UC Davis UC Davis Previously Published Works Title TYPE II SUPERNOVA ENERGETICS and COMPARISON of LIGHT CURVES to SHOCK-COOLING MODELS Permalink https://escholarship.org/uc/item/0xt5267g Journal Astrophysical Journal, 820(1) ISSN 0004-637X Authors Rubin, A Gal-Yam, A De Cia, A et al. Publication Date 2016-03-20 DOI 10.3847/0004-637X/820/1/33 Peer reviewed eScholarship.org Powered by the California Digital Library University of California PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.01/23/15 TYPE II SUPERNOVA ENERGETICS AND COMPARISON OF LIGHT CURVES TO SHOCK-COOLING MODELS Adam Rubin,1 Avishay Gal-Yam,1 Annalisa De Cia,1 Assaf Horesh,1 Danny Khazov,1 Eran O. Ofek,1 S. R. Kulkarni,2,3 Iair Arcavi,4,5 Ilan Manulis,1 Ofer Yaron,1 Paul Vreeswijk,1 Mansi M. Kasliwal,6 Sagi Ben-Ami,7 Daniel A. Perley,2,8 Yi Cao,2 S. Bradley Cenko,9,10 Umaa D. Rebbapragada,11 P. R. Wo´zniak,12 Alexei V. Filippenko,13 K. I. Clubb,13 Peter E. Nugent,13,14 Y.-C. Pan,15 C. Badenes,16 D. Andrew Howell,4,17 Stefano Valenti,4 David Sand,18 J. Sollerman,19 Joel Johansson,20 Douglas C. Leonard,21 J. Chuck Horst,21 Stephen F. Armen,21 Joseph M. Fedrow,21,22 Robert M. Quimby,21,23 Paulo Mazzali,24,25 Elena Pian,26,27 Assaf Sternberg,25,28 Thomas Matheson,29 M. Sullivan,30 K. Maguire,31 and Sanja Lazarevic32 5 1 ABSTRACT 0 2 During the first few days after explosion, Type II supernovae (SNe) are dominated by relatively simple physics. Theoretical predictions regarding early-time SN light curves in the ultraviolet (UV) v and optical bands are thus quite robust. We present, for the first time, a sample of 57 R-band Type o II SN light curves that are well monitored during their rise, having > 5 detections during the first N 10 days after discovery, and a well-constrained time of explosion to within 1–3 days. We show that 0 the energy per unit mass (E/M) can be deduced to roughly a factor of five by comparing early- 3 time optical data to the model of Rabinak & Waxman (2011), while the progenitor radius cannot be determined based on R-band data alone. We find that Type II SN explosion energies span a range of ] E/M =(0.2−20)×1051 erg/(10M ),andhaveameanenergyperunitmassof(cid:104)E/M(cid:105)=0.85×1051 (cid:12) E erg/(10 M ), corrected for Malmquist bias. Assuming a small spread in progenitor masses, this (cid:12) H indicates a large intrinsic diversity in explosion energy. Moreover, E/M is positively correlated with . the amount of 56Ni produced in the explosion, as predicted by some recent models of core-collapse h SNe. We further present several empirical correlations. The peak magnitude is correlated with the p decline rate (∆m ), the decline rate is weakly correlated with the rise time, and the rise time is not - 15 o significantly correlated with the peak magnitude. Faster declining SNe are more luminous and have r longer rise times. This limits the possible power sources for such events. t s a [ 1Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics, Weiz- 1 mann Institute of Science, 234 Herzl St., Rehovot, Israel; v [email protected] 3 2Astronomy Department, California Institute of Technology, 3 Pasadena,CA91125,USA 7 3Caltech Optical Observatories, California Institute of Tech- Barbara, Broida Hall, Mail Code 9530, Santa Barbara, CA nology,Pasadena,CA91125,USA 93106-9530,USA 0 4Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network, 6740 18Physics Department, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 0 CortonaDr.,Suite102,Goleta,CA93117,USA 79409,USA . 5Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Cali- 19The Oskar Klein Centre, Department of Astronomy, 2 fornia,SantaBarbara,CA93106,USA StockholmUniversity,SE-10691Stockholm,Sweden 1 6Observatories of the Carnegie Institution for Science, 813 20TheOskarKleinCentre,DepartmentofPhysics,Stockholm 5 SantaBarbaraStreet,Pasadena,CA91101,USA University,SE-10691Stockholm,Sweden 1 7Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Harvard- 21DepartmentofAstronomy,SanDiegoStateUniversity,San SmithsonianCenterforAstrophysics,60GardenSt.,Cambridge, Diego,CA92182-1221,USA : v MA02138,USA 22YukawaInstituteforTheoreticalPhysics,KyotoUniversity, i 8DarkCosmologyCentre,NielsBohrInstitute,Universityof Kyoto606-8502,Japan X Copenhagen, Juliane Maries Vej 30, DK-2100 København Ø, 23Kavli IPMU (WPI), UTIAS, The University of Tokyo, Denmark Kashiwa,Chiba,277-8583,Japan r 9AstrophysicsScienceDivision,NASAGoddardSpaceFlight 24Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores a Center,MailCode661,Greenbelt,MD20771,USA University, IC2, Liverpool Science Park, 146 Browlow Hill, 10Joint Space Science Institute, University of Maryland, LiverpoolL35RF,UK CollegePark,MD20742,USA 25Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Astrophysik, Karl-Schwarzschild- 11JetPropulsionLaboratory,CaliforniaInstituteofTechnol- Strasse1,D-85748Garching,Germany ogy,Pasadena,CA91109,USA 26INAF,InstituteofSpaceAstrophysicsandCosmicPhysics, 12Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, viaP.Gobetti101,40129Bologna,Italy USA 27Scuola Normale Superiore, Piazza dei Cavalieri 7, I-56126 13DepartmentofAstronomy,UniversityofCalifornia,Berke- Pisa,Italy ley,CA94720-3411,USA 28Excellence Cluster Universe, Technische Universitat 14Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA Mu¨nchen,Boltzmannstr. 2,D-85748Garching,Germany 94720,USA 29National Optical Astronomy Observatory, 950 N. Cherry 15Astronomy Department, University of Illinois at Urbana- Avenue,Tucson,AZ85719,USA Champaign,1002W.GreenStreet,Urbana,IL61801,USA 30SchoolofPhysicsandAstronomy,UniversityofSouthamp- 16Department of Physics and Astronomy, and Pittsburgh ton,SouthamptonSO171BJ,UK Particle Physics, Astrophysics, and Cosmology Center (PITT- 31ESO, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2, D-85748 Garching, Ger- PACC), University of Pittsburgh, 3941 O’Hara St., Pittsburgh, many PA15260,USA 32Department of Astronomy, Faculty of Mathematics, 17Department of Physics, University of California, Santa UniversityofBelgrade,Serbia 2 1. INTRODUCTION 2. THESAMPLE DespitetherecentavailabilityoflargesamplesofType Oursampleconsistsof57SNefromthePalomarTran- IISNlightcurves(e.g.,Arcavietal.2012;Andersonetal. sient Factory (PTF; Law et al. 2009; Rau et al. 2009) 2014;Faranetal.2014a,b;Sandersetal.2015;Gonz´alez- and the intermediate Palomar Transient Factory (iPTF; Gait´anetal.2015),thereislittlehigh-qualitydatainthe Kulkarni 2013) surveys. Data were routinely collected literature against which to test predictions (e.g., Nakar by the Palomar 48-inch survey telescope in the Mould R & Sari 2010; Rabinak & Waxman 2011, NS10, RW11) band(Lawetal.2009). Follow-upobservationswerecon- regarding early-time light-curve behavior in the ultravi- ductedmainlywiththerobotic60-inchtelescope(Cenko olet(UV)andopticalbands. Rabinak&Waxman(2011) et al. 2006) using an SDSS r-band filter, with addi- showed that it is possible to deduce the progenitor star tional telescopes providing supplementary photometry radius (R ) and energy per unit mass (E/M) from the and spectroscopy (see Gal-Yam et al. 2011). We chose ∗ early UV light curve. This is because at early times SNe that show hydrogen lines in their spectra (Type II), (in the first 3–4 days after explosion), the light curve is butdonotshownarrowemissionlinesatlatetimes(Type dominated by shock cooling; the photosphere is at the IIn; Schlegel 1990; Filippenko 1997; Kiewe et al. 2012). outer edge of the ejecta, and no recombination has set This was done primarily because the optical emission in. RW11 models describe well the handful of available frominteractingSNeIInisdominatedbytheirsurround- early UV SN light curves (Soderberg et al. 2008; Gezari ing medium, and we are interested in the physics of the et al. 2008; Schawinski et al. 2008), and can fit the rate exploding star itself. We rejected transitional Type IIb ofUVdetectionsbyaGALEX/PTFsurvey(Ganotetal. SNe that develop strong He I lines and resemble SNe Ib. 2014). We also selected only SNe that had (1) at least five de- Recently,Galletal.(2015)andGonz´alez-Gait´anetal. tections within ten days of the first detection, (2) well- (2015) compared large samples of SN II light curves to sampled peaks/plateaus, and (3) an estimated date of RW11/NS10 shock-cooling models. Both papers com- explosion determined to within 3 days. pared SN rise times to rise times derived from shock- ThefulllistofSNe,theircoordinates,andclassification coolingmodels: Galletal.(2015)usedr-banddata,while spectraispresentedinTable1. Mostofthespectrawere Gonz´alez-Gait´anetal.(2015)comparedmulti-bandpho- obtained with the Double Spectrograph (Oke & Gunn tometry. Both papers concluded that only models with 1982) on the 5-m Hale telescope at Palomar Observa- small radii are consistent with the data — a conclusion tory,theKastspectrograph(Miller&Stone1993)onthe thatisintensionwiththeknownassociationofredsuper- Shane 3-m telescope at Lick Observatory, the Low Reso- giants (RSGs) with Type II-P SNe (Smartt et al. 2009). lution Imaging Spectrometer (LRIS; Oke et al. 1995) on However, as we show in Section 5, comparing to models theKeck-110-mtelescope,andtheDEepImagingMulti- based on their rise time requires the application of the Object Spectrograph (DEIMOS; Faber et al. 2003) on models beyond their validity and leads to rejection of the Keck-2 10-m telescope. Spectral reductions followed modelswithlargerradiithatfittheearly-timedatawell. standard techniques (e.g., Matheson et al. 2000; Silver- Valenti et al. (2014) and Bose et al. (2015) compared man et al. 2012). All spectra are publicly available via multi-band photometry of SN 2013ej and SN 2013ab to the Weizmann Interactive Supernova Data Repository RW11models,butlimitedtheiranalysistothefirstweek (WISeREP, Yaron & Gal-Yam 2012). after explosion. They found their data to be consistent The redshift (z) range is 0.0026–0.093, with a median with RW11 models with radii of 400–600 R and 450– value of 0.03. The distribution of redshifts is given in (cid:12) 1500 R , respectively. Figure 1. Note that this is a flux-limited survey, and (cid:12) Basic empirical relations involving the time scales of is unbiased with respect to host galaxy. Some of the the rising light curve have yet to be established. This is eventsinoursamplebrieflyshowednarrowemissionlines duetothefactthatmostofthepublishedSNphotometry whichvanishedafterafewdays. Theseareinterpretedas begins shortly prior to the peak (if at all); light curves “flash-ionizationevents”(Gal-Yametal.2014;Khazovet thatarewellsampledduringthefirstdaysafterexplosion al. 2015, submitted). All of the photometry is available arestillrare. Basedonthreesuchevents,Gal-Yametal. in the online material. (2011) suggested that there may be a trend where more Arcavi et al. (2014) identified PTF10iam and luminous SNe II-P also rise more slowly. More recently, PTF10nuj as abnormal transients. They were therefore Faran et al. (2014a) suggested that the rise time and lu- discardedfromthesample,leaving57events. Allremain- minosity are uncorrelated, but did not perform a quan- ing objects had typical SN II spectra. Three objects in titative analysis owing to their small sample size. Gall the sample were difficult to classify but were ultimately et al. (2015) studied the rise times of 19 well-monitored retained. We compared the spectrum of PTF10uls and SNe, and concluded that there is a qualitative trend be- PTF12krf to templates using SNID (Blondin & Tonry tweenrisetimeandpeakmagnitude,withbrighterevents 2007). We found that PTF10uls is consistent with a havinglongerrisetimes. Hereweuseasampleof57spec- SN II-P spectrum (Figure 2), while PTF12krf is con- troscopically confirmed SN II R-band light curves that sistent with a SN II-P, though we cannot rule out that were well monitored during their rise to test and estab- it is a SN IIb (Figure 3). The spectrum of iPTF14ajq lish such correlations, and we quantitatively compare 33 hadsignificantgalaxycontamination. Figure4showsthe of these to shock-cooling models. spectrum after subtraction of an Sb1 template (Kinney et al. 1996); it is that of a reddened SN II. 3 Mpc 2.5 0 100 200 300 400 16 14 2 12 ber of SNe180 ux [arbitrary]1.15 m Fl Nu 6 4 0.5 12krf 2 SN 1993J -2 SN 2004et +20 0 00 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 Observed wavelength Redshift Figure 3. SpectrumofPTF12krf. Superimposedarethespectra Figure 1. RedshiftdistributionoftheSNeinthesample. of Type IIb SN 1993J (2 days before peak) and Type II-P SN 2004et (20 days after peak). Note the weaker He I line compared 3 toSNIIb1993J. ×10-16 3 2.5 14ajq orig Sb1 2.5 14ajq - Sb1 2 y] 2 ar arbitr1.5 1.5 x [ u x Fl 1 Flu 1 0.5 0.5 0 10uls SN 2004et +12 -0.5 0 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 Observed wavelength -1 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Figure 2. SpectrumofPTF10uls. Superimposedisthespectrum Rest frame wavelength (Angstrom) ofSN2004et(12daysafterpeak). Figure 4. Subtraction of an Sb1 template from the spectrum of iPTF14ajq. ThehydrogenBalmerseriesisshownoffsetby12,000 3. ANALYSIS kms−1. 3.1. Photometry published by Zhang et al. (2014). The photometry was extracted using a point-spread The light curves are presented in Appendix Figures function(PSF)fittingroutine(Sullivanetal.2006;Firth B1—B4. We found that small additive constants (indi- et al. 2015) applied after image subtraction. Photom- cated in the figures) are needed to bring the supplemen- etry for iPTF13dkk, iPTF13dqy (Yaron et al. 2015; tary and the 60-inch data in line with the PTF 48-inch submitted to Nature Physics), and iPTF13dzb was sup- observations; this is due most likely to the different r/R plemented with data from the Las Cumbres Observa- filter responses of the 48-inch, 60-inch, and other data tory Global Telescope Network (LCOGT; Brown et al. sources. The photometry was corrected for Galactic ex- 2013). This was obtained by PSF fitting, and fitting tinction using the Schlegel et al. (1998) maps.33 The a low-order polynomial to the background. Photome- distance moduli were calculated from the spectroscopic try for PTF12cod was supplemented with data from the redshifts of the host galaxies using a cosmological model 40-inchtelescopeatMountLagunaObservatory(MLO), with H = 70 km s−1 Mpc−1, Ω = 0.3, and Ω = 0.7. 0 m Λ whichwasalsoobtainedwithPSFfitting;seeSmithetal. TheanalysispresentedmadeuseoftheMATLAB(cid:114)pack- (2015)fordetailsontheMLOreductionprocedure. Pho- age for astronomy and astrophysics (Ofek 2014). tometry for PTF10vdl (SN 2010id) was supplemented The sample was not corrected for local host-galaxy with that published by Gal-Yam et al. (2011), photome- extinction. Faran et al. (2014a) explored various dust- try for PTF12bvh (SN 2012aw) was supplemented with that published by Munari et al. (2013), and photometry 33 Derived using the sky ebv routine in MATLAB, with RV = forPTF13aaz(SN2013am)wassupplementedwiththat 3.08. 4 extinction correction techniques including photometric of the fits presented in Appendix Figures B13—B15. methods based on comparison to low-extinction SNe, as Extending the fit to t > 4 days forces the naturally well as spectroscopic methods using the Na D doublet overshootingregiontocoincidewiththepeakdata. This equivalent width. They found that none of the pro- has two effects: first, the t < 4 day data get undershot; cedures increased the uniformity of their sample, and second, this procedure effectively shortens the rise time in some cases even increased the scatter. Thus, we inthemodel,whichreducestheprobabilityoflargeradii. wouldbeintroducingmoreuncertaintybycorrectingac- An example of the RW11 fit, and the effect of extending cording to the classical prescriptions. However, we in- the fit beyond four days, is shown in Figure 5. spected the sample and found only five questionable ob- As in Gonz´alez-Gait´an et al. (2015) and Gall et al. jects. PTF09cjq has a red continuum, Na D absorption (2015), RSG models were compared to the sample with- lines, and likely suffers from extinction. PTF10bgl and outdistinguishingbetweenTypeII-PandII-LSNe. This iPTF14ajq have a red continuum, but no Na D absorp- is justified for the following two reasons: first, there tion lines, and may suffer from extinction. PTF10uqn, is evidence that Type II-P and II-L SNe may form a iPTF13bld, and iPTF13akg have a blue continuum, but continuum in both their photometric and spectroscopic showclearNaDabsorptionlines,andmaypossiblysuffer properties (see Anderson et al. 2014; Guti´errez et al. from extinction — but this is unlikely to be significant, 2014, this work), making it unlikely that they originate anditmaybecausedbyhostcontaminationinthespec- from different progenitors. Second, blue supergiants are tra. unlikely progenitors primarily because their small radii The time of explosion for most objects was esti- (Kudritzki et al. 2008) will cause severe adiabatic losses, mated as the midpoint between the last non-detection and they will not have the energy budget to reach the and the first detection. For PTF09ecm, PTF10bgl, peak luminosity of Type II-L SNe which can peak above PTF10umz, PTF11iqb, PTF12efk, PTF12hsx, -18 (Figure 9). Yellow hypergiants are extremely rare iPTF13cly, iPTF14adz, and iPTF14aoi — where (Oudmaijer et al. 2009), and they are known to be as- the limits were poorer, but the rise was well sampled sociated with Type IIb SNe (Maund et al. 2011). This — we estimated the time of explosion with an expo- leaves RSGs as a reasonable default for the progenitors nential fit described in Section A. The fits are shown in of Type II-P and II-L SNe. Appendix Figure B5. In order to compare with RW11 models, we selected Theobservedlightcurvesweresmoothedwithalinear onlythoseeventswithatleastfivedetectionsinthefirst regression using a Gaussian kernel described in Section four days from explosion; this left 33 events. We then A. The full set of light-curve fits is shown in Appendix generated bolometric light curves using Equation 14 of Figures B6—B9. We determined the time of maximum RW11 (appropriate for RSGs, n=3/2): luminositybyamethodsimilartothatusedbyGalletal. (2015). We fit a first-order polynomial to a three-day L=8.5×1042 E501.92R∗,13 t−0.16 ergs−1, (1) window of our smoothed light curve, and then shifted f0.27(M/M )0.84κ0.92 5 ρ (cid:12) 0.34 the window along the light curve. The algorithm was terminated when the slope of the polynomial surpassed where the explosion energy E51 = E/1051 erg, the pro- −0.01 mag day−1. The termination position of the algo- genitor radius R = R/1013 cm, the opacity κ = ∗,13 0.34 rithm was determined as the time of maximum luminos- κ/0.34 g−1 cm2, the ejecta mass M, and the time from ity. The change in magnitude between peak and 15 days explosion t = t/105 s. Also, f ≡ ρ /ρ¯, where ρ¯ is 5 ρ 1/2 post-peak, ∆m15 (Phillips 1993), was determined by in- the mean density of the ejecta and ρ1/2 is the density at terpolatingthesmoothedlightcurveto15daysafterthe r =R /2. Note that n is the index of the density at the time of maximum and subtracting the peak magnitude. edgeo∗ftheejectagivenbyρ(r )=ρ δn. Theapparent These values are listed in Table 2. 0 1/2 R-bandmagnitudewascalculatedwiththephotospheric 3.2. Comparison to RW11 temperature given in Equation 13 of RW11, Care should be taken when comparing observations in the optical bands with RW11 or other models such E0.027R1/4 as those of Nakar & Sari (2010), which converge at Tph =1.6fρ−0.037(M/M51 )0.0∗5,41κ30.28t5−0.45 eV, (2) t ≈ 1 day (note that all times given in this paper, un- (cid:12) 0.34 less stated otherwise, are relative to the estimated date corrected to the color temperature with the factor T = c of explosion and are given in the rest frame). The ap- 1.2T (see discussion in RW11, their Section 3.2 and ph propriatemodelhastwostrongrequirementsforvalidity: Figure 1). Then the modeled R-band magnitudes were first, the emitting region must have originated in layers calculated with the synphot routine (Ofek 2014). δm that were initially close to the surface of the star, WegeneratedlightcurvesforagridofRSGprogenitors δm ≡ (R∗ −r)/R∗ (cid:28) 1; second, the temperature must withradiiR∗ =102–103 R(cid:12) (200pointslogarithmically begreaterthan1eV,whereThomsonscatteringisdom- spaced), explosion energies E ≡ E/1051 erg = 10−2– 51 inant and recombination is negligible (see the beginning 102 (250 points logarithmically spaced), a fixed ejected of Section 3 in RW11). Breakdown of the first assump- mass M ≡M/(10M )=1,34 f =0.1, κ =1, and tion causes the dominant divergence of the solution by 10 (cid:12) ρ 0.34 varioustimesofexplosionwithinouruncertaintyonthis changing the final velocity of each element (f ) from the ν asymptoticvalueused, f =2. Thisinducesanunderes- ν 34 The early-time light curve depends on the energy per unit timation of the temperature (discussed in Section 3.1 of mass;therefore,thepossiblediversityinM iscoveredbyourrange RW11), causing an overestimation of the luminosity, as ofE51. ForfurtherdiscussionseeRabinak&Waxman(2011)and canbeseeninthemodelovershootatlatertimesofmost Ganotetal.(2014). 5 date (50 points linearly spaced between t ±∆t ). For eight events which had good late-time coverage, we 0 0 Withthemodellightcurvesinhand,wecalculatedthe fitforthesynthesizedradioactivenickelmass. Thelumi- χ2 values for the observed flux (in the first 4 days from nosityperunitmassreleasedbyradioactive56Niisgiven explosion) for all combinations of the radius, explosion by energyperunitmass,andallpossibledatesofexplosion. Finally, we scaled the flux errors until the minimal χ2 reached 1.35 The energy per unit mass was estimated l=3.9×1010e−t/τNi + (7) at the minimum χ2 of the grid, and the 95% confidence 7×109(cid:16)e−t/τCo −e−t/τNi(cid:17) ergg−1 s−1, interval was estimated using a profile likelihood: find- ing optimal t and R for each energy, and then finding 0 ∗ where τ and τ are 8.8, and 111.09 days, respectively. valuesofE wherethecumulativedistributionfunction Ni Co 51 ForeachoftherelevantSNe,wefittheinitialnickelmass CDF(χ2) ≤ 0.95. The E/M values we determined are by minimizing the linear least-squares equation listed in Table 2, and are shown in Figure 6. To calculate the mean value of E/M, we have to cor- rect for Malmquist bias. We used an effective distance L(ti)=MNil(ti), (8) modulus DM∗ such that all SNe would have the same where L(t ) and l(t ) are (respectively) the observed peak apparent magnitude as the faintest SN in our sam- i i luminosity and expected luminosity per unit mass at ple with the formula time t , and M is the initial nickel mass. We also fit i Ni three events from the literature for which the authors Max{mpeak}=Mipeak+DMi∗, (3) derived 56Ni masses using multi-band quasi-bolometric lightcurves(SN2005cs,SN2012aw,andSN2013ab;Fig- where Max{mpeak} is the faintest peak apparent magni- ure8),andfoundthatourvaluesforM aresufficiently tude in the sample, DM∗ is the effective distance mod- Ni i close to justify no bolometric correction. However, to be ulus that sets the peak absolute magnitude Mipeak equal conservative,weassumea50%uncertaintyinourderived tothefaintestpeakapparentmagnitude. Thenthemean 56Ni mass. These values are reported in Table 2. SN E/M value in the sample was calculated as 4. RESULTS (cid:28)E (cid:29) Σ (E/M) /D∗3 = i i i , (4) Figure5showsanexampleofthefittoaRW11model. M Σj1/Dj∗3 WefoundthatRW11modelsdescribetheearly-timelight curveswellinmostcases(AppendixFiguresB13—B15). where D∗ is theluminosity distancetakenfrom therela- For each combination of E/M and R the time of explo- tion ∗ sion was selected that minimizes the χ2. The contours (cid:18) D∗ (cid:19) represent the 68%, 95%, and 99.7% χ2 confidence inter- DM∗ =5log . (5) vals. Figure 5 is typical, and demonstrates that while 10 10pc theradiusoftheprogenitorcannotbeconstrainedbased on the early-time R-band light curve, E/M can be esti- Thisprocedureaccountsfortheoverrepresentationoflu- mated to better than a factor of five. minous events in our flux-limited sample. By weight- The energies derived for each SN and the cumulative ing according to their equivalent volume, less-luminous fractionofeventsbelowagivenE/M areshowninFigure events — which naturally have a small volume — get 6. WefindthatE/M spansarangeof∼(0.2−20)×1051 put on equal footing with more-luminous events. The erg/(10 M ). Moreover, the E/M values deduced from correctedhistogramofE/M valuesisshowninFigure6. (cid:12) the fit to RW11 models are significantly (P-value << 0.05) correlated with the observed photospheric velocity 3.3. Spectroscopy (Figure 7).36 Taking the confidence interval as symmet- WeestimatetheexpansionvelocityofeachSNbymea- ric, a power-law fit gives suringtheminimumoftheHαP-Cygniprofile. Thiswas accomplishedbyfittingasecond-orderpolynomialtothe Hα absorption. In order to normalize the velocities to a E /M =(2.1±4.8)×10−4 (9) 51 10 uniformepoch,therelationfromFaranetal.(2014a)was ×(v /103 km s−1)4.5±1.1, used, relating the velocities measured to the velocity on 50 day 50 for SNe II-P. The relation is given by wheretheuncertaintiesare95%confidenceintervals. We findthatE/M fromthefitisalsosignificantlycorrelated (cid:18) t (cid:19)0.412±0.02 withthepeakmagnitude(Figure7),andisrelatedtothe v =v (t) . (6) 50 Hα 50 peak luminosity by The measured velocities are presented in Table 2. E /M =(1.71±0.17)L /1042 erg (10) 51 10 peak 3.4. 56Ni Mass Estimation −(8.4±6.2)×10−2, where L is the peak luminosity. 35 Thefluxerrorsfromourpipelineareunderestimated,leading peak tohighχ2formodelswhichfitthedatawell. Theerrorswerescaled toallowforthecomparisonofdifferentmodelstoeachother. The 36 AllcorrelationsreportedwerecalculatedusingtheSpearman scalingvaluesarepresentedinAppendixFiguresB13—B15. correlationtest. 6 17 103 18 g a M 19 R R⊙ ed R∗=100 / erv20 E /M =3.9 R s 51 10 b O CE=2.1 21 22 102 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 10-2 10-1 100 101 102 MJD - 56000.854 E / M 51 10 17 103 18 g a M 19 R R⊙ ed R∗=100 / serv20 E51/M10=2.8 R b O CE=3 21 22 102 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 10-2 10-1 100 101 102 MJD - 56000.854 E / M 51 10 Figure 5. Topleft: ExampleRW11bestfittoPTF12bro. ThevaluesoftheprogenitorradiusR,explosionenergyperunitmassE51/M10, and error scaling factor CE are displayed. Only filled symbols were included in the fit. Top right: The projection of χ2 onto the R−E plane (at optimal explosion date t0 for each point). The contours of 68%, 95%, and 99.7% confidence intervals are shown. Bottom left, right: Best fit to PTF12bro and χ2 contours including data where t ≤ 10. Notice that including later data reduces the probability for higherradii. We added to our sample several events from the lit- Inaddition,wefindseveralempiricalcorrelations(Fig- erature which have determined parameters from hydro- ure 9). The peak luminosity is significantly and strongly dynamic light-curve modeling (see Table 3). Three SNe correlated with ∆m — brighter events decline faster. 15 (SN2005cs,SN2012aw,andSN2013ab)weresufficiently This is the opposite of well-established trends in SNe Ia wellsampledduringtheirrisetoallowustoperformour and Ib/c (Phillips 1993) that are powered by 56Ni dur- RW11 analysis, although it was necessary to slightly re- ing their rise, and is in agreement with the findings of laxourcriteriaandincludeR-banddatauptoday6from Anderson et al. (2014) for Type II V-band light curves. explosion. Wefoundourresultstobeconsistentwiththe Thepeakluminosityisalsocorrelatedwithv : brighter 50 estimatedexplosionparametersfromtheliterature(Fig- eventshavehighervelocitiesatday50. Thisrelationhas ure 8); however, we derive a higher E/M value for SN already been established for Type II-P SNe (Hamuy & 2013abthandoBoseetal.(2015). Boseetal.(2015)esti- Pinto2002;Nugentetal.2006),althoughithasnotbeen matedE/M fromhydrodynamicmodeling,makingitdif- demonstrated until now for SNe II generally. The rise ficult to assess the source of this discrepancy. Note that time is more weakly correlated with ∆m , and with a 15 our derived 56Ni mass of ∼5×10−3 M for iPTF13aaz largerscatter,althoughitsignificantlyshowsthatslower (cid:12) (SN 2013am) is lower than the 1.5×10−2 M reported risers are also faster decliners. We do not observe a sig- (cid:12) by Zhang et al. (2014), but the source of this discrep- nificant correlation between the rise time and the peak ancy is unclear. We find that the 56Ni mass is strongly luminosity,contrarytothesuggestionsofGal-Yametal. correlated with E/M (ρ = 0.76, P-value << 0.05; Fig- (2011) and Gall et al. (2015). ure 8). This result has been observed in Type Ib/c SNe 5. DISCUSSION (Mazzali et al. 2013), and is in line with models such as that of Kushnir (2015), which predict that more 56Ni is We have performed the first direct fitting of analyti- produced by more-energetic SN II explosions. cal early light-curve models (RW11) to a large sample of Type II SNe with a well-sampled rise. Our results 7 Total number of events 33 102 1 s ent 0.8 v e 101 of 0 n 0.6 1 o E / M51 e fracti 0.4 100 ativ ul m 0.2 u Uncorrected C Corrected 10-1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 100 101 Event # E / M 51 10 Figure 6. Left: E/M derivedfromRW11with95%profilelikelihoodconfidenceintervals. Right: Cumulativefractionofeventsbelowa givenE/M,correctedanduncorrectedforMalmquistbias. ρ =0.67, P-Value =3.4e-04 ρ =-0.86, P-Value =1.1e-10 1.5 1.5 E /M =(2.1±4.8)×10−4 E /M =(1.71±0.17)L /1042erg 51 10 51 10 peak ×(v /103kms−1)4.5±1.1 −(8.4±6.2)×10−2 50 1 1 M10 0.5 M10 0.5 E/51 E / 51 log10 0 log 10 0 -0.5 -0.5 -1 -1 4 6 8 10 12 -19 -18 -17 -16 -15 -14 v50 Hα / 103 kms−1 Peak R absolute magnitude Figure 7. Left: E/M fromthefittoRW11asafunctionofthevelocitynormalizedtov50 ofHα. Right: E/M fromRW11asafunction ofpeakmagnitude. Redlinesarethebestfitsdescribedinthetext. show that, assuming a RSG progenitor, we can deduce begin to break down. As was explained in Section 3, the the value of E/M to within roughly a factor of five from breakdownoftheseassumptionsleadstoanovershootof early-time optical light curves. Progenitor radii are not the data at later times (t > 4 days). By comparing to constrained by R-band data alone, and require UV ob- rise times from the models, these works rejected models servations (Ganot et al. 2014). which fit the early photometric data well. Gall et al. (2015) and Gonza´lez-Gait´an et al. (2015) Figure 10 demonstrates this using LSQ13cuw, a well- recently compared light curves to RW11/NS10 shock- sampledeventfromGalletal.(2015). Wefittwoextreme coolingmodelsandfoundthatonlysmallradii(R<400 cases,withradiiof100and1000R ,tothefirstsixdays (cid:12) R ) appeared to be consistent with observations, in ofdata. Bothmodelsfittheearly-timedataequallywell. (cid:12) strong tension with direct measurements of Type II-P While the 100 R model has a consistent rise time with (cid:12) SNe(Smarttetal.2009;Smartt2015). However,Valenti LSQ13cuw, it does not agree at all with the photometry et al. (2014) and Bose et al. (2015) compared single ob- near peak. We suspect that this explains the apparent jects and found no such discrepancy. discrepancy between the radii inferred from the models It appears that the Gall et al. (2015) and Gonz´alez- by Gall et al. (2015) and Gonz´alez-Gait´an et al. (2015), Gait´an et al. (2015) method of extracting a rise time and the measured RSG radii (Smartt et al. 2009) of the from the models and comparing it to the rise time of progenitors of SNe II-P. their light curves is inaccurate. The models are valid for We find a strong correlation between the RW11 E/M abrief(t≈4days)periodbeforeimportantassumptions valuesandtheSNexpansionvelocityatday50. Because suchastheemissioncomingfromathinshellattheedge v is an independent estimate of E/M, this provides 50 of the star, and the temperature being well above 1 eV, support for the deduced E/M values. We find that our 8 ρ=0.76,P-Value=4.43e-04 models, longer-rising SNe also decline more slowly. We -0.8 interpret this as evidence that Type II SNe are not pow- -1 ered by any of these potential sources during their early phase. -1.2 2013ab 2012aw 6. SUMMARY -1.4 ⊙ OurmainconclusionsregardingSNeIIcanbesumma- M-1.6 rized as follows. / Ni-1.8 56 • The progenitor radius cannot be inferred by com- g10 -2 parison to shock-cooling models based on R-band o l photometry alone. The value of E/M can be in- -2.2 ferred to within a factor of five. -2.4 • ThemeanSNIIenergyperunitmass,correctedfor -2.6 2005cs Malmquist bias, is (cid:104)E/M(cid:105) = 0.85×1051 erg/(10 M ), and has a range of (0.2–20) ×1051 erg/(10 -2.8 (cid:12) -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 M(cid:12)). log E / M 10 51 10 • The derived value of E/M from RW11 models is Figure 8. E/M from the fit to RW11 vs. 56Ni mass. Empty strongly correlated with the photospheric velocity symbols are taken from the literature (Table 3) with parameters at day 50, peak magnitude, and 56Ni mass pro- estimated from hydrodynamic modeling. The blue, red, and ma- gentafilled(empty)symbolsrepresentour(literature)estimatesof duced in the explosion. the parameters of SN 2005cs, SN 2012aw, and SN 2013ab. Note thegoodagreementin56Nimassbetweenouranalysisandthelit- • ∆m is correlated with the rise time — slower 15 erature. ThesourceofthediscrepancybetweenourE/M estimate risers are also faster decliners. This indicates that for SN 2013ab and that of Bose et al. (2015) is unclear, due to the different methods used. Diamonds represent events from the TypeIISNeareunlikelytobepoweredbyradioac- literature which did not have sufficient early-time data on which tive decay or other central-engine models at early toperformouranalysis. times. sample has a mean energy per unit mass, corrected for While it was not possible to infer the radius from R- Malmquist bias, of (cid:104)E /M (cid:105) = 0.85, with a range of 51 10 banddataalone,thepathforfutureworkisclear. Multi- E /M ≈ 0.2–20. Because the progenitor mass of a 51 10 band light curves, which will be acquired by future sur- SN II-P is suggested to be confined to a relatively nar- veys such as the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF; Bellm row range (8–16 M ; Smartt et al. 2009), our results (cid:12) 2014; Smith et al. 2014) and the Large Synoptic Survey lead to the conclusion that there is a significant intrinsic Telescope(LSST;Ivezicetal.2008),aswellasearly-time diversity in explosion energies. The correlation between UVphotometryfromsatellitessuchasULTRASAT(Sa- peak magnitude and E/M indicates that more energetic giv et al. 2014), will drastically reduce the uncertainties explosions also have higher peak luminosity. In addi- in determining the progenitor radius. The benefit will tion, the strong positive correlation between E/M and be twofold: these facilities will reduce uncertainties in 56Nimassimpliesthatstrongerexplosionsproducemore the time of first light, and there will be more useful pho- 56Ni. This result is consistent with the predictions of tometrywithinthewindowofvalidityofavailableshock- some models, including those of Kushnir & Katz (2015) cooling models, because the rise time is much shorter in and Kushnir (2015), claiming that the explosion mecha- blue and UV bands. nism of CC SNe is thermonuclear detonation of the in- falling outer shells. In our sample, we do not find that the rise time and We are grateful to the staffs at the many observato- peak magnitude of SNe II are correlated (Figure 9). Al- ries where data for this study were collected (Palomar, thoughitwassuggestedinthepastthatbrighterSNeII- Lick, Keck, etc.). We thank J. Silverman, G. Duggan, P may have longer rise times (Gal-Yam et al. 2011), our A. Miller, A. Waszczak, E. Bellm, K. Mooley, J. Van sample of well-monitored light curves disfavors this hy- Roestel, A. Cucchiara, R. J. Foley, M. T. Kandrashoff, pothesis. Our correlation between ∆m15 and the peak B. Sesar, I. Shivvers, J. S. Bloom, D. Xu, J. Surace, and magnitude recovers a relation previously shown by An- L. Magill for helping with some of the observations and dersonetal.(2014)intheV band. Wealsofind,however, datareduction. SpecificallyforassistancewiththeMLO that∆m15 iscorrelatedwiththerisetime,althoughwith observations, we acknowledge N. Duong, T. Fetherolf, S. a large scatter. SNe with longer rise times also decline Brunker, R. Dixon, and A. Rachubo. faster. A.G.Y. is supported by the EU/FP7 via ERC grant Nicholl et al. (2015) have recently explored various no. 307260,theQuantumUniverseI-COREProgramby mechanisms to explain hydrogen-poor superluminous the Israeli Committee for Planning and Budgeting and SNe(SLSNe,Gal-Yam2012). Theirmodelsincludemag- theIsraelScienceFoundation(ISF);byMinervaandISF netars (Kasen & Bildsten 2010; Woosley 2010), circum- grants;bytheWeizmann-UK“makingconnections”pro- stellar interaction (Woosley et al. 2007; Ofek et al. 2010; gram; and by Kimmel and ARCHES awards. E.O.O. is Chevalier & Irwin 2011), and 56Ni radioactive decay. incumbent of the Arye Dissentshik career development They find an opposing correlation to ours: in hydrogen- chairandisgratefulforsupportbygrantsfromtheWill- poor SLSNe, as well as in all of the above-mentioned nerFamilyLeadershipInstituteIlanGluzman(Secaucus, 9 ρ =-0.61, P-Value =1.1e-06 ρ =0.32, P-Value =1.6e-02 10 10 5 5 0 0 0.4 0.4 5 5 1 1 m 0.2 m 0.2 ∆ ∆ 0 0 -0.2 -0.2 -19 -18 -17 -16 -15 0 5 10 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 5 10 Peak R absolute magnitude Rest frame rise time in days ρ =-0.22, P-Value =0.11 ρ =-0.65, P-Value =7.7e-04 10 5 5 0 0 e e d d u u nit-15 nit-15 g g a a m m -16 -16 e e ut ut sol-17 sol-17 b b a a R R k -18 k -18 a a e e P P -19 -19 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 5 10 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 Rest frame rise time in days v50 Hα / 103 kms−1 Figure 9. Topleft: ∆m15asafunctionofthepeakmagnitude. Topright: ∆m15asafunctionofrisetime. Bottomleft: Peakmagnitude asafunctionofrisetime,derivedfromthesmoothedlightcurves(AppendixFiguresB6—B9). Bottomright: Peakmagnitudeasafunction ofv50. NJ),ISF,Minerva,Weizmann-UK,andtheI-COREPro- chos of the Instituto de Astrof´ısica de Canarias. This gramofthePlanningandBudgetingCommitteeandthe research has made use of the APASS database, located ISF. M.S. acknowledges support from the Royal Soci- at the AAVSO web site. Funding for APASS has been ety and EU/FP7-ERC grant no [615929]. K.M. is grate- provided by the Robert Martin Ayers Sciences Fund. A ful for a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship, within portionofthisworkwascarriedoutattheJetPropulsion the 7th European Community Framework Programme Laboratory under a Research and Technology Develop- (FP7). D.C.L., S.F.A., J.C.H., and J.M.F. are sup- ment Grant, under contract with the National Aeronau- ported by NSF grants AST-1009571 and AST-1210311, tics and Space Administration. Copyright 2015 Califor- under which part of this research (photometry data col- nia Institute of Technology. All Rights Reserved. US lectedatMLO)wascarriedout. Thesupernovaresearch Government Support Acknowledged. LANL participa- of A.V.F.’s group at U.C. Berkeley presented herein is tion in iPTF is supported by the US Department of En- supported by Gary & Cynthia Bengier, the Christopher ergy as part of the Laboratory Directed Research and R. Redlich Fund, the TABASGO Foundation, and NSF Development program. grant AST-1211916. ResearchatLickObservatoryispartiallysupportedby REFERENCES agenerousgiftfromGoogle. Someofthedatapresented herein were obtained at the W. M. 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