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Type Catalogue Of The Crustacea Decapoda In The Collections Of The Museu De Zoologia Da Universidade De Sao Paulo, Brazil PDF

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Preview Type Catalogue Of The Crustacea Decapoda In The Collections Of The Museu De Zoologia Da Universidade De Sao Paulo, Brazil

PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 116(2):423-437. 2003. Type catalogue of the Crustacea Decapoda in the collections of the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil Gustavo Augusto Schmidt de Melo, Renata M. Vezzani, and Oswaldo Campos Jr. (GASM, RMV) Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo, Av. Nazare 481, Ipiranga, Sao Paulo, SP, 04263-000, Brazil, e-mails: [email protected] and [email protected]; (OCJr) Centro Universitario Sao Camilo, Av. Nazare 1501, Ipiranga, Sao Paulo, SP, 04263-200, Brazil, e-mail: [email protected] — Abstract. Data and pertinent information on the type specimens of eighty- four species of Crustacea Decapoda held in the Museu de Zoologia da Univ- ersidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil, are provided. The taxa are arranged in alphabetic order. Included are references where all taxa were described, collection data, and changes in nomenclature. — Resumo. Sao apresentados dados e informagoes referentes aos especimes- tipo de oitenta e quatro especies de Crustacea Decapoda, depositados na co- legao carcinologica do Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo, Bra- sil. O tratamento das especies e feito em ordem alfabetica dentro das familias, e uma lista de referencias inclui todos os trabalhos nos quais as especies foram descritas. Brief History of Museu de Zoologia da dence, the present building of the Museu Universidade de Sao Paulo Paulista was inaugurated. This building is located near the streamlet where Emperor The origin of Museu de Zoologia da Dom Pedro I proclaimed independence for Universidade de Sao Paulo can be traced Brazil. back to 1886, the year of foundation of the The Section of Zoology of the Museu Comissao Geografica e Geologica (Geo- Paulista was established in 1925. In 1939 graphical and Geological Commission, the Section was transferred to the Depart- CGG) of the Province of Sao Paulo. The ment of Zoology of the Secretariat of Ag- aim of the Commission was to improve sci- riculture, Industry, and Commerce of the entific knowledge of the province. state of Sao Paulo. A new building was then In the last decade of the XIX century, constructed in order to accommodate the Francisco de Paula Mairynk acquired pri- collections. vate collections belonging to Colonel Joa- In 1969, The University of Sao Paulo in- quim Sertorio and offered them to the pro- corporated the Department of Zoology into vincial government in order to create a its bureaucratic structure. At that time the State Museum. After several years, these Department received its present name of collections were incorporated into collec- Museu de Zoologia (MZUSP). tions already held by the Comissao Geo- grafica e Geologica. This acquisition cre- The Crustacea Collection ated the nucleus of a museum of natural history. The carcinological collection of the By the end of 1893, the State Museum MZUSP was established on 19 March received the name Museu Paulista. In 1895, 1962, with 76 dried specimens found in the as a commemoration of Brazilian indepen- basement of the museum. Through 1966, 424 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON the collection was augmented by collections changes is provided in the Remarks with a from rivers, mangrove swamps, and beach- reference to the source of the change. In- es. The acquisition in 1967 of the Ocean- consistencies between the original descrip- ographic Vessel Prof. W. Besnard by the tion and the type specimen, register number, Oceanographic Institute of the University of label or any additional comment are also Sao Paulo (lOUSP) then enabled significant noted. Instances of type specimens which quantitative and qualitative improvements have been donated to or lodged in other in the collection. The partnership between museums are also noted in the Remarks. MZUSP and lOUSP in projects Ilha Grande Only types as recognized by the Inter- (1966-1969) and GEDIP (Grupo Executivo national Code of Zoological Nomenclature do Desenvolvimento da Industria da Pesca) (1999), hereafter referred to as the ICZN, I (1968-1969) and II (1972), in addition to are included in this list. other, less extensive surveys, was crucial in The collection includes some specimens bringing the collection to its present state. considered "possible-types". This material, The collection was originally intended to being potentially useful for future research lodge only species of the order Decapoda, on the group, is included in this paper, and because of space limitations. Nevertheless, pertinent details explained in the Remarks. other excellent collections were eventually Other abbreviations used: coll (collec- DOUFPE added, for instance that of Cirripedia, do- tor); (Departamento de Oceano- nated by Dr. Paulo S. Young of the Museu grafia da Universidade Federal de Pernam- Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, and a collec- buco); EPA (Expedigao Permanente do tion of Isopoda assembled by the late Dr. Amazonas); INPA (Instituto Nacional de Plinio Soares Moreira of lOUSP. Presently, Pesquisas da Amazonia); ITA (Instituto das the collection includes approximately Tecnologias Ambientais); juv (juvenile or 15,000 lots, and about 230,000 specimens juveniles); ovig. (ovigerous); Proj (Project); of Decapoda, which are chronologically RD (Project Rio Doce); sta (station); TAAF MD registered and sequentially numbered. 55 (Terres Australes et Antarctiques There are about 6000 uncatalogued lots. Fran^aises); UFRGS (Universidade Federal This collection is considered one of the best do Rio Grande do Sul). in Latin America. Suborder Pleocyemata Burkenroad, 1963 Organization of Catalogue Infraorder Caridea Dana, 1852 Superfamily Palaemonoidea Rafinesque, The catalogue presented herein includes 1815 all type specimens of Decapoda presently Family Palaemonidae Rafinesque, 1815 MZUSP held in the collection. Data and in- Macrobrachium birai, Lobao, Melo, & formation on 84 species of Crustacea De- Femandes, 1986:50 capoda are presented, including Brachyura — (46), Anomura (17), Caridea (10), and Holotype. S, Rio Branco, tributary of Thalassinidea (11). All specimens are pre- Rio Itapitangui, Cananeia, State of Sao Pau- served in 70% ethanol. lo, 24°54'44"S, 47°58'30"W, coll. V. L. Lo- The highest hierarchical levels (super- bao and W. M. Fernandes, Dec 1984, MZUSP families and families) are ordered according 8027. — & to Martin Davis (2001). The genera and Paratypes. All same data as holotype: MZUSP MZUSP species are arranged alphabetically within 1 (5, 8028; 1 c^, 8029; 1 MZUSP MZUSP each family. (?, 8030; 1 c?, 8031; 1 c?, Species are listed by the scientific name MZUSP 803—2; 1 ?, MZUSP 8033. under which each was originally described. Remarks. This species was redescribed Information regarding any subsequent name in a later paper by Melo et al. (1988:89). VOLUME NUMBER 116, 2 425 & Macrobrachium holthuisi Genofre nursery of shrimps, mud, coll. S. L. S. MZUSP Lobao, 1978:273, fig. 1 Bueno, 26 Jan 1979, 4544. — Holotype. S, Rio Guaeca, Sao Sebas- Alpheus pouang Christoffersen, 1979:324 tiao, State of Sao Paulo, coll. V. Lobao, 21 — Sep 1978, MZ—USP 5283. Holotype. S, Proj Sol, sta 1019, Paratypes. 4 2 same data as holotype, 23°39'S, 43°37'W, 27 May 1970, MZUSP , MZUSP 4830. 4543. & Macrobrachium inpa Kensley & Walker, Lepthalpheus axianassae Dworschak 1982:6, figs. 7-9, 12c Coelho, 1999:477, figs. 1-30 — — Paratype. 1 S, Igarape in the forest re- Paratypes. 1 $, 1 d, Praia do Ara9a, serve of INPA, Campina, km 60 BR-174, Sao Sebastiao, State of Sao Paulo, coll. V. State of Amazonas, 21 Jan 1981, MZUSP R. Coelho and S. de A. Rodrigues, 9 Aug MZUSP 1998, 13010. 7014. & Superfamily Processoidea Ortmann, 1890 Macrobrachium petronioi Melo, Lobao, Family Processidae Ortmann, 1890 Fernandes, 1986:51 — Processa brasiliensis Christoffersen, Holotype. S, Rio Branco, tributary of 1979:364 — Rio Itapitangui, Cananeia, State of Sao Pau- Paratypes. 2 S, RA^ Calypso, sta 77, lo, 24°54'44"S, 47°58'30"W, coll. V. L. Lo- 18°00'S, 38°18'W, 48 m, 28 Nov 1961, bao and W. M. Fernandes, Dec 1984, MZUSP 4554. MZUSP 8034. — Paratypes. All same data as holotype: Infraorder Thalassinidea Latreille, 1831 MZUSP MZUSP 1 6, 8035; 1 (5, 8036; 1 Superfamily Callianassoidea Dana, 1852 MZUSP MZUSP ?, —8037; 1 $, 8038. Family Callianassidae Dana, 1852 Remarks. This species was redescribed & Bijfarius delicatulus Rodrigues in a later paper by Melo et al. (1988:92). Manning, 1992a:324, figs, la-w — Pseudopalaemon gouldingi Kensley & Holotype. 6, Praia do Araga, Sao Se- Walker, 1982:18, figs. 20, 21 bastiao, State of Sao Paulo, near mangrove, — coll. S. de A. Rodrigues, 18 May 1985, Paratypes. 118 juv, near the mouth of MZUSP 10582. Rio Urubaxi, State of Amazonas, coll. M. MZUSP Golding, 11 Feb 1980, 7013. Callianassa guara Rodrigues, 1971:210, 61-76 figs. Superfamily Alpheoidea Rafinesque, 1815 — Holotype. S, Guaruja, State of Sao Family Alpheidae Rafinesque, 1815 Alpheus chacei Carvacho, 1979:455, Paulo, coll. T. K. S. Bjornberg, Oct 1961, MZUSP figs. 4-6 272—9. — Remarks. Transferred to Sergio Man- Holotype. $ ovig, Balneario Atalaia, ning & Lemaitre, 1994 by Manning & Le- State of Sergipe, coll. M. A. Santos, 12 Jul maitre (1994:39). MZUSP 1972, 4545. Callianassa guassutinga Rodrigues, Alpheus estuariensis Christoffersen, 1971:204, figs. 41-60 — 1984:191, figs. 1, 2 — Holoty^pe. 6. Praia do Araga, Sao Se- Holotype. 6, Estuary of Rio Potengi, bastiao, State of Sao Paulo, coll. S. de A. MZUSP Natal, State of Rio Grande do Norte, in Rodrigues, Sep 1965, 2728. 426 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON — Remarks. Transferred to Sergio Man- swamp, coll. S. L. S. Bueno, Mar 1983, ning & Lemaitre, 1994 by Manning & Le- MZUSP 10584. maitre (1994:39). Superfamily Axioidea Huxley, 1879 Callianassa mirim Rodrigues, 1971:214, Family Axiidae Huxley, 1879 & figs. 77-98 Eutrichocheles pindatyba Rodrigues — Kensley, 1991:556, figs. 1-16 Holotype. S, Baia de Santos, State of — Sao Paulo, coll. S. de A. Rodrigues, Mar Holotype. S, Santa Cruz, State of Es- 1966, MZUSP 2730. pirito Santo, 19°57'S, 40°08'W, coll. M. L. — Remarks. Transferred to Sergio Man- Christofferse—n, Mar 1979, MZUSP 10580. ning & Lemaitre, 1994, by Manning & Le- Remarks. Transferred to Paraxiopsis maitre (1994:39). De Man, 1905 by Kensley (1996:709). Eucalliax cearensis Rodrigues & Family Micheleidae Sakai, 1992 Manning, 1992a:327, figs. 2a-v Meticonaxius capricorni Coelho, 1987:64, — figs, la-d, 2a, b, 3 Holotype. S Barra do Rio Ceara, For- — , taleza. State of Ceara, coll. S. de A. Rodri- Holotype. 9, R/V Aim. Saldanha, Proj gues, 21 Feb 1984, MZUSP 10583. Sul II, sta 10, 23°52'S, 43°11'W, 27 Mar MZUSP 1972, — 7113. Lepidophthalmus sinuensis Lemaitre & Paratype. 1 S, R/V Aim. Saldanha, Rodrigues, 1991:625, figs. 1-4 Cabo Sao Tome, State of Rio de Janeiro, MZUSP — sta 9, 11 Feb 1969, 7114. Paratypes. 5 9, Fazenda Agrosoledad, Cordoba, Colombia, nursery of Penaeidae, Infraorder Anomura MacLeay, 1838 & coll. S. de A. Rodrigues R. Lemaitre, 20 Superfamily Galatheoidea Samouelle, MZUSP Jul 1990, 10751. 1819 Family Aeglidae Dana, 1852 Lepidophthalmus siriboia Aegla franca Schmitt, 1942:476, fig. 51, & Felder Rodrigues, 1993:367, 26d pi. figs. 2e-h, 4a-f, 5a-g, 6a-l — — Paratypes. 3 6, Franca, State of Sao Holotype. S, Rio Anil, Sao Luiz, State Paulo, coll. E. Garbe, Oct 1910, MZUSP of Maranhao, coll. D. Felder and S. de A. 622. Rodrigues, 18—Feb 1984, MZUSP 11083. Paratypes. 8 ? , same data as holotype, Aegla inermis Bond-Buckup & Buckup, MZUSP 11084. 1994:221, figs. 35a-e, 76a — Poti gaucho Rodrigues & Manning, Paratype. 1 9 , Arroio Kilometre, trib- utary of Arroio Cara, Osdrio-Borussia, 1992b: 10, figs, la-v — State of Rio Grande do Sul, coll. A. Rossi, Holotype. $, State of Rio Grande do 23 Jan 1979, MZUSP 11278 (Formerly Sul, 33°43'S, 5ri3'W, coll. S. de A. Rodri- UFRGS 345P). MZUSP gues, 10581. & Aegla itacolomiensis Bond-Buckup Family Laomediidae Borradaile, 1903 Buckup, 1994:212, figs. 31a-e, 75d & — Axianassa australis Rodrigues Shimizu, 1992:317, figs. 1-20 Paratype. 1 9, Arroio Demetrio, Fa- — zenda Fialho, Taquara, State of Rio Grande Holotype. 6 Fazenda Maricultura, Val- do Sul, coll. G. Bond-Buckup, Mar 1989, , enga. State of Bahia, near mangrove MZUSP 11280 (Formerly UFRGS 881P). VOLUME NUMBER 116, 2 427 Aegla jarai Bond-Buckup & Buckup, Buckup, 17 Sep 1977, MZUSP 1274 (For- 1 UFRGS 1994:229, figs. 40a-e, 72c merly 230P). — Paratypes. 2 S, Arroio Bandeirinha, & Aegla spinosa Bond-Buckup Buckup, Lages, State of Santa Catarina, coll. A. Ros- si, 22 Apr 1978, MZUSP 11279 (Formerly 1994:—224, figs. 37a-e, 72d UFRGS 249P). Paratypes. \ 6, \ 9, Rio Sao Joao, Campos Novos, km 310, State of Santa Ca- Aegla ligulata Bond-Buckup & Buckup, tarina, coll. A. Rossi, 22 Apr 1978, MZUSP 1994:216, figs. 33a-e, 74a 11276 (Formerly UFRGS 246P). — Paratype. 1 $ , Arroio Carvalho, Terra & de Areia, State of Rio Grande do Sul, coll. Aegla violacea Bond-Buckup Buckup, L. Buckup, 9 Nov 1977, MZUSP 11273 1994:210, figs. 30a-e, 76b — UFRGS (Formerly 252P). Paratypes. 1 6, \ 9, Arroio do Cerro Negro, Guaiba, Mariana Pimentel, State of & Aegla microphthalma Bond-Buckup Rio Grande do Sul, coll. L. Buckup, D. Buckup, 1994:262, figs. 61a-e, 70c Schossler and N. Fontana, 10 May 1988, — MZUSP UFRGS Holotype. $, Caverna Santana, Iporan- 11281 (Formerly 1123P). ga. State of Sao Paulo, coll. E. Trajano, MZUSP 7405. Family Galatheidae Samouelle, 1819 — Paratypes. 1 9- , same data as holotype, Munida atlantica Melo Filho & Melo, MZUSP 7408; 2 S,2 9, same data as ho- 1994:50, figs. 1-7 MZUSP — lotype, 11274. Holotype. 9, Aracati, State of Ceara, & RA^ Canopus, sta 45, 04°14'S, 37°22'W, 58 Aegla perobae Hebling Rodrigues, m, Aug 1965, MZUSP 11387. 1977:290, figs, la-e — Holotype. S, Caverna Peroba, Sao Pe- Munida brasiliae Coelho, 1973f:344 dro, State of Sao Paulo, 18 Jan 1973, — MZUSP 4005. Paratypes. 5 c?, 3 9, R/V A/m. Saldan- — Paratypes. 12 (5^, 4 $, same data as ho- ha, sta 170M8,ZU02S°P44'S, 39°01'W, 66 m, 22 MZUSP Oct 1967, 6611. lotype, 4006. — Remarks. Considered a synonym of Aegla rosanae Camp1o-s4 Jr., 1998:137, MFiulnhiod&a aMnegluola(t2a00B1e:n1e1di4c3t),. 1902 by Melo- figs. — Holotype. 6 , head-water of corrego Munida heblingi Melo-Filho & Melo, Benfica, Bacia do Rio Paraiba, Piquete, 1994:53, figs. 8-14 State of Sao Paulo, coll. R.S. Lima, O. Tak- — eshi and O. Campos Jr., 26 Jun 1992, Holotype. 6, RA^ Aim. Saldanha, Proj MZUSP 11162. Leste I, sta 1953A, State of Espirito Santo, — MZUSP Remarks. Considered a junior synonym 11388. of Aegla paulensis Schmitt, 1942:490 by Bond-Buckup & Buckup (2000:385). Munida petronioi Melo Filho & Melo, 1994:55, figs. 15-21 Aegla rossiana Bond-Buckup & Buckup, — Holotype. c^, R/V Aim. Saldanha, Proj 1994:208, figs. 29a-e, 73a — Norte-Nordeste I, sta 1684B, 03°59'S, MZUSP Paratypes. 1 9, 2 c^, Rio Jordao, Cri- 35°53'W, 75 m, 18 Oct 1967, ciuma, State of Santa Catarina, coll. L. 11389. 428 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON — Munida victoria Melo-Filho, 1996:272, Paratype. 1 S, same data as holotype, MZUSP figs. 1-7 11106. — Holotype. S R/V Marion Dufresne, Proj , Ranilia saldanhai Rodrigues da Costa, TAAF-55 BR, sta 55, 19°40'S, 38°43'W, 900 m, 30 May 1987, MZUSP 12256. 1970:33, fig. 1 — Holotype. 6, R/V Aim. Saldanha, Family Porcellanidae Haworth, 1825 dredging, 26-60 m, 07°55'S, 34°48'W, Porcellana paivacarvalhoi Rodrigues da MZUSP 8223. — Costa, 1968c:405r Remarks. Considered a synonym of — Paratype. S, Bairro Sao Francisco, Ranilia muricata H. Milne Edwards, 1837 1 Sao Sebastiao, State of Sao Paulo, MZUSP by Melo & Campos Jr. (1994:69). The ho- 8951. lotype is a male and not a female as listed — Remarks. Considered a synonym of by Rodrigues da Costa (1970:33). Porcellana platycheles Pennant, 1777 by Veloso & Melo (1993:171). Superfamily Cyclodorippoidea Ortmann, 1892 Infraorder Brachyura Latreille, 1802 Family Cyclodorippidae Ortmann, 1892 Section Dromiacea De Haan, 1833 Clythrocerus analogus Coelho, 1973d:343 Superfamily Dromioidea De Haan, 1833 — Family Dromiidae De Haan, 1833 Paratype. 1 9, RA^ Aim. Saldanha, Dromia gouveai Melo & Campos Jr., Proj Norte-Nordeste, MsZtaUS1P743A, 75 m, 00°51'S, 43°41'24"W, 4828. — 1999:281, figs. 3a, b — Remarks. Transferred to Deilocerus Ta- Holotype. 6, Salvador, Geribotuba, vares, 1996 by Tavares (1996:275). MZUSP State of Bahi—a, 10222. Paratype. 1 S, Saco de Mamangua, Clythrocerus bidentatus Campos Jr. & MZUSP Santos, State of Sao Paulo, 5526. Melo, 1999:7, figs. 1, 2 — Superfamily Homoloidea De Haan, 1839 Holotype. 9, RA^ Prof. W. Besnard, Proj Monitoramento, sta 28, 22°24'S, Family Latreilliidae Stimpson, 1858 40°42'W, 60 m, 09 Aug 1991, MZUSP Latreillia williamsi Melo, 1990b:28, 11077. figs. 1, 2 — Holotype. S, RA^ Prof. W. Besnard, Clythrocerus carinatus Coelho, 1973c:343 Proj GEDIP, State of Rio Grande do Sul, — WW sta 396, 34°26'S, 51°47'W, 155 m, sand and Paratypes. 1 (5^, 1 9, Aim. Saldan- gravel, 27 Aug 1968, MZUSP 3295. ha, Proj Norte-Nordeste, sta 1804B, 27 m, Paratypes.—All same data as holotype: sand, 25 Nov 1967, MZUSP 4827; 1 9, 1 9, MZUSP 5492; 1 9, MZUSP 5493; 1 RA^ Aim. Saldanha, Proj Geomar, sta 27, d, MZUSP 5494. 00°02'30"S, 46°15'00"W, 5 Jun 1968, MZUSP 4825; 19, RA^ Aim. Saldanha, Section Eubrachyura de Saint Laurent, 1980 Proj Norte-Nordeste, sta 1763, 00°25'S, Subsection Raninoida De Haan, 1839 47°17'W, MZUSP 12044. Superfamily Raninoidea De Haan, 1839 Family Raninidae De Haan, 1839 Cyclodorippe angulata Tavares, 1991:633, Ranilia guinotae Melo & Campos Jr., figs. 6b, 8c, lla-c — 1—994:69, figs. 16-22 Holotype. 9, RA^ Marion Dufresne, Holotype. 6 Santos, State of Sao Pau- Proj TAAF MD55-BR, sta 16, 310-360 m, , MZUSP lo, stomach content of the fish Diplectrum 20°26'S, 36°41'W, 2 Jun 1987, MZUSP formosum Linnaeus, 10932. 10266. VOLUME NUMBER 1 16, 2 429 Cyclodorippe longifrons Campos Jr. & Cymonomus oyakawai Campos Jr., Melo, 1999:38, figs. 1, 2 1997:131, fig. 2 — HoIotype. S, Proj Monitoramento, sta Holoty^pe.—S, RTV Prof W. Besnard, 05, 21°20'S, 40°16'W, 115 m, 18 Jul 1991, Proj GEDIP, State of Rio Grande do Sul, MZUSP 12055. sta 1646, 34°25'S, 51°49'W, 166 m, 18 Jan — MZUSP Paratypes. All same data as holotype: 1972, 6161. MZUSP MZUSP 1 ?, 12056; 1 $, 12057. Cymonomus tavaresi Campos Jr., Deilocerus coelhoi Campos Jr. & Melo, —1997:132, fig. 3 1998:130, figs. 1, 2 Holotype. 9, RA^ Emilia, Proj Ilha — Grande, State of Rio de Janeiro, sta C. Holotype. S, Proj Monitoramento, sta (288), 2 m, 30 Jul 1966, MZUSP 9193. 57, 23°36'S, 41°56'W, 170 m, 20 Aug 1991, MZUSP 11523. — Subsection Heterotremata Guinot, 1977 Paratypes. All same data as holotype: Superfamily Leucosioidea Samouelle, MZUSP MZUSP 1 $, 11524; 1 9, 11522. 1819 Family Leucosiidae Samouelle, 1819 Family Cymonomidae Bouvier, 1897 Ebalia conica Coelho, 1973a:342 — Cymonomus guillei Tavares, 1991:639, Holotype. S, RfV Aim. Saldanha, sta figs. 7b, 8d, 9b, lid 1784, off Cabo Norte, State of Amapa, — Holotype. 9, RA^ Marion Dufresne, 03°08'S, 49°07'W, 85 m, 16 Nov 1967, TAAF MD55-BR, MZUSP 6603. Proj sta 54, 19°36'S, — 38°53'W, 640 m, 30 May 1987, MZUSP Paratypes. 1 (5^, 1 9, KTV Aim. Saldan- 10268. ha, sta 1677, 04°41'S, 35°24'W, 65 m, 17 Oct 1967, MZUSP 6551; 1 S, RA^ Aim. Cymonomus guinotae Tavares, 1991:640, Saldanha, sta 1676A, 04°46'S, 35°24'W, 39 MZUSP m, 16 Oct 1967, 6561. figs. 7c, 8b, 9c, lOa-c — — Remarks. Transferred to Lithadia Bell, & Holotype. 9, RA^ Marion Dufresne, 1855 by Coelho Ramos-Porto (1986:67). Proj TAAF MD55-BR, sta 64, 23°46'S, 42°10'W, 610 m, 2 Jun 1987, MZUSP Ebalia obliqua Coelho, 1973b:342 — 10269. — Holotype. (5, North of State of Pernam- Remarks. Transferred to Cymonomo- buco, Proj ITA, 37 m, 17 Jan 1969, ides Tavares, 1993 by Tavares (1993:141). MZUSP 6544. — Paratypes. 6 2 carapaces, RA^ Aim. 1 , Cymonomus magnirostris Tavares, Saldanha, Proj Geomar, sta 34, 00°2rS, 1991:635, figs. 7a, 8e, 9a, lOd-f 46°58'W, 30 m, 7 Jun 1968, MZUSP 6554; — Holotype. $, RA/ Marion Dufresne, 1 S juMv,ZUPrSojPPernambuco, sta 27, 03 Feb 1969, 6558; S, Proj Pernambu- Proj TAAF MD55-BR, sta 64, 23°46'S, 1 MZUSP 42°10'W, 610 m, 2 Jun 1987, MZUSP co, sta 35B,—07 Feb 1969, 6556. Remarks. Transferred to Lithadia Bell, 10267. & 1855 by Coelho Ramos-Porto (1986:67). Cymonomus meloi Campos Jr., 1997:129, Ebalia vertiginosa Coelho, 1973e:343 — fig. 1 — Holotype. 6, R/V Canopus, sta 14, Holotype. S, Proj Integrado, Ubatuba, Or30'S, 38°43'W, 47 m, 12 Jul 1965, MZUSP MZUSP State of Sao Paulo, 10771. 6559. 430 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON — Paratypes. 1 9, R/V Akaroa, sta 37, 02°13.5'S, 40°43.5'W, 53 m, 29 Oct 1967, MZUSP 09°27'50"S, 35°17'45"W, 32 m, 6 Sep 1965, 7213. MZUSP 6549; 1 S. R/V Canopus, sta 61, 02°5rS, 38°51'W, 60 m, 25 Aug 1965, Family Mithracidae Balls, 1929 MZUSP 6552; 1 9, RA^ Akaroa, sta 59, Mithrax (Mithrax) besnardi Melo, 09°46'10"S, 35°34'40"W, 31 m, 7 Sep 1965, 1990a:20, figs. 1, 2 MZUSP 6555. — Holotype.—9, R/V Prof W. Besnard, Remarks. Transferred to Lithadia Bell, & Proj GEDIP, sta 1871, off Maldonado, Uru- 1855 by Coelho Ramos-Porto (1986:67). guay, 35°02'S, 52°42'W, 2100 m, 12 Aug MZUSP & 1972, 4565. Speloeophoroides capixaba Melo — Torres, 1998b:130, figs. 1-6 Paratypes. All same data as holotype: — 1 6, MZUSP 6241; 1 9, MZUSP 6242; 1 Holotype. 6, State of Espirito Santo, MZUSP 7519. (?, — Proj Rio Doce, sta RD-54, 18°54'08"S, Remarks. The subgenus Mithrax was MZUSP 39°15'04"W, 41 m, 1973, 9149. elevated to generic status in a revision of & the genus Mithrax by Wagner (1990). How- Speloeophorus brasiliensis Melo Torres, ever, it appears that Wagner was unable to 1998a: 126, figs. 7-10 — consider M. (M.) besnardi as his revision, Holotype. 1 S, Praia do Frances, Ma- and Melo's (1990a) description, appeared in MZUSP rechal Deodoro, State of Alagoas, the same year. 12045. Family Pisidae Dana, 1851 Superfamily Majoidea Samouelle, 1819 Libinia rostrata var. bellicosa Oliveira, Family Inachidae MacLeay, 1838 1944:87, figs. 1-3 Podochela atlantica Coelho, 1997:223, — A Remarks. female specimen has been figs, la-d WW found from Ilha do Pinheiro, State of Rio Holotype.—S, Prof. W. Besnard, de Janeiro, Brazil (MZUSP 8581), with Proj GEDIP, State of Rio Grande do Sul, similar information to that mentioned by sta 554, 32°12'S, 50°12'W, 149 m, 9 Mar Oliveira (1944) in his description of this MZUSP 1969, —3533. taxon. Paratypes. $ ovig., RA^ Prof. W. Bes- nard, Proj GEDIP, State of Rio Grande do Superfamily Parthenopoidea MacLeay, Sul, sta 576, 34°28'S, 51°53'W, 155 m, 14 1838 Mar 1969, MZUSP 3522; 1 $ ovig., R/V Family Parthenopidae MacLeay, 1838 Prof W. Besnard, Proj GEDIP, State of Rio Heterocrypta aloysioi Rodrigues da Costa, Grande do Sul, sta 547, 30°48'S, 49°18'W, MZUSP 1968a: 144, figs. 1, 2 160 m, Jul 1969, 5975. — Holotype. 5, Praia do Ara^a, Sao Se- Podochela meloi Sankarankutty, Ferreira bastiao. State of Sao Paulo, 3 Sep 1967, & Cunha, 2001:552, figs. 1, 2 MZUSP 822—4. — Paratype. 1 $, Estuary near Macau, Paratype. 1 $, same data as holotype, MZUSP State of Rio Grande do Norte, MZUSP 8225. 13192. Heterocrypta tommasii Rodrigues da Podochela minuscula Coelho, 1972:119, Costa, 1959:595, fig. 1 — figs, lb, c — Holotype. $ ovig., Cananeia, State of Paratype. 1 $ ovig., R/V Aim. Saldan- Sao Paulo, 25°06'00"S, 47°51'05"W, 26 Jul MZUSP ha, Proj Norte-Nordeste I, sta 1722, 1959, 8226. VOLUME NUMBER 1 16, 2 431 — & Paratypes. All same data as holotype: Sylviocarcinus australis Magalhaes 1 (?, 2 ?, MZUSP 8227; 15 $, MZUSP Turkay, 1996:113, figs. 36-38 — 8580. — Paratypes. 1 9,2 c?, Porto Espiridiao, Remarks. The holotype was originally State of Mato Grosso, coll. P. E. Vanzolini, deposited in lOUSP. 25 Dec 1976, MZUSP 6301; 7 9, 10 c?, Sao Luis de Caceres, coll. E. Garbe, Nov MZUSP Lambrus aylthoni Righi, 1965:57, fig. 1 1917, 2561; 1 9, 1 c?, Estrada — Transpantaneira, km 59, Pocone, State of Holotype. S, Ilha Vitoria, State of Sao Mato Grosso, coll. V. A. Araujo, 23 Jun Paulo, coll. A. Joly, Jul 1963, MZUSP 1985, MZUSP 9104; 2 d, Estrada Trans- 1820. — pantaneira, km 59, Pocone, State of Mato Paratypes. 1 S, Ilha Vitoria, State of Grosso, 27 Jun 1985, MZUSP 9505. MZUSP Sao Paulo, 5 Jul 1959, 2048; 1 9, Ilha de Alcatrazes, State of Sao Paulo, coll. Superfamily Xanthoidea MacLeay, 1838 lOUSP, 5 Oct 1959, MZUSP 2049. Family Goneplacidae MacLeay, 1838 — & Remarks. Transferred to Parthenope Chasmocarcinus arcuatus Coelho Filho Weber, 1795 by Righi (1967:114). Coelho, 1998:800, figs. 1-4 — Paratypes. 2 RTV Aim. Saldanha, (5, Solenolambrus brasiliensis Rodrigues da sta 7628, Ori9.5'N, 48°9.4'W, 45 m, 28 Jul MZUSP DOUFPE Costa, 1961:1, figs. 1, 2 1987, 13605. Formerly — 536. Holotype. State of Sao Paulo, c^ , 23°58'40"S, 46°80'30"W, MZUSP 8220. Chasmocarcinus hirsutipes Coelho Filho — & Paratypes. All same data as holotype: Coelho, 1998:804, figs. 5-7 — MZUSP MZUSP 1 9, 8221; 1 9, 8222. Paratypes. 2 S, Proj Geomar, sta 46, Or05'N, 47°42.4'W, 63 m, 9 Jun 1970, MZUSP DOUFPE Superfamily Cancroidea Latreille, 1802 13607. Formerly 514. Family Cancridae Latreille, 1802 & Chasmocarcinus meloi Coelho Filho Cancer luederwaldti Rathbun, 1930a:200, pis. 86-89 Coelho—, 1998:809, figs. 8, 9 — Paratypes. 2 9, R/V Akaroa, sta 181, Holotype. Sex undetermined, Santos, 10°38.15'S, 36°17.2'W, 130 m, 4 Dec 1965, State of Sao Paulo, coll. H. Liiderwaldt, MZUSP 13606. Formerly DOUFPE 508. MZUSP 948. — Remarks. Synonymized under Cancer Chasmocarcinus peresi Rodrigues da pagurus Linnaeus, 1758 by Rathbun Costa, 1968b:335 — (1930b:528). Paralectotypes. 8 c?, 8 9, R/V Calyp- so, sta 1816, Abrolhos, State of Bahia, MZUSP Superfamily Portunoidea Rafinesque, 1815 17°56'S, 38°40'W, 12 Feb 1962, Family Trichodactylidae H. Milne 8230; 5 9,3 c?, R/V Calypso, sta 1815, 21 Edwards, 1853 m, Abrolhos, State of Bahia, 17°56'S, MZUSP Goyazana rotundicauda Magalhaes & 38°40'W, 12 Feb 1962, 8747. Turkay, 1996:139, figs. 7, 10, 11 Speocarcinus meloi D'Incao & Gomes da — Holotype. 6, Igarape Mandua9u, Para- Silva, 1992:121, figs. 1-13 — na lupia, Northwest of Fonte Boa, State of Holotype. c?, R/V Atldntico Sul, Proj Amazonas, coll. EPA, 8-9 Oct 1968, Crustaceo, 32°17'S, 50°48'W, 14 Dec 1984, MZUSP MZUSP 7007. 9577. 432 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON — — Paratype. 1 $, same data as holotype, Paratypes. 5 $, same data as holotype, MZUSP MZUSP 9578. 12352. Family Panopeidae Ortmann, 1893 Fabia insularis Melo, 1971:200, figs. 2, 3, Hexanopanopeus heblingi Rodrigues & — pi. 2 Loyola e Silva, 1998:263, figs. 1-20 Holotype. 9, Proj Ilha Grande, State of — Rio de Janeiro, RA^ Emilia, sta 266, 20 Jul Holotype. S, South of Ilha Anchieta, 1966, in the bivalve Glycymeris (Glycymer- Ubatuba, State of Sao Paulo, 23°26'S, MZUSP ella) sp., — 3688. 4M3Z°U05S'PW, coll. N. J. Hebling, 7 Jul 1983, Paratypes. 1 9, same data as holotype, 12281. MZUSP — 3689; 1 9, Proj Ilha Grande, State Paratypes. All same data as holotype: of Rio de Janeiro, RA^ Emilia, sta 268, 15 MZUSP MZUSP 4 c?, 4 ?, 12282; 1 ?, m, 17 Jul 1966, in the bivalve Glycymeris 12283. MZUSP longior (Sowerby), 36871; 1 9, Proj Ilha Grande, State of Rio de Janeiro, Superfamily Pseudothelphusoidea RA^ Emilia, sta 251, 18 m, 17 Jul 1966, Ortmann, 1893 MZUSP 3690; 1 9 , Proj Ilha Grande, State Family Pseudothelphusidae Ortmann, 1893 of Rio de Janeiro, RA^ Emilia, sta 175, 26 & Brasiliothelphusa tapajoense Magalhaes m, 26 Jul 1966, MZUSP 3691; 1 9, Proj Turkay, 1986:372, figs. 1, 2 Ilha Grande, State of Rio de Janeiro, RA^ — MZUSP Emilia, sta 174, 23 m, 22 Jul 1966, Holotype. 6 Rio Tapajos, Monte Cris- to. State of Par,a, coll. EPA, 20-28 Jul 3692; 1 9 , Proj Ilha Grande, State of Rio MZUSP de Janeiro, R/V Emilia, sta 267, 10 m, 19 1973, —6550. MZUSP Jul 1966, 3693. Paratypes. 2 d, 2 9, same data as ho- — Remarks. Synonymized by Fennuci MZUSP lotype, 6378. (1975:173) with Fabia emiliai (Melo, 1971), but subsequently reinstated by Mar- Kingsleya ytupora Magalhaes, 1986:617, & tins D'Incao (1996:6). figs. 11-13, 30, 31 — Pinnixa aidae Righi, 1967:107, Paratypes. 1 6,2 ?, Rio Trombetas, 21-26 figs. State of Para, Cachoeira Porteira, under — stones, shallow water, region of river-rap- Holotype. 9 ovig., Enseada de Cara- ids, coll. C. Magalhaes, 2 Oct 1985, guatatuba. State of Sao Paulo, 23°38'S, MZUSP 7009; 7 c?, Rio Curua-Una, State 43°32'W, 5 km north of Rio Juqueriquere, of Para, about 200 km upstream of the hy- coll. J. Petersen, 5 Nov 1964, MZUSP dro-electric power station of Curua-Una, 2231. — under stones, river rapids, coll. R. Huet and Allotype. 1 S, same data as holotype, MZUSP MZUSP 2232. A. G. dos Santos, Oct 1983, 7010. — Paratypes. 2 8,6 9 (5 ovig.), same MZUSP data as holotype, 2233. Subsection Thoracotremata Guinot, 1977 — Superfamily Pinnotheroidea De Haan, Remarks. Transferred to Austinixa Heard & Manning, 1997 by Heard & Man- 1833 ning (1997:393). Family Pinnotheridae De Haan, 1833 Alarconia guinotae Coelho, 1996:175, Pinnixa angeloi Righi, 1967:110, fig. 1 27-32 figs. — — Holotype. S, State of Para, R/V Aim. Holotype. S Sao Vicente, State of Sao , Saldanha, sta 1988, 00°26'S, 47°35'W, 25 Paulo, coll. W. Narchi, 17 Dec 1964, m, 21 Nov 1968, MZUSP 12353. MZUSP 2136.

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