A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY, STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK, AND THE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH In a renewed spirit of trust and cooperation, and with full recognition of the mutual advantages inherent in a strong collaboration, the University at Albany, State University of New York (hereafter known as the University) and the New York State Department of Health (hereafter known as the Department) declare that this Memorandum of Understanding (hereafter referred to as MOU) will govem the administration and operation of the School of Public Health (hereafter known as the School). Mutual agreement on the principles described herein will permit the continuation and enhancement of close relationships between the faculty and the professional I staffs of the two institutions and will promote student education and research collaboration. · f The School represents a rich and unique partnership, one that benefits extensively from the contributions of both institutions. Under this MOU, the University and the Department specify I that both institutions will continue supporting the School, thereby permitting the expansion of I both graduate and professional education in public health, as well as the growth and development ! I of a broad program of research across many health related disciplines. Both institutions also II reaffirm their desire to foster a collegial and intellectual partnership that promotes the highest quality academic and professional education, service and research. I t More specifically, the mutual benefits to be derived from such a formal relationship include: 1) I I the translation of collaborative educatimtal endeavors into enhanced career opportunities and ! community service pertinent to public health in New York State; 2) enhanced scientiiic interaciion on pressing health issues; 3) the development and expansion of collaborative research projects and programs; 4) sharing of costly research and educational resources and facilities; 5) the promotion of nationally recognized graduate education and research programs that draw highly-qualified students and new faculty to the School; 6) increased professional competency of state and local public health professionals through degree programs and continuing education; and 7) advancement of a new model for public health education, In jointly administering this unique program, the significant differences in primary missions and operating procedures of the two institutions must be recognized. Wherever possible, the two institutions will work: toward mutual recognition of these differences, while striving to maintain a friendly and mutually supportive inte'ilectual climate in order to achieve the highest quality academic enviromnent possible within the School. At the same thne, tl:Us MOU specifically acknowledges that the School of Public Health is first and foremost a degree-granting academic and research unit of the University and, as such, is subject to the policies and procedures of the State U1:Uversity of New York and the New York State Board of Regents. In keeping with the standards of the University and its various constituencies, the School will be operated and supported in a manner that ensures continuing accreditation by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH), which constitutes the single accrediting body in this area of graduate education. The School will report to the administrative officials of the University in the same manner as any other component of the University on all matters related to educational and research programs. The Graduate Academic Council of the University, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Vice President for Research shall comprise, in their respective capacities, the central coordinating authorities for all described cooperative academic research and training programs within the Schoot. In reaching this MOU, it is clearly understood. that professional staff at the Department, presenting adequate credentials and participating in the educational, research, and service mission of the University, should hold appropriate University titles without tenure. Department employees may be considered by the University for "unqualified" or "qualified" faculty appointments and serve in that capacity only with the approval of the Commissioner, provided there are no conflicts for the faculty member related to state employment. "Unqualified" faculty hold the titles of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor. ''Qualified" faculty titles include the qualifiers Clinical, Research, Service, or Adjunct before the faculty rank. Faculty Appointments in "Unqualified" Academic Titles: Department employees seelcing appointments in "unqualified" academic titles will be appointed by tl1e University President after review and recommendation ofthe academic department, School Council, Dean, and Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, and will be eligible for promotion in accordance with the processes required of all University faculty. The appointment may be terminated by the President, or designee, if the faculty member no longer meets minimum requirements of the School. Such faculty will be full voting members of the University, and will be eligible for faculty governance assignments. Faculty holding appointments in unqualified academic titles, while acting in such capacity, will not be considered employees of the Department for purposes of this MOU. Upon retirement from the Department, the appointment of a faculty member holding an unqualified appointment will terminate, but the faculty member may be appointed to a qualified Clinical or Research ' title by the University President after review and recommendation of the academic department, School Council, Dean:, and Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, provided there are no conflicts related to state employment, retirement or pension. Upon leaving the Department for reasons other than retirement, the appointment of a faculty member holding an unqualified appointment will terminate, but the faculty member may be appointed to a qualified Service or Adjunct appointment by the University President after review and reoommendation of the, academic department, School Council, Dean, and Provost ani:l Vice President for Academic Affairs, provided there are no conflicts related to state employment, retirement or pension. In reaching this MOU, it is clearly understood that all Department faculty holding appointments in unqualified academic titles in the School, regardless of source of salary or site of employment, will, with the exception of eligibility for continuing appointment, enjoy the rights, privileges and responsibilities of all University faculty in keeping with University, SUNY, Board of Regents and CEPH policies (including freedom of expression, inquiry and dissemination of research findings) in their roles as faculty members of the School. Faculty holding appointments in unqualified academic titles also have rights and responsibilities pertaining to appointment and promotion in accordance with applicable University policies and procedures. Further, they have . the right and responsibility to determine criteria for degrees, to evaluate a student's progress toward the degree and to approve students (graduate and undergraduate) for the granting of the degree in accordance with applicable University policies and procedmes. Such faculty rights and responsibilities are carried out in a variety of departmental, School and University councils and committees (e.g., Senate, Graduate Academic Council, Curriculnm Committees, Promotion and Continuing Appointment Committees, Seaech Committees, Task Forces, etc.). All faculty of the School, regardless of source of salary or site of employment, are eligible to serve on such committees and councils. Further, in recognition of the partnership of the University and the Department, which is the foundation of the School, School committees will have a mix of faculty (University-:fim.ded and Department-funded). Faculty Appointments in "Qualified" Academic Titles: Department employees who are willing and able to contribute to public health education may be appointed to qualified titles, such as Clinical, Research, Service, or Adjunct Professor. Such appointments may be for up to three years. Faculty seeking qualified appointments will be appointed and/or promoted by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, acting on behalf of the ·President, based on a recommendation from the Dean after review and recommendation of the academic department. Faculty appointed in "qualified" academic titles shall have all of the rights and privileges normally accorded by the University to faculty in qualified academic rank, with the exception of the right to participate in School tenure and promotion matters and the right to serve on the Ui:liversity Senate or its Councils. Faculty appointments in qualified academic rank will be terminated for faculty members who become inactive. Faculty holding appointments in qualified academic titles, while acting in such capacity, will not be considered employees of the Department for purposes oftllis MOU. Joint Appointments: Appropriate and interested faculty who have primary appointments in othet units of the University are also eligible for joint faculty appointments, without additional stipend, in the School. Other institutions can be involved in the School's programs through participation as faculty, utilizing extant University appointment guidelines and procedures. In accordance wii11 the New York State Court of Claims Act, the University shall be responsible for any liability arising directly from the acts of its faculty members acting within the scope of their University employment. Likewise, the Department shall be responsible for any liability arising directly from the acts of its employees acting within the scope of their Department employment, but the University shall be responsible for any liability arising directly from the acts of Department employees holding appointments in unqualified or qualified academic titles while acting in such capacity. The Dean will be the chief academic officer of the School. The Dean will be appointed by the President with the concurrence of the Col11tl1issioner. Further., the Dean serves at the pleasure of tl1e President, and will be a full-time employee of the University, salaried in full by the University for his/her services as Dean. The Dean will report directly to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs of the University and will be responsible to the University administration regarding all academic programs at the School. The Dean will fully inform, and actively seek input from the Commissioner or his/her designee on all activities, programs, and issues of the School. An Advisory Col11tl1ittee shall be convened to assure open col11tl1unication and input regarding activities, programs and issues that affect the academic programs, resources, needs and future directions of the School. The University-Department Advisory Col11tl1ittee will be chaired by th.e Dean and composed of six additional members, three appointed by the President and three appointed by the Commissioner. All members of the Committee will serve at the pleasure of their appointing authority. This Advisory Committee shall be convened at least quarterly or more frequently as needed . . Chairs of the departments of the School are appointed by the President on reconunendation of the Dean and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs,' and serve at the pleasure of the President in keeping with the Policies of the SUNY Board of Trustees. Appointment of Chairs of the departments of the School require the concurrence of the Conunissioner when such Chairs are salaried by the Department of Health. Like faculty at the School, students will have the freedom to pursue knowledge and disseminate research findings. Further, evaluation of the quality of the research performed by students in the pursuit of their various degrees, and the determination of the readiness of such research for publication, are the sole responsibility of the faculty (i.e., a student's faculty advisor, dissertation or thesis committee and relevant departmental faculty committees). Such dissertation or thesis research represents a degree requirement and, hence, will be evaluated by relevant faculty in keeping with University policy. · Faculty of the School are expected to compete for extramural sources of research and training support. Grants shall be managed according to the usual procedures of the institution employing the faculty member who is the Principal Investigator of the grant. If a grant application involves investigators employed by the Department and the University, the institution of the Principal Investigator will be the prime grantee (unless otherwise determined by mutual agreement), and the other institution will be a subgrantee for the work to be done under the direction of that institution's investigator. All applications involving Department employees, facilities, or other . resources will. be approved by the Department prior to submittal to the sponsoring agency. Health Research, Inc. will be the subgrantee for any work done by Department employees on grants administered by the SUNY Research Foundation. The SUNY Research Foundation will be the sub-grantee for any work done by School employees on grants administered by Health Research, Inc. · All faculty and students of the School under University, SUNY, and CEPH policies enjoy the rights of freedom of inquiry and dissemination of research findings. Therefore, employees of the Department, when performing in their roles as faculty members of the School, will, if required by the Department, submit pre-publication manuscripts to theii D~tpartment supervisors for informational purposes only. The governing principle is that faculty and students will be able to exercise their right tc submit !heir research results for peer review and subsequent publication. When publishing, School faculty that are also Department employees will identify their scholarship using both affiliations, except in those cases where the Department prefers that such attribution not be made, in which case they will identify their scholarship solely in the name of the University. Neither the President, the Dean nor any other University official shall have any authority to commit or otherwise direct any resources of the Department. Neither the Commissioner nor any other Department official shall have any authority to commit or otherwise direct any resources of the University. In approving this MOU, the Commissioner ofthe Department and the President of the University assure that their faculty and staff who accept academic appointments.at tl1e School will give the necessary attention to teaching and academic supervision. Moreover, both the University and Department will malce resources available in support of the School. On the part of the Depattment, these resources include providing appropriate space atld facilities for training atld research programs, such as those available at the Wadsworth Center. On the part of the University, these resources include suppmting the administrative costs of the School's progran1 and providing tuition support and assistat1tships. This MOU shall be in effect from the date of signature and replaces and supersedes the terms and conditions of any prior MOU or agreement between the parties., whether written or oral, governing the administration and operation of the School, including but not limited to the MOU dated August 10, 2001. This MOU is made in good faith by both parties and may not be . changed, modified, amended, waived, superseded, renewed, extended or tenn,inated orally, but only by an agreement in wTiting signed by the parties hereto. ~·~ Nirav R. Shah, MD, MPH Commissioner of Health New York State Department of Health fi 5 1/-L._J ___ Date: Appendix 1.2.a Table 1.2.a.1 School of Public Health Goals, Objectives and Outcome Measures Goal 1: Continue to maintain or improve where needed the standard academic metrics Objective(s) Outcome Measure(s) Data Source Reporting Protocol Responsible Individual/Group Objective 1: Maintain high % of students in given Institutional Reported annually by Assistant Dean for degree completion rates for the cohort who graduate Research Institutional Research for each Admissions and Student MPH and DrPH degree programs within allowed time for degree program, by admit Affairs degree cohort Objective 2: Improve the degree completion rates for the academic programs Objective 1: Maintain high Average # of semesters to Institutional Reported annually by Assistant Dean for degree completion rates for the degree completion for Research Institutional Research Admissions and Student MPH and DrPH degree programs given cohort of students Average time to degree for Affairs each degree program by cohort Objective 2: Improve the degree year completion rates for the academic programs Objective 3: Maintain the high % of students who Institutional Reported annually by Assistant Dean for retention rates in the MPH and entered the program who Research Institutional Research Admissions and Student MS degree programs re-enroll at year 2 Number of students in a Affairs particular cohort who re- registered at year two. Objective 3: Maintain the high Number of faculty and Institutional Reported each semester by Associate Dean for retention rates in the MPH and courses receiving high Research Institutional Research. Academic Affairs MS degree programs scores on the student course evaluations (SIRF Scores) Goal 2: Conduct innovative research that advances the scientific basis of public health and informs public health practice Objective(s) Outcome Measure(s) Data Source Reporting Protocol Responsible Individual/Group Objective 1: Increase the number Number of grants Institutional Reported annually by Associate Dean for of research grant applications and submitted to external Research Faculty Institutional Research. Report Research amount of external funding agencies per year by Activity Reports by full-time UA vs not awarded to SPH faculty department and special survey Objective 2: Increase research Number of students on opportunities for students funded research awards; number of publications and presentations with student co-author Objective 1: Increase the number Amount of external Office of Total and average direct costs Associate Dean for of research grant applications and funding received each Sponsored reported annually. Research amount of external funding year Programs and Report by full time UA-paid awarded to SPH faculty Health Research versus not Inc. Objective 3: Promote the Average number of peer- Institutional Reported annually by Associate Dean for research accomplishments of SPH reviewed publications per Research Faculty Institutional Research Research faculty locally and nationally faculty member per year. Activity Reports Report by full time UA-paid and special survey versus not Objective 4: Increase faculty Average number of participation in professional conference presentations conferences and increase the per faculty member per number of publications in year. professional journals Goal 3: Cultivate an outstanding, diverse faculty and student body Objective(s) Outcome Measure(s) Data Source Reporting Protocol Responsible Individual/Group Objective 1: Increase minority Percentage minority Human Resources Reported annually by Human Assistant Dean for representation among the faculty faculty by department and Resources Administration rank. Objective 2: Maintain the Percentage of female Human Resources Reported annually by Human Assistant Dean for proportion of female faculty faculty by department and Resources Administration rank. Objective 3: Increase the number Percentage of female and Departments and Reported annually departments Assistant Dean for of women and minorities in minority faculty in Dean’s Office Administration leadership positions in the school leadership positions. Objective 4: Maintain the Percentage of domestic Institutional Reported annually by Assistant Dean for percentage of enrolled domestic students from minority Research Institutional Research Admissions and Student students from underrepresented populations Affairs segments of the populations Objective 5: Maintain the Percentage of Institutional Reported annually by Assistant Dean for percentage of international international students Research Institutional Research Admissions and Student students enrolled in school degree enrolled in school degree Affairs programs programs Goal 4: Provide dedicated service to our communities to effectively promote health and eliminate disparities Objective(s) Outcome Measure(s) Data Source Reporting Protocol Responsible Individual/Group Objective 1: Increase research Number of research and Institutional Reported annually by Associate Dean for partnerships with the practice practice projects actively Research Faculty Institutional Research Public Health Practice community involving community Activity Reports participation; number of Objective 2: Increase presentations and Special faculty relationships with community- publications with survey based agencies to facilitate community involvement collaborations Objective 3: Expand internship Number of internship Internships and Reported annually Director of Internships opportunities in community-based opportunities in Career Services and Career Services agencies in the region community-based Office agencies in the region Objective 4: Develop Number of faculty, staff President’s Office Reported annually Associate Dean for opportunities to recognize and students receiving the of Community Public Health Practice outstanding community service by UAlbany President’s Engagement faculty and students Community Recognition Award or the School of School of Public Public Health Health Office of Community Engagement Public Health Award Practice Objective 5: Increase public and Community attendance at SPH Office of Reported accorded to scheduled Director of Public community participation in SPH SPH seminars , symposia Public Relations dates of events Relations seminars, symposia, and other and other public health public health functions sponsored events Objective 6: Maintain the Number of University Institutional Reported annually by Associate Dean for amount of university service committees with SPH Research Faculty Institutional Research and Public Health Practice provided by faculty faculty membership Activity Reports special SPH faculty surveys Goal 4: Provide dedicated service to our communities to effectively promote health and eliminate disparities Objective(s) Outcome Measure(s) Data Source Reporting Protocol Responsible Individual/Group Objective 7: Increase outreach Number of faculty, staff Special faculty Reported annually Associate Dean for efforts to underrepresented and student projects reports and Cabinet Public Health Practice communities involving and Chairs underrepresented meetings communities SPH Community Engagement Survey Objective 8: Routinely assess the Number of courses which Course syllabi Periodic review Associate Dean for attention paid to health disparities address the issue of Academic Affairs, and in curriculum health disparities MPH and DrPH Steering committees Objective 9: Expand Number of networking Career Services Annual review Director of Internships professional and career and professional schedule of events and Career Services development opportunities development activities and MPH 680 for students offered annually by SPH, course syllabus including those in first year MPH seminar