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TYPE, COTYPE AND TWISTED SUMS INDUCED BY COMPLEX INTERPOLATION 7 1 WILLIAN HANSGOESCORREˆA 0 2 Abstract. ThispaperdealswithextensionsortwistedsumsofBanachspaces r a thatcomeinducedbycomplexinterpolationandtherelationbetweenthetype M and cotype of the spaces in the interpolation scale and the nontriviality and singularityoftheinducedextension. Theresultsarepresented inthecontext 3 of interpolation of familiesof Banach spaces, and areapplied to the study of submodulesofSchattenclasses. Wealsoobtainnontrivialextensionsofspaces ] withouttheCAPwhichalsofailtheCAP. A F . h 1. Introduction t a A twisted sum of Banach spaces Y and Z is a short exact sequence m [ 0 // Y i //X q //Z //0 2 where X is a quasi-Banach space and the arrows are bounded linear maps. v The theory of twisted sums of Banach spaces has been successfully used in the 4 study of the so called 3-space properties. Given a property P of Banach spaces, P 8 is said to be a 3-space property (3SP) if for every Banachspace X having a closed 0 7 subspace with P and respective quotient also with P, X has P. Simple examples 0 of 3SP are separability, having finite dimension and reflexivity. 1. To see how twisted sums and 3SP are related, consider the following problem of 0 Palais: is being isomorphic to a Hilbert space a 3SP?Finding a counterexample to 7 this problem corresponds to finding a twisted sum 1 // // // // : 0 H1 X H2 0 v i where H and H are a Hilbert spaces and H is not complemented in X (in this X 1 2 1 case, X is automatically isomorphic to a Banach space). r a In [20], Enflo, Lindenstrauss andPisier show that there is such counterexample. KaltonandPeckgaveasolutionsomeyearslater([26])usingnonlinearmapscalled quasi-linear. They obtained a twisted sum: // // // // (1.1) 0 ℓ Z ℓ 0 2 2 2 in which the copy of ℓ in Z is not complemented. 2 2 The Kalton-Peck space Z also appears in a construction due to Rochberg and 2 Weiss which is possible everytime we havea compatible pair (X ,X ) in the sense 0 1 of interpolation (see [35]). Given (X ,X ), for each θ ∈ (0,1) we have a twisted 0 1 sum of X with itself, denoted dX . In this context the Kalton-Peck space comes θ θ induced by the interpolation scale (ℓ ,ℓ ) at θ = 1. ∞ 1 2 ThepresentworkwasproducedwithsupportfromCNPq,NationalCouncilforScientificand Technological Development - Brazil, grant 140413/2016-2, and CAPES, Coordenac¸a˜o de Aper- fei¸coamentodePessoaldeN´ıvelSuperior,grant1328372. 1 2 WILLIANHANSGOESCORREˆA Given two Banach spaces Y and Z, we always have a trivial twisted sum by means of the direct sum Y ⊕Z with the obvious inclusion and quotient map. So the first objective in the theory is obtaining nontrivial twisted sums, i.e., twisted sums in which the subspace is not complemented in the middle space. In[25],underthe assumptionofsuper-reflexivity,Kaltonshowsthatthetwisted sum induced by a compatible pair of K¨othe function spaces (X ,X ) is boundedly 0 1 trivial (a subclass of trivial twisted sums) exactly when X = X . One of the 0 1 results of a preprint of Castillo, Ferenczi and Gonz´alez ([10]) is that, under the sameassumptions,thetwistedsuminducedbyacompatiblepairofK¨othefunction spaces (X ,X ) at θ is trivial precisely when X is a weighted version of X . The 0 1 1 0 question of which interpolation scales generate trivial twisted sums is still open in the general scenario. Banach’sHyperplaneProblemasksifBanachspacesarealwaysisomorphictoits hyperplanes. In [23], Gowers answered this problem in the negative. The Kalton- Peck space is naturally isomorphic to its subspaces of codimension 2, but it is still unknown if it is isomorphic to its hyperplanes. Since it appears more naturally than Gower’s contruction, it would be interesting to know if it also answers in the negative the Hyperplane Problem. In that direction, [9] suggests that this problem is related to the singularity of thequotientmapinthetwistedsum(1.1). Soanotherobjectiveistoobtaintwisted sums in which the quotient map is strictly singular. Castillo, Ferenczi and Gonz´alez ([11]) studied the singularity of twisted sums induced by interpolation when the spaces in the scale have a K¨othe function space or unconditional structure, or at least a Schauder basis with some form of local unconditionality. By studying the quasi-linear maps that define the twisted sums and how they relate to the structure of the spaces in the interpolation scale, they were able to obtain results ensuring nontriviality or singularity. In this workwe study twistedsums induced by interpolationwhenthe spacesin the interpolation scale do not necessarily satisfy any form of unconditionality. We donotneedthe presenceofa Schauderbasiseither. Usingthe classicalconcepts of Rademacher type and cotype of a Banach space, we give results in the same spirit ofthosein[11],withoutconditionsofanunconditionalorfunctionspacestructure. The structureofthe paperisthe following: inthe remainderofthe Introduction wegive the necessarybackgroundontwistedsums (1.1)and complexinterpolation (1.2), and how the two of them are related (1.3). We do this in the context of interpolationoffamilies,mixingtheinterpolationmethodsof[17]and[29],detailing the conditionsthatguaranteethatthe scaleinduces atwistedsumbymeans ofthe pushout. We point out that according to [27] the framework of analytic families maybeappliedtotheinterpolationmethodof[17],butthereisonetechnicaldetail that is overlooked(see Proposition 1.5). Section 2 is devoted to obtaining conditions on the Rademacher type of the spaces of the interpolation scheme that ensure nontriviality or singularity of the induced twisted sum. Let S={z ∈C:0<Re(z)<1},and S ={z ∈C:Re(z)= j j}, j =0,1. We prove the following result: Theorem 2.14. Let{(Xz)z∈∂S,X}beaninterpolationfamilyforwhichthespaces X , for a.e. z ∈S have type p with uniformly bounded constants, that p =p , z j j Xz j j =0,1, and that p 6=p . Consider p given by 1 = 1−Re(z0) + Re(z0). 0 1 p p0 p1 TYPE, COTYPE AND TWISTED SUMS INDUCED BY COMPLEX INTERPOLATION 3 a) Suppose that W ⊂ X is an infinite dimensional closed subspace such that z0 p =p. Then the twisted sum induced by W is not trivial. In particular,if X is W z0 infinite dimensional and p =p, dX is a nontrivial extension of X . Xz0 z0 z0 b) IfX isinfinitedimensionalandp =pforeveryinfinite dimensionalclosed z0 W subspace W ⊂X , then dX is a singular extension of X . z0 z0 z0 In Section 3 we use a dualization argument to prove an analogous result for nontrivialityunderconditionsonthecotypeofthespacesoftheinterpolationscale, this time for interpolation of couples: Theorem 3.4. LetX =(X ,X )be acompatiblepairofBanachspaces. Suppose 0 1 ∆(X) dense in X and in X and that at least one of the spaces X or X is 0 1 0 1 reflexive. Suppose also that X and X have type strictly bigger than 1, that X 0 1 0 hascotypeq , thatX hascotype q , q 6=q ,that X isinfinite dimensional X0 1 X1 X0 X1 θ and that q satisfies 1 = 1−θ + θ . Then d X is a nontrivial extension of Xθ qXθ qX0 qX1 Ωθ θ X . θ In Section 4, we give some examples. We call attention to examples 4.3, where we exploit the known nonsigularity of certain twisted sums to obtain results on the structure of submodules of Schatten classes, and 4.4, where we get nontrivial twisted sums such that the three spaces in the short exact sequences do not have the compact approximation property. This last result seems not to be obtainable only from Kalton’s results or the ones from [11]. 1.1. Twisted Sums and Extensions. Wepresentherethenecessarybackground on the theory of twisted sums of Banach spaces. We recall that a linear operator T : X → X is called strictly singular if its 1 2 restrictiontoanyclosedinfinitedimensionalsubspaceofX isnotanisomorphism. 1 If Y is a closed subspace of X , we let q :X →X /Y be the quotient map. The 2 Y 2 2 operator T it is called strictly cosingular if q ◦T being surjective implies Y of Y finite codimension in X . 2 Consider a twisted sum // i // q // // 0 Y X Z 0 We suppose that X is isomorphic to a Banach space. The twisted sum is said to be: • trivial if i(Y) is complemented in X; • singular if q is strictly singular; • cosingular if i is strictly cosingular. One also refersto X as a twistedsum ofY and Z. IfY =Z, X is also calledan extension of Y. Given two twisted sums X and X ofY and Z, they are equivalent if there is a 1 2 bounded linear operator T :X →X making the following diagram commute: 1 2 // // // // 0 Y X Z 0 1 T (cid:15)(cid:15) // // // // 0 Y X Z 0 2 4 WILLIANHANSGOESCORREˆA If the identities in the diagramare instead isomorphisms, i.e., if we have a com- mutative diagram // // // // 0 Y X Z 0 1 1 1 T (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) // // // // 0 Y X Z 0 2 2 2 wheretheverticalarrowsareisomorphisms,X andX aresaidtobeisomorphically 1 2 equivalent. A twisted sum of Y and Z is trivial if and only if it is equivalent to the trivial twisted sum Y ⊕Z. Twisted sums are induced by maps F : Z →Y called quasi-linear ([26]), which are homogeneous maps for which there is a positive constant K such that kF(z +z )−F(z )−F(z )k≤K(kz k+kz k) 1 2 1 2 1 2 for all z ,z ∈ Z. A quasi-linear map F induces a twisted sum Y ⊕ Z of Y and 1 2 F Z, which is Y ×Z with the quasi-norm k(y,z)k=ky−Fzk +kzk Y Z with the obviousinclusion and quotient. Reciprocally, givena twisted sum X of Y andZ,thereisaquasi-linearmapF :Z →Y suchthatX isequivalenttoY ⊕ Z: F simply take F =i−1◦(B−L), where B is any bounded homogeneousselection for thequotientmap,andLisanylinearselectionforthe quotientmap(werecallthat a selection is a right inverse). Two quasi-linear maps F,G : Z → Y are said to be equivalent if they induce equivalent twisted sums. In the same way, we have the concept of isomorphically equivalent quasi-linear maps. A quasi-linearmap F :Z →Y is trivial if there is a linear map A:Z →Y such that kF −Ak= sup kF(z)−A(z)k<∞ kzk≤1 This happens if and only if F induces the trivial twisted sum Y ⊕Z. Given a closed subspace W of Z, there is a twisted sum 0 //Y // q−1(W) //W //0 defined by F| . The twisted sum X is singular if and only if F| is nontrivialfor W W every closed infinite dimensional subspace W of Z. If the context is clear, we call the previous short exact sequence the twisted sum induced by W. Given a twisted sum X of Y and Z and a bounded linear operator α:Y →Y′, we have a twisted sum of Y′ and Z by means of the pushout ([15]): // // // // 0 Y X Z 0 α (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) 0 //Y′ //PO //Z // 0 Here, PO =(X ⊕Y′)/∆, where ∆={(i(y),−α(y)):y ∈Y}, the embedding is y′ 7→ (0,y′)+∆, and the quotient map is (x,y′)+∆ 7→ q(x). If X is defined by the quasi-linear map F, then PO is defined by the quasi-linear map α◦F. Notice that if X is a Banach space, so is PO. TYPE, COTYPE AND TWISTED SUMS INDUCED BY COMPLEX INTERPOLATION 5 For more information on twisted sums, we refer the reader to [13]. 1.2. Complex Interpolation. Now we describe the complex method of interpo- lationwe use, which is a modificationof that of [17], mixing it with that of [29] (in the sense that, as in [29], we choose the intersection space). The modification is minor, so we refer to [17] for more details. It was somewhat predicted by the authors of the original method (see their Appendix 2), but we do not know if it was presented elsewhere. This modification is only in order to simplify the calculationof the interpolationspace. For example, ifonewantstoobtainFerenczi’sspace([21]),c isthenaturalchoiceofintersection 00 space, and one does not have to actually compute the intersection. The applications given in Section 4 use only interpolation of couples, but since the proofs of Section 2 pass without great difficulty to the context of families, we present them in this more general scenario. We denote by D the open unit disk in the complex plane, and by S the strip {z ∈C:0<Re(z)<1}. If z = j +it, we let dP (z) = dP (j +it) = P(z ,j +it)dt be the harmonic z0 z0 0 measureon∂Swithrespecttothepointz ,whereP(z ,j+it)isthePoissonkernel 0 0 on the strip. We denote by S the line Re(z)=j, j =0,1. j AfamilyofBanachspaces{(X ,k.k ):z ∈∂S}isaninterpolation family ifeach z z X is continuously linearly included in a Banach space U and we fix a subspace X z of ∩z∈∂SXz satisfying for some z0 ∈S: I1 For everyx∈X, kxk is ameasurablefunction on∂S withrespectto dP z z0 and log+kxk dP (z)<∞ z z0 Z∂S where log+(t)=max{0,logt}. I2 Thereisa(fixed)measurablefunctionkon∂Ssuchthat log+k(z)dP (z)< z0 ∂S ∞ and for every x∈X and every z ∈∂S we have kxk R≤k(z)kxk . U z It follows that these conditions are satisfied for every z ∈ S. The space U is 0 called a containing space for the family. So an interpolation family is actually a pair {(Xz)z∈∂S,X} satisfying the above conditions. The space X plays a role analogousto that of the intersection space of classical complex interpolation for couples of Banach spaces. We recall now the definitions and some basic properties of the Nevanlinna and Smirnov classes of analytic functions. The Nevanlinna class N consists of all ana- lytic functions f defined on D such that the integrals 2π log+ f(reiθ) dθ Z0 (cid:12) (cid:12) areuniformlyboundedforr<1. Forsuc(cid:12)hfuncti(cid:12)onsthenontangentiallimitsf(eiθ) exist for almost every θ ∈ [0,2π], and log f(eiθ) is an integrable function unless f =0. (cid:12) (cid:12) The Smirnov class N+ consists of the fu(cid:12)nction(cid:12)s in N which satisfy 2π 2π lim log+ f(reiθ) dθ = log+ f(eiθ) dθ r→1 Z0 Z0 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 6 WILLIANHANSGOESCORREˆA We have the following characterizations: f ∈ N (N+) if and only if log+|f(z)| has a (quasi-bounded) harmonic majorant. Therefore, they are invariant by com- position on the right with a conformal equivalence of the unit disk. We let P ,P be two distinct points of C of norm 1 and ϕ:D\{P ,P }→S be 1 2 1 2 a surjective conformal map on the interior of D, continuous on its domain. N(S)(N+(S))istheclassofanalyticfunctionsf definedonSsuchthatf◦ϕ∈N (N+). These classes are closed under sum and multiplication. Notice that these definitionsareindependentoftheconformalmapϕ. Formoreinformationregarding N and N+, see [19], [36] or [37]. Westateandproveforfutureusethefollowinglemma,whichisprobablyknown: Lemma 1.1. Suppose that h∈N+. Then the function h(z)−h(0) g(z)= z with g(0)=h′(0) is in N+. Proof. We have that g is analytic, and belonging to N is equivalent to having the integrals 2π log(1+ f(reiθ) )dθ Z0 (cid:12) (cid:12) uniformly bounded in r <1 [37]. (cid:12) (cid:12) But 2π 2π log(1+ g(reiθ) )dθ ≤ log(1+ h(reiθ)−h(0) )dθ−2πlog(r) Z0 Z0 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) We have that lo(cid:12)g(1+|g(cid:12)(z)|) is subharmoni(cid:12)c, and therefor(cid:12)e the integral on the left is nondecreasing in r ([19], Theorem 1.6). Since h(z)−h(0) is in N, we have that g ∈N. To see that g ∈N+, consider for 0<r <1, 0<s, the sets A ={θ ∈[0,2π]: h(reiθ)−h(0) >s} r,s Since h(z)−h(0)∈N+, we have: (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 2π h(reiθ)−h(0) log+ dθ reiθ Z0 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) = log h(cid:12)(reiθ)−h(0) d(cid:12)θ−log(r)λ(A ) (cid:12) (cid:12) r,r ZAr,r 2π (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12) = log+ h(reiθ)−h(0) dθ+ log h(reiθ)−h(0) dθ Z0 ZAr,r\Ar,1 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) −log(r)λ((cid:12)Ar,r) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 2π → log+ h(eiθ)−h(0) dθ Z0 2π (cid:12) (cid:12) = log+(cid:12)g(eiθ) dθ (cid:12) Z0 (cid:12) (cid:12) and that ends the proof(cid:12). (cid:12) (cid:3) TYPE, COTYPE AND TWISTED SUMS INDUCED BY COMPLEX INTERPOLATION 7 Definition1.2. Givenaninterpolationfamily{(Xz)z∈∂S,X}weletG bethespace of all finite sums g(z)= ψ (z)x , where ψ ∈N+(S) and x ∈X, for which j j j j P kgkG =esssupkg(z)kz z∈∂S is finite. We denote by F the completion of this space with respect to k.k . G As in [17], we have that F is a subspace of the following Banach space H: let X(z) be the closure of X in X , and K be the function on S defined by K(z) = z exp(u(z)+iv(z)),whereu(z)= logk(γ)dP (γ)andvisaharmonicconjugateof ∂S z u. K nevervanishesandhasa.e.nontangentiallimitson∂Ssuchthat|K(z)|=k(z) for a. e. z ∈∂S. R Definition 1.3. The Banachspace H consists of the U−valued analytic functions h on S such that kh(z)/K(z)k in bounded on S, the nontangential limit h(z) ∈ U X(z)⊂U exists for a. e. z ∈∂S, andkh(z)k is anessentially bounded measurable z function on ∂S. The norm of an element h of H is khk =esssupkh(z)k H z z∈∂S For x∈X, let kxk =inf{kgk :g(z )=x} {z0} G 0 and let X be the completion of X with respect to this norm. {z0} For z ∈ S, we have the interpolation space X = {f(z ) : f ∈ F}, with the 0 [z0] 0 quotient norm kxk =inf{kfk :f ∈F,f(z )=x} [z0] F 0 Thedefinitionsof[17]arethesameaspresentedhereinthecasewhereallvectors x in the intersection ∩z∈∂SXz satisfy that kxkz is a measurable function and X is formed by all vectors in the intersection satisfying condition I1. An inspection of the proofs in that article shows that the spaces defined here satisfy interpolation propertiessimilartothatofCaldero´n’sinterpolationspaces. Wehavethefollowing analogue of Theorem 4.1 of [17]: Theorem 1.4. Let {(Az)z∈∂S,A} and {(Bz)z∈∂S,B} be interpolation families with containing spaces U and V, respectively. Let M be a real function on ∂S such that logM(z) is absolutely integrable on ∂S, and let M(z )=exp logM(z)dP (z). 0 ∂S z0 (1) Let T : A → B be a linear map with kTak ≤ M(z)kak for all a ∈ A Bz R Az and for all z ∈∂S. Then, for each z ∈S, T has a unique extension to an 0 operator from A into B with norm at most M(z ). {z0} {z0} 0 (2) Let T : U → V be a bounded operator mapping A into B with kTak ≤ Bz M(z)kak for all a ∈ A and all z ∈ ∂S. Then T maps A into B Az [z0] [z0] with norm at most M(z ). 0 We will alwaysassume that X =X isometrically, and we drop the braces {z0} [z0] and brackets and write X . The next proposition shows that this happens for z0 every z ∈S if and only if F is admissible in the sense of [27]. 0 Proposition 1.5. Let {(Xz)z∈∂S,X} be an interpolation family and let ψ :S→D be a conformal map such that ψ(z )=0. Then X =X if and only if for all 0 {z0} [z0] f ∈F with f(z )=0 we have f ∈F. 0 ψ 8 WILLIANHANSGOESCORREˆA Proof. Suppose X = X , and let f ∈ F with f(z ) = 0. Then we can {z0} [z0] 0 approximate f by functions g ∈ G with g (z ) = 0. Indeed, let ǫ > 0, and take n n 0 g ∈ G such that kf −gk ≤ ǫ. So kg(z )k ≤ ǫ, and there is h ∈ G such that F 3 0 z0 3 h(z )=g(z )andkhk ≤ 2ǫ. Theng−h∈G,(g−h)(z )=0,andkf−(g−h)k ≤ǫ. 0 0 G 3 0 G Now it is easy to check using Lemma 1.1 and taking ϕ = ψ−1 that gn ∈ G, ψ f ∈H, and that gn → f. ψ ψ ψ For the converse, it enough to use the fact that for x ∈ X there is a function ψ ∈ N+(S) such that ψ(z )= 1 and ψ(z)x ∈G ([17]) and prove that if N = {f ∈ 0 F : f(z ) = 0}, then G ∩N is dense in N. All one has to do is follow the same 0 reasoning of the proof of [38], Lemma 2.5. (see also the remark (i) in Appendix 1 of [17]). (cid:3) ThisspacecoincideswithCaldero´n’sspacewhenX =X ,forj =0,1,t∈R, j+it j and we take as containing space X +X and X = X ∩X (see corollary 5.1 of 0 1 0 1 [17] and Section 3, where we recall Caldero´n’s method of interpolation). We also have the following formula for the norm of x ∈ X ((2.5) of [17], with z0 p=1): (1.2) kxk =inf{exp logkf(z)k dP (z)}=inf{ kf(z)k dP (z)} z0 z z0 z z0 Z∂S Z∂S where the infimum is taken over all f ∈ F with f(z ) = x. Recalling that 0 dP (z)=Re(z ), we apply Jensen’s inequality to the first equality to get S1 z0 0 R(1.3) kf(z )k ≤ kf(z)k dP0(z) 1−Re(z0) kf(z)k dP1(z) Re(z0) 0 z0 S z z0 S z z0 (cid:16)Z 0 (cid:17) (cid:16)Z 1 (cid:17) for every f ∈ F, where dPj are the respective probability measures defined by dP on S , j =0,1. z0 z0 j 1.3. Relation between interpolation and twisted sums. Let δ : F → X z0 z0 be the evaluation at z , and δ′ :F →U be the evaluation of the derivative at z . 0 z0 0 ThefollowingpropositionisaknownconsequenceofF beinganadmissiblespace of analytic functions (see [?], for example), but we prove it here to clarify the role of Proposition 1.5. Proposition 1.6. δ′ :ker(δ )→X is bounded and onto. z0 z0 z0 Proof. Let f ∈ F and f(z ) = 0. By Proposition 1.5, if ψ : S → D is a conformal 0 map such that ψ(z ) = 0, we have g = |ψ′(z )| f ∈ F, g(z ) = f′(z ) ∈ X , and 0 0 ψ 0 0 z0 kf′(z )k ≤kgk =|ψ′(z )|kfk . 0 z0 F 0 F To see that it is onto, given f ∈ F we have h = ψf ∈ ker(δ ) and h′(z ) = z0 0 ψ′(z )f(z ). (cid:3) 0 0 Therefore, we get an extension of X by means of the pushout: z0 // // // // 0 kerδ F X 0 z0 z0 δ′ (cid:15)(cid:15) z0 (cid:15)(cid:15) // // // // 0 X PO X 0 z0 z0 If B is a homogeneous bounded selection for δ and L is a linear selection z0 z0 z0 for δ , then PO is defined by the quasi-linear map δ′ ω : X → X , where z0 z0 z0 z0 z0 ω =B −L . Notice that PO is a Banach space. z0 z0 z0 TYPE, COTYPE AND TWISTED SUMS INDUCED BY COMPLEX INTERPOLATION 9 We can simplify the calculations of the next sections by working with the map Ω =δ′ B instead of ω ([11], section 3.1; [27], section 10): consider the space z0 z0 z0 z0 d X ={(x,y)∈U ×X :x−Ω y ∈X } Ωz0 z0 z0 z0 z0 withthequasinormk(x,y)k=kx−Ω yk +kyk . Withtheembeddingx7→(x,0) z0 z0 z0 and quotient map (x,y) 7→ y this is an extension of X equivalent to PO. The z0 map Ω depends on the choice of B , but it is easy to see that any other choice z0 z0 would give an equivalent extension. Therefore, if no confusion is to be made, we shall refer to the space d X Ωz0 z0 simply as dX . z0 2. Type and extensions induced by interpolation We recall the definition of (Rademacher) type of a normed space. A general reference for this topic is [1]. Definition 2.1. Let X be a normed space and p ∈[1,2]. X has type p if there is K >0 such that given any finite sequence of vectors x ,...,x ∈X, we have 1 n 1 n n p E ǫ x ≤K kx kp j j j (cid:13) (cid:13) ! (cid:13)Xj=1 (cid:13) Xj=1 (cid:13) (cid:13) where the expected value i(cid:13)s taken ov(cid:13)er all possible choices of signs ǫj =±1. (cid:13) (cid:13) Notethateverynormedspacehastype1withconstant1. Thesupremumofthe types of X is denoted by p . X To simplify notation, we will write θ =Re(z ). 0 A first relation between type and interpolation is the following classical result, here stated in our context (see [3] and [24], for example): Proposition 2.2. Let {(Xz)z∈∂S,X} be an interpolation family such that Xz has type p for z ∈S , j =0,1, with constant C(z), and that either j j (1) C(z) is an integrable function with respect to dP , or z0 (2) esssupz∈∂SC(z)<∞. Then X has type p, where 1 = 1−θ + θ , with best constant at most z0 p p0 p1 (1) C =( C(z)dP0(z))1−θ( C(z)dP1(z))θ S0 z0 S1 z0 (2) C =eRsssupz∈∂SC(z). R respectively. Proof. The proof is similar to that of Proposition 4.4 of [12], one just has to con- sidergeneralfunctions inF insteadofminimalfunctions,andtakethe appropriate infimum. (cid:3) Our goal is to give conditions on the types of the spaces under consideration ensuring that dX is nontrivial, or even singular. We start noticing that if we z0 consider in F the norm |||F|||= kF(z)k dP (z) z z0 ∂ZS then by (1.2) kxk = inf{|||F||| : F ∈ F,F(z ) = x}, for all x ∈ X . It is z0 0 z0 also easy to see that |||F||| ≤ kFk , for all F ∈ F, and by the same reasoning of F Proposition 1.6 one has: 10 WILLIANHANSGOESCORREˆA Lemma 2.3. δ′ :(kerδ ,|||.|||)→X is bounded. z0 z0 z0 Besides, since |||F|||≤kFkon F,we havethatB :X →(F,|||.|||) is bounded. z0 z0 This allows us to work with the space (F,|||.|||) instead of (F,k.k ), which in turn F will be useful in order to obtain some desired estimates. We record for future use the following fact that follows almost by definition: Lemma 2.4. If W is a subspace of X such that the twisted sum induced by W z0 with respect to dX is trivial, then there is a linear function Λ:W →U such that z0 Ω | −Λ:W →X is bounded. z0 W z0 Toobtaintheirresultsonsingularity,theauthorsof[11]defineestimatorsrelated tothestructureofthespacesintheinterpolationscheme. Forexample,foraK¨othe function space X, they define the estimator M (n)=sup{kx +...+x k} X 1 n where the supremum is taken over x ,...,x in the unit ball of X with disjoint 1 n supports. The following is the estimator we use: Definition 2.5. Let X be a Banach space and n a natural number. We define: n β (X) = inf β such that E ǫ x ≤β , ∀x ∈B n i i i X ( ) (cid:13)Xi=1 (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) where B ={x∈X :kxk≤1}. (cid:13) (cid:13) X Note that β (X)=1 and β (X)≥β (X) for all n. 1 n+1 n It is easy to see that Lemma 2.6. Let X be a Banach space and x ,...,x ∈X. Then: 1 n n E ǫ x ≤β (X)supkx k i i n i (cid:13)Xi=1 (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) Lemma 2.7. Suppose tha(cid:13)t an infin(cid:13)ite dimensional Banach space X has type p and 1 1 that pX = p. Then for every n ≥ 1 we have np ≤ βn(X) ≤ KXnp, where KX is the best constant for the type p of X. Proof. Fixn andletx ,...,x be anyvectorsinB ,andK aconstantforthetype 1 n X p of X. We have: 1 n n p E ǫ x ≤ K kx kp i i i ! (cid:13)Xi=1 (cid:13) Xi=1 (cid:13) (cid:13) 1 (cid:13) (cid:13) ≤ Knp 1 So βn(X) ≤ KXnp. On the other side, by Maurey-Pisier’s theorem (see [32], for example), given ǫ>0, there are vectors x ,...,x of norm at most 1 in X such 1 n that, for every choice of (real) scalars a , i=1,...,n, we have i 1 1 1 n p n n p |a |p ≤ a x ≤ |a |p i i i i 1+ǫ ! (cid:13) (cid:13) ! Xi=1 (cid:13)Xi=1 (cid:13) Xi=1 (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13)

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