U.5 .P etroleum ProducStu pply Inventory Dynamics A Reporto ft he NationaPle troleuCmo uncil December 1998 ArchiWe. DunhamC,h aiCro,m mitteoen ProducStu pply NATIOANLP ETROLEUCMO UNCIL JoBe.F ostCehra,i r MarsWh.aN lilc hEoxlesc,Du itirveec tor U.SD.E PARTMENTO FE NERGY BilRli charSdescorne,t ary ThNea tional CPoeutnircasoif ldelee urma l advicsoomrmyi ttott heSeee creotfa Ergnyye. r Thseo pluer poofs eNt ahtei Poentarlo Cloeuunmc il itsoa dviisnoefr,ma ,nm da kree commentdoa tions thSee creotfEa nreyro gnay n mya trteerq uested byt hSee cretartyo relating oil naantdug raoasrthl e o ialn d ignadsu stries. RigRhetsse rved All LibroafCr oyn gCraetsasCl aorNgdu mbe9r8:-0 618 7 NatiPoentarlo Cloeuunm1c 99i8l © Prinitnte hUden itSetdao tfAe mse rica COUNCIL NATIONALP ETROLEUM AnA dviCsoomrmytit othS teee cerof Ee ntearrygy iK StreeNt.,W . Phon(e:2 0329)3 -6100 ;hingtoDn.,C 2. 0006-1604 Fax:( 20323)1 -8539 Decemb1er5 ,9 81 9 TheH onorable BilRli chardson SecretoaryfE nergy WashingtDo.nC,. 20585 DeaMrr .S ecretary: Onb ehaolftf h mee mberosft hNea tionPaeltr oleCuomu ncIia lm,p leasteotd r anstmoi t youh erewitthh Ceo uncilr'esp oerntt itUl.ePdS e.tr oPlreouSdmuu pcptl y-DyInnavmeincst.o ry Thirse poprrto vitdheCeso unciald'vsio cnet hsep eciqfiuce stiocnosn taiinnte hdSe e ptem1b6e,r 1997l,e totfer re quefrsotmt hSee cretoaryfE nergy. Them oscth allenqgiunegs taisoknis n,e ffectw,h ethetrh mea rket-derffiicvieenn gcya ins seeinnt hpee trolepurmo dusctu ppsylsyt eomv etrh pea sstev eryaelar hsa vien advertently increatshepedu bliecxp'oss urteol argaenrdm orefr equernett apirlis cwien gsA.s d etaiilnthe ed enclorseepdo arnta,l ysoifas v aildaabtlaaen dt hjeu dgmenotft hmee mberlse atdh Ceo unctiol conclutdheat th iissn ott hcea seT.h icso nclusiisob na sepdr imarointl hyf eo llowing: Theo bservdeedc liinnpe rso duicntv entoarreiese ss entilailmliytt eofid n ished • gasoliintn eer minaanldas r lea rgtehlreye suolfct o nsolidaantdia ocncso unting changeIsng. e nercaoln,s olidhaatvireoe ndsu cuenda vailaibnlvee ntoarnidhe asv e nota ffectseudp pflleyxi bility. Domestriecfi nemrasxim izet hues eo fth eidro wnstrecaomn versfiaocni lthiet ies, • criticalf oumrna intusf actugraisnogl iWhnilee. t ypicaolpleyr aatteo dra bove nameplate ctahpmeai cxoi ftg ya,s olainndde i tilslatyiee ldfrso mt hefsaec iliist ies adjusint erde spotnosm ea rket nDeiesdtsi.l lcaatipoanc ity utiltihzoautghi on, increaissin nogtt, h ceo rrgeacutg oefm anufacturiflnegxi bility. Incremesnutpapll frioemsC aribbeaanndo theArt lanBtaiscir ne fineriesr emain • will availasa balnoe n goisnugp psloyu rtcoeth eU nitSetda taensd contitnoub ee will availtaobr lees potnomd a rkeimtb alanFcreosms. o mel ocatiionfn asc,t , these suppliceasna rrivienU .SE.a sCto aspto rtsf asttehras nu pplfrioemsU .SG.u lCfo ast refineries. Signifipcrainectxe c ursionasj olorif gh ptme trolperuomd ucitnts h Uen itSetda tes • contintuoeb e driven pbrymi omvaermielnyit nts h gel obparli ocfec ruodiel . will Non-cruodirele lautpewda rrde tparili mcoev ementtesn tdo b ed rivbeyne ithaenr infrequleanrteg vee notra c onflueonfcs emal lere venitnts h sea mdei rection. The Honorable Richardson Bill Decemb1e5r1, 9 98 PagTew o Inr espotnosa eh ighlcyo mpetitives umpaprlkioeeftrr ,es fi nepde trolepurmo duchtsa ve creatan eidn creassionpghliys tiacantdee ffidc ient sthyastpt reomv ildaersvg oel umoefsa fford ablfuee ltso U .Sc.o nsumeTrhse.ra er eh,o wevtewro,c aveafrtosmthi s repothrattm ustb ek ept inm ind: • Thec onteoxtft hean alyiss"i nso rmalm,a rkecto nditinoontes m,e rgenccyo nditions sucahsm ight oicncc uorn junctioanl armgiel itary mobiolroi thzeartis oingn ifi with canmta rkeitn terven.ti.o n • Thet imfrea meo ft haen alysiis1s 9 9t8o 2 002w,hi ch,b ya greemenetx,c lutdheeism pact ofa dditioennavli ronmednrtiavlpelrnyo duscpte cificcahtiaonng eNso.c onclusions fromt hisr eposrhto ubledd rawnp as2t0 02e,s peciraellgya rdinrge fiUn.eSfl.ry-e xibility ort haev ailabilofip tryo dufrcotmsf oreirgne finermieeest imnogr es tringUe.Sns.tp eci fications. TheN ationPale troleCuomu ncsiiln cehroepleyts h een clorseepdo rtb eo fv aluteot he will DepartmenotfE nergy. Respectfulsluyb mitted, JoBe. F oster Chair Enclosure TABLOEF C ONTENTS Introduc.t.i..o. .n. . .... ........ .. ....... .... .. .. .... . ............ ... . .. . .... . ... ... . . ............. .... ........ ............. .............. ......1.... . . Roloef I nvent.or.y. ..................................................................3. ............................................................ ExecutiSvumme ary................................................................7.. ............................................................ Answertsoth eS ecretoafrE yn ergQy'use sti.o..n. ..s . ... .. . ......... ........... .......... ........ ...... 1 ..1.. ... ..... ......... ChaptOenre :A Perspective......................................................1..5... ..................................................... GlobCaolm mod.i.t.y. ..............................................1..5. ..................................................................... ThGel obPaelt roSluepupmCl hya .i.n ...........................................1...5... ......................... .................. PetroIlneduumsF tirnayn cial E.n.v.i..r...o...n...m.. .e...n....t... .... ............ .....2.0. ................................ ThReo loefI nvenitnto hrey PUr.iSm.Sa urpyp Slyys t.e.m..............2.2. .......................................... The MajoPre tLriogPlhretou dmMu acrtk ientt hsUe n itSetda .t.e.s. ........2.4. ................................ MajRoerfi nainnMdga rkeCthianngg. e.s. ....................................2.9. ............................................... Chapt'1\veor: U.SO.i Iln ventTorreyn dasn dL oweOrp eratIinnvge nto.r.i.e.s.......3..5. .................. U.SP.et roIlnevuemn Ttreonrd.ys. .........................................3..5.. ..................................................... Minimum OpIenrvaetnit.no.gr. i.e.s......................................4..6.. ..................................................... LowOepre ratIinovneanlst. .o.r.i.e.........................................5.0.. ....................................................... ChaptTehrre eM:a rket Dynami.c.s... .................................................................................5..5.. .......... CruOdieKl e,Dy r ivoefUr . SP.r odPurcit.c .es. .................................5..5. ......................................... ProdPurcit.c ...e ..s .. .... .... ...... .. ... . ... . .. . .. ... . .... . ....... .. .... .. ....... .......... . . . ... . ..... . .... . .. ... ....... . ...... ... .... 5. ..6. . .. . HistoPrriiIccanelc re.a..s..e..s. .................................................................. ................ 6.. ..4.... .... ......... . Chapter Four:Cy clMeasrin k Exterte me-1995t oM id-19.98. ............6.9. ...................................... ThPee rioofdl nveRnetdourcytT ihPoehn a:frs oem 1 99t5h roEuagrhl y. . ..7.0. ................. ThePe rioofdl nveBnutioTlrhdyPe: h afrsoem L at1e9 9t7h roMuigdh- ...7.2. ................. Summary 72 .......................................................................................................................................... ChaptFeirv eA:b ilittoRy e spontdoF uturDynaem ic Conditi.o.ns. ................7..3.. ....................... .. ConcluasniOdob nsse rv.a.t.io.n.s. .......................................7..3.. ....................................................... DevelopomfUe .nSMt.a jLoirg Phett roPlreoudmDu ecmta nCda s.e.s. ........7.4. ........................... DevelopomfUe .nSRt.e finCearpya cPirtoyj e.c.ti.o.n. .............7.4. .................................................. DevelopomfMe anjtLo irg Phett roPlreoudmIu mcpto Arvta ila.b.i.l.i.t.y. ........8..0.. ........... .......... DevelopomfSe unptp ly/DBeamlaan.ndc. e.s. ...............................8.1 ................................................ AppendA:ix RequLeesttft reortm h See creotfEa nreyr gy anDde scriopftt hiNeoa nt ioPneatlr oCloeuunmc il AppendBix: S tuGdryo uRpo sters AppendCix: A pprotaoPc rho jeScutpipnlgy /DBeamlaanandnc Rdee finUetriyl ization INTRODUCTION STUDYR EQUETS indusatbriylt'iorst e ys ptoond dy namic conditiWoinllsla? r gperris cwei ngs OnS eptem1b6e1,r9 97S,e creotfa ry becoamm eo rfree queanntdn ecessary EnerFgeyd erPiecfiora e questtheattdh e elemoefmn atr kbeatl ancing? NatioPneatlr oCloeuunm(c NiPlC u)n dertake an ews tuodnyt hdey namoifUc .sSp .e trole(uSme Aep penAd fioxtr h ceo mplteetxoetft he prodiuncvte ntSopreiceisyfi.,hc era elqluestSeedc retraerqyul'eesst tat nedar d escriopft ion thatthN eP Ca ddrtehsfeso lloiwsisnuge s: thNea tioPneatlr oCloeuunm)c il. la.Wh ata rteh fea ctboerhsit nhdle o ng STUDYO RGANIAZTION terdme cliinpn reo diuncvte ntaonrdi es ist hter elnidk teolc yo ntionvueterh e Tor esptoont dh See cretraerqyut'ehsse t , nextf eywe ars? NPCe stabltihsCeho emdm itotneP er oduct SuppTlyh.eC ommitwtaecseh aibryAe rdc hie lb.W erteh ien venltveoerloysf1 99a6n W.D unhaPmr,e siadnedCn hti Eexfe cutive anomaolray s teepeonfti hnilgso ng OfficeCro,n oIcnoc R.o beWr.t GAsesei,s tant terdme cline? Secre,Pt oalriyacnydI ntaetrinoAnfafla irs, 2a.I nt hceo ntoeftx hte lsoen g-ttreernmd ss,e rvaestd hC eo mmitGtoevee'rsn Cmoecnhta ir. armei nimoupme ralteivn(egil nsv enToa sstihsCeto mmitatC eoeo,r dinSautbing torisetsia)lu ls efcuoln cefpotrth e commitwtaesfe o rmeTdh.iS su bcommittee Departtmoue snaets a b ench-omra rwka csh aibrye dJW i.Nm o kePsr,e siRdeefinnt, indicoafpt oosrs fuitbulprere o blemsi niagnn M da rketNionrgAt,mh e riCcoan,oI cnoc . suppolrip ersi ces? BarrDy. M cNutPto,l iAcnya lyOsffitc,eo f EnerDgeym anPdo liUc.ySD,.e ptamrneto f 2b.C an NthPeCd efisnuecl he voefl s Enersgeyr,v aesGd o vernCmoecnhtoa fit rh e invent(oeriitaehsmse i rn imoupme rat Subcommi(tStAeepeep .e nBdf ixor ro stoeftr hse inlge voersl osm oet hceorn sttrhuactt,) CommitatneCdeo ordinSautbicnogmm ittee.) ifn omta intawionuelcdda, u ssuep ply problaenmhdso ;wd os uclhe vceolms parteot hoisdee ntiinft ihe1ed9 89 STUDYA PPROACH stuodrty hmei nimoubms erivnevde n Thisst yu adnswesrpeiedfc qiuce stions tornioewus s ebdyt hEen erIgnyf orma posbeyd tDhepea rtomfEe nnetr bgycy o mpil tioAnd ministration? inag nda nalyUz.iSnd.ga taan dr eivewing 3. Int hceo ntoeftx hte aspep arepnetrlyn otaebvleeni tmsp acdtoimnegs pteitcr oleum manelnotw eirn venlteovreywl isl,l s uppalnydd e mand. Tahniasl yhszitesudtd oyr capacliitmyi taitnti hoienn sd u,s triycianlv enttroernaydn sdp rice tshwrionuggsh coupwlietddh e magnrdo w(tpha rticmuid-1f9o9mr8a jolri gphett rolperoudmu cts larflomyri dddlies tidlilmaitnetieshs )h ( gasodliisnteila,ln adkt eer,o sjeefuntee l ). An 1 attewmapsmt a dteo i denftaicfyt aoffresc tilnegu bmu sinaensrdse ,v itehwreso olfei nventory primcoev ements. int hmea jloirg phett roplreoudmmu acrtk ient thUen ited ISnta adtdeistt.ih ocenh ,a pdtiesr Thes tuwdayas p proafrcohmef do upre r cusstehksee cyh anigmepsa ctthipenr go duct spectFiivreissnt.v, e nttroernaydn sde stimated suppalnydd i strisbyusttsieiomnn1 c 9e8 6. lowleirm oifts st eadys-yssttaietnmev entory requirweemerinedt esn tSieficeoden.cd o,n omic ChaptTweor ando peraftaicntigon rflsu enicnivnegnl teovry els cahnadn wgeersae n alyTzheidrr.de ,l ationChapTtweori nvesttihgbeae theasvo ifo r shibpest weiennv enbteohrayv ainodpr r icegsa soldiinset,ia lnlkdae treo,sj eefuntee il n ven werqeu alitraetviiveeAwlneyddfi .n alals yu,p tories siAn nceewc o1n9s8t6dr.eu ficntae sd ply/debmaalnadbn acseoe nde stimcahtaendg elso woepre raitnivnegn (tLoOriIysi) n troduced, in demanUd.,Sr .e fincianpga caintdgy a,s olianneLd O Il evfeoltrsh epsreo duacriteds e ntified impoarvta ilawbaisdl eivteylt oopd eedt ermibnaes oendo bserved data. whethtehUre. Sp.r odsuucptp slyys tweams becommionrgte i ghctolnys traaniwdnh eedt her ChaptTehrr ee thper obaboifpl riitscywe i nwgosu lidn crease. This awnaabsla yssoeindst haes sumptthiaotn ChaptTehrr eeex amitnhedesy namics thUe. Sr.e finainndpg r odduicstt risbyustiaomno nsgu ppdleym,a nadn,dp rihcieg,h light tewmo unlodb te c onstrbaysi ingendi rfiecganitn tgh ree latiboentswheiienpn v entaonrdi es ulatporroyd quucatl cihtayn tgheamsti glhitm itp ricIeat.n alhyizsetso prriiiccnaecl r etahsaets systceamp acoirflt eyx ib.i Tlhieit mypaocft drepwu blaitct enatnidio dne finetsti hose thepsoet encthiaanilgos eu st soiftd hese c oopfe drivbeypn r odumcatr kevtesr scursu odiel thsitsyu ,bd uitsp lantnoeb dea ddreisnas ne d markeIttcs o.n clwuidteahsm ordee tailed NPCs tubdeyg ininnit nhgse p rionf1g 9 99.d escriopftt higeoa ns oplriinicene c rienat shee Givtehnue n certoafci hnatnycg oemsi inntg h e summeorf1 99t7o,il lusthroawta es upply/ po-s2t0p0e2r itohdte,i mfrea moef t hiinsv endemanidm balacnacnbe er esoltvherdo ugh torsyt uwdayls i mitto1e 9d9 8-2002. markmeetc hanisms. Concluasbioounttshr ee latiboenship ChaptFeoru r tweeinn venptroiracyne,dp, rimcoev ements are anianlt yzhceeod n toefUxt . Si.n ventories ChaptFeorui rsa d iscusosfei voenn ts ofm ajolri gphett roleum ipntr hopedr uictfrso ml a1t9e9 t5h romuigdh- 1t9h9ad8te scribes marsyy steTmh.is st uddiynd o cto ndaunc t invenbteohrayv diuorrir negc epnetr ioofd s exhauasntailvoyefts himesa npyo inotfis n terreducatnigdor no wTthh.ep seer iwoedrpsea r facbee twetehne pUr.iSm.a sruypp ly sytsitceumil lalrulsyat sir navteinvtweoe rrdiere isva etn , ando thteyrp oefsi nvteonriyn tUhnei tedt imetsol, e vaeplpsr oacbhoitpnheg r ceived Sta(tees.u gn.fi,n isihnevde natnodfir nyi,s hemdi nimuamnsdm aximumso ft heoipre rating produicnst esc onadnadtr eyr tiinavreryny ,t) orange. nodri idta ddriensvse nthoerloidue tss tihdee UnitSetda tBeesc.a tuhsseeu ppolfcy r uodiel ChaptFeirv e ifusn dametnott ahaleb iloiftt hryee finsiynsg temt os uppplryo dutchtsest ,u adlysi on vestiChaptFeirva es sestshoeeus t looofk s gatseodm aes peocfUt .sSc .r uodieil n ven.t orfuytumraej loirg phett roplreoudmdu ecmta nd, impoarvta ilaabnidUl .iSrt.ey fi,n cianpga city throu2g0h0 2A.d ditiyo,ln iaklmelalryk et REPORT STRUCTURE respotnosa eh si ghdeerm and acradesi es cussTehde.ps reo jecatruieso entdsoe xamine Chapter One thes uppslyyes mt'asb iltiort eys potnod ChapOtneerp roviadnoe vse rvoifte hwe dynamciocn ditainodn spt ohtee nctoinasle sizsec,o paen,ds egmeonftt hsge l obpaelt roq-uenocnem sa rkperti ces. 2