipei University, Taiwan Alvin Chin Nokia Research Center Beijing, China Antonio Coronato ICAR-CNR, Italy Babak Esfandiari Carleton University, Canada Dingyi Fang Northwest University, China Raghu K. Ganti IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA Jinhua Guo University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA Song Guo University of Aizu, Japan Jessica Heesen Tu¨bingen University, Germany Didier Hoareau University of La R´eunion, France Hui-Huang Hsu Tamkang University, Taiwan Peizhao Hu NICTA, Australia Chung-Ming Huang National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan Runhe Huang Hosei University, Japan Yo-Ping Huang National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan Yu Huang Nanjing University, China Fuyuki Ishikawa National Institute of Informatics, Japan Beihong Jin Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Yasuharu Katsuno IBM Research-Tokyo,Japan Sehwan Kim WorldViz, USA Youngho Lee Mokpo National University, Korea X Organization Vili Lehdonvirta University of Tokyo, Japan and Helsinki Institute for Information Technology, Finland Shijian Li Zhejiang University, China Chun-Yuan Lin Chang Gung University, Taiwan Rene Meier Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Kazuhiro Minami National Institute of Informatics, Japan Yoosoo Oh Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea Susanna Pirttikangas University of Oulu, Finland Choonsung Shin Carnegie Mellon University, USA Lei Shu Osaka University, Japan Francois Siewe De Montfort University, UK Stephan Sigg National Institute of Informatics, Japan Chiu C. Tan Temple University, USA Yan Tang Vrije University Brussel, Belgium Jilei Tian Nokia Research Center, China Jean-Yves Tigli University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France Athanasios Vasilakos National Technical University of Athens, Greece Hao Wang Nokia Research Center, China Sheng-De Wang National Taiwan University, Taiwan Yi Wang Hunan University, China Yufeng Wang Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China Zhijun Wang Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China Woontack Woo GIST, Korea I-Chen Wu National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan Hirozumi Yamaguchi Osaka University, Japan Chao-Tung Yang Tunghai University, Taiwan Li-Hsing Yen National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan Tomoko Yonezawa ATR, Japan Yu Zheng Microsoft Research Asia, China Jiehan Zhou University of Oulu, Finland Table of Contents Keynote Speech Internet of Things and Cloud Computing for Future Internet .......... 1 Han-Chieh Chao Networking of Vehicles - Applications, Challenges and Some Recent Results ......................................................... 2 Victor C.M. Leung Smart Systems and Services Ubiquitous Meeting Facilitator with Playful Real-Time User Interface........................................................ 3 Ying Zhang, Marshall Bern, Juan Liu, Kurt Partridge, Bo Begole, Bob Moore, Jim Reich, and Koji Kishimoto An Application of the Wireless Sensor Network Technology for Foehn Monitoring in Real Time.......................................... 12 Chih-Yang Tsai, Yu-Fan Chen, Hsu-Cheng Lu, Chi-Hung Lin, Jyh-Cherng Shieh, Chung-Wei Yen, Jeng-Lung Huang, Yung-Shun Lin, Ching-Lu Hsieh, and Joe-Air Jiang Proactive Ambient Social Media for Supporting Human Decision Making ......................................................... 25 Tatsuo Nakajima, Tetsuo Yamabe, and Mizuki Sakamoto Social Interaction Mining in Small Group Discussion Using a Smart Meeting System ................................................. 40 Zhiwen Yu, Xingshe Zhou, Zhiyong Yu, Christian Becker, and Yuichi Nakamura Probabilistic Path Selection in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks for Stochastic Events Detection ....................................... 52 Xiwei Zhang and Jia Yu Distributed Road Surface Condition Monitoring Using Mobile Phones ......................................................... 64 Mikko Perttunen, Oleksiy Mazhelis, Fengyu Cong, Mikko Kauppila, TeemuLepp¨anen,JouniKantola,JussiCollin,SusannaPirttikangas, Janne Haverinen, Tapani Ristaniemi, and Jukka Riekki Verifiable and Lossless Distributed Media Content Sharing ............ 79 Pei-Yu Lin

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