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Type Specimens of Plants Described by Miquel in Lespedeza Section Macrolespedeza (Leguminosae) PDF

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Preview Type Specimens of Plants Described by Miquel in Lespedeza Section Macrolespedeza (Leguminosae)

同,,aYEd4あ什3直-一ha物ぺ一hHL3弓アmmhω 雑仁特誌。∞3今 Type Specimens of Plants Described by Miquel in Lespedeza Section Macrolespedeza (Leguminosae) Shinobu AKIYAMAa and Hideaki OHBAb aDepartment of Botany,Na tional Science Museum,T okyo, Amakubo 4-1-1,Ts ukuba,Ib ar北i,305-0005 JAPAN; bDepartment of Botany,Un iversity Museum,Un iversity of Tokyo, Hongo 7-3-1,T okyo,1 130033JAPAN ・ (Received on March 8,2 003) The collections of Lespedeza sec .tMacrolespedeza of Siebold and his successors in the R司ksherbium,Leiden,w ere examined. The identity of the specimens is clarified 訂 and lectotypes for L. buergeri Miq. and L. cyrtobotηαMiq. ehere designated. The 紅 lectotype of L. sieboldii Miq. and the holotypes of L. oldhamii Miq. and L. bicolor Turcz. var. pauc抑oraMiq. econfirmed. 紅 Key words: Holotype,l ectotype,L espedeza,se c .tMacrolespedeza,t ypification. Lespedeza sect. Macrolespedeza is diverse 乱1iquel.In 2001 Ohba visited Leiden and in Japan. Miquel (1867),th e first taxonomist examined all the collections of sect. to recognize species in Lespedeza sect. Macrolespedeza and borrowed some critical Macrolespedeza based on am odern concept, specimens for further study. described four species (L. buergeri, L. In this article we cite the collections on cyrtobotrya,L . sieboldii,L . oldhamii) and which Miquel' sn ew taxa of sect. Macro- two infraspecific taxa (L. bicolor f. micro- lespedeza were based and designate phylla,L . bicolor var. pauciflora),m ainly lectotypes for stabling their names. based on the collections of Siebold and his successors preserved in the Rijksherbarium, Lespedeza buergeri Miq. Leiden (L). He cited collections for each Miquel (1867) cited four specimens in the taxon,b ut,a s was usual at the time,d id not original description as“SIEBOLD ad littus designate types for any of the taxa he de- maris,n ec non in insula Inosima,B UERGER scribed. lt is therefore necessary to select aliis locis,O LDHAM prope Na ngasaki legeru lectotypes for Miquel' sn ames to stabilize nt." We f ound seven unique sheets with la- their application and usage. bels with the heading “Herb. Lugd.Batav." 闘 ln 1983 and 2001,w e examined speci and “Lespedeza Buergeri" in Miquel' sh and 目 mens of Lespedeza sect. Macrolespedeza and one duplicate. Through Miquel's hand- collected by Siebold and his successors pre- writing we determined that Miquel recog- served in the R討ksherb ium,Leiden (L). nized these specimens to be Lespedeza 征 When Akiyama (1988) revised sect Macro- buergeri (Table 1). lespedeza,s he refrained from designating Two sheets (nos. 908.118-1368 and lectotypes for some taxa because she had not 908.11ふ1370)have al abel with the hand- examined all the collections studied by written “Siebold" by Miquel. Miquel appar- December 2003 Joumal of Japanese Botany Vol. 78 No. 6 337 ently recognized these specimens as ones 1388, 951.326 132, 951.326 152) have collected by Siebold. No. 908.118-1368 has Miquel' s label with the handwritten an additional label with the handwritten “Buerger" by Miquel,in dicating that Miquel “Hedysarum ad littus maris ..." Wec onsider recognized these specimens to be collected this label to be the original one written by by Buerger. These sheets coespondwith 町 Siebold. The sheet co町espondswith one of the specimens cited by Miquel;“BUERGER the specimens cited by Miquel“,SIEBOLD ad aliis locis." No. 951.326 358 without littus m is."Akiyama (1988) considered Miquel' sh andwritten is ad uplicate sheet of 紅 this to be as yntype,a nd we agree with her no. 951.326 132 and reg紅白d as an opinion. No. 908.118-1370 has another label lsosyntype. with the handwritten “Hedysarum spec. 2 Miquel cited an Oldham collection, Lespedeza. Kihagi in insul. Iwosima “OLDHAM prope Nangasaki legerunt," but lectum" and additional handwriting in we did not locate as pecimen collected by Japanese. We believe this label to be an Oldham and determined by Miquel as original one and the “Lespedeza. Kihagi" is “Lespedeza Buergeri" presumed to have been written by Keisuke In conclusion,w e confirm the existence of Ito. The handwriting in Jap anese “[Kihagi" six syntypes and one isosyntype of L. on the left,a nd “Hagimodoki" and “Koshi- buergeri in Leiden. We examined them in kuwa no hitoshina (or ippin or ichihin)" on detail and identified all of them as L. the right] is presumed to be written by an- buergeri. Although we were unable to locate other Jap anese person. There is an island the syntype collected by Oldham at Na gasaki southwest of Nagasaki now called “10サima." “(Nangasaki"),w e designate a lectotype “1wo sima" may be the same as“10サima." here. Lespedeza buergeri is named after Miquel cited one specimen collected by Buerger,s o we select the Buerger specimen Siebold“in insula Inosima." In Leiden we (no. 951.326 132) as the lectotype. The could find no specimen collected by Siebold specimen is fine and well agrees with “in insula Inosima." The handwriting is 恥1iquel'sd escription. sometimes difficult to read. We believe Lectotype: Japan. (no locality indicated) Miquel erroneously cited the locality as (Buerger s. n.,L ,n o. 951.326 132; L,n o. “Inosima" instead of“Iwosima." We con- 951.326 358-iso). [Fig. 1] sider this specimens to be the one cited by Syntypes: Japan. In insula Iwosima,u t Miquel,“SIEBOLD... nec non in insula 'Inosima' [now probably 10サima](Siebold Inosima." Akiyama (1988) considered this to s. n.,L ,no . 908.1181370);Ad littus maris ・ be as yntype,w ith which we agree. (Siebold s. n.,L ,no . 908.118-1368); (no 10- No. 951341 700 has恥1iquel'sl abel with cality name) (Buerger s. n.,L ,no s. 908.118- the handwritten “S" by Miquel,w hich we 1369, 908.118-1388, and 951.326 152); consider to mean“Siebold," and as such to Nangasaki [now Nagasaki] (Oldham s. n.,L , have been collected by Siebold in Japan. not seen). This sheet has no indication of the locality. Japanese name: Ki-hagi. The name As mentioned above,M iquel cited speci- “Kihagi" on as yntype specimen makes clear mens collected by Siebold as“ad littus that the use of “Kihagi" in the Edo era is the maris" and “nec non in insula Inosima." We same as now.“Hagi -modoki,"“Koshikuwa therefore do not recognize this sheet to be a no hitoshina (or ippin or ichihin)" and “Iwa- syntype even though it has Miquel' sh and- hagi (see specimen no. 908.118-2392) also written “Lespedeza Buergeri." are on the label,b ut those names eno 紅 Four sheets (nos. 908.1181369,908.118- longer used. They may have been local ver ・ 田 Table 1. Specimens determined by Miquel 凶一凶∞ Accession number Collector' so n Schindler' s Miquel's determination Status of type Original notes Akiyama (1988) Present study of Leiden h1tiquel's1 abel determination Lespedeza Buergeri 908.118-1368 Syntype Siebold Hedysarum L. buergeri L. buergeri L. buergeri ad littus maris Lespedeza Buergeri 908.118-1370 Syntype Siebold Hedysarum spec. 2 L. buergeri L. buergeri L. buergeri Lespedeza. Kihagi in insul. Iwosima lectum キハギ ハギモドキ コシクワノ一品 μ'MvM mAmamA eee 'MM-a・(cid:631)7(cid:631)クヲゐaGG BBB uuu vpLVρvρししm市内市内市ρvdLVPLvしrnr 999005881..311411188 --711033068 98 LSSeyycnntttoyytppyeep e SBBuuee rrggeerr Lespedeza racemosa LLL... bbbuuueeerrrgggeeerrriii 苗蓮司 LespedezαBuergeri 951.326 132 (Syntype) Buerger L. buergeri L. buergeri 滞 諜 Lespedeza Buergeri 951.326 152 Syntype Buerger L. buergeri 砕 Lespedeza cyrtobotηla 908.118-1365 Lectotype B Hedysarum sericeum Th. L. cyrtobotrya L. cyrtobotrya L. cyrtobotrya 瀧 (Syntype) Iw吋吋amaOctob. 斗 ミツバハギ ∞排 ハギモドキ Lespedeza cyrtobotηa 908.118-1367 Syntype Siebold Hedysarum (Lespedeza) L. cyrtobotry.α L. cyrtobotηla 部小 racemosa [sic],T h. fl. L. homolobα 中 Var. flor. alb. Sitzyama Lespedezlαcyrtobotrya? 908.118-1377 Syntype Sieb Sitzyama October L. formosa var. L. homoloba αlbiflora LLeessppeeddeezzaa ccyyrrttoobboottrryyaa 994048..116118-四315358 7 Syntype 0Si1edbholadm vuh品伊間幼ρν内川崎門川kowmMw,vvqnMl-wmoge olu旬以品川'i qfpF D C L. buergeri LL. cyxr cωybrtMo-ηbuaergeri Lespedeza cyrtobotrya 944.161-356 Siebold L. cyrtobo.tηa Lcyr的bMηa Lespedeza cyrtobotηla 951.342-263 Siebold Lcyr的bMηHa Lespedeza Sieboldi 908.118-2353 Syntype Thunberg? THheudnybsearrgu m racemosum L. formosa L. thunbergii L t h u ,MM 巧m' 制 国 Thunb. japon. 285 間 同 Desmod. racemosum DC. 凶 品 115 川 口 eJ apan... 出 Lespedeza Sieboldi 908.118-2346 Syntype Siebold Hedysarum racemosum Th. L. thunbergii ロ 2 ハギ 0 E コシクワ σ q Lespedeza Sieboldi 908.1182356 Syntype Siebold Lespedezxa hirotua L. formosa L. thunbergii L. thunbergii N 司 O F1. albioc Th. O 凶 Hedysar. Linn. -- Culta in H. B. ハギ コシクワ 宮城野の萩 春秋二度花あり Lespedeza Sieboldi 908.118-2363 Syntype Siebold L. thunbergii Lespedeza Sieboldi 908.118-2371 Syntype Siebold L. thunbergii Lespedeza Sieboldi 908.118-2381 Syntype Siebold Hedysarum hetrocarpon L. thunbergii 同。ロ Lespedeza Sieboldi 908.118-2391 Lectotype Siebold Hedysarum racemosum Th. L. formosa var. L. thunbergii L. thunbergii B (Syntype) Varietas culta αめiflora 色 。 *Kosi Kuwa 同 同 **Fagi 即日 出 Japonia Siebold 口 *コシクワ 2 0 料ハギ 回 s Herb Lugd. Batav. g Lespedeza racemosa w Desmodium racemosum Dec 〈。 Hedysarum racemosum Thb. F Herb. v. Siebold" 『∞J Z 'uμ msmA ee MLMム7(cid:631)ヲ(cid:631)GG cued ee bb oo '''hw'''b dd 990088..111188--22334912 SSyynnttyyppee BTuexetrogre r Nハoギme=nF jaagpio nicum L. formosa L. thunbergii LL.. tbhuuenrbgeerrgii i 。・。 Japonia Coll. Textor Lespedeza Sieboldi 908.118-2351 Syntype Textor L. buergeri Lespedeza Sieboldi 908.118-2361 Syntype Textor Nomen japonicum L. buergeri L. buergeri L. buergeri イワノ\ギ=Iwa fagi Japonia Textor 花七八月 Lespedeza Sieboldi without no. Syntype Oldham 332 Lespedezα L. formosα L. japonica Oldham Japan & Korea L. thunbergii Arch coll. 1862-63 Lespedeza a…L. Sieboldi? 908.119-583 Syntype O1dham 333 Lespedeza L. buergeri L.m似 imowiczii L. ma.ximowiczii Oldham Japan & Korean Arch. coll. 186263 一凶。一w 町 340 植物研究雑誌第78巻第6号 平成15年12月 nacular names for the former. the other has the handwritten “Hedysarum (Lespedeza) racemosa[sic],Th . fl. Var. flor. Lespedeza cyrtobotrya Miq. alb." It is uncertain whose handwriting is the Miquel (1867) cited three specimens in the latter,b ut we presume it to be written by original description as“Prope Iw伊gamaet Siebold. Miquel wrote:“Siebold D. racemosi in Sitzigama legit SIEBOLD; prope Nangasaki var. albifloram dixit, an itaque, nisi OLDHAM (L. virgata? Oliver in shed.)." schedularum e町or,flores albi?" We could Miquel also cited the specimen (Oldham not find the specimen with the handwritten 329) in an ote as“Observ. No. 329 herb. “D. racemosumνακαlbiflorum." This sec- OLDHAM specimen imperfectum,c um L. bi ond sheet might co町espondwith Miquel' s 国 color vel L. Sieboldi conferendum." description. It consists of three branches,th e We found seven sheets with the label center one with another label with heading “Herb. Lugd.-Batav." and the hand “Sitzyama." We consider this label to be 由 written “Lespedeza cyrtobotrya" by Miquel, origina .lAs mentioned above to be able to which indicate to us that they were all recog- read the handwriting and to determine the nized by Miquel to be Lespedeza cyrtobotηα coectlocality name is sometimes difficult. 町 (Table 1). We believe “Sitzyama" might be read as No. 908.118-1365 has Miquel'sl abel with “Sitzigama" by Miquel,as cited in his origi- the handwritten “B" by Miquel. Wec onsider nal description. This sheet co'espondswith 町 “B" to mean“Buerger" and that Miquel be- the specimens Miquel cited as “in Sitzigama lieved this specimen to be collected by legit SIEBOLD." “Sitzyama" may be Buerger. This sheet has two other labels on “Shichiyama" and “Sitzigama" may be“Shi lower left side; one label with the handwrit- chigama," but we are unaware of al ocality ten“Hedysarum sericeum Th." and hand- with either name. writing in Jap anese “Mitsubahagi" and No. 908.118-1377 has Miquel's label with “Hagimodoki," probably by Kaku or the handwritten “Lespedeza cyrtobotη/a Keisuke Ito,a nd another label with the hand- Miq.?" and “Sieb," and another label with written “Iwajajama Octob.," probably by “Sitzyama October."“Sieb" is considered to Buerger. Since it has the label“,Hedysarum be an abbreviation for “Siebold," indicating sericeum Th." and the Japanese words, that Miquel recognized this specirnen as one “Mitusbahagi" and “Hagimodoki," it is con- collected by Siebold. Although Miquel cited sidered to be Siebold' sc ollection. Another “Sitzigarna" and questioningly wrote“Les- label with “Iwajajama Octob." is reg dedto pedeza cyrtobotrya Miq.? ," we consider this 紅 be collected by Buerger. In Leiden there is to be the specimen cited as“in Sitzigama only one specimen collected at Iw民jajama. legit SIEBOLD." Miquel cited the locality as“Iwajagama," No. 908.118-1387 has Miquel'sl abel with but the handwriting on the label of this speci- the handwritten “0ldham" by Miquel and men can be read as“Iw司jajama."The local- another label with the handwritten ity name“Iwajagama" is considered to be an “Lespedeza virgata? DC. Japan Oldharn eorfor “Iwajajama" [probably Iwaya-yama 1861." Though this sheet has no precise 10- 町 in northwest Nagasaki]. Although we were cality,M iquel cited 0ldham's col1ection as unable to determine why Miquel cited the “prope Na ngasaki OLDHAM (L. νirgata? collector as Siebold,it is reasonable to re- 01iver in shed.)." Wer ecognize this as speci- gard this specimen as one cited by Miquel. rnen cited by Miquel. No. 908.118-1367 has two labels. One is The remaining three sheets (nos. 944.l61- Miquel's with the handwritten “Siebold" and 355,9 44.l61356,and 951.342-263) also 闇 December 2003 Joumal of Japanese Botany Vol. 78 No. 6 341 have Miquel's label with the handwritten s. n.,L ,no . 908.1181387). 四 “Siebold," indicating that Miquel recognized Japanese nne:Marubahagi.Mitsuba 創 四 ・ these specimens to be collected by Siebold. hagi and Hagimodokion the label may have 田 One of them (no. 944.161-355) has another been formerly as local names. label with the handwritten “Hedysarum Octob." Miquel cited Siebold's collections Lespedeza sieboldii乱1iq. from “Prope Iw司jagamaet in Sitzigama." Miquel (1867) cited the following speci- These specimens have no detailed locality mens,“Habemus sp. Thunbergianum aV A N information,s o we do not regard them as ROYEN Hedysarum racemosum THUNB. cum syntypes. dubio inscriptum. - Legerunt SIEBOLD, In conclusion,w e confirm the existence of BUERGER et TEXTOR; prope Nangasaki four syntypes of L. cyrtobotrya. Wee x創n- OLDHAM n. 332 foliolis paullo minoribus,et ined them in detail and determined that one sp. parvifolium et pauciflorum videtur eius n. of them is L. cyrtobotヴa,one is am ixture of 333 ex Archipelago Coreano." L. cyrtobotrya and L. homoloba,a nd two are We f ound 13 sheets with al abel with the not L. cyrtobotrya. No. 908.118-1365 is L. heading “Herb. Lugd.-Batav." and the hand 副 cyrtobotryα. No. 908.118-1367 consists of written “Lespedeza Sieboldi" by Miquel one branch of L. cyrtobotrya (left side) and (Table 1). two branches of L. homoloba (ce nter and No. 908.118-2353 has Miquel'sl abel with right side). No. 908.118-1377 is L. homo- the handwritten “Thunberg?" and additional loba. No. 908.1181387 is L. xcyrto- handwriting on the sheet “Thunberg" on the ・ buergeri S.Akiyama & H.Ohba,w hich is a upper left side and “Hedysarum racemosum hybrid between L. buergeri and L. cyrto- Thunb. japon. 285" on the lower left side, botrya. To prevent confusion,w e designate “Desmod. racemosum DC. 115" is on the the specimen (no. 908.118-1365) as the lower right down and “eJ apan …" is in the lectotype of L. cyrtobotrya. It is clear that L. upper right. This specimen is regarded as the homoloba was collected in Japan before one cited as “Habemus sp. Thunbergianum a Nakai (1923) published it as an ew species. VA NR OYEN Hedysarum racemosum THUNB. Miquel confused L. homoloba with L. cum dubio inscriptum." cyrtobotrya and could not distinguish L. x Six sheets (nos. 908.118-2346,9 08.118 副 cyrtobuergerifrom L. cyrtobotryα. 2356,90 8.118-2363,90 8.1182371,908.118- ・ 圃 Wee xamined the specimen,O ldham 329 2381,9 08.118-2391) with Miquel's hand- (no. 908.118-2838),p reserved in Leiden and written “Siebold" were recognized as verified that it consists of as terile branch specimens collected by Siebold. Four of with leaves of L. thunbergii. Miquel did not them (nos. 908.1182346,908.118-2356, 田 mention the relation of this specimen with L. 908.118-2381,908.118-2391) have Siebold's cyrtobotrya and we do not know why Miquel original labels,a nd three have labels with cited this specimen in note under L. “Hagi" and “Koshikuwa" written in cyrtobotrya. Japanese. These six sheets correspond to the Lectotype: Japan. Iwajajama (ut‘Iwaja- specimens cited by Miquel as“Legerunt gama') (Buerger s. n.,L ,no . 908.118-1365). SIEBOLD." [Fig. 1] NO.908.11ふ2392which has al abel with Syntypes: Japan. Sitzyama (ut ‘Sitzi- “Buerger" written by Miquel coesponds 汀 gama') (Siebold s.n.,L ,no s. 908.118-1367, with the specimen cited by Miquel 908.118-1377); Nangas紘i[now Nagasaki] “Legerunt... BUERGER." (no locality name on the specimen) (Oldham Three sheets (nos. 908.118-2341,90 8.118 田 342 植物研究雑誌第78巻第6号 平成15年12月 Fig. 1. Top: Lectotype of Lespedeza buergeri Miq. (Buerger s. n.,L ,no . 951.326 132). Bottom: Lectotype of L. cyrtobotη/a Miq. (Buerger s. n.,L ,no . 908.118-1365). 2351,9 08.118-2361) have Miquel's label Compared with other specimens determined with the handwritten “Textor," indicating by Miquel as L. sieboldii,t hese branches that Miquel recognized these specimens to have smal1er leaves. Although this specimen be col1ected by Textor. These specimens cor- lacks an indication of collection locality,w e respond with the specimens cited by Miquel; believe it to be the specimen cited by Miquel “Legerunt... TEXTOR." as“prope Nangasaki OLDHAM n. 332 foliolis One sheet (without no.) has Miquel's label paullo minoribus." The reason Miquel cited with “Oldham" handwritten on it and another it as“prope Nangasaki" is uncertain. Wer ec 由 label with the handwritten “332 Lespedeza ognized it as as yntype. Oldham Japan & Korean Arch. coll. 1862- No. 908.119-583 has Miquel'sl abel with 63." This sheet consists of four branches. the handwritten “Lespedeza a…L. Sieboldi?" December 2003 Joumal of Japanese Botany Vol. 78 No. 6 343 and another label with the handwritten “333 formosαin 1983 (see identification label on Lespedeza Oldham Japan & Korean Arch. the sheet). It is difficult to distinguish culti 目 coll. 1862-63." This sheet consists of one vated L. japonica ‘Nipponica' (a cultivar branch with small leaves and few flowers. with red-purple flowers) and L. japonica From the information provided,“Japan & ‘Japonica' (a cultivar with white flowers) Korean Arch," there is no way to determine from wild L. formosa (Akiyama, 1988). if the specimen is from Jap an or Korea. The Since Lespedeza formosa (v velutina) is 紅. collection number 333 and the features of the very r'ein Nagasaki (Akiyama,1 988),it is 紅 plant agree with Miquel' sc itation and de better to treat these specimens as L. japonica. 回 scription“sp. p vifoliumet pauciflorum Web elieve that Miquel also sometimes con- 紅 videtur eius n. 333 ex Archipelago Coreano." fused L. thunbergii with L. japonica. As mentioned below,t his plant is L. maxi- One specimen collected by Oldham (no. mowiczii,w hich is widespread in Korea,b ut 333) (no. 908.119-583) is not L. thunbergii is not on Kyushu proper (in Japan only on but L. maximowiczii (Akiyama 1988). Tsushima Island). Although we have no way It appe sclear that Miquel sometimes did 紅 to determine the place of collection,M iquel not distinguished L. thunbergii from L. ja- might have had additional information on the ponica and confused L. thunbergii with L. locality. buergeri and L. maximowiczii. In conclusion,w e recognize 13 syntypes To prevent confusion the lectotype should of L. sieboldii and examined all of them in be selected from the eight specimens identi- detail. Among the 13 syntypes 8 are L. fied as L. thunbergii. We agree with Aki- thunbergii (= L. sieboldii),3 a re L. buergeri, yama' s lectotypification (Akiyama 1988). 1is am ixture of L. thunbergii and L. japon- This specimen (no. 908.118-2391) has good ica,a nd 1is L. maximowiczii. flowers,th e originallabel has much informa- The specimen collected by Thunberg? (no. tion“Hedysarum racemosum Th. Varieta 908.1182353),the six collected by Siebold culta *Koshi Kuwa **F agi Japonia Siebold...," ・ (nos. 908.118-2381,9 08.118-2363,9 08.118- and it was collected by Siebold himself. 2371,9 08.118-2346,9 08.118-2356,9 08.118- Lectotype: Japan. (Siebold s. n.,L ,n o. 2391) and one collected by Buerger (no. 908.1182391). [Fig. 2] 田 908.118-2392) econfirmed to be Les- Syntypes: Japan (Siebold s. n.,L ,n os. 紅 pedeza thunbergii,o f which L. sieboldii is 908.118-2346,9 08.118-2356,9 08.118-2363, recognized as a synonym (Nakai 1927, 908.118-2371,9 08.118-2381); (Thunberg? s. Akiyama 1988). n.,L ,n o. 908.118-2353); (Buerger s. n.,L , Three specimens collected by Textor (nos. no. 908.118-2392); (Textor s. n.,L ,n os. 908.118-2341,90 8.118-2351,9 08.118-2361) 908.118-2341, 908.118-2351, 908.118- are L. buergeri. The apex of the leaves of L. 2361); (Oldham 332,L ,w ithout accession buergeri is usually acute,a nd since the number); (Oldham 333,L ,no . 908.119-583). leaves resemble those of L. thunbergii in [Figs.2-5] shape,w e suspect that Miquel sometimes Japanese nne: Miyagino-hagi.“Hagi" 出 confused L. thunbetgii with L. buergeri. and “Koshikuwa" are on the label of the One specimen collected by Oldham (no. specimen.“Hagi" is now used as ag eneral 332) (without aL eiden accession number) name for plants of sec .tMacrolespedeza. consists of four branches. Two branches on “Koshikuwa" may have been used locally in the left side eL. thunbergii and the other the pas .t 訂 two eL. formosa or L. japonica. Ohba and 紅 Akiyama determined the left two as L. 344 植物研究雑誌第78巻第6号 平成15年12月 Fig.2. Top: Lectotype of Lespedeza sieboldii Miq. (Siebold s. n.,L ,no . 908.118-2391). Bottom: Syntype of L. sieboldii Miq. (Thunberg? s. n.,L ,no . 908.118-2353). Lespedeza oldhamii Miq. without question. Lespedeza oldhamii is now Miquel (1867) cited only one specimen in treated as as ynonym of L. buergeri (Ohwi the original description,“OLDHAM (n. 335) 1953,A kiyama 1988). in Iaponia vel Archipelago Coreano Holotype: Japan or Korea. (Oldham 335, contermino detexit." L,no . 908.118-1398). There is one specimen (no. 908.118-1398) Japanese name: M uba-ki-hagi. 訂 collected in“Jap an & Korea Arch" by Oldham (no. 335) and determined by Miquel Lespedeza bicolor Turcz. as “Lespedeza Old加miMiq." This was re- f. microphylla Miq. garded as the holotype by Akiyama (1988) Miquel (1867) cited one specimen in the December 2003 Joumal of Japanese Botany Vol. 78 No. 6 345 Fig. 3. Syntypes of Lespedeza sieboldii Miq. Top: Siebold s. n.,L ,n o. 908.118-2356. Bottom: Buerger s. n.,L ,n o. 908.11ι2392. original description,“L. racemosa SIEB. bicolor Turcz. ?v ar. parvifolia,"“Lespedeza herb. qui etiam V紅. cultam albifloram in bicolor Turcz. parvifolia," or“Lespedeza bi- sched. statuit." Wed id not find that speci- color Turcz. var." From the original descrip- men in Leiden,no r could we find any speci- tion,th e plant on which the name Lespedeza mens determined as Lespedeza bicolor f. bicolor f. microphylla was based,“var. microphylla by Miquel. We cannot desig cultam albifloram," was apparently ac ulti- 聞 nate the type of L. bicolor f. microphylla. vated plant with white flowers. At that time, There are 32 sheets determined by Miquel and also now,th e most common white flow- as“Lespedezαbicolor Turcz.,"“Lespedeza ered Lespedeza in Japanese gardens is L.

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